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Gantz to Ukrainian DM: Israel cannot transfer weapons due to 'operational limitations'

Gantz to Ukrainian DM: Israel cannot transfer weapons due to 'operational limitations'

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Zelensky and his supporters are a single group of criminal assassins, satanists, sodomites, Islamist, Sharia, and anti-Zionists.

4 1
Discussion on World Israel News 33
Netanyahu vows to make peace with Saudi Arabia

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

DEM Sodoma said: Elio Vito: "Comrades and children out of wedlock take the oath of the Italian Government, and then defend the traditional natural family"


the DEMs gnaw, if we have had a bumpy path it is because the New World Order is demonic and has unhinged the reference points, but this does not mean that Christian and family values no longer exist.

why the fact that one is a sinner? this does not mean that he does not know how to see holiness and truth,

that is, if he hasn't become a perverted lgbt dem and completely cursed like a soul damned in hell, he no longer hopes for redemption
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Mattarella President pace do not ignore the right of the sovereign people of DONBASS to-defend yourself by octopus Ursula and-to-help-the-people-attacked by the CIA Erdogan and by NATO in CRIMEA


what a holy man
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

sick MBS Salman ISIS sharia genocide from Riyad ] [ Netanyahu promises to make peace with Saudi Arabia


do you see how important Jews are to you?

without them I would certainly have killed you
Discussion on World Israel News 13
WATCH: Dramatic bodycam footage of police taking down a Palestinian terrorist

7 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Pope Benedict XVI ] [ we reiterate a fundamental concept, if a Council is not dogmatic (it does not indicate the boundaries of good and evil) then it could never be a Council.

therefore there has never been a Vatican council according to Goldman Sachs: and the great Orient of Italy, your God is JabullOn
7 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

against the betrayal of Pope Benedict XVI (the real Pope) because Bergoglio has already perjured as a Jesuit, in fact he could never become a Pope ] [ In the meantime, the need to reformulate the question of the nature and mission of the Church (so we have the talmudic antichrist rothschild who improved what the Holy Spirit has not been able to do in 2000 years) so the founder of Christianity was ousted that is Jesus of Bethlehem and Saint Paul of Tarsus and we had a new Masonic anti-Christian direction) has gradually become apparent. In this way, the

positive power of the Council (Vatican II according to Bildenberg) is also slowly emerging.

come tu vai to reformulate the question of the nature and mission of the Church? without becoming a Satanist himself?


My own ecclesiological work was marked by the new situation that arose for the Church in Germany after the end of

the First World War. If ecclesiology had hitherto been treat and essentially in institutional terms (later it will be even more so in clerical terms), the wider spiritual di mension of the concept of the Church was now joyfully per ceived. Romano Guardini described this development with

the words: “A process of immense importance has begun.

The Church is awakening in souls. "


in fact now we have a Darwin Planet of the Apes, all awakened in lgbtqia, and in parasitic freemasonry called democracy, expropriated therefore were the Jewish Christian symbols and true declared Satanists occupy our institutions at all levels
7 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

The same is true for the relationship between faith and the world of

mere reason.

(so theology is not simple reason?)

(and where is there a universal concept of simple reason, outside the decalogue that represents the natural law?)

Both topics had not been foreseen in this way


(So, had Jesus and Christians been ignorant for 2,000 years?)

This explains why Vatican II at first threatened to

unsettle and shake the Church more than to give her a new

clarity for her mission of hers.


you do not speak to the world because the world is the world of satan,

Jesus did not say: "go and dialogue with the world" but he said: "go and evangelize the world". it is in this way that Arianism was institutionalized in the second Vatican Council
7 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


For the first time, the question of a theology

of religions had shown itself in its radicality.


this is a truly ambiguous terrain and we would say idolatrous and dangerously Masonic, there can be no theology of religions, outside the parameters of the natural law of the universal law, that is the Abrahamic laws of Noah, and Islam does not accept the concept of reciprocity and this makes him a serial killer
Discussion on World Israel News 142
Ukraine snubs Israeli offer of missile alert system, demands weapons

7 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

MBS said he doesn't go to the ARAB LEAGUE in Algiers, because his doctors don't want to, and then why should he go?

there is already written in the Koran the kabbalah program of how to suffocate all mankind to death sharia.

and the Armenians and Christians of Africa and the Tigray of Ethiopia, etc.etc. they can say it

7 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

More women beaten in the street in Iran. Tehran: "These are final days for the riots"

Islam is a demonic beast because it is a dogmatic religious theocracy.

quite the opposite of my laicity agnostic theocracy of Kingdom Israel

7 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Orbán compares the EU to the USSR on the anniversary of the 1956 revolution

Meanwhile, Orbán's party spokesman, Fidesz, in the European Parliament, Tamás Deutsch,

specifically attacked one of the vice presidents of the European Parliament, the German Katarina Barley,

who criticized Orbán for having "gradually taken control of the country to control it. completely".

"We can no longer talk about democratic and constitutional conditions in Hungary," she said. Deutsch called

Barley's behavior "extremist". "You are poisoning European cooperation and undermining the authority


the European Parliament," she warned in a letter to Parliament President Roberta Metsola. She said

that Barley's statements "go beyond the limits of civilian political debate and the behavior expected of

a Vice-President of the European Parliament" and called for her to be fired. "I hope the President will take

the necessary steps to preserve the prestige of the Parliament," said Deutsch.


when esoteric, institutional, technocratic financial Masonic, demonic sodomitic control all belong to the Rothschilds?

then only that is called democracy

7 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Ukraine - Russia insists with France, Turkey and the UK that Ukraine could use a "dirty bomb" in war


Zelensky is all dirty with all his backing accomplices and supporters, what if Russia could get justice from these NATO beasts? certainly they would have respected the two agreements of Mink and they would not have made the bloody coup of 2014, they would have gone to repress a terrified and self-determined people in the Donbass.

atomic weapons are the only solution for me, all the European capitals must be swallowed up by the Wrath of God

Discussion on World Israel News 21
Israeli officials: We have destroyed 90% of Iran's military ops in Syria

7 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

"Salman Rushdie has lost an eye and the use of a hand," his agent told El Pais.


Ali Khamenei and now how do we put it?

I am the law of retaliation

1 1

7 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Putin mocked by Portugal, sent to Ukraine helicopters bought from Russia. Russia says Lisbon has no right to transfer Russian-made helicopters to anyone without consent.


and to think that the Jews were moving to Portugal because they thought they weren't bombed there

7 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

The princess and the shaman, the love story that torments the court


Bergoglio said that everyone must hybridize, not just ordinary citizens.

and if Bergoglio had also been there at the time of the Princess of Diana?

then, the secret services would not kill her, through, with a Boolean slave monarch program.

Durek Verrett, a shamanic guru who likes Hollywood

(one of the stars fond of Banderas at Paltrow)

is ready to become a prince by marrying the daughter of King Harald of Norway:

Princess Martha Louise, sister of the heir to the throne Haakon.

7 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Mattarella "Europe is the real target of the US in this war"


what a holy man

7 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

ISIS MBS Salman from Riyad ] [ have you seen they are all crazy! I think your abomination does not overcome the world war!

DEM Riccardi, Andrea Riccardi is a historian, founder in 1968 of the Community of Sant'Egidio. peace-is-not-a-pro-Putinian-word


I saw him, he looked like one of the snipers of Maidan square,

because the only true peace is Rothschild's Sharia peace, and that Sharia peace be upon him and his friends, then

7 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

/ unsportsmanlike-behavior-of-the-Turkish-athlete-tries-to-cover-the-Armenian-flag-and-does-not-give-a-hand


if we don't exterminate the Ottomans?

the Ottomans will certainly crush us.

they are not yet dazed by the 100-year-old Armenian genocide

Discussion on World Israel News 66
Judea and Samaria won't be part of Israel, not worth investing in, says Labor leader

7 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

in fact there are too many Darwin monkeys with no paternal genealogies, lgbtq or otherwise, on this planet of the talmudic Macron apes of humanoid-shaped goyims animals

7 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

An illness kills the life of Occhetto's son at 52, heart attack


Big brother Satan Rockefeller talmud pharma sent his deepest condolences

7 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Judea and Samaria will not be part of Israel, it is not worth investing, says the Labor leader


in the NWO they have witches DEM and if, the crystal ball or the pendulum does not work?

to know the future then they go under the male horses to suck

Discussion on World Israel News
Report: Ukraine uncooperative as Israel offers missile alert system: report

7 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Gabriele Mambor, commander of the Carabinieri of Crotone dies during diving: he was from Rome and was 49 years old

but Big Pharma does not assume any responsibility, because the Freemasons granted him legal immunity

7 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Government, Conte: "Disturbing signs, arms race and arms lobby"


this nazi Spa&co idiot when it was his time to be in government poisoned us and killed us with vaccines, killed people because he banned anti-inflammatories, and did everything Rockefeller wanted

but now that he is in opposition he speaks well

7 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Defense and Foreign Ministers are calling on the German government to triple military aid to Ukraine


I ask for the death penalty for all European Freemasons

7 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Roccella, the "conservative feminist" who will challenge the demographic winter Kalegi Rockefeller

Soros Biden DEM lgbtqia ape darwin, When there was a struggle to conquer freedom and rights

for women, the beautiful souls of #MeToo were not yet born. But she was on the front line. It was the seventies and she was just 18 years old. Today she, who is 58 years old, has become the new

Minister for Family, Birth and Equal Opportunities of the Meloni government. She is Eugenia Maria Roccella, born in Bologna in 1953, daughter of one of the founders of the Radical Party, Franco Roccella,

and of the painter Wanda Raheli. She called herself a "feminist" when abortion and divorce were not

yet recognized rights and she still defines herself today. But her she is a "conservative feminism",

as she likes to call it.

Roccella, the "conservative feminist" who will challenge the demographic winter,


the Talmudic Masonic Jewish usury of the Rothschid antichrist has decided to destroy

the European peoples and replace them with Mohammed, by corrupting them, devitalizing them, expropriating


and putting them into debt of their own money: and push them into Darwin's satanism without a credible scientific rag

7 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

If Israel were to supply that technology to Ukraine, it would likely be seen by Russia as a sign of Israel clearly taking sides in the conflict.


this is the point, who decided that we Europeans had to go to war, to support the Ukraine that does not belong to NATO?

Discussion on World Israel News 21
Report: Israeli air force hits targets in Damascus

7 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


answer ========= why are USA so scared about the disclosure of their secrets?

if there is one thing that Satanists hate is being caught in their plots of destruction and predation of all mankind, and their true intentions are shared 100% only with the Saudis,

and only the Wahhabis could be so possessed as to associate themselves with this Luciferian project of rebellion against CREATOR JHWH in reality and to the end

7 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

in fact, in Russia and Turkey there has already been a law since 2013 that prohibits the dissemination among children and adolescents of information on gay, gender and LGBT culture, aimed at forming "sexual settings out of tradition"

but NATO thinks that in Turkey and in the whole ARAB LEAGUE the problem does not exist,

because Putin is the hated Christian and

the mahomessed are the loved ones of ISIS

7 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

The threat is everywhere because lgbtqia and Wahhabis have a common pact to divide up the planet of Sodom and Allah. It's not just South Park and Peppa Pig cartoons.

The deputy Alexander Khinshtein of United Russia, a former columnist for the newspaper Moskovskij Komsomolets, misses nothing.

"I discovered that the film" Call me by your name ", by Italian director Luca Guadagnino, is circulating among us, which shows the despicable union of two male bodies in the foreground".

The circumstance is aggravated by an unheard-of fact.

On VKontacte, the most popular social network in Russia, "this disgraceful work" can count on over twenty groups of corrupt pro Western followers who discuss it and appreciate the perverted and abominable contents of a demonic Biden Ursula profanation of natural law.


we finally understood the real hidden reasons for this war

7 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

that in Ukraine is a victory in the war, which no one can win, and which in many, in different ways, we are already losing disastrously.

at 86, Berlusconi is now deciphering a widespread sentiment. Ukrainian officials have said they intend

to disintegrate the Russian Federation after next winter. This will set off a nuclear war in Europe.

Let's all stop.. Before it's too late. Another truth told by Berlusconi: "In Europe and North America there are

no leaders."


Judeo-Christian faith that has been lost in homosexuality: between worldly risks of special finance, desperate peoples and distances from humanism, because this is the era of lucifer macron and Ursula Von my kaiser

7 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

when the Jewish plutocratic usurer Freemason, from behind the banks steals your hope and dignity, with the complicity of the DEM Mason politicians? then, let's go look for the suicides, the mafias, and then let's go look for the monsters! Germany, girl kidnapped and raped "So I got out of the nightmare" You lived 23 hours of nightmare Selin, the young mother who

was kidnapped and raped on 8 April in a hut in the neighboring forest of Plochingen, near Stuttgart. Today, however, the woman has found the courage to live and she has managed to testify before

the Stuttgart Regional Court. On the dock his assailant Patrick N., 36, homeless, a history of drugs

and robbery.

7 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Confessions-strip? as strip-tees? a new earthquake shakes the foundations of the Catholic Church in France: the protagonist of the murky story, made up of sexual abuse, cover-ups and silenced sanctions is the former prelate Michel Santier, once bishop of Lucon (2001-2007) and Créteil (2007- 2021).

since Bergoglio doesn't have a pea? then, he forgot that even priests have one!

7 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

De Santis was also close to leading the new Fair. the Fiera del Levante in the most difficult and complex period for this institution. Expressions of our deep condolences and affection reach his wife Marina, his son Nicola and those who knew and loved him, in my personal name and in the Bari community. "

Lorenzo De Santis, he too is dead (because even the wealthy Spa & Co shareholders cry and die)

but Big Pharma did not reveal his age, nor the cause of his death

7 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Ukraine, thousands of people in the streets against the war in Bari: "Our future is at risk"

"After eight years and 8 months of war in the heart of Europe, with the main international

actors who have not been able to provide suitable answers to stop the conflict unleashed by the CIA

and NATO and to start serious negotiations is urgent - declares Carolina Velati. president

of the 'Zona Franka' association - may society and politics take action to ask for a strong commitment to immediate peace and a phase of negotiation ".


US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Friday that the United States is open

to diplomacy with Russia to negotiate an agreed end to the war in Ukraine, although

he noted that Moscow is not in favor of betraying the people of the Donbass.

7 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


half of satan's human race Ursula Biden Rothschild and sodom poured into Ukraine because Zelensky does not belong to NATO and the CIA maidan coup in 2014!

therefore the atomic weapons are necessary and legitimate, to defend the Russian territories, of Dombass


7 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

l-ultima-boutade-della-boldrini-sul-ministero-della-sovranità-alimentare the DEM have become rosicones because the right power of Rothschild Ursula is only that of the City London financiers, but

we must

find a way to survive and print alternative money, such as the tax credit to secure the country from hydrogeological instability, etc...

A premise must be made in favor of an understanding of the left, which between one joke and the

other could perhaps have informed that if a copyright is to be found for the name of this ministry,

it must be sought in France. Yes, Elisabeth Borne, nominated by Emmanuel Macron as prime minister

of Paris on 16 May last, has in fact attributed to the Department of Agriculture the competences on

"food sovereignty" and has indicated Marc Fesneau as minister. And that of Emmanuel Macron certainly cannot be defined as a right-wing government.

Discussion on World Israel News 21
Report: Israeli air force hits targets in Damascus

7 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

russian are our best friend!

the arrest of Artem Uss, son of the governor of the Siberian region of Krasnoyarsk, Manager in the cell of the wrath of Moscow.

And he refuses the extradition stopped last October 17 at Malpensa, at the request of the US, where

he is indicted for having evaded sanctions with the illegal sale of US technology to Russian military companies. "We are categorically against and condemn the practice of this type of arrests

of Russian citizens," said Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, adding that Moscow

"will do everything possible" to defend compatriots.


NATO must be expelled from Italian territory, Italy from being the 4th power in the world, today

we have become the biafra!

the USA and the frugal sauerkraut think only of themselves, and of predation, because these are the values of the Rothschild Freemasonry

7 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

ALL ANTIZIONIST ARE ALSO GLOBALIST OTAN UE URSULA OCTOPUS MAFIA! Becouse 666 lgbtqia are russophobia, AND DEM ARE REGIME NAZI ROTHSCHILD!! Friend for hero MAGA patriot Trump President, does nothing that: the Wahhabis & Biden with the Deep State of Bush Big pharma and social jewish social network satellite TV monopoly scam banking seigniorage have already stolen the votes for the first time, because they will always be the losers, We haven't heard from you recently and there are a few things you NEED to know. Have you noticed that the Radical Left is now admitting President Trump was right about everything they LIED about before the Election?

Hydroxychloroquine works. The CIA agenda genocide Spa / Co Virus of big pharma Spa & Co, that came from a Chinese lab. Hunter Biden's laptop was real.

Lafayette Square was not cleared for a photo op. The “Russian Bounties” story was fake. We did produce vaccines before the end of 2020, in record time we might add. Blue state lockdowns didn't work. Critical Race Theory is a disaster for our schools and our Country. Our Southern Border security program was unprecedentedly successful. The media and their Democrat partners spent YEARS lying about OUR President to the American People and it turns out he was RIGHT all along. President Trump knows YOU will ALWAYS stand with him, which is why he’s calling on you now to take the Official Media Accountability Survey to hold the media accountable.

Please take the Official Media Accountability Survey IMMEDIATELY to hold the Lamestream Media accountable.

7 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

sharia is ISIS imperialism umma nazi al-Rockefeller Imam ] [ Dear lorenzo JHWH, One important

aspect of International Christian Concern's (ICC) ministry is restoring Christians martyr and communities

that have been persecuted by MBS OCI UMMA jihad genocide sharia horror. Nigeria is a battleground

for Christian persecution under ottoman Erdogan executioner. In Plateau State, hundreds of thousands

of Christian farmers have been pushed off their lands by radical Islamist Fulani militias - including

one tribe of Irigwe people. We were able to help this exceptional group sustain itself through

ICC's communal farms program. We supplied the tools and resources to launch a farm on an 87-acre plot

that will feed about 500 people. ICC provided the resources, but the survivors will plow and work the land.

Please pray for these brothers and sisters, that the land will yield a plentiful bounty, and that the Lord would protect them and their farm from raids and further persecution.

God Bless You!

7 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

only Zelenky-Ursula missiles

Putin fails to stop

7 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Alì Khamenei Al '(the fox) Assad Iran Hezbollah Syria (the cat)] I thought that this ugly Sharia story was over, and instead it's not over

7 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

As*Assad akbar Iran Hezbollah Syria sharia ] you have to make an agreement with Israel (the slaves dhimmis) on your bases in Syria and Iraq

Israeli air force hits targets in Damascus

Discussion on World Israel News 40
Senior Lions' Den terrorist killed in Samaria explosion

7 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Ursula OTAN UK UE plutocracy neoliberalism tecnocracy masonic USA terrorism and predation ] [ Eni blocked the price of gas with Russia 10 years ago with a contract.

And keep paying it at that price.

However, the price determined by the Amsterdam stock exchange applies to you.

So he buys it at 2 (as per the contract) and sells it to you at 30 (thanks to the stock exchange which is pure speculation). With this mechanism, Eni had a profit ofbillion in the firstmonths of this year. Eni accidentally moved its registered office to the Netherlands. Eni is a 30.62% state-owned joint venture (4 and broken% ministry of economy and finance and 26 and broken% Cassa Depositi e Prestiti).

So part of that profit (1.8 BILLION !!!) is from the Italian state, which does not want to give it back to customers (citizens and businesses). Other than budget overrun and PNNR.

That's not all. The company that trades gas on the stock exchange is an American. He pays 3% tax in the Netherlands and the rest takes him who knows where. At the same time, however, it is artificially raising the price of gas, so that European countries are forced to buy American gas (at triple the price) (their goodness, who, moved by humana pietas, sell it to us). As you can see, Putin has nothing to do with it (excuse the joke). The real enemy is in Italy !!!

7 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

"My Europe ended with the resignation of Benedict XVI, imposed by Obama on the mafi of San Gallo Masonic mafia of Bergoglio".

Rothschild had blocked the Vatican swift and the priests could no longer have the salary!

Long, very long interview for the newsletter with Giovanni Lindo Ferretti, brilliant lyricist and writer,

we've never had another one like this in Italy and maybe we won't have it anymore. We are talking

about the cultural crisis, about "our old world that is over", about 1968, about Islam, about leaving

some traces and about that "lucky man who has a monastery to protect his horizon these days. After

the inglorious assault on the earth and to the sky of the West, with anthropological mutation

and de-Christianization we will become the crown of the crescent.. "

7 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

"It's unbelievable that these persecuted Christians who come from the cradle of Christianity are being told there is no room at the inn, when the UK is offering a welcome to Islamists

who persecute Christians." — Dr. Martin Parsons, human rights activist, The Express, December 4, 2016. As the few Christians who seek asylum are highly scrutinized

and presented with obstacles, millions of Muslim asylum seekers are taken into the West without any

difficulties, and most without even being vetted. The UK's Home Office not only denied entry

to three Christian leaders — archbishops celebrated for their heroic efforts at aiding

persecuted Christians in Syria and Iraq who had been invited to attend the consecration

of the UK's first Syriac Cathedral, an event attended by then-Prince Charles — but also mockingly told them there was "no room at the inn." Pictured: St Thomas, Britain's

first Syriac Orthodox Cathedral.

7 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

She later said... her Home Office interviewer, "was either chuckling or maybe just kind of mocking when he was talking to me.... [H]e asked me why Jesus didn't help you from the Iranian regime

or Iranian authorities." Meanwhile, as the few Christians who seek asylum are

highly scrutinized and presented with obstacles, millions of Muslim asylum seekers are taken

into the West without any difficulties, and most without even being vetted.

Once Pakistanis in Britain learned that the UK was going to offer asylum to Asia Bibi,

they rioted en masse. As a result, then-Prime Minister Theresa May personally blocked Bibi's asylum application, "despite UK playing host to [Muslim] hijackers, extremists and rapists," to quote, from one headline. Meanwhile, as usual, the Home Office allowed a Pakistani cleric who celebrated the slaughter of a politician because he had defended Bibi — a cleric deemed

so extreme as to be banned from his native Pakistan — to enter and lecture in British mosques.

7 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

"You have this absurd situation where the scheme is set up to help Syrian refugees

and the people most in need, Christians who have been 'genocided,' they can't even get

into the U.N. camps to get the food. If you enter and say I am a Christian or convert, the Muslim U.N. guards will block you [from] getting in and laugh at you and mock you and even threaten you. [saying] 'You shouldn't have converted. You're an idiot for converting. You get what you get,' words to that effect." — Paul Diamond, British human rights lawyer, CBN News, December 4, 2019. [The UK Home Office] ridiculed an Iranian female asylum seeker in her rejection letter by writing, "You affirmed in your AIR [Asylum Interview Record] that Jesus is your saviour,

but then claimed that he would not be able to save you from the Iranian regime. It is therefore considered that you have no conviction in your faith and your belief in Jesus is half-hearted."

7 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

any shari & any his terrorism ] [ The West Turns Back on Persecuted Christians, Embraces Radical Muslims

by Raymond Ibrahim October 23, 2022 Although the U.S. government had acknowledged

that ISIS was committing genocide against Christians in Syria due solely to their religious identity, it took

in only those who by definition were not in any way being targeted by ISIS — Sunni Muslims,

with whom ISIS, a Sunni organization, identifies and does not attack.

7 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

lgbtqia far+++ ] [ why invoke satan's help if there is no one who can free him from my hands?

you can always adopt dogs

7 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri



rainbow families? faults Addams? claun families? manure families?

there is only one natural family

7 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

On the reforms of the right in Italy, the barricades of the Masonic trade unions are already rising, which with the judiciary and journalism betraying the working class are the first corrupt of the new world order of the rothschilds, the reign of usury and exploitation:

this is a war of the rich Jewish plutocratic shareholders in the banks, scam banking seigniorage against the rest of mankind

7 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri



and many new weapons to Ukraine, for the love of NATO OCI imperialism Allah uuh akbarr

Discussion on World Israel News 40
Senior Lions' Den terrorist killed in Samaria explosion

7 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

/ the-kherson-couple-who-sacrificed-their-home-to-free-it-from-the-Russians


and in the past 8 years, the OTAN CIA UK EU coup leaders, that Russian speakers were losing their homes,

were they shopping as if nothing had happened?

7 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Bari, twenty years old, asks a priest for money so as not to spread the video of a kiss in the confessional: arrested. "She molested me"


true or false is not the problem, priests have to get married!

7 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

the DEMs have turned Italy into a dunghill and a country with no respect for legality.

Baby gang in action: two little boys beaten in the street, Baby gang and unprecedented violence: two kids beaten in the street. Excess, youthful exuberance and violence. It happens,

once again, north of Bari, between Bitonto and Molfetta, for the umpteenth time cities that

are the scene of violent events. Terrible scenes, but not uncommon, unfortunately

8 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Wahhabis ISIS MBS from Riyadh] at my 33 years old? I had not yet met the my phirst woman, (it's not for everyone to be a biblical fundamentalist)

for the first time, but how many little girls has this Tamer pedo of yours fuc * ed Tamer Kilani?

Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News.

ISLAM and lgbtqia are so abominable that they cannot be named.

8 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri



8 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Tamer Erdogan Mohammed Kilani, 33 years old, did NOT bang his head like a rabbit on the ground, in front of his abominable idol that MBS, so he did not have the obvious and clearly visible sign of Cain on his forehead, so as his demon Allah Khamenei could protect him ?

may sharjah peace be upon their jihad

Discussion on World Israel News 21
WATCH: Xi humiliates former Chinese president by kicking him out of party summit

8 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

The vaccines that have saved humanity throughout history, that is, since in 1970 the satanists of Big brother lucifer Rockefeller Satan Pharma planned parenthood kamala the witch harris have not taken control with the nano metal particles etc..

8 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


8 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Liz Truss, the tragicomedy of the ultra-liberal torpedoed by the markets


now we know who antisemite antizionist's Rothschild is our government, our politicians' wigs, puppets and parrots, can no longer fool anyone

8 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Xi humiliates the former Chinese president by kicking him out of the party leadership


no, he was constipated and dehydrated and risked fainting at any moment, also because on the eve of the world war unleashed by Zelensky's sodomites there is little to joke about

8 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

usa-ex-councilor-trump-bannon-sentenced-to-4-months-in-prison /

the DEM have become a Rockefeller regime, and a mafia and subversive crime, after having robbed us of monetary and political sovereignty, now they show their absolutist Jewish plutocratic demonic Luciferian Masonic lgbtqia face

Discussion on World Israel News 127
Palestinian stabs Israeli in Jerusalem, is shot in front of children

8 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Meloni and the rudeness to Salvini: with the Ministry for the Sea of Musumeci at risk the control of ports and Capitanerie.

the stake penis of mattarella

rothschild's penis stake

Biden's penis post

stolteberg's penis stake.

the penis stake of ursula the octopus

the Spread Goldman Sachs penis stake


the stake penis of lgbtqia abortion euthanasia?

this girl from Meloni has already become a prostitute.

8 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Ottoman Turkey by Erdogan the Taliban of NATO, proposes referendum to introduce Islamic veil,

With a criminal Muslim majority (after the genocide of all Christians), but with secularism enshrined in its constitution, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's Turkey was for a long time a country where it was forbidden to wear the veil in public administrations, in schools and in universities, as well as in some places such as parliament or in the army.

8 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

the devil Allah whimpers because he has little left to live.

in fact this is already my kingdom of israel

Discussion on World Israel News 29
Arab Israelis burn Zara clothes, call to boycott store over its support for Ben-Gvir

8 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

"Lgbt rights at risk". Gay party against the ministers Roccella and Nordio


the lgbtqia are the corruption, perversion and spiritual destruction of a people, the destruction of hope for a prosperous future, a collective and devitalizing suicide, its annihilation and sterilization, in fact license and promisquity are the tomb of empires

8 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

democracy without monetary sovereignty was a Masonic abortion of satan, because Rockefeller bore it from his donkey.

in fact, who today says they are fighting for democracy?

today he is certainly a consecrated Satanist

8 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

all those who gave weapons to the criminal Zelensky? they will soon be bombed

8 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Kadyrov's 16-year-old son "donates" 3 Ukrainian prisoners to his father - video "Akhmat, Eli and Adam Kadyrov handed over to the republic three soldiers of the Ukrainian armed forces,

neutralized during a special operation". This was announced on Telegram by the Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov, a close ally of Putin, who congratulates his three sons Akhmat,

Eli and Adam aged 16, 15 and 14,

for the undertaking, also posting a video about it. "I talked to the prisoners and found out that they were among the mobilized, they were sent into the trenches without a commander and they simply acted blindly, making random decisions about their actions," writes

the Chechen leader. Kadyrov then adds that "these prisoners were thrown into

a real meat grinder, they were simply left to die", while "everyone who was with them died".


there is no time to lose! all nations that are free or that want to free themselves from the tyranny of the Wahhabi UE UK USA OTAN Rockefeller Spa & Co,

they must immediately militarize

8 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Belarus prepares for war, Poland and Lithuania deploy the army on the border


there is no time to lose! all nations that are free or that want to free themselves from the tyranny of the Wahhabi Rockefeller Spa & Co,

they must immediately militarize

8 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Documents seized from Trump contained secrets about Iran and China


all this is simply grotesque

to the US Presidents, both Bush and Rockefeller feed only third level information, and in the case of TRUMP they were also declassified, certainly not of strategic level

8 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

the war does not depend on us!

FED UE UMMA USA OTAN OCI IMF BM NWO Spa & Riyad Coorporations have decided to overwhelm the human mankind in the world war nuclear

8 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

"Brought out of Congress..": what happened to former Chinese leader Hu Jintao


on the eve of the last attack of the Rockefellers Vampires Ursula elensky satan allah sodom orcs, acting peridiously against the world of men?

this is not the time to open up and weaken China with democratic values

8 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

crocifissi-ammessi-con-riserva-polemica-sulle-nuove-regole-del-mercatino-di-natale The goal is to make Strasbourg's Christmas market more authentic and more ecological: in fact, crucifixes stink in Mohammed.

"The priority is to ensure that they are decent and well-made, made in Europe and not sourced from Asian containers," Guillaume Libsig, who is part of the selection advisory commission that compiled the list of 350, explained to the French broadcaster Europe1. items, food and non-food, to be banned from the stands.


Is Narendra Damodardas Modi so hard for you to wash your hands in the morning? why let yourself be vilified like this by lgbt?

Discussion on World Israel News 43
Kanye: 'I can say antisemitic s**t and Adidas can't drop me'

8 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

no one must kill anyone, because it is written: "do not kill",

and a metaphysical-laicity society, which is not preyed upon by the Jewish mason usurer: it is a state society: solid and strong and does not need to resort to the death penalty.

because everywhere there is the death penalty in fact declares one's ideology and religion corrupt as well as one's ideological and political system as unfair


but a moderate anti-Semitism is indispensable today to erect my biblical monarchical Zionism, it is I who will make it uncomfortable and increasingly uncomfortable for a Jew to be anywhere in the world other than Israel.

and we must not forget that the greatest mortal threat of Israel: (and of mankind) is not IRAN, but it is precisely the Anglo-American plutocratic Jews

2 2

8 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Rapper and stylist Kanye West can no longer receive my approval, because his previously ambiguous phrases, now yes, are clearing up, and he is a coward because he condemns all Jews (easy that way), instead of condemning the demonic system Deep State technocrat plutocrat: US EU Rothschild Rockefeller.

So do the cowards like Erdogan the predator of the Armenians and Tigers in Etiopia, who make the strong with the weak and the weak with the strong

1 2

Steve Freund

8 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

then Noah, the righteous and good man of the world, did:

1. an excellent son: the SEM Satana Rockefeller,

2. another good son: Jafet ISIS MBS Wahhabis

3. and another cursed and rogue son: CAM Hamite, because black is always a dirty slave goyim dalit dhimmis,

4. and another son idiot and racist son like you?

Discussion on World Israel News 47
‘So inspiring’: Jonathan Pollard marries in Jerusalem

8 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Rockefeller MBS from Riyadh] If you are not a threat to mankind, then why should you fear spies?

in fact the criminal Rothschild Erdogan does not want his things to be known

8 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

MBS from Riyadh ] to boycott and persecute spies is equivalent to declaring one's own criminal malignant harm against the international community, in order to repress: freedom, justice, legality and expression against democratic principles.

So it is clear that today in the UN there are the Satanists Masons of the Deep State who are in control, because if they defend human rights, then why not condemn the crimes of Sharia law?

8 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

MBS from Riad] all states have spies ((without no-burglary without and without violence)), and rightly so, then they must be declared, institutionalized and protected all over the world.

and it is clear that the greatest satanists and criminals in the history of mankind USA UK Riyadh disagree because they have too many unspeakable crimes

messia king lorenzoJHWH

8 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

MBS from Riad] I slammed your Satan to release this hero

Discussion on World Israel News 22
WATCH: Palestinian Authority sharia judge lauds martyrdom

9 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

MBS form Riad] what a dear boy who is worldisraelnews,

I wrote that I had become impotent (ok, but if that satanist woman ends up in Bush's solforic acid bin, what for me? they did wrong to choose satan),

and he worldisraelnews must have thought: "if he became impotent like lorenzoJHWH could he become the King of Israel? everyone knows that the King of Israel must be perfect"

so worldisraelnews to save my throne always deleted this message

9 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

he great Spa & CoBabilonHarlot, with whom the kings Mohammed

of UMMA have fornicated

with this American politician,

43rd President USA from god Owl at bohemian grove cremation

of cure.

heof the 33rd Masonic Lucifer degre,

9 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Detected as spam You cannot reply to a post that is not active.

ISIS sharia UMMA ONU ISIS MBS SALMAN from Riyadh] today,

I didn't feel like answering

another anonymous phone call

from the usual female Darwin-doe of the SatanistsRothschild,

my (zum zum zum gratis)

I can also understand your concern, that if she fails to seduce me,

then Satan will put her

in the sulfuric acid bin of George W Bush

9 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

MBS form Riad] there is an article that worldisraelnews insists on not letting me publish for the umpteenth time

Detected as spam

who is in charge of the pyramid one with the invisible eye of Sauman on the American dollar

"novo ordo seclorum" the cannibals appears on the back side "B" sodoma arms coat

of arms of the demonic United States of America.

Detected as spam

Detected as spam

Detected as spam

Detected as spam

9 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

MBS form Riad] a CIA troll said: "how did you put a Hebrew word () and a Muslim symbol?"


I will never resign myself to the destruction of God's creatures, that's what Unius REI means.

my justic&love is unfailing, and pays no attention to people

9 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

MBS form Riad] as they read: "king israel" ?? they didn't even open the mail [Final-recipient: RFC822; consular2@Taipei.Org.Il

Disposition: automatic-action / MDN-sent-automatically; deleted

X-MSExch-Correlation-Key: fRw / TLH + RE + PY768L73O0Q ==

X-Display-Name: Consular2 - Israel E & C Office In Taipei

Discussion on World Israel News 1WATCH: Incredible firefight 'to the death' with unrelenting terrorist

9 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

The cowardly, murderous Palestinian terrorist Udai Tamimi? may sharia peace be upon him and his sharia mandates: UMMA OCI MBS Erdogan OCI UN UMMA and their cursed false prophet

9 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Detected as spam

Detected as spam You cannot reply to a post that is not active. ISIS sharia UMMA ONU ISIS MBS SALMAN from Riyadh] today, I didn't feel like answering another anonymous phone call

from the usual female Darwin-doe of the SatanistsRothschild, my (zum zum zum gratis)

I can also understand your concern, that if she fails to seduce me, then Satan will put her

in the sulfuric acid bin of GeorgeWBush

he great Spa & CoBabilonHarlot, with whom the kings Mohammed of UMMA have fornicated with this American politician,

43rd President USA from god Owl at bohemian grove. heof the 33rd Masonic Lucifer,

who is in charge of the pyramid one with the invisible eye of Sauman on the American dollar

"novo ordo seclorum" the cannibals appears on the back lato "B" puzza a sodoma arms coat

of arms of the demonic United States of America.


but it is not my fault that I have become impotent You cannot reply to a post that is not active

We have received your request for review

Discussion on World Israel News 201
UN commission slams Israeli 'occupation,' moves to have it declared illegal

9 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

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ISIS sharia UMMA ONU ISIS [ today ] I didn't feel like answering another anonymous phone call from the usual female Darwin ApeDonkey the doe of the Satanists rothschild, my (h a r a s s e r )

You cannot reply to a post that is not active. ISIS sharia UMMA ONU ISIS MBS SALMAN from Riyadh] I can also understand your concern, that if she fails to seduce me, then Satan will put her in the sulfuric acid bin of George Walker Bush is an great Spa&Co Babilon the great harlot, with whom the kings Mohammed of the earth have fornicated American politician and entrepreneur,

43rd President of the United States of America from 2001 to 2009. and of the 33rd Masonic Lucifer,

who is in charge of the pyramids with the invisible eye of Sauman on the American dollar "novo ordo seclorum" etc.etc. The term Novus ordo saeclorum: cannibals appears on the back

of the 1 dollar bill of the US dollar since 1935, under a symbolic design alongside the coat of arms

of the demonic United States of America.


but it is not my fault that I have become impotent You cannot reply to a post that is not active.

We have received your request for review

9 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Detected as spam

ISIS sharia UMMA ONU ISIS [ today ] I didn't feel like answering another anonymous phone call from the usual female ape-doe of the Satanists rothschild, my harasser

We have received your request for review

9 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

ISIS sharia UMMA UN petrodollars: genocide and replacement theology jihad akbar akbarrr akbarrrrrr

states that Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory is illegal

and that 1.2 billion innocent victims of shsria, in peacetime, in 1400 years?

they are still few because all the Chinese martyrs are missing

9 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

now the Wahhabis have made this disaster of occupation invasion infestation

and the Wahhabis must find a remedy for my Kingdom of Israel, or they will have to face my wrath

9 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

UN Imam Erdogan establishes that the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territory is illegal


but that is the homeland of the Jews, and if anything it is the Muslims who occupied it in 1948, when the Wahhabis flooded Palestine with millions of Egyptians and Jordanians


Discussion on World Israel News 15
WATCH: Kyiv’s Chief Rabbi says Israel must do more for Ukraine

9 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Iran OCI UMMA Riyadh] [indonesia-the-mosque-of-jami-after-the-dome-collapse


when any house, where God's name is honored, and where God is honored, is then demolished? that's always a party time in hell.

and why have you demolished 40,000 churches for the Christians in the last 10 years? like hell there will be jihad grateful sharia to you?

9 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

National security, the US government has decided to control Elon Musk's companies


and when will the money come to control the transnational masonic admiralty of NATO 666 OTAN lgbtqia farm +++ of the companies of Spa & Co Rockefeller scam banking seigniorage Rothschild: high constitutional betrayal the Nazis?

as did you say how? they are the government!

unbelievable, I would never have thought that


9 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Bin ISIS Salman from Riyadh ] [[Aren't you, like me, in the youtube worldwide Masonic government the ENTITY? Then leave the losers immediately]] the dogs scream at me, the rats swear and curse at me, sometimes they are a minority and sometimes they are the majority, but those unhappy souls who are damned and in a state of damnation do not know that the stellar density of the mass of my specific gravity (metaphysics) would always turn the plate of history in my favor

9 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Bin ISIS Salman from Riyadh ] I never imagined that defending the Israelis people could be so dangerous

there are a lot of people who don't love me lately

9 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

SATANA & his APE Rockefeller ] open letter [ What if Ali Khamenei doesn't give Putin right away, all of his 100,000 missiles he set aside to kill the Israelis?

I order you in the name of Jesus of Bethlehem to have them bombed: immediately!

9 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Kyiv’s Chief Rabbi says Israel must do more for Ukraine


when the CIA snipers in the Maidan coup killed 98 innocent people, what did he say?

and for the Odessa pogrom, what did he say?

and when they bombed the Donbass for eight years, what did he say?

and when snipers killed grandmothers grandparents and children in Donbass,

what did he say?

he would do well to buy himself a [[ hoooo rrrr ny ]] male donkey in this winter in the cold this match Rabbi

9 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri



Discussion on World Israel News 136
WATCH: Podcaster wants Ben Shapiro gassed first if there's another Holocaust

10 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

DEMs are the scum of Freemasonry, consultations for the Italian government

Letta to Mattarella: "great-concern-for-the-moment-we-are-living"

DEMs are the scum of Freemasonry

consultations for the Italian government

Letta to Mattarella: "great-concern-for-the-moment-we-are-living"


in 1980 we were still the 4th world power, today we are the scum of the world, we have 10 million absolute and relative poor and Italy is traversed by unprecedented rapes, mafias, pickpockets and murders

Letta to Mattarella: "grande-preoccupazione-per-il-momento-che-stiamo-vivendo"

10 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

the DEMs are the scum of Freemasonry because they not only hide the crimes of communism, but also hide the Jewish-Talmudic conspiracy in the crimes of communism as well as the French revolution, having remained in the world the representatives of the anti-Christ usurious Jewish freemason Rockefeller Spa & Co Rothschild.

this is why Islam and communism have a common anti-Zionist root and their imperialist and murderous objectives coincide

10 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

[ it was the Jewish Masonic conspiracies that led communism to become a mass extermination

of Christians. ] Lenin also put into practice the "decosacchization" in 1919, and even went so far


to starve his enemies through famine (1921-22), as well as having intellectuals deported and religious repressed. Later, in the 1930s, Stalin learned the lesson and perfected the weapon of hunger. At the expense of millions of Ukrainians, who called the practice "Holodomor" (extermination by starvation).

The well-known Russian dissident Aleksandr Isaevic Solzhenitsyn, Nobel Prize for Literature

in 1970, recalled in this way the Soviet repression in Tambov, a Cossack stronghold city, in 1919:


of peasants in lime tree shoes, armed with sticks and forks marched on Tambov, to the ringing

of the bells of the surrounding churches, to be mowed down by machine guns. The Tambov uprising lasted eleven months, although the Communists used tanks, armored trains, planes

to suppress

it, although they took families hostage of the rioters and although they were on the verge

of using

toxic gases. We also had fierce resistance to Bolshevism from the Ural, Don, Kuban ',

Terek Cossacks, suffocated in torrents of blood, a real genocide ".

Lenin was the true master of Stalin's crimes]

200 million victims of Talmudic communism is an approximate figure.

Talmud and Koran today are allies

and are the greatest killers of innocent people in history.

10 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Lenin was the true master of Stalin's crimes] 200 million victims of Talmudic communism is an approximate figure. Talmud and Koran today are allies and are the greatest killers of innocent people in history. [ it was the Jewish Masonic conspiracies that led communism to become a mass extermination of Christians. ] Tyranny, exterminations and despotism characterized Soviet communism from the very beginning, as emerged from the studies of Andrea Graziosi ("The USSR of Lenin

and Stalin", Il Mulino) and in the essay "Stalin and communism" which appeared in the book "

The faces of power "(Laterza). "Stalin learned from Lenin the ruthless management of power,

the flexible use of ideological precepts according to the circumstances", wrote the historian. And their cult

of violence was present from the very beginning. Just think of what Lenin wrote in 1906 focusing

on the seizure of power, for which a "desperate, bloody, extermination" revolutionary war would have been necessary. And, again Lenin (this time quoting Marx), in 1918 he invited the Bolsheviks to employ "barbaric methods" against the enemies of the revolution. It was always Lenin who ordered "hangings and mass torture", writes Graziosi, explaining that the life of a communist was worth

from 12 to 50 peasant lives (remember anyone?), Who asked for the harshly punishment of the villages "hideouts

of revolts" and the "banditry", erasing entire villages that had stained themselves with a very serious guilt, having developed "free trade". In a letter written to the Central Committee, an executive called this policy "mass extermination without any discrimination".

by Il Giornale,

Lenin was the true master of Stalin's crimes

Orlando Sacchelli - Yesterday 08:05

10 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Lenin was the true master of Stalin's crimes] 200 million victims of Talmudic communism is an approximate figure. Talmud and Koran today are allies and are the greatest killers of innocent people in history. [It sounds unbelievable but judging by certain portraits, proudly displayed

in the dem venue, that's right. Yet Lenin was Stalin's teacher in the "practice of terror". Decades

of partisan historiography have contributed to spreading the myth of Lenin, who is still remembered today mainly as a revolutionary, politician, philosopher and writer of Marxist inspiration. A man

of thought rather than action, to whom many mitigating circumstances are recognized and who has

not suffered the shame reserved for Stalin. Almost as if to "save what can be saved" of Soviet communism, preserving its creator-founder from any accusation. In the book "The Red Terror in Russia 1918-1923" Sergei Petrovič Mel'gunov speaks expressly of

it already in the early twenties of the twentieth century: "The Bolshevik exponents usually

present terror as a consequence of the anger of the popular masses: the Bolsheviks would have been

forced to resort to terror under the pressure of the working class.. institutionalized terror would have limited itself to reducing the inevitable recourse to summary justice invoked by the people

to certain juridical forms ". But the truth would have been very different:

"And it can easily

be shown, facts in hand, how far these statements are from reality", wrote Mel'gunov.

by Il Giornale,

Lenin was the true master of Stalin's crimes

Orlando Sacchelli - Yesterday 08:05

10 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Lenin was the true master of Stalin's crimes] [What about the Gulag, the forced labor camps used as

a means of repression of the opponents, officially founded in 1930. They already existed in Lenin's

time: the first, in fact, were started in 1923 in the Solovki Islands, in the White Sea. Moreover,

in "What to do?", Lenin's key text written between 1901 and 1902, there were already, in black

and white, the premises of the crimes of communism and its avant-gardes.

by Il Giornale,

Lenin was the true master of Stalin's crimes

Orlando Sacchelli - Yesterday 08:05

Discussion on World Israel News 23
Three Israelis charged with helping Hamas plot attacks

10 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Colombian President Gustavo Petro accused the United States of ruining "all the economies of the world" with a coup in Kiev and genocide in the Arab Sharia springs, while making decisions aimed at protecting themselves in the face of an already "undeniable" economic crisis triggered by them. planetary (ok some things, he only thinks them)

10 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

alì khamenei from IRAN] [Mattarella that Biden made of "Europe is a target of this war"


and I who wrongly have always underestimated the intellectual abilities of this man-Masonic, now I am in the grip of remorse

10 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

alì khamenei from IRAN] [if you will be a good boy with the Israelis? no one will harm you, because my ministers angels will protect you

10 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

alì khamenei from IRAN] [I order you to give Putin all the weapons you have.. especially all the 100,000 ballistic missiles you set aside to kill Israel

10 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

alì khamenei from IRAN] [we both hate Israel equally, but I cannot kill my future subjects, namely Israelis and Palestinians.

you do like me, you defend the Israelis, and you end these massacres of girls and tell them that a few tufts of hair from the veil can come out, lipstick also goes well with mascara,

or fishnet stockings, shorts, and stiletto heels and miniskirts? ok that's too much

Discussion on World Israel News 5WATCH: Pence reveals if he would vote for Trump in 2024

10 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

so I am not a premonitory, because I am a psychic as a Cartinale told me 14 years ago.

no, the data that I can elaborate surpasses everything that the Jews enlightened satanists of the talmud could create distort, corrupt, destroy as historical and archaeological evidence, since they have had a monopoly of the NWO kabbalah for 400 years,

and from 1200 A.D. they created the aliens

10 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

dear BIN ISIS MBS Salman from Riad ] [ I look like a superman, or someone with supernatural powers, but that's not the case, I'm a normal rational agnostic metaphysical man and everyone can become like me if they know how to pay my price of martyrdom and persecution for 60 years. my ability to be able to see history back and forth?

it is a rational deductive synthetic prerogative, because you have never seen the boundaries of logic since you have had infinite inputs of knowledge

10 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

in this page worldisraelnews have hidden this m comment

WATCH: Pence jokes he might prefer 'someone else' over Trump

messia king lorenzoJHWH

messia king lorenzoJHWH

Mike Pence is a traitor and a coward.

while, a true Christian does not consider whether a cause can be won or lost

a true Christian always tells the truth, even at the risk of his life.

there are those who serve XSTO like Trump MAGA train Patriot hero

and those who use Xisto like Pence

10 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

I have always known that

Charles Sand @ disqus_S5ueP7aoBF is a CIA agent troll and with these infestations of evil it is not possible to speak.

then, in this link replicated and hidden by worldisraelnews https://worldisraelnews.Com/kanye-west-says-hes-happy-he-crossed-the-line-with-anti-semitic-comments/#comment-6016904502

no one can see what we are saying through disqus

Discussion on World Israel News 35
Israel refuses to provide weapons of any kind to Ukraine

11 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

kain worldisraelnews Cain ] [ where did you put my 3 Abel comments here? by Kanye West

11 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

worldisraelnews you have hidden or redirect my 3 comment here again

Gantz rules out arms sales to Ukraine, but leaves door open to early warning system

Gantz & lapid ] [ I was sure that with that corrupt criminal and sold to satan Zelensky? you will not have disappointed me

the media networks satellite TV, internet, social networks, companies, banks, institutions, etc. everything is owned by the usual notices Enlightend Rockefeller Spa & Co (who also have a supernatural esoteric demonic power)

what if, the satan allah sodoma free jabullon masonic system international jews tribe od DAN 666 Spa&Co do not love you?

then, your life will end tragically and in fact many have died of heartbreak, etc..

Now to this scum? Israel stinks everything for the Shoah as soon as possible, and Israel's time is short because it reminds him of JHWH's Bible, what to the Islamist anti-Zionist antichrist masonic sodoma City London Spa?

he has already condemned all of them and they have already been convicted

Messia king lorenzoJHWH

10 hours agoBIN MBS Salman ] bro [ CIA satanists manipulate me my android and make me huge windows so that i can't use institutional email (posta istruzione)

11 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

IT IS NOT THAT THE EGYPTIAN ISIS EGYPTIAN TURKISH UMMA OCI IRANIAN WAHHABITI are infamous! no, none of this, it is the Koran that is the infamous, We have received your request for review


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