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Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

Festive Sukkot celebration in Hebron

Festive Sukkot celebration in Hebron


#Pfizer #Rules #Parliament PFIZER ADMISSION: "I have never tested the transmissibility of the virus among vaccinated": REGOLI SCATENATA "YOU HAVE GHETTED PEOPLE ON THE BASIS OF A SCAM!" "They have stolen

two years of our life": after the admission of #Pfizer top management to the European Parliament, all those

who have suffered harassment in the pandemic two years have commented more or less on what must

have been the logic behind their sentence to " stay at home ", do not go out with friends, do not work,

do not enter public places and so on.

Among these people, the journalist and writer Raffaella #Regoli, correspondent of Fuori Dal Coro suspended for a relatively long period from activities precisely because she does not have

a green pass.

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri15

and suppresses the divine law and replaces it with his own

which is no longer law natural moral, and even tries to erase the memory of creatures,

and tramples and kills those who do not want to become evil, disbeliever, antidium.

The beast that devours the lambs to s n a t c h from God as much as it can of his children.

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri15

Maria Valtorta - Quaderni 1945-50: The Apocalypse (8th part) - The Earth will follow the b e a s t: Rockefeller talmud Darwin & BMS wahhaibi sharia. "The Earth will follow the b e a s t

and put to death the saints who do not worship the beast of the Earth."

The first

of the manifestations of the Antichrist.

Which is "of the earth" because it denies God,

it denies everything that is from God because it falls into idolatry for what is not God

but rather is against God,

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri15

And yet this time sees the horror of ministers from separate churches, who even want

to call themselves "Christian", to pay homage to the words and wishes of the beast of the Earth,

to this monstrosity jewsh masonic talmudic that fights Xist, to give veneration to this ideological idol,


and ruthless, without being forced by it like those who are subjects where it reigns,

and without reflecting that, if it reigned everywhere, they too would sooner or later be devoured, tortured, deprived of the most sacred freedoms of the free individual,

end of freedom of thought.

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri15

But for 20 centuries, Xrist has pointed out these deviations and the causes of them.

Here there is industriousness and patience, but "the first charity has been abandoned"

and therefore life in God has become weaker or has died completely,

because where there is no charity there is no God, no life of God in the person, no life

of the person in God. There,

on the other hand, there is love for the riches of life, that is, for health and life, while those

who want to serve Jesus Xist must have no love for material life, they must not fear and

not escape persecutions, but consume them, where it is necessary, until death, because

Xrist did so and because whoever loses his life to serve him will possess him in a special way in Heaven.

In other places there are those who are weak towards those guilty of heresy,

or of imperfect doctrine and life. And this in order not to create enemies. No. When in the garden

of the militant Church we see evil or sick plants growing up, or of bad example to others,

it is necessary to cleanse them of the diseased parts, graft them and,

if they reject the graft that would do them good, also know how to cut them at the base. Better a plant less than toxic

for all! Better to be persecuted, better to remain friendless, to allow enemies or useless servants to spoil other souls and for God to turn away because he sees that one of his shepherds prefers friendship with kids to his most holy one.

Elsewhere there are those who believe more in false prophets, impure voices

that Satan excites to speak and that the law of the Church condemns, and is condemnation

for all those who, being Catholics, listen to them, these satanic voices speaking

by means

of the talking tables or spiritualists, speaking voices to deceive, seduce, mislead, detach from the Church.

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri15




Maria Valtorta - Quaderni 1945-50: The Apocalypse (8th part) - The Earth will follow the beast: Rockefeller talmud Darwin & BMS wahhaibi sharia.

Only the spirits of light are truthful and are good guides. But they never come, I say never,

by human imposition, nor do they need special apparatuses to manifest themselves. God sends

them when

he wants, to whoever he wants. And they are the only ones who tell the truth. The others,

in all their manifestations, are lies. Because they are manifestations of Satanism, and Satan

is nothing but a lie. What comes from these voices, even if, apparently, they seem to speak good words, is always subtly tainted with error. They speak to detach from the Church saying that

it is not necessary

to communicate with God. They speak to insinuate false theories on reincarnation, on a system

of evolution of souls, for successive lifetimes, which is absolutely false. They speak suggesting scientific solutions to the brightest manifestations of divine omnipotence, which created everything from nothing.

Poor science that only wants to be "science", and rejects Wisdom! Science can confirm Wisdom,

but it cannot abolish it. Where it abolishes it, it turns off an ocean of light that is comfortable

for human souls and intellects.

Woe to those who turn off this light! Similar to the gesture of a mad tyrant who, out of hatred

or delirium, crushes and pulverizes a city or a temple, it is this of these who, out of excessive love

for science, almost a cult to it - while it is Wisdom that must be loved. , listened to and believed because

it comes from the "Father of Lights in whom there is no variation or shadow of change",

who is the Spirit of Truth and Love and wants us to be nourished by truth to love ever more perfectly, and wants that can be seen in order to know better, better serve, better love - they pulverize

the edifice

of simple

and candid Faith, or at least many parts of it. The main ones.

But unhinging that the foundations and the main walls are, can a building be able to hold up any longer?

1 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduriù63

WATCH: Biden claims his son died in Iraq


that we have seen Biden mistaking his wife for his sister, and then, who can tell in the dark what can happen?

14 OCT - The first Nasams anti-aircraft missile systems for air defense will be delivered by the US to Ukraine already this month.

Biden says her son died fighting in Iraq


among the churches of satan it is the high priest who decides the mating.

perhaps Biden had a witch secret wife, and the facts are known only in the Deep State

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduriù99

Nancy Pelosi filmed threatening to 'punch out' Trump


that we have seen Biden mistaking his wife for his sister, and then, who can tell in the dark what can happen

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri16

Nancy Pelosi was secretly filmed making out with BIDEN and organizing election fraud against TRUMP.

this had to be the right title: "even the old corrupt rub"

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduriù74

German far-right politician 'danced' on Holocaust memorial


BIM MBS ISIS salman fron Riyad ] that is this story? the act is sacrilegious, extreme and unspeakable criminal, but what this news site lacks is asking the question: "why did he do it?" "what are his motivations?" "why does he think he's right?"

that's why in my opinion Jews don't like to go deep into matters, and why they don't want to find their corpses in the closet, or because they are simply cowards who don't want to pay the price of truth, they want to unload all the blame on others , and they don't want to question themselves or they don't want to find themselves fighting rothschild, who is the true God of this world, darkness and Wahhabi scum

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduriù46

Israel providing Ukraine with intel on Iranian drones


Cina India USA Russia UE ] against OCI UMMA [ obviously, it is up to me lorenzoJHWH Unius REI (so as not to force you all to become Christian martyrs) to find an effective solution to the problem of sin, in my third Jewish temple,

but the Ottoman and Shiite Wahhabis have not wanted to collaborate with me for 15 years: and they think avery day is good, for exterminate all Israelis all the time, and to push all mankind into a single universal nuclear holocaust, because their ISIS Caliphate cannot be stopped, and in fact everyone knows that Allah is uuuh akbarrr

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri16

worldisraelnews plug from the sewer of a jew. you are censoring me the gospel! This is proof that Satan tempts all people, as he also tempted Jesus Xsto of Bethlehem, the Son of God.

The temptation the battle and victory of Jesus against the temptation of the Freemasons.

Matthew. 4: 1-11,

"and behold angels came and served him.

If satan tempted the Son of God, Jesus Xist the Lord and Jesus used his word di lui to drive him out; we too must use his word di lui, the Bible when we are tempted by satan the Islamist Freemason Pharisees thief usurer technocratic Bildenberg DEM regime.

We have received your request for review.

use the torah to save LAPID's soul from hell!

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri16

worldisraelnews there is no one left to die in place of your pig, becouse, His sacrifice was perfect. it is enough to kill innocent Israeli citizens because of your religious madness. we have all sinned and have handed over the whole earth to Satan-Allah-Owl-FED FMI NWO who is the lesser god of all sinners.

The Son of God Jesus of Bethlehem, the only one who knew no sin; (this is the time to wake up for you) he sacrificed himself for all of us sinners and being the Son of God he paid all our debt, he for all of us, and by dying on the cross (in our place) he paid the price that sin imposed, with death.

because there is no animal that can pay for your Rothschild and Mohammed sin

Jesus rose from the dead because death could not hold him back. In fact, only Jesus can forgive all of us sinners and give us eternal life. and He made a public spectacle of the devil; he stripped him of the armor he had and destroyed of death the ottoman wahhabis UMMA empire he had.

The Lord Jesus said: take heart I have conquered the world of Rockefeller City Lond and Big pharma.

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2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri16

worldisraelnews you with your bigoted censorship? you make me bad. since the goyims (for the enlightened rockefeller spa & Co: the first racists) are also the Israeli goyims and the Jews without paternal genealogy (that they are the second racists)

That is why they had to make burnt offerings, as the shedding of animal blood covered the sins that the Israelites committed.

so since goyims are humanoid shaped animals, what do the Jewish Masons and their Islamists do? they kill Darwin's Christian human animal goyims, because the blood of animals can wash away their sins (they delude themselves)!

The law (the Torah) was given to make it known that they were all sinners. Jesus is risen is alive on the right hand of his father and that he alone is without sin: the Lord was and still is the perfect Lamb of God, without blemish, and without sin: it is impossible to hate it, or be afraid of him.

yet the agents of sodom allah and satan hate him for this very reason, because he is love while they live in hatred in predation, in the murder of genocide sharia law and scam banking seigniorage.

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri16

this was not spam and you, worldisraelnews you have to stop being bigoted!

2 Detected as spam

The Lord Jesus of Bethlehem came to earth with a very specific purpose, which is to fulfill the Scriptures because whoever lives in the Torah alone must fulfill all the law and no one has been able to fulfill it, until now, because no one is perfect Only Jesus was able to fulfill it.

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri16

who is spamming my notifications that they don't like? Tomorrow, for Julian Assange: sentenced to death with 175 years in prison for revealing the US war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan.

that will come alive tomorrow, in the belief that the civil struggle is far from over.

there is no automatic antispam that can intercept my spam!

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1 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri16

lgbt nazi e satanism! stop to bulling me! WHAT HAPPENED TO DR. FOX. We have received your request for review. in one his post by him focused on the unfairness

of men competing in women’s sports, in which he wrote: Transgender ideology within the context

of athletic sport benefits men at the expense of women. Dr. Fox's story is a cautionary tale for anyone

who wishes to openly express their beliefs outside of work. Free speech is essential to a free country

and benefits everyone. Making sure Dr. Fox has the right to speak his mind about him is critical

to making sure all Americans can.

1 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri16

2 Detected as spamIran is not attacked by anyone, yet it asks to protect its national security, against peaceful girls who cut their hair in desperation. ISLAM is worse and more lethal than Nazism and CommunismWe have received your review request

1 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri17

DEMs masonic Rothschild cult regime Spa&Co FED IMF ECB BM NWO antifa are high treason

and a direct threat to national security! A drunk Moroccan armed with knives lands: convicted policeman.

It was January 9, 2020 when a Polfer agent on duty in Varese spotted, in the subway of the station,

a multi-prejudiced Moroccan altered by alcohol and armed with knives. The agent, in the need to render him harmless, landed him to proceed with the arrest and in those situations the stranger slammed

his face and head on the floor. The policeman, accused of personal injury, false ideology

and slander (crimes for which he was found guilty) and abuse of authority against those arrested (charge

from which he was acquitted) was sentenced to one year and seven months in prison. His lawyers

have announced they will appeal. The accusations of false ideology and slander

were leveled at the policeman for having written in his service record that the injuries to the spine and shoulder resulting from the struggle were caused by the reaction of the foreigner. Although relieved

of the accusation of having carried out the arrest incorrectly, the other charges remain for the policeman. For him, the prosecutor had asked for a sentence of 2 years and 4 months in prison.

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri17

DEMs are high treason and a direct threat to national security! A drunk Moroccan armed with knives lands: convicted policeman. The police unions, in confirming their full confidence in justice,

express their solidarity with their colleague and perplexity at the judge's decision. "Try to understand the state

of mind of a policeman, of one who, trying to do his job as best as possible, takes a sentence, spends several thousand euros to justify an operational behavior and will have to face further disciplinary process", says Paolo Macchi of Siup to Varese News. The sentence to the policeman opens up a series

of important questions, as the trade unionist points out: "Try to understand the concern and debasement

of those who work on our streets and cities every day, think about how many times they will reflect before taking out the taser or the gun and the citizens will pay the price for this fear ". The declarations of Andrea Cecchini of Italia celere are of a higher tenor: "We are only waiting for those who ask us

every day

to save people from aggression and to ensure public order and security tell us how to do it. and be condemned. The responsibility lies with the state which does not provide us with rules of engagement and operational protocols ". Cecchini then added: "If he had not intervened, the colleague could have been stabbed

to death, like other passersby. From the hospital to the court, the step is very short".

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduriù45

Israeli town in Samaria surrounded by Arab rioters


MAGA Patriot Hero Train he was robbed of the presidency by the Deep State ] [ #DonaldTrump #PresidentialElections #SpecialMaster Trump returns to the White House in 2023? Yes, if the 7 states of fraud decertify the Great Electors Crossroads with Joshua Philipp

We are close to a showdown. Everything tells us that Trump, through the mid-term elections, wants

to send deputies to parliaments who will then decertify the 2020 elections, in various states. In this way,

the votes

of the big voters for Biden will drop below the minimum threshold of 270, and emergency elections will be triggered. The full episode https://ept.Ms/HouseVSTrumpPlanYT

The full video in English:


1 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri16

ISLAM is horror! octopus UE antichristi and antizionist "Ursula, is Azerbaijani gas worth your silence on Armenian women torn to pieces?" by Giulio Meotti.. The beautiful letter from the most famous Armenian actor to the president of the EU Commission that no Italian newspaper would ever dare to publish. "Our women mutilated like a Venus de Milo and raped to hoist the crescent of conquest into their womb,

as they do to our gutted churches to make parking lots, stables or mosques. Today I saw the video of one

of them, marble-colored skin, her arms bound as if to offer an invisible chalice to the ancient gods, they kick

her bare breasts, they cut her legs and a finger to put it in her mouth. Why rape her after taking her eye out? 'Isis. Ursula, can you hear the last breath coming out of your throat amid coughs full of blood,

tears and silent curses? "

1 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri16

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WHAT HAPPENED TO DR. FOX. Just like many Americans, Dr. Fox maintains a personal blog. It’s in no way affiliated with the Austin Fire Department. In June 2021, Dr. Fox began writing

a series of blog posts on truth, justice, and the good news of the Gospel. One post focused on the unfairness

of men competing in women’s sports, in which he wrote: Transgender ideology within the context

of athletic sport benefits men at the expense of women. Men have greater levels of testosterone, cardiovascular reserve, lung capacity per body mass, denser and stronger bones, tendons, and ligaments. Even if a trans male athlete meets the required testosterone levels

to compete as a female, there’s

a whole lot more going on in the male body. Transgender ideology

in this context is not just a benefit to men

at the cost of women, but the ideology itself is a denial of science and fair play … Even the Journal of Medical Ethics has called it “intolerable unfairness.” Dr. Fox wrote with no animus toward anyone. He has worked with people in the LGBT community throughout his career, offering pastoral care to multiple people expressing an LGBT identity without incident or difficulty. In fact, he had even begun organizing monthly meetings with clergy, academics, church leaders, and students to discuss how

the church can share the message of the Gospel to those in the LGBT community. But, regardless, Dr. Fox’s opinions about fairness in women’s sports did not sit well with some anonymous members

of the fire department. And a spotless eight-year career meant little when it ran up against the City’s own ideological agenda. Dr. Fox went above and beyond to listen to and accommodate those who took offense at his blog posts. He scheduled two different meetings with an LGBT liaison to the department,

temporarily made his blog posts private, absorbed anonymous attacks on his character, and even wrote

an apology.

That apology, however, did not include recanting his beliefs. So it wasn’t enough. The City rejected the apology and fired Dr. Fox.

According to what the City did to Dr. Fox, no one who openly holds orthodox Christian beliefs about what it means to be male and female can serve as a chaplain or in any other fire department position. That should concern every American. Because what happened to him could happen to you. Adding insult to injury, Dr. Fox wasn’t allowed to keep his badge and uniform. Usually, when a person retires from the Fire Department, he keeps his uniform to wear at special events such as a 9/11 memorial. But, in essence, the Austin Fire Department was intent on wiping out any remnants of the fact that he served at all. Dr. Fox’s story is a cautionary tale for anyone who wishes to openly express their beliefs outside of work. Free speech is essential to a free country and benefits everyone. Making sure Dr. Fox has the right to speak his mind is critical to making sure all Americans can.

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Volunteer fire chaplain fired for his Christian beliefs Dear lorenzoJHWH, “We’ve always known we could depend on you in a time of crisis, but this situation really put that to the test.… Frankly, I’m not sure what we or the family would have done without your assistance.” Lavish praise, rightly deserved for a man who came alongside the family members of a deceased firefighter in 2017.

It was Dr. Andrew Fox’s job, after all. Since 2013, he had served as a volunteer chaplain—a program he started at the Austin Fire Department. But just a few years later, the tone of feedback was decidedly different. “It’s inexcusable to have Dr. Fox offered as a spiritual leader...” More followed. And soon Dr. Fox was dismissed from the program he pioneered, accused of not providing “a comforting and welcoming presence and service” to all firefighters. Absolutely nothing had changed about Dr. Fox or the faithfulness with which he served firefighters and their families. So why the sudden dismissal? Unfortunately, it was because the government does not like Dr. Fox’s beliefs. The City blatantly violated the First Amendment rights of Dr. Fox—all in service of a discriminatory ideological agenda. So Alliance Defending Freedom is taking the City of Austin to court with a federal lawsuit. With the number of believers like Dr. Fox punished growing by the day, your support is absolutely critical. Will you make the best gift you can right now to help defend Dr. Fox and your First Amendment freedoms?

1 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri16

Contemporary DEM literature is dead and leads to nickilism. It's just boring anti-Christ and anti-Zionist Masonic LGBT propaganda

by Giulio Meotti. They awarded the Nobel Prize to another beguine on the left, who serves us the menu

of the day: salon abortion, appeals for the Italian Red Brigades in Paris, electoral outing, Bertinotti's refrain,

in a very unlucky congress of the Communist Refoundation ("we are Chinese, straight, gay, Catholics, Jews,

Muslims, gypsies, homeless.. "), boycott of Israel (including support for a terrorist who killed an Israeli in front of his wife and children) and the lynching of" fascist "colleagues ", and which prompted a famous essayist,

to those who reminded him that by dint of smoking two packets a day he would end up badly to answer:" Better than dying of boredom reading Annie Ernaux ". No, you will not find anything of the kind today in the Italian press, which scorns itself with praise for the Nobel (after all they praised Dario Fo,

mummified Eugenio Scalfari, sanctified Michele Serra and deified Roberto Saviano)..

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri16

#science #protection #Pfizer PFIZER ADMISSION: MILLIONS OF SCAMMED VACCINATES killed irremediably damaged.

Very often there is a great confusion of #science that goes on television (and of the debunkers

who are back in great activity in these hours). They speak generically of "#protection", but it is a term that, when

we talk about vaccines, is in fact generic at best and leads to error. Vaccines in fact offer

2 distinct types of protection: the most complete protect against both disease and infection. The latter is

the simple contagion which, if immediately, does not imply the fact of being sick: complete vaccines also prevent contagion, and not just the disease (for info ask the infected with 4 doses). So where is the seriousness of Janine Small's statements, who replying to MEP Rob Roos as a representative

of #Pfizer, laughingly said: "Tested against #contagion? But imagine! We have gone to the step of science “? Which is true: they do not affect the infection. But laws that segregated people and prevented access

to public places did not affirm this truth which, through the mouths of Pfizer's top management,

is only explicitly coming out now.

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri16

#science #protection #Pfizer PFIZER ADMISSION: MILLIONS OF SCAMMED VACCINATES killed irremediably damaged.

Obviously nothing happens, everything is said, nothing moves. Indeed, the replacement of Alberto Bourla

at the convocation of the #European Parliament even laughs at a truth that is undeniable and is written

on hundreds of newspaper sheets: millions of people were initially convinced by the serums because it was repeated with a beating drum that prevented contagion.

Then the retraction, with demonizations and laughter on those who pointed it out that almost suggested

the non-existence in history of vaccines that protect against contagion, and not just from disease.

“But the focus must also be on #Ema and #Aifa, because they read the data very well, so who is to blame

for everything that happened? Because here you have to start focusing on what they are ".

Speaking is the suspended doctor Vanni #Frajese: “Who is it that made fun of the population? Was it the politicians? Certainly, but on the basis of what was said by Aifa and Ema, from whom those studies had been read “. We analyze the matter with the deputy director Francesco Borgonovo and Maddalena Loy, journalists of La Verità.

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri16

A crowd of sharia Wahhabi and Ottoman Arab rioters surround the town of Esh Kodesh in Samaria during the Sukkot festival, setting Shiite fires by alì jihad Khameni on the outskirts of the city.


this is hybrid war, there is no more security for the Israelis, and soon they will start fleeing

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduriù39

Holocaust survivor opens Senate as far-right to govern Italy


no war no NATO! #solls #war #negotiated Ukraine, 60% of Italians repudiate the war. Too bad

that those who govern them are subject to the USA

From the latest polls a disconcerting truth emerges, not particularly surprising in truth, it was predictable, it could even reasonably be asserted. In short, the #solls reveal how 60% of Italians

are in favor of an immediate end to the #war, in favor of negotiations, of #negotiated, of dialogues

aimed at producing the #pace operationally. In short, the Italians no longer want to know about this war,

which nevertheless continues and seems to be a destiny desired by all the main #powers at stake, mainly

by those under the Washingtonian banner. The Italians no longer want to know about the war

because they have understood that it is mainly the #popolis that pay the costs of the war, in this specific case the Italian one is already suffering the dramatic consequences of this conflict for now only

at the level of #carobollette and relative limitations. to #gas and other things of this kind. But soon

the consequences could be more serious if the war were to continue and were to involve #Italy itself more and more actively.

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri16

One thing is certain: the Washingtonian Western Bloc does not want to know about peace.

We have learned this in recent days, when #Biden has made it known, without paraphrasing,

that he seeks war, that all the conditions are in place for the war to continue indefinitely. Not differently, the guitto #Zelensky, actor '#Nato' (with a capital 'n'), who of #Washington is an

in vitro product, if not directly of #Hollywood, who made it known to the # G7, verbatim,

that the war must continue since he intends to continue it to the end in the name of the # freedom and # sovereignty of his people, actually in the name of Washington's interest and its #imperialism. Among other things,

the youngster Zelensky has also made it known that he intends to dialogue with #Russia

only where Russia changes the #President and hires a President who is appreciated by the #West,

a puppet just like the youngster Zelensky, perhaps #Navalny.

no war no OTAN!

In the meantime, however, the Italians do not want to know about war, as I said. The Italians do

not want to know about war for several reasons. Of course, the first obvious and prosaic reason,

some will say, is that of material interest: this war is already causing infinite damage to the Italians,

we know. But there is also an ideal reason: Italians are not inclined to war, they are not historically,

even when recently Italy has fallen alongside the imperialist power of Washington, with respect

to which Italy itself is a #colony, the Italians have always expressed their disappointment, their dissent.

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri16

no war, no Erdogan

And then there is the constitutional question: our #Constitution at # article11, we will never tire of reiterating it ad nauseam, declares war something abominable, from which to keep well away. He says this by arguing, apertis verbis, that the war is repudiated by Italy. 'Repudiate' is a very strong verb that leaves no doubt.

And it also says, Article 11 of the Constitution, that Italy repudiates war also as an instrument to settle

the #controversieinternazionali. So not only as an instrument of war fought directly but also as an instrument for settling international disputes, and this is the case we are talking about. De nobis fabula narratur, since Italy,

by sending weapons to # Ukraine, is already violating article 11 of its own Constitution for this very reason.

This is why the Italians, we can say without fear of denial, are proving to be infinitely more intelligent than those who govern them since those who govern them, on the leash of Washington, continue to operate not

in the interest of Italy, not in compliance with the Constitution, not in the national interest, but simply as Washington's watchdog, in the interest of Washington and its imperialism.

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri16

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October 15: from Assange to no war, and no dear bills, demonstrations throughout Italy, Tomorrow, October 15, 2022, around the world there will be a 24-hour non-stop for Julian Assange: a set of initiatives in support

of the journalist who risks being extradited to the United States and sentenced to death with 175 years in prison for revealing the US war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan. One of these initiatives

will take place at 4 pm in Piazza Carignani in TURIN. Various acronyms, party and non-partisan, participate,

and include Gigi Morello (co-organizer, editor of Qui Radio Londra) and Paolo Borgognone


guests of our special episode today. But it doesn't stop there. In TRIESTE, the No Green Pass Coordination launches a procession departing at 3 pm from Largo Riborgo, to say no to war, rearmament, NATO, expensive bills, economic devastation. The Association to Live or Survive, Constitution in Action,

Students against the Green Pass Fvg and Alister join. Last but certainly not least, the manifestation

of sovereign and popular Italy, at 5 pm in Piazza Santi Apostoli in ROME: the party wants to impose the reduction of bills

to 101% of the previous year, stop sanctions and dispatch of weapons, restore diplomatic relations

and getting back gas at low cost. The mobilization will be repeated on Saturday 22 October at 5 pm

in Piazza della Scala in MILAN. October 15 is also the anniversary of the entry into force of the decree

that imposed the Green pass in the workplace, affecting citizens who have not yielded to their most basic rights

and their ability to provide for themselves and to their families. A year later, the emergency shift has changed,

but little else: for this reason we decided to remember that event by giving space to the squares

that will come alive tomorrow, in the belief that the civil struggle is far from over.

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no to war, no to sanctions against Russia! #protest #Naples #Russia, Not a ceiling on the price of gas, but on bills: the solution against speculation is already there On 23 October, starting at 11 am,

we will start a #protest procession in #Naples to say no to the war and to say no

to sanctions against #Russia. We will give voice to all those trade associations, to all those artisans

and all those small entrepreneurs who have already had to close their businesses due to expensive #energy.

And to these people, to these categories, we will try to provide solutions.

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri16

What solutions? First of all, we are aware that as #European Union we have

not succeeded in imposing a ceiling on speculation on a European Union country like # Holland:

we are talking about speculations on the Amsterdam Stock Exchange, in the heart of the European Union. Yet we have not been able to stop these speculations. We have not been able as a #Nato country to stop Norway's speculation and put a cap on the price of its gas there too. Although #Norway

is a born country. And although this war, as we have already said, was caused in large part by the provocative actions of the Atlantic Alliance. We therefore realize on this basis that it is absolutely unthinkable to expect Putin, against whom we send arms and sanctions, to be the only one

to accept the price cap. It is normal that this will never happen. So what are our solutions that we will bring

to the streets for the first time? We are here asking for a ceiling not at the price of gas, listen carefully,

but at the price of the bills. What do you mean? How? Let me give a practical example: if a company

in September 2021 paid € 500 for energy or € 500 for gas and in September 2022 that bill reaches

€ 1,200 instead, it will mean that energy companies will not be able to suspend the supply

to that company if will decide to pay the amount equal to what he paid the previous year.

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri16 So I pick up the example from before.

If last year with my #company I paid € 500 for gas and this year my bill reaches € 1,200 in the same month, I am only required to pay € 500 and in that case the energy company cannot and he must

not be able to continue with the posting, because it means that that extra surplus is only speculation and the Italians cannot pay for it. This is the first concrete action that we ask the government


that we want to impose with demonstrations that will go on throughout Italy.

The ceiling must be there, but not at the price of gas, because we realize that it is unthinkable

and impossible and unachievable. But what nobody talks about is a ceiling on the price of bills, that is,

I will pay exactly what I paid last year in the same period and you cannot interrupt the supply.

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri16 Second question to which we will also answer the press in the square Who gives the covers to do all this? Who will pay for this surplus?

It certainly doesn't have to be the Italian government, because Italy has had nothing to gain from this war.

He did not want it, the Italian citizens did not want it. So we cannot think that our country should pay the price

by going to draw on money that will then be included in the calculation of the public debt or even going to make

an overrun of budgetary constraints to use the money necessary to meet this. emergency (for which we have

no responsibility). The # European Union will have to pay them. How? Through the

European Central Bank, a bank that as we know issues money out of thin air.

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri16

#Europarliament #Pfizer #test


They reiterated this in front of the #Europarlamento in an official hearing. A senior #Pfizer executive admitted that #contagus tests have never been performed. In short, Pfizer knew that

the #vaccines did not stop the transmission of the #Covid. A senior executive of the pharmaceutical giant said this

in an official hearing. So, once again Pfizer reiterated what he had already had the opportunity to say

and that was also written in the #bugiardino, that is, that the vaccine does not immunize against contagion.

But, according

to the words of the #pharmaceutical giant, no one had asked for information about Pfizer. No one had asked about the vaccine's effectiveness in immunization. And why, in your opinion? Easy, because

the fewer questions they asked Pfizer and the fewer they would have answers that could somehow become

the weapon in favor of the so-called #novax communities, that is, those, the bad guys, like us,


only asked for verification, transparency on information.

Since Pfizer is a giant listed on #Borsa, they certainly could not give false information. That's

why they didn't ask questions. That's why they weren't asking the right questions, because they knew

Pfizer couldn't lie. He could not have said things that others, who held official government posts, have said. Because

we remember the campaigns, from the #Conte government to the #Draghi government. #Speranza under

the Conte government had begun to say that you had to get immunized because you had to be altruistic.

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduriù39

Holocaust survivor opens Senate as far-right to govern Italy


#Europarliament #Pfizer #test


By taking this dose of experimental serum, a term that is now all the more appropriate and right now,

the citizens would have immunized, they would have reduced to zero, they would have demolished

the chances of contagion. And Pfizer said (and it's not the first time) "Look, this thing isn't true, we can't tell you."

Pfizer had already warned him. There had been neither the times nor the possibilities to attest, to certify

a false truth. But on the false truth, the Italian government conducted its vaccination campaigns. First Hope

and then Draghi. Because you will remember Draghi when she said that thanks to the vaccine we would

be immunized. The exact words were those who don't get vaccinated get sick, infect and kill, those

who don't get vaccinated get sick and die. These were the words of the Prime Minister. Let alone if some

#journalist raised their finger and said "Are you really sure? On what scientific basis can you say such

a thing?" Nothing. we are in a press conference where an ordinary person, not a prime minister, is telling

a false truth, let's call it a lie or a false truth, it depends on your point of view. I have personally sued Pfizer.

Now I will integrate my complaint against Pfizer, filed with the Public Prosecutor's Office of #Rome,

I hope that sooner or later some magistrate will take it into consideration.

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri16

#Europarliament #Pfizer #test


I will supplement it with the hearing of Pfizer's senior executive at the European Parliament.

I want to tell you something else: I hope that the judiciary will finally intervene. We are on the eve of the decision

of the Constitutional Court regarding the constitutional legitimacy of the vaccination obligation. I hope that the consultation takes seriously, understands what are the admissions of the pharmaceutical giant,

because it is on the basis of bad information that the government has exposed citizens to something

that has nothing to do with mandatory nature. You cannot make a vaccine mandatory

when you are without established, confirmed or refuted medical scientific information. And that's why

we then end up with cases like the 14-year-old girl who died with three doses of the vaccine.

Yep, it's amazing to think that at 14, three doses of the vaccine, she dies of #myocarditis and the doctors are quick to say: "No correlation with vaccines." How do you prove it to me? Did you do any analysis? Any exam?

Do you write it down for me, black and white, so that maybe in the event of a parental complaint

about this death, you will assume all the responsibilities? Because at some point someone has

to start taking on their responsibilities. As of today Pfizer is starting to download. And, I repeat, it is not the first time.

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri16

The tombstone? An insult to historical memory | Angela Pellicciari

the crime of the DEM (homicidal Satanism and anti-Christian and anti-Zionist ideological perversion of the Jewish plutocratic Freemasons) who want to erase history

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri16

He specified article 3 of the Constitution, which states that all Italian citizens are equal under the law "without distinction of se*, race, language, religion, political opinion or personal or social condition".


certainly, the Italian constitution is the most beautiful and precious constitution in the world, but the tecnocratic OTAN imperialism plutocratic Jewish Freemasons DEM (the parasitic society, which deserved 640 excommunications from the Catholic Church of the Vatican Council I, with the Humanum Genus and the Quadragesimo Anno, etc. etc.) they made a piece of it for the toilet and for the soles of the shoes.

thus the true catholic church was vilified, by Bergoglio in the Jewish Masonic Arian heretical Vatican II council according to Bildenberg

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri16










The 92-year-old Italian Holocaust survivor presides over the opening session of the upper house of the Italian parliament while the right-wing Brothers of Italy are ready to form a new government.


when a life-long senator caryatid like Napolitano, or like Senator Liliana Segre, get to over 90 with that owl-eyed mental clarity?

or are blessed by God JHWH, or are blessed by Satan Rochefeller: high constitutional-technocratic financial parasitic betrayal: parasitic Masonic Jewish banking seigniorage, as the Chinese proverb goes:

"when hell calls you? then, your skull hardens "

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri16

Holocaust survivor Rothschild Rockefeller opens the Senate as the far right to rule Italy


but, what if those are far right? What are the CIA's pravy sector Azov battalion Golpe: Stoltemberg death squads?

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduriù30

Mahmoud Abbas says US no longer welcome as broker for talks with Israel


The Italian school is becoming a huge field of mass ideological criminal corrupt lgbtqia re-education.

Pupils and students - our children and grandchildren - are increasingly subjected to continuous political and ideological bombardment on issues of an extremely delicate nature. Just think of the increasingly widespread development of courses, activities and projects based on gender propaganda, according to which children and young people should learn at school that sexual identity is fluid and that they can choose whether to be men, women or other infinite genders depending on how it feels. Issues so critical, and often intimate, that by their very nature they need the primary educational role of the family. A role that, on the other hand, is more and more often evaded or better excluded a priori against the Constitution, laws and school regulations. For this reason, we want the next Minister of Education to be a person clearly aligned with the defense of the educational freedom of the family. A Minister who has the courage to put an end to ideological and political incursions into schools, in particular with regard to gender theories. He signs this petition right away and help us spread it. https://www.provitaefamiglia.It/petizione/il-ministro-dellificazione-deve-difendere-la-liberta-educativa-della-famiglia

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri16

Here's what's happening to our campaign against gender in schools!

Censorships, attacks and vandalisms: Our initiative was not liked by the single

dominant thought and all that politics that for years, we know, has been defending and advancing

the demands of gender, of a fluid sexuality and of a biology that, according to them, no longer

has limits. In many Italian cities, in fact, our posters have been censored by the DEM administrations and have been vandalized. KEEP READING!

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri16

nazi lgbt https://www.provitaefamiglia.It/blog/censure-attacchi-e-vandalismi-ecco-cosa-sta-succedendo-alla-nostra-campagna-contro-il-gender-nelle-scuole Information Bulletin 10/2022

Friday 14 October 2022 Censorships, attacks and vandalisms. From Rome to Milan,

passing through Bologna, Turin, Cesena, Pontedera, Pavia and the rest of Italy. Our campaign against gender

in schools is affecting the whole country and there are dozens of cases of political censorship

and vandalism towards our posters. Our message is scary because it denounces the dangerous and dramatic truth

and shakes the consciences of millions of Italian parents. In the meantime, on the elderly front, our campaign

has begun to ask for greater protection and aid and has already been met with Berlusconi's request for

a Ministry for the Elderly. Here's what's happening!

Censorships, attacks and vandalisms

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri16

that Putin did something wrong, ((besides having made a mistake in the war strategy at the beginning of this conflict)) someone has yet to prove it to me.

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri16

Lorenzo Fontana elected to the Chamber: "Italy must not approve" Lorenzo Fontana has been accused of homophobia, but we Catholics are not homophobes, indeed we love all people, but, rightly, we cannot accept GENDER's theory which is pure Satanism without a shred of scientific proof!

the new Speaker of the House applauded. Matteo Salvini immediately congratulated Fontana and took his defense: "Being Catholic is not a negative value. Fontana is for Italy, not pro Putin".

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri16

the lgbtqia DEMs are an anti-Christian and anti-Zionist Nazi and racist demonic regime and have persecuted Catholics, in fact I was fired because of my identity as a Christian, which Bergoglio cannot

or does not want to protect! It's democracy, baby. Yet, for some reason, it always ends like this: if the outcome

of free voting does not correspond to the wishes of the left, then there are those who speak of danger,

of insult to the institutions. Say "disfigurement" to the country. Enrico Letta's whimpers today are only proof

of this curious and emblematic phenomenon. After the election of the Northern League player catholic hero Lorenzo Fontana

to the presidency of the Chamber and that of Ignazio La Russa to the head of the Senate,

the Pd leader tore up his clothes on social media, outraged by those choices that actually took place

in full compliance with constitutional procedures.

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri17

Alì Erdogan khamenei Salman MBS OCI from Riyad-IRAN pedo-harem UMMA ] [ your prophet was an animal and when more animal could you be better than him?

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri17

Yair Lapid I don't have a problem with homosexuals / homoerotics, and I don't look into people's underwear, also because they stink.

but, sure you and all the lgbtquia satanism ideology APE Darwin?

you will all be deported to Syria

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri17

MBS OCI from Riyad-IRAN pedo-harem ] [ my wife was never good even when she was young, and now she does what she can when she can, if she can.

so yesterday i saw p0rn0graphy, and what did i see?

there were even teenage girls there!

then you tell me what the difference is between you. and those super giant satanists: by Rockefeller OWL jabulOn baal moloch rothschild Spa / Co FED IMF ECB BM NWO, ie dracula?

you are one only pack of Allah demons

1 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri17



Right-wing MK draws pistol after Jews assaulted in sukkah


#worldisraelnews ] don't do it anymore, I'm your king [ you saw that I was blaming the Jews and you burned my post ] don't do it anymore, I'm your king

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri16

Bin ISIS Salman from Riyad ] I can understand that perhaps, there may be premeditated acts of violence by Jewish bullies, but here the problem is not the violence itself, as if you can equate the sharia genocide with anything else, I prefer what the UN does, which in this case tramples on all its universal human rights for the sake of jihad You cannot reply to a post that is not active. You have already made this comment.

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri16

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During the riots, local Arabs claimed that young Jews threw stones at a mosque. Attacks and stone-throwing riots have also been reported in the Ras al-Amud neighborhood in east Jerusalem, Beit Hanina in northeast Jerusalem, the Palestinian Authority-administered village of Huwara in Samaria, Hebron in Judea, Kedumim in Samaria and Psagot north of Jerusalem. Riots also broke out in the Isawiya neighborhood of Jerusalem. Two Israeli police officers were injured in the incident, with 20 rioters taken into custody.


I can understand that there may be premeditated acts of violence by Jewish bullies,

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"The political echelon is binding the hands of our police officers. It is inconceivable that the Arabs throw stones near the police and that the police do not respond by opening fire. It is time to stop the illegality," he said after the attacks.

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduriù99

Nancy Pelosi filmed threatening to 'punch out' Trump


we all know that Trump's elections were stolen from him because Biden publicly announced it (that's why google shut down 110 blogspots for me) but the evidence of electronic electoral fraud is given by the CIA that led the coup against the republicans,

that the secret services are another state within the state, which is always controlled by Bush and the Wahhabis

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri16

there is no independent committee, in the UN OCI USA EU NWO FED IMF ECB BM because there is a single private Rockefeller monopoly: 1. both of the ownership of money and 2. of transnational Masonic Jewish Satanism (the swamp of the deep state) the pyramid with the eye of lucifer on the american dollar.

Pelosi is a witch and his regime is 100 times worse than the Nazi regime, the maximum corruption that is financed and supported by the Wahhabis to exterminate Russian and Chinese Israelis: so that Satan and Allah are all in all, because they have been one for 60 years. legion of lgbt demons that does not forget and does not forgive

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduriù10

WATCH: Palestinians fire at IDF with ambulance caught in middle


A fire fight between Palestinian terrorists and Israeli soldiers in Jenin.


but there was also a cockroach wife Erdogan who passed along the road and said: "Isn't it by chance, there is a Zionist bullet for me too?"

in our area they are called: "UN OCI human shields UMMA sharia allah uuuh akbarrr MBS the Wahhabi"

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri16

Were you the sniper who killed 98 innocent people in Maidan Square to start the 2014 CIA coup and continue with 14,000 corpses in Donbass in eight years? even Satan OTAN CIA Spa & Co FED Rothschild supports himself, and says: "Putin is to blame with no ifs, and buts". but since you are an unfair and unjust operator? then, you are also a killer criminal, while unlike you? I am innocent because I act according to universal law, why have you NOT ever made an investigation to find out who killed those 98 men in Maidan Square in 2014?

and why, did you promote / reward those who made the Odessa pogrom in the union house by killing peaceful people?

Why did you make a CIA coup, betraying the commitments made with Victor Yanukovych, and knowing full well that this would start a civil war? why did you put two American citizens in the Ukrainian government as Ministers?

why did you make the 2 Minsk agreements fail?

why did you put in the constitution to join NATO? in fact, NATO is not a constitutional value


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