non è una testata giornalistica

Your account is suspended

Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

satanisti Rockefeller Spa&Co Rothschild di DAVOS e Bildenberg

YOU DID IT? Yes, there is still time to make your voice heard loud and clear in the protest against the abuse of which Disney is responsible to the detriment of minors, which has continued the march and which is bearing exceptional results.


Don't stop there though. In fact, with a small donation, you can immediately triple the effect of your protest: we will also send an e-mail and a fax with your signature. Help us.





who hurts with ideology,

of ideology perishes

Sign the petition to Bob Chapek, CEO of Disney

Egr. Mr. Chapek, I am writing to let you know that I too am joining the hundreds of thousands

of people around the world who want to boycott ALL Disney products until Disney stops the campaign against the Florida law that protects children in schools and will not be left out of the cultural war now underway.

Over the years, Disney has become an increasingly radical standard-bearer of gender ideology

and the LGBT + agenda, from the gay pride parades that take place in your theme parks to the ideological accelerations contained in your films. Honestly, I've had enough of this nonsense. Disney was a safe brand for the family and its products were packaged in the name of innocence. But this is no longer the case.

For this I will boycott your theme parks and all your major holdings, including:



Touchstone Pictures




History Channel



Hollywood Records

Core Publishing

Neither hatred nor intolerance animate me. I just want to enjoy films and have fun in structures that are really suitable for my family, without having to put up with a certain ideological radicalism. I therefore hope

for an immediate change of course, which will lead Disney to stop opposing Florida law and to stop favoring gender ideology.


the creators' LGBT+ agenda Disney in their own words

Marco Respinti Director of International Family New


the creators' LGBT + agenda

Disney in their own words


this is a very serious constitutional crime of abuse and manipulation against the life and safety of our children.

it's a real sexual assault

l’agenda LGBT+ dei creatori

Disney nelle loro stesse parole


questo è un gravissimo reato costituzionale di abuso e manipolazione contro la vita e la salvezza dei nostri bambini.

è una vera aggressione sessuale

you are slanderers! because we know everything: under the still only legitimate Ukrainian government of Viktor Fedorovyč Janukovyč who is still today: the only legitimate president of Ukraine: Ukrainia people one be also rissianspeakers one: ie this is a precious message of love:

but Merkel (who apologized like me by saying: "it was not I who made Mink's two agreements fail") but I do not accept Merkel's apologies: because she did not oppose the imperialistic aggression of NATO 666 OTAN, indeed : the Ukraine of the putschists was built by the Rothschild neoliberalism tecnocracy occult esoteric massonic power trasnational Rockefeller plutocratic Jews with the sole purpose of destroying Russia

ma la Merkel (che si è scusata come me dicendo: "non sono stata io a far fallire i due accordi di Mink") ma io non accetto le scuse della Merkel: perché non si è opposta alla aggressione imperilaistica della NATO 666 OTAN, anzi: la Ucraina dei golpisti è stata costruita degli ebrei plutocratici Rothschild Rockefeller con lo scopo unico di distruggere la russia

it was not Russia that attacked the Donbass in 2014 to exterminate those desperate and persecuted populations: because the project of the Western Ukrainians was their annihilation or their genocide, in fact at the instigation of the CIA and NATO before the invasion of Russia (in the 2022) caused 14,000 deaths (but the Vatican and the Bildenbergs didn't care)

Now, the very concept of democracy is that sovereign power belongs to the people: while Zelensky had amassed 150,000 soldiers against the Donbass with the declared aim of razing even the CRIMEA .. then in the light of historical and geopolitical facts?

certainly the aggressor is not Russia

siete calunniatori! perché sappiamo tutto: sotto l'ancora unico governo ucraino legittimo di Viktor Fedorovyč Janukovyč che è ancora oggi: l'unico presidente legittimo dell'Ucraina: popolo ucraino si è anche parlanti rissiani: cioè questo è un prezioso messaggio d'amore:

ma la Merkel (che si è scusata come me dicendo: "non sono stata io a far fallire i due accordi di Mink") ma non accetto le scuse della Merkel: perché non si è opposta all'aggressione imperialistica della NATO 666 OTAN, anzi: l'Ucraina del golpisti è stato costruito dai Rothschild neoliberismo tecnocrazia occulto esoterico potere massonico transnazionale Rockefeller plutocratici ebrei con il solo scopo di distruggere la Russia

ma la Merkel (che si è scusata come me dicendo: "non sono stata io a far fallire i due accordi di Mink") ma io non accetto le scuse della Merkel: perché non si è opposto alla aggressione imperilaistica della NATO 666 OTAN, anzi : la Ucraina dei golpisti è stata costruita degli ebrei plutocratici Rothschild Rockefeller con lo scopo unico di distruggere la russia

non è stata la Russia che ha aggredito il Donbass nel 2014 per sterminare quelle popolazioni disperate e perseguitate: perché il progetto degli ucraini occidentali era il loro annientamento o il loro genocidio, infatti su istigazione della CIA e della NATO prima della invasione della Russia (nel 2022)hanno fatto 14000 morti (ma al Vaticano e ai Bildenberg questo non importava)

Ora, il concetto stesso della democrazia è che il potere sovrano appartiene al popolo: mentre Zelensky aveva ammassato 150000 soldati contro il Donbass con lo scopo dichiarato di radere al suolo anche la CRIMEA.. allora alla luce dei fatti storici e geopolitici?

certo l'aggressore non è la Russia


WATCH: The terrorists try to escape, the car catches fire


if international law is not based on the right of peoples to their own homeland, starting with the Jewish people?

then there is no international law but only the law of the club.

and whoever takes up arms to stifle the right of others (and the ARAB LEAGUE has done so with impunity for 1400 years of sharia) is he who must pay compensation for war damages: and the compensation is that all Palestinians must be deported to Syria and I'm coming to do it

GUARDA: I terroristi cercano di fuggire, l'auto prende fuoco


se il diritto internazionale non si base sul diritto dei popoli ad una loro Patria, ad iniziare dal popolo degli ebrei?

allora non esiste un diritto internazionale ma soltanto la legge della clava.

e chi prende le armi per soffocare il diritto altri (e la LEGA ARABA lo fa impunemente da 1400 anni sharia) è lui che deve pagare il risarcimento per i danni di guerra: e il risarcimento è che tutti i palestinesi devono essere deportati in Siria e io sto venedo per farlo

tutti quelli che pensano che il sionismo patriottico sia sbagliato?

poi, non si devono lamentare se il terrorismo islamico li mangia!

all those who think patriotic Zionism is wrong?

then, they must not complain if Islamic terrorism eats them!


Hamas operates openly from mosques in East Jerusalem


all mosques that accept hate speech? they must be demolished, and its followers must be prosecuted all over the world https://worldisraelnews.Com/hamas-openly-operating-from-mosques-in-eastern-jerusalem/

Hamas opera apertamente dalle moschee di Gerusalemme est


tutte le moschee che accettano discorsi di odio? devono essere demolite, e i suoi adepti devono essere perseguiti in tutto il mondo

Hamas operates openly from mosques in East Jerusalem https://worldisraelnews.Com/hamas-openly-operating-from-mosques-in-eastern-jerusalem/


these pray and go to kill innocent children and women!

Allah could only be a devil, all mosques that accept hate speech? they must be demolished, and its followers must be prosecuted all over the world

questi pregano e vanno ad ammazzare bambini e donne innocenti!

Allah potrebbe essere soltanto un demonio


well, I am a professor of the Catholic religion, who for having defended the Christian doctrine and for having denounced the theory of gender

I was fired (demoted to secretarial role)

and I am about to face a cause for professional redemption against the Masonic and mafia strong occult powers, that is, against the State Magistracy, in the hope of finding justice

bene, io sono un docente di religione cattolica, che per avere difeso la dottrina cristiana e per avere denunciato la teoria del Gender

sono stato licenziato (demansionato a ruolo di segreteria)

e sto per affrontare contro i poteri forti occulti massonici e mafiosi, cioè contro la Magistratura di Stato una causa di riscatto professionale, nella speranza di trovare giustizia

salviamo i nostri bambini da questa demoniaca impostazione che è anche anticostituzionale, perché la educazione dei bambini è responsabilità esclusiva dei genitori, e perché la legge naturale non può essere violata a livelo governativo senza demolire moralmente la nostra società

we save our children from this demonic setting which is also unconstitutional, because the education of children is the sole responsibility of the parents, and because the natural law cannot be violated at the government level without morally demolishing our society

Long considered the place to turn for family-friendly entertainment, recent moves and statements by the Walt Disney Company indicate a turn toward a cultural agenda that threatens that legacy and possibly its future.

"I grew up with the Wonderful World of Disney on Sunday nights and you curl up with a blanket with your family and watch a great Disney movie and that that company doesn't exist anymore," said Adam Holz, Director of Focus on the Family's Plugged In.

Back in March, Disney made headlines for publicly opposing a Florida law that bans public school lessons including sexual orientation and gender identity in kindergarten through third grade. Since then, top executives have signaled a greater shift towards telling stories that explore those topics.

CBN features 24-hour TV news from a Christian perspective. The CBN News Channel provides independent news programming to an underserved audience to enlighten, entertain and inspire Christians around the world. Comments below do not necessarily reflect the views of CBN.

DEMs seek the culture of death, the culture of perversion and social destruction! in the DEM there is an irrepressible sodomic demonic hatred against the Jewish-Christian civilization.

With sentence no. 51/2022 the Constitutional Court declared inadmissible the referendum question which aimed to make legal the cultivation of plants from which to obtain any type of narcotic, including opium poppy and coca, and to abolish imprisonment for the trafficking and trafficking of drugs CD. light. However, the effort to liberalize drugs continues: in this direction on the agenda of the Chamber of Deputies, after approval by the Justice Commission, there is a text that brings together various bills. With this volume, which is part of the precedents on euthanasia and the d.d.l. Zan, is intended to offer an overall picture that: - illustrates the effects of the main narcotic substances, in particular of cannabis derivatives, on the physical, neurological system and psychic balance, - summarizes the evolution of the regulatory framework from the first law governing the matter up to the most recent constitutional and legitimacy judgments, and the unified text being examined by Parliament, - describes the criminological profile of drug trafficking, diffusion and consumption in Italy, - replies to the most frequent clichés that are used to support the legalization of those so-called reading, also in the light of what happened in the legal systems that introduced permissive laws, - opens the perspective on the full recovery of the person, on which the Communities have been committed for some time.


i DEM cercano la cultura della morte, la cultura della peversione e della distruzione sociale! nei DEM esiste un odio demoniaco sodomico insopprimibile contro la civiltà ebraico-cristiana.

Con la sentenza n. 51/2022 la Corte Costituzionale ha dichiarato non ammissibile il quesito referendario che puntava a rendere legale la coltivazione di piante da cui ricavare qualsiasi tipo di stupefacente, inclusi papavero da oppio e coca, e ad abolire la reclusione per il traffico e lo spaccio delle droghe c.d. leggere. Tuttavia lo sforzo per liberalizzare la droga prosegue: in tale direzione all’ordine del giorno dell’Aula della Camera dei Deputati, dopo l’approvazione in Commissione Giustizia, vi è un testo che riunisce varie proposte di legge. Con questo volume, che si inserisce nel solco dei precedenti sull’eutanasia e sul d.d.l. Zan, si intende offrire un quadro d’insieme che:- illustra gli effetti delle principali sostanze stupefacenti, in particolare dei derivati della cannabis, sul fisico, sul sistema neurologico e sull’equilibrio psichico, – riassume l’evoluzione del quadro normativo dalla prima legge di disciplina della materia fino alle più recenti sentenze costituzionali e di legittimità, e al testo unificato all’esame del Parlamento,- descrive il profilo criminologico del traffico, della diffusione e del consumo delle droghe in Italia,- replica ai più frequenti luoghi comuni che si usano per sostenere la legalizzazione di quelle c.d. leggere, anche alla luce di quanto accaduto negli ordinamenti che hanno introdotto leggi permissive, – apre la prospettiva sul pieno recupero della persona, sul quale sono impegnate da tempo le Comunità.



'Āyatollāh Seyyed ʿAlī Ḥoseynī Khāmeneī [open letter] you made a fatwa against nuclear weapons, yet you claimed to have made the right uranium to make your atomic bombs (subtleties of hypocrisy)

if the US leaves the agreements?

1. you did not have to go out of your intentions and;

2. by the agreements signed with the other contracting parties.

maybe the US got out of the deal because you engage in regional terrorism, and therefore you are not credible when: you make a deal or when you issue a fatwa.

unlike me: that I authorized you to fight the Sunnis in Syria, and instead you went there to threaten Israel

'Āyatollāh Seyyed ʿAlī Ḥoseynī Khāmeneī [ open letter ] tu hai fatto una fatwa contro le armi nucleari, eppure tu hai affermato di avere realizzato l'uranio giusto per confezionarle le tue bombe atomiche (sottigliezze di ipocrisia)

se gli USA escono dagli accordi ?

1. tu non dovevi uscire dalle tue intenzioni e ;

2. dagli accordi sottoscritti con gli altri contraenti.

forse gli USA sono usciti dall'accordo perché tu fai del terrorismo regionale, e quindi non sei credibile quando: tu fai un accordo o quando emetti una fatwa.

al contrario di me: che ti ho autorizzato a combattere i sunniti in Siria, e invece tu sei andato li per minacciare Israele


Here is how you can pray: Pray Pray Pray Pray

*** Pray for Kristen Waggoner, Michael Farris, and their families throughout this leadership handoff.

*** Pray that God will give Alliance Defending Freedom leadership wisdom regarding how to mobilize an even broader alliance to protect freedom for future generations.

*** Pray that advocates for religious freedom, free speech, life, marriage and family, and parental rights would boldly expect God to continue to bring nation-shaping victories like we experienced with the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Pray Pray Pray

*** Pray for protection for ADF team members and all who fight for faith and justice that they would be protected from the attacks from those who stand in opposition to the Gospel of Christ.

*** Praying for Freedom’s Future, by The Generational Wins Prayer Initiative Team

https://adflegal.Org/generational-wins-prayer Pray Pray Pray amen

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

'Āyatollāh Seyyed ʿAlī Ḥoseynī Khāmeneī [open letter] you made a fatwa against nuclear weapons, yet you claimed to have made the right uranium to make your atomic bombs (subtleties of hypocrisy)

if the US leaves the agreements?

1. you did not have to go out of your intentions and;

2. by the agreements signed with the other contracting parties.

maybe the US got out of the deal because you engage in regional terrorism, and therefore you are not credible when: you make a deal or when you issue a fatwa.

unlike me: that I authorized you to fight the Sunnis in Syria, and instead you went there to threaten Israel

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

No agreement? The head of Iranian nuclear weapons accuses "enemies" of reneging on commitments


in fact, the Iranian commitment was that they should not enrich uranium by more than 3%.

Muslims are all Koranic sharia genetic criminals


14. Catullo, poeta e indirettamente giurista nei Carmi sul matrimonio

By admin on Sep 03, 2022 07:51 am

La tradizione giuridica romana non è circoscritta ai soli ‘tecnici’ del diritto ma si estende perfino ai poeti, fra i più insigni dei quali vi è Catullo: in lui lo ius appare un mezzo di comunicazione strumentale alla modalità espressiva, e offre una indiretta testimonianza della disciplina del matrimonio nell’Urbe.

The post 14. Catullo, poeta e indirettamente giurista nei Carmi sul matrimonio first appeared on Centro Studi Rosario Livatino.

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Aborto a San Marino, quando l’ideologia si mostra patetica

By admin on Sep 01, 2022 08:31 am

Nella serata di ieri, 31 agosto, la piccola Repubblica ha approvato la legge sull’aborto con 32 voti a favore, 7 contrari, 10 astenuti e 10 assenti. Essa in parte copia la 194, in parte la peggiora. Alla base di questa normativa non vi è alcuna esigenza, se non ideologica.

The post Aborto a San Marino, quando l’ideologia si mostra patetica first appeared on Centro Studi Rosario Livatino.

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S. Messa nella ricorrenza dei 32 anni dalla morte del beato Rosario Livatino

By admin on Aug 31, 2022 07:26 am

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Legge 194, sorpresa per le parole di Mons Paglia

By admin on Aug 29, 2022 10:51 am

La legge 194 è una legge iniqua, da superare affrontando con misure concrete e adeguate i problemi che spingono una donna ad abortire, in un quadro antropologico che vinca la subcultura dello scarto.

The post Legge 194, sorpresa per le parole di Mons Paglia first appeared on Centro Studi Rosario Livatino.

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Nessun passo di civiltà nella legalizzazione dell’aborto a San Marino

By admin on Aug 29, 2022 08:01 am

In questi giorni è in discussione nella Repubblica di San Marino un complesso testo di legge che, facendo seguito alla legittimazione referendaria avvenuta nel settembre 2021 con oltre il 70% dei consensi favorevoli, si pone l’obiettivo di legalizzare l’aborto nel piccolo Stato.

The post Nessun passo di civiltà nella legalizzazione dell’aborto a San Marino first appeared on Centro Studi Rosario Livatino.

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Con la sentenza n. 51/2022 la Corte Costituzionale ha dichiarato non ammissibile il quesito referendario che puntava a rendere legale la coltivazione di piante da cui ricavare qualsiasi tipo di stupefacente, inclusi papavero da oppio e coca, e ad abolire la reclusione per il traffico e lo spaccio delle droghe c.d. leggere. Tuttavia lo sforzo per liberalizzare la droga prosegue: in tale direzione all’ordine del giorno dell’Aula della Camera dei Deputati, dopo l’approvazione in Commissione Giustizia, vi è un testo che riunisce varie proposte di legge. Con questo volume, che si inserisce nel solco dei precedenti sull’eutanasia e sul d.d.l. Zan, si intende offrire un quadro d’insieme che:- illustra gli effetti delle principali sostanze stupefacenti, in particolare dei derivati della cannabis, sul fisico, sul sistema neurologico e sull’equilibrio psichico, – riassume l’evoluzione del quadro normativo dalla prima legge di disciplina della materia fino alle più recenti sentenze costituzionali e di legittimità, e al testo unificato all’esame del Parlamento,- descrive il profilo criminologico del traffico, della diffusione e del consumo delle droghe in Italia,- replica ai più frequenti luoghi comuni che si usano per sostenere la legalizzazione di quelle c.d. leggere, anche alla luce di quanto accaduto negli ordinamenti che hanno introdotto leggi permissive, – apre la prospettiva sul pieno recupero della persona, sul quale sono impegnate da tempo le Comunità.

Il volume contiene i contributi di: Domenico Airoma, Daniela Bianchini, Francesco Cavallo, Massimo Gandolfini, Luca Navarini, Alfredo Mantovano, Domenico Menorello, Daniele Onori, Massimo Polledri, Roberto Respinti, Mauro Ronco.

Ordina online

Alla Camera dei Deputati è in discussione la proposta di legge di legalizzazione dell’aiuto al suicidio e della eutanasia. In parallelo, l’Associazione Luca Coscioni ha raccolto le firme per il referendum (parzialmente) abrogativo della norma del codice penale che punisce l’omicidio del consenziente: la Consulta dovrà valutare l’ammissibilità costituzionale del quesito.

Il volume fornisce una lettura, agganciata al quadro normativo, dell’oggetto del referendum, prospettando che cosa ne conseguirebbe in caso di approvazione, e fornisce al tempo stesso un commento, articolo per articolo, della proposta Bazoli all’esame del Parlamento, confrontando le più recenti acquisizioni mediche con le categorie adoperate per privare “legalmente” della vita un ammalato, o chi formula una mera richiesta di essere soppresso. Offre un quadro di quel che è accaduto negli ordinamenti, per es. i Paesi Bassi, al cui interno sono operative da anni disposizioni quali quelle che si vorrebbero introdurre in Italia.

Ordina online

Che profilo deve avere un giudice come Dio comanda? Un tecnico raffinato? Un creatore della norma?

La risposta si chiama Rosario Livatino. Il 21 settembre 1990, quando è stato assassinato aveva 38 anni, lavorava come magistrato ad Agrigento.

Il suo profilo è antitetico a quello di un magistrato di "sistema". Si è sempre mostrato convinto che compito del giudice non sia inventare la norma, bensì applicarla, secondo competenza e coscienza.

Coscienza che ha posto S.T.D., Sub tutela Dei: è il primo magistrato in epoca moderna a essere beatificato (pag. 128)


like the 2nd anniversary of the Abrahamic agreements?

Rothschild Freemasons of sodom and satan and sharjah jihad cuts throats: replacement theology and high constitutional betrayal banking seigniorage? they can't make Abraham's covenants, because Wahhabis and Rockefeller destroyed:

1- the primitive saving covenant of Moses, as well as:

2- BERGOGLIO has definitively destroyed the second saving alliance!

I am the only legal covenant of Abraham: because there is no one on this planet who respects the natural law and the universal law of: Adam, Noah and Abraham.

but, the simple diplomatic hypocrisy to destroy any covenant of Abraham come il 2° anniversario degli accordi di Abramo?

massoni Rothschild di sodoma e satana e sharjah jihad taglia gole: teologia della sostituzione e alto tradimento costituzionale il signoraggio bancario? loro non possono fare i patti di Abramo, perché wahhabis and Rockefeller hanno distrutto:

1- la primitiva alleanza salvifica di Mosé, così come:

2- BERGOGLIO ha distrutto definitivamente la seconda alleanza salvifica!

io sono l'unico patto di Abramo legale: perché non esiste nessuno in questo pianeta che rispetta la legge naturale e la legge universale di: Adamo, Noé ed Abramo.

ma, la semplice ipocrisia diplomatica distruggere un patto di Abramo qualsiasi


im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

French President Emmanuel Macron "Prepare for the end of abundance!" answer

these criminals of European Freemasons were ordered to destroy the Jewish-Christian civilization in favor of ISLAM,

yet their pimpini are the satanists Rockefeller Spa & Co Rothschild of DAVOS and Bildenberg

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

French President Emmanuel Macron "Prepare for the end of abundance!" This is the message that is absolut criminal and slander against Putin, becouse in Ukraine there is a Coup 2014 pogrom proyect imperialist and aggressive CIA OTAN proyect

but, now all masonic demonic and sodomitic leaders Western societies could be described as "victimism".

In victimism the state is seen as a cash machine distributing money among the victims, while apologizing to them. In the past few years. Western states, both in Europe and North America, have distributed countless trillions, becouse guilty Rockefeller and talmud Kuran Kabbalah agenda esoteric

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

these criminal European leaders obeyed Rockefeller's orders: "to slander and attack Russia and CHINA, to obtain a new genocide of Christians and favor the Islamization of the West", as then, it can be said that in this project, sodomitic demonic Darwin and Islamic: of MBS OCI Riyad usefulness, that is, that MBS knows nothing about it?

then, "slander and attack Russia and CHINA, to get

"Prepare for the end of abundance!" This is the message that French President Emmanuel Macron offered in his first post-holiday pronouncement last month. Though supposedly addressed at the French people, Macron's lamentation seemed to have the entire "Western world" in mind. The "Western world" must learn to live in a desperation poverty and new forms of annihilation: where we will have richer and richer and poorer ever poorer.

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

the criminal complicity and murderous coup d'état of European Freemasons with Rockefeller's priests of satan sodom, and Christianity turned into Arian heresy ] [ Some corrupt philosophers

of the Rothschild Spa & Co regime: high constitutional treason the bank seigniorage, among them the German Jürgen Habermas, have tried to give victimism

a Christian varnish. In their reading, the Western world, long after having adopted "secularism", remembers Christianity as a school of frugality, empathy for the downtrodden and atonement

of sins symbolized by a fake Xist as the ultimate victim. this is an aberrant part

of all the Lutheran heresies of the Second Vatican Council, The trouble with that reading is that it is closer to the Greek concept of the scapegoat, than to the Christian concept of redeemer. "Prepare for the end

of abundance!" This is the message that French President Emmanuel Macron offered in his first post-holiday pronouncement last week.

'There We Will Strike Them': The Munich Massacre and Its Aftermath by Richard Kemp September 4, 2022 .. Prime Minister Golda Meir — who had been a signatory to Israel's declaration of independence in 1948 — refused to bargain with [the terrorists], branding it blackmail.

She later said:

"We have learnt the bitter lesson. One may save a life immediately

only to endanger more lives. Terrorism has to be wiped out."

Meanwhile Berlin offered safe passage and unlimited cash to the terrorists....

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Prime Minister Golda Meir "We have learnt the bitter lesson. One may save a life immediately

only to endanger more lives. Terrorism has to be wiped out."


any shariah is wahhabis ISIS Ottoman terrorism and UMMA genocide with alliance of all antizionists of all planet

] Saving America's Future from Traitorous Orc Dem Monsters by Lawrence Kadish

Standing at a podium in Philadelphia, US President Joseph Biden recently sought to leverage

the heritage of a city that gave birth to our American democracy while making such a fiercely

partisan speech that its ultimate legacy may be to further divide a divided nation. Had he been more truthful about our nation's current challenges, he might have stood inside a supermarket where


for basic staples needed by working families are skyrocketing. He also could have chosen many of our New York neighborhoods where career criminals have essentially been presented with

a "get out of jail" card by many in Biden's political party. then again, he could have stood next to a gasoline pump and acknowledged that his energy policies

o him have returned us to an era of poverty and to being energy dependent on foreign nations that are hostile to the very democracy he is sworn to protect.

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Prime Minister Golda Meir "We have learnt the bitter lesson. One may save a life immediately

only to endanger more lives. Terrorism has to be wiped out." [any shariah is wahhabis ISIS Ottoman terrorism and genocide] In memory of:

David Berger, Anton Fliegerbauer, Ze'ev Friedman, Yosef Gutfreund, Eliezer Halfin, Yosef Romano, Amitzur Shapira, Kehat Shorr, Mark Slavin, Andre Spitzer, Yakov Springer, Moshe Weinberg.

We are at present living through another example: the Iranian nuclear threat... This time, ignoring Israeli warnings

will have even more dire and far-reaching consequences. Pictured: A burned-out

German Army helicopter photographed

on September 7, 1972 at Fürstenfeldbruck Air Base, after Palestinian terrorists blew it up

with hand grenades the day before, murdering nine Israeli Olympic athletes whom they held hostage. Fifty years ago this week, 5th and 6th September 1972,

the world watched

in horror

as Jews were again brutally murdered on German soil, at the Olympics in Munich. Eight Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) terrorists, using the cover name "Black September," tortured

and murdered

11 Israeli athletes, emasculating one of them as he lay dying in front of his team-mates. They stormed the athletes' accommodation, killed two immediately and held the remainder hostage, demanding the release of 234 terrorist prisoners held by Israel.

Prime Minister Golda Meir

who had been a signatory to Israel's declaration of independence in 1948 — refused to bargain with them,

branding it blackmail. She later said: "We have learnt the bitter lesson. One may save a life immediately only to endanger more lives. Terrorism has to be wiped out."

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Prime Minister Golda Meir "We have learnt the bitter lesson. One may save a life immediately

only to endanger more lives. Terrorism has to be wiped out." [any shariah is terrorism e genocide] American and European responses to jihadist attacks on their own territory, especially

after CIA MOSSAD auto-attack 9/11, is an example of how the fight against terrorism is not in true Western intentions. We are at present there is international Iranian nuclear threat. Israeli leaders have repeatedly warned that Tehran's nuclear programme not only represents grave danger

to their own country but to the entire region and to the world. Meanwhile the US and European countries

are appeasing the mullahs in Tehran, just as they did with Palestinian terrorists in the 1970s,

and are on the verge of striking a deal that will pave the path to an Iranian nuclear capability. This time,

ignoring Israeli warnings will have even more dire and far-reaching consequences.

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Prime Minister Golda Meir "We have learnt the bitter lesson. One may save a life immediately

only to endanger more lives. Terrorism has to be wiped out." [any shariah is terrorism e genocide] Libyan president Muammar Gadaffi had funded the attack at the behest of PLO leader Yasser Arafat, who subsequently denied any involvement and two years later was feted

in a standing ovation at the United Nations General Assembly. "We were not engaged in vengeance. What we did was to concretely prevent in the future. We acted against those

who thought that they would continue to perpetrate acts of terror". — Mossad Chief Zvi Zamir, in an interview with Yossi Melman, (17 February 2006), Haaretz.


e il cristianesimo trasformato in eresia ariana. French President Emmanuel Macron "Prepare for the end of abundance!" answer

questi criminali di massoni europei hanno avuto lordine di distruggere la civiltà ebraico-cristiana in favore dell'ISLAM,

eppure i loro pimpini sono i satanisti Rockefeller Spa&Co Rothschild di DAVOS e Bildenberg


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