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Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

Love, kindness, humanity, decency, dignity

Love, kindness, humanity, decency, dignity - these are the things that are in our best interest and in the best interest of our children. We call ourselves the United States of America for a reason." Sharon Stone said


https: // worldisraelnewsCom / sharon-stone-slams-assault-on-rabbi-rise-in-violent-antisemitism /

in the USA the Christian symbols have been abolished, however witchcraft courses are allowed in the schools, but, fortunately, the Jewish symbols and their perverts Lgbtqia have remained; but, they cannot work alone (indeed they fail), because (in order to function) they are called "Jewish-Christian" symbols

that's why Love, kindness, humanity, decency, dignity will NOT be found in the USA anymore

"Amore, gentilezza, umanità, decenza, dignità – queste sono le cose che sono nel nostro migliore interesse e nel migliore interesse dei nostri figli. Ci chiamiamo Stati Uniti d'America per una ragione". ha detto Sharon Stone



negli USA sono stati aboliti i simboi cristiani, tuttavia sono permessi corsi di stregoneria nelle scuole, ma, per fortuna sono rimasti i simboli ebraici e i loro pervertiti lgbtqia; ma, non possono funzionare da soli (anzi falliscono), perché (per poter funzionare)si chiamano simboli "ebraico-cristiani"

ecco perché Amore, gentilezza, umanità, decenza, dignità NON si potranno più trovare in USA


im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri 14 minutes ago

MBS ISIS worldisraelnews brothers Rockefeller jewish community horror Addams family] it was only thanks to the Tribunal of the Inquisition: that the Marran Jews (false Jewish cardinals, and false Christians) failed to take control of the Vatican,

as today, with the idolatrous shaman BERGOGLIO and his lobbies of Gay Cardinals, lobbies of Cardinals of Lucifer, and lobbies of Cardinals

of Masons have succeeded: and today we have a totally heretical Catholic hierarchy!

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

MBS ISIS worldisraelnews brothers Rockefeller jewish community horror Addams family ] I will not disappoint the demons who want to enter into communion with me, and I will bring them back to their angelic nature, holy blessed and blessed, because in fact I am Unius REI.

then how could I disappoint the hope of those who believe and hope in me?

I do not make constraints on the ideological and religious identity of creatures, I do it now (sometimes) because I have been contrasted and opposed by you,

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

worldisraelnews ] brother [ new Yad Vashem also for 1.2 billion innocent victims of ISLAM in peacetime?

how to make it?

but when was the Netanjahu government there? here the martyrdom of Christians in the world was given a more appropriate space

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Rockefeller ] What do you do? Do you go to hell happy for this? [ i have 40 gmail accounts and 52 disqus accounts

now for me to recover the credentials of these 12 Disqus accounts (without gmail)? it's impossible!

What do you do? Do you go to hell happy for this?

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

yes I have the credentials for Disqus, but they don't work

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

#Ratzinger #Cionci #Benedetto BERGOGLIO PARTICIPATE IN A PAGAN RITE? CIONCI REVEALS: "THAT ACT GREAT SIGN ON CODE RATZINGER" 3 Sep 2022 "Codice #Ratzinger" is currently among the most read essays in Italy.

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Let's defend freedom of expression in Europe, Save Democracy against DEM Ape Darwin lgbt nazi

Dirk van den Broek promotes a blasphemous comic about Jesus Xsto

Again innocently Christians sentenced to death in Pakistan - sign now!

22 weeks.jpg

British judge orders mother to abort baby against her will - sign now!

DC Comics Wants To Publish A Blasphemous Comic About Jesus Protest Now!

Defend religious freedom outside the European Union

Demonstrating against abortion should be allowed!

In more and more places, people who disagree with current abortion policy are made difficult to express here. Demonstrating in abortion clinics is a thorn in the side of local clinics and politicians, who are working together to increasingly restrict the right to demonstrate in these places.

2,670 signatures

Father Koopmanst ...


Apple and Amazon: Stop Funding the Abortion Industry

International CEOs like Amazon's Andy Jassy and Apple's Tim Cook think they can get away with supporting the radical left's agenda and the murderous abortion industry.

They donate money, lobby capital cities, and pay for employee travel to get abortions. - all to keep up with the radical left.

And anyone who says abortion is murder is ridiculed, harassed, or silenced.

Bas Tichelaar

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Save Democracy against DEM Ape Darwin in America JFC is a joint fundraising committee on behalf

of Save America and Make America Great Again PAC (“MAGAPac”). Joint fundraising proceeds shall be allocated among the committees as follows: 90% to Save America, 10% to MAGAPac. RENEW YOUR TRUMP FOUNDING MEMBERSHIP FOR 2022, https://secure.winred.Com/save-america-joint-fundraising-committee/early-renewal-founding-membership

2022 Trump Founding Members will go down in HISTORY as the Patriots who SAVED AMERICA from

Joe Biden and the radical Left and President Trump wants YOU on the team. Please contribute ANY AMOUNT IMMEDIATELY to RENEW your Official Trump Founding Membership for 2022!

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

the DEMs are trampling on the constitution with impunity, because the judges and the trade unions are one Masonic institutional mafia. Sign our petition to MPs now to prevent us from having new lockdowns and other heavy measures due to a monkeypox Darwin DEM lgbt outbreak! "The Advisory Division of the Council of State has no comment on the proposal and recommends submitting the proposal to the House of Representatives of the States General." It was signed, the vice president of the State Council, Thom de Graaf. In short, no one will stop this new threat to our fundamental rights if we don't do it ourselves. The Council of State certainly does not. Incidentally, the same minister has already tentatively labeled monkeypox an A disease. But this is temporary and if the parliament votes against it, it will have to withdraw it. This is our chance to stop the continuing erosion of our freedoms.

We must not allow this process to continue without a fight, without obstacles. We must prevent new lockdowns and other unnecessary and restrictive measures of freedom due to monkeypox. We have until 7 September at the latest to collect as many signatures as possible and send them to the parliamentarians. Sign the petition now!


im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

The last farewell to Gorbachev from those who want democracy


the only democracy in the world is the Russian one!

in all other parts of the NWO: there is Rockefeller-Saruman eye of lucifer allah jabulon (with all his priests of satan and his lgbtqia+++ farm+++

where is my kingom israel?

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Naser Kanani warned Saturday to take "political and legal" measures against Sweden for the life sentence imposed on former Iranian political leader Hamid Nuri for mass executions and torture of opponents. in 1988 in a prison in the city of Karaj.


the Koran and the UMMA have the instrument of mass executions,

but, according to the DEM? we must respect their sharjah culture

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Putin orders: "I want Donestk by 15 September". But his troops are not ready and "have poor leadership"


how do satan's priests and their alien tech demons know everything?

I remember that they revealed too many things to me that only I could know

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

The famous image in question, from 1941, shows the Jerusalem Grand Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini having a conversation with Adolf Hitler about joint efforts to exterminate Jews,

the second in Europe and the first in Palestine, the Grand Mufti told Hitler:

"the Jews? burn them!".


Muslims are notorious: for the genocides carried out in 1400 years, the ARAB LEAGUE arises on the genocide of previous peoples,

but they have an energy monopoly and cannot be contested!

but the UMMA cannot be achieved if Christians etc .. that is, if all other religions are not exterminated

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Order of Malta, new Constitution. And Bergoglio clears the entire summit;

because there is no God but Saruman Rockefeller

and there is no sovereignty outside of Rothschid


because of the Masonic lgbt Jewish network system: no one respects virginity before marriage anymore, not even Muslims: nevertheless they remain monogamous and respectful of their feelings.

however, it is in their DNA sharia DEM: there is always the instinct to do anti-Semitism: because they have to return the evil they have received from the Masonic Jewish system.

here's why: in the Rockefeller kabbalah "relevo of communism is always Islam"

per colpa del network sistema ebraico lgbt massonico: nessuno rispetta più la verginità prima del matrimonio, neanche le musulmane: tuttavia si mantengono monogamici e rispettosi dei loro sentimenti.

tuttavia, è nel loro dna sharia DEM: c'é sempre l'istinto di fare dell'antisemitismo: perché devono restituire il male che hanno ricevuto dal sistema ebraico massonico.

ecco perché: nella kabbalah dei Rockefeller " relevo del comunismo è sempre l'islamismo"

#Covid #mainstream #contagion State murders: "they were intubated and made his lungs boil!" "Bergoglio is a" fake papocchio "of a killer vaccinator" and he made a medal with a vaccinated child, that vaccinating children (with experimental gene sera) is a universal crime .. but, HOME CARE, with aspirin etc. . have been successful, that is the same therapies already effective with covid 1, SKIP THE COUNTER: MELUZZI REVEALS BACKSCENE ON THERAPIES and: "NOW THEY MUST PROCESS". In the final phase of the summer season, the shadows of the possible growth of infections from # Covid-19 emerge again. Having entered the shadow zone of #mainstream information, the pandemic seems ready to become the protagonist of the generalist media as autumn approaches. How will it be managed and how will the institutions behave in the face of a possible resurgence of cases? Especially continues

the lack of a therapeutic approach to treating the infection and the decision to minimize any possible use have caused controversy

of alternative pharmacological treatments to the vaccine model.

With the passage of time, the scientific reason seems instead, contrary to the first indications of medical institutions, to tend more and more towards a possible integration of targeted systems of drug-based therapies capable of intervening on cases of positive #contagion. The professor. Alessandro Meluzzi in particular highlights an important background on #therapies. Already in 2020, in the phase preceding the sharpening of the number of positive cases, #Meluzzi collaborated in the drafting of a book with some important doctors and experts in the health sector. Already in this text the importance of some drugs was highlighted

to counteract the effects of the virus. Subsequently, he explains

Meluzzi himself, this approach was completely denied

in favor of the sole choice of vaccination, a choice destined to have fundamental repercussions on the effects of the infection

and on the revenues of pharmaceutical companies.

Hamas executes 5 Gazans charged with murder, collaborating with Israel


quindi: Rockefeller Spa&Co FED IMF BM NWO OTAN CIA NSA ONU OCI UMMA Riyad hanno detto che Allah ha questo diritto-potere: ciè ha il diritto di mettere a morte chi vuole impunemente

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Hamas executes 5 Gazans charged with murder, collaborating with Israel


therefore: Rockefeller Spa & Co FED IMF BM NWO OTAN CIA NSA UN OCI UMMA Riyadh have said that Allah has this right-power: that he has the right to put to death whoever he wants with impunity


#Covid #mainstream #contagio omicidi di Stato: " venivano intubati e gli facevano bollire i polmoni!" "Bergoglio è un è un "finto papocchio" di vaccinatore assassino" e ha fatto una medaglia con un bambino vaccinato, che vaccinare i bambini (con sieri genici sperimentali) è un delitto universale .. ma, le CURE DOMICILIARI, con aspirina etc.. hanno avuto successo, cioè le stesse terapie già efficaci con il covid 1, SALTA IL BANCO: MELUZZI SVELA RETROSCENA SULLE TERAPIe: "ORA DEVONO PROCESSARLI". Nella fase finale della stagione estiva, emergono nuovamente le ombre della possibile crescita dei contagi da #Covid-19. Entrata nella zona d'ombra dell'informazione #mainstream, la pandemia sembra pronta a tornare protagonista dei media generalisti con l'avvicinarsi dell'autunno. In che modo verrà gestita e come si comporteranno le istituzioni di fronte ad una possibile recrudescenza dei casi? Continua in particolare

a destare polemiche il mancato approccio terapeutico alla cura del contagio e la decisione di minimizzare ogni possibile utilizzo

di cure farmacologiche alternative al modello vaccinale.

Con il passare del tempo, la ragione scientifica sembra invece, contrariamente alle prime indicazioni delle istituzioni mediche, sempre più protendere verso una possibile integrazione di sistemi mirati di terapie a base di farmaci in grado d'intervenire sui casi di positività al #contagio. Il prof. Alessandro Meluzzi in particolare evidenzia un importante retroscena sulle #terapie. Già nel 2020, nella fase precedente all'acutizzarsi del numero dei casi dei positivi, #Meluzzi collaborò alla stesura di un libro con alcuni importanti medici ed esperti del settore sanitario. Già in questo testo veniva messa in evidenza l'importanza di alcuni farmaci

per contrastare gli effetti del virus. Successivamente, spiega

lo stesso Meluzzi, tale approcciò venne completamente rinnegato

in favore della sola scelta della vaccinazione, una scelta destinata ad avere fondamentali ripercussioni sugli effetti del contagio

e sugli introiti delle case farmaceutiche.

#Covid #mainstream #contagion State murders: "they were intubated and made his lungs boil!" "Bergoglio is a" fake papocchio "of a killer vaccinator" and he made a medal with a vaccinated child, that vaccinating children (with experimental gene sera) is a universal crime .. but, HOME CARE, with aspirin etc. . have been successful, that is the same therapies already effective with covid 1, SKIP THE COUNTER: MELUZZI REVEALS BACKSCENE ON THERAPIES and: "NOW THEY MUST PROCESS". In the final phase of the summer season, the shadows of the possible growth of infections from # Covid-19 emerge again. Having entered the shadow zone of #mainstream information, the pandemic seems ready to become the protagonist of the generalist media as autumn approaches. How will it be managed and how will the institutions behave in the face of a possible resurgence of cases? Especially continues

the lack of a therapeutic approach to treating the infection and the decision to minimize any possible use have caused controversy

of alternative pharmacological treatments to the vaccine model.

With the passage of time, the scientific reason seems instead, contrary to the first indications of medical institutions, to tend more and more towards a possible integration of targeted systems of drug-based therapies capable of intervening on cases of positive #contagion. The professor. Alessandro Meluzzi in particular highlights an important background on #therapies. Already in 2020, in the phase preceding the sharpening of the number of positive cases, #Meluzzi collaborated in the drafting of a book with some important doctors and experts in the health sector. Already in this text the importance of some drugs was highlighted

to counteract the effects of the virus. Subsequently, he explains

Meluzzi himself, this approach was completely denied

in favor of the sole choice of vaccination, a choice destined to have fundamental repercussions on the effects of the infection

and on the revenues of pharmaceutical companies.


<b>the bullies baked by the PD DEM lgbtqia school: the new masters</b>

the last message to the sweetheart. Alessandro, who committed suicide at 13 because of the bullies in chat

Alessandro had not leaned out the window inadvertently to fix the TV antenna. On the contrary: probably that antenna had been the last foothold he had tried to anchor himself to retrace his steps as a fragile 13-year-old, alone, harassed for who knows how long, in the end almost forced to throw himself down, to get it over with.

<b>the bullies baked by the PD DEM lgbtqia school: the new masters</b>

Scarred Salento: vandals smear the archaeological area near the Grotta della poesia with writings and drawings

i bulli sfornati dalla scuola del PD i nuovi padroni

l'ultimo messaggio alla fidanzatina. Alessandro, suicida a 13 anni per colpa dei bulli in chat

Non si era sporto dalla finestra innavertitamente per sistemare l'antenna della tv, Alessandro. Anzi: probabilmente quell'antenna era stato l'ultimo appiglio a cui aveva tentato di ancorarsi per tornare sui suoi passi di 13enne fragile, solo, vessato da chissà quanto tempo, alla fine quasi costretto a buttarsi giù, per farla finita.

i bulli sfornati dalla scuola del PD

Il Salento sfregiato: i vandali imbrattano con scritte e disegni la zona archeologica vicino alla Grotta della poesia


Attacco terroristico allo scuolabus (bambini che vanno a scuola) israeliano nella Valle del Giordano.

Israele si guarda bene dal chiamare il suo Re lorenzoJHWH (per colpa di MBS ) e quindi deve tollerare questa situazione

Terrorist attack on Israeli school bus (children going to school) in the Jordan Valley.

Israel is careful not to call its King lorenzoJHWH (because of MBS) and therefore must tolerate this situation


Rebranding? "Sono un arabo palestinese", dice il capo del partito arabo


dice questo per affermare il suo diritto ad essere un assassino autorizzato da ONU OCI?

tutti abbiamo il dovere per lavorare per il bene comune

Rebranding? "I am a Palestinian Arab," says the leader of the Arab party


are you saying this to assert your right to be a UN licensed assassin OCI?

we all have a duty to work for the common good

Party leader Ra'am Mansour Abbas at the party headquarters in Tamra has NO title to stay in Israel of which he is a mortal enemy.

obviously I am also an enemy of a Masonic Israel,

but because I am the monarchy of Israel

Il leader del partito Ra'am Mansour Abbas presso la sede del partito a Tamra NON ha nessun titolo per stare in Israele di cui è nemico mortale.

ovviamente anche io sono nemico di un Israele massonico,

ma perché io sono la monarchia di Israele


ISLAM remains a mortal threat: still after 1400 years, and as it was also 1400 years ago, an absolute horror, a current universal crime of ISIS sharjah genocide, and therefore the harm done to Muslims falls within the legal concepts of self-defense, at least until the ARAB LEAGUE is forced to remove the universal crime of Sharia law and will not open up to welcome the secular state. [translate google does not have the concept of laicity but I am theocratic and monarchist I am not secular]

but the threat that Rockefeller may also hang over their UMMA OCI companies, as it has ruined the US EU UK etc ..: it is also a valid justification for the ARAB LEAGUE to cling to the sharia law.

that's why, lorenzoJHWH and the Kingdom of Israel, and Unius REI for universal brotherhood is the only political solution to world war

l'ISLAM rimane una minaccia mortale: ancora dopo 1400 anni, e come era anche 1400 anni fa, un orrore assoluto, un delitto universale attuale di genocidi ISIS sharjah, e quindi il male fatto ai musulmani rientra nei concetti giuridici della legittima difesa, almeno finché la LEGA ARABA non verrà costretta a rimuove il delitto universale della sharia e non si aprirà ad accogliere lo Stato Laico. [ translate google non ha il concetto di laicity ma io sono teocratico e monarchico non sono secolare]

ma la minaccia che Rockefeller possa incombere anche sulle loro società di OCI UMMA, come ha rovinato USA UE UK etc..: è pure una giustificazione valida per la LEGA ARABA di aggrapparsi alla sharia.

ecco perché, lorenzoJHWH e il Regno di Israele, e Unius REI per la fratellanza universale è l'unica soluzione politica alla guerra mondiale

Amiram Ben Uliel was convicted of the intentional and hateful murder in the Duma in 2015.

according to a confession of him under torture, but the evidence and evidence exonerate him,

Israel for his shame sought only a scapegoat,

therefore Amiram Ben Uliel must be exonerated

Amiram Ben Uliel è stato condannato per l'omicidio doloso e odioso alla Duma del 2015.

secondo una sua confessione sotto tortura, ma gli elementi testimoniali e probatori lo scagionano,

Israele per sua vergogna ha cercato soltanto un capro espiatorio,

quindi Amiram Ben Uliel deve essere scagionato

the ARAB LEAGUE with the sharjah continually threatens mankind with genocide.

therefore in the UMMA the testimony of a Muslim is not equated with the testimony of a non-Muslim,

and with the simple slander of two Muslims: you will be put to death without proof, so many Christians were killed for slander of blasphemy, but the real problem was only, to take possession of the corpses' properties, or to take revenge, or to destroy Christianity.

la LEGA ARABA con la sharjah minaccia continuamente di genocidio il genere umano.

quindi nella UMMA la testimoniana di un musulmano non è parificata alla testimonianza di un non musulmano,

e con la semplice calunnia di due musulmani: tu sarai messo a morte senza prove, così molti cristiani sono stati uccisi per calunnia di blasfemia, ma il vero problema era soltanto, quello di impossessarsi delle propietà dei cadaveri, o di compiere una vendetta, o di distruggere il cristianesimo.

Having said that, the Chinese are right when they repress the Uguli: Erdogan demands rights for Muslims all over the world; but Hagia Sophia turned it into a mosque.

Muslims must be repressed all over the world: before the irreparable happens. that is, the theology of replacement

tanto premesso hanno ragione i cinesi quando reprimono gli uguli: Erdogan pretende i diritti per i musulmani in tutto il mondo; ma Santa Sofia la ha trasformata in moschea.

i mussulmani vanno repressi in tutto il mondo: prima che avvenga l'irreparabile. cioè la teologia della sostituzione

"I'm 30, I choose to leave Italy with no regrets"

the Italian Jewish-Masonic state is a mortal threat,

an administrative legal legal absurdity, a tax crime with an absurd bureaucratic (which generates corruption),

the Italian Jewish-Masonic state is the worst enemy for its citizens!

the DEM PD are the main culprits .. but the state employees and the criminals and those who have nothing, and those who are very rich are protected by this absurd technocratic neoliberalist welfare system .. and therefore the regime perpetuates itself

«Ho 30 anni, scelgo di lasciare l’Italia senza rimpianti»

lo Stato ebraico-massonicio Italiano è una minaccia mortale,

una assurdità giuridica legale amministrativa, un delitto fiscale con una burocratica assurda (che genera corruzione),

lo Stato ebraico-massonicio Italiano è il peggiore nemico per i suoi cittadini!

i DEM PD sono i principali responsabili.. ma gli impiegati dello Stato e i delinquenti e chi non ha niente, e chi è molto ricco è protetto da questo sistema tecnocratico neoliberista assistenzialista assurdo.. e quindi il regime si perpetua


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