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Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

Marvel stole Israeli superhero idea from me, says cartoonist

Marvel stole Israeli superhero idea from me, says cartoonist

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists


15The UN is another Rockefeller creature like the US.

Rockefeller the master of the world is Satanist, anti-Zionist and anti-Christ


🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists


too clever, and who are the Rothschild masters, central bank shareholders, and the Rockefeller masters of tax havens, and the masters of insider trading, who bought the energy companies, who bought the stock exchanges? Who Enlightened Plutocratic Jews has a single monopoly on all resources on this planet? who is the owner of the Spa & Co ,?

have you ever heard of NWO BM FED ECB who controls them?


🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists



i am fool, why don't you want to go to work, and you want to continue like a vampire sucking the blood of the third and fourth world, with the bad bag game of Rockefeller, che all his coorporations Spa & Co, are personal demonic jurists that will take you to hell?

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists


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rothschild freemasons are the greatest lgbqia social engineering specialists in history!

Three drug dealers try to rape her

Bats and batons: violent brawl between two families of Romanians

Rome, a fugitive apartment rat from 2017 arrested thanks to social media: Romanian in handcuffs

Another girl raped by an African in Milan

Girl raped in the street by an immigrant

Moroccan slaughters his throat in the street

Romanian agricultural worker stabbed to death in Foggia area: compatriot arrested

"Stabbed in the shoulder like a baby gang"

"I'll take what I want". And the Tunisian beats the shopkeeper

Tunisians return to Italy after being pushed back: arrested

Immigrant attacks ATM employee who stops the jump of the turnstile: head in the face

Casal di Principe. Three Nigerian citizens insured under the law for kidnapping and aggravated robbery


Wandering naked on the street and in shops: the madness of the already expelled immigrant

Castel Volturno. The Carabinieri arrest a thirty-six-year-old Nigerian woman burdened with a prison order for trafficking in persons and exploitation of prostitution

Africans break into the house and rape a couple

Host an African at home and become his se* slave

Sexual violence, 2 Romanians arrested in Vicenza sentenced in Ragusa

Manfredonia, a Romanian farm worker stabbed to death: a fellow countryman arrested

Ethnic clashes between Albanians and Italians in the Caserta area

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🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists





Lapid to make history, announce Israeli support for Palestinian state at UN

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

Steven Thompson

15however what if Israel cannot destroy a non-state today?

when will there be a state tomorrow? it will be impossible for him to do so


🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists


this link is redirected here, so my disappear 9


🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

Uncommon_Tater 10 I'm

also a bit worried that they're going to make Israel look bad. The

subtitle of the film, "New World Order" shares a name with an

antisemitic conspiracy theory about a cabal of Jews who are secretly

controlling the world, a la Protocols of the Elders of Zion.


🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists Uncommon_Tater 9

Are you worried that the enlightened Jewish plutocrats will destroy Israel and mankind?

or, are you worried that you can no longer steal with them in stock market speculation?

Prism_Man 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists 9

You fool, Pelosi's husband and several other well situated Democrats, not Jews, got richer off insider trading.

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists Prism_Man a few seconds ago


clever, and who are the Rothschild masters, central bank shareholders,

and the Rockefeller masters of tax havens, and the masters of insider

trading, who bought the energy companies, who bought the stock

exchanges? Who Enlightened Plutocratic Jews has a single monopoly on all

resources on this planet? who is the owner of the Spa & Co ,?

have you ever heard of NWO BM FED ECB who controls them? why don't you want to go to work, and you want to continue

like a vampire sucking the blood of the third and fourth world, with the

bad bag game of Rockefeller, che all his coorporations Spa & Co,

are personal demonic jurists that will take you to hell?


🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

Steven Thompson

your logic is precise and it is legally right for you, but nothing in the UN is logical.

when the US ARAB LEAGUE UE OTAN will oppose the destruction of the State of Palestine anyway, what will you do?


🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Lapid to break UN history, announce support for Palestinian state, report says [ m comment is redirect by #worldisraelnews ]

#worldisraelnews hide my



Extremely rare Judean quarter-shekel coin repatriated to Israel from the US

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists


you don't have to betray me and corny me with my greatest enemy: the Wahhabi


🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists


my ISRAEL ] [ sluuuut, I can't trust you anymore

slllut, I can no longer trust you with my .

God only knows how much you've cost me in these 15 years,

while you refused my love and went to make out with Bin ISIS Salman: that wretch



Jewish shepherd seriously injured by hoe-wielding Palestinian

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists


Israelis train Americans how to save lives in first minutes of terror attack

disqus (the fox 666 CIA NSA) does not report all my , i.e. the ones that Rockefeller dislikes


worldisraelnews (the cat)

it redirects and hides my , that is, the ones that Rothshild doesn't like



Israelis discover how to boost success rate of fertility treatments

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists


worldisraelnews redirects and hides my phirst here



Hasidic Jews blast NY Times investigation into secular education that…

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists


Bin ISis Salman MBS ] [ Israelis train Americans how to save lives in first minutes of terror attack

disqus does not report all my


worldisraelnews redirects and hides my



Senior Israeli official: Iran nuke deal is dead

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists


ONU USA RUSSIA CHINA etc.. open letter WorldWide ] [ very idiot Senior Israeli official: "Iran nuclear deal is dead"


if the Israelis will not all be exterminated shaoh, as Rockefeller's kabbalah predicted? then,

a) 1.2 billion innocent victims of Sharia law, in peacetime, and in 1400 years: they can always be questioned by the international community.

b) 50 nations that have suffered a perfect Islamic sharia genocide: they can always be questioned

and all the geopolitics of the ARAB LEAGUE will always be criminalized.

c) every 8 minutes an innocent Christian is slandered, raped and killed: and all this is the work of the Islamic international funded by the whole ARAB LEAGUE.

d) and what about the world jihadist galaxy, supported and financed by the Muslim brotherhood, and by the Koranic international?


in OCI UMMA Riyad Iran Erdogan know me very well: and they know with certainty: that I with my Kingdom of Israel,

I would put little satan and great satan to death without killing anyone..

but, this is their problem: "" if they don't kill the Israelis? all their bloody Islamic UMMA geopolitics and genocides, rape, slave trade, 1400-year crimes? will fail!

that's why the ISIS Islamist conspiracy: which was present before the Six Day War, is still operational: because that conspiracy is called sharia


🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists


that Almighty God hears the prayers of those who do His will. John 15: 7 (sadly though that his will di lui cannot be within our reach) "If you abide in me and my words abide in you, ask for what you want and it will be done for you". ===> ok this is what you have to ask: "dear God don't make me become the scum of the sewer of hell, together with MBS from Riyad"

Romans 10: 9 Because, if with your mouth you have confessed Jesus as Lord. and you will have believed with your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved;

10 for with the heart one believes to obtain justice and with the mouth one makes confession to obtain salvation.

Prayer of the sinner: Lord Jesus I believe that you are the Son of God, that you came to earth and died on the cross for my sins. That you rose from the dead.

Please Lord Jesus forgive my sins,

he saves my soul.

I receive you as my Lord and Savior. Come and dwell in my heart.

I surrender to you. Help me do your will.

Thank you Lord Jesus Amen. answer ===============>

now take a position with me in the heart of Jesus on the right hand of the Father and pay attention to your martyrdom with patience, and do not complain, because there is no other solution to the BERGOGLIO freemason scam banking seigniorage Rothschild and City London the kingdom of Satan Allah on his curse jezabell Elizabet second bildenberg jabulOn on yhis maleficata ground

Demonsludge vs im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

why not post from the talmud about you being able to fck kids because they are to young

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri vs Demonsludge the Bible does not say to do that! but, your talmud and your quran say to do it. if then, against the Bible, the anti-Pope BERGOGLIO wants to castrate the priests in the era of planetary Rothschild universal p0rn0graphy?

then, this is a serious Masonic complicity: who obtained 641 excommunications from the true Catholic Church



Terrorist shot dead after smashing IDF soldier's face with a hammer

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists


democracy is a crime of satanism and subversion! Baby gangs, surrounded by 30 Africans and beaten up: they cannot arrest them because they are 'too small'

https://voxnews.Info/2022/09/08/baby-gang-circondati-da-30-africani-and-pestati-non-possono-arrestarli-perche-troppo-piccoli/ Lombardy is besieged by the children of immigrants. All arrived with family reunions. All regulars who live in public houses built by the Italians. And they have their bills paid too. In recent days, the agents of the Predatory Crimes Unit of the local Police have carried out, by order of the Juvenile Court of Milan, the application of the precautionary measure of the placement in the Community of a child under 15, with previous charges for robbery and drug dealing of drugs, a member of a "baby gang" responsible for a robbery carried out on 12 November last in Piazza Duomo in competition with other minors: two peers and suspects on the loose and a non-attributable infra-fourteen year old, brother of the minor placed in the community, for robbery, injuries and false personal information


🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists


Algerians Allah uuuhh akbar, disembark on Sardinian beaches after visiting Draghi: they plunder and rape: the Huns have arrived


Between yesterday afternoon and the night, 52 Afro-Muslims arrived in southern Sardinia, among them three women. Then they say they are not invading armies. Since Draghi went with the saucer to Algiers for their dirty and expensive gas, the landings of Algerians have multiplied.


🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists


Gas massacre: 4 million Italians will lose their jobs for Zelensky Sodoma Satana & Allah scam banking seigniorage cult Rockefeller



🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists


African after raping Italian: "Go to your p oo o o p cops.." Numerous precedents

The investigations carried out in the police headquarters revealed that the Moroccan was a familiar face to the police: the immigrant can boast numerous precedents for drug dealing and crimes against property and the person. https://voxnews.Info/2022/09/08/marocchino-dopo-avere-violentato-italiana-vai-dai-tuoi-poliziotti-di-me/


🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists


/yacht-007-affondato-grecia-video indicative took place in front of the island of Kythnos on the evening of 6 September. The boat, owned by a Swiss businessman, reportedly headed for the shore due to a GPS failure. At that point she would begin to tilt and then end up lying horizontally on the surface of the water. All save the five passengers on board, who were rescued by the local coast guard


GPS is dangerous, twice sent me to the wrong place



Looming Iran deal 'deeply concerning,' U.S. lawmakers tell Biden

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists1

Cina India USA UE Russia etc.. stop, don't cling to hell Iran & Oci & UMMA & Riyad anymore

anymore anymore

burn them



British MP probed for hiding payments from anti-Israel group

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists4

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*** we have transformed (with the greatest specialists Bildenberg jabulOn Kalergi, the greatest social engineering specialists in history),

**** Europeans like us, our dearest and most affectionate friends, our natural allies, we have transformed them into enemies, with our slanders, coups, pogroms and aggressions,

***** because enlightened plutocratic tecnocratic had to become us, succubus / allies of Allah uuh ISIS Akbar sharia OCI UMMA: the specialists in genocide replacement theology (the little anzionist).

**** This can only be explained by Rockefeller MBS Rothschild's deadly hatred of Israel the big antizionist real.

German sodomitic Masonic demonic foreign minister Annalena Baerbock has assured

that she will maintain military and financial support for Ukraine "as long as it is needed" in the face of a war with Russia that could drag on for years. ]

The demonic German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock - Bernd von Jutrczenka / dpa

"Ukraine also defends our freedom (ie the wealth and freedom of Freemasons), our peace

(then, entrepreneurs can even commit suicide out of desperation and mortgage insolvency).

And we sodoms of the Freemason antichrist, we support them financially and militarily

for as long as necessary, "Baerbock said, adding that" unfortunately "it must be assumed

that Kiev" will still need new heavy weapons "next summer. German foreign minister explained

that "Europe is part of the war" for the 2014 CIA coup

from which Russian President Vladimir Putin is trying to defend himself. "It will be a difficult path,

but it is part of our political responsibility and Luciferian demoniac, that is, to alleviate the further social imbalances deriving from high energy prices, (which we have created for our responsibility) ",

he declared.

the parassitic & predatory Jewish-Masonic society, Luciferian, anti-Christ, and anti-Zionist,

perverted and sodomitic: of speculative finance and deadly stock market games: high constitutional betrayal banking seigniorage

it is the greatest crime in the history of this planet called DEMOCRACY "but in reality it is an esoteric dictatorial regime:

for having enslaving the peoples with ISIS Wahhabis accomplice, becouse allah is DEMON,

depriving all Peoples of their sovereignty:

by putting them into debt and expropriating them of their own money: they have stolen sovereignty:

by nullifying the conscience and self-awareness of the peoples

the Rothschild ENI oil Spas & Co etc. that is, the oil companies have made extra profits

of 12 billion dollars, but the parasitic government and Masonic Jewish predator?

he did not notice it: and made the European peoples pay for his imperialist war

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🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists4

Israelis enter the Temple Mount through the Tribe Gate. I saw that on the right:

the esplanade can be extended: so I will build there, my third Jewish temple, I do not want to demolish anything

why who prays? he prays to do the will of God which is love, justice, brotherhood and truth:

and therefore he wishes to bless everyone with his prayer: as our father Abraham did.

that if then, one must pray to kill, who is different from him?

then, he would do well as wahhabis MBS ISIS to declare himself a satanist,

because that would simplify all things for me


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