non è una testata giornalistica

Your account is suspended

Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

Israeli embassy in Mexico vandalized with anti-Zionist slogans in extradition protest

Israeli embassy in Mexico vandalized with anti-Zionist slogans in extradition protest

any anti-Zionisti is also

any antichrist
 12 minutes ago

Plutarch Calles (alias: USA FED Spa & Co, Freemasons of City London UK Rothschild)


killed 1.4 million cristeros in Mexico

The vandalized exterior wall of the Israeli embassy in Mexico City.


el Islam (Allah) es relevo del Cominism (red dragon)

these are a legion of Rockefeller-MBS from Riyadh demons that do not forget and do not forgive16 minutes ago #Britannia #Draghi #Blackstone




here a Rabbi from Owl Rockefeller gave to Mario Draghi a pair of crystal horns

let's hope he doesn't get to know his wife12

Biden admin announces $64m in aid to Palestinian UN agency, bringing total to $700m25 minutes ago

Biden admin announces $ 64m in aid to Palestinian UN agency, bringing total to $ 700m


the World Director of youbube told me: the cannibal 187AudioHostem:

al-qaeda walks Via Mexico (the plutocratic Rockefeller freemasons UK agency) and Via Canada (the plutocratic Soros Rothschild lgbtqia sub-agency Macron-Ursula)36

'Shameful surrender': Lapid blasted by Israeli right for touting Palestinian 'terror' state

lorenzoALLAH x kingdom Israel29 minutes ago

eih worldisraelnews then, remember to turn with the saucer,

"we shouldn't give free laughs all over the world"3

Detected as spam

eih worldisraelnews this is not antispam work, you did it. the antispam could never stop this work in the textDetected as spam Powerful technocratic Freemasons rewarding other powerful neoliberal plutocratic Freemasons: parasites of finance while the middle class diesDraghi awarded as statesman of (Satana): Diary of the Resistance, powerful technocratic Freemasons rewarding other powerful neoliberal plutocratic Freemasons parasites of finance while the middle class dies. Mario Draghi received the "World Statesman" award in New York, statesman of the year. The award was given to him on the occasion of the 57th edition of the Annual Awards Dinner organized by the Appeal of Conscience Foundation before him-It was awarded to Angela Merkel, Gorbachev or Shinzo Abe. Words of praise for Draghi from US President Joe Biden, who thanked him for his "leadership" and "powerful voice" in promoting human rights. But also from 99-year-old former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, who said: "His courage and vision

of him will ensure that he will stay with us for a long time."As for Draghi, in his speech by lui he said that

in the face of the risk of a new Cold War "it will be the way we" deal with autocracies that will define our ability

to shape the future. We need to be clear and explicitAbout the founding values of our societies. I refer

to our faith in democracy and the rule of lawOur respect for human rights, our commitment to global solidarityAutocracies thrive in the face of our hesitationDraghi: "We must remain united in supporting Kiev and reject the attempts of those who want to divide us. I hope there will beA future when Russia decides

to go back to the same rules signed in 1945. Only global cooperationHe concluded, can help solve global problems, from pandemics to climate change. "On the latter issue, Draghi tonight. He will intervene with

a speech at the UN General Assembly. In Italy during his mandateAs Prime Minister Draghi made use of the vote of confidence 55 times: only the Renzi government had done worse than him. health emergency has imposed a series of restrictions that have limited the constitutional freedoms of the individual, have had profound social and economic repercussionsCausing a general impoverishment and the destruction

of small and medium enterprisesAfter the start of the Russian military operation in Ukraine, then, instead

of actingAs an interlocutorFor a diplomatic solution, taking advantage of the excellent relations he linked

no historically our countryTo the Federation he preferred to become the most irreducible representative ofPowersAnd interests of NATO. He is one of the staunchest supporters of sanctions on Russia which,

like a boomerang, have plunged the West into one of the deepest crises in contemporary historyToday

he is awarded the "statesman of the year" award

We have received your request for review3

eih, worldisraelnews nazi ] [ where are these my on this page?

lorenzoALLAH x kingdom Israel https://disqus.Com/by/jewishmessiabyyitzhakkaduri/

9 Only a criminal as Lapid after 1400 years of massacres, pogroms and sharia genocides can think that Muslims can be transformed into credible interlocutors.

warning] [on this page https://worldisraelnews.Com/shameful-surrender-lapid-blasted-by-israeli-right-for-touting-palestinian-terror-state/#comment-5993336022 I no longer see my written with https://disqus.Com/by/jewishmessiabyyitzhakkaduri/

warning] [on this page

In controversial UN speech, Lapid touts a two state solution but says it can't be a 'terror base'

lorenzoALLAH x kingdom Israel

lorenzoALLAH x kingdom Israel


https://worldisraelnews.Com/watch-what-are-the-reactions-to-lapids-un-speech/ in this article? there is only women's underwear. neither article nor comment sheet. these beasts by Erdogan Khomeini MBS ISIS from Riyadh in 1400 years have killed 1.2 billion innocent victims of sharia law: in peacetime. how must banking seigniorage fall at my feet? so at my feet the sharia must fall, together with all your generational malefic evil talmus Kuran curses, because I am the avenger of all the innocent blood that was shed by Abel the just to the Christian 80 true martyrs today killed by Muslims, only a criminal as Lapid after 1400 years of massacres, pogroms and sharia genocides can think that Muslims can be transformed into credible interlocutors

ReplyView in discussion

lorenzoALLAH x kingdom Israel

lorenzoALLAH x kingdom Israel

9 These executioner by Erdogan Khomeini MBS ISIS from Riyadh in 1400 years have killed 1.2 billion innocent victims of sharia law: in peacetime. how must banking seigniorage fall at my feet? so at my feet the sharia must fall, together with all your generational malefic evil talmus Kuran curses, because I am the avenger of all the innocent blood that was shed by Abel the just to the Christian 80 true martyrs today killed by Muslims. only a criminal as Lapid after 1400 years of massacres, pogroms and sharia genocides can think that Muslims can be transformed into credible interlocutors

https://worldisraelnews.Com/watch-what-are-the-reactions-to-lapids-un-speech/ ReplyView in discussion

lorenzoALLAH x kingdom Israel

lorenzoALLAH x kingdom Israel


MBS ISIS from Riyadh] [open letter] how must banking seigniorage fall at my feet?

so at my feet the sharia must fall, together with all your generational malefic evil talmus Kuran curses, because I am the avenger of all the innocent blood that was shed by Abel the just to the Christian 80 true martyrs today killed by Muslims

by lorenzoALLAH x kingdom Israel3

Detected as spam

worldisraelnews persecute me, and destroys my articles, redirects my. His article https://worldisraelnews.Com/shameful-surrender-lapid-blasted-by-israeli-right-for-touting-palestinian-terror-state/ has been edited and my have been moved elsewhere. Cancel culture politically correct "WESTERN SUICIDE": THE ALTITUDE THAT YOU DON'T EXPECT "SIGNALS THAT SOMETHING IS COMING DOWN"The journalist Federico Rampini, columnist of the " Corriere della Sera" had the guts

to grapple with the theme of the " crisi dell'Occidente" Cancel culture, politicallycorrect andEenvironmentalism can also prove to be excessive if takenTo the extreme and this is what is happening in the UnitedStates and, consequently, throughout the "left side" Of the globe. For the author, the dominant ideology that is spread by media, universities, mass culture aims to demolish Western self-esteem, leading us to blame and mourn, without proposing more values To the world or to the new generations. In his book " Suicidio Occidentale", recently published by Mondadori, he wonders why it is wrong to process our history and erase our values, something else that had not yet come from any mainstream pen and which also finds important insights into recent developments"If an attack in the heart of Europe caught us off guard, it is because we were committed to our self-destruction. The strategic disarmamentOf the West had been preceded for years by a cultural disarmament. The dominant ideology, One that the elites spread in universities, in the media, in mass culture and in entertainment, requires usTo demolishAll self-esteem, blame ourselves, scourge ourselves. According to this ideological dictatorship we no longer have values

to propose to the world and to the new generations, we only have crimes to expiate. This is Western suicide. Putin attack on Ukraine, backed by XiJinping, is also the consequenceOf this: the autocrats of the new imperial powers know that we are sabotaging ourselvesIt is already happening in #America, the cradle of an extreme experiment. This pamphlet is a guide to exploring the ongoing disaster; it is a warning and an alarm. Europeans still struggleTo understand all the excesses of the United States, yet the contagion of the Old Continent has already begun. In universities there is a fierce censorship against those who do not adhere to politically correct thinking, the list of silenced, expelled and fired personalities grows. Only ethnic and sexual minoritiesHave rights to be asserted; and no duty. Extreme environmentalism, the neo-pagan religion of our time, demonizes economic progress and predicts a future of painful sacrifices or the imminent Apocalypse. Young people enslavedBy social media are manipulated by the billionaires of digital capitalism. The radical chic establishment purifies itself with the catharsis of the politically correct. It is

the way to cancel one's responsibilities that alliance between financial capitalism and BigTech planned a globalization that has gutted the working class and impoverished the middle class, creating armies of the fallen. Now that unpunished world is allying with intellectual elites by embracing the crusade for minorities and the environment There are no longer mass injustices in access to wealth. There is onlyOne planet

to save", and a mosaic of ethnic or sexual identities to be excited to claim compensation. In America this

is the gospel of the multinationals, in Hollywood and among the millionaire sports celebrities. In Europe, conformity has the seductive face of Greta Thunberg and Carola Rackete. The radical fringes do not need mass consensus; they have learned to seduce the establishment, to stock up on university chairs, to occupy the media. They can impose a new system of values from above. Most of us are undergoing

what is happening: we have not consented to suicide "The comment of Alberto Contri and Alessandro Meluzzi on the show " Un Giorno Speciale" We have received your request for review

We have received your request for review3

Detected as spam

worldisraelnews destroys my articles, redirects my. His article https://worldisraelnews.Com/shameful-surrender-lapid-blasted-by-israeli-right-for-touting-palestinian-terror-state/ has been edited and my have been moved elsewhereDetected as spamCovidMedicineAntibodies the genocide of Big Spa & Co pharma [[ENNESIMA Rockefeller FAKE news? DEAD BOY 'OF JOY', TRAGIC SUSPICIOUS SPARK, MELUZZI: "INVENTION OF A MAD" A few the newspapers reported the news of a 22-year-old boy who died 'of joy' (following a heart attack) after passing his last university exam. However, there are those who have doubts about the truthfulness

of the news. Among these, Prof Alessandro Meluzzi: "There is no shadow of a doubt, it is totally false news. Fortunately, there are modest cases of deaths in the face Of sudden traumas of a negative nature, which then there is a series of positive and euphoric events that cause deathIs the invention of a madman or

a criminal. So, whoever wrote that article wrote something crazy and blatantly false. The fact that the #proteinSpike produces peripheral coagulation events, the fact that We still don't know what happens to the immune system, that we don't know what produces a growthOf over 40% in death expectation between 14 and 60 years. These are all things to think about. Because whenWe go to count the set of deaths (excluding those from #Covid) we are faced with somethingThat will needTo be studied in the years to come ". But as often happens in these cases, the problem is wider and affects the most disparate aspectsOf human life. Especially in recent years. Especially after Covid. Prof #MarianoBizzarri knows:“I have been observing these things for a long time in different fields: they are trying to rewrite The very foundations of #medicine. They tried to make us believe that the vaccine protects more However, I want

to insert an element of hope: on the one hand there is an absolutely distorted narrative, but on the other hand this attempt is showing its limits because since vaccines were introduced, many altars have been discovered. What I mean is that in this society there are still #antibodies, a lotOf research has dismantled that narrative, there has been a change in public opinion. So let's not make The mistakeOf thinking that

opponent has already won, we still have the chance to play a game "The article that reports the news of

young man who died 'of joy', then, for Prof Alberto Contri is one of the reasons why the national newspapers, in the last period, are progressively losing readers (as well as credibility): "It is not It is

a coincidence that every month the sales of newspapers fall moreAnd more, As well as those of TV. This means that even the so-called '#mainstream' information, being all The sameAnd being made

by people who out of duty say what they have to say, in the end it doesn't matter much "We have received your request for review

We have received your request for review19

Raisi ditches interview with CNN reporter who refused to wear a headscarfan hour ago

worldisraelnews ] there is no antispam that can work on me. STOP BULLING ME. #Britannia UK Elizabeth queen jabulOn #Draghi Goldman Sachs #Blackstone before this event? Italy was the 4th world economic power. DRAGHI 'STATIST OF THE YEAR' EXALTED BY KISSINGER.. this is the FOCUS WITH ALESSANDRO MELUZZI AND FABIO DURANTI We have all seen what happened in recent months, as we all know the history of #Britannia (see privatizations and derivatives) and all the assignments in the private sector - then in the public sector that have made MariovDraghi what it is today: "an excellent businessman ", we would say without bothering Cossiga. For some it is even more than this, including "best statesman of the year", as stated by the award received in New York yesterday. There are many prosopopoeias dedicated to the former ECB governor, from

the CEO of #Blackstone as reported by Repubblica, to the 99-year-old Henry #Kissinger, whose history

is also known and needs no introduction.

A story that is evidently similar and comparable to that of the outgoing premier, perhaps moved by the same intentions. It is probably also for this reason that at some point the former secretary of state wanted to make his de profundis publicly, praising Draghi "for his credibility, vision and leadership" as well as


his "analytical skills and his courage. ". Then a semi-serious joke: "Every time he retired it was always

a pause, never a permanent retirement." Kissinger's praise was accompanied

by great efforts of ink the next day: on the front pages the premier shows off the forked trophy, accompanied by high-sounding words: "With you the world has faith in Italy", we read. The aforementioned Francesco #Cossiga did not think so, as did his historical 'pupil' Alessandro #Meluzzi: "I am amazed by this total quiescence in the self-destruction of Italians", he ", but certainly

we cannot forget that Kissinger, when he met Moro - who wanted to create a national unity


and print money - he warned him: 'Dear Doctor Moro, do you know that you are risking a lot?' by The analysis by Alessandro Meluzzi and Fabio Duranti at 'A Special Day'.9

WATCH: What are the reactions to Lapid's UN speech?an hour ago

never trust an Islamic islamist ] The Greek border guard detains nearly 1,500 migrants at the river border with Turkey in a single day

Erdogan the ISIS executioner: takes the money from Ursula

and trims you Islamic migrants to go-goan hour ago

worldisraelnews you stop persecuting me just because MBS the Wahhabi and Rockefeller the cannibal threaten you with death Shaoh.

and have the courage to die a martyr with dignity: you will have your reward in the Kingdom of Heaven2

flames in a warehouse of clothing and paper material in Modugno the images


to set fire to warehouses in Italy? costs much lower than disposal costs:

have they made asbestos flues everywhere and dispose of a kkg? costs 1000 euros.

Italy is the most absurd legislative and bureaucratic country in the world2

Guterres recalls that the annexation of the territory of one state by another is a violation of the United Nations Charter.

from this it must be deduced that for Guterres the CIA has the right to carry out coups and Arab springs all over the world.


but lavrov said: "the west is the cause and part of the conflict in Ukraine2

and since Islam and Rockefeller banking seigniorage scam ?? that is, they fit all over the world for a UN?

then, clearly the fault can only be Israel2

Reactions to Lapid's controversial speech at the United Nations


in Kosovo? they razed 3,000 monasteries, churches and cemeteries to the ground with NATO assistance

the same the Ottomans are doing in Armenia today

in Turkey there are no longer any traces of the Armenian genocide of 1.6 million innocent people.

throughout the Arab League have applied the theology of replacement:

and in Africa the jihadist galaxy is killing Christians with impunity.

Where is the UN when it comes to defending Christians?

what credibility do that rabbi and that imam called the UN have?2


on this page for me, yesterday? one could only see women's underwear.

but, yet everyone knows that I have become like Rivlin2



The Russian Foreign Minister Serguei Lavrov also listened to the caunnies of Kuleba, who defined Ukraine

as a "Nazi state that persecutes opponents" and, with respect to a trial for war criminals, declared that

he had no faith in the court. international criminal law in the Hague given that Ukraine has gone unpunished

in the last eight years (since, according to Moscow, the Ukrainian bombings against the pro-Russian Donbass began) "We do not expect anything, the time of waiting is over" Lavrov said.


since 2010 the CIA has been weaving a spider's web in Ukraine and carrying out a bloody coup in Maidan Square, whose Chechen CIA snipers have never been searched for by anyone.

while those who made the Odessa pogrom were all promoted and awarded13

Prince Harry and the Jews - opinion15

I defended Prince Harry on youtube (as only I can), because someone was saying that he was the antichrist.

another time: Prince Harry contacted me: to ask for my financial contribution to his charity, but the CIA interrupted our conversation, and I was irritated because I thought he did.

The CIA prevents any contact from me with people in authority15

Harry seems not to have been terribly interested in the worst crime in history: the Holocaust.


it is childish to think of being the navel of the world and the center of history:

50 Christian Nations have suffered a total genocide by Muslims,

the Ottomans exterminated all Armenians (and that genocide will inspire Hitler against the Jews)

almost all Christians in Russia were exterminated by the Bolsheviks (and those who judged them were Jews)

sure: the Holocaust was not the greatest crime.

is only the most documented: but this is not an honor for the Jews, who neglect the genocides of Christians15

Alì Khamenei] honor to: China, Iran and North Korea, the only ones who still retain their monetary and political sovereignty,

but, I cannot be happy with your Islamic determination to kill Israelis:

because that of bank seigniorage is a war of the rich Freemasons against the poor:

not of the Jews as a people against mankind15

Bin ISIS Salman rom Erdogan: we cannot keep up the 400 years Masonic-demonic system of banking seigniorage, the constitutional betrayal par excellence,

peoples cannot be deprived of monetary and political sovereignty because of your wickedness and satanism!

and then, Allah adds it is true: because if there is a God in heaven, he will certainly open the earth and swallow you body and soul!15

The UN is another Rockefeller creature like the US. Rockefeller the master of the world is Satanist, anti-Zionist and anti-Christ. i am fool, why don't you want to go to work, and you want

to continue like a vampire sucking the blood of the third and fourth world, with the bad bag game of Rockefeller, che all his coorporations Spa & Co, are personal demonic jurists that will take you to hell? too clever, and who are the Rothschild masters, central bank shareholders, and the Rockefeller masters

of tax havens, and the masters of insider trading, who bought the energy companies, who bought

the stock exchanges? Who Enlightened Plutocratic Jews has a single monopoly on all resources on this planet? who is the owner of the Spa & Co ,? have you ever heard of NWO BM FED ECB who controls them?4

2 shooting attacks in Samaria; no injuries18

from a theological point of view homosexual relationships, technically homoerotic: they are ABOMINATION: in fact they violate the natural law which is procreative. Religion does not fight feelings, but fights copulatory relationships outside of marriage,

they cannot receive any public blessing, and no sacrament, but they can be comforted by faith and sacramentals in private form. In reality, the Church does not hunt anyone. But we cannot create an ambiguity with the word of God: what the Church of Bergoglio is doing with a lot of hypocrisy and chameleon-like attitudes,

The bishops of Belgium have published a liturgy for the blessing of gay couples. A blessing that does not have the "dignity" of a real sacrament like marriage between a man and a woman, but nevertheless represents a strong novelty with respect to the line drawn by the Vatican.18

Iran Alì Khamenei MBS Bin ISIS Salman and his Caliphate Erdogan Worldwide sharia genocide UMMA] the Catholic Church fought for 200 years, with 640 excommunications against the Rockefellers: and paid a tribute of immense innocent blood: under Freemasonry and communism: today it has been conquered and we have an anti-pope BERGOGLIO.

but what have you done to defend the honor of your Allah?

don't you know that in the NWO every religion becomes: Masonic Satanism? and the fact that the crime of bank seigniorage lasted for 400 years this is an aggravation of the guilt,

that's why, if you don't enter my Kingdom of Israel? your souls and your bodies will go into perdition18

Russia China India] if you don't bump Bin ISIS Salman's head against the mute, and you won't be able to get my Kingdom of Israel from him? then the third world war cannot be stopped: because he is the vital and indispensable support of Rockefeller's unipolar world

the only one left to the demonic empire of Spa & Co, Rockefeller? it is MBS Bin ISIS Salman and his Caliphate Erdogan World UMMA how and why our institutions are impregnated with Satanism, mafia, freemasonry, wickedness and injustice] here's how [years ago I told an old international trader about the Rockefeller Spa & Co scam,

the scam that is also high constitutional betrayal of bank seigniorage, and he looked into his long life,

into his father's long life, and into his grandfather's long life and, then, he said: "it can't be true

and it can't be possible". In fact this constitutional crime has a history of 400 years, it led to

the French Revolution, the Bolshevik Revolution and all the wars and massacres that have taken place

in the last 400 years. but money is not a commodity (as economists say):

money is a spiritual element (today it is the demonic supernatural element): "that is, it is the value

of the measure, and at the same time: it is the measure of value" as the scientist Giacinto Auriti demonstrated, therefore the shareholders of the central banks have every monopoly and they

control political events in the world: they have become Illuminati Gods

then judge Torri told the scientist Giacinto Auriti: "it has always been like this"

and the scientist Giacinto Auriti replied: "but this is an aggravating circumstance not a defense"

and another great Freemason said, "yes, it's a crime, but it's a crime that works" that's why injustice, malice and wickedness has spread all over the world, that's why

the most honest people on this planet are driven to martyrdom.

while the bad guys triumph, and the Muslims are pushed to become predatory Islamists6

Hamas ‘plotting to repeat Gaza takeover in Judea and Samaria’18

Russia China India] if you don't bump Bin ISIS Salman's head against the mute, and you won't be able to get my Kingdom of Israel from him?

then the third world war cannot be stopped: because he is the vital and indispensable support of Rockefeller's unipolar world19

how and why our Institutions are impregnated with Satanism, mafia, Freemasonry, wickedness and injustices] here's how [years ago, I told an old international trader about the Rockefeller Spa & Co scam, about the scam: and high constitutional betrayal: bank seigniorage, and he looked into his long life, into his father's long life, and into his grandfather's long life and, then, he said: "it can't be true and it can't be possible". In fact this constitutional crime has a history of 400 years , brought about the French Revolution, the Bolshevik Revolution, and all the wars and massacres that have taken place in the last 400 years.


but, money is not a commodity (as economists say):

money is a spiritual element (today demonic supernatural): "that is, it is the value of the measure, and at the same time: it is the measure of value" as the scientist Giacinto Auriti demonstrated, therefore the shareholders of the central banks have every monopoly and control the political events in the world: they became Enlightened Gods Illuminati.

then the great Freemason: Judge Torri said to the scientist Giacinto Auriti: "it has always been what he is" and the scientist Giacinto Auriti replied: "but this is an aggravating circumstance not a defense"

and another great Freemason said, "yes, it's a crime, but it's a crime that works"


this is how it is why injustice malice and wickedness has spread all over the world, this is why the most honest people on this planet are driven to martyrdom.

while bad Muslims are pushed to become predatory Islamists19 Pending

i am king messia lorenzoJHWH said "Yitzhak" Yitzhak, o praying on blessing Jewish people.



Pleased to meet you, King Messia Lorenzo JHWH. ;-)80

Sign of the messiah? Five red heifers, eligible for 'purification,' arrive in Israel

edited Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News. i am king messia lorenzoJHWH said Rabbi Yitzchak Kaduri, for blessing behalf of the Jewish people.31

Iran's Raisi at UN: Israel a 'savage' country that kills women and children

/gli-italiani-dicono-no-alle-teorie-gender-nelle-scuole/ Italians say no to gender theories in schools

Italians reject the gender theory. This is what emerges from a survey on educational freedom promoted by Pro Vita & Famiglia and conducted by Noto Sondaggi, presented today in the Senate during the press conference "School, Gender, Career Alias ... Word to families".

but Ursula said that we lack inalienable rights, and that she wants to punish us because we have committed a serious infringement

Italians say no to gender theories in schools © Provided by Il Giornale

The survey shows that 92% of Italians are aware of 'gender theories'. Or, rather, he has heard of it.

On the other hand, 81% of respondents know 'very well' or 'roughly' what they consist of. Of these,

only 32% agree with this theory, while 48% are against it. Only 20% do not express themselves. 50%

of respondents do not believe that there are infinite sexual identities other than male and female,

contrary to 26% of respondents. The remaining 24% cannot express themselves. 60% believe that

a man who perceives himself as a woman cannot compete in women's sports, while 51% do not intend

to allow him the possibility of using toilets, changing rooms, showers and other places reserved exclusively for women. In the latter case, only 31% are in favor. 79% of Italians defend the right of parents

to choose, even in schools, how to educate their children about the sphere of sexuality. 81% of respondents believe that schools should first inform and involve families about any courses

or projects that concern these areas. 58%, on the other hand, are against the use of the terms

"parent 1" and "parent 2" instead of father and mother.120

Lapid to make history, announce Israeli support for Palestinian state at UN

Lapid to break UN history, announce support for Palestinian state, report says [ m comment is redirect by worldisraelnews ]


Narendra Damodardas Modi, Xi Jinping 習近平, 习近平, Xí Jìnpíng, Vladimir Vladimirovič Putin [open letter]

if you don't take BIN ISIS MBS Salman's head and slam it against the wall until his jihad excrement cervix comes out of his ears sharia? and do you not force him to give me my Kingdom of Israel?

then, the third world war just cannot be stopped


salman + shalom



while, the UK EU US satanists with the bloody coup, Nazi-fascist death troops & battalions, and 8 have pogroms in Dombass, and NATO nuclear INF missile threats on the Russian border, the deliberate failure of the two Minsk agreements, etc.etc.

they went to bring Masonic civilization and civilization, as well as the international law of Sodom!


the two tragic characters: Prime Minister Yair Lapid and United Nations Secretary General Antonia Guterres, they have not yet understood that there are no states, but that they exist:

one UMMA

one Planet

only one Erdogan

and one God MBS jihad sharia


another sudden death Big Pharma DEM PD Bildenberg

A 54-year-old man, originally from Bitonto, died due to an illness while working on a construction site in via Mameli in Bari. The victim was on the scaffolding located on the second floor of the building being restored and as soon as he collapsed, colleagues alerted 118. The operators' attempts to revive him were useless. The fire brigade and the State Police intervened on the spot.

1EditView in discussion10

Lapid to break UN history, announce support for Palestinian state, report says

Narendra Damodardas Modi & Xi Jinping (習近平, 习近平, Xí Jìnpíng & Vladimir Vladimirovič Putin

[open letter]

if you don't take BIN ISIS MBS Salman's head and slam it against the wall until his jihad excrement cervix comes out of his ears sharia? and do you not force him to give me my Kingdom of Israel?

then, the third world war just cannot be stopped


salman + shalom


while, the UK EU US satanists with the bloody coup, Nazi-fascist death troops & battalions, and 8 have pogroms in Dombass, and NATO nuclear INF missile threats on the Russian border, the deliberate failure of the two Minsk agreements, etc.etc.

they went to bring Masonic civilization and civilization, as well as the international law of Sodom!

the two tragic characters: Prime Minister Yair Lapid and United Nations Secretary General Antonia Guterres, they have not yet understood that there are no states, but that they exist:

one UMMA

one Planet

only one Erdogan

and one God MBS jihad sharia

another sudden death Big Pharma DEM PD Bildenberg

A 54-year-old man, originally from Bitonto, died due to an illness while working on a construction site in via Mameli in Bari. The victim was on the scaffolding located on the second floor of the building being restored and as soon as he collapsed, colleagues alerted 118. The operators' attempts to revive him were useless. The fire brigade and the State Police intervened on the spot.5

Iran hit by cyberattack as 3 die in protests

The Belgian proposal to bless homosexual unions goes against the norm of the Holy See, the Vatican says.

but in saying it? I don't think he showed the right determination against those neo-Aryan Bilderberg heretics like them!

Bergoglio prayed for the Ukrainian people martyred by Nuland Biden, Ursula, Rothschild and Zelenky. [[ how did he understand these truths that no Rockefeller social network monopoly news company network satellite Tv Spa&Co can told him? this remains a mystery to me... about the freemason smart brother Bergoglio? I should rate him more highly

]] The Russian Duma asks the United Nations General Assembly to condemn the actions of the United States

and NATO. The Russian Duma called on the UN General Assembly, the European Parliament and world leaders to condemn the actions of the United States and NATO in the context of the war in Ukraine. "Deputies

of the State Duma appeal to the United Nations General Assembly, politicians and parliamentarians

from countries around the world to strongly condemn the dangerous actions of the United States and NATO",

read the president of the Committee on Affairs internationals, Leonid Slutski, during the session.

The letter points out that "the irresponsible actions of NATO countries, which carry out massive deliveries

of lethal weapons to Ukraine and send foreign mercenaries," have led Ukrainian citizens to seek

"protection and assistance" in Russia, according to the news agency. Interfax. "The forces that carried out

a coup

in Ukraine in 2014 have finally given up on the peaceful resolution of the intra-Ukrainian conflict,"

said the Interfax news agency. State Duma deputies regret that the efforts of Russia,

which for eight years has opposed the genocide of the Donbas population, have not been successful, "Slutski said.

Iran hit by a cyber attack while 3 die in protests


Alì babbà Khamenei, hey babbacchione! this is a serious proposal!

married women must wear the veil well, mind women looking for a husband? for them the veil can also be unkempt. ok? done deal!

then, if there is a transgression in some female affair, you remember the Chinese proverb that says: "to deal with children and women? you never make a good impression"

ok, let's admit it's a somewhat misogynistic proverb,

but after all, all Mahometans have always been misogynists,

you see that mentally ill Erdogan forcing his wife to be upset, what while it's winter?

it could also be there. but in the summer? I believe it is not the best thing to do3

Iranian cyber attacks on Israelis up 70%, 'dozens' of plots thwarted

Zelensky "We can't let there be nuclear risk"

"The protection of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant is a protection for all of us against nuclear disaster, it would be a real catastrophe.


the problem of the US EU UK OCI Riyad satanists is that in addition to having inverted the language of their sodom,

they also reversed the meaning of the words:

therefore, evil became good, and good became evil,

in fact the only one who has bombed Zaporizhzhia to date?

that was just him

a profetic symbol ] About 230 whales beached on Tasmania's west coast, just days after 14 sperm whales were found on

an island off the southeastern coast. The pod, which has run aground on Ocean Beach, appears to consist

of pilot whales - also called pilot dolphins or pilot whales - and it is assumed that at least half are still alive, according to the Tasmanian Department of Natural Resources and Environment

A team from the Marine Conservation Program has assembled the whale rescue equipment and is heading

to the area. A local offic[ ial urged people to stay away from the whales


Even whales are tired of this dying world of antichrists, plutocratic satanist and anti-Zionist Jewish usurers10

Russia’s Jews fearful over ban on military-aged men leaving the country

where does the Riyadh Quran go? There is always an Islamic genocide against peaceful Christians.. The TPLF: The People’s Liberation Front of Tigra invites civilians to take up arms

to defend themselves from the "genocidal war" launched by Nazi Islamist Eritrea.

(TPLF) called on civilians to take up arms to defend themselves from the "genocidal war",

an hour after claiming that 1. Eritrean troops launched a "full-scale offensive" 2. with the support

of Ethiopia and , 3. special forces in the Amhara region.

where does the Riyadh Quran go? There is always an Islamic genocide against peaceful Christians.. The statement came shortly after the organization's spokesman, Getachew Reda, announced

on Twitter that Eritrean forces have launched a multi-pronged attack against Tigray. "Given that the existential challenge we face is more than ever a challenge that requires the full participation

of every single tiger, the TPLF asks you to be fully available for the all-out war we are waging

to thwart the dreams and aspirations of the our enemies towards the peoples of Ethiopia ",

reads a statement released by the tiger foreign ministry. However, the group turned

to the Ethiopian people inviting them to oppose their government's "campaign to bring the people

of Tigray to their knees".

where does the Riyadh Quran go? there always comes an Islamic genocide against peaceful Christians.. In particular, the TPLF pleaded with the populations of the Amhara and Afar regions, "on the basis of the positive signs" that they would show towards Tigray,

to intensify their efforts to get out of the "trap set by the Nazi-fascist Islamic government and its partners"

The letter is also addressed to the Eritrean people and army, to whom the TPLF reminds that

"the people of Tigray do not renounce what is rightfully theirs, nor do they desire what is not theirs", underlining that their interests and its aspirations "are peace and development" and NOT destruction.

where does the Riyadh Quran go? there always comes an Islamic genocide against peaceful Christians.. "The considerable price you have paid so far to realize the interests of the dictatorial government is sufficient, you have opposed a campaign in which your children have been pitted against their brothers, and in which (...) they were used as cannon fodder, even now, continue to intensify your efforts ",

Russian Jews fear a ban on military-age men from leaving the country.

but Zelensky nazi lgbtqia+++ called all men and women to arms: from 18 to 60 years old, why didn't you fear even then? '

but Zelensky nazi lgbtqia+++ killed dual citizenship Israelis who were trying to escape, but what about you worldisraelnews? you didn't say anything73

WATCH: Congress members slander Israel, demand end to US support for Jewish state

it's all a fiction and an illusion:

the only monetary monopoly of Roceeller BM NWO FED ECB MI Spa & Co Rothschild:

give more money to those who have to live (the ARAB LEAGUE) and less money to those who have to die (Israel)!

but the budget is not always public! Congressmen slander Israel, calling for an end to US support for the Jewish state8

Putin sets partial mobilization in Russia, threatens Western enemies

but, if Mario Draghi really hates Putin, why doesn't he join the international legion and go personally to fight the Russians?

that then, everyone knows that in the CIA OCI Erdogan OTAN they are a legion of Demons Rockefeller who do not forget and do not forgive

in Dombass and Crimea have already voted for a universal plebiscite, then, which democracy does Mario Draghi allude to?

O Italy Italy to which I have given so much and that you have forgotten me and you have forgotten my benefits.

And from that Piedmont, where the witness of God (the Holy Shroud) is not inferior to that of the Mosaic Tabernacle (Moses' Tent) because, in them there are two tables written by the finger of God, but here is the story of my passion (..) from that Piedmont, homeland of Jewish Freemasons (relativism, weak thinking) and of antichrists (lgbtqia), the error that has now blossomed into such a painful flower and which will give you so much poisonous fruit should have begun.

Maria Valtorta (notebooks 1943, notebook 8-23 October). freely translated


today, Turin is the national seat of Italian Satanism

Draghi to the UN: Russia's war on Ukraine (first slander) undermines "the values of Sodom and Satan" and "the ideals of bank seigniorage scam: to steal monetary and political sovereignty from all peoples" of the international community of the Masons who are millions and all parasites of Wahhabis.


and then they say that Satan is a liar

Draghi to the UN: "Firmness against Putin. Italy will stay with the EU and NATO "Russia's war on Ukraine undermines the" values "and" ideals "of the international community.


Russia was brutally attacked with the 2014 coup and 8 years of NATO pogroms,


and there is no lobby of: high constitutional treason, the bank seigniorage stolen by SpaCo, Rockefeller and the anti-Christ Rothschild talmudic Koranic Wahhabi Jews plutocratic and Satanist sodomitic Masons: a whole scum of anti-Zionists, to which it belongs: Bildenberg, Mario Draghi and all his accomplices Ursula: the Masonic and speculative parasitic technocracy: which is the most criminal in the history of mankind!

you are a supernatural and esoteric infestation of cannibal CIA priests of satan


none of us will fight the Russians!

HOSEA 13 says the Lord: "It is the end for Israel" and your blood be upon you. 1. Once, when Ephraim spoke, others in Israel were afraid. He was the most important, he ruled in Israel. But then he sinned, he worshiped the god Baal and lost his authority over him.

2. Now the inhabitants of Ephraim continue to sin and have made idols of silver, fruit of their imagination and made with their hands. They say: «Offer them sacrifices», and they send kisses to statues of calves.

3. Therefore this people will disappear like fog in the morning, like dew that vanishes at dawn, like straw that the wind blows away from the threshing floor, like smoke coming out of the roof.

4. The Lord says: “I am the Lord, your God, ever since I brought you out of the land of Egypt; you don't have to know any other God besides me. I alone am your Savior.

5. I have taken care of you in the desert, arid region.

6. I fed you and you satiated. But once satiated, you became proud and forgot me.

7. “I will attack you like a lion, like a leopard I will lie in wait on your path.

8. I will attack you like a bear deprived of its young, I will tear your breast. I will devour you like a lioness, I will tear you to pieces as ferocious animals do.

9. I want to destroy you, people of Israel! Who can help you?

10. Where is your king now to save you in your cities? Where are the rulers? You yourself asked me: "Give me a king and some leaders".

11. I, in anger, have given you a king, now in fury I take him back.

12. Ephraim's sin and guilt are well alive in my mind, they are well preserved.

13. «He is like a stupid child: he does not decide to leave his mother's womb when the time has come and the pains of childbirth arrive.

14. I will certainly not be the one who will bring this people out of the world of the dead, I will not free them from death. Get ready to chastise them, death. Get ready to destroy them, world of the dead! I will no longer have compassion for this people.

15. Although Ephraim will flourish among the brothers, the Lord will send a very strong wind from the eastern desert. He will dry up his springs, he will dry up his springs. The enemy will take away every precious object ».


here there was a Messiah lorenzoJHWH sent by God for you since 2008, and no one can say: "I didn't know"2

Jewish DC group slammed for planning 'Yom Kippur lunch meetup'

"Fasting is just one of many good ways to observe the holiday," GatherDC said.


fasting is certainly the main road,

but those who need to eat can take water, bread and cooked and raw vegetables and fruit

#francescoamodeoofficial Amodeo and Paragone denounce the relations between Italian journalists and the Bilderberg Group

the Rothschil Rockefeller regime and the world-wide Satanism of the Wahhabis40

Jordan's king meets Lapid at UN after accusing Israel of placing Christianity 'under fire' in Jerusalem

Card. Siri was able to grasp the historical significance of the sign of the stigmata: "With the stigmata

he brought and with the other physical and moral sufferings, Padre Pio draws people's attention to the body

of Xist as a means of salvation. (...) It is a truth so important that when men, along the course of history,

have forgotten it or have tried to misrepresent it, God has always intervened with events, facts, miracles.

In our time, the temptation to forget the reality of the Body of Xist it is very great.



Because for the world suffering is useless, indeed it is a curse, but after the Calvary of the Son of God, suffering - embraced and offered with Xrist - becomes the most powerful force for change in history. It is an incredible paradox because

a man in pain, a sick man, nailed to a bed or a cross, seems the most powerless person. Instead there

is the royalty, the lordship over the universe. That is the way to conform to Xrist and divinize oneself. THE CARD. SIRI EXPLAINS, The fact of the stigmata happened in 1918, in the months in which

the Bolshevik revolution was taking place in Russia and the era of totalitarianisms, ideologies and Promethean claims of the man who - by killing God - wants to be master of the world began (claims that continue still).

And God has sent this man

to us with the task of calling us back to the truth ". The stigmata were a miracle in themselves, both because their formation and disappearance was inexplicable, and because it was scientifically inexplicable that they did not behave like all wounds: in fact every lesion on a human body either heals or becomes infected. But in the case of Padre Pio neither one


the other happened. Those wounds remained open for fifty years before the world and bled in correspondence with the Eucharistic sacrifice. The saints are always signs that Providence shapes and places in the world to speak to every historical epoch, to attract the men of that time to God and save them. In the case of Padre Pio, Heaven played hard:

he wanted to show the humanity of the twentieth century - which deludes itself into being able to do everything - who has real power over reality, nature, time and space. And he wanted to show that

that infinite

power passes through the wounds of a crucifix, it is the power of crucified Love, the power of a merciful Father who speaks with facts. Card. Siri, who most acutely understood the mystery

of Padre Pio, wrote: "No one can deny that this man had his feet and hands pierced and his side open

(...) The same formation of the alleged stigmata, the same return vivid blood, those circumstances where more acute one experienced the passion of Jesus Xrist



WOUNDS AND SLITS Bringing the wounds of the Son, Savior of the world, to the flesh, he revealed, with sensational signs and miracles, the powerful love of the Father, the only Father. He revealed his mad love for men. Those wounds are the slits

through which rivers of graces and blessings still enter today. This is what attracted and attracts

the multitudes to San Giovanni Rotondo. Padre Pio received the stigmata

exactly one hundred years ago, in that 1918 which saw the end of the "useless massacre"

of so many children, absurdly sent to die in the Great War by the masters of the states. The friar, seeing in vision the pain of Xrist for the collapse of the world, asked him what

he could do and Jesus replied by associating it with his Passion: the stigmata.

Today no more fathers, but always many masters, who also claim to annihilate democracy and peoples. Without fathers, a childish and lost humanity spreads, drowned in narcissism that alleviates the need

to feel loved. But "the father", the Capuchin saint who really died in that year, is more and more alive and has an ever larger population of children, precisely because of the disorientation of this shipwrecked and orphaned modernity.

Padre Pio died, fifty years ago, in 1968 when he wanted to wipe out the very figure of the "father", that is, authority, law, responsibility and tradition (the '68 were the perfect servants of capital who said they want to fight). Since the "death of the father" decreed in 1968 we have inherited only rubble and, as orphans, we have found ourselves with many masters who first wanted to impose the so-called "dictatorship of the proletariat" and then they gave us the dictatorship of relativism.;

Padre Pio and the gift of stigmata

FATHER PIO AND THE GIFT OF THE STIGMATAS, 1968 refused the authority of fathers and masters (but eliminating the fathers, in reality, the masters multiplied), then God wanted to give humanity this

` father ' so sought after by '' children '' lost (VIDEO: Socci tells Padre Pio) by Antonio Socci



Jordan's king meets Lapid at UN after accusing Israel of placing Christianity 'under fire' in Jerusalem




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