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Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

using Mogherini's Petal mines prohibited by the Ottawa Treaty

Esteri egiziano Sameh Shoukry non è riuscito a distinguere tra la morte di terroristi della Jihad islamica e civili palestinesi e ha condannato gli arresti di sospetti terroristi.

"L'Egitto non abbandonerà mai le sue responsabilità storiche nei confronti del popolo fraterno palestinese


li non c'é nessun popolo fratello quelli sono cittadini Giordani e Egiziani infiltrati con scopo militare atto ad impedire il sionismo

Foreign Egyptian Sameh Shoukry failed to distinguish between the deaths of Islamic Jihad terrorists and Palestinian civilians and condemned the arrests of suspected terrorists.

"Egypt will never abandon its historical responsibilities towards the brotherly Palestinian people


there there is no brother people those are citizens Giordan and Egptian infiltrated with a military purpose to prevent Zionism

Si dice che i colloqui per il cessate il fuoco causino una spaccatura tra Israele ed Egitto

21 agosto 2022

Si dice che i colloqui per il cessate il fuoco causino una spaccatura tra Israele ed EgittoL'allora ministro degli Esteri israeliano Yair Lapid incontra al Cairo il ministro degli Esteri egiziano Sameh Shoukry. (Shlomi Amsalem/GPO)

Cinguettare E-mail Stampare 9 Commenti

Il Cairo era anche arrabbiato per i raid israeliani in Giudea e Samaria dopo la tregua.

Di Debbie Reiss, World Israel News

I negoziati per il cessate il fuoco mediati dall'Egitto per porre fine al recente conflitto tra Israele e i terroristi di Gaza hanno raggiunto un'impasse e causato un "significativo deterioramento" delle relazioni tra Gerusalemme e Il Cairo, ha riferito l'emittente pubblica Kan, citando fonti anonime.

L'Egitto, che negli ultimi anni è stato mediatore nel porre fine a diversi cicli di conflitti tra Israele e i gruppi terroristici con sede a Gaza, ha lavorato con il Qatar per porre fine all'escalation di tre giorni all'inizio di questo mese tra Gerusalemme e la Jihad islamica. La schermaglia ha visto più di 1.100 razzi lanciati contro Israele.

Secondo il ministero della Salute di Hamas a Gaza, 49 persone, tra cui 15 bambini, sono state uccise durante l'operazione di tre giorni. Almeno 11 dei bambini sono stati uccisi da razzi terroristici che non sono riusciti a raggiungere il loro obiettivo.

I funzionari egiziani erano ulteriormente arrabbiati perché Israele non ha "tolto il piede dal gas" e ridotto l'attività militare in Giudea e Samaria nei giorni successivi all'operazione, afferma il rapporto. Invece, l'IDF ha effettuato un grande raid a Nablus dopo la tregua, uccidendo diversi terroristi palestinesi.

Ore dopo che il primo ministro israeliano Yair Lapid ha salutato l'Egitto per il suo ruolo nel mediare un cessate il fuoco con il gruppo terroristico della Jihad islamica, il rappresentante della nazione araba alle Nazioni Unite si è scagliato contro Israele per la sua "flagrante violazione" dei diritti dei palestinesi, citando statistiche inesatte per dimostrare il suo punto di vista e denunciando il blocco dello stato ebraico di Gaza – omettendo convenientemente la menzione del blocco della Striscia del suo paese.

L'ambasciatore egiziano alle Nazioni Unite Osama Abdelkhalek ha denunciato i "43 martiri" morti durante l'operazione di 66 ore, un numero impreciso secondo le statistiche delle Nazioni Unite, che sono state trasmesse ad Abdel Khalek prima del suo discorso dal coordinatore speciale delle Nazioni Unite per il processo di pace in Medio Oriente Tor Wenessland, secondo Times of Israel.

Abdelkhalek non è riuscito a distinguere tra la morte di terroristi della Jihad islamica e civili palestinesi e ha condannato gli arresti di sospetti terroristi.

"L'Egitto non abbandonerà mai le sue responsabilità storiche nei confronti del popolo fraterno palestinese e i nostri sforzi [per costruire] un futuro migliore che tutti attendiamo con impazienza quando la pace, la sicurezza e la stabilità prevarranno in Medio Oriente", ha detto.


Foreign Egyptian Sameh Shoukry denouncing the blockade of the Jewish state of Gaza - conveniently omitting the mention of the blockade of his country's Strip.


Islamists have mental balance problems


<b>worldisraelnews open letter </b>] [ https://disqus.Com/by/disqus_y8b4OW2vjM/

this account of mine is blocked in an abnormal way, you can write comments and can post them, but then, in reality they will be deleted when the page is updated


Daughter of "Putin's brain"? shame on you!

Putin has a whole brain and does not depend on anyone, he is a real man and a real patriot and he did what he was right to do. Putin hates war

Putin is fighting alone against all the demons of the NWO OCI Sharia Sodoma Spa

tutto quello che scrive questo account https://disqus.Com/by/disqus_y8b4OW2vjM/ viene messo in defoul come spam

"Daria Dugina, and the concept of" Russian world "


this concept can have a very positive and also a very negative meaning.

in Putin and China he has a very positive concept because he is patriotic.

in OTAN OCI JabulOn NWO Spa FED IMF ECB UMMA lgbtqia is an extremely imperialistic concept: because it is a criminal association for the unipolar conquest of the world

We have received your request for reviewrevenge dhimmis goyim dalit7 hours agoDetected as spam

"Daria Dugina, like her father, has always been at the forefront of confrontation with the West," Tsargrad said on Sunday, using the familiar form of her name.


the west is a voodoo kabbalah of a legion of demons Allah Satan and Sodom, who does not forget and does not forgive, and therefore only an exorcist can face this situation

We have received your request for reviewrevenge dhimmis goyim dalit7 hours agoDetected as spam

sending Russian troops to Ukraine was inevitable

worldisraelnews open letter] [at this moment this account https://disqus.Com/by/disqus_y8b4OW2vjM/ has been given the right to vote on comments

this is the EU's dirty war in Donbass! Russia will have to cleanse Ukraine of Mogherini's bloodthirsty "butterflies" that have been killing children since 2014.

"For the first time, this infection has fallen on the territory of Russia," said military observer kp Colonel Viktor Baranets broadcast on Komsomolskaya Pravda. In the Donetsk region, about 20 civilians have already been injured by Petal mines. The children and the elderly were left without legs ".

questa è la sporca guerra della UE in Donbass! La Russia dovrà ripulire l'Ucraina dalle "farfalle" assetate di sangue di Mogherini che hanno fatto strage di bambini dal 2014.

"Per la prima volta, questa infezione è caduta sul territorio della Russia", ha detto l'osservatore militare kp colonnello Viktor Baranets in onda su Komsomolskaya Pravda. Nella regione di Donetsk, circa 20 civili sono già stati feriti dalle mine Petal. I bambini e gli anziani sono rimasti senza gambe".

The Ukrainian army is intentionally using Mogherini's Petal mines prohibited by the Ottawa Treaty against Russian soldiers and civilians. Several dozen residents of Donetsk and other liberated territories have already been paralyzed by the explosions of "Petals", scattered by the bullets of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

L'esercito ucraino sta intenzionalmente usando le mine Petal di Mogherini vietate dal Trattato di Ottawa contro soldati e civili russi. Diverse decine di residenti di Donetsk e di altri territori liberati sono già stati paralizzati dalle esplosioni di "Petali", sparsi dai proiettili delle Forze Armate dell'Ucraina.

we do not yet know the Chechen CIA snipers who killed 98 innocent people in Maidan Square in the 2014 coup operation, while those who killed 50 civilians in the Odessa Pogrom have all been promoted and held prestigious positions

non conosciamo ancora i cecchini ceceni della CIA che hanno ucciso 98 persone innocenti in Piazza Maidan nella operazione del Golpe del 2014, mentre quelli che hanno ucciso 50 civili nel Pogrom di Odessa sono stati tutti promossi ed hanno avuto incarichi prestigiosi

Daughter of 'Putin's brain' ideologist killed in car blast

a few seconds ago

we do not yet know the Chechen CIA snipers who killed 98 innocent people in Maidan Square in the 2014 coup operation, while those who killed 50 civilians in the Odessa Pogrom have all been promoted and held prestigious positions

1 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

7 minutes ago

The Ukrainian army is intentionally using Mogherini's Petal mines prohibited by the Ottawa Treaty against Russian soldiers and civilians. Several dozen residents of Donetsk and other liberated territories have already been paralyzed by the explosions of "Petals", scattered by the bullets of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. https://vz.Ru/society/2022/8/20/1173487.html

1 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

8 minutes ago

this is the EU's dirty war in Donbass! Russia will have to cleanse Ukraine of Mogherini's bloodthirsty "butterflies" that have been killing children since 2014.

"For the first time, this infection has fallen on the territory of Russia," said military observer kp Colonel Viktor Baranets broadcast on Komsomolskaya Pravda. In the Donetsk region, about 20 civilians have already been injured by Petal mines. The children and the elderly were left without legs ".

1 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

13 minutes ago

in the West Masonic technocratic neoliberal satanism and prevailing sodomy of the EU antichrist Bildenberg: Christians are still unable to express their politically relevant list; and this can only be an act of Jewish-kabbalistic voodoo witchcraft: for the immobilization of the victim to be parasitized until death

1 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

26 minutes ago

worldisraelnews open letter] [at this moment this account https://disqus.Com/by/disqus_y8b4OW2vjM/ has been given the right to vote on comments

1 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

29 minutes ago

worldisraelnews open letter ] [everything that writes this account https://disqus.Com/by/disqus_y8b4OW2vjM/ is defoul as spam

"Daria Dugina, and the concept of" Russian world "


this concept can have a very positive and also a very negative meaning.

in Putin and China he has a very positive concept because he is patriotic.

in OTAN OCI JabulOn NWO Spa FED IMF ECB UMMA lgbtqia is an extremely imperialistic concept: because it is a criminal association for the unipolar conquest of the world

We have received your request for reviewrevenge dhimmis goyim dalit7 hours agoDetected as spam

"Daria Dugina, like her father, has always been at the forefront of confrontation with the West," Tsargrad said on Sunday, using the familiar form of her name.


the west is a voodoo kabbalah of a legion of demons Allah Satan and Sodom, who does not forget and does not forgive, and therefore only an exorcist can face this situation

We have received your request for reviewrevenge dhimmis goyim dalit7 hours agoDetected as spam

sending Russian troops to Ukraine was inevitable

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

38 minutes ago

worldisraelnews open letter ] [ https://disqus.Com/by/disqus_y8b4OW2vjM/

this account of mine is blocked in an abnormal way, you can write comments and can post them, but then, in reality they will be deleted when the page is updated


Daughter of "Putin's brain"? shame on you!

Putin has a whole brain and does not depend on anyone, he is a real man and a real patriot and he did what he was right to do. Putin hates war

Putin is fighting alone against all the demons of the NWO OCI Sharia Sodoma Spa

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 12 comments

Ceasefire talks said to cause rift between Israel and Egypt

an hour ago

Foreign Egyptian Sameh Shoukry failed to distinguish between the deaths of Islamic Jihad terrorists and Palestinian civilians and condemned the arrests of suspected terrorists.

"Egypt will never abandon its historical responsibilities towards the brotherly Palestinian people


there there is no brother people those are citizens Giordan and Egptian infiltrated with a military purpose to prevent Zionism

1 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

an hour ago

Foreign Egyptian Sameh Shoukry denouncing the blockade of the Jewish state of Gaza - conveniently omitting the mention of the blockade of his country's Strip.


Islamists have mental balance problems

1 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 18 comments

Look who’s interfering in the Knesset elections to block a Netanyahu victory – analysis

12 hours ago

Rockefeller ISIS Rothschild MBS ] [ unfortunately for you: I am the King of the Jews: and not a Poor Clare nun like that corrupt satanist of yours Mario Draghi

1 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

14 hours ago

in March 2021, the Shin Bet worked to remove over 140,000 Iranian bots that attempted to influence the election.

The Shin Bet is now concerned that Russian and Iranian actors will work to intensify polarizing rhetoric among Israelis, which the agency fears may even lead to violence. The Shin Bet has taken preventive measures to counter the effects of such manipulation and exploitation of the Israeli polarization by sending warnings to individual Israelis against the use of such rhetoric and by meeting rabbis and other leaders of the right-wing national religious camp to urge them to use their influence. to maintain the civil political discourse.


the Shin Bet before slandering the Russians? he must bring the evidence, and then he must stop slandering the Russians and ruining Netanjahu's political career.

the Shin Bet is campaigning for "blue and white" and for Islamic parties

1 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

16 hours ago

it is impossible for anti-Zionist political parties or associations to be listed in a Zionist state,

here the constitution does not exist because they are waiting for the King lorenzoJHWH to write it

1 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 7 comments

Islamic Jihad leader in Samaria to face charges in Israeli court

12 hours ago

jihad sharia block Tizi-Ouzou Church sit-in in Algeria


but why ISIS Bin ISIS Salman but why

1 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

12 hours ago

Germany activists strip close to Scholz enough money for Putin


Strunz the Russophobic is not having a happy time

1 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

14 hours ago

Mamma Mia! Even Swedish hosts are now afraid of becoming a minority at home

by Giulio Meotti In Sala, Sweden, there is a replica of Istanbul

Not Orbán, but the left-wing Immigration Minister of Greta's country says this: "Let's put a ceiling

of 50 percent on non-Nordic ethnic groups". They discover that the freedom to do and undo everything,

from family to nation, has a price and like a drunkard in the morning Sweden wakes up to the sad reality.

But she doesn't know how to get the hangover away. The inevitable happened. The system is collapsing

and reality can no longer be ignored: ghettos, crime, segregation and ethnic-religious conflicts. Large areas of the country are more similar to the Middle East and North Africa than to Sweden. And even

the Social Democrats have made a breakthrough in just a year. Talking about this

in Italy should have more echo than what the PD will do with Calenda. Because Sweden

is only the portal to our future. They also discovered that cultures exist and they are not all the same ...


lgbt DEM "blue and white" suicide is a planned Jewish-Masonic conspiracy ECB FED IMF NWO Bildenberg

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 3 comments

Arab MKs met secretly with PA intelligence, investigation demanded

16 hours ago

King lorenzoJHWH sent a letter to the head of Shin Bet Ronen Bar asking for a full investigation into "improper interference in the electoral system in the State of Israel".

1 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

16 hours ago

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how antifa and lgbtqiaDEM come to steal children, business] [Bibbiano is all over Italy: family homes must be closed VIDEO: BIBLE SCANDAL - Children illegally taken from their families TEXT OF THE ARTICLE www.bastabugie.It/it/articoli.php?id=7112


Why take children away from the family? If there is an abusive adult, that adult must be removed and not the child ... is it possible that in the whole family, including uncles and grandparents, there is no relative

who can look after him? (VIDEO: Bibbiano is all over Italy)

by Luca Marcolivio

In recent weeks, the third anniversary of the Bibbiano scandal has occurred. Not simply a "case"

but the emergence of a phenomenon which, over the course of many years, has become the practice

at various institutional levels. The first victims were children but it is clear that the problem

involves families as a whole. Pro Vita & Famiglia talked about it with Vincenza Palmieri,

founder of the National Institute of Family Pedagogy, who recently

gave the Family Pedagogy Manual to the press. We help families in their homes (Armando, 2022).

Professor Palmieri, to take up the subtitle of your latest essay, what is the added value of "helping families at home"?

«It means reiterating the need to help them in their own" territory ". I say this, with reference to the authoritative interventions that break up the family nucleus instead of supporting it, as foreseen not only

by the Constitution but by a series of rules and laws which, on the contrary, intend to preserve this institution. Since, in Italy, we have a huge number of children - to be exact 23 a day

who, through authoritative interventions, are placed far from their family and their home,

it is right to ask ourselves about this practice. I think it would be more correct, for example,

where there is an abusive adult, that it is that adult

who is removed and not the child. I cannot accept the idea that, in the whole family unit

father, mother, grandparents, siblings - there cannot be a valid family member. Only the abusive adult should be "punished" (corrected, helped, supported), the wrongdoer, not the child. Helping families

in their home, therefore, means offering all necessary support without breaking up families:

giving them a home,

when necessary, therefore, housing policies, employment policies, which allow mothers and fathers

to have a job that helps them stay as close as possible to the children, for example, by means

of company micronides. Instead, the horror of forcibly snatching a child from one's parent should

be avoided,


he is poor

or too loving or "overprotective" or so-called dysfunctional, unsuitable, symbiotic (unfortunately

the reasons are always subjective, questionable, discriminating) to bring him into a structure where anything can happen, where above all the experience of a child is always abandoned ».

You say that many structures hosting minors should be closed: how can the problem of relocation

of their employees be tackled?

«The containment structures and the" asylums for children "must be closed, we cannot compromise

on this. It is not possible for children to be contained in structures with bars, where invasive psychopharmacological treatments are used that are not even prescribed, with frequent transitions

from the structure to the TSO or the psychiatry ward. Serious scrutiny would be needed and

these system failures should be prevented. Only the structures linked to the emergency should function, properly monitored,

and for the time strictly necessary. In Italy, there is a direct relationship between the beds in the communities and the jobs. Everything is based on this marriage. The beds in these structures cannot remain empty, because each of those structures needs a certain monthly budget related to the beds.

The staff who are today in charge of carrying out authoritative interventions on families could be

retrained to carry out educational / corrective / rehabilitative / integrative / supportive functions, as needed ». How, then, can these structures be redeveloped?

«The prospect could be that of transforming them into centers for the family, into recreational or after-school centers or into professional day centers, cineforums, support centers for the neighborhood,

for children, in any case for aggregation. Removing a child from the family means hurting him

and his family. Community, foster home or placement with a foster family should be limited

to being a temporary solution. The problematic family,

We have received your request for review

Discussion on World Israel News 16 comments

Hoping to revive nuke deal, Iran drops demand that IRGC be removed from US terrorism list

18 hours ago

Ursula octopus lgbtqia FED Spa&Co. NWO Bildenberg dittatorship tecnocratic neoliberalism ] and, as taxpayers, to honor the promise made by the Founders and articulated by Thomas Jefferson? Jefferson once wrote that it’s sinful and tyrannical to force people to pay for the propagation of opinions

or beliefs they reject. With so many children attending public schools, we can’t sit by and allow

the government to force a radical agenda on them. I’m praying you agree — and that you

will stand up for children and parents’ rights by giving a gift of $50 or more right now. Because no one should be forced to see their children indoctrinated and even brainwashed, treated as pawns

in a political debate.

not in CRT. Not in radical gender ideology. Not in anything that runs contrary to human dignity

and the core tenets of our nation’s founding principles. We owe it to our kids — our future leaders

to ensure they are taught consistently with objective reality, not indoctrinated in harmful falsehoods. With the help of Ministry Friends like you, ADF will challenge these indoctrination

tools in public schools. And with your help, we will fight to stop government overreach

in public schools.

We cannot stand by and allow activists in public schools to confuse children about their bodies

and indoctrinate them in flat-out discriminatory views on race.

Haven’t children already lost enough and been told enough lies in the last few years? As one student recently wrote, “When acceptance is the highest value … the truth will be swiftly discarded.

My generation’s been told that truth or justice are merely assertions of power.”

Future generations will remember well those who choose now to stand up.

Will you be one of those courageous people? For our children and grandchildren,

1 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

18 hours ago

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Ursula octopus lgbtqia FED Spa&Co. NWO Bildenberg dittatorship tecnocratic neoliberalism ] Just consider two ADF cases in Virginia: In one case in Harrisonburg, our team of attorneys

is representing a group of parents and teachers who are suing the public school board for usurping parents’ right to direct the upbringing of their children, while forcing school staff to violate their own beliefs. A child can request to be called by opposite-se* pronouns, and staff must do it. And staff must actively mislead parents by not sharing this information with them. In another case,

we are representing parents suing the Albemarle County School Board for enacting discriminatory policies

and indoctrinating students in radical ideology rooted in CRT. The school board’s policy violates students’ rights by treating them differently based on race and forcing them to affirm and support ideas contrary

to their religious beliefs.

Clearly, school boards are actively ignoring and sidelining parents’ concerns — the very people they were elected to represent and work for! This is a problem that should concern every single American. Let me tell you, as a constitutional lawyer, almost nothing in my nearly 50 years in the legal profession makes me more upset and more concerned for our future. But you can help stop this indoctrination, protect religious freedom and free speech, defend parents’ constitutional rights, and set the course

for the future of our country by making a gift right now. Our team is filing lawsuits across the nation. We’re challenging policies rooted in gender ideology and CRT that harm children and ignore parents’ rights. Your gift of $50, $75, $100, or more will help fuel this critical work to stop government overreach in public schools. schools shouldn’t be ideological battlegrounds. They should serve children. Just take a look at how some children in Virginia have been taught that racism can be perpetuated only

by white people: Parental Rights In some schools, children are being taught comprehensive sexuality education (CSE), which exposes children to graphic sexual materials known to damage normal brain development and lead to higher rates of depression, anxiety, and teen pregnancy. If you can believe it, children as young as 4 years old are being introduced to imaginary figures like the “Gender Unicorn”

and being taught that gender is fluid and “gender transition” is a healthy path to emotional peace. Powerful groups, including the United Nations and Planned Parenthood, insist that children should be taught CSE beginning in kindergarten! Here’s the bottom line: If public schools are going

to peddle harmful, discriminatory ideologies, we must protect children, teachers’ freedoms

, and the rights of parents. Don’t you want public schools to focus on academics

not political indoctrination? … to teach truth and appropriate love of country, not hatred toward

the Constitution and our founding? … to stop attempting to mandate matters of worldview that should be reserved for families and the church — not the government?

We have received your request for review

18 hours ago

lgbtqia FED NWO Bildenberg dittatorship ] You see, CRT claims that America was founded on racism,

that racism remains deeply embedded in our institutions, and that it cannot be eliminated unless our form

of government is replaced. Children subject to policies rooted in CRT are taught to view everyone

through the lens of race — including their classmates. In fact, policies rooted in CRT often label anyone

with a different opinion — or anyone who just stays silent on the issue — as “racist.” This sends

the following message to everyone: Say what the government wants you to say or be punished. At the same time, schools are misleading parents about what their children are being taught — especially about their bodies. Parents are wondering what their rights are in the face of government power and are asking,

“Can I make choices for my child, or will the government?” This isn’t happening in just big-city schools in places

like New York City, Washington, D.C., and San Francisco. It’s happening all over the nation. Maybe even in your local school district.

EditView in discussion

18 hours ago

lgbtqia dittatorship ] Help Stop Government Overreach in Public Schools, Hi lorenzoJHWH, President Biden recently told a “Teachers of the Year” gathering, “They’re all our children. … They’re not somebody else’s children; they’re like yours when they’re in the classroom.” I’m guessing you agree with me when I say, “No, Mr. President, children don’t belong to the government.” It’s almost impossible to believe

what is happening in public schools nationwide. Government officials are indoctrinating children in a biased, discriminatory worldview that directly opposes the biblical values that Christian parents want

to impart to their children. Good teachers — including faithful Christians — are forced to train children

to be activists for radical gender ideology, critical race theory (CRT), and other destructive ideologies.

1 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 10 comments

Antisemitic diversity consultant funded by Canadian gov't to be investigated

18 hours ago

London is a giant Islamic manger

by Giulio Meotti

First a suitcase full of cash from Qatar, then Prince Charles pockets 1 million

from Osama Bin Laden's brothers. In ten years, the future king met 95 times with emirs and sheikhs.

In practice, when he does not announce the climatic catastrophe, Charles takes tea

with some Islamic satrap. Universities, newspapers, banks and sports: England has sold itself to the sharia dictatorships who have already invested 140 billion pounds in Londonistan and will spend

another 65 billion in the coming years. To extend their place in the sun,

European countries have also sold their mother ...

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

18 hours ago

On Wednesday, the criminal and genocidal government of Abyi Ahmed (the Obama African jihad Nobel Peace Prize Sharia) established an Erdogan the Ottomans peace committee with the aim of bringing positions closer together and laying the foundations for a "future dialogue. politic",

but, the Tigray region is virtually isolated from military forces, limiting the delivery of humanitarian aid to an area where more than 2 million people are in need of assistance. Cuts on electricity and telecommunications have also been imposed.


this criminal government must resign, it takes UN troops, and a political consultation table, even better if the Tigrè is allowed to secede, too much innocent blood shed now prevents national reconciliation like Cosovo as well as in Donbass

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

19 hours ago



The degeneration of the Italian ruling class has gone unnoticed in the public debate.

The comparison with the past of the first republic appears, in most cases, extremely negative.

In fact, the Italian historical path seems to show a tragic emptying in the personality

and skills not only of political representatives but of all the key figures of our country.

This process, recently highlighted by the emergence of new political forces, represents,

as Alessandro Meluzzi and Alberto Contri explain, not only a risk for national leadership but above all,

in the current globalized context, a serious risk for our security. If in the past key figures

of the Italian country system, such as Enrico Mattei, managed to put a stop to the excessive power

of the globalist elite, today the picture appears alarming.

The lack of preparation of our ruling and political class appears in fact to open the doors to foreign aims

and to global hegemonizing projects, with serious risks for our economic fabric and for our freedom.

1 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

19 hours ago

Detected as spam


"TO GET OUT YOU NEED A CATASTROPHIC STEP" There is a big difference between 'not seeing'

and 'not wanting to do it'. In a #pluralist # society (like #Italian one)

the thin line that separates the two dynamics

is becoming thinner, if not by now non-existent. We have had proof of this in these two years

of #emergenzasanitaria, where #Government (with the complicity of some media defined

with the term #mainstream) has pushed citizens to make decisions rather than others: masks, vaccines,

confinements and then, starting this year, the various war propaganda on the Russian-Ukrainian front.

Today it seems all over, or about to do so from this point of view. But is it really so? What has this situation left us?

"The system of #politics and #geopolitics, that is, the decision-making systems

of the great processes

that determine the behavior of thousands and millions of people are chaotic processes.

A chaotic system

(in order to function) needs strange attractors". Prof. Alessandro #Meluzzi speaks in this sense,

and adds, regarding the evident stalemate of the emergency situation: "We have reached this degree

of chronicity

as that of the #pandemic, as if everything is static, for a simple reason because this system seems pacified for at least seventy years. The holders of power from this time need to maintain the same power

without being challenged by some catastrophe. "

On the war front, the major European exponents rushed to the aid of Ukraine,

placing themselves

at the center of a battle which, more than for the good of a country, would seem

to be for the good

of the established order. But by whom? "In the stories of the past, where technology made catastrophes possible, there were replacements that allowed every few years to question the previous equilibrium

and to redefine the #elite, #power and the arrangement of things in a new key . Unlike in the past,

however, we live today forced into a chronicization of power of a catastrophic and chaotic type.

Today #technology does not make history possible for us and we all feel cramped ".

So how do we get out of this situation? "We cannot get out of it without a clear catastrophic


to eliminate these oppressions, we navigate between two great horrors: one is that of maintaining

this status quo with a continuous and progressive repression of all our professional, #social

and economic autonomy and from on the other hand there is a catastrophic break, of which #Putin has given us

an anticipation ". A scenario which therefore repeats itself over the years and which, inevitably,

changes the corporate structure.

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🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists

19 hours ago

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2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 9 comments

WATCH: Terrorists use environmental NGO to harm Israeli civilians

19 hours ago

The search appears to be in part linked to Trump's failure to deliver some presidential documents

at the end of his term and which he allegedly took to his home in Florida. Previously,

the authorities had recovered 15 boxes of documents from Mar-a-Lago, delivered

by Trump himself, some of which included confidential material. Earlier this year, the Justice Department had asked the FBI to act, after receiving a request from the National Archives

to investigate the presence of other documents; so on Monday the blitz started.

Trump was not in Mar-a-Lago at the time, but he broke the news and made

a very clear statement: "These are dark times for our nation ...

Nothing like this has ever happened to a President

of the United States. . After working and collaborating with relevant government agencies,

this unannounced raid on my home was neither necessary nor appropriate. It is ...

a weapon of the judicial system and an attack by the Democrats of the radical left who absolutely

do not want me to run for president in 2024, especially according to recent polls,

and who will likewise do all to stop the Republicans in the next midterm elections ».

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

19 hours ago

TEXT OF THE ARTICLE www.bastabugie.It/it/articoli.php?id=7114 WITH THE FBI BLITZ AT CASA TRUMP THE AMERICAN DEMOCRACY ENDS by Luca Volontè

On Monday, August 8, the American republic became a "banana republic", in the words

of Florida Governor Ron De Santis. The blitz of several hours in one of Donald Trump's residences


a serious sign of how the culture of the political enemy to be killed has spread and practiced,

even in the heart of what was the cradle of democracy.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) raided the former US president's Palm Beach home

on Monday. The raid began early in the morning,

and law enforcement particularly searched Trump's offices and personal safe,

seizing several boxes of documents. A police action that has never had a precedent in the history

of the United States.

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

19 hours ago


Democrats are proving increasingly angry over Trump's possible candidacy

for the next presidential elections and his growing popularity, also seen at last week's Conservative convention.

The Politico editorials and the news relaunched on the convention by Reuters demonstrate this.

The use of federal agents to intimidate a former president is unprecedented, as we said,

in the history of the United States: it is instead typical of totalitarian regimes. The FBI action,

forced after the Justice Department's request, was immediately the subject of protests by Republicans - from Nikky Haley to Marco Rubio, from Ron De Santis to Kevin McCarthy

who called it a political attack. to the party and its leader; many denounced the "politicization

of the Justice Department", the spirit of a "communist regime", the need for an investigation

into Attorney General Merrick Garland.

On the other hand, several Dem MPs congratulated the FBI's action and called

for the imprisonment of Trump, thus revealing the true spirit behind the police operation:

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

19 hours ago

the enemy to be killed. Indeed, the treatment that was used with Trump on Monday

and the absolute carelessness and lack of intervention towards Hunter Biden and his father Joe

(for the various scandals and opaque affairs), without forgetting the vandal attacks

(which occurred in the last three months) of abortionist groups against churches,

people and pro-life centers, the acts of violence - which went unpunished

by the activists of Black Lives Matters, the scandalous "Russiagate" plot hatched against Trump

by Hillary Clinton's team, official emails and deprived of Clinton herself during the events

in Benghazi in 2012. In all these cases, the FBI and the Department

of Justice have proved tolerant to the point of timidity; even in the face of the very recent shooting against the Catholic Church

of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Adams County, near Denver, Colorado,

which took place between 6 and 8 August 2022, nothing has been done.

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

19 hours ago

TEXT OF THE ARTICLE www.bastabugie.It/it/articoli.php?id=7114 WITH THE FBI BLITZ AT CASA TRUMP THE AMERICAN DEMOCRACY ENDS by Luca Volontè


Monday's blitz at Trump's home, already struggling with so many judicial troubles, is a worrying sign of a barbaric and undemocratic culture, of which Italy has been the subject since 1994, according to which there is no political opposition, but there are enemies to be eliminated from the political scene in every way and by every legal and illegal means. From this point of view, everything is allowed, even threats, physical attacks and the delegitimization of institutions,

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

20 hours ago


disqus is blocking this channel for no reason to do so

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 25 comments

Arabs shoot at Israeli bus; 3 female terrorists captured on way to separate attack

20 hours ago

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Bin ISIS Salman from Riyad ] what does Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus mean ("Outside the Church there is no salvation")? if by pure hypothesis, we consider that Jesus of Bethlehem is true God and true man (we do not need to affirm this): then, we must also consider that he came to die, as the sin-atoning lamb of the whole world (and that this was his mission). yet as a man he was afraid of dying, and as a man he asked the Father not to die anymore. but, his death was indispensable for our salvation, and it could not be avoided, now only the consecrated priest can legally sacrifice the innocent victim, that's why only the Jews could have the honor of killing Jesus of Bethlehem, because they are a priestly people. and the Jewish one is a universal priesthood, because they must bring all the peoples of this planet to JHWH (since it is not essential for anyone to be a Christian necessarily to be saved) in fact Jesus said: "whoever is not against me, certainly he is for me" but, if all peoples to accept me: King og kings lorenzoJHWH & Procurator worldwide Unius REI, does not mean being forced to become Christians, but, it simply means not declaring oneself enemies of Jesus of Bethlehem

becouse, I as a universal brotherhood why a rational agnostic? I am the ecclesia

Behemoth - Ecclesia Diabolica Catholica (Official Video) satanist not hate ISLAM but, the satanists burned the Notre-Dame Cathedral.

the Cathedral that preserves the Shroud of Turin, and also islmists make this, and all the various antichrists burn the churches, only because they want to free Satan from all the chains that keep him in hell, and this is precisely the work that many mosques and synagogues are doing today. then, it is no coincidence that the Satanists try to hit the Catholic Church above all. So Bergoglio and his Jesuits try to make the Catholic Church agreeable in the eyes of the world, substituting the God's thought at the thought of him. but all this religious plan has no value for us, because we are politicians: now you have to choose once again, if you want to push mankind into the world war against the Chinese, or if you want to enter my Kingdom of Israel, my offer that you have still despised since 2008, until today

yes, there are people who are truly perverse and evil and who deserve to be destroyed, but, God does not think so, because all his creatures: they have come out of his infinite love, so he always perceives them as part of his family unit, that's why at the expense of the humble and the good, he will always seek the salvation of the wicked, right down to the very last moment of their earthly life, so God cannot despise anyone, and what if he wanted to despise someone for his crimes? then, even he would not have created it. It is not so, then when a soul has fallen into hell, because it has followed parasitic and predatory philosophies and religions, because after the death of the body its destiny becomes eternal and absolute.

Bin ISIS Salman] now, if God by reason of free will NO longer oblige the salvation of the soul, then, even I cannot force anyone to eternal salvation of the soul, but when the accursed are forced to live in a political and juridically just regime (i.e. outside the demonic regime of Rockefeller and its banking seigniorage) then even billions of souls (who have no hope in this Masonic system because they are cowardly) then, many of them will be able to save themselves! because the task of every law / legislation is to be positive, that is, to facilitate virtue and hinder vice. the heretics of BERGOGLIO after 2000 years have betrayed God and followed JaBulon Baal: then spitting on the sacred text they say: "this blood has been shed for you and for all" when the text unequivocally says: "this blood was shed for you and for MANY", because Jesus knew that only a minority would be saved: thanks to his universal sacrifice.

and since, the sacrifice is universal then all have been written potenially in the book of life, but the majority of mankind has claimed that his name be erased and be erased from the book of life, because following the demonic Veda Quran Talmud they like to using the human beings made in the image and likeness of God, they like to use them as cattle. ecclesia [ἐκκλησία; or church]. In the free cities of ancient Greece, it was the people's assembly

it means in a political key: Political Universal Assembly: and this is why I am Unius REI, because even opposites find unity in me: and this is why I can only be an agnostic-rational, in fact in the nature of every religion there is always a divisive basis, and I regret that the Jesuit heretics have abandoned the divisive basis of their identity, sacrificing Christianity, in favor of the demonic Jewish-plutocratic-Masonic regime of Big Pharma and its vaccines studied with the intention of decimating: the mankind

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Discussion on World Israel News 25 comments

Iran deal tantalizingly close but Biden faces new hurdles

a day ago

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#EuroMOMO # mortality #summer

EUROMOMO, IN ITALY THE DEATHS of sudden deaths in subjects also very young: A CASE? MELUZZI: "HEAR WHAT BILL GATES SAID IN 2014" The #EuroMOMO data show a peak in # mortality during the # summer,

a peak never recorded in other years. #FabioDuranti specifies: “No, it's not due to the #Covid”. What explanation then?

Prof. #AlessandroMeluzzi traces the reason in some statements made a few years ago: "I will quote you a figure of the #ServizidellaDifesa, which speaking of demography

in Italy he predicted a general population reduction of 30% for the period between 2040 and 2050. Just re-read

the 2014 #BillGates statements: 'If we make good policy with #vaccines, we can think of a significant reduction in the #population of the world'. They are terrified of the impossibility of having full control over the # birth rate, in fact the first thing that was hit, even before

of deaths, is the vertical fall of the # taxodifecondity ”.

Doctor #VanniFrajese instead starts from the confidential treatment

to #children, showing how there are countries where things have gone differently than in #Italy

and, hence, placing themselves

a question: "I remember that in #Denmark, where they are obviously much more serious than us,

the head of the equivalent

of the local #CTS not only apologized to the population for vaccinating children, saying they realized

they had made a serious mistake, but went further by saying that under

the 18 years #Moderna no one would have taken it anymore. So, why does a country like Denmark

come up with such a declaration and instead there is another large part of the world that continues undaunted to want to vaccinate children? What cognitive-behavioral problem exists

in our country not to stop and say 'at least leave the children alone'? ".

Paolo Buscemi

As a citizen living in Denmark, this has bothered me a lot, as I think it is a way to cover your donke in case

of future complaints. In fact, if you are 18 and one day you can receive the serum. These serums are terrible, whether you are young or old. And the worrying thing is the level of trust of the people towards

the institutions ...

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a day ago



a day ago

#collection of signatures #EnricoMichetti #votoelettronico


for new political formations. To create excitement, in particular,

it is the lack of recourse to digitization in a historical phase

where everything, absolutely everything, seems to be digital. According to Prof. #EnricoMichetti,

“the #electronic vote guarantees you the fact that the citizen does not go wrong: if you want to vote

for the Mayor and you vote him on the civic list, the vote is null. With manual voting, the citizen is misled,

which is why electronic voting helps. Out of 1000 municipalities that go

to vote, there are around 2000 appeals every year, that is

that there are 2 appeals to the Municipality: it is not possible for the citizen to believe it is all a #scam. Changes must be made ". The #digitalization of the vote, however, does not imply the absence of a person in flesh and blood: "The vote must always take place

in a supervised context in which there are human beings, but the grafting of technology is fundamental

in some phases: when you vote,

you must have a tablet and the certainty that your vote is regular and that it actually goes to the #party

and #candidate you want.

Today, unfortunately, fraud is becoming more and more popular: when all the sections in a municipality

are affected, it means

that there is a real problem there. Today there are no more party schools, but the schools of those

who make #cheaters, we are at a paradox ”.

1 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

a day ago

#Vaticanews #Francesco #Covid

Covid and the Vatican, the atheism of Bergoglio's church revealed in an article: "Here is salvation"


the Vatican according to Bildenberg the new Aryans of Pachamama

1 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

a day ago

we have a President Biden who:

can lie casually

it can kill in a devious way

he can do the trick in an easy way

can use the resources of the state for personal purposes

and the DEM motherboard doesn't see it

#JoeBiden #Burisma

Hunter's emails that "nail" Joe Biden are there. Even if (almost) nobody tells you

Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov

Hunter Biden's business between Burisma in Ukraine, Mexican state oil company Pemex, Mexican fixers and… dad Joe, who meets some 14 business associates of his son Hunter.

The full video in English:


1 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 29 comments

WATCH: Fears of potential catastrophe at Ukrainian nuclear power plant

a day ago

all the lies of the Masonic Plutocratic Jewish State TV about the coronavirus! #virus #emergency #mask


26 Jun 2021 ... "Mala tempora currunt", men and women of antiquity would have said if they had lived

in our pandemic period. Of course, the past is full of plagues and health crises linked to #virus, but there would be elements to believe that some responses to the #emergency adopted today are unprecedented. The mandatory #mask device, for example, has hardly found a place on other occasions. #Restrictions

and impositions from above, on the other hand, take us back to the darkest times that the entire human race hopes to have put behind forever.

Atrocious parallels aside, in the end all the people have always managed to raise their heads,

stand up and defeat the enemy. Will the same happen with #Covid too? Hope is the general sentiment

of this beginning of summer, seasoned with continuously improving #data and the desire to return to normalcy.

An end to the emergency that we are not at the moment

able to predict and that according to Professor Alessandro #Meluzzi it will not be a matter of days. Live guest

by Fabio #Duranti and Francesco Vergovich, the psychiatrist

he revealed that he had read a document in which "there is talk of a period that goes from 2020

to 2025 ". Here is the speech by Prof. #AlessandroMeluzzi

to A Special Day. Power when he wants to use the lie uses it wisely and the lie works beautifully. So the problem is not to think about making people wake up and tell them a lie,

but try to understand what is the global strategy behind it and if anything try to disturb that. Unfortunately,

no solution will come from the majority of people. The design is written in the project document # Covid19

of our #masters speaks

of a period ranging from 2020 to 2025. So until this period has elapsed and the results programmed by #mentiraffinatissime have not been achieved, it will not be possible to move on to the 2025-2030 chapter. They are setting up a road map which must include some stages. It was decided to transform this ordinary situation into a global and total #government system: an extraordinary idea, a round of applause

to the bosses and the elites ".

3 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

a day ago

the Pentagon which is a military body managed and financed dozens of biological laboratories in Ukraine

Interview with Maria Zakharova exclusively granted to Giorgio Bianchi for Visione Tv - SECOND PART (7:50 am) parents controlled extermination camps to kill Jews, and children after a single generation (as US citizens with a single citizenship) are the Minister of Health in Ukraine and run biolabs on behalf of the Pentagon

4 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

2 days ago

Interview with Maria Zakharova granted exclusively to Giorgio Bianchi for Vision Tv - SECOND PART

Maria Zakharova said that the nai of Battagliane d'Aov are not controlled by Zelensky (but by the CIA) and when Zelensky was elected, the nazis did not want to hear him and the claun then said: "oooooohhhh I'm not a C0gli0ne hole jerk! "

ok but also Zelensky is controlled by the CIA (1:31)

God bless our Holy Mother Russia

4 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

2 days ago

G-d JHWH bless Putin! G-d bless our Holy Mother Russia

Sodom Spa&Co Satana Allah Sodom burn in Jesus's name amen

CIA OCI UE UK USA OTAN UMMA drink your poison made by yourself

4 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

3 days ago

#Ukraine #Russia #Zaporizhzhia A. chief calls for demilitarization at Zaporizhzhia, Russia are warning of a 'provocation' at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant by Zelensky


raise your hand if you think Putin can shoot himself!


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