catastrophe at Ukrainian nuclear power plant
WATCH: Fears of potential catastrophe at Ukrainian nuclear power plant
a day ago
worldisraelnews [ eih GENOVEFFA ] can you block this troll of a CIA sphincter? Ernst Goldman @ernstgoldman
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3 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
a day ago
Mr. or Mrs. LindaLABaggio? he she it bau bau, miao miao is not known about the continuous Darwin evolutions in continuous evolution
3 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
a day ago
at https://disqus.Com/by/LindaLABaggio/ does not like this comment.
from my Jewish-Christian museum: I made and published a photo of a brooch
minted during the war period of the Second World War. inside a cross is written: "God damn the English" Anglo-Americans have committed massive war crimes There was internal server error
while processing your requestThere was internal server error while processing your requestYou have already made this comment. [during all the conflicts in fact the plutocratic antichrist talmudic Jews
with their wickedness and their Satanism, they have absolute control of Western societies and through
the control of the FED IMF ECB they have control of the whole NEW WORLD ORDER because
of the Saudis Wahhabis
why the Rothschild bankers from 1600 (because of the British monarchy of Jezebel II)
with the foundation of SpA Bank of England: high constitutional treason, the bank seigniorage,
had taken control of the Anglo-Saxon company [[ There was internal server error while processing your requestThere was internal server error while processing your request ]]You have already made this comment.
*** as today they hold full control of European societies, accult supernatural power the witchcraft
of Pelosi & Hillary worldWide UMMA sharia octopus ursula through the Deep State,
and Deep Church, and Deep Synagogue, ie esoteric agenda, and the transnational Masonic regime Bilderberg, AIPAC 666 "Beni Berith" and their Mafia Masonic judges, the Supreme Court and democratic judiciary, CSM.
3 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
a day ago
June 22, 2017 Don Angelo Comastri tells the dramatic story of Sergei Kurdakov (1951-1973)
From a communist atheist persecuting Christians to a persecuted and killed Christian. Sergej Kurdakov's diary https://bit.Ly/Kurda a horrible life story, for most of his life by him, and ended with one extraordinary conversion. I believe, that also for his conversion of him, so mirala tua vergognaus, there were also the prayers of that beautiful Natasha. Some time ago I had looked at a movies of Chinese Christians (story almost similar to these) than to find themselves to pray, or to be catechized, they had to keep hidden, and when they were discovered, almost everyone came killed.
Awesome stories, which to us here, do not even seem true. But also here
in Italy, there is a bit of that black smoke ... people who want to be atheists, and if they hear a person talking about religion, they are told they are mentally ill.
3 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
a day ago
2 years agoDetected as spamArchbishop Angelo Comastri tells the story of Sergej Kurdakov everything that the synagogue of satan has done to destroy Christianity and to make all mankind lose to hell: 1. Islam 2. communism 3. freemasonry, 4. lgbtq 5. democratic party DEM PD Antifa, 6. FED IMF ECB NWO technocratic neoliberalism: with which the people have been indebted, deprived and expressed of any prerogative of sovereignty
3 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
a day ago
you will flee dressed as a woman from room to room, while the Chinese will come to kill you
3 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
a day ago
Alì Bin ISIS Sharjah Salman from Khamenei Mecca demon Kaaba [ scum of hell: mentally ill, religious maniac, unpunished serial killer ] [the priests of satan of the CIA told me on youtube: "because of you, tonight there will be a lot of blood" then, they showed me hundreds of young severed hands and feet: a heap
and what black magic? does not work on me: because I have the divine nature, while you who more or less? you are all a bunch of demon possessed Allah jabulOn Lucifer Owl Owl Baal at bohemian grove creamation of cure Spa & Co, Kabbalah scam banking seigniorage
3 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
a day ago
if we weren't a nazi sodomitic demonic monopoly regime Rothschild masonic system, scam banking seigniorage, Deep State occult power: the reign of antichrist Bildenberg Bergoglio in the Vatican according to jabulon Deep Church?
certainly for the attacks and slander against Russia all our politicians would be sentenced
to death since the only Constitutionally legal President in Ukraine is still Viktor Fedorovyč Janukovyč: Віктор Федорович Янукович; Виктор Фёдорович Янукович: Viktor Fёdorovič Janukovič:
go get him back
2 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
2 days ago
President Joe Biden [[open letter]] still today again with the only one legitimate PRESiDENT Viktor Fedorovyč Janukovyč Western Ukrainians and Russian-speaking Ukrainians live as brothers,
so why did you send the CIA snipers to take
a coup in Kiev and set up an absolutely criminal and illegal regime? why?
you Anglo-Americans EU Ursula the antichrist of Sodom Satan
you brought the tragedy to Ukraine
where has your curse not gone in the world? you publicly claimed that you were going
to organize the biggest election scam in history against Donald TRUMP,
therefore, you went to destabilize that good guy TRUMP PATRIOT MAGA: and not only that,
google shut down accounts all twitter to me and to all patriots,
and shut down 110 blogspots
(14 years in business) in an attempt to hide your own criminal claim of electoral fraud.
you and Allah uuh akbar sharah? you have brought the tragedy also to Ethiopia:
before with the management of the Tigers were not all brothers in Ethiopia?
now because the Islamic international you are exterminating the Christian Tigers
by that Nobel Peace Prize Imam of Abiy Ahmed (the assassin Obama of Ethiopia)
by "im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri"
3 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
Discussion on World Israel News 57 comments
Could this Muslim candidate for US Senate be a strong supporter of Israel?
a day ago
Schlein: The immigration-obsessed right has not seen young people emigrate for too low wages
in fact it is 30 years that the PD antifa forces our best graduates to emigrate!
1 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
Discussion on World Israel News 42 comments
Bahraini minister refused to shake Israeli envoy's hand, ousted
a day ago
the continuing threat to Russian national sinurity, and slanderous aggression,
and EU UK US CIA OTAN military aggression against Russia since 2014? it is something that no history book can ever hide ... For the Russian media, Draghi is on the run from a sinking ship, the enlightened Gods jabullOn Baal Rockefeller & Rothschild will always finance their cannon grease,
as they did in Ukraine so they will also in Italy, they cannot allow them to fail. our Masonic democracies (transnational Rockefeller mafia & occult powers) without monetary sovereignty? are demonic, before being absolutely unconstitutional:
The video of the unleashed dance of Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin
so besides having failed the Finnish secret services have the secret services of the CIA also failed?
everything is a mirror of Hollywood
in the Sodomitic Jewish-Masonic democracies (transnational Rockefeller mafia & occult powers) without monetary sovereignty, above all, demonic even if before being absolutely unconstitutional:
it's fake and it's fictional is a unique Hollywood show.
but do you really think that this video escaped the secret services? no, I tell you, it was commissioned by them!
2 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
Discussion on World Israel News 15 comments
WATCH: One last baseball game before leaving to join the Israeli army
a day ago
the continuing threat to Russian national sinurity, and slanderous aggression, and EU UK US CIA OTAN military aggression against Russia since 2014?
it is something that no history book can ever hide
2 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
a day ago
so besides having failed the Finnish secret services have the secret services of the CIA also failed?
everything is a mirror of Hollywood in the Sodomitic Jewish-Masonic democracies (transnational Rockefeller mafia & occult powers) without monetary sovereignty, above all, demonic even
before being absolutely unconstitutional:
it's fake and it's fictional is a unique Hollywood show.
but do you really think that this video escaped the secret services? no, I tell you, it was commissioned by them!
The video of the unleashed dance of Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin
2 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
a day ago
For the Russian media, Draghi is on the run from a sinking ship
the enlightened Gods Rockefeller & Rothschild will always finance their cannon grease, as they did in Ukraine so they will also in Italy, they cannot allow them to fail.
our Masonic democracies (transnational Rockefeller mafia & occult powers)
without monetary sovereignty?
are demonic, before being absolutely unconstitutional:
2 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
Discussion on World Israel News 27 comments
China cautions Israel against allowing US pressure to dictate relations
a day ago
China Israel open letter ] our Masonic democracies (transnational Rockefeller mafia & occult powers) without monetary sovereignty?
are demonic, before being absolutely unconstitutional: this is what condemns Taiwan and South Korea to disappear from the maps
3 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
Discussion on World Israel News 40 comments
Berlin police investigating Abbas' Holocaust comments
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri
2 days ago
Mahmoud Abbas [ open letter ] about your replacement theology? you miss "the potato" which with the plastic curler is now easy to obtain: but the white hair of "White Snow"? those are already there: a skirt, a red lipstick, lgbtqia fishnet stockings, high heels and spikes, and then, you find 7 dwarfs, and then you will see how I can give you your State of Palestine
3 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
Discussion on World Israel News 9 comments
Israel concerned about reported EU concessions to Iran
2 days ago
Bin ISIS Salman ] [ there is no doubt about this:
Israel has always given its "p*s*ies-potato" to the strongest;
there is Jezebel Elizabeth jabuloon and the priests of Baal and go behind those of her,
then, Elijah arrived and killed them and went after him.
and how do you see? here the strongest is me!
stop shaking like a coward or we will all go to nuclear world war in Saudi Arabia at Mecca Caaba
2 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
2 days ago
2 days ago
worldisraelnews ] [ do you have the possibility to close the account of this snake-like subject?
Dajjal @disqus_FaIuABBavM
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2 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
Discussion on World Israel News 13 comments
WATCH: What will ‘full diplomatic relations’ with Turkey really look like?
2 days ago
Bin ISIS Salman ] Pelosi in the Italian language has two indecent meanings:
1. Pelosa is between the legs and usually smells like urine;
2. it is a Chinese proverb that says: "the wolf loses its fur (hairy), but does not lose the vice" which in my opinion: it is the worst meaning
2 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
2 days ago
Bush had put the horns of the buffalo: around the altar of Satan and had said to him:
"you speak to Unius REI, but never speak to Unius REI"
So how could I forgive him?
2 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
2 days ago
187AudioHostem needed psychiatric care C. S. P. B. Crux Sancti Patris Benedecti, S. S. M. L. Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux N. D. S. M. D. Non draco sit mihi dux, V. R. S. Vadre Retro allah jabulon satana the Wahhabi. N. S. M. V. Non Suade Mihi Vana, S. M. Q. L. Sunt Mala Quae Libas. I.V. B. Ipsa Venena Bibas, Drink yourself your lousy earthworm poisons
2 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
2 days ago
187AudioHostem has closed the channel of: AudioHostem187: while youtube has canceled the dialogues under the sites, to conceal its crimes against me and against MarlaMarleen
2 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
2 days ago
Bin ISIS Salman] Joy distributes kisses to CIA satanists to avoid ending up like MarlaMarleen my friend who was killed) by the German secret services (cannibals)
why if our politicians are not corrupted by rothshild? then, they are certainly intimidated by the priests of Satan and the Masonic judges of Rockefeller
2 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
2 days ago
the country is small and people murmur] voices from the WEB ["CIA admits training Nazi terror troops in Ukraine, which have been fighting and killing Russians since 2015." www.naturalnews.Com/
known to be nazi .. but nevertheless trained & well funded ..
This year .. $ 60 billion [taxpayers $$] in funding given to the nazi by the biden adm .. no questions asked ..
where is kolimoiski? https://kanekoa.substack.Com/p/how-obama-and-biden-installed-neo Superjew doesn't like Zelensky, but say something bad about the billionaire who made Z President, helped start the Azov Batallion, funded Hunter Biden, etc .; & he's offended, Why did you downvote my answering your question? Why do you defend K? Did you see punch's article? K. is a very important man; & he's "been quiet since Putin invaded." Have you heard anything? AZOV return the favor and train Proud Boys
Source? I wouldn't be surprised, the Palis taught BLM how to avoid tear gas, having learned in Israel. The whole thing is incestuous, imo, different fronts working for the same puppet masters for a larger picture. "Obama, Soros create 'Palestine.' In partnership with a government fund initiated by Barack Obama, philanthropist & billionaire activist George Soros is investing in a private equity company that just launched in the Palestinian territories. "
"The company, Siraj Fund Management Company, says it was created 'for the sole purpose of managing investment funds in Palestine'." "The new company's website repeatedly refers to what it calls the 'country' of 'Palestine.' There is, however, no such country as Palestine. Siraj is apparently referring to territories controlled by the Palestinian Authority. " www.wnd.Com/2011/02/262077/
soros owns shopping centers & commercial property in gaza ..
he has his hands di lui in every cookie jar ..
2 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
2 days ago
Satana Allah Riyad Salman Giordan Egypt UMMA international Spa&Co Rockefelelr Obama, Soros create 'Palestine fukestinen jihad'
2 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
2 days ago
free Juliane ASSANGE free from Satana nazi Sodoma
2 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
2 days ago
and you don't go to Kiev, with Strunz, Borrell Nuland & Ursula & Macron lgbt to make a bloody coup
(with CIA Chechen snipers unpunished for 98 innocent corpses) and 8-year pogroms
of russophones in Donbass: with Merkel & Mario Draghi, to intentionally fail
the 2 Minsk agreements,
if you don't have the plan to carry out a nice third nuclear world war.
then, the ISIS Ottoman turkeys told the hens (satan sodom Zelenscky-Rothschild)
"why are the Russians still living?"
God bless Mossad work around the world,
2 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
Discussion on World Israel News 145 comments
Mexican president blasted for comparing prominent Jewish analyst to Hitler
2 days ago
troll CIA here? 80
2 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
Discussion on World Israel News 7 comments
Israel women break the glass ceiling in top intelligence agency
2 days ago
worldisraelnews] you don't go to Kiev, with Nuland to make a bloody coup (with CIA snipers unpunished) and 8-year pogroms of russophones in Donbass: with Merkel, to intentionally fail the 2 Minsk agreements,
if you don't have the plan to carry out a nice third nuclear world war
2 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
2 days ago
God bless Mossad work around the world,
but he does not like the CIA section that agrees to cooperate with the aliens because those are demons
2 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
Discussion on World Israel News 99 comments
University students booted from sexual assault support group due to Jewish…
3 days ago
I who got used to walking with God since childhood?
I can't stand hypocrisy and pretense, and for this, I know that, I have to pay a huge price in the Rothschild Masonic institutions that bring systemic inequity and injustice: because the NWO and religions and institutions are founded on the theft of central banks, which is the satanism of banking seigniorage according to Vatican & Bildenberg
3 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
3 days ago
yes, God loves everyone and also loves that face of the Wahhabis jihad sharia death to all the infidels, but He does not take pleasure in them, because they are evildoers, and dangerous serial killers: throughout the Islamic international world and jihad galaxy, and with / together to Rockefeller Spa & Co, FED OTAN? they run together in the street of the crime.
Terrible is the judgment that awaits them, because of the love of God that has been given to them?
they made it an act of arrogance and oppression
3 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
3 days ago
worldisraelnews [ open letter ] do you see these 80 trolls of yours who are here?
some are just dangerous CIA satanists, some you pay them,
but, this your disgrace, it is not your walking in faith,
it's not your trust in the Lord JHWH,
and God doesn't like double-hearted people like you
3 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
3 days ago
Students kicked out of sexual assault support group for being Jews
you cannot keep two feet in a shoe, then you must invest in Israel, which is today, a walk in faith (because in order not to lose the banking seigniorage, the Rockefeller kabbalah and the Rothschild kabbalah got Israel into trouble)
it is a walking in faith, and starting to put one's feet in the Red Sea, to cross the Red Sea, and which is also a walking in faith to cross the Jordan, it is said that before the priests (who carried the ARK) did not move their feet in the water? the miracle could not be accomplished ..
then you have to start putting your feet in the water ....
why if this anti-Semism and anti-Zionism is aroused by the Lord JHWH?
then only the Lord JHWH holy can stop it!
and I know for sure, that all the Jews must all return to Israel, because, I their King lorenzoJHWH, I am calling them.
and if once our fathers were able to stand before the holiness of the Lord, then today we too can do it.
because it is true that the Lord's needs for holiness are infinite,
but it is also true that he is content with the good intentions of a heart broken by repentance, because the lord is also infinite in mercy
3 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
Discussion on World Israel News 70 comments
Senior EU official subtly punishing Israel for Abu Akleh killing
3 days ago
UE is antichrist DEM then is also antizionist Pd lgbtqia
3 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
Discussion on World Israel News 14 comments
Terrorists shoot at Jewish worshippers near Joseph’s Tomb, 1 rioter killed
3 days ago
Bin ISIS Salman] Palestinians have repeatedly claimed that Joseph's tomb is an Islamic shrine and that visiting Jews are attempting to "Judaize" and claim the site in a false way.
Bin ISIS Salman] now I'll explain to you what is replacement theology is:
Abu Mazen said that he is Snow White among in the 7 dwarfs:
while Erdogan said that he is Pippi Longstocking, and so on
3 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
3 days ago
Bin ISIS Salman ] currently I have creatinine at 1.36 ml / dL when the maximum value for a man is 1.17: you who studied donkey medicine (bad languages say you bought your degree):
in Italian language cretino-ninemia (it could mean the disease of the cretin)
so, or this tall foolishness ... should I worry?
3 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
Discussion on World Israel News 5 comments
WATCH: Israel cancels student trips to Auschwitz over dispute with Poland
3 days ago
Bin ISIS Salman] funny this is my nazi wife
I said to my wife: "wait a minute can't you see I'm working?"
my wife replied: "what are you working on?"
I said to my wife: "if there was no world war, the credit is all mine!"
my wife replied: "come here stupid, or I'll give you punch in the eye "
3 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
3 days ago
3 days ago
Israel cancels student travel to Auschwitz due to dispute with Poland
hail Poles: Jewish plutocratic Freemasons and Chechen snipers in Maidan coup
Poles are Nazi Pravy Sector fascists and Nazi D'Azov battalion
3 1 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
Discussion on World Israel News 1 comments
IDF: Drones played major role in Operation Breaking Dawn's targeting,…
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri
3 days ago
plutocratic Jews control Satan Spa; media network, jihad sharia Allah and Sodom: and this is why Israel has suffered terrorism for 80 years, but Israel can defend itself, while Christian martyrs cannot: because Ursula's antichrist controls the EU
3 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
Discussion on World Israel News 5 comments
150 criminals facing extradition from Turkey to Israel
3 days ago
worldisraelnews ] [ you cannot put the Russians in front of your firing squad full of slanders:
a vomit of mud and Jewish-Masonic slander Ursula octopus golpe Maidan, pogrom russian spekers for 8 years, and then, you accuse them if they also cling to the Palestinian scum!
this story of persecuting the russians was made with utmost contempt and criminal intention to destroy israel and all european peoples, because the russians were their best friends
with the media social network internet satellite tv
(that lgbtqia manage filters and algorithms),
in the hands of the anti-Zionist Masonic
Jewish Deep State CIA 666 DEM silicon valley?
that is, to rely on an electronic method of electoral voting, and by correspondence? for Bolsonaro, Salvini, Orban, Trump Benjamin Netanyahu and for the right it is their suicide
by im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri
3 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
3 days ago
150 criminals face extradition from Turkey to Israel
ok as long as the requests are made both in the language of the turkeys sharjah and in the language of the hens jihad, otherwise there may be misunderstandings in UMMA nazi ISIS
3 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
Discussion on World Israel News 16 comments
Saudi woman sentenced to 34 years in prison for Twitter activity
3 days ago
Saudi woman sentenced to 34 years in prison for Twitter activities
I had heard that women can only drive in a tricycle with a chastity belt, made of stainless steel,
because there is always some Ottoman Erdogan lurking
3 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
3 days ago
eih worldisraelnews ] [ VTS @ disqus_e5ILzUlae4 Sorry, this page CIA TROLL is currently unavailable.
eih worldisraelnews ] [ maybe you can find some angents of my enemy in this way?
3 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
Discussion on World Israel News 15 comments
Jews Outraged as Yet Another Antisemitic Image Is Discovered at Leading…
3 days ago
infamous! An anti-Semitic caricature on display at the Documenta art festival in Germany.
infamous! BDS Zionist campaign against Israel and the presence of anti-Semitic iconography in several exhibited works.
do not blame the Jewish plutocratic Freemasons only,
but they attack also who he has the sacred duty to claim his homeland to the ISLAM ISIS of the jihad theology replacement of sharia genocide replacement,
that, the UMMA OCI Muslims have specialized in 1400 years to suffocate the homeland of all, as they did in Kosovo Nigeria and Donbass etc.. etc..
(where they also casually use NATO for their own purposes)
3 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
3 days ago
how Satan & Sodom work with Allah? ] [the antifa group Taring Padi, is a lucid example,
it has a disgusting and destabilizing junk art method in itself, a punch in the stomach,
resembles those evil metal complexes of CIA satanists who rage on corpses and
who tear up corpses, and perhaps the Taring Padi group are really Satanists.
certainly, it is consistent with Islamic Satanism which does not see Christians (the true martyrs)
killing every day (and therefore does not denounce this phenomenon), the Taring Padi group have mistaken the true Christian martyrs, for Palestinians or for Ukrainians who to them as a perspective
(from their mutual Oci UMMA Islamic international sharia imperialism, and OTAN Spa & Co,)
They had NO other possibility than to work on terrorism and for terrorism, as cannon fodder
(as a driver of hybrid warfare), and for this purpose they have been and still are financed,
So if they don't have an art that can be enjoyed, what hope do they have of being funded,
other than working for DEM dominated thinking?
3 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
4 days ago
BiN ISIS Salman ] in this site are retrograde [ here there is a user called: "bichini non burqua"
but, bikinis were trendy as early as the 1960s.
today, if a lgbtqia antifa DEM cult wants to be trendy?
he she he the dog the chain and the collar: he must show
both a hole in the back and the tanganigha in the front
3 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
Discussion on World Israel News 42 comments
PA ambassador wants to 'save the two-state solution' through UN
4 days ago
have you already tried to successfully fight alien demons in flying saucers, as I have already done?
3 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
4 days ago
Iran ISIS Riyad Hamas etc.. jihad Erdogan galaxy ] [ this is a deal to be taken on the fly!
I kill the little and the big satan together, okay?
then enter in my kingdom of Israel, but without the hands and clothes stained with innocent blood, however, I know how you can do!
3 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
Messia Mahdì kingdom Israel
4 days ago
uuhhh the tanghero is crafty
3 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
4 days ago
Bin Isis Salman ] [ if you don't want me as a friendly judge? then you will have me as an enemy judge.
and certainly there is no one who can equal my consecration, my position at the throne of God, my innocent life, generous and suffered for the sake of justice, and therefore on this planet, you will all end up being punished!
but I came to do a good job for everyone, but you didn't want to
3 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
Messia Mahdì kingdom Israel
4 days ago
and what about you, the dinghy and the boat and two long-stemmed Mercury marine engines, which have been standing still in my garage for 14 years, so as not to betray this ministry?
3 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
4 days ago
Allah uuh akbar; the two-state solution is only a scam / diversion / tactic, because there is only one Allah, one planet sharjah, one Koran jihad, one madrassah, one OCI Umma: that there is a great and unstoppable genocide of unstoppable replacement theology, because we have the petrodollars and the oil is all ours (now, that the Russians have been slandered and attacked by our allies satan sodom and the Israelis will be killed by the Ali Khamenei, who has a very intelligent look) that it cannot be interpreted and Erdogan is its prophet.
therefore, the Chinese were wrong to be born on this planet.
and corrupt Israelis will never call their King lorenzoJHWH to fry all the M.O. with its nuclear weapons!
2 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
Discussion on World Israel News 23 comments
Qatar to fund reconstruction of destroyed Gaza homes
4 days ago
how does this rabble of the devil Allah reconstruct GAZA? so they send weapons and instructions to the Fulani to the Boko Haram and their cursed UMMA OCI jihadist galaxy
3 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
Discussion on World Israel News 90 comments
Putin blasts Israel's 'disrespect of status-quo' in call with Abbas
4 months ago
"And I saw, and behold a white horse:
and he who sat on him had a bow; and he was given a crown, and he went out winning and winning, to win and win again." (Revelation 6: 2)
Who is the rider of this "white horse"?
It's lorenzoJHWH Unius REI, he has always won against the NWO in these 14 years,
but the Saudi Wahhabis have chosen world war!
It is impossible to unlock these prophecies without understanding
the Fatima Apparition.
"Hear, O shores, to me, and pay attention, you peoples from afar! The LORD called Me from the womb; from the matrix of My mother He made mention of My name.
And He said to me: 'You are mine. servant, O Israel, in whom I will be glorified. '" (Isaiah 49: 1-3)
Is "Israel" here Jewish-Israel or is it God, the Messiah?
Think wisely.
Here's the bottom line: True prophecy and true interpretation
of prophecy usually angers the world and that's why the prophets were killed by their own countrymen. Unless you understand the allegorical, it is impossible to unlock these prophecies.
why choose world war instead of seeking my kingdom of Israel?
BIN ISIS SALMAN he wants to kill the Chinese becouse Allah uh akbar
5 2 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
Discussion on World Israel News 66 comments
New ADL study shows stereotypes against Jews
2 years ago
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fffff ffffff
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2 years ago
Detected as spam
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Discussion on World Israel News 63 comments
Hezbollah attack on Israel-Lebanon border ‘imminent,’ report says
2 years ago
Emergenza: sbarchi superano il totale del 2019, è INVASIONE ISLAMICA https://voxnews info/2020/07/27/emergenza-sbarchi-superano-il-totale-del-2019-e-invasione-islamica/
Al 24 luglio su 11.191 migranti sbarcati in Italia, ben 5.237 sono partiti dalla Tunisia e di questi quasi 4 mila sono tunisini.
Stato criminale massone stupratore mafioso e trafficante di esseri umani schiavi.
io chiedo la
pena di morte per il partito democratico!
4 2 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
Tsvi Kukenheim
2 years ago
i am your leader and Messia:
palestinian people? all in Siria will go!
5 3 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
2 years ago
Government is the greaser!
The Red Cross buses distribute positive illegal immigrants throughout Italy. The latest case in Rome:
Governo è l'untore!
https://voxnews info/2020/07/26/untori-bus-croce-rossa-portano-infetti-in-tutta-italia-video/
I bus della Croce Rossa distribuiscono i clandestini positivi in tutta Italia. L’ultimo caso a Roma:
5 3 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
Discussion on World Israel News 89 comments
Hezbollah reportedly fires missile at IDF tank on Lebanon border
2 years ago
i am your leader and Messia:palestinian people? all in Siria will go!
Alexander Harold Hersh
Alexander Harold Hersh
There is NO such thing as a 'Palestinian' Muslim Arab people !
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Alexander Harold Hersh
there is UMMA the OCTOPUS
like your OCTOPUS Rothschild neoliberalism Massonic Regime Bilderberg
lgbtq 666 satanism and scam banking seigniorage!
2 2 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
2 years ago
i am jewish messia
6 5 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
2 years ago
Coronavirus islamico jihad sharia invasion: altri 190 nuovi contagiati, dilaga su barconi e in centri accoglienza
Luglio 27, 2020
Mentre italiani senza lavoro si impiccano la sinistra manifesta per i clandestini
Luglio 27, 2020
Milano, due ragazze circondate e pestate da branco immigrati
4 2 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
Discussion on World Israel News 1 comments
WATCH: Naftali Bennett blasts Israel's 'berserk' response to coronavirus
2 years ago
iam king israel and kingdom lorenzoJHWH
2 2 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
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Intel CEO throws future of Israeli factory into doubt with 1 sentence
2 years ago
i am jewish messiah אני משיח יהודי
#Netanjahu] no people should depend on neoliberalism,
but nevertheless
no government that is devoid of monetary sovereignty could ever protect its people!
אני משיח יהודי
i am jewish messia
#Netanjahu ] nessun popolo dovrebbe dipendere dal neoliberismo,
ma, tuttavia,
nessun governo che è privo della sovranità monetaria potrebbe mai proteggere il suo popolo!
4 2 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
Discussion on World Israel News 4 comments
DAILY RECAP: Hezbollah Strike Expected In North; A 4th Israeli Election? More…
2 years ago
sinister traitor to President CONTE, he had criticized Salvini who asked the people: full powers to save Italy, meanwhile the ANTIFA in fact: they stole their full powers through "the state of emergency" for coronavirus that they are feeding with new import infections! we must prevent Italy from continuing to be a parliamentary masonic republic!
In fact, the numbers of the landings in 2020 exceeded 8 thousand in Sicily alone, compared to 3 thousand in the same period of 2019. In the first ten days of July arrivals are more than 1,200. In the last three days alone, almost two thousand in Lampedusa alone.
The leader of the League Matteo Salvini denounces how "the government threatens to prolong the state of health emergency for the Italians, but meanwhile makes hundreds of illegal immigrants land and flee":
traditore bieco di Presidente CONTE, lui aveva criticato Salvini che aveva chiesto al popolo: i pieni poteri per salvare l'Italia, intanto gli ANTIFA di fatto: hanno scippato loro i pieni poteri attraverso "lo Stato di emergenza" per coronavirus che loro stanno alimentando con le nuove infezioni di importazione! dobbiamo impedire che l'Italia possa continuare ad essere una repubblica massonico parlamentare!
https://voxnews info/2020/07/26/lestate-del-contagio-italia-invasa-da-tunisini-e-bengalesi-infetti-sbarchi-a-raffica/
I numeri degli sbarchi nel 2020, infatti, hanno superato, solo in Sicilia, quota 8mila, contro i 3mila dello stesso periodo del 2019. Nei primi dieci giorni di luglio gli arrivi sono più di 1.200. Solo negli ultimi tre giorni quasi duemila nella sola Lampedusa.
Il leader della Lega Matteo Salvini denuncia come “il governo minacci di prolungare lo stato di emergenza sanitaria per gli italiani, ma intanto fa sbarcare e scappare centinaia di clandestini”:
5 2 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
2 years ago
sinister traitor to President CONTE, he had criticized Salvini who asked the people: full powers to save Italy, meanwhile the ANTIFA in fact: they stole their full powers through "the state of emergency" for coronavirus that they are feeding with new import infections! we must prevent Italy from continuing to be a parliamentary masonic republic!
In fact, the numbers of the landings in 2020 exceeded 8 thousand in Sicily alone, compared to 3 thousand in the same period of 2019. In the first ten days of July arrivals are more than 1,200. In the last three days alone, almost two thousand in Lampedusa alone.
The leader of the League Matteo Salvini denounces how "the government threatens to prolong the state of health emergency for the Italians, but meanwhile makes hundreds of illegal immigrants land and flee":
traditore bieco di Presidente CONTE, lui aveva criticato Salvini che aveva chiesto al popolo: i pieni poteri per salvare l'Italia, intanto gli ANTIFA di fatto: hanno scippato loro i pieni poteri attraverso "lo Stato di emergenza" per coronavirus che loro stanno alimentando con le nuove infezioni di importazione! dobbiamo impedire che l'Italia possa continuare ad essere una repubblica massonico parlamentare!
I numeri degli sbarchi nel 2020, infatti, hanno superato, solo in Sicilia, quota 8mila, contro i 3mila dello stesso periodo del 2019. Nei primi dieci giorni di luglio gli arrivi sono più di 1.200. Solo negli ultimi tre giorni quasi duemila nella sola Lampedusa.
Il leader della Lega Matteo Salvini denuncia come “il governo minacci di prolungare lo stato di emergenza sanitaria per gli italiani, ma intanto fa sbarcare e scappare centinaia di clandestini”:
Discussion on World Israel News 14 comments
What does Iran’s pivot to China mean for Israel?
2 years ago
nobody in the EU is interested in the use of the UN, that the ARAB LEAGUE arises: on the genocide of the predicted Christian peoples, and on the current Sharia genocide still in progress (dhimmitude)!
so why should it be of interest to those sinister traders from China and Russia, why should the Jewish shareholders of the Central Banks have any concern in favor of ISRAEL?
there is no other solution than to end this agonizing Ayatollah regime dramatically and quickly!
a nessuno interessa in UE usA ONu ,che la LEGA ARABA sorga: sul genocidio dei popoli cristiani predenti, e sull'attuale genocidio sharia ancora in atto ( la dhimmitudine )!
allora, perché dovrebbe interessare a quei biechi commercianti di Cina e Russia, perché gli azionisti ebrei delle Banche Centrali dovrebbero avere delle premure in favore di ISRAELE?
non c'é altra soluzione che far terminare questo angosciante regime degli Ayatollah drammaticamente e velocemente!
4 2 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
Discussion on World Israel News 55 comments
WATCH: Anti-Semitic attackers beat Orthodox man in Brooklyn
2 years ago
a whole series of genocides were born from the treaties with Muslims
who also made Muhammad:
in fact today we have the universal crime of the ARAB LEAGUE
dai trattati con i mussulmani sono nati tutta una serie di genocidi
che ha fatto anche maometto:
infatti oggi abbiamo il delitto universale della LEGA ARABA
2 2 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
2 years ago
Why do Muslims say things that are grotesque, widely disavowed by history and that are also logically inconsistent? we have 1400 years of Islamic genocides, which poor defended the false prophet Muhammad?
Furthermore, the prophet Muhammad did not ally with colonial occupiers who stole other people's land, killed people and burned their crops to establish a usurping political entity on the corpses of the indigenous population. On the contrary, it defended the poor and oppressed in society. In addition, he signed treaties with Madina's Jews and would have stopped at the passage of a Jewish funeral, out of respect for a soul mate, not out of social or political hypocrisy. The treaties ended when Jewish tribes broke deadlines and plotted against the Prophet and early Muslims. Such incidents are recorded in detail in his biography.
4 3 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
2 years ago
Greasing government.
JULY 25, 2020
Landings without stopping in Lampedusa. Infected that then the government spreads, with the infection, throughout Italy.
The general secretary MP, Antonio Allotta, has made it known that the serological tests conducted on the last illegal immigrants landed "have given positive results for another 25 people". In short, another 25 infected immigrants arrived in Italy.
Greasing government.
And, let's remember: serological tests only serve to identify some positives, 99% do not intercept them. In fact, once you leave Lampedusa many 'negatives' end up being positive.
"The situation worries us, because all the new landers have been on the pier for hours, the positives have long been divided by the others by a red rope, and all the others, who obviously must be subjected to quarantine, have also been waiting on the spot - says Allotta - Now the positives have been taken to a small closed facility, and will undergo further tests, while the others have been divided into groups and are still waiting. And we don't know where they need to be moved. "
Greasing government.
2 2 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
2 years ago
"Put Palestine back on the map," asks Madonna
that is the demonic Madonna that Muslims deserve to receive!
"Rimetti la Palestina sulla mappa", chiede Madonna
quella è la Madonna demoniaca che i mussulmani meritano di ricevere!
4 2 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
2 years ago
it is the satanic talmud who said that MARIA was a prostitute!
and the Muslims? nobody taught them to think! TURKEY COVERS THE MOSAICS OF SANTA SOFIA: "CHRISTIAN MADONNE ARE PUTT * NE"
JULY 25, 2020
Our identity is under attack. Those who believe they keep the statues on their feet by caring those who hate us are deluded.
2 3 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
2 years ago
ERDOGAN and his genocide ottoman! W h o r e s women and w h o r e s Christian Madonnas. In Turkey, "the images of pr0stitutes must be covered". The reference is to the sacred icons present in the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, which is now a mosque. “Will there be a pr0stitute in the mosque? - asks Ebubekir Sofuoglu, Turkish historian, on his Twitter account followed by over 90 thousand people - If the icons are not eliminated, Hagia Sophia will be the first mosque in the world where pr0stitutes will be exposed ".
2 2 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
2 years ago
ERDOGAN and his genocide ottoman! W h o r e s women and whores Christian Madonnas. In Turkey, "the images of pr0stitutes must be covered". The reference is to the sacred icons present in the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, which is now a mosque. “Will there be a prostitute in the mosque? - asks Ebubekir Sofuoglu, Turkish historian, on his Twitter account followed by over 90 thousand people - If the icons are not eliminated, Hagia Sophia will be the first mosque in the world where pr0stitutes will be exposed ".
2 years ago
ERDOGAN and his genocide ottoman!
And for the first Friday prayer, in fact, the mosaics were darkened, the carpets returned on the floor and Islamic extremists rejoiced. "You have finally been taken," resounds on social networks and among the approximately 350 thousand people who participated in the prayer.
Among the images of "pr0stitutes", in fact, there is the mosaic of the Madonna and Child enthroned between the emperors Justinian and Constantine, the majestic Virgin of the apsidal basin, or the mosaic of Constantine IX where his wife Zoe is also present.
2 2 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists
2 years ago
ERDOGAN and his genocide ottoman! Whores women and whores Christian Madonnas. In Turkey, "the images of pr0stitutes must be covered". The reference is to the sacred icons present in the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, which is now a mosque. “Will there be a prostitute in the mosque? - asks Ebubekir Sofuoglu, Turkish historian, on his Twitter account followed by over 90 thousand people - If the icons are not eliminated, Hagia Sophia will be the first mosque in the world where pr0stitutes will be exposed ".
2 years ago
ERDOGAN and his genocide ottoman! Whores women and whores Christian Madonnas. In Turkey, "the images of pr0stitutes must be covered". The reference is to the sacred icons present in the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, which is now a mosque. “Will there be a prostitute in the mosque? - asks Ebubekir Sofuoglu, Turkish historian, on his Twitter account followed by over 90 thousand people - If the icons are not eliminated, Hagia Sophia will be the first mosque in the world where pr0stitutes will be exposed ".
And for the first Friday prayer, in fact, the mosaics were darkened, the carpets returned on the floor and Islamic extremists rejoiced. "You have finally been taken," resounds on social networks and among the approximately 350 thousand people who participated in the prayer.
Among the images of "pr0stitutes", in fact, there is the mosaic of the Madonna and Child enthroned between the emperors Justinian and Constantine, the majestic Virgin of the apsidal basin, or the mosaic of Constantine IX where his wife Zoe is also present.
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Police investigate anti-Semitic tweets by grime artist Wiley
2 years ago
ebrei "codardi" e "serpenti"? proprio tutti gli ebrei, anche, Mosé, Davide Salomone e Gesù di Betlemme?
allora, precisiamo: "codardi" e "serpenti" li abbiamo tutti, e purtroppo esistono in tutti i popoli e in tutte le religioni, .. e chi non conosce quel Erdogan di un "codardo" e "serpente",
infatti, noi tutti conosciamo i massoni di “Beni Berith” Rothschild
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