non è una testata giornalistica

Your account is suspended

Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

Rotella, leaves the house, gets in the car and dies

 world is small and people murmur: now everyone knows that Anglo-Americans are Satanists, because Unius REI is worthy of credibility


Canada's new sanctions against Russia for the invasion of Ukraine.

This time it is the leader of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill and other individuals who - it is specified - are spreading disinformation about the truth of Allah.

Canada targets Kirill in new round of anti-Russian sanctions

but, the spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, who said that "sanctions against the Patriarch can only be introduced by Satanists".


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Darwin pimps and monkeys scream at g20 against lavrov:

"when will you stop the war?"


but where were they when they killed 12,000 innocent people in Donbass

and when the CIA in 2014 with Chechen snipers killed 98 innocent people in Maidan Square,

while the fascist Nazis made the Odessa pogroms?


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

in the Georgia Guidestones: Rockefeller wrote a love letter love to his son-in-law Bin ISIS Salman from Riyad:

he told him: "don't be a cancer in nature".

He avoids petty Sharia laws and useless cutthroat Imam officials; Balance the personal rights of sodom with the social duties of Satan; Truth - beauty - love of dirty movies in Hollywood, and free pedo-polygamous swinger couples, and the search for harmony with the infinite; (don't always think about giving the pea, because there is also pleasure in giving the hole) and its great architect Soros JaBullOn, and then Don't be an idiot Wahhabi cancer on Earth anymore Leave space for nature - Leave space for nature ".


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Ecclestone, reverse on Putin: "Wrong war, I spoke without thinking"


when you are 91 years old and you are more afraid of the CIA Satan and Sodom than of the imminent Judgment of God

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

g20 US secretary blinken warns China about Taiwan and Ukraine


the famous last words before the world war

nothing is more dangerous than a Wahhabi Islamist sharia Ottoman genocide, or an Anglo-American Satanist who pretends to be democracy and holiness and justice!


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Bin ISIS Salman ] [ I heard my article on aliens was a great success!

ok, I denounce myself: I have been killing aliens throughout the solar system for 14 years!

and that's why Rockefeller Enlightened Lucifer's instructions were shattered

Anonymous demolishes the Georgia Guidestones with explosives: the mysterious "Stonehenge of America" with instructions on the Apocalypse.

So you too have decided to die for the love of Rothschild?


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Erdogan promised me that in Turkey he will no longer kill a single Christian, because he has already killed them all, and that now it is the Kurds who must watch their backs,

while, with the Muslim brothers, and the Islamic international OCI UMMA Riyad the Sudairi Wahhabis are truly takfiri, there will no longer be peaceful Christians all over the world: akbar the jihadist galaxy!


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 74 comments

Blood libel: Palestinian PM says Israel conducts ‘lab experiments’ on bodies of…


Categorically unacceptable ': Moscow slams Israeli airstrike in Syriaim Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri4Detected as spamif, Syria wants to become a normal state?if Syria no longer wants to be a terrorist state that threatens Israel? first of all the Turks and Iranians must get out of its territory! second: Israel and Syria must recognize each other. and it is evident: the Russians cannot guarantee for the security of Israel, therefore they would do better to keep quiet. Is Putin only concerned with his national security of him? but does he not care about the safety of Israel? this would be gross negligence for him We have received your request for review


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


UN OCI Riyad UMMA UK satana Sodoma allah Spa&Co predator ] open letter [

I have already referred to as the embassies in Jerusalem

for set the natural law, of my Kingdom of ISRAEL

to collapse the WW3 NWO Sharjah system

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

but only fragile vaccinated people die

(in fact the magic serum destroys the immune system)

After the medical treatments in series, those who were healthy are no longer healthy.

And he leaves.. bye


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


We have received your request for review @11Giuliano Servi: Rotella, leaves the house, gets in the car and dies of

a heart attack. Fabio Grossetti, director of Lega Coop Marche, passed away

at the age of 64. Unfortunately, the heart attack left him

no way out.

but only fragile vaccinated people die (in fact the magic serum destroys the immune system)


final.. Maybe they think it can only happen to others,

but it certainly does not happen to those who avoid these

big 666 pharma herbicides the satanists of the CIA deep state!

but only fragile vaccinated people die

(in fact the serum magic etc. etc.

We have received your request for review

@ 11Julian #noCorrelation

final.. Maybe they think it can only happen to others,

but it certainly does not happen to those who avoid these

big 666 pharma herbicides the satanists of the CIA deep state!

but only fragile vaccinated people die

(in fact the magic serum destroys the immune system)

We have received your request for review


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Woman dragged behind a flowerbed by immigrants: gang rape

July 4 July 4

Sexual violence in Piazza Duca d’Aosta: 55-year-old arrested

July 3 July 3

Immigrant without a ticket punches an ATM employee

July 3 July 3

Africans beat and rape girl

July 2 July 2

Girl beaten by the Albanian family to prevent her from having relationships, her father and three brothers arrested

July 1 July 1

Attempted sexual violence: he throws her on the ground and tears off her panties

June 28 June 28

Elderly woman beaten on the bus after asking an immigrant to put on a mask

June 27 June 27

Beaten, raped and forced into prostitution

June 27 June 27

Groped by the migrant

June 26 June 26

Conductor asks for the ticket, hit with a fist. A colleague was also beaten

June 26 June 26

Milan, surround and rob an old woman on the subway

June 26 June 26

Moroccan Bengali bar

June 26 June 26


June 26 June 26

Tunisian splits two ribs to the Italian partner

June 25 June 25

Bologna, vigilantes scold kids: attacked

June 23 June 23

Migrants raped her on the train for an hour

June 22 June 22

Migrant harasses bartender

June 22 June 22

He strips naked in the street and attacks the military

June 21 June 21

Twitch Theft Live: North African Robbery Erkole

June 21 June 21

Italians massacred by Africans in Naples

June 21 June 21


June 21 June 21


June 21 June 21

Migrant violates a young girl and attacks an elderly man who stops him

June 20 June 20

Migrant rapes 20 years old in Modena

June 20 June 20



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Mattarella on tour in Africa invites everyone to Italy: "We do not reject migrants"

July 8, 2022 Vox

Africans march on Riccione: Italians stabbed

African armed with a broken bottle on the hunt for Italians

"Italy is Maroccolandia": immigrant children threaten Italian holidays


Immigrant children: "We Moroccans are colonizing Italy", threaten guerrillas

Biden signs bizarre 'executive order' on abortion and stumbles on live - VIDEO

French NGO picks up another 315 between drug dealers and illegal immigrants to take to Italy

Pfizer wants to vaccinate Italian infants despite their vaccine being useless

African destroys parked cars shouting “Allah Akbar” - VIDEO


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


all western leaders (they pretend democracy, but they are a tecnocrati demonic-sodomitic neoliberalist regime: usures scam banking seigniorage controlled by mafia judges), and those of the Arab League all deserve the death penalty for the love of Rockefeller Spa & Co! world war will came becouse Bin ISIS Salman jabulOn: who rejects my Kingdom of Israel]

since 2010 the CIA has planned: its Nazi-Fascist crimes: the coup on Maidan Square in Kiev: with dangerous Chechen sniper assassins still unpunished today

["Today we hear that they want to defeat us on the battlefield. Well, let them try. We have already heard this story, that the West wants to fight us to the last Ukrainian. This is a tragedy for the Ukrainian people."

the crimes that the EU UK USA OTAN 666 CIA OCI Erdogan have committed Ukraine cry out for vengeance before the throne of God

G-d bless "Queen of Guns" world war will came becouse Bin IRAN ISIS Salman from Mecca 666 Caaba

who refuses my Kingdom of Israel


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 12 comments

WATCH: Saudis weigh inviting Israeli official to visit


disqus 666 Spa & Co, worldisraelnews ] [ yes you are dumb, all knows it.. your satanists here know that I make slanderous diatribes, but then they can't understand what I write here


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 6 comments

Fundraising campaign amasses almost $3M for Jewish toddler orphaned in…


in the EU they are a bunch of perverts and incarnate demons!

While the US Supreme Court refers the decision on the legality or otherwise of the murder of unborn children to the states, and therefore to the peoples who live there, the EU Parliament would like to impose it on the EU states.

In a non-legislative resolution, the EU Parliament asks for the right to abortion to be included in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. A straight leg entry on the decision of the US Supreme Court to abolish the right to abort. The resolution was approved in Strasbourg with 324 yes, 155 no and 38 abstentions.

EU Parliament votes to impose the murder of children on Italy

Even the League has spoken out against the resolution of the European Parliament. "Today in Strasbourg yet another attempt by the European Parliament to interfere with the United States took place. And of the Member States ". Thus the Northern League MEP Simona Baldassarre. With the second resolution approved in plenary on abortion within a month. 324 deputies became accomplices, compared to 155 who voted against and 38 abstentions. Jurisdiction over abortion is and remains with the sovereignty of individual countries ".



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Russia has already destroyed the Harpoon anti-missile system sent by Johnson to Kiev

8 times more Italian immigrant crimes: and their children are a social bomb

Lampedusa invaded and Lamorgese raving of "humanitarian corridors"

The left enlists 3,000 illegal immigrants to wage war on the Italians

Immigrant son: "I do not follow Italian laws, but Moroccan laws" - VIDEO

Palermo, VIDEO

Ius scholae, the children of immigrants: we massacre Italians to subdue them - VIDEO

Citizenship to immigrant baby gangs: they rule - VIDEO

Italian state accomplice of smugglers: 1,500 from Lampedusa on trains to the north to deal and rape

Brutus, the killed and skinned swan: guess who did it?

EU Parliament votes to impose the murder of children on Italy


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


African destroys parked cars shouting “Allah Akbar” - VIDEO

With Ius scholae, 4 million immigrants would become 'Italians': the end of Italy

July 8, 2022

Boom of immigrants without money in Italy: maintained with the subsidies of Italians who commit suicide


The next premier of the United Kingdom will be an Islamic: they are colonizing us

Africans devastate Lampedusa, reduced to an open-air latrine - VIDEO

Immigrant rapes a girl who lives in her apartment building: "I'll kill you"

Conductor massacred by immigrant: he had asked to wear a mask


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 16 comments

Ex-leader Shinzo Abe fatally shot in shock Japan attack


We have received your request for review2 hours agoDetected as spam @ 11FinalJulian.. green pass. This is manslaughter! They have to select us and those who sleep will have no future. #noCorrelation 2 hours ago Detected as spambut only fragile vaccinated people die (in fact the magic serum destroys the immune system)

@ 11Giuliano This death of healthy people forced to medical treatments in series is induced by the politically imposed sera. Now the first selective phase has ended with the booster and the consequences of the medium term are beginning: The sudden unknown diseases that I did not.


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Because in addition to the insults there were no valid arguments, to be able to discuss with Lavrov, in fact, in the G20 there is no intellectual honesty, but they will have to answer for the crimes of extermination world war and Jewish-Islamic- Masonic association!

"If the West does not want talks to take place, but wants Ukraine to defeat Russia on the battlefield, as both views have been expressed, then, perhaps, there is nothing to talk about with the West." Said the head of Russian diplomacy "The West wants to win in Ukraine on the battlefield. It has nothing to talk about.

With this approach, it does not allow Ukraine to move forward with the peace process and forces its authorities to use the weapons it sends to destroy the civilian population. as we see every day, "Lavrov said the goal I have known since 2012: is that of Riyad USA UK EU OTAN Erdogan: it is that of obtaining world war by slandering China and Russia in every way!

their goal (Rockefeller Wahhabi Rothschild enlightened) is to disintegrate Israel, and to oppose my Kingdom of Israel: to never resolve the Jewish question, and to make Zionism fail,

Ukraine: Lavrov leaves G20 meeting early. Russia, Lavrov rejects "delusional" criticism of the West at the G20:

russophobia and slander are the delusional criticisms against the Russian Federation in relation to the situation in Ukraine. "'Aggressors', 'invaders', 'occupiers': we have heard all the colors today," Lavrov said.

but, those of the G20 UN OCI EU UK USA: they have lost their memory:

but yet

*** they made a coup in Kiev,

*** they made pogroms and hundreds of innocent deaths: when the cameras were off:

*** they built troops (death squads) of Nazi-fascists:

*** they attacked the Donbass for 8 years: causing 12,000 deaths, *** they trampled the universal plebiscite of Donbass and Crimea,

*** they pushed Putin into a dead end with NATO!

*** they destroyed the world economy with sanctions against Russia.

*** Eurocratic criminals have turned the EU's best friend and ally into its worst enemy, and have glorified the cutthroats of the ARAB LEAGUE.

*** Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov left the Bali G20 meeting of major economies early after telling his counterparts that the Russian invasion of Ukraine it is not responsible for a global food crisis and that sanctions designed to isolate Russia amounted to a declaration of war.


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


#NoneCorrelation #AdverseReactions #Sudden Illness #QuartaDose #Montagnier

@ 11 Final Julian.. green pass. This is manslaughter! They have to select us and those who sleep will have no future.

gloriano bartolini

but only fragile vaccinated people die (in fact the magic serum destroys the immune system)

@ 11Giuliano This poor girl is the victim of wicked parents, who, confident of this crazy science, have become accomplices of a state sold to the davos program. This little girl with heart disease was not supposed to be inoculated, but she was never going to give him the greenpass... I forgot

but only fragile vaccinated people die (in fact the magic serum destroys the immune system)

@ 11Giuliano Consequences: Italian Athletics in mourning for the untimely death of Michele, mountain running champion - Runner's World Italia. runnersworld.It

Italian athletics in mourning for the untimely death of Michele, the mountain running champion

The Trentino and national mountain running athlete died following a rapid illness at the age of 28

but only fragile vaccinated people die (in fact the magic serum destroys the immune system)

@ 11 Final Julian.. they do NOT leave room for autoimmune. Young Michele left us, a few days after his diagnosis! Find out before risking your life.


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


@gparagone Someone warn.. had warned.

It was January; then it was easier to point the finger at us, isolate ourselves, laugh at us, DISCRIMINATE US..

We were the #NoVax, we were the "bad guys" on duty.

#AdverseReactions #Suddenly Bad #QuartaDose #Montagnier

Listen carefully to what Monsignor Viganò says today 7 July.



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


#noCorrelation @ 11Julian

Selection: Hospital of Mirandola, condolences of the Ausl for the nurse Mariangela Fabbri.

The condolences of the USL Company and of the colleagues of the Santa Maria Bianca to the professional who died prematurely after 30 years of service.

For healthcare personnel blackmailed by the power of crazy rules it is an endless tragedy: And they are preparing another series of medical treatments. Only in Italy you have to risk your life, to be able to work and it is shameful... I forgot


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme



Alberto Bressan dies at 53 because Rockefeller Spa & Co Big 666 pharma have blessed him


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 11 comments

UAE gives Israeli woman life sentence after cancelling death penalty


i am king and jewsh messia

but also Unius REI worldwide procurator

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 157 comments

Is the Canadian army helping the PA take over Israel’s Area C?


Canadian army helping Palestinians take over Judea and Samaria Putin is right, Westerners are a unique transnational criminal Masonic-Mafia association.

the churches of satan of the CIA and the Wahhabis cannibals guide the choices of Western governments.

OCI ottoman jihad Erdogan UMMA Allah uuhh akbar kaput to all infidels sharjah

Saudi Arabia, Iran, Egypt, Syria and Jordan now have to tell me, if they want to solve the Jewish question: give stability to the Middle East, or if they want to go and kill the Russians and the Chinese by im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Bin ISIS sharia genocide akbar from Riyad ] [ let Jewish prostutes scream: all masons usurers perverted demons incarnate, racists, satanists: the scum parassite

then, where can they go?

no one knows how to kiss like me!

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 18 comments

Britain's Boris Johnson resigns as PM amid scandal


bulling predator Great Britain, 666 Spa & Co. off Boris Johnson, warmonger

as, you have NOT managed to push us into the world war yet or Rockefeller Bin ISIS Salman!

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 17 comments

Moscow’s chief rabbi officially ousted over refusal to support Russian invasion


After the sensational and blessed decision of the Supreme Court of the United States of America to cancel the unhealthy idea

that abortion is a federally guaranteed "right", the world has turned nasty.

Standard bearers and corifei of the "culture of death" are torn apart

the clothes clatter and try to make it possible

it is impossible for the slaughter to continue: in the United States,

in Europe and everywhere in the world.

We must therefore resist.

"IFamNews" resists, fights, does not give up.


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


the EU is a ruthless Nazi Jewish-Masonic parasitic demonic and sodomitic regime, of dangerous coup leaders and international criminals

Ukraine, Lavrov: "Civilian deaths in Donbass are the fault of the West"

06 July 2022

It is Western countries that have to hold themselves "responsible"

for "civilian deaths in the Donbass republics and in Ukraine".

This was stated by the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov

on the occasion of his visit to Hanoi, Vietnam.

"The West must realize its responsibility

for the death of civilians - Lavrov said -.

Particularly in the Donbass republics but also in other parts of Ukraine.

Kiev is using the weapons provided by the West against civilians mainly for intimidation ".

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


#noCorrelation #noCorrelation

REGGIO EMILIA, 07 JUL - A 52-year-old Polish hauler died in Novellara (Reggio Emilia), after falling from the bed of his truck while unloading a machine. It happened inside the forecourt of the Global Wending company. The causes are under investigation. On the spot, in addition to 118, the carabinieri and occupational medicine, which are carrying out the surveys to ascertain the causes and dynamics. We must understand if he has had an illness.

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 11 comments

BDS a 'polarizing' factor on campus, Canadian report concludes



Cession of sovereignty to Albanians and Gypsies in exchange for entry into the EU. The EU is a project of ethnic subversion. Every white and Christian people must fight against Brussels.


police officers have been injured in the Macedonian capital of Skopje during protests against the government’s concessions on ethnic rights as part of EU accession talks-goverment wants to erase part of Macedonian history in exchange for EU membership (won't happen)


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


They entrust their 10-year-old daughter to immigrant and he rapes her July 7, 2022

Boris Johnson fired by Putin: first in a long streak July 7, 2022

African smuggler on train instead of jail July 7, 2022


Here comes the NGO that ferries foreign thieves and terrorists to Italy July 7, 2022

"Riccione like Africa" and they beat up a 15-year-old girl, Letta: they deserve citizenship - VIDEO July 7, 2022

Ius scholae, Islamic daughter wanted to behead Italians: "It makes me sick to live among them" - VIDEO July 7, 2022

Putin Kills First European Government: Boris Johnson Towards Resignation July 7, 2022

Boom of rich people on boats: the UN says so too, they come to Italy to scrounge July 7, 2022

Boom of HIV-positive immigrants: even AIDS arrives in Italy on the boat July 7, 2022

The Left's Plan: Hide Immigrant Rape July 7, 2022


We are moving towards energy rationing throughout Europe

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


sharia bds & antižionism same satanism

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Colonial executioners, England, America, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, France..... How would they punish, steal and subjugate the world even today?

Africa will not forget you and others will not let you.

Kolonijalni dželati, Engleska, Amerika, Belgija, Španija, Portugalija, Francuska..... Kako onda i danas bi da kažnjavaju, kradu i pokoravaju svijet.

Afrika vam neće zaboraviti a ostali neće dozvoliti.


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 16 comments

Jewish Florida mayor told ‘kill yourself’ in email


#nocorrelation @ 11Giuliano

Another victim: Fabio Grossetti, director of Lega Coop Marche, struck down by a heart attack at the age of 65 while he was behind the wheel.

WHEEL-he Fabio Grossetti, director, died while driving the car in the parking lot in front of the house


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


stories of ordinary madness in Italy Bildenberg Soros PD

Immigrant children slaughter an Italian boy with kicks and punches

Migrant stabs the man who defends his wife to death


“Shopping without going through the cashier”. Two Tunisians denounced

Heroin dealing in San Lorenzo: maxi-gang of Nigerian drug dealers vanquished

Cesena, illegally occupy a cottage: double complaint for two Tunisians

Castellanza punches his wife in front of his children: drunk Tunisian arrested

Woman dragged behind a flowerbed by immigrants: gang rape


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


stories of ordinary madness in Italy Bildenberg Soros PD

Perugia, bivouacked at the University of flavors: expelled non-EU citizen who must have already left Italy

Sexual violence in Piazza Duca d’Aosta: 55-year-old arrested

Milan, shooting in Corso Como at dawn on Sunday: two Senegalese injured, then arrested

Immigrant without a ticket punches an ATM employee

Africans beat and rape girl

Vicenza, obscene acts in via Mazzini: Nigerian immobilized with a taser and arrested

Senegalese citizen arrested for possession of narcotic substances for the purpose of drug dealing

stories of ordinary madness in Italy Bildenberg Soros PD

Local police: a Nigerian citizen denounced by the dignity nucleus of Fontivegge



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme



Expelled from Italy, they land again in Pantelleria, 3 Tunisians arrested

He beats his wife and tries to escape with his son to Tunisia: blocked

Girl beaten by the Albanian family to prevent her from having relationships, her father and three brothers arrested



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


braggart dentist: "safe vaccines" died prematurely!

@ 11Julian

Confident: Another doctor, "V@ccini sure, more likely to die hit by a car". Dentist killed by illness at home.




yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 4 comments

Syria: Soldier killed in Israeli air strike near border


the priests of satan have immense faults in Ukraine.

and their predations, slanders and confiscations against Russia are illegal!

but the Alaska litigation speech? does not exist!


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


the Christian martyrs killed by Big 666 pharma & Rothschild Spa & Co Bil Gates. Kalergi agenda @ 11Giuliano


I do not know and avoid the multiple serates, which will go to the creator, without admitting that they have been deceived.

@miketanzania sudden death list! gloriano bartolini @ 11Giuliano

final.. will continue to serum, because he did not understand that they were deceived, by their government friends sold and Selected:

Community of Calolzio tormented by the disappearance of the young Viviana,


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


ACS-Italy Massacre of Christians and other faithful in #BurkinaFaso: over 30 dead in the province of Kossi, region of Boucle du Mouhoun.



polistrate fossil no EU Shariah Bildenberg

🙏💜💜💜🙏 the Christian martyrs killed by Allah


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 8 comments

PA appropriates Israeli heritage site in Samaria, causing mass archeological…


🙏💜💜💜🙏 the Christian martyrs killed by Allah


Massacre of Christians and other faithful in #BurkinaFaso: over 30 dead in the province of Kossi, region of Boucle du Mouhoun. Full news in


# 5July



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Bin ISIS Salman ʿAbd Allāh II ibn al-Ḥusayn Kings my bro ] It is true without error and falsehood , it is certain and most true.

What is below is like what is above, and what is above

it is like that which is below, to perform the miracles of the One-Thing (of one thing only).

As all things have always been and came from the One,

by mediation of the One, thus all things were born from this One Thing by adaptation.

The Sun is its father, the Moon is its mother, the Wind carried it

in his womb, the Earth is his nurse.

The father of all, the Telesma of the whole world is here.

His power is unlimited if he is converted to earth.

You will separate the Earth from the Fire, the Subtle from the Dense, gently, with great care.

It ascends from earth to heaven and descends to earth, gathering

the forces of higher and lower things.

You will thus have the glory of the whole world and all darkness will flee from you.

Here consists the strong Force of each Force, because everything will win

that which is subtle and will penetrate all that is solid.

Thus the world was created. From this will derive innumerable admirable adaptations whose secret is all here.

Therefore I was called Hermes Trismegistus,

possessor of the three parts of the Philosophy of the whole world.

What I said about the work of the Sun Unius REI, he is perfect

It is complete.

the kabbalists to watch my soul?

they go crazy


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Bin ISIS Salman ʿAbd Allāh II ibn al-Ḥusayn Kings my bro] we cannot say that Rockefeller Spa & Co, would have given their soul to the devil in order to have me: in some jabulOn organization of theirs, because they are the Satanists themselves.

but it's true that everyone thinks that I belong to them:

and this is not witchcraft, it is true that I belong to everyone.

because the charisma-ministry of Unius REI is that of totality to unite opposites


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 25 comments

Judea and Samaria boycott moving forward? Ben & Jerry's sues Unilever


Bin ISIS Salman ʿAbd Allāh II ibn al-Ḥusayn Kings my bro] really? did you do this? [On November 18, 2014, two Palestinian terrorists killed 4 rabbis and a policeman in a synagogue in Jerusalem. "Two attackers armed with knives, axes and a pistol stormed a synagogue in an Orthodox Jewish neighborhood, killing four faithful and wounding many others before the police killed them."


On November 19, the Jordanian Parliament held a moment of silence in honor of the Palestinian terrorists. "In an unprecedented gesture of hostility towards Israel, the Jordanian Parliament on Wednesday opened a cabinet meeting with a moment of silence for two Palestinian terrorists who massacred five Israelis in a Jerusalem synagogue the day before, L 'Israeli NRG News.

The Speaker of the Lower House, Atef Tarawneh, then recited a prayer in memory of the "martyrs", Uday and Rassan Abu-Jamal, who were killed by Israeli police while shooting and killing four praying rabbis and a police officer who later succumbed. to his wounds.

Along with the 62nd memorial, a deputy asked the governing body to compose a letter condemning what he called "the Zionist attacks on Jerusalem and its inhabitants after a 'heroic act' committed by the two East Jerusalem residents."


On May 27, 2021, Israel Hayom reported that "Jordanian parliamentarians want to end peace with Israel, praise Hamas. In a special session of parliament on the Israel-Hamas war, members of the Jordanian parliament praise Hamas, they call the Jews" the killers of the prophets "," cowards "and" the children of monkeys and pigs ". (Please see the video in the link below)



no one has killed more true prophets than ISLAM itself, since Mohammed was the first true esoteric pig;

obviously, monkeys are all those who belong to collective symbiotic oraganisms, and certainly, from this point of view the Muslim dogmatists are among the first to climb trees, together with the Darwin monkeys of course


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Bin ISIS Salman ʿAbd Allāh II ibn al-Ḥusayn Kings m bro ] Abbas augh akbar abu is 87 years old. A new poll shows that Hamas has overtaken Fatah.

The creation of a Hamas-led Palestinian state will cause war in Israel and a revolt in Jordan.

Hamas will attack Israel with missiles from Judea and Samaria as they do from Gaza.

If the Jordanian king tries to prevent the smuggling of weapons into Judea and Samaria, the Jordanian population

and the Jordanian parliament will turn against the king, not only the Palestinian state but also Jordan will fall into the hands of Hamas.

Even a reporter close to the king in Saudi Arabia is now calling for no new state between Israel and Jordan. https://www.israelunwired.Com/the-creation-of-a-state-called-palestine-will-cause-war-in-israel-and-a-revolt-in-jordan


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


aaahhh then it's all clear! The Palestinian National Charter of 1964 defined Palestine as the pre-1967 territory of the State of Israel - notably excluding the West Bank and East Jerusalem, claiming they belonged to Jordan.

When the area was part of Jordan, the Palestinians said they didn't want that land. In 1967,

Israel ended the Jordanian occupation of Judea and Samaria

(which had started in 1948). In 1968 the Palestinians changed their status to claim Judea and Samaria

(plus, of course, the rest of Israel).

"Palestine and Jordan are one.."

King Abdullah said in 1948.

"The truth is that Jordan is Palestine and Palestine

it is Jordan, "King Hussein of Jordan said in 1981.

Jordan was created with land from Palestine

of the British Mandate, 78% of the Jordanian population is Palestinian.

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said that "Palestinians and Jordanians are a people in two states - Jordan and Palestine.."

yes because wherever there is a mosque that has become an "eternal muslim country"

a bit like where there is a bank that is the NWO

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 6 comments

In major blow, 2 key ministers quit Boris Johnson government


Boris Johnson is a bully

and he hates the Russians with no ifs and buts

because he sucked in the Rothschild low dirty parts


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 27 comments

WATCH Al-Aqsa Mosque imam goes on homophobic diatribe during Friday…

im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


lgbqia ideologyare Allah (pedo poligamus) and Satana cult

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


The relics of Santa Maria Goretti arrive in Gromola

They will remain in Gromola from January 29th to February 2nd

virgin and martyr of purity


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


G-d JHWH holy is not homophobic but hate lgbqia ideology

becouse omosessual is sinner


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 9 comments

Israeli suspect in fatal stabbing of Palestinian released to house arrest


Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News. eunuchs and chaste for the kingdom of God,

all repentant sinners will enter the Kingdom of God: regaining their spiritual virginity.

but there is no openness to homosexuality, neither in God nor in his natural law,

perversion can never be ennobled like sexuality which is potentially procreative (and therefore matrimonial)

Here because

there is no marriage for homosexuals.

It is useless for you to be called Christians, or civilized people, if you then accept and defend the union between two of the same se* knowing that the Bible is full of condemnations.

and knowing the health and penal problems that this disturbing phenomenon brings with it!

But a state of law can advertise some form of sexual perversion if it is not a Jewish plutocratic Freemason state.

which decided the destruction of the Christian and Israeli peoples.

History teaches that homosexuality is the symptom that precedes the destruction of empires: for immorality, libertinism, divorce and denatality.*

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 16 comments

Witness in Netanyahu trial details gifts lavished on then-PM by billionaire…


What prompted 752,829 Italians to take the first dose but not the second?

What prompted 8,859,591 Italians to take the second dose but not the third?

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


sudden death list! gloriano bartolini @ 11Giuliano

final.. will continue to serum, because he did not understand that they were deceived, by their government friends sold and Selected:

Community of Calolzio tormented by the disappearance of the young Viviana, who died suddenly at the age of 25.

Indescribable and unimaginable the pain of mother Valeria who had already lost first her husband and then her partner.


A community torn apart by the disappearance of the young Viviana, who died suddenly at the age of 25. Viviana Citterio died in Calolzio

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


we must aim for monetary sovereignty, stop scam banking seigniorage Rothschild Spa & Co Big 666 Pharma


better egg today or chicken tomorrow? How about fried egg and boiled chicken?

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


the perverted sodoms allah satan and ape Darwin Donkey Monkey (i.e. all anti-Zionists) hate Netanjahu:

yet he did everything to make himself loved at gay pride!

and therefore they vomit all their hatred and envy against him!

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 59 comments

Bullet examined in journalist's death may have been a substitute, says…


Benedict XVI and Francis, the church of the two Popes and the shadow of the schism:

what happens?

Massimo Franco, a great scholar of power, raises his gaze to the most mysterious things

in the Vatican: the relationship between Bergoglio and Ratzinger


Cardinal SIRI had been elected

but Rothschild the Freemason satanist super predator said:

"no, I want my Freemason John XXIII"

then, Obama told his lobbies of Cardinals Gay Luciferini and Freemasons:

"" banished Benedict XVI, I want my Freemason BERGOGLIO ""

and since this was not the case, the pedophile murderer DEM Obama Imam,

a client of Epstein:

he blocked the Vatican's swift and at that point his hollyness BenedictXVI was forced to resign.

the West of perverted occult powers and supernatural esoteric: it has become a den of vipers and Satanism: to the happiness of the Islamists

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 5 comments

Russia again condemns Israel for Syria attack


Gas price multiplied by 7 since the beginning of the Ukrainian war

Arab born in Italy wants to slaughter Italians with her Islamic gang

Crying "Riccione is Africa", a flock of migrants massacres an Italian girl

July 5, 2022 Vox

Ius scholae, citizenship to baby gangs: 400,000 immigrants immediately 'Italians'

They all land in Italy: Draghi prostitutes our ports to foreigners

Islamic terrorists on the boats, general warned the government but they made them land


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Covid, Bassetti: "Attention to a new, more contagious Indian variant". Close these fu**ccckkk ing borders

Numbers: PD governments have given 1 million soldiers to ethnic mafias

Immigrant Gang: Gutted Dogs and Occupied Neighborhoods - VIDEO

Pregnant women on boats: it is a demographic war, Italians driven out of their homes - VIDEO

Deaths on July 4th: the strange sniper who killed 6 and wounded 17

Assault on public transport in the multi-ethnic Milan of Sala: devastated vehicles and fires

Cats burned alive by baby gangs in the multi-ethnic neighborhood


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


The Islamic army on NGO ships: they finance them and use them to invade us - VIDEO

Immigrants cost us 12 billion euros and pay only 10 billion

Police: Jesolo in the hands of immigrant baby gangs, it is an emergency

Chicago, sniper fires on the 4th of July parade: 5 dead and 16 wounded

Marmolada, Draghi gretino: "All the fault of global warming"

OTAN 666 NATO armed wing of Gay Pride


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova

she should take an accelerated course to support its mentally ill sharjah terrorists jihad kaput akbar that are the stump of Assad and Iran


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 28 comments

Identity of Iranian general deploying air defenses in Syria exposed


the threat DEM 666 Spa & Co, of the Jewish-Masonic drug society that looms over adolescents! we must stop the legal drug law! The Chamber of Deputies has begun examining the law that allows anyone to grow cannabis at home. The spread and consumption of drugs will increase with damage to the entire society (crimes, road accidents..). It will encourage drug abuse and adolescent addictions!

Sign the petition against the legalization of cannabis, which increases drug trafficking and mainly affects minors [click here] They say that legalizing drugs affects the business of the mafia. It is a colossal lie. The hero judge Paolo Borsellino already said (in 1989): "It is for criminology amateurs to think that by liberalizing drug trafficking the clandestine trafficking would disappear completely and these nails would be lifted from the mafia's claw." Borsellino understood the real risk of legalization:

"There would remain a residual slice of the clandestine market that would become extremely more dangerous, because it is aimed at those who, for reasons of age, cannot enter the official market, and therefore at the weakest and most to be protected categories."


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 36 comments

'Categorically unacceptable': Moscow slams Israeli airstrike in Syria


Cesena, illegally occupy a cottage: double complaint for two Tunisians

Castellanza punches his wife in front of his children: drunk Tunisian arrested

Woman dragged behind a flowerbed by immigrants: gang rape

Perugia, bivouacked at the University of flavors: expelled non-EU citizen who must have already left Italy

Sexual violence in Piazza Duca d’Aosta: 55-year-old arrested

Milan, shooting in Corso Como at dawn on Sunday: two Senegalese injured, then arrested

Immigrant without a ticket punches an ATM employee

Africans beat and rape girl

Vicenza, obscene acts in via Mazzini: Nigerian immobilized with a taser and arrested

Senegalese citizen arrested for possession of a narcotic substance for the purpose of drug dealing

Local police: a Nigerian citizen denounced by the dignity nucleus of Fontivegge


Expelled from Italy, they land again in Pantelleria, 3 Tunisians arrested


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


#Disqus #worldisraelnews] [what did you find spam in this article? im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri27 minutes ago Detected as spam We have received your request for review if, Syria wants to become a normal state? if Syria no longer wants to be a terrorist state that threatens Israel?

first of all the Turks and Iranians must get out of its territory!

second: Israel and Syria must recognize each other. and it is evident: the Russians cannot guarantee for the security of Israel,

therefore they would do better to keep quiet. Is Putin only concerned with his national security of him?


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 14 comments

Lebanese PM criticizes Hezbollah over drone provocation


Rothschild 666 Rockefeller The Greatest Social Engineering Freemason Specialists And Their Vaccines! Selection: Trento, mourning in Val di Non, Bruno Sembianti dies at 45.

He was president of the irrigation consortium of Vervò. Hospitalized a few for a fever, he leaves his wife and two young children. (photo Fb)

Giornaleetrentino.It Mourning in Val di Non, Bruno Sembianti dies at the age of 45

He was president of the irrigation consortium of Vervò. Hospitalized a few for a fever, he leaves his wife and two small children (photo Fb)


final.. Maybe they think it can only happen to others, but it certainly does not happen to those who avoid these herbicides!


It's a tragedy for public executives who have to set a submissive example, but to keep the prestige post they are willing to do anything. Without questioning about the risks they run and following the guideline, they go to the creator early... I forgot

gloriano bartolini


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Rothschild 666 Rockefeller The Greatest Social Engineering Freemason Specialists And Their Vaccines! @11Julian

This death in civil servants is very strange: they are healthy people obliged to medical treatments in series and induced by politically imposed sera.Now the first selective phase is over and the consequences

of the medium term are starting:.. I forgot

gloriano bartolini

@11Julian N 'Other: Ardesio, a 68 year old struck down by an illness.

A 68-year-old man, who was near the Serio River, near the Florida bar was rescued due to an illness.

Unfortunately the man died. Ardesio: a 68-year-old struck down by illness - MyValley.It news!

A 68-year-old man, who was near the Serio River, near the Florida bar was rescued due to an illness.

gloriano bartolini @11Julian

Other victim: Hot record, shock on the shores: woman dies, two saved in extremis.


Weekend of fear and unfortunately with a dramatic toll on the seaside

beaches of the coast. A 67-year-old woman, F.P., from Mondragone died on

Saturday morning on a l



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


vax Spa& Co, killer! gloriano bartolini @ 11Giuliano


He fought to the end with a serious illness but his heart stopped today. Teacher Cristina Pag died at the age of 46 in the Annunziata hospital




She fought to the end with a serious illness but her heart stopped today. Teacher Cristina died at the age of 46 in the Annunziata hospital..


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 10 comments

IDF foils new Hamas attempt to infiltrate soldiers’ phones


before the Russian invasion of Ukraine,

all nations and all governments can declare it

in 8 years, the international community has witnessed,

there was an impressive list of crimes; universal, pogroms, targeted killings,

a list of war crimes, which is so long

that Ursula and Draghi and their accomplices

they must immediately be sentenced to death

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


voyeurs pedo jihad pedo] terror group took over cell phones by using fake online accounts of young women that lured the men to download spyware


Allah is looking for your private parts


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 43 comments

Forensic tests on bullet that killed journalist Abu Akleh 'inconclusive', say US…


the martyrs cristeros of Mexico (protected by the Morenita) and threatened by Bergoglio's Pachamama:

they are killed / exterminated because English Jewish Freemasonry likes it so.

this is the empire of the apes Darwin the Communists, in league today with the Islamists.

the latest demonic assault against the Zionism of my Kingdom of Israel


choose your field position, in this deadly battle:

that we will all have to fight because of sharjah Wahhabis



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 6 comments

Muslim MK under fire after asking Israeli authorities for permission to visit…

im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


to executioner Erdogan & IRAN & jihad & Riyadh for Bin ISIS kaput Salman] open letter death to all Chinese slaves because they are dirty and impure kafir dhimmis infidels who, etc. etc. etc. etc. akbar. and as everyone knows: in China the shower has not yet been invented, that is, when the Wahhabis had already been washing themselves under the camel, which seems to me a good legal reason to declare war on CHINA, and thus implement the caliphate of the sadairii


no problem, I don't tear down the Dome of the Rock (I feel good today)

but to me who am the Kingdom of Israel, do you allow me to build the Jewish Temple there?


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 31 comments

Bezos slams Biden for passing the buck over high cost of gas


dr. Grisanti: "vaccinated are more sensitive to the virus!"


this variant is more infectious for the vaccinated

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 21 comments

Ben & Jerry’s foundation president steered funds to his own charity



Frajese: Pfizer and Moderna say that VAX does not need to be tested, they give vaccines directly to us guinea pigs,

but it has been found that with sperm reproduction and with the ovaries, there are problems.

in addition to MAGISTRATES ALSO the doctors MUST WAKE UP

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 7 comments

Hearing gets intense over accusations of growing antisemitism at CUNY schools


Western propaganda, on websites and advertisements, says:

"no Putin, no war"

but the truth is

"no sharia, no OTAN CIA, no spa & Co, no war"

and the real truth is:

"either Zionism or Wahhabi nuclear W war"

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


BELARUS, Lukashenko threatens Europe: it is said about all the headlines (but why is not explained) why it is that the CIA OTAN coup Rockefeller pushes in all directions to obtain a widening of the conflict.

Minsk accuses Kiev of attempting to attack its national territory by launching missiles. According to President Alexander Lukashenko, the Ukrainians have carried out provocations, “three, perhaps something more, they tried to hit military installations in Belarus, but thank God - he added - the air defense system intercepted them all.

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


the satanist Jewish plutocrats starved hundreds of Greek children to death

but now for the war in Ukraine: there is no limit to arms and money.

This is not the EU of the peoples:

its leaders Boris Trudeau Draghi Strunz Ursula o must be arrested for high treason!

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Zelensky the servant of the monkey people darwin


"If a clown moves into a palace, he does not become king: the palace becomes a circus" (ancient Chinese proverb).

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 66 comments

'No alternative to elimination of Iran's nuclear force,' says Henry Kissinger

im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


peoples know nothing of supernatural ENTITY wahhabis-Rockefeller Spa & Co, yet proving it is easy:

who in the whole ARAB LEAGUE and in the whole EU USA protested the pogrom Odessa and 8 years of genocide in Donbass?

as we are democracy, if there is no politically dissenting thought, against the slanders of NATO, and not even against the sending of weapons to Ukraine.

then either the NWO OCI Riyadh is under witchcraft, or you are just one bunch of criminals who don't deserve to continue living

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


peoples know nothing of the ENTITY (universal collective symbiotic) wahhabis-Rockefeller Spa & Co,

yet proving it is easy:

who in the whole ARAB LEAGUE and in the whole EU protested the Maidan coup? who demanded an investigation to find out the culprits and the instigators: of the Chechen snipers who killed 98 people: in that NATO coup?

then, either you are under witchcraft, or you are just one bunch of criminals!


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