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Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

furious at lack of US action on two-state solution, 'ground not ripe'

PA furious at lack of US action on two-state solution, 'ground not ripe'

im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

the Iranian and the Turk counterpose themselves to the Wahhabi,

and in this way they affirm their originality, individuality or identity, otherness etc.

but, who should I oppose?

I am Unius REI: everything is mine, all peoples are mine: and I belong to everyone and I belong to everyone

I oppose Satan jabulOn Marduch Owl Baal Lilit Sodom and Allah: and the legions of their demons only!


JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

about ten years ago: in the midst of the worldwide Masonic youtube government and its CIA Churches of Satan I created my DOMAIN of the Kingdom of Israel

and it has been politically operational for 10 years, in fact I have a hundred rabbis who follow me secretly for fear of Rockefeller


JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

According to what we read in the books of kings , Elijah was a great prophet. He served his mission under King Ahab. He resurrected the son of Sarepta's widow, who was hosting him during a famine.

When Queen Jezebel Queen Jabulon Elizabeth second UK exterminated all the prophets of JHWH to establish the worship of the only god Baal lgbtqia Owl at bohemian grove crematio of cure,

he remained the last faithful to the God of Abraham lorenzoJHWH UniusREI, but,

he challenged and defeated the 450 Bush and Rockefeller prophets of the god Allah Marduch Baal on Mount Carmel: here, after they had prayed in vain

their god, throughout the day, demonstrated the power of God by lighting, with prayer in a miracle, a pyre of green and wet wood. Then, at the Kison stream,

he slaughtered with the help of the people all 450 priests of Baal Soros Bildenerg Allah Marduch Owl Sodom and Gomorrah the Wahhabis.

To escape the wrath of Jezebel he fled to Mount Horeb, where he spoke with God.

She called Elisha to follow him and be her successor. Finally, he ascended to heaven with

"A chariot of fire and horses of fire" (2 Kings 2, 11). He therefore would not have known death as did the patriarch Enoch.


JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

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twitter competes with p0rn0-hub

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Luc Antoine Montagnier had said: "do not do mass vaccinations or you will get into trouble: creating an uncontrolled number of variants, vaccinate only the elderly!" But, the priests of satan: Soros Spa Rockefeller & Fauci Co. Bill Gates replied: "and how are we going to reduce the world population then? Can't you see how those lgbtqia of NATO still fail to declare war on Russia and CHINA?"

Covid, Crisanti: "Alarming frequency with which it generates variants"

"I think that the dynamics of the generation of variants" by the coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 in the Omicron version "has an alarming frequency. In the sense that within a few months a dozen of them have been generated, some with considerable infectious capacity". This was highlighted at Adnkronos Salute by Andrea Crisanti, director of the Department of Molecular Medicine at the University of Padua. [[Covid, Crisanti: "Alarming frequency with which it generates variants"]] "Nobody can predict the evolutionary path - he explains - but we are certainly facing a virus that has acquired a remarkable plasticity, much higher" than in the past. "All viruses evolve - he specifies - there are some that do more than others. The HIV virus has a frightening evolutionary process, so much so that it is not possible to make a vaccine against this virus. It is not unusual", therefore. , that new variants are formed at such close distance.

The sub-variant of Omicron BA.2.75, continues Crisanti, is "a variant of concern mainly because the region that is recognized by neutralizing antibodies is modified. So in fact this variant could be totally invisible to vaccines. If it has the potential to spread? There are somewhat conflicting data on this, because the secondary infection index ", which refers to the share of secondary cases that derive from contact with a primary case," was rather low, at least from the first measures. it is a bit premature to see if this variant has the same transmission capacity as the ones we have now. "

"It is not said" therefore, concludes Crisanti, that what has been renamed the 'Centaurus' variant on social networks will be the next dominant variant, succeeding in ousting Omicron 5. "It is not certain, but certainly the concern of the supervisory bodies is directly linked to these aspects, to the characteristics of the mutations ", which would also be a problem because they could circumvent the natural immunity gained with infections contracted from other Omicron variants. "At that point we start from scratch - says the virologist - This is the problem".


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Satan Sodom Allah OCI-UN-US action on two-state solution,


we cannot create something that never existed because we are afraid of sharia terrorists who have a 1400-year history of sharia jihad genocide behind them.

Indeed, the whole ARAB LEAGUE must be destroyed and condemned!


JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

Bin ISIS Salman] [the honesty, impartiality and justice of Unius REI is a dogma that cannot

be questioned. and this is a problem for those who think they can manipulate me for their own personal gain!

the satanist-cannibals of the 33rd demon lobby NWO eye of Lucifer Masonic pyramid etc. etc.

they say:

"Unius REI is perfect does not have a single point of vulnerability"

but they are wrong; What if I disappoint someone who trusted me?

I would get a disease that could lead to my death! I cannot disappoint people who trust me: because this would disintegrate my holiness and consecration, that's why Unius REI's word is universal law


JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

Discussion on World Israel News 8 comments

Ivana Trump, first wife of former president, dies at 73

Bin ISIS Salman from AKBARrrrr Riyad kaput to all infidels slave dhimmis impure kafir] the satanist-cannibals of the 33rd demon lobby SARUMAN eye of Lucifer on jewish- wahhabis-Masonic pyramid etc. etc. they say:

"Unius REI is perfect does not have a single point of vulnerability "


but they are wrong; What if I disappoint someone who trusted me?

I would get a disease that could lead to my death!

I cannot disappoint people who trust me: because this would disintegrate my holiness and consecration,

that's why Unius REI's word is universal law


JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

with us the Satanists put the Masonic condom hood on their heads and go to curse God at all the intersections of the provincial roads, etc. etc, to win the lgbtqia agenda, and they were seen and this was reported to me

and this is a big problem for you, that ISLAM does not have exorcistic properties, but what if I entered my Kingdom of Israel? there will be a solution


JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

Bin ISIS Salman from AKBARrrrr Riyad kaput to all infidels slave dhimmis impure kafir ] [ idiot did you open up the airspace? now the priests of satan of the CIA will urinate on your head desecrating all your holy mosques


JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

worldisraelnews ] how can you be a sllluuuut girl, carrying all this 80 CIA troll with you, in ththis at you are no different from Bin ISIS Salman?


JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

Discussion on World Israel News 96 comments

Biden affirms support of two-state solution ‘on 1967 lines with land swaps’


"I know what's in store for us.. We are in a much more serious military conflict than it is now," Vucic said.

Because Serbia is intimidating Europe with hell and world war

The third world war has already begun, it is a war of the western countries with Russia at the hands of the Ukrainians. This is the position of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic - and this is a very bold position by the standards of Europe today. The future, in his opinion, is even worse: the intransigence of the EU and the United States in the conflict with Russia will lead to "hell on Earth". What does Vučić mean and what is he trying to achieve? Details...


JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO


Why Ukraine burns the lost lands

The Armed Forces of Ukraine have begun to systematically set fire to fields with crops in areas of the Black Sea region controlled by the Russian Armed Forces. So, only in the last few days an arson was recorded in the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions, and previously a similar incident occurred in the DPR. What is the significance of the actions of the Kiev authorities and what does it mean for ordinary Ukrainians? Details...

Analytics: What benefits will the Istanbul "wheat deal" bring to Russia

Opinion: The geopolitical games have led to the threat of famine

Essay: Russia helps Zaporozhye win the battle for the harvest


JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


bureaucracy in Italy is a mental illness!


JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

Discussion on World Israel News 22 comments

Biden, Lapid participate in first-ever ‘I2U2’ forum with leaders of India, UAE


last video with her mother, Liza, the little girl killed by missiles in Vinnytsia, becomes the symbol of the massacre of the Russians (Friday, July 15, 2022) She was returning home from a speech therapy lesson with her mother when she was thrown out of her stroller fuchsia, Liza was a girl with Down syndrome and was only four years old


the propaganda of the sodom satan allah is flawed!

the tragedy of the Ukrainian people was born with the formation of the CIA (Ottoman Masonic Jewish Agency) of Nazi fascist death battalions, and with the coup in Kiev, in Maidan square where (unpunished) CIA Chechen snipers killed 98 people, and where for 8 years NATO made Russian-speaking pogroms killing 14,000 people, and where Ursula EU UK wanted to implant tactical nuclear missiles having unilaterally destroyed the INF treaty!



JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO


in fact the Israelis, by whom did they plan their Shoah (we speak from the times of Mazzini and Albert Pike, which would have been created after the Second World War and which would have disappeared after the Third World War), cogectures? but of course, today the Israelis have been forced to design ISLAM, which has a 1400-year history of sharia genocide, and which has suffocated 50 previous Christian nations in the genocide. and this is not a conjecture but a historical fact.

Who forces them to keep the Palestinians is the same one who finances the world jihadist galaxy: because there is only one financier in the world, which finances those who must live and also those who must die,

and sure this one backer Rockefeller Spa & Co Rothschild dumped Israel, because you can't keep goat and cabbage together, so you decided that the goat of allah must live and you decided that he must be killed JHWH in Jesus of Bethlehem once again in Israel


JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO


but, lorenzoJHWH is only a universal politician of a metaphysical rational agnostic, that is, he is the Messiah the King of Israel for the construction of the third Jewish temple,

in fact, to kill the NWO OCI Riad (described in the giant of Daniel 2) which is the kingdom of the demons of the legion: who do not forget and do not forgive, you must leave the NWO IMF BM system that Rockefeller Spa & Co, created the "symbiotic entity universal esoteric and supernatural demonic-Islamic collective "to subdue and destroy and enslave you.

That is why my Kingdom of Israel is the only "domain" that is currently outside the Masonic pramide of the new world order. and even if with my "creative faith" I have annulled every charismatic and prophetic religious component in order to speak with a non-divisive and rational universal message to all men of the planet.

This universal anti-Masonic brotherhood is founded on the royalty and sovereignty of every man: it is founded on natural law and on universal law (the living decalogue) and politically this cultural project of mine could only be developed by Unius REI, the universal procurator, who is a cultural and political project that is the only power that can deactivate the upcoming third world nuclear conflict and restore the prosperity that the Freemason Jew and his Wahhabi Islamic has stolen from all the peoples of the world.

the NWO tried to protect itself in vain from me, and I would be a hypocrite if I said that I did not intuit a terrible supernatural battle of angels and demons above me: a real death of aliens and priests of satan throughout youtube!


JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO


but, what happened from 2004 to 2008, before the fateful prayer in which I asked God to dedicate myself full time, in the care of evangelization, and in favor of the observatory on the martyrdom of Christians?

it happened that I read the Bible frantically, every day, for 4 hours a day, with that greed that is certain to enter into the secrets and intimacies of God!

so, the first day that I moved to BARI, I discover by chance, the scientist Giacinto Auriti, I listen to his teachings: that is, how we have the cost of money which is equal to 270% of its value, and that the world war is the the only solution capable of regenerating a new parasitic, indebted and devitalizing usurocratic monetary cycle: and why Mosques and Synagogues were united in killing Christians and destroying Christianity all over the world.

and why Israel cannot and must not survive the third world war;

Here is the moment in which in 2008 my first channel of lorenzoJHWH was born on youtube: with which I attack all the churches of Satan of the CIA on youtube: because in the CIA killing site I read that 100,000 human sacrifices are made only in the USA every year on the altar of satan (obviously the abortions of Satanists are not counted) so it can be deduced: since no one is ever indicted: that it is the CIA that does them and that protects these ritual murders on the altar of Satan!

that's why for 4 hours, every day, for 4 years from 2008 to 2013 I send to 8000 addresses of Satanists in youtube, the exorcism of St. Benedict of the Vsecolo, clashing with them without problems, exorcisms accompanied with some of my comments, and in these 14 years in the various social networks, I have written about a million comments, all registered in my 110 blogspots, sites that the CIA & Riyadh have blocked to hide their crimes of Satanism predation and extermination of mankind


JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO


shalom Bin ISIS Salman from kaput sharia jihad genocide from Riyad ] [ come to think of it the Jews in these 2000 years? they have prayed too seriously for their messiah:

here is TA -TAM their prayers have been answered, and I am here!


JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

Discussion on World Israel News 41 comments

Is Temple Mount calm dependent on restricting Jewish freedom of worship?

the sodom satans protect the little satan Bin ISIS Salman, and are afraid of San Lorenzo of Brindisi,

then, they are afraid of the Jews who pray on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

because the devil Allah hates prayers made to the true God


el communism es relievo del islamismo

sharjah AP TALMUD 666 United with Israel NWO

LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️kingdom of Israel King LorenzoJHWH

7 Apr 2016


SAUDI sharia ARABIA 666 Wahhabi same ISIS

LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️kingdom of Israel King LorenzoJHWH

27 Oct 2021

ChristianGUERRA to the WORLD CALIPHATE to bring palestinesidespairdestructiongeennahellpoliticians

SAUDI ARABIA vs S. Lorenzo da Brindisi

LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️kingdom of Israel King LorenzoJHWH

12 Dec 2014

BCEFEDGmosHIVNWOSpaTEOSOPHYSATANICPublic DebitDrogagendermutuo Mortgage Homosexualseven Masonsignorage

SAUDI ARABIA sharia 666 jihad Erdogan

Note: this blog https://jhwhpantocrator.blogspot.Com/

it has been blocked

Your blog has been blocked for violating jabulon sharia jihad NWO FED the Terms of Service of Deep State DEM.


JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Saviano slips on the photo of a Ukrainian child: it's a storm http://a.msn.Com/01/it-it/AAWgI5S?ocid=st

The child pictured is Mykola Nyzhnykovskyi, a boy who was mutilated after picking up an unexploded grenade in a field near his home in Mariupol.


Saviano unintentionally took a photo of a child martyred in 2015 in Donbass by the Ukrainians of Mogherini and Nuland. But the shot, on the contrary, turned out to be out of context and, in particular, it referred to 2015 and the conflict in the Donbass that broke out in 2014.


JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

Is Temple Mount calm dependent on restricting Jewish freedom of worship?


OCI UMMA sharjah terror groups could talk to someone?

then, they wouldn't call themselves terror groups Erdogan Salman Iran jihad the jihadist galaxy

JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

BIN ISIS Salman] [ This blog is under review due to possible violations of the Blogger Sodoma Satana Allah Terms of Service CIA FED NWO 666 jabulon and is open to authors only.


as you can see I am for peace but you are for war


JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

it seems that Jews and Muslims pray every day (curses) to harm Christians!

but, then what if, this information is true? then, their God is surely Satan!

I believe that prayer should serve love and peace, and in this case no one should worry if someone prays anywhere.

so muslims have to explain to me why they are so afraid of prayers.

While Muslim groups reject Jewish prayer at the site and oppose the very presence of Jews within the complex, freedom of worship for Jews on the Temple Mount, administered by the Muslim Waqf, appears to be a distant dream.



JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

The Russian cruiser Moskva sunk by the irony of memes on social media


Rothschild Spa & Co. Rockefeller are like NERONE, they light the fire, and then they enjoy the spectacle of Rome burning.

the murderous Freemason always returns to the scene of the crime



JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

if, the DEM Spa & Co. Rockefeller system, he pays us the income as a citizen and then, he makes foreigners work for us, then, what's wrong? and all lived happily ever after, mafia and content!

Fires a pistol shot at the station, arrested in the Pavia area


PAVIA, 15 APR - A 41-year-old man, a Senegalese, was arrested by the carabinieri after having fired a pistol at the railway station of Parona (Pavia), in Lomellina.


JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

Discussion on World Israel News 23 comments

WATCH: Will Biden face a rare primary challenge as an incumbent?

Disney collection

From 8 to 21 April

kiabi & Disney & Sodoma must be boycotted because they want to bribe our children!



JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

BIN ISIS Salman] [when I told you: "burn that effeminate of the Salvator Mundi", which is Leonardo da Vinci's painting of that pig.

and you obeyed me, then, did you repent? of course not!

then, stop being afraid of the satanists or you will find yourself in the middle of a world war, and then, everyone will say that it was your fault and they will hurt you!

then, the scum of the DEM that the war has not cleaned up?

my giant asteroid will take them away: "the sphere/globe of redemption".

in fact this planet will be redeemed from your scum and from all your accomplices, and my Christian martyrs will have been avenged!

Now I say: "Why do you want to go towards the evil of Biden-Rockefeller, and you do not want to come towards my good, of my Kingdom of Israel, to convert all sinners instead of having to kill them?"



JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

BIN ISIS Salman ] [ you know well how I have severely punished all the satanists of youtube, and this you should tell everyone



JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

- "It is highly probable that Finland will join NATO, the application process should be as quick as possible": said the Finnish Minister for European Affairs Tytti Tuppurainen


but, who has ever threatened this fool of Pippi Longstocking?

So, when he becomes a slave of the NATO 666 CIA Satanists, and has nuclear missiles pointed at Russia, then, will he sleep dazed with psychiatric drugs, thinking that with a nuclear accident he will wake up in hell?

This story that the Russians are dangerous? it is a tragic slander!

you can see that these 8 years of NATO genocide in Donbass have taught you nothing!



JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

Discussion on World Israel News 22 comments

Israeli strike near Syrian capital causes material damage

Since March 22, 14 Israelis have been killed, while 21 Palestinian victims.

ANSWER === really?

but, here there are crazy people who sympathize with Islamic terrorists!

how many Palestinians have died?

how many Israelis died? as if, all the dead are all on the same level, as if the victims have the same value as the executioners killers.

but then, why, Ursula Satan Sodom and Borrell never ask themselves: "and today, how many innocent Christians today have been killed by the Muslims Erdogan sharia jihad, today?"


JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

Abu Mazen jihad akbar sharia ] do not hide like a coward behind the computer:

1. why who says "this is all mine"? then, it is he who offends God!

2. and stop telling lies, because we saw you that it was you who started throwing the stones and firecrackers


they call them martyrs, but they are crazy killers,

they call them martyrs, but it is because you are the real martyr!


JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

then let's talk seriously, a Chinese proverb says: "between the two quarrels the third enjoys". so this caxxo of esplanade I'll take it me!

today Jerusalem is the city most affected by a resurgence of violence between Palestinians and Israelis on this second Friday of Ramadan, the Islamic recurrence that overlaps the Jewish and Christian holidays. Today a violent urban warfare has affected the Esplanade of the mosques in Jerusalem, entering the Al Aqsa Mosque, a UNESCO heritage site, a symbol of Islam, but with its esplanade also of Judaism and Christianity together.


they call them martyrs, but they are crazy killers,

they call them martyrs, but it is because you are the real martyr!


JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

ramadan is a jihad to kill infidels! and in fact there is only one UMMA and there is only one planet, then Ursula Biden Macron Rockefeller why do they exist?

In Haifa, a 15-year-old Arab girl was arrested for stabbing a Jewish passerby. You have made known the Israeli police according to which the episode: "has a nationalistic matrix". According to the media, the assailant is a Muslim, while the attacked - who was hospitalized in minor conditions - is a 47-year-old Jewish immigrant from Russia.


they call them martyrs, but they are crazy killers,

they call them martyrs, but it is because you are the real martyr!


JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

ramadan is a jihad to kill infidels! and in fact there is only one UMMA and there is only one planet, so why does Ursula exist?

There have been days of high tension and blood in Israel since Ramadan began two weeks ago. Police are deployed massively in major cities to prevent further attacks. The clashes see Palestinians, including very young Palestinians, confronting Israeli civilians and military personnel in the West Bank. Since March 22, 14 Israelis have been killed, while 21 Palestinian victims.


JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

Jerusalem, 155 injured and 300 arrests in clashes on the Temple Mount


Allah uuuh is akbar, and that's all,

also because there is only one Allah and one planet


JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

Discussion on World Israel News 128 comments

Arabs riot on Temple Mount on Ramadan; hundreds arrested, many injured

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Xi Jinping OPEN LETTER ] [ do you remember when George H. W. Bush ex-president and priest of Satan

he went to find the second Jezebel, ie, Elizabeth II is the queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of the other realms of the Commonwealth. she that she is the passionaria of Ja-Bull-On, and is also the representative of the Anglian Church (as if to say Satan with exponial)

how and why did George H. W. Bush blow horns in front of the photographer when he went to visit Elizabeth?

that this is the truth: even Satanists are afraid of witches.

So a war against this scum ?? must first be overcome spiritually,

in fact, Putin did not lack weapons in Ukraine, what he lacked was the spiritual formation of his army


JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

China *** open letter *** if you want to take Taiwan? you can do it,

Since, there is only one only one Riyad OTAN NWO of Rockefeller the Satanist thief Spa & Co, so it is only a convention to say: "Italy" "France" "Japan" "Korea" etc... In fact, there is only one world Masonic government (and this is clearly seen in the coordinated worldwide slander against Russia).

also because without monetary sovereignty, political sovereignty is ridila tua vergognaus / impossible.

but, from a legal and moral point of view: "stealing something from the Rockefeller 666 Talmud kabbalah thief is not a sin, but must be understood as a legitimate restitution of the badly taken away". and then, you know the history books are written by the winner and the winner will be you!

but the Russians are not ready for world war, and in my opinion, we have to wait for them to recover.

also because your soldiers have not learned to manage demons, because they have no exorcistic properties

which is the same problem as the Russian army today, in fact the NWO is a single demonic infestation


JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

Discussion on World Israel News 5 comments

PA making terror payments to hundreds of Israeli citizens

UN OCI pays to get this terrorism in ISRAEL and worldWide, and they give the salary / life annuity to the terrorists!

now what will become of innocent Christian martyrs who are not politically protected by anyone in this world of Satan Sodom and Ursula?


Israel, several deaths in attacks in Tel Aviv: it is the third time in a week

*** Tel Aviv, the bomber who sowed terror in the street of nightlife killed

*** Terror in Israel, five dead in Tel Aviv: it is the third attack in a week


JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

in the fairy tale of Phaedrus, the wolf Abu Mazen known as Goliath, says to the lamb called David-Israel: "you intercept the water"

Nabil Abu Rudeina - spokesman for the president of the Palestinian Authority Abu Mazen (of the black-footed tribe) - denounced the "assault" by the Israeli police on the Al-Aqsa Mosque as "a dangerous development and a declaration of war on the Palestinian people ".


if you have a stronger Muslim Nation neighbor than you?

your death is guaranteed, because Allah is a mental patient named Erdogan


JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

Discussion on United with Israel 8 comments

The Revolution of Passover

Documentary NEVER BROUGHT IN ITALY and that they will never broadcast.


In 30 minutes WHO, FANTOCCIO GOVERNMENTS, Pharmaceutical Companies, LATEST PANDEMICS, vaccines, EXPERTS, MEDIA are destroyed.

the pandemic as an ideology!

JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

the true story about Covid19, Listen to Doctor Stefano Montanari

27 Oct 2020. Listen to Doctor Stefano Montanari.

explains complex things in a very simple way. understandable to all.

If they did talk on TV they would change a lot of things. many would become aware of the great taking for a ride perpetrated to our detriment!

Covid19 is a pulmonary thrombus embolism, and it has never been pneumonia.

it is a virus it is thrombogenic (it creates blood clots) and where we have had the most deaths was where in the atmosphere there are nano dust (pollution)

the dirtiest (thrombogenic) vaccines are those against influenza

Listen to Doctor Stefano Montanari

how to prevent blood clots?

the dead could be saved with heparin, and with eurokinase plasminogen activators, with home therapies


in Italy in hospital, 135 people a day die because they are infected.

and someone blatantly falsified the death data, because in that period people died only from coronavirus.

JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO


under the Red Sea, there are the remains of the Egyptian Chariots (Exodus) at the bottom of the sea


Egyptian chariots Exodus

Wow, they should be talking about these things on TV to help as many people as possible to truly believe in God and get them to know the TRUTH about him!

some war chariots are in solid gold (and were stolen by the Egyptians from the Hittite Princes), so they are well preserved! Then if any one does not want to believe his problem, and must be accountable to God!

The Pharisees did not even believe in the dead resurrected by Xsto..

"If a blind man leads another blind man, they both fall into the pit" (Mt 15:14).


JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO


Semitic peoples enter the delta

Exodus - in search of evidence


Archaeological evidence to demonstrate that what is narrated in the Bible about the Exodus has historical truth. The question is rather difficult to resolve and analyze starting from the dating of the Exodus, considering that the religious implication could prevent us from being objective. Retracing the stages of the reign of the great pharaoh Ramses II, Mahoney embarks on an exciting journey to the places that were the scene of this extraordinary and controversial event.

Sir ALAN GARDINER: We must never forget that we are dealing with a civilization that is thousands of years old, and of which only tiny fragments survive. What is proudly disclosed as Egyptian history is nothing but a collection of "rags and rags." "


see conclusion at 1:50


JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO


Semitic peoples enter the delta

The mural painting that decorates the tomb of the 12th Dynasty Governor Khnumhotep in Beni Hassan, Middle Egypt, illustrates the migration from the Near East to Egypt. This followed routes like those marked here on the map, not very different from the routes that followed centuries after the Hyksos and the Jews. In one of his records appears a group of "Asians", in colorful clothes and led by a certain Abisai, who ask for permission to enter Egypt.


you must understand that at the beginning of their descent into Egypt, they were a very small group of people

JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO


But chariots or no chariots, there seems to be no hard evidence that the ancient Hebrews were ever enslaved.


the whole BIBLE is a perfect historical and geographical book, and it has never been disproved, in itself the BIBLE is a reliable source.

Many archaeological discoveries have been made following the indications of the Bible,

you shouldn't come to hasty conclusions, because there are too many archaeological studies, and exhibits in museums, etc. that contradict you, also because the war chariots of Egyptians of the Pharaoh's army and of that historical period?

they are not born with fish at the bottom of the sea!

but, you must understand that the dominated thought of the Darwin monkeys does not like to discover that the Bible is right and that evolution is a criminal scam, an act of high treason, punishable by the death penalty!


JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

Discussion on World Israel News 10 comments

GROUNDBREAKING: Israel's new defense system 'turning the tables on terror'

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Russia and Israel (with their leaders) are the friendliest and most peaceful peoples on the planet.

the Russian threat never existed and was built by CIA-OTAN in Hollywood lgbtq Disney Spa & Co.

and objectively bringing NATO's hypersonic missiles (double nuclear capability) to the Russian borders, this was not something tolerable, as was the war of genocide against the Donbass for 8 years (which was a low intensity conflict, due to the systematic EU violation of the MINSK agreements, which however was tolerable).

1st slander

The Kremlin leader has committed the most serious geopolitical blunder since Hitler. He wanted to remove NATO from the borders of Russia and achieved the result of throwing Sweden and Finland, officially neutral since 1949, into the arms of the Atlantic Alliance.

2nd Slander

Now American soldiers will be found as far north as Karelia.


but who has PUTIN ever threatened Sweden and Finland, or any other country in the world?


this shows how our regimes are functional to international freemasonry and its imperialist war narrative.

BUT ON ONE THING, there will be NO doubts the Russian hypersonic and tactical variable geometry nuclear missiles will not miss their objectives, which is exactly what Rockefeller are working to achieve.

THIS instead is unfortunately true, Russia has come completely unprepared for this conflict: a disaster!

She wanted to demonstrate the might of the modernized Russian armed forces and found herself with an army worn down and almost humiliated by the modernity of weapons and tactics used by the Ukrainians.

JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

this war has begun, because someone named CIA had the happy idea in 2013 of financing a GOLPE with billions of dollars in a sovereign country like Ukraine, which it carried out in 2014, having at its disposal paramilitary battalions of: 1, fascists ( pravi sector) and 2. Azov Nazis.

So the first Golpista government had ministers within it who were American citizens.

Then no one can say that Putin has gone mad, and that he had no reason to fear NATO and that therefore he had no valid reason to invade Ukraine.

NOW the EU and the US must compensate Russia for all the damages she has had: because there is no independent court that can accuse PUTIN of anything.


JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

who does not know the state of police, fiscal and bureaucratic terrorism in which we have fallen, with the difficulty of having a functional and accessible judiciary?

Who knows the police state that accompanies the liberticidal laws that Italians and Europeans are undergoing?


the Executives in Italy are now a consociativism of the Masonic swamp and the impoverished citizen does not have the possibility to access his rule of law, so the constitution is suspended for him!

JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

Discussion on United with Israel 8 comments

The Revolution of Passover



All I could not say to Isn't the Arena. My comments to the scenes went live.

Today the mystification of the reality on the conflict between Russia and Ukraine

and the media disinformation perpetrated by the media are of an unprecedented danger

as they are fueling the war.

They are preparing the ground in public opinion to justify the sending of weapons

and an escalation

of the conflict.

Never before has fighting disinformation become a vital issue in the interest of peace,

in the interest

of the Ukrainian people,

a true victim of everything that is happening, but also in the interest of Italian citizens,

otherwise destined to suffer, at best cases, the disastrous consequences of a war economy

or at worst to find yourself in a military confrontation with one of the major powers.

We need to make sure that the truth bypasses censorship and reaches

as many people as possible.

Only an aware public opinion can oppose this scenario of war which instead appeals to those who,

like certain atlantist apparatuses,

have everything to gain from the continuation of the conflict.

Unfortunately these devices are very powerful.

Over the decades they have created very influential lobbies and organizations by co-opting most of those who manage our information and those

who sit on the boards of directors of TV and newspapers.

For this reason, pro-US propaganda

- which in this case is pro-war propaganda - has become suffocating, omnipresent, invasive.

But it must be stopped.

With great difficulty I tried to bring some truths to national TV as a guest of Massimo Giletti's

"Non è L'Arena" broadcast on La7. Unfortunately, the idea was not to let me express my concepts

or to deepen the many truths about the ongoing conflict that emerged in my documented journalistic investigation entitled

"Why the conflict is NATO". The idea was to drag me into a media trap. Fortunately, the truth always imposes itself.

This is the video with my interventions at Non è l'Arena that I integrated with some comments on everything that they did not let me say.

I hope it can give you a different point of view on the responsibilities of what is happening.

If we do not understand the origins of the conflict and the causes that triggered it, we could never aspire

to a lasting peace but we will continue to keep burning a fuse that has continued to explode without interruption since 2014.

Discussion on World Israel News 14 comments

Iran's – and America's – plans to fund Russia's war in Ukraine

the power of rockefeller allah satan and sodom

on the eve of the third nuclear world war!


70% of Americans are less likely to do business with Disney due to its LGBT activism: poll


The Canadian church hosts a controversial assisted suicide ceremony for members with ALS



JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

[21:28, 14/4/2022] Lorenzo: I have a cause for 500,000 euros mobbing and more to be made, for 3 years of mobbing that I suffered at high school c **** of t *** or, but I can't find A lawyer specialized in labor law, school law that wants to work for me at%. (obviously, I take the cost of stamps, and fixed costs)

[21:39, 14/4/2022] Lorenzo: I filed 4 complaints for mobbing at 1. Procura della Repubblica, 2. Provincial school office 3. Regional school headquarters, 4. Ministry of Education, but so far everything It has proved to be a single homertent, accomplice institutional mafia

[21:39, 14/4/2022] Lorenzo: The strategy is this, 1. Start working on the rates (and I would start working like this), 2. Working on the abuses committed in the Giuslavoristic area, and only in the future on the future Causes won, 3. Set the cause for mobbing that today would be rejected.


JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

In the Russia-Ukraine war, the United States of America does not take "lightly" the possibility of Russia using tactical nuclear weapons. CIA director Bill Burns said this today speaking to the Georgia Institute of Technology, reports CNN.


in the US-EU the priests of Satan and the LGBTQs are in control and that's it!

calumnies on every sector, are the destruction of a pre-existing hypocritical glimmer, and boasted of civilization and credibility!


JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

Certainly, if the deal goes ahead, allowing Iran to pay its debts to Moscow, then the Biden administration could find itself accused of having the blood of innocent Ukrainian civilians in its hands for allowing Iran to fund the effort. war of the Kremlin.

Iran's - and America's - plans to fund Russia's war in Ukraine.


the innocent blood of the Ukrainians and Russians? OTAN EU and US have it all on their hands, however, for the CIA-funded Kiev coup in 2014.

nothing is more criminal and distorted than NATO's nuclear World War III narrative.

JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

Discussion on World Israel News 11 comments

Israeli police arrest ISIS terrorist for 3 murders, including 2019 slaying of…

USA is a worldwide predator and certainly not a friend of the EU!

indeed today the US is a mortal threat to the EU!

but we have corrupt Freemason leaders that the US 666 NWO imposed on us, we? we did not have a functional democracy,

"The monetary policies of Europe and the United States cannot be compared: it is like comparing apples and oranges", said ECB president Christine Lagarde at a press conference in Frankfurt, who stressed that Europe is "more exposed than states United to the war in Ukraine, and will suffer greater consequences ".


JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

News of April 14th, Thursday VZ (dot)RU

*** Ministry of Defense: Ukraine's biological laboratories planned to spread the cholera along the rivers

*** Names of US citizens and the EU involved in biological programs in Ukraine appointed

*** Ministry of Defense: Ukraine received $ 350 million from the United States for the development of organic weapons



JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

In Estonia, suspected Ukrainian refugees with the intention of prostituting themselves


prostitution of Ukrainian women has been a mass phenomenon since the 2014 coup


JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

France, Macron's "la remuntada": in the polls 10 points behind Le Pen


yes, the priests of satan of the NWO also went to get the zombies from the cemetery


it is no longer possible to find a little honesty in the Spa & Co regime in the Western institutional system!



JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

Discussion on World Israel News 25 comments

Arab ENT doctor rushes to treat Tel Aviv terror victims

the Russians are having huge losses,

because they have weapons (to face the field wars)

but, they do not have adequate military strategies to deal with the situation on the ground in Ukraine!

do not have drones and (ground robots) suitable enough, to expose the FIM-92 Stinger and FGM-148 Javelins,

so they sent many tanks and many men to die in vain,

and then, they send the explorers into trouble in the midst of the enemy, without having snipers to protect their backs,

and without having the artillery protecting the backs of snipers!

even the bombings on inhabited places leave

to be desired!


JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

Yachts, Gutenberg's bible and oil. Who is Medvedchuk, the Russian oligarch arrested by Hitler-Zelensky?

Medvedchuk is a martyr of international law, and he is only a politically persecuted.

in Donbass, NATO EU committed one of the most heinous crimes of genocide in the history of mankind.

and be in favor of their autonomy? this is not treason, but it is a legitimate political request, (which works for peace) and which is based on the international law of the sovereignty and self-determination of peoples, because the 2014 coup in Kiev tore the constitutional paper that existed before.

Even Erdogan with an "expired legal card" went to exterminate the Armenians in their home!


but, NATO OCI war crimes? UN does not see them, and this makes world war inevitable!



JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

Russian oligarchs, #Kerimov's superyacht Amedea seized at #Fiji: worth 325 million dollars


obviously, the wolf jihad Erdogan sharia SpaCo BIDEN has an interest in keeping the pastrore protector (Putin) away from the sheep (EU)

these sanctions against Russia? they are a colossal deal for the US, and a grave for the EU!



JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

BERGOGLIO is an ally of the New World Order, so BEROGLiO decides to make this notary permanent on the front page of the web "Sexual abuse of nuns: the other scandal in the Church

“The truth sets free. Until we say it, how are we going to save the world? ”. Child sexual abuse has long been a sensitive issue for the Church. "


obviously, the compulsion of celibacy for clerics, especially today, in a regime of panse*ualism and state er0ticism?

this is the devil's greatest ally!



JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

kissinger wanted him dead] Death of Maradona, asked for manslaughter for 8 doctors: "They interned him and then abandoned him"

[and those are a legion of the Jewish Freemason Rothschild who do not forget and do not forgive



JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

worldisraelnews] you authorize all the spam of Nick Bro Nicholas - against me - only because you are afraid of Satanists, while I do not do of bat anything to you of bad,

and a little the Christians who live with Muslims and who must be pro-Palestinians, necessarily?

"sodomy and satanism same: they are the same.

2 hours ago




JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

what is absurd is that a minister of God does not see satan (Rockefeller-Bin ISIS Salman) and cannot fight him (sharia-banking seigniorage scam, masonic system, esoteric agenda)!

Kiril sees something (it is evident), but those who criticize him have become ministers of Satan Spa & Co Rothschild Deep State instead!

Ukraine, Father Taras from Kiev: Patriarch Kirill on war? So absurd it seems fake news "



JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

Discussion on World Israel News 19 comments

Jewish professor gets her day in court against Pittsburgh university

anti-Semitic is as despicable (as any other racism)


Jewish professor gets her day in court against Pittsburgh university


but anti-Zionism is Satanism itself, for this reason no one will be able to rehabilitate the devil Allah!


JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

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Disney Talmud Spa & Co sodomy WW3 Wahhabis, and the kingdom of satan allah and Rockefeller!

Pro Life and Family

lorenzoJHWH, this is very serious: when I saw this video I was shocked. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Some of Disney's top executives were admitting live the existence of a "No Secret Gay Agenda" promoted through children's cartoons.

Textual words: I had the video subtitled in Italian for you so that you can check with your eyes and ears.

Watch the video now:


Heard? Hallucinating!

In June, one of the most anticipated cartoons by children will be released in Italy: Buzz Lightyear, on the story of the famous Toy Story character. Disney put an explicit gay kiss into the cartoon.

Why did he do it?

Executive producer Latoya Reneveau has claimed the choice, listen to her words:


lorenzo, we can no longer consider Disney cartoons and products to be automatically safe for our children.

Disney is repositioning itself on the market by making earlier political and ideological choices.

Choices that impact on the education of our children, including in the sexual and moral sphere.

Who should educate our children? Us or the far-left Disney executives?

Disney has given us strong emotions, but now is the time to use reason, not feelings.

Reason tells us that paying for Disney products or services now means funding the Gay Agenda claimed by its executives. And doing so means putting the integrity of millions of children around the world at risk, starting with our children and our grandchildren.

I'm not exaggerating, lorenzoJHWH.

Please listen to their words to understand the sheer gravity of what is happening at Disney:


After watching the video I am sure that your first need will be to share it with family and friends to spread the news..

We have received your request for review

we must in face the demon's Rockefeller sharia Bin ISIS Salman

of the banking seigniorage of the plutocratic sodom satans: to be able to judge this scum of presidents of Poland and Baltic states in Kiev, Duda:

"This is not a war,

it is terrorism"!


so they were the CIA terrorist snipers

on maidan square in 2014,

who killed 100 people at random,

and made the coup?


JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

Discussion on World Israel News 24 comments

Major Passover terror attack thwarted

we must face the demon of the banking seigniorage of the plutocratic sodom satans: to be able to judge this scum of: presidents of Poland and Baltic states in Kiev, Duda: "This is not a war, it is terrorism"!


so they were the CIA terrorist snipers on maidan square in 2014, who killed 100 people at random, and made the coup?


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