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Mini-Obama’ makes history

Mini-Obama’ makes history with 21-count indictment

June 26, 2022

‘Mini-Obama’ makes history with 21-count indictment

Andrew Gillum, then-Democratic candidate for governor, speaks at a news conference in Tallahassee, Fla. (AP/Steve Cannon, File)

Democrats have not abandoned Gillum throughout his downward slide through politics. Why not?

By Daniel Greenfield, FrontPage Magazine

“Let’s make history happen,” former president Barack Obama told the cheering crowd at the Ice Palace Film Studios in Miami.

“Andrew has lived the American dream. And if you give him your vote he will fight to make sure every child in Florida has the same chance,” he gushed.

That was four years ago.

Andrew Gillum has lived the American dream of being found naked and confused in a hotel room full of prescription pills and vomit along with two other men, one of whom was a porn star who had a profile on Rent.Men, before assuring voters that he had not been using meth.

Then he announced that he would be going to rehab because he was depressed over losing to Gov. Ron DeSantis.

Hopefully no other American child ever gets the chance to live out that particular dream.

Now Gillum continues living out Obama’s dream by being indicted on 21 charges stemming from an FBI investigation dating back to 2016. The investigation was known when Obama and the Democrats decided to “make history” and champion him to run Florida.

Obama claimed at the rally that “the character of our country is on the ballot.” He wasn’t wrong.

The Gillum indictment lays out how the former mayor and aspiring governor and his allies moved money through a variety of non-profits and PACs including the National Black Justice Coalition.

The National Black Justice Coalition describes itself as “America’s leading national civil rights organization dedicated to the empowerment of black lesbian, gay, bisexual” and, transgenders. It also boasts of having “enlisted the leadership and partnership of Andrew Gillum to help build the strategy and blueprint for this network, at every level” as part of its “Good Trouble Network”.

I’m not so sure that a 21-count indictment really qualifies as “good trouble”.

The indictment also accuses Sharon Lettman-Hicks, the CEO of NBJC, of diverting $50,000 for Gillum’s use. The NBJC has intersected with the Soros network, it’s signed any number of letters, petitions, and activist agendas alongside top lefty organizations. And it’s been funded by the Kresge Foundation, the Haas foundation, and the Tzedek Social Justice Fund among many others.

This awkwardness might explain why Gillum is being repped by a top party consigliere.

Gillum is being represented by Marc Elias, Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign general counsel, a rumored key Russiagate figure, Kamala Harris’s general counsel and Joe Biden’s go-to-lawyer for the 2020 election.

Elias is not the guy who represents you when you’ve become a complete disgrace and the Democrats want nothing more to do with you. Gillum’s lawyer shows that the hand of the party still rests benevolently on the head of its former favorite Florida son.

“We look forward to putting this case to rest and giving Andrew and his family peace of mind once and for all,” Elias said. The top Democrat lawyer failed to clarify which family considering that Gillum claimed that he was bisexual in the wake of the hotel incident.

By claiming that he “identifies as bisexual”, Gillum made history all over again and spurred a range of favorable publicity along with mentions of the National Black Justice Coalition.

And the second and third chances just kept right on coming.

In 2019, Gillum handed a giant $100,000 check to the chair of the Florida Democratic Party from his PAC Forward Florida Action. Then it turned out that giant checks can’t be cashed and the money didn’t exist.

The indictment mentions that Forward Florida, a related group, played a role in what the indictment describes as Gillum and Hicks having “defrauded Individual F of $150,000 of his $250,000 contribution”. Elias’ defense in this regard may prove instructive.

Looking for more Obamas

Democrats have not abandoned Gillum throughout his downward luge slide through politics.

Why not?

Gillum’s appeal in the last decade was obvious. Democrats were looking for more Obamas and they found Cory Booker, Gillum, and a number of other young black technocrats whose rhetoric fused Big Tech and the Baptist church. The Obama effect was the illusion that the Left could comfortably bridge the contradictions between its white elites and its black base, between the values of Martha’s Vineyard and the inner city without having to give up any power or control.

The answer was a black technocratic leadership under a horde of imitation Obamas who would all fly to Davos and come back to explain why everyone needed to ride bikes and eat soy.

In the 2020s, Obama and his ideology have dated about as well as the Arab Spring. And some of the mini-Obamas, like Gilllum, have wilted even more badly in the face of history.

“We have an opportunity to send both Mr. DeSantis and Mr. Trump a message,” Gillum had boasted at the Obama rally. “We have a chance to send them an unapologetic message: that their brand of politics is no longer acceptable in the state of Florida.”

Instead, Obama and Gillum’s politics have become unacceptable in Florida.

History has happened. Florida has gone from a swing state to a Republican one. Under the man who beat Gillum, it’s attracting refugees from blue states and growing at a record rate. And Gillum continues to make his own kind of history by sinking to new lows with his party.

“’The Obama Excitement’: Can Andrew Gillum Capture It?” the Washington Post asked.

It’s safe to say that he has.

Gillum’s campaign line used to be, “Bring it home.” Now, as Obama’s pastor used to say, the chickens are coming home to roost. The justice system is trying to bring Gillum home.

“I have spent the last 20 years of my life in public service and continue to fight for the people,” Gillum responded to the indictment.

‘Reclaiming America’s soul’?

The last time Gillum held public office was in 2018. There have been various misconduct allegations against him going back to 2014 when he first ran for mayor. His public service since then mainly seems to consist of angrily tweeting things about Gov. Ron DeSantis.

“DeSantis and Republicans want to erase us from the History books and now from the Halls of Congress. Voters will remember this Maduro/Putin-tyranny in November and beyond. NOT today Satan!” Gillum, who has denied using meth, tweeted back in May.

DeSantis and Republicans want to erase us from the History books and now from the Halls of Congress. Voters will remember this Maduro/Putin-tyranny in November and beyond.

NOT today Satan! #LeastFreeStateInUSA

— Andrew Gillum (@AndrewGillum) April 22, 2022

It wasn’t all that long ago that Obama was hailing Gillum as “one of the most inspiring, gifted candidates.” Biden, apparently reading from the same teleprompter, touted him as “one of the most exciting, new, young leaders” who was on the way to “reclaiming America’s soul.”

Instead Gillum, like Obama and Biden, lost his soul, and shows no signs of getting it back.

Florida, once in play, now appears as out of reach for Democrats as Gillum’s political career. But no matter how many scandals Gillum gets into, there’s always someone to write his comeback narrative.

“Will America Accept Andrew Gillum?” Slate asked a few years ago after he came out as bisexual. “Don’t write him off yet.”

The Feds, to give them credit, haven’t. Neither apparently have the Democrats.

'Mini-Obama' fa la storia con 21 capi d'accusa

26 giugno 2022

'Mini-Obama' fa la storia con 21 capi d'accusaAndrew Gillum, allora candidato democratico a governatore, parla in una conferenza stampa a Tallahassee, in Florida (AP/Steve Cannon, File)

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I democratici non hanno abbandonato Gillum durante la sua discesa verso il basso attraverso la politica. Perché no?

Di Daniel Greenfield, FrontPage Magazine

"Facciamo accadere la storia", ha detto l'ex presidente Barack Obama alla folla festante degli Ice Palace Film Studios di Miami.

"Andrew ha vissuto il sogno americano. E se gli dai il tuo voto, combatterà per assicurarsi che ogni bambino in Florida abbia le stesse possibilità", ha detto.

Questo accadeva quattro anni fa.

Andrew Gillum ha vissuto il sogno americano di essere trovato nudo e confuso in una stanza d'albergo piena di pillole da prescrizione e vomito insieme ad altri due uomini, uno dei quali era una pornostar che aveva un profilo su Rent.Men, prima di assicurare agli elettori che non aveva usato metanfetamina.

Poi ha annunciato che sarebbe andato in riabilitazione perché era depresso per aver perso contro il governatore Ron DeSantis.

Speriamo che nessun altro bambino americano abbia mai la possibilità di vivere quel particolare sogno.

Ora Gillum continua a vivere il sogno di Obama essendo incriminato per 21 accuse derivanti da un'indagine dell'FBI risalente al 2016. L'indagine era nota quando Obama e i democratici decisero di "fare la storia" e sostenerlo per gestire la Florida.

Obama ha affermato durante la manifestazione che "il carattere del nostro paese è sulla scheda elettorale". Non si sbagliava.

L'accusa di Gillum spiega come l'ex sindaco e aspirante governatore e i suoi alleati abbiano spostato denaro attraverso una varietà di organizzazioni non profit e PAC tra cui la National Black Justice Coalition.

La National Black Justice Coalition si descrive come "la principale organizzazione nazionale americana per i diritti civili dedicata all'emancipazione di lesbiche nere, gay, bisessuali" e transgender. Si vanta anche di aver "arruolato la leadership e la partnership di Andrew Gillum per aiutare a costruire la strategia e il progetto per questa rete, a tutti i livelli" come parte della sua "Good Trouble Network".

Non sono così sicuro che un atto d'accusa di 21 capi d'accusa si qualifichi davvero come "buon problema".

L'accusa accusa anche Sharon Lettman-Hicks, CEO di NBJC, di aver deviato $ 50.000 per l'uso di Gillum. L'NBJC si è intersecato con la rete Soros, ha firmato un numero qualsiasi di lettere, petizioni e agende attiviste insieme alle organizzazioni di sinistra. Ed è stato finanziato dalla Kresge Foundation, dalla Haas Foundation e dal Tzedek Social Justice Fund, tra molti altri.

Questo imbarazzo potrebbe spiegare perché Gillum viene ripreso da un consigliere di alto livello.

Gillum è rappresentato da Marc Elias, consigliere generale della campagna presidenziale di Hillary Clinton, una figura chiave del Russiagate, il consigliere generale di Kamala Harris e l'avvocato di Joe Biden per le elezioni del 2020.

Elias non è il tipo che ti rappresenta quando sei diventato una vergogna completa e i democratici non vogliono più avere nulla a che fare con te. L'avvocato di Gillum mostra che la mano del partito poggia ancora benevolmente sulla testa del suo ex figlio preferito della Florida.

"Non vediamo l'ora di mettere a tacere questo caso e dare ad Andrew e alla sua famiglia la pace della mente una volta per tutte", ha detto Elias. L'avvocato democratico non è riuscito a chiarire quale famiglia considerando che Gillum ha affermato di essere bisessuale sulla scia dell'incidente in hotel.

Sostenendo che "si identifica come bisessuale", Gillum ha fatto di nuovo la storia e ha stimolato una serie di pubblicità favorevole insieme a menzioni della National Black Justice Coalition.

E la seconda e la terza possibilità hanno continuato ad arrivare.

Nel 2019, Gillum ha consegnato un gigantesco assegno di $ 100.000 al presidente del Partito Democratico della Florida dal suo PAC Forward Florida Action. Poi si è scoperto che gli assegni giganti non possono essere incassati e i soldi non esistevano.

L'accusa menziona che Forward Florida, un gruppo correlato, ha avuto un ruolo in quello che l'accusa descrive come Gillum e Hicks che hanno "frodato l'individuo F di $ 150.000 del suo contributo di $ 250.000". La difesa di Elias a questo proposito può rivelarsi istruttiva.

Alla ricerca di altri Obama

I democratici non hanno abbandonato Gillum durante il suo scivolamento verso il basso attraverso la politica.

Perché no?

L'appello di Gillum nell'ultimo decennio era ovvio. I democratici stavano cercando più Obama e hanno trovato Cory Booker, Gillum e un certo numero di altri giovani tecnocrati neri la cui retorica fondeva Big Tech e la chiesa battista. L'effetto Obama era l'illusione che la sinistra potesse comodamente colmare le contraddizioni tra le sue élite bianche e la sua base nera, tra i valori di Martha's Vineyard e il centro città senza dover rinunciare a nessun potere o controllo.

La risposta è stata una leadership tecnocratica nera sotto un'orda di imitazioni di Obama che volavano tutti a Davos e tornavano a spiegare perché tutti avevano bisogno di andare in bicicletta e mangiare soia.

Nel 2020, Obama e la sua ideologia hanno frequentato circa la primavera araba. E alcuni dei mini-Obama, come Gilllum, sono appassiti ancora più male di fronte alla storia.

"Abbiamo l'opportunità di inviare un messaggio sia a DeSantis che a Trump", si era vantato Gillum al comizio di Obama. "Abbiamo la possibilità di inviare loro un messaggio impenitente: che il loro marchio di politica non è più accettabile nello stato della Florida".

Invece, la politica di Obama e Gillum è diventata inaccettabile in Florida.

La storia è accaduta. La Florida è passata da uno swing state a uno repubblicano. Sotto l'uomo che ha battuto Gillum, sta attirando rifugiati dagli stati blu e sta crescendo a un ritmo record. E Gillum continua a fare il suo tipo di storia affondando a nuovi minimi con il suo partito.

"'L'eccitazione di Obama': Andrew Gillum può catturarlo?" ha chiesto il Washington Post.

È sicuro dire che lo ha fatto.

La linea della campagna di Gillum era "Portalo a casa". Ora, come diceva il pastore di Obama, i polli stanno tornando a casa per posarsi. Il sistema giudiziario sta cercando di riportare Gillum a casa.

"Ho trascorso gli ultimi 20 anni della mia vita nel servizio pubblico e continuo a lottare per il popolo", ha risposto Gillum all'accusa.

"Reclamare l'anima dell'America"?

L'ultima volta che Gillum ha ricoperto cariche pubbliche è stato nel 2018. Ci sono state varie accuse di cattiva condotta contro di lui risalenti al 2014, quando si è candidato per la prima volta a sindaco. Il suo servizio pubblico da allora sembra consistere principalmente nel twittare con rabbia cose sul governatore Ron DeSantis.

"DeSantis e i repubblicani vogliono cancellarci dai libri di storia e ora dalle sale del Congresso. Gli elettori ricorderanno questa tirannia di Maduro / Putin a novembre e oltre. NON oggi Satana!" Gillum, che ha negato l'uso di metanfetamina, ha twittato a maggio.

DeSantis e i repubblicani vogliono cancellarci dai libri di storia e ora dalle sale del Congresso. Gli elettori ricorderanno questa tirannia di Maduro / Putin a novembre e oltre.

NON oggi Satana! #LeastFreeStateInUSA

— Andrew Gillum (@AndrewGillum) 22 aprile 2022

Non molto tempo fa Obama salutava Gillum come "uno dei candidati più stimolanti e dotati". Biden, apparentemente leggendo dallo stesso teleprompter, lo ha propagandato come "uno dei più eccitanti, nuovi, giovani leader" che era sulla strada per "reclamare l'anima dell'America".

Invece Gillum, come Obama e Biden, ha perso la sua anima e non mostra segni di recuperarla.

La Florida, una volta in gioco, ora appare fuori dalla portata dei democratici come la carriera politica di Gillum. Ma non importa in quanti scandali Gillum si imbatta, c'è sempre qualcuno che scrive la sua narrativa di ritorno.

"L'America accetterà Andrew Gillum?" Slate lo ha chiesto qualche anno fa dopo aver fatto coming out come bisessuale. "Non cancellarlo ancora."

I federali, per dare loro credito, non l'hanno fatto. Né apparentemente lo hanno fatto i democratici.

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Looking to replace Russian oil, EU signs deal to ship Israeli natural gas through Egyptian ports


(burn in Jesus's name amen alleluia, drink your poison made by yourself).

Pfizer's clinical study of children between the ages of 6 months and 4 years is embarrassing

Tags: children, Coronavirus, covid, adverse events, vaccines



Any member of the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) who votes Yes to this junk science request should be removed from office. So writes Toby Rogers

https://www.sabinopaciolla.Com/il-vaccino-pfizer-biontech-covid-19-per-bambini-da-6-mesi-a-4-anni-di-eta-mostra-risultati-che-lasciano- somewhat-banned /

burn Satan Allah Sodom in Jesus's name amen alleluia

drink your poison made by yourself


2im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


(burn in Jesus's name amen alleluia, drink your poison made by yourself).

Bergoglio Francesco the tightrope walker:


a blow to the barrel and a blow to the rim so no one is satisfied.

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The leader of a dissident Catholic group advocating for LGBT people praised Pope Francis' choice to appoint the bishop of San Diego Robert W. McElroy cardinal, calling him "the type of [...]

"Gaslighting". Frontal attack on Pope Francis from the portal of the German Church on the subject of homosexuality Gallery

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"Gaslighting". Frontal attack on Pope Francis from the portal of the German Church on the subject of homosexuality

By Michael Galster | May 24th, 2022 | Categories: News, Opinion | Tags: german church, LGBT, homosexuality, Pope Francis, LGBT pastoral care

The tones of the contrast between the German Church and the Vatican are accentuated. Now Pope Francis is personally accused of psychological violence against homosexuals. I make my [...]

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BREAKING: The Archbishop of San Francisco prevents Nancy Pelosi, who is in favor of abortion, from receiving Holy Communion

By Sabino Paciolla | May 21st, 2022 | Categories: Church, Church, News | Tags: communion, Nancy Pelosi, Pope Francis, Salvatore J. Cordileone

"A Catholic legislator who supports procured abortion, after understanding the teaching of the Church, commits a manifestly grave sin which causes a very serious scandal to others". Salvatore Cordileone, archbishop of

burn Satan Allah Sodom in Jesus's name amen alleluia

drink your poison made by yourself


2im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


(burn in Jesus's name amen alleluia, drink your poison made by yourself).

Bergoglio Francesco the tightrope walker: The war in Ukraine was perhaps somehow provoked. There is no good Little Red Riding Hood and no bad wolf


a blow to the barrel and a blow to the rim so no one is satisfied

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https://www.sabinopaciolla.Com/papa-francesco-la-guerra-in-ucraina-e-stata-forse-in-qualche-modo-provocata-non-ce-cappuccetto-rosso-buona-e-il- bad Wolf/

2im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


(burn in Jesus's name amen alleluia, drink your poison made by yourself).

1. US Health Minister, trivaccinated, tested positive for COVID for the second time in a month.

2. Speranza, Italian Health Minister, trivaccinated, positive for COVID too


that of Big 666 pharma Spa & Co satan's gene serum is a dogma that cannot be proved!

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drink your poison made by yourself

https://www.sabinopaciolla.Com/ministro-salute-usa-trivaccinato-positivo-al-covid-per-la-seconda-volta-in-un-mese-speranza-ministro-salute-italia-trivaccinato-positivo- al-covid /

2im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


(burn in Jesus's name amen alleluia, drink your poison made by yourself).

NATO allies will supply Ukraine with "heavy and long-range weapons". NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said this at a press conference in Brussels.


CIA satanas priests said, Putin is guilty no ifs and buts,

and this is a dogma that cannot be proved!

burn Satan Allah Sodom in Jesus's name amen alleluia

drink your poison made by yourself

1im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


kabbalah because Rockefeller he knows!

these are the demons of no Mason but one hope to escape from the flames of despair (burn in Jesus's name amen alleluia, drink your poison made by yourself).

all branches that have to do with esoteric experience: occultism, gnosis, orphism, magic. (burn in Jesus's name amen alleluia, drink your poison made by yourself).

According to its experts, in fact, the demons would be divided into seven categories based on the place they inhabit. (burn in Jesus's name amen alleluia, drink your poison made by yourself).

There would therefore be the demons of fire, with residence in the most distant regions of hell; (burn in Jesus's name amen alleluia, drink your poison made by yourself).

the demons of the air, which fly over men; (burn in Jesus's name amen alleluia, drink your poison made by yourself).

the demons of the earth, who live mixed with human beings; (burn in Jesus's name amen alleluia, drink your poison made by yourself).

the oceans and seas would instead be inhabited by water demons (burn in Jesus's name amen alleluia, drink your poison made by yourself).

the underground demons would then cause earthquakes and eruptions; (burn in Jesus's name amen alleluia, drink your poison made by yourself).

far away from the sun would live the demons of darkness (burn in Jesus's name amen alleluia, drink your poison made by yourself). finally, ice demons would reside on the glaciers (burn in Jesus's name amen alleluia, drink your poison made by yourself).

Within these categories there would then be subgroups, each guided by a figure: Moloch for the two-headed; Beelzebub for the spirits of lies; Lucifer for the spirits of falsehood; Astaroth for the perturbers of souls; Asmodeus for arsonists; Belphegor for the quarrelsome; Bael for the crows of death; Adramelech for the pugnacious; Lilith for the obscene; Nahenia for the wicked.



burn Satan Allah Sodom in Jesus's name amen alleluia

drink your poison made by yourself

2im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Ursula Draghi Macron Strun* and his demonic possessed! here are all the demons Allah (the fly god) by Ursula lgbt Erdogan and Spa & Co Rothschild ] but what if someone is an atheist and does not believe in demons? I can send them to you, bt my holy JHWH will not happy! [ The idea of the exorcist Father Amorth

Nowadays, the most widespread idea on the classification of demons is the one that many exorcists (including Father Amorth) have proposed who see evil spirits divided into a triad composed by the emperor Lucifer, the prince Beelzebub and the grand duke Astaroth, under which six other superior spirits are placed: Lucifugo as prime minister; Stanachia and Agaliarept as grand generals; (burn in Jesus's name amen alleluia, drink your poison made by yourself).

Fleuretiy as lieutenant general; Sargatanas as brigadier; Nebiros as a farrier. (burn in Jesus's name amen alleluia, drink your poison made by yourself).

There would then be three figures each of them employed: Bael, Agares and Marbas for Lucifugo; Pruslas, Arimon and Barbatos for Satanachia; (burn in Jesus's name amen alleluia, drink your poison made by yourself). , Gusata and Botis for Agaliarept; Bathin, Pursar and Abigar for Fleuretiy; (burn in Jesus's name amen alleluia, drink your poison made by yourself).

Loray, Balefar and Foran for Sarganatas; Airepos, Nuberus and Glasyabolas for Nebiros (burn in Jesus's name amen alleluia, drink your poison made by yourself).

The messengers between the upper and lower classes of society would then be Miriòn, Beliul and Anagaton, followed by millions of lower evil spirits (burn in Jesus's name amen alleluia, drink your poison made by yourself).



burn Satan Allah Sodom in Jesus's name amen alleluia

drink your poison made by yourself

2im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


If to be European you need a "neutral passport", I want to get out of it

Giulio Meotti

Jun 15

The latest request from the EU Commission (soon in Italy) and the new book by Michel Onfray:

"Brussels works on the eugenics of Judeo-Christian civilization with an army of rough people

who call themselves progressives". And to think that Schuman, Adenauer and De Gasperi made Europe take the first steps towards unity. Is there anything left of their legacy? "Destroy freedom, impoverish

the language,

abolish the truth, suppress history, deny nature," writes Onfray. “This is the empire to which the tourists

of Maastricht aspire.” But how do we get there? “It is the work of the drop of water which, through repetition, pierces the most solid stone.” The Overton window. language manipulation. And so the rented uterus will call it "pregnancy for others" and you can kill a baby and say it was for his "good"..

2im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Stop patronizing blasphemous gay pride!

Gay pride is confirmed as one of the most blasphemous, intolerant events

and offensives that take place in Italy and around the world. LGBT activists increasingly take advantage

of these dubious parades to mock, offend and desecrate symbols

of the Christian religion. This year it happened at gay pride

of Cremona, where on June 4 a mannequin disguised as a Madonna in a "sadomasochistic"

version was carried in a "procession"

with bare chest covered with fake studs. The event had received the patronage of the Mayor

of Cremona Gianluca Galimberti. We ask the Mayors of the cities where the gay pride has yet

to take place NOT to grant the patronage of the Municipality!


2im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News.

It is always inconvenient to deal with topics like p0rn0graphy (and child p0rn0graphy). However, it is important to have the courage to denounce evil, even when it is literally "unwatchable", because

to pretend that certain problems do not exist or that

do not concern us makes us somehow complicit in that evil. Our culture, in fact, idolizes se* as an end

in itself which involves the exploitation and use of the human body, that is

of the person, his di lei own di lei or others, degrading him to an object.

2im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 42 comments

Looking to replace Russian oil, EU signs deal to ship Israeli natural gas through Egyptian ports





Featured news

Our posters with Pier Paolo Pasolini on abortion have been vandalized Disney LGBT is now unstoppable. Now comes the drag queen for kids Everything is fine with Pride, even (and above all) discriminating against Christians.. More news

Abortion. Billboard with Pasolini: "It's legalization of a murder!"

Gay Pride Cremona: We apologize after blasphemous attacks

Children are an investment despite the absent state

Attacks against the pro life. Italy is also in danger

Euthanasia. Dear Italy, look at the shock data of Belgium

Pro Life & Family of June 2022

2im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


you cannot talk about the shame of lgbtqia without worldisraelnews blocking the article

Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News.

EUROPE SHAME of the antichrist built and founded on abortions, prostitution, mafia, freemasonry, lobbying,

profanations and sacrileges blasfemy!


With unprecedented interference, the European Parliament has decided that the deadly ideology of abortion and the interests of abortion industries can prevail over the sovereignty of states

and above all over the health of women and children. He did it by voting. keep reading HERE!

1im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri








Michel lgbtqia UE octopus NWO the antichrist in Montenegro

it is time to push for your integration into the EU


when they pay wages of one million euros a month to the best masons who are traitors?

then, the people remain prisoners of the USSR octopus and can no longer get out of it!

1im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


here are all the demons Allah (the fly god) by Ursula lgbt Erdogan and Spa & Co Rothschild] but what if someone is an atheist and does not believe in demons? I can send them to you! [

WASHINGTON, The White House is expected to announce today the sending of approximately $ 1 billion in war aid to Ukraine, including anti-ship missile systems, artillery rockets and howitzers shells.


they decided to destroy Russia for the same reason they destroyed Trump and Netaknjahu,

they didn't have to allow themselves to raise their heads to look at the God Morgan Soros Rockefeller

burn Satan Allah Sodom in Jesus's name amen alleluia

drink your poison made by yourself

1im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


here are all the demons Allah (the fly god) by Ursula lgbt Erdogan and Spa & Co Rothschild] but what if someone is an atheist and does not believe in demons? I can send them to you! [Just take a short tour of the Scrovegni Chapel painted by Giotto in Padua and observe the counter-façade to understand that the underworld is absolutely not left

to free interpretation, but rather it presents itself as a well-structured and coherent universe.

According to esoteric mythology, in fact, demons can be classified within a rigid hierarchy that is part of the most powerful and, descending as if it were a pyramid, then involves all the others.

Over the centuries, however, as many categories have emerged as there are cultures that inhabit the world: each of these, in fact, offers its own personal explanation of evil and of how the evil can be configured in a society.

So let's see the names of the most famous demons based on the Western classification and that of the cabal, the most widespread to date.



burn Satan Allah Sodom in Jesus's name amen alleluia

drink your poison made by yourself

1im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri



arnold schwarzenegger says: "europe has bloody hands because it gains Russian energy


Was he a Chechen sniper in Maidan Square, killing 98 innocent people, to carry out the coup planned by the CIA?

2im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 5 comments

Nothing new: Jerusalem flag march a tradition since ancient times


Human sacrifices and cannibalism are "natural" | Angela Pellicciari


the British and the Jews have been historical slanderers of Catholics

In reality, the Kingdom of Spain has reached the apex of morality:

1. Bartolomeo de Las Casas an ex-fixer who became a friar, but he was ignorant, but like Bacon he speaks of Goddess Nature.

2. Sepúlveda is a scholastic (indios slaves by nature)

3. the winning position of Francisco de Vitoria which will be sponsored by the Spanish monarchy

2im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri





quando la sapienza di Satana e Sodoma si unisce alla sapienza di Allah, poi, chi può batterli?

ecco perché Bis ISIS Salman ha frequenti problemi di emorroidi!

Lightyear: Disney following through on its “not-so-secret gay agenda”

by Robert Siedlecki

We all know that the Disney Corporation has been taken over by the radical LGBT mob. Among other things, Disney openly touts its “not-so-secret gay agenda” and its policy of actively increasing the number of LGBT characters in its productions, forbids its employees from using the phrases “ladies and gentlemen” and “boys and girls” in […]

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Pro-aborts: an example of cognitive dissonance just like flat-earthers

by Ramón Mollá Vayá

Especially laughable are the flat-earthers, a typical case of cognitive dissonance just like those who deny the humanity of the fetus.

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New European Parliament resolution on abortion dares to interpret US Constitution to SCOTUS

by iFamNews Serbia

In several instances in this resolution, the European Parliament had the audacity to tell the US Supreme Court what constitutes a right guaranteed by the US Constitution and what does not.

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Lutzer: our public schools are sexualizing our children and destroying our civilization as a result

by Robert Siedlecki

“Perhaps nowhere do we see the work of Satan in America as clearly as we do in the sexualization of children—destroying their identity, confusing their gender, and creating unresolved guilt and self-hatred,” declares Erwin Lutzer, pastor emeritus of the Moody Church, in his book We Will Not Be Silenced. Lutzer writes that one of the […]

2im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 22 comments

White House confirms Biden visit to Israel, 'pariah' Saudi Arabia mid-July


when the wisdom of Satan and Sodom unite with the wisdom of Allah, then, who can beat them?

that's why Bis ISIS Salman has frequent hemorrhoid problems!


Obama & Rockefeller prostitutes are raising my rating. what good daughters!

2im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel



Obama & Rockefeller DEM Spa&Co FED prostitutes are raising my rating. what good daughters!

2im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


The White House from now on will be called the black house where the black wolf lives

2im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 25 comments

‘It was stressful’: Israeli vacationing in Istanbul says he was targeted for murder


worldisraelnews ] oper letter [ your coward Alex Peshansky @alexpeshansky

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our secret agent CIA 000fail votes me negatively and goes into SODOMA hiding yourself

2im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Allah uuhhh akbar jihad UMMA

some Israeli tourists received calls on their mobile phones from Israeli intelligence agencies begging them to go to the airport immediately and return to Israel, without returning to their hotels to collect their belongings, due to the immediate danger to their lives

Allah uuhhh akbar sharjah OCI


for the UN, all human rights in black oil are all respected!

2im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 9 comments

Small delegation to Israel sparks huge debate in Pakistan over relations with Jewish state


of course "Interpersonal diplomacy between Pakistanis and Israelis will change the world".



2im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 46 comments

Medieval antisemitic carving can remain at historic church, German judge rules


the invisible killer Spa & Co, demonic and infamous plutocratic Jew the only one who keeps paternal genealogies: the tribe of DAN ] [ The most common adverse events related to the COVID-19 vaccine reported by VAERS:

Permanent disability: nerve injury

Myocarditis, Pericarditis: heart damage

Heart attack: cardiovascular damage

Bell's palsy: facial nerve injury (with unknown etiology)

Herpes zoster: activated dormant virus.

These adverse events may have been caused by direct damage to the body's functions, attacks on the immune system, and blood clots caused by damage to the blood vessels.

If we have an adverse event after vaccination, what can we do to eliminate the effects

of spike proteins?

Enhancement of autophagy

There are several strategies for detoxifying spike proteins with Western medicine from natural sources

and Chinese herbal medicine: one is to prevent the attachment of spike proteins to ACE2 receptors

(e.g. ivermectin, suramine, catechin, curcumin, Prunella vulgaris extract) , the other is to neutralize downstream toxicity by using N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC), etc.

Another method is to enhance the cell's self-repair mechanism.

The human body is equipped with incredible self-cleaning and repair mechanisms.

As cells age, become inflamed or produce metabolic wastes, instead of resigning themselves

to death, our cells activate their self-cleaning mechanisms. One of the most important of these mechanisms is called autophagy, which literally means "devouring oneself". It may seem like

a bad thing, but it is actually beneficial, because what is devoured are the corrupt materials

inside the cells, so this mechanism will make the cells healthier.


2im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


(so, kalergi agenda, imperialism UMMA genocide, that they organize, to eradicate Christian civilization)

these Jewish pigs, in 1600 they were called marrani:

and they were cardinals who pretend to convert to Christianity and who today have contributed to the election of BERGOGLIO.

so through freemasonry today they control the government and our institutions,

and what about all the work of antichrist Darwin lgbtq and the p 0 r n industry?

then, the only political remedy for anti-Semitism is the Zionism!

2im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News.

usury and Jewish sectarianism, Masonic conspiracies were and still are a mortal threat to the peoples of the world, and Europeans in particular.

not only the great Dante alighieri said: "be men but not mad sheep that among you the Jew does not laugh"

but an important Italian Jew at the head of a forum told me:

"I understand his longing to save mankind, but I will not give his message to my contacts, because my family (to get rich) has been exploiting the scam banking seigniorage system for many generations, and may Allah help you"

2im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri




Discussion on World Israel News 12 comments

'Let's stop the fight' with the ultra-Orthodox, defense minister says


the [Big 666 Spa & Co pharma] massacre As of May 13, 2022, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), jointly managed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

and the Food and Drug Administration, had received over 1.2 million reports of adverse events since the introduction of COVID-19 vaccines.

However, according to estimates published by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality,

the number of adverse events reported by VAERS was less than 1% of the real number.

As of May 13, 2022, OpenVAERS collected adverse event data from VAERS registries,

which include more than 28,000 deaths, more than 157,000 hospitalizations,

more than 129,000 cases requiring urgent care, and more than 190,000 cases requiring medical examinations.

All of these cases meet the definition of a serious adverse event.

VAERS also has 32 years of data on deaths from all types of vaccines around the world.

According to his data, the number of deaths remained constant at a few hundred per year until 2021,

when it suddenly rose to 21,889. As of May 2022, there were 6,955 deaths

and the count is still ongoing.


3im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 27 comments

New York Republican party in turmoil over candidate who praised Hitler


Erdogan Hitler and Mussolini have done many good things,

unfortunately, however, their bad things were greater!

and I don't believe, that there can be ugly women or men on this planet, or that Michele Obama can be compared to a "Darwin DEM monkey" unless she herself has not made a statement to that effect.

in fact, Epstein's accomplice pawn pedo killer was only Obama

2im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 18 comments

Cover-up? Jewish school made students delete social media after bullied classmate’s suicide


My Janin [] condolences [] God JHWH holy has welcomed his angel Abel

2im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


our social media are under the control of the priests of satan of the CIA and the Masonic Judges are functional to cover up crimes and illegalities,

social networks do not respond, except in rare cases, to judicial action, and what the judicial action? it can rarely be activated!

the judicial and police bodies are always understaffed!

Requests to social media companies for tapes of those conversations and interactions went unanswered, so investigators were unable to parse or review messages that likely would have identified which students had harassed Janin.

"This whole experience was too horrible a nightmare to explain," Janin told the British newspaper The Times.

2im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


As has already happened to other doctors who have visited and treated patients (even and especially not them) suffering from COVID-19, also Dr. Milani was suspended for this.

He is suspended and deprived of his salary for having treated and saved human lives. For this, people have shown solidarity with Dr. Milani.

Here there is a lack of humanity and justice.

2im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Dr. Fabio Milani, family doctor, suspended and without salary for treating patients' COVID-19

Mario Draghi's killer demon, and his system of high constitutional treason, scam banking seigniorage, lives and tyrannizes in Italian institutions


2im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


"Bullying is a serious social disease, which always leaves scars in the victims. In extreme cases, when the school authorities fail to fulfill their duty of care, bullying kills.


all Italian secondary schools and technical and professional institutes are affected by incurable and chronic bullying.

because bullying (ignorance, impunity) is the Jewish-Masonic DEM culture.

This makes the teaching profession one of the most dangerous professions in Italy

2im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Furthermore, the COVID-19 vaccine can cause mitochondrial damage and induce cytokine storms that further compromise the body's immune function and lead to autoimmune diseases.

As studies, doctors 'observations and patients' experiences have already revealed several times, COVID-19 vaccines, regardless of the technologies used to produce them, can cause autoimmune diseases in different organs of the body if they contain the spike proteins or other components of the virus.

Alarming data in VAERS


2im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 37 comments

US Marine plotted mass shooting at synagogue


June 14, 2022 - Sabino Paciolla

The latest U.S. data shows COVID vaccine injuries have skyrocketed. Here are the remedies

Currently, adverse events caused by COVID-19 vaccines are receiving more and more attention from the public. If vaccination causes injury or damage, how can the body heal itself? In this article, [...]

Read more


14 June 2022 - admin

Court of Sassari: "prognosis of constitutional illegitimacy" of the vaccination obligation

We talked to you last week about the umpteenth sentence of a Labor Court, that of Sassari in favor of a suspended health worker and ordering his immediate reinstatement which, together with the previous ones, are suggesting the [...]

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June 14, 2022 - Sabino Paciolla

"Real lie": Australian scientist lashes out against TGA after "life-changing" injury from Covid vaccine

A man who was unable to work for eight months after the Covid vaccine said thousands of people are suffering from "life-changing" neurological symptoms that he calls "long vax". [...]

2 2View in discussion

Discussion on World Israel News 13 comments

Police confirm body found was missing woman Sapir Nachum


[09:51, 14/6/2022] F ****: https://www.instagram.Com/reel/CeOSQ5WDczX/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY=

[09:54, 14/6/2022] lorenzoJHWH

: yes, but we are the Knights of the Holy Sepulcher: and that seems to me a crazy kekka

[09:59, 6/14/2022] F ***: Well I don't know. Gemboy are famous, on which side they are I don't know

2im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Medvedev “Westerners? Bastards and degenerates ".


the discovery of fresh water

2im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Iron fist of Pope Francis against the German wing of the Knights of Malta: "the reform of the Order must go forward"


the reforms of Cardinal BERGOGLIO? they have all been approved by the antichrist,

if they are knights? then they have to fight!

you can't make them a Poor Clare like Mario Draghi

2im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 42 comments

Rebel MK from Bennett's party quits coalition, leaving minority gov't

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


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Under shock and with crying fits the girl who, on the night between Saturday and Sunday,

was allegedly raped by a 22-year-old Albanian in the parking lot of a disco in Cattolica. "For her an unspeakable trauma - says the lawyer Elena Fabbri who assists the young woman

in this difficult moment. - 24 hours after the incident she began to realize what she happened

to her and,

after the first moments of terror, she is now even more traumatized and continues to cry.

An experience that she has marked her for life and, now, I doubt that in the future

she will be able

to trust people ". For the young victim, what should have been an evening to spend

in the company

of her friends has turned into a nightmare and, now, even with the knowledge that her attacker

is behind bars,

the wound continues to hurt extremely. In the meantime, what happened at Malindi on the night between Saturday and Sunday is taking shape: a company of three friends, the arrival of a boy

who is a friend of one of them and two other young friends of him. A classic script for youth weekends

but which, for the victim, has become a full-blown horror.

"She assisted me - continues the lawyer Elena Fabbri - she confessed to me that she had no interest in that young man who joined the company. She talked to him about this and that and,

to his proposal to leave the club to continue chatting, she replied in the affirmative

only because the music was too loud. When, once he was out of her, he grabbed her by the hips trying to push her into the vegetation, she immediately tried to ask for her help by sending

a message on the cell phone to her friends but, by now, it was too late "

The 22-year-old, according to what has been reconstructed, allegedly tore off her clothes and then abused her

in the vegetation between

the parking lot and the mouth of the Conca river. A nightmare half hour for the girl who, upset,

then returned to look for her friends to ask for help and tell them about the violence.

When the victim's friends discovered what had happened in the room, chaos broke out:

first they railed against the group of Albanians, still there, and in the meantime some friends

of the young women arrived who, informed of what happened, set fire to the powder. A fight broke out

with kicks and punches and the alleged rapist himself was attacked by a friend of the victim.

The carabinieri intervened on the spot, alerted by the girls, and the 118 ambulance

to treat

the injured and take care of the rape victim. The friend of the abused girl remains

on the ground

after the fight while the attacker manages to escape. Both the friend and the victim are transported

to the emergency room, for the young man a prognosis of a few days while, for the girl,

the protocol

of these cases is triggered. Health professionals indicate injuries compatible with violence

and then discharge her with a prognosis of 15 days. In the meantime, the carabinieri,

who have collected the testimonies of those present, are already on the trail of the 22-year-old, resident in the Pesaro hinterland, and arrest him in the home of his uncle

where he lives

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Orbach said he was dissatisfied with the government being supported by the left-wing Meretz and the Arab Ra'am parties.

He defined Arab coalition partners Ghaida Rinawie Zoabi (Meretz) and Mazen Ghanaim (Ra'am) as "extremist and anti-Zionist elements", accusing them of taking the government in "problematic directions" and "holding it hostage".


and it took him a year to figure it out? that is, he too is a corrupt anti-Zionist of treacherous Freemasons

2im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 12 comments

WATCH: State Dept. delegation arrives to cool welcome in Ramallah


Palestinian officials are angry that the Biden administration has not reversed numerous policies put in place by Donald Trump. Former Israeli diplomat Danny Ayalon talks about the cold reception Barbara Leaf received in Ramallah.


if the Islamists were sincere? they would be pleased that I the Kingdom of Israel, I have planned to destroy the big (USA) and the little (Israel) Satan,

but they are so afraid of losing the big (Riyad) and the little (Iran) Allah too,

therefore UMMA and Spa & Co, are both under a religious-institutional demonic supernatural control called:

"symbiotic Masonic collective entity"!

2im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 89 comments

22 countries slam UN Human Rights Council's anti-Israel bias


if the abnormal crimes (the beam) of UMMA Erdogan OCI Riyad are invisible to the UN? it is clear: "Islam is scary it has oil and therefore it must be respected", then, it is normal that they should focus (on the straw) of Israel. But this straw is also fictitious, considering that Muslims are problematic, in every part of the world, and where they take power they initiate the typical UMMA crimes, serial crimes of innocent people.

The United States and 21 other countries have denounced the UN Human Rights Council's bias against Israel, following the publication of an 18-page report blaming the Jewish state for perpetuating the conflict in the Middle East.

The report was prepared by a commission of inquiry formed last year in the aftermath of Operation Guardian of the Walls. He accused "persistent discrimination against Palestinians".

The HRC is discussing the report.


Jesus of Bethlehem said:

"the children of this world are more cunning than the children of light"

"they will kill you thinking they are doing an act of worship to me"

2im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Jean-Luc Mélenchon denounced that the French secret services have shifted a good chunk of fake votes in favor of Macron.

and this attitude of Biden Soros and Rockefeller in favor of the DEM, all over the world: that is, to organize and carry out electoral fraud where possible?

by now, this attitude, if not of electoral fraud, is of shrewdness DEM PD (at each election the DEMs in Italy combine the electoral law as they like) is a notorious attitude, now known all over the world!

that's why Jesus of Bethlehem said:

"the children of this world are more cunning than the children of light"

2im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


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I wouldn't wear the our criminal jihad cloths for anything in the world!

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yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


the crimes you have to pay are these:

1. compensate 1.2 billion innocent victims of shariah in peacetime;

2. to indemnify 50 Christian Nations that have suffered the genoid sharia and that pre-existed the ARAB LEAGUE


but if you enter my Kingdom of Israel, will you remove the sharia law from the UMMA? then, you won't have to pay anything for these compensations

2im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 7 comments

After multi-pronged attack thwarted in Turkey, Israel said mulling expanding travel warning


Bin ISIS Salman ] i servizzi segreti di UK ? mi stanno soffocando la chiavetta Internet connessione

2im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Macron: " per colpa dei nostri omicidi, congiure massoniche tecnocratiche Bildenberg e neoliberiste, golpe a Kiev, genocidio russofoni nel Donbass, alto tradimento costituazionale il signoraggio bancario, e calunnie contro la Russia? Francia e Ue sono entrate in economia di guerra"

2im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Dissidente disertore traditore corrotto russo: "Sentivo la necessità di ripulirmi la coscienza con Satana e Ursula lgbtqia e Soros DEM Rothschild"

2im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


'Lightyear' è scandaloso: giustamente gli Emirati Arabi bloccano l'uscita del film per il bacio tra due donne.


queste cose a Gomorra? noi le abbiamo già bruciate!

2im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Note: this blog and 110 others of yours? they have been blocked, because Satan Allah and Sodom are very, very afraid of you!

Your blog has been blocked for violating the Dracula Rothschild and Akbar Erdogan ISIS Terms of Service. If you would like to request a review of the blog, click "Request Review" ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZ below.

2im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


Satana Allah CIA OCI Riyad NWO ] no worry dear!

Impossibile raggiungere questa pagina Non è possibile trovare l'indirizzo DNS di msn.Com. È in corso la diagnosi del problema.

Prova a eseguire la diagnostica di rete Windows.


2im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 29 comments

Religious Jewish students visit Auschwitz, denied access to site

the devil lgbtqia Ursula Von Hitler has been threatening our children since kindergarten

this is an obsession that breaks my heart.

Disney has become the world's most powerful megaphone of gender ideology and

the LGBTQIA political agenda in the ears of our children.

I am very sorry because, like so many of us, I too grew up appreciating her genius and her creativity.

But today things have drastically changed.

Disney producers pride themselves on including homosexual, transsexual

and 'gender-fluid' characters in cartoons to promote a real "gay agenda" (verbatim).

At the beginning of June, Disney expressed its official support for gay prides,

events that also promote rented wombs and gender in schools, pledging to "reinvent tomorrow by amplifying LGBTQIA stories". Translated: there will be more and more Disney cartoons, movies and series with gay,

trans, and fluid characters to condition our children. Disney announces support for gay pride on Twitter by launching a special section of LGBTQIA cartoons, films and series on Disney

Disney even aired a drag queen show for kids. Drag queens are homosexual or transsexual men who disguise themselves as women

in a transgressive, excessive and vulgar way. The purpose of the show was to support an association that promotes "LGBTQIA minors"

in schools.. The LGBTQIA drag queen show on DisneyPiù

Do you realize the devastating impact such a show can have

on Disney's children's audience?

More than 25,000 Italians have already signed the petition asking

Disney to stop this unworthy gender and LGBTQIA indoctrination against children.

3im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

the Jews after 80 years are threatened by Draghi-Bildenberg-Ursula and shouted at by Rothschild-Hitler

back to in the Nazi extermination camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau

Jews after 80 years,

3im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

https://www.msn.Com/it-it/intr fermentation/notizie/fedez-pubblica-gli-audio-strazianti-degli-incontri-con-lo-psicologo-ho-paura-di-morire/lgbtqia

FEDEz afraid of dying, heartbreaking recordings:

"I'm afraid of dying" and alias:. "who will fuscking my wife?" "who will enjoy my children?"


I don't know how he could remove the Jesus of Bethlehem tattoo from above the penis-pubis

3im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri



Patriarch Kirill, the wife of former Prime Minister Medvedev, state TV host Nailya Asker-Zade and other top Russian executives traveled in luxurious private jets that departed from the hangars of a small and seemingly insignificant company in San Marino. The unknown Skyline Aviation, headquartered in via Consiglio dei Sessanta 99 (10 minutes from the Rocca, 20 from Rimini), with its 40 million Gulfstream G450 and its 3 Bombardiers ended up unexpectedly in the crosshairs of the American Treasury Department which is hunting to the estates of the oligarchs closest to the Kremlin.


the Freemasons of Rothschild Bin Salman are an octopus URSULA BiDEN Spa & Co, FED IMF ECB BM whose name is "" entity "" cyborg organism symbiotic collective demonic supernatural esoteric and masonic

3im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

where Erdogan and Bin Salman have fun! Burkina Faso, attack on village: at least 100 dead

A country of 21 million inhabitants in West Africa, in the Sahel area, Burkina Faso faces the double emergency of drought and the growing activity of jihadist groups. It has been governed by a coup military junta since January.

https://www.msn.Com/it-it/notizie/mondo/burkina-faso-attacco-contro-villaggio-al at least-100-dead/


we speak of Christianity and those are Christian martyrs

3im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

NASA tries again: there is another supergroup of experts to study UFOs


it is enough to make a human sacrifice on the CIA's Satan wing

to know the whole truth


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