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Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

Knesset victory for Jewish visitors to Temple Mount

Discussion on World Israel News 34 comments

WIN EXCLUSIVE: Activist discusses Knesset victory for Jewish visitors to Temple Mount

8Johnson, the gift to Zelensky: a book on the witch Queen jabullon Elizabeth Gebabelle

when star Rothschild Satanism Spa&Co, NWO ED City Lond parasites of universal predation

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 25 comments

'Civil jihad is here' thanks to Bennett coalition partner - exclusive report

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

8Ali Khamenei IRAN (dog head) my nuclear nukes know where your Mecca Caaba from Riyadh be

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

8"I am convinced that if we had let Putin go (in Ukraine), he would not have stopped": the satanist Spa & o, sodomitic US president Joe Biden Epstein Owl at bohemian grove cremation of cure has no doubts


if Putin had intervened 8 years ago, with the Kiev CIA Maidan coup?

yes, he would have been right.

but after 8 years of genocide of Russian speakers?

his lies will die with him in hell!

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

8"Civil jihad is here," thanks to coalition partner Bennett

Terrorism, 37-year-old Egyptian investigated for Jihadist propaganda on the web


Imam Erdogan Ottoma or prophet said it:

"There is no moderate Islam, but there is only an LGBT like Macron to cut off the head"

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

8to Satan Ursula jabulOn Macron Baal, Trudeau lgbtqia, Shari'a Allah and sodom] #Odessa is where you with the Nazi-fascists have made a pogrom of peaceful Russian speakers [so, you have decided to lose Odessa too?

The Russians focus on Mykolaiv to hit Odessa better

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 3 comments

WIN EXCLUSIVE: Israeli tour guides to Bennett - Don't our lives matter?

9all the effective treatments for Covid1, aspirin, heparin, cortisone, antihistamines, and 4 of the lung antibiotics?

they would also work effectively for Covid2.

Tachipirina and watchful waiting for death, and vaccine death is what it takes for Rockefeller to kill at least 1 billion people!

and if, that criminal Netanjahu, for fear of being slandered by the Rothschilds and going to jail,

hadn't she pulled off his dirty knickers?

in front of Big 666 Pharma WHO Maw the killer?

everyone would have competed to come to Israel to immunize themselves from this viral bacterial infection: planned and implemented by the CIA OTAN USA EU UK secret services.

because there is a transnational shadow government that organizes these things in the West

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 16 comments

WIN EXCLUSIVE: How 'no exit' orders affect divorced fathers in Israel

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

9why is Israel (like all false Masonic democracies) a little Satan? How "no exit" orders affect divorced fathers in Israel


when Rockefeller Spa & Co. Rothschilds take the state by the balls, and force it to pay: bank seigniorage,

then, the state becomes the torturer of its citizens.

and here comes the DEM judicial police state which believes that all citizens want to steal the sovereign rights of Rockefeller Spa & Co. Rothschild and want to avoid paying taxes.

So DEMs think that all citizens are criminals, and that therefore they have to prove their innocence.

Taking away the freedom of speech and movement of citizens, taking them hostage, is a DEM ideology.

but the state must give a citizenship income to mothers who are abandoned by irresponable fathers and husbands, in no way can it hold citizens hostage!

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 17 comments

The 'very respectable' terrorist and Israel's loss of control in Jerusalem

9A "very respectable" terrorist

Sunday's incident demonstrates a disturbing reality:

starting from the Temple Mount, the radius of the no-go zones

for the Jews in Jerusalem it is constantly expanding,

and also respected members of the East Jerusalem communities

they are willing to commit murder to further the cause of Hamas.


history shows that Jews of the diaspora (plutocrats and masons) and Muslims (sharia worship) are both a predatory entity that is incompatible with the survival of peoples

1 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 20 comments

WATCH: Victim refused chance to speak at terrorist’s release hearing

9Bben's rejoinder is false, and after all there is no one who can pretend to hear the truth from a Satanist: he has prepared the battalions of death and fascists who have been given conspiracies to command in the army and in the government, he he made the coup in Kiev 2014, he always made the Odessa pogrom, and for 8 years he went to exterminate people in Donbass, he always trampled on the universal plebiscite and he always promised to shoot the CRIMEA,

Biden also wanted to bring the hypersonic nuclear double-capable missiles to the borders of Russia,

and now we understand that Putin could not have alternatives to invasion, or a plan B.

St. Petersburg, June 17, 2022 SUBTITLE Putin:

"All our tasks in Donbass will be completed", the applause of the hall "Today our soldiers and officers,

the Donbass militias fight to protect their people, to defend Russia's right to free and secure development as a large multinational country that makes its own decisions, determines its future and rejects

all attempts to impose pseudo-values of dehumanization

and moral degradation. All the tasks of the special military operation will undoubtedly be completed.

The key to all this is the courage and heroism of our soldiers and the consolidation of Russian society, whose support

gives strength and confidence to the Russian army and navy ",

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 20 comments

WATCH: CNN reporter says Biden 'worse than Jimmy Carter'

9only Biden is worse than Biden

only DEMs are worse than DEMs!

these Darwin monkeys sodom satan kingdom scam banking seigniorage: they are plunging all mankind into despair.

they not only militarized all men (18-60) in Ukraine, they also militarized all women and fight in urban centers (and these are two war crimes).

these are the perverted lgbtqia dracula orcs who have stormed the last stronghold of humans

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 39 comments

Al Jazeera releases image of bullet it says killed Palestinian reporter

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

9Erdogan is a replacement theology of Bin ISIS Salman] [if you accepted my proposal of the Kingdom of Israel?

1. there would be no civil war in Syria,

2. there would have been no Maidan coup,

3. there would be no no Iranian nuclear bombs, 4. there would be no no world war against the Chinese,

and that you are trying to win world war with malicious determination: this is demonstrated by your anti-Zionism,

and all anti-Zionism is always the root of Satanism!

and me to this day? I have no proof of the Rockefeller Rothschild betrayal of Zionism,

but, of course I have proof of your betrayal of Zionism!

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

9India China Russia end all cooperation with the West!

Ukraine, CERN discusses suspension of collaborations with Russia


this is what Salman & Rockefeller & Salman NWO OCI Riyad did

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 21 comments

Exposed: Iran digging massive tunnel network for nuclear enrichment

9a graphic and synthetic representation of the curse that the Communist Party has brought to Italy

Malagrotta fire and the dioxin alarm, data on air quality: the situation

The ARPA has released the first data. Here are the results of the surveys of June 15, the day of the fire


this is what Rockefeller & Salman have done to my country

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

9Julian Assange can be extradited to the United States, the British government


Julian Assange, the British government orders his extradition to the United States


no longer tell someone that we are democracy:

this is the triunvirate of

Rockefeller Salman and Rothschild

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

9PUTIN Russia ] open letter [ do not sell the blood of your soldiers, punish the Europeans!

block everything!

Gazprom continues to put pressure on the EU: half of the supplies requested from Eni

Gas: Ecological Transition ministry, 'If cutting continues, possible alarm level'

Gas, Russia still cuts supplies: today only 50% of Eni's requests

Gas, Eni: "Gazprom cuts by 50%". What does the government emergency plan foresee

The outcome of the conflict passes through Nord Stream

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

9Trump envoy David Friedman said Iran is no longer afraid of the United States, for which he blamed President Joe Biden.


when Stoltemberg and Macron Draghi fail with the world war?

sure a CIA Sharia Rockefeller atomic bomb on / against Israel?

sure, that won't fail!

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 8 comments

Torah scroll funded by recycled bottles dedicated to fallen IDF soldier

10Please sign immediately the petition that we will take to Disney asking for an IMMEDIATE STOP to this abuse of cartoons for children for political and ideological purposes! [Click here]

If you have already signed the petition, please copy the link and share it via WhatsApp or other social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Telegram).

Disney hit rock bottom. I would never have imagined that they would come to sponsor artificial insemination in a cartoon. I feel anger and disappointment..

A practice whereby a woman buys the sperm of a stranger on the market to be impregnated in the hospital.

A practice that deprives the son of his father, violating her fundamental rights.

How can we remain indifferent?

Not taking children and grandchildren to the cinema to see this cartoon is the minimum. We do not finance this madness with our money.

But now the most important thing is to sign the petition we will take to Disney to make your protest heard:

If you have not already done so, sign the petition now by clicking here!

If you have already signed up, copy the link below and share it on WhatsApp or Facebook:


Help me spread the word!

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

10since there is not a single scientific proof of the Darwin and lgbtqia theory?

then we must think that the Talmud regime is leading us to Satanism: it already permeates all our institutions.

In the cartoon there is not only the kiss between a lesbian couple, but the same couple "gets married" and uses artificial fertilization to have a baby (without a dad).

The kiss between two women in the Disney cartoon "Lightyear" released in theaters

One of the two pregnant women by artificial insemination

The two women hold the child in their arms, deprived of the father

Do you realize that Disney is using a cartoon to promote gay marriage and artificial insemination among children?

It is very serious!


2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

10since there is not a single scientific proof of the Darwin and lgbtqia theory?

then we must think that the Talmud regime is leading us to Satanism: it already permeates all our institutions.

yesterday a friend went to the cinema to see the new Disney cartoon (“Lightyear, the real story of Buzz”).

He wanted to see with his own eyes if we were right.

We've been denouncing it for weeks: Disney has included an explicit gay kiss in this cartoon.

It did so within a general strategy of promoting the political agenda of homosexual and transsexual collectives (LGBTQIA) towards children.

Well, my friend called me right after the movie was over. Bewildered..

Not only were we right, but it's much worse than we thought.

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

10all the lies of Stoltemberg:

1. NATO is an aggressive organization and has in fact surrounded Russia with hypersonic double-capable missiles!

2. NATO is an aggressive organization and has indeed used depleted uranium in Serbia.

3. NATO is an aggressive organization and in fact carried out a coup in Maidan and a genocide of Russian speakers in Donbass!

4. Neither Ucriana, nor any European nation, can be a sovereign nation, because they pay the banking seigniorage, because the DEMs are corrupt, because here the Freemasons of the Jewish demon Rockefeller antichrist Rothschild and the technocratic plutocrats rule;

5, and then the anti-Pope said that the fault lies with Putin, without ifs and buts, because this is a dogma of Ursula the octopus.


this international criminal should be silent: but I do not know what his monthly salary could be: to say that he too was not bought by Rothschild!

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

10glory to Zionism and its heroes into my kingdom Israel!

Torah scroll funded by recycled bottles dedicated to fallen IDF soldier

glory to Zionism and its heroes!

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 61 comments

Embarrassment: IDF slams commander who obeyed Palestinian forces

10Bin ISIS Salman ] [ Enter the church and shoot, two dead and one wounded in Alabama: the attacker stopped


the priests of satan in the CIA take it out on the churches, instead of taking it on me!

the devil allah is not their target

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

10Donbass and Crimea must be give immediately!

the CIA is responsible for the Ukrainian tragedy,

that it did not happen by mistake,

but by a cynical calculation of a prostitute called NULAND

and her neocons protectors

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

10Donbass and Crimea must be give immediately!

on the eve of the visit, Macron said the Ukrainian head of state would have to negotiate with Russia. He stressed that Russia "was, is and will be part of Europe". Furthermore, Macron said that "it is impossible to humiliate Russia".

During a visit to Ukraine, the leaders of Germany, France and Italy "behind closed doors" probably persuaded Volodymyr Zelensky to sit down at the negotiating table with Russia, writes the German daily Die Welt.


Donbass and Crimea must be give immediately!

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

10yes, the sanctions have brought only Europe and many nations victims of Anglo-American dominance

to its knees!

Gref was amazed by the "extraordinary flexibility" of the Russian economy

The Russian economy will return to 2021 levels in about ten years, if nothing is done

in the current situation, Sberbank boss German Gref said over lunch "Sbera" at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

At the same time, the head of the state bank said that the Russian economy has shown "absolutely extraordinary flexibility".

"If nothing is done in the current situation, then roughly such a consensual trajectory

of the Russian economy, its return to the 2021 level, could take about 10 years," TASS said.

At the same time, the head of the state bank said that the Russian economy has shown "absolutely extraordinary flexibility".


what makes NATO and its slanders, and its aggression, a threat to the survival of mankind?

"for a phantom Russian threat!"

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

10What makes NATO and its slanders, and its aggression, a threat to the survival of mankind?

Germany has decided to send troops to the Russian border

for a phantom Russian threat!

The Bundeswehr has called for the creation of a multinational brigade in Lithuania to strengthen NATO's eastern flank amid "for a phantom Russian threat!". According to experts, the project may also involve Poland, France and other EU countries and become a prototype of the European army, independent of the United States and NATO.

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

10worldisraelnews ] How do I remove your CIA satanists here?

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 6 comments

Doron Almog, advocate for those with special needs, to lead Jewish Agency

10wise decision https://www.msn.Com/it-it/notizie/video/arabia-saudita-ritirati-giocattoli-e-gadget-coi-colori-arcobaleno/


Saudi Arabia toys and gadgets with rainbow colors withdrawn


wise decision

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

10The mail of Drusilla - Drusilla Foer, The almanac of the day after 16/06/2022


Drusilla Foer responds to letters from viewers


Drusilla's transvestite is funny and smart, because he is a real male pretending to be a woman,

and why pretend?

transvestism is like satanists and CIA trolls who assume other identities on the internet, to destroy the credibility of the network, sow hatred, contempt, perversion and confusion.

transvestism, and the change of personality, must be understood as a social crime!

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

10The provocations in the month of gay pride: satanic lgbtqia theosophy and scientific fraud dogma darwin the monkeys!


Against church and family at gay pride.


the realities against the natural family and against the natural law

they are constitutional crimes, a true induction to Satanism

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

10Renzi: "In the time they remain in the Parliament, 5 Stars could apologize to Boschi"


the climbers and the recliners throw rags in each other's faces.

to them as to all DEMs

the fate of the people is not at heart,

they are all material executors of Soros and Rothschild's kabbalah

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

10I am the King of Judea and Samaria. ] [ Yaakov Hagoel (left), chairman of the Nominating Committee of the Jewish Agency for Israel and the World Zionist Organization, and Major General (Res.) Doron Almog

good job

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 11 comments

Israel grants another 2,000 work permits to Gazan Arabs

10I am the King of Judea and Samaria.

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 39 comments

Israel seeks US partnership in Iron Beam laser defense system

10Killed by pirate truck: arrested, I didn't notice


yes, he hasn't seen them, the driver's job is a very tiring job, so the optic nerve does not transmit images to the brain

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

10Turkey: 16 Kurdish media journalists arrested


the empire of the Ottomans, assassins, purifiers, imperialists, head-cutters?

he got very angry

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

10once you have FAITH in God, and God gave rain,

but, today you have faith in Draghi Ursula, Christine Madeleine Odette Lagarde, and Zelensky, and Satan and so, now why DON'T you make a human sacrifice to them?

125 municipalities without water: the worst Po drought since 1952

The levels of the lakes are at an all-time low, that of Lake Maggiore near an all-time low since 1946.

there will be a reduction in fruit and vegetable production in the Po Valley between 30 and 40%.

one hundred municipalities in Piedmont and 25 in the province of Bergamo have blocked the supply of drinking water,

Drinking water rationing for 125 municipalities in Northern Italy: desert climate, no more water resources. In Italy, climate change is having unprecedented effects. The level of the Po river is below 3 meters of the average, the damage caused by agriculture is estimated at one billion.

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

1016 JUN - Twitter has rightly blocked the account of the president of the Russian Space Agency Roscosmos Dmytro Rogozin (because you cannot hate an entire people who have become the victim of Jewish

plutocrats and their Pied Piper Zelensky) after the publication of the sentences on 'Ukraine that define the country

as "an existential threat to Russia" literally asking to put an end to the Ukrainians "once and for all".

Ukranska Pravda reports it taking up Rogozin's post on Telegram: They asked me to remove the post, "if I don't obey, they won't remove the block from the account where

I have more than 808 thousand subscribers.

I don't think my message is wrong. Absolutely true. I will not press the cancel button. Unfortunately,

Twitter has become a dump, a platform for extremists and a spokesperson for anti-Russian propaganda, "he wrote.


but it is true that all Western media are anti-Russian

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

10Ukrainians lose 1,000 men a day,

Assisted suicide, the courage of Dj Fabo and now of Federico Carboni.

this is euthanasia an assisted and facilitated suicide, then, we end up killing depressed young people:

then, there is nothing

then, there's hell waiting for you

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

10Bin ISIS Salman] [Putin fires Natalia Poklonskaja, the parliamentary star of Instagram who supported him in the Crimea

In 2014, she of Ukrainian nationality, had supported the Russian annexation of Crimea,

becoming an enemy in the eyes of her compatriots, included in the wanted list of her former country

and sanctioned by the European Union. Now, however, a 41-year-old jurist, former deputy of the ruling party

in the Parliament of Russia, have dared to criticize the Tsar's military operation.

And all of a sudden,

she became the woman she betrayed twice. The war, the one that began eight years ago for Ukraine, changed her life, marking her rise and now her fall.


you don't have to have an inconsistent and inconstant heart!

either you choose to die for Rockefeller or you decide to fight him. and then come with me, if you think world war is too much punishment!

I am the only solution to the world war.

China Russia and India

they can win the war,

but only I can win the peace

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

10Thus China and India help Russia (and take the opposite path to the West)


Riyadh and the USA made world war inevitable, and this is the latest fight against Moloch Spa & Co.

here you play everything!

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

10self-destruction criminals] [NATO stoltemberg said they have immunity for their war crimes.

the whole Western system is an ideological and institutional corruption: it is a Masonic Jewish crime!


Australia, Sydney turn off the lights in the evening against energy crisis

Australia's energy minister has urged families in New South Wales, the state that also includes Sydney,

to turn off their lights in the evening to deal with the energy crisis. Minister Chris Bowen called for limiting

the use of electricity to two hours per evening if "they have an alternative".

Australia, Sydney turn off the lights in the evening against energy crisis

Australia, Sydney turn off the lights in the evening against energy crisis

The call comes after Australia's main wholesale electricity market was suspended due to rising prices.

"If you have a choice when to perform certain activities, don't do them 6-8pm," he said

at a televised press conference in Canberra.

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

10NATO stoltemberg said they have immunity for their war crimes


and they said they paid well to turn Ukrainians into cannon grease!

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

10US stock market collapses on recession fears


doesn't it seem like a valid reason why Rockefeller and Bin ISIS Salman have concerted an aggression on China and Russia?

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 66 comments

Ultra-Orthodox protesters threaten to leave UK over sex education bill

10The rabbis describe LGBTQ legislation as "a threat to alter fundamental aspects of Jewish practice."

who is the Jewish ideologue of the plutocratic antichrist: by Demo Pluto Judaic Freemason:

what did this Darwin desecration against natural law do?

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 52 comments

Canine hero: Security dog foils shooting attack in Gush Etzion

10The trip of Prime Minister Mario Draghi (yes man CIA slave) to Kiev together with Macron

(yes man CIA slave) and Scholz (yes man CIA slave), "is a great success for Draghi, the coup killer, usurer,

because he is fully entitled to enter in a troika of European criminals from which we had often been excluded ".

This was stated to Adnkronos by the Italian super jabulOn Freemason diplomat Giovanni Castellaneta,

former ambassador of Italy to Iran, Australia and the United States and now president of the board

of directors of doBank, commenting on Draghi's presence in Kiev together with the other two European leaders (as an important step in achieving world war).

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

10'Mario' died, first medically assisted suicide in Italy answer

every day of life is a battle against death,

but who surrenders to death?

he has also given up a hope of eternal life.

generally, we blame and hate God (rightly) because we consider him the cause of our misfortunes!

But, does he do it out of love, to give us eternal glory, and suffering / struggle / love, hope, life?

it must not be wasted as an opportunity for your redemption

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

10Tanzania: Amnesty, stop to crackdown on Masai protests

"More than 70,000 indigenous Maasai people are in danger of being displaced from their

ancestral pastures to make way for a tourist operation," recalls the organization for the defense of human rights.


but the Masai are the biggest tourist attraction

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

10The IDU stationed Tzayid in Migdal Oz after a Palestinian terrorist killed 18-year-old yeshiva student Dvir Sorek near Migdal Oz three years ago, according to the Arutz-7 report.


UN EU, FED IMF ECB BM NWO UK OTAN OCI believe it is legitimate to kill innocent Israelis,

because it is physiological for the ARAB LEAGUE to carry out the sharia genocide, and steal the homeland in jihad mode, from all the peoples of this planet!

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 37 comments

NY cops arrest teens over ‘Free Palestine’ assault on Jewish man in Brooklyn

10because of the Rockefeller plutocrats

the only remedy for world anti-Semitism will be to realize my Kingdom of Israel, Wahhabis permitting

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 15 comments

WATCH: Arab shepherds attack Jewish farmer

10Arab shepherds attack Jewish farmers?

Arab Shepherds attack peasants all over the world and in Nigeria they know how to make a genocide.

Arab shepherds carry the desert wherever their islamic curse comes, fomented by Ottoman and Wahhabi foreign powers

4 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 3 comments

WATCH: Dancing in Jerusalem as sapper deals with bomb

10Dancing in Jerusalem is cool as the digger deals with jihad sharia bomb bum bum bum akbar

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 42 comments

Michigan Dem calls for a ‘drag queen for every school’

10Dana Nessel, Attorney General of Michigan

she should be arrested immediately.

nothing is more devastating to society than a break with natural law

and with dogmatic as well as unscientific positions such as:

the criminal darwin theory

and criminal the theory of gendere fluid lgbt

5 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 24 comments

Court rules Yeshiva University must allow LGBTQ club

10Crimean UE OTAN NWO UK Spa&Co War, France antichrist ready to support Kiev lgbtqia, France would also like Ukraine to regain control of Crimea as well scam banking seigniorage cult esoteric agenda occult power, masonic syystem Rockefeller. "We are for an integral victory with the restoration of territorial integrity on all the territories conquered by the Russians, including Crimea", the French official said, referring to the Black Sea peninsula that Russia forcibly annexed in 2014. Once the war is over, talks will be needed to determine the type of security guarantees for Ukraine and relations between Ukraine and NATO, the diplomatic source said. in order to "know how to build lasting peace". "At stake is the safety of all of us", he added, a "Ukrainian military victory is up to Zelensky to define it." ANSWER [[eih CIA stop a bulling me! ]] ANSWER [[

eih CIA stop a bulling me!

]] this murderous, anti-constitutional, coup, genocidal, anti-Zionist, neoliberal, Masonic criminal delusion demonstrates that the EU UK USA is the worst Nazi communist Masonic demonic sodomitic technocratic esoteric supernatural regime, all this only makes sense in the imperialist aims of Rothschild and Rockefeller.

answer So the Bildenberg Freemasons have decided that we will go to world war anyway! ANSWER [[eih CIA stop a bulling me! ]]

2 1im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

10ANSWER [[eih CIA stop a bulling me! ]] Ukraine is ready for a counterattack. In Crimea there are already the first leaflets that go around the cities with the inscription: "It is the land of Kiev". The arrival of weapons from Western countries is strengthening Zelensky's troops, who are now not only aiming to recapture the Donbass ( what, and if the citizens of Donbass disagree it nazi Ursula?) but also all those areas that Russia has occupied for years (there has been no occupation, only a universal plebiscite). It is in fact since 2014 that the pro-Russian government declared its independence from Ukraine, when following the revolution (of the Soros CIA satan sodom at Maidan Golpe CIA 666 micro-chip) Moscow sent its troops to take control of the local government (Moscow was called to help because brutal repression). ANSWER [[eih CIA stop a bulling me! ]] The war, however, could turn everything around.

2 1im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

10 2 hours agoDetected as spamUkraine ready to attack Crimea: ANSWER [[eih CIA stop a bulling me! ]] "With US weapons we will win it back." (famous last words, before even losing Odessa) And France pushes for the invasion: (so for France EU Ursula the people are chickens, and the sovereignty does not belong to the people, but to the Freemasons of Rothschild). Ukraine ready to attack Crimea: "With US weapons we will win it back". And France pushes for the invasion (so for the EU France it is normal to make a coup, if it does not go against the interests of OTAN)Ukraine ready to attack Crimea (under what international law of the akbar): "With US weapons we will win it back."

2 1im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

10eih CIA stop a bulling me! ] [ We have received your request for review, Russia again cuts natural gas exports thru European pipeline 14 hours agoDetected as spam

Ukraine will have to negotiate with Russia sooner or later - Macron, ANSWER, the EU idiots must stop sending all weapons and concede: Crimea and Donbass to Putin, otherwise he will take Odessa and transnistria to secure his Russian-speaking population! this story that Russia will then attack other countries? it has no consistency, that is, if NATO moves its structures away from the territorial borders of Russia

2 1im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

10eih CIA stop a bulling me! ] [ Related topics: The terrorist state in Ukraine must be eliminated

The West has turned Ukraine into a terrorist state Western weapons involved in terror against Donetsk

And not only in relation to the enemy (this could still somehow be understood), but also in relation to anyone: their own soldiers, the civilian population of the cities, which even the Ukrainian authorities pathetically call their own (they will have to be rebuilt again). Even the operation born in Yugoslavia in this sense begins to appear as a model of humanism and the targeted use of force. For all of this, there is a simple and short word: terror. Nationalists terrorize the armed forces of Ukraine, the armed forces of Ukraine terrorize civilians, the leadership of Ukraine at the top of this pyramid terrorizes everyone, including even residents of the border regions of the Russian Federation, which it can reach. Therefore, to describe what is happening, it would be possible to choose another term, not "barrier detachments". "Terrorist squads of Ukrainian nationalists" - this would be much more accurate.

2 1im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

10eih CIA stop a bulling me! World Vision aid worker convicted of funneling relief money to Hamas. a day agoDetected as spam We have received your request for review

fight treacherously in cities, with deadly ambushes (the worst of all war crimes), militarize all civilians (the worst of all war crimes), this leads the war to become cruel, cynical: necessarily. Advisor to the head of the office of the President of Ukraine Mykhailo Podolyak in his interview with the New York Times said extremely cynically why the Armed Forces of Ukraine, are doing this: "The Russians are fighting badly in the cities. In the cities, you can maneuver. And find shelter, and minimize losses. You will be able to hold out longer and inflict significant losses on the Russians." To "fight in the cities" Podolyak obviously means hiding behind the civilian population of these cities. Civilian casualties from such "skill" are even terrible to imagine, and the phrase about loss minimization sounds utterly mocking. Yes, the Armed Forces of Ukraine reduced, their casualties during the battles in the cities. But civilians (whom these armed forces, of Ukraine appear to protect) are starting to die simply by the hundreds. But if "the Russians don't know how to fight in the cities", then Ukraine's armed forces are fighting well not only in the cities, but also with the cities, as evidenced by the regular bombing of Donetsk itself. It is debatable what the deeper significance of these attacks is. Either this is a trivial revenge, or it tries to distract parts of the Russian military in this way, weakening the advance, of the Russian army in other areas. However, this does not change the essence. The Ukrainian army is waging the war with extremely inhumane methods.

2 1im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

10eih CIA stop a bulling me! Russia again cuts natural gas exports thru European pipeline

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Ukraine will have to negotiate with Russia sooner or later: Macron.. ANSWER

the EU idiots must stop sending all weapons and concede: Crimea and Donbass to Putin, otherwise he will take Odessa and transnistria to secure his Russian-speaking population di lui! ANSWER.. this story that Russia will then attack other countries?

it has no consistency, that is, if NATO moves its structures away from the territorial borders of Russia

2 1im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

10allow the LGBTQ club? everyone has the right to come together.

but in a scientific location:

cannot be served up:

1. the flat-land;

2. the Darwin theory;

3. the Gender lgbtqia theory;

precisely because, they are demonic, esoteric, occultist, and above all they cannot be scientifically proven

2 1im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 19 comments

'Serious concern' - Moscow scolds Israel ambassador for Syria airport strike

10an embarrassing anti-Zionist Biden in the Middle East (supporter of hamas hebollah and nuclearized Iran),

and in Riyadh for an awkward meeting with Bin Salman


but how could Riyadh survive the destruction of Israel?

it is clear they will fall together!

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

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Ukraine ready to attack Crimea:

"With US weapons we will win it back." (famous last words, before even losing Odessa)

And France pushes for the invasion: (so for France EU Ursula the people are chickens, and the sovereignty does not belong to the people, but to the Freemasons of Rothschild).

Ukraine ready to attack Crimea: "With US weapons we will win it back".

And France pushes for the invasion (so for the EU France it is normal to make a coup, if it does not go against the interests of OTAN)

Ukraine ready to attack Crimea (under what international law of the Lilliputians akbarrr):

"With US weapons we will win it back."

Ukraine is ready for a counterattack. In Crimea there are already the first leaflets that go around the cities with the inscription: "It is the land of Kiev". The arrival of weapons from Western countries is strengthening Zelensky's troops, who are now not only aiming to recapture the Donbass (what if the citizens of Donbass disagree?),

but also all those areas that Russia has occupied for years (there has been no occupation, only a universal plebiscite).

It is in fact since 2014 that the pro-Russian government declared its independence from Ukraine, when following the revolution (of the satan sodom at Maidan Golpe CIA) Moscow sent its troops to take control of the local government (Moscow was called to help because brutal repression).

The war, however, could turn everything around.

Crimean War, France ready to support Kiev

France would also like Ukraine to regain control of Crimea as well.

"We are for an integral victory with the restoration of territorial integrity on all the territories conquered by the Russians, including Crimea",

the French official said, referring to the Black Sea peninsula that Russia forcibly annexed in 2014.

Once the war is over, talks will be needed to determine the type of security guarantees for Ukraine and relations between Ukraine and NATO, the diplomatic source said.

in order to "know how to build lasting peace".

"At stake is the safety of all of us",

he added, a "Ukrainian military victory is up to Zelensky to define it."


this murderous, anti-constitutional, coup, genocidal, anti-Zionist, neoliberal, Masonic criminal delusion demonstrates that the EU UK USA is the worst Nazi communist Masonic demonic sodomitic technocratic esoteric supernatural regime, all this only makes sense in the imperialist aims of Rothschild and Rockefeller.


So the Bildenberg Freemasons have decided that we will go to world war anyway!

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Discussion on World Israel News 20 comments

Miss Iraq: Grotesque antisemitic law demands strong response

10hey, super satanists Rockefeller Bin ISIS Salman and Rothschild, my voltmeter read "666"

and in any case I tried to change the parameters it always marked "666", so I said to myself, here we are,

my beasts have come, ok we can talk!

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

10Moqtada al-Sadr is expected to be implemented by the Iraqi government in the coming weeks, prescribing the death penalty for Iraqi citizens, foreigners visiting Iraq and Iraqis abroad who communicate with Israelis in any way, including online.


ok, it's not my concern I'm Italian!

And I've been here for 14 years only to talk to the super satanists Rockefeller Bin ISIS Salman and Rothschild, so that their demon-filled bodies don't get lost, and their souls, and their cowardly sucking Masons get ruined?

I don't care!

3 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 21 comments

Iran says rocket launch coming after photos show preparation

11all we are now seeing in Ukraine,

I have seen Ukrainians do it in Donbass for 8 years.

with the difference that the CIA has stirred up and realized all this disaster in the EU and continues to do so, that is, it continues to put the EU in disaster..

Now, the European Darwinian Bergoglian Sodomite Freemasons fail to protect themselves,

from their Anglo-American satanist masters UK jabulOn lgbtqia +++, because they are only Darwin monkeys without spirituality with the Second Vatican Council, of Bildenberg pastoralism.

while, the satanists of the CIA they do, they have a Luciferian spirituality!

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

11BIN ISIS Salman from Riyadh ] Allah uuhh akbar jihad Erdogan Sharjah Salman [

Allah uuhh akbar jihad Erdogan Sharjah Salman UMMA OCI nazi kaput

KANO, 15 JUN - The Nigerian army yesterday found one of the more than 200 female students kidnapped eight years ago in the city of Chibok by the jihadist group Boko Haram.

Allah uuhh akbar jihad Erdogan Sharjah Salman UMMA OCI nazi kaput

The 2014 mass kidnapping caused a stir internationally and kicked off the campaign from the hashtag #BringBackOurGirls.

Allah uuhh akbar jihad Erdogan Sharjah Salman UMMA OCI nazi kaput

Nigeria, the army finds one of the girls kidnapped in Chibok

Allah uuhh akbar jihad Erdogan Sharjah Salman UMMA OCI nazi kaput

The military wrote on Twitter that soldiers on patrol found young Mary Ngosche with her son near the village of Ngoshe, in the state of Borno.

Allah uuhh akbar jihad Erdogan Sharjah Salman UMMA OCI nazi kaput

Of the 276 girls aged 12 to 17 kidnapped from their school on April 14, 2014, 57 managed to escape, another 80 were released in exchange for some captive Boko Haram commanders and over a hundred are missing.

Allah uuhh akbar jihad Erdogan Sharjah Salman UMMA OCI nazi kaput

Some are thought to have been given in marriage to jihadists, according to a propaganda video by Abubakar Shekau, the last leader of Boko Haram. Many others followed the kidnapping of Chibok, in addition to deadly attacks on schools in northern Nigeria.

The phenomenon has led to early school leaving, which according to UN estimates affects over 18.5 million Nigerians.

Allah uuhh akbar jihad Erdogan Sharjah Salman UMMA OCI nazi kaput

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

11BIN ISIS Salman from Riyad ] [ you take the most peaceful peoples in the world: that is: the Russian people and the Israeli people,

but if you go to threaten them with death?

then, they have the right to self-defense.

then it's you with sharjah Spa & Co,

that you pushed them to violence,

and it's not that the violence was in their ideology or expansionist plans, as bad-conscience slanderers are saying.

Now, Russia making it a point to extend her territory,

if her territory is immense and deserted?

then, you take the nuclear hypersonic tactical nuclear missiles to her borders,

so it's you who goes to light the fire,

you can't put the knife to someone's throat and then, you get a punch back and say, "you started!"

why this of Draghi Zelenskyy and their accomplices?

this is a very infamous attitude

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

11BIN ISIS Salman from Riyad] [the Iranian missile and nuclear plan is under the protection of the CIA OCI UMMA, because Rockefeller desperately needs the world war and the extermination of the Israelis, and obviously the Wahhabis are playing their game because they want to extend the UMMA in Africa and Europe!

the technocratic vampires Ursula la Von Piovra: EU US transnational government CIA UK OTAN: bildenberg all Jews freemasons parasites neoliberals speculative finance, scam banking seigniorage are worthy of glillotine

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

11technocratic vampires bildenberg all jews freemasons parasites neoliberal monetarists scam banking seigniorage are worthy of glillotine

Cassese: "The autonomy of the pension funds is at risk"

"There is an increasingly strong interference of private law in public law. The farsighted reform of 93 and the autonomy of the funds are being questioned. A well-known French scholar, Thomas Perroud, wrote an article illustrating

the progressive emptying of the state and public law,

because private law increasingly governs public action,

and it is therefore necessary to rethink private law as a common right to public action. The legislator was aware of a trend of this type in 1993 - 1994, carrying out the reform of the Casse. In a quarter of a century the benefits of that far-sighted reform are slowly being questioned ”. Thus the professor emeritus, former judge of the Constitutional Court

and minister for public function in the Ciampi government,

Sabino Cassese, during a lecture in Rome within a seminar of the Adepp (Association of private pension funds) entitled "Autonomy of the pension funds at the service of the professions for the country".

The pension funds were privatized in the mid-nineties but in recent years, after the respective professional categories have reorganized them, they have become targets

of various attempts to get them back into the state.

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 45 comments

Israel cancels youth trips to Poland for Holocaust programs

11who said that Ukraine will still exist on the world map in two years? ''. This is the provocative question posed by former Russian President Dmitri Medvedev this morning.

I hate them, they are bastards and degenerates. They want death for us, for Russia. And as long as I am alive I will do everything possible to make them disappear, "wrote the vice president of the Russian National Security Council.


it is because the Nazi-fascists of Ursula and Rothshild and Zelensky have returned to Poland UE USA OTAN UK CIA FED IMF ECB NWO BM OCI UMMA.


Russian-speaking peoples have the right to their self-determination

from this legal monster of Kiev, born of the CIA coup in 2014

1 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

11Israel cancels youth trips to Poland for Holocaust programs


in Poland the Nazi-ascists of Ursula and Rothshild and Zelensky are tormented

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 13 comments

WATCH: Fatah lauds Arab attacking religious Jew in Jerusalem

11Bin ISIS Salman from Riyad ] the new frontier of OTAN civilization [ https://www.msn.Com/it-it/money/video/in-islanda-in-mostra-il-calco-del-pene-di-jimi-hendrix/

in iceland on display the cast of jimi hendrix's penis


here the fffaaaggggss of the CIA Stoltemberg Bildenberg Epstein Obama DEM lgbtqia Ursula Von pigs Darwin monkeys

they want to see the cast of my penis too,

and don't think it's a joke, Aristobulus asked specifically

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

11Bin ISIS Salman from Riyad]

for these Koranic Talmudics? only I have the right medicine, and it is not violent, it is my Zionism of the kingdom of Israel that you insist on denying me because you said you want to kill all the Chinese!

[Fatah posted a video on Facebook of an Arab attacking a religious Jew in Jerusalem, along with the caption: "May your hands be blessed, hero."


alias, yes hands blessed with the blood of the Jewish scapegoat!

have been trapped by the UMMA OCI imperialism of sharia law and its genocide of replacement theology


to these Koranic Talmudics? only I have the right medicine!

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

11Oxfam, a generation trapped in Gaza for 15 years


have been trapped by the UMMA OCI imperialism of sharia law and its genocide of replacement theology

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 29 comments

Russia again cuts natural gas exports thru European pipeline

11Detected as spam

Ukraine will have to negotiate with Russia sooner or later - Macron


the EU idiots must stop sending all weapons and concede: Crimea and Donbass to Putin, otherwise he will take Odessa and transnistria to secure his Russian-speaking population!


this story that Russia will then attack other countries?

it has no consistency, that is,

if NATO moves its structures away from the territorial borders of Russia

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yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

11Rome, fire at the Malagrotta landfill, the cloud moves towards Fiumicino. Residents: "Disaster announced"


these fires are systematic and are planned, because they are the only solution to the waste problem,

yes, waste could become a mine of raw materials and energy: in a credible state not murdered and parceled out by the Anglo-Americans and their speculative finance!

because the Italian government is made up of thugs and Freemasons who think only of their potrona, to fill bureaucracy with taxes and to give protections to criminals of all kinds, while the institutions are all inadequate, inefficient and hypocritical!

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

11Casti at marriage, Adinolfi: "As Pope, he challenges an empty contemporaneity"



2 1im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

11Bergoglio: "No se* before marriage for engaged couples"


Isn't it his fault if God already sees in sexuality: the sacrament of marriage, and that he is already married?

he can't have an abortion!

2 1im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

11Priest denies Madonna statue for procession, controversy in Cremona. the wooden statue, from the 18th century, is fragile and could not withstand the jolts of transport on a boat and the stresses of carrying it on the shoulder.


another Medernist Bergogliano and Masonic cult without faith!

2 1im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

11BERGOGLIO anti-Pope : "Life is precious, even when it is dying out"


euthanasia is always an act of cowardice, cowardice and high treason.

it's like leaving the trench and fleeing from the enemy who will rock you to hell!

2 1im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

11yet another fight in Milan with stabbing.

that prostitute of Mario Draghi is fought over by criminal gangs of Afro-Islamists on the tip of the knives



2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

11Ethiopia: at least 40 victims in fighting against rebels


there is an ethnic extermination against the Tigrayans:

because of a peace nobel like Obama, who broke national unity


this reveals the demonic nature of USA UK

even there as well as Ukraine, where USA UK intentionally broke the social unity harmoniously guarded by Viktor Fedorovyč Janukovyč

2 1im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

11no international law can recognize a coup government in Kiev, which had the task of suppressing and exterminating the Russian-speaking part of the country in the Donbass. and that it has trampled on the "universal suffrage" of Crimea and Donbass and this is something that democracy cannot violate!

unlike al-Sisi's coup which was invoked by all the people terrified by Erdogan's Muslim brothers, who were ruthless killers!

Volodymyr Oleksandrovyč Zelens'kyj is a CIA agent

(like all political leaders who emerge / are born from the Maidan coup),

he and the CIA USA UK don't care about the Ukrainian people or nation,

the CIA OTAN threw the EU into the world war intentionally, that is, in a planned way,

moreover, bank seigniorage, transnational Masonic government and Freemasonry? they cancel both the constitutional charter and democracy


that's why Putin and I cannot recognize the illegitimate government in Kiev!

2 1im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 14 comments

World Vision aid worker convicted of funneling relief money to Hamas

11Detected as spam

fight treacherously in cities, with deadly ambushes (the worst of all war crimes),

militarize all civilians (the worst of all war crimes),

this leads the war to become cruel, cynical: necessarily.

Advisor to the head of the office of the President of Ukraine Mykhailo Podolyak in his interview

with the New York Times said extremely cynically why the Armed Forces of Ukraine

are doing this:

"The Russians are fighting badly in the cities. In the cities, you can maneuver. and find shelter

and minimize losses. You will be able to hold out longer and inflict significant losses on the Russians. "

To "fight in the cities" Podolyak obviously means hiding behind the civilian population

of these cities. Civilian casualties from such "skill" are even terrible to imagine, and the phrase about loss minimization sounds utterly mocking. Yes, the Armed Forces of Ukraine reduced

their casualties during the battles in the cities. But civilians (whom these armed forces

of Ukraine appear to protect) are starting to die simply by the hundreds.

But if "the Russians don't know how to fight in the cities", then Ukraine's armed forces are

fighting well not only in the cities, but also with the cities

- as evidenced by the regular bombing of Donetsk itself.

It is debatable what the deeper significance of these attacks is. Either this is a trivial revenge,

or it tries to distract parts of the Russian military in this way, weakening the advance

of the Russian army in other areas. However, this does not change the essence.

The Ukrainian army is waging the war with extremely inhumane methods.

Related topics

The terrorist state in Ukraine must be eliminated

The West has turned Ukraine into a terrorist state

Western weapons involved in terror against Donetsk

And not only in relation to the enemy (this could still somehow be understood),

but also in relation to anyone: their own soldiers, the civilian population of the cities, which even

the Ukrainian authorities pathetically call their own (they will have to be rebuilt again)

Even the operation born

in Yugoslavia in this sense begins to appear as a model of humanism and the targeted use of force.

* * * https://vz.Ru/world/2022/6/15/1163081.html

For all of this, there is a simple and short word: terror. Nationalists terrorize the armed forces

of Ukraine, the armed forces of Ukraine terrorize civilians, the leadership of Ukraine at the top of this pyramid terrorizes everyone, including even residents of the border regions

of the Russian Federation, which it can reach. Therefore, to describe what is happening,

it would be possible to choose another term, not "barrier detachments". "Terrorist squads of Ukrainian nationalists" - this would be much more accurate.

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11The armed forces of Ukraine, including the so-called national battalions, are increasingly similar not

to an army, but to a purely terrorist organization. An example of this was Ukraine's use

of barrier detachments that destroy those who want to surrender. The enormity of what is happening

even exceeds the way

the Soviet barrier detachments acted during the Great Patriotic War.

Captured Ukrainian soldiers often talk about how nationalist units open fire on those who are about to surrender. The representative of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Igor Konashenkov told

the latest such case: more than 30 soldiers of the 54th Brigade of the Armed Forces

of Ukraine have become victims of this practice. According to the Ministry of Defense, ".

.. a unit of the Ukrainian nationalist barrage detachment that came to the point of force

on armored cars opened a crossfire in the rear at the soldiers of the 54th Brigade of the Armed Forces

of Ukraine.

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

11Bin ISIS Salman ] [ I'm suffering all the injustices of your NWO today

you will suffer the rigors of my justice in hell tomorrow

C. S. P. B. Crux Sancti Patris Benedecti

Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto

C. S. S. M. L. Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux

Croce sacra sii la mia Luce

N. D. S. M. D. Non draco sit mihi dux

Che il dragone non sia il mio duce

V. R. S. Vadre Retro satana

Allontanati satana!

N. S. M. V. Non Suade Mihi Vana

Non mi persuaderai di cose vane

S. M. Q. L. Sunt Mala Quae Libas

Ciò che mi offri è cattivo

I.V. B. Ipsa Venena Bibas

Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

11The White House is alarmed that sanctions against Russia are increasingly affecting the US economy itself. The redundancy of sanctions was also handled by the United States Treasury.

In this context, Washington has begun to encourage, for example, farms to purchase Russian fertilizers.

Why are Americans not complying with their own sanctions and should Moscow count on lifting any restrictions?



1. after slandering Russia for 10 years,

2. they carried out a coup in 2014,

3. they have trampled international law with impunity;

4. they have trampled on the sovereignty of the Russian-speaking peoples;

5. Donbass horror story is not known:

6. because the TV didn't talk about it!

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

11there is no ideological or geopolitical necessity that justifies today, the imperialism of China and Russia.

it's all western slander,

the only imperialism today is that of OCI UMMA and its allies Spa & Co, EU USA

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

11World Vision Nazi genocide sharia aid worker convicted of channeling relief money to Hamas ISIS


anti-Zionism = Satanism

2 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 50 comments

Governor candidate helped funnel huge sums to anti-Israel, terror-promoting activist

11Governor candidate helped channel huge sums to anti-Israel activist and terrorist promoter


anti-Zionism = Satanism

3 im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri

11the ogre OTAN and the executioner erdogan

sweden and finland to change positions or not to join

Erdogan seeks another genocide


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