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Stati Uniti non dovrebbe ripulire il pasticcio dell'Autorità Palestinese

presidente degli Stati Uniti non dovrebbe ripulire il pasticcio dell'Autorità Palestinese.

Di Stephen M. Flatow,

Funzionari statunitensi dicono che il presidente Joe Biden sta progettando di visitare un importante ospedale arabo palestinese a Gerusalemme durante il suo prossimo viaggio in Israele. Buono. Forse galvanizzerà il presidente a ripensare gli atteggiamenti razzisti che sono inerenti al trattamento dell'amministrazione nei confronti degli arabi palestinesi.

Sì, razzista.

Al Makassed, l'ospedale che Biden avrebbe in programma di visitare, è il più grande dei sei ospedali arabi palestinesi a Gerusalemme. E' nel bel mezzo di una crisi finanziaria causata dall'Autorità palestinese.

Il problema è che l'Autorità Palestinese indirizza regolarmente i pazienti ad Al Makassed dagli ospedali nel territorio dell'Autorità Palestinese, ma poi non riesce a pagare le bollette per il loro trattamento. Il servizio di notizie arabo Middle East Monitor ha riferito il mese scorso che l'Autorità Palestinese attualmente deve 47 milioni di dollari ad Al Makassed. Questo è avvenuto tre settimane fa; ormai, il debito è probabilmente ancora più grande.

Di conseguenza, Al Makassed non è stata in grado di pagare il suo personale o pagare per le attrezzature di cui ha bisogno. La situazione è così grave che recentemente l'ospedale è stato costretto a chiudere i battenti tranne che per i pazienti di emergenza.

Ma non temere! L'amministrazione Biden sembra essere pronta a venire in soccorso dell'Autorità Palestinese. Il Jerusalem Post riferisce che una visita di Biden "potrebbe significare un rinnovato finanziamento dopo che l'amministrazione Trump ha tagliato 25 milioni di dollari alla East Jerusalem Hospitals Network, di cui Al Makassed è membro".

Sembra ovvio che se Biden va da Al Makassed, comporterà scrivere loro un assegno. Non ha intenzione di visitare un gruppo di malati di cancro costretti a letto e poi dire ai giornalisti: "Mi dispiace, non abbiamo soldi per loro". Se non si stava preparando a dare loro una donazione considerevole, avrebbe scelto qualche altro sito da visitare.

Biden non dovrebbe ripulire il pasticcio dell'Autorità Palestinese. Invece, dovrebbe dire alla sua leadership: "Smetti di pagare i terroristi e inizia a pagare le bollette dell'ospedale".

"Bigottismo morbido delle basse aspettative"

Secondo il generale di brigata Yossi Kuperwasser, "la legislazione dell'Autorità palestinese e l'assegnazione di stipendi e benefici mensili che premiano i terroristi imprigionati e rilasciati e le famiglie dei "martiri" ammontano a 300 milioni di dollari all'anno".

Quei 300 milioni di dollari sono sufficienti per pagare la scheda dell'Autorità Palestinese ad Al Makassed sei volte.

Il problema, in altre parole, non è la mancanza di fondi. L'Autorità Palestinese ha più che abbastanza soldi per pagare le sue bollette ad Al Makassed. Sceglie semplicemente di non farlo. E perché dovrebbe farlo quando si può contare sull'amministrazione Biden per pagare il conto con i soldi dei contribuenti americani?

È qui che entra in gioco il razzismo.

Gli adulti pagano le bollette. L'amministrazione Biden tratta i leader dell'Autorità Palestinese come bambini, o peggio. L'implicazione di lasciare che l'Autorità Palestinese la faccia franca non pagando i suoi conti è che c'è qualcosa di intrinsecamente inferiore negli arabi palestinesi che li rende incapaci di capire che devono pagare i soldi che devono.

Biden sta dicendo che gli arabi palestinesi sono, per loro natura, troppo stupidi, troppo irresponsabili o troppo immorali per pagare le bollette? Tutti e tre, a quanto pare.

Questa è l'ennesima illustrazione di ciò che è noto come il "bigottismo morbido delle basse aspettative", una frase coniata da Michael Gerson, un ex scrittore di discorsi per il presidente George W. Bush.

Biden sta, in effetti, dicendo all'Autorità Palestinese: "Ci aspettiamo che tu irrigidisca gli ospedali e dia invece i soldi ai terroristi. Sei troppo stupido per saperlo meglio. Quindi continueremo a salvarti. Pagheremo gli ospedali, quindi non è necessario".

E così l'ospedale Al Makassed è diventato il danno collaterale in questa tragedia, vittima del "fanatismo morbido" dell'amministrazione Biden nei confronti degli arabi palestinesi.


‘Jews Must Be Killed’: NY Massacre Suspect Posted Antisemitic Manifesto

13 minutes ago

the third nuclear world war, which began in Syria, intentionally suffocating the most ancient Christian peoples with ISIS, and which saw a new genocide of Armenians? it can't be stopped anymore and will involve CHINA and North Korea, and Rockefeller Spa & Co, they're in no hurry but they will!


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

16 minutes ago

the third nuclear world war, started in Syria, and today continues in Ukraine since 2014, the media make believe that the fault lies with Putin while in reality he had no choice, since they had sworn to join NATO (and to borders of Russia tactical nuclear missiles) and still do not want to give up firing at CRIMEA


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

18 minutes ago

the only chance for Jews to survive is to raise my Kingdom of Israel,

I am UniusREI in new Noé, the new Moses.

obviously the plutocratic Jews drew this reality many centuries ago and this is their Kabbalah


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 28 comments

'Death to the dictator!' Iran hunger protests get violent, deaths reported

3 hours ago


after closing the comments and ANSA and youtube tabs?

I could also close your comment cards.

do you know satan-Rockefeller talmud nazi sharia? he got very angry with you


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

4 hours ago

#worldisraelnews ] the STAR [ why did you photograph the most beautiful, and the most intelligent, above all the most holy man, among the children of man, why did you photograph him with a deformed hand?

Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

4 hours ago

here is all the wisdom of international Jewish Freemasonry Spa & Co, DEM PD M5S lgbtq and goldman sachs!

Monza and Brianza Police Headquarters: the State Police arrest a Tunisian citizen, irregular and multiple-prone.

Albanese returns to Italy, gets off the plane and is arrested: he had to serve 12 and a half years in prison.

Forced into prostitution between Parma and Piacenza, a Nigerian under investigation

The immigrant child without parents, welcomed in Italy, became a drug dealer and now expelled

African rapes young girl at Caritas

Milan, sexual violence: three 19-year-olds harassed, Algerian arrested

Runaway immigrant attacks the carabinieri and the police use the taser

Islamic terrorist in a cell in Sabbione attacks the commander of the penitentiary



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

4 hours ago

"Finland towards NATO, but together with Sweden"

with the unified media networks of the regime: there can be no discordant determinations, from the unified brainwashing social network (deep state, occult power, esoteric agenda) of an inevitable world war against Russia.

then, without monetary sovereignty, there is no political sovereignty, and there is no national government (there are only traitors) to think that there are nations and governments? it is pure utopia, here there is only international Freemasonry, and opposing the world war plans of some single NATO member is impossible, because if you are in NATO, you are already inside a criminal regime with its criminal narrative.

why they did the infamous: 11-09, and then, they can do anything infamous.

The Secretary General of the Atlantic Council of Finland (ACF) Terhi Suominen says it: "Because it will help both sides, not only Finland and Sweden, but also NATO itself"

but, for this false statement alone, you deserve the death penalty!

Finland thinks about NATO (infuriating Moscow)

Polls suggest that a majority of Finns are now in favor of running for NATO. It happened exactly one month ago, when Russia attacked Ukraine, it is NOT the truth of course, but the TV audience was convinced of this.


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 7 comments

How Western dupes help propagate murderous Palestinian lies


5 hours ago

Bush said it to Kerry in 322: "the worse it is for everyone, the better it is for us" then, Riyadh said: "good, good, good"

Child rapist comes to take refuge in Italy

May 15, 2022 Vox

Eurovision, Nazi salute from the Ukrainian singer - VIDEO

Donbass, a new pocket is closing: thousands of Ukrainian soldiers at risk

Giulia Schiff, the disturbing 'Italian' volunteer in Ukraine - VIDEO


Lampedusa invaded by Afro-Islamic freeloaders: 800 are waiting for the ferry to your home


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

5 hours ago

Russia has not moved its borders, but NATO, perjuring its commitments, has fallen on us, with its tactical nuclear missile.

the allah sodom satan bombed the Donbass for 8 years, then they threatened to bomb the Crimea, so we also have another 8 years to end this war. Patriot Putin Hero like israeli and christian martyr,

victim of islamic-nazi-Anglo-American imperialism said:

Putin's speech at the Victory Day in Russia, Patriot Putin Hero like israeli and christian martyr, victim of islamic-nazi-Anglo-American imperialism said:

"#MOSCA, Do everything possible so that the horror of a global war does not happen again."

Vladimir Putin's message does not climb the scale of threats, which many expected differently

for the 77th anniversary of the Victory over Nazi Germany.

international shocked by the war in Ukraine,

Putin certainly presented not conciliatory tones, but less frightening than expected.

"Despite all the disagreements in international relations,

Russia has always supported the creation of an equal and indivisible security system, a vital system for the whole world community "


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 3 comments

Playing hard ball: Islamist party reveals 'successes achieved' in coalition talks

5 hours ago

the allah sodom satan bombed the Donbass for 8 years, then they threatened to bomb the Crimea, so we also have another 8 years to end this war.

Patriot Putin Hero like israeli and christian martyr, victim of islamic-nazi-Anglo-American imperialism said:

Putin's speech at the Victory Day in Russia

The scale of threats does not go up: Vladimir Putin's message that many expected different for the 77th anniversary of the Victory over Nazi Germany: "NATO threatened us, an operation in Ukraine inevitable"

No proclamations, especially no catastrophic announcements of total war. While a powerful hacker attack knocked out Rutube and much of the broadcasting of Russian national channels via the web on the morning of V-Day.


Russia has not moved its borders, but NATO, perjuring its commitments, has fallen on us, with its tactical nuclear missile


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 19 comments

WATCH: Muslims forbidden to pray for Al-Jazeera journalist because she’s…

6 hours ago

Patriot Putin Hero like israeli and christian martyr, victim of islamic-nazi-Anglo-American imperialism said:

In his 11-minute speech, Putin evoked the memory of Soviet heroism in World War II to spur his army to victory in Ukraine. He has repeatedly compared the war in Ukraine (by Rockefeller Spa & Co, Rothschild) to the challenge the Soviet Union faced against Adolf Hitler in 1941.

"NATO countries did not want to listen to us"

Addressing the troops deployed on Red Square, Putin also condemned what he called external threats to weaken and divide Russia: the risk of an "invasion" of Crimea, annexed by Russia in 2014. "In Kiev they had announced the possible acquisition of nuclear weapons, ”Putin said.


Russia has not moved its borders, but NATO, perjuring its commitments, has fallen on us, with its tactical nuclear missile


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 10 comments

White House supports Jordan’s position on the Temple Mount

6 hours ago

Patriot Putin Hero like israeli e christian martyr said: "The defense of the Fatherland, when its fate has been decided, has always been sacred," Putin said, addressing the military: "you are fighting for our people in Donbass, for the safety of our Fatherland".

"Our duty is to preserve the memory of those who crushed Nazism," Putin said. «Russia has always supported the creation of an equal and indivisible security system» but according to Putin «the NATO countries did not want to listen to us, which means that, in reality, they had other plans and it shows». Finally, note the dig at US allied countries, defined as "satellites", willing "to swallow everything".


Russia has not moved its borders, but NATO, perjuring its commitments, has fallen on us, with its tactical nuclear missiles


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


6 hours ago

like that of the Rothschild Spa & Co, also the ARAB LEAGUE sharjah, it is an abnormal universal crime!


this shows how the ARAB LEAGUE (due to sharia law) has never stopped - as a whole - from waging war on Israel, from the six-day war to today


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


6 hours ago

like that of the Rothschild Spa & Co, also the ARAB LEAGUE sharjah

it is an abnormal universal crime!


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

7 hours ago

Sorry, this page is currently unavailable. arigatoo

@arigatoo [another priest of satana]


@ disqus_b6Hqkn7D8w [another priest of satan]


@ Ringgo1 [another priest of satan]


@ Robinyvonne18 [another priest of satan]

in my


in another my: We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by United with Israel. you have been banned by World Israel News.

brave hero, Sgt. Maj. Noam Raz, 47, who was evacuated to Rambam Medical Center in Haifa, succumbed to his injuries. He leaves behind a wife and six children. condolences.


satanists AIPAC, Sharjah, FED Spa & Co, Twitter, facebook, youtube Disqus, protect DEM Darwin and lgbtq ideology, and this is our fault, being born Christian and following the Bible.


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

12 hours ago

Bin ISIS Salman from Riyad ] [ I do not think that, I did not become King of Israel: as you say, only because the synagogue has magnified the crimes of Christians against Jews by 50%, and minimized the crimes of Jews against Christians by 80%, since those of the Tribe of DAN still use the priests of satan of the CIA to bleed again Christian children, etc.. etc.. etc. NWO order satana sodoma.

No, I did not become King of Israel only because you in the ARAB LEAGUE decided to exterminate Christians and Jews together!


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 10 comments

WATCH: What is the standard for a 'hate crime'?


12 hours ago

Ukrainian soldiers themselves made videos of how: they slaughter their throats, burn with blowtorches, torture and kill Russian soldiers,

but, I don't believe that NATO UN OCI will ever open an investigation into these crimes,


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


12 hours ago



13 hours ago

Desperate Mother in regime Biden DEM Rockefeller tribe DAN damnat! Jesus said to feed the poor and protect the babies; but no business can survive the looting, yet every aienda should provide a solidarity fund and certified poverty discounts. Biden's America: Desperate Mother Charged with Manslaughter After She Steals Baby Items from Walmart and her Baby and Boyfriend Are Killed During Highspeed Police Pursuit https://www.thegatewaypundit.Com/2022/05/bidens-america-desperate-mother-charged- manslaughter-steals-baby-items-walmart-baby-boyfriend-killed-highspeed-police-pursuit /

but, when Rockefeller steals your future and your hope while you have lost your FAITH? then you are prey to madness


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 44 comments

Jewish counterprotesters injured at violent Tel Aviv U Nakba Day demonstration

14 hours ago

Erdogan said: "if they are Muslims? Do not say it, otherwise I will send you 2 million Syrians and Pakistanis" Milan, 18-year-old bartender stalked and harassed: the father reaches the attacker and beats him in the street https: //www.msn. Com / en-it / news / other / milan-18-year-old-barista-stalked-and-molested-her-father-reaches-the-attacker-and-beats-him-in-the-street / A 47-year-old worker molested an 18-year-old after stalking her on her way home after her shift at a bar. It happened on Friday in the center of Arconate, in the Milanese area. The girl immediately called her father who arrived in the car and severely beat the attacker, until he was stopped by some passers-by. The worker, who was drunk at the time of the fact, was denounced by the carabinieri and the girl was taken to hospital for investigations.


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

14 hours ago

The red robes lose the document that frames Letta's friend NGO

May 15, 2022 Vox

But what a combination.. They lost the cards. But don't they have copies?

It is a farce trial moved to Palermo, because in Catania the judge had already ruled not to proceed.

In fact, in Italy there is a leftist dictatorship. And Palamara Spa & Co, it's just the fig leaf.


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 16 comments

Officers forced to prevent 'mob' from taking reporter's coffin, police say


15 hours ago

Deborah stoned and burned for blasphemy, in Nigeria, freedom of speech in Islam and throughout the Arab League still causes fear and death


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

15 hours ago

idiot Kameney HajatoAllah ] this is true story [ Erdogan sharia ottoman imperialism, with Iran jihad UMMA OCI hamas and hezbollah d the martyrs heroes of Mohammed al-nursa and white helmets, with chemical weapons of Erdogan. it also involved the Ottoman Wahhabi religious police ISIS OCI UMMA UN USA EU and with Imam Obama akbar they are also investigating all the other Takfiri Shiites who allegedly took part in the Hamas murder against the journalist.

but, as a group of Allah's possessed, he refused the instructions of the Israeli police, the Abu Akleh family and an EU diplomat.


"The Israeli police intervened to disperse the crowd and prevent them from stealing the coffin, so that the funeral could proceed as planned according to the wishes of the family," but Allah himself objected.

and then: "During the riot instigated by the crowd, glass bottles and other objects were thrown, resulting in the injury of both mourners and police officers."


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 18 comments

IAF hits Iranian targets in Syria, 5 killed

16 hours ago

. disqus you are malignant troll one


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

16 hours ago



16 hours ago

1/6] there is no doubt that NATO Spa & Co. Otan 66 USA EU CIA Ukraine have attacked Russia for 8 years, with absolute war crimes and pogroms.

they threatened CRIMEA, and Russia with tactical nuclear weapons

... and they sure would. now we who believe in international law do not believe in the democratic coup of the CIA with the Chechen sniper assassins of NULAND and Mogherini

Disqus STOP to bulling me4 hoursAgoDetected


if Israel's GDP got damaged,

with the ousting of Netanjahu?

I must really get angry. We have received your reque_st for review Finnish_Sanna Marin, I believe that when Zelen_sky lgbtq slams

his "carrot" on the piano keyboard? you can also have fun

I think Finland has the right territory to host Zelen_sky now nazi-fascist army

Putin, according to a statement from the Kremlin, responded by defining "a mistake" for Hel_sinki "to abandon its traditio_nal policy of military neutrality",

since this "would negatively affect Russian-Finnish relations, built with mutual benefits, in the spirit of good neighborliness".


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

18 hours ago

Detected as spam

1/6] Disqus STOP to bulling me4 hoursAgoDetected as spam

if Israel's GDP got damaged, with the ousting of Netanjahu? I must really get angry. We have received your reque_st for review Finnish_Sanna Marin, I believe that when Zelen_sky lgbtq slams his "carrot" on the piano keyboard? you can also have fun [I think Finland has the right territory to host Zelen_sky now nazi-fascist army]

Putin, according to a statement from the Kremlin, responded by defining "a mistake" for Hel_sinki "to abandon its traditio_nal policy of military neutrality", since this "would negatively affect Russian-Finnish relations, built with mutual benefits, in the spirit of good neighborliness ".

We have received your request for review

18 hours ago

2/6] Disqus STOP to bulling me4 hoursAgoDetected as spam

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supre_me if Israel's GDP got dama_ged with the ousting of Netanjahu? I must really get angry. We have received your request for review

Putin said that abandoning the policy of neutrality would be a "mistake" for Fin_land, add_ing that yes join_ing NATO could "negatively affect relati_ons with Russia", but "there are no threa_ts to Helsinki's security"

instead, the general of the balloons went to the strega: Spa & Co, the #antichrist Ursula who read the future in the crystal ball: Kyrylo Budanov, head of Ukrainian military intelligen_ce, said that Putin is in "very bad psychological and physical conditio_ns and is #seriously ill ". And speaking of the war, of a "turn_ing point" and "we will renew #Ukrai_nian power in all lost territor_es, includ_ing the Don_bass and Cri_mea" and there will be "the change of leader_ship of the Russian Federa_tion.


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

18 hours ago

3/6] Disqus STOP to bulling me4 hoursAgoDetected as spam

if Israel's GDP got damag_ed with the ousting of Netanjahu? I must really get angry. We have received your request for review

"I hope that until the balance in the North Atlantic area is restored, neither Finland nor Sweden nor anyone else will join of the Allian_ce". Gene_ral Leonardo Tricarico, former Chief of Staff of the Air Force, said this to the Adizzontekronos, comment_ing on the possib_le entry into NATO of Sweden_Finland. it is therefore very diffi_cult, if not impossible, to prove that the entry of Sweden_Finland today does not involve exactly the opposite.


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

18 hours ago

4/6] Disqus STOP to bulling me4 hoursAgoDetected as spam

yitzhakkaduriRabbiSupreme if Israel's GDP got damaged with the ousting of Netanjahu? I must really get angry. We have received your request for review

Finland intends to submit an applic_on for NATO member_ship, Vladimir Putin baffled and incredulous warned the traitorous Satanist Mason President of the Finnish Republic SauliAantichrist Niinisto, that this would have "a negative impact" on relations bet_ween Moscow and Helsinki. 666 Niinisto said that: in these 8 years he has worked well with the coup leaders of the CIA and to obtain the genoci_de of the Russian speakers of Don_bass,


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

18 hours ago

5/6] Disqus STOP to bulling me4 hoursAgoDetected as spam

if Israel's GDP got damag_ed with the ousting of Netanjahu? I must really get angry. We have receiv_ed your request for review

but, after the start of Russian military operations in Ukraine, the strategic frame_work has radi_cally changed, and mak_ing the NWO FED WW3nuclear is a priority: "By joining NATO, Finla_nd will streng_then its securi_ty and assumes its responsibiliti_es.. (NWO sodoma satana king_dom Allah-Lilit JaBulOn) ", said the head of the Nordic state, adding howev_er that he wants to contin_ue the missile dialogue against Moscow in the future," especially on concrete border problems ", given that the two coun_tries share 1340 kilometers of border Niinisto, said that we Russians eat them alive in the sandwich


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

18 hours ago

6/6] Disqus STOP to bulling me4 hoursAgoDetected as spam

if Israel's GDP got damag_ed with the ousting of Netanjahu? I must really get angry. We have received your request for review

but the Free_masons and the priests of satan are a host of corru_pt NATO crimin_als, a demo_nic infest_ation that will take your brea_th away with fear. when you have the Darwin dogma of the Tarzan-Rocke_feller forest and you must also obey the voice of CITA his prostitute-Roth_schild mon_key. there is a devil in hell called "#Niinisto 666"


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 31 comments

'Appalling, deeply disturbing' -- US, EU slam police violence at reporter's funeral


a day ago

being anti-people or religion is evil.

but being an anti-Zionist is a blasphemy a universal crime


1. it means condemning a people to never have a homeland.

2. It means cursing the Bible and the Koran, which Zionism recognizes and respects instead


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 18 comments

IAF hits Iranian targets in Syria, 5 killed

a day ago

Detected as spam

Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin, I believe that when Zelensky lgbtq slams his "carrot" on the piano keyboard?

you can also have fun [ I think Finland has the right territory to host Zelensky now nazi-fascist army ]

Putin, according to a statement from the Kremlin, responded by defining "a mistake" for Helsinki "to abandon its traditional policy of military neutrality", since this "would negatively affect Russian-Finnish relations, built with mutual benefits in the spirit of good neighborliness".

Putin said that abandoning the policy of neutrality would be a "mistake" for Finland, adding that yes joining NATO could "negatively affect relations with Russia ", but" there are no threats to Helsinki's security "

instead, the general of the balloons went to the MAGA the antichrist Ursula who read the future in the crystal ball: Kyrylo Budanov, head of Ukrainian military intelligence, said that Putin is in "very bad psychological and physical conditions and is seriously ill ". And speaking of the war, of a "turning point" and "we will renew Ukrainian power in all lost territories, including the Donbass and Crimea" and there will be "the change of leadership of the Russian Federation.

"I hope that until the balance in the North Atlantic area is restored, neither Finland nor Sweden nor anyone else will join of the Alliance ". General Leonardo Tricarico, former Chief of Staff of the Air Force, said this to the Adnkronos, commenting on the possible entry into NATO of Sweden and Finland. it is therefore very difficult, if not impossible, to prove that the entry of Sweden and Finland today does not involve exactly the opposite.

Finland intends to submit an application for NATO membership, Vladimir Putin baffled and incredulous warned the traitorous Satanist Mason President of the Finnish Republic Sauli antichrist Niinisto, that this would have "a negative impact" on relations between Moscow and Helsinki. Niinisto said that: in these 8 years he has worked well with the coup leaders of the CIA and to obtain the genocide of the Russian speakers of Donbass,

but, after the start of Russian military operations in Ukraine, the strategic framework has radically changed, and making the NWO FED WW3nuclear is a priority: «By joining NATO, Finland will strengthen its security and assume its responsibilities.. ( NWO sodoma satana kingdom Allah) ", said the head of the Nordic state, adding however that he wants to continue the missile dialogue against Moscow in the future," especially on concrete border problems ", given that the two countries share 1340 kilometers of border. Niinisto, said that we Russians eat them alive in the sandwich


but the Freemasons and the priests of satan are a host of corrupt NATO criminals, a demonic infestation that will take your breath away with fear.

when you have the Darwin dogma of the Tarzan-Rockefeller forest and you must also obey the voice of CITA his prostitute-Rothschild monkey

there is a devil in hell called "Niinisto"


if Israel's GDP got damaged with the ousting of Netanjahu?

I must really get angry.

We have received your request for review

Discussion on World Israel News 64 comments

Chaos in Jerusalem: Arabs riot, ambulance hijacked


a day ago

#worldisraelnews] [help me] now, you take care of these two priests of satan [Sorry, this page is currently unavailable.

Don Spilman

@ disqus_79l0ZXAE9v


@ disqus_e5ILzUlae4


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


a day ago

#worldisraelnews] [help me]

something about cleaning this scum against: accounts of (aliens, and cursed souls and fallen to hell) against agents of Soros Spa & Co, Rothschild? yes, I can do this dirty work,

but, there is a job that you have to do too, why against the priests of satan of the CIA? I don't want to act against people: who are still in a biological body


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


a day ago

you cannot know how many cursed and fallen souls in hell work on your site, maybe 5%.

but by @ Ringgo1 this is certain, he is a priest of satan who brings them here


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

a day ago

Islam crazy cult


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 29 comments

Working inside Iran, Mossad captures would-be assassin of Israeli official

a day ago

#worldisraelnews] #MOSSAD #CHINA #RUSsia #SCO #India [ help me ] every 8 minutes, Sunni Muslims Wahhabi Ottomans Sharia: the Muslim brothers, kill an innocent Christian martyr: because, the Sanhedrin of Rockefeller spa&Co, Biden and Ursula are the satan sodom of the anti-Zionist antichrist, The report says he received $ 150,000 to recruit local drug dealers to carry out the heists. If successful, he would reportedly receive another million dollars. Senior Israeli officials said this was just the latest in a series of dozen similar assassination plots the #Mossad has prevented over the past year in #Cyprus, #Colombia, #Kenya and #Turkey by working closely with their intelligence agencies. in those countries. This is the definition of "state sponsored terrorism," they said, with orders and funds coming from Iranian leaders. Their use of proxies abroad is to give them room to deny responsibility for any of their malicious activity. However, officials say, all of these planned attacks show the IRGC to be the mover and shaker behind the scenes.


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 44 comments

'Take up the rifle' — Calls for violence as mourners clash with police at slain…

a day ago

but Biden said: "It's not my fault! Obama went to Epstein!" "perversions, Satanism and monstrosity have acquired the right of citizenship as the Bible is trampled on. [[Child p0rn0graphy, cases increased by 47% in 2021: the report]]

Huggy Wuggy, says a study conducted for preventive purposes by psychologists at the post office's cybercrime analysis unit, could in fact generate anxieties and fears in them. The puppet is the protagonist of a horror video game, P0ppy Playtime, which is forbidden to children under 13: Huggy Wuggy chases players who flee through an abandoned toy house. But he has long since 'abandoned' the game and has landed in the videos of some of the youtubers most followed by children, becoming viral: Huggy Wuggy is the protagonist of memes, applications and even a song with a disturbing text.


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

a day ago

but Biden said: "It's not my fault! Obama went to Epstein!" "perversions, Satanism and monstrosity have acquired the right of citizenship as the Bible is trampled on. It could generate anxieties and fears in children!

Blue body, huge red mouth and long sharp teeth: this is the identikit of Huggy Wuggy, the horror puppet increasingly popular in the content viewed by children on YouTube and for which the Postal Police has issued an alert. A warning to warn parents to prevent their children from coming into contact with the character through the content they consume on the web.

It could generate anxieties and fears in children!


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

a day ago



a day ago

African rapes young girl at Caritas

Milan, sexual violence: three 19-year-olds harassed, Algerian arrested

Runaway immigrant attacks the carabinieri and the police use the taser

Islamic terrorist in a cell in Sabbione attacks the commander of the penitentiary

Bastia Umbra, violates the urban Daspo: 21-year-old non-EU citizen denounced


Beatings to wife and daughter: "You are women, you don't have to talk"

Ethnic clashes between Pakistanis and Tunisians

Murder of Portogruaro: the two young Moroccans sentenced to life imprisonment

Vetralla cure - Cocaine pessaries in the belly. The secret of the Nigerian who threw himself out the window

Too many immigrants in Milan: sexual violence on the street boom

May 14, 2022 Vox

It is not the military that must increase, it is the immigrants who must decrease.


"From the sexual violence in the Cathedral on New Year's Eve, the escalation of attacks against women, often committed by North Africans, continues". This was stated in a note by the Lombard regional councilor for security, Riccardo De Corato, commenting on the arrest in Milan of a man who attacked three 19-year-olds near the Central Station. He then reported that "in Milan this type of crime is increasing by 7%".


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

a day ago

Bin ISIS Salman] the Jews do not want to be punished by a King, that's why, you have to impose it on him: and obviously, I am a candidate, unfortunately, that by the will of God I cannot exempt myself! [Ukraine, Archbishop Kiev: "They discovered 500 corpses in mass grave with tied hands and a bullet in the head"


these wretches no longer believe in the devil, yet, what if you read the gospel and what Jesus did? you will see that half of his time (as of my time) we spend doing exorcists.

because the Rothschild High Sanhedrin CIA FED ECB NWO BM UK NATO is the headquarters for all the demons of hell!

in Ukraine? Hollywood works 100%, first they tie their hands to the corpses and then, they shoot him in the head, then, they do the colonoscopy on Putin and they say that he has cancer, while a coup is underway in contextual Russia


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

a day ago

first they do the orgies in the CIA, the priests of satan,

and then they decide what on the internet and on social media people can say, or cannot say,

then they put 80 trolls and 160 fake accounts in worldisraelnews,

because this is democracy!

then they attack China and Russia: because those are the last surviving Christians with political sovereignty they can manage


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

a day ago

youtube closed 100 accounts for me, and google closed 110 blogspots for me, because I shouldn't have made the mistake of removing its 10 html-code red dots filter


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

a day ago

BIN ISIS SALMAN from Riad ] [ I don't buy a domain and I don't post my 1000,000 comments,

because I'm scared. and for saying that: "the Bible is right and that the LGBTQs are wrong? I was fired!"

and the Church did not help and protect me

and all this

and because we are the democracy? Disqus decides which of my comments can be viewed!


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Landed in Italy: “Here for citizenship income” - VIDEO

May 14, 2022 Vox https://voxnews.Info/

Women beaten by migrants in Rome: "They must wear the burqa" - VIDEO


"In Italy, African drug dealers are the masters"

Pack of African drug dealers attack policemen: "Don't you dare arrest us"

Migrant to the police: "I'll cut your throat.. I'll make you like your colleagues in Trieste"

South Ossetia calls for annexation to Russia: referendum on July 17


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

"You have always been a Jew. You will never be able to deny this fact as your racial affiliation is written on your face. You consider yourself a Christian instead of admitting that you were born a Jew and as such it is your obligation to remain faithful to your people. ", he wrote.


ok, everyone can convert to Judaism and Islam,

but, what if you think you are doing the opposite, and you think you want to become a Christian?

then, you will have enormous problems and you could even lose your life, because this shows before the world and before the angels that Christianity is the truth, mind Judaism and Islam are a form of Satanism!


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 44 comments

'Take up the rifle' — Calls for violence as mourners clash with police at slain…

May 14, 2022 Vox


Nigerian students stone and burn Christian classmate for "blasphemous comments on Muhammad" - VIDEO

Islamic asylum seeker stabs train passengers

Dozens of Ukrainian soldiers surrender in Severodonetsk

Putin warns Finland: "Consequences of joining NATO"

Caporalato at Eurovision: precarious workers exploited

African rapes girl at Caritas and spreads videos on Whatsapp

The first Italian victim of sanctions against Russia: an entrepreneur kills himself

Azovstal, Russian commander: "Ukrainians have only one option: to come out with their hands up"

Lawyers for fake refugees: "So we fooled the Italians"

Witness frames the NGOs and the red toga is furious

Migrants have a license to rape Italian women: otherwise it is racism

Woman raped by Senegalese in Rome as she returns home

May 14, 2022 Vox 3 comments


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Kiev throws off its mask, threatens to invade Russia: "NATO borders on the outskirts of St. Petersburg"

May 14, 2022 Vox





Ukrainians bomb supermarket with Draghi bombs - VIDEO CHOC

Imam: "It is right to kill and burn Christians who offend Muhammad"

May 14, 2022


Sharia in Belgium: trans massacred by Muslims for having "offended Mohammed" - VIDEO


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Finland and Sweden in NATO, Salvini: “No”. Pd protest

May 14, 2022 Vox


Russia replies to G7: "The people will decide the borders"


The immigrant child welcomed in Italy and kept for 10 years has become a drug dealer and now expelled

Estonia, arrested because scooter has Russian flag - VIDEO

Islamic man rapes three 19-year-old Italians gils in Milan: he sees them on the street and wants them all


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Evidence found in laboratories Ukraine: USA have experienced ethnic epidemics on human guinea pigs

the demonCrazia of DEMonRAT, have failed!



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Islamic man bursts into the church shouting "Allah Akbar": armed with a knife

May 11, 2022 Vox

An Algerian illegal immigrant was arrested on Sunday, May 8, after he broke into Metz cathedral shouting "Allah is great".

the demonCrazy of DEMonRAT, they failed!



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 15 comments

Israeli PM mourns death of Emirati leader, praises 'great legacy and deeds'

eih Disqus STOP bulling me, you go a sukker Satana! lorenzoJHWH LEVIATHAN UniusREI to @lsatenstein [] 5hoursagoDetected as spam

into this pubblic disqus https://disqus.Com/by/jewishmessiabyyitzhakkaduri/ Avatar lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel in "https://worldisraelnews.Com/now-in-spotlight-dubai-jews-struggle-for-public-synagogue/" this comments to lsatenstein? you can't see! (I am the greatest Zionist in the history of mankind after God JHWH Almighty)

I am loreno JHWH a rational agnostic metaphysical biblical fundamentalist (terms may seem incompatible with each other) but everything is possible for Unius REI (as the emerald table says of him), what is impossible for everyone? +++ it is possible for lorenzoJHWH the King of Israel (political project to replace the monetary system). +++ the world prosecutor is possible for Unius REI (political project to replace the UN). this comment to lsatenstein? in my disqus account you can't see, becouse Disqus worschip Satana e betray JHWH!

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel [from] I have not yet found a religion on this planet that is in accordance with common sense and natural law. now, God cannot disagree with his natural law, within a sacred text of him, so, 1. or we are in the presence of a contamination, 2. or we find ourselves in the presence with information that had only a temporal value your request for review



5 hours agoPendingShalom


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

#worldisraelnews #Netanjahu Bin ISIS #Salman] eih [in this my account


everyone sees only one comment in


but actually: by / jewishmessiabyyitzhakkaduri? there are 3 comments on the page.


now how do i defend myself from disqus?


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

#worldisraelnews ] [ help me from 666 https://disqus.Com/by/alexpeshansky

help me from 666 @karengreendeargerkinson

help me from 666 @putridputlerreloaded


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Detected as spam

Find evidence in laboratories Ukraine: USA CIA Satan Sodom occult regime esoteric secret Masonic supernatural demonic technocratic (in a criminal way called democracy) have experienced ethnic epidemics on human guinea pigs.


The US has a long history of experimenting with the mentally ill and prisoners. Long before Mengele.

The Russian Defense Ministry has received new data on American experiments in biological laboratories in Ukraine, said Igor Kirillov, head of the radiation, chemical and biological defense forces of the Russian military.

“We have received new information revealing details of the Pentagon's inhuman experiments on Ukrainian citizens in psychiatric hospital No. 1 (the village of Strelechie, in the Kharkiv region). The main category of experimental subjects was a group of male patients aged 40 to 60 with a high stage of physical exhaustion, ”the general said.

He noted that the experts who conducted the biological research came through third countries to hide their affiliation with the United States. Thus, Kirillov showed a photograph of a Florida native, Linda Oporto, who was directly involved in human experimentation.

The Defense Ministry concluded that Ukraine has, in fact, become the Pentagon’s test bed for the development of biological weapons components and the testing of new drug samples.

Ten drones with containers for spraying chemicals were found in Ukraine.

The agency confirmed that participants in this scheme were nongovernmental funds controlled by the leadership of the Democratic Party of the United States and large pharmaceutical companies, including Pfizer, Moderna, American Merck and Gilead associated with the Pentagon.

“American specialists are working to test new drugs, bypassing international safety standards. As a result, Western companies are seriously reducing the costs of implementing research programs and gaining significant competitive advantages, ”said Kirillov.

In addition, Ukrainian government agencies have also participated in this program, hiding illegal activities, conducting field trials and clinics, as well as providing the necessary biomaterial.

The chief of the RKhBZ troops said that in this way the Pentagon has greatly expanded its research potential "not only in the field of biological weapons creation, but also in obtaining information on antibiotic resistance and the presence of antibodies against certain diseases. in the population of specific regions ". Ethnic-racial weapons. The United States has been studying the possibility of forming controlled epidemics in Ukraine. In January of this year, foreign nationals who conducted the experiments were evacuated in an emergency and equipment and drugs were brought to the western regions of Ukraine.

Defense Ministry specialists visited two biological laboratories in Mariupol and recorded traces of emergency document destruction.

"The analysis of the surviving documentation indicates the use of Mariupol as a regional center for the collection and certification of the pathogen of cholera. The selected strains were sent to the Kiev Public Health Center, which is entrusted with the functions of further dispatching biomaterials to the United States, ”said Kirillov. It has been established that this activity has been carried out since 2014, which is confirmed by the records of transmission of the strains. In addition, the act of destroying the collection of pathogenic microorganisms dated February 25, 2022, discovered in the laboratory, confirmed the work with the pathogens of cholera, tularemia and anthrax.

As reported by the Ministry of Defense, a network of over 30 biological laboratories operated in Ukraine, operating in the interests of the Pentagon. After the start of the Russian special military operation, everything necessary for the continuation of the US military biological program has already been removed.


We have received your request for review

Migrants kill 19 years old and rape his girlfriend in his blood: then they laugh.

Abucbaker Mohamad Awad was photographed smiling by police shortly after the murder of 19-year-old Tommie Lindhn and the rape of his girlfriend.

https://voxnews.Info/2022/05/11/migranti-ammazzano-19enne-and-stuprano-la-fidanzata-in-his- blood of her-of her then-if-they-laugh /


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 17 comments

Arab countries avoid blaming Israel for Al Jazeera reporter’s death

Bin ISIS Salman ] [ you must stay tenaciously with my peaceful Zionism, which is the only suitable remedy to be able to avoid world war!


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Bin ISIS Salman ] [ are we facing the grotesque? Palestinians deliberately killed their friend Shireen Abu Akleh journalist, to exploit the death / funeral, for ideological reasons?

that's what seems most logical.

ANSWER, and certainly we are faced with a misunderstanding!

Satanists Masons Spa & Co, have appropriated the Jewish-Christian symbols.

and this leads to confusion of my biblical Zionism,

with Rothschild's globalist Zionism.

that is why many hate Israel by mistake.


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Finland and Sweden in NATO, Giorgetti's alarm: "Does not shorten the war in Ukraine"


this forces Putin to occupy all of Ukraine,


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 17 comments

Palestinians may try to damage evidence related to reporter’s death, Israeli…


Muslims yell faggg0ot at him and then break three fingers: acquitted, it's their culture [nobody knows this news because: the Masonic media and television don't tell them]

May 11, 2022 Vox https://voxnews.Info/2022/05/11/islamici-gli-urlano-frocio-e-poi-gli-spezzano-tre-dita-assolti-e-la-loro-cultura/

One has a bargain. Two were acquitted. Two were presumed to be minors and therefore not attributable. And the others never found them.

The trial of two young men accused of robbery and injury to two peers ends with full acquittal: this was established by the gup of Imperia, Paolo Luppi. At the stand were two Moroccan children M.E., 20 years old defended by the lawyer Mario Ventimiglia, and M.E., 22, assisted by the lawyer Claire Cali. A third accused T.C, 21 years old from Sanremo, instead negotiated the sentence of 2 years and six months with suspended sentence and the payment of 2 thousand euros as compensation for damages.

The facts date back to November 3, 2019 and took place in Sanremo, outside a venue in the very central Via Roma. For the accusation, represented by the prosecutor Luca Scorza Azzarà who had requested the sentence of the defendants to 4 years and 4 months in prison, the three defendants together with two other children, at the time of the minor facts for which a separate trial is pending before at the Juvenile Court, they would first offend a peer by calling him a 'faggg00ot' and then once the latter approached to ask for an explanation they would surround him and then 'drag him down the street' and finally hit him with kicks and punches. They were also accused of stealing his wallet. The crime was aggravated by having committed it in several people gathered and having participated with two minors. The young people at the bar were also accused of injuries to the two boys because one of the two would have caused the fracture of three toes: trauma for which a prognosis of 30 days has been established. At the outcome of the first instance trial, the GUP therefore married the defensive system, not recognizing that the crime of robbery could be integrated or that there are sufficient elements to prove the attack.

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme









May 10, 2022 Vox https://voxnews.Info/2022/05/10/%f0%9f%9a%a8islamico-sgozza-papa-fuori-da-scuola-cattolica-in-nome-di-allah/

A man was stabbed in front of the private Catholic boarding school of Sévigné in Marseille at around 18:00 this afternoon, when he had gone to pick up his children from school.

À #Marseille, un médecin militaire, per deux enfants de 3 et 7 ans, est ce soir entre la vie et la mort.

Il a été poignardé à la gorge sous les yeux de ses enfants by him par Mohamed L., 24 ans, à proximité d ’une école catholique.

Le suspect dit avoir agi «au nom de Dieu».

Guillaume Poingt (@guillaumepoingt) May 10, 2022

He was taken to hospital in serious condition and his prognosis is very serious. The victim allegedly received several stab wounds and was shot in the throat according to reports. He was in cardiorespiratory arrest when she was assisted by the emergency services.

The attacker is a 23-year-old Muslim immigrant who shouted that he had acted "in the name of Allah" according to a source close to the case. He is already known to the police.

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Comune Milano gives houses to Roma: they destroy them

May 10, 2022 Vox https://voxnews.Info/2022/05/10/comune-milano-regala-case-ai-rom-loro-le-distruggono/

Mountains of waste on the site of the "Model Village" in via Martirano dismantled in 2021.

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


The favorite sport of immigrants in Italy? Killing women: the real data on femicide after Rimini

May 12, 2022 Vox Here you can find the 62 femicides of 2021 (and also of other years)https: //t.Co/0Gwia2hI9U

The percentages of foreigners on crime are even more impressive. https://t.Co/TSrlzbzMQD (@PrvaZylm) May 12, 2022

In 2021, out of 62 femicides, 19 were committed by foreigners, 31%.

Foreigners in Italy are 8.5% of the total population.

And the feminists of @nonunadimeno shut up. The problem is the appreciation of the Italian #alpines.

Francesca Totolo 2 (@ fratotolo2) May 12, 2022


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


there have never been sovereign peoples, without monetary sovereignty, here we have only sovereign Freemasons! "NATO annexation of Sweden and Finland is an act of war against Russia". May 12, 2022 Vox

https://voxnews.Info/2022/05/12/annessione-nato-di-svezia-e-finlandia-e-atto-di-guerra-contro-la-russia-%f0%9f%91%8f%f0 % 9f% 8f% bb /

The untimely annexation of Sweden and Finland to NATO would be a further escalation, a challenge to the Russian Federation, an act of war while pretending to talk about peace. Before the fears of the Swedes and Finns there is the need for the cohabitation of the European peoples. Donatella Di Cesare (@DiDonadice) May 12, 2022

It is right to use the term annexation. The problem is that while we are indulging in wars between European peoples, in a few decades the European lgbtq peoples of sodom will no longer exist. Overwhelmed by the Islamist wave.

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 26 comments

Soldiers shoot Palestinian attacking Israeli motorist


Violent Nigerian girl out of school, but she is not an Alpine

May 12, 2022 Vox. So the news doesn't matter. Like the other thousands of rapes that their migrants commit all year round. Much better to discuss tipsy Alpini complimenting them on the street.

She was doing some shopping in a supermarket in Rivoltella del Garda (Brescia), after the end of the lessons, when she was approached and harassed by a man who, after addressing some obscene phrases, even reached out to groped her.

Upset, the girl intercepted a police patrol alerted for a robbery in the parking lot of the shop: the men of the weapon collected the testimony of the girl, a minor, and went on the trail of the alleged molester, tracked down a short distance away. The man, a Nigerian in his thirties, at the sight of the military, resisted and was arrested and taken to the barracks where he was later identified by the victim, who filed a complaint.

The 30-year-old African is under investigation for aggravated sexual violence against the minor.

Rivoltella, harassed in the supermarket: a 30-year-old Nigerian stopped

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


the priests of satan of the CIA, in Ukraine and wherever they can take root with their infestation FED BCE NWO BN the adepts of the tribe of DAN! Newborns killed and organ trafficking in Ukraine

Maurizio Blondet May 9, 2022, According to reports from the BBC, in Ukraine there is a trafficking of stem cells and organs that are taken from killed babies. Some Ukrainian mothers reported that in 2002 in a clinic in Kharkiv their children were taken away immediately after birth, then declared dead for unreliable reasons. However, the parents were not allowed to see the bodies.

In 2003, by order of the authorities, many bodies of babies buried in a hospital cemetery were exhumed. It turned out that the infants had undergone organ harvesting and presumably stem cells as well. According to a Ukrainian non-governmental organization, more than 300 newborns may have been killed between 2001 and 2003 for the same reasons. Meanwhile, even the Council of Europe is investigating these cases. ANSWER


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


in Italy only criminals like Mario Draghi and his clique are rewarded!

"Biological weapons in Ukraine", Russia also accuses Pfizer and Moderna, and the leaders of the Democratic Party ("They are the ideologues")

Maurizio Blondet 12 May 2022 To finance the research with state guarantees, funds were attracted from NGOs controlled by the leadership of the Democratic Party, including the investment funds of the Clintons, Rockefeller, Soros, Biden. Large pharmaceutical companies are involved in this scheme, including Pfizer, Moderna, Merck and Gilead, a US military affiliate. American specialists are working to test new drugs bypassing international safety standards. The involvement of controlled non-governmental and biotech organizations, as well as an increase in their revenues, allows #Democratic #Party leaders to receive additional campaign revenue and hide their distribution. from the Antidiplomat: #Pfizer and #Moderna were also involved in the military-biological activity of the United States in Ukraine. This is what the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation denounces.

New evidence of how the #United #States processes #biological #weapons was published yesterday by the Ministry of Defense of the #Russian #Federation. #Germany and #Poland were also involved in these studies, while Ukraine was the "supplier" of the population, including children and psychiatric patients, guinea pigs on which to experiment with various new medical preparations, circumventing international safety standards.

evidence: What were Pfizer and Moderna doing in US military biological laboratories in Ukraine?



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


in Italy only criminals like Mario Draghi and his clique are rewarded! Frajese suspended for saying: «The vaccine alters the immune system». The fact is that the list of disastrous doctors would be very long, of the unsanctioned and the unsuspended. Lately, however, there has been a serious countertrend. Yes, because for two years now, the list of those suspended and suspended has started to be very long.

Their main and only fault is that of raising doubts about health policy, of wanting to do their work in science and conscience, of really wanting to treat patients without harming them, without any profit. This is a fact of pure and crystalline wickedness ".


https://www.maurizioblondet.It/sospeso-frajese-per-aver-detto-ll-vaccino-altera-il-sistema-immunitario-vi-ricordate-il-medico-che-spaccava-i-femori-per- implant-prosthesis-was-condemned-but-never-suspended-ne-radi

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


in Italy only criminals like Mario Draghi and his clique are rewarded! Frajese suspended for saying: «The vaccine alters the immune system». Do you remember the doctor who split the femurs to implant prostheses? He was convicted, but never suspended or disbarred.

Maurizio Blondet 13 May 2022

Andrea Zambrano, the New Daily Compass:

The Order also suspends "Vanni" Frajese, the well-known endocrinologist who silenced Sileri on TV about vaccine experimentation. And he to Bussola explains the betrayal of the medical profession: "From order and regulatory bodies a disconcerting superficiality"; "Using children as guinea pigs was the tipping point of anti-medicine"; "The case reports on adverse effects now show without a shadow of a doubt that the vaccine weakens the immune system, then the pathology that arrives depends on the risk factors: it is like a bomb, you do not know where the splinters arrive"; "My patients are now desperate: one in 3 vaccinated has menstrual problems"; "Now I will fight in view of September, but many doctors are waking up."


Dr. Stefano Manara:

Do you remember the doctor who split the femurs to implant prostheses? He was convicted, but never suspended or disbarred.


https://www.maurizioblondet.It/sospeso-frajese-per-aver-detto-ll-vaccino-altera-il-sistema-immunitario-vi-ricordate-il-medico-che-spaccava-i-femori-per- implant-prosthesis-was-condemned-but-never-suspended-ne-radi

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


DRAGONS and Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot] where reality surpasses fantasy [UKRAINIAN ESCAPE FROM ITALY: YOUR WELCOME SUCKS, LET'S GO TO GERMANY

after more than two months of war, 90% of the Ukrainian refugees who arrived in Campania have not yet received anything from the institutions and are the sole responsibility of their hosts.



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


what has become of the Nazi concept of Rothschild democracy? government extended state of emergency under the pretext of war in Ukraine - and begins the 5th dose? an autocratic Masonic technocratic government, extends the infinite state of emergency because it feels at war with Russia?

the state of emergency as a Pd DEM lgbtq italy system.

For this reason, the government today decided to approve an extension, given the imminent deadline set for May 25th. It is not clear, however, when the deadline for the state of emergency for intervention abroad was postponed. In any case, as long as it is necessary to bring relief to Ukraine or to the borders of the country under attack, new extensions will arrive at the civil headquarters and sentencing to pay court costs.



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


the great Islamic terror that the DEMs have given us! Tortured and tortured by Moroccans: then they finish her off (kill her) with a hammer and laugh at her. May 12, 2022 Vox

A person "massacred and slaughtered without mercy", this was the fate of Marcella Boraso, the 59-year-old beaten, scarred in the face with a knife and massacred with a hammer on the evening of 21 July 2020, in an Ater apartment in via Croce Rossa 98 a Portogruaro. And for this Mohammed Rabih, 22, and Wail Boulaied, 23, were both sentenced to life in prison. The sentence was read at 11pm last night after a four and a half hour council chamber. The Assize Court, therefore, used an iron fist aggravating the total request of the prosecutor who had proposed a life sentence for Rabih and 30 years for Boulaied. The two young Moroccans - both resident in Portogruaro - were convicted on charges of complicity in the murder of the 59-year-old, aggravated by the fact that the victim was killed for committing a pluri-aggravated robbery. The Ater of Pordenone had requested compensation of 50,000 for the damage to the apartment in which the massacre took place while the victim's sister opted for the quantification of the damage to be reserved for the civil office and sentenced to the court costs.


it's like looking for love from Satan and Allah,

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


the Rothschild satanists of the tribe of DAN: 322 Draghi and 666 Biden: a new pact 187Spa & Co, Euro-Atlantic for peace and energy.


and how to seek love from Satan and Allah,

in fact, it is precisely peace and energy that we will miss more and more.


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