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Odio per Israele diffuso dall'operazione segreta di propaganda del Regno Unito

Odio per Israele diffuso dall'operazione segreta di propaganda del Regno Unito

Propaganda britannica

Il programma di "propaganda nera" di Londra ha spinto l'incitamento anti-israeliano come parte di una campagna per alienare gli arabi dai sovietici.
Di Pesach Benson, Uniti con Israele

Documenti recentemente scoperti rivelano che il governo britannico ha condotto una campagna segreta di propaganda dell'era della Guerra Fredda che ha spinto l'incitamento contro Israele a creare un cuneo tra l'Unione Sovietica e i suoi alleati arabi e del Terzo Mondo. La propaganda includeva contenuti anti-israeliani per dare credibilità allo sforzo.

Secondo un rapporto del The Guardian di sabato, i documenti sono stati scoperti dal professor Rory Cormac nel corso della sua ricerca su un libro sulla disinformazione britannica. Cormac insegna relazioni internazionali all'Università di Nottingham. Il suo libro, How to Stage a Coup: And Ten Other Lessons from the World of Secret Statecraft, dovrebbe essere pubblicato a giugno.

La campagna di propaganda ha attraversato un periodo di 20 anni tra il 1950-70 ed è stata gestita da un'unità del Foreign Office britannico chiamata Information Research Department (IRD).

"Il Regno Unito non ha semplicemente inventato materiale, come hanno fatto sistematicamente i sovietici, ma intendeva sicuramente ingannare il pubblico per far passare il messaggio", ha detto Cormac.

Secondo The Guardian, "La campagna ha anche cercato di mobilitare i musulmani contro Mosca, promuovendo un maggiore conservatorismo religioso e idee radicali. Per apparire autentici, i documenti incoraggiavano l'odio verso Israele".

Una delle tattiche dell'IRD era quella di produrre dichiarazioni fasulle da parte di agenzie, istituzioni e media ufficiali sovietici.

Un opuscolo pretendeva di evidenziare la rabbia di Mosca nei confronti dell'Egitto per aver "sprecato" gli aiuti militari sovietici che furono distrutti durante la Guerra dei Sei Giorni.

Un altro volantino britannico che pretendeva di essere prodotto dai Fratelli Musulmani criticava la qualità dell'hardware militare sovietico e denunciava i russi come "atei dalla lingua sporca" che vedevano gli egiziani come poco più di "contadini che vivevano tutta la vita allattando superstizioni islamiche reazionarie".

Altri opuscoli creati in nome di una fittizia "Lega dei Credenti" facevano accuse simili.

Tuttavia, parte della letteratura dell'IRD ha attraversato la linea dalla disinformazione all'incitamento contro Israele, ha detto Cormac.

Un volantino pubblicato a nome dei Fratelli Musulmani ha denunciato l'esercito egiziano per l'uso di armi chimiche contro le tribù yemenite sostenute da Gran Bretagna e Arabia Saudita.

"Questi assassini egiziani sono andati troppo oltre nella loro ipocrisia impuniti, ma non possono più fingere di essere credenti in Dio e nel Suo Profeta e nel Suo libro sacro", si legge in un volantino, aggiungendo: "Se gli egiziani devono andare in guerra e combattere, perché non dirigono i loro eserciti contro gli ebrei?"

Altro materiale criticava le armi sovietiche inviate a gruppi terroristici palestinesi, implicando che la Cina era più solidale.

I documenti hanno anche mostrato che i media kenioti hanno usato il falso materiale di notizie sovietiche dell'IRD nella copertura della Guerra dei Sei Giorni.

Una disinformazione simile ha preso di mira i comunisti in luoghi come l'Indonesia e parti dell'Africa.

L'IRD è stato chiuso nel 1977.


Ami Israele? Fai una donazione per mostrare il tuo sostegno!

Fai una donazione a enti di beneficenza vitali che proteggono gli israeliani e aiutano a ispirare milioni di persone in tutto il mondo a sostenere anche Israele!

Ora più che mai, Israele ha bisogno del vostro aiuto per combattere - e vincere - la battaglia dell'opinione pubblica.

I pregiudizi anti-israeliani e i boicottaggi sono fuori controllo. I nemici di Israele usano efficacemente i social media per incitare al terrore brutale contro civili israeliani innocenti. Per favore, aiutaci a reagire!

London’s “black propaganda” program pushed anti-Israel incitement as part of a campaign to alienate Arabs from Soviets.

By Pesach Benson, United With Israel

Newly discovered documents reveal that the British government conducted a secret Cold War-era propaganda campaign that pushed incitement against Israel to drive a wedge between the Soviet Union and its Arab and Third World allies. The propaganda included anti-Israel content to lend credibility to the effort.

According to a report in The Guardian on Saturday, the documents were discovered by Professor Rory Cormac in the course of his research on a book about British disinformation. Cormac teaches international relations at the University of Nottingham. His book, How to Stage a Coup: And Ten Other Lessons from the World of Secret Statecraft, is due to be to be published in June.

The propaganda campaign spanned a 20-year period between the 1950s-70s and was run by a unit of the British Foreign Office called the Information Research Department (IRD).

“The UK did not simply invent material, as the Soviets systematically did, but they definitely intended to deceive audiences in order to get the message across,” Cormac said.

According to The Guardian, “The campaign also sought to mobilize Muslims against Moscow, promoting greater religious conservatism and radical ideas. To appear authentic, documents encouraged hatred of Israel.”

One of the IRD’s tactics was to produce phony statements by official Soviet agencies, institutions and media.

One pamphlet purported to highlight Moscow’s anger at Egypt for “wasting” Soviet military aid that was destroyed during the Six Day War.

Another British leaflet purporting to be produced by the Muslim Brotherhood slammed the quality of the Soviet military hardware and denounced the Russians as “filthy-tongued atheists” who saw the Egyptians as little more than “peasants who lived all their lives nursing reactionary Islamic superstitions.”

Other pamphlets created in the name of a fictitious “League of Believers” made similar accusations.

However, some of the IRD literature crossed the line from disinformation to incitement against Israel, said Cormac.

One leaflet issued in the name of the Muslim Brotherhood denounced the Egyptian military for using chemical weapons against Yemeni tribesmen backed by Britain and Saudi Arabia.

“These Egyptian murderers have gone too far in their hypocrisy unpunished, but they can no longer pretend to be believers in God and in His Prophet and in His sacred book,” a leaflet read, adding: “If the Egyptians have to go to war and fight, why don’t they direct their armies against the Jews?”

Other material criticized Soviet arms sent to Palestinian terror groups, implying that China was more supportive.

The documents also showed that Kenyan media used the IRD’s phony Soviet news material in coverage of the Six-Day War.

Similar disinformation targeted Communists in places such as Indonesia and parts of Africa.

The IRD was shut down in 1977.


Il presidente degli Stati Uniti non dovrebbe ripulire il pasticcio dell'Autorità Palestinese.

Di Stephen M. Flatow,

Funzionari statunitensi dicono che il presidente Joe Biden sta progettando di visitare un importante ospedale arabo palestinese a Gerusalemme durante il suo prossimo viaggio in Israele. Buono. Forse galvanizzerà il presidente a ripensare gli atteggiamenti razzisti che sono inerenti al trattamento dell'amministrazione nei confronti degli arabi palestinesi.

Sì, razzista.

Al Makassed, l'ospedale che Biden avrebbe in programma di visitare, è il più grande dei sei ospedali arabi palestinesi a Gerusalemme. E' nel bel mezzo di una crisi finanziaria causata dall'Autorità palestinese.

Il problema è che l'Autorità Palestinese indirizza regolarmente i pazienti ad Al Makassed dagli ospedali nel territorio dell'Autorità Palestinese, ma poi non riesce a pagare le bollette per il loro trattamento. Il servizio di notizie arabo Middle East Monitor ha riferito il mese scorso che l'Autorità Palestinese attualmente deve 47 milioni di dollari ad Al Makassed. Questo è avvenuto tre settimane fa; ormai, il debito è probabilmente ancora più grande.

Di conseguenza, Al Makassed non è stata in grado di pagare il suo personale o pagare per le attrezzature di cui ha bisogno. La situazione è così grave che recentemente l'ospedale è stato costretto a chiudere i battenti tranne che per i pazienti di emergenza.

Ma non temere! L'amministrazione Biden sembra essere pronta a venire in soccorso dell'Autorità Palestinese. Il Jerusalem Post riferisce che una visita di Biden "potrebbe significare un rinnovato finanziamento dopo che l'amministrazione Trump ha tagliato 25 milioni di dollari alla East Jerusalem Hospitals Network, di cui Al Makassed è membro".

Sembra ovvio che se Biden va da Al Makassed, comporterà scrivere loro un assegno. Non ha intenzione di visitare un gruppo di malati di cancro costretti a letto e poi dire ai giornalisti: "Mi dispiace, non abbiamo soldi per loro". Se non si stava preparando a dare loro una donazione considerevole, avrebbe scelto qualche altro sito da visitare.

Biden non dovrebbe ripulire il pasticcio dell'Autorità Palestinese. Invece, dovrebbe dire alla sua leadership: "Smetti di pagare i terroristi e inizia a pagare le bollette dell'ospedale".

"Bigottismo morbido delle basse aspettative"

Secondo il generale di brigata Yossi Kuperwasser, "la legislazione dell'Autorità palestinese e l'assegnazione di stipendi e benefici mensili che premiano i terroristi imprigionati e rilasciati e le famiglie dei "martiri" ammontano a 300 milioni di dollari all'anno".

Quei 300 milioni di dollari sono sufficienti per pagare la scheda dell'Autorità Palestinese ad Al Makassed sei volte.

Il problema, in altre parole, non è la mancanza di fondi. L'Autorità Palestinese ha più che abbastanza soldi per pagare le sue bollette ad Al Makassed. Sceglie semplicemente di non farlo. E perché dovrebbe farlo quando si può contare sull'amministrazione Biden per pagare il conto con i soldi dei contribuenti americani?

È qui che entra in gioco il razzismo.

Gli adulti pagano le bollette. L'amministrazione Biden tratta i leader dell'Autorità Palestinese come bambini, o peggio. L'implicazione di lasciare che l'Autorità Palestinese la faccia franca non pagando i suoi conti è che c'è qualcosa di intrinsecamente inferiore negli arabi palestinesi che li rende incapaci di capire che devono pagare i soldi che devono.

Biden sta dicendo che gli arabi palestinesi sono, per loro natura, troppo stupidi, troppo irresponsabili o troppo immorali per pagare le bollette? Tutti e tre, a quanto pare.

Questa è l'ennesima illustrazione di ciò che è noto come il "bigottismo morbido delle basse aspettative", una frase coniata da Michael Gerson, un ex scrittore di discorsi per il presidente George W. Bush.

Biden sta, in effetti, dicendo all'Autorità Palestinese: "Ci aspettiamo che tu irrigidisca gli ospedali e dia invece i soldi ai terroristi. Sei troppo stupido per saperlo meglio. Quindi continueremo a salvarti. Pagheremo gli ospedali, quindi non è necessario".

E così l'ospedale Al Makassed è diventato il danno collaterale in questa tragedia, vittima del "fanatismo morbido" dell'amministrazione Biden nei confronti degli arabi palestinesi.

Jerusalem Arab hospital is victim of bigotry

a few seconds ago

Biden shouldn't clean up the PA mess. Instead, he should tell his leadership about him: "Stop paying the terrorists and start paying the hospital bills."

we have too many signs that say:

the Israelis are the next 6 million corpses: sharia Islam, for a new Shoah!

and that's why rich Israelis have dual citizenship, just to be able to escape before the ship sinks.


5 minutes ago

agenda Sodom Satan Allah Koran + Talmud = NWO, for happines slaves goyims dalit dhimmis: the betrayal of the world Masonic government: and his bank seigniorage scam: with an impossible money cost of 270%] [the third nuclear world war, which began in Syria, for

to intentionally suffocating the most ancient Christian peoples with ISIS, and which saw a new genocide of Armenians? it can't be stopped anymore and will involve CHINA and North Korea, and Rockefeller Spa & Co, they're in no hurry but they will!

Third nuclear world war, started in Syria, and today continues in Ukraine since 2014, the media make believe that the fault lies with Putin while in reality he had no choice, since they had sworn to join NATO (and to put borders of Russia tactical nuclear missiles hypersonic) and still today, they plutocrats neoliberal technocrats DEM PD JjabulOn do not want to give up firing at CRIMEA

The only chance for Jews to survive is to raise my Kingdom of Israel,

I am UniusREI in new Noé, the new Moses.

obviously the plutocratic Jews drew this reality many centuries ago and this is their Kabbalah


Discussion on United with Israel 135 comments

Reseach Reveals Allies Knew About Holocaust Years Earlier than Assumed

🕎 i am israeli Mahdì Messiah 🕎

2 hours ago

Documents "prove beyond doubt" that the Allies knew about Hitler's extermination camps in the early years of World War II, two years before assumed, until now.


now it's the turn of the israelis shoah, the rockefeller and rothschild wolves lose their fur but not their vice


Discussion on United with Israel 10 comments

Hate for Israel Spread by Secret UK Propaganda Operation

2 hours ago

Hatred of Israel spread by the UK's covert propaganda operation

the Rockefeller and Rothschild wolves shed their fur but not their vice


Discussion on World Israel News 28 comments

'Death to the dictator!' Iran hunger protests get violent, deaths reported

2 hours ago


the criminal monstrosity of this human trafficking practice.


Pro Vita & Famiglia is an ONLUS association that works in favor of children, mothers and fathers, defends the right to life from conception to natural death, promotes the family based on marriage between a man and a woman, and supports freedom and educational priority of parents.


2 hours ago

Finnish president, Sauli Niinisto, does he really know geopolitics? then, will he know that Russian control of the Arctic is strategic and that they will be the first to die when the world war breaks out?

from this point of view the Italian Freemasons thank the Finnish and Swedish Freemasons for their oblation


3 hours ago

Finland, the first idiot criminal Minister Sanna Marin: "Joining NATO is an act of peace sharia jihad NWO lgbtq +++ DEM imperialism and Godman Sachs"

no one has threatened them, but they think sleeping with nuclear weapons means being calmer

From Russia there is no direct military threat to Finland but in the current geopolitical framework it is no longer possible to remain neutral. This was stated by the Finnish president, Sauli Niinisto, in an interview with CNN.


therefore he admits that geopolitics is right to kill Russian and Chinese Israelis, because he cannot say that he does not know where the Islamic-Anglo-American geopolitics is leading!


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

3 hours ago

The nonconformist sanctity of Charles de Foucauld

yet another Christian killed by Sharia law.

Although living in the deep desert side by side with the Tuareg, traditionally Sunni Muslims, he did not bring about any conversion to the Gospel in them, until he found the death of him, murdered for futile reasons, when he was still in the height of his intellectual and spiritual maturity.


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

4 hours ago

"Death to the dictator!" Protests against hunger in Iran turn violent, deaths reported


Iran is one of the 3 nations in the world, which have still protected and preserved their monetary sovereignty, the one that Rockefeller stole from Hitler Saddam Gaddafi, etc.. enslaving all the other peoples of the world through Freemason and traitor politicians like Netanjahu and Putin.

therefore the food shortage is only the consequence of his war effort of wanting to kill Israel: with the complicity of the DEM Spa & Co, Rothschild OCI UN and accursed Anglo-Amaricans accursed


Discussion on World Israel News 10 comments

White House supports Jordan’s position on the Temple Mount

4 hours ago

USA = Satan! who has kalergi decided to destroy the european peoples in their culture and ethnic identity?? who destabilized this boy's mind? you see brutal videos:

of gangs of Afro-Islamic minors brutalizing little white boys / girls: and preteen white boys / girls, these punished crimes leave indelible trauma,

and sure, when you become a policeman, you will kill your black!

USA = Satan! "An act of internal terrorism": this is how American President Joe Biden the Satanist defined

the massacre in a supermarket in Buffalo, in the state of New York,

where an 18-year-old supremacist killed ten people. Spa & Co, Talmud agenda Biden speaks of

"a repugnant and racially motivated crime perpetrated in the name of the disgusting ideology of white nationalism".

USA = Satan!


6 hours ago

criminal King Abdullah warned against a repeat of the "cycle of violence" in Palestinian-run territories, which he said was the result of unilateral steps by Israel. said to satanist Biden


and this is true and right, because Israel, resists, and displeases Allah, and does not accept the sharjah genocide, as did the previous 50 Christian nations that pre-existed the ARAB LEAGUE?


this is why in terms of international law:

1. not only cannot the creation of a Palestinian state out of thin air be accepted, but

2. The ARAB LEAGUE cannot be recognized either, since it still stands on the sharjah genocide that formed it.


Discussion on World Israel News 7 comments

How Western dupes help propagate murderous Palestinian lies

4 hours ago

who destabilized this boy's mind? you see brutal videos: of gangs of Afro-Islamic minors brutalizing little white boys / girls: and preteen white boys / girls, these punished crimes leave indelible trauma, and sure, when you become a policeman, you will kill your black!

USA = Satan!

"An act of internal terrorism": this is how American President Joe Biden the Satanist defined the massacre in a supermarket in Buffalo, in the state of New York, where an 18-year-old supremacist killed ten people. Spa & Co, Talmud agenda Biden speaks of "a repugnant and racially motivated crime perpetrated in the name of the disgusting ideology of white nationalism".


5 hours ago

Lies are weapons of war. Bennet betrayed out of envy and thirst for power, while Lapid was born a satanist!

and because if you are not inside the DEM narrative of satan and sodom and then allah, you are a persecuted, a pariah, who has come out of the circle that counts and that moves the money of Rockefeller Spa & Co, FED IMF 666 BM 322 NWO-OCI.

Even if the lies are exposed as such, this makes no difference. The images work. The narrative sticks. Israel loses - and will continue to do so unless and until it stops playing defense and catches up, and instead takes control of the narrative.

Lies are weapons of war.


5 hours ago

when, you do not want to believe in power: of facts, of logic and of human reason?

then you have to believe the dogma Darwin lgbtqia +++, satan + Koran + talmud +

This is because, in a video of the scene, the Arabs can be heard shouting: "We hit a soldier; he is lying on the ground". Since no Israeli soldiers had been injured, however, the suspicion was that it was Abu Akleh.

Also, Honest Reporting's translated commentary on this video contains another crucial line. After the shouts over a soldier on the ground, there is a further cry: "She is a woman".

Hamas, which immediately removed her body, rejected Israel's suggestion of a joint investigation to determine who killed her and refuses to hand over the bullet they removed from her body while insisting that the Israelis fired. the fatal blow.

On the contrary, the Israelis have made no claims they cannot support. They pointed out the obvious fact that the truth cannot be established unless Hamas agents bring forward relevant evidence. The fact that they refuse to cooperate suggests that they have something to hide.

then, the criminal, coup leader, murderer and serial slanderer Mario Draghi by Goldman Sachs Talmud Soros Spa & Co, bought oil from this scum, instead of buying it from Putin


Discussion on World Israel News 3 comments

Playing hard ball: Islamist party reveals 'successes achieved' in coalition talks

5 hours ago

The Likud party of former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu criticized the deal.

"In order to keep his seat and chair as: the traitor Pd and Di Maio M5S, [also, the traitor Prime Minister Naftali] Bennett continues to sell the liquidation of the state, to the Council of the Shura. The significance of the decision to allow and legalize: both illegal construction, which is also the delivery of the Negev desert ",


1. How and what could be the subsistence economy of those people if not financed by the Islamic Wahhabi terrorism made in the USA?

2. What, instead, of wealth and progress could the Israelis do in that desert?

then, criminal murderer and serial slanderer Mario Draghi by Goldman talmud Soros Sachs Spa & Co, bought oil from this scum, instead of buying it from Putin


Discussion on World Israel News 19 comments

WATCH: Muslims forbidden to pray for Al-Jazeera journalist because she’s Christian

6 hours ago

Muslims are forbidden to pray for the Al-Jazeera journalist because she is a Christian Kafir, a dhimmis slave (although, she is an infamous collaborator of the sharia genocide, and if she is not in hell anyway with prayers in purgatory, she needs it ), and everyone knows this, who is not a Sunni Muslim? He definitely ends up in hell, so why pray for him?

Libyan Islamic scholar Sheikh Zain Khairallah (Erdogan's Ottoman sucker) posted a video on his YouTube channel in which he comments on the death of Al-Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh in the crossfire between Israeli forces and Palestinian terrorists in Jenin.

then, Mario Draghi by Goldman talmud Soros Sachs Spa & Co, bought oil from this scum, instead of buying it from Putin christian

this is why in terms of international law:

1. not only cannot the creation of a Palestinian state out of thin air be accepted, but

2. The ARAB LEAGUE cannot be recognized either, since it still stands on the sharjah genocide that formed it.


Discussion on World Israel News 19 comments

Einstein letter urging free world to attack Nazi Germany revealed

6 hours ago

The letter ends with a description of the prevailing sentiment in the United States: “Here too there is severe unemployment and, unlike the situation in the past, [there is] a mood of pessimistic resignation with the state of affairs. On the other hand, the difficult circumstances here have not led to the heated political passions that are so familiar to us from Europe. "

the depressive monetary cycles of FED ECB BM of Rothschild Spa & Co, scam banking seigniorage Rockefeller, lead to world war, which is always a Talmudic product,

for a new parasite monetary cycle to arise


6 hours ago

Einstein's couward letter urging the free world of Rothschild Spa & Co revealed, scam banking seigniorage Rockefeller

to attack Nazi Germany

always of

Rothschild Spa & Co, Rockefeller seigniorage banking scam.

fascism, communism, lgbt, DEM and nazism is always a Talmudic product


Discussion on World Israel News 2 comments

Identity of IDF commander killed in Gaza operation revealed

6 hours ago

Borrell, Mariupol is the European Aleppo, a city razed to the ground

The war in Ukraine is transforming global geopolitics.

the NATO coup, has cracked down on opposition parties, has committed so many crimes since 2014, pogroms in Odessa, and in Donbass that she can no longer admit her responsibilities


6 hours ago

Sorry, this page is currently unavailable. arigatoo

@arigatoo [another priest of satana] @disqus_b6Hqkn7D8w [another priest of satan]

@Ringgo1 [another priest of satan] @Robinyvonne18 [another priest of satan]

in my /by/fedeleJHWH/ in another my: We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by United with Israel. you have been banned by World Israel News.

condolences. brave hero, Mahmoud Kheir el-Din,. condolences.


satanists FED Spa & Co, Twitter, facebook, youtube Disqus, protect criminal ideology DEM Darwin and lgbtq ideology, and this is our fault, being born Christian and following the Bible.


Discussion on World Israel News 38 comments

Kate Winslet admits she didn't fact-check before narrating anti-Israel doc

12 hours ago

NATO could define Russia as a 'direct threat' in the document that will be approved by the Allies at the Madrid summit in June.

the NATO coup leader has committed so many crimes since 2014 in Donbass that she can no longer admit her responsibilities



12 hours ago

The men barricaded in the Azovstal steel plant in Mariupol "have lost hope and are preparing for the final battle".

This was stated in a press conference by Kateryna, wife of a soldier of the Azov Regiment,

Yulya Fedosiuk, wife of Arseniy Fedosiuk and Kateryna Prokopenko, wife of Denis Prokopenko:


I saw in a photo, these two women all naked: doggy style in front of many people: while they were being mounted by their husbands, and I don't know if the Nazis of Hitler and Merkel did so,

but I hope for them it is a photomontage fake news, in which case you have to find these criminals and punish them!


Discussion on World Israel News 10 comments

WATCH: What is the standard for a 'hate crime'?

12 hours ago

The European Commission revises Eurozone growth estimates for 2022, with a drastic cut from its latest GDP forecast for February. The new forecast on the Eurozone weighs the impact of the war that NATO has declared on Russia since 2014 on


12 hours ago

Finland is asking to officially join NATO. Sweden will do it on Tuesday. "Moscow's nuclear threat is very serious," said Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin.


a US general (the usual priest of satan) threatened to have recourse to a preventive nuclear attack.

but, honestly, NATO never said this: it only carries double-capable hypersonic missiles: both conventional and nuclear to the borders of Russia and

this behavior is very relaxing, for the Germans that from excrement, they are going to become radioactive excrement.


13 hours ago

Tucker Carlson: American Leaders More Interested In Protecting Ukraine Than Protecting You (VIDEO) https://www.thegatewaypundit.Com/2022/05/tucker-carlson-american-leaders-interested-protecting-ukraine-protecting-video/

America has serious problems right now, but every time we turn around, Congress is approving a massive new aid package for Ukraine.


this story of scam banking 666 Rockefeller Spa&co seigniorage: and of its world war against Russia and China, is older than 14 years, since I only entered the logic of geopolitics since 2009


13 hours ago

PURE EVIL: Colorado Governor Confirms State Will Allow Late Term Abortions - Defends Third-Trimester Abortions https://www.thegatewaypundit.Com/2022/05/pure-evil-colorado-governor-confirms-state-will-allow-late- term-abortions-defends-third-trimester-abortions /

the state must pay mothers well, or take them to the electric chair, together with the witch kamala 666 Harris


13 hours ago

EXCLUSIVE: Based on a Thorough Review of Election Regulations,

Not a Single Voting System Testing Lab Used in the 2020 Election Was Accredited Based

on the Law (Part I) https://www.thegatewaypundit.Com/2022/05/exclusive-based-thorough-review-election-regulations-not-single-voting-system-testing-lab-used-2020-election-accredited-based-law-part/


13 hours ago

Top Australian Doctor Who Pushes Covid-19 Vaccine Loses Only Daughter While in Her Sleep https://www.thegatewaypundit.Com/2022/05/top-australian-doctor-pushes-covid-19-vaccine-loses-daughter-sleep/

how many other people have Fauci and Bill Gates killed?


13 hours ago

the Dalai Lama condemned after defending the "whites"

and certainly no one can convict the Dalai Lama for a hate crime.

sparked controversy from the infamous DEM Soros after defending once again white nationalism

(black, yellow, red. etc.). The elderly monk agreed with the statement that

"whites have the right to exist in their countries". Explaining himself, he stated:

"I don't think a world without the Whites would be complete.

We should celebrate the diversity of the whole world and that, of course, means that the nations are theirs. I don't think a France without the French would be a good thing, but the opposite.

I do. I love all people "


all peoples have the right to preserve their identity, while the kalergi-Rothschild plan kissinger Soros Bilderberg PD M5S, green, radical antifa, is Islamizing and annihilating all European peoples


Discussion on World Israel News 44 comments

Jewish counterprotesters injured at violent Tel Aviv U Nakba Day demonstration

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

14 hours ago

Italian girl accidentally touches an African's foot: they break her ribs in a barrel and strangle her - PHOTOS

May 15, 2022 https://voxnews.Info/2022/05/15/ragazza-italiana-sfiora-piede-per-sbaglio-ad-africana-le-spaccano-costole-a-botte-e-la-strangolano-photo /

A girl is beaten with slaps and blows and is also the victim of an attempt to strangle herself only because she accidentally stepped on the foot of an African peer.

It happened yesterday, Saturday 14 May, in Naples, in the Borgo Sant’Antonio Abate area,

around 5 pm.

This was reported by the regional councilor Francesco Emilio Borrelli,

who collected the report of the traders in the area:

"An out-of-control urban violence - comments Borrelli - increasingly prevalent in the streets

of Naples". Normal, when your streets turn into a Lagos suburb.

The girl had just left a shop and accidentally stepped on the foot of a "black girl of the same age

in the company of a friend of hers. Although the young woman apologized, she was first verbally

and then physically attacked by the two of her who accused her of doing it on purpose ".


14 hours ago

Which country could be Putin's next target?


Russia has not invaded anyone, its self-defense action (contemplated by international law, which does not recognize the CIA coup) and to prevent the genocide of Russian speakers

2 1 lorenzoJHWH LEVIATHAN UniusREI

14 hours ago

Jewish counter-protesters injured during violent Nakba Day demonstration


says a Chinese proverb: "reasons never end",

therefore they all have their legitimate reasons.

and i want to give all the valleys of israel to muslims as the prophecy says, that is, if the Arab League condemns the sharjah of genocide and its replacement theology,

but the OCI UMMA told me: "fuscking you! We have been going for 1400 years on the genocide of all peoples"


Discussion on World Israel News 16 comments

Officers forced to prevent 'mob' from taking reporter's coffin, police say

15 hours ago

Nigeria, young Christian stoned: protests in Sokoto by Erdogan sharia Iran jihad UMMA OCI against the two arrests of hamas and hezbollah, the martyrs heroes of Mohammed.

The Ottoman Wahhabi Religious Police ISIS investigates others who allegedly participated in the murder


Discussion on World Israel News 18 comments

IAF hits Iranian targets in Syria, 5 killed

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

15 hours ago

Netanjahu Bibi] open letter [Bin ISIS Salman from Riyad: to be able to understand the prophecy of Daniel 2.

31. You were observing, O king, and behold a statue, a huge statue, of extraordinary demonic splendor: FED IMF BM NWO BCE Spa & co, stood before you with a terrible aspect.

32. He had a head of pure gold, a breast and arms of silver, a belly and thighs of bronze,

33. the legs of iron and the feet partly of iron and partly of clay. 34. While you were watching, a stone (lorenzoJHWH Unius REI) came off the mountain, but not by the hand of man, and it struck against the feet of the statue, which were of iron and clay, and shattered them.

35. Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver and the gold also broke up and became like chaff on the summer threshing floors; the wind carried them away without leaving a trace, while the stone, which had struck the statue, became a great mountain that filled the whole region.


43. The fact of having seen iron mixed with clay means that the two parts will unite by way of marriages, but they will not be able to become one, as iron does not amalgamate with clay.

44. At the time of these kings, the God of heaven will raise a kingdom that will never be destroyed and will not be passed on to other people: he will crush and annihilate all other kingdoms (it is not a war action, but a metaphysical and cultural superiority ), while it will last forever (because the realm of natural law is eternal).

45. This means that stone, which you saw coming off the mountain, not by the hand of man, and which crushed iron, bronze, clay, silver and gold.

The great God has revealed to the King what will happen from this time forward. The dream is true and the explanation is trustworthy ».


I will protect SAUDI Arabia and no one will dare harm her


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

16 hours ago

Netanjahu Bibi ] open letter [ fear prevents Bin ISIS Salman from Riyadh: from being able to understand, explain to him the prophecy of Daniel 2


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

16 hours ago

there is no doubt the priests of satan of the CIA-NSA UK from which the Masonic politicians cannot escape, they declared war against Russia, in the coup planned and carried out in Maidan square in 2014, which they prepared in the smallest details and with huge funding, and evil death squads.

just because Rockefeller told Bin ISIS Salman from Riyad: "" this world war against CHINA must be done!


21 hours ago

Erdogan UMMA OCI Hamas Hezbollah, Iran Riyadh ISISI] if I am Unius REI? then,

1. my awake lobe of my brain is emotionally connected with the divine entity (heaven)

2. my left lobe of my brain is emotionally connected with the demonic entity (hell).

and you, you cannot waste this opportunity not to go all together to hell, together with your demonic prophet.

and why the priest satanists know me and fear me, and you who say you are a servant of God do not you know?


21 hours ago

Erdogan UMMA OCI Hamas Hezbollah, Iran Riyadh] and why you want to exterminate the Israelis,

that I have not exterminated by myself, in 2000 years, but rather that I have protected them?

and if the Jews of the diapora and the Satanists DEM lgbtqia+++ Spa&Co, Masons all scrum do not all become Israelis, how could mankind be saved?

so do you know what i tell you?

you are the worst of all!


Discussion on World Israel News 31 comments

'Appalling, deeply disturbing' -- US, EU slam police violence at reporter's funeral

a day ago

Hamas killed the journalist and an Israeli soldier, and this drama is secondary to the EU and the US,

compared to the macabre spectacle of fake terroristic jihad Palestinian state sharia nazi funerals, which, against the family's opinion, took possession of the body, while inciting further insults, threats, violence, terrorism and murders: with impunity.

"Palestinian honor guard transports the body of Al Jazeera reporter Shireen Abu Akleh on May 11, 2022 to Jenin, who was blasphemously anti-Zionist, and some say anti-Semitic"


Discussion on World Israel News 27 comments

Palestinians lie to murder Jews; US rewards them – opinion

a day ago

Palestinian leaders lie to Americans and Europeans, who continue to believe that Abbas and his team are sincere in making peace with Israel.


if Israel's GDP got damaged with the ousting of Netanjahu?

I must really get angry.


a day ago

#worldisraelnews] Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin, I believe that when Zelensky lgbtq slams his "carrot" on the piano keyboard?

you can also have fun [ I think Finland has the right territory to host Zelensky now]


a day ago



a day ago

#worldisraelnews] [I think that Finlandia has the right territory to host Zelensky now na*i-fascist army ]

Putin, according to a statement from the Kremlin, responded by defining "a mistake" for Helsinki "to abandon its traditional policy of military neutrality", since this "would negatively affect Russian-Finnish relations, built with mutual benefits in the spirit of good neighborliness".


when you have the Darwin dogma of the Tarzan-Rockefeller forest and you must also obey the voice of CITA his prostitute-Rothschild monkey


a day ago

#worldisraelnews] [I believe that Finland has the right territory to host Zelensky now] "I hope that until the balance in the North Atlantic area is restored, neither Finland nor Sweden nor anyone else will join of the Alliance ". General Leonardo Tricarico, former Chief of Staff of the Air Force, said this to the Adnkronos, commenting on the possible entry into NATO of Sweden and Finland. it is therefore very difficult, if not impossible, to prove that the entry of Sweden and Finland today does not involve exactly the opposite.


but the Freemasons and the priests of satan are a host of corrupt NATO criminals, a demonic infestation that will take your breath away with fear.


a day ago

#worldisraelnews] [I believe that Finlandia has the right territory to host Zelensky now] Putin said that abandoning the policy of neutrality would be a "mistake" for Finland, adding that yes joining NATO could "negatively affect relations with Russia ", but" there are no threats to Helsinki's security "

instead, the general of the balloons went to the MAGA the antichrist Ursula who read the future in the crystal ball: Kyrylo Budanov, head of Ukrainian military intelligence, said that Putin is in "very bad psychological and physical conditions and is seriously ill ". And speaking of the war, of a "turning point" and "we will renew Ukrainian power in all lost territories, including the Donbass and Crimea" and there will be "the change of leadership of the Russian Federation.


Discussion on World Israel News 29 comments

Working inside Iran, Mossad captures would-be assassin of Israeli official

a day ago

Finland intends to submit an application for NATO membership, Vladimir Putin baffled and incredulous warned the traitorous Satanist Mason President of the Finnish Republic Sauli antichrist Niinisto, that this would have "a negative impact" on relations between Moscow and Helsinki. Niinisto said that: in these 8 years he has worked well with the coup leaders of the CIA and to obtain the genocide of the Russian speakers of Donbass,

but, after the start of Russian military operations in Ukraine, the strategic framework has radically changed, and making the NWO FED WW3nuclear is a priority: «By joining NATO, Finland will strengthen its security and assume its responsibilities.. ( NWO sodoma satana kingdom Allah) ", said the head of the Nordic state, adding however that he wants to continue the missile dialogue against Moscow in the future," especially on concrete border problems ", given that the two countries share 1340 kilometers of border. Niinisto, said that we Russians eat them alive in the sandwich


there is a devil in hell called "Niinisto"


a day ago

Fiorello against discrimination. To the haters? "We can't take it anymore" - Video

Fiorello like Bergoglio and Mattarella say cheap / mellifluous words,

but, their goal DEM lgbtq Antifa is not to tell the truth, or to touch on some problem, no.

but it is only that of making hodiens and consent, and possibly of denigrating the right


a day ago

#worldisraelnews] [ ] now, you take care of these two priests of satan [Sorry, this page is currently unavailable. Don Spilman @disqus_79l0ZXAE9v VTS @disqus_e5ILzUlae4


a day ago

#worldisraelnews ] [ help me from Ringgo1 @Ringgo1 Sorry, this page is currently unavailable.

============ something about cleaning this scum against: accounts of (aliens, and cursed souls and fallen to hell) against agents of Soros Spa & Co, Rothschild? yes, I can do this dirty work,

but, there is a job that you have to do too, why against the priests of satan of the CIA? I don't want to act against people: who are still in a biological body.

#worldisraelnews] [help me] all those cowards hiding their profile from me and hitting my accounts, secretly behind my back? they are the priests of satan who bring cursed souls here: who have fallen to hell!

What if, you want to keep all these agents of satan and Rockefeller kabbalah here? then, you will have problems! you cannot know how many cursed and fallen souls in hell work on your site, maybe 5%.

but by @Ringgo1 this is certain, he is a priest of satan who brings them here


Discussion on World Israel News 64 comments

Chaos in Jerusalem: Arabs riot, ambulance hijacked

a day ago

#worldisraelnews] [help me] all those cowards hiding their profile from me and hitting my accounts, secretly behind my back? they are the priests of satan who bring cursed souls here: who have fallen to hell!

What if, you want to keep all these agents of satan and Rockefeller kabbalah here? then, you will have problems!


a day ago

#worldisraelnews ] [ help me from Ringgo1

@Ringgo1 Sorry, this page is currently unavailable.


Discussion on World Israel News 44 comments

'Take up the rifle' — Calls for violence as mourners clash with police at slain journalist's funeral

a day ago

"In their maniacal desire to strangle Russia, the Western powers are ready for anything, to the point of reviving Nazism in its ugliest manifestations." This was stated in a statement by the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations in Geneva,


legal personalities coorporations Spa&Co, Freemasonry, DEM relativism, Darwinism, Nazism, communism, sodomy, Sharjah and Satanism: always about masonic esoteric supernatural occultism, we are talking about it!


a day ago

if, in Spain they have expelled, they have been forced to expel Jews and Muslims, there must have been valid reasons, even if, these reasons the Masons have made them disappear from the history books!

Berlin. Acts of terror against commuters in Germany. In Herzogenrath, a handful of kilometers north of the ancient city of Aachen (Aachen), a 31-year-old of Iraqi origin stabbed five people on the 7.40am regional train connecting Herzogenrath to Dortmund. A few minutes before departure, the man sowed terror by pulling out a knife and hitting madly the still sleepy people closest to him in the double-decker convoy.


a day ago

in the European media, the DEM PD is 80% forbidden to say that the crime was committed by an Islamic or non-EU citizen!

“I stabbed in the Navigli, a black boy saved my life. I would like to meet him and hug him "



Rockefeller's Finland Satan and Sodom moves to join NATO, and wants to persecute Putin: but Putin said: "who the hell has ever fought against you once?".

Russia now faces potentially a hostile 1,335-kilometer border: where NATO hyperson tactical nuclear missiles will be installed.

but the sodomic antichrist satans said: "don't think we do it to threaten you"



Police came under heavy international criticism following Shireen Abu Akleh's funeral, in which footage showed officers hitting mourners with batons.


for reasons of public order, there is no right to obtain a public funeral.

you can't go to a funeral and threaten violence and threaten someone with death,

when we still don't know who killed the reporter,

and criticizing the police for this was a grave mistake of the US and everyone!

What are the Palestinians doing in Israel? surpasses all decency and threatens national security, every day,

What if I go down to Israel? this tragicomedy would end immediately!



[20:38, 14/5/2022] NL fake Abi: Good evening Lorenzo.

[20:39, 14/5/2022] NL fake Abi: I inform you that the recruitment will start from 1 July 2022. blah blah blah, Ali BABA and the 40 thieves; 1000 and one night, Alice in Wonderland etc. etc.

[20:44, 14/5/2022] Lorenzo: dear N *** you are a neophyte, and FAITH doesn't work like that

[20:45, 14/5/2022] Lorenzo: first of all, you must take a stable spiritual position in faith, on the throne that Jesus built for you, in the hall of his care, then you must sit there and rest on the Throne of God and in the heart of Jesus,

[20:46, 14/5/2022] Lorenzo: then, you should find some brothers to share your faith with (a prayer group)

[20:46, 14/5/2022] Lorenzo: the miracle is never a mirala tua vergognaus

[20:46, 14/5/2022] NL fake Abi: Lorenzo your conclusions are not reality 18 years in the faith I have acquired solid food. Newbies are fed milk.

[20:47, 14/5/2022] Lorenzo: then give me a prophecy that God has given to you through the Bible

[20:48, 14/5/2022] NL fake Abi: Lorenzo what do you want to demonstrate with your arguments?

[20:50, 14/5/2022] Lorenzo: God said both LIGHT and there was light (thus the Universe was created 120 billion angels, and 120 billion men in the heart of God, so in an instant)! but we are not God, and we must take one step at a time, humbly, and be consequential

[20:52, 14/5/2022] Lorenzo: you do not arrive alone and by magic to do those immense works, if your path is not shared by someone, or if God has not given you a vision that is supported, by a biblical verse that came to you, as a personal prophecy (and you in conscience can say: "God sent me this message through the Bible")

[20:54, 14/5/2022] Lorenzo: it is true that Peter under Jesus' command made the mirala tua vergognaus catch, but he had the boat, he had the net, and he had gone out to fish. but you have nothing, no tools, and you have not initiated any action, political, constructive, in the real world,

[20:55, 14/5/2022] NL fake Abi: Lorenzo don't be a philosopher with me, I am submissive to God, the Lord and to his Word, the Bible. If you believe me, fine, otherwise you are free not to believe me. I received the way from the Lord Jesus to carry out his plans. You want to wait to see, well, just wait, but stop being incredulous.

[20:56, 14/5/2022] Lorenzo: do I have to believe in you? but do you know that this would be idolatry?


Discussion on World Israel News 17 comments

Now in spotlight, Dubai Jews struggle for public synagogue


Burned, looted, vandalized: Pro-abortion activists attack churches, pro-life groups

Good afternoon! It's Friday, May 13, and today's headlines include the list of churches and pro-life offices

that have been targeted by pro-abortion groups in the wake of the Supreme Court's draft opinion leak,

details about incoming White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, and a study on Americans' views

on the nation's increasing religious diversity.

From Oregon to Virginia, multiple churches and pro-life organizations have been set on fire, looted,

and vandalized

since Politico's report of a leaked draft opinion by the Supreme Court that would overturn Roe v. Wade. Oregon Right

to Life announced Monday that their organization

was attacked, saying, "An individual used incendiary devices, one of which exploded and caught

the building on fire."


Discussion on World Israel News 44 comments

'Take up the rifle' — Calls for violence as mourners clash with police at slain journalist's funeral


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into this pubblic disqus https://disqus.Com/by/jewishmessiabyyitzhakkaduri/ Avatar lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel in " Now in spotlight, Dubai Jews struggle for public synagogue" this comments lsatenstein? you can't see! (I am the greatest Zionist in the history of mankind after God JHWH Almighty)


perhaps with this account of mine, I have blocked you, because, here it is full of trolls paid by the CIA (who attack me on the channel) and in order not to be mistaken, I systematically block everyone, both friends and enemies. I am a rational agnostic metaphysical biblical fundamentalist (terms may seem incompatible with each other) but everything is possible for Unius REI (as the emerald table says of him),

what is impossible for everyone?

*** it is possible for lorenzoJHWH the King of Israel (political project to replace the monetary system).

*** the world prosecutor is possible for Unius REI (political project to replace the UN).

and since, I've been here for 5 years, and worldisraelnews Disqus blocked me 40 accounts, then, you can't not know me for being guilty of not wanting to collaborate with me

this commento lsatenstein? you can't see!

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


I have not yet found a religion on this planet that is in accordance with common sense and natural law.

now, God cannot disagree with his natural law, within a sacred text of him,


1. or we are in the presence of a contamination,

2. or we find ourselves in the presence with information that had only a temporal value

We have received your request for review





Christian student stoned to death. «Blasphemous» the monsters orcs of Allah: by Biden Ursula and Borrell


In Sokoto, north-western state of Nigeria, Deborah Samuel, a young Christian economics student, was stoned and burned by Muslim colleagues who accused her of blasphemy.

On social media, videos that have gone viral document the terrible death of the girl, confirming the dynamics of the facts reported by the Sokoto police, where in addition to common law, Sharia law is in force, as in other states in Northern Nigeria.

Christian student stoned to death.

"Blasphemous" According to testimonies and information published in the Nigerian press, and reported by the BBC, a student who presented himself with the name of Babangida accused the student of having posted "an offensive comment on the Prophet Mohammed on the WhatsApp chat of a student group, that everyone has seen ". Furious at what they considered "an insult",

dozens of Muslim boys from Shehu Shagari College of Education have decided to take action.

"The students forcibly dragged her from the room where she was secured by the school officials,

she was stoned to death before setting fire to the building, "said Sanusi Abubakar, a spokesman for the Sokoto police.

The same source announced the arrest of two students, ensuring that all suspects identified in the video will be arrested. The authorities announced the immediate closure of the school.



the presence of Sharia Muslims in Israel is not more sustainable


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