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Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

my metaphysics is a Kabbalah system

 my metaphysics is a Kabbalah system, which gives me the possibility to be in harmony with all my posts (1,000,000 posts) that I have written in 14 years.

also my precursor Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri is a Qabalist, and he simply read this article of mine (we are around 1988): and he said: "he is the messiah of the Jews"


lorenzo ****, son of Abraham to his beloved brothers (all monotheists)

Remember how our Father Abraham at the command of the Lord left his land for a great promise of blessing.

Subject: Solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict.

Art. 1 From the border line that Israel will choose, they will have to

     populations of Israeli nationality be deported.

Art. 2 The land area of the Palestinian people will be divided by the number of inhabitants and multiplied by two, thus the area that Israel owes to Palestine will be calculated.

Neighboring countries are requested to make territorial donations to the new state.

Art. 3 Palestinians who do not want to move will become

Israeli citizens and may remain in their homes, but

they will not be able to offer their share of land to the new state of Palestine.

Art. 4 At the expense of Israel and the international community, ad

each family unit will be donated a house (with all annexes

     urban structures) and a field-soil.

Art. 5 Palestine must have an outlet to the sea.

Art. 6 All Palestinians who in the future decide to move to the state of Palestine will not be able to obtain anything, neither from the international community, nor from Israel. They will only be able to rely on their assets.

              Your brother lorenzo ****


Only the Canadian and British embassies responded politely to this letter.

and what did they understand? that they had to immediately build the separation wall against the Palestinian kamikaze killers, because at that time the buses exploded!


back then, my invisible Kabbalah message was: "now build the wall, now"

la mia metafisica è un sistema Kabbalah, che mi da la possibilità di essere in armonia con tutti i miei post ( 1.000.000 di posts ) che io ho scritto in 14 anni.

anche il mio precursore il Rabbino Yitzhak Kaduri è un Cabalista, e lui ha semplicemente letto questo mio articolo (siamo nel 1988 circa): ed ha detto: "è lui il messia degli ebrei"


lorenzo****, figlio di Abramo ai suoi fratelli amatissimi (tutti i monoteisti)

RicordateVi di come il nostro Padre Abramo su comando del Signore lasciò la sua terra per una grande promessa di benedizione.

Oggetto: Soluzione al conflitto Israele-Palestina.

Art. 1   Dalla linea di confine che Israele sceglierà, dovranno

     essere deportate le popolazioni di nazionalità Israeliana.

Art. 2   La superficie territoriale del popolo Palestinese             verrà divisa per il numero degli abitanti e moltiplicata per due, così verrà calcolata la superficie che Israele deve alla Palestina.

I paesi confinanti sono pregati di fare delle donazioni territoriali al nuovo Stato.

Art. 3   I palestinesi che non vorranno trasferirsi, diverranno

cittadini Israeliani e potranno rimanere nelle loro dimore, ma

non potranno offrire al nuovo stato di Palestina la loro quota di suolo.

Art. 4   A spese di Israele e della comunità internazionale, ad

ogni nucleo familiare, verrà donata una casa (con annesse tutte

     le strutture urbanistiche) ed un campo-suolo.

Art. 5   La Palestina dovrà avere uno sbocco al mare.

Art. 6   Tutti i Palestinesi che in futuro decidessero di                 trasfersi nello stato di Palestina non potranno ottenere nulla, ne da parte della comunità internazionale, ne da parte di Israele. Potranno contare solo sulle loro sostanze patrimoniali.

              Vostro fratello lorenzo****


Solo le ambasciate di Canada e Gran Bretagna hanno educatamente risposto a questa lettera.

e cosa hanno capito? che dovevano subito costruire il muro di separazione contro i palestinesi assassini kamikaze, perché in quel tempo i pulman esplodevano!


allora, il mio messaggio Kabbalah invisibile era: "ora costruisci il muro, subito"

then, the demons Allah and the demons Satan, such as the Saints Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri, etc ..?

already, they knew who I was: while, I hadn't discovered it yet.

So, there is no problem of being recognized as the Messiah of the Jews lorenzoJHWH, and as the Universal Procurator: UniusREI replacing UN (supreme judge),

There is NO problem with my authenticity, on the part of all the Governments on this planet.

Unfortunately Bin ISIS Salman has decided to put the head of mankind under his sharjah scimitar, that this is actually the only real obstacle

allora, i demoni Allah e i demoni Satana, come i Santi Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri, etc..?

già, loro sapevano chi io ero: mentre, io non lo avevo scoperto ancora. 

Allora, non esiste un problema di essere riconosciuto come Messia degli ebrei lorenzoJHWH, e come Procuratore universale: UniusREI che sostituisce ONU (giudice supremo),

NON esiste un mio problema circa la mia autenticità, da parte di tutti i Governi di questo pianeta.

Purtroppo Bin ISIS Salman ha deciso di mettere la testa del genere umano sotto la sua scimitarra sharjah, che questo in realtà è il vero ostacolo unico

my precursor Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri

he understood that I was the Messiah already, in 1988,

while, I realized I was in 2008, when I created the youtube channel lorenzoJHWH,

then, in about 2012? [[I have difficulty with exact dates]]

then, I realized that I was the Unius REI world and universal Governor in 2012.

while, the priests of satan of the 33rd supernatural demonic,

they already knew it, before me!

yes, they fought me, but they have lost all hope since 2018, when they stopped facing me personally, while today they threaten me: economically, and through the judiciary, and through the institutions, since they have everything in their hands.

Many people have been killed supernaturally, but, their esoteric and supernatural occult powers have proved useless against me,

indeed, they were very frightened, because I do not know how my ministers angels were able to punish them!

my precursor Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri 

lui capì che io ero il Messia già, nel 1988,

mentre, io ho capito di esserlo nel 2008, quando io ho creato il canale youtube lorenzoJHWH, 

poi, nel 2012 circa? [[ ho difficoltà con le date precise ]]

poi, io ho capito di essere il Governatore mondiale e universale Unius REI nel 2012.

mentre, i sacerdoti di satana del 33° demoniaco soprannaturale,

loro già lo sapevano, prima di me!

si, mi hanno combattuto, ma hanno perso ogni loro speranza già dal 2018, quando hanno smesso di affrontarmi personalmente, mentre, loro oggi mi minacciano:  economicamente, e attraverso la magistratura, e attraverso le Istituzioni, dato che hanno tutto nelle loro mani.

Si hanno ucciso molte persone in modo soprannaturale, ma, i loro poteri occulti esoterici e soprannaturali si sono dimostrati inutili contro di me,

anzi, si sono molto spaventati, perché non so come i miei ministri angeli li hanno potuti punire!


The weapon G-d allowed them to build, is quite ingenious for the task at hand, that task being, to separate the wheat from the chaff. See this is how that biogenetic WMD works. It alters the human genome, turning everyone who has taking it into a GMO, in fact legally, into the property of Bill Gates and the other shareholders of at least MODeRNA and Pfizer. It is therefor, the ultimate test of allegiance, a test anyone from any given back ground, cultural political and religious can comprehend, it is the ultimate choice, for or against our Creator. Now to your argument, that many still live. That too is the nature of the weapon, it being genetic, the transformation of the human genome takes time. up to 7 years. As our bodies cells are completely replicated by new cells in 7 year cycles. However, most cells, replicate much faster, thus it is unlikely the great dying will take as much as 7 years to begin. I am thinking 2-3 years the latest (from the start of the vaccinations) till we see the population on earth start declining in stead of increasing. Also, consider this, voting for any given lawgiver other than G-d, is blasphemy. No matter whom you vote for. Hope that makes sense to you. Feel free to ask if some it it should be unclear.

L'arma che D-o ha permesso loro di costruire, è abbastanza ingegnosa per il compito a portata di mano, essendo quel compito, separare il grano dalla pula. Guarda, ecco come funzionano le armi di distruzione di massa biogenetiche. Altera il genoma umano, trasformando tutti coloro che lo hanno preso in un OGM, di fatto legalmente, di proprietà di Bill Gates e degli altri azionisti almeno di MODERNA e Pfizer. È quindi l'ultima prova di fedeltà, una prova che chiunque, da qualsiasi background, culturale, politico e religioso può comprendere, è la scelta definitiva, a favore o contro il nostro Creatore. Ora alla tua argomentazione, che molti vivono ancora. Anche questa è la natura dell'arma, essendo genetica, la trasformazione del genoma umano richiede tempo. fino a 7 anni. Poiché le cellule del nostro corpo vengono completamente replicate da nuove cellule in cicli di 7 anni. Tuttavia, la maggior parte delle cellule si replica molto più velocemente, quindi è improbabile che la grande morte richieda fino a 7 anni per iniziare. Penso 2-3 anni l'ultimo (dall'inizio delle vaccinazioni) fino a quando vedremo la popolazione sulla terra iniziare a diminuire invece di aumentare. Inoltre, considera questo, votare per un dato legislatore diverso da G-d, è una blasfemia. Non importa per chi voti. Spero che abbia senso per te. Sentiti libero di chiedere se alcuni dovrebbero essere poco chiari.

Spedsupv  2 days ago

This was a terrific article. Those who hate Jews and Israel will always find Israel at fault. That is why Israel must do what is in their best interests, and not pay attention to the cheap shots others take at them. Ukraine had many opportunities to show friendship towards Israel before the conflict. What were the results? In the last six UN resolutions involving Israel, Ukraine voted against Israel four times and abstained twice. They never moved their embassy to Jerusalem which would have been a great sign of friendship. Now they are in trouble and they want help. Let them first get on their knees and beg forgiveness for the pogroms they so happily took part in, for supporting the Nazis at the start of WW2, and for the general climate of anti-semitism which pervades that country. Then they can ask for more help.

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David  navigator37  2 days ago  edited

You have valid points, yet there is one overshadowing them all. G-d is Almighty! Meaning whatever happens happens because He wills it so. So the question that needs answering is, why does G-d allow this? My answer is the answer provided by Torah, because He wants Israel to return to Torah. I hope that makes sense to you.

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IsraelReader  navigator37  19

Is this the only thing that's bothering you, about how God chooses to run the world?

Do you have answers for all the other evil and injustice that takes/took place in the world?

David  navigator37  a day ago

Why not answer my question? I'll answer yours as best I can too.

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David  navigator37  a day ago  edited

Ah ok, sorry for assuming that. Please forgive me. To your question, I have no problem understanding why one of the Haredi prisoners, or any other prisoner would demand an answer to that question. Now while I certainly cannot put myself in their shoes or fully understand how it must have been for them, after all, I wasn't there, not even born at that time, I do understand his question and also his anger, because I have been angry and fought with G-d about things I could not wrap my head around too. Good thing He is the G-d of Israel who not only allows us to question Him but practically demands it. B'H!

jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri  David  a day ago

Good thing He is the G-d of Israel who not only allows us to question Him but practically demands it!


and why were we all made in the image and likeness of God?

because the purpose of our life is to know, love and serve God, therefore this foresees and obliges us and God to create a personal and continuous relationship with God himself



jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri  David  a day ago

G-d is Almighty but, this not meaning whatever happens happens is because He wills it so. So does G-d NOT allow the evil, and this is the essential difference between Allah and YAHWEH,

if JHWH wasn't holy? then, he too would be a sinner, subjected to judgment.

but we know that there can be no injustice in him, as Allah who is a devil and like any other devil can be impure and unjust



Eric  2 days ago

Inciteful article.

Ellen Francis  Eric  a day ago

I think you mean insightful.

Capt. Rosslyn V. Crasto  a day ago

From the HOLY BIBLE, {KJV}, Old Testament : Gen. 12.3 :

King James Version Bible :

"And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed."

David  Capt. Rosslyn V. Crasto  a day ago

To whom did He say that?

David  a day ago  edited

I have a question to all Christians here. From the top of your heads: What is the punishment for theft in our Torah?

(please don't check before you answer, just tell me what you belive the answer to be first, then we can check it together, I promise I won't chastise you, whatever you answer and please if you disagree with anyone's answer, don't debate, just say what your opinion is and don't downvote people, that's just childish.)

jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri  David  a day ago

it was never a theft, we were born into it



David  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri  a day ago

Thank you for your answer. Lets wait for a few more before checking it and see what the Torah says.


jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri  David  a day ago

the Torah is not the whole Tanakh, and in it all Tanakh there are 332 messianic prophesies, and for the statistics scientist 27 of these prophecies

they declare the holiness and messianics of Jesus of Bethlehem.

but you should ignore this others who will build my Jewish temple for me?



David  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri  a day ago  edited

I don't think a debate of that (your opinion that our Tanakh should contain prophecies indicating that Jesus could be a messiahs) would be of any use or do anyone any good. I think it is better we focus on the things we actually do agree on. Also, I am quite sure, G-d does not need religion to reveal Himself to us, He after all is the Creator of all, Jews, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Atheists even Satanists. Do you agree? I on my side, agree with you when you say the Torah isn't the whole Tanakh. Clearly, that part is true and clearly, in that there is unity between us. Lets focus on those things.


jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri  David  a day ago  edited

dear, Hashem's thought, from the beginning, has always been that of making Jews and Christians one people.

you are not dealing with religious controversy with me



IsraelReader  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri  18

That is FALSE.

Stop spreading confusion about Jewish identity!

Jews and Christians will NEVER be one people.

No person can ever be merged with the Israelites, unless they convert to Judaism. Are the Christians going to convert to Judaism? It will never happen.

jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri  IsraelReader  18  edited

you are coiling up like a snake, and you are worsening your situation, so that all may see the good overflows in me, just as the evil overflows in you!

So Muslims are right to say that Jews are treacherous, supremacist racists, parasites, murderers and disloyal (since, you pretend to be their representative)!

I have never had a religious mission (such as evangelization to obtain proselytism) I am a universal metphisic rational & agnostic and my mission is political.

but it is Tanach who lists in detail the sins of the kings and the high priests which led to the destruction of the Jewish temple twice as much as to the loss of the homeland!

Do I have to be ashamed? and of what?

the world war has already been here for 10 years and it is I who have stopped it! because i am not an optional position i am the only solution to the world war



jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri  IsraelReader  18

Christians must never convert to Judaism or vice versa!

because Christians were born Jews from 2000 years ago, and the synagogue of satan has divided us:

1. created the false star of david,

2. destroyed the paternal genealogies,

3. created the antichrist satan sodom allah,

4. Even Islam as communism are creatures of the Kabbalah!

5. they have planned and carried out the Holocaust Shoah repeatedly, because they have an interest in keeping the children of Abraham (Christians, Muslims and Jews) divided, in order to continue stealing bank seigniorage, and thus plunder all peoples



David  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri  a day ago

Given the fact he is almighty, all-knowing and omnipresent, He certainly knew what would happen from the start.

jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri  David  a day ago  edited

dear, before creating the universe, angels and men? he already knew everything about us, in the smallest details of our thoughts (and of our every thought),

but, this is the mystery: "we are free and sovereign and responsible for our life and our choices anyway, because we are in free will"

[[this is not a puzzle that can be dissolved from our mind]],

just as a thought of yours cannot take control of you and dominate you, so we also have no control against God, outside of universal love, because love and mercy are omnipotent!



David  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri  a day ago

I have another question for you though. Would you agree with me that G-d is Almighty, because He is all knowing and that He is all knowing, because He is all present? And if not, would you at least agree with me that G-d is almighty?

jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri  David  a day ago

G-d is Almighty, He is all knowing , He is all present And almighty etc..... full of grace mercy and compassion



Matthew Lathum  2 days ago

Hating Israel is always about one thing- hating Jews?

How is it possible to compare Israel to Jews, Israel is a demo(n) cRATS den, while Jews are Hashem people, like compare devil with angel!


David  Matthew Lathum  2 days ago  edited

Our prophets tell us that the same power that evicted Israel would be the one that returns the land. It also says that Moshiach will come to the land of Israel and return the Jewish people to Torah. (that happened, the UN is the reincarnated or rather transformed Rome) Yet there are at least two more criteria that need to be present the day of his Mashiach's arrival, 1), Israel must NOT be under Torah and 2) those present in Israel at that time, must be Israelites. I would suggest to you that the state of Israel, as anti-Torah as it is, fulfills those exact criteria. Thus, I would suggest to you, that why the state of Israel, as you rightfully state, is not the Israel of David, but a fake and evil abomination thereof, it is the will of G-d and part of His plan to save the Jewish people, who then in turn will become His tools to save the world, fulfilling their role to be His royal priesthood, ministering to the people of the world. That the state of Israel is the catalyst that will turn the Jewish peoples hearts and minds, back to G-d. I belive we are observing the beginning of that, right now.


jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri  David  a day ago

you said everything perfectly:

I am the Moshiach,

and this has always been my teaching for the last 14 years of my ministry.

the Jewish people have a priestly ministry in favor of all the peoples of the world,

because people don't know how to be in a relationship with God



David  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri  a day ago  edited

Well, I am not the kind of guy who would ridicule the ambitions of others. So if you belive G-d has called you to be His end time Mashiach, I do not think it is a good idea for you to say so. Rather do the things our prophets have foretold and let others make that judgement. Certainly, anyone who does, lead His people back to Torah, rebuilt His Beit Hamikdash, creates Unity among the common people of the world and judge the elites all over the word and bring them all to justice, to name a few. He who does that, will be recognized as the Mashiach, by His people. No need to produce controversy by make such statements prematurely.


IsraelReader  David  18

It's nice of you to try to politely humor a deluded human being. FYI, as a non-Jew, this meshugeneh has absolutely no chance of being designated as the Jewish Messiah.

jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri  IsraelReader  3

all christian are born in Bethleem and are all jew also



David  IsraelReader  10  edited

You may be shocked over the length and complexity of the answer needed to provide context for why I answered him as I did, luckily it was time well spent regardless, because I too learned a lot by doing so, so here it goes:

How to judge someone's claim to be a messiah

Thank you, well we are not allowed to believe anyone making such claims without the one making them actually fulfilling the messianic prophecies. There is that.

Yet we also need to remember that David, when the messiah prophet Samuel anointed him (messiah means anointed) Messiah King David was not the kind of guy anyone would have expected to become our King, that one is certain. He certainly was the last of his brothers anyone would ever have considered suitable for the job. When David then, pronounced that by the help of our Creator he would slay that giant, many laughed and thought him crazy.

We all know how it turned out, because after David slew Goliath, no one doubted neither his sanity, his suitability nor his moral integrity.

Well, until he messed it all up with the Uriah affair. David did T'shuvah for that and was forgiven, yet not without having to pay the heaviest of all prices, to lose his firstborn son with the woman, that turned out to be his soulmate. The woman, he had stolen from his noble servant Uriah. (The Rabbis tell us there is more to this story then meets the eye. I mentioned only one of those things, their hard to dispute claim that Bathsheba was David's soulmate and when we keep reading the story, I can find nothing that would not confirm their claims.)

If it seams, I am drifting somewhat off topic here, I am actually not, I need to present quite a bit of background to provide you with a proper answer for the for many may seemingly simple question of how to judge a king messiah, and what better background could there be than to illuminate the topic with the merits of a man our Creator Himself puts His royal seal one, declaring that this initially apparently unremarkable man, a man many thought had lost his mind, indeed is the man our Creator Himself declared to be our Messiah King David by way off His messiah prophet Samuel.

Another messiah prophet, Nathan, later on rebuked David.

(at that point, I, with my very limited vision and common senses, without our Creators own words to set me straight, may falsely assume to rightfully question, if I by still calling him a messiah king after what he did to Uriah, would be committing a sin.

Because certainly, what Messiah King David did to Uriah his most faithful servant, was despicable. Yet that is something I only dare to even say, because our Creator, by way of His anointed messiah prophet Nathan made that perfectly clear.

I therefor do not convey my judgment over our beloved Messiah King David, as I said, that is a sin because only a messiah (anointed) prophet is even allowed to provide such judgment and even he, as we also can see in this case, only on direct command from YHWH Himself.

A commoner such as myself, a man without even a provable, documented and uninterrupted bloodline back to Jacob (Israel), providing such judgment even with that guidance, I am only allowed to parrot YHWH’s own judgment, unaltered. Otherwise I would be in deep trouble to put it very mildly. In fact there may even be those who would rebuke me for daring to do even that, that is how serious this is. I spend hours with this answer because of it)

Because as opposed to me, when utilizing nothing more than my common senses and even if I do indeed have is Torah in my belt (so to speak), our Creator knew his heart completely, so He did not kill him as would have otherwise required by Law. Real Law, the only Law judging Kings harder than the common man.

(Wait a minute, some may say, David didn’t get stoned for what he did as the Law demands, let alone was he judged harder than a common man as you claim Law also demands in regard to our leadership. Forgetting that, that simply is not true. Because, the punishment David got for what he did, was much harder, even by a significant factor, then simply getting stoned for it himself. He did let me remind those who may think that, lose his firstborn son with his soulmate Bathsheba over it, a punishment directly from YHWH. Because any father, with even a shred of humanity left in him, will tell you, he’ll rather die a thousand deaths then to see his own son killed for his fathers sins.)

Among others because of this, Torah is the only Law of true Justice. Justice that in turn produces Unity, and consequently peace, which in turn is the prerequisite to prosperity without which, true freedom cannot exist.

We need to understand, this is vital for the days ahead, that Torah must not be mistaken to be anything even close to the man made mockeries thereof, ‘laws’ which are nothing but atrocities. Atrocities ingeniously engineered to ‘legalize’ robbery (IE taxes exceeding the legal limit of 10 %), murder, (IE abortion or the murder of political opponents) slavery (IE illegal taxation and interests for loans+++) and of course oppression of the innocent, the meek and the fatherless(IE by giving them only public defenders as opposed to the rich and powerful, who can hire a whole bureau full of the best and brightest of the best liars and manipulators to defend themselves in our alleged ‘court of laws’.) These illegal atrocities made also to provide the ‘legal’ tools to brainwash people by means of fear and anger, providing Tyrants their tools of power, the mental buttons installed by fear, lies and hate so they can utilize divide and conquer, setting one group of the same people up against the other, as their means of power and control. Those atrocities, which we dare to call laws, made by the people we elect as our 'lawmakers' instead of YHWH, and thereby set them up as our gods instead of Him who indeed is our Adonai.

Adonai is the only legal authority when it comes to creating Laws, His Law of Justice, His Laws of Nature and well as His spiritual Laws we call Kabbalah.

I know many believe Kabbalah to be witchcraft, so given I had to mention it in this context, I therefor at least must convey the very basics of this subject for a proper answer to this extremely complex topic. Because those who dare make such claims, the spiritual Law of YHWH, Kabbalah to be witchcraft, in some respect may not seem to be completely off their rockers thinking that, because the Laws of Kabbalah indeed are very powerful. So powerful that by practicing them, we can indeed change the reality around us by simply changing our own perception of it. [for the secular among us: Modern science, specifically quantum mechanics also proves the fact that matter does not even exist, unless we observe it, see the ‘double slit experiment’ for more information] And by doing so perform the miracles our messiah prophets, for instance the miracles our messiah prophet Moshe preformed when He [I capitalize He in regard to Moshe here because I would suggest to you, that in that moment, given the fact He did not claim any honor to Himself but to Him who has created us all, returned completely into our Creators 'Echad' {Oneness} and therefor of course, was indeed an aspect of our Creator Himself. Because he for that moment, became the very hand of God] split the red sea by obeying the Laws of both Torah and Kabbalah, Laws with which we can overpower His Laws of nature. Meaning it is true, that those who dare to abuse Kabbalah by separating His spiritual laws, from His Law of Justice, Torah, or even by refraining to give Honor to Him who gave us His Laws by which we act in such a manor, indeed are committing witchcraft. Because unless we do this exactly the right way, as outlined above, we violate both His Laws of nature and His Law of Justice.

On the other hand, those who strictly adhere to Torah and within that legal context, practice His spiritual Laws of Kabbalah, and who therefor also always will have to rightfully attribute the Miracle they where allowed and enlightened by our Creator to preform, to the very Giver of the Law enabling them to do so, not to themselves, certainly are NOT committing witchcraft, quite the opposite, because when done right in this way, we too can become the Hand of YHWH Himself. So that those making such claims about Kabbalists, without having the wisdom to differentiate between good and evil, in this case good and evil being use and abuse of Kabbalah, run great risk of calling our Creator Himself a warlock as well as His own sacred Laws, witchcraft, because a true Kabbalist, does everything He does, in perfect Unity with G-d Himself. I would also say, that any attack on a righteous man doing what's right, is like attacking YHWH Himself.

So please, anyone reading this, be careful with your words as well as your judgment in such matters. Make sure you know what it is you are talking about. Make sure you not only know the plain difference between right and wrong, as we all do, but also know the difference between right and wrong in this most complicated part of our Creators Law, before even contemplating to judge in such matters. That said, our Torah, contains clear and easy to understand guidance on how to judge for instance a messiah prophet righteously, the same of course goes for judging a messiah King or High priest)

Now I went to such length to show some of the implications involved when judging another mans claim to be a messiah. Now you may ask, I hear you, yet where in the Tanakh can we find such guidance you may rightfully ask Well, its actually simple, in the Torah Law sections and also in the prophecies given to us by YHWH by His verified messiah prophets. They tell us the exact criteria (IE. messianic prophecies) by which men who make such claims are to be judged.

In conclusion, our own vision as opposed to the vision of our Creator is severely limited, we can only perceive a minuscule fragment of the electromagnetic spectrum, what we call visible light, as well as our ears observance of the audible spectrum of sound and our skins ability to perceive thermal energy as well as the electromagnetic fields every living being radiates, otherwise also known as a living beings aura.

For instance, we sometimes can perceive electromagnetic radiations outside the commonly perceivable EM spectra, the spectra perceivable by our common senses, when danger is closing in on us that is not yet perceivable by our common senses. Exotic senses providing us with vital information which than for instance manifests itself for us, via our skin and the hair on our skin. For instance, when our hair suddenly for no apparent reason raises and or the chills that we suddenly feel, and sometimes also the adrenalin that accompanies those exotic senses if that chill is about an eminent danger giving us an early warning our more common senses are unable to perceive and therefor cannot.

With all our magnificent senses, including the quite a few additional, more exotic senses, and even with all our senses, both common and exotic, honed to the maximum, we at best to get to see a shadow image of a mans outwards appearance and an even less illuminated barely perceivable image of the condition of a mans very heart, mind and soul. All the things our Creator can see across time and space in absolute and perfect detail, at all times. (Unless He choses to look away, distance His Shekinah שְׁכִינָה (translated into 'His divine Presence, שְׁכִינָה') yet without the light of the Creator, (All His Laws as well as His Shekinah being upon us) there is very little sensor data available to us righteously exact judgment over others. Now with His Torah solidly in our belt, and with righteousness in our hearts and minds, and therefor also with His Shekinah resting upon us, we may be able to judge such things, carefully and gently.

And that I believe, is exactly what I have done in my answer to His claim to be our Messiah King David. I made clear some of the main criteria, provided by His prophets, the very prophecies he would have to fulfill to back up his claim and warned him, very kindly and respectfully as I must, with respect to the ‘office of the Mashiach’, not to make such claims before doing the things the true end time Mashiach must do before we legally can accept such a claim. Any additional judgment of him in this regard, I leave to our Creator, who as I belive to have shown, is the only one able and legally entitled to do so.

NOTE: I also wrote this, to provide Christians with some of the tools needed for them to make a judgement in regard to their belief that Jesus was a Messiah. Please also understand, that albeit the answer I gave may seam lengthy and even complete to some, given the nature of the question at hand, I can assure you, my answer is neither lengthy nor complete, not by a long shot. Yet it does provide you, given you actually also have Torah under in your belt (meaning you at least have read ALL of Torah a few times, from the beginning to the end without preconceptions as well as all of the books of our prophets that contain messianic prophecies in the same manor and to the same extend), with at least a selected few of the most basic tools you need to perform the mandatory judgement (evaluate the claims of someone being a messiah, specifically a messiah king) needed before legally being allowed to endorse such a claim without sinning.


jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri  David  11 minutes ago

then, the demons Allah and the demons Satan, such as the Saints Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri, etc ..?

already, they knew who I was: while, I hadn't discovered it yet.

So, there is no problem of being recognized as the Messiah of the Jews lorenzoJHWH, and as the Universal Procurator: UniusREI replacing UN (supreme judge),

There is NO problem with my authenticity, on the part of all the Governments on this planet.

Unfortunately Bin ISIS Salman has decided to put the head of mankind under his sharjah scimitar, that this is actually the only real obstacle


jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri  David  31 minutes ago

Rockefeller & Rothschild, the demonic vertex of the NWO eye of lucifer?

I can assume they are intimidated prisoners / hostages, of the same Masonic EU US technocratic plutocratic neoliberal system they created: the parasitic system of the democratic regime,

since Bin Salman Erdogan and Iran are their fault, that they keep the NWO standing, which is a system that prevents my rise of the Kingdom of Israel.

but in this way? they have condemned mankind to world war.

it is as if the devil Allah has taken control of the devil Satan!


jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri  David  an hour ago

my precursor Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri

he understood that I was the Messiah already, in 1988,

while, I realized I was in 2008, when I created the youtube channel lorenzoJHWH,

then, in about 2012? [[I have difficulty with exact dates]]

then, I realized that I was the Unius REI world and universal Governor in 2012.

while, the priests of satan of the 33rd supernatural demonic,

they already knew it, before me!

yes, they fought me, but they have lost all hope since 2018, when they stopped facing me personally, while today they threaten me: economically, and through the judiciary, and through the institutions, since they have everything in their hands.

Many people have been killed supernaturally, but, their esoteric and supernatural occult powers have proved useless against me,

indeed, they were very frightened, because I do not know how my ministers angels were able to punish them!


jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri  David  an hour ago  edited

God did not give me the power, the mandate and the authority to abuse: the free will of men, no, on the contrary, I have the duty to free their consciences, their souls and their bodies, and their technology and their institutions and their religions that today, they are under the control of an evil evil Wahhabi and High 666 Sanhedrin Rothschild.

Is it the demonic Kabbalah of the Rockefellers and their Wahhabis?

has subjected all the people of this planet to coercion and enslavement, in what is the New Tower of Babel, which is the new world order of: Spa & Co Goldman Sach, DEM, lgbtq, sharia, Deep State: all demonic Spa, as, of FED, IMF, ECB, BM, OCI, NATO, CIA, everything has been polluted and ruined, as have also ruined all religions. This is my role, to be the savior of mankind!

but, unfortunately, the leaders they believed in me, yes they know who I am,

but, they are Enlightened Luciferian demonic plutocrats, and they are murderers, they like the world that Satan and Allah gave them,

and they do not want to lose their power and thus will lead the human mankind to world war.

I repeat, I don't have a credibility problem.

and there is no one in the NWO (youtube world masonic government) who questions my identity


jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri  David  2  edited

I believe that the Kabbalah is born in us with the "anointing" which is interior light-intuition that illuminates a right conscience that does not seek its own interest, but that is in search of the glory of God: infinite wisdom, justice, truth and goodness, in its birth it is not a true intellectual act, even if it is destined to become one later on.

I write compromising things straight away: in a few seconds, and I'm not afraid of making a mistake, because my conscience and my intentions are pure!

Through, metaphysics-Kabbalah I already knew, the existence of all your speeches (but, this is the first time that I find myself in front of another kabbalist like me) for me it is like finding myself now in front of my precursor Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri and that his words live in you, but no one had made them to me before today, these speeches of yours and yet I knew them.

this has led me to be in substantial agreement with all of your statements 100%.

Obviously, my sovereignty is at the highest level because of my position on the Throne of God, now there is my soul, that I can also judge the LAW, Modify it and not just follow or interpret it, adapt it as all rabbis do!

Because before the spiritual word which is the Torah, which is always an instrument of intimate communion with God, I reached this intimate substantial communion in our direct relationship, without needing an instrument!

Of course, no one expects me to contradict the principles of the Torah, and neither do I, that's why I'm a biblical fundamentalist!


jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri  David  2

my metaphysics is a Kabbalah system, which gives me the possibility to be in harmony with all my posts (1,000,000 posts) that I have written in 14 years.

also my precursor Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri is a Qabalist, and he simply read this article of mine (we are around 1988): and he said: "he is the messiah of the Jews"


lorenzo ****, son of Abraham to his beloved brothers (all monotheists)

Remember how our Father Abraham at the command of the Lord left his land for a great promise of blessing.

Subject: Solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict.

Art. 1 From the border line that Israel will choose, they will have to

populations of Israeli nationality be deported.

Art. 2 The land area of the Palestinian people will be divided by the number of inhabitants and multiplied by two, thus the area that Israel owes to Palestine will be calculated.

Neighboring countries are requested to make territorial donations to the new state.

Art. 3 Palestinians who do not want to move will become

Israeli citizens and may remain in their homes, but

they will not be able to offer their share of land to the new state of Palestine.

Art. 4 At the expense of Israel and the international community, ad

each family unit will be donated a house (with all annexes

urban structures) and a field-soil.

Art. 5 Palestine must have an outlet to the sea.

Art. 6 All Palestinians who in the future decide to move to the state of Palestine will not be able to obtain anything, neither from the international community, nor from Israel. They will only be able to rely on their assets.

Your brother lorenzo ****


Only the Canadian and British embassies responded politely to this letter.

and what did they understand? that they had to immediately build the separation wall against the Palestinian kamikaze killers, because at that time the buses exploded!


back then, my invisible Kabbalah message was: "now build the wall, now"


jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri  David  a day ago  edited

no, I'm not ambitions, he G-d has called me to be His end time Mashiach.

Rather, how i can do the things our prophets have foretold if I am left alone, do you want to cowardice, do you want to complicity, with the demonic order present?

I am impoverished to defend this ministry:

I spent 600,000 euros

and I've made 1000,000 comments in these 14 years.

there is no one who can say: "I didn't know anything about it"

this generation of world leaders will be reprobated by God.



David  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri  a day ago

'no, I'm not ambitions', well spoken.


David  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri  9  edited

Please also read my reply to IsraelReader about your claim to be our Moshiach King David. Because my answer to him, includes things that are about you. Hence to do what's right, I must let you know, I also spoke about you. Yet also, should there be any reason for you needing that, remind you of the very serious nature and holiness of the 'office of the Mashiach'.


jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri  David  a day ago

I see that, you are well educated, even perfectly educated, about the role, function, and potential of the Mashiach, for His peoples and Jewish people.

What I have done in these 14 years could NOT have been done by a man without the assistance of the Holy Spirit.

But I cannot impose peace and prosperity if the governments that rule this planet,

that is, if they chose the world war option instead of choosing me.



punch_corona  Matthew Lathum  a day ago

kolimioski is a (( jewish warlord )) who along with soros founded the azov nazi battalion group in the ukraine.. kolimoiski has an Israel passport & lives in Tel Aviv.. what is a nazi doing living in Israel ?


jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri  Matthew Lathum  a day ago

it is why, i am kingdom Israel



jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri  Matthew Lathum  2 days ago

hating someone is always a mortal sin,

but whoever hates ISRAEL? I will execute it him her their



David  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri  2 days ago  edited

I doubt very much that will be necessary, they all went and vaxxed themselves. It's done. They are all dead (wo)men walking, those who haven't died from that bioweapon already, that is.


jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri  David  a day ago

yes, there is something that cuts the veins from the inside


punch_corona  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri  a day ago

.. a slow death.. a body full of sharp metal fragments in the blood circulation .. that is the vaccine.. who would ever know about this wickedness..


Grace Joy  David  a day ago

"Move over cancer: mRNA injections are respawning HIV/AIDS around the globe, while numerous AIDS researchers are suddenly and mysteriously dying."


David  Grace Joy  a day ago  edited

Yes, that is what I have expected to happen pretty much from the start. The mRNA sequence injected into its victims genome is based on the HIV platform. It is in fact, an altered HIV virus. Thank you for the link, I will read it.


Grace Joy  David  a day ago  edited

YW, David. I shared it, specifically, because I remember you talking about HIV. Of course, there are other dangers from the experimental gene therapy, & plenty of deaths. You probably know the following, about Graphene Oxide (GO):

 Jan, 2022. Israeli Ilana Rachel Daniel, of RFK Jr's CHD, gives an overview of Israel (on the fourth dose: She says people have never been sicker); & then interviews Ricardo Delgado Martin from La Quinta Columna re his findings of GO Nanotech, "magnetism ... parasitic material, radiation of va-ccine components, & the ability to track humans." Also, vacced people dropping dead. (58:07) live.childrenshealthdefense... Scroll down Mr Martin's site for huge amounts of info on GO:

 April, 2016. "Carbon nanotubes in a dish assemble themselves into a nanowire in seconds under the influence of a custom-built Tesla coil created by scientists at Rice University." (2:54)

 Dec, 2014. "'Radiogenetics’ seeks to remotely control cells and genes. A team at Rockefeller University and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute is developing a system that would make it possible to remotely control biological targets in living animals — rapidly, without wires, implants or drugs."

 April, 2017. Same Rockefeller team: "Flipping a Switch Inside the Head. With new technology, scientists are able to exert wireless control over brain cells of mice with just the push of a button." The "first challenge was to find something in a neuron that could serve as an antenna to detect the incoming radio signal or magnetic field."


jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri  Grace Joy  a day ago

Modern, contamination due to metal particles ..

https: //it.benzinga.Com/2021/08/27/modern-metallic-particles ...

08/27/2021 Metal particles are believed to have contaminated a batch of Moderna Inc undefined COVID-19 vaccines delivered to Japan, Japanese public broadcaster reported ...


https: //www.byoblu.Com/2021/08/27/metallic-particles-nei-lots-of ...

12 · Foreign substances found in a batch of Moderna COVID-19 vaccines delivered to Japan would be metal particles. The news was given by NHK, the Japanese public radio and television broadcaster, which assured that it had learned it from ministerial sources.


Japan, metal particles could be ..


Japan, metal particles could be contaminant from Moderna-Nhk vaccine 9 minutes ago Covid, Iss "Ten Regions at moderate risk, escalation in Sicily"

Japan, Modern doses contaminated with "metal that ..

https: //visionetv.It/japan-doses-modern-contaminate-with-metal-which ...



jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri  Grace Joy  a day ago

Graphene and Spike Protein won't give you hope (I make citrus juices every day!) 17 year old dies 36 hours after hospitalization. The father's complaint: "He had only a little fever and sore throat" https://www.msn.Com/it-it/notizie/italia/diciassettenne-muore-36-ore-dopo-il-ricovero- the-father-report-had-only-a-bit-fever-and-sore-throat / ar-AAVIMQs? ocid = msedgntp & cvid = 3cf94e6ffca245528e81eb8d3d121d1e Maria Elia was 17 years old. She died last Sunday at the Santa Maria della Misericordia hospital in Perugia, she had entered 36 hours earlier. «Maria had some lines of fever and sore throat; she had tested negative for the coronavirus in the triage phase, she had also completed the anti-Covid vaccination cycle and above all she had no previous illnesses ", father Gennaro is desperate and now asks to understand what happened to her daughter.



David  Grace Joy  a day ago  edited

Thank you for the links. Most of it, I have seen already, some of it even studied myself, yet I am sure there are new things to learn in those links. The part, Carbon nanotubes in a dish assemble themselves into a nanowire in seconds I was unaware of that others than I myself had thought of. So that part, I already knew, even before they did themselves. See I am almost done with the R&D phase of developing an electrical supersonic long range jet. Thus I had to do a lot of work, inventing quite a few new things that made it possible. One of them, being using EM fields to create continuous carbon nanotube reinforced materials. The same as Rice has done too, they just published before me. I also invented Boundary layer ingestion systems to artificially reduce drag of an aircraft while in motion. That part too, someone else (NASA) beat me to patenting.

Anyway, I currently have a far more important job, to find a short and easy way to explain to everyone how brainwash works and how and by which methods the Tyrants that be control us all like puppets on a string via the triggers their brainwash installs in us. Each group their own set of triggers. We all got them, myself included, yet now that I know how it works, I am for the first time able to resist them. That is what I need to teach the world, everyone, because then, everyone, same as I, will become able to free themselves of said brainwash and triggers and then of course. the powers that be, become powerless. If I manage to make it short and simple enough for all to understand, and without pushing anyone's buttons (trigger them) in the process, that should be the checkmate event for our enemy.

It must be short and concise though and easy for anyone to understand and not be any longer than the attention span of the average Joe. that is the challenge I am working to overcome. How its done, I already know, how to communicate it, as needed, I don't know yet. Soon though, G-d willing.


jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri  David  a day ago

not all .. they will just die, only all those who voted for the "blue and white" DEMs etc ... and all the anti-Zionists of course ...

because, I'm protecting all the conservatives,

in fact, Netanjahu is in good health!



David  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri  a day ago

The weapon G-d allowed them to build, is quite ingenious for the task at hand, that task being, to separate the wheat from the chaff. See this is how that biogenetic WMD works. It alters the human genome, turning everyone who has taking it into a GMO, in fact legally, into the property of Bill Gates and the other shareholders of at least MODeRNA and Pfizer. It is therefor, the ultimate test of allegiance, a test anyone from any given back ground, cultural political and religious can comprehend, it is the ultimate choice, for or against our Creator. Now to your argument, that many still live. That too is the nature of the weapon, it being genetic, the transformation of the human genome takes time. up to 7 years. As our bodies cells are completely replicated by new cells in 7 year cycles. However, most cells, replicate much faster, thus it is unlikely the great dying will take as much as 7 years to begin. I am thinking 2-3 years the latest (from the start of the vaccinations) till we see the population on earth start declining in stead of increasing. Also, consider this, voting for any given lawgiver other than G-d, is blasphemy. No matter whom you vote for. Hope that makes sense to you. Feel free to ask if some it it should be unclear.


jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri  David  a day ago

with life (Matusalem) or with death (Abel)

God always knows best to protect those who love him



David  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri  a day ago



alpcns .  a day ago

Who gives a damn what they rest of the world thinks. The majority of misery for Israel is the direct result of "PR-worries" of the Government of Israel, "what will the world think" or "that doesn't look good". To hell with them.

No matter what, Israel is doing the wrong thing, as the article states, sums it up nicely. Acknowledge that, laugh it off, and do what's right and best for Israel and Israel alone.

UniusREI governor worldwide  2 days ago

Qatar 2022, hypocritical Masonic "Fifa": he says: "suspending Russia was not an easy decision." really?


Rockefeller Sap & Co gathers all his orc cubs in ja-Bull-On and Allah kneels there, with all the legions of demons of religions and all their governments: NWO FED IMF ECB Spa&co BM UE USA OTAN OCI Riad.

the only monetary power of sodom that stands against Russia Israel China and against me: UniusREI


jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri  2 days ago

"Israel's reaction to Ukraine will impact future US aid to Israel," MP Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) Warned on Twitter. .. that hasn't stopped him, or assorted politicians and media, from threatening Israel anyway.


open letter to Israel] what can you do about it? the satans sodom allah hit you (the saddle) because they want to punish me (the horse)



Bro. Nick Nicholas  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri  a day ago  edited

I am a 'Biblical CHRISTian' - And I have been a Zionist supporter of "Israel" for nearly 6 decades

- And a Biblical 'Watchman on the Wall' who "believeth" in the Biblical WARNINGS written in the Book of Ezekiel, Chapter 33 [AV]~[KJV] :

1 Again the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,

2 Son of man, speak to the children of thy people, and say unto them, When I bring the sword upon a land, if the people of the land take a man of their coasts, and set him for their watchman:

3 If when he seeth the sword come upon the land, he blow the trumpet, and warn the people;

4 Then whosoever heareth the sound of the trumpet, and taketh not warning;

if the sword come, and take him away, his blood shall be upon his own head.

5 He heard the sound of the trumpet, and took not warning;

his blood shall be upon him. But he that taketh warning shall deliver his soul.

6 But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned;

if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity;

but his blood will I require at the watchman’s hand.

~~~> Acts 20:31 ; Romans 9:24-26 [AV]~[KJV]


- So I will continue to write Biblical WARNINGS about the "blasphemous" Italian man

--- 'jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri' <===> 'UniusREI governor worldwide' ---

who is in-deed a very devout pro-Russian follower of Charismatic Roman Catholicism

- And a "subtil" anti-"Israel" \ anti-"Jew" \ anti-Zionist who chooses to publickly continue to make more and ever-more "wicked" "blasphemous" 'Proclamations' against "the LORD JEHOVAH"

~~~> Isaiah 12:1-2, 26:3-4 [AV]~[KJV]


- And there are only two choices about Biblical WARNINGS

--- Accept -OR- Reject ---



Bro. Nick Nicholas  Bro. Nick Nicholas  a day ago  edited

NOTE - Major Editing of my 'Comment' @ 11:00 PM (C), 31 Mar 2022 - Bro. Nick


Grace Joy  Bro. Nick Nicholas  a day ago  edited

You are NOT Ezekiel's Watchman; & I doubt the Jewish People need you to Save them from following "jewish messiah."

I'm still waiting for a you, a "biblical CHRISTian" to provide NT scripture to justify your stalking, harassing, & censoring (down-voting / flagging every comment so the AI filters eventually send them to "spam") those who warn of the globalist agenda you defend.


David  Bro. Nick Nicholas  a day ago

Do you belive you are G-d?


jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri  David  a day ago

he's a stubborn old man

and had two wars in Vietnam

it's a kind of relic



This comment was deleted.

jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri  Guest  a day ago

here and worldwide network satellite TV social (deep state: silicon valley ) here there are too mani satanists who pretend to have any identity!



David  Bro. Nick Nicholas  a day ago

I think you are a very lonely man, that you are seeking attention and since you don't know how to get positive attention, you settle for whatever you can get. Because I think I do understand you, you live in such a social vacuum, even negative attention is more bearable than no attention at all. I will pray for you if that is ok for you? Please let me know.


David  Bro. Nick Nicholas  a day ago  edited

Do you think that downvoting others is helpful? I assure you, it isn't. If you disagree, say so, what you disagree with, why and provide arguments for your opinion, otherwise you're going to close their minds to whatever you may have to say, true or false it will no longer matter for them at that point. Please understand, no one will take you serious when you do that. I doubt very much that that is that how you want people to perceive you. Or am I wrong?


jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri  David  a day ago

he is troll, and not answer you



David  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri  a day ago

I don't think that, I think he is a very lonely man, seeking attention and since he does not know how to get positive attention, he settles for whatever he can get. Because for those who live in such a social vacuum, even negative attention is more bearable than no attention at all. Pray for him.


jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri  David  a day ago

yes, i pray for him: because that carrion dies soon with Aristobulus (2 certified satanists) they have destroyed me 14 accounts here.

it's a real shame that JHWH is so merciful



jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri  Bro. Nick Nicholas  a day ago

you defend your globalist agenda Rockefeller?

come out of your lair .. black soul!



David  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri  a day ago  edited

Never call people names, because when you do, in that very moment, they will no longer be able to hear even a word you have to say, all their focus will be on the insult, the rest of what you may say, at that point to them, becomes mute. Believe me I've tried to chastise people into reason, not once did I succeed with that in all the 20 years I have debated online, not even once. Yet I have rebuked people kindly, showing them I care about them too and seen them listen and even thank me for it.


jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri  David  a day ago  edited

because you who know so many things, don't you know that King David couldn't have a symbol and never had symbol?

that swastika 666 Hindu star (idolatry and pantheism) was imposed by the Rockefellers 2000 years ago (along with the destruction of the paternal genealogies) to be able to curse the Jewish people, with cyclic shoah.



jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri  David  a day ago

he and Aristobulus is not a person, but they are a sub-agency of the CIA Spa & Co FED Masonic-Satanist globalist, they pretend to have an identity to be accepted by the people of God.

Then there are 40 other trolls paid by Israel, like Don Spilman, and 50% of them, are not doing a bad job.



jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri  Bro. Nick Nicholas  a day ago

"universal rational metaphysical agnostic"

it's true, but, did I also mention that Darwin monkeys like you? they can't understand it!



EndIranBringPeaceToMiddleEast  12

The nazi party, er DIMs demand obedience from Israel while stabbing Israel in the back and making the middle-eat far more dangerous.

I with the entire administration was on Air Force One and that it crashed into natanz

David Pattie  a day ago

I have two points, 1. The Northern Kingdom of Israel was conquered by the Assyrian Empire in 700 BC, the people were taken to the Northern coast of the Black Sea, today known as Ukraine, the people are known in history as Scythians, so these people are technically not Jews but Ephraim 2. The Russian made Kalashnikov AK 47 Automatic Assault Rifle and Rocket Propelled Grenades along with Webbing (ammo pouches) are standard issue to all Terrorists globally including Hamas, Hezbollah and ISIS.

Now who's side should you take.

Leon Mintz  David Pattie  2

Your post is BS. As for your question, we don't want to take any sides.

In 1965, during trip to Kiev, our teacher asked how I liked visiting Kyievo-Pecherska Lavra, graves of Princes. I shrugged my shoulders and replied: “They are not my princes.”

It is not our business who inherited Sevastopol and the legacy of Kiev Princes.

We learned from the late wisdom of Mercutio:

“A plague o' both your houses!

They have made worms' meat of me.”

Leon Mintz  a day ago

Great, one thing was forgotten: Ukrainian Foreign Minister screaming that Jews had been taking money soaked with Ukrainian blood.


Aristobulus  Leon Mintz  7

This is a LIE. He but accused the airline El-Al for wrongdoing, later he apologized.

Leon Mintz  Aristobulus  4  edited

No, the Foreign Minister had been lying and you are covering for him.

Someone pointed to him that El Al WEB site has button pointing to a Russian banking system ‘Mir’ that should had been blocked. (It turned out to be blocked.)

Any normal person in his position would contact El Al and ask for explanations. Normal person could think that he can be mistaken or that El Al has a bug in a menu that had not been fixed.

Ukraine's FM Dmytro Kuleba is not a “normal person”. He is raging antisemite. He exposed himself as a raging antisemite. “Apology” cannot hide that.

Antisemite Ukraine's FM Dmytro Kuleba falsely claimed El Al making money 'soaked in Ukrainian blood'. That is an accusation against Jewish nation, against Jews.

It is a testimony to his antisemitic urges just crying to be vomited up.


Aristobulus  Leon Mintz  3

You're a theatrical throw-upper who, astonishingly, would never claim that some foreign minister who sad bad things about American Airlines were a raging anti-American who wanted all Yankees dead, all the while you faux-hysterically play the antisemitism card in a very schmitty and almost satirical way.

Putler doesn't pay you enough, castrate Mintz. Ask him for a raise.

Leon Mintz  Aristobulus  2

Banderovci like you and FM don't say such things about America, only about Jews. Somehow you manage to attack Jews and then come hustling Jews for money and help.


Ukraine shows hating Israel isn’t about the Palestinians – opinion

 March 31, 2022

Ukraine shows hating Israel isn’t about the Palestinians – opinionIsrael and Ukraine flags. (Hillel Maeir/TPS)

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Any war, anywhere, is always Israel’s fault.

By Daniel Greenfield, FrontPageMag

A war is raging three thousand miles away from Jerusalem, between two nations that share no borders with Israel and in which it has no troops, no interests and no involvement.

And yet somehow, the war between Russia and Ukraine has come to be about Israel.

“Israel Needs to Make Up Its Mind on Ukraine,” a Foreign Policy Magazine op-ed blares, as if the Jewish state were somehow a major player in a war between two much larger countries thousands of miles away. It’s as absurd as demanding that the Dominican Republic (which is larger than Israel) make up its mind on the border clashes between India and China.

“Israel’s reaction to Ukraine will have bearing on future aid from the U.S. to Israel,” Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) warned on Twitter. Whatever “bearing” it has won’t come from the Never-Trumper ex-Republican who is retiring after becoming unelectable. But that hasn’t stopped him, or assorted politicians and media outlets, from threatening Israel anyway.

“Ukraine asked Israel—no bigger fan of Israel than Lindsey Graham—for Stingers, and apparently Israel said no,” said Sen. Graham. “So I’m going to get on the phone with Israel—you know, we stand up for Israel with the Iron Dome.”

The only thing more baffling than why Graham felt the need to refer to himself in the third person is why the senator is demanding that Israel supply U.S. missiles to Ukraine. Isn’t that his job?

Despite Israel delivering 230 tons of humanitarian aid, including bulletproof ambulances, setting up a field hospital and taking in thousands of refugees, the pressure campaign insists that it isn’t doing enough. And that the war not only involves Israel, but that the outcome depends on it.

No matter what, Israel is doing the wrong thing

There’s notably much less interest in India, a country of 1.3 billion, which buys Russian oil, has close ties to Russia and refused to condemn the invasion, than in Israel, a country of 6.5 million, which doesn’t buy Russian oil and did vote to condemn the invasion at the United Nations.

No matter what the position on the war is, the consensus is that Israel is doing the wrong thing.

The Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, a Soros-Koch project that attacks America for being too tough on China, Iran and Russia, demanded to know, “Why is Israel MIA on Ukraine-Russia crisis?”

The outrage at Israel for not being involved enough in the Ukraine crisis is being directed by the same leftist-libertarian group that is warning against America getting involved with articles like, “Washington Should Think Twice Before Launching a New Cold War.”

The Catch 22 hypocrisy is as obvious as the hate. If Israel is involved in a war, it’s evil, but if it’s not involved in a war, it’s also evil. Whatever Israel does or doesn’t do is an outrage.

Whatever war is going on wherever, it’s Israel’s fault

The hatred of Israel never had anything to do with the so-called “Palestinians,” the Arabs, Muslims, or anyone in the Middle East. That’s why the same political interests are capable of taking a war in Ukraine thousands of miles away and making it all about the Jewish state.

The Ukraine war has trotted out the familiar toolbox of tropes, with the insistence that Israel somehow has the ability to resolve a war it didn’t start, even as Israel’s Prime Minister Naftali Bennett scrambles around on the impossible mission of bringing peace to people who don’t want it.

There’s the Holocaust inversion, with Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky and assorted critics depicting Ukraine as the new Jews facing a new Holocaust, with the Jews now reinvented as the unfeeling bystanders. And that leads to the anti-Zionist contention that Israel’s nationhood is at odds with “Jewish values.”

“Ukraine War Ignites Israeli Debate Over Purpose of a Jewish State,” the New York Times argued, complaining that Israel hadn’t taken in enough refugees after it took in 15,000.

Compare that to France, which took in 26,000 Ukrainian refugees despite being 10 times the size of Israel. But France, like India, isn’t full of Jews. And so there’s no contention that France, which proportionally took in far fewer refugees than Israel, should just stop existing.

(The number of Ukrainian refugees taken in by the New York Times is estimated at zero.)

The magical ability to make any war anywhere about Israel with the same set of familiar anti-Zionist tropes shows that these arguments were never contextual responses to regional conflicts, but a general opposition to the existence of Israel regardless of anything else.

Whatever war is going on wherever, it’s Israel’s fault and evidence that it shouldn’t exist.

Hate campaign against Israel

The media’s attempts to link Israel to the war in Ukraine are often so tenuous as to take on their own form of surreal absurdity.

NPR found it vitally important to write an entire story based around the fact that there was a bar named the Putin Pub in Jerusalem (it’s since been renamed). When a media outlet is this desperate to negatively connect Israel to the Ukraine war, the agenda is clear.

(This is the same media outlet that claimed that it didn’t want to report on Hunter Biden’s laptop because “We don’t want to waste our time on stories that are not really stories.”)

Ukraine’s government has colluded in the international hate campaign against Israel.

Zelensky and his government have berated Israel, exploited the Holocaust and demanded everything from Iron Dome (designed to stop rockets fired by terrorists, not a full assault by a world power) and the Pegasus cyber-warfare tool (it won’t stop Russian tanks), pushing for Israeli sanctions on Russia even while his government refuses to stop doing business with Iran.

In the latest bid, the Ukrainian government is demanding security guarantees from Israel, even though Israel is a country of 8,600 square miles while Ukraine encompasses 233,000 square miles. Ukraine is not only vastly bigger than Israel, it has seven times Israel’s population. That’s like Canada demanding security guarantees from Cyprus.

But that’s just the ex-comedian doing what he does. In his lecture to Congress, Zelensky invoked Pearl Harbor and 9/11. When addressing the Arabs, he brought up Syria. While speaking to the Japanese parliament, he called the Russian invasion a “tsunami” and referenced Japan’s nuclear disaster.

The shallow formula of namechecking deep traumas in other countries while linking them to Ukraine and complaining they’re not doing enough to stop history from repeating itself has become a trite routine to anyone actually paying attention.

It’s the media’s fault for gleefully weaponizing Zelensky’s pressure campaign and amplifying outright antisemitism from leftists and Islamists who are happily exploiting the narrative.

Continuing his virtual world tour, Zelensky phoned in to Qatar’s Doha Forum. The Emir of the Islamic terror state of Qatar had opened the event by comparing “Palestinians” to Ukraine.

The Al Thani scion allied with Iran and Hamas then complained that “The accusation of antisemitism is now used wrongly against everyone who criticizes Israel’s policies.”

Or who, like Qatar’s Al Jazeera propaganda channel, broadcasts raw uncut antisemitism.

Hating Israel is always about one thing- hating Jews

Back home, the propaganda campaign against Israel is offset with weapons-grade hypocrisy as bad actors tied to totalitarian regimes berate Israel over Russia and Ukraine.

William Cohen, Bill Clinton’s Secretary of Defense, went on CNN to rant to Christiane Amanpour that he was “deeply disappointed” with Israel. Cohen (despite his last name, he’s a Unitarian) and Amanpour both have a long history of hating Israel. And of taking cheap shots at it.

“Are you with the Russians or are you with the United States and the West? They do have to make a decision here,” Cohen railed.

Amanpour neglected to mention that the Cohen Group has an office in Beijing, that Cohen serves on the Board of Directors of the U.S.-China Business Council and that his group includes “Chinese nationals with extensive experience in Chinese government ministries.”

The Cohen Group also boasts of “decades of experience working with officials in Moscow,” and “building relationships with government decision-makers.”

Two years ago, Cohen was claiming that “President Putin is going to try and step in and be the peacemaker here” between America and Iran.

“I’m a bit more optimistic that the Russians will come in as a peacemaker,” he told CNBC.

This exciting new hatred of Israel is not about Ukraine, any more than the old variety was about the “Palestinians.” Hating Israel is in the end always about one thing and one thing alone.

Hating Jews.

L'Ucraina mostra che odiare Israele non riguarda i palestinesi – opinione

L'Ucraina mostra che odiare Israele non riguarda i palestinesi – opinione

Bandiere di Israele e Ucraina. (Hillel Maeir/TPS)

(Hillel Maeir/TPS)

Ukraine shows hating Israel isn’t about the Palestinians – opinion

Qualsiasi guerra, ovunque, è sempre colpa di Israele.

Di Daniel Greenfield, FrontPageMag

Una guerra infuria a tremila miglia da Gerusalemme, tra due nazioni che non condividono confini con Israele e in cui non ha truppe, interessi e coinvolgimento.

Eppure, in qualche modo, la guerra tra Russia e Ucraina è diventata incentrata su Israele.

"Israele ha bisogno di prendere una decisione sull'Ucraina", si legge in un editoriale di Foreign Policy Magazine, come se lo stato ebraico fosse in qualche modo un attore importante in una guerra tra due paesi molto più grandi a migliaia di chilometri di distanza. È assurdo come chiedere che la Repubblica Dominicana (che è più grande di Israele) prenda una decisione sugli scontri di confine tra India e Cina.

"La reazione di Israele all'Ucraina avrà un impatto sui futuri aiuti dagli Stati Uniti a Israele", ha avvertito il deputato Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) su Twitter. Qualunque sia il suo "cuscinetto" non verrà dall'ex repubblicano Never-Trumper che si ritira dopo essere diventato ineleggibile. Ma questo non ha impedito a lui, o a politici e media assortiti, di minacciare israele comunque.

"L'Ucraina ha chiesto a Israele – non più grande fan di Israele di Lindsey Graham – di Stingers, e a quanto pare Israele ha detto di no", ha detto il senatore Graham. "Quindi mi metterò al telefono con Israele – sai, difendiamo Israele con l'Iron Dome".

L'unica cosa più sconcertante del motivo per cui Graham ha sentito il bisogno di riferirsi a se stesso in terza persona è il motivo per cui il senatore chiede che Israele fornisca missili statunitensi all'Ucraina. Non è questo il suo lavoro?

Despite Israel delivering 230 tons of humanitarian aid, including bulletproof ambulances, setting up a field hospital and taking in thousands of refugees, the pressure campaign insists that it isn’t doing enough. And that the war not only involves Israel, but that the outcome depends on it.

No matter what, Israel is doing the wrong thing

There’s notably much less interest in India, a country of 1.3 billion, which buys Russian oil, has close ties to Russia and refused to condemn the invasion, than in Israel, a country of 6.5 million, which doesn’t buy Russian oil and did vote to condemn the invasion at the United Nations.

No matter what the position on the war is, the consensus is that Israel is doing the wrong thing.

The Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, a Soros-Koch project that attacks America for being too tough on China, Iran and Russia, demanded to know, “Why is Israel MIA on Ukraine-Russia crisis?”

The outrage at Israel for not being involved enough in the Ukraine crisis is being directed by the same leftist-libertarian group that is warning against America getting involved with articles like, “Washington Should Think Twice Before Launching a New Cold War.”

The Catch 22 hypocrisy is as obvious as the hate. If Israel is involved in a war, it’s evil, but if it’s not involved in a war, it’s also evil. Whatever Israel does or doesn’t do is an outrage.

Whatever war is going on wherever, it’s Israel’s fault

The hatred of Israel never had anything to do with the so-called “Palestinians,” the Arabs, Muslims, or anyone in the Middle East. That’s why the same political interests are capable of taking a war in Ukraine thousands of miles away and making it all about the Jewish state.

The Ukraine war has trotted out the familiar toolbox of tropes, with the insistence that Israel somehow has the ability to resolve a war it didn’t start, even as Israel’s Prime Minister Naftali Bennett scrambles around on the impossible mission of bringing peace to people who don’t want it.

There’s the Holocaust inversion, with Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky and assorted critics depicting Ukraine as the new Jews facing a new Holocaust, with the Jews now reinvented as the unfeeling bystanders. And that leads to the anti-Zionist contention that Israel’s nationhood is at odds with “Jewish values.”

“Ukraine War Ignites Israeli Debate Over Purpose of a Jewish State,” the New York Times argued, complaining that Israel hadn’t taken in enough refugees after it took in 15,000.

Compare that to France, which took in 26,000 Ukrainian refugees despite being 10 times the size of Israel. But France, like India, isn’t full of Jews. And so there’s no contention that France, which proportionally took in far fewer refugees than Israel, should just stop existing.

(The number of Ukrainian refugees taken in by the New York Times is estimated at zero.)

The magical ability to make any war anywhere about Israel with the same set of familiar anti-Zionist tropes shows that these arguments were never contextual responses to regional conflicts, but a general opposition to the existence of Israel regardless of anything else.

Whatever war is going on wherever, it’s Israel’s fault and evidence that it shouldn’t exist.

Hate campaign against Israel

The media’s attempts to link Israel to the war in Ukraine are often so tenuous as to take on their own form of surreal absurdity.

NPR found it vitally important to write an entire story based around the fact that there was a bar named the Putin Pub in Jerusalem (it’s since been renamed). When a media outlet is this desperate to negatively connect Israel to the Ukraine war, the agenda is clear.

(This is the same media outlet that claimed that it didn’t want to report on Hunter Biden’s laptop because “We don’t want to waste our time on stories that are not really stories.”)

Ukraine’s government has colluded in the international hate campaign against Israel.

Zelensky and his government have berated Israel, exploited the Holocaust and demanded everything from Iron Dome (designed to stop rockets fired by terrorists, not a full assault by a world power) and the Pegasus cyber-warfare tool (it won’t stop Russian tanks), pushing for Israeli sanctions on Russia even while his government refuses to stop doing business with Iran.

In the latest bid, the Ukrainian government is demanding security guarantees from Israel, even though Israel is a country of 8,600 square miles while Ukraine encompasses 233,000 square miles. Ukraine is not only vastly bigger than Israel, it has seven times Israel’s population. That’s like Canada demanding security guarantees from Cyprus.

But that’s just the ex-comedian doing what he does. In his lecture to Congress, Zelensky invoked Pearl Harbor and 9/11. When addressing the Arabs, he brought up Syria. While speaking to the Japanese parliament, he called the Russian invasion a “tsunami” and referenced Japan’s nuclear disaster.

The shallow formula of namechecking deep traumas in other countries while linking them to Ukraine and complaining they’re not doing enough to stop history from repeating itself has become a trite routine to anyone actually paying attention.

It’s the media’s fault for gleefully weaponizing Zelensky’s pressure campaign and amplifying outright antisemitism from leftists and Islamists who are happily exploiting the narrative.

Continuing his virtual world tour, Zelensky phoned in to Qatar’s Doha Forum. The Emir of the Islamic terror state of Qatar had opened the event by comparing “Palestinians” to Ukraine.

The Al Thani scion allied with Iran and Hamas then complained that “The accusation of antisemitism is now used wrongly against everyone who criticizes Israel’s policies.”

Or who, like Qatar’s Al Jazeera propaganda channel, broadcasts raw uncut antisemitism.

Hating Israel is always about one thing- hating Jews

Back home, the propaganda campaign against Israel is offset with weapons-grade hypocrisy as bad actors tied to totalitarian regimes berate Israel over Russia and Ukraine.

William Cohen, Bill Clinton’s Secretary of Defense, went on CNN to rant to Christiane Amanpour that he was “deeply disappointed” with Israel. Cohen (despite his last name, he’s a Unitarian) and Amanpour both have a long history of hating Israel. And of taking cheap shots at it.

“Are you with the Russians or are you with the United States and the West? They do have to make a decision here,” Cohen railed.

Amanpour neglected to mention that the Cohen Group has an office in Beijing, that Cohen serves on the Board of Directors of the U.S.-China Business Council and that his group includes “Chinese nationals with extensive experience in Chinese government ministries.”

The Cohen Group also boasts of “decades of experience working with officials in Moscow,” and “building relationships with government decision-makers.”

Two years ago, Cohen was claiming that “President Putin is going to try and step in and be the peacemaker here” between America and Iran.

“I’m a bit more optimistic that the Russians will come in as a peacemaker,” he told CNBC.

This exciting new hatred of Israel is not about Ukraine, any more than the old variety was about the “Palestinians.” Hating Israel is in the end always about one thing and one thing alone.

Hating Jews.


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