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Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

I can no longer witness this Wahhabi evil

Blinken’s obscene Western ‘progressive’ agenda – analysis

jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

I can no longer witness this Wahhabi evil

all this hurts me!


 UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 33 comments

Heavy fighting rages near Kyiv as Russia appears to regroup

jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


yes the DEM 322 CRAZY ie demonic crazy



 UniusREI governor worldwide


how can you prove it?

China helped spread the CIA's HiV kimera covid

and Russia is helping to bridge the earth's poles,

I don't know anything else



 UniusREI governor worldwide


but really, Russia and China are in on the Great Reset like Saudi Arabia?

they must collaborate with the satan sodoma Spa & Co FED NWO (out of fear and following their own interests to the detriment of the interests of the planet),

but what if they didn't start to rebel? then Wahhabis and their globalists would not try to kill them.

So, of course, they refused to join the Great Reset!



 UniusREI governor worldwide


there is no imperialist ideological system in China and Russia, for now (Russia has the mines, China has the economy: and the sanctions cannot hit them), they are only forced to react / defend themselves from OCI, Iran, Riyadh, UMMA NWO FED IMF BM: OTAN,

who is a single pack of murderous criminals (the demonic entity),

because it is Rockefeller's aggression that sets the logic of geopolitics, and a placement response in self-defense.



 UniusREI governor worldwide

jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

these crazy criminals despicable ones have put the sanctions on toilet paper, have stolen and confiscated everything .. and then, they pretend to pay the GAS in euros?

    fottitti c0gli0ne oIo




 UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 1 comments

WATCH: Danny Danon discusses terror wave


to Erdogan [[[ warning open letter ]]] since you are older and above all you are much dumber,

I give you the choice of the weapon

for our divine ordeal duel



 UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 2 comments

After months of delays, US Senate confirms Deborah Lipstadt antisemitism…


Mario Draghi [ no rubli? no GAS ] fottitti oIo




 UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 68 comments

Ukraine shows hating Israel isn’t about the Palestinians – opinion


Qatar 2022, hypocritical Masonic "Fifa": he says: "suspending Russia was not an easy decision." really?


Rockefeller Sap & Co gathers all his orc cubs in ja-Bull-On and Allah kneels there, with all the legions of demons of religions and all their governments: NWO FED IMF ECB Spa&co BM UE USA OTAN OCI Riad.

the only monetary power of sodom that stands against Russia Israel China and against me: UniusREI




 UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 7 comments

Marking 'Land Day,' anti-Israel activists rally in New York City

jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

I, on the other hand, thought that they had come out to protest the uninterrupted UN Islamic genocides of the UMMA

which have lasted for 1400 years and which have done:

the genocide of previous 50 Christian nations, etc. etc .. and which have made 1.2 billion innocent victims!



 UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 11 comments

Student expelled from a-cappella group after facing ‘antisemitic harassment’

jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Ukraine, the Big lgbt Brother Zelensky to Norway: "Supply more energy to more Ukraine and more to the EU"


now, Luxuria told her, who got into bed with a male Slav,

but, when the Slav went down, and he realized that there was the "pisello", where did he think he would find a pu*sy?

then, did the Slav punch so hard against the wall, that if Luxuria did not dodge? now, she would be manure from a long long time ago!



 UniusREI governor worldwide

ECB worried about indirect impact of Russia sanctions.


Russia is a net exporter of: arms, cereals and mines and hydrocarbons, those who thought they could stop Russia with sanctions should be arrested Spa & co. arrested: for forgery, slander, murder, induction to Satanism and threat of extinction of mankind!



 UniusREI governor worldwide

If we take Christians in Nigeria, Pakistan, and 50 other nations of Shariah murderers, are Christians not crushed and suffocated or strangled throughout the antichrist's UN UMMA? but, who cares about them if Ursula the octopus is really a witch from Satan Sodom?

On February 28, Natalie Shclover entered the Homer Babbidge Library, where she saw, stuck to the walls and scattered all over the floors, hundreds of leaflets showing a map of Israel juxtaposed with an image of a strangled child and a photo of the president of Israel. Radenka Maric University.



 UniusREI governor worldwide

The publication of this post has been canceled as it violates the Standards of Satan Allah and Sodom. To re-publish it, update the content to make sure it adheres to the guidelines.


LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️kingdom of Israel King LorenzoJHWH

Draft Dec 5, 2021

Christian conscript dies

LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️kingdom of Israel King LorenzoJHWH

Draft 30 Jun 2016

SAUDI ARABIA SATANIST sharjah genocide Riyadh murderer

LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️kingdom of Israel King LorenzoJHWH


December 12, 2014

SAUDI CABA jihad UMMA nazi

LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️kingdom of Israel King LorenzoJHWH


December 12, 2014

AKBAR, ARABIA, Allah, GALAXY JIHADISTA SHARIA, Satan, Saudi, Pharisees, Freemasons, Talmud Quran

SAUDI OGM Wahhabi Satanist assassin jihad ISIS UMMA

LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️kingdom of Israel King LorenzoJHWH


December 5, 2021


We have received the review request. When the blog is re-evaluated, we will send you an email at



 UniusREI governor worldwide

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Isaac Herzog President of Israel [] open letter [] yes I wrote to all the embassies saying: "tatam the Messiah is here" but I don't think google sent them my message

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This isn't spam »

satan Spa & co sodom have said that I have violated the rights of the Beast Rochefeller and his witch Rothschild!

This blog is under review due to possible violations of the Blogger Terms of Service and is open to authors only.

http://uniusreiorwarw666imf Blogspot Com/



 UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 4 comments

Do Religious Zionists and Hamas share common goal? Seems so, claims…

jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

"Ben-Gvir the victim shoah and Hamas (allah uh akbar and 1400 years of sharia genocide) have a common interest: To set the country on fire,"

the criminal terrorist assassin Knesset Member Ben-Barak told.

    ANSWER. please Bin Salman answer me




 UniusREI governor worldwide

jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Zelenscky continuously declares war on Russia, every day,

but everyone wants Russia to stop the conflict!

because when Zelensky: declares that he does not want to give up on the integrity of Ukraine then, he declares to be the legitimate and legal successor of Viktor Janukovyč

who instead suffered a CIA coup and his people suffered pogroms and genocides for 8 years by the EU




 UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 19 comments

US 'stands firmly and resolutely with Israel' in face of terror, Biden tells…

Israel must not beg a foreign, alien, sodomic demonic entity Rockefeller Spa & Co

its national security.

US 'stands firmly and resolutely with Israel' in face of terror, Biden tells Bennett




 UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 2 comments

Herzog meets King Abdullah in bid for Ramadan calm

jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Israel must not beg a foreign sharia terrorist entity for its national security




 UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 16 comments

IDF reinforces police with IDF combat soldiers, bolsters troops after deadly…

Fedez, pseudonym of Federico Leonardo Lucia, is an Italian rapper, yes, he is really a good guy, only he got tattoo : 1. profanation, 2. sacrilege, 3. blasphemy and 4. demonic symbols to obtain from Satana Spa & co Rockefeller success and money,

and of course, he got all this from Sodoma Spa & Co Rothschild.

it is not the first time that these cowards, they hide behind their children to prevent me from hitting them, but I am patient and I will wait for the children to grow!



 UniusREI governor worldwide

jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

then twetter lgbt as he saw that I was campaigning for Trump, a month before the elections he blocked my channel, and those twetters in Scotland said: "they blocked you in the US, but there is no reason , and they shouldn't have done that "



 UniusREI governor worldwide

evolutionxcrimeideological blogspot Com/

Sodom's censorship against the King of Israel FED IMF ECB NWO Spa & co.

google Sodom Satan Allah have demanded the destruction of contents guaranteed by the Constitution (that is, if someone thinks that I do not know how to speak and write well)

El islamismo relevo of communism

LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️kingdom of Israel King LorenzoJHWH


1 Nov 2021

Mecca Kaaba Allah he already knows

LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️kingdom of Israel King LorenzoJHWH


2 Nov 2021


LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️kingdom of Israel King LorenzoJHWH


2 Nov 2021


Rothschild hybrids synthetic humanity

LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️kingdom of Israel King LorenzoJHWH


2 Nov 2021

IMF Illuminati Islamic terrorists, Arab League, Masonic conspiracy, UN, Rothschild, Satan, Spa, EU




 UniusREI governor worldwide



European gas flies over 120 euros after the warning from Moscow. Citi: Italy risks lockdown.


this is the consequence of russophobia, and all the CIA slander that NATO EU US has sponsored, just because Erdogan Riyad and Rockefeller need world war, to give Allah and Satan the whole planet.

Allah and Satan? are 2 lgbtq each with each other



 UniusREI governor worldwide

European gas flies over 120 euros after the warning from Moscow. Citi: Italy risks lockdown.


this is the consequence of russophobia, and all the CIA slander that NATO EU US sponsored, just because Erdogan Riyadh and Rockefeller need world war



 UniusREI governor worldwide

jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

why these big sheep of satan sodom's parliamentarians, they think that the loss of a nephew or a son in war, or of seeing their homeland razed to the ground, is something less serious than their parliamentary chair?




 UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 2 comments

Watch: Police force eliminates Palestinian terrorist

shalom + salam my brother Bin Salman



 UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 4 comments

WATCH: Paramedic recounts scene of B'nei Brak shooting attack

Rockefeller Satana Rothschild] open letter [why, you have locked up these Israelis,

and their brothers in the spell of terror witch kabbalah sharia jihad?

you know me, that existed my dominion, and that I would have defended and avenged them!

and you shouldn't have dared to attack the Russians, while I wanted the destruction of the ARAB LEAGUE?

Palestinians or Muslims are not guilty of being born here,

but is it the ARAB LEAGUE, which transformed them into terrorists for the sharia law of genocide and imperialism, here in Israel as in the whole world? it is the OCI Riad Iran Erdogan, who is responsible

there is always someone that is responsible and whoever made a mistake must pay!

for the Jiahdist galaxy of terror!

that's why, until the ARAB LEAGUE is punished for being a global threat?

in the meantime, all Palestinians and also all Muslims must be deported to Syria!

there is always someone that is responsible and whoever made a mistake must pay!



 UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 22 comments

Hours after B’nei Brak terror attack, Palestinians cross illegally into Israel

Palestinians or Muslims are not guilty of being born here,

but is it the ARAB LEAGUE, which transformed them into terrorists for the sharia law of genocide and imperialism, here in Israel as in the whole world? it is the OCI Riad Iran Erdogan, who is responsible for the Jiahdist galaxy of terror!

that's why, until the ARAB LEAGUE is punished for being a global threat?

in the meantime, all Palestinians and also all Muslims must be deported to Syria!




 UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 23 comments

Arabs: Biden administration harming US interests

jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

to President Joe Biden's cursed, demonic soul.

son of perdition. and friend of all the murderers and hypocrites of this planet,

you will not be able to make war in Europe but, you will have to come here to fight the Chinese in Saudi arabia



 UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 12 comments

Multiple terror scares around Israel as tensions run high

open letter to Bin ISIS Salman wahhabis ]

ok you accept me and live, or Reject me and Die



 UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 137 comments

Legal watchdog files lawsuit accusing Swedish hospital of antisemitic…

Bro. Nick Nicholas


-- Acceptand live, or Reject and Die ---



 UniusREI governor worldwide


this does not appear to me



 UniusREI governor worldwide


I came in the name of the God of Abraham Isaac Jacob and Moses

yet you did not receive me!



 UniusREI governor worldwide


I have terrorized all the priests of satan of the NWO in youtube, to get here (as the hope of israel), and sure, now, I will certainly not harm all of you now, here, that you are about to die in the world war , because you did not know how to believe in me!



 UniusREI governor worldwide


the most unfortunate thing about trolls like you? is to make reckless and insults without proof.

but, what if the Holy Spirit loses his patience? then your mother will cry! go son, don't make your mom like you



 UniusREI governor worldwide


mistic Maria Valtorta and spiritual my personal intuition, i like Gandhi, i remove my s*s*ual relation with my wife



 UniusREI governor worldwide


you are insulting me, and this is a bad deed against me,

stop disrespecting me and you will not find yourself scratched, because God did not send me to hurt sinners



 UniusREI governor worldwide


God in the earthly paradise had foreseen sexual procreation only for animals.

Thus Adam and Eve were united to the angelic dominion, and they would have children by the gift of the Holy Spirit.

but, the original sin which was a sexual sin, because Eve wanted to control by her his procreation: it led the human dominion to associate with the animal dominion, that's why we all lost communion with the angelic dominion.

therefore God's thoughts are eternal, and God tolerates sexual intercourse only in marriage, but He doesn't want them here for us either!



 UniusREI governor worldwide


stop fighting against me: I am Unius REI and no demonic or angelic, or human creature can win me!

don't hurt yourself, I don't have a religious mission to do, and I'm not here to defend Christianity, I'm a metaphysical king and rational agnostic!: only



 UniusREI governor worldwide


I'm not proselytizing, that's not my purpose here relax youself!

also because the sodom satans are Jews, and Satanists, and have corrupted all religions (absolutely all) and I myself would not know where to direct believers and seekers in spirit and truth!



 UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 6 comments

Ahead of Passover, Homeland Security steps up effort to protect Jewish…

Too many Jewish institutions are wondering if they will be next. Too many in Brooklyn, New York and elsewhere are already dealing with the reality of the anti-Semitic attacks that keep coming.


God JHWH holy is offended by all Jews, especially Jews of the Diaspora, who will be beaten spit slaughtered and murdered all over the world.

because aliyah is a sacred duty that they do not want to do, and because their dem-plutocrats spa & Co, are the parasites of the banking and Masonic mafia seigniorage, in the midst of all peoples!



 UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 23 comments

Mahmoud Abbas condemns B'nei Brak terror, but so what?

jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

and now, these shameless sodom satan,

1. they sealed and fortified and enriched Russia and China!

2. they have ruined all the peoples of the planet!

3. They have pushed 2 billion people on this planet into despair.

because they have made their enslaved peoples pay for their wickedness.

Since they are a demonic and supernatural entity of Rothschild serving enemy and alien interests! of Big pharma occult unmentionable obscene and murderous ..

in fact the scientists in Italy Israel France etc. they weren't able to produce a vaccine piss which they also made in Cuba (where they haven't invented toilet paper yet, but they have the vaccine, while Israel can't have it)!




 UniusREI governor worldwide

jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

in all this time (from 14 years ago), the CIA slanders against Russians all over the world have begun,

in the CIA they also synthesized novichioch in the UK, to blame the Russians.

But the Russians are the most: 1. loyal, 2. loving, 3. friend and, 4. most lover of sincere friendship, that we have on this planet,

but, the violence that was done against them? it was too brutal a violence!

God damn this scum of Mario Draghi, Macron Trudeu lgbtq Rockefeller, who is this scum coming out of Hell!




 UniusREI governor worldwide

jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

when did CIA agents infiltrate Maidan Square? the rioters threw the bottles full of petrol (molov) with the catapults at the police, then, they perjured, all their promises and agreements with Janucovic, because the CIA with the snipers killed 100 innocent people in that square, and it is in this way, that the satan OTAN sodom took the Ucriana.

and then, there were pogroms, persecution of political opponents and Russian speakers, abolition of the Russian language, etc. .etc .. then, there were 14,000 deaths in Donbass,

and all this for Draghi Is Ursula Borrell? this is their democracy




 UniusREI governor worldwide

yes Mahmoud " bum bum bum jihad akbar sharia bum bum bum" Abbas condemns B’nei Brak terror,




 UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 137 comments

Legal watchdog files lawsuit accusing Swedish hospital of antisemitic…


And it wasn't the first time, that I banged a Jew like a b*t*h, and it won't be the last



 UniusREI governor worldwide


Is it because the High Sanhedrin has maligned/cursed all Jews? because everyone obviously wanted to become Christians,

that's why 2000 years ago the pantheist Hindu swastika of the fake star of David was anointed and the paternal genalogies were destroyed! why the Kingdom of the world that Satan wanted to take away from your Rockefeller SpaCo Rothschild to give to Jesus? that contract was not successful!

that's why you too will end up in hell with them, for their and your wickedness!



 UniusREI governor worldwide


I am firstborn, consecrated before being conceived in my mother's womb, I was baptized in 24 hours, I belong to a lineage of nobility: faith, courage and honor, precious men were all my ancestors!

today I am a metaphysician, historian, theologian, philosopher, exegete, expert in economics and scientific popularizer, in fact

I am a 61 year old high school teacher



 UniusREI governor worldwide


even women say to the dog: "my son".

Jews and Muslims are by nature human and with angels they are servants of God.

but only the biblical Pentecostal Christians assume the same divine nature as God himself. through Jesus the Word ..

now do not be like Lucifer, who out of envy lost his position and destroyed his eternal life.

do not disappoint me and do not make yourself a Christian



 UniusREI governor worldwide


Psalms 110. The Messiah, King and Priest.

1. Psalm of David.

The LORD (jhwh father) said to my Lord (lorenzoJHWH Unius REI):

"Sit on my right (so I'm sitting in the center of God's throne)

until I have made your enemies your footstool. "

2. The LORD will spread out the scepter of your power from Zion.

He rules in the midst of your enemies!

3. Your people offer themselves willingly

when you gather your army.

Parade of holiness, from the bosom of dawn

your youth comes to you like dew.

4. The LORD has sworn and will not repent:

"You are a Priest for ever,

according to the order of Melchizedek ».

5. The Lord (JHWH son Jesus), on your right hand,

crushes kings in the day of his anger,

6. he judges the peoples,

he piles up the corpses,

he crushes the heads of enemies in a vast territory.

7. he quenches his thirst in the stream along the way,

and therefore he will hold his head high.

now you will respond with your blood for this revelation



 UniusREI governor worldwide


prove it



 UniusREI governor worldwide


you Jews? you let the beautiful and good Messiah Jesus of Bethlehem escape you, and now you have to be satisfied with me: the idiot messiah!



 UniusREI governor worldwide


but, you forgot to explain psalm 110, where your King David calls me "my Lord!"



 UniusREI governor worldwide


of course, I am a proud Catholic, Biblical fundamentalist, Pentecostal, born again, and rational agnostic: lorenzo JHWH King of Israel Messiah, lorenzoALLAH Mahdi, etc .. etc .. and universal and eternal ruler of the kingdom of God, and ruler of all the nations of this planet: UniusREI!



 UniusREI governor worldwide


my modesty? I am worth much less than you as a brain-intelligence, prudence and malice!

but, as a celestial and terrestrial political ministry?

I am the most powerful creature that God created in the whole history of mankind: because I am the metaphysical man (the son of man) a rational agnostic.

but what am I privately in my inner identity as a son of God?

this is not something that concerns others, other than me alone!


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