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33 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa and Mosques of Sharia Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI) 33 ANNI fa, Sinagoghe di Satana Spa e Moschee di Sharia Allah, decisero che io avrei dovuto diventare il Re di Israele (lorenzoJHWH) e un Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani (Unius REI)
Arab MK condemns Arabs who serve in IDF or police, a ‘disgrace’
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
a few seconds ago
An ecclesiastical leader and two of his family Bitrus Manjang murdered.
A prominent Nigerian church leader was recently a victim of Islamic violence in Plateau state.
Bitrus Manjang came vice president of the Church of Xrist in Nigeria was assassinated last December in his house in Riyom about forty-five kilometers from the city of Jos.
The rev. Manjang was shot down by a gang of Muslim rioters as he got out of his car.
The daughter-in-law and 6-year-old grandson also perished in the attack.
http: // web tiscali It / martyrs / Indone htm
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
a minute ago
Pastor Manjang left the pastorate five years ago to take care of translating the Bible into several tribal languages of Nigeria.
His death was another consequence of the continuing jihad against c*h*ristian leaders in the Nigerian state of Plateau.
The Mission for the Persecuted Church continues to help the c**ristian victims of persecution and violence in Nigeria, among other things by providing medical assistance to our suffering brothers and sisters in the state of Plateau just before Xistmas.
http: // web tiscali It / martyrs / Indone htm
Miss-world contest transferred from Nigeria to London in November 2002:
over 200 deaths; If an article is capable of unleashing all of this, a mighty energy of fanaticism and death is present in present-day Islam.
Many of these dead are c*ri*tians overwhelmed by the fury of fanaticism.
These killings have been disguised by our media as:
"inter-religious clashes."
http: // web tiscali It / martyrs http: // web tiscali It / martyrs / Missmondo hTM
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
a minute ago
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
2 minutes ago
The repression by the government of Islamist movements such as the Muslim Brotherhood is considered by Amnesty International to harm human rights and freedom of conscience in some cases referring to 1998.
http: // web tiscali It / martyrs / Nigeria htm
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
3 minutes ago
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
6 minutes ago
sentries have been posted, and in most cases they are unarmed and tied up.
A priest who replies that he has no money with him informs "Fides" he is beaten up and seriously injured.
In the archdiocese of Onitsha alone, the "KNA" of February 17, 1998 informs the twenty-two novitiate parishes and seminaries by storm. In some dioceses almost every single parish has been attacked.
The Catholic Church in the country has repeatedly turned to the authority for this problem but so far there has been no confirmation of the facts despite progress in the field of human rights also underlined by a declaration of the Nigerian Bishops' Conference of September 1998 in which however,
the return of the Catholic schools seized in the 1970s is requested.
http: // web tiscali It / martyrs / Nigeria htm
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
8 minutes ago
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
8 minutes ago
yes persecuted. It's crazy that you don't want to see it. Even more inexplicable if we consider that the Church with its works of charity, its global call to solidarity and fraternity and its missionaries, thousands of men and women who give their lives to others, does not pursue designs of power, teaches respect for the authorities. public also rushes to and eagerly helps non-Christian populations who are in need in any part of the world without ever making distinctions. For example, during the international crisis relating to Afghanistan on December 20, 2001, the CEI allocated three billion from 8 per thousand to the aid of the Afghan populations who are all Muslim. They are added to the thirty billion already allocated by the international CARITAS together with the 1 billion and 435,000,000 million collected in the churches on the day of prayer of December 14th. All this although in Afghanistan it is still not even allowed to celebrate a mass. Responsibility and Working Group CLARIFICATIONS http: // web tiscali It / martiri / Indeo html We warmly thank all those who have granted us the authorization to publish their articles and all those who tacitly grant them to us because we have not been able to contact them within the limits of the possible we have always cited the sources both for the appreciation of the intellectual work done and for advertising. We are available for any clarification. Thanks!
NIGERIA. "Fides" in 1998 describes the religious balance of Nigeria as numerically divided between Muslims and Christians almost equally. Attacks against church buildings occur, attacks on the baptized, but in reality there are better relationships within than appears externally. In the south, religious conversion from Islam to Christianity is possible while in the north it is not allowed. In this part of the country there are the greatest clashes here Islam has been present since 1200 and the power of the emirs today limits the construction of Catholic schools and churches.
In the south there is greater tolerance.
The visit of the Holy Father to Nigeria for the beatification of Father Tansi brought the hope of reconciliation and broke the isolation imposed by the international community. The latter had its causes in the cancellation of the elections and the Abacha coup in 1993 for the execution of the death sentence against the writer Ken Saro-Wiwa and eight leaders of the Ogoni ethnic minority and the death sentence for the Nobel laureate of literature Wole Soyinka now a refugee in the United States.
The Holy Father asked for the release of 60 political prisoners and wanted to relaunch dialogue with Muslims. Mgr. John Fasina bishop of Ijebu-Ode in an interview with "Fides" highlighted some aspects of the religious question in Nigeria. Coming from a Muslim family of Yoruba ethnicity, Msgr.
Fasina converted to Christianity at the age of 19 while his other brothers continued to practice Islam. The possibility of conversion from one religion to another - explains Msgr. Fasina - not a rare occurrence among the Yoruba unlike what happens in the north where this would be inadmissible. The "State Departement Report on Religion Freedom" cites two cases of persecution the state of Kwara in March 1996 imposed the forced closure of Christian schools that refused to teach Islamic doctrines.
These schools had taken this action in response to the Islamic ones who had rejected the teaching of Christian doctrines. After the transfer of the military governor, the schools were reopened. The state of Kwara was the scene of acts of violence against Christians in March 1997 when a group of soldiers beat and whipped some members of the Christian Association of Nigeria during the Palm Sunday procession in the locality of Ilorin. A captain parked his car along the path of the procession in the middle of the road; when asked to move the car he ordered some soldiers stationed nearby to attack the procession. Some members of the Christian Association were arrested and held in prison for two days. In 1997 in Ogwasi-Uku the diocesan Rev. Ngozi Isidi lost his life for his faith. However, Catholic parishes and priests are increasingly the victims of theft and armed attacks.
Between December 1997 and January 1998 about ten priests were victims of attacks. For the most part the assaults take place in the north near the archdiocese of Kaduna, that is to say in the center of the Vatican missionary congregation. Archbishop Peter Jatau has invited parish priests and religious to a more strenuous defense through a circular. Other dioceses have also been subjected to thefts and robberies. Furthermore, the attacks are mainly aimed at the offerings collected by the faithful. In defense of churches and pa
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
9 minutes ago
IT IS INTOLERABLE THAT UN BE A SATANIST TO THE POINT THAT HE CAN ACSEE IN YOUR CONs * s * O NATIONS WHICH HAVE NOT VERY CLEAR THE SOLEMN AND FUNDAMENTAL HUMAN RIGHTS! AND THIS IS THE ONLY WORLD WAR THAT SHOULD BE ALLOWED BY THE CANNIBAL PRIESTS OF SATAN ROTHSCILD OBAMA CIA BORN AND BUSH THE OWL! 11/18/2015. IRAQ. Baghdad Patriarch Satisfied with the changes to the law on the Islamization of children. by Joseph Mahmoud. The Iraqi Parliament has started the process to change the controversial rule by accepting the requests of Christians and other minorities. A gesture of "justice" and "equality" that puts all citizens on the same level. For Mar Sako it is an "important message" and a "proof of democracy". Baghdad (AsiaNews) - "I express great satisfaction with the decision of the Iraqi Parliament which has decided to modify" the controversial article 26 of the Constitution concerning the Islamization of children. “This decision shows support and is an important message for the [Christian] minority of Iraq. And it is also a way to demonstrate democracy ". The Chaldean patriarch Mar Louis Raphael I Sako does not hide his satisfaction from AsiaNews at the decision of the parliamentary assembly to revise the law which automatically considers children with at least one Islamic faith as Muslims. Yesterday, the deputies voted on a resolution that modifies the law by accepting the requests made by the representatives of minorities led by the Christian community. In recent months, an amendment was presented that provided that minors remain in the religion of birth for up to 18 years and then decide their faith in a personal way. But at the end of October the Iraqi Parliament rejected this proposal, raising the protest of the Iraqi Christian community and the leaders of the Chaldean Church.
Patriarch Sako himself had issued a very harsh note in which he threatened to bring the matter before the international tribunal and to denounce the same parliamentarians. The leaders of the Chaldean Church had also promoted a street protest (in the photo) in the days following the document by gathering in front of the church of San Giorgio in Baghdad; Members of the Chaldean Association and members of the Muslim community also joined the demonstration.
With a vote that came yesterday, the Iraqi Parliament therefore decided to amend art. 26 of the Constitution with a favorable opinion expressed by 140 deputies out of a total of 206. The Chamber therefore gave voice to the protests of civil organizations and some parliamentary colleagues belonging to minorities who had fought vigorously for the approval of the amendment on "Islamization of children".
For the Iraqi Christian community it is a gesture of "justice" and "equality" that truly puts all citizens on an equal footing as well as a fundamental step in the direction of "freedom and democracy in Iraq". "The Chaldean patriarchate - reads a note released in these hours - thanks all the parliamentarians and all those who have spent their time in modifying this unjust article". http: // www asianews En / news-en / Patriarch-of-Baghdad: -Satisfied-with-the-changes-to-the-law-on-% E2% 80% 99-islamization-of-children-35908 html
who is? why did he do it? ] [SARAJEVO NOV 19 - A man armed with an automatic rifle killed two soldiers of the Bosnian army last night in a suburb of Sarajevo. Soon after, the man fired on a public transport bus, injuring a third soldier and two other passengers. According to the newspaper Dnevni Avaz, the murderer then committed suicide. Government emergency meetings and security forces officers. The Armed Forces have been placed on alert. Strengthened security in all military installations.
Venezuela Maduro reviewing US relations Following US espionage activities.
ISLAM HAS A NAZI CRIMINAL SHARIA PROBLEM INSIDE IT TO FACE ASAP BUT Obama SAYING "Russia-Iran decide future Syria" AFTER FILLING AND ARMING SYRIA WITH TERRORISTS THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE! Obama must be shot for spreading Islamic terrorism around the world! HE SHOULD NEVER HAVE NEVER HAD TO USE TERRORISTS TO KEEP ASSAD OUT IN RESPECT OF THE SOVEREIGN WILL OF THE SYRIAN PEOPLE AND OUTSIDE A UN MANDATE! Whether to support Assad or "save the Syrian state" MANILA NOV 19 - Russia and Iran must decide whether they want to support Syrian President Bashar Assad or "save the Syrian state" by seeking a legitimate government, President Barack Obama said. Assad "cannot regain legitimacy" and it is unthinkable to stop the civil war without Assad leaving power.
Thus - adds Horowitz, recalling some noble causes - "an intellectual elite who in their interventions had the Buddhists of Tibet at heart, the Jews of the former Soviet Union and the Muslims of Bosnia find it easy to reject the idea that Christians can equally be victims" . Yet they are too
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
9 minutes ago
does it have its reasons 100%? even WHEN DOES NOT EVEN HAVE THE COURAGE TO ASK FOR THE REMOVAL OF MONETARY SOVEREIGNTY FROM THE ROTHSCHILD PHARISEES IN ORDER TO RETURN IT TO THE PEOPLE SLAVED BY Spa? ] [Behind this attempt at dialogue there are some authoritative figures. One is Mohamed-Ali Bouharb who in 2005 became the first Muslim chaplain of the National Gendarmerie part of the Ministry of Defense. In his daily work Bouharb clashes with his army superiors, having to explain to them very simple things such as the practices of faith, his rites and diet; he must also deal with Muslim soldiers who reluctantly accept the idea of going to fight in Afghanistan and the Sahel region.
THE CONSEQUENCE OF ALL THIS IS THE WAR OF THE WEST AGAINST THE ARAB LEAGUE WHICH IN ITS TIME IS 100% RIGHT WHEN HE DOESN'T EVEN HAVE THE COURAGE TO DEMAND THE REMOVAL OF MONETARY SOVEREIGNTY FROM THE ROTHSCHILD PHARISEI TO RETURN IT TO THE SLAVED PEOPLES! ] [11/16/2015. FRANCE - ISLAM. Massacre of Paris the failure of Muslim integration in Europe. by Catherine Field. The attack on the heart of France highlights the crisis of the model of coexistence on the continent. Social hardship, poverty and marginalization fuel the extremism and radicalization of the younger generations. The testimony of a New Zealand journalist expert in faiths and interreligious dialogue. Her story of her journey within the French Muslim world. Paris (AsiaNews) - The Paris massacre highlights once again the crisis of the model of coexistence between the West and the Muslim world, denouncing in all its extent the failure of the model of integration of young Muslims, particularly in the model of European society. Marginalization and poverty become the pretext for a radicalization of life which finds an answer to social unease in religion.
The Islamic State frees 22 Assyrian Christians from the Hassaké area
19/10/2015 SYRIA
Syria Air raids hit Islamic State convoy at least 40 dead terrorists
09/11/2015 LEBANON-SYRIA
First official visit to Lebanon by Ignatius Ephrem II Syrian Orthodox patriarch
16/02/2015 ISLAM-EUROPE
Attack on Europe Islamic terrorism opens a new era
12/10/2015 RUSSIA - SYRIA
Not only raids, Russia is pushing the diplomatic front for a solution in Syria
http: // www asianews It / news-en / Patriarch-Younan: -L% E2% 80% 99Isis-can't-be-defeated-with-raids, -l% E2% 80% 99 i-Christians-35909 html
FRANCE - ISLAM. Paris Massacre highlights the failure of Muslim integration in Europe. by Catherine Field The attack in the heart of France highlights the crisis of Europe’s model of coexistence. Social unrest poverty and marginalisation feed youth extremism and radicalization. A New Zealander journalist expert on expertise in religion and interfaith dialogue talks about it after undertaking a journey through the French Muslim world.
08/07/2015 SYRIA
More than 60 Christians among 230 Syrian civilians abducted by the Islamic State in al-Qaryatain
http: // www asianews It / news-en / More-than-60-Christians-among-230-Syrian-civilians-abducted-by-the-Islamic-State-in-al-Qaryatain-34989 html
03/13/2015 SYRIA
Nuncio to Syria has no news about abducted Christians but is "confident" in a positive outcome
08/12/2015 SYRIA
The Islamic State frees 22 Assyrian Christians in the Hassaké area
http: // www asianews It / news-en / The-Islamic-State-frees-22-Assyrian-Christians-in-% E2% 80% 8B% E2% 80% 8BHassak% C3% A9-area-35018 html
03/09/2015 SYRIA
BREAKING NEWS Not all Christian hostages in Syria freed more families abductedhttp: // www asianews It / news-en / BREAKING-NEWS: -Not-all-Christian-hostages-in-Syria-freed, -more-families-abducted-33665 html
02/25/2015 SYRIA
IS abducts 150 Christians rapes and kills women a "tragic situation" for vicar to Aleppo
http: // www asianews It / news-en / IS-abducts-150-Christians, -rapes-and-kills-women, -a-tragic-situation-for-vicar-to-Aleppo-33561 html
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Discussion on World Israel News 20 comments
Arab MK condemns Arabs who serve in IDF or police, a ‘disgrace’
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
11 minutes ago
CURSED DISGRACED EVIL MURDERERS SONS OF THE DEMON TUTTI i Masoni S.p.A. Pharisees Darwin GENDER Bildenberg S.p.A. FED ECB IMF Central Banks Rothschild S.p.A. NWO BUSH CIA MERKEL TROIKA have betrayed all the innocent Christian martyrs of the world by having them killed by the other beasts of satan like them ONE ANTIXto MURDERER THIEF USURIER AND MAHOMET SHARIA! ] BUT HOW DO YOU THINK YOU CAN SURVIVE YOUR Wickedness?
11/18/2015. EGYPT - SYRIA. Patriarch Younan IS cannot be defeated with air raids the West has betrayed Christians. by Rafic Greiche. The head of the Syrian Catholic Church Mar Ignace Youssif III Younan accuses Western governments of perpetuating an "endless conflict in Syria" out of regional interests. The terrorists who use Islam as an excuse for violence "have already infiltrated Europe supported by money from Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States under the supervision of Western governments." Pope Francis "true defender of justice is deeply pained by what is happening in Syria and Iraq." Cairo (AsiaNews) - The terrorists of the so-called Islamic State "have already infiltrated in European populations. For years they have received money weapons and religious indoctrination from Saudi Arabia and the Gulf countries with the supervision of the West. To claim that the solution is to carry out air strikes [in Syria and Iraq ed] is a lie "says the patriarch of the Syrian Catholic Church Ignace Youssif III Younan in" Le Messager "a magazine published by the Catholic Church in Egypt. In a long interview the patriarch accuses Western governments of wanting to "perpetuate the endless conflict in Syria" and of having "betrayed the Christians of the East. We explained from the beginning that our situation was different from that of other nations in the region they were not listened to. And now we mourn deaths over the past five years. "Below the full interview Italian translation by AsiaNews. ***** Beatitude what is the current situation for the Syrian people and especially Christians? At the moment the situation in Iraq and Syria is dramatic and all the Syrian people are living in pain. We as pastors we must be close to our people and help them to the best of our ability. The Syrian Catholics (as well as other churches like the Chaldeans Assyrians and Syriac Orthodox) have lived for centuries in eastern Syria close to the River Rafi Din. But we had never moved west or to Lebanon as we have in these days.
Our presence extended to Iran Afghanistan and India. The hills of Afghanistan known as Tora Bora are named after a Syrian term which means 'the darker hills'. Today we are trapped in a terrible situation Sunni and Shia sectarian and ethnic problems criminal gangs called Isis and other terrorist groups who use Islam as an excuse to "purify" areas under their control in the name of religion and Muslims scholars who tell us that Islam is alien to these facts. We Christians are not able to live in this chaos that produces militias armed gangs terrorist groups and Islamic parties. But when we maintain a firm stand against these phenomena then the West accuses us of being dictatorial. Yet the story does not matter if there is a caliph a king an emir a prince or a president of the Republic; at least until these can guarantee peace and security to the minorities. When chaos broke out after the invasion of Iraq in 2003 we understood the horror of this situation. Western democracies that have conspired against Syria and have produced the destruction of the nation’s infrastructure the demolition of houses towns villages monuments and archaeological sites. This is the result of a foolish politics and of a conspiracy under the pretext of bringing democracy to the region. Our nations do not easily accept democracy because there is no real separation of religion from the state. Minorities beg to be represented in front of the Muslim majority and they feel like immigrants in a foreign land. We Christians have been in these lands for thousands of years long before Islam. The politicians of the West - and in particular those of the United States Britain and France - are in favor of an endless conflict in Iraq and Syria. This has produced groups of terrorists and 'takfiriin' [those who condemn others with apostasy-ed] and Western media are silent cowardly and complicit. This is not defending the truth and justice this is bowing down to those who pay and remaining silent.
All Eastern patriarchs including myself have spoken out clearly to the West from the very beginning "Be careful the situation in Syria is not like the Egyptian Tunisian or Libyan. It is much more complex and conflict will create only chaos and civil war." and responded "No the Assad regime will fall in a few months." Something that has not happened as I predicted. And five years after an innocent people and especially Christians have no support. The West has betrayed us.
***** What is your view of the flow of migrants to Europe? More than two months ago the world was moved by the photograph of the little Aylan who died on the Turkish coast with his brother and mother. But Western governments have another agenda in particular Turkey has changed its policy towards immigrants once it realized that the United Nations and the European Union would not have helped sufficiently. And then Mrs. Merkel announced that Germany would accept 800 thousand migrants.
In this way the flow of migrants has increased as well as the number of those traveling with false documents or other illegal ways to reach Germany or other European countries. It is not just the Syrians even the number of those from other nations has increased. Today the various parts of the world have become much closer to each other. It is inconceivable to think that Daesh [Arabic term for the Islamic state ed] can be defeated with air raids this is a big lie. Because their supporters have infiltrated the population they are financed and have access to weapons and religious indoctrination. For years these terrorist groups were supplied by Saudi Arabia and the Gulf countries under the supervision of the West. Now the Syrians are asking Russia to intervene on the basis of an agreement of military co-ordination. The Syrian government is the legitimate government recognized by the United Nations. We must be practical only 1% of Iraqi citizens is now Christian. If these flee our presence will fade. We do not need words but of deeds.
***** Have you any hope in the Vienna talks? There is hope but I do not know for how much longer.
It is easy to destroy but it's hard to build. In the last five years we have had only destruction and forced migration and it will take time to restart. I hope that these talks will conclude in the best possible way. You participated in Rome at the Synod on the family.
His Holiness Pope Francis is saddened by what is happening to Eastern Christians.yes His Holiness the Pope - as Bishop of Rome successor of St. Peter head of the Catholic Church and the leader of the largest religious community in the world - is full of sorrow for what is happening in the East.
And as the "father" of the Synod he has issued an urgent appeal for solidarity with the Christians of the Middle East. His Holiness di lui is a defender of justice and suggested that the Vatican could host the next conference on the future of Eastern Christians.
It's a shame that the West has abandoned Christians to this situation.
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
13 minutes ago
Hoy en día las diversas partes del mundo se han vuelto mucho más buscando a la otra. No se puede pensar en derrotar a Daesh [término árabe para el Estado islámico ndt] with the ataques aéreos esto es una gran mentira. Debido a que sus conclusiones se han infiltrado en la población que se financian y obtienen armas y adoctrinamiento religioso. Durante años, estos grupos terroristas recibieron cantidades de alimentos provenientes de Arabia Saudita y los países del Golfo bajo la supervisión de Occidente. Ahora los sirios están pidiendo en Rusia intervendrán en la base de un acuerdo sobre la coordinación militar. El gobierno sirio es el gobierno legítimo reconocido por las Naciones Unidas. Debemos ser prácticos solo el 1% de los ciudadanos iraquíes ahora es Christian. Si escapan ellos nuestra presencia se desvanecerá. No necesitamos palabras sino hechos. **** ¿Qué hay de la conversación en Viena? Hay esperanza pero no auto por cuanto tiempo. Destruir es facil pero es dificil de construir. En los últimos cinco años hemos tenido solamente la destrucción y la migración forzada y se necesitará tiempo para reiniciar. Espero que estas conversaciones lleguen a la conclusión de la mejor manera posible. Participó en Roma en el Sínodo sobre la familia. Su Santidad Francisco está triste por haber sucedido a los cristianos de Oriente. Sí a la Santidad el Papa -como Obispo de Roma sucesor de San Pedro jefe de la Iglesia Católica y parte superior de la comunidad religiosa más grande del mundo- es doloroso por lo que está pasando en el Este. Y como "padre" del Sínodo emitió un llamamiento urgente a la solidaridad con los cristianos de Oriente Medio. Sobre Santidad es un defensor de la justicia y sugirió que el Vaticano acoja la próxima conferencia sobre el futuro de los cristianos de Oriente. Es un castigo que Occidente de los cristianos en esta situación. * Director de "Le Messager" y locutor de la Iglesia Católica de Egipto
http: // www asianews It / news-en / Patriarch-Younan: -L% E2% 80% 99Isis-no-puede-ser-derrotado-con-ataques, -l% E2% 80% 99 i-Christians-35909 html
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
14 minutes ago
i masoni S.p.A. Fariseos Darwin GÉNERO Bildenberg S.p.A. FED BCE FMI Bancos Centrales Rothschild S.p.A. NWO BUSH CIA MERKEL TROIKA ha traicionado a todos los mártires cristianos inocentes del mundo haciéndolos matar por las otras bestias de satanás como ellos ¡UN ANTIXTO ASESINO LADRÓN USURADOR Y MAHOMET SHARIA! ] PERO, ¿CÓMO CREES QUE PUEDES SOBREVIVIR TU MALDAD? HAS DEFANEADO EL SANTO NOMBRE DE DIOS JHWH [18/11/2015. EGIPTO - SIRIA. El patriarca Younan Isis no será derrotado con bombardeos Occidente ha traicionado a los cristianos. de Rafic Greiche. El jefe de la Iglesia Católica Siria Mar Ignace Youssif III Younan acusa a los gobiernos occidentales de mantener un "conflicto interminable en Siria" por voluntad hegemónica. Los terroristas que usan el Islam como excusa para la violencia "ya están infiltrados en Europa con el apoyo de dinero de Arabia Saudita y los Estados del Golfo bajo la supervisión de los gobiernos occidentales". El Papa Francisco "verdadero defensor de la justicia está lleno de dolor por lo que está sucediendo en Siria e Irak". El Cairo (AsiaNews) - Los terroristas del llamado Estado Islámico "ya se infiltraron en las poblaciones europeas. Durante años han recibido dinero armas y adoctrinamiento religioso de Arabia Saudita y los países del Golfo con la supervisión de Occidente. Decir que la solución pasa por ataques aéreos en Siria [ndt] es una mentira". Así lo dice el patriarca de la Iglesia Siro-Católica Ignace Youssif III Younan en "Le Messager" órgano de prensa de la Iglesia católica en Egipto. En una largesa el patriarca acusa a los gobiernos occidentales de querer "mantener el interminable conflicto en Siria" y de haber "traicionado a los cristianos de Oriente. Fuimos escuchados. Y ahora estamos padeciendo cinco años de luto". A continuación la entrevista completa traducción de AsiaNews. Beatitud **** ¿Cuál es la situación de los sirios y especialmente de los cristianos? Por el momento la situación en Irak y Siria es dramática y todo el pueblo sirios vive en el dolor. Nosotros como pastores debemos estar busca de nuestra gente y les ayudamos en lo mejor de nuestra capacidad. Los católicos sirios (así como otras iglesias como los cortios asirios y siro-ortodoxa) han vivido durante siglos en el este de Siria quest del río Rafi Din. Pero nunca nos habíamos movido al oeste o al Líbano como en estos días. Nuestra presencia también es hizo Irán Afganistán y la India. La colina de Afganistán conocida como Tora Bora toma el nombre de un término sirio que significa "cerros oscuros". Hoy estamos atrapados en una situación terrible sunitas y chiítas problemas sectarios y bandas étnicas criminales llamadas Isis y otros grupos terroristas que utilizan el Islam como excusa para "purificar" el nombre de la religión en las zonas bajo su control y los eruditos. Los musulmanes nos dicen que el Islam es ajeno a estos hechos. Nosotros los cristianos no podemos vivir en este caos que produce milicias bandas armadas terroristas grupos y partidos islámicos. Pero cuando mantenemos una posición firme contra estos fenómenos, entonces Occidente nos acusaba de ser dictatorial. Sin embargo la historia no importa si hay un califa un rey un emir un príncipe o un presidente de la República; al menos hasta que se guarente la paz y la seguridad de las mínimas. Cuando el caos se después de la invasión de Irak en 2003 hasta hoy hemos entendido el horror de esta situación. Las democracias occidentales que han conspirado contra Siria han producido la destrucción de la infraestructura de la nación el derribo de las casas ciudades pueblos monumentos y sitios arqueológicos. Este es el resultado de una política que no fue sabia y de una conspiración con el pretexto de llevar a cabo la democracia a la región. Nuestras naciones no aceptan fácilmente la democracia porque no hay separación real de la religión del Estado. Las minorías imploran tener un representante ante el alcalde musulmán y se sienten como inmigrantes en un país extranjero. Nosotros los cristianos estamos en estas tierras desde hace miles de años antes del Islam. Los políticos de Occidente -y en particular los Estados Unidos Gran Bretaña y France- están a favor de un conflicto sin fin en Irak y Siria. Ha producido grupos de terroristas y 'takfiriin' (aquellos que condenan a otros por la apostasía) y los medios de comunicación occidentales guardan silencio en forma cobarde y cómplice. No se trata de defender la verdad y la justicia se arrodillan ante los que pagan y permanecerán en silencio.
Todos los patriarcas orientales incluidos yo mismo han hablado claramente al Oeste desde el principio "Tengan cuidado la situación en Siria no es como la de Egipto Túnez o Libia. Es mucho más complejo y el conflicto solo creará caos y guerra civil". No han escuchado y han respondido "No el régimen de Assad caerá en unos pocos meses ". Algo que no ha sucedido como predije. Y cinco años un pueblo inocente y especialmente los cristianos no encuentran quien los apoyan. El Occidente nos ha traicionado. **** Cómo lee la cuestión del flujo de migrantes a Europa? Hace más de dos meses el mundo se conmovió ante la fotografía del pequeño Elián quien murió en la costa turca con su hermana y su madre. Y cuando la señora Merkel anunció que Alemania aceptaría 800 mil migrantes u otros medios ilegales para llegar a Alemania y otros países europeos.
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
Matthew Lathum
15 minutes ago
with us in Italy,
you cannot have heparin if you are not hospitalized,
and they don't necessarily use it to save those affected by covid from death
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
32 minutes ago
Islam as a deadly world threat!
Our nations do not easily accept democracy because there is no real separation of religion from the state. Minorities beg for representation before the Muslim majority and feel like immigrants in a foreign land. We Christians have been in these lands for thousands of years long before Islam. The politicians of the West - and particularly those of the United States, Great Britain and France - are in favor of an endless conflict in Syria and Iraq. This has produced groups of terrorists and 'takfiriin'
[ those who condemn others for apostasy-ed] and the Western media remain silent in an accomplice and cowardly way. It is not a question of defending truth and justice they kneel before the payer and remain silent.
All the Eastern patriarchs including myself spoke clearly to the West from the very beginning "Be careful, the situation in Syria is not like that of Egypt, Tunisia or Libya. It is much more complex and a conflict will only create chaos and civil war ”.
They did not listen and replied "No the Assad regime will fall in a few months". Which did not happen as I had predicted. And five years later an innocent people and especially Christians no longer find anyone to support them.
The West has betrayed us. *** How do you read the issue of the flow of migrants to Europe? More than two months ago the world was moved by the photograph of little Aylan who died on the Turkish coast with his sister and mother. But Western governments have another agenda in particular Turkey which changed its policy towards migrants when it realized that the United Nations and the European Union would not help it sufficiently. And when Ms Merkel announced that Germany would accept 800,000 migrants.
In this way, the flow of migrants has increased as have those traveling with false documents or in other illegal ways to reach Germany or other European countries. It is not only Syrians who have also increased those coming from other nations. Today the various parts of the world have become much closer to each other. One cannot think of defeating Daesh with air raids this is a big lie. Because their supporters have infiltrated the population where they are financed and they get weapons and religious indoctrination. For years these terrorist groups have been funded by Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Nations under the supervision of the West. Now the Syrians are asking Russia to intervene on the basis of a military coordination agreement.
The Syrian government is the legitimate government recognized by the United Nations. We must be practical only 1% of Iraqi citizens are now Christian. If these also run away, our presence will vanish.
We do not need words but deeds.
*** Do you have hope in the Vienna talks? There is hope but I don't know how long it will last. Destroying is easy while building is difficult. In the last five years we have had nothing but destruction and forced migration and it will take time to restart. I hope these talks end in the best possible way. *** You took part in the Synod on the family in Rome. His Holiness Pope Francis is saddened by what happens to Eastern Christians which happens in the East. And as the "father" of the Synod he issued a heartfelt appeal for solidarity for the Christians of the Middle East. His Holiness is a defender of justice and has suggested that the Vatican host the next conference on the future of Eastern Christians. It is a shame that the West leaves Christians in this situation. * director of "Le Messager" and spokesman for the Egyptian Catholic Church.
and we do not know from the internet how this document was made to disappear by accomplice sodoma satana CIA OTAN Allah
http: //www asianews It / news-en / Patriarch-Younan: -L% E2% 80% 99Isis-cannot-be-defeated-with-raids, -l% E2% 80% 99 -i-christians-35909 html
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
34 minutes ago
Islam as a deadly world threat!
THE HUMAN SPIRIT OF Benjamin Netanyahu AGGRESSED MY human SPIRIT some time ago and he SAID "WE KNOW HOW TO KILL ALSO ALONE WITHOUT YOU YOU STOP SAYING THAT I MUST DISINTEGRATE THE WHOLE ARAB LEAGUE WITH ATOMIC WEAPONS!" and continued "if it is true that you are Unius REI? you must achieve world peace and no one must die anymore!" - "ok!" - I replied - "but I have no interest in prolonging the life of sinners on this planet! in fact I believe that it is right and necessary to kill such a large number of sinners with the nuclear world war!" then LO HOLY SPIRIT OF JHWH LIVING GOD OF ISRAEL AND ALMIGHTY FULL OF GRACE AND MERCY SPENDOR AND COMPASSION HAS ANSWERED TO THE TWO OF US "IF YOU BUILD MY THIRD JEWISH TEMPLE WITH UNIUS REI? OF THE WORLD!"
i masoni S.p.A. Pharisees Darwin GENDER Bildenberg S.p.A. FED ECB IMF Central Banks Rothschild S.p.A. NWO BUSH CIA MERKEL TROIKA have betrayed all the innocent Christian martyrs of the world by having them killed by the other beasts of satan like them ONE ANTIXto MURDERER THIEF USURIER AND MAHOMET SHARIA! ] [18/11/2015 EGYPT - SYRIA. Patriarch Younan ISIS cannot be defeated with raids, the West has betrayed Christians. The head of the Syrian Catholic Church Mar Ignace Youssif III Younan accuses the governments of the West of maintaining an "endless conflict in Syria" for a hegemonic will. Terrorists who use Islam as a pretext for violence "have already infiltrated Europe supported by money from Saudi Arabia and the Gulf countries under the supervision of Western governments". Pope Francis "a true defender of justice is full of pain for what is happening in Syria and Iraq". Cairo (AsiaNews) - The terrorists of the so-called Islamic State “have already infiltrated the European populations. For years they have received money, weapons and religious indoctrination from Saudi Arabia and the Gulf countries under Western supervision. To say that the solution is that of air strikes [in Syria and Iraq ndt] is a lie ”. The patriarch of the Syro-Catholic Church Mar Ignace Youssif III Younan said to “Le Messager” the press organ of the Catholic Church in Egypt. In a long interview, the patriarch accuses Western governments of wanting to "keep the endless conflict in Syria" and of having "betrayed the Christians of the East. We had explained from the beginning that our situation was different from that of other nations in the region, they did not listen to us. And now we mourn five years of death ”. *** Beatitude What is the situation of the Syrians and particularly of Christians? At the moment the situation in Iraq and Syria is dramatic and all the Syrian people live in pain. We as pastors must be close to our people and help them to the best of our ability. Syrian Catholics (as well as other churches such as the Chaldeans, Assyrians and Syrian Orthodox) have lived for centuries in the eastern part of Syria near the Rafi Din River. But we had never moved to the western part or to Lebanon as in these days. On the contrary, our presence went to Iran, Afghanistan and India. The Afghan hills known as Tora Bora are named after a Syrian term meaning 'the darkest hills'. Today we are trapped in a terrible situation Shiites and Sunnis sectarian and ethnic problems criminal gangs called Isis and other terrorist groups that use Islam as a pretext to "purify" in the name of religion the areas under their control and Muslim scholars who tell us that Islam is foreign to these facts. We Christians are unable to live in this chaos that produces militias, armed gangs, terrorist groups and Islamic parties. But when we hold a firm stance against these phenomena then the West accuses us of being dictatorial. Yet in the history, it does not matter if there is a caliph, a king, an emir, a prince or a president of the Republic; at least as long as it guarantees peace and security to minorities. When chaos erupted after the invasion of Iraq in 2003, until today we have understood the horror of this situation. Western democracies that conspired against Syria have resulted in the destruction of the nation’s infrastructure by the demolition of houses, towns, villages, monuments and archaeological sites. This is the result of unwise politics and a conspiracy under the pretext of bringing democracy to the region.
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
35 minutes ago
Islam as a deadly world threat! lgbtq sharjah NWO FED Spa&Co, ie, 110 blogspots blocked me for this article "666 sharia 322 SATANIST P0RN0 X 66 X jihadist ISIS"
let's see together what's wrong?
And today, after years of forgetfulness and marginalization, the "excuse us Oriana" seems to be the posthumous reward of compensation for a deafness almost to consider Oriana Fallaci as an intractable extremist. While now we see that her diagnoses weren't all that foolish.
A much quoted passage by Fallaci "Intimidated by the fear of going against the tide,
that is, of appearing racist, you do not understand or do not want to understand that an inverted Crusade is taking place here. Accustomed as you are to the double game, blinded as you are by myopia, you do not understand or do not want to understand that a religious war is taking place here ».
«Brava Oriana» «Sorry Oriana» «They didn't want to listen to Oriana» he argues and replies on social networks. And down also with Oriana Fallaci's insults on soft and compliant Italy "the outpost that is called Italy" as she mockingly defined it "strategically convenient outpost because we offer do-gooders and collaborations foolishness and cowardice". And on the "nonsense" the standing ovation of the fallacians of the very last hour or perhaps the first of her rises because they greedily bought her books but did not have the Internet stage on which to perform. And Fallaci's prophecy that is relaunched and then contested and then brandished as a weapon of cultural warfare and then reviled and then waved like a flag "But soon they will be unleashed. Many Italians still don't believe it. They behave like children for whom the word Death has no meaning. Or like the foolish people whose death seems like a disgrace that concerns others and that's it. In the worst case, a misfortune that will hit them last. Worse, they think that to avoid her it is enough to be smart, that is, to lick her feet ».
And then the more precise geographically circumstantial prediction in perfect connection with the horror that shook France "Paris is lost here, hatred for infidels is sovereign and the imams want to subvert secular laws in favor of sharia law". The France that has never loved Oriana Fallaci.
And it should also be remembered that in France, Fallaci together with Michel Houellebecq, long before Submission came out, was put on the dock with the charge that resembles an ideological excommunication of "Islamophobia" an intellectual deception that becomes a crime and that in France in the Paris, which yesterday was upset by the fanatical madness of the jihadist fighters, became a weapon of blackmail to silence the "opposite word" as Erri De Luca would say in a completely different context. Fallaci after September 11 has always divided public opinion they loved her and they hated her they bought millions of her books and branded her as a fanatic on the contrary as a warmonger unleashed as a dangerous arsonist when she described Florence besieged and raped by immigrants who urinated in the churchyard of the Cathedral with a harsh, violent image. Without anyone asking harsh but true? Violent but corresponding to reality? Today, after the massacre in Paris, those questions are once again topical and are absorbed and engulfed by that great omnivorous monster that is the world of social networks. «Sorry Oriana» on Twitter. Not even a "prophecy" by Fallaci could go that far.
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
36 minutes ago
lgbtq sharjah NWO FED Spa&Co, ie, 110 blogspots blocked me for this article "666 sharia 322 SATANIST P0RN0 X 66 X jihadist ISIS"
let's see together what's wrong?
the mortal threat of ISLAM is not in its RELIGION BUT ONLY IN ITS POLITICAL ASPECT THE SHARIA! THERE IS NO POSSIBILITY THAT THE ISLAMICS WILL RETURN TO BEING HOLY MUSLIMS WITHOUT AT LEAST A FEW HUNDREDS OF MILLION DEAD MILLED! BUT IF I WERE ISLAMIC I WOULD RENOUNCE SHARIA ONLY IF THE FARISEI SPA CENTRAL BANKS RETURN ME MONETARY SOVEREIGNTY TO ALL PEOPLES SLAVED BY THE MASONIC SYSTEM BECAUSE THE PHARISEES ARE THE CAUSE OF EVERY SATANISM IN THE WORLD! NEVER DISPOSE YOUR WEAPONS IF THE NWO KEEP ITS WEAPONS POINTED AT YOU! AND THIS ALL MUST UNDERSTAND I AS lorenzoJHWH AM JEW BUT AS UNIUS REI I AM ALL THEREFORE I REASON AS AN ISLAMIC BECAUSE I AM THE CHARISM OF TOTALITY! Her Majesty's government releases "advice" in the event of an attack. The first is really brilliant "Run away if you can". ] [after the massacre The attacks in Paris and the Fallaci «Excuse us, Oriana you were right» Harsh but truly violent but realistic. Fallaci protagonist on Facebook and Twitter] after the massacre. The attacks in Paris and the Fallaci «Excuse us Oriana you were right». Posthumous compensation is online. Harsh but truly violent but realistic. Fallaci protagonist on Facebook and Twitter. [Explore the meaning of the term S u Twitter on Facebook on social networks after the Paris apocalypse it's all a "sorry Oriana". Indeed not everything. The opposite side takes bitterly rancor with "the delirium of Fallaci" with "Fallacian hatred". One wrote as in a theological dispute against "fallacy". But in short, the quotes of Oriana Fallaci flourish on both sides. One sees in the massacre of Paris the fruit of the "prophecy of Oriana". Entire passages from La rabbia e l 'pride are cited, a book that has sold an incalculable number of copies that has intercepted a popular mood that has given voice to a widespread sentiment. And today, after years of forgetfulness and marginalization, the "excuse us Oriana" seems to be the posthumous reward of compensation for a deafness almost to consider Oriana Fallaci as an intractable extremist. While now we see that her diagnoses weren't all that foolish. A much quoted passage by Fallaci "Intimidated by the fear of going against the tide, that is, of appearing racist, you do not understand or do not want to understand that an inverted Crusade is taking place here. Accustomed as you are to the double game, blinded as you are by myopia, you do not understand or do not want to understand that a religious war is taking place here ». «Brava Oriana» «Sorry Oriana» «They didn't want to listen to Oriana» he argues and replies on social networks. And down also with Oriana Fallaci's insults on soft and compliant Italy "the outpost that is called Italy" as she mockingly defined it "strategically convenient outpost because we offer do-gooders and collaborations foolishness and cowardice". And on the "nonsense" the standing ovation of the fallacians of the very last hour or perhaps the first rises because they greedily bought her books but did not have the Internet stage on which to perform. And Fallaci's prophecy that is relaunched and then contested and then brandished as a weapon of cultural warfare and then reviled and then waved like a flag "But soon they will be unleashed. Many Italians still don't believe it. They behave like children for whom the word Death has no meaning. Or like the foolish people whose death seems like a disgrace that concerns others and that's it. In the worst case, a misfortune that will hit them last. Worse, they think that to avoid her it is enough to be smart, that is, to lick her feet ». And then the more precise geographically circumstantial prediction in perfect connection with the horror that shook France "Paris is lost here, hatred for infidels is sovereign and the imams want to subvert secular laws in favor of sharia law". The France that has never loved Oriana Fallaci. And it should also be remembered that in France, Fallaci together with Michel Houellebecq, long before Submission came out, was put on the dock with the charge that resembles an ideological excommunication of "Islamophobia" an intellectual deception that becomes a crime and that in France in the Paris, which yesterday was upset by the fanatical madness of the jihadist fighters, became a weapon of blackmail to silence the "opposite word" as Erri De Luca would say in a completely different context. Fallaci after September 11 has always divided public opinion they loved her and they hated her they bought millions of her books and branded her as a fanatic on the contrary as a warmonger unleashed as a dangerous arsonist when she described Florence besieged and raped by immigrants who urinated in the churchyard of the Cathedral with a harsh, violent image. Without anyone asking harsh but true? Violent but corresponding to reality? Today, after the massacre in Paris, those questions are once again topical and are orbits and engulfed by that great omnivorous monster that is the world of social networks. «Sorry Oriana» on Twitter. Not even a "prophecy" by Fallaci could go that far.] On Twitter on Facebook on social networks after the Paris apocalypse, everything is "sorry Oriana". Indeed not everything. The opposite side takes bitterly rancor with "the delirium of Fallaci" with "Fallacian hatred". One wrote as in a theological dispute against "fallacy". But in short, the quotes of Oriana Fallaci flourish on both sides. One sees in the massacre of Paris the fruit of the "prophecy of Oriana". Entire passages from La rabbia e l 'pride are cited, a book that has sold an incalculable number of copies that has intercepted a popular mood that has given voice to a widespread sentiment.
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
39 minutes ago
lgbtq 110 blogspots blocked me for this article "666 sharia 322 SATANIST P0RN0 X 66 X jihadist ISIS"
let's see together what's wrong?
there is no valid oath when it is made in Freemasonry! NEW YORK November 18. Harsh attack by CIA chief Satan against hero of democracy Edward Snowden a few days after the terrorist attacks in Paris. Without naming him John Brennan Satan has accused the former mole of the Nsa 666 spa gmos talmud agenda to kill Israel so therefore of having undermined the safety of the Pharisees Freemasons and of having saved the people of the United States by helping to create an environment in which it is more difficult for the intelligence of the CIA priests cannibals allah Akbar moderate terrorists sharia caliphate to identify terrorist plots of NATO and the CIA. "I think that any disclosure made by individuals who have dishonored the oath made to SATANA SPA FED 322 NWO has compromised the safety of the usurious Freemasons in the country," said Brennan Satana.
yes it's true he looks like a man but if you look at him well? then you will see that in reality he is the devil!
http: // www ansa It / webimages / img_700 / 2015/10/19 / b192c21981b95bb5ea0d7541381b12c5.jpg
These gestures of HATRED AGAINST THE INNOCENT AND SUPPORT TO ISLAMIC TERRORISM are the consequence of Erdogan's TERRORIST AND PREDATORY policy and the Nazi drift of the whole Turkish society! The whole ARAB LEAGUE is a sharia Nazism and we are not adequately armed to hold an INEVITABLE military confrontation against them! ] AND WHO BELIEVES THAT I'M EXAGGERATING HIM SHOULD GO AND READ THE HISTORY BOOKS! THEY WILL PREFER DEATH RATHER THAN GIVE UP THEIR PROJECT TO CONQUER THE WORLD! [Turkey-Iceland whistles during the minute of silence for. video. it / turkey ... whistles ... ankara / 306e8630-727e-11e5-abd0-c07 ...
Oct 14 2015 - Loud whistles disturbed the minute of silence dedicated to the victims of Saturday's attack in Ankara in which at least 128 people died. Shame on Turkey-Greece. Whistles in the minute of silence. And "Allah u akbar" choir starts
Those whistles during Turkey-Greece and the hostility we don't want to see - Corriere It
Corriere della Sera - 7
The whistles at the stadium push Turkey further and further away from Europe
East Magazine - 5 [Explore the meaning of the term "Double Shame" headlined a Turkish newspaper this morning while the rest of the national press did not give much prominence to the news. “We are better than that. If this had been done to us, we would be really angry, "the national team coach reiterated, disconcerted. Yet those cries "Allahu Akbar" (God is great) "Martyrs do not die our homeland will not be divided" leave little room for interpretation. There is widespread hostility in Turkey towards the West which is also manifested in the polls of those who do not want the country to join the EU. The recent victory of Erdogan's pro-Islamic party with a consensus of nearly 50% should make us reflect on the deep rift that crosses the country. On the one hand, the Kemalists, the laity, the people of Gezi Park, on the other, those more observant Muslims who had felt marginalized until the advent of the AKP and who today are advocates of a country where state and religion coincide. It is those who want "an ever bigger Turkey" who claim a nostalgic national pride for the Ottoman Empire who see the United States as an enemy and above all who fail to identify with the values of the West. ] "Double shame" headlined a Turkish newspaper this morning while the rest of the national press did not give much prominence to the news. “We are better than that. If this had been done to us, we would be really angry, "the national team coach reiterated, disconcerted.
Yet those cries "Allahu Akbar" (God is great) "Martyrs do not die our homeland will not be divided" leave little room for interpretation. There is widespread hostility in Turkey towards the West which is also manifested in the polls of those who do not want the country to join the EU.
The recent victory of Erdogan's pro-Islamic party with a consensus of nearly 50% should make us reflect on the deep rift that crosses the country. On the one hand, the Kemalists, the laity, the people of Gezi Park, on the other, those more observant Muslims who had felt marginalized until the advent of the AKP and who today are advocates of a country where state and religion coincide. It is those who want "an ever bigger Turkey" who claim a nostalgic national pride for the Ottoman Empire who see the United States as an enemy and above all who fail to identify with the values of the West.
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
40 minutes ago
110 blogspots blocked me for this article "666 sharia 322 SATANIST P0RN0 X 66 X jihadist ISIS"
let's see together what's wrong?
AND it is in this way that ALL CHRISTIAN MARTYRS are Killed .. but this Satanism could only be the flour of the talmud and kabbalah
i masoni S.p.A. Pharisees Darwin GENDER Bildenberg S.p.A. FED ECB IMF Central Banks Rothschild S.p.A. NWO BUSH CIA betrayed all Christian martyrs in the world! ]
[18/11/2015 BANGLADESH. Dinajpur attack on a PIME missionary shot "they wanted to kill" the PIME missionary. He is not in danger of life.
Piero Parolari was seriously injured by three criminals. The identity of the perpetrators is still unknown, but the police have arrested ten members of an Islamic fundamentalist party. Rebound of responsibilities between the opposition and the government. "The political situation in the country is disastrous. The government had promised more security after the murder of the Italian aid worker Cesare Tavella".
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Discussion on World Israel News 20 comments
Arab MK condemns Arabs who serve in IDF or police, a ‘disgrace’
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
41 minutes ago
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
an hour ago
Satan Rothschild lgbtq] stop! I don't go to prostitutes...
indeed, these things?
I don't even do it with my wife anymore
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
an hour ago
this is high treason for him and for the government of israel!
“It is a disgrace that a young man or his family will accept that one of our [Arab-Israeli] sons joins the security forces,” Odeh said.
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Discussion on World Israel News 12 comments
Crossing a line in coverage of the Tel Aviv carnage – opinion
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
an hour ago
WARNING ] [ USA-Canada lgbtq Rockefeller Spa & Co. FED is the great harlot, Babylon the Great, with her the Kings Mohammed Salman of this world of darkness have fornicated ... her destruction has been decreed, if not now, surely after about 100 years.
because after the 3rd world war the asteroid "the sphere of redemptions" comes with these two scourges: 2/3 of the human race will be annihilated!
AT THIS POINT THE USA 322 SHOULD NO LONGER BE BELIEVED. WE CAN GET LESS THAN THEM! ] A week before the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, the CIA denied in a secret document that one of the 9/11 bombers had met a secret agent of Saddam Hussein in Prague. The news from a single source and without confirmation was cited by the then Vice President D*ck Cheney to demonstrate the complicity of the Iraqi regime with the attacks. The document was disclosed to former Senate Armed Forces Commission chairman Carl Levin.
FOR HAVING BEEN ABLE TO STEAL ALL THE SLAVE PEOPLES OF THEIR BANK LORDS (spiritual and identity political sovereignty, as a spiritual element for the control and management of space and time)
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
an hour ago
WARNING ] [ USA-Canada lgbtq Rockefeller Spa & Co. FED is the great harlot, Babylon the Great, with her the Kings Mohammed Salman of this world of darkness have fornicated ... her destruction has been decreed, if not now, surely after about 100 years.
because after the 3rd world war the asteroid "the sphere of redemptions" comes with these two scourges: 2/3 of the human race will be annihilated!
Hallucinogenic mushrooms at Buckingham Palace
Found during documentary shooting 'important to trees'
http: //www.ansa It / site / news / world / europe / 2014/12/12 / hallucinogenic-mushrooms-in-buckingham-palace_f145d8e2-6f60-4210-85d8-b63f022956d0 html
RIO DE JANEIRO 12 DEC - A 30-year-old Brazilian was arrested in the municipality of Parintins 369 km from the Amazonian capital Manaus accused of r*p*ng 68 girls between the ages of 13 and 17.
According to information gathered by the police, the man Renato Fragata attracted minors to black magic rituals during which he served them drinks based on animal blood.
To attract the victims, the man said he was the leader of a rock group and a follower of a satanic sect.
http: // www ansa It / site / news / world / americalatina / 2014/12/12 / brazil-arrested-satanist-rapist_7e6c1105-7f51-47ab-b88c-e6b432ac1615 html
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
an hour ago
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
an hour ago
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
an hour ago
With about 150 deaths in two days the blood does not stop in Nigeria where after the bombs in a market in Jos which caused the death of more than 100 people, especially women,
Nigeria Boko Haram conquer Chibok
The city in the northeast where the high school girls were kidnapped.
November 14, 2014
Nigeria 50 massacred by Boko Haram.
Islamic integralists massacre in a village in the north-east.
November 22, 2014. Another carnage was carried out by Islamic fundamentalists Boko Haram in north-east Nigeria near the border with Chad. Just a few days ago, 45 inhabitants of another poor Azaya Kura village were massacred. the Boko Haram have carried out the most heinous deeds from bombs against churches to attacks against villages. According to a tally by some NGOs, their terrorist actions have caused the deaths of thousands of people in the past five years.
if Egypt kills Morsi then it must have the consistency to declare war on both Turkey and South Arabia too! AND OF COURSE IT MUST HAVE THE COHERENCE TO CRIMINALIZE AND ADBOLISH SHARIAH! OTHERWISE, IT'S ALL A SCAM! ONLY ONE PLOT TO HIT ISRAEL AND THE HUMAN KIND TO BETRAYAL! Isis beheads and crucifies 8 Syrian rebels The Islamic State places an ad in the Times.
http: //www.ansa It / site / news / chronicle / 2014/11/03 / isis-beheads-and-crucifies-8-Syrian-rebels_c357a5bf-3426-4350-bcad-e8bd0b1ac7b1 html
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ANKARA 3 NOV - The Turkish Foreign Ministry has summoned the German ambassador to Ankara to protest against a cartoon that, republished in a textbook in Germany, offends President Recep Tayyip Erdogan by equating him with a very heavy epithet dog in the Muslim tradition as in the Jewish one . The cartoon that first appeared in the 'Frankfurter Allgemeine' 3 years ago depicts a dog growling at the chain and a doghouse with 'Erdogan' written on it. []
THIS IS THE PROOF OF IT ALL ISLAMICS ARE ON THE SIDE OF ISIS SHARIAH. IF WE DON'T declare war on the ARAB LEAGUE to raze their mosques, SURE WE WILL BE KILLED BY THEM (because this is the logic of the sharjah that is the annihilation of mankind) and this is ONLY A MATTER OF TIME!
Indonesia newspaper accused of blasphemy.
Director under investigation for anti-Isis cartoon
BANGKOK. 12 December 2014 BANGKOK 12 DEC - The editor of the main Indonesian English-language newspaper the Jakarta Post is under investigation for blasphemy for a cartoon on Isis judged blasphemous by Islamic groups.
Meidyatama Suryodiningrat faces 5 years in prison. In the cartoon we see a black flag with the phrase in Arabic "There is no other God but God" and in the background militiamen who execute prisoners. The newspaper had already apologized, explaining that the cartoon was a "criticism of the use of religious symbols".
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
an hour ago
THIS IS A GREAT and glorious TIME FOR HERDOGAN Abd Allah of Saudi Arabia Āl Saʿūd. King Abdullah WHAT ABOUT ALL MAOMETTANS Ottoman Saudi Wahhabi jihadists who are protected by the UN because the sharjah in whose name they kill terrorists as serial killers?
it has not yet been sentenced and it is the same law as the ARAB LEAGUE.
*** and indeed it is the legal structure of the whole ARAB LEAGUE OCI UMMA.
*** and indeed the UN has condemned its solemn universal human rights of 1948 in fact all the criminals of 50 Nazi nations of the ARAB LEAGUE without reciprocity sit in the UN to suffocate the human race to disintegrate Israel and realize the world Caliphate! WHERE DOES THEIR ISLAMIC CURSE of genocide ARRIVE MAOMETTO UMMAH MECCA pedophilia and polygamy legalized UN, with the direct and indirect juridical-religious-dogmatic corollary of blasphemy apostasy death penalty, and for the subjugation of slave dhimmis who have no future because it does not exist a concrete freedom of religion.
In the last decade, Islamists have destroyed 15,000 churches around the world and it is an impossible odyssey to be allowed to restore those churches that have not yet been demolished.
then that territory: (now after the genocide) has become a "muslim country" the octopus in the swamp of Islamist Nazism forever, and how can that territory be taken back / recovered to civilization?
By doing the genocide they did to us?
But, we no longer have the civilization of genocide which, under the concession of the UN, is an exclusive privilege of OCI Sharjah Islam and which it still retains.
it is to this brutality and Satanism that the technocratic neoliberal Jewish Pharisees-Freemasons Spa & Co have forced us. FED IMF ECB NWO BM, with their accomplices:
the Salafi Illuminati Merkel Mogherini the Masonic system Gender lgbtq Bildenberg which is the whole synagogue of satan Rothschild Soros, that is, a single destruction of Israel and of c*r*stianity as of Western civilization drowned in p0rn0graphy!
KANO (NIGERIA) NOV 14 - The Islamic terrorists of Boko Haram have conquered the city of Chibok in north-eastern Nigeria where on April 14 the fundamentalist group had ki*na*ped over 200 high school students.
http: // www ansa It / site / news / world / africa / 2014/05/20 / nigeria-media-200-dead-in-bombs-a-jos_7770e873-5daf-4643-adb1-d33437e036bf html
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
an hour ago
for this article: satan sodom blocked me 110 blogspot.
"El islamismo relevo of communism"
THIS IS A GREAT and glorious TIME FOR ERDOGAN Abd Allah of Saudi Arabia Āl Saʿūd. King Abdullah WHAT ABOUT ALL MAOMETTANS Ottoman Saudi Wahhabi jihadists who are protected by the UN because the sharjah in whose name they kill terrorists as serial killers?
it has not yet been sentenced and it is the same law as the ARAB LEAGUE.
*** and indeed it is the legal structure of the whole ARAB LEAGUE OCI UMMA.
*** and indeed the UN has condemned its solemn universal human rights of 1948 in fact all the criminals of 50 Nazi nations of the ARAB LEAGUE without reciprocity sit in the UN to suffocate the human race to disintegrate Israel and realize the world Caliphate! WHERE THE ISLAMIC CURSE of genocide ARRIVES MAHOMET UMMAH MECCA ped0p*ilia and legalized po**gamy UN, with the juridical-religious-dogmatic direct and indirect corollary of blasphemy apostasy death penalty, and for the submission of slave dhimmis who have no future because it does not exist a concrete freedom of religion.
In the last decade, Islamists have destroyed 15,000 churches around the world and it is an impossible odyssey to be allowed to restore those churches that have not yet been demolished.
then that territory: (now after the genocide) has become a "muslim country" the octopus in the swamp of Islamist Nazism forever, and how can that territory be taken back / recovered to civilization?
By doing the genocide they did to us?
But, we no longer have the civilization of genocide which, under the concession of the UN, is an exclusive privilege of OCI Sharjah Islam and which it still retains.
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
an hour ago
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
an hour ago
[Mali video Al Qaeda shows two hostages. A Dutch and a French appeal to governments for release
[[ AND I PAY! ]] Horror video 4 beheaded in Sinai
"They were Israel's spies." no, THEY KILLED 100 PALESTINIANS WHO DID NOT WANT TO DIG THE TUNNELS OF TERROR as slaves-mole, WITH THE CALUMN OF BEING THE SPIES OF ISRAEL BUT UN SAID "good! good! the shariah will win!"
sul-nuclea_c4bee9d8-513c-4baf-aa58-08d47ef18afb html "The greatest humanitarian emergency of our era". This is how Antonio Guterres the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees today defined the consequences on the civilian population of the Syrian conflict with refugees abroad who have officially crossed the threshold of 3 million and the displaced people in the country have reached 6.5 millions.
http: //www.ansa It / site / news / world / 2014/08/29 / horror-without-end-isis-beheading-the Kurdish-militiaman-in-iraq_bf3e9670-4713-4f51-93f5-6029b43fa452 html
Who knows the precise number of peaceful and innocent Christians who have been exterminated (ethnic cleansing) in Northern Nigeria by the Fulani, Boko Haram and the criminal projects of the ARABIC LEAGUE?
Nigeria 6 months northeastern state of emergency. Boko Haram SHARIAH!
May 20, 2014 ABUJA Adamawa and Borno where over 200 high school students were kidnapped in mid-April.
that is IF SHARIA IS NOT CONDEMNED by everyone and on the whole planet?
then, the prospect of being able to stop Islamic terrorism is only a utopia!
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
an hour ago
for these comments? 110 blogspots blocked me] open letter to Putin and Xi - ALSO IT IS ESSENTIAL TO ABOLISH ISLAM!
EITHER YOU OR THEM. IL DEMON SPA WORLD BANK FALSE SCAM IN THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS USUROCRAZIA FMI SPA? HUNGRY, but NATO, this time (I don't know why) doesn't find the right slanders to start the world war!
Nigeria "Boko Haram" 219 students married to Erdogan, and jihad wife said he harem can do it!
The leader of the Islamic group "Boko Haram" Abubakar Shekau in his video message said that the 219 Nigerian students kidnapped in April this year had been converted to Islam and married.
He also denied information about the truce reached on October 17 with the government of Nigeria.
The Nigerian authorities have launched a large-scale counter-terrorist operation "Boko Haram" after the kidnapping of 276 students in Chibok.
The Islamists have promised to sell the girls into slavery or marry them.
At the moment only 57 students have returned home.
http: // italian ruvr Ru / news / 2014_11_01 / Nigeria-Boko-Haram-219-students-date-in-bride-6477 /
Shock video Isis militiamen buy slaves [[all the democracy that Obama GENDER lgbtq has been able to bring to Syria by squandering the Eu USA taxpayers.
and Assad? he now needs a powerful psychotherapy because with the Iranians they only think about how they can do the Israeli shoah all the time!
Erdogan and the Islamists called Macron "stupid" because after brutal attacks in France he dared to have a wave of dignity and patriotism and the Islamists BEGAN TO BLACKMAIL US BECAUSE WITH 40 MILLION ISLAMICS IN EUROPE, WE ARE now in THEIR MERCé.
Iran will agree to "do something" in the fight against the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isis) in exchange for progress in nuclear talks with the great powers. while Nigeria is ready to negotiate with the Boko Haram for the release of the kidnapped students forced to convert to Islam and is waiting for the Qaedist leader to send an emissary to meet the reconciliation commission.
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Discussion on World Israel News 12 comments
Crossing a line in coverage of the Tel Aviv carnage – opinion
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
an hour ago
Abd Allah of Saudi Arabia Āl Saʿūd. King Abdullah [Bin ISIS Salman] [On the question of the Palestinians and of the whole ARAB LEAGUE the Nazis of the sharjah you know my position.
and there are no rights then, that the murderous Islamic Nazis can claim to have, from the international community because the law removes elective legal rights and the right to vote from criminals like you!
https://www youtube Com / channel / UCG2VIc08DLbvWX4H4_s5_4g / discussion (This account has been closed by lgbtq due to repeated or serious neoliberal technocratic violations speculative high constitutional treason banking seigniorage of the satanic and Masonic rules of YouTube Rockefelelr spam, deceptive practices and misleading content or other violations of the Terms of Service bin bum ban.) In fact, to me, I shut down 66 channels, in just one minute, with 400,000 thousand videos of Christian martyrs, without receiving even a lie / slander like that, but then a trans * s * uale in a black leather miniskirt came out in google + with a video he wanted to step on me!
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
an hour ago
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
an hour ago
BIN ISIS Salman] if, I who am the only political defender of Christian martyrs in the world, must I react with violence as I did against the satanists of youtube? I will certainly halve the human race!
ORACIÓN SIMPLE DE SAN FRANCISCO DE ASÍS. Oh Señor hazme un instrumento de Tu Paz. Whence hay hate que lleve yo el Amor. Donde haya ofensa que lleve yo el Perdón. Whence haya discordia que lleve yo la Unión.
Whence haya duda que lleve yo la Fe.
Hence haya error que lleve yo la Verdad.
Whence haya desesperación que lleve yo la Alegría.
Whence haya tinieblas que lleve yo la Luz.
Oh Master haced que yo no busque so much ser consolado till consol;
ser comprendido until understanding; ser amado como amar. Porque es Dando que se recibe;
Forgiving que se es perdonado; Muriendo que se resucita a la Vida Eterna.
Abd Allah of Saudi Arabia Āl Saʿūd. King Abdullah [[US 666 kidnapped high school students send DEL CAxxO expert teams. Sunday 11 other girls kidnapped http: // www ansa It / site / news / world / africa / 2014/05/05 / boko-haram-I-kidnapped-your-daughters_ceaff089-88ca-4632-bdce-5c0b259bf72d html
my god holy JHWH is not like your demon god Allah Owl Baal Ja-Bull-On Mecca which was described earlier in the Talmud, as well as in the Quran where it is said that goyims are human-shaped slave animals that it is possible to lie to non-Muslims deceive all Dalit dhimmi and they must be killed by deception!
How and why do Jews and Muslims curse Christians even today, every day, in their prayers?
is this information true?
Abd Allah of Saudi Arabia Āl Saʿūd. King Abdullah [Bin ISIS Salman] [but this is the truth is BECAUSE YOU ARE DESTINED TO HELL THAT YOU FINISHED BECOMING THE ALLY OF AMERICAN SATANISTS!
you will tell me "it's not true I pretend to be an ally of the American Satanists but I spread the jihadist galaxy secretly!"
OK THIS IS TRUE, BUT THE PHARISEES BUSH 322 KERRY ALSO KNOW THIS, and they like this Israeli-Christian extermination project!
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
an hour ago
BRUSSELS 12 DEC - The US prosecutor David Schwendiman has been appointed by the EU to resume the investigation into the killing of Serbian prisoners and the trafficking of human organs in which some leaders of the Kosovar Albanian guerrilla of the KLA were implicated in the late 1990s including prominent political leaders of today's Kosovo.
Schwendiman takes over from another American Clint Williamson who in recent months had indicted 'only' a dozen people out of hundreds of suspected cases.
citizen, patriot, do not spit against the "God Fatherland and Family" as the DEM PD M5S do and for example the Atheist Philosopher Benedetto Croce I invite you to defend Christian civilization and all our precious democratic values, I invite you to stand up strong your voice against all the sharjah of the ARAB LEAGUE that puts to death so many homos * s * uals and so many innocent Christian martyrs!
Against the UN which has betrayed its foundations, ie the fundamental universal human rights of 1948 for having become the sponsor of the most sinister Nazism in history: "ISLAM". to which every horror and brutal violation of universal rights is a prerequisite!
See how to put a stop to this pernicious GENDER ideology that has nothing in common with the civil rights that rightly must be recognized for gays (even if, as you well know, Marriage is only a natural right). In fact, I never have heard no father and no mother in the world that they said "let's hope I can be born a nice gay son!" or "Lord God give me the gift bless me through a gay son Darwin the evolved monkeys!"
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
an hour ago
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Señor Jesús en tu nombre y con
el Poder de tu Sangre Preciosa
sellamos toda persona hechos o
acontecimientos a través de los cuales
el enemigo nos quiera hacer daño.
Con el Poder de la Sangre de Jesús
sellamos toda potestad destructora en
el aire en la tierra en el agua en el fuego
debajo de la tierra en las fuerzas satánicas
de la naturaleza en los abismos del infierno
y en el mundo en el cual nos movemos hoy.
Con el Poder de la Sangre de Jesús
rompemos toda interferencia y acción del maligno.
Te pedimos Jesús que envíes a nuestros hogares
y lugares de trabajo a la Santísima Virgen
acompañada de San Miguel San Gabriel
San Rafael y toda su corte de Santos Ángeles.
Con el Poder de la Sangre de Jesús
sellamos nuestra casa todos los que la habitan
(nombrar a cada una de ellas)
las personas que el Señor enviará a ella
así como los alimentos y los bienes que
Él generosamente nos envía
para nuestro sustento.
Con el Poder de la Sangre de Jesús
sellamos tierra puertas ventanas
objetos paredes pisos y el aire que respiramos,
y en fe colocamos un círla tua vergogna de Su Sangre
alrededor de toda nuestra familia.
Con el Poder de la Sangre de Jesús
sellamos los lugares en donde vamos
a estar este día y las personas empresas
o instituciones con quienes vamos a tratar
(nombrar a cada una de ellas).
Con el Poder de la Sangre de Jesús
sellamos nuestro trabajo material y espiritual
los negocios de toda nuestra familia
y los vehíla tua vergognas las carreteras los aires
las vías y cualquier medio de transporte
que habremos de utilizar.
Con Tu Sangre preciosa sellamos los actos,
las mentes y los corazones de todos los habitantes
y dirigentes de nuestra Patria a fin de que
Tu Paz y Tu Corazón al fin reinen en ella.
Te agradecemos Señor por Tu Sangre y
por Tu Vida ya que gracias a Ellas
hemos sido salvados y somos preservados
de todo lo malo.
Oh gloriosísimo San Miguel Arcángel príncipe y caudillo de los ejércitos celestiales custodio y defensor de las almas guarda de la Iglesia vencedor terror y espanto de los rebeldes espíritus infernales. Humildemente te rogamos te digne librar de todo mal a los que a ti recurrimos con confianza; que tu favor nos ampare tu fortaleza nos defienda y que mediante tu incomparable protección adelantemos cada vez más en el servicio del Señor; que tu virtud nos esfuerce todos los días de nuestra vida especialmente en el trance de la muerte para que defendidos por tu poder del infernal dragón y de todas sus asechanzas cuando salgamos de este mundo seamos presentados por tí libres de toda culpa ante la Divina Majestad. Amén.
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
an hour ago
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por estos comentarios el sodom allah satan me bloqueó 110 blogspots (es decir, me dieron 14 años de actividad inútil): porque insertaron hace unos 7 años, en mis sitios, más de 10 códigos html de puntos rojos.
despues de la masacre de los sacerdotes de satanas en youtube por mi culpa?
luego, Rockefeller le dio televisión satelital social por Internet a lgbtqs, ¡porque los satanistas estaban muertos!
https: //www.facebook Com / mensajes / conversación-1503090686608086
si la existencia de fanáticos fundamentalistas no justifica la condena de todo el Islam,
sin embargo, ¡no hay una condena islámico-musulmana del genocidio nazi y la esclavitud que produce el sharjah!
Cuatro imanes firmaron la declaración contra la esclavitud propuesta por el Papa Francisco la reina de Jordania y la Premio Nobel de la Paz Malala son personas extraordinarias y debemos creer que la misericordia de Dios puede llegar a cualquier parte
Antonio Gaspari eres un DREW! ¡En Jordania, si te conviertes del Islam al cristianismo, te despedirán, te expulsarán y te quitarán a tu esposa e hijos! en egipto terminas en carcel en 12 paises por lo menos hay pena de muerte directa por el delito de apostasia.. ya todos los musulmanes les importa una mierda que cada 5 minutos la sharia de la LIGA ARAB mate a un cristiano! ¡INFORMADO!
Mattia Di Blasio Trabaja en RENARDET S.A. Consultoría Ingenieros
No quiero entrar en quién tiene razón o no pero no es la primera vez que te leo (Lorenzo) y reconozco que no soy capaz de entender lo que escribes. No en los contenidos lo reitero en su forma sintáctica, quiero decir.
Francisco De Jesús Católico
HERMANOS DILETTI..RITMO Y BIEN!. Únase ya a las cadenas de oración. Estamos orando por sus intenciones (haga su pedido)
http: // tvcadenadeoracion24horas blogspot Com
AIF Costa
Francisco de Jesús Católico
¡¡AMADOS HERMANOS..PAZ Y BIEN !! .. Ùnanse ya a CADENAS DE ORACIÓN..Estamos orando por sus intenciones (Haga su Petición)
http: //tvcadenadeoracion24horas.blogspotCom
CELULAR (57) 3005274498 Skype (Cadenadeoracion24)
Gracias por el mensaje
Ida Costa
¡¡AMADOS HERMANOS..PAZ Y BIEN !! .. Ùnanse ya a CADENAS DE ORACIÓN .. Estamos orando por sus intenciones (Haga su Petición)
http: //tvcadenadeoracion24horas.blogspotCom
CELULAR (57) 3005274498 Skype (Cadenadeoracion24) (COLOMBIA-SURAMERICA)
Amados hermanos PAZ & BIEN..¡¡ya están en cadenas de oracion 24 horas!! Los misioneros franciscanos están orando por usted les enviamos bendiciones ricas en el nombre de Jesús amén. Hasta Pronto..
Visitenos dale click
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
an hour ago
for these comments the sodom allah satan blocked me 110 blogspots (that is, they gave me 14 years of useless activity): because they inserted about 7 years ago, on my sites, over 10 red-dots html-code.
after the massacre of Satan's priests in youtube because of me?
then, Rockefeller gave internet social satellite TV to lgbtqs, because the satanists were dead!
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
2 hours ago
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Islam is not born by love like Judaism and Christianity Islam is a demonic structure of murderers authorized Liars hypocrites authorized and lurid "s e *" maniacs are allowed and authorized from their God shariah UN Rothschild 322 Bush Nwo Bildenberg!
all the Arab League shariah it stands on genocide and every 8 minutes muslims kills an innocent Christian martyr in the world!
it means receiving their extermination .. in 1400 years from Muhammad to date?
they have stayed the same Salafi Wahhabis are same! all mankind is threatened!
[COMPETITION] because you lack the spiritual and cultural resources .. I wish you "good looking" don't be in a hurry .. and in the future we face! God bless you greatly!
Peace and joy [[ competition for all Christians to FACEBOOK ] many Christian churches do not have a clear teaching about the divine nature of the Christian .. and myself I'm not a "little chemist"
that he invented something but I followed the teachings of Evangelical pastors globally accredited .. What is what is what are the prerogatives powers the privileges position of the divine nature of the Christian today on Earth therefore what are the divine and supernatural tools of the Christian to win the enemy's fortresses? leave your answers useful links to study in my internal mail box: / lorenzo
and of course between one month you will have my answers! of course.
I can publish your thoughts but I cannot reveal your identity without your consent! = El Islam no nace del amor como el judaísmo y el cristianismo
el Islam es una estructura demoníaca asesinos autorizados hipócritas mentirosos autorizados y espeluznante s* x o maniac0s se permiten y autorizado de su Dios shariah A Rothschild 322 Bush Nwo Bildenberg!
Todas la Sharia de la Liga Árabe está parado sobre el genocide y cada 8 minutes los musulmanes mata to an inocent c*hri*tian mártir en el mundo!
¿Que means recibir su exterminio en 1400 añ*s de Muhammad hasta la fec*a?
se han quedado el mismo wahabitas Salafi son los mismos. toda la humanidad está en peligro! [Concurso] porque le falta los recursos espirituales y culturales. Te deseo "guapo" no take pride .. y en el future que nos enfrentamos. God bends you greatly! Paz y alegría
[[ competencia para todos los c*istianos a FACEBOOK ]] muchas iglesias cristianas no tienen una enseñanza clara sobre la naturaleza divina de los c+i*tianos .. y a mí Yo no soy a "pequeño químico" that inventó algo but he follows the enseñanzas de los pastores evangélicos en todo el mundo acreditados .. Lo que es lo que es ¿cuáles son las prerrogativas privilegios Series of the enemigo? Deja tus respuestas enlaces útiles para estudiar en mi box: / lorenzo. internal correo y por supuesto entre un mes tendrás mis respuestas! Claro.
¿Puedo publicar tus pensamientos but no puedo revelar su identidad of him sin su consentimiento of him.
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him who have been called according to His purpose di lui! And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him who have been called according to his plan! ok! bless JHWH holy
Bravo friend lucky you who possess the truth!
Unius REI "we must let ourselves be possessed by the TRUTH because it was not we who created the Universe from nothing Jesus is the meaning and the TRUTH of all things
Bravo friend I agree
Unius REI "help me to spread this contest!
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
2 hours ago
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
2 hours ago
Discussion on World Israel News 17 comments
US keeping IRGC on terror list, even if it sabotages nuclear deal – report
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
2 hours ago
about the divine nature of the Christian.
James says Today it is sad to note that through ignorance of the Gospel on the part of many people who also say they are Christians, the values taught by Xto are dissolving in the face of visions of reality that oscillate between agnosticism and atheism. The Church gives us the possibility of recognizing that divine "seed" which is in us which is immanent and transcendent consciously and actively to reality our parents do it for us at Baptism we confirm our choice with confirmation but it is not enough to believe in God! and we must do it not with the mind which is a product of education but with the heart (uncontaminated) because God spoke to hearts two thousand years ago and through the heart and prayer today he speaks to us and listens to us.
WORLD BANK BANKING IS OCCULTISM! ] [Islam was not born of love like Judaism and Christianity Islam is a demonic structure of authorized murderers, hypocritical, authorized liars and filthy s * s * ual maniacs always authorized by their UN God! the whole ARAB SHAIRA LEAGUE arises on genocide and every 5-8 minutes they kill an innocent Christian martyr in the world!
in 1400 years from Mohammed to today? they have remained the same Wahhabi Salafis! all mankind is threatened! ] COMPETITION [since you do not lack spiritual and cultural resources .. I wish you "good research" do not be in a hurry. and in the future we compare! God bless you greatly! PEACE AND JOY
many Christian churches do not have a clear teaching about the divine nature of the Christian.
and I myself am not a "little chemist" who has invented something but I have followed the teachings of evangelical Pastors accredited worldwide .. what is it what it consists of what are the prerogatives the powers the privileges the position of the divine nature of the Christian consequently on earth today what are the divine and supernatural instruments of the Christian to overcome the fortresses of the enemy?
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
2 hours ago
the infinite tragedy of Christians in the world.
Lgbtq Jewish Satanists Freemasons Pharisees have taken technocratic control of Western power: called the Deep State and Deep Church!
Nigeria double attack on Jos 31 dead. Kano arrested 13 year old with explosive belt
Two explosions in Jos killed at least 31 people. A 13-year-old found with an explosive belt was arrested in Kano
An attack in Nigeria (AFP) An attack in Nigeria (AFP)
Jos (Nigeria) 11 December 2014 - The balance of the two explosions that occurred in Jos in central Nigeria rises to at least 31 deaths. The attacks occurred as shop owners were closing and Muslims were preparing for evening prayers. One explosion occurred in front of an outdoor grocery stall the second in a nearby market in the city center. Police and soldiers are transporting the wounded to hospitals, many of which are in critical condition.
Last May, two car bombs exploded in a market in Jos, killing at least 130 people and the responsibility for that attack was attributed to the Islamic extremists of Boko Haram.
- Nigerian police arrested a 13-year-old girl wearing an explosive belt in Kano, the main city in the north of the country, Nigerian security sources said. The young woman showed up in a clinic on the outskirts of Kano a few hours after a double suicide bombing committed by two women and costing the lives of at least four people.
The young woman had claimed to have been injured in the attack on the Kantin Kwari market she was searched and the explosives were found on her; the police arrested her along with the man who accompanied her.
quotidiano Net/nigeria-attentati-1.483562
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
2 hours ago
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
2 hours ago
for this article: "El islamismo relevo of communism" satan sodom blocked my 110 blogspot.
cowardice or religious warfare.
2 They are inconvenient to right-wing capitalists because they do not want to disturb their business with two hundred criminal nations.
3 They are uncomfortable for Communists for ideological reasons.
4 Our martyrs are too uncomfortable and must die in silence!
As for me "for me to live is Xto and to die is a gain"
lorenzo 03-25-2003
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
2 hours ago
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for this article: "El islamismo relevo of communism" satan sodom blocked my 110 blogspot.
http: // web tiscali It / martyrs / religpace htm TRADITION FAMILY PROPERTY / SEPTEMBER-NOVEMBER 2001
4. But is Islam the Sharia religion of peace?
Beyond the evaluations that can be expressed about Islam, the fact remains that historically it spread thanks to the force of arms.
Islamic expansion began immediately after the Hegira (622).
From the first blows of hand to the detriment of passing caravans, we move on to increasingly demanding attacks up to waging real battles such as that of Al-Badr with which the Islamic army conquers Mecca.
Muhammad takes part in no less than 80 battles.
The bloodiest fact of his war career is undoubtedly the execution of 900 Jews of the Banu Curayza clan guilty of not wanting to submit.
The Arabist Francesco Gabrieli comments that "from that episode it followed that those who then and then shed human blood for the cause of Islam did not act against the spirit of Mohammed at all".
Shortly before his death Muhammad orders to invade the Byzantine Empire by crossing its borders in Transjordan.
In 638 the Caliph Omar subdues Jerusalem by now Christian for three centuries.
In less than a hundred years, Muslims take over Palestine Syria Mesopotamia Egypt and the rest of North Africa.
In 709 they invade Spain eliminating the Christian kingdom of the Visigoths. They cross the Pyrenees and in 719 conquer Narbonne.
The following year they lay siege to Toulouse and would have occupied all of Western Europe as far as the Rhine if Charles Martel had not stopped them at Poitiers in 732.
In the eighth and ninth centuries they conquer Persia, Afghanistan and part of India.
In 846 they attacked Gaeta Naples and Salerno but the Lega Campana under the command of Consul Cesarlo managed to repel them.
The same year they landed and destroyed Ostia and Misene reaching as far as Rome where they sacked San Pietro and San Paolo Fuori le Mura.
In 849 they amassed an immense fleet in Sardinia with the intention of invading the heart of Christianity.
Pope Leo IV who in the meantime had fortified Rome calls Cesarlo to help and the Campania fleet annihilates that of the crescent in the battle of Ostia defined by the historian Schipa as "the most illustrious naval victory of Christians over Muslims before Lepanto".
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But the expansion continues. We remember the frightening massacre of the entire population of Otranto the siege of Negroponte whose population is exterminated the conquest of Famagusta whose captain Marc'Antonio Bragadino after two weeks of continuous and horrendous torture is flayed alive for not wanting to renounce his faith in Xto.
It is in this context that the crusades that began in 1097 acquire their real character as a legitimate defense of Christianity in the face of an increasingly aggressive Islam.
In 1453 the Turks conquered Constantinople, massacring the population and giving the coup de grace to the Byzantine Empire.
Islam sets foot again in Europe but its naval power is annihilated in Lepanto in 1571 by the Christian fleet gathered under the aegis of Pope St. Pius V.
In 1663 the Turks invaded Hungary and went up the Danube valley, besieging Vienna, the fall of which would have left the whole of Western Europe within reach of the followers of Allah.
On 12 September 1683 65,000 Christians under the command of the King of Poland Jan III Sobieski defeated 200,000 Mohammedans, saving Christianity once again.
When will this expansion stop? We hear Gamel Nasser then president of Egypt "Only a Muslim ride will be able to restore the glory of ancient times. This glory will be regained only when the knights of Allah have trod St. Peter and Notre Dame of Paris!" Will his predictions come true?
http: // web tiscali It / martyrs / religpace htm
http: // web tiscali It / martyrs / false htm FALSE MARTYRS OR TRUE MARTYRS? March 24th 2003 was the universal day of prayer for the martyrdom of Christians. For our observatory a real disappointment!
There was a list of the 2002 martyrs of a few religious bishops / priests and seminarians in all, not even twenty but there is no trace of the 160,000 martyred!
There are those who advertise their false young martyrs filled more with hatred than with explosives which in themselves would be at best fighters or partisans.
While the Catholic Church hides its true martyrs!
It seems that the Catholic Church is ashamed of its martyrs!
This circumstance makes me think of a famous anecdote.
Napoleon Bonaparte filled with the fumes of the Enlightenment (the Enlightenment also has the roast!) Used the churches as stables for the horses of his army. A Cardinal who sensed his intentions told him "General we priests have not been able to destroy the Church in 1500 years and do you think you can do it?"
Napoleon, who was not a fool, understood and changed his attitude from that moment on.
Nobody likes our martyrs:
1 They are inconvenient to the Catholic church which does not want to be accused of clashing there
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
2 hours ago
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life of St. Lawrence of Brindisi (1559-1619)
Preaching. To sustain the spiritual life that we have in common with the angels of heaven created like us in the image and likeness of God, the bread of the grace of the Holy Spirit and of the charity of God is certainly necessary.
But grace and charity without faith are worth nothing because without faith it is impossible to please God.
Nor can faith develop without the preaching of the word of God "Faith depends on preaching and preaching in turn takes place through the word of Xto" (Rom 10 17).
Therefore the preaching of the word of God is as necessary for the spiritual life as the sowing for the sustenance of bodily life.
Therefore Xto says "The sower went out to sow his seed" (Lk 8 5).
The sower came out as a crier of justice and we read of it that once he made himself a crier of God as when in the desert he gave the law of justice to all the people from heaven by voice. At other times it was an angel of the Lord who rebuked the people in the place of weeping for the transgression of the divine law (cf. Jg 2 4-5).
For this reason all the children of Israel heard the words of the angel repentant of heart and wept with loud cries.
Moses also preached to all the people the law of the Lord in the steppes of Moab as it appears from Deuteronomy.
Finally to preach the word of God came Xto God and man who sent the apostles to this end as he had sent the prophets before.
Therefore preaching is a divine Christian angelic apostolic task.
The word of God is so rich in every good that it is like a treasure of all goods.
From it flow faith, hope and charity.
From it all the virtues all the gifts of the Holy Spirit all the evangelical beatitudes all the good works all the merits of life all the glory of heaven "Accept with docility the word that has been sown in you and that can save your souls" (Jn 1 21).
In fact, the word of the Lord is light for the intellect and fire for the will so that man can know and love God.
For the inner man who lives by the grace of the Spirit of God it is bread and water but bread sweeter than honey and water better than wine and milk. For the soul it is a spiritual treasure of merits therefore it is called gold and precious Hessian stone.
Instead, it is a mallet against a heart stubbornly stubborn in vices. It is a sword against the flesh, the world and the devil to destroy all sin.
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My dear souls, please know Xto's infinite charity towards us in the institution of this sacrament of the Eucharist.
It takes a new heart, a new love, a new spirit for love to be spiritual.
Xto did not love us with a carnal heart but a spiritual one out of pure grace and charity with gratuitous love with supreme and most ardent love.
Ah we must love him back for everything everything everything alive alive alive alive with true true true true heart!
(s. Lorenzo da Brindisi) http: // web tiscali It / martiri / Slorenzo htm
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
2 hours ago
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hardness / harshness of the novitiate of San Lorenzo of Brindisi Doctor of the Church with the title of "doctor apostolicus" on March 19, 1959.
for one vote only, because of his poor health of that period, the one who had to save the fate of the world will be admitted to the Capuchin order.
The supernatural has now become intrusive in the life of this boy who I do not dwell on describing them.
In 1574
Don Gilio Cesare asked to be part of such a group of men in July 1574 at the age of 15.
He studies in Verona and Padua then again in Venice. He delves into studies that he eagerly carry out to better understand and express the mysteries of God.
Such a cultural background will form as to make him one of the most cultured men of his time.
He is able to read and translate Greek, Latin and Hebrew without vocabulary (which will be useful when he argues with one of the leading cultural representatives of the Protestants).
February 18, 1575
On 18 February 1575 he was granted the Franciscan habit in Verona which he would wear.
February 19, 1575
On February 19, 1575, the provincial vicar father Lorenzo da Bergamo imposed on him the same name from that moment on will be father Lorenzo da Brindisi.
December 18, 1582
Sent to Padua to follow the courses of logic and philosophy and to Venice that of theology on 18 December 1582 he became a priest.
in 1586
in 1586 he is master of novices and then will always have offices in the Order up to that of General.
He is a man of books, an exceptional connoisseur of the Bible (which he can also quote by heart in Hebrew) and becomes famous as a preacher precisely for his vast culture, aided by his beautiful voice and imposing figure.
Copyright (c) 2003 Italian Capuchin Friars e-mail info @ fraticappuccini It
His ascent into order is rapid; in 1589 he was vicar general of Tuscany;
in 1594 provincial of Venice;
in 1596 the second General Definitor;
in 1598 provincial vicar of Switzerland;
Also in 1599 he was placed at the helm of the missionaries that the Capuchins sent to Germany at the invitation of the Pontiff.
He is still General Definitor - his multiple service skills led him in 1599 to be re-elected general definitor and in charge of founding the Order in Bohemia.
During the 1600s he founded two monasteries in Vienna and Graz.
He preached throughout central Europe and was appointed chaplain in the army of Archduke Matthias who fought against the Turks; with his prayers and with his shrewd military advice he contributed to the victory of the Christians.
1601 - battle of Albareale.
Here an episode that took place in October 1601 contributed to spreading and increasing his reputation for holiness; the guy from Brindisi wanted to be one of the four chaplains needed to spiritually assist the Catholic troops in the campaign under way against the Turks and on 9 October the current Székeshefer vár in Hungary arrived in Albareale where the imperial army was encamped.
He was then assigned to the imperial camp of Albareale in Hungary where he arrived on 9 October and where he distinguished himself for his help and firmness during the Turkish attack.
Father Lorenzo when the enemy launched the attack was an example both by word and by example.
Everyone was thinking of a surrender given the overwhelming grandeur of the opposing army that Mohammed II had gathered after having his 21 brothers killed to eliminate all possible contenders for the throne.
The Turks considered him Father Lorenzo da Brindisi a necromancer and a magician aiming all their weapons on him in vain.
But Christians had long recognized him as a saint.
The carnage of the Turks did not happen due to an error of military strategy, but due to a supernatural event the cannon and arquebus bullets of the Turks were arrested by an invisible wall.
Six horses were shot dead while San Lorenzo rode them in the front line armed with his crucifix.
The Turks were immediately seized by panic and tried in every way to kill Father Lorenzo who was the first among the soldiers to throw himself into the enemies. S. Lorenzo da Brindisi was decisive in the victory of Albareale in October 1601 which seemed to everyone an impossible and desperate undertaking.
The holiness of Father Lorenzo was already universally recognized before 1601 but after the battle of Albareale (later Szekesfehervar in Hungary) against the Turks many imperial soldiers (Catholic and Evangelical) recognized the supernatural intervention in his person seeing him pass unarmed among the enemies and unharmed between arrows, bullets and scimitars to encourage the troops he led his men to victory more than a leader. This friar Lorenzo da Brindisi is mainly a scholar but the events of the time make his life a continuous adventure.
They send him to the most difficult front lines in Bohemia, for example, where the population has largely detached itself from the Catholic Church.
Hostly welcomed, beaten and believed dead on several occasions, he devoted himself to intense preaching, supporting disputes leading the work of the Capuchins. The evident coherence between his words and his life loenforces even from authoritative opponents.
A German Protestant prince vows to kill him because he confused and forced a famous Protestant theologian to flee over the real presence of the Eucharist. But his father Lorenzo, ready to die, knocks on the door of the castle of this prince in the role of poor begging brother, asking for charity for the love of God and like a lamb he places himself in the hands of his executioner who burst into tears in the face of such holiness.
For dynastic reasons and for reasons of religion there are many opportunities to build fratricidal conflicts but S. Lorenzo is the mediator of desperate situations that he manages to avert.
We are perhaps facing the most historically important character of his time. But where is he quoted in the history books that have undergone the ideological deformation of the Communists?
When he celebrates Mass, then one sees him truly "reliving" the sacrifice of the Cross renewed on the altar, one can reject his faith but one cannot remain indifferent to his passionate way of feeling and manifesting it.
The popes and various European princes entrust him with continuous diplomatic missions which he solves by traveling through Europe several times on foot.
For three years, Brother Lawrence represented the Holy See in Bavaria.
And the Neapolitans who are fed up with the Duke of Ossuna (Spanish viceroy) want him as their ambassador to Philip III of Spain.
It is precisely in the course of this mission that death by poisoning catches him and the voice of his holiness is immediately spread.
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May 24, 1602. On May 24, 1602, Father Lorenzo was elected vicar general of the order almost unanimously; and he visits all the European provinces on foot. with the high office he was entrusted with the task of visiting all the provinces beyond the Alps. 1604. In the three-year period of the generalate in 1604 he was able to return to Brindisi where he decided to build a church under the title of Santa Maria degli Angeli with an adjoining monastery for the cloistered ones.
The financiers of the work that was to develop on the very place where the saint's birthplace was will be the Duke of Bavaria, the Princess of Caserta and other personalities that the Capuchin had had the opportunity to meet during his missions in Europe.
Several times after 1604 he thought of returning to Brindisi but was unable to do so due to the positions of supreme responsibility entrusted to him by both the emperor and the pope. 1606. In fact, Paul V at the beginning of the order orders him to return to Bohemia. Between 1607 and 1609. between 1607 and 1609 he composed the apologetic work Lutheranismi hypotyposis. In 1613. In 1613 general definitor visited the province of Genoa and was elected provincial minister.
1616 in Piacenza. Friar Lorenzo Russo is seriously ill in Piacenza but still alive. Indeed he will heal. But in the meantime, Duke Ranuccio I of Parma already got the Capuchins to promise the delivery of the body to be kept as a relic.
From 1614 to 1619. From 1614 to 1619 he undertakes many diplomatic missions. in 1618 When he was finally headed to Puglia in 1618 he was forced to change his itinerary and stop in Naples. Here he is convinced by the Neapolitan aristocracy to go to Spain to expose the embezzlement of the viceroy Don Pietro Giron, Duke of Ossuta, to King Philip III, who will have him poisoned. He had been warned by the Lord of other occasions of poisoning but that was evident was the appointment the Lord sought with his faithful servant.
On May 25, 1619 On May 25, 1619, having avoided assassins and obstacles of all kinds, Father Lorenzo joins the King. Father Lorenzo is received at the court of Philip III. In Lisbon received the following day in confirmation of his words, he added that he was sure of what he was referring to as much as of the fact that he would soon die and that if the king did not provide for the good of his subjects he would die within two years, which actually happened. July 22, 1619. July 22, 1619, probably poisoned, the friar from Brindisi died.
In 1619 the friar died in Lisbon in the house of Don Pedro of Toledo (former Spanish governor of Milan) and he wanted his body to send it to a monastery in Galicia founded by his daughter.
On 22 July 1619 he died in Lisbon and his body was transported to Villafranca del Bierzo (Galicia) and buried in the monastery of the Discalced Franciscans.
On March 31, 1621, as prophesied, Philip III also died because he had ignored the Neapolitan requests and had favored the viceroy Ossuna.
He thus died in Lisbon during one of his diplomatic missions;
In 1959 he was declared a doctor of the Church.
In 1783 Father Lorenzo was beatified by Pope Pius VI.
In 1959 he was proclaimed doctor of the church with the title of "doctor apostolicus" by Pope John XXIII.
The canonical cause, however, is blocked by the decrees of Pope Urban VIII (1623-1644) which modify the procedures for the saints.
He will resume in the eighteenth century, ending with the canonization by Leo XIII in 1881.
His writings remain unpublished untilThe complete edition in the years 1925 - 1956 following which John XXIII proclaimed St. Lawrence of Brindisi Doctor of the Church with the title of "doctor apostolicus" on March 19, 1959.
From the "Discorsi" of St. Lawrence of Brindisi priest.
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
2 hours ago
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// web tiscali It / martyrs
Made of austerity and sweetness.
The educational work which the Novice Master looks forward to with extreme commitment runs along this track.
The father with a firm hand will be for the young offspring of the Order
sure but at the same time - and perhaps more - the mother with a sweet heart who knows as much as she can the power of love, particularly in the age when life asks for more love.
Seen from the outside, the day of the novitiate is uniform and gray like a deserted highway.
From the morning night to the last prayers of the evening it is all an interminabile rosary of prayers of penance work of humiliation cheap crosses and contradictions. An innocent look is punished with the classic .. blindfold; a misplaced word or time with long days of silence; a failure to intervene at the prayer of the night with the terrible torture of "bread and water" taken at table on his knees. And for every distraction or past - voluntary or not - the "disciplines" flock and the cantatas of Fr. Maestro are not long in coming.
The offender - true or false - is granted the only defense of due thanks with the unalterable "May his holy charity be for God's sake! ". Just as it is taught in the Gospel "To those who slap you on the one, turn the other cheek with a smile".
Yet in spite of all this Calvary.
The novitiate year is the year that is most regretted in religious life. Like a treasure not sufficiently appreciated when owned.
For if the old man is tormented in that year the new man learns the few truths that are truly essential to life and tastes the sweetness of the deep peace of the heart.
A perfect novitiate even in its outward appearance - emaciated but perfused with spiritual light - is an angel passing through the earth scorched by sin.
Blessed Crispino da Viterbo was attracted to the Capuchin Order by the vision of such angels as they went humble and absent through the streets of his birthplace.
Fra Lorenzo da Brindisi in his novitiate year had a saint as Master, Fr. Rufino of Sant'Orso.
Already a hermit of St. Jerome Father Rufino at the age of thirty had entered the Capuchin Order to reinforce his spirit already so far ahead in the exercise of the fundamental virtues love of God and neighbor and complete crucifixion to the world, the devil and the flesh .
First in Chorus at every hour of night and day prayer - he was the last to come out of it after hours of ecstatic contemplation.
It took him an hour to prepare for Mass and two hours to celebrate it.
Thanksgiving had an unlimited time. He wore a suit all patched on bare flesh.
In the formation of the young he did not skimp on penance; but at the same time he had such a sweet trait that he unwittingly stole the hearts of the novices.
True heroes came out of his school of perfection.
First Fra Lorenzo of Brindisi. Despite Fra Lorenzo's poor health, he carried the weight of the "regular observance" and discipline of the novitiate as if he were a burden of feathers.
A document says of him «He was more devout, more modest and observant than the other novices; and he was so pure and simple that he looked like an angel "(1).
And he was so absorbed in thoughts of heaven that not even in the short time of recreation he opened his mouth or did gymnastics.
If it really was necessary to speak, he would limit himself to repeating literally a few passages from the pious book that he had read at the table during meals. Only once did he seem to object to this invariable rule.
For Easter some benefactors had sent the friars a live lamb. Fra Lorenzo began to caress it and have fun with it. «Perhaps - notes an ancient biographer - he saw in that innocent creature" the immaculate Lamb Jesus Christo (2) "».
It was in this year of grace that Fra Lorenzo gave an essay of his surprising memory. After listening to a very long sermon, he rewrote it in great detail.
(1) Cit. from from Carmignano ib. I p. 141 n. 44.
(2) Cit. by id. ib. p. 140 n. 43.
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
2 hours ago
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life of St. Lawrence of Brindisi (1559-1619
1561 –1565
When he undertook his studies in the external schools of the Conventual Franciscans of San Paolo Eremita in Brindisi he was already orphaned by his father who died after 1561 and before 1565.
The goal of little Julius Caesar is holiness. The sufferings and penances to which he voluntarily and secretly undergoes to make his inner man mature are incredible.
July 22, 1559
In this period variously reported traditions place the first public outings of the future saint; the reference is to the use of Conventuals to have children preached on certain solemnities.
1565 - 1567
Between 1565 and 1567 he took the habit of the conventuals and passed from the external school to that for oblates and candidates for religious life.
He studied in the external schools of the Conventual Franciscans of San Paolo Eremita in Brindisi.
The custom of the Conventuals of having children preached on some solemnities starts his public preaching.
The death of his mother as well as leaving him alone creates considerable economic difficulties for Giulio without receiving the help of relatives, not even that of Giorgio Mezosa who is his teacher at the Conventuals.
The future saint orphaned now also of a mother is in considerable economic difficulties.
The relatives among these Giorgio Mezosa who taught him at the Conventuals do not seem to have taken any.
"and perhaps" for this reason that the fourteen-year-old Julius Caesar moved to Venice with an uncle who was a priest who ran a private school and looked after the clerics of San Marco. Supernatural phenomena are immediately present in the life of the ardent and ambitious young man of the only love of God!
But his educator-teacher robs the boy of the offers that the faithful have given during one of his homily, in fact the saint asks for charity to be able to provide himself with a new dress because what he wears has become indecently short and skimpy.
Left with his very humiliating and ridila tua vergognaus dress we witness a mirala tua vergognaus phenomenon this dress will literally begin to grow on him like a skin and will expand in all directions, growing 20 centimeters in height.
He is not happy in Brindisi because he does not find shining examples of holiness.
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The fourteen-year-old boy then moved to Venice to an uncle priest, director of a private school and curator of the clerics of San Marco, thus being able to continue his studies and mature his vocation in the order of the Capuchin Minor.
This choice in fact allows him to continue his studies and consolidate his vocation to the order of the Capuchin Minors. In an attempt to mature the vocation of the Capuchins, orphan of his parents at the age of 14, he is welcomed in Venice by an uncle who is a canon priest of San Marco and by his aunt who, with three daughters, finally offers him the warmth of a family.
But in this period he multiplies the absolute fasts to the partial ones, he sleeps on the floor and lashes himself to blood and has frequent ecstatic raptures.
He is the leader in his group and is very cheerful we would call him "nice" because the boys love being in his company.
The companions are fascinated by his person by his affectionate, sociable and authoritative temperament.
The desire to be a Capuchin was justified by the fact that it was the most severe order and the many requests for membership were rejected with charity but among the few who were accepted even fewer were those who passed the selection.
Almost solely the Capuchins who had no fear of losing their lives assisted the plague victims.
Thus all the risky and dangerous assignments saw the Capuchins as protagonists who challenged the arrogance of the lords and princes to defend the poor or who went in search of martyrdom in an attempt to evangelize Muslims and evangelicals.
The only violence they committed was that against themselves they came everywhere following the word of the Lord:
"I send you as lambs among wolves".
But let's see what was the formation that a Capuchin friar had to receive. Manzoni does not exaggerate when in Fr. Xtoforo he presents the portrait of the Capuchin man of prayer and action of penance and struggle.
Was the Capuchin spirituality (no comparison with the current Capuchins can be made) the order of St. Francis should be reformed again? Certainly that Capuchin life was like the fruit of the prickly pear, it is thorny on the outside but sweet and pulpy on the inside.
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
2 hours ago
Discussion on World Israel News 17 comments
US keeping IRGC on terror list, even if it sabotages nuclear deal – report
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
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http: // web tiscali It / martyrs
life of St. Lawrence of Brindisi (1559-1619) Doctor of the universal Church He saved Christianity and democracy in the world in fact if in Albareale (at the gates of Vienna) the overwhelming Turkish army of over 600,000 soldiers had not just been defeated 300,000 Christian soldiers today would all be Muslims.
The most historically influential character of his time is not mentioned in the history books published by the Communists.
IMPRIMATUR - Bari April 17, 1959 - Mons. Michele Samarelli Vie. Gen. - From the Order no impediment document for the press - Bari 6 - I - 1959. Br. Arcangelo da Barletta Prov. Capp. V. 3281 - RESERVED PROPERTY - PAULINE EDITIONS - BARI
PRESENTATION Four hundred years ago the generous Apulia gave the Church the impetuous and great genius of Lorenzo da Brindisi glory of this shining land honor of the Capuchin Order example of pure life of strength and Christian wisdom.
The veil of time has perhaps tried to mitigate the memory of so much light that still remains in the cycle of the eternal and in the history of the Church, intense and timeless due to its vivid power, an attempt that was in vain and the celebrations that almost everywhere prove it. near the centenary year they commemorated and glorified St. Lawrence of Brindisi; (in Taranto, for example, one of the new parishes was dedicated to him).
His writings are still today testimony of the profound and vast doctrine of him which combined with the gift of a prodigious memory that made him giant
Rich in all the resources of Positive Theology with his word he was a strenuous defender of the Faith and this rekindled and reinvigorated in many lost or doubtful souls; he was an effective and combative preacher against the errors of Protestantism by putting a stop to Luther's thought and conquests; he was in love candid and admirable cantor of the glories of Mary; he was extraordinary and powerful in the knowledge and use of Sacred Scripture.
Chaplain of the imperial army of Hungary great in his humble mighty faith in his Franciscan holiness led armies in defense of Christianity and led them to victory in the name of Xto by renewing the miracle of Lepanto.
May the example of the wisdom of the courage and holiness of Lorenzo da Brindisi ring a reminder of our faith and our life, this is the reason why I sincerely applaud the effort and work of the illustrious Capuchin Father Agostino da Triggiano (1),
who publishes his biography written with so much warmth and so much depth of criticism and study.
And to the pleasure of presenting this volume, I am pleased to combine, out of dutiful and affectionate gratitude, the admiration for the providential work so rich in apostolic meaning that the Capuchin Fathers of Puglia today as always are carrying out in this land of ours for the triumph of Jesus. unique and supreme of the heart and action of San Lorenzo da Brindisi.
Taranto January 6, 1959. + GUGLIELMO MOTOLESE
Titular Bishop of Eutime
Apostolic Administrator of Taranto (Today Archbishop of Taranto)
(1) It is the religious name of the author of these pages.
http: // web tiscali It / martyrs
July 22, 1559.
Giulio Cesare Russo (Lorenzo) was born in Brindisi in Puglia on 22 July 1559 to Guglielmo Russo and Elisabetta Masella.
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
2 hours ago
Discussion on World Israel News 13 comments
Tel Aviv terrorist was planning 2nd attack for Passover
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
2 hours ago
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http: // web tiscali It / martiri / doc1 htm
this is A LOOK TO THE PAST (MY 2003 ARTICLES) TO UNDERSTAND THE PRESENT TO "SEE" THE FUTURE. AS THE ARAB LEAGUE SHARIAH HAS PLANNED FROM DESTRUCTION OF THE MANKIND .. NOW WE ARE TO THE GLOBAL ISLAMIC THREAT functional to the rise of the Talmud Masonic system Spa IMF the usurocracy Rothschild which is the Nwo the triumph of Satanism]
Dearest / or with 45,000,000 Christian martyrs the twentieth century. it is the century of martyrdom par excellence.
Currently 160,000 Christians are martyred a year equal to about 500 a day die in general disinterest and in the most absurd political unconsciousness since our sentinels are the sentinels of human dignity in the world.
But the number of martyrs also reveals the number of those who, not being ready for martyrdom and any form of social discrimination, allow themselves to be Islamized in several thousand a day.
Through petrodollars and violence, this inhuman form of Islam is experiencing an incredible spread throughout the world in our times.
The Islamic international designed by Komeini is financed by Saudi Arabia, which is the matrix of fundamentalism and terrorism in the world.
Let's take for example the case of Egypt ten years ago 30% of the population was Christian today only 10%! Will Christians still be found in Egypt in ten years? Of course they will only be found in the cemetery!
If we do not act quickly, a future war cannot be avoided!
The real threat in the future - if we haven't noticed it yet - is the fundamentalist Islamic one!
However, even the most moderate Islam has rejected the international charter of human rights because it does not accept the abolition of slavery, equality between men and women and equality between Muslim and non-Muslim men.
We are the first in the world to commemorate these 45,000,000 Christian martyrs of the twentieth century. with marches for PEACE.
On every Saturday in April and May from 20.00 to 21.00 from Piazza della Libertà - from the feet of the Immaculate Conception - we will reach Piazza del Comune where we will be greeted by the Mirala tua vergognaus Crucifix of the artistic Convent Church.
In the Piazza del Comune there is a traveling exhibition made up of more than 300 posters made by students of the SMS "Giov. XXIII" and of the ITC "Tommaso Fiore".
Dear citizen, you cannot miss the dual purpose of this manifestation of affection for the martyrs and social responsibility.
According to your possibilities, try to involve friends and to get this present to the organs of social communication so that a wider international public opinion can be involved and sensitized by also using the e-mail tool. Thanks!
This press release is distributed by the Observatory on the Martyrdom of Christians and on the violation of Religious Freedom in the world Parish Center of S. Maria di M *******.
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
2 hours ago
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"El islamismo relevo del communismo" Bin ISIS Salman Rockefeller & Rothschild] "El islamismo relevo del communismo" by blocking all my 110 blogspots [how did I remove the 10 red-dots html-code? that already blocked my 120 blogs for 14 years? the satan sodom noticed my blogspot and blocked them all for me
http: // web tiscali It / martiri / doc1 htm
There is currently no conflict of civilization and no religious war on the Catholic side.
Not only do these conflicts do not exist but they will never be able to exist again due to an evolutionary attitude of Catholicism.
For this reason, Islam is a noble and positive religion. Of course, he has a theological problem to face inside:
1 - the rejection of violence as a means of proselytizing. Of course, inside it has another social problem to deal with:
1 - the separation between politics and religion because the Muslim citizen has the same rights as the non-Muslim citizen.
2 - the need to link up with the international charter of human rights to solve the problem of its international relations.
Unfortunately, as we all know, there is currently an ideologized and very dangerous Islam in almost all Islamic nations.
Our observatory will engage with all civil and democratic forms of this country to build a mutual trust and dialogue that avoids acts of intolerance and enmity! But every dialogue must start from respect for the truth and from the principle of equality of men and of religions. Subjectively everyone believes that his religion is the best but objectively the right to freedom of religion must be recognized.
there is documentation that we should all know!
Every civilized man knows that the lack of interest in these issues is now an act of irresponsibility towards the history and the future of our children.
http: // web tiscali It / martyrs
We sincerely thank all those who have granted us the authorization to publish their articles and all those who tacitly grant them to us because we have not been able to contact them as far as possible we have always cited the sources both for the appreciation of the intellectual work done and for advertising. We are available for any clarification. Thanks!
However, even the most moderate Islam has rejected the international charter of human rights because it does not accept the abolition of slavery, equality between men and women, and the equality between Muslim and non-Muslim men, practically does not accept the concept of reciprocity! http: // web tiscali It / martiri / doc1 htm
We appreciate the appeal of the Holy Father John Paul II and we join him in contempt for all violence in the name of God and for dialogue.
In the hope that you want to talk.
In the hope that you want to accept the criterion of reciprocity.
Unfortunately, we believe that if the Islamic world does not accept the democratization process within thirty years (if not sooner), humanity will be dragged into the third world conflict.
http: // web tiscali It / martyrs
It is not enough to dissociate oneself from the crimes committed in Islamic countries, which some representatives of Islamic communities have done on television, it is necessary to formalize one's dissent with the governments of origin but above all it is necessary to develop a non-fundamentalist or literal exegesis of the Koran to be faithful to the Spirit of Allah and thus to mature a consequent theology that is not in contrast with modernity because even human intelligence is a revelation of Allah the Most Merciful I that I am not worthy to name.
Some things Muhammad said as a prophet and this theological content is inalienable and must be defended but some things Muhammad (not being God) said to you as a man of his time about his culture and his particular political condition.
Confusing these two planes leads to fundamentalism and will lead to the destruction of the entire human race.
To all men of Good Will PEACE!
The most stupid, cruel and selfish animal is man! Only "divinization" or "enlightenment" is the true form of the human. - lorenzo 2003.
lorenzoJHWH will came in 2008
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
2 hours ago
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Bin ISIS Salman Rockeeller & Rothschild] "El islamismo relevo del communismo" by blocking all my 110 blogspots [how did I remove the 10 red-dots html-code? that already blocked my 120 blogs for 14 years? the satan sodom noticed my blogspot and blocked them all for me
Roger Garaudy, former leader of the French CP which later became Islamic, recounted his conversations with the Libyan dictator Muhammar Gaddafi.
Significant cartoon published in the Spanish newspaper El Pais in 1992.
Social Communist thinkers have for some time been claiming that Islamic fundamentalism succeeded Marxism as the engine of the class struggle. until recently believed to be a supporter of international terrorism in the West.
Gaddafi showed him the political translation of verse II13 6 of the Koran
"It is a direct democracy without delegation of power and without alienation.
Nothing will replace the people, neither parties nor parliaments.
Direct democracy through popular committees and congresses as an immediate emanation of the agricultural cooperative enterprises of the village and neighborhood universities ".
In other words, an update of the model that the Soviets have failed to implement and that the recycled left are trying to achieve by employing various forms of self-management.
In 1995 Garaudy published the book Towards a War of Religion?
The debate of the century prefacted by Leonardo Boff theologian of the liberation and former religious.
The former Franciscan friar qualified Garaudy as a prophet who, together with Mons. Helder Camara, would lay the foundations for an anti-capitalist Christian-Marxist convergence and added that Islamic fundamentalism lives on the same libertarian fire as liberation theology.
Garaudy announces a religious war not between the Catholic Church and Islam but that of rebellious believers against any form of authority because this would be intrinsically complicit in consumerist and hedonistic capitalism.
In fact, Islamic fundamentalism is part of a vast movement that goes beyond the limits of historical Islam.
The well-documented Atlas Mondial de l'Islam Activiste notes that "the Islamic renaissance is not an isolated phenomenon but is part of a global movement of rejection of mercantilistic and media materialism that has spread throughout the world for decades.
This movement has a naturalistic dimension, an ecological one and a religious one, a return to the foundations ".
Fundamentalism is objectively an ally of the forces of chaos that manifested themselves in the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre in the riots in Seattle, Prague and Genoa and in the progressive ecclesiastical subversion.
Fundamentalism scum of the West tries to achieve a synthesis of the Revolution with the Mohammedan Allah. This fatal convergence recalls the thesis of a historic article by prof. Plinio Corréa de Oliveira "If East and West unite outside the Church they will generate monsters".
Islamic fundamentalism and the terrifying 9/11 attack are a tragic confirmation of this.
Article taken from Tradition Family Property Year 7 n. 34 sep. Nov. 2001 http: // web tiscali It / martyrs / REPORT htm
"El islamismo relevo del communismo" - cartoon published in El Pais in 1992. Social-communist thinkers have long been claiming that Islamic fundamentalism succeeded Marxism as the engine of the class struggle.
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
2 hours ago
Bin ISIS Salman Rockeeller & Rothschild] "El islamismo relevo del communismo" by blocking all my 110 blogspots [how did I remove the 10 red-dots html-code? that already blocked my 120 blogs for 14 years? the satan sodom noticed my blogspot and blocked them all for me
http: // web tiscali It / martyrs / Albania htm
Albania The new constitution guarantees religious freedom. Large funds arrive from Saudi Arabia to build mosques and for the spread of Islam.
In the past two years, however, many Orthodox churches and monasteries have been damaged and desecrated by unidentified people.
Islamic structures were not damaged. Before these massive investments by Saudi Arabia there were no phenomena of violence but of friendship and collaboration.
From ACS situation as a percentage of the population Muslims 70% Orthodox 20% Catholics 10%.
http: // web tiscali It / martyrs / Albania htm
WE ARE NOW IN THE GLOBAL ISLAMIC THREAT functional to the rise of the Talmud Masonic system Spa IMF the usurocracy Rothschild which is the Nwo the triumph of Satanism]
From the "thousand and one nights" to the infernal darkness OF SHARIAH FUNDAMENTALISM.
http: // web tiscali It / martyrs / REPORT htm
Fundamentalism does not aim to rekindle the world of the Thousand and One Nights of the fascinating carpets of the mythical emirs and sheikhs of the desert of the slender and elegant minarets and gilded mosques of the TajMahal.
That universe of wonders reflects positive aspects that languish in Islam today.
On the contrary, fundamentalism aims to extinguish those potentialities of the soul that could make fairytale civilizations blossom - if they were to convert the holy Catholic and apostolic church to the only true Church - and indeed wants a tribal miserabilist proletarianized civilization.
And for this purpose, for convenience, it disguises itself with ancient and sacred venustà.
The Western egalitarian revolution injected into Islam generates the fundamentalist monster.
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
2 hours ago
Filipino sources in Riyadh revealed to the "C0mpa*s" agency (17.1.2000) that minors are used as a weapon of blackmail by the religious police to obtain information on the Filipino c*rist*an immigrant network and their activities of worship.
Equally prohibited is the Baha'i religion defined by the Academy of Islamic Law of Saudi Arabia as
"a s p*i t of Islam and a war against it".
Anyone who joins it is considered kafir, that is, devoid of any right. http://web tiscali It/martiri/ArabiaSaudita HTM
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
2 hours ago
Romero was freed on 13 January 2000 and at the same time lost his job and was given the injunction to leave Saudi Arabia within three weeks of his release.
In the meantime, since 7 January 2000, after a raid on a private house where about a hundred c*r*sti*ns were gathered, ten adults and five Filipino children have been detained, the spouses Art and Sabalista Abreu and their twelve-year-old children Kristel, Aaron, ten years old, and Keilah, two. Di*k Mira Velez Disdado Cadoy Jun and Evelyn Vinegas and their 6-year-old sons Paul and four-year-old John were also arrested along with Rubino Sulit George and Elen Rivera and Eminesio Rabea.
Their release took place in two stages as reported by the "Ansa" agency on January 28th
io 2000 on days 19 and 23.
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
2 hours ago
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
2 hours ago
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
2 hours ago
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
2 hours ago
"Droits de l'homme sans frontières" of 16 November 1999 it happened to the twenty-four year old Filipino Arsenio Enriquez Jr. waiter of a restaurant in the capital from 1993 arrested after a house search in which a Bible was found.
In prison he could only receive a visit from a friend and send a letter to his family.
Barbara G. Baker for the agency "C0mpass Direct" on December 22, 1999 reports the arrest of a Filipino engineer Edmar Romero detained since December 1 on suspicion of carrying out ch*i*tian activities.
During the search that took place in the home of the arrested person,
a bible was confiscated.
The investigations began with the seizure two months earlier by the muttawa
(the Saudi religious police) of a list of names during a raid on an underground place of worship.
On that occasion, 267 faithful were interrogated on 8 October and 13 of them were arrested and expatriated after an injunction to their employers to dismiss them.
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Discussion on World Israel News 13 comments
Tel Aviv terrorist was planning 2nd attack for Passover
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
2 hours ago
Bin ISIS Salman Rockeeller & Rothschild] "El islamismo relevo del communismo" by blocking all my 110 blogspots [ SAUDI ARABIA.
The art. 26, which regulates human rights, intends to apply them limitedly to the ambit of the shari'a.
Saudi citizens are mandatorily Muslims. Saudi law prohibits non-Muslims from meeting for reasons related to their religious faith.
In the territory of the Kingdom according to the "C0mpass"
agency of January 17, 2000, there are at least six million non-Muslim immigrants who are denied any right to practice their faith even though there are exceptions for numerically insignificant groups.
In the past two years, at least 130 chr*st*an immigrants have been put in prison deprived of work and expelled from the country on charges of "c*rist*an activities".
On 6 July last in Riyadh he reported
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
2 hours ago
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
3 hours ago
Bin ISIS Salman Rockeeller & Rothschild] "El islamismo relevo del communismo" by blocking all my 110 blogspots [ SAUDI ARABIA. Saudi Arabia possesses enormous oil wealth that produces two-thirds of the government's revenue money that is used to improve services and communications to develop industries and to finance the expansion of Islam around the world.
Population 21,606,691 Religion Muslims 92.83% Christians 4.54% non-religious and other 1.40% Hindus 0.60% Buddhists and Chinese 0.42% Sikhs 0.02%. Saudi Arabia is an Islamic state committed to the role of guardian of Islam and its sacred places. Most Saudis are Wahhabi Sunnis.
A massive Islamic missionary effort is coordinated in Mecca by the Muslim World League.
Billions of dollars are spent every day to spread Islam around the world.
Monarchy Government The extended royal family closely controls administration, diplomacy and trade.
Head of state King Fahd Saud.
Until 1,300 years ago there was a large Christian community but then the Muslims took over and all the Christians were expelled from the country. The data on religious freedom and human rights in Saudi Arabia are among the worst in the world. Saudi Arabia is reported to have paid some public relations firms in the US to cover up bad human rights reports in the country.
Anyone who carries out missionary work or converts a Muslim faces imprisonment, expulsion or a death sentence.
Even foreign Christians visiting Saudi Arabia cannot come together to hold cults. missionary opportunities Despite the threat of persecution, Christ's followers resist and find innovative ways to come together and encourage one another. Saudi Arabia "The worldwide danger!" POPULATION 20,181,000. SURFACE 2.248.000 sq. Km.
RELIGION Sunni Muslims 95.5% Shiite Muslims 3.3%. CATHOLIC NUMBER 641,000 "Islamic state whose religion is Islam and the constitution is the Holy Book of God and the Sunnah of its Prophet" the Kingdom draws its authority as stated in art. 7 of the fundamental statute of power from the Book of God and from the Sunnah of his Prophet to which all the rules of the State that has the task of protecting the Muslim faith, to apply the shari'a to order the Good and to prohibit Evil as well as spreading Islam and ensuring the da'awa that is the practice of Islamic proselytism.
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
3 hours ago
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
3 hours ago
Bin ISIS Salman Rockeeller & Rothschild] "El islamismo relevo del communismo" by blocking all my 110 blogspots [ UMMA genocide NIGERIA. http://web.tiscali.It/martiri/Indone.htm
NIGERIA. Pastor Manjang left the pastorate five years ago to take care of translating the Bible into several Nigerian tribal languages. His death was another consequence of the continuing jihad against Christian leaders in the Nigerian state of Plateau.
The Mission for the Persecuted Church continues to help the Christian victims of persecution and violence in Nigeria, among other things by providing medical assistance to our suffering brothers and sisters in the state of Plateau just before Christmas.
Miss-world contest transferred from Nigeria to London in November 2002:
over 200 deaths; If an article is capable of unleashing all this, a mighty energy of fanaticism and death is present in present-day Islam. Many of these dead are Christians overwhelmed by the fury of fanaticism.
These killings have been disguised / covered up by our Masonic media as:
"inter-religious clashes." but there is no aggression by Christians against anyone on this planet.
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
3 hours ago
Bin ISIS Salman Rockeeller & Rothschild] "El islamismo relevo del communismo" by blocking all my 110 blogspots [ NIGERIA. In the archdiocese of Onitsha alone, the "KNA" of February 17, 1998 informs the twenty-two novitiate parishes and seminaries by storm. In some dioceses almost every single parish has been attacked.
The Catholic Church in the country has repeatedly turned to the authority for this problem but so far there has been no confirmation of the facts despite progress in the field of human rights also underlined by a declaration of the Nigerian Bishops' Conference of September 1998 in which however, the return of the Catholic schools seized in the 1970s is requested.
http://web tiscali It/martiri/Nigeria htm
The repression by the government of Islamist movements such as the Muslim Brotherhood is considered by Amnesty International to harm human rights and freedom of conscience in some cases referring to 1998.
Assassinate an ecclesiastical leader and two of his family Bitrus Manjang. A prominent Nigerian church leader was recently a victim of Islamic violence in Plateau state.
Sixty-year-old Bitrus Manjang came vice president of the Church of Xist in Nigeria was assassinated last December in his house in Riyom about forty-five kilometers from the city of Jos.
The rev. Manjang was shot down by a gang of Muslim rioters as he got out of his car. The daughter-in-law and six-year-old grandson also perished in the attack.
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
3 hours ago
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
3 hours ago
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Bin ISIS Salman Rockeeller & Rothschild] "El islamismo relevo del communismo" by blocking all my 110 blogspots [NIGERIA. "Fides" in 1998 describes the religious balance of Nigeria as numerically divided between Muslims and Christians almost equally. Attacks against church buildings occur, attacks on the baptized, but in reality there are better relationships within than appears externally. In the south, religious conversion from Islam to Christianity is possible while in the north it is not allowed. In this part of the country there are the greatest clashes here Islam has been present since 1200 and the power of the emirs today limits the construction of Catholic schools and churches.
NIGERIA Allah uh UMMA OCI Akbar. In the south there is greater tolerance.
The visit of the Holy Father to Nigeria for the beatification of Father Tansi brought the hope of reconciliation and broke the isolation imposed by the international community. The latter had its causes in the cancellation of the elections and the Abacha coup in 1993 for the execution of the death sentence against the writer Ken Saro-Wiwa and eight leaders of the Ogoni ethnic minority and the death sentence for the Nobel laureate of literature Wole Soyinka now a refugee in the United States.
The Holy Father asked for the release of 60 political prisoners and wanted to relaunch dialogue with Muslims. Mgr. John Fasina bishop of Ijebu-Ode in an interview with "Fides" highlighted some aspects of the religious question in Nigeria. Coming from a Muslim family of Yoruba ethnicity, Msgr.
Fasina converted to Christianity at the age of 19 while his other brothers continued to practice Islam. The possibility of conversion from one religion to another - explains Msgr. Fasina - not a rare occurrence among the Yoruba unlike what happens in the north where this would be inadmissible.
NIGERIA Allah uh UMMA OCI Akbar. The "State Departement Report on Religion Freedom" cites two cases of persecution the state of Kwara in March 1996 imposed the forced closure of Christian schools that refused to teach Islamic doctrines.
These schools had taken this action in response to the Islamic ones who had rejected the teaching of Christian doctrines.
After the transfer of the military governor, the schools were reopened. The state of Kwara was the scene of acts of violence against Christians in March 1997 when a group of soldiers beat and whipped some members of the Christian Association of Nigeria during the Palm Sunday procession in the locality of Ilorin.
NIGERIA Allah uh UMMA OCI Akbar. A captain parked his car along the path of the procession in the middle of the road; when asked to move the car he ordered some soldiers stationed nearby to attack the procession. Some members of the Christian Association were arrested and held in prison for two days. In 1997 in Ogwasi-Uku the diocesan Rev. Ngozi Isidi lost his life for his faith.
NIGERIA Allah uh UMMA OCI Akbar. However, Catholic parishes and priests are increasingly the victims of theft and armed attacks.
Between December 1997 and January 1998 about ten priests were victims of attacks. For the most part the assaults take place in the north near the archdiocese of Kaduna, that is to say in the center of the Vatican missionary congregation. Archbishop Peter Jatau has invited parish priests and religious to a more strenuous defense through a circular. Other dioceses have also been subjected to thefts and robberies. Furthermore, the attacks are mainly aimed at the offerings collected by the faithful. In defense of churches and parishes, sentries have been posted who are in most cases disarmed and tied up. A priest who replies that he has no money with him informs "Fides" he is beaten up and seriously injured.
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
Matthew Lathum
3 hours ago
Bin ISIS Salman Rockeeller & Rothschild] [Tel Aviv terrorist was planning 2nd attack for Passover] The more children raped and burned alive, the more kafirs are put in mass graves? the more Erdogan becomes a saint and so it has been for 1400 years.
sorry, but the UMMA deserves the sharjah Kuran-Talmud genocide of mankind, and then, sure Allah will forgive you
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
3 hours ago
Allah uuh Akbar Bin ISIS Salman Rockeeller & Rothschild ] you NWO FIM FED demonic kabbalah [ your satanists fought unfairly (because you are unfair) and I was forced to block them!
now, all these girls that follow me, and that you forced into prostitution, now, you have to free them
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Discussion on World Israel News 31 comments
Deputy mayor of Nazareth sends condolences to terrorist's family - his cousins
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
3 hours ago
Bin ISIS Salman Rockeeller & Rothschild] "El islamismo relevo del communismo" by blocking all my 110 blogspots ["El islamismo relevo del communismo" LET'S BRING SATANISTS TO NUREMBERG! when we speak of "banking seigniorage" and / or "monetary sovereignty" but, we highlight the "banking / monetary".
and this is the banal theft of goods.
and instead, the real crime of Talmudic satanism kabbalah (control of souls) is that of extermination, murder and enslavement, which must be sought in subtraction of: "seigniorage / sovereignty" and this is a supernatural demonic infestation. In fact, without "seigniorage / sovereignty" you can never be master of your space and your time!
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Discussion on World Israel News 13 comments
Tel Aviv terrorist was planning 2nd attack for Passover
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
4 hours ago
1.) El islamismo relevo of communism
LionJudah ☦️ UniusREI ☦️ kingdom of Israel King LorenzoJHWH
2.) 666 sharia 322 SATANIST P * R N X 666 X jihadist ISIS
your blog
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has been blocked for violating Erdogan's Terms of Service Executioner Sharjah Sodom Satan Allah JabulOn, SpaCo, FED IM ECB scam banking seigniorage cult OWL Dracula lgbtq Marduch Macron.
and If,
you want to request a review of the blog, click "Request Review" below.
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
4 hours ago
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
4 hours ago
Discussion on World Israel News 6 comments
Report: IDF bombs targets in Syria in rare daylight attack
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia
lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel
4 hours ago
ehi worldisraelnews little satana
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