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Your account is suspended

Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

ARISTOBULUS evil messia troll CIA Satana

 Michelle Obama you must understand these things ...

that some very BIDEN old and worn out people? they are disturbed, under guard,

they have diapers and take the broth from the caregiver

Michelle Obama tu devi capire queste cose...

che alcune persone molto anziane BIDEN e consumate? sono disturbate, sottotutela,

hanno il pannolone e prendono il brodino dalla badante


ARISTOBULUS evil messia troll CIA Satana

do you hear satan, if you make me close this channel too? then, I'll be back with another channel, so stop marking all my comments systematically

senti satana, se mi fai chiudere anche questo canale? poi, io tornerò con un altro canale, quindi smettila di segnare tutti i miei commenti sistematicamente


the nazi clown, UK [ bojo ] , France [ macron ] , USA [ biden ] have destroyed germany.. when the german electorate party wakes up.. 

. . month of april 2022 ? 

the Germans will realize the nazi clown & the UK [ bojo ] & the US [ a senile biden ] has dragged Germany into this war & has destroyed the German industrial manufacturing & the euro.. Germany is the only country holding up the euro.. the rest of the EU are mostly welfare countries,

These countries depend on EU loans to survive .. Spain, Italy, Poland, France , & others. These are poor countries.. they lost their manufacturing , industrial base.. high populations of welfare populations. Ukraine will flood EU with welfare refugees. The nazi clown has destroyed his own country - ukraine, already a poor country. The azov nazi problems are major in ukraine..

Watch the perspective from Duran News & the Gasprom problems.



the nazi clown, Regno Unito [ bojo ] , Francia [ macron ] , USA [ biden ] hanno distrutto la germania.. quando il partito dell'elettorato tedesco si sveglia..

. . mese di aprile 2022 ?

i tedeschi realizzeranno il clown nazista e il Regno Unito [ bojo ] e gli Stati Uniti [ un senile biden ] hanno trascinato la Germania in questa guerra e hanno distrutto la produzione industriale tedesca e l'euro .. La Germania è l'unico paese che sostiene l'euro .. il resto dell'UE sono per lo più paesi assistenziali,

Questi paesi dipendono dai prestiti dell'UE per sopravvivere... Spagna, Italia, Polonia, Francia e altri. Questi sono paesi poveri... hanno perso la loro base manifatturiera, industriale... un'alta popolazione di popolazioni assistenziali. L'Ucraina inonderà l'UE di rifugiati assistenziali. Il clown nazista ha distrutto il suo stesso paese: l'Ucraina, già un paese povero. I problemi nazisti azov sono importanti in ucraina..

Guarda la prospettiva da Duran News e i problemi di Gasprom.



Lorenzo, sai che significa carpe diem?

Che non dobbiamo sprecare le occasioni di una vita vissuta nel bene.

Oggi ti scrivo perché io e te abbiamo un'occasione più unica che rara, e sprecarla sarebbe semplicemente imperdonabile.

Riguarda la campagna per proteggere i minori dai pericoli della rete e dalla tossicodipendenza da smartphone e social media.

Siamo stati convocati in udienza dall'AGCOM, la massima autorità amministrativa per le garanzie nelle comunicazioni (di tutti i tipi: tv, radio, internet, stampa…).

L'AGCOM sta lavorando a nuovi standard minimi di sicurezza per la protezione dei bambini online e vogliono conoscere la nostra opinione in merito.

È l'occasione per far conoscere le nostre richieste!

Vogliamo che i 'Signori della Rete' (Vodafone, Tim, Wind, Iliad, Sky, Fastweb, etc) aumentino filtri e blocchi per proteggere i minori da pornografia, violenza, pedopornografia, bullismo, adescamenti…

Abbiamo già realizzato convegni, articoli, interviste, webinar per genitori, video, documentari, incontri istituzionali, conferenze stampa banchetti informativi e molto altro su questo tema, ma serve uno sprint.

URGENTE– In vista dell'audizione all'AGCOM dobbiamo moltiplicare l'impatto delle attività contro la tossicodipendenza da smartphone e l'iper-sessualizzazione, e per farlo ho bisogno anche del tuo aiuto.

Per favore Lorenzo, difendi i minori dai pericoli della rete donando 35 euro, 20 euro o qualsiasi cifra ti sia oggi possibile per questa campagna [clicca qui per donare in sicurezza con carta o PayPal]

Se preferisci donare via bonifico o bollettino postale trovi i dati che ti servono alla fine di questa mail - per favore, fallo oggi!

Pro Vita & Famiglia è una delle principali associazioni a difesa dei diritti dei minori sul web.

La tua donazione ci aiuterà a realizzare altri convegni sul territorio e - soprattutto - incontri formativi per dare ai genitori gli strumenti con cui salvaguardare i loro figli dai pericoli della rete.

Moltiplicare proprio adesso le nostre iniziative renderà la nostra posizione più autorevole (e credibile) davanti all'AGCOM:

Sostieni la campagna per proteggere i minori dalla TOSSICODIPENDENZA DIGITALE con 35 euro, 20 euro o qualsiasi cifra ti sia possibile [clicca qui per donare in sicurezza con carta o PayPal]

Se preferisci donare via bonifico o bollettino postale trovi i dati che ti servono alla fine di questa mail - per favore, fallo oggi!

La pandemia ha stravolto le abitudini di bambini e adolescenti aumentando esponenzialmente la loro connessione online.

Di conseguenza è aumentata la loro esposizione a contenuti violenti, pornografici o comunque sessualmente marcati.

I dati dimostrano che i filtri e i blocchi attuali non sono assolutamente sufficienti a proteggere adeguatamente i nostri figli e i nostri nipoti.

Ecco perché l'AGCOM sta lavorando a nuovi standard minimi di protezione dei minori online, chiedendo anche l'opinione in merito di Pro Vita & Famiglia.

Ed ecco perché questo (proprio QUESTO) è il momento di investire maggiori risorse sulla nostra campagna contro iper-digitalizzazione e iper-sessualizzazione dei minori.

Carpe diem Lorenzo: il tuo aiuto serve ORA!

A breve saremo auditi dall'AGCOM, il momento di moltiplicare le nostre attività per i minori è ADESSO: per favore dona ora 35 euro, 20 euro o qualsiasi cifra ti sia possibile (anche la più piccola fa la differenza!). Clicca qui per donare in sicurezza con carta o PayPal

Se preferisci donare via bonifico o bollettino postale trovi i dati che ti servono alla fine di questa mail - per favore, fallo oggi!

L'impatto della nostra audizione all'AGCOM dipenderà anche da che cosa saremo stati in grado di fare, in più, da oggi in poi.

Sono certo di poter contare sul tuo prezioso aiuto, per il semplice fatto che me lo hai già dimostrato aprendo e leggendo questa mail.

Se puoi fare solo un passo in più, donando anche la più piccola cifra (clicca qui), sarebbe straordinario.

Grazie di cuore, comunque, per tutto ciò che hai già fatto e fai per sostenere le nostre iniziative e attività!

Un caro saluto,


the criminal attitude!

1. Draghi: expulsion of Russian diplomats in agreement with the EU and NATO.


so he is not convinced of what he is doing?


2. Who are the 30 Russian diplomats expelled: from councilor to employee, they are "Moscow spies"


then only ours are not spies?


3. if the Ottomans can tell me: where is there an independent court, given that the court of Unius REI has not been activated, and why do they want to wage world war and the genocide of all Christians by sharia? then, they have no interest in setting up an independent Unius REI court!

then, I'll agree with Erdogan too.

Turkey calls for an investigation into Bucha "Our essential expectation is that an independent investigation into the events will be opened to determine who is responsible". This was announced by the Turkish Foreign Ministry in a statement regarding the Bucha and Irpin massacres in Ukraine. «Targeting innocent civilians is unacceptable» reads the statement which states that «Turkey shares the pain of the Ukrainian people».

la criminale attitudine!

1. Draghi: espulsione diplomatici russi in accordo con Ue e Nato.


quindi lui non è convinto di quello che fa?


2. Chi sono i 30 diplomatici russi espulsi: dal consigliere all’impiegato, sono «spie di Mosca» 


quindi soltanto quelli nostri non sono spie?


3. se gli ottomani mi sanno dire: dove esiste un tribunale indipendente, dato che il tribunale di Unius REI non è stato attivato, e perché loro per sharia vogliono fare la guerra mondiale e il genocidio di tutti i cristiani? poi, non hanno interesse ad impiantare un tribunale indipendente Unius REI! 

poi,  io darò ragione a Erdogan anche.

La Turchia chiede un’inchiesta su Bucha «La nostra aspettativa essenziale è che venga aperta un’inchiesta indipendente sugli eventi per determinare i responsabili». Lo fa sapere il ministero degli Esteri turco in un comunicato riguardo ai massacri di Bucha e Irpin in Ucraina. «Prendere di mira civili innocenti è inaccettabile» si legge nel comunicato dove si afferma che «la Turchia condivide il dolore del popolo ucraino».


after 8 years of pogroms, coups and genocide in the Donbass? all that follows can only be a great Hollywood carnival! of course there could be some truth, but we have no objective instrument of analysis and judgment, because who hid the horror of 8 years in the Donbass? it's the same one who packed all this!

1. Ukraine, Zelensky "Where is the peace that the UN must guarantee?"

this Zelensky and his accomplices must all be court-martialed for high treason and mass crimes.

2. In Borodyanka, mass graves are sought: "Here it's worse than Bucha" (but what if there are bombings and fighting in inhabited centers? Mass graves are not an anomaly)

3. Abuse and torture of Russian prisoners, according to 15 Ukrainian soldiers freed women,


therefore, all Ukrainian society 18-60 years old has been militarized, and we no longer have civilians outside this age.

 and how many Russian soldiers have been executed and will not be able to be released?


dopo pogrom, golpe e genocidio di 8 anni nel Donbass? tutto quello che segue può essere soltanto una grande carnevalata di Hollywood! certo ci potrebbe essere del vero, ma non abbiamo nessun strumento oggettivo di analisi e di giudizio, perché chi ha nascosto lorrore di 8 anni nel Donbass? è lo stesso che ha confezionato tutto questo!

1. Ucraina, Zelensky “Dov’è la pace che l’Onu deve garantire?”

questo Zelensky e i suoi complici devono tutti essere portati davanti alla corte marziale, per alto tradimento e crimini di massa.

2. A Borodyanka si cercano le fosse comuni: «Qui è peggio di Bucha» (ma se ci sono bombardameni e combattimenti in centri abitati? le fosse comuni non sono una anomalia)

3. Abusi e torture sulle prigioniere dei russi, lo raccontano 15 militari ucraine donne liberate,


quindi, tutta la società ucraina 18-60 anni è stata militarizzata, e non abbiamo più civili fuori questa età.

 e quanti militari russi invece sono stati giustiziati e non potranno essere liberati?


Driving sickness for Enrico Della Puppa: basketball manager crashes and dies instantly in Mestre

Suem and local police were immediately on the spot, but there was nothing more to be done. The 57-year-old is likely to have died of an illness before the accident. Dalla Puppa was married and in addition to his wife, he leaves 3 children who live in Favaro.


How did Graphene and Spike Protein from Spa&Co Big 666 pharma Bill Gates' genetic reprogramming of vaccines work well?

he died instantly from ruptured veins. and that's why I make citrus juices every day


Malore alla guida per Enrico Della Puppa: dirigente di basket si schianta e muore sul colpo a Mestre

Subito sul posto Suem e polizia locale ma non c'era più niente da fare. Probabile che il 57enne sia morto per un malore prima dell'incidente. Dalla Puppa era sposato e oltre alla moglie lascia 3 figli che vivono a Favaro. 


come il grafene e la proteina Spike e la riprogrammazione genetica dei vaccini di Bill Gates hanno lavorato bene?

lui è morto sul colpo per rottura delle vene . ed io per questo faccio spremute di agrumi tutti i giorni


WATCH: Biden is 'becoming sneaky,' says US journalist 

War crimes and crimes against humanity, who will be able to try Putin? ANSWER

this has been said, without proof and after 8 years of genocides in Donbass, Syria and Iraq also the Catholics of Bergoglio, ANSWER

under which international tribunal of Satan Allah and Sodom, the scum of Rothschild Spa & Co.

Illuminati lucifer eye, on Masonic pyramid,

the URSULA octopus in the swamp:

Deep State and 200000 human sacrifice on satana altar heach year,

they the scum of mankind, and they want to make rash and unjust decisions,

if there is no Unius REI impartial tribunal, yet?

if you non wont Unius REI Governor worldwide? you must do world war quickly

Crimini di guerra e contro l'umanità, chi potrà processare Putin?


questo lo hanno detto, senza prove e dopo 8 anni di gncidi in Donbass anche i cattolici di Bergoglio,


in base a quale tribunale internazionale di Satana Allah e Sodoma, la feccia di Rothschild Spa&Co. occhio di luciero su piramide massonica, la piovra URSULA nella palude,

loro la feccia del genere umano, loro vogliono prendere decisioni avventate ed ingiuste, se non esiste il tribunale imparziale Unius REI, ancora?


 we had water technology (H2O), already 60 years ago,

but, Rockefeller Spa & Co high constitutional betrayal of banking seigniorage, their Spa & Co sharia Rothschild (the synagogue of satan) decided to destroy Christians and Christianity, then armed the hand of the Wahhabis OCI UMMA and began to do lgbtq and satanism and masonic conspiracies, of judges corrupted by the DEM: to persecute political opponents and deactivate democracy and trade union rights,


to ruin the Bible and Israel that was to be born in it!

this is why the VATICAN according to Bildenberg has become a deep church, with Bergoglio

noi avevamo la tecnologia dell'acqua (H2O), già 60 anni fa,

ma, Rockefeller Spa&Co alto tradimento costituzionale il signoraggio bancario, loro Spa&Co sharia Rothschild (la sinagoga di satana) decisero di distruggere i cristiani e il cristianesimo, quindi armarono la mano dei Wahhabiti OCI UMMA e iniziarono a fare lgbtq e satanismo e congiure massoniche, di giudici corrotti dai DEM: per perseguitare gli opositori politici e disattivare la democrazia e i diritti sindacali,

per rovinare la Bibbia e Israele che doveva nascere in esso!

ecco perché il VATICANO secondo Bildenberg è diventato una deep church con Bergoglio


Ukraine war shifts European attitudes about energy, creating opportunity for Israel 

we could already get out of hydrocarbons 60 years ago (as I have shown), but in the Adriatic there is methane gas and it must be used!

today in Italy they blocked 110% of the subsidy, to put solar panels and this was madness!

potevamo già uscire dagli idrocarburi già 60 anni fa (come io ho dimostrato), ma nel adriatico c'é gas metano e deve essere utilizzato! 

oggi in Italia hanno bloccato il 110% di ssovvenzione, per mettere i pannelli solari e questo è stata una pazzia!


atrocities CIA OTAN EU USA SPA FED IMF ECB NWO: here is the genocide of Ukrainian troops!

They distract you with Bucha (false flag) while here they prepare hunger for you, the world feme! Maurizio Blondet April 5, 2022


I see that the TV shows only one piece of news: "The horrors of Bucha", "the genocide of Bucha". They saturate you with those macabre Hollywood images, brutal murders: 24 hours a day, they invade your psyche; and prevent you from knowing anything else. Other news that should open the news and be screamed in the front pages, they hide it from you.

no space for the counter-information of the Ursula regime falsely called democracy!

atrocities CIA OTAN UE USA SPA FED IMF ECB NWO: ecco il genocidio delle truppe ucraine! 

Vi distraggono con Bucha (false flag ) mentre qui vi preparano la fame, la feme mondiale!  Maurizio Blondet  5 Aprile 2022 


Vedo che le tv danno una sola notizia: “Gli orrori di Bucha”, “il genocidio di Bucha”. Vi saturano di quelle immagini macabre hollywood, omicidi brutali: 24 ore su 24, invadono la vostra psiche; e vi impediscono di sapere altro. Altre notizie che dovrebbero aprire i tg ed essere strillate nelle prime pagine, ve le nascondono.

nessuno spazio alla contro-informazione del regime Ursula chiamato falsamente democrazia! 


gli orchi dei bambini: DEM Ursula lgbtq Macron Biden Trudeau devono essere fermati!!

Siamo stati convocati in udienza dall'AGCOM, la massima autorità amministrativa per le garanzie nelle comunicazioni (di tutti i tipi: tv, radio, internet, stampa…).

L'AGCOM sta lavorando a nuovi standard minimi di sicurezza per la protezione dei bambini online e vogliono conoscere la nostra opinione in merito.

È l'occasione per far conoscere le nostre richieste!

Vogliamo che i 'Signori della Rete' (Vodafone, Tim, Wind, Iliad, Sky, Fastweb, etc) aumentino filtri e blocchi per proteggere i minori da pornografia, violenza, pedopornografia, bullismo, adescamenti…

Abbiamo già realizzato convegni, articoli, interviste, webinar per genitori, video, documentari, incontri istituzionali, conferenze stampa banchetti informativi e molto altro su questo tema, ma serve uno sprint.

Conto Corrente Bancario

Intestatario: Pro Vita e Famiglia Onlus

Banca: Cassa Rurale Alta Vallagarina

IBAN: IT89X0830535820000000058640

Grazie per la tua generosità!

Ukraine war shifts European attitudes about energy, creating opportunity for Israel 

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel 

Thanks for your generosity! the ogres of children: DEM Ursula lgbtq Macron Biden Trudeau must be stopped! We have been summoned to a hearing by AGCOM, the highest administrative authority for guarantees in communications (of all types: TV, radio, internet, press…).

AGCOM is working on new minimum safety standards for the protection of children online and they want to know our opinion on this. This is an opportunity to make our requests known!

We want the 'Lords of the Net' (Vodafone, Tim, Wind, Iliad, Sky, Fastweb, etc) to increase filters and blocks to protect minors from p0rn0graphy, violence, child p0rn0graphy, bullying, s0licitati0n ...

We have already made conferences, articles, interviews, webinars for parents, videos, documentaries, institutional meetings, press conferences, information banquets and much more on this topic, but we need a sprint. Bank Current Account

Account holder: Pro Vita e Famiglia Onlus

Bank: Cassa Rurale Alta Vallagarina

IBAN: IT89X0830535820000000058640

Thanks for your generosity!


Muslims riot in Jerusalem for 4th night, 6 arrested

Muslims riot in Jerusalem for 4th night, 6 arrested

since Allah alone is true?

then, only Muslims have the right to commit genocide, and this is what the UN said,

because Muslims have a Sharia law acquired over 1400 years ago!

Muslims riot in Jerusalem for 4th night, 6 arrested

poiché soltanto Allah è vero?

poi, soltanto i musulmani hanno il diritto di fare un genocidio, e questo lo ha detto Onu, 

perché i musulmani hanno un diritto di genocidio acquisito sharia da oltre 1400 anni fa!


 Clean Out Your Chametz Without Loafing Around

a day ago


#Finland and #Sweden [open letter] USA exit from INF agreement on strategic nuclear weapons. and its tactical hypersonic missiles are all nuclear dual-capable, what if you host NATO bases?

you will become a nuclear target quickly!

there is nothing to fear from Russia, but there is everything to fear from NATO.

[[I have the authority to promise it]] getting in is easy but getting out? so far no one has succeeded.

Indeed, it is your request for NATO membership that can turn you into a Ukraine22

I don't know how you could scare the Russians to death, and find yourself razed to the ground in 2 months.

Don't be afraid of the Russians, and don't join NATO! stay neutral, if you stay neutral? you will not participate in the upcoming third nuclear world war

a day ago


Rockefeller & Rothschild with the complicity of Freemasonry

they take humans, as they take chickens!

here today, there are thousands of prostitutes, that Soros sent to destroy my ministry, (even these prisoners I have to free)

and instead, these girls by the will of God were all princesses in the earthly paradise.

no one more than the Freemason Jew, and the Islamic Wahhabi Erdogan Salman is the very face of satan-allah on this planet, cursed by the Talmud-Koran

a day ago

Rockefeller & Rothschild with the complicity of Freemasonry

they take humans, as they take chickens!

you have to register the rental contract and pay taxes,

as if a person who does not have a home, is a cow who can give blood and milk,

so demonic are the Jewish Masons.

but, the very presence of taxes is an act of:

theft, terrorism, murder and high treason,

why, a state that has monetary sovereignty?

it does not need to demand taxes from its citizens!

furthermore, the greatest wickedness, and this is a demonic act superior to all wickedness: it was that of transforming cooperatives into legal personalities.

therefore, an association of capital has become a (gigantic) person, like a human person.

hence, the state was turned into a torturer / executioner



UniusREI governor worldwide

a day ago

(Kramatorsk) The bloody plush is a blow to the heart. In the middle of the square in front of the tracks of the Kramatorsk death station it represents the tragic symbol of a war that sweeps away children. Ten died along with 40 other people from a cursed missile from the East,

ANSWER ======= we have a lot of propaganda (on both sides) and the truth is not available to us today! ====

but, I remember the immense massacres of the Anglo-Americans on civilian structures, throughout the Italian territory for the whole of the Second World War.

*** where, the blast: he killed, in the shelter, his class of 30 children with his teacher.

*** they razed MONTECASSINO Abazzia to the ground, where there was not a single German soldier inside (and they knew this because the Vatican had communicated it), and they did it to strike at Christianity.

*** they gave Tito (the hero of the PC today Pd) an Italian region (Istria, Dalmatia and Fiume) because they knew that the Communists would have committed genocide.


and what the Anglo-Americans did to the world of massacres? it cannot be listed.



UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on United with Israel 156 comments

Pro-Israel ‘Gun-Toting Grandma’ Takes On Rashida Tlaib


a day ago

    shame on you #unitedwithisrael ( ah ah ah ah little Satana 

) this is waiting to be approved by United with Israel.

same link 2 my Comments

2 browser same link high treason! same link 21 comments


this is scam! high treason! high treason! this is scam! there is no one in the world who can doubt my intellectual honesty,

your priests of satan of the CIA control the IPs of the whole internet, which has now become the greatest threat to the survival of mank



UniusREI governor worldwide


there is no one in the world who can doubt my intellectual honesty,

your priests of satan of the CIA control the IPs of the whole internet, which has now become the greatest threat to the survival of mankind



UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on United with Israel 4 comments

Good News Israel! Explosive High Tech Growth; $10 Billion into Israel from…

a day ago

shame on you unitedwithisrael this is waiting to be approved by United with Israel.

2 browser same link high treason!


same link 21 comments

this is scam! high treason! high treason! this is scam!

same link 2 my Comments

there is no one in the world who can doubt my intellectual honesty,

your priests of satan of the CIA control the IPs of the whole internet,

which has now become the greatest threat to the survival of mankind



UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 53 comments

Ukrainian leaders predict more gruesome discoveries ahead


a day ago

#worldisraelnews to sure, your users with horns? you don't paste my answers .. but you know that I answer everyone



UniusREI governor worldwide

a day ago

#Finland and #Sweden [ open letter ] there is nothing to fear from Russia, but there is everything to fear from NATO. [[ I have the authority to promise it ]]

getting in is easy but getting out? so far no one has succeeded.

Indeed, it is your request for NATO membership that can turn you into a Ukraine22

I don't know how you could scare the Russians to death, and find yourself razed to the ground in 2 months.

Don't be afraid of the Russians, and don't join NATO!

stay neutral, if you stay neutral? you will not participate in the upcoming third nuclear world war



UniusREI governor worldwide


Gives UP? no, i fight idiot like you Spa&Co your CIA accomplice troll



UniusREI governor worldwide

OPEN LETTER to bum bum bum crazy #Āyatollāh Seyyed ʿAlī Ḥoseynī Khāmeneī, ie سید علی حسینی خامنه‌ای,

Supreme Guide of Iran, Allah Iran akbar sharia genocide to all kafir and sunni takfirius

    now let's see! which one of us gets to kill Israel first!



UniusREI governor worldwide

Volodymyr Oleksandrovyč Zelenskyi's only target is a Ukrainian politician, actor lgbtq, screenwriter and comedian pro OTAN CIA criminal is to push mankind into world war



UniusREI governor worldwide

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Hail Hitler Bilderberg Ursula Sodoma: Von Satana der: Antichrist Macron brings the corpses to Fauci & Bill Gates Gmos agenda, mrna stermination Nazi doctor Josef Mengele.

and then all together with NATO Spa&Co OTAN they make horror movies in Hollywood CIA 322 FED NSA BM NWO



UniusREI governor worldwide

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

who hides in the cities to fight? it is he who commits war crimes, if he has not evacuated all the civilians first!

why if he doesn't?

all civilians become soldiers



UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 46 comments

Third victim of Tel Aviv attack, father of 3, former Olympian, dies of wounds

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

a day ago


#Finland and #Sweden [open letter]

I don't know how you could scare the Russians to death, and find yourself razed to the ground in 2 months.

Don't be afraid of the Russians, and don't join NATO!

stay neutral, if you stay neutral? you will not participate in the upcoming third nuclear world war

shoot those who laugh and celebrate



UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 8 comments

Tel Aviv terror victims identified

Matthew Lathum

you are crazy,

we are the free will



UniusREI governor worldwide

Matthew Lathum

do you put yourself to negatively mark my posts? why?

i have nothing against muslims and gays

I only fight sharjah ideology and lgbtq ideology


UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 49 comments

Manhunt for Tel Aviv terrorist ends in shootout

IRAN & Riyadh ] open letter [ now, I say, how can your devil Allah (jabulon) make an effective exorcism, against both to the little (Israel jabullon) and the great satan (jabulon)?

but let me do the right exorcisms, that I know as understand how do!


UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 43 comments

UN suspends Russia from top human rights body

UN suspends Russia from top human rights body yes, OWL Jabulon, at bohemian grove, cremation of cure, 322 Bush and Kerry the "skull and bones" pirates Allah uuuhhh akbar "morte" to all impure infidel sharjah jihad Erdogan, kaput to all UMMA christians martyrs innocent, becouse the genocide is always replacement theology, because Jacob and Rachel are Abu Mazen's grandparents, then

they scam banking seigniorage in FED Spa & Co. BM NWO ie, cult Darwin ape Sodoma lgbtq, which has greatly evolved as a donkey Biden, and OTAN NSA with their 200000 human sacrifice on satan altar

this A EU US sewer scum scrum stinks Allah from Riad

said: suspends Russia from top human rights body



UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 22 comments

WATCH: This is how Putin’s regime could collapse

Even without Russia, the UN Human Rights Council remains an infamy.

Russia was expelled because (with all its flaws) it is still the best state when it comes to the rule of law and human rights!

.. and why what have I been the observatory on the martyrdom of Christians for 35 years?

They got the self-righteous facelift. Organ traffickers of persecuted, exterminators of Christians,

slavers, Islamic floggers and Communist torturers ... China, which keeps 2 million people in forced labor camps and according to a report this week, takes 25,000 organs a year from prisoners for sell the

to the rich;

Pakistan, where thousands of Christian girls are kidnapped, forcibly converted to Islam,

raped and sold with the judges they endorse; Eritrea, known as the "African North Korea";

Cuba, which has the highest per capita incarceration rate in the world; Sudan where in Darfur

(Jihad plus Chinese exports) it collaborated in the killing of 300,000 people;

Mauritania, where 20 percent of the population is enslaved;

Nigeria, where in ten years 13,000 Christians have been killed for being Christians ...

But, through sloth or business, let's pretend not to see them.



UniusREI governor worldwide

open letter to MARIO DRAGHI dragontenay

to fight in urban centers, the enemy? it's a war crime!

which is a war crime you committed.

why, when did you blow up a tank with its crew?

then, the tank that comes behind? he will take it out on your wife, your daughter and your sister!



UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 56 comments

WATCH: Will Israel's gov't survive or will Netanyahu soon be prime minster?


and what is the difference / motivation from your point of view?

What's wrong?

i dont vote myself i am saving my account from an assault



UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 10 comments

Kuwaiti fencer skips match against Israeli opponent


i said ""help me? ""

and you upvoting too me!

but you cannot know if an angelic minister of mine can lose patience with you



UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 61 comments

BREAKING: Terror in Tel Aviv, 2 dead, several critically wounded

there is no difference between Israel and Russia,

because both find themselves stuck in their position,

due to the same technocratic-financial system, neo-liberal Masonic Sodomite usurocratic and Wahhabi

who wants them both dead!

At least two people died and 4 others were seriously injured in an attack near the central Dizengoff street

in Tel Aviv, Israel. Hospital sources reported this.

The security forces are hunting down those who opened fire and have invited the population to take shelter in closed places.



UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 15 comments

Israeli immigration minister visits Ukraine to boost Aliyah efforts

Rockefeller & Rothschild

stop threatening the world just because your FED IMF Spa&Co BM titles are spacing!



UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on United with Israel 4 comments

OFF THE BEATEN TRACK: Biblical Beit Shemesh

Satana ] remove your prostitutes from me



UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 130 comments

After the war, Ukraine 'will definitely become a big Israel,' Zelensky says

Fred Younes

stop a your family trasch



UniusREI governor worldwide

Fred Younes

is this your political assessment?

a political response to my statements?



UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on United with Israel 9 comments

British Student Leader Blasted for Jew-Hatred, Embrace of Terror Groups

yes, I am ashamed of my government's illegal and tenocratic

parasitic neo-liberal coup stance!

"The position of the Italian leadership on sations to Russia is indecent,"

said Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova.

"Italy in this very difficult moment has probably forgotten who at the time lent a hand.

And now Italy, with all its leadership, is at the forefront of an attack on our country.

This is not the position of Italian citizens who write to be ashamed of those who govern them, not to associate

to this position, to understand the genesis of this crisis, but the Italian leadership has taken a stand.

This is simply an indecent position, "Zakharova told the Solovyov program



UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on United with Israel 4 comments

Good News Israel! Where Zionism and Medicine Meet

what would happen to these corrupt assassins if they disagreed with the directions of their master Rothschild?


Metsola: «It is clear that Europe must not depend on Russia for our energy».


Ukraine: President Poland, dialogue with Russia makes no sense.


Ukraine, anti-Pope Francis shows flag: "In Bucha, increasingly horrendous cruelty against unarmed civilians"


when did Bergoglio cry for the massacres in Donbass?



UniusREI governor worldwide

in Ukraine there is a NATO imperialist project in place that pushes for war since 2014 with russophobia, the Ukrainian people have been paid and used / sacrificed as cannon grease!

34 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa and Mosques of Sharia Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (lorenzoJHWH) (Unius REI) governor worldwide

uniusrei@protonmail.Com fedele250660@gmail.Com



UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 65 comments

Israeli woman sentenced to death in Arab country after drug bust


what is worth is a good heart,

you conquer it or you will not enter the kingdom of God



UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 56 comments

WATCH: Will Israel's gov't survive or will Netanyahu soon be prime minster?

Netanyahu soon be prime minster! no one has done better than him!

two criminals Bro crazy Nicholas and Aristobulus flag negatively all my comment, you can help me?

about deep State UK US EU OTAN?

this politicians european corrupt all said with one voice:

    "without ifs and buts"

therefore they have assumed responsibility for all the crimes from 2014 to today,

they have committed them.

We must help those who suffer, but this military complicity is too criminal for souls and will lead to world war!




UniusREI governor worldwide

Steven Thompson

Netanyahu soon be prime minster! no one has done better than him!

two criminals CIA 666 troll Spa & Co Rokefeller cult NWO, they

flag negatively all my comment, you can help me?




UniusREI governor worldwide


Netanyahu soon be prime minster! no one has done better than him!

two criminals CIA 666 troll Spa & Co Rokefeller cult NWO, they

flag negatively all my comment, you can help me?

about deep State UK US EU OTAN? this politicians european corrupt all said with one voice:

we have been with Ukraine since 2022, "without ifs and buts"

therefore they have assumed responsibility for all the crimes from 2014 to today, they have committed them.

We must help those who suffer, but this military complicity is too criminal for souls and will lead to world war!




UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 136 comments

Ukraine strikes inside Russia for first time, Moscow furious

Mike Wood

Spa & Co Rockefeller FED IMF ECB BM Bro crazy Nicholas & Arustobulus are two criminals CIA 666 troll NWO, they flag negatively all my comment, you can help me?


about this, neocons DEM & Nancy Peolosi Deep State UK US EU OTAN? this politicians european corrupt all said with one voice: we have been with Ukraine since 2022,

    "without ifs

    and buts"

therefore they have assumed responsibility for all the crimes from 2014 to today, they have committed them.

We must help those who suffer, but this military complicity is too criminal for souls and will lead to world war!



UniusREI governor worldwide

Robert F.

Aristobuls & Bro crazy Nicholas are two criminals CIA 666 troll Spa & Co Rockefeller FED IMF ECB BM NWO cult Age Darwin lgbtqiaxxxxx NWO, they flag negatively all my comment, you can help me?

about this DEM Deep State UK US EU OTAN? this politicians european corrupt all said with one voice: we have been with Ukraine since 2022, "without ifs and buts"

therefore they have assumed responsibility for all the crimes from 2014 to today, they have committed them.

We must help those who suffer, but this military complicity is too criminal for souls and will lead to world war!




UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 72 comments

'I'm Palestinian,' says Arab-Israeli actor who rose to fame on 'Fauda'


about deep State UK US EU OTAN? this politicians european corrupt all said with one voice:

we have been with Ukraine since 2022, "without ifs and buts"

therefore they have assumed responsibility for all the crimes from 2014 to today, they have committed them.

We must help those who suffer, but this military complicity is too criminal for souls and will lead to world war!


two criminals CIA 666 troll Spa & Co Rokefeller cult NWO, they

flag negatively all my comment, you can help me?



UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 65 comments

Israeli woman sentenced to death in Arab country after drug bust


https://youtu.Be/kgOSrw9Q8rc two criminals CIA 666 troll Spa & Co Rokefeller cult NWO, they

flag negatively all my comment, you can help me?


deep State UK US EU OTAN? this politicians european corrupt all said with one voice: we have been with Ukraine since 2022, "without ifs and buts"

therefore they have assumed responsibility for all the crimes from 2014 to today, they have committed them. We must help those who suffer, but this military complicity is too criminal for souls and will lead to world war!



UniusREI governor worldwide



2 criminals CIA 666 troll Spa & Co Rokefeller cult

flag negatively all my comment, you can help me?

about deep State UK US EU OTAN? this politicians european corrupt all said with one voice:

we have been with Ukraine since 2022, "without ifs and buts"

therefore they have assumed responsibility for all the crimes from 2014 to today, they have committed them.

We must help those who suffer, but this military complicity is too criminal for souls and will lead to world war!

2 troll criminal flag negatively all my comments help me?



UniusREI governor worldwide

Paul Horsfield

https://youtu.Be/kgOSrw9Q8rc 2 criminals CIA 666 troll Spa&Co Rokefeller cult

flag negativeli all my comment help me?

2 troll criminal flag negatively all my and our comments help me?

European politicians european corrupt all said with one voice: we have been with Ukraine since 2022, "without ifs and buts"

therefore they have assumed responsibility for all the crimes from 2014 to today, they have committed them.

We must help those who suffer, but this military complicity is too criminal for souls and will lead to world war!



UniusREI governor worldwide


2 troll criminal flag negatively all my and our comments help togheter?



UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 10 comments

WATCH: Russia may lose membership in UN Human Rights Council

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

https://youtu.Be/kgOSrw9Q8rc there are 2 criminals 322 NSA 18 CIA 666 troll Spa & Co Rokefeller cult

flag negativeli all my comment

you can help me?



UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 9 comments

Canadian envoy 'shares' Jewish group's 'concerns' about UN investigation

Michael Paul

European politicians all said with one voice:

we have been with Ukraine since 2022, "without ifs and buts"

therefore they have assumed responsibility for all the crimes murderes pogrom genocide in Donbass from 2014 to today, they have committed them with acomplice criminal attitude.

We must help those who suffer, but this military complicity is too criminal for souls and will lead to world war!

https://youtu.Be/kgOSrw9Q8rc 2 criminals CIA 666 troll Spa & Co Rokefeller cult

flag negativeli all my comments help me?



UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 10 comments

Kuwaiti fencer skips match against Israeli opponent


https://youtu.Be/kgOSrw9Q8rc 2 criminals CIA 666 troll Spa & Co Rokefeller cult

flag negativeli all my comment

help me? Козаки | Пороблено в Украине, пародия 2014

European politicians all said with one voice:

we have been with Ukraine since 2022, "without ifs and buts"

therefore they have assumed responsibility for all the crimes from 2014 to today, they have committed them.

We must help those who suffer, and all peoples suffer,

but this criminal UE USA OTAN ERdogan military complicity with Zelenscki is too criminal for souls and will lead to world war!



UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 29 comments

US neo-Nazis looking for 'combat experience' fighting in Ukraine


Detected as spam

European politicians all said with one voice:

we have been with Ukraine since 2022, "without ifs and buts"

therefore they have assumed responsibility for all the crimes from 2014 to today, they have committed them.

We must help those who suffer, but this military complicity is too criminal for souls and will lead to world war!

https://youtu.Be/kgOSrw9Q8rc 2 criminals CIA 666 troll Spa & Co Rokefeller cult flag negativeli all my comment

help me? Козаки | Пороблено в Украине, пародия 2014

We have received your request for review

Discussion on World Israel News 116 comments

Russian crematoria operating in Ukrainian city to cover war crimes, says…

Edward B. Levy

https://youtu.Be/kgOSrw9Q8rc 2 criminals CIA 666 troll Spa&Co Rokefeller cult flag negativeli all my comment

help me?



UniusREI governor worldwide

Steven Neils

Detected as spam

https://youtu.Be/kgOSrw9Q8rc 2 criminals CIA 666 troll Spa&Co Rokefeller cult flag negativeli all my comment

help me? Козаки | Пороблено в Украине, пародия 2014

We have received your request for review

Detected as spam

Козаки | Пороблено в Украине, пародия 2014

https://youtu.Be/kgOSrw9Q8rc 2 CIA 666 troll Spa&Co Rokefeller cult flag negativeli all my comment

help me?

We have received your request for review

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Козаки | Пороблено в Украине, пародия 2014


2 troll flag negativeli all my comments


help me?

We have received your request for review

Discussion on Blazingcatfur 106 comments

Doug Ford to announce emergency measures in response to trucker protests


2 troll flag negativeli all my comments


help me?



UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 2 comments

Russian crematoria operating in Mariupol to cover war crimes, says mayor

in the kingdom of sodom and satan Rockefeller Spa & Co Rothschild EU UK USA all Hollywood TV actors 666 halloween,

they can't wait to send your children to war against the Russians!



UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 23 comments

Passover food fight? Health minister, coalition chair spar over hospital diet

Jake Jacobs

thank you for your positive votes, continue and we will become friends,

if you are so?

I have had many gay friends and I am not homophobic.

i hate only lgbtq lobby ideology ape darwin



UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 26 comments

Russia’s failure to take down Kyiv was a defeat for the ages, say analysts

that's where Satan has his throne USA UE OTAN Ursula the octopus in the Central Banks of Rothschild Spa & Co Rothschild

Draghi, the magic that surprised Moscow. The Financial Times:

Decisive for sanctions on the Russian Central Bank"



UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 14 comments

'Outrageous libels' - Israel, advocacy groups respond to UN 'apartheid' report

Ellen Francis

help me with the positive score against 2 trolls who hate you too



UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 8 comments

Germany gets green light to purchase Israel's Arrow 3 missile defense system

high treason! lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel 7 hours ago Obama Spa & Co FED Epstein and their CIA 666 NSA satan's priests?

they are the DEEP STATE system, called entity, they were and still are a single organization: in fact the little girls who were killed?

they cannot make a claim for compensation

allert warning === this is scam! 2 browser same link

https://worldisraelnews.Com/ watch-obama-steals-the-show-leaving-biden-out-of-place/ 25 comments

https://worldisraelnews.Com/ watch-obama-steals-the-show-leaving-biden-out-of-place/ 3 only my Comments

BIN ISIS Salman from Riad] [here, on this server, only once, Satan came, just him personally,

and I don't remember what he said to me, and what I said to him.

but, when all the satanists of the planet are defeated by me? he hurts!

I never forget the contacts that the Holy Spirit has given me, and he will not exaggerate with me,

because he knows that I have chosen (with my creative faith) to be a rational agnostic who finds an agreement among his brothers di lui, that you? I hope you become the first of them all!



UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 63 comments

WATCH: Obama steals the show, leaving Biden out of place, confused

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel 7 hours ago

Obama and Epstein and their CIA satan priests?

they are the DEEP STATE system, called entity,

they were and still are a single organization:

in fact the girls who were killed?

they cannot make a claim for compensation

this is scam! 2 browser same link

https://worldisraelnews.Com/watch-obama-steals-the-show-leaving-biden-out-of-place/ 21 comments

https://worldisraelnews.Com/watch-obama-steals-the-show-leaving-biden-out-of-place/ 2 my Comments

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

BIN ISIS Salman from Riad ] [ here, on this server, only once, Satan came, just him personally,

and I don't remember what he said to me, and what I said to him.

but, when all the satanists of the planet are defeated by me?

he hurts!

I never forget the contacts that the Holy Spirit has given me, and he will not exaggerate

with me, because he knows that I have chosen (with my creative faith) to be a rational

who finds an agreement among his brothers di lui, that you?

I hope you become the first of them all!



UniusREI governor worldwide

Sam Ramos

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel 7 hours ago

Obama and Epstein and their CIA satan priests?

they are the DEEP STATE system, called entity, they were and still are a single organization: in fact the girls who were killed?

they cannot make a claim for compensation

this is scam! 2 browser same link

https://worldisraelnews.Com/watch-obama-steals-the-show-leaving-biden-out-of-place/ 21 comments

https://worldisraelnews.Com/watch-obama-steals-the-show-leaving-biden-out-of-place/ 2 my Comments

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

BIN ISIS Salman from Riad] [here, on this server, only once, Satan came, just him personally,

and I don't remember what he said to me, and what I said to him.

but, when all the satanists of the planet are defeated by me? he hurts!

I never forget the contacts that the Holy Spirit has given me, and he will not exaggerate with me, because he knows that I have chosen (with my creative faith) to be a rational agnostic who finds an agreement among his brothers di lui, that you? I hope you become the first of them all!



UniusREI governor worldwide

Sam Ramos

bro 2 browser same link


1 browser 3 comments only mine

second browser 23 comments



UniusREI governor worldwide

Detected as spam

this is scam! 2 browser same link

high treason!

https://worldisraelnews.Com/watch-obama-steals-the-show-leaving-biden-out-of-place/ 21 comments

high treason!

https://worldisraelnews.Com/watch-obama-steals-the-show-leaving-biden-out-of-place/ 2 my Comments

We have received your request for review

Discussion on United with Israel 156 comments

Pro-Israel ‘Gun-Toting Grandma’ Takes On Rashida Tlaib



this is scam! 2 browser same link high treason!



high treason! high treason!


2 my Comments

Discussion on World Israel News 13 comments

Yiddish poet undergoing revival in war-torn Ukraine

i am King Israele, and no matter how much Satan Sodom and Allah may suffer for it!



UniusREI governor worldwide

34 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa & co. FED ECB BM NWO and Mosques of Sharia UMMA OCI Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians.

but as (Unius REI) I am a world governor to arbitrate between nations instead of UN

uniusrei@protonmail.Com fedele250660@gmail.Com



UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 9 comments

Sea of Galilee reaches near-record high

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel answer. (and at this point (1:52) a spit comes out that almost reaches his chin, but then he sucks it in)

but, Francesca Donato shouldn't have dared ask for an independent investigation into the facts heard in Ukraine.

the UN under secretary spoke of rape by Ukrainian forces and crimes against the Ukrainian population by Ukrainian militias (civil protection) who are carrying out ethnic cleansing of all Russian speakers or neutral to the conflict! and the UN is verifying these allegations! Ukraine, the clash in Strasbourg between Francesca Donato and Pina Picierno The former Northern League player questions the Bucha massacre, and accuses Kiev of not having been democratic and pacifist. The current president Picierno reacts and invites her to take note of the reality of Satan and Sodom and Allah, and says that there is no space here for alternative narratives to those that Rockefeller and Rothschild have imposed to do.

Pina Picierno said that this room is not equidistant, and that

(alia: an independent commission must be rejected)

here there is an aggressor Putin and he is attacked by the Ukrainian people that we defend

(and at this point (1:52) a spit comes out that almost reaches his chin, but then he sucks it up)




UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 5 comments

Gantz: Iran accumulated 40 kg of 60% enriched uranium in past year


Iran accumulated 40 kg of 60% enriched uranium in past year.

IRAN must now be stopped by the use of force!



UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 5 comments

Demographic shifts in Syrian Golan raise Israeli concerns

today, I heard Ursula Allah FED BCE OWL Von Sodoma der Satana Spa&Co Rothschild, I heard her threaten #CHINA!

Should CHINA give immediate priority to drones and robots with artificial intelligence, and shoot from 10km high at anything that moves on the front line? it is not a military offense!

the USA with their bombers and cannons and heavy machine guns with their cannons fired white phosphorus shells into Syria from the sky, and this is to be avoided, because life must always be given a chance to survive!



UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 15 comments

Violent death of French Jew prompts political mudslinging ahead of elections

Marine Le Pen (National Rally), full right tightens around Marine Le Pen (National Rally),

this is his moment



UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 25 comments

Muslims riot in Jerusalem for 4th night, 6 arrested

how can you be only a satanist too?

Among the cronies of the Jewish-Freemason Minister Speranza the massacre appears John Podesta ... was he laughing? the Big 666 Spa Pharma genocide Bill Gates Rothschid technocracy Soros and Rockefeller Ursula Macron.

Maurizio Blondet April 4, 2022

Genocidal massacres of civilians killed and maimed forever take place in Italy dozens of times more frequent than in Bucha. The list of deaths from "illness" and of cyclist or tennis champion suddenly suffering from heart attacks is too long to be put in one piece. We can only give some sample examples.

Nicola Porro: Epidemic of heart attacks: + 25% between the beginning of 2021 and the beginning of this year, especially among young people.




UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 9 comments

Ukraine war shifts European attitudes about energy, creating opportunity…

the useless war !!! the Rockefeller Spa & Co Rothschild obsession with demonic mass possession of 1914? it's like the current one! Maurizio Blondet April 6, 2022

In his blog, Antonio Socci conveniently quoted Stefan Zweig who evoked the collective psychic climate of frenzy and hatred that suddenly possessed the peoples in 1914 and made the rush towards the Great War and its enormous and useless massacre inevitable.

“Shakespeare was banned from the German theaters, Mozart and Wagner from the French and English ones” exactly as Dostojevski is banned today. [...] "

The disturbance of the intellects became more and more absurd mass obsession in favor of war, which was thought to be easy and victorious.



UniusREI governor worldwide

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

we could already get out of hydrocarbons 60 years ago (as I have shown), but in the Adriatic there is methane gas and it must be used!

today in Italy they blocked 110% of the subsidy, to put solar panels and this was madness!



UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 37 comments

Canadian paper praises B’nei Brak terrorist as ‘exceptional,’ a ‘martyr’

Jo Sim

the demons of allah are all virgins inside a brothel



UniusREI governor worldwide


anyway I have good news for you,

How long could you be a fool?

you could never be an idiot like Nazih Khatatba, editor-in-chief of al-Meshwar Allah uh akbar bum bum buuuum



UniusREI governor worldwide


of course!

1. you are Dhimmis slave

2. you are dalit slave

3. you are gentile slave goiym

you idiot rothschild tax payer, scam banking seigniorage troll

please try to take your dog to pee to another tree



UniusREI governor worldwide

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Imam Nazih Khatatba, editor-in-chief of al-Meshwar muezzin "bum bum bum " sharjah kaput to all infidels impure kafir slavess dhimmis aaaahhh uuuuhhh akbar



UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 19 comments

Culinary queens put Negev Desert hospitality on the map


if you do will you have to? then, you stop saying that you are a democracy to cheat and deceive the ARAB LEAGUE and the whole world!



UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 15 comments

Despite nightly rioting, Israel relaxes restrictions on Palestinian visits to…

thanks for your comment in my favor God bles ou too,

i am followed by two evil satanist troll CIA NWO Spa&Co FED NWO dangers,

and they Aristobulus demonic messia and his Bro Nicolas negatively marking all my comments and you could help me?

you are inside a false propaganda of the main streem Spa & Co.

worldwide fraud and corruption (new world order)

*** you do not have democracy, you do not have political sovereignty

(Netanjahu is a politically persecuted by the DEM Masonic judges, for futile reasons,

and in violation of parliamentary immunity)

and you do not have monetary sovereignty, then, you are in the web of international freemasonry

and of the Deep State, Deep Church, Deep Sinagogue, Deep Mosquee, etc ..

esoteric agenda, occult masonic power, etc ..

of the God-lilit Allah jaBulo dracula OWL at Bohemian Grove and

DEM deep State make 200,000 human sacrifices made on satan's altar in NATO 666 OTAN bases,

and you have no hope of knowing the truth.

and you don't even have free information.

Can Twitter black out the President of the United States and me?

yet they did!



UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 130 comments

After the war, Ukraine 'will definitely become a big Israel,' Zelensky says

Fred Younes

yes the heroes died so your life, and died for save your life,

could be saved from the world war ..

because NATO CIA after the Donbass genocide would have fired on CRIMEA as Erdogan swore to do!



UniusREI governor worldwide

Jorge Herkovits

dear, if Russia will not kill all the Allah jihad, Nazi-fascist Satan Sodom who are there?

besides, the world war cannot be stopped!

so you too will end up in the cemetery!

and Why none of the Ukrainians: have they ever protested for 8 years, for all the genocides that took place in Donbass?

why didn't you do it too?

were they all bad?

no, they were afraid! and then, if they were afraid, we are inside a neoliberal Masonic-technocratic regime Soros Kissinger Rockefeller FED lgbtq demonic,

and this ours, democracy is not true, just as our monetary sovereignty which does not exist is not true,

how can freedom of the press not be true either,

because the Spa & Co. is a single pyramid



UniusREI governor worldwide

After the war, Ukraine 'will definitely become a big Israel,' Zelensky says


for now it is turning it into a large cemetery!



UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 17 comments

Bennett condemns civilian killings, Lapid directly accuses Russia of ‘war…

Edward B. Levy

thanks for your comment, i am followed by two satanist troll dangers, negatively marking all my comments and you could help me?

you are inside a false propaganda of the main streem Spa & Co. worldwide fraud and corruption (new world order)

*** you do not have democracy, you do not have political sovereignty (Netanjahu is a politically persecuted by the DEM Masonic judges, for futile reasons, and in violation of parliamentary immunity)

and you do not have monetary sovereignty, then, you are in the web of international freemasonry and of the Deep State, Deep Church, Deep Sinagogue, Deep Mosquee, etc .. esoteric agenda, occult masonic power, etc .. of the God jaBulon OWL at Bohemian Grove and 200,000 human sacrifices made on satan's altar in NATO 666 OTAN bases, and you have no hope of knowing the truth.

and you don't even have free information.

Can Twitter black out the President of the United States and me?

yet they did!



UniusREI governor worldwide

#Naftali #Bennett & #Yair #Lapid ] why were there no cameras for the genocide from Nazi-fascist Pavy Sector & Azov massacre in DONBASS? [ if you whisk the milk the ricotta will come out, if you beat a man the blood will come out, these ferocious criminals of the CIA UK UE USA OTAN have made the coup, massacres pogroms for 8 years, they have massed 150,000 men against the Donbass to overwhelm it, and with Erdogan they have told / sworn that they also had to shoot against CRIMEA.

what would you have done instead of Putin?

Now what credibility / value can the investigations of these Satanists have without the fear of God?

why if the sharia kills a peaceful innocent Christian every 8 minutes in the world, then the human rights court never takes action against the UMMA OCI Riad Iran?

and why is Unius REI lorenzoJHWH here, if you were also the victims of the same enemies?



UniusREI governor worldwide

Bennett condemns civilian killings, Lapid directly accuses Russia of 'war crimes'


What evidence does BENETT have for making such criminal and rash claims?

and what evidence does BENETT have that the CIA did not make her Nerve agents, the Novichok, in the UK to slander Russia?



UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 29 comments

May dead 'Zionists' bodies' be eaten by rats: Not hate speech, Twitter says


you might be right

but, the doubt has touched you sometimes, that the fool could you be?

for example, if you don't understand something? you can always ask a question



UniusREI governor worldwide


unfortunately he found me! tell me is your dog for truffles or is it hunting?


UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 73 comments

Scholar claims Jews started Ukraine war to establish a 2nd Jewish state


donkey Darwin?



UniusREI governor worldwide


I'm not old, I'm not sick, and I'm not unhappy, and besides, I don't smoke!

do you want to tell me that you followed the Viganò conference and that you understood it?

so can i question you?

you are ready to take the exam!



UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 21 comments

Ukraine demands everyone else boycott Russia while making billions from…


what's up ? you shouldn't be envious just because you have become helpless!



UniusREI governor worldwide

Noel Kelly

I am the white knight, who came out to win and always win!

but apparently, Bin Salman opted for the red knight, because he said: " lorenzoJHWH you will never have my desert and you will have to pass over my corpse instead! "

that's why, I decided to have him killed by the Chinese!

the Anglo-Americans? they are not good people, and Putin is not bad, he is only defending himself against NATO!

don't try to be my friend, because I don't know why, but the gay gender fluid very fluid dirty lgbtqia violent CIA satana priests usually kill me my woman friends!



UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 48 comments

Orbán’s election victory highlights shift among Hungarian Jews

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

The phrases appeared in various social chats and in particular on Telegram and refer to the conflict in Ukraine. The number one of the Farnesina was the subject of personal attacks with sentences of the tenor: "they will kill you" or "kill Di Maio"


Di Maio and the Masonic neoliberal technocratic EU are threatening the Italian people with death, because they want us to compromise in the war in Ukraine that NATO has planned to be carried out in an indispensable and inevitable way.


the Bible says "whoever lights the fire is responsible"

and the CIA financed and with many murders brought about the coup in Maidan



UniusREI governor worldwide

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Volodymyr Oleksandrovyč Zelens'kyj

in which cemetery did you keep all 18-60 years, who refused to fight for you?



UniusREI governor worldwide

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

and why Von der Leyen and Biden

have they already found Putin guilty before carrying out the investigation?



UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 29 comments

May dead 'Zionists' bodies' be eaten by rats: Not hate speech, Twitter says

BIN ISIS Salman ] [ when, I entered youtube lgbtq, in the midst of your cannibals of the CIA: a herd of very intelligent Darwin pigs, all super gifted with the super demonic powers and the science of Satan-Allah (eye of lucifer on masonic pyramid)

then, JHWH holy told me.

    "no problem, you are a young lion in the middle of a herd of sheep".

so was it that the eye of lucifer FED BM NWO went blind .. and Rockefeller lost control, why out of control?

power becomes self-destructive!



UniusREI governor worldwide

Twitter has committed too many crimes against me, why closing my last account?

then, he destroyed MAGA PATRIOT Donad Trump's American elections and won the DEMs Deep State Baal cult OWL



UniusREI governor worldwide

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

no problem I am already under MOSSAD protection



UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 61 comments

Russia faces global outrage over bodies in Ukraine’s streets

Ukraine War: #Zelensky Deploys ISIS to Defend Nazi Regime




UniusREI governor worldwide

Italian Hostage Details Horrific Torture By Ruthless ISIS Executioners Dubbed “The Beatles


During El Shafee Elsheikh’s terrorism trial a former hostage detailed the horrific torture the ruthless ISIS sharia Erdogan supporter executioners dubbed “The Beatles” did to them.

As part of his captors’ horrific “regime of punishment,” an Italian aid worker held captive by merciless ISIS executioners dubbed “The Beatles” said he was forced to fight other hostages until they passed out.



UniusREI governor worldwide

Steven Neils

Why? No one knows who murdered these people?

you can not do an independent investigation on the spot, why the Ukrainian EU US CIA killers? they would add you too, to the number of corpses!

so they feed us this hollywood show



UniusREI governor worldwide

Steven Neils

what independent information do we think we can receive from the sodom Spa&Co. satans in the west country for scam banking seigniorage?

the Judge of Palermo investigated me, because he did not see any of my 120 blogspots where my IBAN was published (satanists from southern Italy made a false invoice, to harm me and that I knew nothing)

I already paid the lawyer 3 years ago, but the judiciary in Italy has been completely blocked by the Jewish-Masons parasites and usurers DEM lgbtq Pd,

and in 14 years? I never got money from anyone because my sites weren't accessible anyway!

This blog is under scrutiny due to possible violations of Blogger

Satan Allah and Sodom's Terms of Service and is open to authors only.




UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 57 comments

Poland 'open' to hosting nuclear weapons

alpcns .

This blog is under scrutiny due to possible violations of Blogger Satan Allah and Sodom's Terms of Service and is open to authors only.


what independent information do we think we can receive from the sodom satans in the west?

the Judge of Palermo investigated me, because he did not see any of my 120 blogspots where my IBAN was published (satanists from southern Italy made a false invoice, to harm me and that I knew nothing)

I already paid the lawyer 3 years ago, but the judiciary in Italy has been completely blocked by the Jewish-Masons parasites and usurers DEM lgbtq Pd,

and in 14 years? I never got money from anyone because my sites weren't accessible anyway!



UniusREI governor worldwide


search google for "banking seigniorage"

does everyone know that states have lost monetary sovereignty and you alone don't know?

then also political sovereignity wos lost



UniusREI governor worldwide


i know. which is the "grand reset" that I have prepared for you!



UniusREI governor worldwide


how much are your assets?

bank seigniorage cannot be denied, and therefore the conspiracy theories related to it are all true!



UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 9 comments

IDF: At least 10 terror attacks thwarted in past 2 weeks

IDF: At least 10 terror attacks thwarted in past 2 weeks

there is no state in the world that can survive 70 years of sharjah terrorism ...

and I don't see why Israel should be subjected to this cruelty every day.



UniusREI governor worldwide

The media narrative & crime of the financial elites

If we look at what is happening in Ukraine, without allowing ourselves to be misled by the macroscopic falsifications of the mainstream media, we realize that "respect for mutual rights" has been completely ignored; on the contrary, one gets the impression that the Biden administration, NATO and the European Union deliberately want to maintain a situation of obvious imbalance, precisely to make any attempt at peaceful settlement of the Ukrainian crisis impossible, provoking the Russian Federation to unleash a conflict. Here lies the gravity of the problem. This is the trap set for both Russia and Ukraine, using both to allow the globalist elite to carry out their criminal plan.




UniusREI governor worldwide

this is one crazy battle ..

Among the belongings of "" Azov "" in Mariupol was found a beret of the French legion.


then, in the war under the bombing, mass graves are not an anomaly, but, then, if we discover that the murders and violence against civilians in the city of Bucha, on the streets were done by the Ukrainian Nazis, then we expel the USA?



UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 8 comments

Republicans want to bar Biden from lifting sanctions on Iran-sponsored…

Heather Czerniak

Biden ed his agency NSA CIA are Satana Cult Deep State



UniusREI governor worldwide

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

maybe the graphene, maybe the spike protein, I don't know, of course the veins are thinning and exploding and this immediate death is affecting thousands of people around the world right now



UniusREI governor worldwide

The media narrative & crime of the financial elites

A hideous suspect makes its way behind the massacre in the Mariupol theater a few : the Azov Battalion used the building to kill Russian-speaking civilians and then accuse Moscow of the bombings.

Although at the moment unconfirmed, the indiscretion is noteworthy because it does not come from a report by the Ministry of Defense of Moscow which could have every interest in attributing new war crimes to the Neo-Nazi guerrillas of the Azov Battalion, regularly framed in the Guard Ukrainian national under the Ministry of the Interior of Kiev.

In fact, the chilling reconstruction comes from two American sites specialized in both military and intelligence reporting.




UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 23 comments

Passover food fight? Health minister, coalition chair spar over hospital diet

Jake Jacobs

your is Sodoma City?



UniusREI governor worldwide

Jake Jacobs

God doesn't laugh, bad guys like you do those!

because no father laughs at the suffering of his children!



UniusREI governor worldwide

best wishes to my Jewish brothers in preparation for their Passover, so many blessings!



UniusREI governor worldwide

Italy will not veto Russian gas sanctions - Di Maio


and this is consistent and in tune with NATO's ideological and slanderous russophobia,

which is finalized to obtain, the world war to reduce the overpopulation and to regenerate a new monetary cycle devitalized and parasitic scam banking seigniorage



UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 11 comments

Rabbinical court rules husband still married but wife not

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

It's been 14 years that everyone has been saying that you are a terrorist, and once in youtube: the satanists made a music video against you: the video sang "terrorist terrorist terrorist terrorist terrorist terrorist terrorist terrorist" then, in the video a thug ( you) would go out with a foam stick and hit a little teenager (Rockefeller) "


but instead I say, that you are a really good boy



UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 26 comments

Police arrest 50 ISIS supporters in Israel


then, at the death of Pius XII (the angelic Pope slandered by the Jews) Rockefeller said that Cardinal SIRI was not good, because he was not a Freemason like John XXIII?

so, you TROLL go pee from another tree!


UniusREI governor worldwide

yes, the US EU is highly inclusive democratic, but it is not possible to disagree .. Interview with Mons. Carlo Maria Viganò about the Jewish-Masonic infiltration into the Catholic Church and the corruption of the second Vatican Council, which today led to Bergoglio and the deep church,

the greatness of Marcel François Lefebvre was a French Catholic archbishop.


UniusREI governor worldwide

all sharjah, an sharia is terror


UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 23 comments

QUEEN OF GUNS: Israeli model advocates for increase in weapons ownership


the only authority that the carabinieri have in Italy is to look for unregistered weapons, and for that they can enter homes without a judge's permission .. and is it because Rothschild, and his satan jabullon sodoma dell'antristo Ursula Borrell PD DEM?

they are rightly afraid of the weapons that the people may have!


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