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G-d bless you Israel

'Arab, Islamic nationalist revolt' in Israel has begun -- former IDF general | World Israel News

March 29, 2022

3-4 minuti

‘Arab, Islamic nationalist revolt’ in Israel has begun — former IDF general

One of many weapons found hidden in Arab-Israeli city Umm al-fahm. (Youtube/Screenshot)


‘Arab, Islamic nationalist revolt’ in Israel has begun — former IDF general

Retired army general says Israel must acknowledge risk of heavily armed Arab population launching full-scale effort to destroy the Jewish state.a

By Lauren Marcus, World Israel News

Retired IDF brigadier-general and former housing minister Effi Eitam warned Tuesday that Israel is currently facing a violent uprising among Arab citizens of Israel, with their ultimate goal being to dismantle the Jewish state.

“We need to tell ourselves the truth: We are in the midst of an Arab revolt, an Islamic-nationalist revolt against the idea of Israel as the state of the Jewish people,” Eitam told Army Radio on the heels of two deadly terror attacks that left six Israelis dead within less than one week.

“They hold [Israeli] citizenship and have equal rights in everything, but they are separatists.”

Speaking about the hundreds of thousands of weapons stolen from IDF bases and police stations over the last decade, which are now in the hands of tens of thousands of Arabs, Eitam said that Israel is now struggling to manage a hostile fifth column with enough firepower to pose a serious danger to national security.

“These 200,000 ‘good’ Arabs don’t need guns. The [Arab] sector is building a military force against the state, Israeli Arabs are becoming a separatist population,” he said.

“We may face a situation in which citizens of the country rebel against its authority and its sovereignty, including armed underground movements…We’re going to see an arms race between Israelis and Arab citizens – an absolute failure of the police to maintain order.”

This was not the first time Eitam has warned about the dangers of a heavily armed Arab population in Israel.

In an August 2021 interview with Israel Hayom, Eitam said that Israel was “obviously” losing sovereignty in the southern Negev desert and in the northern Galilee region and that there was no good reason for Arabs in those areas to have so many firearms at their disposal.

Eitam was a top military official who played a critical role during the 2005 Israeli disengagement from Gaza. However, he told Israel Hayom that if could go back in time, he would find a way to prevent the evacuation.

“We were told that Hamas would engage in construction and rehabilitation [in Gaza]…and that if even one missile flew into Israel, we would easily go in [militarily] and lay down the law,” he noted.

He characterized the disengagement as “a crime against the [Jewish] residents [who lost their homes in the evacuation], but mostly a crime against the truth.”

Arab IsraelisArab terrorIDFIllegal weaponsIslamic terrorRadical Islamweapons trafficking


La "rivolta nazionalista araba e islamica" in Israele è iniziata – ex generale dell'IDF

La "rivolta nazionalista araba e islamica" in Israele è iniziata – ex generale dell'IDF

Una delle tante armi trovate nascoste nella città arabo-israeliana di Umm al-fahm. (Youtube/Screenshot)


‘Arab, Islamic nationalist revolt’ in Israel has begun — former IDF general

Un generale dell'esercito in pensione afferma che Israele deve riconoscere il rischio che la popolazione araba pesantemente armata lanci sforzi su vasta scala per distruggere lo stato ebraico.

Di Lauren Marcus, World Israel News

Il generale di brigata dell'IDF in pensione ed ex ministro degli alloggi Effi Eitam ha avvertito martedì che Israele sta attualmente affrontando una violenta rivolta tra i cittadini arabi di Israele, con il loro obiettivo finale di smantellare lo stato ebraico.

"Dobbiamo dirci la verità: siamo nel bel mezzo di una rivolta araba, una rivolta islamo-nazionalista contro l'idea di Israele come stato del popolo ebraico", ha detto Eitam alla radio dell'esercito sulla scia di due attacchi terroristici mortali che hanno lasciato sei israeliani morti in meno di una settimana.

"Hanno la cittadinanza [israeliana] e hanno uguali diritti in tutto, ma sono separatisti".

Parlando delle centinaia di migliaia di armi rubate dalle basi e dalle stazioni di polizia dell'IDF nell'ultimo decennio, che ora sono nelle mani di decine di migliaia di arabi, Eitam ha detto che Israele sta ora lottando per gestire una quinta colonna ostile con una potenza di fuoco sufficiente a rappresentare un serio pericolo per la sicurezza nazionale.

"Questi 200.000 arabi 'buoni' non hanno bisogno di armi. Il settore [arabo] sta costruendo una forza militare contro lo stato, gli arabi israeliani stanno diventando una popolazione separatista", ha detto.

"Potremmo trovarci di fronte a una situazione in cui i cittadini del paese si ribellano contro la sua autorità e la sua sovranità, compresi i movimenti clandestini armati ... Assisteremo a una corsa agli armamenti tra israeliani e cittadini arabi – un fallimento assoluto della polizia nel mantenere l'ordine".

Questa non è stata la prima volta che Eitam ha messo in guardia sui pericoli di una popolazione araba pesantemente armata in Israele.

In un'intervista dell'agosto 2021 con Israel Hayom, Eitam ha detto che Israele stava "ovviamente" perdendo la sovranità nel deserto meridionale del Negev e nella regione settentrionale della Galilea e che non c'era una buona ragione per gli arabi in quelle aree di avere così tante armi da fuoco a loro disposizione.

Eitam era un alto ufficiale militare che ha svolto un ruolo fondamentale durante il disimpegno israeliano da Gaza del 2005. Tuttavia, ha detto a Israel Hayom che se avesse potuto tornare indietro nel tempo, avrebbe trovato un modo per impedire l'evacuazione.

"Ci è stato detto che Hamas si sarebbe impegnato nella costruzione e nella riabilitazione [a Gaza]... e che se anche un solo missile volasse in Israele, entreremmo facilmente [militarmente] e stabiliremmo la legge", ha osservato.

Ha caratterizzato il disimpegno come "un crimine contro i residenti [ebrei] [che hanno perso le loro case nell'evacuazione], ma soprattutto un crimine contro la verità".


Alleged ‘Israeli base’ in Iraq, attacked by Iran, was Kurdish businessman’s home

4 minutes ago

#Taiwan] open letter [who gave CHINA Tibet? it was me and I did it, to save mankind from sodom's satanism!

and what does the Dalay Lama do? he goes with the Sodom and comes against me.

and I know that you could adopt the juan as your national currency and abandon the dollar to maintain your neutrality!

why buy Rockefeller Spa & Co BM FMI ECB FED money scam banking seigniorage Rothschild?

that is satanism: and high constitutional treason

1 UniusREI governor worldwide

an hour ago

Alleged 'Israeli base' in Iraq, attacked by Iran, was Kurdish businessman's home


since Shiites and Sunnis have the same Koran, and have the same Sharjah, then, they make up the same UMMA:

then, one says to the other: 1. apostate, 2. heretic, 3. blasphemous 4. takfiro.

Then, we must admit that they are both right!

in fact, Allah is a devil subjected to Satan CIA Spa NWO OCI, and this is more than evident in Riyadh where the Wahhabi Sudaiiirii are: who are the mother of ISIS!

1 1 UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 5 comments

'Arab, Islamic nationalist revolt' in Israel has begun -- former IDF general

an hour ago

Retired army general says Israel must acknowledge risk of heavily armed Arab population launching full-scale effort to destroy the Jewish state.


now go and disarm them!

1 1 UniusREI governor worldwide

an hour ago

the civilization of the Soros Rockefeller Biden Satan Spa & co Kamala witch Sodoma Ursula harris Pelosi

Charlotte Angie, the 26-year-old pornstar torn apart

The neighbor arrested "I kept it in the freezer"

The killer used her phone: no one looked for her.

Charlotte Angie was a star of OnlyFans: what is the social that she earns (with photos and h * t videos)

"Even 10 thousand euros a month"

Charlotte Angie was a star of OnlyFans: what is the social network that makes money (with hot photos and videos) "even 10 thousand euros a month"

1 1 UniusREI governor worldwide

an hour ago

Islam is an unfair contractor, because it lacks reciprocity, and this more often than not turns him into an unpunished killer under the aegis of the UN!

1 1 UniusREI governor worldwide

an hour ago

'Arab, Islamic nationalist revolt' in Israel has begun - former IDF general


sharjah has applied genocide for 1,400 years.

and until the ARAB LEAGUE condemn the sharia law? all Muslims must always be regarded as potential enemies of the state.

because the sharia creates the UMMA when it applies the jihad genocide

1 1 UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 9 comments

Pig’s head, antisemitic graffiti left on Russian Jewish journalist’s door


all this time the US has pretended to fight ISIS, with planes unloading bombs in the desert, while Erdogan bought oil from ISIS

2 1 UniusREI governor worldwide


who stopped this massacre and genocide done by the Sunnis in Syria? the Russians and Hezbollah stopped him

1 1 UniusREI governor worldwide


Ukraine, UN Court: "There is no genocide in Donbass, suspend military operations". Russia and China vote against (together)


against Donbass we had:

1. anti-personnel mines, 2. farfalla anti-child mines,

3. cluster bombs, indiscriminate bombing, so it's been done for 8 years every day,

so for 8 years the Minsk agreements by Kiev-CIA were trampled.

So for the sodom satan what does it mean to make a genocide?

1 1 UniusREI governor worldwide


if Putin did not intervene in UKRAINE? He would have put the Russian people in front of NATO's nuclear and crossfire!

NATO trampled on Russia's defense needs!

NATO is unable to achieve the OTAN-Riyadh world war only because I have made it impossible in these 14 years.

now, I see with satisfaction that Russian military techniques have adapted to the needs of the battlefield!

Very hard thrust of China against the United States. The words of President Joe Biden did not go unnoticed in Beijing, which called Biden's statement "disconcerting". Let's take a step back: Biden had said that Putin cannot remain in power. Today in a very harsh editorial, the Global Times holds Biden's behavior unresponsive. “No matter how well Biden's propaganda machine works, it cannot detract from the fact that such an outspoken statement at such a delicate moment could further inflame the situation. This was unwise and irresponsible, and reflects a terrible problem within US politics: some politicians are taking their personal grievances nationwide, ”he reads.

China also rejects the US 2023 plan which provides for an increase in military supplies and spending. It's a cold war plan, China comments.

1 1 UniusREI governor worldwide


"Why not stare at a six-pointed star [Star of David] at my apartment door?"


the six-pointed Rothschild 666 cabal [fake False Star of David] was invented by the Rockefellers 2000 years ago to curse: and push Jews into the Shoah

1 1 UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 6 comments

Pro-BDS professor will receive Israel Prize, Supreme Court rules


Simone Stucchi killed at 22 by a baby gang. The father: "After 6 months there is no culprit"

https://www.msn.Com/it-it/notizie/italia/simone-stucchi-ucciso-a-22-anni-da-una-baby-gang-il-padre-dopo-6-mesi-non- c-% C3% A8-a-culprit

Italy is a country out of control, you have to pay almost everything, the institutions work at 50%, and the judiciary at 30%

1 UniusREI governor worldwide


Bin ISIS Salman] [the aggression of Satan Sodom will be a mortal problem even for your demmonius Allah] China against the United States: "The US attempt to suppress us and Russia will not succeed"

2 1 UniusREI governor worldwide


Bin ISIS Salman ] [ if you do not know in advance the link of my comment? you will not see it. because your satanists CIA NWO FED BM they made my comments invisible!

1 1 UniusREI governor worldwide


"This is a dark day for Zionism and the justice system",


I am Zionism and the world justice system

1 1 UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 9 comments

Instagram reverses ban on anti-Israel group without explanation


OCI EU-US the antichrist ] [ Either you give me the chance to extract the demons of the NWO FED IMF BM ECB lgbt peacefully, with my Jewish Third Temple, or you are doomed to die!


1 1 UniusREI governor worldwide

all those who do not study: the scientist: "Giacinto Auriti" and the banking seigniorage scam: and his crime of Satanism and high constitutional betrayal of Rockefeller Spa & Co Rothschild?

they will be held by God guilty of their own destruction in hell!

1 1 UniusREI governor worldwide

China Russia ] [ if it is true that they shot down 10 planes over Mariupol,

what if they flew over 8 km in height? then they were hit by satellites with laser beams!

1 1 UniusREI governor worldwide

the more sodomitic and occult Masonic powers are unfair against me? the more I will punish them

1 1 UniusREI governor worldwide

BIN ISIS Salman from Riad ] [ I no longer write exorcisms and prayers,

also because, I don't want to tie my divine power to a rite / formula / faith.

I have to prove my superiority against the NWO FED BM only with my agnostic and rational word.

and this is an encouragement to all men on the planet, that acting under my authority, they will no longer have to fear the occult powers!

simply because they will be under my protection

1 1 UniusREI governor worldwide

Instagram all media network socialnetwork are Deep State and have fallen under the control of CIA satan priests assisted by lgbtqs

1 1 UniusREI governor worldwide

Discussion on World Israel News 166 comments

Ukraine: Russia damaged Holocaust memorial


what if you don't remove the filters you put on my channel? I will be forced to block you!

1 1 UniusREI governor worldwide


you made me invisible to myself

here are two of my answers to you, but I only see one


Alleged ‘Israeli base’ in Iraq, attacked by Iran, was Kurdish businessman’s home

an hour ago

A senior Iranian official was evasive when asked by Reuters what the motives were behind the missile attack.

He had a "multi-purpose message to many people and groups",


who gave IRAN a jurisdiction in Syria and Iraq?

it was me, unfortunately, but now I am sorry!

1 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 5 comments

'Arab, Islamic nationalist revolt' in Israel has begun -- former IDF general

UniusREI governor worldwide

an hour ago

sharia applies dhimmitude, because there is a dogmatic superiority in the Koran, between the Muslim and the non-Muslim, in fact, the juridical witness of the Muslim is worth more than the juridical witness of the non-Muslim!

1 1 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


The US side, Wang added: "should reflect on its responsibilities in the crisis in Ukraine, and review and correct its practices of creating imaginary enemies, ignoring the political and security concerns of other countries, and mobilizing group confrontation" .

in fact, President Joe Biden in the last conversation with Chinese President Xi Jinping pledged "not to seek a new cold war, not to try to change the Chinese system, not to try to oppose China by strengthening alliances, not to support Taiwan's independence and have no intention of clashing with China ",

instead aiming at collaboration with the Chinese side.

but, very different: they are the directives of Rockefeller, in fact, in the press conference held yesterday on the 2023 defense budget, the American Deputy Minister of Defense Kathleen H. Hicks spoke of China, North Korea and Russia as the greatest threats to the national security of the United States.

1 1 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 9 comments

Pig’s head, antisemitic graffiti left on Russian Jewish journalist’s door


few times in the history of mankind:

Erdogan, Salman, Riyadh, Egypt CIA, Obama and their troops: ISIS Al-Nursa (trained and financed by their armies) showed so much cruelty, rape, genocide, and cannibalism .. and they did it by reading the Koran, and putting the religious sacrifice of animals, on the same level as the religious and cannibal sacrifice of men!

so all the Jihazid, Kurds and Christian Druze, Sciites etc..etc.. peoples ended up in mass graves, with the supervision of UK CIA wahhabites USA they killed even small children!

1 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

UniusREI governor worldwide


Azov battalion nazi snipers killed the elderly working in the countryside, grandparents and grandmothers over 70, and why were they snipers? they knew and saw well that they were killing innocent people!

1 1 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


Biden challenges Putin: 813 billion for rearmament, many for the challenge in the Arctic (where Moscow has the advantage)


there is no imperialist project in China and Russia, while this is more than evident, it is present in OCI USA EU. League jihad sharia ARABA (and its jihadist galaxy) in aggressively mode

1 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


Pig head, anti-Semitic graffiti left on the door of the Russian Jewish journalist.


the anti-Semitic element is always deplorable,

but you can't be a jew doing Rockefeller dirty work and pretend to be loved,

and make the opposition while the soldiers die at the front?

I don't know why he's not in jail yet

1 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 6 comments

Pro-BDS professor will receive Israel Prize, Supreme Court rules


Bin ISIS Salman] [ I once rebuked the Holy Spirit, because he hesitated to forgive me (he knew I would repeat the same sin, while I thought I was determined not to do it again) and I said to him: "you are touchy", then, I felt that he gasped with regret at having disappointed my expectations.

Here is the greatest pain of souls in Purgatory and in hell, not having understood, as the infinite love of God was always available for them, in every minute.

1 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


Ukraine, Mattarella: a never-imagined retreat of civilization


when, you don't see the Rockefelelr Spa & Co fraud 666 lgbtq banking seigniorage scam? then, you are like a blind man leading other blind men to the ravine

1 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 9 comments

Instagram reverses ban on anti-Israel group without explanation


#Isaac #Herzog #worldisraelnews ] are you the ones who have been praying for the Messiah for 3000 years?

no, you are just a bunch of satanists!

1 2 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


Abramovich poisoned after peace talks? "He has lost his sight for a few hours." From the eyes to the skin of the visa: all the symptoms


It's been 14 years, I've been denying the CIA and NATO the world war that Rockefeller ordered them to bring

1 2 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


#Isaac #Herzog ] [ these are my two answers, to the same question of the satanist with 2 accounts: Aristobulus & Bro Nicolas Spa & Co CIA NWO FED.

But the serious and very serious fact is that if I don't follow the link? these answers are both invisible to me,

you turned me into an invisible man!

#worldisraelnews ] [ queste sono due risposte mie, alla stessa domanda del satanista con 2 account Aristobulus & Bro Nicolas Spa&Co CIA NWO FED.

Ma il fatto grave e gravissimo è che se io non seguo il link? queste risposte sono entrambi invisibili per me,

voi mi avete trasformato in un uomo invisibile!



1 2 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 166 comments

Ukraine: Russia damaged Holocaust memorial




a few seconds ago

you don't have the demonic supernatural powers of 187AudioHostem

and you don't even have the management of alien technology,

you can't see through my optic nerve.

and if they were aware that they could not defeat me, what hope do you have?

I can become King of Israel soon, and you could end up

in jail for personal data breach


disqus does not broadcast my messages

1 2 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



you don't have the demonic supernatural powers of 187AudioHostem and you don't even have the management of alien technology, you can't see through my optic nerve.

and if they were aware that they could not defeat me, what hope do you have?

I can become King of Israel soon, and you could end up in jail for personal data breach

1 2 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



stop voting twice (also like Bro Nicholas). in a negative way, all my comments, like this, you show that you are afraid of me!

What if the system didn't protect me?

you would have made me close this account for the 15th time too!

and I can't say: "stop saying stupid"

why are your masters demons? they are jerks!

1 2 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



there is no human activity which is not enveloped by the spirit as its extension.

that's why Jesus said: that sin lives in the thought of her, and if you wanted a woman you committed adultery with her!

Then, you can also do good through your spirit.

then you learn to do good.

You disown yourself, since your job is to work on the internet.

a satanist friend of yours 13 years ago told me: "you have blocked the progress of mankind".

in fact for you progress is satan and sodom, but it will never be like that for us!

1 2 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



up to now it has been disgusting for me to be around you.

learn to respect me, and your role will improve,

in fact, you too as an enemy will gain respect

1 2 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



are you "Synnek1"? of course not! he is an intelligent, loyal enemy to be respected, honored, and also to be loved, because he is a loyal person!

learn from him and fight fair!

1 2 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 24 comments

WATCH: Former Miss Iraq slams those who label Israel ‘apartheid’



Segre and Mattarella are two blind men, who lead other blind men into the Rockefeller ravine,

because, if you don't study banking seigniorage you will never be able to understand history and you will never be able to set your feet on reality!

1 2 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 1 comments

Healing strangers in the middle of a war zone


G-d bless you Israel

1 2 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 19 comments

WATCH: 'Time to change the narrative,' UAE foreign minister says at historic summit in Israel


welcome friend sceicco Abdullah bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan WELCOME

1 2 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 15 comments

WATCH: Russian Jewish oligarch Roman Abramovich poisoned in Kyiv


What if, some secret agent betrays his homeland and sells himself to the enemy?

besides, he knows he has some kind of open account with his country, and he shouldn't feel comfortable!

but, I am witness to how Navalny poisoned himself,

how the CIA produced the novichoch to slander the Russians,

and how the Ukrainians are looking for the chemical accident to drag NATO into the world war!

3 6 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 9 comments

Holocaust survivors flee from Ukraine to Germany for safety

Macron is always cheerful, because every day, two Churches are struck or demolished, while two mosques are built,

but, in the ARAB LEAGUE nobody asks Erdogan Riad: "why have Christians disappeared?"

That coward Macron also had the crime of denying the Armenian genocide, but Erdogan told him: "" how do you put yourself on doggy style? "

thus, the crime of denial of the Armenian genocide has disappeared!

2 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

France deplores 'Macron murderer' slogans at Zemmour rally


who is France a little girl? then his judgment is as good as that of a single person.

how many yellow vests did Macron kill?

2 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri
Dating the manufacture of the Shroud of Turin: An exercise in basic iconography

Nicholas P L Allen

1994, 1994: Allen N.P.L “Thirteenth Century Responses to the Shroud of Lirey-Chambéry-Turin: vera eikon, encolpia of the Eucharist, Supreme Relic?” The Southern African Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Vol. 4, No. 1: 62-94.


View PDF ▸ Download PDF ⬇ABSTRACT
This paper refutes the recent spate of attempts to invalidate the 1988 carbon dating results which indicated with a 95% certainty, that the Shroud of Lirey-Chambéry-Turin was manufactured from flax plants that grew sometime between 1260 and 1390. An attempt will be made to show how the iconography employed in the...
Your recent reading history:

La Sindone secondo Maria Valtorta - Ugo Bertolami

Shroud of Turin - Summary of Challenges to its Authenticity - Richard B Sorensen

La favorita del Mahdi - Benhsain Alaa

The Shroud in the light of Maria Valtorta's writings - Ugo Bertolami
Holocaust survivors flee from Ukraine to Germany for safety! Ukrainian war, Putin to Abramovich: "Tell Zelensky I'll wipe them out"


how many times have I said: "all civilians must get out of Ukraine!" ? how many times already?

Zelensky's sodom satan regime is incompatible with a decision of equidistance, neutrality and security for Russia


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