non è una testata giornalistica
Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know
MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL
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MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL
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Local UK Labour Party branch planning no-confidence vote against Jewish MP on eve of Yom Kippur
a month ago
MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL
10 months ago
Bug Reports & Feedback: I've had all my comments marked as spam but
none were NON si può escludere che gli antifa Rothschild Partito
Democratico facciano delle squadre di fascisti (in tutti i social) per
punire il pensiero alternativo!IohannesSuperbusI've had all of my
comments marked as spam. The Disqus panel showed "comment marked as
spam, we'll work on correcting this". It seems to me this is actually an
act of account sabotage, like shadow banning, either done by Disqus
themselves, which seems the most likely as how would all these sites ,
which are all of a different political bent, all collude to mark my
non-spam comments as spam?How do I find out what is going on and find
out who is responsible for this? It seems like there must be some rogue
Disqus employee doing this, because it isn't being handled through TOS
or any of the formal actual account actions, and since the comments ARE
NOT SPAM, I know that this can't just be a "bug". There is no way.Rellik
Welcome to the club tho I don't rant about Trump/politicsMy posts
are all music TV sports posts There's no conspiracy your not being
targeted like you thinkBut the problem can't be fixed as there is no way
to contact disqusThey don't reply to tweets and there doesn't seem to a
working e-mail address disqus
IohannesSuperbus Rellik There's no conspiracy your not being
targeted like you think I don't think that can be ruled out...given
the fact that it has been well-documented that there are "flag squads"
of lefty activists that do nothing but engage in mass flagging and
reporting of the posts they view as being by "political enemies".
Let me just explain why I think that...its because the comments marked
as spam are on sites that are both mainstream as well as politically
partisan including the ones that align to my own views. How can all the
posts be marked as spam? I have the profile set to private, so absent
it being someone at Disqus, someone has scraped Disqus sites looking
for my handle, then organized their little troll/flag brigade to
mass-report my posts. Not that hard to do. It is unfortunate there
is no way to contact Disqus. I guess they only care about site admins,
not users.
upvoted you on
Local UK Labour Party branch planning no-confidence vote against Jewish MP on eve of Yom Kippur
a month ago
MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL
10 months ago
President RIVLINmy German friend MarlaMarleen of youtube who criticized
Merkel?and "Grace Joy" why criticize Hillary Clinton?it is not the
top-level Satanists (Morgan Rochefeller Marduch Murdoch SARUMAN etc.)
who are dangeroushow, second-tier Macron Merkel Trudeau and Clinton
Biden are lethal to be dangerous ... in fact, many who approached the
Clintons died dramatically!President RIVLIN mia amica tedesca
MarlaMarleen di youtube che criticava la Merkel ?e"Grace Joy " perché
critica Hillary Clinton ?non sono i satanisti di primo livello (Morgan
Rochefeller Marduch Murdoch SARUMAN ecc.. ) ad essere pericolosiquanto,
sono letali quelli di secondo livello come Macron Merkel Trudeau e
Clinton Biden ad essere pericolosi.. infatti, molti che si sono
avvicinati ai Clinton sono morti drammaticamente!
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎
upvoted you on
Faith Bloome-Krupnik
replied to you on
Israeli Startup Makes Eating Safe for Food Allergy Sufferers
5 months ago
MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL
9 months ago
Bin SALMAN] [ I am the divine Heavenly Army! ]I hate deeply:
supernatural phenomena: charismatic, esoteric,and: I am also reluctant
to deal with religious matters ..yet I disintegrating the whole Arab
League with its Islamic satanism Mecca 666 Kaaba, soI risk proving the
reality of God to the unbelieving world!Bin SALMAN ] [ I am the divine
Heavenly Army! ] io odio profondamente: fenomeni di tipo soprannaturale:
carismatico, esoterico, e: io sono restio anche ad affrontare argomenti
di tipo religioso..eppure io disintegrando tutta la lega Araba con il
suo satanismo islamico Mecca 666 Kaaba,io rischio di dimostrare la
realtà di Dio al mondo incredulo!
Faith Bloome-Krupnik
5 months ago
MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL
9 months ago
generally block the stupid villains: evil person stupid CIA agent.but, I
like talking to bad, hypocritical, lying but intelligent people like
you!Rothschild and his Masonic MAFIA clique of fake Jewish satanists?
they create all the money on the planet out of nothing: yet their name?
does not exist in any public group!you must be a naive and conceited
boy, everyone knows it in the Churches of Satan: thatsay bad bad words
to Unius REI: it's very dangerous!tu devi essere un ragazzo ingenuo e
presuntuoso, lo sanno tutti nelle Chiese di Satana: chedire parole
cattive cattive a Unius REI: è molto pericoloso! in genere blocco gli
stupidi cattivi: evil person stupid CIA, mi piace parlare con
persone cattive, ipocrite, bugiarde ma, intelligenti come te! Rothschild
e la sua cricca massonica di satanisti finti ebrei? loro creano dal
nulla tutto il denaro del pianeta: eppure il loro nome? non esiste in
nessuna cordata!
Brett Rybski
upvoted you on
Grudge of the Century: Palestinians Still Fuming Over 1917 Balfour Declaration
6 months ago
MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL
9 months ago
Lizzie Moore vs Creation☦️Real King Messia "Creation-Real!!" is what
happens when you drift down to the very Deep End of Christianity, become
a fake Benedictine [unethically using the Benedictine medal ID on this
page, without the Order's permission], are a non- swimmer and sink
without a life jacket.Creation☦️Real King Messia vs Lizzie Moore you
have you ever weighed/thought having to ask permission to breathe to
rothschild?in fact the whole human race is a "bit" in his computer FED
IMF NWO 666!God has protected me in these 13 years and will certainly
protect me again:from your demonic supernatural powers!hai mai pensato
di dover chiedere il permesso di respirare a rothschild tu?infatti tutto
il genere umano è un "bit" nel suo computer!Dio mi ha protetto in
questi 13 anni e certo mi proteggerà ancora:dai tuoi poteri
soprannaturali demoniaci!
MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL
10 months ago
I believe that:the real problem is not anti-Semitism (racist or Nazi) or
BDS (of hating the Jewish house, and denying its fundamental and
foundational right: as in reality the ARAB LEAGUE is doing in various
ways, differentiated forms and modalities):but, all this hides the
anguish that the peoples have in wanting to get rid of the vampire
Rothschil of FED FMI BM BCE NWO: the lgbt satanists Masons: goverment
transnazional shadow and esoteric Agenda, antichrist Mognerini EU 666 UK
NATO!this truth all the cowardly Jews are obscuring it,or at least in
13 years, all over the world, I have not found a single honest Jew who
could say it!in fact Yitzchak Kaduri, also written Kadouri, Kadourie,
Kedourie; "Yitzhak", a renowned haredi kabbalist, he said it, through a
kabbalistic way to protect himself from his enemy Rabbi Ovadia Yosefio
credo che:il vero problema non è l'antisemitismo (razzista o nazista) o
il BDS (di odiare la casa ebraica, e negare il suo diritto fondamentale e
fondativo: come in Realtà la LEGA ARABA sta facendo in vari modi, forme
e modalilità differenziate):ma, il tutto nasconde l'angoscia che i
popoli hanno nel volersi liberare del vampiro Rothschil d FED FMI BM BCE
NWO: i satanisti lgbt massoni: governo ombra ed esoteric Agenda
Mognerini UE 666 UK NATO!questa verità tutti gli ebrei vigliacchi la
noascondono,o almeno in 13 anni, in tutto il mondo, io non ho trovato un
solo ebreo onesto che poteva dirlo!infatti Yitzchak Kaduri, scritto
anche Kadouri, Kadourie, Kedourie; "Yitzhak", rinomato cabalista haredi,
lui lo ha detto attraverso una modalità cabalistica per proteggere se
stesso dal suo nemico il rabbino Ovadia Yosef
MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL
9 months ago
if ERDOGAN in BIG BabyDol: didn't kill anyone that day?the night does
not sleep well!So play with the fantasy of war and dream of killing all
the Greeks, etc. .. etc. .. etc. ..until he becomes the undisputed
master of the Mediterranean,obviously in his imagination he has already
conquered Europe too,and this is truehow Hitler is preparing a
formidable army: with the best of USA and Russia: about military
technology!se ERDOGAN non ha ucciso nessuno quel giorno?la notte non
dorme bene!Quindi gioca con la fantasia alla guerra e sogna di uccidere
tutti i greci, ecc.. ecc.. ecc.. finché non diventa il padrone
incontrastato del Mediterraneo,ovviamente nella sua fantasia ha già
conquistato l'Europa anche,e questo è verocome Hitler sta preparando un
esercito formidabile: con il meglio di USA e Russia: circa la tecnologia
replied to you on
Pro-Israel Evangelical NGO Placed on Same List as KKK
8 months ago
MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL
9 months ago
are the children that the German Ngo wants to bring to Italy - PHOTOOn
the case of the German NGO which entered Libyan waters:It is learned
that to intervene to repel the foreign ship and drive it out of its
contiguous waters, was the security force and not the Libyan coast
guard, unfortunately not sinking the humanitarian traffickers.And we
also learn that if one of the boats was captured by the NGO, the other
was taken over by the Libyans.And here are the "children" on board
according to Alarm Phone, the radio taxi of the smugglers, once brought
back:Faces of criminals.
8 months ago
upvoted you on
Palestinians’ Sloppy Cover Up Fails to Hide Facebook Terror Incitement
8 months ago
MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL
10 months ago
all the ARAB LEAGUE is a boiata for women .. you think how the
Christians can escape the genocide in UMMA, those of Erdogan have no
compassion for Shiites and Kurds either!It's called #EnaZeda, it's the
literal translation of 'Anch'io', a Tunisian version of the worldwide
phenomenon #Metoo, which quickly became the top trend on Twitter and has
among its supporters the Tunisian blogger / activist Lina Ben
Mhenni.Everything started a few days ago from the publication by a young
girl of photos of a man, a fresh deputy for the Qalb Tounes party in
Nabeul, Zouhair Makhlouf, in unequivocal attitudes inside a car outside a
high school. Photos taken by the girl, who declared herself a victim of
sexual harassment. Facts that the person concerned tried before to deny
it in a clumsy way on Facebook, only to be forced by protests on social
media to delete his profile.That desperate gesture of Mohamed Al
Bouazzizi, so the Arab Spring was bornIt all resulted in a summons to
the public prosecutor for sexual harassment and an attempt against
public decency and the initiation of an internal investigation by the
party of the magnate Karoui (among other things, the man is immortalized
by the alleged victim with the shirt of party).The courage of the girl
to publish these photos has given way to a sea of testimonies from
women who are flooding the Tunisian network. "I don't think there is a
single woman in Tunisia who has not suffered sexual harassment, we have
all been through," Lina Ben Mhenni wrote.The case raises the issue,
which was somewhat muted during the last electoral campaign for the
legislative and presidential elections, of the condition of women in
upvoted you on
Palestinians’ Sloppy Cover Up Fails to Hide Facebook Terror Incitement
8 months ago
MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL
10 months ago
it is true that in the UMMA Christians are exterminated: but, all this
makes us happy: UN OCI, Bin Salman, Iran and Erdogan and this is the
purpose!è vero che nella UMMA i cristiani vengono sterminati: ma, tutto
questo fa felice: ONU OCI, Bin Salman, Iran e Erdogan e questo è lo
scopo! "In the middle of the night, you must go and listen to sermons.
You're forbidden to criticize them. Women have to cover their heads.
There's no talk of cigarettes, alcohol or music, no celebrations ... If
you smoke, at first they just tell you not to. The third time, they kill
you." — A resident of Burkina Faso, reported by Lindy Lowry, Open
Doors, June 20, 2019."They've forbidden prostitution in the [gold] mines
-- they slit their throats. They kill someone about once a month, I'd
say, and it's always people they've warned. Except the prostitutes. They
don't warn them. They just kill them." — A resident of Burkina Faso,
reported by Lindy Lowry, Open Doors, June 20, 2019.Terrorism --
committed by armed groups such as Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,
Al-Mourabitoun, Ansar al-Dine, Ansar-ul-Islam lil-Ichad wal Jihad, Boko
Haram, Islamic State in Greater Sahara and the Macina Liberation Front
-- has resulted in the displacement of more than 135,000 people in
Burkina Faso, two-thirds of them since the beginning of this year. Their
violence also has led to the closure of many schools. Recent attacks
on Christians in Burkina Faso have killed many Christians, and resulted
in the displacement of more than 135,000 people and the closure of
hundreds of churches and church schools. Pictured: The Cathedral of
Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso. The extremist attacks on Christians in the
Muslim-majority West African country of Burkina Faso are not only a
cause of great concern, but indicate that terrorist groups in the Middle
East, such as ISIS, have not been defeated; they have moved their
operations elsewhere.Terrorism -- committed by armed groups such as
Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, Al-Mourabitoun, Ansar al-Dine,
Ansar-ul-Islam lil-Ichad wal Jihad, Boko Haram, Islamic State in Greater
Sahara and the Macina Liberation Front -- has resulted in the
displacement of more than 135,000 people in Burkina Faso, two-thirds of
them since the beginning of this year. Their violence also has led to
the closure of many schools.According to a September 18 report by the
international Catholic organization, Aid to the Church in Need:
upvoted you on
Palestinians’ Sloppy Cover Up Fails to Hide Facebook Terror Incitement
8 months ago
MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL
10 months ago
there is nothing new under the sun, this has always been Mohammed's
ISLAM of 1400 years ago!the Koran crystallizes the brains of Muslims!or
you must remove the sharia or they must all be executed!non c'é nulla di
nuovo sotto il sole, questo è sempre stato l'ISLAM di Maometto di 1400
anni fa! il Corano cristallizza il cervello dei mussulmani! o si deve
rimuovere la sharia oppure devono essere tutti eseguiti! It is,
therefore, the epitome of hypocrisy for Mr Erdogan to offer to take
responsibility for the ISIS fighters being held in Kurdish-run detention
camps... If that really were to happen, and the ISIS captives were
repatriated to Turkey, it would, for some, be more like a homecoming.The
far more worrying prospect is that the captives may be able to escape,
and return to the ranks of ISIS's terrorist infrastructure....The ISIS
caliphate might no longer exist, but the terrorist organisation itself
still continues to operate. Indeed, the latest intelligence assessments
are that ISIS is regrouping in countries such as Syria, Iraq,
Afghanistan and Yemen, with the aim of launching a fresh wave of terror
attacks against Western targets.Mr Trump's claim that the war against
ISIS is over may prove to be short-lived.If the Kurds cannot guard the
ISIS captives, then who will? One of the more ludicrous suggestions to
have been made during Turkey's military offensive against the Syrian
Kurds is that, in return for Washington's approval, Turkish President
Recep Tayyip Erdogan would take responsibility for the estimated 90,000
ISIS fighters and their dependents, currently languishing in
Kurdish-controlled detention centres.It is one of the worst kept secrets
in Western intelligence circles that, for long periods during the
brutal Syrian conflict, Mr Erdogan's regime supported a number of groups
that enjoyed close affiliation with ISIS, as well as other Islamist
terror groups such as Al-Qaeda.It is, therefore, the epitome of
hypocrisy for Mr Erdogan to offer to take responsibility for the ISIS
fighters being held in Kurdish-run detention camps such as the al-Hol
complex in eastern Syria. If that really were to happen, and the ISIS
captives were repatriated to Turkey, it would, for some, be more like a
homecoming.Continue Reading Article
upvoted you on
Palestinians’ Sloppy Cover Up Fails to Hide Facebook Terror Incitement
8 months ago
MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL
10 months ago
USA CHINA RUSSIA] the genocide of the UMMA-sharia will leave no hope to
mankind!and I believe it is time to cancel ISLAM from the history of
this planet!USA CHINA RUSSIA ] il genocidio della UMMA-sharia non
lascerà nessuna speranza al genere umano!ed io credo che sia arrivato il
momento di cancellare ISLAM dalla storia di questo pianeta!
MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL
9 months ago
Bin SALAMAN ] [ has it ever happened to you to give birth to calves?if
you can ever defeat me?it is the experience that your male child will
do!Bin SALAMAN ] [ ti è mai successo di partorire vitellini?se mai
potrai sconfiggermi?è proprio l'esperienza che farà tuo figlio!
9 months ago
Grace Joy
upvoted you on
Jordan set to take land from Israeli farmers, denies Israel’s request for extension
9 months ago
MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL
9 months ago
aaaahhhh then, it is true: you are really an evil slanderera CIA troll
paid by Epstein-Clinton from hell !!!prove to me: one of your slanders
against Donald TRUMP that he even gave up his salary for the great love
of being a Patriot!allora, è vero: tu sei proprio un malefico
calunniatoreun troll della CIA pagato da Epstein -Clinton
dall'inferno!!! dimostra a me: una sola delle tue calunnie contro Donald
TRUMP che lui ha rinunciato anche al suo stipendio per il grande amore
di essere un Patriota!
replied to you on
Jordan set to take land from Israeli farmers, denies Israel’s request for extension
9 months ago
9 months ago
replied to you on
WATCH: 'Israel Leads by Leaps and Bounds, We Can Learn A Lot,' Says South African President
9 months ago
MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL
9 months ago
11/07 23:12 [we know the Soviets are Darwin monkeys, communists find
primates and mistake them for human beings!Scientists discover primate
remains that could shed light on when the man started walking07/11
23:09The first p e n i s and s c r o t u m transplant in the world works
"one year".ANSWERit is strange, however, that their cousins of the
democratic party: then, they are precisely those who want to kill the
communists ..we see that we have fallen on the planet of the apes Macron
and Merkel Zingaretti and Di Maio!07/11 23:12 [ lo sappiamo i sovietici
sono scimmie Darwin, comunisti trovano primati e li scambiano per
esseri umani!Scienziati scoprono resti di primate che potrebbe far luce
su quando l'uomo iniziò a camminare07/11 23:09A distanza di un anno
‘funziona’ il primo trapianto di p e n e - e - s c r o t o al
mondo.ANSWERè strano però che i loro cugini del partito democratico:
poi, sono proprio quelli che li vogliono uccidere i vede
che siamo caduti sul pianeta delle scimmie Macron e Merkel Zingaretti e
Di Maio!
9 months ago
Grace Joy
upvoted you on
Opinion: Senators Sanders and Warren offer ‘The Squad’ squalid Middle East peace plans
9 months ago
MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL
9 months ago
it doesn't matter, about what someone can say or slander ..what is
really imported is only the truth!Soros is his accomplices must be
sentenced to death for high treason ...then, Soros said: "the fault is
not mine, but it is of all the corrupt laws that: Rothschild was able to
obtain from the Masonic politicians of the Democratic party, and that
allowed me to be able to steal and be able to assassinate the
peoples"non ha nessuna importanza, circa quello che qualcuno può dire o
calunniare..quello che è verametne importate è soltanto la verità!Soros è
i suoi complici devono essere condannati a morte per alto
tradimento...poi, Soros ha detto: "la colpa non è mia, ma è di tutte le
leggi corrotte che: Rothschild ha potuto ottenere dai politici massoni
del partito democratico, e che mi hanno permesso di poter rubare e di
poter assassinare i popoli"
Grace Joy
upvoted you on
Opinion: Senators Sanders and Warren offer ‘The Squad’ squalid Middle East peace plans
9 months ago
Grace Joy
upvoted you on
'Odd Couple': Anti-Israel Lawmaker Touts Jewish Ancestry of Israel Critic Bernie Sanders
9 months ago
MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL
9 months ago
‘Odd Couple’: Anti-Israel Democratic Lawmaker Touts Jewish Ancestry of
Bernie Sanders vthe sharia lawit is high treason against the
constitutional order ..Why hasn't the Democratic Party finished all in
jail yet?la sharia lawè alto tradimento contro l'ordine
costituzionale..perché il partito democratico non è ancora finito tutto
in galera?
Grace Joy
upvoted you on
'Odd Couple': Anti-Israel Lawmaker Touts Jewish Ancestry of Israel Critic Bernie Sanders
9 months ago
MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL
9 months ago
this Erdogan assassin hangman Islamic sharia genocide, it's catastrophic
into democratic party!TURKEY IN EUROPEof Roberto de MatteiBenefit or
Catastrophe?Would the eventual entry of Turkey into Europe be a benefit
or an irreparable catastrophe?This volume raises the problem and raises
the alarm!of Roberto de Matteiquesto Erdogan assassino boia islamico
genocidio sharia è catastrofico! LA TURCHIA IN EUROPA di Roberto de
MatteiBeneficio o Catastrofe?L'eventuale ingresso della Turchia in
Europa costituirebbe un beneficio o un'irreparabile catastrofe?Questo
volume solleva il problema e lancia l'allarme! di Roberto de Mattei
Wanda Vittek
replied to you on
Analysis: Sikh leader quits BBC after being prevented from talking about Muslim oppression
9 months ago
MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL
9 months ago
Pelosi-Gezabele says: "Trump betrayed the oath" (but, it is not
specified which journalistic inquiry he made without Biden's
authorization)Speaker of the US Chamber: 'The Constitution must be
defended by: pirates "skull and bones, conspire 322 the Satanist
Masons"'added Pelosi. "At stake - he continued - there is our
democracy".ANSWER.that's what I've always said: this is the democracy of
the Enlightened Baal Ja-Bull-On is not the democracy of the people!in
fact, how did the constitution say to give bank seigniorage to
rothschild? when?the crime of the democratic party is from death
penalty: for treason and coup!Pelosi-Gezabele dice:" Trump ha tradito il
giuramento" (ma, non si specifica quale inchiesta giornalistica abbia
fatto senza Biden autorizzazione)Speaker della Camera Usa: 'La
Costituzione va difesa dai: pirati "teschio e ossa, congiura 322 i
massoni satanisti"'ha aggiunto Pelosi. "In gioco - ha proseguito - c'è
la nostra democrazia".ANSWER.è proprio quello che io ho sempre detto:
questa è la democrazia degli Enlightened Baal Ja-Bull-On non è la
democrazia del popolo!infatti, come la costituziona ha detto di dare il
signoraggio bancario a rothschild? quando?il delitto del partito
democratico è da pena di morte: per tradimento e golpe!
Wanda Vittek
9 months ago
Grace Joy
upvoted you on
IDF Lauds Twitter Crackdown on Hamas and Hezbollah Terror Groups
9 months ago
Grace Joy
upvoted you on
IDF Lauds Twitter Crackdown on Hamas and Hezbollah Terror Groups
9 months ago
MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL
9 months ago
dear President RIVLIN ] [ Elizabeth Warren appears to be a very serious
woman, and she is certainly very capable:she hates TRUMP because she is
similar in a patriotic sense of belonging, yet she is a corrupt person:
because she sees the judicial persecution of the Rothschild empire
against TRUMP and is silent fact, Elizabeth Warren, she had the
wrong political line up, she also had to be a Republican.however,
Elizabeth Warren must be a skilled chameleon and must also have a
well-corrupted liver, to be Hillary Clinton's favorite collaborator:
with all the satanism that revolves around her Elizabeth Warren sembra
una donna molto seria, ed è sicuramente molto capace:lei odia TRUMP
perché gli è simile nel senso patriottico e di appartenenza, tuttavia è
una persona corrotta: perché vede la persecuzione giudiziaria
dell'impero Rothschild contro TRUMP e tace...infatti, Elizabeth Warren,
ha sbagliato schieramento politico, doveva fare la
repubblicana.tuttavia, Elizabeth Warren deve essere un abile
camaleonte e deve anche avere un fegato ben corrotto, per essere la
collaboratrice prilegiata di Hillary Clinton: e di tutto il satanismo
che le gira intorno
William Peters
upvoted you on
IDF Lauds Twitter Crackdown on Hamas and Hezbollah Terror Groups
9 months ago
MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL
9 months ago
dear my President RIVLIN ] [ Obama was formally perfect: because: Biden
322, and Satan's priests were his guide!but TRUMP DONALD is a man,
genuine sincere:he will never make war if Israel is not attacked ...and
this can make the CIA and the MOSSAD very dangerous!Obama era perfetto
formalmente: perché: Biden e i sacerdoti di Satana erano la sua guida!
ma TRUMP DONALD è un uomo, genuino sincero:lui non farà mai la guerra se
Israele non verrà attaccato...ed è questo può rendere la CIA e il
MOSSAD molto pericolosi!
William Peters
upvoted you on
IDF Lauds Twitter Crackdown on Hamas and Hezbollah Terror Groups
9 months ago
MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL
9 months ago
dear my President RIVLIN Trump, Putin Xi-Jinping ] [ I don't want to
kill an Islamic nation at a time: with slander, as was done in the past
..all the OCI ARAB LEAGUE must be legally exterminated for the universal
crime of sharia genocide!dear my President RIVLIN Putin Xi-Jinping ] [
non mi va di uccidere una nazione islamica alla volta: con calunnie,
come è stato fatto in Passato..tutta la LEGA ARABA deve essere
sterminata legalmente per il delitto universale di genocidio della
Erica Ling
replied to you on
Opinion: Senators Sanders and Warren offer ‘The Squad’ squalid Middle East peace plans
9 months ago
Erica Ling
9 months ago
upvoted you on
4 months ago
upvoted you on
Get help.
Sad that Italy displaced Salvini. I pray that he regains control. Hungary's Orban is another very prescient man. Hungary will not become Sweden.
Total idiocy!
Groan :(
We are not a democracy! We are a constitutional Republic. Many countries are signified by the title of "Democracy" but do not have a constitution like ours and bill of Rights.
You have heard the latest farce ? Anyone who dares to criticize Soros for his malevolent global megalomania will be accused of antisemitism.
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