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Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Threatens US

Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Threatens US, Allies Over Protests

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL
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BIN SALMAN] Attorney general: Netanyahu not required to resign worldisraelnews com/attorney-general-netanyahu-not-required-to-resign [the greatest architects: masons COGLIONI Attorney-General Avichai Mandelblit, specialists: in social engineering lgbt 666 Satan: all perverted perversions, and satanism scam banking seigniorage.
they thought they had absolute power in the NWO.
but they had underestimated Unius REI.
God told me: "you must make the mortgage loan!"
I replied: "Are you a fool God?"
no, he wasn't stupid: he knew I would destroy the NWO by alone with you ..
We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News.
BIN SALMAN ] [ i più grandi architetti: massoni COGLIONI Attorney-General Avichai Mandelblit, specialisti: di ingegneria sociale lgbt 666 Satana:
loro pensavano di avere nel NWO il potere assoluto.
ma loro avevano sottovalutato Unius REI.
Dio mi disse: "tu devi fare il mutuo ipotecario!"
io risposi: "Dio sei scemo?"
no, non era scemo: lui sapeva che io avrei distrutto il NWO by alone with you..

College Students Erect Memorial to Palestinian Islamic Jihad Terrorists

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL
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when will the Israelis find themselves in mortal danger and want to be helped by the Italians?
here they will all become: only one UMMAH, all over OCI akbar Europe!

quando gli israeliani si troveranno in pericolo mortale e vorranno essere aiutati dagli italiani?
quì saranno diventati tutti una sola UMMAH, in tutta l'Europa OCI!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL
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Births are still falling
Less than 18,000 children in 2018.
Istat data, almost 140 thousand in 10 years. One child in three was born to unmarried couples.
every 3 years, FED 666 IMF 322 ECB Soros Democratic Party: Dracula Rothschild makes us lose 900,000 Italians, but, on the other hand, we replace them with the Afro Islamic jihad sharia: replacement theology, and Erdogan genocide!

Ancora in calo le nascite
Meno 18mila bimbi nel 2018.
I dati Istat, quasi 140mila in 10 anni. Un figlio su tre è nato da coppie non sposate.
ogni 3 anni, FED 666 IMF 322 ECB Soros Partito Democratico: Dracula Rothschild ci fa perdere 900.000 italiani, ma, in compenso li sostituiamo con gli gli afro islamici jihad sharia: teologia della sostituzione, e genocidio Erdogan!

As Rockets Rain Down, Who Are the True Heroes of Israel?

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL
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Discussion on lgbt Rothschild 666 NWO FED World Israel News

Likud primary soon, but not soon enough for Netanyahu challenger

lorenzoJHWH Unius REI

when an infamous:

prefers to put its interest and prestige before the safety and prestige of the his people?

his name becomes Gideon Sa'ar the traitor Rothschild Ja-Bull-On Baal Owl lucifer EYE Morgan Rochefeller Soros

quando un infame:

antepone il suo interesse ed il suo prestigio, alla sicurezza, e al prestigio del puo popolo?

il suo nome diventa Gideon Sa'ar il traditore Rothschild Ja-Bull-On Baal

lorenzoJHWH Unius REI

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my G-d JHWH holy give me, my many many milions corpse

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WATCH: 'We Stand with Israel!' Declare Supporters from Across the Globe

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL
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ACT NOW! Demand UN Condemnation of Rocket Attacks on Israeli Civilians!
stop Arab League terrorism jihad Erdogan: Ummah nazi sharia genocide and his replacement theology

New York Times Scrubs 'Terror' from Islamic Jihad Story

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL
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Netanyahu Blasts Islamic Jihad’s ‘Double War Crimes,’ Harming Civilians in Israel and Gaza unitedwithisrael org/netanyahu-blasts-islamic-jihads-double-war-crimes-harming-civilians-in-israel-and-gaza

Creation☦️Real King Messia

Rothschild told Donald Tusk: "" if we don't kill at least 2 billion Muslims? then, the fraud of banking scam seigniorage will come out! "
that's why nuclear WW3 can't be avoided for Donald Tusk who is forced to slander Russia all the time ...
Donald Tusk attacks Macron and Russia: "Moscow is a problem and not a strategic partner"
charliematerne Creation☦️Real King Messia
I notice that you don't bother to document the statements you claim were made.
Creation☦️Real King Messia charliematerne
and since a coup in UKRAINE cannot be legalized: I can always give the part that Merkel-Bilderberg scam banking seigniorage 666 NAZI Von URSULA Pravy Merkel Sector lgbt have had:
I can always give it to RUSSIA if they make me spin the balls in NATO!
and everyone knows this: "if I hadn't authorized Putin to take the Crimea and the Donbass? He couldn't have done it!"

Creation☦️Real King Messia charliematerne
brilliant observation!
only 80% of my statements can be documented and this is enough to give credibility to the remaining 20%.
but this remark against Donald Tusk? it can be documented: why there is no coup in Ukraine that the CIA with its snipers could legalize!.

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL
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the blasphemers want to commit suicide,
but Allah is a demon and the problem does not arise!

i bestemmiatori si vogliono suicidare,
ma Allah è un demonio e il problema non si pone!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL
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#Kashmir sharia NAZI Communists boia: India is preparing to strengthen defenses against jihad sharia Muslims who make up the majority of the population in Jammu and Kashmir.
Polygamy demographic bomb and ped0filia
Muslims have also become the majority in Kosovo, etc. .. etc. .. etc. .. and then, what was once yours, was of Merkel and Macron?
now it has become of Erdogan!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL
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Assad will ask the UN for compensation for the US oil theft.
all those who have sharia must all be sentenced to death:
for sharia there is no right to have a homeland!

Assad chiederà all’ONU risarcimento per il furto di petrolio degli Stati Uniti.
tutti coloro che hanno la sharia devono essere tutti condannati a morti:
per gli sharia non esiste un diritto ad avere una Patria!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL
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Pope Francis hero, now satanic and p e r v e r t e d LGBT like-minded ANTIFAs take on their social responsibilities!
Pope Francis on p 0 r n: Google, Facebook take responsibility for p0 r n 0 g r a p h i c content
At the "Promoting Digital Child Dignity" Conference, Pope Francis spoke on
the issues of the protection of minors from abuse and on the fight
against the distribution of p0r n 0g r a p h i c content on the Internet.

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL
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Pope Francis hero, now satanic and peeerveeerted LGBT like-minded ANTIFAs take on their social responsibilities!
Pope Francis on p0rn: Google, Facebook take responsibility for p0rn0graphic content
the "Promoting Digital Child Dignity" Conference, Pope Francis spoke on
the issues of the protection of minors from abuse and on the fight
against the distribution of p0rn0graphic content on the Internet.

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL
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Pope Francis hero, now satanic and perverted LGBT like-minded ANTIFAs take on their social responsibilities!
Pope Francis on p0rn: Google, Facebook take responsibility for p0rn0graphic content
At the "Promoting Digital Child Dignity" Conference, Pope Francis spoke on the issues of the protection of minors from abuse and on the fight against the distribution of p0rn0graphic content on the Internet.

ora satanisti e pervertiti lgbt affini ANTIFA si assumano le loro resposanbilità sociali!
Papa Francesco sul p0rno: Google, Facebook si assumano responsabilità per contenuti p0rn0grafici
Al Convegno "Promoting Digital Child Dignity" Papa Francesco è intervenuto sui temi della tutela dei minori dagli abusi e sulla lotta alla diffusione dei contenuti p0rn0grafici su Internet.

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL
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Pope Francis hero, now satanic and perverted LGBT like-minded ANTIFAs take on their social responsibilities!
Pope Francis on porn: Google, Facebook take responsibility for p0rn0graphic content
At the "Promoting Digital Child Dignity" Conference, Pope Francis spoke on the issues of the protection of minors from abuse and on the fight against the distribution of p0rn0graphic content on the Internet.

ora satanisti e pervertiti lgbt affini ANTIFA si assumano le loro resposanbilità sociali!
Papa Francesco sul porno: Google, Facebook si assumano responsabilità per contenuti p0rn0grafici
Al Convegno "Promoting Digital Child Dignity" Papa Francesco è intervenuto sui temi della tutela dei minori dagli abusi e sulla lotta alla diffusione dei contenuti p0rn0grafici su Internet.

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL
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Bin SALMAN] [Riyad (Riyadh) Capital of Saudi Arabia] ah ah ah ah ah .. if God did not love something? he holy Spirit one would never have even created it/him her?
but, why did you become a pervert?
Abraham were not like you!
yet who can accuse me of injustice?
I am the champion of God, and you do not imagine the tragic destiny: that will happen to everything that I cannot love!

] ah ah ah ah.. se Dio non amasse qualcosa? non la avrebbe mai neanche creata?
ma, tu perché sei diventato un perverso?
eppure, chi può accusarmi di ingiustizia?
io sono il campione di Dio, e tu non immagini il destino tragico: che capiterà a tutto quello che io non posso amare!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL
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Antifa Pd 666 lgbt M5S Soros FED IMF NWO criminals in Ancona: canceled Christmas recitation.
Ancona: Christmas Christmas in kindergarten canceled so as not to upset non-Christian children
how a Christian people leads to genocide:
when the demonic talmud and the demonic Koran join forces to exterminate: Russian and Chinese Israelis peoples!

Antifa Pd 666 lgbt M5S Soros FED IMF NWO criminali ad Ancona: cancellata recita di Natale.
Ancona: cancellata recita di Natale in asilo per non turbare i bimbi non cristiani
come si conduce al genocidio un popolo cristiano:
quando il demoniaco talmud e il demoniaco Corano si alleano per sterminare: Israeliani Russi e Cinesi!

New York Times Scrubs 'Terror' from Islamic Jihad Story

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL
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the wickedness of satanism by Soros Rothschild FED FMI BCE NWO NATO CIA 322 NSA and their masters: "Demo Pluto Judico Rivlin Mason who shaped the lgbt Democratic party M5S: the vampires of the EU technocracy.
a myself: Creation☦️Real King Messiah

ANPI, ANTIFA, social centers, anarchists, and "Associazione Sardegna Palestina": supported by the democratic party, in fact: in general, but not formally, on this sad occasion (which took place on April 25th (Nazi liberation day) fascist) in support of its Palestinian leaders, the politics of the terrorist organizations of Erdogan, Saud Riyadh, Iran: jihad of the Islamist-communist murderers of the UMMAH genocide and other criminal Islamic fundamentalist organizations such as Hamas and Hetzbollà etc ..
So, I thank the mayor of Pescara for having honored both LILIANA SEGRE and the JEWISH BRIGADE honorary citizenship: that with 9000 men: he broke the Nazi-fascist resistance .. but, I do not remember that it was the Muslims who freed us from Nazi-fascism: if not for the rapes: against boys and girls: and the raids: committed by Moroccans sharia law, brutality: commissions on the permission of the Anglo-Americans, who, were a compensation to those who were in fact mercenary troops in the pay of the profanation of the Italian people , and, but, so did not the Jews (who shed their blood for free for us) to whom all our admiration and gratitude goes. But the same cannot be said of the Democratic Party and its Muslims who continually aim: hypocritically NOT ONLY: to the destruction sic et simpliciter of the State of Israel and to a second Shoà) MA [conceal an Islamic genocide "jihad genocide Allah sharia law "of 1400 years that even though no one can still criminalize] ANTIFA PD ANPI in fact: they have profaned the extreme sacrifice and memory of the Jewish Brigade that has not found a place in the celebrations of April 25th. in this memory he had to hide his flag, he was physically placed at the edge of the procession, he had no voice license.
There were more than five thousand Palestinian Jews who volunteered from the land of Israel in 1941 to come and fight against the Nazis in Europe. There was also Enzo Sereni, parachuted in northern Italy, captured by the Germans and finished in Auschwitz. Today in Israel a kibbutz bears his name.
The Association Chenàbura-Sardos pro Israel, a member of the Federation of Friendship Associations Italy Israel, strongly protests for the unworthy ambush by representatives and sympathizers of the Sardinia Palestine Association during the Cagliari demonstration on April 25th. Acting as heirs of the Great Mufti of Jerusalem, a friend of Hitler and the Islamic SS, who terrorized Europe by staining horrendous crimes, they demanded that the flag of Israel present in the demonstration be remembered in memory and memory of the many fallen of the Jewish Brigade who contributed to to liberate Italy from Nazi-fascism.
amicidisraele org / 2013/04 / liberation-party-the-brigade-Jewish-setting-apart-and-boycotted-as-every-year /
NOT ONLY! in Rome after being provoked by the Palestinians at the parade, the only representatives of the JEWISH BRIGADE were denied the word on stage!
Italy is free. Also thanks to the Jewish Brigade. And so this morning the coat of arms of the nucleus, which during the Second World War drove the German armies from Italian soil together with the other partisans, returned to wave at the center of the procession on April 25th.
12.30 pm Tancredi (representative of the JEWISH BRIGADE) approaches the stage, asks the presenter: "When it's my turn?". The presenter looks at the ladder: "You are not there, you must not speak."

Europe’s Hypocrisy: Sanction Israel for Wine, But Not Iran for Nuclear Violations

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL
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Europe’s Hypocrisy: Sanction Israel for Wine, But Not Iran for Nuclear Violations

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

a minute ago

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MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL
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all my comments is

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

3 days ago

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MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

6 days ago


MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL
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Europe's Antichrist Rothschild Soros Bilderberg Hypocrisy: Sanction Israel for Wine, But Not Iran for Nuclear Violations.
this has always been done by DEMO PLUTO GIUDAICO MASSONE:
set the antichrist and the genocide of Jews and Christians

questo hanno sempre fatto i DEMO PLUTO GIUDAICO MASSONE:
impostare l'anticristo e il genocidio di ebrei e cristiani

Israeli Children Under Fire: Rockets Set Toy Factory Ablaze, Shut Schools Down

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL
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BIN SALMAN] We are NOT able to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News [and what should I tell you? these are dangerous anti-Semites who pursecute me dangerously!
and: I cannot even consider myself the most unfortunate King of ISRAEL: since
these bad evil bat: Rivlin Rothschild Bilderberg Saruman Dracula: FED 666 IMF 187 NWO: to Zorobabele and to Jesus of Bethlehem? they killed them: while to me, they haven't done it yet!

BIN SALMAN ] We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News [ e cosa ti devo dire? questi sono degli antisemiti pericolosi che mi perseguitano pericolosamente!
e: io non posso neanche ritenermi il più sfortunato Re di ISRAELE: dato che
questi: Rivlin Rothschild Bilderberg Saruman Dracula: FED 666 FMI 187 NWO: a Zorobabele e a Gesù di Betlemme? li hanno ammazzati: mentre a me, non lo hanno fatto ancora!

The 4,006 Palestinians the Europeans Have Not Heard Of

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL
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talmud-Rivlin-Segre and the psychopolitics of the Demo Pluto Giudaico Freemason: FED 666 FMI 322 BCE, 187 NWO.
of ominous memory Hitler Mussolini!

However, the report published two days later says something different; the figures refer to 2018, not to 2019. The episodes of anti-Semitism are 197 per year, not 200 per day. We then talk in general: "Public figures such as Gad Lerner, Emanuele Fiano, Sandro Parenzo, Enrico Mentana and Liliana Segre are often victims of antisemitic invectives, especially on social media" and not by Liliana Segre in particular.

talmud-Rivlin-Segre e la psicopolizia dei Demo Pluto Giudaico Massone: FED 666 FMI 322 BCE, 187 NWO.
di infausta memoria Hitler Mussolini!
ilgiornale it/news/politica/sugli-insulti-liliana-segre-guerra-numeri-1783394.html
Il rapporto pubblicato due giorni dopo dice però una cosa diversa; i dati si riferiscono al 2018, non al 2019. Gli episodi di antisemitismo sono 197 all’anno, non 200 al giorno. Si parla poi in generale: "Personaggi pubblici come Gad Lerner, Emanuele Fiano, Sandro Parenzo, Enrico Mentana e Liliana Segre sono spesso vittime di invettive antisemite, specie sui social" e non di Liliana Segre in particolare.

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL
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Rivlin-Segre conspiracy, and the Rothschild political psychopolitics of the Democratic Party.
to this refined perversion: the Gestapo
Hitler secret police? it had not arrived!

congiura Rivlin-Segre, e la psicopolizia politica Rothschild del Partito Democratico.
a questa raffinata perversione: la Gestapo
Polizia segreta Hitler? non era giunta!
Case Segre, that's why the Republic numbers do not add up
Republic defends itself from criticism but does not clarify where it has taken the data of the 200 insults to the day that in the report of the Observatory does not exist
ilgiornale it/news/politica/caso-segre-ecco-perch-i-numeri-repubblica-non-tornano-1783771

Trump Slated to Headline Major Israeli-American Conference

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL
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IRAN RIYADh ] Presiden Rivlin, Liliana Segre, senator, Democratic party, Bilderberg Rothschild, Demo Pluto Giudaico Masssone: they expelled me from Israel and I will not forgive them:
as in the past only a will remain only: a small portion!
I have delivered the demons Allah

IRAN RIYAD ] Presiden Rivlin, Liliana Segre, senatrice, partito democratico, Bilderberg Rothschild, Demo Pluto Giudaico Masssone: mi hanno espulso da Israele e io non li perdonerò:
come in passato rimarrà soltanto: una piccola porzione!
io ho liberato i demoni Allah

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL
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v vvv

Israeli 'Smart' Air Fresheners Save Lives and Stop Bad Smells

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

The abusive government wants the guarantor of illegal immigrants
November 10, 2019
They want another bureaucrat who decides in place of the elect by the people. They take power with a coup and take advantage of it to name one of them that survives them:
pity that we remain the guarantor Rothschild-Erdogan lgbt Satan Allah Sodoma
all guarantors of the Italian people only!

Il governo abusivo vuole il garante dei clandestini
Novembre 10, 2019
Vogliono un altro burocrate che decida al posto degli eletti dal popolo. Prendono il potere con un colpo di mano e ne approfittano per nominare uno di loro che li sopravviva:
peccato che a noi è rimasto il garante Rothschild-Erdogan lgbt Satana Allah Sodoma
tutti garanti del popolo italiano soltanto!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

it is blocked again!!

my Presiden RIVLIN] open letter [Removed] [Removed] [Removed] now, you have to restore all the 200 comments that have been deleted in this account!

and you don't have to do like that coward: Putin's Bolshevik, that he closed me: 12 accounts in (it sputnik) and made the facebook account invisible to all, and then I left for good ...

because, he was ashamed of all the Christian martyrs, who killed his communism: Stalin, Mao Zedong, and Kim Jong-un: and in Latin America to this day, and those killed by his Muslims: still today, throughout the world!

because he sells arms and oil and then, he spits on the blood of innocents peoples, be killed by his allies

my Presiden RIVLIN ] open letter [ Removed ] [ Removed ] [ Removed ] ora, tu mi devi far ripristinare anche tutti i 200 commenti che sono stati cancellati!

e non devi fare come quel vigliacco: bolscevico di Putin, che lui mi ha chiuso 12 account in (it sputnik) e mi ha reso invisibile l'account facebook, e poi io me ne sono andato definitivamente...

perché, lui aveva vergogna di tutti i martiri cristiani, che ha ucciso il suo comunismo: Stalin, Mao Zedong, e Kim Jong-un: e in america latina tutt'oggi, e quelli uccisi dai suoi islamici: ancora oggi, in tutto il mondo!

perché lui vende armi e petrolio e poi, sputa sul sangue degli innocenti

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

my President RIVLIN ] What would Erdogan have done in your place?
do it!
We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News. Find out more.
cosa avrebbe fatto Erdogan la posto vostro?
Creation☦️Real King ISRAEL ://disqus com/by/creationreal/

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

Narendra Modi: Prime Minister of India] open letter [you have no idea what flow of money from ITALY came to India through: 1. Mother Teresa of Calcutta, through: 2. Father Aurelio Maschio (Matunga Bombey). through: 3. etc. .. etc ...
because, you too have put yourself, to kill the Christian martyrs: as, to tell everyone: "I am no less criminal than the Muslims"

Narendra Modi: Primo ministro dell'India ] open letter [ tu hai idea di che flusso di denaro dall'ITALIA è venuto in India attraverso: 1. Madre Teresa di Calcutta, attraverso: 2. Padre Aurelio Maschio (Matunga Bombey). attraverso: 3. ecc.. ecc...
perché, tu ti sei messo anche tu, ad uccidere i martiri cristiani: per dire a tutti: "io non sono meno criminale degli islamici"

Heavy Metal Legends Set to Rock Tel Aviv This Spring

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

MY RIVLIN PRESIDENT ] [ cosa tu trovi di sbagliato? perché mi hai cancellato, anche questo articolo?
Creation☦️Real King Messia
indeed, for 1400 years they have always obtained all the genocides of Christian nations that they wished to obtain: with kabbalah substitution theology, to occupy with UMMA NAZI sharia jihad:
because, now allah lilit in Mecca 666 Kaaba should fail this time shoah, after all Imam Hitler has not failed
Iran's new crop of revolutionary guards insult Israel on graduation ceremony
Creation☦️Real King Messia a month ago
Netanjahu ] io ho le idee molto chiare
Iran's new crop of revolutionary guards insult Israel in graduation ceremony

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

MY PRESIDENT RIVLIN ] [ Creation☦️Real King Messia Removed Removed Removed
all "Comments: 711" have been removed
Removed Removed Removed

We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News.
Creation☦️Real King Messia Removed Removed Removed
tutti i "Comments: 711" sono stati rimossi
Removed Removed Removed

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

A story from a few months ago, the details of which recall, dramatically, that of Desirée Mariottini, the sixteen year old from Cisterna di Latina who was found dead in a busy building after being raped to death. And of Pamela: both killed.
The PD (democratic Party: islamic invasion sharia genocide) M5S Bilderberg Soros and the NGOs have flooded Italy with Nigerian drug dealers. Widespread throughout the territory. And too many girls and fragile boys end up in their clutches.
The drug kills. The policy of Boldrini, Renzi and Gentiloni continues to kill. The Duterte method is urgent with Nigerian drug dealers.
Meanwhile Traini has been convicted of massacre, without killing anyone, while the Nigerians continue to sell, rape and kill.
He went to buy supplies of heroin from the pusher, he took it by sucking up the vapors in an apartment occupied by Nigerians and then he was raped by the 36-year-old "boss" of the group who, besides collecting the drug price, took advantage of his state of stunning. An infernal loop from which a 22-year-old from Ancona, apparently normal life, a regular job, could no longer come out of three months in which the abuses would have occurred at least 15 times. A situation interrupted by mobile squad officers who arrested Adetifa Adejoju Isaac, 36, an irregular, who rejects the charges.
voxnews info/2019/11/10/i-boss-nigeriani-stuprano-le-ragazzine-italiane-violentata-15-volte-video/

Mazel Tov! Israeli Paramedic Delivers Three Babies in 48 Hours

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL
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lgbt Democratic Party M5S DOES NOT say these things to their supporter President Matterella
*** Immigrant devastates supermarket: military plated - PHOTO
November 9, 2019
*** Doctor brutalized in the Islamic suburb of Nice: doctors with an escort
November 9, 2019
*** Salvini has destroyed business reception: fired 18 thousand cuddle-immigrant Coop
November 9, 2019
*** Casarini lawsuit attacked League: "I'm not a smuggler"
November 9, 2019
*** Pluriomicida of 3 carabinieri On premium leave he slays a man in Milan
November 9, 2019
*** The hatred of the do-gooders: bullet sent to Salvini
November 9, 2019
*** Ocean Viking returns to traffic: 1,000 illegal immigrants ferried to Italy
November 9, 2019
*** Knock agents because they don't let him masturbate on the bus
November 9, 2019
*** Nationalizing ILVA costs half of what is spent to keep immigrants in hotels
November 9, 2019
*** 40 year old Italian becomes the slave of a Tunisian known on Facebook
November 9, 2019
*** PD does not want Crib in schools: "Ideological choice, and immigrants?"

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL



MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

I cannot be challenged by any creature.
only Almighty God is my superior!
in fact, you never thought you could challenge me!

WATCH: Could Jeremy Corbyn spark mass exodus of Jews from UK?

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

WATCH: Could Jeremy Corbyn spark mass exodus of Jews from UK?
let's avoid this hypocrisy:
the super-rich Jews of City Londistan: in the UK they are the Satanists: they have spread LGBT and Muslims: and Masons: the scum:
and they have done so for 2000 years: with the satanic talmud: only in hatred of Jesus of Bethlehem
and to harm other rich Jews: they are not Satanists like them

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

Moscow: censored show by G. Rodari -
To trigger the alarm, probably, the title with a strong political background, which recalled the famous sentence pronounced by Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev ("there is no money, resist") during a meeting with some angry pensioners, in the Crimea, after the annexation.
there are no in CRIMEA pensioners who regret Rothschild!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

TEHRAN, NOVEMBER 9 - Iran could end its adhesion to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) in response to the EU's failure to meet its commitments to Iran under the 2015 nuclear agreement The Iranian ambassador in London, Hamid Baeidinejad, said this. Iran, he underlined, will continue to take steps to reduce commitments every two months as a "wake-up call" in response to the EU's inaction, unless the Europeans move to save the agreement.
it is true Allah is the only nuclear creative demon: and we are all dead!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

Merkel: too many victims of communism: 'Killed or imprisoned because they sought freedom' beyond the Wall
that is, all the 200 million victims of communism?
as if to say: from Stalin's pan
to the fire of Rothschild

Merkel: troppe le vittime del comunismo: 'Uccise o incarcerate perché cercavano la libertà' oltre il Muro
cioè, proprio tutti i 200milioni delle vittime del comunismo?
come a dire: dalla padella di Stalin
alla brace di Rothschild

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

MY RIVLIN PRESIDENT ] wahhabis are crazy [ Jeff session, democratic candidate: Warren Biden, Bloomberg the scum! they live with vampire Satanist witches: human sacrifices on the CIA Satan altar,

but they do not see all this, because the human mind of the corrupt by Rothschild lgbt cannot contain (in a human mind) the horror of satanism itself of the FED 666 FMI BCE Rothschild Bilderberg: high treason and Masonic consociativism DEMO PLUTO GIUDAICO MASSONE SARUMAN SALMAN AZIZ SAUD!

Jeff session, candidate democratic: Warren Biden, Bloomberg la feccia! loro vivono con streghe satanisti vampiri: sacrifici umani sull'altare di Satana della CIA,

ma loro non vedono tutto questo, perché la mente umana dei corrotti da Rothschild lgbt non può contenere (in una mente umana) l'orrore del satanismo stesso del FED 666 FMI BCE Bidlerberg: alto tradimento e consociativismo massonico!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

Berlin Wall: start show in Berlin
I believe that Merkel could succeed in destroying the Germans for the third time in 100 years ... she is right Macron lgbt OTAN failed: because the peoples of Europe have been devitalized and spiritually depleted!

Muro Berlino:inizia spettacolo a Berlino
io credo che la Merkel potrebbe avere successo a fare distruggere la germani per la terza volta in 100 anni.. ha ragione Macron la NATO è fallita: perché i popoli europei sono stati devitalizzati e depauperati spiritualmente!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

Lula the criminal said: "I will fight the rotten justice of Rothschild and the Democratic Party
'I will travel to Brazil and Latin America'
to defeat sodom dracula and bilderberg
Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and Stalin antifa: tecnocracy NWO

Lula il criminale ha detto: "lotterò contro la giustizia marcia di rothschild e del partito democratico
'Viaggierò in Brasile ed in America latina'
per sconfiggere sodoma dracula e bilderberg
Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva e Stalin antifa: NWO

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

"We do not give ammunition ammunition to the rogue, which is momentarily free but is guilty." The Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro writes it on Twitter, referring without naming it to the former Brazilian president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, released after a year and a half of detention. Bolsonaro turned to "lovers of freedom and good", arguing that "we are the majority and we cannot make mistakes" and inviting everyone to unity under one head. Meanwhile, the world left celebrates the release of the former president, now awaiting the final sentence. Numerous messages via Twitter, from those of Latin American leaders to those of the former French socialist president François Hollande to the White House Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders.
President Rivlin] because the left ANTIFA democratic party: is so the antichrist: enemy of God, free peoples,
and of the family, does the satanist Mason serve as rothschild?

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

Putin TRUMP, Xi-Jinping President Rivlin and Bin SALMAN] someone will betray me, if after my 50 years of reign of ISRAEL:
mankind will fall, after 100 years: again: under the control of the Satanists another time!
... then disintegrate everything with atomic weapons: immediately!
qualcuno mi tradirà, se dopo i miei 50 anni di regno di ISRAELE:
il genere umano cadrà, dopo 100 anni: di nuovo: sotto il controllo dei satanisti un altra volta!
... allora disintegrate tutto con armi atomiche: subito!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

President Rivlin] 187AudioHostem told me this and he showed it to me: CIA 666 NATO NWO,
they can see through my eyes!
I don't have a video camera, but
this is an alien technology based on alien biological neuronal connections

President Rivlin ] 187AudioHostem me lo disse e me lo dimostrò: CIA 666 NATO NWO,
loro possono vedere attraverso i miei occhi!
io non ho videocamera, ma
questa è una tecnologia aliena si basa su connessioni neuronali biologiche aliene

Iran downs 'unknown foreign drone' over Persian Gulf port

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

Bin SALMAN, Bolsonaro, TRUMP, Orban, Salvini, PUTIN Netanjahu, RIVLIN etc ..
obviously if someone speaks to me, I can look into his soul ...
funny, and this is why there is no one who wants to talk to me!
however I am not bad guy for wanting to hurt people of "good will"

ovviamente se qualcuno mi parla, io gli posso guardare dentro l'anima...
funny, e questo è il motivo perché non c'é nessuno che vuole parlare con me!
comunque io non sono cattivo per voler fare del male a persone di "buona volontà"

Jordan set to take land from Israeli farmers, denies Israel’s request for extension

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

I cannot be challenged by any creature.
only Almighty God is my superior!
in fact, you never thought you could challenge me!

io non posso essere sfidato da nessuna creatura.
soltanto Dio Onnipotente è il mio superiore!
infatti, tu non mai pensato di potermi sfidare!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

I am not in my soul: as it is for all men,
and where is my throne? the Satanists cannot arrive!
of course, I have suffered unnecessary and pathetic voodoo mental and physical attacks for 13 years

io non sono nella mia anima: come è per tutti gli uomini,
e dove è il mio trono? i satanisti non possono arrivare!
certo che, io subisco inutili e patetici voodoo attacchi mentali e fisici da 13 anni

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

if you were with me in youtube/user/youtube/discussion to see how your CIA Satan priests felt sick? then, you would be less: arrogant, bully, and stupidly annoying, since it is impossible for you to see someone discussing some topic!
laVeraDottrina (a sedevantist)
and the worldwide youtube director (187AudioHostem)
they went crazy in front of everyone!
.. and also God's patience with you? it could end at any moment!

laVeraDottrina (un sedevantista)
e il direttore mondiale di youtube (187AudioHostem)
sono impazziti davanti a tutti!
.. ed anche la pazienza di Dio con te? essa potrebbe finire da un momento all'altro!
se stavi con me in youtube/user/youtube/discussion a vedere come i tuoi sacerdoti di Satana della CIA si sentivano male? poi, tu saresti meno: arrogante, bullo, e stupidamente fastidioso, dato che da te è impossibile per qualcuno di poter vedere discutere circa un qualche argomento!

WATCH: Could Jeremy Corbyn spark mass exodus of Jews from UK?

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

Could Jeremy Corbyn spark mass exodus of Jews from UK?
Jeremy Corbyn? if the ARAB LEAGUE does not remove the sharia law, we will be forced to exterminate them all!
therefore, with immediate effect, political rights must be removed for every Muslim!

Jeremy Corbyn? se la LEGA ARABA non rimuove la sharia saremo costretti a sterminarli tutti!
quindi, con effetto immediato, ad ogni mussulmano devono essere rimossi i diritti politici!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

BIN SALMAN] open letter [
1. if you still aren't with me?
all mankind will be massacred!
2. in the new management of the kingdom of ISRAEL:
I will give everyone the amnesty, because for my justice: none of the governments and the leadres is innocent: on this planet!

1. se tu continui a non essere con me?
tutto il genere umano andrà massacrato!
2. nella nuova gestione del regno di ISRAELE:
io darò a tutti la amnistia, perché per la mia giustizia: nessuno dei governi e dei leadres è innocente: in questo pianeta!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

Earnings boom for large Italian banks: + 38%
the Italian people are extinguished by bureaucracy, tax collection, anarchy, lgbt relativism, ideology, and the banks cheer!

Luca Casarini attacks League members in Palermo - VIDEO
November 9, 2019
Thieves at the home of Serena Grandi, she calls Salvini: "We need the bulldozer"
November 9, 2019
German government confesses: "It's true, we take advantage of the Euro"

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

The 8 per thousand money used to give houses to immigrants
November 9, 2019
Barrel massacred by 3 immigrants in front of his house - PHOTO
November 9, 2019
Boom League, Pd and M5s collapse: sovereigns at 45%
November 9, 2019
Vandalized churches, dogs and cats killed by asylum seekers
November 9, 2019
The escorted journalist (at your expense) who invents the fascist fire
November 9, 2019
Now the priests of Bergoglio forbid the Prayer of the Alpini: "Too militarist"

EU distributes prepaid cards to illegal immigrants marching towards Italy
November 9, 2019
The children of immigrants cost us 12 billion euros a year

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

40-year-old Italian becomes the slave of a Tunisian known on Facebook
Carabinieri arrested the 26-year-old accused of kidnapping and private violence. Finished behind bars, the foreigner is now awaiting the validation hearing.
a fool who will no longer vote for the democratic party
una stupida che non voterà più il partito democratico
40enne italiana diventa la schiava di un tunisino conosciuto su Facebook
carabinieri hanno arrestato il 26enne, accusato di sequestro di persona e violenza privata. Finito dietro le sbarre, lo straniero è ora in attesa dell’udienza di convalida.

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

For Mattarella the collapse of the Berlin Wall was a dawn of freedom for Rothschild-Bilderberg and Soros. ANSWER.
no one explained to him that we lost monetary sovereignty

Per Mattarella il crollo del Muro di Berlino fu un'alba di libertà per Rothschild-Bilderberg e Soros. ANSWER.
nessuno gli ha spiegato che abbiamo perso la sovranità monetaria

Auschwitz survivor, 89, unwittingly touches nerve in Italy over anti-Semitism

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

Rogo Cavallera, arrested the arsonist
It is a 38-year-old clochard of Moroccan Mohammed.
the Democratic party is fueling the flames on what was once my homeland and today is a no-man's land preyed upon by Rothschild Bilderberg.
PD does not want Crib in schools: "Ideological choice, and Islamic immigrants allah akbar sharia: and who thinks of UMMAH jihad?"

Rogo Cavallerizza, arrestato il piromane
Si tratta di un clochard di 38 anni di origine marocchina.
il partito democratico sta buttando benzina sul fuoco su quella che una volta era la mia patria e che oggi è terra di nessuno predata da Rothschild Bilderberg.
PD non vuole Presepe nelle scuole: “Scelta ideologica, e gli immigrati islamici allah akbar sharia: e chi pensa alla jihad UMMAH?”

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

Junker's anti-Semitism that is against the LEAGUE of SALVINI and against Israel!

Salvini: «Segre? I'll see her later. And I received another bullet, I don't cry "
Junker's anti-Semitism that is against the LEAGUE and against Israel!
"Another bullet has just arrived for me. I do not cry. In a civilized country we should not risk either myself or Segre ".
Meloni: «We are at the side of Liliana Segre»

Salvini: «Segre? La vedrò più avanti. E ho ricevuto un altro proiettile, io non piango»
l'antisemitismo di Junker che è contro la LEGA e contro Israele!
«A me è appena arrivato un altro proiettile. Non piango. In un Paese civile non dovremmo rischiare né io né la Segre».
Meloni: «Siamo a fianco di Liliana Segre»

i am King Israel, for kingdom of PALEsTINE Unius REI. Nations have lost their sovereignty CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. dei miserabili predestinati alla disperazione, si avviano all'inferno

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

Rothschild talmud esoteric agenda
demonic kabbalah
come out of Satan: in the name of Jesus of Bethlehem you come out! i am King Israel, for kingdom of PALESTINE Unius REI. Nations have lost their sovereignty CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. of the wretched predestined to despair, they go to hell

Rothschild talmud esoteric agenda
demoniaco kabbalah
vieni fuori Satana: nel nome di Gesù di Betlemme tu vieni fuori!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

you remain silent with me,
thus, as, Rothschild remained silent with HITLER:
then, all the Jewish leaders fled to the USA, to save the IMF, City London 666 SpA Coorporations Fed: Satanism wear predation and enslavement of all peoples goyims slaves,
and the codard rabbis: they abandoned their people to the extermination of shoah!
Then the Second World War: it served only to build the NWO, the world rothschild empire:
to whose satanism Hitler wanted to escape: because he no longer wanted to pay the banking seigniorage to Rothschild like a slave!
every shoah like the genocide of the Israelis:
it's always a Rothschild plan.
Albert Reingewirtz scolds you for the holy spirit:
you have taken the Jewish-Christian symbols to do satanism!

tu rimani in silenzio con me,
così, come Rothschild rimaneva in silenzio con HITLER:
poi, tutti i capi degli ebrei fuggirono in USA, per salvare la FED FMI: satanismo usura predazione e riduzione in schiavitù di tutti i popoli,
ed i rabbini codardi: abbandonarono il loro popolo allo sterminio shoah!
Quindi la seconda guerra mondiale: è servita soltanto a costruire il NWO, l'impero mondiale dei rothschild:
al cui satanismo Hitler voleva sottrarsi: perché non voleva più pagare come uno schiavo il signoraggio bancario a Rothschild!
ogni shoah come il genocidio degli israeliani:
è sempre una pianificazione dei Rothschild.
Albert Reingewirtz ti rimprovera lo spirito santo:
voi vi siete appropriati dei simboli ebraico-cristiani per fare il satanismo!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

and to rothschild who has been stealing and killing for 400 years: all mankind with its: satanists Bilderberg, Soros, lgbt, Freemasons and the Democratic Party: parasitic thieves,
to them and to you: how many years in prison do you

e a rothschild che da 400 anni sta rubando ed ammazzando: tutto il genere umano con i suoi massoni e il partito democratico: i parassiti ladri,
a loro e a te: quanti anni di carcere dai tu?

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

there are laws for the protection of the person,
no new laws at all are needed:
if the laws that already exist are not applied!

ci sono le leggi per la tutela della persona,
non servano affatto nuove leggi:
se le leggi che già esistono non vengono applicate!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

your brain: of course, is a stinking cesspool filled with brain dead of Jew, muslims , all dracula moneylenders scam Rothschild 666 Bidlerberg FED IMF BCE Dracula Masonic usurers parasites: scam banking seigniorage and peoples haters
like your satanic Talmud said

il tuo cervello: naturalmente, è un pozzo nero puzzolente pieno di morti cerebrali di ebrei, musulmani, tutti i dracula spacciatori di denaro truffa Rothschild 666 Bidlerberg FED IMF BCE Dracula massonici usuranti parassiti: truffa bancario signoraggio e odiatori della gente
come ha detto il tuo satanico Talmud

Netanjahu übergibt Bennett den Posten des Verteidigungsministers

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

dear President RIVLIN ] [ if in Italy you are not a Freemason or you are not a mafioso?
so caXXi Tua

se in Italia non sei un massone o non sei un mafioso?
so caXXi Tua

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

Masonic conspiracy Michael Bloomberg and Bilderberg, and his state mafia masonic consociativ: lgbt and democratic party conspiring against the family!
and rothschild Masons also destroyed Christian Jewish civilization,
and we are moving towards an unprecedented social catastrophe, devitalized and impoverished unprepared: absolutely incapable of facing the challenges that await us, first of all a slanderous world war against Russia (which will have no difficulty in massacring the European peoples), and an Islamization, which as everyone knows will sweep away every human right, definitively: with the law of the sharia: for to absorb us, like NAZI islamic octopus in the ARAB LEAGUE!

congiura massonica Michael Bloomberg e Bilderberg, e suo consociativismo mafia di Stato: lgbt e partito democratico congiura contro la famiglia!
e massoni rothschild hanno anche distrutto la civiltà ebraico cristiana,
e ci stiamo avviando ad una catastrofe sociale senza precedenti, impreparati devitalizzati e impoveriti: assolutamente incapaci di far fronte alle sfide che ci attendono, prime tra tutti una calunniosa guerra mondiale contro la Russia(che non avrà nessuna difficoltà a massacrare i popoli europei), e una islamizzazione, che come tutti sanno spazzerà via ogni diritto umano, definitivamente: con la legge della sharia: per assorbirci come una piovra nella LEGA ARABA!

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

about: Torah: Why is ‘Location, Location, Location’ So Important?
unitedwithisrael org/living-torah-why-is-location-location-location-so-important
CHINA has realized 5G and is now already studying 6G.
ie, the authoritarian autocratic systems have taken the scientific, administrative, etic and moral and judicial supremacy upper hand: against / on fraudulent Masonic democratic systems: Masonic consociativism: scam banking seigniorage and high treason: tecnocracy burocracy, 70% tax collection, destruction of the bourgeoisie .
unfortunately, this is because, we have the parasites of speculative finance: Morgan Rothschild Rochefeller: DEMO PLUTO GIUDAICO MASSONE: FED IMF NWO ECB that hold back: and they took the economy hostage.
yes my friend, This is going to end badly, like for all these filthy traitors both in America-UE and in Israel, criminals into democratic party.

MESSIA☦️Persian king ISRAEL

when the politician transforms himself into the banker's tormentor: Rothschild Morgan Rochefeller SpA FED IMF ECB NWO and in the calumnies and of Obama against Russia!
1. Count DRACULA bis traitor: in the crowd in Taranto: 'I don't have the solution in my pocket'
2. Bellanova (the disgust of desolation): 'Milk at 1 euro? It can not be done'
'Policy must not make promises that it cannot keep'

quando il politico si trasforma nell'aguzzino del banchiere: Rothschild Morgan Rochefeller SpA FED FMI BCE NWO e nelle calunni e diObama contro la Russia!
1. Conte DRACULA bis traditore: tra la folla a Taranto: 'Non ho la soluzione in tasca'
2. Bellanova (lo schifo della desolazione): 'Latte a 1 euro? Non si può fare'
'Politica non deve fare promesse che non può mantenere'


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