Vacanza in Sudafrica si trasforma in incubo: incinta trucidata col figlioletto
Una donna incinta è stata uccisa nel sonno durante una vacanza di lusso in Sudafrica.
Karen Turner, 31 anni, si trovava di un lussuoso resort con la famiglia quando sono stati attaccati intorno alle 3 di notte.
Due uomini armati di coltelli sono entrati nel loro bungalow con vista sulla spiaggia della Riserva Naturale di Hluleka.
Karen e il bambino che aspettava sono morti a causa delle ferite da coltello.
Suo marito Matthew, che è stato pugnalato più volte, è riuscito a salvare il loro figlio di 23 mesi ed entrambi sono sopravvissuti.
Il Sudafrica post-apartheid è un macello.
Esempi di arricchimento culturale:
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia 5 hours ago Avigdor Liberman mettiti una pietra al collo e vatti a buttare a mare!
the demonic triad: Rothschild Rochefeller Morgan could not control Netanjahu, so he was stopped ...
Kingmaker Avigdor Liberman played his infamous role: of every mason traitor role,
and like all the actors in these elections: they all acted: to achieve the NWO agenda, and they acted with the sole aim of breaking Netanjahu's career
Kingmakercaxxo: Avigdor Liberman did not do it: only, because he is only envious,
but because like everyone else, he is a cowardly coward in hell for the Rothschilds
Don Spilman 17 hours ago Liberalman is an egotistical phony, who only has himself in mind and couldn’t give a rip about truly helping Israel be an actually better place!
Photobug55 a day ago If UTJ does agree to support Gantz, the Liberman will have to be known as the ex-kingmaker. Or a pseudo kingmaker? Pretend kingmakers? Anyway, Liberman may well be out. He seems to be a bit late in changing his tune.
punch_corona a day ago .. Liberman for the next PM of Israel.. I am routing for Liberman.. who would make an excellent PM of Israel..
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia punch_corona 22 minutes ago I say that Netanjahu was blocked by a Masonic conspiracy of the NWO network Shadow government Bilderberg DEEP STATE (and not by a fair electoral competition),
and Liberman played his infamous role, like all politicians who do not have the dignity to raise their heads against the Rothschilds.
Rothschild uses throwaway politicians at will:
because political sovereignty cannot exist if there is not even monetary sovereignty!
Albert Reingewirtz a day ago This is a golden opportunity for Charedi parties to squeeze yet another usual support for the continual gift from Ben Gurion in return for their vote. So, they will go for the most squeezable B&W or Licoud. Funny how they never miss such an opportunity as long as they get their squeezed priviledge status as parasites on the Jewish State of Israel having been part of every coalition!
Victor a day ago NO , the enemies are the white supremacist, racist, sexist, bigot, divisiveness, white NATIONALIST Donald Trump and the Republican Party !
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia Victor 4 minutes ago noble examples of cultural enrichment: Obama Mandela
Post-apartheid South Africa is a slaughterhouse, in 30 years they have killed more than: 500,000 whites and the TV satellite network, ANSA, Democratic party FED FMI NWO? he didn't say it.
Vacation in South Africa turns into a nightmare: pregnant slaughtered with her little son
Karen Turner, 31, was from a luxurious family resort when they were attacked around 3 am.
Two men armed with knives entered their bungalow overlooking the beach of the Hluleka Nature Reserve.
Karen and the waiting baby died from knife wounds.
Her husband Matthew, who was stabbed several times, managed to save their 23-month-old son and they both survived.
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia Victor 7 minutes ago /twitter com/i/status/1175475574233587712
Zack @U_S_A_110
Many comments on this video in the Arab Face Book pages say that this bast*rd is now a REFUGEE in Germany. 🤬🤬🤬 (this man should be arrested ASAP)
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia Victor 8 minutes ago Sweden_Blonde
/twitter com/i/status/1175418767607775235
I can't see this video clearly. Saw the beginning but feels so bad about it. D a m n psychic case that torments the animal like this. They are ****crazy. And then farmers warn that a lot of sheep disappear from their farms
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia Victor 10 minutes ago Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News.
/twitter com/i/status/1175418767607775235
Translated from Swedish by
I can't see this video clearly. Saw the beginning but feels so bad about it. Damn psychic case that torments the animal like this. They are f u c k i n g crazy. And then farmers warn that a lot of sheep disappear from their farms
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia Victor 10 minutes ago Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News.
@BlondeSweden can't see this video clearly. Saw the beginning but feels so bad about it. Damn psychic case that torments the animal like this. They are f*** g crazy. And then farmers warn that a lot of sheep disappear from their farms
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia Victor 11 minutes ago Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News.
/twitter com/i/status/1175418767607775235
Jag klarar inte av att se klart den här videon. Såg början men mår så illa av det. Jävla psykfall som plågar djuret så här. Dom är ju fan helt galna. Och så larmar bönder om att det försvinner mycket får från deras gårdar
Translated from Swedish by
I can't see this video clearly. Saw the beginning but feels so bad about it. Damn psychic case that torments the animal like this. They are fucking crazy. And then farmers warn that a lot of sheep disappear from their farms
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia Victor 15 minutes ago Zack @U_S_A_110
The racist persecution and humiliation that white people are suffering in South Africa is horrible and shucking.
voxnews info/2019/09/21/vacanza-in-sudafrica-si-trasforma-in-incubo-incinta-trucidata-col-figlioletto/
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia Victor 30 minutes ago Rothschild told you and you trust him,
or, like a Darwin super penis developed, can you also motivate: your libelous slanders statements?
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