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Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

racist persecution and humiliation

'I defending our nation against Jews,' said suspect in Poway synagogue shooting ANSWER these kids might have better luck looking for Anton LaVey Kerry, Biden, Obama, Bush, Rothschild, Soros, Saud wahhabis and Bin Salman all hooded in a Church of Satan rather than: in a mosque or in a synagogue questi ragazzi potrebbero avere più fortuna a cercare Anton LaVey Kerry, Biden, Obama, Bush, Rothschild, Soros, Saud wahhabis e Bin Salman tutti incappucciati in una Chiesa di Satana piuttosto che: in una Moschea o in una sinagoga

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

Lieberman He is dangerous for Israel you can’t trust him . His intend to destroy Israel. Looking 4 war with our Neighbors with no preparation. and by declaring war On the religion it is act of the distraction of the of the Jews nation This guy should be remove and be watch carefully Lieberman È pericoloso per Israele, non puoi fidarti di lui. Intende distruggere Israele. Guardando 4 guerre con i nostri vicini senza preparazione. e dichiarando guerra alla religione è un atto di distrazione della nazione ebraica Questo ragazzo dovrebbe essere rimosso ed essere attentamente guardato

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia VS Richard DiBenedetto obviously you like me, have nothing personal against the Rothschilds, the Soros, the Rochefellers and the Morgan but it is to these Jews of ISRAEL that you come to kill hope of their legitimate claim to a Jewish home: as it is for all peoples! this cynicism of CHINA and Russia against the Zionism of the Jews? leaves me scandalized! ovviamente tu come me non hai nulla di personale contro i Rothschild, contro i Soros, contro i Rochefeller e contro i Morgan però è a questi ebrei di ISRAELE che tu vieni a uccidere la speranza di una loro rlegittima rivendicazione ad una casa ebraica: come è per tutti i popoli! questo cinismo di CINA e Russia contro il sionismo degli ebrei? mi lascia scandalizzato!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

President RIVLIN] countdown [there are 5 days left to destroy Iran's military and nuclear potential .. you should not forget that on all the missiles they wrote for 30 years: "death to Israel" President RIVLIN ] conto alla rovescia [ mancano 5 giorni per poter distruggere il potenziale militare e nucleare iraniano.. tu non dovresti dimenticare che su tutti i missili hanno scritto per 30 anni: "morte a Israele"

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

/twitter com/i/status/1175475574233587712 Zack @U_S_A_110 Many comments on this video in the Arab Face Book pages say that this bast*rd is now a REFUGEE in Germany. 🤬🤬🤬 (this man should be arrested ASAP)

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

Sweden_Blonde @BlondeSweden Jag klarar inte av att se klart den här videon. Såg början men mår så illa av det. Jävla psykfall som plågar djuret så här. Dom är ju fan helt galna. Och så larmar bönder om att det försvinner mycket får från deras gårdar 😢 Translated from Swedish by I can't see this video clearly. Saw the beginning but feels so bad about it. Damn psychic case that torments the animal like this. They are fucking crazy. And then farmers warn that a lot of sheep disappear from their farms 😢

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 ora fa
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia to punch_corona I say that Netanjahu was blocked by a Masonic conspiracy of the NWO network Shadow government Bilderberg DEEP STATE (and not by a fair electoral competition), and Liberman played his infamous role, like all politicians who do not have the dignity to raise their heads against the Rothschilds. Rothschild uses throwaway politicians at will: because political sovereignty cannot exist if there is not even monetary sovereignty! io dico che Netanjahu è stato bloccato da una congiura massonica di NWO network Governo ombra Bilderberg (e non da una competizione elettorale leale), e Liberman ha giocato il suo ruolo infame, come tutti i politici che non hanno la dignità di alzare la testa contro i Rothschild. Rothschild usa e getta i politici a suo piacimento: perché non può esistere una sovranità politica se non esiste anche una sovranità monetaria!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 ora fa
Victor NO , the enemies are the white supremacist, racist, sexist, bigot, divisiveness, white NATIONALIST Donald Trump and the Republican Party ! UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia vs Victor Rothschild told you and you trust him, or, like a Darwin super penis developed, can you also motivate: your libelous slanders statements? ANSWER. te lo ha detto Rothschild e tu ti fidi di lui, oppure, come una scimmia Darwin super pene sviluppata, tu sai motivare anche: le tue affermazioni calunniose?

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
5 ore fa
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia Avigdor Liberman mettiti una pietra al collo e vatti a buttare a mare! the demonic triad: Rothschild Rochefeller Morgan could not control Netanjahu, so he was stopped ... Kingmaker Avigdor Liberman played his infamous role: of every mason traitor role, and like all the actors in these elections: they all acted: to achieve the NWO agenda, and they acted with the sole aim of breaking Netanjahu's career Kingmakercaxxo: Avigdor Liberman did not do it: only, because he is only envious, no but because like everyone else, he is a cowardly coward in hell for the Rothschilds la triade demoniaca: Rothschild Rochefeller Morgan non riuscivano a controllare Netanjahu, quindi lui andava fermato... Kingmaker Avigdor Liberman ha giocato il suo ruolo infame: di ogni massone traditore ruolo, e come tutti gli attori di queste elezioni: tutti hanno agito: per realizzare la genda del NWO, ed hanno agito con il solo obiettivo di spezzare la carriera di Netanjahu Kingmakercaxxo: Avigdor Liberman non lo ha fatto: soltanto, perché è soltanto invidioso, no ma perché come tutti è un codardo venduto all'inferno per i Rothschild

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
6 ore fa
I ousted: SATANA NWO NATO CIA 666 UK Sharia OCI lilit Jabull-on allah Belfagor from the planet and he can no longer brainwash anyone. the climate of the souls has changed and the Rothshilds dont have control! I had plans of happiness for everyone, but nobody took me seriously anyway for my fault the elite has lost control! I am sorry that CHINA and Russia are considering replacing the NWO with their NWO they do not think of universal well-being: therefore they will make themselves responsible with the ARAB LEAGUE of the world war io ho estromesso: SATANA NWO NATO CIA 666 UK Sharia OCI lilit Jabull-On allah Belfagor dal pianeta e lui non può più fare il lavaggio del cervello a nessuno. il clima delle anime è cambiato ed i Rothshild hanno pero il controllo! avevo progetti di felicità per tutti, ma nessuno mi ha preso sul serio comunque per colpa mia l'elite ha perso il controllo! mi dispiace che CINA e Russia pensano di soppiantare il NWO con un loro NWO non pensano a un benessere universale: quindi si renderanno responsabili con la LEGA ARABA della guerra mondiale

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
6 ore fa
Resultant illnesses distract us; & bring business to the medical industry (and funeral homes). Metals in the vaccines; in cigarette paper; in aerial & ground seeding of clouds, silver iodide, Aluminum, etc.; from geoengineering barium, lithium, mercury, & more pumped into the atmosphere . . . causing drought, hotter fires, leading to floods . . . Also halogens: Replacing iodine are Bromine (reduces fertility) in flour; Chlorine (dementia) in water; fluorine in water (and Prozac, causes apathy). And drugs: A study showed that acetaminophen lowers empathy. The Climate change hoax, Agenda 21 Sustainable Development, has taken on a life of its own. It, like most everything, is now under the auspices of the United Nations: UN Environment Programme (UNEP) (unenvironment dot org), & its Finance Initiative (UNEPFI dot org). Hundreds of thousands of children around the world have been brainwashed to demand that we follow the recommendations of the Elite (includes wealthy entertainers & athletes, & social media giants), all of whom are "investing" in Sustainable Development. Le malattie risultanti ci distraggono; e portare affari nell'industria medica (e nelle case funebri). Metalli nei vaccini; in carta per sigarette; nella semina aerea e terrestre di nuvole, ioduro d'argento, alluminio, ecc .; da geoingegneria bario, litio, mercurio e altro pompato nell'atmosfera. . . causando siccità, incendi più caldi, portando a inondazioni. . . Anche alogeni: la sostituzione di iodio è il bromo (riduce la fertilità) nella farina; Cloro (demenza) in acqua; fluoro in acqua (e Prozac, provoca apatia). E farmaci: uno studio ha dimostrato che il paracetamolo riduce l'empatia. La bufala sul cambiamento climatico, Agenda 21 Sviluppo sostenibile, ha assunto una vita propria. Come quasi tutto, ora è sotto l'egida delle Nazioni Unite: UN Environment Programme (UNEP) (unenvironment dot org) e la sua Finance Initiative (UNEPFI dot org). Centinaia di migliaia di bambini in tutto il mondo sono stati sottoposti al lavaggio del cervello per chiedere che seguiamo le raccomandazioni dell'Elite (inclusi ricchi intrattenitori e atleti e giganti dei social media), che stanno tutti "investendo" nello sviluppo sostenibile. newsbusters*org/blogs/business/joseph-vazquez/2019/07/31/google-green-summit-polluters-obama-leonardo-dicaprio

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
6 ore fa
me twice: I revealed in advance that Netanjahu was going to attack Iran's nuclear facilities. but, the islamists are demonic possessed, paranoid, dogmatic crazy, without the possibility of redemption! that is it enough now! Iran's nuclear facilities must disappear! io due volte: io ho rivelato in anticipo che Netanjahu stava per aggredire gli impianti nucleari iraniani. ma, gli islamici sono degli indemoniati senza possibilità di redenzione! ora basta! gli impianti nucleari iraniani devono sparire!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
7 ore fa
I do not reason selfishly, or I don't do something to help Jews and harm Muslims, etc. etc. I do not reason like this: because all peoples are mine! Muslims do not want to renounce Sharia in their evil predation and murder. but, instead, I always think of the greater good of all and of each one! io non ragiono egoisticamente, o io non faccio qualcosa per aiutare gli ebrei e per danneggiare i mussulmani, ecc.. ecc. io non ragiono così: perché tutti i popoli sono miei! i mussulmani non vogliono rinunciare alla sharia nella loro malvagità predazione e omicidio. ma, io penso invece sempre al maggior bene di tutti e di ogniuno!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
7 ore fa
I am the highest political justice that has appeared in the history of this planet! if China and Russia weren't attacked by Obama, it was all thanks to me! I have told China and Russia to move the embassy to Jerusalem, precisely because of an act of justice, precisely to avoid a world war against them, but, they disobeyed me! now all those who disobey Unius REI will be punished! io sono la più alta giustizia politica che è apparsa nella storia di questo pianeta! se Cina e Russia non sono stata aggredite da Obama è stato soltanto merito mio! io ho detto a Cina e Russia di spostare la ambasciata a Gerusalemme, proprio per un atto di giustizia, proprio per evitare la guerra modiale contro i loro, ma, loro mi hanno disubbidito! ora tutti quelli che disubbidiscono a Unius REI saranno puniti!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
7 ore fa
God put me here, as a sentinel for ISRAEL and obviously you are wiser than God! Dio mi ha messo quì, come una sentinella per ISRAELE ed ovviamente tu sei più saggio di Dio!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
7 ore fa
Aristobulus Crazy stuff. Senseless. It's NOT about YOU here. Not at all. Reply View in discussion UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia i am King ISRAEL & Governor universal UniusREI and you are a satanist this is it's not a small difference! non è una piccola differenza!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
7 ore fa
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia the Muslim who becomes a Christian commits not only apostasybut also high treason against the state, and becomes a threat to national security:in 5 Islamic nations he is sentenced to death,in Iran receives 15 years in prison (10 + 5) Grace Joy Grazie. Anche i Murtidis, apostati, sono censurati sui social media, allo stesso modo dei conservatori e dei cristiani. Thanks. Murtidis, apostates, are also censored on Social Media, in the same way conservatives & Christians are.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
7 ore fa
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia Orban: 'In Italy the government has separated itself from the people'. Di Maio: 'Avoid unnecessary interference' Paris armored, barricaded at Place d'Italie There are 7,500 policemen and gendarmes deployed in the capital. Clashes on the Champs-Elysees ANSWER. who was criticizing Erdogan the Executioner tyrant? Rothschild technocrats do not love or serve the people! Orban: 'In Italia il governo si è separato dal popolo'. Di Maio: 'Eviti inutili ingerenze' Parigi blindata, barricate a Place d'Italie Sono 7.500 i poliziotti e gendarmi schierati nella capitale. Scontri sugli Champs-Elysees ANSWER. chi è che stava criticando Erdogan il Boia tiranno? i tecnocrati di Rothschild non amano e non servono il popolo!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
12 ore fa
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia very very very good news !!! 1. 3000 Churches burned, and 3000 Churches sold .. Merkel Trudeau and Macron: the liquidators of Christian civilization: to erect the satanic civilization lgbt: fluid-fluid: pedo-bestialism and its democratic party, bilderberg said that jobs can wait ! Notre-Dame: no hurry on the agenda 2. these Iranians live on science fiction .. when lucifer arrives the big brother: they can no longer stand up from the toilet bowl! Pasdaran, whoever enters Iran will be hit Revolutionary Guardians, 'ready for battle and every scenario' 3. he does NOT sell them but we can expropriate them, indeed they must be expropriated .. 'lgbt 55 perversions Zuckerberg, he does not sell Ig and Whatsapp' =============== 4. the eye of MAO Xi-Jinping sees everything listens to everything: and does not forgive because he is a legion this story of the big brother: lucifer eye that knows everything and sees everything: it becomes anachronistic: if CHINA tries to defend itself from the NWO CIA 666 UK NATO, with the same tools as the NWO China, fidelity test to Xi-Jinping for all jihad Erdogan journalists (to which will be added the virginity test on Mogherini and on all the women of the democratic party) In October, experimental tests with the Xuexi Qiangguo app =========== 5. substantially in CHINA, I want: and we want: more human rights: diversification and greater educational agencies: and freedom of conscience in the communist-socialist CHINA: that wants to become hegemonic, and to which I make the best wishes in Akbar Saudi Arabia : "ok we meet there"! Sep 21 - Hong Kong police used tear gas to disperse protesters gathered in the Tuen Mun park, who had thrown a Molotov cocktail at the agents. very very very good news!!! 1. 3000 Chiese bruciate, e 3000 Chiese vendute.. Merkel Trudeau e Macron: i liquidatori della civiltà cristiana: per erigere la civiltà satanica lgbt: fluida-fluida: pedo-bestialismo e suo partito democratico, bilderberg hanno detto che i lavori possono attendere! Notre-Dame: no a fretta su agenda lavori 2. questi iraniani vivono di fantascienza .. quando arriverà lucifero il grande fratello: loro non potranno più alzarsi in piedi dalla tazza del cesso! Pasdaran, chi entra in Iran sarà colpito Guardiani Rivoluzione, 'pronti alla battaglia e a ogni scenario' 3. lui NON li vende ma noi li possiamo espropriare, anzi devono essere espropriati .. 'lgbt 55 perversioni Zuckerberg, lui non vende Ig e Whatsapp' =============== 4. l'occhio di MAO Xi-Jinping vede tutto ascolta tutto: e non perdona perché lui è una legione questa storia del grande fratello: occhio di lucifero che sa tutto e vede tutto: diventa anacronistico: se la CINA cerca di difendersi dal NWO CIA 666 UK NATO, con gli stessi strumenti del NWO Cina, test di fedeltà a Xi per i giornalisti (a cui si aggiungerà il test di verginità su Mogherini e su tutte le donne del partito democratico) A ottobre le prove sperimentali con la app Xuexi Qiangguo =========== 5. sostanzialmente in CINA, io voglio: e noi vogliamo: più diritti umani: diversifica e maggiori agenzie educative: e libertà di coscienza nella CINA comunista-socialista: che vuole diventare egemonica, ed a cui io faccio i migliori auguri in Akbar Arabia SAUDITA: "ok ci incontriamo li"! 21 SET - La polizia di Hong Kong ha usato i lacrimogeni per disperdere i manifestanti radunati nel parco di Tuen Mun, che avevano lanciato contro gli agenti una molotov.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
12 ore fa
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia good news 1. I received a hacker attack that closed this news: "Bibbiano:" don't frighten us ""! that is, do they mean that the Democratic Party and M5S will continue to steal children for the sake of their business? 2. Virginia Raggi does the orecchiette in Bari, but should go to jail with all the people he killed in the holes in Rome 3. Pd-M5s still deal on Umbria pact Mattarella has committed a legal / constitutional Rothschild the high treason Masons the scam banking seigniorage: it is still a legal b i t c h: it is true: but, he does not know that he has disintegrated these criminals Pd and M5S lgbt: both disintegrated and buried both: expelled from the Italian political scene for always and definitively 4. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte DRACULA bis: in Atreju: 'Ok to tax snacks and flights. ANSWER. this story of stealing snacks from children: to pay their salary? is an M5S Soros story, a bad and old and surprising story: for Merkel von Hitler Ursula Juncker and her Democratic party good news 1. ho ricevuto un attacco hacker che mi ha chiuso questa notizia: "Bibbiano: "non ci intimorite""! cioè vogliono dire che il Pd e M5S continueranno a rubare i bambini per amore del loro business? 2. Virginia Raggi fa le orecchiette a Bari, ma le dovrebbe andare a fare in galera con tutte le persone che ha fatto morire nelle buche di Roma 3. Pd-M5s trattano ancora su 'patto' Umbria Mattarella ha commesso una legale/costituzionale Rothschild i massoni alto tradimento il signoraggio bancario: è comunque una legale carognata: è vero: ma, non sa di avere disintegrato questi criminali Pd e M5S lgbt: disintegrati e seppelliti entrambi: espulsi dalla scena politica italiana per sempre e definitivamente 4. Il premier Giuseppe Conte DRACULA bis: ad Atreju: 'Ok a tassare le merendine e voli. ANSWER. questa storia di rubare le merendine ai bambini: per pagarsi lo stipendio? è una storia M5S Soros, una storia cattiva e vecchia e sorprendente: per la Merkel von Hitler Ursula Juncker e il suo partito democratico

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
12 ore fa
for to get the double surname? need 5 billion !!! but, this is not a problem because Rothschild said he pays the mortgage loan to everyone! Soros Pd M5S Bilderberg philosophers with 10 million poor in Italy they will spend 5 billion euros. infatt, Minister Dadone: "We will find the 5 billion" ma, questo non è un problema perché Rothschild ha detto che paga lui il mutuo ipotecario a tutti! per ottenere il doppio cognome? servono 5 miliardi!!! i filosofi Soros Pd M5S Bilderberg con 10 milioni di poveri in Italia loro spenderanno 5 miliardi di euro. infatt, la ministra Dadone: «Troveremo i 5 miliardi"

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
12 ore fa
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia the biblical deportation of afro islamic resumed by the Masonic Pd M5S Soros pyramid: to kill 10 million unemployed Italians and below the poverty line: for them by MERKEL SS NAZI Auschitz? NO PIETA: they are slaves ITALIANS! New landings in Lampedusa, landed in 108 In the hot spot around 300 migrants, continues Tunisian protest è ripresa la biblica deportazione DI afro islamica, da parte della piramide massonica Pd M5S Soros: per uccidere 10milioni di italiani disoccupati e sotto la soglia di povertà: per loro dalla MERKEL SS NAZI Auschitz? NESSUNA PIETA: SONO ITALIANI! Nuovi sbarchi a Lampedusa, approdati in 108 Nell'hot spot circa 300 migranti, prosegue protesta tunisini

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
13 ore fa
SS NAZI Josef Mengele Von URSULA Soros Bilderberg in action! make the mad satanist scientist MONSANTO SpA Ogm Byer FED FMI NWO CIA 322 "skull and bones" Bush Kerry Obama in the abbey Sainte-Croix: it is like the State of Kerala that kills two Catholic fishermen on the San Antony boat to take revenge on the MARòs: who have hunted their pirates! Bewilderment in France for the discovery of alleged "wild" clinical trials in Poitiers. Molecules with unknown effects have been tested on at least 350 Parkinson's or Alzheimer's patients, partly hospitalized in the Sainte-Croix abbey. SS NAZI Josef Mengele Von URSULA Soros Bilderberg in azione! fare lo scienziato pazzo satanista MONSANTO SpA FED FMI NWO CIA 322 "teschio e ossa" Bush Kerry Obama nell'abbazia Sainte-Croix: è come lo Stato del Kerala che uccide due pescatori cattolici sulla barca San Antoni per vendicarsi dei MARò: che hanno cacciato i loro pirati! Sconcerto in Francia per la scoperta di presunte sperimentazioni cliniche "selvagge" a Poitiers. Molecole dagli effetti ignoti sono stati sperimentate su almeno 350 malati di Parkinson o Alzheimer, in parte ricoverati nell'abbazia Sainte-Croix.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
13 ore fa
these infamous of the Rothschild Soros Epstain Clinton Merkel juncker Macron are the antichrist who will go to kill all the Israelis through a Iranian third party! and if the EU does not recognize itself in Jewish-Christian values then, or recognizes itself in Mohammed, or in Stalin, or in LGBT, or in Lucifer: which then all put together are the same Masonic lodge of the Rochefellers. Paris armored, yellow vests in action, clashes on the Champs-Elysees There are 7,500 policemen and gendarmes deployed in the French capital on a day considered high risk questi infami dei Rothschild Merkel juncker Macron sono l'anticristo che andrà ad uccidere tutti gli israeliani per interposta IRAN persona! e se la UE non si riconosce nei valori ebraico-cristiani poi, o si riconosce in Maometto, o in Stalin, o in lgbt, o in lucifero: che poi tutti messi insieme sono la stessa loggia massonica dei Rochefeller. Parigi blindata, gilet gialli in azione, scontri sugli Champs-Elysees Sono 7.500 i poliziotti e gendarmi schierati nella capitale francese in una giornata considerata ad alto rischio

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
13 ore fa
ROME, 20 SEPTEMBER - "Truth for Bibbiano" and "Closed for corruption". These posters were posted last night in front of the entrance of three Pd circles in the north of Rome, Ponte Milvio, Balduina and Monte Mario. THEREFORE they got scared instead of getting scared in place of the children .. they replied: "Wicked cowards, if you think to intimidate us you know that you give us more strength": this is the reply to Facebook of the Ponte Milvio circle. that is, in the Democratic Party I mean that they will continue to steal children? ROMA, 20 SET - "Verità per Bibbiano" e "Chiuso per corruzione". Questi i manifesti affissi la scorsa notte davanti l'entrata di tre circoli Pd nella zona nord di Roma, Ponte Milvio, Balduina e Monte Mario. OVVERO si sono spaventati loro invece di spaventarsi al posto dei bambinni.. hanno risposto: "Vigliacchi schifosi, se pensate di intimorirci sappiate che ci date più forza": questa la replica vai Facebook del circolo di Ponte Milvio. cioè, nel Pd voglio dire che continueranno a rubare i bambini?
'I’m defending our nation against Jews,' said suspect in Poway synagogue shooting
September 20, 2019

The suspect told a 911 operator in the moments after the shooting that he did it to save white people from Jews.

By Associated Press

A judge was expected to rule Friday whether a 20-year-old former college student should stand trial on charges of firing an assault rifle inside a synagogue, killing one woman and injuring three, including a rabbi and an 8-year-old girl.

The man suspected of opening fire on the Southern California synagogue last spring told a 911 operator in the moments after the shooting that he did it to save white people from Jews, according to a recording played Thursday at a preliminary hearing to determine if the case should proceed to trial.

The shooting took place at the Chabad of Poway synagogue on the last day of Passover.

“I’m defending our nation against the Jewish people, who are trying to destroy all white people,” John T. Earnest is heard saying on the 911 call. He told the operator he believed he had killed people and gave detailed descriptions of the San Diego intersection where he was parked shortly before he was taken into custody.

The recording was played at the hearing where witnesses also included a combat veteran who confronted the suspect and a medical examiner who described the wounds of the woman who was killed.

Earnest, 20, has pleaded not guilty to murder, attempted murder, and an unrelated arson charge at a mosque. The murder charge, classified as a hate crime, would make him eligible for the death penalty if convicted, but prosecutors have not said what punishment they will seek.
‘People were falling over each other’

Oscar Stewart, an Iraq combat veteran, testified that as the gunfire erupted he moved toward the suspect and screamed at him. The shooter dropped his rifle and fled.

“People were falling over each other. It was chaos,” said Stewart. “I screamed (to everyone) ‘Get down! Get out here,’” he said.

He said he saw Earnest in the lobby fire two rounds and then walked toward him.

“He was firing in front of me … I was paying attention to the rifle,” Stewart said.

As the gunman struggled to reload, Stewart said, he relied on combat training to yell at the assailant to try to rattle him.

“I told him I was going to kill him … I screamed it out really loud. I kept screaming at him,” Stewart said before the suspect dropped the rifle and fled.

During the 911 call, Earnest said, without prompting, that he would leave his AR-15 rifle on the passenger seat and step out of the car once law enforcement arrived, and became agitated that police had yet to arrive.

“You guys are taking a long-ass time,” he is heard saying.

San Diego Police Officer Jonathan Wiese testified that when he arrived Earnest got out of the car, kneeled to the ground when ordered, and allowed himself to be handcuffed.

“His first statement was, ‘How’s your day going?’” Wiese said. He said Earnest then asked if he knew “what the Jews have done to our race.”

Weeks earlier Earnest tried to burn down a mosque in Escondido, where seven people on a spiritual retreat were sleeping, according to an affidavit. They awoke to flames and managed to extinguish the fire.

Outside the mosque, the suspect had allegedly scrawled the name of the man suspected of carrying out shootings at two mosques in New Zealand that killed 51 people earlier this year.

Authorities said Earnest frequented dark corners of the web that often post extremist, racist, and violent views. In one posting, he said, “As an individual, I can only kill so many Jews.

The day before the synagogue shooting, Earnest bought a Smith & Wesson AR-15 rifle from a San Diego gun shop, according to federal charges. Officials have said he bought the gun legally.

Dr. Steven Campman, the San Diego County chief deputy medical examiner, earlier testified about the autopsy of Lori Gilbert-Kaye, 60, who was struck and killed by two shots from the rifle.

anti-semitismChabad of PowayWhite Supremacists

UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia 9 minutes ago

UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia VS Richard DiBenedetto
worldisraelnews com/tillerson-accuses-netanyahu-of-lying-to-trump-convincing-him-israel-are-the-good-guys/

you like me, have nothing personal against the Rothschilds, the Soros, the Rochefellers and the Morgan
but it is to these Jews of ISRAEL
that you come to kill hope
of their legitimate claim to a Jewish home: as it is for all peoples!
this cynicism of CHINA and Russia against the Zionism of the Jews?
leaves me scandalized!

tu come me non hai nulla di personale contro i Rothschild, contro i Soros, contro i Rochefeller e contro i Morgan
però è a questi ebrei di ISRAELE
che tu vieni a uccidere la speranza
di una loro rlegittima rivendicazione ad una casa ebraica: come è per tutti i popoli!
questo cinismo di CINA e Russia contro il sionismo degli ebrei?
mi lascia scandalizzato!

UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia 20 minutes ago

President RIVLIN] countdown [there are 5 days left to destroy Iran's military and nuclear potential ..
you should not forget that on all the missiles they wrote for 30 years: "death to Israel"

President RIVLIN ] conto alla rovescia [ mancano 5 giorni per poter distruggere il potenziale militare e nucleare iraniano..
tu non dovresti dimenticare che su tutti i missili hanno scritto per 30 anni: "morte a Israele"

UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia 6 hours ago

Avigdor Liberman mettiti una pietra al collo e vatti a buttare a mare!

the demonic triad: Rothschild Rochefeller Morgan could not control Netanjahu, so he was stopped ...
Kingmaker Avigdor Liberman played his infamous role: of every mason traitor role,
and like all the actors in these elections: they all acted: to achieve the NWO agenda, and they acted with the sole aim of breaking Netanjahu's career
Kingmakercaxxo: Avigdor Liberman did not do it: only, because he is only envious,
but because like everyone else, he is a cowardly coward in hell for the Rothschilds

Don Spilman 17 hours ago

Liberalman is an egotistical phony, who only has himself in mind and couldn’t give a rip about truly helping Israel be an actually better place!

Photobug55 a day ago

If UTJ does agree to support Gantz, the Liberman will have to be known as the ex-kingmaker. Or a pseudo kingmaker? Pretend kingmakers? Anyway, Liberman may well be out. He seems to be a bit late in changing his tune.

punch_corona a day ago

.. Liberman for the next PM of Israel.. I am routing for Liberman.. who would make an excellent PM of Israel..

avi weis punch_corona 7 minutes ago

Lieberman He is dangerous for Israel you can’t trust him .

His intend to destroy Israel. Looking 4 war with our Neighbors with no preparation.

and by declaring war On the religion it is act of the distraction of the of the Jews nation

This guy should be remove and be watch carefully

UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia punch_corona an hour ago

I say that Netanjahu was blocked by a Masonic conspiracy of the NWO network Shadow government Bilderberg DEEP STATE (and not by a fair electoral competition),
and Liberman played his infamous role, like all politicians who do not have the dignity to raise their heads against the Rothschilds.
Rothschild uses throwaway politicians at will:
because political sovereignty cannot exist if there is not even monetary sovereignty!

Albert Reingewirtz a day ago

This is a golden opportunity for Charedi parties to squeeze yet another usual support for the continual gift from Ben Gurion in return for their vote. So, they will go for the most squeezable B&W or Licoud. Funny how they never miss such an opportunity as long as they get their squeezed priviledge status as parasites on the Jewish State of Israel having been part of every coalition!

Victor a day ago

NO , the enemies are the white supremacist, racist, sexist, bigot, divisiveness, white NATIONALIST Donald Trump and the Republican Party !

UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia Victor 36 minutes ago

noble examples of cultural enrichment: Obama Mandela
Post-apartheid South Africa is a slaughterhouse, in 30 years they have killed more than: 500,000 whites and the TV satellite network, ANSA, Democratic party FED FMI NWO? he didn't say it.
Vacation in South Africa turns into a nightmare: pregnant slaughtered with her little son
Karen Turner, 31, was from a luxurious family resort when they were attacked around 3 am.
Two men armed with knives entered their bungalow overlooking the beach of the Hluleka Nature Reserve.
Karen and the waiting baby died from knife wounds.
Her husband Matthew, who was stabbed several times, managed to save their 23-month-old son and they both survived.

UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia Victor 40 minutes ago

/twitter com/i/status/1175475574233587712
Zack @U_S_A_110
Many comments on this video in the Arab Face Book pages say that this bast*rd is now a REFUGEE in Germany. 🤬🤬🤬 (this man should be arrested ASAP)

UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia Victor 41 minutes ago


/twitter com/i/status/1175418767607775235

I can't see this video clearly. Saw the beginning but feels so bad about it. D a m n psychic case that torments the animal like this. They are ****crazy. And then farmers warn that a lot of sheep disappear from their farms


UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia Victor  

Zack @U_S_A_110
The racist persecution and humiliation that white people are suffering in South Africa is horrible and shucking.
voxnews info/2019/09/21/vacanza-in-sudafrica-si-trasforma-in-incubo-incinta-trucidata-col-figlioletto/

UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia Victor

Rothschild told you and you trust him,
or, like a Darwin super penis developed, can you also motivate: your libelous slanders statements?


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