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Your account is suspended

Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

the traitor of the Fatherland

Lion Judah ☦️ king ☦️ kingdom A TROLL nichus blok ] politics is made up of unequivocal explicit acts and this is the Democratic Party: relativism, weak thinking: fluid society: nihilism the perfect Islamic traitor ((who spits on the Christian martyrs and on the blood of the Israelis)) and lgbt Darwin Sodoma Rothschild dracula Saruman: FED 666 FMI 322 OCI: the traitor of the Fatherland! This comment was deleted. Lion Judah ☦️ king ☦️ kingdom the new Islamic civilization of the democratic party "Migrants Open Arms set fire to the police van in Lampedusa", it is chaos According to the local newspaper there would be no doubt about the malicious matrix and there would be little doubt about the authorship of the violent gesture, which would have been made by some guests of the structure. voxnews info/2019/08/27/migranti-open-arms-incendiano-furgone-della-polizia-a-lampedusa-e-caos/ 5 Lion Judah ☦️ king ☦️ kingdom edited the technocratic usury of the ECB and EU Bilderberg Shadow ...

Di Maio, one cannot stay with freedom

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri  Di Maio, one cannot stay with freedom (I am in government without consent) and with dictatorships (Putin has 80% of the electoral consensus) not to say that Ukraine after Viktor Yanukovych is a legal monster that could never be legalizable answer Di Maio, he was born with "never with DEM, never with pedo-Bibbiano" he was born a stoker and died a fireman. he has betrayed his constituency 100% for the sake of his chair. his cursed parable with Boldrini, Cirinnà, Bonino fell like a curse on Italian politics im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri   From Istat to Eurostat, there is increasing poverty alarm in Italy answer and what does it matter to antifa DEMs: their electorate is all ambushed in the public administration or is in the banks and multinationals Kiev claims the murder of Daria Dugina Dugina attack, Western organized terrorism and NATO-trained bomber It was too easy to predict that from the war the step towards terrorism would be obvious, spontaneous...

ISIS shalom MBS from Riyad king my bro UMMA nazi sharia genocide

ISIS shalom MBS from Riyad king my bro UMMA nazi sharia genocide ] Exodus 15.3 The LORD is a warrior, his name is the LORD. [ how do you make sharia blood sacrifices against all infidels? ] The truth always appears in the "holy bible" JHWH holy performs a blood sacrifice against his son [murder of the son] while he will have mercy on the sacrifice of the son of Abraham, who becomes a symbol of the sacrifice of Jesus of Bethlehem, which is the theme carrier of the whole Christian mass; a bloodless liturgical simulation, but real and sacramental: of a true blood sacrifice, and this proves who he really is. answer in reality, there are strange people, and also very strange and we find it difficult to understand and accept them, one of these people is God lorenzoJHWH LEVIATHAN UniusREI if God were lacking in coherence? he would disintegrate himself that's why he can't reduce his demands for infinite justice, therefore it takes a God, who is like God himself: that he ca...

UMMA stermina cristiani innocenti in tutto il mondo si implementa in questo modo

Bin ISIS MBS Salman from Riyad UMMA OCI ] Tigrè, si riprende a combattere Sono ripresi i combattimenti nel Nord dell'Etiopia tra le forze ribelli del Tigrè e l'esercito, dopo cinque mesi di un fragile cessate-il-fuoco che non ha portato ad uno sbocco positivo dei negoziati di pace. ANSWER e quale è il tuo scopo jihad nel Tigré genocido? perché odi così tanto i cristiani innocenti, che cosa ti hanno fatto? la democrazia dei sodoma satana ebrei-massoni che avorisce le mafie, e la mancanza di controllo del territorio artificiale, perché intenzionale.. Gran Bretagna sotto choc, Olivia uccisa dalle gang in casa a 9 anni. Gli agenti armati sulle strade, una dozzina di abitazioni private perquisite, lo sconcerto di una città intera e, a Kingheath Avenue, loro, i bambini. Si tengono per mano, piangono, lasciano mazzi di fiori, orsacchiotti, palloncini. Hanno perso un’amica, una compagna di scuola, una bimba che tutti oggi descrivono come «un raggio di sole» e che non aveva niente a c...

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