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Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

the traitor of the Fatherland

Lion Judah ☦️ king ☦️ kingdom

A TROLL nichus blok ] politics is made up of unequivocal explicit acts

and this is the Democratic Party:

relativism, weak thinking: fluid society: nihilism

the perfect Islamic traitor ((who spits on the Christian martyrs and on the blood of the Israelis)) and lgbt Darwin Sodoma Rothschild dracula Saruman: FED 666 FMI 322 OCI:

the traitor of the Fatherland!

This comment was deleted.

Lion Judah ☦️ king ☦️ kingdom

the new Islamic civilization of the democratic party "Migrants Open Arms set fire to the police van in Lampedusa", it is chaos

According to the local newspaper there would be no doubt about the malicious matrix and there would be little doubt about the authorship of the violent gesture, which would have been made by some guests of the structure.

voxnews info/2019/08/27/migranti-open-arms-incendiano-furgone-della-polizia-a-lampedusa-e-caos/


Lion Judah ☦️ king ☦️ kingdom edited

the technocratic usury of the ECB and EU Bilderberg Shadow government: private financial coup and Masonic corporate

#Tremonti reveals: Italy forced by EU to save German banks

through accomplice Mario Monti

and making a debt of 48 million not owed by the Italian people

/voxnews info/2019/08/27/tremonti-rivela-italia-costretta-da-ue-a-salvare-le-banche-tedesche/


Lion Judah ☦️ king ☦️ kingdom

the new Islamic society wanted by the Democratic Party! Turin, Senegalese violent Italian disabled: dragged into the condominium

August 27, 2019 A fifty-year-old woman was attacked in a building in Turin, a few meters from the notorious market of Porta Palazzo, a multi-ethnic neighborhood in Turin.

The African who attacked her, a twenty-year-old Senegalese, was arrested by the police on charges of sexual violence.

The brutal aggression took place around 6.30am yesterday morning, Monday 26 August. The victim, a 50-year-old Italian with psychological problems, was walking with her dogs when the man dragged her into the hallway.

A resident of the building, who was going to work, because the Italians work, coming down the stairs he witnessed the scene. He saw the woman, with torn clothes, trying to break free from the African and hurled herself at the rapist. The victim is admitted to the San Giovanni Bosco hospital with various injuries.


Lion Judah ☦️ king ☦️ kingdom

from the satanic theosophy of GENDER lgbt Darwin: technocratic maximalism Rothschild to the liquid society! dear Di Maio, now tell us DiBibbiano: ask your allies for children

/voxnews info/2019/08/27/e-ora-di-maio-parlateci-di-bibbiano-chiedete-ai-vostri-alleati-dei-bambini/

Di Maio, remember what was said a month ago. Only a month ago:

Now that with the "child thieves" you find yourself at night at Palazzo Chigi, you can ask them what happened to Bibbiano.

In Bibbiano children were taken away from their parents and then entrusted to "family homes" and gay, so as to do business; and somehow the same happens with the so-called "unaccompanied minors" that the law wanted by the PD obliges us to maintain.

presumed Afro-Islamic Minors commit 268 rapes: they cannot be expelled

In light of the latest crimes involving foreign minors, the most recent being the brutal rape of Como, we republish the speech in the courtroom of Senator Malan, during the discussion of the Zampa Law, later approved by the PD, which effectively prevents expulsion and refusal of minors. Even the alleged ones. Very alleged. In the video, the senator


Lion Judah ☦️ king ☦️ kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

all the slanders of the President CONTE against SALVINI: in reality: they hide the absolute immorality of the M5S (Beppe GRILLO said: "we are a little PC and a little DC": as if to say the worst of the catto-communists lgbt) M5S that cancels the meeting with the Pd: "First clarify on Conte". while at 4 pm there are consultations on the Hill, of a President Mattarella, proud of his ethical technocracy, but which he can lose: instead contact with the dignity, morality and justice: to trampling on the people he should serve and protect:

given that the two electoral forces: Pd and M5S (statistically) in the perspective of opposition (in the real society) were, precisely, they are called to compose another Rothschild Saruman coup government

tutte le calunnie del Presidente CONTE contro SALVINI: in realtà: nascondono la immoralità assoluta del M5S (Beppe GRILLO disse: "noi siamo un poco PC e un poco DC": come a dire il peggio dei catto-comunisti lgbt) M5S che annulla l’incontro col Pd: “Prima chiarisca su Conte”. mentre alle 16 ci sono le consultazioni al Colle, di un Presidente Mattarella orgogliosametne etico tecnocrazia, ma, che può perdere: invece il contatto con la dignità, moralità e giustizia: calpestando quel popolo che dovrebbe servire e proteggere:

dato che le due forze elettoralisticamente: Pd e M5S (statisticamente) in prospettiva di opposizione (nella società reale) sono state, proprio loro, sono chiamate a comporre un altro governo golpistico Rothschild Saruman


Lion Judah ☦️ king ☦️ kingdom

IMAM Erdogan sharia jihad and the 1400ANNI genocide UMMA, TODAY is the turn of the Israelis people! In the 39-second video clip, when the girl says: "The Jews", women and children respond: "Death!"

When he says: "Palestine", they answer: "He will be saved".

When he shouts, "Hagia Sophia" - referring to the Byzantine cathedral-museum in Istanbul that the Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced will be turned into a mosque - they sing, "It will be open."


Lion Judah ☦️ king ☦️ kingdom

all the demonic instinct FED FMI NWO SpA Rothschild Corporation-sharia Riyad: of the Democratic Party against the Christian Jewish civilization! The refugee night in the hotel, he raped Italian girls by day with a humanitarian permit

August 26, 2019. The Gambian asylum seeker who raped an Italian girl at the Sferracavallo metro station in Palermo, has been a guest of Italian refugee hotels for years. And now the Democratic Party is preparing to reopen them. Alpha Yallow, a 19-year-old African asylum seeker, numerous precedents behind him for harassment, obscene acts in public places and damage, collected a long list of complaints, mainly for crimes against property and against the person, the Gambian had left the structures where he lived to disappear into thin air.

This at least until a few days ago when, quietly on the loose, he approached and attacked two women in Palermo, managing to rape one of them.


Lion Judah ☦️ king ☦️ kingdom

these NGOs are a Ursula Bilderberg project, which is a subversive ideology of a technocratic, bureaucratic Europe of unscrupulous speculative financiers: the EU made up of dangerous Masons Soros Bilderberg, and all the forces of the atheist and filthy Islamist antichrist!

"We are facing the umpteenth mockery of the Spanish Open Arms, which for days has been wandering the Mediterranean for the sole purpose of gathering as many people as possible to bring them only ever to Italy. In all this time they could already have gone back and forth in a Spanish port three times. These NGOs are just political. They are using immigrants against our country. I will not give up. " - Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini.

"Open Arms does not save the shipwrecked. If it did, it would take them to the nearest port. What it does is use immigrants as an instrument of extortion against countries that choose to defend their sovereignty.


Lion Judah ☦️ king ☦️ kingdom

Pd lgbt sharia traitor of Fatherland

corano-666talmud blogspot com/2019/08/pd-lgbt-sharia-traitor-of-fatherland.html


Lion Judah ☦️ king ☦️ kingdom

the new Islamic civilization of the Democratic party Clandestini jihad sharia Erdogan just landed on the hunt for women in Lampedusa, raiding houses and stealing to tourists, Pd: "We know that the Tunisians are violent"

voxnews info/2019/08/27/clandestini-a-caccia-di-donne-a-lampedusa-razziano-le-case-pd-si-sa-che-i-tunisini-sono-violenti/


Lion Judah ☦️ king ☦️ kingdom

my President RIVLIN ] start the countdown by 08/25/2019 10:33 am

missing: 28 days to destroy IRAN with atomic weapons

Palestinian Authority Refuses to Condemn Murder of 17-year-old Israeli Girl


Lion Judah ☦️ king ☦️ kingdom

babbeo! what you say would be true if ISLAM recognized our democratic and republican values!

therefore he would have the right to all political rights and freedom of speech.

while the ARAB LEAGUE where Islam rules both religiously and politically; It does NOT recognize any of the fundamental human rights: it only proves to be a Nazi genocide!

So Islam has no democratic or republican constitutional legal legitimacy!


Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

sorry if I was unkind:

but I have been the Observatory on the Martyrdom of Christians for 30 years: and I got tired of counting the murders of the sharia of the ARAB LEAGUE; murders of innocent people!

you cannot think that Islam can only be a threat to Israel

Islam has never changed is a crystallized dogma

Islam has always been a threat to mankind.

if then, do you want to put sand on the blood of Christian martyrs?

you will carry the burden of judgment on this ugly story!


Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

even the cities of Greece were always at war with each other until the common Persian enemy arrived.

the internecine wars in the ARAB LEAGUE have enlarged the ARAB LEAGUE, which is a demonic esoteric and supernatural system!

obviously the main enemy for our survival is the internal enemy: Rothschild Trilateral FED SpA corporations: juridical personalities: which generated satanic CIA parallel Masonic transnational government Bilderberg: of the LGBT and the Demographic Party


Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

you can't go behind what Erdogan can think of mentally ill: paranoid sharia jihad: serial murderers: dogmatic: 1000 times more dangerous than Hitler and Stalin: because there is only one Allah and one planet: and the Muslims will fight because the whole planet is theirs: as the Koran says!

and neither can you solve the problem of a Jewish homeland by disentangling yourself between historical or juridical problems!

The peaceful political solution is only in universal law:

1. every nation its home:

and we must start with the oldest people who are the people of the Jews!

but, that's the problem:

2. this people does not exist: if the Bible and His monarchical Kingdom do not exist:

3. who withholds the impostor Rothschild Saruman FED FMI NWO!


Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

I don't know if you say this because you are a "light" man or: because you want to judge my culture!

Israel has begun monotheism: and with it the scientific method, and all the fundamental values: and still implementations of modern history


Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

but, the greatness of the Jewish experience: it is that every man can be: Adam, Abraham, Moses, Noah, Jesus of Bethlehem: a prince in the earthly paradise:


every man can be a close friend of God!

and unfortunately: Pharisees Enlightened and the Wahhabis Mohammed the unfortunate criminal: the accomplices in NATO to make a new chapter of Satan's Bible!

but 2000 years ago the foreigner in Israel had the same rights and duties as the Israeli citizen:

because even then: they knew that the life of every man is sacred:

and that for God there are no people's preferences!

that's why in Israel: as a biblical Kingdom: in Solomon?

it introduced the values of laicity: (not secularism): in the creation of our ERA: start: modern history that: communists: LGBT Satanists Wahhabi and the Democratic Party try to destroy and annihilate!


Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

the editors of the satanic talmud were the same editors of the Bible: the Priests of the Temple of Jerusalem: a kind of Masonic mafia who hated the monarchy!


Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH


but if communism has killed 200 million innocent people, Islam has killed more than 600 million

nothing has done more harm to the human race than ISLAM


Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

this is not the case when you are prey to a dogmatic religious ideological infestation

About 100/200 million, which killed communism

and about 700 million, who killed ISLAM?

the peoples have done it


Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

for over a decade: I have a rational secular agnostic cultural project (universal brotherhood) and a very simple political project (the Kingdom of Israel) to improve the whole human race:

I am the natural law (don't do evil don't lie) the universal law (everything has meaning in love) this is the spirituality of both the atheist and the believer: this is why this is a metaphysics: universally understandable and shareable!

in fact this is the true strength of the decalogue of Moses: that of being a law: natural, poisitive and revealed at the same time.


Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

obviously; 1. I am not the enemy of some religion,

2. I don't hate homosexuals (only LGBT are Satanism and Ideology)

3. I am not opposed to ideologies

but this is clear: whoever does not accept the natural law is because he wants to be a predator.

therefore my metaphysical justice universal and eternal (it is also my identity and it is my Kingdom of Israel) it will rise against every injustice in every part of the world "


Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

kill each one's own brother, each his own friend, each his own relative ».

answer. when Moses shouted: "Whoever is with the Lord, come to me!" why did not one third of the people follow him?

THEY DIDN'T WANT TO PENTRE! that was really treason! and this is my task: and this is the task of every King: to kill the traitors! at that time there was the Kingdom of God: and all around were the Baal Owl and the allah lilit.

here there is Unius REI a secular metaphysical theocracy: those who do not want to join my project must be fought: because it is not possible for someone to deny the natural law to do: 1. sharia, 2. lgbt, o, 3. the FED !


Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

my project is rational agnostic: therefore it is universal (equal duties and equal rights for all peoples) starting from Israel to free the prisoners, so until the end time: and end of the world: and in every corner of the world!

everyone knows: they don't have to lie

everyone knows: that they must not do evil that they would not want to receive against themselves!


Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

Unius REI is an eternal authority in the Kingdom of God JHWH: if Saudi Wahhabis want to wage the Rothschild world war of the God Bush Allah 666 Lilit Owl at the Bohemian GROVE: I will always be here to make the kingdom of ISRAEL after also...


Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

what human beings cannot understand: it is the composition of "esoteric & islamic agenda": both of the NWO and of its OCI Lega ARABA: the triumph of Satanism!

the "Entity: ENTITY" it is composed of hybrids GMOs, cyborgs, gmo aliens, demons, souls of the dead in hell, sharia FED, IMF, ECB, OCI Riyadh Iran: which is all a collective symbiotic body (connected by neuronal connections artificial for beings endowed with physicality) who reject redemption: an absolute demonic infestation!

the weapons of Russians and Chinese against them? they will be ineffective!

if I meet a demon-possessed person: whom have I never seen? he knows who Unius REI is, so those whose names are not written in the book of life know they hate me even if they don't know me!


Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

in this site [tldm org] I read something scientific: about: "alien neuronal connections" on optic nerve and in my brain:

that put me emotionally (intelligent hum) in contact:

1. my brain: right lobe (with the kingdom of God)

2. my brain: left lobe (hell NWO reign of Rothschild Saud Bin Salman Riyadh).

now I with my creative faith: I could have been anything: but, I chose to be an agnostic-rational: to become an example and an encouragement to all men.

now this intelligent, intermittent phenomenon: understandable from the context: it is not something from which I can profit any way: to make me be a prototype of an example to follow: for all the men of the planet!

can you find me: this scientific article (on alien neuronal connections) somewhere?

The purpose of the satans is allah: it was to destroy me mentally: but, since they failed to damage me, they were now taken by the most absolute panic: because having connected me to the power of their entity NWO: now it is I who can destroy them !

but unfortunately God wants to save sinners!


Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

dear never happened in my whole life:

1. that I was wrong to see or read something:

it never happened: 2. that I fell into a hypnotic state, or: 3. in a state of mental passivity, or that: I lost consciousness on alcoholic grounds:

it has never happened in my whole life: that: I have committed only one sin voluntarily or that I have committed only one mortal sin:

it has never happened in my whole life: that I had to recognize my senses as fallacious: or my memories!


Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

after all it does not exist, in addition to Unius REI: another solution to the inevitable nuclear world war: which as demonstrated by the hyacinth scientist Auriti is functional to our monetary system:

and is useful for the paranoid predatory manic instinct of Muslims

and if you think you will remain standing up to you? then you are stupid!

no one will be alive, or will remain alive: in a nuclear world!


Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

but when Iran attacks Israel,

with the 100,000 Hezbollah conventional missiles?

the problem of Israel for Marduch Lilith Allah, Soros, kalergi, Bilderberg, trilateral antichrist: and for Rothschild ECB BM FED IMF corporations UN UE USA, Satan Sodoma and his ARABIC LEAGUE sharia? however it will have been resolved


Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah

but when will Iran attack Israel with 100,000 conventional Hezbollah missiles? Israel's problem for Rothschild FED IMF Satan Sodoma allah and his ARAB LEAGUE? it will have been solved!


Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah

ma quando l'Iran attaccherà Israele con 100000 missili convenzionali di Hezbollah? il problema di Israele per Rothschild FED FMI Satana Sodoma allah e sua LEGA ARABA? esso sarà stato risolto!


Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

/unitedwithisrael org/palestinians-take-money-from-israel-but-lie-to-save-face/

I will respond to this you article on this page


Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

thank you for the valuable information at your disposal


Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

13 years ago, I read on the CIA website: that in the US 100,000 human sacrifices were made: on the altar of satan: every year! .. and because: they are never found guilty: then, they are the Bush Rothschild Rochefeller Morgan (the FED synagogue of satan) who commission these voodoo rituals: precisely with the complicity and protection of the CIA. Now could you find me this quote on the CIA website?


Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

we cannot even exclude: that this information on the 100,000 human sacrifices that would be committed in the USA; is

reported by the CIA on its official website: it may have been made visible only to me (or has been removed later),

since in youtube I challenged all the churches of Satan with the exorcism of Saint Benedict!


Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

if you read the book document dossier: "Lucas four years in hell" ed. TEA and then: you will make deep investigations and research: you will understand that human sacrifices on the altar of satan are made in all the bases of NATO:

this is the scheme: about 150,000 human sacrifices made by in the USA: about 30,000 human sacrifices made by in Germany: about 20,000 human sacrifices made by in the UK: about 15,000 human sacrifices made by in France:

then, we should not be surprised by Rothschild Bush Clinton Epstein Kerry La Vey Antony; Albert Pike, the Mason who celebrated Lucifer and predicted three world wars: with the destruction of Israel.

ok. necessarily our EU USA Leaders FED FMI NWO: necessarily they are the Satanists!


Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

the evil is Rothschild FED NWO, it is lgbt, it is sharia Riyad and Bin Salman, it is communism and its Democratic Party: evil is corporate: so it can be stopped in corporative mode!


Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

Quattro anni all'inferno - Lukas, L. Perria - Libri - Amazon it


Il drammatico racconto di Lukas, ex satanista. 4 anni all'inferno, poi la ...

papaboys org › News › Corpus et Salus

Lukas è il finto nome, di copertura, con cui si fa chiamare nel libro un ragazzo di 19 anni che ha fatto parte in Germania di una setta satanista potente e violenta.


Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

if then you noticed the catastrophic worsening in the youtube comment cards: ok this you have to know the fault was all mine!

after having devastated all the churches of satanic CIA

I have been with 4 priests of satan for 3 years on youtube com / user / youtube / discussion

ok then, it would take an encyclopedia to say everything that happened in youtube:

practically: because of me: Rothschild was forced to drive out satanists from facebook twitter youtube google +; etc .. and gave media management to lgbt


Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

rothschild told you this

to convince you to pay banking seigniorage?

or he should know that Abraham said that God was not like that!


Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

if you think of judging reality: only through your 5 senses: then even animals can surpass you!

we have: history, philosophy, psychology, technique, science, ethics and morality!

the combination of all this is metaphysics!

because it is clear to everyone: how relativism can only be a Rothschild conspiracy, which is opposed to my Kingdom of ISRAEL!


Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

your answer here /unitedwithisrael org/palestinians-take-money-from-israel-but-lie-to-save-face/


Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

yes of course! there is only one IMF: so there is only one CIA also in Russia!

Rothschild wants to be my subject: but, it's you and the Communists and Wahhabis who hold him prisoner of Satanism:

because you want to realize the final solution against all Jews: 1. no land; 2. no NWO: 3. final solution!

yet I am the political solution because we did not no one fall victim: no die people any!!!

but, the demon allah and the communist demon: they think they will defeat the demon satan this time!


Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

$ 1.4 trillion dollars only serve to wash the guilty conscience of Rochefeller FED FMI NWO!

so that they can say: "it was not our fault for the genocide of the Israelis"

and instead they have planned the genocide of the Israelis: in fact it is their fault that sharia or communism cannot be condemned yet !!

in AIPAC they are Satanists who pretend loyalty to the torà, and this is an old story: how old the talmud is!


Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

no, 1.4 billion dollars, that's just the price to keep the Palestinians alive: you can't launch a sharia rocket: that I then, I have to spend a million dollars to stop it


Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

to deceive my judgment against them: some priests of satan made a very nice, friendly video, they had the symbols of evil: but you would have said: "che bonaccioni"

answer. SIN However, on the sideboard, they had a skull: as a paperweight that instead had to be in the cemetery!

so: for all the CIA FED FMI NW priests of satan: that was a total suicide their fight against me!


Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

to make me guilty in some way: all the priests of satan in youtube have thought to me! once a user was very kind to me: but he had video of corpses in his channel: let's say hundreds of corpses of all ages: frozen, embalmed: etc .. but the images were blurred that you could not see the details. so he pretended to be a friend to me or could I only use kindness with him

because he was kind to me?


Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

and what about the videos that the priests of CIA satan showed me in youtube? it would be too long a description of corpses, etc. that now no longer exist in youtube because I had them removed and because I had the director of youtube fired 187AudioHostem because he went mad and was saying he was drinking blood!

in the USA satanists have the property of large premises (cinemas) where they make their marriages: and human sacrifices: on the stage of the theater of the girls they showered with human blood and then washed themselves with beer!


Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

I don't have to prove what the satanists themselves claim to be true!

I can prove their crimes: but, I will not find a judge who will condemn the Bush Obama or Clinton to death! all institutions all governments are owned by the NWO IMF FED shadow government!

President Francesco Cossiga stated and wrote: in the newspaper: that all the governments of the world were forewarned of the 11-09 self-attack to the twin towers: and to another skyscraper that was not even hit!


Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

the power of God is too strong in my immortal body: that I do not believe that I will ever have to die!

as a Christian you should know that all that is of the Word-Son of the Father is also ours, of us who are joint heirs with Jesus of Bethlehem.

it is possible that these alien neural connections (aliens abductions) fail to work in me, as the CIA and Wahhabi satan priests would expect!

Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

you shouldn't be so hurried in your judgments,

because if: "tldm org website" reported a news of scientific content: with a wealth of technical and technological details: and bio-engineering: from another site (eg: NASA said that our planet is at the center of the Universe ): approximately, the alien neuronal connections on the optic nerve and in the brain? ok this job of copy-paste of sensitive information? we all do it: on our sites!

it is not possible to share: or understand: 100% what any site says: and this is why we need discernment!

now our awareness and knowledge are deepened: the more intimate our personal relationship with God will be: and the more our discernment will be deepened!

Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

I am the champion of God, I am the only one who can destroy the NWO.

I will never back down to leave to demons satan and allah the control of mankind!

Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

in Italy they have done another Golpe of profanation and Satanism of the antichrist:

electoral losers: Pd gay and M5S lgbt? they have made a frankestein government: why the President not to make them lose and destroy like dogs: in the elections? did not grant the elections!

today, in the government of the GAY lgbt sodoma dracula? it's not there yet! yet to the national TG as main subtitle: there is also this news: "Gay is a component: both genetic and social", but, unfortunately? everyone knows that genes can only be XX and XY!

Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

of course: it's just like you say! but haven't you heard that Hillary's lesbian could be a Saudi woman?

certainly the Saudis have infiltrated the CIA and the NWO!

then, according to you: the Saudis of the Sharia genocide are worse: or are the Russians worse?

certainly the Saudis are a universal genocide: while the Russians are only hateful merchants who spit on the blood of Christian martyrs like everyone else!

yet when did the Saudis pay Hillary's election campaign? no one has been scandalized: yet this is high treason

Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

You have until 7 days from now to edit this comment. Learn more.

#unitedwithisrael I have written 300 files, every day: every day, for the last 13 years!

I only correct misspellings because I am perfect!

my word is law in the Kingdom of God as in the Kingdom of men: all angels and demons are subject to me:

all creatures (good or bad) all subject me: without distinction!

Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

all media: youtube, google, twitter facebook, etc .. iSLAM sharia support genocide, lgbt and every antichrist: therefore, they stifle the innocent blood of the Christian martyrs, then, they support the democratic party: and this is why the Israelis are threatened with death : why to continue to steal bank seigniorage from all peoples?

Rothschild has already decided to sacrifice the Israelis: to fuel hatred and opposition, and so, will all Jews continue to hate the people and the Jewish Masonic and Satanic conspiracy in the FED 666 FMI NWO? it will never end: until the final trinfo from satan against allah

Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

all those who want to oppose: sharia OCI Riyad & SpA Rothschild FED NWO and its world war?

they will follow Donald Trump's message.

I actually followed: from the secret services all the Governments, from the dead saints in Paradise, as from those cursed: from all the alien demons and holy angels: on frequencies unknown by our technology: in fact there is only one Unius REI for all them: and besides I don't need internet.

I am the most powerful creature that God has created: not I as a person but my role or ministry!

Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

that is why, I am recognized in the Kingdom of God as Unius REI (the universal governor): or as the living decalogue of Moses.

in Psalm 110 King David turns to 3 Kings on the Throne of God: the central one is me: of course I am a creature like everyone else!

therefore, I do not have a national identity: I am the property of all peoples!

if, governments will accept my political mediation, they will no longer be forced to carry out the Rothschild world war:

because as King of ISRAEL I will destroy the IMF and the FED, its sharia, etc.

Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

in the Masonic worldwide sharia NWO of youtube government I fought the Churches of Satan of the CIA with great success (for a divine power: some terrible massacre must have happened among the staff of the NWO):

so the identity of Unius REI was born from the need to win this demonic superhuman clash: for to using my creative faith!

my creative faith? is feared by governments!

Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH


1. NO ONE is bound to believe in me: because I am not religion!

2. but what is right and what is wrong for a rational metaphysical political project like me? it can be demonstrated rationally and can be fought by everyone rationally fought!

3. my Unius REI identity is not an artistic creation of mine: but, it is the necessary spiritual dimension of the necessary greatness: which is necessary to break down Rothschild's NWO: its churches of CIA satan: and of all the demonic powers created by him in the supernatural of allah: and to replace this evil Allah Owl NWO Jabull-On: with my universal brotherhood!

Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

you do not seem very informed (about what everyone knows) about: the political and sociological potential of the Kingdom of David and the Kingdom of Solomon.

but what no one knows is that the Supreme Sinedrio slandered Solomon in the Bible:

but the fact that the Bible was manipulated at least in three places? this does not diminish its importance:

because the religious power of the Bible is not inherent in his writing: but in his inspiration.

therefore it is not the: philologist, theologian or exegete who can discover God in the Bible:

but, it is the saint who has the true interpretative key

Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

how Vatican II has always done everything to damage Catholics: he the Pope who has become the main prey of the ARAB LEAGUE and Masonic technofinance and Bilderberg: who is blackmailed because other Christians kill him sharia genocide all over the world ?!

so: the religious leaders of the Jews: Anna Kaifa Rochefeller the Marrano: Saruman Murdoch: Soros FED 666 IMF NWO 322 Trilateral: in these 3,000 years they have always done everything: to curse Abraham's blessings and to bring Satan with the talmud and the Koran the whole human race!

Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

All religions with the exception of the ISLAMIC religion that pushes all the Islamic nations of the ARAB LEAGUE to commit brutality and genocide of a religious nature ...

All religions with the exception of the ISLAMIC religion

they performed an extremely positive task of moderating the abuses of political power:

as it happens today in VENEZUELA where the police with the complicity of Putin even kill the priests!

and between lights and shadows that characterize every human phenomenon: certainly the budget of the Catholic Church is a more positive balance: even if today the ARABIC LEAGUE and the Rothschilds of the Synagogue of Satan have pushed Christians into a state of victimhood!

Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

yours? it is not the same conception that Christian martyrs have of Muslims

Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

Richard DiBenedetto you are the most intellectually stimulating person: that I have found: in these 13 years all over the world.

half of all inventions in the world? they take place in Israel: and therefore, we must say that the Israelis are the most intelligent people on the planet?

obviously not!

is that Netanjahu being a Jew: he knew how to defend his people from Saruman Rothschild Dracula: high constitutional treason the banking seigniorage!

which is precisely that after having obtained 6 million Jews died with Hitler: now he wants to get 6 million Israelis dead with Iran-Erdogan:

and therefore: to unblock economic, bureaucratic, moral, ethical, theological: philosophical: scientific resources: commercial, institutional and political that favored the development of his people 360 degrees

Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

The moral guide rooted in religious wisdom cannot be exercised lightly?


my moral guide is precise, rational, secular, determined, infallible:

the principles of natural law linked to Thomistic metaphysics are in harmony with biblical feeling:

even if it does not seem because I am a rational agnostic? I'm a biblical fundamentalist!

and this is my strength: I rationally justify ethics and morals:

on the level of beliefs and understandings: everything that the religious claim to obtain dogmatically!

because Unius REI is not a coercive power!

Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

of St. Thomas and of Maritain I am the rational agnostic and universal metaphysical exposition of the natural law (the decalogue of Moses) in political form which is the kingdom of Israel

Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

if you write something about Israeli sites?

it is sure that everyone could read what you write:

but: if you write anything in: youtube, google, facebook, twitter: etc .. etc. .. are the algorithms and artificial intelligence: to decide: who you can read and what and who the others can read about you!

freedom of speech has been eaten by the speculative Rothschild technofinance which is the new world order!

Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

the NWO could not leave the freedom of speech to the people: and above all it could not leave it to me! except in Israeli sites?

then, all over the world: so they turned the chats into a text image: therefore, how do you touch the card: an OCR software decodes it: but in reality it is a text image, not a text: that escapes search engines!

but artificial intelligence will follow you and decide who you must never meet: etc .. then the trolls of the CIA and lgbt: they will attack you if you become an evangelistic person: or a patriotic that they cannot tolerate

Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

you are in error your freedom of speech can never be an induction to Islamic terrorism:

induction into Islamic genocide:

it can never be high treason or satanism!

this is your problem of freedom in the USA.

you think that both good and evil have the same right of expression while the Satanists Bush and Rothschild Epstein who command the CIA FED and the NWO

Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

I will answer you on this page!

worldisraelnews com / while-jewish-groups-rebuke-trumps-disloyalty-remark-others-question-democratic-silence-on-omar-tlaib /

Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH edited

in your criminal state: of course: you can do apology of: masonry, usury, sharia, Islamic genocide, Islam, lgbt, nazism, satanism, communism, but, you cannot do this in my kingdom of Israel: because I have the duty to defend the innocent

Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

answer me in this page please! /unitedwithisrael org/palestinians-take-money-from-israel-but-lie-to-save-face/


Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

it's because in Rome they had become a bunch of sodom LGBT who lost the empire!


Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

Rome has never claimed to make someone's genocide because of its religion or identity!

Islam, on the other hand, does not integrate into peoples, does not recognize human rights: and if: in IRAN Riyad you pray to the Child Jesus? recently the death penalty was commuted to 15 years in prison!


Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

As long as the Muslims think that there is only one Allah and that all the peoples of the planet are predestined to obtain a sacrosanct sharia genocide? they will always complain!

but, I don't think anyone could think that Islam or Koran or Arab League could get some legal legitimacy to carry out their genocides against the poor Chinese too !!

Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

of course it's all on my shoulders, but apparently you continue to trust the shoulders of Rothschild and his Wahhabis more than me, and if didn't get into WW3nuclear? unfortunately the merit was only mine!


Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

my metaphysics is not a fantasy:

why not lie or do the evil you do not want to receive against you, or we are all the same: this is the natural law:

Lion Judah☦️lorenzoJHWH

Israelis and Jews are totally trapped by the Wahhabi Saudis .. Allah said they will kill all the Chinese and that they will make a caliphate also in Beijing: besides: Erdogan will do his ISIS in Rome ..

then, without a realistic homeland: or in the midst of possessed sharia jihad: the collective suicide of a total nuclear world war is the last and the only possibility.

the life of mankind depends only on the Saudis: this is why they are my first target!


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