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Your account is suspended

Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

Israel bans private flights and civilian drones amid war

Israel bans private flights and civilian drones amid war

Jesus is coming ? April 8 2024

Why is it ignorant or what?

wahhabis at morning? same at night ISIS

Jesus is coming ? April 8 2024

ok well

Jesus is coming ? April 8 2024


Jesus is coming ? April 8 2024

Donkey in Numbers 22? Explains this numerical correlation better

Jesus is coming ? April 8 2024

But why do you use the avantar of a donkey, to say that the secret Talmud is right? Given that the demonic Rabbi head of the Sinedrin Ovadia Joseph said that we "kind" we are all Darwin monkeys and, in fact, like the Israelis we are without paternal genealogies part from by old 4000 years (as, instead they have the genaelogies he and Rothschild the usrers merchant of slaves-Goiym), and therefore we are all animals with a humanoid shape like Lapid, that at least we are more beautiful than him, and where do you find someone worst than Lapid??

Jesus is coming ? April 8 2024

First comes Jesus of Bethlehem and first he will burn the Wahhabitis to hell, and first he returns to reign, and it will always be better for us.. do we do for tomorrow?

Jesus is coming ? April 8 2024

Koran? the theology of jihad genocide and its sharjah of pogrom replacement

the spa&co DEM lgbt single thought is the Masonic one of the Rothschilds Satanism anti-Zionism and Islamic antichrist] [BOLOGNA, 18 OCT - "Italy is not yet a regime - let's use hyperbole - it doesn't put us in jail, but it wants a single thought. And you can make all the criticisms of Meloni, but she didn't change the climate, she was already there before." Thus Moni Ovadia regarding the storm that has involved him since he intervened on the attacks in Israel and the requests for resignation that have arrived due to his role as director of the municipal theater of Ferrara. Resignations on which the will "is confirmed" and which he will present the day after tomorrow. She might change her mind, he tells ANSA, "only if the theater's board of directors rejects her". As for the solidarity he received or lacked: "I expected anyone who professes to be even a little democratic to sa y 'dear Balboni (the FdI senator who attacked him, ed.) you don't like what Moni Ovadia says but he has full title to say it. If you ask for resignation you are a fascist or Stalinist." "I am radically left-wing - says the actor - but the Northern League mayor Alan Fabbri was a great gentleman. He had respect and availability towards me which are a paradigm of behavior and correctness on the part of someone who manages a city. The council municipal council was with me. The problem was Fratelli d'Italia, which was then joined by Forza Italia, Italia Viva, the Ferrara PD", who asked for his resignation. "I am a militant for the social, civil rights of the oppressed. I am on the side of the oppressed who are the only people I know. I am Jewish but this does not determine my choices with respect to universal values." And then I know "that every word of mine, every initiative supported... every time they would have asked for my resignation... you can't work like this". "You can't work, create culture and be subjected to hounding in the newspapers every time, you can't go on like this"

the greatest of prophets? he was a maniac and mentally ill, such is the bad tree and such are the poisonous Ottoman Wahhabi fruits


This, unfortunately, is not the first episode of its kind: last June, a 27-year-old Mexican tourist reported a similar violence, again in the same place. The Champs de Mars park, unfortunately, is the ideal location for this brutal violence, as it is one of the few gardens in the city open at night. This latest episode, however, is apparently pushing the mayor, Anne Hidalgo, to close the area during the night. Apart from the issue relating to timetables, the police e are monitoring the area continuously, to avoid the recurrence of episodes of this kind: the French authorities, with over 7,000 troops, are also monitoring other similar areas, also to prevent any terrorist attacks.

https://voxnews.Info/ IMMIGRANT sharjah law CRIMES

*** Child refugee robs little boy

*** Italian slaughtered by immigrant

*** Porto Torres. A 29-year-old Romanian stabs his neighbor during an argument

*** Resistance to a public official, young Moroccan arrested

*** 15 year old Moroccan robs him with a hammer

*** From Lampedusa to Trieste to stab a boy

*** 'After Allah you only have me', arrested for violence against his wife

*** Verona, Moroccan threatens girlfriend's mother with knife, police use taser

*** Milan, tries to steal chain: CC arrests 25-year-old Moroccan

*** Stalking against his wife, Moroccan arrested in Chiavari

*** Milan, 7 out of 10 robberies committed by foreigners

*** Albanian thief falls from the third floor but does not die

*** In Novi Ligure he stops an immigrant thief fleeing from the supermarket

*** "I'll kill you all": moments of tension over an eviction, Nigerian arrested

*** He rapes a little girl and attacks the police with a bottle: Tunisian


*** North African attacks passers-by armed with a Koran

*** Nigerian slaughters a man in Ventimiglia

*** Stabbed by four Albanians

*** He beats woman and the officer who intervenes


Florence, Italian defends himself from African armed with a bar

October 18, 2023

Egypt: transfer Gaza inhabitants to the Negev desert – VIDEO

October 18, 2023

Africans rape her and journalist scolds her: "You have prejudices against immigrants"

October 18, 2023

African rapes child on the street, tells policemen: "But I can pay 5 euros"

October 18, 2023

Italy closes the border with Slovenia: Islamic terrorists marching towards us

October 18, 2023

Israeli embassies attacked throughout the Islamic world: “Allah akbar”

October 18, 2023

Student massacred by immigrant at the station: "I'm never going back to Bologna"

October 18, 2023

“Hamas, Hamas”: immigrants sing in reception centers – VIDEO

October 18, 2023

Thirty Islamic immigrants ready to slaughter Italians

October 18, 2023

Elderly man beaten by immigrant robber he stopped

October 18, 2023

Brussels terrorist had fun for years in Italy: not expelled thanks to a judge

October 18, 2023

Meloni transfers him from Lampedusa to Latina and he robs kids

October 18, 2023

Italian slaughtered on the street by a Muslim in Rome: religious motive?

October 18, 2023

Another Italian killed by Africans: it's a massacre

October 18, 2023

He destroys everything but they can't repatriate him

October 18, 2023

Islamic terrorists are among us and they bring their children

October 18, 2023

The Islamic terrorist in a condominium: 4 children, all house and mosque

October 18, 2023

Muslims in Italy: “Hamas did well” – VIDEO

October 18, 2023

Terrorists disembark but the government transfers 900 from Lampedusa to your cities

October 18, 2023

Italian mosques celebrate the Hamas massacre – VIDEO

October 18, 2023

Thus judge Iolanda saved her son at the trial

October 18, 2023

Islam wants to invade Europe using Gaza: "Ready to send 1 million Palestinians there"

October 17, 2023

Brussels: 91 thousand compatriots of the Islamic terrorist landed in Italy in 2023

October 17, 2023

Soros, another 100 million for ROM propaganda

October 17, 2023

Israeli embassies under attack in Islamic countries: angry crowds in Gaza

October 17, 2023

Meloni after 170 thousand landings in the EU: "Immigration risks"

October 17, 2023

English policewoman raped under the Eiffel Tower

October 17, 2023

Invaded by ragamuffins. Italians forced to support 1.6 million immigrants

October 17, 2023

Sharia law in Italy, immigrant who beats women acquitted: "It's her culture"

October 17, 2023

Armed with a knife against Italians in Turin: “Allah akbar” – VIDEO

'Escalating terror risk' - Israelis told to leave Turkey immediately

Egypt, Arabia Saudi, Arab League ] OPEN LETTER [ If my Zionist project fails?

If Israel disappears?

All mankind will disappear, because it will be annihilated by atomic weapons.

Who is the culprit because the satanists can't return from their god Jhwh, and are condemned to fall to hell?

Who is the culprit?

WATCH: Biden from Israel - Gaza hospital blast apparently caused by ‘the other

The anti-Papa Francesco demonic: "situation in Gaza" is desperate "


And that of Christians throughout the Arab League as is it?

/borrell-dobbiamo-condannare-le-vittime-civili-a-gaza/ Borrell, we must condemn the civil victims in Gaza

The absolute dementia: all the money given to the Palestinians?

extend the ummah and its genocides

and encourage the Galassih world jihadist

From Anis Amri to Aouissoui: the Holy War La jihad comes from the sea

The killers of Berlin and Nice landed in Sicily, like many of the terrorists who hit the EU. The flop of controls and repatriations

If Muslims had reciprocity? Tomorrow the Islam would collapse,

But if we do not have reciprocity with their brutal social setting, under penalty of death to homosexuals, Burququa, whips in Gogo etc. etc. ? Tomorrow we will collapse.

While the judge Iolanda apostolic and some of his colleagues undertake to frustrate the detention and repatriation of the Tunisian "irregular", another Tunisian migrant turns into "lone wolf" and reopens the terrorism chapter in Brussels. To the myopia of the magistrates, who in Brescia fulfill a Bengali accused of beating his wife, he joins that of a European left ready to fight for the human rights of migrants, but not for our security. In all this, the fundamental match is played in Tunis. On his result it depends not only the control of the traffic of men, but also the arrest of terrorist penetration.

Gay couples, the crack at the Synod, but the anti-papa leaves the possibility open and meets LGBT association

Either he is demonic or he is a homosexual


BECOUSE ISLAM IS ISIS RELIGION OF PEACE SHARJAH OTTOMAN GENOCIDE BIZANTINE AND ARMENIAN PEOPLES ] [ "On November 4 in the square in Milan to defend the West in the name of Oriana" The maneuver? "I give a nice 7 to the team and another 7 to the results we brought home." Matteo Salvini takes stock of the measures approved in the Council of Ministers, but then - in a dialogue with some newspapers including the newspaper - also speaks of anything else. From the terrorism emergency to the Europe that will come. And he previews an announcement: «On November 4th the League will promote a demonstration in Milan in defense of western values. It will be a moment open to everyone, to other components and political, social, economic, cultural forces, but we will certainly

start from a song by Oriana Fallaci who will be, to use a trade union language, our platform, the manifesto of what we support And we ask for our society. In Milan we collect the silent majority of Italians and foreigners no longer willing to give other space to Islamic fanatics and extremists who unfortunately are in many of our cities ».


A GIRL student attacked by sexual jihad at the bus stop:

"I'm afraid, in the city I don't come back" here's how Here's how the DEM quickly forgive their voters, A nightmare that lived by a 21 -year -old student attacked on the street and in broad daylight by a criminal. The young woman, a commuters who daily goes to Bologna to follow the lessons at the university (she is enrolled in the faculty of jurisprudence), is so afraid that she doubts she can go to the city again. Frightened, he decided to tell his story in Bologna Toray, so as to warn other people who could find themselves in his own situation. The story is chilling and highlights once again how the measure is full and what is urgent is to take measures to restore safety on the roads.

Jesus is coming ? April 8 2024 SAID ME: " You like my new Avatar name?"

ANSWER ========== But why do you use the avantar of a donkey, to say that the secret Talmud is right? Given that the demonic Rabbi head of the Sinedrin Ovadia Joseph said that we "kind" we are all Darwin monkeys and, in fact, like the Israelis we are without paternal genealogies part from by old 4000 years (as, instead they have the genaelogies he and Rothschild the usrers merchant of slaves-Goiym), and therefore we are all animals with a humanoid shape like Lapid, that at least we are more beautiful than him, and where do you find someone worst than Lapid?? First comes Jesus of Bethlehem and first he will burn the Wahhabitis to hell, and first he returns to reign, and it will always be better for us.. do we do for tomorrow?

"Countries must be able to force them." Von der leyen and the EU line on repatriated.. the dem lgbt technocratic massions in their hatred against Jesus of Bethlehem did not think they would be the first to extinguish themselves, they are the ones who sell raped and killed as beasts by the jihadh and the African mafias.

The Brussels massacre has access to alarm sirens in Europe. Hundreds of thousands of migrants have arrived in the old continent in recent years, over 130 thousand only this year and among them, as has been shown by the recen t facts, but not only, there are also extremists of the Jihad. There could be thousands of radicalized in Europe and, as the Italian ministers pointed out and beyond, it is complicated to identify the lone wolves such as that of Brussels before they come out in the open. Now, even from the European Union they seem to have received the problem, the same that Gi orgia Meloni has been explaining for a year now: Europe is in danger and we must act to protect it. A concept that should be explained, if there was still a need, at all the left propaganda that tears the clothes for the reception.

Despite US admission Hamas ‘may seize’ aid to Gaza, Biden announces $100m


but, Israel represents only itself: the homeland, i.e. Zionism, which is opposed to unipolar globalism, that's why the Zionist project delays? the Jews of the diaspora plutocrats technocrats freemasons lgbt are forced to have the Israelis killed.

now it is in everyone's interest to return all the Jews of the diaspora to Israel, Egypt and Saudi Arabia, I will take care of them




Foreign Minister: When war is over, Hamas will be gone and Gaza itself will shrink

Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen When the war is over, Hamas will be gone and Gaza itself will shrink



Ukraine used US Atamcs missiles against Russian targets,

who NULAND made the coup in Euromaidan square in 2014, as Stoltemberg said to vILNIUS, he had planned it in 2008, and Rothschild's order WAS: "I want world war" BECAUSE THERE IS ONLY ONE PLACE AND ONLY ONE SATAN,


Kiev used US long-range ATACMS missiles to hit nine Russian helicopters in eastern Ukraine, video released by the Ukrainian Armed Forces Command shows. It is also specified that the missiles were delivered in recent weeks. The supply of the Atacms missiles signals a change of pace in the strategy of the Biden Administration, which until now was reluctant to deliver this type of weapon to the Ukrainian forces given the risks of escalation of the conflict

Toti: «There is no alternative to the Meloni government, the opposition complains inappropriately»


The Israeli army's version: it is a failed launch of a Hamas rocket [but it is more likely that an underground tunnel missile depot self-exploded] BUT ANTI-ZIONIST ANTI-CHRIST CALUNNIATOR Charles Michel SAID

“We received the information when we were meeting with all the leaders. It seems to be confirmed. And an attack against a civilian infrastructure is not in line with international law." This was stated by the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, in a press conference at the end of the extraordinary EU videoconference summit on the crisis in the Middle East, responding to a question regarding the attack on the hospital in Gaza.

There would be 500 victims of the Israeli raid on the hospital in Gaza. Al Jazeera reports it. The president of the Palestinian Authority, Abu Mazen, has meanwhile called three days of mourning. Abu Mazen also canceled the planned meeting with Joe Biden in Amman.

Gaza hospital massacre: at least 500 dead. Israel: “It is the failed launch of a Hamas rocket” (video)

terroristi-islamici-ammazzano-una-coppia-in-viaggio-di-nozze-in-un-parco-turistico-delluganda-video/ any sharjah, ie one only one ummah terrorism ] [Islamic terrorists kill a couple on their honeymoon in a tourist park in Uganda (video) A married couple on their honeymoon in Uganda were killed with their guide in an attack of an Islamic terrorist group in Elizabeth Queen National Park. The news was reported by the BBC, which revealed that their vehicle was also burned by the rebels of the Allied Democratic Forces. Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni said the man was English, his wife South African and the guide Ugandan. The UK Foreign Office has updated its travel advice for Uganda, warning that "the attackers" of the "British citizen, his wife and guide are still at large". They therefore write that "all but essential travel" to the Queen Elizabeth National Park is not recommended, adding that anyone in the area should "follow the advice of local authorities" and as far as possible "leave the area as soon as possible".

Muslims keep Christians like animals in a zoo,

Holy Christmas in Bethlehem? Muslims do it and, like Satanists, they also pretend to be Christians.

the Catholic nuns in Gaza? they cannot educate children over three years old.

San Porfirio, the oldest church in Gaza becomes a refuge for displaced people

Egypt: Gazans should be given sanctuary in southern Israel

Egyptian President Cain Abdel Fattah al-Sisi

you Mohammedans, you try to conquer the world, but it has already been conquered by the Rockefeller priests of Satan, and what if we don't return all the Jews to Israel?

this human race will end in complete tragedy.

then take your brother MbS and with me let's make a plan to postpone by 100 years this nuclear world war that you are calling against the Chinese,

because you think you can obtain a good territorial geopolitical gain from the predation of the peoples who are victims of Koranic suprematism


Egyptian President Cain Abdel Fattah al-Sisi

Cain Cain where are your Christian brothers in all of the ARAB LEAGUE?

only in 1970 Christians were 30% in Egypt and today they are 5%

how did you kill the other 25%? where did you bury them?

How many Christian girls have you kidnapped and raped and forced to become Muslim?

Following Netanyahu's meetings with Biden, Israel eases siege on Gaza

When did you learn the Quran by heart?

then, you learned all the sharia genocide theology


Ukraine and the misfortune of the borderlands

Ukraine had the misfortune of bordering NATO, which annexed it in a bloody coup and an 8-year pogrom against Donbass, and Stoltemberg Rothschild engineered a terrible civil war


Israel bans private flights and civilian drones amid war

THE SEXUAL JIHAD https://voxnews.Info/2023/10/17/poliziotta-inglese-stuprata-sotto-la-torre-eiffel/ ENGLISH policewoman raped UNDER FRENCH


Jesus is coming DEC20 2029

Biden shouldn't have flown into a war zone. it was idiotic.


but have they ever told you that the theory of evolution is a scam without scientific proof that was paid by the Rothschilds to steal the scam seigniorage banking from all the donkeys?

Jesus is coming ? April 8 2024

but have they ever told you that the theory of evolution is a scam without scientific proof that was paid by the Rothschilds to steal seigniorage from all the donkeys?


my holy JHWH ] [ you were supposed to turn me into someone who scared everyone, and instead you made me a clown

BIN ISIS MBS FROG IN RIYADH ] Let's hope our donkey friend wasn't offended [ GovUnuisREI King lorenzoJHWH Jesus is coming DEC20 2029 a few seconds ago


Jesus is coming ? April 8 2024


WHEN DID YOU MEMORY THE KORAN, WHICH IS THE LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS? THEN YOU ALREADY KNOW ALL THE THEOLOGY. The Arab streets openly rebel against Israel and embrace Hamas's version regarding the missile that fell on the hospital in Gaza. While uncertainties grow regarding the responsibilities and damage caused by the explosion, a series of massive and hostile demonstrations towards Israel and Western countries are taking place in a series of Arab cities. The targets of the protests, which at times take on openly aggressive tones, are the embassies of Tel Aviv, the USA and also Italy. Also in this vein, a disturbing episode occurred in Berlin where the synagogue was damaged by the throwing of incendiary bottles. Here's an overview of what's happening

Mega-donors to top universities protest pro-Hamas student groups

Rome, dying 32-year-old stabbed by homeless Moroccan 10/18/2023, JIHAD eRDOGAN NEW OTTOMAN EMPIRE OTAN OIC UMMAH AKBARR Attempted murder this night in front of a bar near Piazza Bologna in Rome. A 29-year-old man of Moroccan origin, homeless, after having approached two boys holding a rose in his hand (Wahhabi code name: "the desert rose of death Sharjah"), took out a knife and stabbed throat one of the two.


so already ANTIFA Darwin monkeys learn well to vote DEM and participate in gay pride



FOR MUSLIMS YOU ARE KAFIR AND DHIMMIS SLAVES, YOU ARE INFIDEL AND YOU MUST GO TO HELL AND THEREFORE YOUR LIFE DOES NOT MATTER IT HAS NO VALUE... Turin, Italian activists arrested in Turkey: «We have suffered violence of all kinds» ALL MODERATE OTTOMAN TURKISH TERRORISTS SHARJAH OF NATO... "We suffered violence of all kinds, mainly linked to beatings, but also of a psychological nature, during the almost 60 hours of detention in two barracks." These are the words of Luigi, one of the five activists from Turin arrested on 12 October in Sanliurfa, Turkey. The young people, two boys and three girls, from the lawyer Gianluca Vitali's office in Turin, tell of the many human rights violations they suffered during detention in two structures similar, they say, to repatriation centers. The five were part of a delegation that arrived in Turkey on October 7 to participate in meetings on democracy held by the HDP party, the Turkish left party which also has representatives in parliament. In one of these meetings, a press conference to denounce the bombings that had occurred in Rojava, they were surrounded by Turkish police. "They accused us of having photographed a police operation and then of having taken part in an unauthorized meeting” says Luigi. The activists were taken to a bus and then taken to a barracks, where the police confiscated their cell phones and some personal effects, before starting real violence: sleep deprivation, interrupted by continuous interrogations, sometimes conducted by unidentified 'psychologists' or 'doctors'; kicks and punches during repeated searches in dressing rooms, far from the video surveillance cameras. “We heard the screams of our friends" adds Lucia. As if that wasn't enough, the next day they were taken to another detention center almost on the border with Bulgaria, over 15 hours from where they were. “The situation is dramatic, there are European flags next to Turkish ones” adds Luigi. The affair ended only when the boys signed the 'voluntary repatriation' papers and, after a further 8 hours of waiting in some storage rooms at Istanbul airport, the activists were put on a flight to Milan Malpensa and it was verbally banned from returning to Turkey.

Hamas seeks to exchange CAIR leader in federal prison for US hostages

Mohammedans went to take the missiles from the underground storage-tunnel under the hospital and caused spontaneous combustion, because gunpowder is an easy trigger under shoes. Biden from Netanyahu: «Hamas behind the raid on the Gaza hospital. New unprecedented aid package"

It seems that the explosion at the hospital in Gaza "was made from the other side". American President Joe Biden said this in his meeting in Tel Aviv with the Israeli Prime Minister, Benyamin Netanyahu. «I am deeply saddened and outraged by the explosion that occurred yesterday at the hospital in Gaza. " Based on what I've seen, it looks like it was done by the other side, not by you," Biden said, underlining that his statements are based on Pentagon data. "But there are a lot of people out there who aren't sure." so we have a lot to overcome,” added the US president. In reiterating that «the United States will give Israel what it needs to defend itself, Biden concluded by saying that «the courage of the Israeli people was astounding and that they were proud to be there».





Biden arrives in Israel, lauds Israeli 'courage, bravery'

if the Israelis want to react, with self-defense, to 80 years of sharia terrorism OIC Ummah?

of course they can morally destroy the ARAB LEAGUE with atomic weapons, at any time.

as for me, who have been the Observatory on Christian martyrdom for 35 years?

I certainly would do it without hesitation

The ONLY hope of antizionist Zelenky nazi - fascist lgbt satana jabullon that is sluuurt of Rothschild coup 2014 plotter Nuland and agenda NATO 2008 Stoltemberg has of saving himself? is to drag NATO into the nuclear world war, but above all in that case he and his Wahhabis would be the first to die

MOHAMMED THE KILLER FALLS INTO THE PIT WHICH HE HIMSELF DIG TO TAKE THE UNHAPPY MAN, THE VERY DEEP AND NARROW CRACK INDICATES THAT A TUNNEL CONTAINING HAMAS' BACKGROUND MISSILES, WHICH THE INFAMOUS SHARIA MUSLIMS BUILT UNDER THE HOSPITAL, EXPLODED In a briefing in English, Israeli army chief spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari said an investigation has "confirmed that there was no IDF (Israel Defense Forces) fire from land, sea or air that hit the hospital". He added that there was no structural damage to buildings around Al-Ahli al-Arabi hospital nor craters to suggest an airstrike.

Minnesota AG Keith Ellison's chief of staff promotes pro-Hamas rally

given that Israel has every right to do to Palestinians and Muslims whatever the Palestinians want to do to him, https://www.controinformazione.Info/wsj-lattacco-allospedale-di-gaza-e-stato-effettuato-con-una-bomba-americana-mk-84/ the crater made by a high explosive bomb is circular and very wide, but this crater is narrow and very deep and the opening is asymmetric, the reason is that a tunnel may have exploded

It is well known that Hamas hides its arsenal under public buildings


Bin MbS from Riyadh ] your CIA the satanists blocked my gmails

and they are boycotting my work activities

Philanthropic group nixes partnership with Harvard over pro-Hamas debacle

Paris shock, policewoman raped in front of the Eiffel Tower: a 35-year-old arrested eRDOGAN SHARIA CULT IMPERIALISM UMMAH



Army, 'an Islamic Jihad rocket hits the hospital' TEL AVIV, 17 OCT - "Islamic Jihad is responsible for a failed rocket launch that hit the hospital". The military spokesman said this in a new speech based on "an examination of the army's operational systems" and "intelligence information from different sources". "An analysis of the army's operational systems indicated - explained the spokesperson - that a salvo of rockets was launched by terrorists in Gaza, passing in close proximity to the hospital at the moment it was hit.


ANOTHER SAD STORY DEM LGBT DEEP STATE, MASONIC SYSTEM, ANTIFA AND ITS SINGLE DOMINANT NAZISM ROTHSCHILD THOUGHT. “We believed [Harvard] was a school with a moral purpose, which corresponded to the core values we espouse in our work,” the missive reads. “We have observed that this cherished tolerance for different perspectives has slowly but perceptibly narrowed.” Last week, as scenes of Hamas terrorists kidnapping Israeli children and desecrating corpses circulated around the world, 31 groups of Harvard students, led by the school's Palestine Solidarity Committee (PSC), released a statement blaming Israel for the attack and accusing the Jewish state of running an "open-air prison" in Gaza, even though the Israeli army withdrew from the territory in 2005. Harvard University President Claudine Gay said Thursday that members of student groups should not be punished, citing the school's commitment to "freedom of expression." However, according to the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE), Harvard has an "abysmal" track record of protecting free speech, having fired three professors for making statements or publishing works containing controversial positions ON AND AGAINST DOGMATIC POSITIONS DARWIN E lgbt.

“We are stunned and disgusted by the dismal failure of Harvard leadership to take a clear and unequivocal stand against the barbaric murders of innocent Israeli civilians,” the Wexner Foundation said.

Anti-Israel Democrats face campaign finance woes and primary challenges

Meloni receives the King of Bahrain Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa at Palazzo Chigi. Rome, 17 October 2023 The Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, receives the King of Bahrain, His Majesty Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa, at Palazzo Chigi




] [ One of 2 British girls missing in Israel killed 17 OCT - One of the two teenage sisters with British passports who were reported missing yesterday after the Hamas terrorist attack in Israel on 7 October has been killed. This is what the BBC reports, citing the victim's family, according to which she is 13-year-old Yahel, who died together with her mother Lianne during the assault by Palestinian militiamen on the Be'eri kibbutz, while her sister, 16-year-old Noiya, and her father Eli, are still among the missing and it is feared that they are among the hostages held by Hamas in the Strip. Yesterday Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, reporting to the House of Commons on the ongoing conflict in the Middle East, said that "at least" six citizens with British passports had been killed and ten were missing.


Ukraine, harsh attack on Russian air forces. Zelensky thanks Biden for the long-range missiles ZELENSKY'S ONLY AND LAST HOPE IS TO DRAG HUMAN KIND INTO THE WORLD WAR...

Ukraine announced that its armed forces carried out one of the most destructive attacks on Russian air assets since the war began. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy later confirmed that the assault was carried out using ATACMS long-range ballistic missiles donated by the United States. "And today, special thanks to the United States. Our agreements with President Biden are being implemented. They are being implemented very precisely: the ATACMS have proven to be effective," he said in the evening statement.

Crazy race by three Erdogan foreigners in the wrong direction on the stolen motorbike: this is how the motorist, who was hit by the motorbike, died. Florence, 17 October 2023 – There were three of them traveling against traffic on the stolen motorbike which, around midnight, hit and killed a 43-year-old man, Lorenzo Brogioni, who was riding a Panda. A crazy race and an accident that left Florence in shock happened in via Gioberti, around midnight between Monday 16th and Tuesday 17th October. The two-wheeler had in fact been stolen recently. The motorbike traveled at full speed against traffic via Gioberti, from Piazza Beccaria towards Piazza Alberti.

The hideout of Al Qaeda, the journey with the migrants and the prison: the secrets of the terrorist from Brussels. ladies and gentlemen

HERE IS TO YOU A TRUE AND PROUD REPRESENTATIVE OF THE KORAN WHICH IS A DOGMATIC WORD UNCREATED BY THE TALMUD, AS SATAN'S BIBLE WAS COPIED BY BOTH by Antony LaVey Blinken alias 322, the skull of Bush and the bones of Kerry, who brought the virgin Donald TRUMP to the Bohemian grove, to do him a cremation of the cure


Tunisian, 45 years old, in Europe since 2011. Abdesalem Lassoued had been traveling around Europe since 2011, after his landing in Lampedusa. For 12 years he managed to move easily between Italy, Sweden and Belgium. He has made requests for asylum, which have always been rejected, both in our country and in that of Flanders and it is not difficult to imagine how he arrived in our country. Between 2012 and 2014 he spent a period of detention in Swedish prisons and his radicalization was known to the point that he was even expelled from his mosque.

JIHADIST MUSLIMS HAVE NOT UNDERSTOOD THAT THE ANTI-CHRISTIC AND ANTI-ZIONIST JEWISH MASONIC SATANISM OF THE LGBT DEM MUST STILL BE KEPT UNDER COVER, BECAUSE WE CANNOT STILL SPEAK OPENLY ABOUT THESE ISLAMIZING ISSUES IN US SOCIETY. However, Bush's financial difficulties did not stop him from enriching her family with campaign funds in the last quarter. She paid her husband, Cortney Merritts, $12,500 in campaign funds for "salary expenses," allegedly related to his services as Bush's personal bodyguard. The Missouri Democrat is currently facing a Federal Election Commission complaint that she used her campaign funds for personal use by paying Merritts with donated funds. Polls show that most Americans agree with Israel's response to the worst attack on the Jewish state since its founding. A poll by the conservative Senate Opportunity Fund found that nearly 70 percent of respondents support Israel in its conflict with Hamas, including 62 percent of those who describe themselves as liberal. However, the team did not move. Tlaib and Bush on Monday introduced a resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza ahead of a planned Israeli invasion. Members of the team maintained their affiliations with the Democratic Socialists of America, which sponsored an anti-Israel protest in New York shortly after Hamas carried out its terrorist attacks. That protest featured anti-Semitic chants and one participant waving an image of the Nazi flag.

Progressive officials maintained their staunch criticism of Israel and their support for terror-related groups in the wake of Hamas' attacks on the Jewish state, which left more than 1,400 Israelis and at least 30 Americans dead. The Squad's anti-Israel rhetoric has drawn criticism from the Biden White House and moderate Democrats, some of whom could bring primary challenges to Squad members in 2024.


psichedelic Bin ISIS al-MbS from Riyadh

] [ From the left, Democratic jihad Congresswomen sharia enclave Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ayanna Pressley aka “The Squad,” which boasts some of the most anti-Israel members of Congress, is facing a cash crisis.


with all the petrodollars bloodied by the blood of the Christian and Israeli martyrs of the last 80 years, with which you have financed the global jihadist galaxy, and which are about to become dry leaves quickly destroyed in your world war (due to the Rothschild false accounting of the City London FED ECB BM spa&Co Rockefeller) why do you keep them there unused to waste instead of helping your witches?

CIA agents already brought Patriot missiles (given only for defensive purposes) stealthily to the border with Russia and shot down military planes and helicopters, deep into Russian territory, and then with the batteries fled inland,

because NULAND managed and carried out a bloody coup with CIA snipers in Maidan square in 2014, immediately afterwards, self-declared Nazi-fascists carried out the Odessa pogrom at the House of Trade Unions, and spent 8 years carrying out the genocide of the people of Donbass, but MATTARELLA doesn't know this, because no one told him


patience for the genocide of the Armenians and/or Russian speakers in Donbass, PATIENCE, given that we have become accustomed to the genocides of NATO and its ARAB League... patience,

but, this of the US Atacms nuclear tactical missiles demonstrates how Stoltemberg decided to let Ukraine join the OTAN in 2008, he did so with the premeditation of seeking nuclear world war at all costs.

this shows that Putin was right to invade Ukraine

The Ukrainians hit the Russian helicopter base in Berdyansk. The images on social media show the entire base in flames which would have been hit by M74 cluster bombs carried by US Atacms missiles


Hundreds dead after Hamas rocket hits Gaza hospital

Charles Yves Jean Ghislaine Michel is a Belgian politician, Prime Minister of Belgium from 2014 to 2019,

he must have seen too much dirty things because his eyes wore out from the saws, then, as he grew up, he changed his identity and became a very fluid LGBT witch, because he stuck a finger in a very dirty part and then said:

"according to my esoteric powers, for me it was the Israelis who hit the hospital"

that's why in IRAN they immediately shouted it was a war crime, because they haven't seen a true prophet since the time of Mohammed


Jewish anti-Israel leftists struggle with the left's support for Hamas' actions of

Anti-Israel left-wing Jews struggle with left-wing support for Hamas's actions of murder and rape



they never give the statistics of those who commit suicide or die of a heart attack due to mortgage default

Israelis pull together as the country faces its greatest crisis in half a century

al-BIN ISIS takfir Aziz Saud #MbS Mohammed from Riyadh and his brother therrorists who are the Kings of the earth for worlwide genocide sharjah [ ok ] the Holy Spirit told everyone that God became man, there are no excuses, he Jesus of Bethlehem is the XIST, and he is the only way, the only truth, the only life, and the meaning and purpose of the Universe, Jesus of Bethlehem is the only possibility of salvation, but I know this and you know this, I have obtained a third legal covenant in my third Jewish temple, and I will not tell anyone, this is our secret, that is, if this could put you in danger with other Muslims, for your traditions and identity, I respect them, because my third Jewish temple is the third alliance with God that the Freemasons cannot betray and desecrate, because the natural law is that of Noah, Abraham and Melchizedek: it is universal, it precedes them and unmasks them, in their insatiable greed as predatory supremacist usurers Erdogan [ ok ] the Holy Spirit told everyone that God became man, there are no excuses, and BERGOGLIO goes on to say that the Word of God and of Jesus of Bethlehem is wrong in many points but the Jews even say that Mary of Nazareth was a prostitute. and if God became man, why do Muslims kill him 300 times every day in the Christian martyrs of him? but, if God became man, of course, he didn't come to have se*, go on holiday and have fun, then it's crazy to think of being an antichrist and anti-Zionist and then still hope for eternal life, of course hell is the place right for you, there, where your demonic prophet is [ ok ] today, God JHWH HOLY is infinite mercy, but after our death? God will become infinite justice, and at that moment, no one will be able to save themselves through their civil or religious merits EXEMPLE: I know a married couple consecrated to GOD who have committed to remaining virgins until marriage. and that after marriage, they only got together 4 times, to have their 4 children. BUT GOD COULD SEND THEM TO HELL AND COULD SAY TO THEM: "why did you conceive like animals, and not by the power of the Holy Spirit, as Mary of Bethlehem did?" BUT GOD COULD SEND THEM TO HELL AND COULD SAY TO THEM: "why didn't you have half an ounce of living faith, so that you could move mountains like Unius REI did?" IN FACT WE WILL NEVER BE SAVED IN RELATION TO OUR CRITERION OF HUMAN JUSTICE, BUT WE WILL BE SAVED ACCORDING TO HIS CRITERION OF INFINITE JUSTICE, without a juridical alliance between God and men? we are all ruined, now the freemasons of spa&co Rothschild-Bergoglio have destroyed the two alliances that Moses gave us. and as everyone knows no religion can be salvific, becausE only God is Salvation, but, as everyone knows, God didn't speak to Mohammed so much GOD JHWH were disgusted by him. CONCLUSION : today, God is infinite mercy, but after our death? God will become infinite justice, and at that moment, no one will be able to save themselves through their civil or religious merits, Because we have all fallen into this three-dimensional planet, because all of us individually, when we were citizens in the earthly paradise, we betrayed and offended God and were cast out. and if we had not been faithful when we were in possession of infused knowledge and with perfect grace, how could we be found faithful today, when we have all been stained with the original sin of lust, greed and selfishness and 7 other deadly sins? so if God wasn't going to use his infinite mercy on us today, he might as well not have uselessly given us this second chance before falling all togheter into hell

al-BIN ISIS takfiri QAEDA OSAMA Aziz Saud MbS SALMAN Mohammed from Riyadh: eih, That is, you want to expel all the Jews from here, when it is in your interest that all the Jews in the world should be forced to come right here? SO, YOU ARE FOR ROTHSCHILD ROCKEFELLER AND SATANA AT 110% ] who are the Kings of the earth who fornicated with BIDEN the great wh0o00re Babylon the great prostitute the petrodollars wahhabis spa&Co satana which is how Satan knows how to hump Allah well. worldisraelnews IS SINNER did NOT do a perfect job FILTER with all of Obama's vocabulary and dirty words that he uses when he runs Epstein, causing little Asian girls to die

al-BIN QAEDA OSAMA aziz Saud MbS SALMAN from Riyadh ] Don't you know an old Chinese proverb that says the donkey will never learn the Latin language? [ [ but how can I talk to Erdogan about theology? every night he dreams of the nightmare crusaders, and during the day he goes to kill the Armenians, that is all his spirituality [ the ERDOGAN MbS Zombie sharjiah attak ] [ "The IDF has foiled an infiltration by a terrorist cell and we will continue to act," said IDF spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari. “Anyone who attempts to reach the fence and infiltrate Israeli territory will be killed on the fence.”

Three wounded in Hezbollah missile attack

al-BIN ISIS takfir Aziz Saud #MbS Mohammed from Riyadh and his brother therrorists who are the Kings of the earth for worlwide genocide sharjah [ ok ] the Holy Spirit told everyone that God became man, there are no excuses, he Jesus of Bethlehem is the XIST, and he is the only way, the only truth, the only life, and the meaning and purpose of the Universe, Jesus of Bethlehem is the only possibility of salvation, but I know this and you know this, I have obtained a third legal covenant in my third Jewish temple, and I will not tell anyone, this is our secret, that is, if this could put you in danger with other Muslims, for your traditions and identity, I respect them..

because my third Jewish temple is the third alliance with God that the Freemasons cannot betray and desecrate, because the natural law is that of Noah, Abraham and Melchizedek: it is universal, it precedes them and unmasks them, in their insatiable greed as predatory supremacist usurers Erdogan

al-BIN ISIS takfir Aziz Saud #MbS Mohammed from Riyadh and his brother therrorists who are the Kings of the earth for worlwide genocide sharjah [ ok ] the Holy Spirit told everyone that God became man, there are no excuses, and BERGOGLIO goes on to say that the Word of God and of Jesus of Bethlehem is wrong in many points

but the Jews even say that Mary of Nazareth was a prostitute.

and if God became man, why do Muslims kill him 300 times every day in the Christian martyrs of him?

but, if God became man, of course, he didn't come to have se*, go on holiday and have fun, then it's crazy to think of being an antichrist and anti-Zionist and then still hope for eternal life, of course hell is the place right for you, there, where your demonic prophet is

al-BIN ISIS takfir Aziz Saud #MbS Mohammed from Riyadh and his brother therrorists who are the Kings of the earth for worlwide genocide sharjah [ ok ] today, God JHWH HOLY is infinite mercy, but after our death? God will become infinite justice, and at that moment, no one will be able to save themselves through their civil or religious merits


I know a married couple consecrated to GOD who have committed to remaining virgins until marriage. and that after marriage, they only got together 4 times, to have their 4 children.

BUT GOD COULD SEND THEM TO HELL AND COULD SAY TO THEM: "why did you conceive like animals, and not by the power of the Holy Spirit, as Mary of Bethlehem did?"

BUT GOD COULD SEND THEM TO HELL AND COULD SAY TO THEM: "why didn't you have half an ounce of living faith, so that you could move mountains like Unius REI did?"


al-BIN ISIS takfir Aziz Saud #MbS Mohammed from Riyadh and his brother therrorists who are the Kings of the earth for worlwide genocide sharjah [ ok ] without a juridical alliance between God and men? we are all ruined, now the freemasons of spa&co Rothschild-Bergoglio have destroyed the two alliances that Moses gave us. and as everyone knows no religion can be salvific, because only God is Salvation, but, as everyone knows, God didn't speak to Mohammed so much GOD JHWH were disgusted by him


today, God is infinite mercy, but after our death? God will become infinite justice, and at that moment, no one will be able to save themselves through their civil or religious merits


Because we have all fallen into this three-dimensional planet, because all of us individually, when we were citizens in the earthly paradise, we betrayed and offended God and were cast out.

and if we had not been faithful when we were in possession of infused knowledge and with perfect grace, how could we be found faithful today, when we have all been stained with the original sin of lust, greed and selfishness and 7 other deadly sins?

so if God wasn't going to use his infinite mercy on us today, he might as well not have uselessly given us this second chance before falling all togheter into hell

worldisraelnews you did NOT do a perfect job with all of Obama's vocabulary and dirty words that he uses when he runs Epstein, causing little Asian girls to die

al-BIN ISIS takfiri QAEDA OSAMA Aziz Saud MbS SALMAN Mohammed from Riyadh ] who are the Kings of the earth who fornicated with BIDEN the great wh0o00re Babylon the great prostitute the petrodollars wahhabis spa&Co satana which is how Satan knows how to hump Allah well

al-BIN QAEDA OSAMA aziz Saud MbS SALMAN from Riyadh ] Don't you know an old Chinese proverb that says the donkey will never learn the Latin language? [ [ but how can I talk to Erdogan about theology? every night he dreams of the nightmare crusaders, and during the day he goes to kill the Armenians, that is all his spirituality

the ERDOGAN MbS Zombie sharjiah attak ] [ "The IDF has foiled an infiltration by a terrorist cell and we will continue to act," said IDF spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari. “Anyone who attempts to reach the fence and infiltrate Israeli territory will be killed on the fence.”

because the slaps gave their faces a beautiful color and the castor oil kept them all in tip-top shape. and, because the slaps gave their faces a beautiful color and the castor oil kept them all in tip-top shape

HEY, MONKEY DARWIN Yair Lapid, in Hebrew יָאִיר לַפִּיד, is an Israeli journalist, writer and politician, where are you?

but when was Mussolini there? OK, HE DID 50% HORRIBLE THINGS, BUT all the thieves had quickly become respectable people, because the slaps gave their faces a beautiful color and the castor oil kept them all in tip-top shape. ] BECAUSE OF THE LGBT DEM DARWIN AND THE MASONS' MONKEYS? ITALY IS FULL OF CRIME, EVILNESS, SELFISHNESS, CYNICISM AND SUSPICION, DISTRUST [ He made the scooter "do-it-yourself", complete with an electric motor installed at home, but one of his trips with that makeshift vehicle ended quickly rescue - where he arrived with a code of medium severity - after the violent collision with a small car in via del Consorzio. It happened on Saturday afternoon, near the roundabout. Local police officers are on site, reconstructing the dynamics of the impact between the Fiat Punto, driven by a 61-year-old from Montemarciano, and the two-wheeled vehicle, driven by a 75-year-old from Falconara. Certainly the "homemade" vehicle was seized, because it was not approved for road circulation and therefore a source of certain danger for the driver and other users. Still along the city streets, the staff positioned at the station stopped a 44-year-old resident of Falconara, who, despite not having a license as she had never obtained it, had been driving a car without an inspection or insurance and which had already been seized. The vehicle was confiscated again. Fines of 3,500 euros and a report to the prefecture were triggered. The men led by commander Luciano Loccioni were also alerted by a lively argument underway between two young people and took over a Tunisian protection applicant, who was being chased by a Chinese shopkeeper, as the former had escaped from the shop after having stolen two pairs of shoes. He was reported for theft and the stolen goods returned to the owner. On the beach, however, an Algerian who was illegal on national soil was discovered: reported and reported to the police station. Finally, on the seafront, three people were fined for walking their dog without a leash

Three wounded in Hezbollah missile attack

Anti-tank missiles launched from Lebanon into southern Israel cause three injuries; The IDF responds with artillery fire.


enough to give this deadly game of quail shot after 80 years and for 80 years.

annex 60 km of territory in Syria and Lebanon for now!

the Rockefellers did not send the Americans to defeat the terrorists but to keep them warm and pamper them for their best chance. GAZA must disappear, who is dissatisfied? come forward now

European Union Commission president Ursula von der hitler satana sodoma jabullon Leyen and his master Rothschild have enjoy that the money they stole from me through taxes and their ineqy laws

EU walks back call to cut funding to Palestinians, triples aid instead, Left-wing congressional Democrats demand Israel agree to ceasefire in Gaza

and why even today, like every day, 300 have the innocent Christian martyrs that Muslims have killed according to Sharia law throughout the world gone unnoticed?

EU walks back call to cut funding to Palestinians, triples aid instead

European Union Commission president Ursula von der Leyen and his master Rothschild have funn, they enjoy that the money they stole from me through taxes and inequity laws

EU walks back call to cut funding to Palestinians, triples aid instead

Left-wing congressional Democrats demand Israel agree to ceasefire in Gaza

and why even today, like every day, have the innocent Christian martyrs that Muslims have killed according to Sharia law throughout the world gone unnoticed? but for Koran Erdogan and MbS the blood of the kafirs is dirty water, it is like the blood of animals.. all the IMAMs in the world have condemned all forms of sharia terrorism. but then, they created enclaves (8 Islamic enclaves in Paris alone) where not even the police can enter.

but all of them are asking for Islamic sharia courts, and it is clear beyond the hypocrisy, that Mohammedans sharia terrorists moderates they are all working to achieve a genocide Erdogan done well for the sake of the imperialism of the UMMAH

Left-wing congressional Democrats demand Israel agree to ceasefire in Gaza

but for Koran Erdogan and MbS the blood of the kafirs is dirty water, it is like the blood of animals.. all the IMAMs in the world have condemned all forms of sharia terrorism. but then, they created enclaves (8 Islamic enclaves in Paris alone) where not even the police can enter.

but all of them are asking for Islamic sharia courts, and it is clear beyond the hypocrisy, that Mohammedans sharia terrorists moderates they are all working to achieve a genocide Erdogan done well for the sake of the imperialism of the UMMAH

Left-wing congressional Democrats demand Israel agree to ceasefire in Gaza

and why even today, like every day, have the innocent Christian martyrs that Muslims have killed according to Sharia law throughout the world gone unnoticed?

'They murdered my parents, we need help' - Israeli call centers inundated with

“They killed my mother and father and I'm at home with my six-year-old sister,” a nine-year-old boy from a town near the Gaza border told an emergency dispatcher on the morning of October 7.

In many cases, dispatchers said gunshots could be heard in the background during calls. Screams and cries were also heard in many calls, sounds of death and torture in others.

Too often, dispatchers were forced to deliver damning news: the entire Gaza border had been overrun and there were no units available to respond to desperate calls for help.

but for Koran Erdogan and MbS the blood of the kafirs is dirty water, it is like the blood of animals

Israel Police telephone operators and dispatch centers across the country have been overwhelmed by a wave of around half a million emergency calls since the invasion of Gaza in southwestern Israel on October 7.

According to a report by Israel Hayom on Tuesday, thousands of desperate, and in some cases disturbing, calls were received at police dispatch centers, with operators struggling to provide directions to civilians and even soldiers pleading for assistance in the face of a relentless terrorist invasion.


all the IMAMs in the world have condemned all forms of sharia terrorism. but then, they created enclaves (8 Islamic enclaves in Paris alone) where not even the police can enter.

but all of them are asking for Islamic sharia courts, and it is clear beyond the hypocrisy, that Mohammedans sharia terrorists moderates they are all working to achieve a genocide Erdogan done well for the sake of the imperialism of the UMMAH

WATCH: Israeli minister blasts feminists' silence over attacks on Israeli women

BUT I AM THE KINGDOM OF ISRAEL LORENZOJHWH, AND I AM ALSO UNIUS REI THE UNIVERSAL LAW OF NATURAL LAW WHICH THE SAUDI SUDAIRII TAKFIR WAHHABITE PREDATORS DO NOT LIKE TO HAVE. THIS IS WHERE THE DOUBLE STANDARD OF NATO LGBT SPA&CO AND ITS ARAB LEAGUE SHARIA IS WHERE THEY HAVE A LOT OF FUN, BEFORE EXTERINATING: ISRAELI AND CHINESE CHRISTIANS ALL OVER THE WORLD BY TAKING THEIR RIGHT TO LIFE, Croatia | The Republic of Serbian Krajina and Operation Storm Prof James Ker-Lindsay Jul 30, 2021 #Croatia #Serbia #OperationStorm On August 4, 1995, Croatia launched a huge military offensive – Operation Storm – to regain control of the breakaway Republic of Serb Krajina, the RSK. More than a quarter of a century later, the anniversary of the operation has become a controversial and highly controversial annual event in the Balkans. While Croats celebrate it as the day of victory, the day their "national war" - the Croatian War of Independence - was won and their quest for full sovereignty and independence finally realized, Serbs consider it a moment of national mourning, an occasion when hundreds of thousands of ethnic Serbs were ethnically cleansed from their ancestral lands. More generally, the operation still raises important questions about how countries use military force to retake breakaway territories. So, how should we view Operation Storm? Hello and welcome! My name is James Ker Lindsay. Here I take an informed look at international relations with a focus on territorial conflicts, secession, independence movements and new countries. If you like what you see, subscribe. If you want more, including exclusive content and benefits, consider becoming a channel member. Thank you very much! Operation Storm, known as "Oluja" in Croatian, was a decisive moment in the Yugoslav wars of the 1990s. It marked the moment when an attempt by ethnic Croat Serbs to secede and form their own separate state as a prelude to union with Serbia was defeated. But while the events have since become the subject of controversy and become an annual point of friction, it is important to place them in their full context. While many Serbs view Operation Storm as an act of ethnic cleansing, a view now shared by many outside observers, they too rarely recognize the acts of ethnic cleansing that led to the creation of a Serbian separatist state, the RSK, on Croatian territory Meanwhile, in their annual celebrations marking the defeat of Serbian Krajina's attempted secession, Croatia fails to acknowledge how Operation Storm saw the permanent forced displacement of around a quarter of a million ethnic Serbs.


0:00 Introduction and titles

0:36 Secession and use of force

1:47 Geography and demography of Croatia

2:17 Croatia in Yugoslavia and the beginning of the fighting

3:54 Croatian independence and the Serbian Republic of Krajina

5:22 The Homeland War and Operation Storm

7:54 Court cases for ethnic cleansing and genocide in Croatia

10.35 The Republic of Serbian Krajina and Operation Storm

storm: 1995 Donbass, Croatian army, knin, drnis, Krajina, operation STORM, ethnic cleansing, Ukrainian Serb republic

which no longer exist today

Accusing Israel of 'Nazism,' Colombian president threatens expulsion of Israeli

Colombian President Gustavo Petro ] you are Petro Poroshenko bloody chocolate? he also killed 150 children by bombing Donbass [ Petro responded by doubling down and refusing to acknowledge that Hamas is a terror organization, replying that “terrorism is to kill innocent children, whether it be in Colombia or in Palestine.”

Notably, he did not condemn the killing of children in Israel.

Following the exchange, Colombian Foreign Minister Alvaro Levya accused Dagan of being “rude” and said she should “at a minimum, apologize and leave” the country for questioning Petro's claims.


if Muslims were socially valid people? they would not kill each other like beasts

Colombia’s left-wing president refuses to condemn Hamas terror, claims besieged Gaza Strip is being ‘converted into a concentration camp.’ A diplomatic crisis between Colombia and Israel worsened this week, after the South American country’s president launched into a diatribe comparing the Jewish state’s ongoing war against Hamas to Holocaust atrocities committed by the Nazis. Left-wing Colombian President Gustavo Petro was vocal about his opposition to Israel’s military response following the deadliest terror attacks in the country’s history, perpetrated by Hamas. Without condemning the terror group, Petro released a statement stressing that “democratic peoples cannot allow Nazism to reestablish itself in international politics,” in a reference to the IAF’s bombing of Hamas targets in the coastal enclave. Responding on social media platform X to comments made by Defense Minister Yoav Gallant regarding the Strip, Petro said that the coastal enclave is being “converted into a concentration camp.” He added that “concentration camps are prohibited by international law and those who develop them become criminals against humanity.” Following Petro’s remarks, Israeli Ambassador to Colombia Gali Dagan challenged the president regarding his assertions, suggesting that as part of his commitment to human rights, he should condemn the slaughter of babies and children committed by Hamas.




the fault lies entirely with the Jewish Freemasons, shareholders of central banks, who have been throwing dust on the blood of Christian martyrs for about 300 years.

why the synagogue of Satan, with the demoniacs of Allah and the high Sanhedrin?

they cannot exterminate all Christians and Chinese if Israel lives

Accusing Israel of 'Nazism,' Colombia threatens expulsion of Israeli diplomat

there is a supernatural and demonic frenzy against Israel that has nothing rational about it.

if Israel gives in to this universal supernatural pressure?

he will be destroyed and no one will mourn him, because this is the hour of darkness, when the righteous Jesus of Bethlehem sweated blood in the garden of olive trees

Hamas supporters will be deported from the US – Trump

to bin ISIS Salman al-Mbs from Riyadh ] OPEN LETTER [ tell your biiitttcccches to stop yelling at me

because I might lose my patience

to bin ISIS Salman al-Mbs from Riyadh ] OPEN LETTER [ God did not give me permission to transgress the Torah because I am the living Decalogue, when I told the director of YouTube Synnek1 that I UniusREI, was I a man like everyone else? he didn't want to believe it, and I didn't intentionally lie to him, today I know that I am the metaphysical man par excellence and antonomasia, I don't live selfishly like all other men, in fact I have damaged my children, I deprived them of their father and the protection, economic resources and help they needed, God will protect them in my place, because I did his work predominantly, my soul and my spirit are not connected and imprisoned with my biological body, as it is for all other men, I have universalized myself... from the 30th to the 33rd Masonic degree? everyone does black magic and with demons they perform dangerous rites against people (which are incredible) so much so that these people control all governments and the entire economy and all Western information, this is all the evil that the LGBT DEMs with their dogmatic atheism Darwin scam have done to western civilization. but what about what priests of Satan who reach the 66th Masonic degree can do? From Freemasonry to Faith in Jesus Xst

13 Nov 2020 — The doctor Cesare Ghinelli, former Freemason, converted to the Faith in Jesus Xsto, talks about his experience of transitioning from Freemasonry, HE told how with a voodoo ritual, he was covered on the ground by a black carpet and he was losing the freezing control of his legs and as the cold reached his belly he remembered to pray the "our father" prayer taught by Rabbi Jesus of Bethlehem and the black magic ritual failed, the objective was to free one of their chief Masons who was in hell to put him in the body of Cesare Ghinelli

in Egypt or Pakistan or in Nigeria and all Arab League no Christian boy can marry a Muslim girl, but they are willingly killed with slander and deadly attacks, but Christian girls can be kidnapped, kidnapped by the group and given as a wife to one of them

Islamists are Satanists kill males and impregnate females 'Get me out of here' – Israeli woman held captive in Gaza pleads to be returned home in Hamas video

Hamas Sharia supporters will be expelled from the United States, Trump said


so he prepared to host 2 billion sharia sharjah Muslims in Guantánamo prison camp?

That Gaza resident also participate in the raid that massacre Jews is quite

evident on image provide on media. I think that many had and still support Hamas and helped. Israel should take such realty in account.

if GAZA will be spared? ISRAEL will be destroyed!!

they can't do it, but, I am NOT Jewish, and for this reason I am an observatory on the martyrdom of Christians? I can annihilate the entire ARAB LEAGUE, for

what the OCI UMMAH has done to me in the last 35 years

‘Get me out of here’ – Israeli woman held captive in Gaza pleads to be returned

Luigi Rosolin

if GAZA will be spared? ISRAEL will be destroyed!!

they can't do it

but I am NOT Jewish, and for this reason I am an observatory on the martyrdom of Christians? I can annihilate the entire ARAB LEAGUE, for what the OCI UMMAH has done to me in the last 35 years

and God did not give me permission to transgress the Torah because I am the living Decalogue

all women are sensitive

and I can't get close to any of them

because they fall in love and lose their senses

bin ISIS Salman al-Mbs when I told the director of YouTube Synnek1 that I UniusREI, was I a man like everyone else? he didn't want to believe it, and I didn't intentionally lie to him, today I know that I am the metaphysical man par excellence and antonomasia, I don't live selfishly like all other men, in fact I have damaged my children, I deprived them of their father and the protection, economic resources and help they needed,

God will protect them in my place, because I did his work in mode predominantly, my soul and my spirit are not connected and imprisoned with my biological body, as it is for all other men, I have universalized myself

from the 30th to the 33rd Masonic degree? everyone does black magic and with demons they perform dangerous rites against people (which are incredible) so much so that these people control all governments and the entire economy and all Western information, this is all the evil that the LGBT DEMs with their dogmatic atheism darwin scam have done to western civilization.

but what about what priests of Satan who reach the 66th Masonic degree can do?

From Freemasonry to Faith in Jesus

13 Nov 2020 — The doctor Cesare Ghinelli, former Freemason, converted to the Faith in Jesus Xsto, talks about his experience of transitioning from Freemasonry


HE told how with a voodoo ritual, he was covered on the ground by a black carpet and he was losing the freezing control of his legs and as the cold reached his belly he remembered to pray the "our father" prayer taught by Rabbi Jesus of Bethlehem and the black magic ritual failed, the objective was to free one of their chief Masons who was in hell to put him in the body of Cesare Ghinelli

in Egypt or Pakistan or in Nigeria and all Arab League no Christian boy can marry a Muslim girl, but they are willingly killed with slander and deadly attacks,

but Christian girls can be kidnapped, raped by the group and given as a wife to one of them


Islamists are Satanists kill males and impregnate females 'Get me out of here' – Israeli woman held captive in Gaza pleads to be returned home in Hamas video

Hamas: About 250 hostages in Gaza, ground incursion ‘doesn’t scare us’

of 0% this is Israel's chance to survive and becouse ] [ Islamic Bolean monarch and slave project: I HAVE SEEN THEIR IMAMS HIT THE HEADS OF NEWBORN CHILDREN WITH THE KNIFE, AND THROW THEM ONTO THE MATTRESS FROM THE SECOND FLOOR, and the girls are ready for marital se* at nine years old at 12 they must already be mothers, but since they are married at 5 years old they can have relationships with boyfriends who are also 30 years old, SO THIS IS THE DEMOGRAPHIC BOMB, and this is an unconscious voodoo programming, OR the BLACK MAGIC IN COMMON WITH THE ISLAMISTS to prepare them to be murderers serial,

BLACK MAGIC is also IN COMMON with the Churches of Satan of the CIA which are spread territorially in all the Nations of OTAN,

do the priests of satan do the same, who when they are born from a witch and another priest of satan's father? they boast of not having been able to receive baptism at birth.

although almost all witches who are not married to a priest of Satan's chief, are forced to offer their children on Satan's altar,

for this reason the world director of YouTube Synnek1 today 187AudioHostem said to me: "come on, how can you be the father of a child of I don't know who the father is?" in fact their females are all forced to become pregnant during orgies

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11 days ago

of 0% this is Israel's chance to survive and becouse in Kosovo, UMMAh, OIC, RIYADH, AZERBAJIAN, Erdogan, Ursula, macron zapatero truedau borrell ESOTERIC AGENDA MASONIC SYSTEM DEEP STATE demolished 3000 churches, monasteries and cemeteries which today no longer exist with the tacit approval of NATO UE UK SODOMia lgbt theosofy dogma darwin DRACULA SPA&CO FEDie scam banking seigniorage ECB ROCKEFELLER 322 ROTHSCHILD 187 MORGAN 666 IN collaboration and partnership with all Arab League of 0% this is Israel's chance to survive and Iranian people are 80% the best people we have on this planet today,

but unfortunately, becouse saudi arabia wahhabi ISIS riyad? IRAN must be immediately wiped out with atomic weapons

11 days ago

DEM LGBT octopus mafia dome deep state rothschild and their judges have replaced the constitutional power of the people.


Judge to Trump, no more attacks on witnesses and prosecutors


Littizzetto reads his letter to Fazio: «I will remove a lot of stones from myself. If they kick us out of here too..."

11 days ago

for 1400 years Muslims have been waging jihad, for continuous and unstoppable territorial annexations, and after a genocide or ethnic cleansing that nation becomes a Muslim country forever,

therefore everyone in the ARAB LEAGUE must be exterminated, because they arise illegally and illicitly on the sharia genocide of the previous peoples

On Israel's border with Lebanon, where the villages are emptying out of fear of Hezbollah

Biden to visit Israel this week as US deploys troops nearby

11 days ago

the Iranian people are 80% the best people we have on this planet today, but unfortunately IRAN must be immediately wiped out with atomic weapons becouse saudi arabia wahhabi ISIS

11 days ago

only in Kosovo, UMMAh, OIC, RIYADH, AZERBAJIAN, Erdogan, Ursula, Borrell ESOTERIC AGENDA MASONIC SYSTEM DEEP STATE demolished 3000 churches, monasteries and cemeteries which today no longer exist with the tacit approval of NATO UE UK SODOMA DRACULA SPA&CO FED ECB ROCKEFELLER 322 ROTHSCHILD 187 MORGAN 666 IN collaboration and partnership with all Arab League


of 0% this is Israel's chance to survive

11 days ago

only in

Kosovo,Erdogan demolished 3000 churches, monasteries and cemeteries which today no longer exist with the tacit approval of NATO

11 days ago

A DEMON Biden as a thief president who stole the elections from TRUMP, he himself is the Satan coup plotter NULAND 2014 is about to attack the Russians in Ukraine directly with American troops


11 days ago

IN THEIR KORAAN SATANISM the entire sharia Arab League makes its sharjah jihadist galaxy carry out genocide, then the sharia law Ummah arrives and takes possession of it and it becomes a Muslim country sharia forever, it is the Sharjah that forces us to exterminate women and children, but when did the Serbs do it? NATO BIDEN bombed them and also allowed the secession of Kosovo, because Satan LGBT Rockefeller Morgan and Rothschild hate Israel Moses Abraham Jesus of Bethlehem to death ] [ all Muslims love Palestinians but no one wants them because everyone is afraid of them, but we can't keep them in the GAZA cage either, because the GAZA cage is inhuman, so they will all be deported to Syria... who wants to defend GAZA and wants to impose a sharia genocide on the Israelis? now is a good time to come to war again NOW Kathleen SHE SAID to ME:

No one wants them because they are stupid vicious people with no human decency. If they didn't participate in the actual massacre on that day they were in the streets cheering, throwing candy and celebrating the death of babies and the rape of young girls and children. They are sub human. Oh and by the way thousands of Palestinians leave Gaza daily to work in Israel, they go through the barricade and return home each night, they choose to live in that hell hole.

Starbucks faces boycott after workers endorse Hamas

Kathleen Marion

11 days ago

IN THEIR KORAAN SATANISM the entire Arab League makes its jihadist galaxy carry out genocide, then the Ummah arrives and takes possession of it and it becomes a Muslim country forever, it is the Sharjah that forces us to exterminate women and children, but when did the Serbs do it? NATO bombed them and also allowed the secession of Kosovo, because Satan LGBT Rockefeller Morgan and Rothschild hate Israel Moses Abraham Jesus of Bethlehem to death

WATCH: Jailed Iranian dissident condemns Hamas, says Iranian people stand

11 days ago

Palestinian-American child killed in Chicago, mother attacked. The killer shouted: "You Muslims must die"


IN THE USA it is the churches of Satan SPA&CO FED CANNIBALLs that THEY are in control, and you just need to look at Biden or the judges who persecute Trump to realize this. NO people or PERSON WOULD HURT PEACEFUL PEOPLE IF THEY HAD NOT BEEN SENT BY THE ROCKEFELLERS TO DO SO

11 days ago

ISIS WAHHABITI Taliban and Hamas were created by Mohammed 1400 years AGO because of sharia

Attacker publishes video and claims membership of ISIS OCTOBER 16 - The man who shot up in Brussels this evening, killing at least two people, has published a video on the web in which he films himself claiming membership in ISIS and saying he carried out the gesture to "avenge Muslims". The Belgian media reported it. According to the Belgian newspaper Le Soir, the perpetrator of this evening's shooting in Brussels is fleeing on a scooter. He is wearing an orange jacket and a white helmet.

11 days ago

ISIS WAHHABITI Taliban and Hamas were created by Mohammed 1400 years because of sharia

This is the story of an unborn story and the news, for once, is all here. A journalist who arrives in Kabul with the aim of carrying out his work and documenting various aspects of society, the economy and life in today's Afghanistan, more than two years after the Taliban returned to power. A necessary job in a country plunged into an abyss of terror, obscurantism and fanaticism imposed by a minority group of fundamentalists, capable of taking power after the disastrous escape of us Westerners, in August 2021. Yet, after just four days of my I arrive, I already find myself in the queue to enter Kabul airport, waiting for a flight abroad that the Taliban themselves forced me to take so as not to end up in prison. A very short stay during which the regime of the Islamic Republic kept me in a sort of limbo, unable to work.

11 days ago

/preside-non-trova-il-cellulare-fa-perquisire-gli-alunni-la-volta-buona-16-10-2023/ antifa DEM are all scandalized, and want to condemn the Principal, but the school director DS is also a public order officer, so he can search anyone who enters his school, and in times of jihadh and sharia terrorism this must be allowed.. Principal can't find cell phone, has students searched - La Volta Buona 10/16/2023

The principal of a primary school in the Benevento area decided to have the backpacks of the young students searched, convinced that the device had been stolen during the visit to the institute

Chinese retail site stops sale of Palestinian flag - and then retaliates

11 days ago

"A subject that doesn't belong to him." It's a clash in Brussels

when did you make the euro owned by rothschild? then, at that moment you decided to finish desecrating the constitution 100%, and you decided to destroy national sovereignties...

Political problem or simple problem of competences: within the EU the case is now breaking out over the first reactions, adopted within the European Commission, on the war in Israel. In fact, European Council sources have revealed from Luxembourg that the words of Ursula Von Der Leyen and other members of the community executive pronounced in recent days appeared out of place. And this is not so much due to the contents, but rather due to circumstances relating to the competences of the various European bodies. In fact, foreign policy, Council sources underlined, is not the responsibility of the European Commission but only of the member states whose positions then flow into the European Council.


11 days ago

ISRAEL ] [ OPEN LETTER ] [ What will you do against Hezbollah's 100,000 missiles when the US aircraft carriers are gone?

but the OIC UMMAH Muslims are confident of losing only their ISIS martyrs JIHAD SHARIA ASSASSINS because, they don't think they can suffer a territorial loss.. so we lose our oldies to entertain Muslims all over the world?

it is clear Syria and Lebanon will lose part of their territory which will be annexed, for reasons of war legislation

11 days ago

meanwhile I've heard reports that the Imam Jew lgbt 55+gender fluid DEM antifa Zuckerberg is doing nothing to block Hamas disinformation and allowing his platform to become a sewer of human waste. He was quick to block and falsely discredit the laptop, any Fauci criticisms and gave a free pass to the most scurrilous smears against Trump.

Biden to visit Israel this week as US deploys troops nearby

11 days ago

because Sharjah this is an Islamic military invasion..

The man who attacked passers-by in Viale Monza IN iTALY, with the Koran in his hand, shouted: "Allah is great, today everyone dies"

11 days ago

because Sharjah this is an Islamic military invasion.. Two Swedish citizens dead. Fear of attacks returns to the Belgian capital, with ERDOGAN the attacker on the run

11 days ago

becouse sharjah this is an islamic military invasion..

Canary Islands, migrant emergency: in 15 days over 8,500 people disembarked "placed in the garage of a police station". Never so many since 2006

11 days ago

Putin, any form of violence against civilians is unacceptable

REALLY? IS IT BECAUSE HE ALLOWED THE EXTERMINATION OF THE ARMENIANS? if we do not do violence to women and children of Muslims? if we don't do to them the genocide that they have done to us for 1400 years according to sharia?

of course, we must accept our extinction

11 days ago

BIN ISIS SALMAN from Riyadh ] [ FOR THIS PURPOSE, I HAVE ALWAYS REVEALED, written publicly on social media, all MY THOUGHTS IN THESE LAST 15 YEARS, because I am Unius REI, all the people and all peoples are mine, and all the armies of this planet are mine, and I cannot declare war on myself.. and this is the only remedy to prevent the immediate death of 4 billion people on this planet in the immediate near future


this, your occult and secret friend? he is totally Satanist: Biden: Powerful US, we can help both Israel and Ukraine

11 days ago

BIN ISIS SALMAN from Riyadh ] [ God gives more importance to our thoughts than to our actions.

Jesus says: "if you desire a woman? you have already committed adultery with her in your heart"

this is why we were made in the image and likeness of God himself: the creator.

precisely because our thoughts are creative,

he had not created the galaxies and God already knew all the thoughts of our life.

So why do you want to make me a sacrilegious liar? I cannot tell you: "come with me and I will make you know God", because it is impossible for any creature to exist if it does not know and believe in its creator. and is it a real crime that your INFAMOUS prophet? GOD NEVER TALKED TO HIM

11 days ago


the largest of the killer pigs had already been dead for 7 years

11 days ago

Islam is all lies. BUT DID MOHAMMED EVER GO TO JERUSALEM? That is a fake as well. The word "Jerusalem" doesn't exist anywhere in the Koran. How can you call it "the third most holy site in Islam" and not reference it in your holy book. No reference or knowledge of the prophet Mohammed ever going to Jerusalem. And the phrase that Muslims say is really Jerusalem in the Koran is "the fastest Mosque" which to scholars is a term of art representing Heaven or Paradise and not a physical place.

Islam is all lies.

crusadersarmory.blogspot.Com TO teddy martin

Islam is all lies. BUT DID MOHAMMED EVER GO TO JERUSALEM? In 622 there was no mosque beyond Petra. None in Jerusalem. Both sahihs claime Moe went to it in Jerusalem. "The Life Of Muhammad" claims on page 182 he went to the Temple which Rome destroyed 600 years before he slithered outta Hell Islam is all lies.

11 days ago

ERDOGAN SAID "THERE IS NO MODERATE ISLAM, EITHER YOU KILL ME OR I WILL KILL YOU", ISLAM DOES NOT HAVE RECIPROCITY AND THIS MUST BE DEMANDED, ALL MOSQUES MUST BE CLOSED UNTIL THE ARAB LEAGUE GIVES TRUE FREEDOM OF RELIGION. Italian reporter attacked at mosque. "Surrounded, thrown to the ground and kicked", In a France where President Emmanuel Macron declared a state of alert, raising the alarm threshold to the highest level after the attack by an Islamic terrorist at the Arras High School which cost his life to a professor and where the Louvre and Versailles were evacuated on Saturday due to a bomb threat, journalists are also in danger. Ending up in the sights of the most radicalized Islamic fringes were the Italian journalist Eugenia Fiore (in the circle) and her cameraman Andrea Grattarola, victims yesterday afternoon of a violent attack in Roubaix, a town two hours from Paris, where they had gone to do a service for Mario Giordano's Fuori dal Coro broadcast. Around 5.30pm, while she and the cameraman were filming a video, as they were leaving prayer in the As-Sounna mosque, in rue de Tourcoing, they were first approached, then surrounded and finally attacked by a group of men coming from the mosque. «They grabbed me, threw me to the ground and started hitting me», Eugenia Fiore tells us still in shock from a police station where she went to file a complaint: «They threw me to the ground as if I were an animal but the animals are they. I thought that being a woman they wouldn't attack me so brutally, but it happened anyway, it's a feeling I've never felt in my life."

Human Shields, Electric Shocks, and Executions: Israeli president reveals

teddy martin

11 days ago

Islam is all lies.


teddy martin

11 days ago

DO YOU WANT TO DECLARE WAR ON JORDAN TOO? Syria is already at war against you

Gazan family urges Israel to 'flatten the Strip'

11 days ago

THE NEW ERA NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM MASONIC REGIME SATANA LGBT DARWIN ] [ With the start of the school year, about a month ago, the danger of gender at school and above all of Career Alias returns forcefully. Let's see what it is, what the dangers are, why and where it is widespread. Furthermore, educational freedom is one of the central themes of our Manifesto of Values, as is the defense of Life and Family, which was signed by Adriano Galliani, centre-right candidate in the by-elections for the Senate. We talk about this and much more in our newsletter.

Enjoy the reading!

Career Aliases:

what it is, how widespread it is and what to do

Sexuality is a predominant and often debated topic, especially in today's society and in many areas, including, in particular, school. More and more often, in fact, in recent years, in schools of all levels, students are spoken to about topics relating to affectivity, sexuality and the relationship with one's own body. Themes which, in many cases, also lead to talking about sexuality understood in a fluid way or in the context of what is called 'gender theory' or 'gender' and which also has its implications in the so-called Alias Career.

11 days ago

"It's as if Islamic terrorists had killed 8,000 Italians in just one day"

When I was in the "kibbutzim of death" they told me to fear what happened: "They will come in to kidnap us and massacre us, it will be our 9/11." Video shock: "Children tied and burned"

Giulio Meotti

11 days ago


11 days ago

UN SAID IT IS AN ISLAMIC RIGHT TO CARRY OUT SHARIA GENOCIDE OF KAFIR. Where are the talkative guardians of Marzabotto and Sant'Anna di Stazzema?

Here are videos of house-to-house executions of Israeli civilians. They should make all the anti-fascist squares in Italy thunder. Instead, only Hamas flags and slogans are seen and heard

11 days ago

Iran met with Hamas leaders in Qatar

Israel war on those who protect Hamas leaders living abroad: the golden life of military leaders

or with Hamas, or with Israel, now take to the battlefield for your destiny

11 days ago

GAZA IS UNDER TOTAL AND PERMANENT DEMOLITION, NOON WILL BE LONGER INHABITED. During the Arab Spring, Qatar welcomed Hamas leaders, largely because the United States OF SATAN was against their relocation to Syria or Iran.

now either Qatar hands over Hamas to us or it must be bombed

'Gaza residents massacred Israelis, don’t end siege' - Ex-Mossad chief

11 days ago




situation in Israel remains critical, with ongoing mobilization and new

fronts of conflict emerging. The Israeli military continues its

unprecedented call-up of reservists, reflecting the gravity of the

situation we face. While the IDF has successfully eliminated the Hamas

commander responsible for the brutal massacre on October 7th, the war is

far from over.


a concerning development, Hezbollah has initiated attacks against

Israel, launching a barrage of rockets from Lebanon. The IDF has

responded with tank fire, but the northern front is becoming

increasingly intense, adding another layer of complexity to the already

volatile situation. Additionally, the international community is

recognizing the severity of the crisis, with countries like Argentina

sending planes to evacuate their nationals. Over 1,400 Argentinians have

already been evacuated, underscoring the global concern for the safety

of those in the region.


Tel-Aviv remains steadfast in our mission. As the conflict escalates,

we are working closely with the IDF, providing essential support and

assistance. Our teams are on the ground, aiding in emergency response,

ensuring the wounded receive immediate care, and managing the tragic

aftermath of each attack.

11 days ago

BERGOGLIO MASONRY THE ANTICHRIST SAME ANTIZIONIST ] [ 14 October 2023 - Blog editorial by Sabino Paciolla https://www.sabinopaciolla.Com/risposta-al-dubium-card-muller-quella-visione-protestante-del-sacramento-condannata-da-trento-che-compromette-lautorita-di-papa-francesco/

Card. Zen: Analysis of the answers given to the 5 Dubia as originally formulated

Below I bring to the attention and reflection of the readers of this blog the article written by Cardinal Joseph Zenda and published on his blog. Visit the site and freely evaluate the various options offered and any requests.

Read more

14 October 2023 - Blog editorial by Sabino Paciolla

Response to the Dubium, Card. Müller: That Protestant vision of the sacrament, condemned by Trent, which compromises the authority of Pope Francis.

Below I bring to the attention and reflection of the readers of this blog the article written by Card. Gerhard Ludwig Müller, Prefect emeritus of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and published on Sandro Magister's Settimo Cielo blog. Visit the site

11 days ago

https://www.sabinopaciolla.Com/card-muller-una-chiesa-che-non-crede-in-cristo-non-e-piu-la-chiesa-di-cristo/ THE NEW DEEP CHURCH OF JEWISH-MASONIC SATANA MASON BERGOGLIO

October 15, 2023 - Sabino Paciolla

Card. Müller: A Church that does not believe in Xst is no longer the Church of Xrist.

Below I bring to the attention and reflection of the readers of this blog the precious contribution written by Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller, Prefect emeritus of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, and published on InfoVaticana. Visit the site and evaluate freely

11 days ago

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: ‘All of us are Hamas’

It seems that at the University of North Carolina, you can openly

affiliate yourself with the terror organization that slaughtered Jewish

babies in their cribs and raped Jewish women on the corpses of murdered

Jewish civilians. Where is the administration for god’s sake? pic.twitter.Com/UA0U4TZxPV — Yoni Michanie (@YoniMichanie) October 14, 2023 Yeah. That’s what decades [ ]


11 days ago

Iraqi, Yemeni jihadis threaten US not to intervene: ‘we will consider all American targets legitimate’

The U.S. shouldn’t send troops in any case, but this is the usual

intimidation in which jihadis and their friends and allies always

traffic. “Iran’s allies in Iraq, Yemen threaten U.S. over intervention

in Israel,” Reuters, October 10, 2023: BAGHDAD, Oct 10 (Reuters) –

Powerful Iraqi and Yemeni armed groups aligned with Iran have threatened

[ ]

Read more

Robert Spencer

UK: Muslim demonstrators scream ‘Khaybar’ jihad chant vowing new genocide of Jews

Breaking: As the Palestine London rally was dispersing on Whitehall, a

group gathered and began chanting about Khaybar, referencing an Islamic

story about Mohammed & his army mass slaughtering and expelling

Jewish communities in Arabia. The translated chant is: "Khaybar,

Khaybar, pic.twitter.Com/U3t9Bzk0gq — Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) October 14, 2023 As The History of Jihad [ ]

Read moreHamas Chief Emphasizes That Israel is Only the First Target

Mahmoud al-Zahar is the chief political guide of Hamas. He doesn’t mince

words about the goal of terror group. It’s not just to destroy Israel

and to replace it with a Palestinian state “from the river to the sea.”

It’s not just about killing every last Jew on the planet. No, the

fanatical True Believers [ ]

Read more

Hugh Fitzgerald

11 days ago


11 days ago

How Iran, the 'Head of the Snake,' Directly Helped Hamas's Assault on Israel



coordinated with Hezbollah and with Iran and the Axis [of Resistance]

before, during and after the battle at the highest level." — Hamas

representative Ahmed Abdulhadi, revealing Hamas coordination before and

during the massacre, Newsweek, October 11, 2023.


Hamas official, Ali Baraka, told Russia's state-run RT outlet that his

group had secretly planned the assault for two years and did not inform

any other factions or allies, including Iran and Hezbollah, of the "zero

hour." Baraka confirmed that Iran "gives us money and weapons."


many in the West chose to disregard Iran's role in arming, training and

funding Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the same cannot be said

about a large number of Arabs who have long been warning of Tehran's

expansionist actions in the Middle East. Some of those Arabs have been

openly talking about how Iran uses its proxies to wreak havoc not only

on Israel, but on some Arab countries. Through its proxies, the Iranian

regime now effectively occupies Lebanon, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon, in

addition to the Gaza Strip. The Arabs, in short, see clearly what many

Westerners apparently want to remain oblivious to.


is an organization affiliated with the clerical regime in Iran, just

like Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Houthis in Yemen, and the Popular

Mobilization Forces in Iraq, and it is the same axis that threatens

Saudi Arabia and Kuwait day and night. We differentiate between a just

cause and a terrorist axis." — Mansour al-Malik, Saudi Arabian petroleum

engineer, on X, October 8, 2023.


Regime Mouthpiece Kayhan : Iran Is The Mind And Hands Behind Hamas;

Operation 'Al-Aqsa Flood' [The Invasion of Israel] Was Planned By Qods

Force Commander Qassem Soleimani Before he Was Killed; Khamenei Hinted

in August 2022 at 'The Complete Conquest of Israel." — Report by the

Middle East Media Research Institute, (MEMRI), October 12, 2023.


Website Asr-e Calls On Iranians Not To Speak Out On Iranian Involvement

In 'The Hamas-Israel Conflict' – For Fear Of Harming Iranian

Interests...." — Report by MEMRI, October 13, 2023.


will it take for the US and its allies to grasp that the appeasement of

the Iranian regime is read by the mullahs and their proxies as

weakness? If such appeasement continues, make no mistake: today, the

carnage is Israel; tomorrow, it will be the US and Europe.

11 days ago

make blow-ups of the innocent people massacred by Muslims (I have seen these scenes all these last 1400 years) and put them on the Gaza fence, who wants to live?

must be transferred to Syria


11 days ago

if the prisoners don't return?

even water must be sent, there are no innocent Muslims in GAZA

11 days ago

the wild beasts are in the cage

murderous criminals are in prison

and Muslims are in GAZA because they are socially dangerous

WATCH: Jewish students live in fear on campus as college students celebrate

11 days ago

Iraqi Shi’ite top dog al-Sadr: ‘We are also waiting for the fall of the American entity, led by senile old Biden’

So is Biden himself, and his henchmen. “Iraqi Shiite leader Muqtada

Al-Sadr: Jihad against the Zionist Enemy Brings Glory; We Also Await the

Fall of the American Entity, Led by the ‘Senile Old Man’ Biden,” MEMRI,

October 10, 2023: Iraqi Shiite leader Muqtada Al-Sadr said in an

October 10, 2023 video posted on his YouTube [ ]

Italy: Muslim screaming ‘Allahu akbar,’ with Qur’an in hand, attacks three people

#Milano, urla Allah Akbar e aggredisce tre persone con il Corano in mano: fermato https://t.Co/fucM3IFZwR — Sky tg24 (@SkyTG24) October 14, 2023 Celebrate diversity!

Read more

Robert Spencer

11 days ago

Harvard president, in her first statement on the war, offers moral equivalence and bromides

The Hamas murders reverberated on college campuses, mostly from pro-Palestinian student groups that were outspoken in their support of Hamas. At Harvard, 33 student groups, most but not all consisting of Muslim members, declared in a joint letter their solidarity with, and support for, Hamas. After this there was a backlash, headed by hedge fund [ ]

Read more

Hugh Fitzgerald

659 known or suspected terrorists caught at the border in 2023, the most ever

And that’s just the ones who were caught. But what could possibly go wrong? Celebrate diversity! “659 known, suspected terrorists captured in fiscal year 2023, most in recorded history,” Just The News, October 10, 2023: More known or suspected terrorists have been apprehended at the northern and southwest borders in fiscal 2023 than any other [ ]

Read more

Robert Spencer


11 days ago

Muslims educate their children from birth to practice the genocide of the Kafirs, because the Koran orders it.. and the Satan Rockefeller Biden Sodom Jews Freemasons are waiting to see how Israel must stumble and how the Israelis must all die.. NOW WE NEED TO FIND OUT HEZBOLLAH IN ITS UNDERGROUND TUNNELS, NOW IS THE RIGHT TIME...UN Wants to Raise $294,000,000 to Help 'Palestinians'

UN Wants to Raise $294,000,000 to Help 'Palestinians'

Will the money end up funding terrorists? The only question is how much of that we will be paying. But sure. Why not pump another $294 million into the terror nests after all the billions we've already spent subsidizing them? What could possibly go wrong? The United Nations issues an emergency appeal for $294 million to address [ ]

Read more

Daniel Greenfield

Biden Regime Sent $148 Million to ‘Palestinian’ Areas Weeks Before Attack on Israel

The State Department warned that aid money was at “high risk” of funding Hamas. In 2021, State Department officials warned that “there is a high risk Hamas could potentially derive indirect, unintentional benefit from U.S. assistance to Gaza” and asked for a special exemption from sanctions on funding terrorists. In 2022, Biden met with Palestinian Authority terror [ ]

Read more

Daniel Greenfield


11 days ago

Muslims educate their children from birth to practice the genocide of the kafirs, because the Koran orders it... The countries of the European Union are divided over whether to continue aid to Gaza. However, the question of whether it is possible to help the civilian population there without strengthening Hamas is not part of the current debate. Today, "standing by Israel" means supporting this democracy's difficult war against a savage terrorist totalitarian movement, and not urging Israel to stop before its critical mission is accomplished. Pictured: Hamas terrorists, armed with rocket-propelled grenades, parade in the Gaza Strip, July 20, 2017. The countries of the European Union are divided over whether to continue aid to Gaza. However, the question of whether it is possible to help the civilian population there without strengthening Hamas is not part of the current debate. Most international aid to Gaza is channeled through UNRWA, a UN agency dedicated exclusively to Palestinian refugees and their descendants. In 2018, then US President Donald Trump stopped US funding for UNRWA, but the Biden administration resumed funding, with $222 million in 2022, and the United States is once again the leading contributor. With 44% of donations, the European Union and its member countries contribute almost half of the UNRWA budget. [ Gaza can only be destroyed, And the Palestinians deported to Syria ]

11 days ago

Gaza can only be destroyed, And the Palestinians deported to Syria ] [Should We Help the Palestinians in Gaza? The countries of the European Union are divided over whether to continue aid to Gaza. However, the question of whether it is possible to help the civilian population without strengthening Hamas is not part of the current debate.

Most international aid to Gaza is channeled through UNRWA, a UN agency dedicated exclusively to Palestinian refugees....Unfortunately, UNRWA's very existence and modus operandi directly reinforce Hamas. For this international organization, while there are only a handful of surviving refugees from 1948, supposed "refugee status" is passed down from father to son, so there are now around five times as many "refugees" in Gaza as there were originally.

[UNRWA] appears intended as political thorn to be administered for the purpose of maligning Israel for a war that was started by five Arab armies... which they then lost. Perhaps they should have thought of that before.

Meanwhile, roughly the same number of Jewish refugees, about 650,000, were fleeing for their lives from Arab countries to Israel. The newly born Jewish state, about the size of New Jersey or two-thirds of Belgium, and with no funds, managed comfortably to absorb everyone.

Given Palestinian demographics, return to the places deserted in 1948 would mean the end of the Hebrew state, and is just as utopian as the idea of the returning German refugees from 1945 to pre-war Germany, Poland or the Czech Republic.

[A]id, even humanitarian aid, to dictatorial countries inevitably strengthens that power, even more so with an Islamist totalitarian power such as Hamas, which does not care about the wellbeing of its citizen as European countries do.

The US and the EU, if they want to continue officially supporting an increasingly unrealistic "two-state solution", should first stop funding UNRWA, whose tasks could eventually be taken over by other organizations unrelated to refugee status.

UNWRA, which is inordinately active in education, has been criticized for helping to indoctrinate children with radical Hamas rhetoric through school textbooks and extremist teachers.... UNRWA does not have the reputation of being accountable. A recent report discloses that "UN Teachers Call To Murder Jews."

The problem is therefore not, as we hear today in European circles, to avoid supporting organizations linked to Hamas: all aid benefits the organization, which can then concentrate on war and terrorism, since it is largely exempt from the tasks normally devolved to those who control a territory.

No one will dispute that it is useful to teach Gaza's children to read and write, but it is legitimate to question whether literacy training is actually being used to indoctrinate students and ignite a terrorist drift.... Sometimes, refraining from assisting people is the least bad solution when there is no good one... [O]ne wonders why the United States and the European Union want to help in Gaza and thus help Hamas... It is also usually not clear how much aid actually gets to its intended recipients and how much ends up in Hamas's coffers. Massacres on this scale, rewarded by the cessation of hostilities when it suits the aggressor, then having others come and clean up after them, would only consecrate their efforts. Churchill did not call for a ceasefire after the Nazi Blitz on London, nor did Roosevelt after Pearl Harbor. The Israelis have dropped thousands of leaflets over northern Gaza telling the people immediately to go to southern Gaza. Hamas instantly announced that the leaflets were merely propaganda, ordered its citizens not to move, and reportedly are now blocking their passage there. [Source: Dan Senor, Fox News, One Nation with Brian Kilmeade, October 14, 2023] Today, "standing by Israel" means supporting this democracy's difficult war against a savage terrorist totalitarian movement, and not urging Israel to stop before its critical mission is accomplished.

11 days ago

when the Jewish Freemasons prevent you from telling the atrocious facts of murders and rapes suffered by Christians because of the sharia and you are forced to speak in a generic way about universal genocide like he does. Over the years of persecution ministry here at ICC, we have witnessed the worst that the world has to throw at the church. If we're not careful, it would be easy to slip into despair when seeing tragedy after tragedy unfold.

However, we have also seen over and over again that the church flourishes in the face of persecution. It's not in spite of persecution that the church grows, it's the reason.

Yet, the road is still not easy for those suffering for their faith. Will you please take a moment today to pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters around the world?

Jeff King

President, International Christian Concern

11 days ago

these stupid and ignorant Europeans do not know the history of the martyrs of Otranto and all the deadly piracy of the Ottomans for the Mediterranean " Dear useful European idiots of Hamas, your servile opportunism will not save your life"

The kindergarten of the Kfar Aza kibbutz... attacked by Quranic sharia surematist genocidal wickedness


the Masonic Jewish media have hidden the daily martyrdom of Christians and now the Israelis are the aggressors

11 days ago

IF GAZA IS A CAGE, THE GUILTY IS NOT ISRAELI, IT'S BECAUSE SHARIA IS A WORLDWIDE GENOCIDE THREAT ] [ What will it take for the US and its allies to grasp that the appeasement of the Iranian regime is read by the mullahs and their proxies as

weakness? If such appeasement continues, make no mistake: today, the

carnage is Israel; tomorrow, it will be the US and Europe. The

Biden administration insists that it does not have any evidence of

Iran's "direct" involvement in the October 7 Hamas attack on Israel. The

Biden administration has apparently totally dismissed the Wall Street Journal report on October 9, "Iran Helped Plot Attack on Israel Over Several Weeks," as well as the Washington Post's "Hamas received weapons and training from Iran, officials say."

Hamas leaders have indeed long been boasting of the financial and military

aid they receive from Iran to enable them to pursue the Jihad (holy war)

to slaughter Jews and extinguish Israel. Based on the statements of

these leaders, it is massively clear that without Iran's support, and

reported planning, Hamas could not have carried out the massacre of

Israelis near the border with the Gaza Strip.

11 days ago

Jewish students live in fear on campus as college students celebrate massacre of Israelis

Jewish students and Israel supporters at University of Massachusetts at Amherst express shock, disgust as pro-Palestinian groups celebrate Hamas massacres.


ANTIFA DEM and sharia genocide nazi kuran lgbt dogma darwin

they shout at you with a megaphone to make you deaf

Americans support Israel, want to see Hamas destroyed – polls

11 days ago

"Dear useful European idiots of Hamas, your servile opportunism will not save your life"

The essay by a great Arab novelist: "The Islamic war itself is against Israel and the West". The new videos of the massacres. 18 percent of Italians support those who massacre defenseless Jews

by Giulio Meotti ] [ The kindergarten of the Kfar Aza kibbutz... attacked by Quranic sharia surematist genocidal wickedness


the Masonic Jewish media have hidden the daily martyrdom of Christians and now the Israelis are the aggressors

11 days ago

THEY SAY THAT THERE WERE NO ISRAELI CHILDREN WHO WERE BEHEADED, and that we have to trust them because Blinken saw those photos... but that's not the problem, because who died becouse sharia? he no longer cares whether he was beheaded or whether he was not beheadedby jihad

11 days ago

Jewish Anti-Israel Leftists Struggle With Left’s Support for Hamas Murder and Rape

Will they go on being useful idiots for a movement that they know wants

to kill them? While most decent people responded with horror to the

Hamas atrocities, the fringes responded with enthusiasm or defenses of

the atrocities. The trouble though is that the Left stopped being a

fringe and replaced liberalism as the driving [ ]

Read moreAustralia: Muslim preacher who celebrated jihad massacres of Israelis spoke at event alongside prime minister

Once again, a witless non-Muslim authority, avid for a “moderate Muslim”

with whom he can appear to court the Muslim vote and prove he’s not

“Islamophobic,” gets played for a fool by a jihad sympathizer. Yet no

lessons will be learned. “Muslim preacher who celebrated attacks on

Israel spoke at community event alongside Prime Minister [ ]

Read more

Robert Spencer

11 days ago

Nearly Half of Democrat Men Already Think Israel Has Gone Too Far

Democrat women appear to have woken up, but not Democrat men. (Source of

screenshot has nothing to do with Israel, lots to do with Islam) Not

surprising. Democrats put on a reasonably good show of supporting

Israel’s response to the kidnapping, rape and mass murder of its people,

not to mention the murder of over two [ ]

Daniel Greenfield

Henry Kissinger’s Volte-Face: He Now Warns of Muslim Migrant Danger

The scales have fallen from the eyes of Henry Kissinger. He was a

signatory in 2015 to a letter that urged Congress to pass legislation

allowing more Muslims from Syria and Iraq — claiming to be refugees — to

be admitted to the United States. Now he looks at Europe, where

millions of Muslims have [ ]

Hugh Fitzgerald

11 days ago

Hamas-Linked CAIR Shows its Affinity with Hamas Terror on TV As you watch these video clips of local TV newscasts, notice how no

spokesperson for the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations

(CAIR) will condemn Hamas for the 10/7 atrocities. Although the TV

station might do it for them, you will never hear CAIR representatives

say that they condemn Hamas. They show no interest in the [ ] Biden Regime Keeps Lecturing Israel About the ‘Laws of War’

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin spoke with his Israeli counterpart about

“the importance of adhering to the law of war” While people were busy

applauding the good parts of Biden’s speech on the Hamas massacres, they

overlooked this section. “I just got off the phone with — the third

call with Prime Minister Netanyahu. And I [ ]

Read more

Daniel Greenfield

France: Muslim migrants scream at woman in front of church, ‘Allahu akbar, we’re going to kill you, Jewish wh000o00re’

If you want to know what France will be like in the future, look at Gaza.

[Info @Valeurs] Injure et menace de mort antisémites : dérangée par des

bruits provenant du parvis de l'église de Saint Brice sous Forêt (95),

une femme de 57 ans a demandé lundi dernier à trois individus de type

[ ]

Read more

Robert Spencer

11 days ago

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11 days ago

would never have attacked Hamas if Riyadh, ERDOGAN, Qatar, Hezbollah, Iran and SYRIA were not behind a single plot



Americans support Israel, want to see Hamas destroyed

11 days ago

Americans support Israel, want to see Hamas destroyed

Hamas sharjah

IRAN sharjah

RIYADH sharjah

ERDOGAN sharjah

EGYPT sharjah

ISIS sharjah

BOKO HARAM sharjah

FULANI sharjah

SIRIA sharjah

IRAQ sharjah

LIBIA sharjah

AZEBJAHN sharjah

AL-QAEDA sharjah

OIC sharjah

UMMAH sharjah

AL-NURSA sharjah

Taleban sharjah

satana allah sharjah

jabullon sharjah

genocide sharjah

jihad sharjah

replace theology sharjah

kifir infidels sharjah

dhimmis slaves sharjah

madrassa sharjah

mosquee sharjah

terrorism sharjah

hezbollah sharjah

turkey sharjah

yemen sharjah

nigeria sharjah

eritrea sharjah

hell sharjah law

Over 1,000 celebrities demand Hamas release Israeli captives

11 days ago

New York imam: ‘We are with the Palestinian resistance 100%, no equivocations, no apologies, no condemnations’ Hamas’ savagery doesn’t trouble him at all. After all, the unbelievers

are just animals: “Indeed, the worst of animals in Allah’s sight are the

ungrateful who will not believe.” (Qur’an 8:55) “Already we have

created many of the jinn and mankind for Gehenna, having hearts with

which they do not understand, and having eyes with [ ] Robert Spencer

Wife of Palestinian president calls Israel terrorist regime — wait, that’s the wife of Scotland’s First Minister Nadia El-Nakla wife of the First Minister of Scotland referring to Israel as a terrorist and Zionist regime. pic.twitter.Com/YKmVh3Vn5T

— Harekrishna (@DownWithTheSNP) October 14, 2023 The great thing about

Muslim migrants moving to Europe is that it’s just like home.

11 days ago



11 days ago

Germany: Supporters of Hamas jihad massacre paint Star of David on Jewish homes in Berlin

Germany has been here before. It didn’t end well. But this new

resurgence of violent Jew-hatred in the country is their own doing.

Angela Merkel opened the doors to a flood of Muslim migrants. Now

Germany is celebrating diversity. “Star of David is graffitied on Jewish

homes in Berlin after Hamas attacks on Israel – [ ]

Read more

Robert Spencer

Hamas murders American advocate for ‘Palestinian’ jihad

As far as Hamas was concerned, they were all Jews. No one stopped to ask

the Flashes about their political views. And no lessons will be learned

now, either. “Minnesota woman, husband who advocated for Palestinian

rights killed by Hamas,” by Snejana Farberov, New York Post, October 13,

2023: A Minnesota native who had protested [ ]

Read more

Robert Spencer

Israeli Couple Went Down Fighting, But Saved Their Babies’ Lives

A story getting widespread attention on social media, and on television,

and not only in the United States, is that of the Berdichevsky family,

who lived in Kfar Aza, the tiny kibbutz where many of the worst

atrocities took place. When the Hamas murderers rode into the kibbutz on

motorbikes early on the morning of [ ]

Read more

Hugh Fitzgerald

11 days ago

Islamic scholar hails ‘wonderful fatwa’ that ‘permits killing Israelis wherever they may be’

What’s astonishing about this is that the world doesn’t bat an eye.

Imagine if a scholar from any other religious tradition praised a

religious ruling calling for the killing of anyone — the outcry would go

on for months, or years. But this sort of religious ruling has no

parallel in other contemporary religious traditions, [ ]

Read moreVirginia: Pro-jihad school board member opposes honoring victims of Hamas jihad massacre

Abrar Omeish represents her constituents in what has been dubbed

“Northern Virginiastan.” Celebrate diversity! “Pro-Palestinian school

board member opposes honoring Hamas attack victims: ‘Ignores the root of

the violence,'” by Gabriel Hays, Fox News, October 13, 2023: A

pro-Palestinian Fairfax County school board member scolded fellow board

members Thursday for giving a statement and holding a moment [ ]

Read more

Robert Spencer

11 days ago

NYC teacher cheers Hamas murders of Israelis, claims “to support ‘Israel’ is to support white supremacist terror” Hamas jihadis paraglided into a music festival in Israel and massacred

people wholesale there. Many women were kidnapped and taken away to

become jihadi se*slaves in accord with Qur’an 4:3, 4:24, 23:1-6, 33:50

and 70:30. Mohammad Jehad Ahmad, however, retails Leftist tropes about

“racism” and “white supremacism,” and thereby manipulates

low-intelligence Leftists into supporting [ ]

Robert Spencer

BBC Under Attack for Refusing to Call Hamas ‘Terrorists’ The BBC, which has a long and dishonorable history of anti-Israel

animus, has again shown its bias by refusing to call the members of

Hamas “terrorists.” No, for the BBC, those who decapitate babies, rape

girls as they are made to lie on the corpses of murdered Israelis,

photograph the dead bodies of grandmothers and [ ]

Read more

Hugh Fitzgerald

11 days ago



11 days ago

UK: Muslim mob screaming ‘Allahu akbar’ attacks man with Israeli flag

An Israeli supporter in London is attacked by an Islamic mob shouting

"Allah Akbar". They want us Europeans to live in terror, we won't let

them. pic.twitter.Com/EW24D4mPLX — RadioGenoa (@RadioGenoa) October 14, 2023 They’re celebrating diversity in London in a big way! “Make ready for them all that you can

of force and of warhorses, [ ]

Robert Spencer

The Reality of Islamic Terrorism is an Unwelcome Distraction

This is America after 9/11. And all the attacks afterward. Picture a

large family living in one house. They may have been a cozy tight-knit

family once, but years of resentments have turned them against each

other. The mother and father are both having affairs. The in-laws have

long resentments built up that evolved into [ ]

Daniel Greenfield


11 days ago

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This comment was marked as spamBIN ISIS akbarrr MbS FROM RIYADH you know that you're looking for an escort, because your 7 harem bbiitttttccheeesss don't know how to suck well ] your CIA PRIEST SATAN BULING ME [ left a new comment on your post " Escort Service in Gurgaon ha left a new comment on your post Russian Call girls in gurgaonThis comment was marked as spam

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BIN ISIS SALMAN FROM RIYADH you know that you're looking for an escort because your 7 harem bbiitttcches don't know how to suck well ] your CIA PRIEST SATAN BULING ME [ left a new comment on your post " Escort Service in Gurgaon ha left a new comment on your post Russian Call girls in gurgaon

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At least 199 Israelis held captive in Gaza – IDF

11 days ago

there is great pity for CAIN sharia mohammed, and unfortunately there is no justice for Abel, because the cowards of SCO and OTAN think of playing in a deadly way in the geopolitics invented by Rockefeller against them, while the Mohammedans OIC UMMAH they make fun of everyone and take advantage of it, to carry out the genocides that they know how to do well for 1400 years of their damned prophet to today of his damned MbS Salman from Riyadh.. ] [ “It wasn't just Hamas terrorists, it was also people [from Gaza] who simply came [into Israel].” Hamas terrorists breached the Israeli security fence on the Gaza border in dozens of places during the Saturday morning attack eight days ago, allowing not only members of the terrorist organization to flood into Israel, but also civilians from Gaza who rioted and sacked Israeli border towns. “Even with regards to the captives, some of the captives are being held by individual civilians [in Gaza]. I can't say that the entire civilian population in Gaza was involved, and I can't say what percentage were involved. But look at the photographs from the attacks.”

11 days ago

IDF says it has identified 199 captives being held in Gaza, as death toll tops 1,400, with nearly 4,000 Israelis wounded. At least 199 Israelis are being held captive by terrorists in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip, the Israeli military said Monday. Speaking to reporters Monday morning, the IDF's top spokesperson, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, said that Israel has thus far identified 199 Israelis being held captive in Gaza and notified their next of kin.


Muslims like definitive situations, that's why they have always done sharia genocide for 1400 years,

and I also have a definitive nuclear solution for all of them


Israelis pull together as the country faces its greatest crisis in half a century

11 days ago

Israeli volunteers of all ages collect, cook

and deliver BBQ sandwiches free of charge for the thousands of reserve

soldiers stationed in the Golan Heights, October 10, 2023.


v where's my sniper? v

Abbas walks back criticism of Hamas, won't condemn terror

11 days ago

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, who has steadfastly refused to condemn the Hamas terror group for its brutal incursion into Israel, which killed 1,400, quietly edited a statement in order to further soften his criticism of the attacks.

Rather than stating that Hamas' murderous actions don't represent the Palestinians, the edited message asserts that Abbas “stressed that policies of the Palestine Liberation Organization represent the Palestinian people as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, and not the policies of any other organizations.” On the day of the mass murders, Abbas' administration released a statement placing blame for the massacres solely on Israel.

“Israel’s disavowal of the signed agreements and noncompliance with international legitimacy resolutions led to the destruction of the peace process and the absence of a solution to the Palestinian issue after 75 years of suffering and displacement,” read a statement from the PA Foreign Ministry. After Abbas engaged in an antisemitic, Holocaust-denying diatribe, Paris stripped the Palestinian leader in September of a special honor he had been awarded by the city.


nazi Palestinian Authority President Hitler Mahmoud IMAM Abbas he is certainly right because Bin MbS Salman's Koran says so ISIS frog in Riyadh and it is also written in Ali Khamenei's Koran that they are an uncreated word, which cannot be questioned because it is a Darwin dogma what if we then look at LAPID? How could we doubt that we are descended from apes?

11 days ago

nothing less than the destruction of al-Aqsa Mosque nothing less than the destruction of GAZA. these beasts of Allah kill innocent people, and then exchange sweets all over the world,

the genius of Christians in the world? for Erdogan it does not exist and has never existed

WATCH: Biden urges Israel not to retake the Gaza Strip

11 days ago

nothing less than the destruction of al-Aqsa Mosque

nothing less than the destruction of GAZA.


11 days ago

a fake election thief fraud by President Biden? he said: "I am organizing the biggest electoral fraud in history", so, I took a screenshot of what he said, and Google blocked 110 blogspots,


If we don't punish Muslims for the horrors and genocides they commit under Sharia law, we might as well all go to the mosque and become Muslims.


Human Shields, Electric Shocks, and Executions: Israeli president reveals

11 days ago

Bin ISIS Salman ] haven't I always told you, you give me an oil well and then I will make you kill all the KAFIR DHIMMIS Christian and Israeli martyrs that you want? [ BUT THE PROBLEM IS ROCKEFELLER SPA&CO FED WHO GETS VERY ANGRY WHEN ONE OF HIS GOYIM SLAVES DOESN'T PAY HIM FOR JIHZIA. What happens if I use agricultural diesel in the car?

a sentence ranging from a minimum of six months to a maximum of three years of imprisonment; a fine ranging from double to ten times the tax evaded, and in any case not less than 7,746.85 euros.31 Jan 2022


I SOLD MY FARM to follow the observatory on the martyrdom of the Christians that you kill me (and this ministry of the King of Israel cost me 600,000 euros without counting my work, 10 hours a day for 15 years)

ok, long story short? I have 3 quintals of agricultural fuel left over


https://www.libraccio.It/libro/9788838469534/antonio-socci/nuovi-perseguitati-indagine-sulla-intolleranza-anticristiana-nel-nuovo-secolo-del-martirio.html The new persecuted. Investigation into anti-Christian intolerance in the new century of martyrdom 250 million Christians especially in the ARAB LEAGUE and SURVIVORS OF CENTURIES OF ISLAMIST kuran and COMMUNIST JEWISH talmudic POGROM risk their lives every day. The toll is tragic: 160,000 victims per year in Latin America, North Africa, Arab countries and Asia, 604 missionaries murdered from 1990 to today in Mexico, Colombia, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, India, China and Burma. At the dawn of the third millennium, Christians still suffer bloody, constant and widespread persecution. Are these massacres perpetrated for political reasons or in the name of faith? A journalistic reportage that takes stock of the international situation, capturing the connections between politics, economy and culture.



What does the Dome of the Rock represent? The Dome of the Rock is the third holiest Islamic site after Mecca and Medina, and was built atop the Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem. At the heart of the sanctuary lies the Foundation Stone, where, according to Islamic tradition, the pedo poligamist misogenist Prophet Muhammad ascended to Heaven AS a putrid zobies 7 years after his death riding on a white pig.

nothing less than the destruction of Al-Aqsa, where their bloodthirsty Allah-Molock demon lives


Also in the manual is a chapter explaining IDF ranks and their importance, as well as an explanation of the IDF's means of warfare and technological capabilities. “We are faced with an extremely cruel, inhumane ending enemy which we have to uproot with no mercy,” Herzog told CNN. “This was found on the body of one of the terrorists, this booklet is an instruction guide, how to go into a civilian premises, into a kibbutz, a city, a moshav, how to break in. And first thing what do you do when you find the citizens? Do you torture them? This is the booklet – it says exactly how to torture them, how to abduct them, how to kidnap them.” “So therefore the story is not Israel versus Palestinians, or Judaism versus Islam – God forbid – the story is about humans, humanity, are we with the good or with evil, that's where humanity should stand. And the battle that we are carrying out now, as a nation rising up as a lion is against evil, and we will uproot evil so that there will be good for the entire region and the world.” Arab MK includes picture of Israeli boy killed by Gaza rocket fire in post about Palestinian children killed by IDF “There is no justification. It is simply an ISIS type ideology that wants to eliminate us off the ground, and therefore they need to be eliminated off the ground.”




Human Shields, Electric Shocks, and Executions: Israeli president reveals Hamas handbook for torturing, murdering captives, October 16, 2023

During interview with CNN, President Herzog reveals handbook issued to Hamas terrorists instructing them how to abduct Israelis, torture them with electric shocks, and murder them. Israel's president on Sunday revealed the Hamas guidebook issued to terrorists who invaded Israel last week, instructing them how to take Israeli civilians and soldiers captive, how to torture them, and how to execute them. Speaking with CNN's Wolf Blitzer Sunday evening, Herzog presented evidence found on Hamas terrorists following the invasion of southwestern Israel a week ago.

Herzog presented viewers a booklet entitled The Warrior's Guide – Jihad Version, issued and distributed by Hamas to terrorists in the field. The Israeli president also presented photos of atrocities in the massacre at Kibbutz Be'eri, where he visited Sunday morning. The photographs included an image of a woman who was decapitated and burned to a crisp. In the booklet recovered from a Hamas terrorist who was killed during the invasion last week, terrorists are advised in detail on how to take Israelis captive. According to the manual, the kidnappers were advised to create a chaotic situation when attempting to take captives and to intimidate their victims, coercing and blindfolding captives using electric shocks. The guidebook also instructs terrorists how to execute any captive who may pose a threat or distraction. They were also instructed to collect the captives and use them as human shields. Mirroring ISIS, Hamas required that the invading terrorist document their actions by livestreaming the murder of hostages.




jeah IMAM BIDEN SODOM AND SATAN LGBT rights ] [ the evil worm of the Sharia Mohammedans? it will come out sooner or later, and there is nothing you can do to avoid it, as Erdogan sees that a military superiority against the Armenians goes and massacres them, and if you study history? then you will understand that Allah's beasts must be prevented and not wait until they can treacherously strike you as infamous people.


jeah IMAM BIDEN SODOM AND SATAN LGBT rights are always anti-Zionist and anti-Christ and are CAUSING humanity to Islamize, ALÌ BidenAKBAR: Israeli occupation of Gaza would be "big mistake"

jeah IMAM XI-JINPING JEAH all ISIS Imams have become


IDF demolishes Arab pizzerias that mocked Holocaust survivor forced to pose

Monza by-elections, Cappato fought to gain rights and freedoms for all Italians


*** THE RIGHTS OF SODOM AND SATAN are always anti-Zionist and anti-Christian and are CAUSING mankind to Islamize, Biden: Israel's occupation of Gaza would be 'a big mistake'

*** depopulation and ethnic identity and religious substitution: Migrants: night of landings in Lampedusa, NGOs also come to the rescue

*** technocracy and Masonic neoliberalism: Tusk, 'democracy wins, the reign of Pis is over'

*** begging: MODENA, 15 OCTOBER - A thirty-year-old man, without a fixed address, was found lifeless inside a car park in Modena, in via dell'Abate around 9.30. The discovery occurred after the 118 health workers intervened on site to rescue the man, who later turned out to be deceased.

*** out-of-control crime and anarchy: Shock in Gabicce, man attacked in the street and stabbed: he has a guarded prognosis. Two arrests

*** foolishness: Florence, hundreds for Israel. Consul Carrai criticizes the imam: "He condemns Hamas"

*** Masonic institutional satanism: Biden burns Trump in fundraising, 71 million against 45

*** relativism and corruption: Young people's discomfort is growing: "Drugs, social media and cell phones: act immediately and together"

Red Cross demands Hamas give access to hostages held in Gaza

IT IS NOT THAT ITALIANS WANTED FASCISM, BUT DELINQUENCY, BUREAUCRACY AND INSTITUTIONAL JEWISH MASONIC PARASITISM MADE THAT PAINFUL CHOICE INDISPENSABLE Film the drug dealers in the middle of the nightlife, revenge is unleashed, BOLOGNA – He films the nightlife and drug dealing and is attacked. It happened the other night to Loris Folegatti one of the members of the Via Petroni and surroundings association, who went down to the street where he lives to film yet another evening of chaos, noise and degradation. "Shortly after midnight - he says - while I was filming the river of people who, as always, crowd this area until late, a group of five North Africans, who in these parts we know well as drug dealers, grabbed me, snatching the phone from my hand and throwing it away" Fortunately, the bouncer from Cafè Paris intervened to help him.



He was holding a copy of the Koran, wearing an Islamic tunic and, according to witnesses, shouted "Allah akbar". All this while he lashed out at passers-by, attacking them. Digos is investigating yesterday's events in Milan.

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/occhio-alla-truffa-sim-swap-come-funziona-e-a-cosa-stare-attenti/ if the Masonic state imposed control of the territory (and made the judiciary efficient and effective), then civil society could strengthen itself (in the absence of crime and mafia) and this would make it impossible to continue stealing scam spa&Co rothschild banking seigniorage by plutocratic usurer Jews Watch out for the Sim Swap scam: how it works and what to watch out for, A new type of scam is threatening the security of smartphones:

it is Sim Swap, a replacement of the cell phone card that allows hackers to take possession of the sensitive data of the victim in question. It is to all intents and purposes an exchange, as the name of the scam itself suggests, of the phone's SIM: essentially the thread that unites the user's physical identity, represented by the SIM, is interrupted and the digital one, i.e. the telephone number and the profile associated with the card. By inserting themselves into that fault line and creating a new correspondence, scammers are able to access a series of confidential information of the victim, including passwords, emails, current accounts, cloud accounts, various social networks or even wallets. The threat is becoming so real that in the USA even the FBI has begun to move to stem the problem.

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Western educational institutions are all anti-fascist and are DEM antifa ] [ Tied up, stripped and forced to kiss their feet: the horror of the baby gang on the disabled

the Jewish Masonic predation DEM antifa technocracy and state usurer? the same scenes of anarchy seen on the eve of Nazism, fascism and communism... PALERMO, 15 OCT - "We Friars Minor of the parish of Sant'Antonino in Palermo are seriously concerned about the escalation of criminal acts which in recent days have our Oreto-Stazione neighborhood has been stained. The thefts, muggings, intimidations and violence to which our parishioners have been subjected lead us to launch this appeal l first and foremost to the institutions." This is the appeal of the friars Gaetano Morreale, Giuseppe Bennici, Giacomo Sciumè, Marcello Buscemi, and Mario Marino, of the church in the central station area where in the evening the area is plunged into darkness and where numerous crimes are recorded.

"I told you you would pay for it", he kills his rival and waits for the police on the bench. Shock in the street in Grottaminarda, a municipality on the outskirts of Avellino. On Saturday 14 October, a 44-year-old local man, Angelo Girolamo, shot dead his alleged rival, a 46-year-old Ukrainian citizen, by shooting into the crowd. "I told you you would pay for it," the killer allegedly said to the dying man on the asphalt. The victim, Ivan Kantesedal, died shortly after arriving at the Ariano Irpino hospital. The attacker was arrested by the police immediately after the fatal ambush and taken to the barracks. The shooting in the crowd.


this murder arises from the Islamic fascist macho consideration that women are an object to be fought over and conquered

the internet is under the management of the priests of satan, it is not a peaceful place for normal people, worldisraelnews should be a safe place, but Aristobulus and his accomplices destroyed 50 of my accounts here, and tried to overwhelm me with all kinds of slander

what is the internet? it is Satan's central nervous system while the spa&co FED is his brain, this induced suicide is a premeditated and unintentional murder

] [The confessions of the haters who accused Vincent, a suicidal TikToker: "We went too far" Now they apologize, ask for forgiveness for what they did, say that they didn't want to go this far. But in this way, trying to justify themselves, they confess that they are the haters who unleashed the storm of hatred towards "Inquisitor Ghost", the nickname of the Bolognese TikToker Vincent Plicchi who committed suicide at the age of 23 last Monday. Vincent had flirted with a girl who he thought was of age, messages and nothing else, not even very explicit, just some appreciation. He didn't know that on the other end of the chat there was a seventeen-year-old who didn't hesitate to falsely accuse him of pedophilia, triggering an endless chain of insults and threats. Now this same accuser confesses her responsibilities in a post published by a profile opened only for this reason. She says: «To apologize for what I did». Dilan/AJ, as the girl signs herself, also calls into question the accomplices of the defamation, who in turn defend themselves hoping to be spared from the social storm that has now put them in the crosshairs. She writes Dilan / DJ again: «I didn't intend to hurt him, I went too far. He didn't deserve it, I know it's too late to apologize. But I hope one day you can forgive me for my stupid actions. I'm sorry I involved Tito (her boyfriend, ed.), Keeganmask and Bravo 0-7. They don't deserve the hate I've generated." And again: «Please stop sending death threats to anyone who has said things about “Inquisitor”. The best thing to do is not to sow hatred. One person is dead. Please Cod community, be better than this. I myself will be better. Rest in peace Vincent." "No excuse can ever justify the loss of Vincent" Late words compared to the drama that overwhelmed the Bolognese tiktoker and his family. And which also provoked the reaction of one of the haters who contributed to tarnishing his reputation. In fact, you write “Bravo 0-7”, the only Italian of the four: «There is no excuse that can ever justify the loss of “Inquisitor”. I want to start by saying that I am deeply sorry for what happened to him, and I hope that his family will recover from this loss soon. I was manipulated by some of the girls who originally started spreading these rumors. It was my mistake to completely believe them, without knowing anything about "Inquisitor", I naively believed that the evidence was true given that he spoke with minors, even if he didn't say anything remotely sexual, as the girls described him as doing." Attacked only to have his profile deleted Bravo 0-7 also reveals the motive for the attack on the boy from Bologna: "Just today I had other evidence that confirms that they only did it to have his profile deleted." And finally: «I'm not the one to blame for this. I'm not saying I didn't take part in this, but my videos were not intended to direct people's hatred." The Italian concludes by stating : «I couldn't believe he was gone. I didn't want to believe that he had done it because he had just returned (on social media which he had abandoned for a few days, ed.), And instead he did a live broadcast to commit suicide." They apologize but the community doesn't forgive


The families of the hostages have launched a public appeal to the Red Cross to intervene. YOU CANNOT INVOKE THE HUMANITARIAN RIGHT FOR CAIN WITHOUT EQUALLY RECOGNIZING A HUMANITARIAN RIGHT FOR ABEL.

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has begun high-level face-to-face discussions with senior members of the terrorist group Hamas in a bid to gain access to more than 150 hostages currently held in the Gaza Strip.



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