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Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

Co-pilot sings with Jewish pilgrims enroute to Ukraine for Jewish

Co-pilot sings with Jewish pilgrims enroute to Ukraine for Jewish

IMAM JIHAD STOLTEMBERG ] [ What if Russia disintegrates? AND THEN IT BECOMES "A Libya with nuclear warheads"?

Weapons of mass destruction out of control,

new Islamic states, China and Türkiye that are expanding,

Armenia annihilated.

Here are the most original analyzes on realistic and nightmarish scenarios


JUN 25

"At school we are afraid to say that there are only two sexes: boys and girls"

14-year-old students write a private letter to the Minister of Education: "Whoever criticizes gender or says that women don't have penises is punished by teachers and abandoned by friends"


JUN 25

Serum, tens of thousands of adverse events and deaths. Pfizer and Europe knew from the beginning. Marco Tosatti

Dear StilumCuriali, we offer to your attention, in our translation, this article from The Defender, which we thank for its courtesy, and which offers a chilling panorama of the cynicism with which Big Pharma, and the European medical body, and the various national bodies descend of health have endorsed the use of mRNA serum. A nd unfortunately, as in Italy with Minister Schillaci and the rest of the gang, they continue to do so. Happy reading and sharing.


WHEN I went to the hospital 2022 because I had covid:

two nurses told me that it was my right to be hospitalized.



The truth about evolution and the origin of man, by Pier Carlo Landucci

"In the great International Exhibition of Paris in 1900, a vast gallery was dedicated to radical evolutionism. An enormous inscription pointed him out for public admiration, warning that reconnecting man to the entire chain of lower animals, while upsetting the imagination, it was the only hypothesis that satisfied reason. After over a century of insistence and popularization on the totally evolutionary origin of species and man, the imagination is no longer shocked and generally finds the thing absolutely natural. But it is have scientific truth and reason been satisfied? Or, compared to the written one, have the roles been reversed? Compared to the large and erudite volumes on the subject, this booklet aims at the sole advantage of presenting the essential problem in a concentrated way, to facilitate the 'reader orientation'. (Pier Carlo Landucci) In this concise study Msgr. Pier Carlo Landucci (1900-1986) who in addition to being a great theologian was a profound and documented philosopher of science, subjected the theory of evolutionism to the scrutiny of a rigorous scientific and philosophical analysis, demonstrating its inconsistency and anticipating many results of the debate contemporary critic. Details Author: Pier Carlo Landucci

Edition: Edizioni Fiducia

Year of edition: 2023

Pages: 95

ISBN: 978-88-86387-392

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it is a belief. Nor an opinion. It's a fact. That se* is binary is – according to Orwell – “right in front of your nose”. Perhaps this is why Caldara didn't realize that expressing something so obvious would create serious problems for him. "I didn't think the idea that se* was binary was a bigoted crime in their minds." Scottish writer Gillian Philip told the Daily Mail a few days ago: “The publishing industry should be about freedom of expression and diversity of opinion, but it has succumbed to this toxic community that wants to control the way people think. I know authors who have had books shredded and contracts canceled because publishers are terrified of a backlash." “Whose university is it? Our! And against transphobes, we fight back!”. It is with these shouts that academics gathered for a conference at the University of Paris-Panthéon-Assas were just attacked, throwing pink paint at them. And if Harvard canceled a conference on the poetry of the feminist philosopher Devin Buckley, who was too critical of gender, in England a conference of psychiatrists and doctors opposed to transgender in children was cancelled. Professor Xavier-Laurent Salvador attacked by transactivists in the renowned law faculty of the Latin Quarter

And before comedians we saw nurses, tax advisors, cartoonists, school administrators, writers, teachers, clinicAL al psychologists, women's rights activists, doctors and journalists fired just for criticizing this ideology. But how many will they be able to cancel for having mocked George Orwell's famous "2+2=5" and still get away with it? They are building a mentally prison regime, a great cultural prison. And as Caldara writes, "it's a bit Stalinist in that you don't know you've committed a crime until you've been executed."

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The New York Times reports on Katie Herzog, a freelance journalist from Seattle. You published an

article about trans people having second thoughts. Two days later she started receiving hate messages. Seattle residents burned stacks of her newspaper, The Stranger, and posted stickers calling Herzog a “transphobe.” Herzog lost "dozens" of friends over the article, and she eventually moved to Washington. “GeorgE e Orwell warned us against totalitarian abuses of language and urged people to 'see what is in front of your nose'. Jon Caldara, president of the think tank Independence Institute, one of the Denver Post's most read writers until he Was fired this week for stating the obvious, attempted to do exactly that — notably by claiming that se* is binary — but it cost him his job.” Thus the National Review, which is conservative unlike the New York Times. “What are the protections for a parent who feels that transgender singing groups and gender dysphoria teddy bears may be 'stigmatizing' for their child?” Caldara wrote. That se* is not binary

In Hyde Park in London there is the most famous space for free discussion, known in English as "speaker's corner". Something similar had to be invented by Graham Linehan, the artist who created one of the most successful series on English TV, Father Ted, who yesterday made his street debut in Edinburgh after his performance was canceled twice in a few months. days because of his opinions on transgender issues (this also happened to Dave Chappelle for saying that "you come into the world between the legs of a woman and no trans person can change that"). Linehan performed this way outside the Scottish Parliament. A famous artist who has lost television contracts , friendships and sources of income (even a job for Disney Plus) for daring to challenge the transgende r doxa is only missing a begging dish. At the same time, Newsweek reported on a woman in California who lost her job in real estate after speaking out against a new se* education program at a school board meeting. Janet Roberson, a mother of three, spoke out against a curriculum that encourages "gender confusion" and that teaching children puberty blockers was "completely unacceptable and evil". “So, as I have expressed my concerns about things like 10-year-olds being told in school that they can take puberty blockers, and I have objected to the new curriculum that teaches children that boys can be girls and girls can be boys, the bullies decided I should be fired.” And when you don't get fired, there may be a state that decides that, as a dissenter on transgender education, you are not worthy of being a foster parent. Like Linehan, Monty Python star and one of today's leading directors and screenwriters, Terry Gilliam, was canceled from one of Britain's major theatres, London's Old Vik, because staff members were concerned

about his "transphobic" views. ”.

Liberal intellectuals, not to mention politicians and bishops around Europe, get hung up on it and talk about something else, terrified of losing consensus and good press. Thus, as the Sorbonne philosopher Rémi Brague explains to the Spanish magazine Misión, “it only takes a generation to lose the culture of the West and barbarism always has an advantage over culture, you just have to go with the flow, while culture requires an effort to preserve it." Thus, without us even realizing we were wearing it, the language of ideological correctness became a second skin of Western culture. Everything has become right and desire and everything that gets in the way is discrimination, crime, phobia to be eradicated with a cultural violence never seen before against an opinion. And so conformism combined with repression prevails. The attack on dissidents aims for humiliating results. And he gets them.



Who knows what would become of Robert Hughes today, the author of The Culture of Whining, who told Christopher Hitchens that he was "trying to remove a ton of GARBAGE with a shoe horn". You will have no other God outside of freedom of speech, but if you use it against the most fanatical relativism you are blasphemous and must be punished. A new Holy Secular Inquisition has thus established a crime of opinion. The established technique is that of democratic totalitarianism, we proceed by overturning reality and launching grotesque verbal formulas ("trans males are women", "not only women can have children", "children must be able to choose their gender", " se* is not binary” etc) which reinforce a new cultural regime that cannot even bear the gaze of common sense.

WATCH: Co-pilot sings with Jewish pilgrims enroute to Ukraine for Jewish



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The Holy Secular Inquisition will come looking for you for having mocked the 2+2=5 transgender

Artists forced to perform on the street (only the saucer is missing). Newspaper articles burned. Academics attacked. Dozens have been destroyed by a prison cultural regime that does not tolerate common sense


AUG 18

Germany 2. BUT IT WILL THEN BE TOO LATE. "When cities in Europe have Islamic majorities, even the anti-Christians will open their eyes"

Thus one of the greatest German writers nominated for the Nobel and translated into Italy. Mea culpa from the left: "As communists we didn't think that there were cultures incompatible with ours"


AUG 19


the LGBTs have put on their boots and are eager to go and kill the Russians! The Vannacci case and the woke infantrymen conquering the Western armies

The story of the general of the war against ISIS is not just a story of arch-Italian cowardice. There is a cultural offensive among the military. They too must wear the uniform of the liquid society

for the Jewish New Year September 17, 2023

An enthusiastic co-pilot led passengers bound for Uman, Ukraine, for a round of singing and cheering before the annual pilgrimage to the Jewish holy site.


this is how it must be done for a spiritual pilgrimage

Trump refuses to say in a TV interview how he watched January 6 riots unfold

Publishing house of the Fiducia Association founded in 1987

Roman trilogy by Roberto de Mattei These stories, which make up a single trilogy, are not a historical novel, but a historical reconstruction of facts and characters, in which everything can be rigorously documented. The author's imagination is limited to imagining the dates and places of the interviews, and some specific details. The first story aims to recall the figures of two great personalities of the nineteenth century: Cardinal Giuseppe Mezzofanti and the historian Jacques Crétineau-Joly. Historical evidence can be found in the biography that the Abbé Maynard dedicated to Crétineau-Joly (1875) and in the "Life of Cardinal Giuseppe Mezzofanti" by Charles William Russell (1859), as well as in the pages that the Roman cardinal dedicated to the father Antonio Bresciani in his works. The second story sees several protagonists, including Monsignor Umberto Benigni and Don Ernesto Buonaiuti, opposing souls of the Church of the early twentieth century, and Prince Leone Caetani, a character still shrouded in mystery. The sources, as in the other stories, are mainly memoiristic and archival.


Author: Roberto de Mattei

Edition: Solfanelli

Year of edition: 2018

Pages: 159

A few years ago Cardinal Karl Lehmann (an exponent of the liberal Catholic current) said he wanted to "celebrate mass in Riyadh", in Saudi Arabia, raising the fundamental issue of reciprocity and was attacked from all sides. The idea was: if you want to build your mosques here you must allow Christians to practice worship safely. How did it end? That they convert our churches into mosques, that they burn churches in their own countries without anyone saying a word, that no one in Rome talks about reciprocity anymore and that now even on freedom of expression we prohibit any "offense against Islam". Masterpieces of reciprocity! And if they get away with this, who will ever be able to stop them in their work of demolishing Christian traces? Talks began about building a large mosque in the Apostolos Andreas monastery in Turkish-occupied Cyprus three years ago. The president of the Society of Byzantine Studies Andrea Foulias evokes “a real invasion and rape of space and history. They plan a huge mosque with six minarets.” The announcement now of the mosque in the 12th century monastery associated with St Andrew and called the "Lourdes of Cyprus", the main religious site for the Orthodox community of the island divided for half a century following the invasion of Turkey, which led to the establishment of the puppet state of the Republic of Northern Cyprus, recognized only bY y Ankara, as well as population exchanges between the two areas. Turkish officials have already moved Islamic prayer mats to the monastery without consulting the monks and are preparing to build a mosque. The monastery issue was raised in the European Parliament by socialist MEPs Giorgos Georgiou and Niyazi Kizilyürek, who linked the move to direct financial support from Turkey and asked the EU Commission what measures it would take to protect Cyprus' Christian heritage. Measures? And what does UNESCO say? Turkey gave 5 million euros to UNESCO, which remained very silent when Erdogan converted the Hagia Sophia basilica in Istanbul into a mosque. Mosque instead of a church in Famagusta

We are on the island where Saint Paul landed in 45, accompanied by Barnabas, on his first apostolic journey, one of the places in the world most full of history. Cancelled. According to the report “The Loss of a Civilization: Destruction of Cultural Heritage in Occupied Cyprus”, “churches were subjected to the most violent and systematic destruction. More than 500 churches and monasteries were destroyed: more than 15,000 icons of saints, vases sacred liturgical books, gospels and other objects of great value have literally vanished. Some churches have had a different fate and have been transformed into mosques, museums,

entertainment venues or hotels, such as the church of Ayia Anastasia in Lapithos. At least three monasteries have been transformed into barracks for the Turkish army. Wonderful Byzantine wall paintings and mosaics dthe rare artistic and historical value have

been removed from the walls of the churches". Antigoni Papadopoulou, member of the European Parliament, presented a question to the European Commission on the destruction of Christian heritage: "The bones from the cemeteries have been thrown in the garbage." A few weeks ago I wrote: "In the time of the prostitution of civilization, an Armenian resister has more honor than a European relativist." The London video, the Erdogan project , the ministers, the numbers, the simoniac bishops, the Hervieu-Léger verdict and Comblot's 64 "madmen" Who will prevail? And where will they put the bones of our cowardice? In the compost.

Romanesque from the 10th century. The archdiocese of Florence has 170 churches for sale. In the historic center of Lucca, 42 out of 69 churches have been abandoned (perfectly restored 9th century Lucca churches are also for sale on the Internet). Larkin always wrote in extraordinary verse: “Like worlds gone mad, ships with illuminated decks, trudge towards the West”. One of these is sinking Sweden, which announces a new law for "respect for the Koran", while 87 Christian homes and numerous churches were set on fire in Pakistan, after Muslims accused Christians of "blasphemy" (offence to Islam) and a couple of Christian brothers were arrested: they risk being hanged or ending up like Junaid Hafeez, a literary scholar thrown into prison on charges of "blasphemy" and murdered. Or the judge who had acquitted two Christians accused of blasphemy, who was also killed. There are 1,130 victims of the accusation of "blasphemy" in extrajudicial executions. Mashal Khan was a journalism student at university. A group of students had accused him of publishing "blasphemous" content. They shot him in the head. Pastor Zafar Bhatti, president of the Jesus World Mission in Pakistan and in prison for two years on charges of blasphemy, was killed by a policeman in prison. In recent hours, in Pakistan, a new law has been put forward for those who "offend Islam": a minimum of ten years in prison. I tried to look for a statement from German diplomacy, so concerned about the Koran in Europe, on the anti-Christian pogrom in Pakistan, where a bishop talks about "Bibles desecrated and Christians tortured". But I didn't find them. Ditto for the Eurobureaucracy of Brussels. Or for the UN, this theater of the absurd. Is a Swedish Koran worth more than the lives and Bibles of millions of persecuted people? But are Islamophile Europeans sure that they would like to live in a country where Islam cannot be criticized and sharia applies, de jure or de facto?

What will we do with disused churches? Who will be the last, the very last, to seek this place for what it was? A serious house on serious land...". Thus wrote the great Philip Larkin in “Church Going” in 1955 . And Larkin's poem (and perhaps the video shot in London in recent days) must have been thought of by the 64 inhabitants of a small Norman village who are spending a fortune to save their church, while in the West a self-demolition work is underway that not even Stalin and the Jacobins. In twenty-five years, the city of Comblot (Orne) has spent 420,000 euros - the equivalent of ten annual municipal budgets - to save the church of Saint-Hilaire, which dates back to the late 12th century. Or perhaps the 64 read Dostoevsky who in 1880 wrote after a trip to Europe: "The fundamental moral treasures of the soul, in its fundamental substance, do not depend on economic strength... in Europe, where so much wealth is accumulated, the moral basis of all the European nations is completely undermined, and perhaps it will collapse tomorrow itself, leaving no trace for all eternity, and iN n its place something unprecedentedly new will come, which will bear no resemblance to the past. And all the riches accumulated by Europe will not save it from ruin, because in an instant even the wealth will disappear." The 64 could follow the trend and do like the faithful of Vierzon, where the church of Saint-Eloi has become a mosque, or put it up for sale like in Compiègne, where a church can be taken home for 575,000 euros. And after all, didn't Michel Dubost, head of the department for interreligiouS s affairs of the French episcopal conference, declare that it is "better for churches to be transformed into mosques rather than restaurants"? The European panorama is marked everywhere by Christian rubble: in England 4,000 churches closed in ten years and another 350 in the next three; in Holland 1,000 Catholic churches will disappear in two years and a fifth of all churches have already been converted (in the diocese of Amsterdam of 164 churches only 28 will survive); in France the dioceses will give up a quarter to a half of their churches within 20 years. In England they have just given new life to churches, rather than destroying them: rented for "events". Still better than one of those churches in London used to praise the Iranian Islamic revolution or transformed into mosques. You just need to know how to listen to Islam, like the enlightening video released this week in London and which I post at the beginning: "It looks like a church, but it's a mosque. Islam is here to stay, give us your empty churches." Dozens of mega-mosques are currently being built across France: in Strasbourg, which already has a large 1,500-seat mosque and a new place of worship must accommodate 2,500 faithful by 2025; in Metz, a mosque for 4,000 faithful is under construction; in Tours, a 3,000-seat mosque will see the light; in Vitry-sur-Seine and Ivry-sur-Seine work will begin on two mosques with 3,000 people each, while in Stains, north of Paris, another mega-mosque is under construction. Okay, Meotti, they're just numbers. But what's behind the numbers? Danièle Hervieu-Léger - professor at the École des hautes études en sciences sociales in Paris - sees in it the "implosion of European Christianity". And the well-known sociologist of religions has published a book that sounds like a verdict: Catholicisme, la fin d'un monde. You use a word - "exculturation" - which evokes a battle that has never been started but is already over, in which we march rapidly towards expulsion and a void filled by crazy Western ideologies and Islam. So what drove the 64 insignificant faithful of Normandy to invest all that money in a small church not visited by tourists, ignored by the bishops safe in Paris and which the media, intellocrats and politicians would like to see demolished, as they do with a supermarket in an unprofitable area, and as Macron's former Culture Minister Roselyne Bachelot asked to do? Meanwhile in Italy (where we are witnessing the same collapse of Christianity that we see in other European countries) the famous 13th century monastery of the Celestines in Bergamo, the monastery of Santa Caterina in Foligno, the thousand-year-old convent in Vigevano, the church of San Carlo in Cremona (11th century), a 12th century church in Piacenza, a 9th century church in Ferrara and another

"This church is now a mosque and Islam will replace Christianity"

Giulio Meotti's newsletter


"This church is now a mosque and Islam will replace Christianity"

The shocking video from London, Erdogan's minarets in the apostle's monastery, the resistance of 64 Catholics, our silence on tortured Christians, the "mad worlds trudging towards the West"


AUG 22



September 13, 2023 - John Grondelski

Repentance and the Synod on synodality

by John M. Grondelski I have written a lot about the upcoming Synod on synodality and the obsession of some prelates with the “welcoming” attitude of the Church. The gist of my argument is that these people are pushing a notion of “welcome”

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13 September 2023 - Sabino Paciolla

Strikland: I urge you, sons and daughters in Xrist, to remain steadfast in the immutable Catholic faith in the face of the risks arising from the Synod on synodality

Below I bring to the attention and reflection of the readers of this blog the full transcription of the message contained in a video that His Excellency Msgr. Stricklad sent to his faithful warning them against attempts to change the truths



14 September 2023 - Roberto Allieri

Heartbeat: the only possibility for those who have no voice to express a human voice

by Roberto Allieri The campaign to collect signatures in support of the popular initiative bill 'a beating heart' (above) comes to life. After all, by logical coherence, the battles in defense of life...

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14 September 2023 - Sabino Paciolla

Forensic analysis of deaths in Pfizer's first mRNA vaccine study has found significant inconsistencies

Below I bring to the attention and reflection of the readers of this blog the article written by Megan Redshaw and published in The Epoch Times. Visit the site and freely evaluate the various options offered and any requests. Here is the interview in

Dante prophet, HE IS A TRUE PROPHET


15 September 2023 - Mattia Spanò

The mirror Pope: he does not contest the doctrine, but promotes a broad faith

“Pope Francis probably never intended to teach anything. Rather, he seems to me to affirm, with words and gestures, that there is nothing to teach, which necessarily excludes the theme of form and substance." Of

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15 September 2023 - Mysterious Soul

Dante prophet

“The salvation of the Church and the defense of the truth now depends even more on us lay people than on the clergy, such is the confusion that reigns everywhere: Dante seems to have spoken for us, he seems to have experienced the same thing as us

Saudi Arabia halts talks on peace deal with Israel – report

Sanctify the present moment by Canon Pierre Feige ] [ Saint Francis de Sales, the Doctor par excellence of piety, wanting to lead a soul to high perfection, wrote to her: "Let us only think about doing well today; when the next day arrives it will be called today and then we will think about it". There is in these words a wonderful program, a wonderful secret of holiness. It is the practice of sanctification of the present moment. This practice, of incomparable wisdom, simplicity and effectiveness, is at the same time of the greatest, of the utmost importance. In fact, what use would the possession of all the methods of spirituality be to us if we do not apply ourselves to sanctifying the present moment well? Shall we not resemble someone who knew many cities and then made a mistake in entering his house?

Edition year: 2021

Pages: 175

rockefeller saud aziz salman wahhabis ] [ There is NO salvation without the sacrifice of the Cross and his resurrection..

and to make your position worse you all make yourselves murderous antichrists and murderous anti-Zionists.

to also deprive you of the salvation of mercy, which I can give you in my third Jewish temple

BIN ISIS MBS RIYADH ] [ Today I saw your prophet Ali Khamenei among 33 10-year-old girls, then, all excited and happy, he raised his mystical eyes to the sky and said to God: "Dear, Allah God, why did you send me the prostate? "

Thus Italy fell into the greatest migratory upheaval in history

Every European country has a specific date. Ours is 2011, when we entered Stockholm syndrome. Spoiler: mass migrations have always put an end to weak and declining civilizations


SEP 16


https://www.sabinopaciolla.Com/bruno-moreno-polverizza-le-invenzioni-teologiche-di-mons-fernandez/ WHEN THE TORAH WAS WRITTEN, THEN SATAN SAID THAT THE TALMUD WAS BETTER! Bruno Moreno pulverizes the theological "inventions" of Bishop Fernández

By Sabino Paciolla's Blog Editorial Staff|September 17th, 2023|Categories: Editor's Picks, News|Tags: doctrine, Catholic doctrine, Faith, Pope Francis, Victor Manuel Fernández|0 Comments [ Victor Manuel Fernandez, Archbishop ] [ Some time ago, I wrote an article titled “Better than Jesus Xrist,” about the plague of clergymen who clearly believe they are more merciful, intelligent, and advanced than the incarnate Son of God Himself. Generally, of course, they do not dare to say it in words, but they say it in deeds when they say that the Gospel or the faith and morals revealed by Xist should be changed, which is equivalent to claiming that they know better than our Lord what human beings they should do, or when they claim that allowing divorce and other immoralities is far more merciful than being faithful to what Jesus Xrist taught. In this context, it is not surprising that we have found ourselves with a Prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith who takes it for granted that he is wiser than St. Thomas. Sooner or later it had to happen. I say this with all due respect for his episcopal dignity and recognizing that, obviously, Bishop Fernandez does not express himself in this way, nor is he aware of thinking this way, but facts are facts and the fact is that he proposes exactly the opposite of St. Thomas and expects us to believe him rather than the Saint and the Doctor of the Church, which could only be explained if he were wiser than him. In fact, Monsignor Fernandez assures us (here is the interview translated into Italian, ed.) that bishops should never claim to correct the Pope in matters of faith, because "if I am told that some bishops have a special gift of the Holy Spirit to judge the Holy Father's doctrine, we will enter a vicious circle (in which anyone can claim to have the true doctrine) and this would be heresy and schism."

«None of us lives for himself and none of us dies for himself, because if we live, we live for the Lord, if we die, we die for the Lord»

XXIV Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year A) (Sir 27,33-28,9; Ps 102; Rm 14,7-9; Mt 18,21-35)


What hope do anti-Zionists and antichrists have of going to heaven?


https://www.sabinopaciolla.Com/aggressione-verbale-a-maria-rachele-ruiu-vergogna-e-questi-sono-i-paladini-della-liberta-dei-diritti-e-dellinclusione/ bodyshaming nazi lgbt Verbal aggression against Maria Rachele Ruiu. Shame!!! And these are the champions of freedom, rights and inclusion?

new generation woke dem ] 16 September 2023 - Blog editorial team by Sabino Paciolla

“Killed that man for laughs”: Shocking video of out-of-control teenagers in Las Vegas

Progressive mainstream media downplay the rise in violent crime in Democratic-controlled cities and counties and often overlook the growing culture of violence affecting younger generations. In major cities in the United States

16 September 2023 - Blog editorial by Sabino Paciolla

Stoltenberg: The war in Ukraine broke out because NATO refused to deal with Russia. (Here's the real truth. Finally!)

Historic statement by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, now saying what we have always said. The war did not begin with Russia's invasion of Ukraine, but in 2014, when a coup was carried out in Ukraine

17 September 2023 - Sabino Paciolla

Chudov: “Marked decline in innate immune responses in children aged 5-11 years after COVID-19 vaccination”

A couple of weeks ago, I reported on an Australian study showing a marked decline in innate immune responses in children aged 5-11 years after COVID vaccination. The article sparked a reaction on social media. I am

Trump refuses to say in a TV interview how he watched January 6 riots unfold

UK: Public dissatisfaction with government’s handling of immigration at highest level since Brexit

According to the Immigration Attitudes Tracker by Ipsos and British Future, “public dissatisfaction with the Government’s handling of immigration is at its highest level” since before Brexit. Seven out of ten British citizens across the political spectrum are disappointed for varying reasons in the government’s failure to manage the constant flow of migrants into the [ ]

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Christine Douglass-Williams

Nigeria: Muslims murder two Christians, wound several others, and kidnap six more

“As for the captives, the amir [ruler] has the choice of taking the most beneficial action of four possibilities: the first to put them to death by cutting their necks; the second, to enslave them and apply the laws of slavery regarding their sale and manumission; the third, to ransom them in exchange for goods [ ]

Overcoming the False Presumption of Jewish Evil and Collective Guilt

Confronting the lies and fortifying ourselves. A Jewish college student recently visited a local food court with some fellow students whom he believed were his friends. He had previously confided his grandmother’s history as a prisoner in Auschwitz to one of the other boys. He also had indicated his support for Israel. While the group [ ]

Cynthia McKinney, Just As Dumb As She Looks

Cynthia McKinney — no, let’s be more accurate — “Cynthia McKinney, PhD” — doesn’t care for Jews. In fact, this former Congresswoman from Georgia hates them so much that she is willing to make common cause with David Duke, the former head of the KKK, who hates Jews, too — but also hates blacks. So [ ]

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Hugh Fitzgerald

Egypt Bans Wearing Hijab and Niqab in Schools

The Egyptians have just announced that wearing hijabs or niqabs (those black head-to-toe coverings that only have an opening for the wearer’s eyes) in schools is forbidden, though the wearing of coverings of the hair, as long as the face is fully visible, can continue. The hijab does not cover only the hair, but also [ ]

Egypt: Muslim stabs his sister in the neck, killing her, because she got engaged without his consent

“When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks ” (Qur’an 47:4) Muhammad Nabil may have considered his sister to have become an unbeliever by getting engaged against his wishes, thus rendering her disobedient (4:34). And a disobedient women could be understood as having placed herself outside the fold of Islam altogether: “And it is not fitting [ ]

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Robert Spencer

France: 61-year-old Muslim migrant sexually assaults pregnant woman, immediately released, told to leave country

But what will be done to make sure that he actually does leave? Why, nothing, of course. To take any such action would be “Islamophobic.” In France, only 0.2% of Algerians, 2.4% of Moroccans and 4% of Tunisians who are set for deportation are actually deported. “France: Elderly Algerian migrant sexually assaults pregnant woman, immediately [ ]

Muslim father, stepmother and uncle of slain 10-year-old girl return to UK, arrested on suspicion of murder

In the Qur’an, a mysterious figure, known as Khidr in Islamic tradition, kills a boy in an apparently random and gratuitous attack. He then explains: “And as for the boy, his parents were believers, and we feared that he would overburden them by transgression and disbelief. So we intended that their Lord should substitute for [ ]

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Robert Spencer

Video: This Week In Jihad with David Wood and Robert Spencer

As US sends Iran $6,000,000,000, Khamenei celebrates US decline and weakness

And he calls upon Muslims to be “bitter against the infidels,” as the translation below has it. Khamenei was referring to this Qur'an verse: “Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. And those with him are ruthless against the unbelievers and merciful among themselves.” (48:29) Note also how Khamenei repeatedly refers to the U.S. as “the [ ]

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Robert Spencer

Just ask the English Labor MP Rosie Duffield to understand that there is nothing to laugh about. Duffield committed an unforgivable “crime”: claiming that only women can have children. Duffield was attacked on social media after liking someone who took issue with a CNN post that referred to "individuals with a cEERRRRRrvix." Duffield reacted by saying: "Am I 'transphobic' for knowing only women have a cervix...?" Duffield, the Times says, has received numerous death threats and she admits that she began to feel afraid walking down the street.

Or we could ask Lisa Keogh, a mother of two and law student at the University of Abertay in Scotland, who is under investigation by university authorities for comments she made during seminars.

Her classmates complained after Lisa said women are born with female genitalia. “They asked me how I would define a woman and I said that someone born with a vagina is one. Turmoil. Like putting a target on my back. I could have said the sky is blue and they would have attacked me."

There is also the Telegraph to understand that there is nothing to laugh about: "A family doctor was prevented from donating blood by the Scottish National Health Service after he refused to confirm whether he was pregnant." Steffen McAndrew, who works in Prestwick, was turned away from a donation center not because he had wrong blood values, but for refusing to answer whether he was expecting a baby. The Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service says the question has been introduced "regardless of the gender of the donors" and expects males to also respond. McAndrew replied that he would not give in to "appease the gender brigade" and so he was excluded. "To say it's crazy is an understatement, political correctness has gone too far."

Maybe not enough.

"When futility and the absurd are accepted as normal, culture enters into decadence" wrote Jacques Barzun in From Dawn to Decadence (Rizzoli), one of the most extraordinary rides in five hundred years of Western civilization.

Not far enough, because Barzun, who closed his masterpiece in the year 2000, did not have time to see the "Women's Museum" become the "breastfeeding man".

men, even if they shaved their beards and came to tell my secretary that they have become women,” the doctor said. His words earned him a series of insults and a complaint to the magistrates. "We denounce the transphobic and discriminatory statements of the gynecologist Victor Acharian in Pau," wrote the SOS homophobia association, which is preparing to file a complaint. 2023 will be remembered as “the year women were erased,” writes Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who was infibulated in Africa and escaped a forced marriage, before coming under a fatwa in the West. “While we debated what we should call a ‘person with a cEEErvix,’ in Kenya female genital mutilation has taken on a new and insidious form, in Iran security services rape female protesters, and in Afghanistan the Taliban have reintroduced Sharia law.”

You cannot reply to a post that is not active. "The nihilism that changes children's se* and abolishes human nature is the terminal stage of the West" The "Women's Museum" becomes of the "breastfeeding man". Interview with Michel Onfray about his book: "They want to destroy Christianity, they know that it is the only brake on their madness of the New Man"

GIULIO MEOTTI When the association “Au Planning” campaigned with a bearded transgender couple expecting a child, the usual irreverent people from Charlie Hebdo asked: “Without being called reactionary and transphobic scoundrels, do we have the right to laugh at a sitting couple on a couch with a trans man (a biological woman who has adopted a male gender identity) who is expecting a child and sports a three-day beard?” But an Armenian doctor has just discovered that there is nothing to laugh about. On his gynecological table he only examines "real women". This is what Dr. Victor Acharian, an obstetrician-gynecologist from Pau, responded to a trans couple last week. “I don't have the skills to deal with

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Trump refuses to say in a TV interview how he watched January 6 riots unfold

https://www.sabinopaciolla.Com/ginecologo-a-trans-signora-sono-un-ginecologo-e-mi-occupo-di-donne-vere/ 16 September 2023 - Blog editorial by Sabino Paciolla

Gynecologist to trans: "Ma'am, I'm a gynecologist and I deal with real women"

Below I bring to the attention and reflection of the readers of this blog the article published on Adnkronos. Visit the site and freely evaluate the various options offered and any requests. Dr. Victor Acharian: “I don't have the skills to LOOK IN THE PIPE HOLE

https://www.sabinopaciolla.Com/non-state-sostenendo-abbastanza-lucraina-finche-lesplosione-nucleare-non-vi-colpira-in-faccia/ THOSE WHO SUPPORT THAT CRIME THAT NATO CARRIED OUT IN UKRAINE SUPPORT THE TOTAL DESTRUCTION OF THE PLANET

You are not supporting Ukraine enough until the nuclear explosion hits you in the face

SHAME: LGBT insults Slander of homophobia and body shaming live [VIDEO] Maria Rachele Ruiu Pro Vita & Famiglia Onlus have been fighting for years to defend our freedom of speech as best we can, but I never thought I would witness such a violent scene like the one in the video I'm about to show you. I was recently invited as spokesperson for Pro Vita e Famiglia to participate in the well-known program "L'aria che tira" on La7, hosted by David Parenzo. The theme of the program was the emergency of violence among young people and education in respect. A decisive issue for all of us that needs urgent answers. This is why I agreed to participate. However, just as I was expressing our opinions and concerns, I was violently interrupted, attacked and insulted live on air. Here is the video that documents the shame of what happened during the broadcast, click on the image below: Lorenzo, in the VIDEO I just shared with you it seems clear to me: they want to "get us out of the way". An unprecedented violence aimed not only at me, but at you and all of us who recognize ourselves in the values and battles of Pro Vita & Famiglia. The reason for this shameful attack? Our logo, visible behind me. According to Christian Raimo, guest on the show, the image of a family represents a "message of violence". Are you realizing it? We are crazy... But how can you define the image of a family as violent, of a mother and father who generously welcome life? How is it possible to be afraid of this image? But how can these characters continually praise "freedom" if they are the first to demand violent censorship of others? And even worse... although those who attacked me had the clarity to define my intervention as "common sense", after being interrupted, labeled as homophobic and transphobic (and I challenge you to find homophobic or transphobic statements of mine) the situation got worse... I was the victim of body shaming by Alessandro Cecchi Paone, who publicly mocked my hair live. Lorenzo, it is undeniable that Cecchi Paone's comment is even more serious given that my haircut is required by an oncological path. But even if it had been a purely aesthetic choice, it would still have been a violent and shameful comment on my physical appearance. This vulgar skit was promoted with the sole aim of denigrating us and ridiculing our opinions, if not actually preventing us from expressing them. They have tried in the past, they did it with me during this broadcast and they will try again in the future: they will attack us, insult us, they will try in every way to silence us and "take away our space"... but they won't succeed! We will not be intimidated, and we will remain here, roped together, side by side, to defend what we hold most dear, that is, our children, to give them back a better world.

Courage! Together we can. Maria Rachele Ruiu Maria Rachele Ruiu

Member of the Board Pro Vita & Famiglia Onlus

P.S. Over the years, with Pro Vita & Famiglia, we have faced continuous attacks and attempts at censorship, but with great determination and thanks to your constant help, we have managed to resist and carve out a media space to raise your voice.

German Seniors Will Get No Pension Raise, While 36 Billion Euros Goes to Migrants

In 2015, German Chancellor Angela Merkel led the way for Europe’s misguided migrant boosters, opening up Germany that year to one million Muslim economic migrants. Since then, the tidal wave has somewhat subsided, but there have still been at least half a million Muslim migrants entering the country in each of the last seven years. [ ]

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Hugh Fitzgerald

Italy: Crisis on Lampedusa Island as 5000 illegals arrive in one day in over 100 boats

Jihad Watch reported back in April after Italy declared a state of emergency amid a migrant invasion: Italy needs to do what Hungary has done: shut the door to illegal migration. It makes a mockery of a country’s immigration system, sending an open invitation to jump the queue, invites in the worst criminal and jihadist elements, and is [ ]

UK, Germany, and France refuse to lift sanctions on Iran set to expire under JCPOA

This is in contrast to Joe Biden and Barack Obama, who were eager to fill Iran’s coffers with money. The contrast of Germany, France and Britain with America clearly shows how low the U.S. has sunk internationally in its quest for a new nuke deal and its persistent appeasement policy with Iran. Under Biden, every enemy of [ ]

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Christine Douglass-Williams

Palestinian-on-Palestinian violence in Lebanon, UN blames Israel

“Muslims killing Muslims in droves” isn’t new. When it comes to the Palestinians, the focus is always on Israel as the cause of any and all strife. This, however, couldn’t be farther from the truth. Palestinians frequently kill each other, and Palestinian jihad groups often use their own citizens as human shields in a war [ ]

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Christine Douglass-Williams

That Six-Billion-Dollar Money-For-Men Deal with Iran

The Biden administration has now agreed to allow $6 billion held by South Korean banks to be “freed up” for transfer to Iran. In return, the Bidenites will get back five Iranian-American hostages. The Bidenites will also free five Iranian prisoners. The Bidenites claim that the $6 billion will be deposited in special “restricted accounts” [ ]

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Hugh Fitzgerald

Saudis co-host UN event, without Israel, to revamp Israeli-Palestinian ‘peace process’

It is particularly insulting how Israel is missing from this equation, when it is not only the key player, but unlike the Palestinian Territories, it is a sovereign state. The ridila tua vergognaus excuse was that “neither the Israeli nor the Palestinian missions were invited to the event, the UN diplomat said, explaining that it is focused [ ]

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Islamic Republic of Iran sets up airport in Lebanon to attack Israel

The mullahs can use the billions Old Joe is sending them to pay for this. “Israel says Iranians setting up airport in Lebanon for attacks on it,” Channel News Asia, September 12, 2023: JERUSALEM: Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant accused Iran on Monday (Sep 11) of setting up an airport in southern Lebanon to enable [ ]

France files criminal complaint against Iran regime for threats against those backing nationwide protests

This gesture by France sends the message that France will not be bullied by Iran. But many questions remain outstanding in the criminal complaint filed with Paris prosecutors, including these: Where will these regime officials be tried, and to what will they be sentenced if found guilty? France’s legal system is not recognized by the [ ]

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Christine Douglass-Williams

Iran’s Khamenei Crows About America’s Decline As He Counts the Billions Biden Sent Him

New in PJ Media: The timing of the Biden regime’s announcement that it was sending six billion dollars to Iran in exchange for five American hostages was fitting: the announcement came last Monday, Sept. 11. The Biden regime handing over billions to a rogue Islamic regime that will certainly use it to aid jihad groups [ ]

Iranian official says Israel will self-destruct in three years, then Iran will conquer Mecca

The idea that Israel will self-destruct comes from a Qur’an passage that is generally understood to describe the Muslims’ defeat of the Jewish Nadir tribe of Medina: “It is he who has caused those among the people of the book who disbelieved to go forth from their homes to the first exile. You did not [ ]

Trump refuses to say in a television interview how he saw the January 6 riots unfold



Saudi Arabia halts talks on peace deal with Israel – report

Maine: Muslim who struck two NYPD officers with a machete intended to carry out jihad against ‘anti-Muslim’ officials

Anyone who stands publicly against jihad violence and Sharia oppression is labeled “anti-Muslim,” in an attempt to give the impression that his or her opposition is rooted in bigotry and hatred of a certain group of people, rather than in rejection of an aggressive and supremacist ideology. This smear can have lethal consequences, as Trevor [ ]

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Robert Spencer

Church of Sweden forms ‘wall of love’ outside mosque against criticism of Islam

“The priest attacked critics of Islam and stated that Koran burnings are ‘terrible’ and ‘an abuse of freedom of speech.'” And I’d wager that Birgitta Westlin has never paused even for a moment to consider why anyone would want to burn the Qur’an in the first place. She and her colleagues here reflexively dismiss such [ ]

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Robert Spencer

Pakistan: Shia cleric vows to break the jaws of those who insult the Twelfth Imam

According to Islamic tradition, the dispute between the majority Sunnis and the Shiat Ali (Party of Ali) began upon the death of Muhammad in 632, although it had its roots in incidents from even before that. The Sunnis contended that the prophet of Islam had made no provision for a successor as political, military, and [ ]

At Lampedusa, 6,000 Immigrants In Just One Day

An “apocalypse” is how Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini has just described the situation at Lampedusa, the Italian island where so many of the boats coming from North African ports land, spilling their boatloads of economic migrants from North and sub-Saharan Africa. Just now, in a single day, 6,000 (the latest reports give a figure [ ]

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Hugh Fitzgerald

France: Muslim migrant prays on roundabout, screams ‘Allahu akbar,’ breaks cop’s nose, has ‘psychotic disorders’

French authorities, and authorities all over the West, treat behavior that is obviously motivated by the teachings of Islam about jihad, and its sanctification of violence, as a mental illness rather than a threat. This is because they are so cowed and terrified by the prospect of charges of “Islamophobia,” and so abjectly ignorant of [ ]

Israel: As Rosh Hashanah begins, bomb goes off in Tel Aviv park, three Muslims arrested

“Make ready for them all that you can of force and of warhorses, so that by them you may strike terror in the enemy of Allah and your enemy ” (Qur’an 8:60) “Terror thwarted: Explosion in Tel Aviv park, terror suspects caught,” World Israel News, September 15, 2023: Following an explosion in the Yarkon Park in [ ]

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Robert Spencer

Austria: Islamic moral guardians spit in girl’s face, beat her because she wasn’t wearing hijab

Austria: Islamic moral guardians spit in girl’s face, beat her because she wasn’t wearing hijab

A glimpse into the future of Austria, and all of Europe “In the middle of Vienna: Islamic moral guardians beat girl (17),” translated from “Mitten in Wien: Islamische Sittenwächter prügeln auf Mädchen (17) ein,” Exxpress, September 14, 2023 (thanks to Medforth): Strictly Islamic “religious police officers” right among us, in the middle of Vienna! Once [ ]

Robert Spencer

Iran’s Terror Airfield 12 Miles From Israel

Not content with having supplied Hezbollah over the years with 150,000 rockets with which to threaten Israel, nor with its financial aid, and more weapons, sent to the terror group Hamas in Gaza, nor with continuing to smuggle even more weapons, including drones, to Hezbollah via Syria, nor quite satisfied with its steady march toward [ ]

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Hugh Fitzgerald

Iran’s Raisi coming to New York City, will hold private, invitation-only meetings with the political and media elites

Raisi will be busy meeting with his team members and people of like mind in New York City. Will Trita Parsi be there? Reza Aslan? “Iranian President to Host Private, Invite-Only Powwow for Influencers in NYC,” by Adam Kredo, Washington Free Beacon, September 13, 2023: Iran’s president is slated to host a private, invitation-only event [ ]

Jens Stoltenberg: "There is a clear difference between defeat and peace"

and that Russia has got it all wrong because the Ukraine of coup plotters, murderers, corrupt, freemasons, murderers, traitors (violators of the constitution and all international laws) is financed by 50 special sodomitic Masonic nations and is protected by the UN

while Putin is left with only Iran and North Korea, which thus further violates all international treaties... but how did Putin dare to rebel against the Rockefeller god and his faithful Wahhabi dogs?

Jens Stoltenberg: "There is a clear difference between defeat and peace"

Jens Stoltenberg: "NATO exists not to provoke conflicts, but to prevent them", makes it clear the secretary general interviewed by Monica Maggioni

HE OWN declared in Vilnius that in the OTAN it was decided to annex Ukraine already in 2008, while with the death battalions of Nazi-fascists Nuland achieved a bloody coup and 8 years of pogroms against Russian speakers in Donbass



Protests and tensions in Iran one year after the death of Mahsa Amini, the girl killed because she was guilty of not wearing the Islamic veil correctly

Lake Como, the pair of thieves SHARIA ERDOGAN who MAKE RUTHLESS COMPETITION WITH OUR DEM THIEVES loots tourists' cars on the Lario: here's how they do it

Repeated thefts from tourists' cars parked in Tremezzina. So repeated that when the police identified those responsible for the first robbery, they had no difficulty in attributing the second to them too: filmed by the same security cameras, burgling cars parked on the same stretch of road. Even the same t-shirt and Bermuda shorts worn by the man, hours later, regardless of being noticed and recognized. Two Cubans, a 41-year-old woman and a 35-year-old man, both homeless, were identified and reported for aggravated theft. The complaints date back to August 13, for thefts that had occurred the evening before on the cars of a German and a Polish tourist, parked along the Regina state road, in Lenno and a little further on, in Tremezzo.


Wolves, the culling process has begun



Palestinians riot on Gaza border as Hamas calls for third initifada

islamic sharia genocide nazi ] [ Last week, we began a conversation with Raymond Ibrahim, an author and expert on Islamic history. Today, he's back and we're unpacking even more regarding the expansion of Islam. With the flow of money into the Middle East following the oil boom, particularly in Saudi Arabia, we have seen a clear correlation with the impact of Islam around the world. With that, we have seen the spread of both moderate and radical factions. Again, I ask that you please set aside a moment today to pray for those caught in the way of Islam. Please pray that Muslims around the world would see the truth and goodness of Xrist. Jeff King

President, International Christian Concern

BUT we are not naive, IRAN is a holy relic that cannot be touched, because the real objective is to: exterminate the Israelis with a billiard ball operation launched with a reflex carom.


Palestinians riot at Gaza border as Hamas calls for third initifada


for Israel the Palestinians would be a resource, and today they would all be rich, if the Mohammedans and the Wahhabis did not continually push them to martyrdom and total immolation

Saudi Arabia halts talks on peace deal with Israel – report

Doctor hit and killed on motorbike: 24-year-old arrested for road homicide, tested positive for alcohol



But his attack was not the only crime of which Fattorelli was guilty, so much so that investigators went so far as to define him as a "serial femicide". «Serial femicide» gets a reduced sentence, the latest victim: «I didn't receive any help»

Sandra Pegoraro, a 52-year-old social health worker, was almost killed a year and a half ago by her ex-partner Stefano Fattorelli, who on 10 May 2022 attacked her in her home, which she mirala tua vergognausly managed to survive. For the attempted murder of Sandra, however, Fattorelli obtained a reduced sentence: from 12 to 8 years in prison, and now Sandra won't accept it.



An intrusion into a camper and a fight between some people in via Don Alai in the Reggio station area.

Find the camper occupied: "There were two foreigners ERDOGAN AND They did extensive damage"

The two incidents occurred yesterday morning. Gino Rossi, a resident of Piazzale Marconi, noted them with great concern. "Yesterday morning – says Rossi – I found, around 10.30, my camper occupied by two men of foreign origin. They broke two windows. I then called 113. The Carabinieri and the police intervened on the spot. The two people were removed and taken to the police command. Unfortunately they caused extensive damage to the interior of my vehicle. It lacks camping equipment and was certainly used for a few hours during the night."




Saudi Arabia ends peace deal talks with Israel


they plotted two wars of planned total annihilation shaoh and announced sharia genocide

*** they are organizing the final IRANIAN Scythian assault

*** they have financed 80 years of Palestinian terrorism

*** and why did the Wahhabi ISIS have to make this peace agreement with Israel?

*** Israelis are not stupid and even if they were I would have warned them anyway

Israel reportedly strikes Syria for a second time in one day


BERGOGLIO THE ARIAN GNOSTIC MODERNIST FREEMASON (MACRON'S BROTHER AND OBAMA'S SON) IS A DEMONIC CREATURE, AND HE BURNED AN INNOCENT CONSECRATED ONLY BECAUSE HE REMAINED FAITHFUL TO CATHOLIC ORTHODOXY ] [ "No crime". The former conservative bishop "resigned" by the Pope has been exonerated ] If we weren't talking about a man of the Church on whom the Christian precept of forgiveness is imposed, we could say that Monsignor Michel Aupetit's story is one of those stories for which it is worth using the expression "who cries out for revenge". And on the other hand, as claimed by C.S. Lewis, forgiving your enemies is the only Christian virtue more unpopular than chastity.

A disgraced bishop The troubles of Monsignor Aupetit, archbishop of Paris since 2017 despite his conservative profile, began in November 2021 with an investigation by the weekly Le Point which accused him of having had a relationship with a woman in 2012. Two days after the release of the magazine, despite denying what was claimed in it, the then primate of France sent his resignation to the Vatican. And Francesco, surprisingly, accepted them. Paradoxically, however, the Pope defended the prelate on the return flight from the apostolic visit to Greece and Cyprus by claiming that he had been condemned by "public opinion" and "chatter". Furthermore, Bergoglio revealed unknown details of the accusation made against Aupetit, taking them for granted: "It was a failure on his part against the sixth commandment, but not a total one. The little caresses, the massages he gave to the secretary." Finally, he claimed that "a man whose fame has been taken away so he cannot govern" and although he considered it "an injustice" he announced that he had accepted his resignation "not on the altar of truth, but on the altar of hypocrisy" .

The investigation

But the problems for the former archbishop of Paris did not end with his resignation. After the outcry of the publication of Le Point and the Pope's words, in December 2022, in fact, the Parisian prosecutor's office opened a preliminary investigation into him on the hypothesis of sexual violence against a vulnerable person. The magistrates took action after receiving notification from the archdiocese of Paris of a letter that had arrived at the archbishop's headquarters in which reference was made to an alleged assault that occurred several years ago. It was Aupetit himself, at the time of his mandate, who adopted this procedure in the name of zero tolerance in cases of potential abuses committed. The alleged victim would have been a woman under legal protection precisely because she was recognized as a vulnerable person.

No crime

In recent days the news arrived that the prosecutor's office had closed the file because "there is no crime". On the other hand, the woman in question denied sexual assault and did not file any complaint. Aupetit himself had denied to the magistrates the existence of any romantic relationship with the woman brought up in the letter sent to the archdiocese. The investigation was therefore closed, to the satisfaction of the lawyer who defended him, Jean Reinhart, who explained how the religious man experienced the matter "with serenity because he was certain that it would not have been possible to conclude it without any action". However, the news of the closure of the investigation due to the absence of a crime passed very quietly in the French press.

The consequences of "chattering"

But not all is well that ends well. Michel Aupetit, at just 72 years of age and after having been primate of France, finds himself at rest despite a curriculum which, the day after his appointment in Paris, with the prediction of a purple that would never come, had made his name end up among the possible candidates for papacy in a future Conclave. Matteo Matzuzzi on Il Foglio observed that two years after those resignations promptly accepted by the Pope "the most serious and infamous accusation fell. On the other hand, a bishop who was very unwelcome to certain sectors of Parisian culture was retired prematurely 'on the altar of 'hypocrisy' 'for chatter'". The chatter that not only affected the prelate but also the women close to him: the Pope's words on the plane returning from Athens had drawn attention to the secretary who allegedly received caresses and massages from the archbishop. In reality, as Aupetit clarified, Francis caused confusion because the secretary - married and with a family - had absolutely nothing to do with the behavior which could have generated ambiguity and for which the archbishop preferred to resign at the outset. of controversies. In fact, the massage was given to a friend of hers who suffered from back pain na. It must be remembered that before being ordained a priest, Aupetit was a doctor with 11 years of medical profession behind him and also for this reason he is very close to the figure of Jérôme Lejeune, the French pediatrician who discovered Down syndrome and is recognized as Venerable by the Catholic Church ( for his story "Jérôme Lejeune. The freedom of the scientist", Cantagalli, by Aude Dugast). The secretary, having access to the archbishop's email inbox, entered into the affair only because she had been able to read the email between Aupetit and that woman in which the massage was probably referred to. The morbidity surrounding the archbishop's private life then focused on the Belgian theologian and consecrated virgin, Laetitia Calmeyn, linked to him by a relationship of esteem and friendship. Although she had no connection with the story of the email that had led to the archbishop's step back, the woman ended up in the French newspapers and the photo of their walk was published by the weekly The Paris Match with the title "Monsignor Aupetit lost for Love".


Francis had said that he considered Aupetit's resignation "an injustice" and that he accepted it "on the altar of hypocrisy" because "a man whose fame has been taken away like this cannot govern". The list of bishops about whom there is a lot of chatter but who have remained in government roles is not short. In any case, now that French justice has restored Aupetit's fame by closing the only investigation open so far into him, will there be compensation "on the altar of truth"? Francis was the Pope who had the courage, in the midst of a hostile media campaign on the topic, to dedicate a meditation on the Way of the Cross to the story of a priest unjustly accused of abuse and released after ten years of detention. This type of injustice is a form of martyrdom of the contemporary age and the red of the martyrs' blood is precisely what is symbolized by the color of purple. Wouldn't the cardinalate of Aupetit, who passed away during his mandate in Paris, not be a good signal against the chatter aimed at damaging the Church, its women and men and which often originates from within the Church?


Mako shark strands on a beach in Florida: swimmers save it and throw it back into the water



] [ Saudi Arabia jihad worldwide galaxy ISIS and sharia genocide of replacement has interrupted all talks on the normalization of relations with Israel:

if they want a state of Palestine it is because they have decided to bury the state of Israel (and 80 years of Sharjah terrorism do not deserve an extension of supplementary confidence) THE SAUDI STARTED THE WORLD WAR AGAINST THE CHINESE WHEN THEY REFUSED THE COMPOSITION OF MY KINGDOM OF ISRAEL.. THIS AGREEMENT WOULD HAVE BEEN UNFAVORABLE FOR ISRAEL, WHICH WOULD HAVE HAD TO FIGHT TO SAVE THE WAHHABITES FROM THE DESERVED CHINESE GENOCIDE

Voghera, two Bluetooth earphones stolen and then the security guard thrown to the ground: arrested for robbery

forbidden to fail forbidden to punish! AND NOW THE DEM FIND THEMSELVES WITH A GENERATION OF YOUNG TRUNKS, who think they are unpunishable!

Voghera (Pavia), 17 September 2023 - They wanted to steal two Bluetooth earphones but ended up in prison for attempted improper robbery. Two men , a 38-year-old Senegalese and a 28-year-old Romanian, were arrested by the police yesterday afternoon, Saturday 16 September. It was around 5.30pm when the two,

inside the Esselunga supermarket in Viale Montebello in Voghera, were noticed suspiciously wandering around the shelves, from which they took the two Bluetooth earphones. But when they arrived at the checkout they tried to leave without paying and were intercepted by the security staff who were already keeping them under control. Once discovered, however, the two did not give up on their intent, on the contrary they pushed the security guard to escape, making him fall to the ground and thus transforming the banal theft into a much more serious improper robbery. However, she remained tempted, because in the meantime the police had been alerted and a patrol of the Voghera carabinieri soon arrived on site. The two alleged perpetrators were then arrested red-handed and taken to prison to await the validation hearing, with possible immediate trial, scheduled for tomorrow, Monday 18 September, in the Court of Pavia. The two earphones were recovered and returned.

Saudi Arabia ISIS and sharia genocide of replacement has informed the Biden administration of its decision to interrupt all talks on the normalization of relations with Israel: the Arab newspaper Elaph writes, citing an Israeli source from the prime minister's office. According to the newspaper's news, relaunched by the Jerusalem Post but not officially confirmed, Riyadh explained that the "extremist" nature of the right-wing Israeli government led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is "torpedoing any possibility of rapprochement with the Palestinians, and therefore with the Saudis".

if they want a state of Palestine it is because they have decided to bury the state of Israel (and 80 years of Sharjah terrorism do not deserve an extension of supplementary confidence) THE SAUDI STOPPED THE WORLD WAR AGAINST THE CHINESE WHEN THEY REFUSED THE COMPOSITION OF MY KINGDOM OF ISRAEL.. THIS AGREEMENT WOULD HAVE BEEN UNFAVORABLE FOR ISRAEL, WHICH WOULD HAVE HAD TO FIGHT TO SAVE THE WAHHABITES FROM THE DESERVED CHINESE GENOCIDE

Ernaux, if I had avenged my race (could it be an alien race?) the world would be better, [] this one got a Nobel Prize because it wants to kill all males, so we gave OBAMA the Nobel Prize because he killed all the people of Syria and Iraq, then we gave the Nobel Prize to Abiy Ahmed Ali who exterminated the Tigrayans, so now why don't we give the Nobel Prize to Erdogan who wants to exterminate all the Kurds and Armenians? [ ] TRIESTE, 16 SEPTEMBER - "I don't think I have managed to avenge my race, otherwise the world would be a formidable place." You said it in Pordenone you read the Nobel Prize winner Annie Ernaux in a conference in reference to the famous phrase "I will write to avenge my race", emblem of the author's desire for female emancipation.

FOR 50 YEARS LGBT DEM FREEMASONS HAVE PROTECTED AND RAISED SCOUNDLES. Cows shot and slaughtered on the outskirts of Rome. Raid at the agricultural institute, the principal: "Shocked"

A cow killed by arrows and slaughtered on the spot, another seriously injured that will be killed in the next few hours: this is the outcome of a raid that took place last night in the 'Emilio Sereni' agricultural technical institute on the eastern outskirts of Rome. The news was announced by principal Patrizia Marini. "We - she states - are in an area on the border with Tor Bella Monaca where we carry out many legal projects, we are committed to putting the kids into work. But these are very serious episodes that put us with our backs against the wall". The police intervened on the spot. The cows victims of the raid - one of the Limousine breed, one of the Marchigiana breed - were highly prized

animals, bred according to organic criteria and used to illustrate zootechnical techniques: around 4-5,000 euros per head according to the manager. It is

not the first time that livestock have been killed: in the spring three or four pigs, also prized, were slaughtered: damage of over 10 thousand euros. The headmistress rules out a 'rude', and instead thinks of predatory crimes: "On other occasions they stole the proceeds from the snack machines, on others the wine, once they tried to take away the tractor". The school has a night custodian, but in both raids against animals, the principal says, he didn't notice anything. Now we are thinking of a video surveillance system which, however, as the Metropolitan City had already replied in the past, is very expensive.

Bologna, Red Cross employee helps a young man and is attacked with a punch in the face


Last night an Italian Red Cross rescuer was attacked by the young man she was helping. It happened in via Palladio, Borgo Panigale. 118 was alerted around 11.30pm for a medium severity code: the ambulance crew, which arrived on site after ten minutes, found a 19-year-old lying on the ground. The woman, a CRI employee, visited him, then helped him get up to reach the ambulance and then go to the emergency room. But at that point the young man suddenly punched the woman in the face, causing facial trauma.

GAIA evolves quickly more than any false geological eras ever existed (which are the glomerular statistics with different specific weights of the universal flood)

soon GAIA will punish my enemies

Mountains collapse: boulders narrowly graze hikers Impressive images from Switzerland

Israel reportedly strikes Syria for a second time in one day

Alabama prepares to put an inmate to death with pure nitrogen.

When is BIDEN coming through those parts?

Stoltenberg, 'Ukrainian counteroffensive gradually advances'


the wickedness, dissimulation and crime of these people is of the same tenor as their master Lucifer, they all know that the Ukrainians cannot do it

Poland bans the entry of cars with Russian license plates] [the Freemasons have sworn loyalty to Rothschild and this is an indisputable dogma, historical truth, chronological objectivity, the strength of facts and proof are of no use: no killer Russian goes around Europe, like CIA killers go around Russia. STOLTEMBERG DECIDED IN NATO WITH SOROS DAVOS AND BILDENBERG, THAT THEY SHOULD ANNEX UKRAINIAN ALREADY IN 2008 (and this is his statement in Vilnius) Poland borders the Russian territory of Kaliningrad, an exclave separate from mainland Russia. The decision comes a few days after a similar announcement from the neighboring Baltic republics of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. Dmitry Medvedev threatens to break diplomatic relations with the EU, Dmitry Medvedev, deputy head of the Russian Security Council, at the top of which is President Vladimir Putin, denounced the European Commission's measure as racist. And he added that Moscow could now react by suspending diplomatic relations with Europe, recalling its diplomatic staff to Brussels.

BIN ISIS MbS IRAN Erdogan Ummah OIC RIYADH ] if the Israelis call me? you will all die at the same time, the boundless and demonic anti-Zionist Rothschild lgbt DEMonRat hatred and hatred of their Wahhabi petrodollar spa&Co NWO OIC Riyadh against Israel..

I see the Israelis petrified by fear but incapable of being able to react.

The Washington Post's 'good' terrorists - analysis

BIN ISIS MbS IRAN Erdogan Ummah OIC RIYADH ] if the Israelis call me? you will all die at the same time

the boundless and demonic anti-Zionist Rothschild hatred of the Wahhabi petrodollar spa&Co NWO OIC Riyadh against Israel.. I see the Israelis petrified by fear but incapable of being able to react.


The West is dominated by Islamic blackmail. Agreements and funds strengthen Tehran. There is nothing more useless than tears, and nothing gives more satisfaction and a sense of power to those who caused them. Yesterday Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, on the anniversary of the killing of Mahsa Amini, could plan the use of the six billion ransom that the United States will pay him for his kidnapped men, pretending that it is not a fracture in the sanctions regime , but knowing full well that the effect is broader, it is the strengthening of the regime. "The worst deal ever made - said Mike Pompeo - now they will kidnap again to get more money, and they will finance terrorism." Iran feels strong: by ideology, by political structure, by contempt for women, by specific affirmation of its role in the world, it killed Mahsa Amini and is so sure of itself that yesterday his father Amjad Amini was shamelessly held back by police who killed his daughter. Be they Basiji, Pasdaran, Revolutionary Guards, they all shoot, beat, they are part of the pyramid in the name of God who has also restored those "guardians of morality" that he pretended to abolish: the regime loves them. So they will continue to strike everywhere if the international community does not decide on a concrete policy that blocks Iran from exercising violence, threatening and terrorizing. Ali Khamenei knows well that he will not be undermined by the slogans, by the marches, by the anger r of human rights defenders. His is a clever system of fear and blackmail: his beautiful country is at the top of all the international terrorism rankings, his Revolutionary Guards are charged with «an ideological mission of Jihad or to extend the sovereignty of God's law all over the world." The US and now the UK finally deem them illegal, and this example should be followed around the world. Iran explicitly threatens foreign citizens, Jews, personalities such as Mike Pompeo and John Bolton with death; threatens to destroy the state of Israel, supports Hezbollah with billions, through which it is targeting the entire Middle East with its missiles; it finances Hamas, the Islamic Jihad, the Houties, and derives its power from their wars which also grows in South American international trafficking; it draws a crescent of power that also includes Iraq, reaches as far as the Persian Gulf, controls its passage, pirates at sea. Again: it continues to build ballistic weapons and enriches uranium to limits now very close to the atomic bomb. So far 80 percent but soon without any more limits. Tehran openly challenges the IAEA, the UN atomic energy agency, and yesterday kicked out a third of the inspectors in a measure that director general Rafael Mariano Grossi defined as "disproportionate". It supplies Vladimir Putin with drones for his war. Meanwhile, however, President Ebrahim Raisi has already been admitted as an observer at the BRICS meeting in South Africa with Russian and Chinese help, while he is already in the SCO, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Russia and China sponsor it, and its operations extend to Asia, Latin America and Africa. But US President Joe Biden is very cautious: he does not want complications until the 2024 elections. Thus the indispensable wall of sanctions has been broken: six American hostages will be released for the enormous sum of 6 and a half billion dollars, which surpasses by far the 1.6 billion that Obama paid for four Americans. This money in the pockets of the regime that persecutes its citizens and brings war to half the world should make all movements that want to protect Iranian women, dissidents and homosexuals shout a resounding "no". Human rights are a function of power, and therefore the struggle to protect women passes from a decision, finally, on how to oppose the regime.

the boundless and demonic anti-Zionist Rothschild lgbt DEMonRat hatred of the Wahhabi petrodollar spa&Co NWO OIC Riyadh against Israel.. I see the Israelis petrified by fear but incapable of being able to react.

The report on the killing of the bear: Amarena was on all fours and had no aggressive attitude


for Rockefeller the life of animals is worth more than the life of people, with the scanning of the molecular electron microscope, etc.. no metallic nano particles have been found in animal vaccines, never,.. always they have always been found in human vaccines, that is, before Big 666 Pharma learned to kill through the mRNA spike molecule

BIN ISIS MBS FROM RIYADH ] then I will do like Hitler, who because of the fault of the technocratic Jews, freemasons, plutocrats, spa&co shareholders, I have to kill even the Jews who are not?

or I will do like the Muslims who with the shariah carry out a complete genocide of all those who are not Muslims because LGBT churches and synagogues of Satan UN OIC UMMAH defends them, and therefore because of the Wahhabis I must also I have to kill the innocent Muslims that they are the majority?

BIN ISIS MBS FROM RIYADH ] at that time all the satanists were scared on youtube because many were dead and many of their channels had become empty, because I sent 8000 exorcisms every day for 4 years, so they redirected me to the youtube principal page to be opposed by 4 priests of satan , and since everyone was scared, then Synnek1 told me: "we don't kill each other in the youtube community"

BIN ISIS MBS FROM RIYADH ] even God wasn't happy with me and told me: "you don't have to kill them, you have to convert them" now you tell me how you can convert an LGBT, a Freemason Jew or a Sharia Wahhabi if both of them are possessed by demons ?

psychic monday said: "Luciana Littizzetto (female) is married to this beauty (female)" an example of Masonic pyramid Rockefeller eye of Allah Saruman lucifer "domination upper level pyramid lgbt", who for their propaganda? if non-homosexual people are all lesbians, then look for this news in "psychic monday" and you won't find it

how petrodollar spa&co legal personalities and their plutocratic Jews appeared 60 demonic families with the Wahhabis

since that moment people's lives have become of the same value as excrement, if they are not protected within a domain, therefore if Christians, Armenians etc. have a weak domain and without political representation, they are the ones who at the low level bottom of the Masonic pyramid will suffer genocide

BIN ISIS MBS FROM RIYADH ] the HOLY Spirit told me: "you are a young lion among a flock of sheep" then, he took me to the main page of YouTube, where I fought against 4 Satanists and against a secret agent from Syria and Iran, their accomplice [ let's take stock of the situation: when the priests of satan of the CIA OTAN Germans killed me on the altar of satan my friend Marlamarleen the world director of YouTube Synnek1 who told me:

"we don't kill each other in the YouTube community" he got very angry against the German Satanists and said to me: "but why did you send your friend to our DOMAIN?"

jeah ‘good’ terrorists talmud, moderate terrorism DEM Obama Spa&Co petrodollars FED shareholders Rockefeller jihad arab league, sharjah genocide and replace theology

Israel won’t cave to foreign dictates on Palestinian front, says Foreign Minister

And European socialists are already working against any agreement with Egypt


The left will try to break the bank with Egypt too. The next memorandum on immigration may concern relations between the EU and al-Sisi's country. And the European Socialist Party is already in turmoil, including the Democratic Party. If other European citizens also agreed with Meloni on the management of migratory phenomena, the European elections would become quite complicated for the progressive front. The PSE does not want to play the part of Darius III in Gaugamela. And so he looks for countermeasures, supported by the NGO system. The plan has interpreters: Joseph Borrell (obviously), the president of the commission Libe Lopez Aguilar and the president of the MEPs Iratxe García Pérez. All three on the front line against the memorandum with Tunisia. All three on alert in case of acceleration with Egypt. And the Democratic Party in tow. The key identified is civil rights. Nations that do not respect them are not partners with whom to make agreements: this is the ideological litany that EU socialists wave both in public and institutional meetings. It's not difficult to see a design in it. They want to «break up every agreement between the EU and North African countries, today Tunisia and tomorrow Egypt, to put the center-right governments in Italy but also in Greece in difficulty», stated Carlo Fidanza, MEP and head of the FDI delegation in the EU. «A cynical electoral game that strengthens the traffickers», he comments. Meanwhile, the PSE is taking on fresh forces, with Enrico Letta as rapporteur on the single market by strict Belgian will. The same Letta who had expressed doubts about the agreement between Eni and Egypt on gas, also in that case raising the question of respect for human rights.



Ukraine, zombies Stoltenberg: we must prepare for a long, very long and nuclear world thermo atomic Wahhabi nuclear war of total extinction

WASHINGTON, SEPTEMBER 16 - Donald Trump says he is happy that the leader of the Kremlin, Vladimir Putin, has defined the investigations against him as a "judicial persecution". "I'm glad he said this, it means I'm telling the truth",


Speaking at the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok, Putin said that the judicial investigations against Trump are "a persecution for political reasons"

true DEM are demon RAT

He finds a child in the desert and takes him to Lampedusa


Once upon a time children were born under cabbages, but today they are born under ficus trees.. stop this crime of transporting African peoples to the EU immediately

"Raped by Pakistani kebab shop owner". The accusation of a thirty-year-old against a restaurateur in the center. Arrested by the flying squad ... He was arrested on charges of sexual assault on a 29-year-old woman who lives in the province of Massa Carrara. He, a 35-year-old restaurateur from La Spezia, an Italian citizen of Pakistan i origins, denies the charge. He claims that the girl was consenting and would have threatened to report him for sexual assault if she had not given her the proceeds of the

evening, around 220 euros. Mohammad Shahzad Afzal, owner of a kebab shop in the city centre, has been in the Villa Andreino prison since the other night. This morning he will have the opportunity to present his version of events, during the hearing to validate the arrest by the preliminary investigations judge Mario De Bellis. But he could also make use of the right not to respond, waiting for his lawyer

to consult the documents. the sexual relationship between the two, at the

moment, would be the only certain thing. It happened inside the kebab shop, around 2am,

the LGBTs all sided with Borrell ] [Now the Euro-sabotage of the Memorandum with Tunisia is no longer a hypothesis, but a certainty. And with it also the deliberate blocking of the 255 million EU funds on which the North African state was counting to pay the salaries of the security forces and block the departures of migrants. But the other certainty is the role played in a all this by the High Representative for Foreign Policy of the European Union or that Spanish socialist Josep Borrell who, among others, also holds the position of Vice-President of the Commission. A role, let's face it, neither clear nor transparent. Also because the story of the 255 million never paid to Tunisia is the real cause of the exodus that on Tuesday night pushed the over 7,500 migrants who left the Tunisian coast to Lampedusa. To understand the part played in all this by Borrel it is enough to read the letter, obtained by Il Giornale, in which the number two of the Commission explains to his colleague Olivér Várhelyi, Hungarian Commissioner for "enlargement and neighborhood policy", that he does not agree the adoption of the Memorandum.

practically Ursula are the Nazis, Meloni are the fascists and Borrell are the communists DEM ] the internal feud of the antifa against September. That day, Commissioner Olivér Várhelyi, the recipient of Borrell's letter, had to face attacks from socialist MEPs in the Strasbourg chamber determined to bury the Memorandum. But the "hybrid" war of Borrell and the European left has many other and (suspected) still obscure aspects. Also because Borrel's letter precedes by only 5 days the diktat with which the German Interior Minister, the social democrat Nancy Faeser, announces the cancellation of the agreements on redistribution entered into with Italy. And not even 12 hours later the biblical exodus starts, pushing 7,500 migrants towards Italy. Simple coincidences which however evoke Agata Christie's famous joke. “A clue is a clue, two clues are a coincidence, but three clues are proof.”

The truth, made clear by Borrell's letter, is that the highest socialist exponent at the top of the EU did not hesitate to unleash a war within the Commission in order to blow up the Memorandum and put Italy in difficulty. A war passed off as the defense of human rights, but played on the backs of us Italians and on the skin of the 7 thousand migrants put into sea by traffickers on Tuesday night. A war wanted by European socialists, including the Democratic Party, to make it clear that the European left would never have allowed the implementation of a treaty agreed by the Commission with a Meloni government considered the outpost of the right in Europe. It is no coincidence that Giorgia Meloni, the main target of the socialist war, responded by inviting Ursula von der Leyen to Lampedusa.

/politica/trame-di-borrell-sui-migranti-ecco-la-prova-del-complotto/ Borrell's plots about migrants. Here is the proof of the conspiracy

Story by Gian Micalessin

© Provided by Il Giornale

Borrell practically blocked all the money that Ursula and Meloni promised Tunisia, and Tunisia retaliated by sending us buying thousands of migrants every hour

POLITICIANS ARE THE BANKERS' WAITERS, AND THE BANKERS ARE THE WAITERS OF ROCKEFELLER, AND OF HIS MASONIC BROTHEL MOM Lagarde, who declares war on news leaks and seizes the cell phones of all the ECB governors. The cell phone and whoever used it were jailed. Of course, treating central bank governors, former ministers and senior executives like schoolchildren or participants in a public competition is not aesthetically pleasing. But that's it. European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde reportedly seized her colleagues' mobile phones during this week's meeting, reprimanding them for disclosing crucial information ahead of a monetary policy decision. An unprecedented move with an accompanying scolding of the other members of the board is a sign that Lagarde certainly does not lack self-esteem or conviction in her ideas. And so last Wednesday, the first day of the board meeting, the 26 councilors (the Eurosystem central bankers also participated) were asked to hand over their mobile phones, as the German Claudia Buch was about to be appointed as the new head of the Supervision in place of the Italian Andrea Enria. The phones were returned after the appointment was announced. The official reason for this irregular procedure is the leak of information relating to Enria's appointment in 2018 when Mario Draghi was in the final stages of his mandate. In fact a discourtesy towards our former prime minister and next advisor to Ursula von der Leyen, but indicative of the climate in Frankfurt. The "seizure", in fact, was decided after Reuters had disclosed the ECB's new inflation estimates for 2024 last Tuesday. The upward revision, with a figure above 3%, directed the markets towards the tenth consecutive rise of rates to 4.5% which until a few days ago seemed to be postponed to a subsequent meeting. The question, therefore, is political rather than formal. It is well known, in fact, that ECB advisors as well as senior officials of the EU Commission anticipate the decisions and orientations of the meetings to the press. If Lagarde has "outlawed" this practice, it means that the debate on monetary policy is making the majority shareholders of the ECB's governing council nervous, i.e. Germany and its "frugal" allies. Since the end of the Draghi era, the role of the ECB has no longer been questioned at the Eurotower, i.e. that of simple inflation watchdog as per Berlin's explicit imperative mandate. SuperMario with his whatever it takes had broken the glass ceiling, effectively financing the public debt of the Eurozone states as long as the euro as such did not fail as, instead, between 2011 and 2012 it seemed probable with the creation of a A and a Series B of the Monetary Union. Here, Lagarde's line is totally different, it is purely conservative of the status quo. It is no coincidence that he asked the councilors not to speak out until the Monday following the meeting. Freedom of speech, however, goes beyond these provincial high school prohibitions. A "seizure" of cell phones is not enough to prevent bankers like our Ignazio Visco from declaring that the recession we are inflicting on ourselves risks causing us to throw out the growth baby with the dirty water of inflation.

Israel won’t cave to foreign dictates on Palestinian front, says Foreign Minister

Erasmus students robbed. Beaten with a helmet by a baby gang. The leader ends up in cell ] [ ON THIS UNPUNISHABILITY FOR MINORAGES, THERE IS THE CRIMINAL COLLAPSE OF OUR JEWISH MASONIC SOCIETY DEM-ON-RAT ANTIFA

Admiral Cavo Dragone appointed head of the NATO Military Committee UNDER STOLTEMBERG ] [ THE DEMON ZOMBIES BAND IS NOW COMPLETE

drammatic open letter a STOLTEMBERG ] [ Born SODOMA 322 OTAN 187 NATO 666: Erdogan, Sweden continues to fail to keep its promises


but if Erdogan wants the genocide of the Kurds and Armenians, like him he achieved the genocide of all 4 million Christians in Syria and Iraq but why, shouldn't we please him?

and what if it goes away with CHINA?

but let's give him the caliphate of Rome, Paris and Madrid, let's give him Cyprus, the blue homeland and let's kill the Greeks too

but do not allow it to go with the enemy

it is very serious that someone produces fakes on this demonic and macabre topic, or makes chocolate copies, I would give prison to these impostors. New video with the bodies of "aliens" found in Peru. A UFO expert showed them to the Mexican Parliament a few days ago.

they were beautiful angels before Lucifer sent them down to hell, and then rochefeller made slaves of them with black magic by giving them GMO bodies

Kiev's counteroffensive is stalling. And soon it will hibernate ... Rabotino's victory is strategically insignificant: it cost six weeks of immense losses. The Ukrainian generals are increasingly resembling Marshal Montgomery in the third campaign of El Alamein: slow pace and no breakthrough, but wear and tear and ant-like pace. Unfortunately for them that strategy is fallacious, because the time available is running out. Zelensky only has the month of September to bring about a turning point in events. After that it will be too late, because autumn will make major offensive operations impossible.


they are all tactical/strategic retreats to give many corpses to Stoltemberg, this criminal adventure of OTAN in Ukraine will kill that beast Bin Ursula Hitler Rothschild ISIS Salman and his spa&co OIC NWO.

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You cannot reply to a post that is not active. This post is under review. "Are Most Jews good and beautifull!" [ BIN ISIS SALMAN ] [ king888kings blogspot /2023/09/are-most-jews-evil ] [ but could you ever doubt that all Jews are all good and beautiful? "Are Most Jews good and beautifull!" post restored "Are Most Jews good and beautifull!"


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hey Sodom I doubled the punctuation and your alien AI blocked my post again.. now unblock it again [ Are Most Jews Evil ] [ LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️kingdom di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH

Bozza 17 set ] [ You cannot reply to a post that is not active. eih king888kings blogspot /2023/09/are-most-jews-evil html ] [ Are Most Jews Evil ] sodomites and their aliens removed my block in real time,

Rockefeller gave the media to the sodomites after I defeated all the satanists on YouTube 8 years ago

Bin ISIS Salman from Riyadh AND worldisraelnews ] [ Are Most demONrat Evil ] in 1985 an ANTIFA relative of mine who was graduated and unemployed, out of desperation, slammed his skull on the floor in the presence of his mother out of desperation. so I had compassion for him and I looked for a job for him because I felt sorry for him and I loved him. Now he has become an ANTIFA LEADER and has said obscene words against me he said: "when LorenzoJHWH he left our country? I lit a candle"


funny but he is an atheist, and he only hates me because I am the son of God, while he is the son of Darwin's beast


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