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Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

Are Most Jews good and beautifull!

Venom running through our country' - Harris gets political at Rosh Hashana

HEY KAMALA WITCH HARRIS YOU DONT STUDY ALREADY THE SATANISM ] [ https://universitariperlavita.Org/ Assisted suicide and the myth of autonomy

It was news on 8 August that an ASL in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region provided a 55-year-old woman with [] #uniperlavita The side effects of contraceptive pills are increasingly evident, for those who want to see them

Against all odds, a baby born prematurely at 23 weeks managed to return home

That oblivion of "filicides" that hides behind feminism

What is really due to the failure of artificial insemination techniques?

Panel of experts warns the British parliamentary committee about the legalization of euthanasia.

Euthanasia Canada is living a nightmare.

One year after the overturning of Roe where are we?

Archbishop Naumann speaks about motherhood, the right to life and the power of our individual testimony.

What is the connection between gamete manipulation and the rented uterus?

Colorado judge allows pro-life clinic to perform pill reversal therapy.

Euthanasia also targets the mentally ill.

The iniquitous 194 turns 45 has it achieved its goal?

Eucharistic Adoration, the driving force of pro-life militancy.

Letter from the John Paul II Academy for Human Life and the Family to Mons. Vincenzo Paglia, president of the Pontifical Academy for Life.

What is pro-natalism?

This is why contraception is bad

https://universitariperlavita.ORg/2022/02/07/la-heartbeat-law-del-texas-ha-dimezzato-gli-aborti-salvando-15000-bambini/ Texas' Heartbeat Law has cut abortions in half, saving 15,000 babies! The Texas Heartbeat Act requires heartbeat monitoring and prohibits abortion if a heartbeat can be detected (typically by the sixth week of pregnancy), except for medical reasons. It is based on a first-of-its-kind enforcement mechanism, which “exclusively” authorizes private citizens to bring civil suits against abortionists instead of state prosecutions. The law does not protect children before they have a detectable heartbeat. It was quickly challenged in court, but the Supreme Court has allowed it to remain in place while arguments against it make their way in lower courts. Meanwhile, the law has led companies like Planned Parenthood and Whole Woman's Health to temporarily suspend abortions after six weeks in the state. This week the HSSC released a report showing that abortions decreased from 5,404 in August to 2,197 in September 2021 (the month the Texas Heartbeat Law went into effect), a 60% reduction. Daily abortions have dropped from 160 to 70. In light of this, the Texas Right to Life (TRTL) association estimates that the law has saved approximately 15,000 children since its entry into force.


So let's reverse the accusation and ask ourselves this question if listening to the heart of the child can be torture for a mother, what word can we use to describe the situation and the suffering of a fetus that is dismembered and torn to pieces without anesthesia or respect or that is eliminated by toxic saline solutions that burn his tissues?'. But there is more if we frame the proposal on the 'heartbeat' not only in the objectives (reduction of abortions) but also in the assumption of protection of women's free consent, a further solid legal argument emerges, which should be well explained. In fact, the current misunderstanding is that this new prescription takes something away from the freedom to choose, conditioning it. Then there are those who see this passage as an unbearable constraint. In this case, however, it should be explained why in recent years other much more invasive checks and tests for pregnant women have multiplied without particular aversion, often aimed at eugenic outcomes. In reality, the information that the proposed law would like to add to the abortion process and to 'good hospital practices' makes the woman more aware of what she is about to do. In other words, you make your consent more fully informed, removing some gray areas. And therefore freer.

(Do pregnant women feel tortured if they listen to the heartbeat of the fetus? This is overwhelming evidence that it is not a lump of cells, but a person)

HEY KAMALA WITCH HARRIS don't make a mother a cynical evil murderous witch like you, but help her have the baby! Heartbeat the only possibility for those who have no voice to express a human voice https://www.sabinopaciolla.Com/battito-del-cuore-unica-possibilita-di-esprimere-una-voce-umana-da-parte-di-chi-non-ha-voce/

Dear friend, Save a Life Before You Ask for Life, We stand on the cusp of Rosh Hashanah, a time we ask for life and blessings for the year ahead. Let's remember the wonderful mission of Zaka Tel-Aviv. By supporting our life-saving work, may you merit an incredibly blessed year ahead.

DONATE NOW ======> Shana Tova U'Metuka! With deepest gratitude,

Yoni Gilboa

Director of Zaka Tel-Aviv

EIH KAMALA WITCH HARRIS ] who brings the poison here? [ Rashida Tlaib is constantly spreading lies about Israel. This time, Israeli Arab Yoseph Haddad had a great response. https://www.israelunwired.Com/watch-rashida-tlaib-get-shamed-by-none-other-than-an-israeli-arab/

Watch Rashida Tlaib Get Shamed by None Other Than an Israeli Arab

Obama’s Vile Move to Netanyahu in a Private Meeting Has Been Revealed

https://www.israelunwired.Com/obamas-vile-move-to-netanyahu-in-a-private-meeting-has-been-revealed/ Who were the US Presidents who were the most friendly to Israel, and who

were the US Presidents that were the most unfriendly to Israel? There

is no question that Harry Truman and Donald Trump seemed to be the US

President’s who were the most friendly, at least via their policies.

But as for the most hostile Presidents to Israel – it was either Jimmy

Carter or Barack Obama. This video may just place Obama as the #1 most

hostile President to the State of Israel.

ISLAM IS ISIS ] [Afghanistan Taliban appoint 550 teachers of 'Islamic culture' to public universities

But remember all the most learned Western analysts continue to assure

us that they have nothing whatsoever to do with Islam! “Taliban moves to

entrench policy banning women from HE,” by Shadi Khan Saif, University

World News, September 7, 2023 (thanks to The Religion of Peace) The

Taliban-run higher education ministry in Afghanistan recently announced

Robert Spencer

Hamas-Linked CAIR Wants Schools to Consult Mosques Before Teaching Se* Ed

Non-Muslim parents, meanwhile, are treated as “terrorists” for rejecting

p0000rn in schools. Prayers in schools and any kind of religious content,

from the Ten Commandments to Christmas songs, remain widely opposed by

litigious leftist organizations like the ACLU. And even the most modest

efforts to keep kids from being exposed to graphic p0000rnographic content

have []

Daniel Greenfield

'Palestinians' incite genocide on social media 'The time has come to kill the Jews'

The Jews in the Qur'an are called the strongest of all people in humanity

toward the Muslims (5:82); they fabricate things and falsely ascribe

them to Allah (2:79; 3:75, 3:181); they claim that Allah's power is

limited (5:64); they love to listen to lies (5:41); they disobey Allah

and never observe his commands (5:13). They []

Robert Spencer

A Danish Film Director Dares to Make a Movie with an 'All-Nordic Cast'

What are the idols of the age? What do the kind of people who use the

words “holistic” and “iconic” think are the most important, indeed the

only goals, that we must all strive to achieve? You know the answer to

that Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. The Three Horsemen of the

Apocalypse. But in tiny []

Hugh Fitzgerald

Israel The most popular boy's name this year is 'Mohammad'

One might expect the top boys' names in Israel to be David, Joseph,

Adam, and other biblical names, but none of those are the most popular.

According to Population and Immigration Authority data, “in first place

for names for boys in the general population” of Israel is “Mohammad.”

This isn't new for the current Jewish []

Christine Douglass-Williams

Arizona woman raised in 'Islamic cult' reveals 'harrowing abuse' to prove women's bodies 'didn't belong to them'

Tamara MC describes how an Arizona “Islamic cult” used “harrowing abuse”

to subjugate women until they “accepted” that their bodies did not

belong to them. The fact is that Islamic texts sanction the abuse of

women, unlike those of any other religion. Tamara grew up “practicing

Sufism – an Islamic sect that contains a series []

Christine Douglass-Williams

Biden regime forced Marines to pick up human feces before they were allowed to leave Kabul in Aug. 2021

The traitor class that has captured the U.S. government despises the

U.S. military rank-and-file. They control the brass, but they are aware

that the ranks are still filled with patriots, and they're doing theirs

best to remedy that. “Marines were ordered to pick up human feces before

they were allowed to leave Kabul 'Degrading and [...]

Robert Spencer


'Venom running through our country' - Harris gets political at Rosh Hashana

Imam Erdogan and his moderate ISIS terrorists ] [ Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi has thumbed his nose at America and the Western world as he flaunted $6 billion in oil revenue that the U.S. had frozen through sanctions, and that will now be at his disposal. According to the Daily Mail Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi says his

country will use $6 billion in unlocked funds []

Christine Douglass-Williams

Palestinians Rally Round Abbas as Criticism Continues to Mount On August 25, Mahmoud Abbas delivered himself of some remarks about

Hitler, the Holocaust, and Jews, in which he explained that Hitler hated

Jews not because he was, heaven forfend, an “anti-Semite” — a person

whom Abbas claims he hates Jews just because they are Jews — but because he

hated their “social role” in dealing []

Hugh Fitzgerald


ISLAM IS ISIS ] [ Pakistan Christian couple arrested after being accused of desecrating the Qur’an

This story, like so many other accusations of blasphemy in Pakistan,

doesn’t ring true. Why would Christians in Pakistan have bag full of

Qur’an pages and throw them around? Blasphemy accusations can mean

prison or death at the hands of an enraged mob. Are these Christians

suicidal, or are they being set up? “Christian couple []

Robert Spencer

Iran’s president mocks Biden We’ll spend $6,000,000,000 from hostage swap however the Islamic Republic wishes

Imam super Prophet Erdogan and his moderate ISIS terrorists ] [ Emhoff spoke about a IMAM SHARJAH Biden administration plan to combat anti-Semitism, which was criticized by Jewish groups after it was revealed that the program's creators had consulted extensively with Islamic groups sharia genocide death to all the unfaithful Chinese kafirs and dhimmis slaves who pay jizia to rothschild and expressed support for the terrorist group Hamas.

Harris the murderous viper witch stated that “there is a poison flowing in our country” and, referring to the administration of the Satanist demon Biden, said “we are the antidote”.

“We are presented with an alarm bell, the sound of the shofar (which is really an exorcism against the witch Kamala) when you kill Satan the goat and it says inside the sound, boy you are ruined,” he said, speaking of the traditional sound of the ram's horn before the holidays.

“We are dealing with very powerful forces lorenzoJHWH UniusREI who are attempting to wage what I think is an all-out attack on the hard-won freedoms of Satan and Sodom and Allah Jabullon, the freedom” of human sacrifice on the Owl Altar, in what appeared to be a reference to legislation in Republican states that restricts abortion and critical race promotion Transgender demonic sodomitic theory and studies in elementary schools.


'No meetings at this point' - Biden officials refuse to confirm Netanyahu

to Jesus of Bethlehem ] personal [ but if you don't make me a massacre of these excrements sewer lice now, when?

but it's not true that Biden's bug could survive if the 641-times excommunicated freemason heretic gnostic atheist blasphemous BERGOGLIO was an exorcist

eih, worldisraelnews ] [ Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit) and US Satanic President Joe 322 Biden

but this should be a photomontage,

why where could you see them?

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu does not frequent the altar of Satan

yes I know your SARUMAN eye of Allah, he sees everything knows everything because he is a legion begone who does not forget and does not forgive, and Erdogan is your visionary prophet while Ali Khamenei is your scullery maid

When was the last time you had a devastating earthquake?

your Mahdì lorenzoALLAH asked you

“Novus ordo lgbt seclorum”, which means “A new order of the ages DEMonRAT satana allah lucifer jabillon same”. YOU IDIOT are bringing my holy ISLAM by lorenzoALLAH to destruction

BIN ISIS SALMAN MbS demonic frog in Riyadh ] IDIOT [ my DOMINION is kingdom Israel, your ISIS lucifer spa&Co polyphemus's dominion is the new world order "Novus ordo seclorum" or Deep STATE

BIN ISIS SALMAN MbS demonic frog in Riyadh ] DEAR [ when you go before the altar of Satan-Allah at Bohemian grove cremation of cure, of Biden and Rockefeller with your burqa, the one who has the hole in sodom? remember when you kneel in front of the owl to put/apply plenty of Vaseline (to your the KamaSutra doggy style position), because Satanists have satellites with laser beams and I can make your oil wells explode

BUT, Kim Jong-un HE said that in your Allah everything is wrong

BIN ISIS SALMAN MbS demonic frog in Riyadh ] DEAR [ as you learned that Kim Jong-un is a regular and fond reader of mine, so much so that he has rediscovered the faith in God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? who told you?


'No meetings at this point' - Biden officials refuse to confirm Netanyahu

After calling Netanyahu's right-wing government "extreme" and criticizing potential changes in Israel's justice system, Biden maintained his distance from the Israeli leader.



No meetings at this point’ – WITCH ZOMBIES SNIFFING Biden officials refuse to confirm Netanyahu sit-down THEY ARE LEGION THAT DO NOT FORGIVE AND NOT FORGOT


Israel’s Jewish majority continues to shrink as total population nears 10

Kim Jong-un toasts 'new victories for Russia'


Hong Kong man tries to rape a streamer while she is live on social media

The young woman was approached by a man who started touching her, then pinned her against a wall she only managed to save herself thanks to the intervention of a boy.



FREEMASONRY IS ITS FIRST STATE TERRORISM.. WHAT ABOUT THE FRENCH ONE? THERE IS ALSO A RACIST AGGRAVANT ] [ Terrorism, victim family members Br appeal to the ECHR ''We want justice, not revenge'' “We don't want revenge but justice. A justice that the French authorities have denied us. For us it is a Way of the Cross that has lasted for 44 years." This was said by Pietro and Santina Granato, brothers of Michele Granato, the policeman killed by the Red Brigades on 9 November 1979 in Rome, speaking at a press conference at the Foreign Press office in Rome for the presentation of the appeal, promoted by the lawyer Valter Biscotti, to the ECHR against the sentence of 28 March with which the French Court of Cassation made definitive the denial of the extradition request presented by the Italian State, against the 10 Italian terrorists, sheltered and unpunished in France thanks to the Mitterand doctrine. ''Those who live in France are murderers they killed servants of the State, for them they were numbers - added the family members who live in Sicily - Our memory goes back to that day we found out about the death, some from the newspapers, some from the police. A pain that has lasted for over 40 years."

Nuns robbed at charity dinner in Lucca. They didn't even stop at a fundraiser organized by the nuns. Cynical and merciless, on Friday evening thieves took possession of the box where the money to renovate the home of Santa Gemma Galgani was kept. Total loot, 3,500 euros. This is what La Nazione di Lucca reports when describing the episode. It all happened on Friday 7 July, during the charity dinner for the Casa Famiglia Santa Gemma in Segromigno in Piano, in Capannori, in the province of Lucca. The event was organised, as happens every year, by the nuns of the Missionary Congregation of Santa Gemma. Around 200 people were present. The evening goes smoothly, there is a festive air, but the worst is around the corner. Because suddenly here is the bitter and sad discovery. The donation box containing the money collected is no longer there, it has disappeared into thin air. Sister Elisabetta Giussani, superior general of the congregation, and Sister Marina Ghilardi, head of the Family Home, said they were "astonished, saddened and sorry" by what happened.

“For weeks – explains Sister Elisabetta Giussani – our volunteers worked hard to make the evening a success. Many friends and loved ones have also arrived from outside the province to support our work and we feel dismayed at the thought that someone, while we were joyfully spending dinner, entered the house and took away the proceeds that would have been used to begin the renovation of the House Native of Santa Gemma". Who then continues “We have reported the incident, but we know that there is really no hope of finding the stolen sum which corresponded to around 3,500 euros. We trust in Providence”. At this point the nuns attempt an another way to raise the necessary funds. So anyone wishing to support the congregation in the renovation work for which the dinner was organized can do so through a bank transfer to the Iban code IT82M0503413701000000004718. For information you can write an email to msgemma@iol .It or call the telephone number 0583/27165.




Pedaso, do not pay the hotel bill, destroy the bathroom and flee 7 reported

ALTIDONA - The crime is called "fraudulent insolvency" and the Pedaso police have reported seven people who fled after not having paid their hotel bill, where they also heavily damaged the bathroom.

Israel's population is expected to double by 2065 to more than 20 million.



Canada, Australia, EU pressure Israel to grant free entry to dual Palestinian


Terni, 13 September 2023 – Six years and eight months of imprisonment this is the sentence imposed by the Terni investigating judge Barbara Di Giovannantonio, with the methods of the abbreviated trial, against a 24-year-old young man of Romanian origins who was accused of murder following the accident which on the evening of 28 January 2023, along the Valnerina state road near the access to the car park of the l Lower viewpoint of the Marmore Falls, took the life of Manuel Galeazzi, 36 years old, resident in Macenano di Ferentillo ( Terni) and father of a little girl. The Alfa 147 driven by the twenty-four-year-old had crashed into Galeazzi's Smart, who was thrown from the cockpit and died instantly following the impact. The young man was accused of vehicular homicide - with the aggravating circumstances of high speed, being positive for alcohol and drugs and driving with a revoked license - as well as the crimes of fleeing after an accident and failure to provide assistance. The Court accepted the line of the Prosecutor's Office represented in the courtroom by the head of the investigation - the prosecutor Raffaele Pesiri who developed the investigation together with the local police of Terni - establishing a sentence in line with the request of the public prosecution. The Romanian, also resident in Ferentillo and in prison since the day of his arrest, was defended by the lawyer Angela Carlino. The only civil party in the trial was the mother of Manuel Galeazzi, assisted by the lawyer Luca Leonardi supported by her colleague Marco Fogliano. The court established a provisional amount of 200 thousand euros against her, with the final compensation to be quantified in civil proceedings. Immediately after the accident, the twenty-four-year-old walked away and was intercepted a few hours later, around 5 in the morning, by the flying squad of the Terni police station while he was walking along the road between Marmore and Papigno.

IDEOLOGICAL MURDER of the technocratic usurocratic Masonic Jewish government that does not control the territory so as not to damage crime, No discount of a third of the sentence in case of conviction, no reward nature of the rite, no abbreviated trial. The judge of the Rome court has in fact rejected the request for a summary conditional on hearing the experts advanced by the defense of Francesco Moretti, accused of having run over and killed two Belgian tourists - Jessy Dewildeman, 24 years old and Wibe Bijls, 25 - last 8 October, around 10.15pm, while he was driving along the urban section of the A24 in his car. Slightly longer terms, but - in the event of a possible conviction - punishment without discounts. In fact, he will immediately go to trial, as requested by the public prosecutor Giovanni Musarò. Jessy Dewildeman and Wibe Bijls were killed the day after they arrived in Rome, where they were planning a weekend vacation. They were hit by the Smart while trying to help some motorists injured in a collision. They managed to get to the center of the road and shout "Can I help you?". Then, they were overwhelmed. Jessy Dewildeman worked as a waitress, while Wibe Bijls was the chef of a restaurant in Menen, in western Flanders, and was pregnant, as her desperate brothe r said in the days following the accident "She was expecting a baby, she was in the sixteenth week ". According to the investigations of the Rome prosecutor's office, the Smart car then arrived and ran over. The man, according to the documents, was positive for drug tests, did not have a driving license (already suspended) and attempted to flee. The first hearing of the trial will be held on September 26th. The victims' families have decided to become civil parties in the trial. «The conduct carried out by the accused - we read in the request presented by the lawyer Domenico Musicco - has caused and still causes, to Mr. Christophe Joseph Dewildeman, Mrs. Evelyne Carine Derumeaux and Jason Dewildeman very serious damages, including moral, biological and existential, all damage which must be considered an immediate and direct consequence of his conduct."

the usurocratic DEM LGBT Masonic Jewish government intentionally does not control the territory so as not to damage crime

In Massa the citizen brigades take to the field, there is also Giulio Milani who slapped Conte

Ukraine, Kim promises aid to Putin "Russia will defeat the 'forces of evil, and Russia's position is sacred-holy'" North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has expressed his strongest support for Russia's war against Ukraine since the start of the summit with Vladimir Putin at the Vostochny Cosmodrome in Siberia, telling the Russian president that “Moscow will emerge victorious in the fight for punish the forces of evil that ambitiously pursue hegemony and expansion.” Without naming Ukraine, but referring to Russia's "military operation", Kim said he was "deeply convinced that the Russian army and people" will "succeed in the special military operation currently underway" and said stated that “the Russian army and its people will inherit the brilliant tradition of victory” and demonstrate their reputation at the forefront of “military operation”. Kim promised Putin his help, underlining that "Russia has risen to protect its sovereignty and security." "We have always supported and will continue to support all of Putin's decisions and those of the Russian government. I hope that we will always be together in the fight against imperialism and in building a sovereign state," Kim said, according to the Interfax news agency .

this is the deadly clash between the technocratic-plutocratic institutional part satanism perversion and the financial spa&co Rothschild

and the elective and constitutional part of its slave goyims


and the 2014 CIA OTAN coup in Ukraine that no European politician was able to denounce, this indicates how dangerous and lethal this situation is, of the Masonic judicial Deep State

Netanyahu is on trial on charges of corruption, fraud and abuse of power.

but the electorate considered that those real or presumed accusations are in any case insignificant and are a judicial persecution of the anti-Zionist Rockefellers, therefore the DEM threatens national security, and demonrat want to judicially overwhelm the government with a real coup

Will the criminal sodomite satanite mafia transnational spa&co masonic lobbyist Deep State Supreme Court of Israel save itself? Outside the Jerusalem Court, there was no lack of popular support for Netanyahu's government (in its sixth term), formed by a coalition between his Likud party and far-right and ultra-Orthodox Jewish allies. Netanyahu claims that the legislative changes will rebalance power between politics and the judiciary. Israel's Supreme Court will decide whether to save itself from Netanyahu's "attacks".

Will the criminal Masonic mafia lobbying Deep State Supreme Court of Israel save itself? For now, he has begun reviewing petitions to abolish a law that limits his own powers. For the first time in the country's history, in fact, all 15 judges that make up the Court met together to discuss eight appeals to the so-called "reasonableness clause", approved by the Knesset, the Israeli Parliament, in July. Question of "reasonableness"

With 64 votes in favor out of 120, Parliament approved the amendment to the "reasonableness clause", a rule that allows the country's Supreme Court to block government decisions deemed unreasonable. The amendment to the clause effectively abolishes the Supreme Court's authority to overturn government decisions. This is the first piece of the broader plan of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government, with the aim of weakening the Supreme Court and giving more power to the executive. The Court's decision will take weeks, if not months.

Jerusalem has pushed for years to grant visa-free entry for its citizens to the United States, a privilege enjoyed by 40 countries, mostly in Europe and Asia.


but the plutocratic Jewish Satans are more afraid of Israelis than Muslims, evidently they have too many skeletons in the closets to hide


WATCH Bill Maher compares woke left to the KKK

Islam is a medieval horror and waking up to reality will be tragic! No religion or culture can violate human rights, headphone stopped, No religion or culture can violate human rights, Dear Agnese, I am not surprised, I am no longer surprised by anything when I read about bizarre sentences or bizarre reasons expressed by magistrates in the exercise of their functions as investigators or judges. In this case, disgust prevails over wonder. The public prosecutor blessed what for me is at least an (alleged) scoundrel, as an export champion of Asian Islam, something I don't doubt, but which our law does not consider an excuse suitable to justify a crime. Indeed, the one accused is the offended lady, originally from Bangladesh but an Italian citizen, who would have asked for it given that she "originally had accepted her husband's culture", which was also a bit of her . And this "cultural system" should have known that it involves a marriage liturgy based on beatings, threats and harassment. Let's say that ultimately the poor man, according to the representative of the Brescia Prosecutor's Office, would have been forced to carry out the "alleged mistreatment" but for good reasons, he was not animated by bad intentions, he did not want to "demean the victim" he followed pedagogical habits and customs that were praiseworthy in his area and in his religious community. [[ Related video Not just a difference in culture (Mediaset) ]] Following the logic of the public accusation, or rather I would say public apology, the executioners of Auschwitz were not entirely wrong in exterminating the Jews, having assimilated the Hitlerian culture of Mein Kampf at school and in regime demonstrations. Coming to the present day, reasoning similarly, if an Al Qaeda killer were to act with a scimitar in some convent in Brescia, he would certainly have the exemption of having been educated in a madrassa of the followers of Osama bin Laden or Mullah Omar. I must say that I was instead rather amazed by the Democratic Party's blunt official protest at the magistrate's submission to the goodness of the sharia, the Koranic law which authorizes the use of hands, the whip, and in certain cases stones. In their complaint, Schlein's comrades also demonstrate a sensational inconsistency. In fact, one cannot preach multiculturalism as a founding value of coexistence, then be scandalized if in some courthouse the beating of a defenseless person is considered tolerable folklore. There is no respect for a culture and a religion, whatever they may be, that can justify the horror of violence and deprivation of personal freedom towards a woman, a child, a human being within the confines of the galaxy. I wrote "edges of the galaxy". Too much zeal, I'd say. They are universal rights, in the meantime I would be happy if they are asserted in advance within our borders, with anyone and for any reason who appears there. Anyone who considers the sharia, i.e. the rules of the Koran, as a law to be followed even only in their own family environment, must simply leave. An entrance exam would be enough.

Amnesty, flash mob in the name of Mahsa Amini

Amnesty International Antenna Jesi organized a flash mob in solidarity with the victims of the Iranian government's repression. Local associations were also present to collect signatures in favor of human rights.

During an interview with Joe Rogan, liberal comedian Bill Maher blasted the left's obsession with race, comparing it to the racism of the KKK.





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IDF bombs Syrian naval base used by Russia

Recommended video The woman object and food - Filorosso Special Caivano - Episode of 05/09/2023 (RaiPlay)


And the concern expressed by Amnesty International is great “We fear that his Palestinian origins will weigh on his arrest. If so, this would confirm the reality of Palestinians under Israeli occupation for 56 years. What is happening to Khaled is not an isolated incident. Israel is holding 5,000 Palestinians in detention in violation of international law and due process, including over 1,200 without charge or trial. We need a strong response at an international level."



“Khaled free immediately, no to a new Zaki case”, Sapienza is moving for the Italian-Palestinian researcher detained in Israel

by Marino Bisso

“Khaled free immediately, no to a new Zaki case”, Sapienza is moving for the Italian-Palestinian researcher detained in Israel

The students of the Roman university organized a public assembly on Friday 15 September with the mother and wife of the young man from Centocelle stopped on 31 August on his return from a trip with his family from Bethlehem


demONrat put Egypt and Israel on the same level. SHARIAH ISLAMISTS ARE KILLING US, The initiative at Sapienza, organized by the #freeKhaled Committee, will take place at the Faculty of Letters. The lawyer Flavio Rossi Albertini will be present with Khaled's family his wife Francesca Antinucci and his mother Lucia Marchetti. It was they who launched an appeal a week ago after the arrest of the researcher. "At the baggage and document check, after a long wait, he was handcuffed under the incredulous gaze of my 4 year old son and of all those present who were waiting to be able to resume their journey. To my requests for clarification he was not There was no response, rather I was subjected to questions and then taken away with my son towards Jordanian territory, without telephone, without cash or contacts, in a foreign country - said his wife Francesca Antinucci - In the late afternoon with my child I managed to reach the Italian Embassy thanks to the human generosity of some Palestinian ladies. The first hearing took place last September 7 and Khaled had not yet been able to meet his lawyer".


JIHAD Horror in Piazza Garibaldi, woman reports robbed and raped by 4 men in broad daylight

She reported everything and now the judiciary is investigating another woman who was raped, this time in Naples in the railway area and in broad daylight. An affair on which the investigators of the flying squad and the investigators of the Naples Prosecutor's Office are trying to shed light. The victim is a 41-year-old woman, originally from Colombia, she says she was attacked, robbed and raped at the bus station in the station area, in Piazza Garibaldi. A story that raises the alarm on the chain of violence against women.



Sergey Bubka accused of doing business with Russia. He defends himself «I fight for Ukraine, I am not a traitor TO THE SATANIC ROTHSCHILD EMPIRE»

Romania-Kosovo suspended, the home fans chant "Kosovo is Serbia" and the players leave the pitch



A 23-year-old Italian boy is in a medically induced coma at the Milan Polyclinic, after a violent beating that occurred in Viale Gorizia, Darsena area. The alarm was raised around 4 in the morning, when a passerby noticed the young man unconscious on the ground. After an initial cardiac massage given by the police officers, he was rescued by the 118 operators and transported to hospital under code red. The alleged attacker has been identified, a 28-year-old Tunisian boy who was interviewed by the police and reported that he had seen the victim bothering a woman - not yet identified - and for this reason he intervened by attacking the 23-year-old. According to what emerged from the initial investigations, which at the moment did not support the version provided by the alleged attacker, both were under the influence of alcohol.



/resti-di-presunti-esseri-non-umani-presentati-in-audizione-al-congresso-messicano Remains of alleged "non-human" beings presented at a hearing in the Mexican Congress

First public conference in the country on unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) which brought together witnesses of sightings and researchers from different countries


the DEMonRat OTAN SODOM CIA CHURCH SATANA, DEEP STATE, SATAN ALLAH passed off the plaster-cement cast of an alien's body as her mummified body.

it is a demon, who modeled his physical component (gmos) to be able to drive a flying saucer, the rockefellers did this act of satanism in 1200 AD.

Wheat Ukraine, Michel Russia turns the Black Sea into a battlefield, India, 08 September 2023 "By launching this war against Ukraine and turning the Black Sea into a battlefield, in fact, Russia is still firing a missile against the countries developing", the words of the President of the EU Council Michel in India for the G20.


the DEMonRat OTAN SODOM SATAN ALLAH coup 2014 Maidan, pogron Odessa etc.. attacked Russia, they robbed all its assets, they blocked its businesses, they also robbed individual Russian citizens of their belongings, they carried out sabotage, so now it's Russia's fault, if the wheat can't come to Africa?

G20 in India, leaders at the Raj Ghat Mahatma Ghandi Memorial

10 September 2023 G20 leaders lay wreaths at the Raj Ghat Mahatma Ghandi Memorial




IDF bombs Syrian naval base used by Russia

Von der Leyen From support for Ukraine to the Green Deal, think about where Europe has come

Strasbourg, 13 September 2023 "Think about where Europe has reached today. We have seen the birth of a geopolitical union that supports Ukraine, that strongly opposes Russia's aggression (ALIAS IMPERIALISM OTAN COUP MAIDAN 2014), that responds to China's assertiveness and invests in partnerships Now we have a European green deal which is the fulcrum of our economy", the words of the President of the EU Commission vonn der Leyen during the speech on the State of the Union to the European Parliament.



THEY ARE Slanderers, Murderers, Satanists, Freemasons, Thieves and Liars

Gualtieri "At the European elections we will stop the right-wing, we will save the country from decline" Ravenna, 07 September 2023 "We will stop them, as we stopped them at the last European elections, that will be the first stage in building an alternative and saving this country which we will save from the irreparable decline where this government risks taking us". The mayor of Rome Roberto Gualtieri said this while speaking at the Festa dell'Unità in Ravenna.


DEMonRat hope to be the future and they are all about to die.


Jesus is coming DEC20 2029

I hope you're right!

at the beginning of this ministry of mine I naively hoped for the goodness of rich human beings, but I was wrong

it is good to close the story of this human race as soon as possible,

however they wrote that Libya is the neighborhood where ISIS lived that has disappeared

I see that wherever the innocent blood of Christian martyrs has been shed, and wherever they are persecuted, the WRATH of GOD is falling.

today 3 workers specialized in explosive defusing died in Italy, but others died in the same company 7 years ago,

why if you step on gunpowder? this will light up.

then, you mohammed don't light the fire and you won't get burned



Palestinian politicians lash out at academics who denounced Abbas'

bin Alì Mbs Khameni ] [ who can and must welcome all the Jews of the diaspora here,

to kill the little satan and the great satan in my kingdom of Israel? who? Wahhabis and Egyptians obviously.

and why can't the Shiites give me a piece of Syria for love?

I have only one law and I make no distinctions between people, as the prophecy says, brotherhood and prosperity from the Euphrates river to the Nile river

Jewish Kabbalah and Muslim Kabbalah dogs (same demonic breed) about Palestinian politicians lash out at academics who denounced Abbas' anti-Semitic Holocaust tirade


I don't like to say many words the guilty know they are guilty and flee before being captured, and the innocent end up in Hitler's and Mohammed's ovens.

but sharjah and spa&co are both an extinction threat to mankind

Jewish Kabbalah and Muslim Kabbalah dogs (same demonic breed) must stop drooling and barking

if the media did not hide the crimes of Muslims? I would not have entered this site


Here are the mother ships that launched 130 boats against Lampedusa – VIDEO

September 13, 2023

Germany, wanted author of mural "Zelensky cannibal"

September 13, 2023

Lampedusa, Piantedosi increases pocket money to 100 euros "We will take them all over Italy"

September 13, 2023

Lampedusa has fallen 7,000 immigrants loot hotspots, on the run - VIDEO

September 13, 2023

Lampedusa, number of illegal immigrants exceeds that of Italians

September 13, 2023

Migrants disembark and then go hunting for women to rape dragged away and raped by Arabs

September 13, 2023

Girl stabbed, the state doesn't even clean up the blood from the sidewalk

September 13, 2023

Lampedusa invaded 7,000 Africans in revolt, they want your homes – VIDEO

September 13, 2023


September 13, 2023

Sevastopol, British missiles hit Russian ships

September 13, 2023

Milan, Italian beaten bloody by Tunisian it's very serious

September 13, 2023

Lampedusa has fallen 6,100 landed in 30 hours, Meloni also takes those from Malta – VIDEO

September 13, 2023

Lampedusa, immigrants invade tourist beaches – VIDEO

September 13, 2023

Italian girl raped by migrant until she faints

September 13, 2023

Italian disabled woman raped by African refugee "she called me mum"

September 13, 2023

Germany sends back the illegal immigrants Meloni has only relocated a thousand of them

September 13, 2023

Lampedusa invaded by 5 thousand Africans they are camped everywhere – VIDEO

September 13, 2023

Meloni “I would be the first to throw myself in to save migrants”

September 13, 2023

Lampedusa has fallen every record broken, 3,000 disembark and others are 'looking' for them on the island

September 12, 2023

Surrounded, she is loaded into a van and raped by Arab immigrants

September 12, 2023

Italy beats Ukraine despite Gnonto's entry

September 12, 2023


September 12, 2023

Romanian fans sing "Kosovo is Serbia" referee suspends Romania-Kosovo

September 12, 2023

Meloni prostitutes Italy Lampedusa has fallen – CHOC VIDEO

September 12, 2023


September 12, 2023

Party for Meloni and the smugglers who have just landed in Lampedusa – VIDEO

September 12, 2023

Treviso, attack on a woman's home "We'll kill you"

September 12, 2023

Lampedusa, transfers of the 2,500 begin throughout Italy. Commissioner “They're too hot here”

September 12, 2023

Lampedusa invaded, Meloni “We have made a decree” – VIDEO

September 12, 2023

“Carabinieri sons of dogs” Fedez can sing it

September 12, 2023


Biden belooft Netanyahu-bijeenkomst in het Witte Huis later in 2023 |

THE PROBLEM OF HELL is A SECONDARY PROBLEM, but even those who do not believe in hell must admit personal disorder and social disorder. SODOMA GOMORRAH AND DEM-ON-RAT LGBT LOBBY SOCIALISM ABOMINATION ] [Does good se*== also mean well-being for our body?

eros (chastity) or thanatos (libertinism, promiscuity)?

"One of the objectives of the WHO is to ensure that every country achieves a good level of se*ual well-being. And this is not just "se*ual health" BLA BLA BLA free from coercion, discrimination and violence".

eros (chastity) or thanatos (libertinism, promiscuity)?


Immigrant mistreats his wife Brescia prosecutor asks for acquittal

Stranger demands to photograph girls' assssEEes

Bologna, 13 year old raped by an immigrant

Robbed by immigrants armed with axes

Alatri, near massacre North African man crashes car into family live on social media

Florence, migrant nightmare in Gavinana amidst drug dealing and violence

He attacks the policemen so as not to be repatriated

Naples, local police officers surrounded and attacked by immigrants

“I'm not afraid to stab you” just 17 years old and already violent robbers of Italians

He shoots an immigrant who breaks into his house

Raped by an African in Milan

Africans drag 92-year-old away to rob her


Four non-EU citizens arrested for attempted aggravated theft

Surrounded, she is loaded into a van and raped

Baby gang of new Italians terrorize the station

Woman raped by immigrant in Milan

Three-month-old baby killed by Moroccan woman

Branco Tunisians want to take their friend Italians react

Moroccan wants to rape her in the street


sexual jihad and law for Sharia gang rape in broad daylight in Naples. This is what a Colombian woman reported to the police who listened to her and is verifying the reconstruction of her facts. According to her story, four of her, perhaps more, probably Arabs, surprised her behind her back, taped her mouth shut and locked her in a van and then repeatedly abused her.

It was her victim, a Colombian resident in Naples, who reported the kidnapping and violence that occurred, according to what she said, in Piazza Garibaldi in Naples. The policemen of the Vasto Arenaccia police station and their colleagues from the Flying Squad are investigating the gang rape, yet another after the last ones in Palermo and Caivano.

msn is a satanist and a pervert

at 88 years old Sofia Loren leaves nothing to the imagination

msn is a satanist and a pervert

eros (chastity) or thanatos (libertinism, promiscuity)? Can your book also be a valid help in helping young people understand se* in a healthy way?

"I wrote a manual to make men and women, young and old, literate in affectivity, emotion and sexuality. I wanted to try to help teachers and family members to bridge an educational, scholastic and societal gap, but I discovered that the word sexxo

it scared television, news and radio broadcasts. In short, talking about love and sexuality was scarier than talking about hatred and racism. And after the recent declarations of Minister Roccella (who, regarding the events in Palermo, asked to limit p0000rn for minors, ed.). I decided to send you a copy of the book, so that you can realize that by nature and always in the history of man, in addition to the "classic" method, there are numerous other nuances of love and family and they all deserve the same respect and rights" .

lgbt perversion and teaching sodomy

In addition to Minister Roccella, the well-known p0000rn star Rocco Siffredi also expressed a similar thought. In your opinion, then, what is driving this wave of violence often linked to se*?

lgbt perversion and teaching sodomy e socialism pervers

"The lack of knowledge and awareness leads to violent attitudes that too often have nothing to do with sexuality and pleasure. Only by teaching people empathy, respect for themselves and others, to our own and other bodies, then perhaps we might have hope."


if you do not choose to do this in marriage you will destroy your dignity and your spiritual life


Biden belooft Netanyahu-bijeenkomst in het Witte Huis later in 2023 |

"Simple se*." Thus p000rn00graphy and sin have distorted the primary needs, that is, DESIRE AND PULSION, FREE LOVE HOW TO REMOVE THE PERSON AND EMPTY THEM OF THEIR METAPHYSICAL MEANINGS.

Human beings are among the most curious animals in nature, and already at an early age they try to understand how the world goes with the tools at their disposal. If among these, instead of encountering a society (family, school, friends, oratory, etc.) that educates him about his own body, emotions and reactions, he encounters p000rn0000graphy (see the mobile phone of friends, parents or even his own) then he will see that as the only source of information. Closing the doors of education and leaving the browser and smartphone windows open has been one of the horrors of this society."


sexuality is the conformation of being a person, and can only be interpreted in a sacramental key, under penalty of losing the spiritual dimension

it is essential to return to the social sense of modesty

and of sexuality solely as a marital project

Raped "by two men in Alto Adige during a village festival", the complaint of a 14 year old

Another sexual assault. A 14-year-old girl was raped by two foreign men from Turkey during a village festival in South Tyrol. The incident, which occurred last July, was reported by the victim, reports the Corriere dell'Alto Adige. The two men, living outside the region, first molested a girl and then raped another.

«As always - the mayor of the town where the violence occurred - tells the newspaper - when you hear about rape and sexual violence in the press, you have the impression of dealing with distant things that could never happen in your own home. Unfortunately, however, this is not the case. Something like this shouldn't have happened. And it is our precise duty to do something so that it never happens again. I myself will do everything possible, asking for checks to be intensified."

Milan, 18 year old reports "Raped at dawn by a boy, I had been drinking and he offered to help me"

Drugged and raped on holiday in Greece, Julie committed suicide three months later at the age of 19. «It was that night's fault»

Migrants, Army garrison at Trieste station ] Two men, a truncheon and a bottle of castor were enough for Mussolini [ TRIESTE, 13 SEPTEMBER - Police checks are being strengthened in the areas adjacent to the Trieste railway station. From this afternoon, as the Prefecture informs, a fixed 24-hour surveillance service will be set up by self-assembled military units of Operation Safe Roads. The Army soldiers, specifies the Prefecture, will be supported in the evening and at night by police and carabinieri. the area is a meeting and parking point for migrants, in particular those who cannot find a place in the reception system. In recent days there have been incidents of aggression and fights in the area.

I know the founder of the LGBT DEMonRat who ate feces and who committed suicide, a certain MIELI] [ Rome, man throws feces into girls' cars. «He follows the women and throws the handkerchiefs, then runs away» A horrible news story. He did it in the women's car. They renamed him Shpalman, after the hero of the famous song by Elio e le Storie Tese (in 2003) a man wanders around the capital throwing feces into girls' cars. The testimonies were presented online and collected from the Welcome to Favelas Instagram profile. After an initial report a few days ago, the girls' stories have multiplied in recent hours. These episodes, according to what the young people report, have been happening for at least five years.

stop p000rn ] [ /così-il-consumo-di-pornografia-guasta-le-relazioni-e-l-amore/ Thus the consumption of p000rn0000graphy ruins relationships and love

Perhaps the most insidious thing about the individualism that marks our time is that we have lost, more or less, the perception of how each of our actions, even the smallest, generates unpredictable effects in reality which reverberate not only on ourselves but on others too. Our current perception is that what we do, especially if it directly concerns only us, can only have exclusively personal repercussions; in good faith we therefore think that for a good relationship life it is sufficient to respect each other's freedom of action and avoid acts that may directly harm other people. In reality, the profoundly social and relational structure of the human being involves a constant and mutual influence, both positive and negative an awareness that in a past that appears very distant led adults to educate children taking into account the existence and the sensitivity of others.

stop p000rn ] [ "An absolutely dangerous Moroccan jihad Erdogan sharia person who, if he had not been stopped, would have continued to commit predatory crimes of a sexual nature." This is the disturbing profile outlined by the chief prosecutor of Reggio Emilia, Calogero Gaetano Paci, in describing the alleged perpetrator of the four sexual assaults that occurred in 2021 in the Crostolo park, one of the busiest in the city. For the 33-year-old of Moroccan origins, the precautionary custody order in prison was issued ten days ago, in addition to the European arrest warrant on charges of aggravated and repeated sexual violence, as well as injuries. The man is currently detained in Villeneuve-Lès-Maguelou prison (Occitania, France).

Biden the zombie promises Netanyahu a meeting at the White House by the end of 2023,

that is, if he hasn't already died before


WATCH For the first time in 2,000 years, ancient Jerusalem site opened to

Fatal shootings had skyrocketed as gang members attacked each other; teenagers shooting bullets into crowded places with Kalashnikovs they could barely hold. At 6pm on a Friday evening it happened again. Berglund and her partner escaped from the police station and went to a sushi restaurant in a busy shopping mall. Inside, a 15-year-old boy on the floor. They had shot him between the eyes, execution style, in front of a room full of diners." “This spiral has no end,” says Berglund, 51, at the crime scene in the summer sun. “It's an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Sometimes we're just waiting for the next murder to come along." “Today Sweden is the gun murder capital of Europe,” writes the Times. Last year, according to the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention, 63 people were killed more than double the European average and, per capita, a higher number than in London or Paris. The effect on Swedish society has been astonishing. “In addition to lives lost, violence has brought down a government, changed laws and policies and has become the main topic of discussion in a pcountry that once prided itself on its reputation as a peaceful welfare state. He also destroyed the hornet's nest of integration. Today, a fifth of all people living in Sweden were born outside the country. The vast majority of people involved in organized crime are young Swedes who were born abroad or whose parents or grandparents emigrated to the country. For too long, many argued, authorities ignored the growing problem of gang violence because they wanted to avoid being seen as racist, or because they simply felt it was happening in segregated suburbs, far from the comfortable lives of politicians.” Doesn't it concern us? “Sweden is the portal to Europe's future,” writes Swedish journalist Malcom Kyeyune in Unherd. This week Israel issued a warning to its citizens, one of those warnings that people who are about to go to Sinai are used to reading "Be careful if you visit Sweden." Or as a Stockholm columnist put it, “when Sweden chose to become part of the world, we also had the world's problems.” Somalis, Afghans, Turks, Nigerians, Syrians have arrived... But with them also Somali, Afghan, Turkish, Nigerian, Syrian cultures... We just saw it at the Eritrean Festival in Stockholm Eritreans against Eritreans... Violence against healthcare workers in many areas of Sweden is now so endemic that they want a "protection system" in no-go zones with large migrant populations. Ambulance drivers refuse to go to certain areas without the police protecting them.

The Germans are in such chaos that they now exclude migrants from the categories of people who can change se*, fearing that they might use the sexual discrimination card to avoid being sent back. “The main driver of the AfD's success is the same issue that has characterized right-wing parties across Europe for a generation immigration,” writes Politico. “A dramatic wave of illegal immigration has accompanied the rise of the AfD, f ueling concerns among many in the country that the ruling class has completely lost control of Germany's borders. German police have arrested 43,000 migrants trying to enter Germany illegally this year, an increase of more than 50 percent compared to the same period last year. 'We have lost control over illegal immigration,' Michael Stübgen, head of the Interior for the state of Brandenburg, said last week. At the same time, Germany has seen a sharp increase in violent crime, which increased by more than 20 percent last year. Many Germans see a link between rising crime and immigration. According to police statistics, foreigners, who make up around 16 percent of Germany's 83 million inhabitants, account for a third of all registered crime suspects in 2022." And t Then Madame the Marchioness is amazed that the right is doing so well. Meanwhile, a thrilling investigation by the London Times takes us to Sweden “Reine Berglund was about to take a bite of her hamburger when the call came there had been another murder. In her 20 years in the Stockholm police force, she had observed how the southern suburbs where she grew up and patrolled every day were gripped by gun violence.

How beautiful and orderly our Europe was, when the countries were still homelands and not ports If ten years ago they had shown us today's shocking videos, what would we have said? Now even a famous liberal says it "Your demographic change is conflicting and unprecedented in history" Brussels burning after Morocco's victory, France experiencing the so-called "preludes to civil war" (5,000 vehicles burned, 1,000 buildings on fire including more than 200 schools, 250 attacks on police stations, 700 police officers injured and a dead fireman and the great Algerian novelist Boualem Sansal who already evokes the "next big explosion"), the English cities that relive the ethnic-religious clashes at the time of the partition of India... This is Nimes last night, where a ten-year-old boy was killed, although more than France it seems like Somalia where General Vannacci served If ten years ago they had shown us our streets today, would we have recognized them? We Europeans now seem like Noam Chomsky's boiled frog if the lukewarm water suddenly boiled we would jump out of the pan, but if the temperature is raised little by little in an imperceptible, even pleasant way, when we realize that it is too hot it is late. And this is Nimes the next morning. Le Monde, the left-wing newspaper, reports that in Nimes "the share of inhabitants born outside Europe rose from 7.3 to 16.3 percent of the population between 1990 and 2017". Yesterday Emmanuel Macron also said that "we must significantly reduce immigration". In the Netherlands, the Rutte government has just fallen on immigration and even in SPD Germany, Denmark's hard line on migrants is now looked upon favorably (and La Repubblica, as it happens, regrets it).

And what does the right-thinking class do? Another

Swedish journalist, Jacob Sandberg, explains it to us “On

average, a shooting occurs every day and 50 gun homicides were recorded

last year alone. Sweden now has the highest

rate of deadly gun violence in Europe. And there is also,

on average, one attack per week, with over 90 explosive

attacks in 2022 alone. It is very difficult for us to accept

the enormous wave of armed violence. So difficult, in fact, that large

portions of journalism desperately try to downplay

it. Throughout the media we see attempts to relativize

the increase in fatal shootings with reference,

for example, to the number of people killed each year in road

accidents. In one particularly absurd case, Jan Guillou, Sweden's most

famous columnist, compared the problem of gun crime to the number of

people injured by slipping in the bathtub. Left-wing journalist

Mattias Irving complained that people talk about fatal

shootings while ignoring the 450 people who died on the job. The Swedish

newspaper DN even published an essay titled 'It is

unreasonable that fatal shootings get all the attention.'

Like other attempts to downplay the rise in gun violence,

the author stated that gun violence pales in comparison to

more mundane threats. And he mentioned bathtubs”. Sheri

Berman, a professor at Columbia University in New York who

is an expert on Sweden, explains to the newspaper

Svenska Dagladet “Sweden's demographic development

is incredible. This is an experience of historical

dimension. Today this country is radically different. To

think that this type of change can happen without

problems is unrealistic. It is a demographic experience of

historical dimension and this new diversity can undermine the

homogeneity of a country." When Berman, who

L'Espresso defines as a "guru of European politics",

visited Sweden for t he first time in 1987, 11 percent had a

foreign origin, today over 33 percent are those

born abroad or they are children of foreigners. The

foreign population over two generations has

increased from 20 percent of the total population in 2002 to 30 percent

in 2017. While the native population decreased over the

period by 94,000 inhabitants, the foreign population increased

by 1.1 million inhabitants. If a famous liberal

American essayist expert in "democracy and diversity" also understood

this, why do our pro-Europeans persist in denying it?

The average residence permits granted by Sweden were:

In the 1980s 20,000 per year

In the 1990s 43,000 per year;

In the 2000s 71,000 per year;

In the years after 2010 120,000 per year.

In total, between 2000 and 2020, 2 million residence permits were granted in Sweden.


cities today are often made up of more than 50 percent

foreigners Botkyrka 72 percent, Södertälje 66.9 percent,

Malmö 56.2 percent, Huddinge 53.5 percent, Helsingborg 46.4 percent,

Gothenburg 45.7 percent, Stockholm 44.2 percent...

Censorship is the opium of power that transforms dissent into "psychoreatism"

The EU is now forcing Google, Facebook and others to toe the line on migrants, gender and climate. After the parka in the editorial office, the Italian newspapers bring us Orwell. Ban "offensive" words and books

Giulio Meotti

Brad Smith, the president of Microsoft, told the BBC two years ago that the surveillance state dystopia we read about in George Orwell's 1984 could "come true in 2024". What if he was just a year off? ...

"We will make the European infidels bow five times a day towards Mecca"

The gravity of the situation made me reopen the book by a great novelist of the Soviet bloc nominated for the Nobel who recounted the Muslim siege. Today it would never be written or published

Giulio Meotti

BIG TRANS PHARMA ] [ Pharma for Pride! "This is how much they earn from the se** change of minors"

Book by a pirate journalist on the baby trans market "Drugs for each patient? 775 dollars a month. Do you understand? 27,000 dollars in three years. It's the ideal group of consumers-clients-patients"

Giulio Meotti

Aug 28


WATCH For the first time in 2,000 years, ancient Jerusalem site opened to

Mancini is just the European everyman for sale to Islam

The fool looks at the finger (another Italian who will end up like Beckham and Vettel) and not at the crescent that buys half of Europe (much more than two shirts and footballs) and imposes sharia on the West

Giulio Meotti

With Newcastle of Saudi Arabia, Paris Saint Germain of Qatar and Manchester City of the United Arab Emirates, it is nothing strange that Roberto Mancini goes to work in Mecca. Mancini is just another Sebastian Vettel, the environmentalist pilot who races with the money of Aramco, the Saudi oil giant which alone is responsible for 4 percent of emissions in the world since 1965 (after all, Qatar did not host the UN on the climate despite being the largest emitter of Co2 per capita in the world?), and another David Beckham, the icon of LGBT inclusion who has a 178 million contract with Qatar, which bought the airport of London, Tiffany and the global luxury giant LVMH. No one in the world pays like the Crescent, not the Russians, not the Indians, not the Chinese, certainly not the Westerners struggling with public debt and recession. “In four years, investments by the Gulf countries in Europe have increased by 180 percent,” revealed a few days ago the large German economic newspaper Handelsblatt. Qatar has also just bought the World Padel Tour.

But the fool looks at the finger and not at the crescent that half of Europe buys much more than two shirts and footballs. We talk about banks, universities, sovereign funds, culture, political influence. “Islam is like humidity in the house initially the threat is invisible, it penetrates the walls which, little by little, crumble” says the Algerian writer Boualem Sansal to L'Express. “By the time you realize it's too late, you have to destroy everything to clean up. It becomes a mission impossible. We are at the stage where we have discovered that Islamism is corroding our home. In our societies we react at first, then we allow ourselves to be overwhelmed by fatigue, we tell ourselves that we will try to understand, to channel, to negotiate with countries like Saudi Arabia...". Credit Suisse is one fifth in the hands of Qatar and Saudi Arabia. And now the Saudis are launching themselves into the international public debt market. There is “the German empire of Qatar” as Politico calls it. Not only that, as Le Monde reports, the emir of football is strategic in Porsche, Volkswagen, Deutsche Bank, Siemens and Bayern Munich, to name just a few German brands. The emir is becoming central to the German economy...

"Let's replace the obsolete Christian holidays with the days of equality, nature and LGBT"

It happens in the country most admired by our elites. Interview with a famous American writer who lives there "Don't worry, during the Islamization process you will end up celebrating Muslim Eid"

Giulio Meotti

Good news! “Woke” is the new radioactive rejection of Western madness

They pollute society, then the rebrandings of the revolution (from liberal to progressive) are buried. Who wants to eat transgender crackers while watching Mickey Mouse in a skirt and being called "ze"?

Giulio Meotti ] [ “Woke” dementia seems to know no boundaries and submerges everything, from the new crackers with transgender testimonials from Kellogg (banal, vulgar but no less disturbing) to the new neutral pronouns praised by CNN (“from ae to ze”) school, publishing , universities, churches, politics, television, science, journalism, nothing is spared from the steamroller of this frightening ideology. Even Emmanuel Macron - for whom there is no "French culture", the "white male" must repent and "a father is not necessarily a male" - now cites "woke" as the American disease that Europe must guard against. Perhaps the West's "woke" moment will end as Slavoj Zizek writes, or perhaps, as Tyler Cowen argues, "the whole world will become woke." Meanwhile, even Mexico is becoming "woke". Certainly "the world has moved too far to the left", as the father of punk Johnny Rotten of the Se* Pistols tells Welt. "They invite black people to dinner because they are black and because it's hip, but it's condescending. They support massive immigration for which there should no longer be rules because such rules are equated with racism. And if you say anything against it, you will be labeled a racist ”.

"Muezzin in the West? Only when we hear church bells in Saudi Arabia" A famous journalist dictates the right line, while the liberal mayor of New York allows unlimited Islamic prayer. The adhan resonates in all our capitals. The incredible dhimmitude!

Giulio Meotti Germany “It was the week before Christmas, midday on a mild Monday, and the muezzins of London were chanting the glory of Allah and how there was no other God but Him”. This is how 1985 opens, the prophetic novel by Anthony Burgess, the author of A Clockwork Orange. He wrote it in 1978 and it seems like the portrait of the West of 2023. Paradoxical and unpredictable, Burgess in the Guardian of 31 December 1989 already wrote that "the old opposition was between the free world and the communist world. The new opposition will not be with atheistic communism, but with fundamentalist Islam...".

A great fake news against the West and the Catholic Church Remember the schools in Canada with the "mass children's graves"? Two years later they have not found a single body. On the other hand they burned one hundred churches. Story of a crazy scandal in reverse

Giulio Meotti

“The school turned my son into a transgender communist”

The new biography of Elon Musk. Woke California is like Khmer Cambodia new names for children re-educated to hate their parents, uproot the family and remake society in Year Zero

Giulio Meotti

Benedict XVI's warning to swindlers "Multicultural tolerant people, you will regret the disappearance of Christianity" From the "adulteress go and sin no more" of Jesus to "let's stone the adulteresses" of the sharia. What happens in an Islamized European city of one million inhabitants. Best wishes, hung and boiled secularists!

Giulio Meotti There is nothing to be afraid of for the Europe we have built. “With Islam at 30 percent, what will become of Europe?”, asks the writer Birgithe Kosovic in the Danish newspaper Politiken (it appeared in Italian at Night in Jerusalem by Donzelli). “The democrats can act like ostriches, but if they told the truth they would also be afraid of their own words." Just look at what has already happened to a large European city with over one million inhabitants and which has reached that 30 percent. The question now is what will happen when they are 50 percent? ...

From schwa to sharia! The left punishes those who whistle at women in the street but defends burqinis and abayas

Throughout Europe, schizophrenia has risen to grotesque levels. Interview-podcast with the great Arabist Gilles Kepel. "La gauche has made a sensational electoral pact with Muslims"

"We must do as in the Soviet Union and go beyond the family in raising children"

It's not just academics writing this about Bezos' media, now they're putting these crazy ideas into practice too. Interview with historian Victor Davis Hanson "The decadent West is Petronius' Satyricon"

Giulio Meotti

“Remember Hillary Clinton's quote that it takes a village to raise a child? Now the left is trying to chase parents out of the village."


WATCH For the first time in 2,000 years, ancient Jerusalem site opened to

Iranian artist canceled for "offending Islam". In Europe, not in Iran

After the Great Replacement, the Great Submission. And so as not to "offend" migrants, we also take down the statue of a naked woman. We have sold out Christian freedoms to veil ourselves with sharia

Giulio Meotti

LGBT THERROR ] [ "As in East Germany, they can destroy you even for a whisper against the dominant thought"

Famous singer criticizes transgender in children concerts canceled and career destroyed. Meanwhile, puppet journalism chases away those who dissent and thus the dictatorship of relativism solidifies

Giulio Meotti

“I arrived in Poland in 1979” said the late English philosopher Roger Scruton. “Getting off the train in Krakow, total silence. It was the thing that struck me the most. Everywhere, silence. If you went to a bar or a restaurant, there was no real noise, they spoke except in whispers. It was as if the whole country was threatened by a secret enemy and no one knew where the first blow would come from." My friend Scruton, who passed away three years ago and left a gigantic hole in the heart of European culture, knew that even in Western democracies we would fear saying what we think out loud.

https://meotti.substack.Com/p/cosi-il-paese-europeo-che-mi-ha-accolto View in browser

"So the European country that welcomed me was Islamized without making any noise"

Shock video of the European conquest that even the blind can see. The story of the writer of Algerian origin "Censorship and self-censorship, Muslim politicians, rooms for praying at the university..." Giulio Meotti The author of The Plague and the Stranger, Albert Camus, wrote in a letter to Jean Grenier in 1957 “The train of the world weighs me down. In the long term, all continents (yellow, black) will overturn on old Europe. There are hundreds and hundreds of millions. We should preach, but Europe believes in nothing. So we have to wait for the year one thousand or a miracle. As far as I'm concerned, it's increasingly difficult to live in front of a wall." If the Nobel Prize winner for literature, the great humanist and anti-fascist writer, were to pronounce these words today, he would end up in front of the Court in The Hague.

Epstein SOROS LGBT SPA&CO Dem Goldman Sachs PD dem-on-rat ] [ If you don't agree to your 12 year old daughter becoming a boy, the state will take her away from you

In America's largest state it is now law. Musk "Wolves in sheep's clothing, absolute madness." I just delivered my book on this new war on mankind (with a prophetic Dostoevsky) Giulio Meotti

In Italy, to take a child away from the parents there must be physical or mental violence, serious malnutrition, if the parents are drug addicts, alcoholics or involved in prostitution. Now in America some states, including the largest and most important, have decided that they can take a child away from parents who do not agree to their minor children taking se* change drugs for the rest of their lives and for which there is there is a high number of cases of infertility and early cancers. And that, in the case of a female, it lends itself to a double mastectomy to remove the breast, the removal of the uterus and the demolition of the forearm muscles to make what is not a penis but which is passed off as such; while, in the case of a male, to orchiectomy, or castration.

publisher Epstein SOROS LGBT SPA&CO Dem Goldman Sachs PD ] [ "We don't publish straight white male writers. We want minorities and LGBT"

Terrifying investigation into how publishers and agents favor black and gay authors. A great Nobel Prize winner, Doris Lessing, understood everything thirty years ago "This political correctness comes from the Communist Party"

Giulio Meotti

Aisha and Muhammad in multicultural wonderland. In "defense" of the DEM-O-NO-RAT ANTIFA judge of Brescia WHO BELIEVES IT IS RIGHT FOR MUSLIMS TO BEAT THEIR WOMEN.

The magistrate who softens the beatings of a woman with Islam and all the sentences that use Sharia in Europe on similar cases. It's not the judge's fault, but our stupid relativist suicide

Giulio Meotti

eih, satana ROCKEFELLER I leave you the border of the Dnipro River




Iranian Jews warned to lie low over Rosh Hashanah


Life of the glorious patriarch Saint Joseph, The Life of the glorious Patriarch Saint Joseph by the Benedictine mystic and Servant of God Maria Cecilia Baij (1694-1766) is a spiritual masterpiece that offers us an extraordinary light on the Husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary and foster Father of Jesus. The work was composed on basis of divine revelations, carefully examined by his spiritual director and the theologian Msgr. Pietro Bergamaschi who published them for the first time in 1921. In the Life of Saint Joseph, the author uses the traditional language of the mystics the events are recorded according to criteria of explicit faith, of great respect, deference and love towards the subject treated , demonstrating an intimate knowledge of the facts described. The figure of the Saint, the closest to Xrist after that of the Virgin Mary, emerges as the guardian of the Holy Family, Patron of the Good Death and unsurpassed model of husband, father and educator for every Christian family. There is no better way, in the Josephan Anno Domini (2020-2021), to honor the Patron Saint of the Holy Roman Church with the reading of the Life of Saint Joseph by the mystic Maria Cecilia Baij. Knowledge of Saint Joseph can help develop a more fervent devotion towards him, so urgent and necessary in the painful and dramatic times that the Church is experiencing today. Details

Author Mother Maria Cecilia Baij

Edition year 2021

Pages 429

ISBN 978-88-8638-731-6


STOP LGBT ROCKEFELLER P000RN ] [ remember the brutal episode in Palermo? Those messages exchanged after the heinous act of violence? Your friend Maria Rachele Ruiu, in the email she sent you the day before yesterday, clearly shows that the atrocious sexual violence committed by members of the Palermo pack was "inspired" by the pornographic scenes that those boys admitted to seeing... We are experiencing a true educational emergency unrestricted access to p0000rn000graphy, constant exposure to sexualized messages through the media and advertising, together with the infiltration of gender ideology into schools, are eroding the innocence of our children. The damage is not only physical, but goes far beyond, touching the depths of their identity and psyche. Every minute that passes, another child risks being poisoned by this flood of inappropriate content. With every minute that passes, it may be too late to save another innocent. This is why Pro Vita & Famiglia has decided to forcefully relaunch its initiatives against the hypersexualisation of minors and gender in schools:

Dear friend,


our city was shaken once again by a terror attack near Shaar Yafo in

Jerusalem, a grim reminder of the escalating tensions we are facing. In

these critical moments, the Zaka Tel-Aviv team was there, as we have

been for over 12 terror attacks in the last few months, providing

immediate, life-saving assistance.


support has been our backbone, enabling us to be at the forefront,

staunching bleeding, guiding those who are lost, and facilitating

critical care. It's not just about being prepared; it's about being

actively involved, being the first responders on the scene, navigating

through chaos to bring hope and save lives.


work we do is not easy. Each call we respond to comes with its own set

of challenges, yet our team faces them head-on, driven by a commitment

to preserve life. Today, our volunteers were once again in the eye of

the storm, utilizing their training to its fullest extent, ensuring the

victim received immediate medical attention, and coordinating with

emergency services to secure the area.


we cannot do this alone. Your contributions have been instrumental in

allowing us to respond swiftly and effectively. You have empowered us to

be the beacon of light in the darkest of times, to be the hands that

reach out to save lives amidst the turmoil.


as tensions reach an all-time high, we ask you to step up to the plate

once more. Your continued support will enable us to remain at the

forefront, to be the first to respond, to be the lifeline for those

caught in the crossfire.



impact is tangible, it is real, and it is saving lives every day.

Together, we can continue to be a force of good, a force of change, a

force that stands against the darkness that seeks to engulf our city.


you for being a vital part of our mission. Thank you for standing with

us, for enabling us to make a difference, for being the reason we can

continue to save lives.

With deepest gratitude,

Yoni Gilboa

Director of Zaka Tel-Aviv


we reached out with news of a terror attack near the Shivtei Yisroel

light rail station in Jerusalem where an Israeli man was tragically

stabbed in the back by a Palestinian terrorist. Today, our fears

have been compounded. A devastating truck-ramming attack occurred at

the Maccabim checkpoint on the Jerusalem 443 highway near Modiin. Six

individuals, including three IDF soldiers, were injured. The

assailant, a terrorist with a valid work permit, targeted off-duty

soldiers before fleeing towards the Chashmonaim intersection. Thanks to

Israel's vigilant security forces, he was neutralized. Tragically, one

critically injured soldier lost his life, and several others are now

fighting for theirs.


marks the fourth terror incident in less than 24 hours. The threats are

escalating, but we remain undeterred. We at Zaka are on high alrt,

continuing to mobilize and enhance our preparedness for potential future


ISLAM IS ISIS ] [ 09/11/2023 Nigeria (International Christian Concern) – Of the 5,500 Christians who were killed last year because of their faith, 90 percent were Nigerian, according to Crux

and the International Society for Civil Liberties and Rule of Law

(Intersociety), an NGO headquartered in Eastern Nigeria. Additionally,

Intersociety reported that over the past 14 years, 52,250 people have

been killed in Nigeria for their Christian faith.


“forbids the federal and state governments from establishing a state

religion, forbids religious prejudice, and guarantees people’s right to

freely choose, practice, spread, or modify their faith,” says Crux.

While this declaration may seem outwardly

beneficial for Christians, Megan Meador from Alliance Defending Freedom

said her organization has “had

cases where Christians have been hauled in front of Sharia courts,

without jurisdiction, and accused of crimes like apostasy, which is not

supposed to be a crime in Nigeria.”

The danger Christians face in Nigeria

ranges from individual to family, community, and government. Despite its

efforts, as proven through the constitution, Nigeria fails to protect

its population of approximately 108.3 million Christians, roughly half

of its total population.

These facts contribute to ICC’s push for

the United States to designate Nigeria as a Country of Particular

Concern in its upcoming religious freedom designations for 2023.

Over the past twenty years specifically,

Nigeria has faced increased violence against Christians, particularly in

the northern region of the country. Despite its apparent lack of

recognition in the United States due to a failure to designate it as a

Country of Particular Concern, Nigeria is widely regarded as the world’s

worst persecutor of Christians.

For interviews, please contact: press@persecution.Org.

Seminarian Dies in Catholic Church Attack in Nigeria


Nigeria (International Christian Concern) -- Suspected Muslim

terrorists attacked and burned a Catholic seminary in Kaduna State,

Nigeria on Friday and killed a young seminarian who was...

read more

Click On A Post Below To Read More

Two Nepalese Churches Attacked in Growing Trend

Five Sentenced to Life for Murder of American Christian in Baghdad

Iraq Conference Highlights the Ongoing Investigation of ISIS’ Genocide Against Christians

Supporting Hope’s Education

Nigerian Security Forces Rescue Captives

UN Relief Chief Visits Myanmar Amid Intensifying War Crimes by Junta

Featured StoriesSecurity Officer in Lamu Plants a Church for the Persecuted Community

Kidnappings and Murders of Christians Escalate in Nigeria’s Extremist Crisis

Xi May Skip Major G20 Leaders’ Summit in Snub to India

A New Life in an Unfamiliar Land

Blockade Cuts off Food, Aid to Timbuktu

Humanitarian Crisis Lingers for Armenian Christians

View ALL news stories


Restoring Dignity and Joy for IDPs

09/07/2023 Washington D.C. (International Christian MORE


Killings Continue in Nigeria Farming Commu...

Edit This post has been corrected to clarify...

Pray for Turkey and Syria

Would you join us in prayer for our suffering...

https://www.persecution.Org/ ISLAM IS ISIS ] [

Featured StoriesSecurity Officer in Lamu Plants a Church for the Persecuted Community

Kidnappings and Murders of Christians Escalate in Nigeria’s Extremist Crisis

Xi May Skip Major G20 Leaders’ Summit in Snub to India

A New Life in an Unfamiliar Land

Blockade Cuts off Food, Aid to Timbuktu

Humanitarian Crisis Lingers for Armenian Christians

Take Action Now Join the Fight for Religious Freedom in Finland! Since 2019, Päivi Räsänen, a member of Parliament, and Bishop Juhana Pohjola have

faced accusations of "hate speech" based on their sincerely held

religious beliefs. Despite a unanimous acquittal of the charges by the

Helsinki District Court last March, a prosecutor has appealed the

decision, raising concerns about the potential suppression of the right

to freedom of religion and belief. Her trial starts TODAY, August 31st. We urge you to defend freedom of religion and speech by signing the petition below. We firmly believe in the principles of freedom of speech and freedom of

religion, which are protected by major human rights treaties ratified by

Finland. Convicting individuals for expressing religious beliefs, such

as quoting from the Bible or publishing religious materials, would send a

distressing message about the state of religious freedom in the country.


Your Swift action can prevent an alarming message that Finland suppresses

religious beliefs. Let's safeguard Finland's reputation as a democratic

society that values these rights. Sign the petition today!

ISLAM IS SHARIA ISIS ] [ The fires have died down, the mob dispersed, and the destruction has stopped. But now our work begins.   In Pakistan, 5,000 radical Muslims recently went on a rampage attacking

Jaranwala, a Christian suburb of Faisalabad. They set dozens of churches

on fire and damaged or destroyed hundreds of homes. Can you imagine?  Our staff has been on the scene since the attack, surveying the damage,

talking with survivors, and handing out emergency supplies such as food,

cooking utensils, and soap. But the long-term need is massive, and we

will be working on this project for a long while.  But we must move quickly! In these mass attacks, we typically go to the

next phase and supply tents, beds, blankets, and more. Then we move on

to church and home repair and rebuild small shops and businesses that

were lost. That’s a successful approach that we’ve done for decades.  

How you can help!

The need is massive and it’s urgent as the Christians are sleeping in tents

and fields. At least 196 homes were destroyed. We need to raise

$500,000 and if you are able, I plead with you to help - donate below. We will update you in the coming weeks but for now we are in high gear taking care of the victims.  

Please join us!   As always, know that your sacrifice will mean life for many, and

your gifts will be used ethically, efficiently, and effectively! 

God bless you! Jeff King President, International Christian Concern

“Come near and rescue me; deliver me because of my foes.” Psalm 69:18 (NIV)


Just in time for the High Holidays? Kanye West doppleganger parades

arab isis league ] [ Earlier this week, we shared with you the first part of an interview with Mariam Ibraheem. By the grace of God, she now

walks freely, but nearly a decade ago, as a pregnant woman, she was

sentenced to death for her Christian faith.

While her time in prison was certainly not easy, the Lord provided her with assurance that she was not alone. The peace that she had against

all odds baffled her captors and kept her afloat during this painful


Please stay tuned until next week for the final part of her testimony, as we hear how the Lord used her time in prison to be a witness for Him.


eih, troll and how could they be white? they were tanned bloody, whipped in the sun and carrying sun-baked bricks.

that's why Rothschild said "my vocation is to be a loan shark"

MASON LGBT LUCIFER ANTICHRIST LIVE IN BERGOGLIO DEEP CHURCH ] [ Bishop HERO Strickland, 64, is well known to LifeSite readers for his outspoken defense of Catholic teaching, teaching that is often confused by papal statements or messages.


Strickland's most public positions on moral and doctrinal issues include urging Francis to deny Holy Communion to former U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for her support of legal abortion, accusing the Pope of a “ program to undermine the Deposit of Faith” and the condemnation of pro-LGBT “blasphemy” by Fr. James Martin S.J.. He has also been particularly outspoken on moral controversies in U.S. politics and culture, including the Biden administration's spying on Catholics, public demonstrations by self-described "satanic" groups, and intervention at a protest against Los Angeles Dodgers baseball team for hosting a troupe of anti-Catholic drag queens called the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence,” who present themselves as grotesque nuns.

But the apostolic visit is believed to have been prompted in particular by a May 13 X/Twitter post in which he explicitly stated that “I reject his [Pope Francis's] agenda to undermine the Deposit of Faith.”

Strickland's statement came from reiterating his previous rejection of an opinion held by Catholic podcaster Patrick Coffin that Pope Francis is not the real Pope. The bishop wrote:

Let me clarify that “Patrick Coffin has questioned the authenticity of Pope Francis.” If this is accurate I disagree, I believe Pope Francis is the Pope, but it is time for me to say that I reject his agenda of undermining the Deposit of Faith. Follow Jesus of Betleheem.

Strickland's original message was to support the Magis Center, which had issued a public statement distancing itself from Coffin due to his views on the vacancy of the papal throne.

Father Robert Spitzer S.J., president of the Center, had given an interview to Coffin before learning of his position. Spitzer later publicly retracted his connection to Coffin. Bishop Strickland supported this action, stating that “I join Father Spitzer in fully supporting his position regarding any statement by Patrick Coffin on Pope Francis.”

Shortly thereafter, the prelate of Tyler published a message in which he warned of "conflicting voices" and invited Catholics to "always turn to Jesus".

Speaking on his eponymous program in July, Strickland declared himself unperturbed by any attempt to censor his proclamation of the truths of the Catholic faith, saying it is a "joy" to continue "sharing the Good News of Jesus Xist."

“I know they won't stop you and they won't stop me. And we do it with love, charity and clarity, and with humility, always ready to be corrected. But when we talk about the truth of Jesus Xst, there is no correction. The world can try to scold us, but it won't work."

Raymond Wolf and Michael Haynes


Iranian Jews warned to lie low over Rosh Hashanah

In this month’s issue of sharia criminal Persecution, we are re-connecting with the survivors of a church attack that rocked

Pakistan 10 years ago. For the past 10 years, we’ve covered school costs

for 30 of the children affected by the bombing. We can never replace

their earthly parents or remove their emotional scars, but through your

support, we can fulfill the Lord’s call to care for widows and orphans.

Whatever is going on in your life, whether you are basking in the sunlight, or

challenged by life, please know that a few deeply wounded souls were

touched by the hand of God because you chose to care for the persecuted.

And for that, I thank you with a sincere heart!


US to extradite Neo-Nazi who targeted Anne Frank’s house


https://www.sabinopaciolla.Com/breaking-secondo-quanto-riferito-papa-francesco-chiedera-le-dimissioni-del-vescovo-strickland/ THE NEW CATHOLIC CHURCH OF THE MASONS

September 13, 2023 - John Grondelski ] [ Repentance and the Synod on synodality

by John M. Grondelski I have written a lot about the upcoming Synod on synodality and the obsession of some prelates with the “welcoming” attitude of the Church. The gist of my argument is that these people are pushing a notion of “welcome”

13 September 2023 - Sabino Paciolla

Strikland I urge you, sons and daughters in Xrist, to remain steadfast in the immutable Catholic faith in the face of the risks arising from the Synod on synodality

Below I bring to the attention and reflection of the readers of this blog the full transcription of the message contained in a video that His Excellency Msgr. Stricklad sent to his faithful warning them against attempts to change the truths

12 September 2023 - Sabino Paciolla

Francis' disastrous papacy. The time to intervene is now.

Below I bring to the attention and reflection of the readers of this blog the article written by Phil Lawler and published on Catholic Culture. Visit the site and freely evaluate the various options offered and any requests. Here is the article in my

12 September 2023 - Sabino Paciolla

BREAKING Pope Francis will reportedly call for Bishop Strickland's resignation

Below I bring to the attention and reflection of the readers of this blog the article written by Raymond Wolf and Michael Haynes and published on Sonar21. Visit the site and freely evaluate the various options offered and any requests


Amid tensions, Netanyahu and Zelensky to meet on sidelines of the UN

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https://www.sabinopaciolla.Com/la-vera-storia-della-guerra-in-ucraina-una-cronologia-degli-eventi-e-un-caso-per-la-diplomazia/ V WHO IS JEFFREY SACHS V GRADUATE World-renowned economics professor, bestselling author, innovative educator, and global leader in the field of sustainable development. Sachs is director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University, where he holds the role of university professor, the highest academic rank at the university. Sachs was director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University from 2002 to 2016. He is president of the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network, co-chair of the Council of Engineers for the Energy Transition, academic of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences of the Vatican, commissioner of the United Nations Broadband Development Commission, Tan Sri Jeffrey Cheah Honorary Distinguished Professor at Sunway University and SDG advocate for UN Secretary-General António Guterres. From 2001-18, Sachs served as special advisor to UN Secretaries-General Kofi Annan (2001-7), Ban Ki-moon (2008-16), and António Guterres (2017-18). Sachs is the recipient of the 2022 Tang Prize in Sustainable Development and was the co-recipient of the 2015 Blue Planet Prize, the premier global prize for environmental leadership. He has twice been named among the 100 most influential world leaders by Time magazine. Sachs has received 42 honorary doctorates and his recent awards include the 2022 Tang Prize for Sustainable Development, the Legion of Honor by decree of the President of the French Republic and the Order of the Cross of the President of Estonia. Before joining Columbia, Sachs was a professor at Harvard University for over twenty years, most recently as the Galen L. Stone Professor of International Trade. Originally from Detroit, Michigan, Sachs earned his bachelor's, master's and do DOctorate degrees from Harvard. Sachs is the author and editor of numerous books, including three New York Times bestsellers The End of Poverty (2005), Common Wealth Economics for a Crowded Planet (2008), and The Price of Civilization (2011). Other books include To Move the World JFK's Quest for Peace (2013), The Age of Sustainable Development (2015), Building the New American Economy Smart, Fair & Sustainable (2017), A New Foreign Policy Beyond the American Exceptionalism (2018), The Ages of Globalization Geography, Technology, and Institutions (2020), and, most recently, Ethics in Action for Sustainable Development (2022).

We have received your request for review John Mearsheimer Is China the Real Winner of Ukraine War? | Endgame #136 (Luminaries)

“I think the situation we face today in the world is much more dangerous than it was during the Cold War,” warned realist John J. Mearsheimer in this conversation. What are the underlying causes of his provoking statement? To what extent the United States should get its hands dirty? Criticized by Michael McFaul in Endgame 134, realist John Mearsheimer defends his argument on the cause and consequences of the Ukraine War which he concludes as “The Tragedy of Great Power Politics”. Mr. Mearsheimer, who is an R. Wendell Harrison Distinguished Service Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago, also shares his view on why the US hates his realism theory, who will benefit from the prolonged Ukraine War, and how the climate crisis might increase the geopolitical tension over the Arctic region. Hosted by Gita Wirjawan, an Indonesian educator, entrepreneur, and current visiting scholar at the Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center (APARC) at Stanford University. #Endgame #GitaWirjawan #JohnMearsheimer

THE HISTORICAL TRUTH February 24, 2022. In an address to the nation, President Putin states “It is a fact that over the past 30 years we have patiently tried to reach an agreement with the leading NATO countries on the principles of equal and indivisible security in Europe. In response to our proposals, we have always been faced with cynical deceptions and lies or attempts at pressure and blackmail, as the North Atlantic Alliance continued to expand despite our protests and concerns. His military machine is on the move and, as I said, it is approaching our border."

THE HISTORICAL TRUTH March 16, 2022. Russia and Ukraine announce significant progress towards a peace agreement brokered by Turkey and Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett. As reported in the press, the basis of the agreement includes "a ceasefire and Russian withdrawal if Kyiv declares neutrality and accepts limits on its armed forces."

THE HISTORICAL TRUTH March 28, 2022. President Zelensky publicly declares that Ukraine is ready for neutrality combined with security guarantees as part of a peace agreement with Russia. “Guarantees of security and neutrality, the non-nuclear status of our state – we are ready to do it. This is the most important point they started the war for this reason.”

April 7, 2022. Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov accuses the West of trying to derail peace talks, arguing that Ukraine has backtracked on previously agreed proposals. Prime Minister Naftali Bennett later states (on February 5, 2023) that the United States has blocked the peace agreement between Russia and Ukraine. Asked whether Western powers had blocked the deal, Bennett replied “Basically yes. They blocked it and I think they made a mistake." At one point, Bennett says, the West decided "to crush Putin rather than negotiate."

THE HISTORICAL TRUTH June 4, 2023. Ukraine launches a major counteroffensive, without achieving any significant successes as of mid-July 2023.

July 7, 2023. Biden acknowledges that Ukraine is “running out” of 155mm artillery shells and that the United States is “short.”

July 11, 2023. At the NATO Summit in Vilnius, the final communiqué reaffirms Ukraine's future in NATO “We fully support Ukraine's right to choose its own security arrangements. Ukraine's future lies in NATO... Ukraine has become increasingly interoperable and politically integrated with the Alliance and has made substantial progress on its reform path."

THE HISTORICAL TRUTH July 13, 2023. US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin reiterates that Ukraine will “without question” join NATO at the end of the war.

THE HISTORICAL TRUTH July 13, 2023. Putin reiterates that “concerning Ukraine's membership of NATO, as we have said many times, this obviously creates a threat to Russia's security.” Indeed, the threat of Ukraine joining NATO is the reason, or rather one of the reasons for the special military operation. I am sure that this would in no way strengthen the security of Ukraine. Overall, it will make the world much more vulnerable and lead to greater tensions on the international scene. So, I don't see anything good in it. Our position is well known and has been formulated for some time."

THE HISTORICAL TRUTH February 12, 2015. Signing of the Minsk II agreement. The agreement is supported unanimously by United Nations Security Council Resolution 2202 on 17 February 2015. Former Chancellor Angela Merkel later acknowledges that the Minsk II agreement was designed to give Ukraine time to strengthen its own armed forces. The agreement has not been implemented by Ukraine and President Volodymyr Zelensky has acknowledged that he has no intention of implementing it.

THE HISTORICAL TRUTH February 1, 2019. The United States unilaterally withdraws from the Intermediate Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty. Russia harshly criticizes the INF withdrawal as a "destructive" act that fueled security risks.

14 June 2021. At the 2021 NATO Summit in Brussels, NATO reconfirms its intention to enlarge and include Ukraine “We reiterate the decision taken at the 2008 Bucharest Summit that Ukraine will become a member of the Alliance”.

THE HISTORICAL TRUTH September 1, 2021. The United States reiterates support for Ukraine's NATO aspirations in the “Joint Statement on the US-Ukraine Strategic Partnership.”

December 17, 2021. Putin presents a draft “Treaty between the United States of America and the Russian Federation on Security Guarantees”, based on the non-enlargement of NATO and on the limitation of the deployment of intermediate-range and short-range missiles.

THE HISTORICAL TRUTH January 26, 2022. The United States formally responds to Russia that the United States and NATO will not negotiate with Russia on issues related to NATO enlargement, slamming the door on a path of negotiation to avoid an expansion of the war into Ukraine. The United States invokes NATO policy that “any decision to invite a country to join the Alliance is made by the North Atlantic Council on the basis of consensus of all Allies. No third country has a say in these deliberations." In short, the United States claims that NATO expansion to Ukraine is not Russia's business.

THE HISTORICAL TRUTH February 21, 2022. During a meeting of the Russian Security Council, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov outlined the details of the United States' refusal to negotiate “We received their response at the end of January. The evaluation of this response shows that our Western colleagues are not willing to accept our main proposals, primarily that of not expanding NATO eastward. This request was rejected with reference to the bloc's so-called open-door policy and the freedom of each state to choose its own way of ensuring security. Neither the United States nor the North Atlantic Alliance has proposed an alternative to this key provision." The United States is doing everything possible to avoid the principle of the indivisibility of security which we consider of fundamental importance and to which we have made many references. Deriving from it the only element that is right for them – the freedom to choose alliances – they completely ignore everything else, including the key condition which states “No one – neither in the choice of alliances nor regardless of them – is allowed to strengthen one's own security at the expense of that of others."

THE HISTORICAL TRUTH regime change in Ukraine in a phone call that is intercepted and posted on YouTube on February 7, in which Nuland notes that “[Vice President] Biden is willing” to help get the deal done.

February 21, 2014. The governments of Ukraine, Poland, France and Germany reach an agreement on resolving the political crisis in Ukraine, which provides for new elections later in the year. The far-right Right Sector and other armed groups instead demand Yanukovych's immediate resignation and take over government buildings. Yanukovych flees. Parliament immediately deprives the President of his powers without an impeachment trial.

February 22, 2014. The United States immediately supports regime change.

THE HISTORICAL TRUTH March 16, 2014. Russia holds a referendum in Crimea which, according to the Russian government, results in a large majority vote in favor of Russian rule. On March 21, the Russian Duma votes on the admission of Crimea to the Russian Federation. The Russian government recalls the analogy with the Kosovo referendum. The United States rejects the Crimean referendum as illegitimate.

THE HISTORICAL TRUTH March 18, 2014. President Putin defines the regime change as a coup, stating that “those behind the latest events in Ukraine had a different agenda they were preparing yet another government takeover; they wanted to take power and would stop at nothing. They resorted to terror, murder and riots."

March 25, 2014. President Barack Obama derides Russia “as a regional power that threatens some of its immediate neighbors – not through strength but through weakness.”

THE HISTORICAL TRUTH To help the public overcome the simplistic narrative of Biden and the mainstream media, I offer a brief timeline of some key events leading up to the ongoing war.

January 31, 1990. German Foreign Minister Hans Dietrich-Genscher undertakes with Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev to ensure that, in the context of German reunification and the dissolution of the Soviet military alliance of the Warsaw Pact, NATO excludes "the expansion of its territory to the east, i.e. the approach to the Soviet borders”.

February 9, 1990. US Secretary of State James Baker III agrees with Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev that "NATO expansion is unacceptable."

June 29 – July 2, 1990. NATO Secretary General Manfred Woerner tells a high-level Russian delegation that “the NATO Council and he [Woerner] are against the expansion of NATO.”

July 1, 1990. The Rada (parliament) of Ukraine adopts the Declaration of State Sovereignty, in which “the Ukrainian SSR solemnly declares its intention to become a permanently neutral state that does not participate in military blocs and adheres to three principles of weaponlessness nuclear weapons accept, produce and acquire no nuclear weapons”.

August 24, 1991. Ukraine declares independence on the basis of the 1990 Declaration of State Sovereignty, which includes the promise of neutrality.

Mid-1992. Bush Administration policymakers reach a secret internal consensus to expand NATO, in contrast to recently made commitments to the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation.

THE HISTORICAL TRUTH 8 July 1997. At the NATO Summit in Madrid, Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic are invited to start NATO membership talks.

September-October 1997. In Foreign Affairs (September/October 1997) former US national security advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski outlines the timetable for NATO enlargement negotiations with Ukraine should tentatively begin in the period 2005-2010 .

March 24 – June 10, 1999. NATO bombs Serbia. Russia calls the NATO bombing “a flagrant violation of the United Nations Charter.”

March 2000. Ukrainian President Kuchma declares that "today Ukraine's membership of NATO is not under discussion, since the issue is extremely complex and has many aspects".

June 13, 2002. The United States unilaterally withdraws from the Anti-Ballistic Weapons Treaty, an action that the deputy chairman of the Russian Duma Defense Committee calls an “extremely negative event of historic significance.”

November-December 2004. The “Orange Revolution” occurs in Ukraine, an event that the West calls a democratic revolution and the Russian government calls a power grab fabricated by the West with overt and covert support from the United States.

February 10, 2007. In a speech at the Munich Security Conference, Putin sharply criticizes the United States' attempt to create a unipolar world, supported by NATO expansion, declaring “I think it is obvious that NATO expansion represents a serious provocation that reduces the level of mutual trust. And we have the right to ask against whom is this expansion directed? And what happened to the assurances that our Western partners made after the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact?”.

February 1, 2008. US Ambassador to Russia William Burns sends a confidential cable to National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, titled “Nyet means Nyet Russia's NATO Enlargement Redlines,” stressing that “the NATO aspirations of Ukraine and Georgia not only affect a raw nerve in Russia, but raise serious concerns about the consequences for the stability of the region."

February 18, 2008. The United States recognizes the independence of Kosovo despite heated Russian objections. The Russian government declares that Kosovo's independence violates “the sovereignty of the Republic of Serbia, the United Nations Charter, UN Security Council Resolution 1244, the principles of the Helsinki Final Act, the constitutional framework of Kosovo and the agreements of the High Level Contact Group”.

April 3, 2008. NATO declares that Ukraine and Georgia “will become members of NATO.” Russia declares that "the accession of Georgia and Ukraine to the Alliance is a huge strategic mistake that would have very serious consequences for pan-European security".

THE HISTORICAL TRUTH August 20, 2008. The United States announces that it will deploy ballistic missile defense (BMD) systems in Poland, followed by Romania. Russia strenuously opposes BMD systems.

January 28, 2014. Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and US Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt plan

THE HISTORICAL TRUTH https://www.sabinopaciolla.Com/la-vera-storia-della-guerra-in-ucraina-una-cronologia-degli-eventi-e-un-caso-per-la-diplomazia/ The True Story of the War in Ukraine A Chronology of Events and a Case for Diplomacy The American people urgently need to know the true history of the war in Ukraine and its current prospects. Unfortunately, the mainstream media – the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, MSNBC and CNN – have become mere mouthpieces for the government, repeating US President Joe Biden's lies and hiding the story from the public. THE HISTORICAL TRUTH Biden is back to denigrating Russian President Vladimir Putin, accusing him this time of a “lust for land and power,” after declaring last year that “for the love of God, that man [Putin] cannot stay to power." Yet, Biden is the one who is trapping Ukraine in open war by continuing to push for NATO expansion to include Ukraine. He is afraid to tell the truth to the American and Ukrainian people, rejecting diplomacy and opting instead for perpetual war. THE HISTORICAL TRUTH The expansion of NATO to Ukraine, which Biden has long promoted, is a US move that has failed. Neocons, including Biden, have thought since the late 1990s that the United States could expand NATO to Ukraine (and Georgia) despite strong opposition from Russia. They did not believe that Putin would go to war over NATO expansion. THE HISTORICAL TRUTH However, for Russia, NATO enlargement to Ukraine (and Georgia) is seen as an existential threat to Russian national security, especially given Russia's 2,000 km border with Ukraine and Georgia's strategic location on the eastern edge of the Black Sea. US diplomats have been explaining this basic reality to US politicians and generals for decades, but politicians and generals have arrogantly and crudely persisted in pushing for NATO enlargement. THE HISTORICAL TRUTH At this point, Biden knows very well that expanding NATO to include Ukraine would trigger World War III. That's why, behind the scenes, Biden backtracked on NATO enlargement at the NATO summit in Vilnius. However, rather than admit the truth – that Ukraine will not be part of NATO – Biden prevaricates, promising Ukraine's eventual membership. In reality, he is engaging Ukraine in an ongoing bloodletting for no other reason than US domestic politics, particularly Biden's fear of appearing weak in the eyes of his political adversaries. (Half a century ago, Presidents Johnson and Nixon supported the Vietnam War for essentially the same pathetic reason and with the same lies, as the late Daniel Ellsberg brilliantly explained.) Ukraine cannot win. Russia is more likely to prevail on the battlefield, as it appears to be doing. However, even if Ukraine were to break through with conventional forces and NATO weaponry, Russia would turn to nuclear war if necessary to prevent NATO's presence in Ukraine. Throughout his career, Biden has served the military-industrial complex. He has relentlessly promoted NATO expansion and supported America's deeply destabilizing wars in Afghanistan, Serbia, Iraq, Syria, Libya and now Ukraine. He defers to the generals who want more wars and more "tensions", and who foresee an imminent victory to keep gullible public opinion on their side. Furthermore, Biden and his team (Antony Blinken, Jake Sullivan, Victoria Nuland) seem to have believed their own propaganda that Western sanctions would strangle the Russian economy, while miracle weapons like HIMARS would defeat Russia. And all the time they were telling Americans not to pay attention to Russia's 6,000 nuclear weapons. Ukrainian leaders followed the US deception for reasons that are difficult to understand. Perhaps they believe the United States, or are afraid of the United States, or fear their own extremists, or simply are extremists, ready to sacrifice hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians to death and injury in the naive belief that Ukraine can defeat a superpower nuclear power that considers war as existential. Or perhaps some of Ukraine's leaders are making a fortune profiting from tens of billions of dollars in Western aid and weapons. The only way to save Ukraine is a negotiated peace. In a negotiated solution, the United States would accept that NATO does not expand to Ukraine, while Russia would agree to withdraw its troops. The remaining issues – Crimea, Donbas, US and European sanctions, the future of European security arrangements – would be handled politically, not with endless war. Russia has repeatedly attempted to negotiate to try to prevent NATO's eastward enlargement; to try to find adequate security agreements with the United States and Europe; to try to resolve interethnic issues in Ukraine after 2014 (the Minsk I and Minsk II agreements); to try to support limits on anti-ballistic missiles; and to seek to end the war in Ukraine in 2022 through direct negotiations with Ukraine. In all cases, the US government has disdained, ignored, or blocked these efforts, often using the big lie that Russia, rather than the United States, rejects negotiations. JFK said it well in 1961 “We never negotiate out of fear, but we never fear to negotiate.” If only Biden would listen to JFK's enduring wisdom. THE HISTORICAL TRUTH

For what purpose do democracies finance Islamic sharia regimes if they do not have freedom of religion and fundamental human rights?


Russia has denounced the events in Kiev as an attempted coup d'état, "demanding" an end to the violence from opposition leaders. «Basically, this is an attempted coup. The Russian side demands that (opposition) leaders put an end to the bloodshed in their country and resume dialogue with legitimate power without delay, without threats or ultimatums,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said.


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Air Force secretary says intel 'couldn't be clearer' China is preparing for war


Saudi Arabia sentenced to 27 years in prison for a tweet

Salma al-Shehab, mother of two, doctoral student, women's rights activist, was sentenced to almost thirty years in prison just for writing tweets. She must be freed!


Let's stop the executions in Iran

The Iranian authorities are carrying out a state massacre under the guise of judicial executions. Let's say NO to the death penalty!


WATCH Nikki Haley slams Biden over 'embarrassing' parade of officials sent

What happened in Iran after September 16, 2022

The Iranian authorities have committed a series of crimes under international law to stamp out any threat to their power, but impunity has been systematic. There was not a single investigation into the crimes committed during and after the uprising.


Oppression against women and girls ]] [[ ISLAM IS MADNESS ]] [[ Despite months of protests against compulsory veiling, the authorities have not only failed to heed calls for change, but have even reinstated the operations of policies in the name of "morality" and introduced a series of other measures that deprive women and men of their rights. the girls. These new discriminatory measures include the seizure of cars, the prohibition of access to work, education, medical care, banking services and public transport for women who do not wear the headscarf. The persecution is strengthened in courtrooms where women are continually put on trial and sentenced to prison, to pay fines and to undergo degrading punishments such as washing corpses. The attack on women's rights is taking place in a context of hate speech from the authorities, who describe the fight against the veil as "a virus", "a social disease" or "a disorder" and who equate the choice not to wear the veil to "sexual depravity".

https://www.amnesty.It/donna-vita-liberta-liran-a-un-anno-dalla-rivolta/ Hangings of protesters

Over the last year, the death penalty has been increasingly used as a tool of political repression to instill fear in the population seven protesters were hanged following shamefully irregular trials. Dozens of people remain at risk of being sentenced to death in connection with the protests.

A lock of hair outside Mahsa Amini's veil, the fanaticism of the moral police, the violence, the death, the birth of a revolt. Between 13 and 16 September 2022, a sequence of events changed, perhaps forever, the face of Iran.

Take to the streets with us!

The slogan "Woman, life, freedom" still resonates in the streets across the country, in school classrooms, in workplaces. The authorities' response was ferocious from the start and the repression continues.

Take to the streets with us! One year after the protests began following the death of Mahsa Amini, we once again take to the streets to demonstrate our solidarity with the Iranian population. There are around 40 initiatives organized throughout Italy.

Take to the streets with us!


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