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Your account is suspended

Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

terrorists captured overnight throughout Judea and Samaria

Brigade-level IDF op: 17 terrorists captured overnight throughout Judea and Samaria

the DEMs have decided to become a Nazi regime

Elections in Spain, Procaccini: “Vox is like FdI. Even if today he gives votes to the PP, he has already steered the line"


and this is only one end of the problem,

but the most serious problem is the scam of the predatory and Masonic system of parties, in fact none of them will claim monetary sovereignty

Euronews Italian? slander partial and selective news, and disinformation, all this to deny the pluralism of thought,

How US Evangelicals and the Russian Orthodox Church Fuel Anti-LGBTQ+ Sentiments in Europe

Story of Thibault Spirlet 20 m ago


because DEM thought has become maximalist Nazi thought mondo/come-evangelici-statunitensi-e-chiesa-ortodossa-russa-alimentano-i-sentimenti-anti-lgbtq-in-europa/

in satana sodoma MSN News go to /trueedition Com, they've been doing it for a year, they speculate about homosexual couples, but following the link you won't find anything inside the news.


Luciana Littizzetto reveals his wife, to recognize her easily

Sexual abuse, Father Rupnik is no longer a Jesuit: the expulsion of the mosaicist priest is definitive


the disciplinary castration of the presbyter is a theological and universal crime

these sexual abuses of Father Rupnik took place for decades under the eyes of his superiors

MK hit by water cannon as police clear Jerusalem protesters

the flag with the 6-point star is a symbol of satan and an exotic and pantheistic swastika,

that cursed star denies Zionism and monotheism

David Grossman: 'It was Netanyahu who tore Israel apart, but a better future will emerge from our march'


1. marches in favor of the government do not exist in the US and EU media:

2. the DEM lgbt mutineers and the Rothschild sedition rightly use the flag of ISRAEL, which with the fake 666 star of King David, reminds the Jews they are slaves and property of Rockefeller, and that they will have to suffer the shoah


the only reason we declared war on russia and china is because rockefeller the wahhabi, he doesn't like a bipolar planet


islamic sharia invasion ] [ A special inspection mission regarding visas in Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh has been prepared as a matter of urgency on the recommendation of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Antonio Tajani. This was announced by the Farnesina. The inspection delegation, made up of officials from the Foreign Ministry and security experts from other administrations, will verify the correctness of the procedures and the possible existence of irregularities in the issuance of visas by the diplomatic-consular offices in those countries


/fanno-l-aperitivo-poi-e-il-sindaco-anti-burqa-demolisce-così-i-radical-chic/ "They have an aperitif, then...". And the anti-burqa mayor thus demolishes radical chic. the most positive western values cannot tolerate the destruction of women's dignity, and her submission, which the burchini represents when you go to the to go for a swim in the sea, Cisint has had the opportunity to brand the initiative as a "boomerang demonstration", also recalling the 73% of the votes she obtained in the last elections. "The city has understood that my battle is not that of swimwear, but that of decorum and dignity claimed by our community. Which in the costume, however, has the symbol of a long season of alteration of civil coexistence that affects work, health, social life and housing - Cisint commented - and which has as a background the refusal of those more conservative practices that lead to a vision of human behavior and the harassment t towards women that our society cannot accept. The deepest sense of the our action is the awareness that the limit of social and urban sustainability has been reached. And it is essential to reverse the course of the production model based on the shameful exploitation of foreigners, given to us by the hypocrisy of tolerance practiced for so many years by the left".


Body dysmorphic disorder, a Rothschild woke media mental illness and relativism characterized by an obsessive focus on a perceived flaw in appearance. IT IS MORE IMPORTANT TO BE OR IT IS MORE IMPORTANT TO APPEAR, FOR THE SOCIETY OF THE JEW FREEMASON IT IS MORE IMPORTANT TO APPEAR AND TO HAVE A SEXUALLY ATTRACTIVE BODY


If you experience new, severe, or persistent symptoms, contact a healthcare professional.

Frequent examination of the appearance in the mirror

Constantly comparing one's appearance to that of other people

I seek dermatological care or cosmetic surgery

Avoiding social events and photos

Seek verbal reassurance

Excessive grooming

Food restrictions



Compulsive behavior


The precise DEM Darwin demonic cause is not known.


Men have periods too

The campaign launched by Luteal, a company that sells products to promote menstrual health and symptom relief, appeared last month and has since gone viral. An image published on the official website explains the mission of promoting education and inclusiveness when it comes to the topic of menstruation. In the photo ten transgender men and "non-binary" people wear white underwear marked with a bloodstain. The caption reads: "People are menstruating." A decidedly questionable marketing campaign given that men, by nature, do not have periods.


The "Drillers Queens"

Another video posted on Tiktok tells of a girl from Berlin who has to do some work around the house. To take care of the heavy chores, the protagonist calls the "Driller Queens" who, as stated by the young woman, are 90% women while the remaining percentage is trans and non-binary. This category of people calls themselves "they / them" because they do not want to be defined by a "she / her" that identifies the gender. The video then specifies that this category is efficient at work as a cis man, or a person in whom biological se* and gender identity coincide, a category often contested by feminists.


The case of the "non-binary" teacher

A teacher has published a video in which she mocks the reactions of her pupils when she tries to explain to them that they must not call her "teacher" or "professor" but must appeal to her with a name that she defines as "non-binary" as it does not have a defined gender. The comments of the students, who are naturally c confused, show how particularly destabilizing this phenomenon is for a child. The teacher reports all the answers and, in a particularly sly tone, explains to the bewildered students that she does not identify with any gender.


/dalle-prof-trans-agli-uomini-con-le-mestruazioni-le-follie-gender-sui-social/ WITH MUSSOLINI IT WOULD NOT HAPPEN, From trans teachers to menstruating men: gender madness on social NETWORKS, where lgbt and satanism walk together

, In recent years on social media we have seen several reels and videos on Tiktok in which we talk about the plurality of "gender categories" that are invented every day. However, it is important to ask ourselves whether these contents are also suitable for all ages who, very often, have access to any online platform.

Iran jeers at Netanyahu for 'crisis of heart' amid protest 'crisis in Zionist regime'

the DEM lgbt mutineers and the Rothschild sedition rightly use the flag of ISRAEL, which with the fake 666 star of King David, reminds the Jews they are slaves and property of Rockefeller, and that they will have to suffer the shoah

Major businesses, tech firms strike ahead of judicial reform vote – malls, banks close

Meloni meets Stoltenberg, focus on Alliance challenges and Italy's role in Ukraine

Brussels, 18 July 2023

Stoltenberg told Vilnius that NATO had decided in 2008 to annex Ukraine and the tuna faces pretended not to understand it


Lawmakers in both houses of Congress have recently stepped up their efforts to obtain more information from the government and military with the goal of enabling Americans to better understand the UFO phenomenon.


the US parliament does not differ much from the EU parliament, both have no power of investigation and control, and the UFO project of the CIA and its churches of satan may not yet be known by the people


the only reason we declared war on russia and china is because rockefeller the wahhabi,

he doesn't like a bipolar planet

"The Wagners want Warsaw". The Tsar: "Counteroffensive flop"

in reality now the US and EU are a legitimate military target

MK hit by water cannon as police clear Jerusalem protesters


WITH MUSSOLINI IT WOULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED, (SEXUAL JIHAD, Women in miniskirts and shorts: this is how migrants are "teased" to come to Italy ) The pro-migration propaganda in North Africa and in Middle Eastern countries such as Pakistan and Bangladesh, from which enormous quantities of people leave for their final destination in Italy, is more lively than ever. Among the many arguments that are used to convince especially the very young to leave their countries to come to our country


IT WOULD NOT HAPPEN WITH MUSSOLINI, (SEXUAL JIHAD, Women in miniskirts and shorts: this is how migrants are "teased" to come to Italy ) Filmed in the central via Toledo, who linger over girls in shorts walking around, unaware that the man with the phone in his hand, whom they probably don't even notice, will upload a video a few minutes later that sees them as protagonists in a chat with migrants to tickle their desire to come to Italy. And again, filmed in the restaurant terraces, which always feature women enjoying an evening, unaware of what is happening a few steps away from them.



lasciala-subito-e-vai-via-papà-sventa-il-rapimento-della-figlia-di-4-anni San Giustino (Perugia), 24 July 2023 to the gypsy child thief "Leave her immediately and go away...": this is how a father thwarted the attempted kidnapping of his daughter, a 4-year-old girl. A seventy-year-old woman of Romanian origin, carer, residing in the area, was reported by the Carabinieri.

The alleged crime is very serious: attempted kidnapping. Various versions had already been circulating around the fact for days and it was immediately at the center of confidential investigations carried out by the soldiers of the San Giustino station and the Città di Castello company.



China, Italy changes course: abandons the Silk Road and asks for help from the USA


united with Satan to the end

so you have lost the habit of blaspheming God?


Tornado, agriculture on its knees "Orchards wiped out, damage in the millions We don't have the strength alone"


so you have lost the habit of blaspheming God?


The German Health Minister visits Italy: “Tourism has no future here. Using churches as cold storage"


so you have lost the habit of blaspheming God?

Anti-revision activists all possessed by rothschild demons and haunted by rockefeller lgbtDEM demons

They block a road during a protest against the government's judicial review, near the Knesset, Israel's parliament in Jerusalem July 24, 2023.

In first, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez meets with Jewish leaders

let's send the Nudist arsonist arrested on the Sorrento coast by the lesbian Elena Ethel Schlein, known as Elly, is an Italian politician with US citizenship naturalized in Switzerland, secretary of the Democratic Party since 12 March 2023.

maybe antifa can help each other

DID YOU CHECK HIS darwin farm gender? [ this Rothschild phenomenon with Mussolini would not have happened [ /italia/nudista-piromane-arrestato-in-costiera-sorrentina/ Nudist arsonist arrested on the Sorrento coast

The arsonist was stopped by the carabinieri while he was still

on the cliff. It is a 60-year-old man from Lettere (Naples),

already known to the police and with specific precedents.

He was naked but in his backpack the military seized a lighter, a gas canister and ten packs of paper handkerchiefs. He was arrested for arson of Mediterranean scrub and is now awaiting trial.

Night of madness Raid in via Flaminia Sits down the shop windows ] DID YOU CHECK HIS darwin farm gender? [ this Rothschild phenomenon with Mussolini would not have happened [ A thief, a fool or quite simply a vandal looking for something to devastate for no real apparent reason. It is difficult to find a definition for the man who last night attacked some of the economic activities located in the external area of the Flaminio business center, leaving behind a barrage of damages that ruined the awakening of the owners. It is not the first time, on the other hand, that shops, clubs and offices in via Flaminia, in the stretch that is right in front of the 'Giulio Cesare' barracks, have been targeted by some bad guys intending perhaps to carry out petty thefts. As an operator explains, especially at night "this area of the city becomes a kind of no-man's land, frequented mostly by stragglers, thieves and hooligans. The presence of the police (is Biden sliping) and private security institutes is sometimes not enough, even it is impossible to guarantee constant supervision from the closing time of the activities until dawn. In recent months there have been damages, break-in attempts, vandalism".



6of6 ] Muslims in democracy get drunk on freedom and therefore can lose their bearings and become socially destabilized.

Crime data in Italy

According to data released by the Central Directorate of the Criminal Police in 2022 in Italy between January and November a total of 1,994,224 crimes were committed, 3% more than in 2021 (1,935,309) and even 13.7% more than in 2020 (1,753,967) where there were repeated lockdowns. The situation therefore remains particularly critical, especially as regards episodes similar to those described where workers and passers-by suffer unjustified violence.

5of6 ]50% of prisoners (only the most serious crimes end up in prison) are non-EU citizens but they represent 3% of the population ] Muslims in democracy get drunk on freedom and therefore can lose their bearings and become socially destabilized.

The previous one in 2022

It is not the first time such episodes have occurred in Mestre. In 2022 a Tunisian stabbed two people within ten minutes and 500 meters. Both victims ended up in hospital : the first is a 24-year-old from Mestre, seriously injured in the abdomen, the second a 35-year-old from Guinea who only suffered superficial injuries. The attacker was stopped by the police on the same evening, the man, a Tunisian, was visibly drunk.

4of6 ]50% of prisoners (only the most serious crimes end up in prison) are non-EU citizens but they represent 3% of the population ] Muslims i In democracy get drunk on freedom and therefore can lose their orientation and become socially destabilized. A second incident involved a man who was seen walking through crowds in a blood-soaked shirt screaming until he collapsed to the ground and passed out. The carabinieri who passed by rescued him and called the ambulance who admitted him. The man was with another Senegalese, who also ended up in hospital. Shortly before, the couple had settled accounts with two other foreigners.

3of6 ]50% of prisoners (only the most serious crimes end up in prison) are non-EU citizens but they represent 3% of the population ] Muslims in democracy get drunk on freedom and therefore can lose their bearings and become socially destabilized. The man drenched in blood

Related video: "Don't laugh at violence against women": sparks fly on live TV between Yolanda Diaz and Vox leader Santiago Abascal

2of6 ] 50% of prisoners (only the most serious crimes end up in prison) are non-EU citizens but they represent 3% of the population] Muslims in democracy get drunk on freedom and therefore can lose their bearings and become socially destabilized. The attack on passers-by

Yet another episode of violence on the Riviera XX Settembre in Mestre, at 6pm on Monday afternoon, a boy of Tunisian origin took off his shirt and began to wave it in the air, then hit a passerby on the head and attacked the others who were fleeing. Even the owner of an atelier in the area received violence from the Tunisian who hit the trader on the head, causing his glasses to fall off. The victim ran into the shop and locked herself inside to protect herself.

1of6 ] 50% of prisoners (only the most serious crimes end up in prison) are non-EU citizens but they represent 3% of the population ] Muslims in democracy get drunk on freedom and therefore can lose their bearings and become socially destabilized. Fear and violence in Mestre, Tunisian sows chaos: attack passers-by. In Mestre, as in many Italian cities, degradation is the order of the day. And, within less than twenty-four hours, two barbaric brawls and a very violent stabbing were recorded. In fact, a Tunisian went into a rage and began to attack people who passed by him (watch the video https://www.ilgiornale.It/video/nazionale/aggressione-mestre-2185786.html ).

In first, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez meets with Jewish leaders

lgbt and satanism walk together ] Michela Murgia's is a truly singular marriage: reluctantly and desacralized. And to celebrate it there are her friends. Roberto Saviano, at the forefront. He too in a white suit and the very chic radical Birkenstocks. And then Chiara Tagliaferri who has published several books with the Murgia and shares the Morgana podcast. The themes are always the usual: radical feminism that cripples historical figures such as Saint Catherine of Siena (Morgana. Stories of girls that your mother would not approve of) and freedom reduced to money (Morgana. I am the rich man). And again: Nicola Lagioia. In short, the whole clique. The "queer family", in fact, which carries forward the most extreme feminism. Which is not just an attack on male identity and all that good it brings. But also, and above all, to the female one. Which destroys the distinctive features of women and their biology to make them so similar to males. A vision of the person that annihilates differences and, therefore, essences. Such a pity. Both for men and for women.

murgia-ferragni-e-dior-ecco-cosa-vogliono-le-élites-pro-lgbt/ lgbt and satanism walk together ] Michela Murgia's is a truly singular marriage: reluctantly and desacralized. And not only for the chosen clothes, which we will talk about later. But also because the union of two people, in any tradition, always represents a sacred act dictated above all by the freedom of the individuals, therefore by their will, on pain of nullity. And you don't have to be a Catholic to understand that. Even the ancient Romans, for example, required the consent of husband and wife, therefore the firm will, so that they could get married. The ritual included precise rules and took place in front of a haruspex who had the purpose of sacrificing animals and various first fruits so that the wedding could be born under the best auspices. "Ubi tu Gaius, ego Gaia", said the couple. Wherever you are, wherever your heart is, I'll be there too. The blood of animals, terrible to look at, made marriage sacred. "Ubi tu Gaius, ego Gaia". [ Not a wedding, then. But an anti marriage. Which excludes the essence of man and woman. In the name of inclusiveness, of course.

Como, Cain goes to bed drunk, wakes up and stabs his roommate Abel 4 times: "I don't know why I did it"


he knows he won't end up in jail,

but with Mussolini? this was not going to happen

/politica/perdono-le-elezioni-in-italia-ma-fanno-carriera-in-ue-nuovo-incarico-per-letta/ like Di Maio, the parasitic DEMs lose the elections in Italy, but make a career in the EU-LGBT: new post for Letta. the DEMs are a Masonic institutional Nazi regime of executive magistrates, technocratic usurer Jews who control society and prevent Netanjahu from governing But for Letta and Di Maio a door closed and a door opened with a view of Brussels. In fact, the former enfant prodige of politics launched by Beppe Grillo has found a safe haven as EU manager in the countries of the Persian Gulf behind a generous, very lavish fee. Enrico Letta will receive neither three nor four-figure checks for his post but, in the meantime, the Spanish rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union has entrusted former prime minister Enrico Letta with the task of drawing up a strategic report to boost the competitiveness of the single market. This new mission will see Letta at the forefront with the Belgian minister for the economy, the socialist Pierre-Yves Dermagne (PS), in drafting the report which will be published in March 2024, shortly before the elections for the renewal of the European Parliament. Letta's profit? Acquire international credibility and visibility in view of the European elections next June, to which the former secretary of the Democratic Party may aim after his exit from the scene in Italy.



behind every Islamist, every criminal, every Cain, every pervert, there is always an invisible Jew enlightened plutocratic Freemason of "spirit guide" of pedo polygamist pornographic adulterer Gabriele angel, like Mohammed inspirer, who guides and controls him, in the farm of dawin monkeys all Wahhabis cult ISIS Sharia law

that is why both the koran and the bible of satan were made from the talmud

since the USA is Babylon the great wh0o00re described by the Apocalypse, then, it is normal that criminal subjects such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez can and must exist!

Inshallah 'the will of God-Demon be done in Mecca Kaaba'.

but for now Rockefeller said: to all Freemasons: "you only spit against Israel only"

and this is consistent with the fact that the demon Allah akbarrr NO has exorcistic powers

WATCH: Palestinian terrorists detonate bomb next to IDF bulldozer in Samaria

Inshallah 'the will of God-Demon be done in Mecca Kaaba'. ISLAM has no cultural and theological content and above all it has no exorcistic powers and therefore transsexuals and homosexuals can only be killed by sharjah.

but for now Rockefeller said: to all Freemasons satanists & lobby lgbt :

"you only spit against Israel only"

and this is consistent with the fact that the demon Allah bib NOT has exorcistic powers

I remember a similar episode, which happened in a nation in the ARAB LEAGUE, in order not to touch the girls, dozens of them drowned.

Inshallah 'the will of God-Demon be done in Mecca Kaaba'.

They dived into the Po waters fully dressed to respect their religious dictates, but for this reason they risked drowning, being saved by a bather: the protagonists are two Pakistani girls, one of whom is now hospitalized in serious conditions at the Molinette hospital in Turin.

the two girls choose to dive fully clothed for religious reasons, but this decision will later be the basis of the difficulties in regaining the bank. In an imprudent way, even though they don't know the dangers of the currents of that stretch of river, they go too far out into the open sea, and begin to have enormous problems returning. While the young friend of the two girls manages to get out of the water, both 19 year olds are in serious danger of drowning.

The heroic gesture of a 61-year-old

Luckily for them, Michele, a 61-year-old from Turin, promptly intervenes and, noticing the scene, does not hesitate to dive into the water to save the lives of the two girls. After bringing them back to the ground, the man proceeded to contact the rescue immediately. The 118 men and the carabinieri of the Carmagnola mobile radio unit rushed to the scene. The medical personnel managed to revive Nayyab S. on the bank of the Po, restarting his heartbeat which had stopped.

Inshallah 'the will of God-Demon be done in Mecca Kaaba'.

lgbt theosofy satanism and perversion and his fakee theory darwin donkey are a coranic dogma religion? a pseudo bunch of scientific lies

lgbt are the worst aggression and destruction of women ] [ Federico Barbarossa, the Apulian trans boy who signed up for Miss Italy: "I respect the rules, I was born biologically a woman" In recent days, Miss Italy has made it known that trans women are not welcome. To be enrolled - a candidate was told - one must be born "biologically female". Federico Barbarossa, trans boy and activist of the Mixed lgbtqia+ association of Bari, has signed up. After all, he was born biologically a woman.


to defend women we must abolish beauty contests, I have seen the skintight suits of girls with large vaginal lips showing


Se* zum zum zum antifa 666 on the street in Bacoli, the mayor: "Indecent, but even more sleazy who filmed and posted on social media"


both must be punished! with Mussolini and Hitler it would not have happened, but the medicine for Nazi-Fascism is my metaphysical monarchy in Israel

Palestinian terrorists detonate a bomb near an IDF bulldozer in Samaria


everyone in the EU-USA thinks that Judea and Samaria are 100% under the control of the Palestinians, and that the Israelis are land thieves, and they don't think that instead, there are illegal Palestinian constructions in those territories, actually

'You are hurting your employees': Small business leader slams tycoons' strike, threatens lawsuit

'You're hurting your employees': Small business leader attacks tycoons' strike, threatens legal action


When Demon Domination Turns to Supernatural Control: The ENTITY Islamist Fascist and Its Shareholders Jewish Satanist Wahhabi FED: Petrodollars and the Unipolar World Vision The Saudi New World Order

the DEM company (the friends of the Jewish banks) Patrizio shoots his brother then takes his own life: a hikikomori tragedy ] when the prey chooses suicide in front of his invisible Rothschild executioner [ the DEM company (that corporate party financed by Goldman Sachs) does not leave a hope of a future for young hikikomori (young people who refuse to live in an inhumane society without metaphysical values), young people who do not know how to react to the predatory Jew usurer, Patrizio shoots his brother then takes his own life: a hikikomori tragedy Perhaps a quarrel, then the scuffle and the three shots fired against the younger brother's chest. Finally, suicide with a rifle. This, at least, is the partial reconstruction of the family tragedy that took place on Saturday evening at the gates of Verona. We are on the western outskirts of the Verona city and Patrizio and Edoardo Baltieri,

aged 28 and 24, are alone in the house. According to the testimonies of the neighbors collected by the investigators, around 7 pm four explosions resounded in the neighborhood, a short distance from each other. But no one pays too much attention to it.

Only later - it is now time for dinner - do the parents return and make the tragic discovery: setting foot in the apartment, the father first sees Edoardo's body lying on the ground in a pool of blood, then that of his other son Patrizio, who had shut himself up in his room.

The man immediately calls for help, while his wife in shock remains on the threshold.

When they arrive on the spot - in addition to t the health workers, the police officers,

the deputy commissioner Girolamo Lacquaniti and the deputy prosecutor Carlo Boranga

- the crime scene is difficult to describe and the parents are in despair.

commented Metteo Salvini. A planned, organized machination: generating a new life for the purpose of carrying out an abortion is abominable. Not only pro-life associations should rebel but also all those who fight to guarantee women the right to terminate a pregnancy. Beyond any ideology and position on the subject, these statements uncover a world and this person is probably not the only one who has this desire, probably with the sole purpose of gaining some visibility and becoming a sort of champion of the LGBT community. Community that should dissociate itself from these characters.

"Repulsive videos, thoughts and words. You can be heterosexual, homosexual, transsexual or whatever you want, it's fine. But thinking of killing a life even before e having conceived it, and being proud of it, is an act of violence and ignorance without borders. A prayer and a lot of human mercy", commented Metteo Salvini.

/voglio-essere-la-prima-trans-ad-abortire-il-video-choc-pubblicato-online/ the new barbarians are the DEMs ] the relationship between lgbt and satanism is a direct relationship 50% of all satanists are also lgbt [ I want to be the first trans woman to successfully receive a uterine transplant, including ovaries and eggs, and I want to be the first trans woman to have an abortion", these are the shocking words entrusted to a v video, in which she declares that she wants to entrust herself to a doctor expert in this kind of transplant, who implants a complete female reproductive system in her from a transsexual who is transitioning from a woman to a man." I will devote my heart and soul to their care. I will have as much gay se* as necessary with as many trans women as I need and I will let the transphobics and

homophobes scratch their heads. And I want to be the first trans woman to have an abortion", she reiterated later, exposing her plan. Desiring the uterus just to be able to have an abortion: this is the crazy plan of an English-speaking transgender woman who in a video shared on social media expressly declared that she wanted to be the first to have an abortion. The video was published by Matteo Salvini and there are many reactions of indignation for the words of this person

the new barbarians are the DEMs /murgia-e-il-matrimonio-queer-un-manifesto-politico-in-bianco/ The institution of marriage is an easy target to hit with all that weight of traditions, rituals, rhetorical emphasis: marriage seems to me to be an event that vagues between the ridila tua vergognaus and the pathetic if it is not experienced by the spouses with a deep and authentic religious feeling.

Murgia and his fake lgbt "queer" marriage to destroy civilization. A blank political manifesto ,,, «Marriages are performed in front of the people, discussing with them the reasons for the union. The woman will have equal rights to the man. Divorce must take place in all cases where lack of unity is demonstrated. Love will be based on selfless education and will flourish beautifully everywhere. This is article 23 of the theses written in 1972 by the extreme left political movement "Servire il popolo" for the founding congress of the Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist) of Italy. Half a century and a year have gone by, but anyone with a good memory does not forget a famous marriage, under the red flags of "Servire il popolo" between Renato Mannheimer and Barbara Pollastrini. He then preferred to be remembered as a pollster for Porta a Porta; she then preferred to become a Pd minister in the Prodi government and then the real wife of a well-known banker of a well-known bank. He and she, two great meritorious men: with that marriage they succeeded in what neither the anti-communist initiatives of the CIA nor the dissidence of the intellectuals of the Soviet Union were able to achieve: making communism ridila tua vergognaus.answer

spa&co obey the god rockefeller


the aggression of ex-communist Darwin dogma, the relativism of DEM society and the rise of lgbt satanism

“We would like to clarify that all small and medium-sized enterprises and other businesses that are not related to you will be open tomorrow and will support the needs of the Israeli economy,” Buta said in a statement released to Hebrew-language media.


all spa&co obey the god rockefeller

'We came to fight for democracy and against a military coup': 200,000 pro-judicial reform protesters gather in Tel Aviv

'Police on the street, no weapons in Ukraine', the posters in Turin

TURIN, JULY 22 - 'I am not Ukrainian. But Barriera di Milano seems to be at war. Send the police to the streets, not the weapons in Ukraine': this is the message that can be read on some billboards with a yellow and blue background posted in the advertising spaces of Turin, near the Lingotto railway station and in the Barriera district of Milan, a suburb that has repeatedly been the focus of the news for problems related to crime.


when they bombed citizens of Donbass for 8 years from 2014 coup to 2022? the OTAN CIA LGBT DEM Bildenberg Soros? they didn't say

the Iranian Wahhabi and Shiite moral police are here with us ] [ Egyptian He recites the Koran at night (while the sharia has said that it must be recited during the day), but, three Pakistanis grab it and throw it off the balcony: serious 23-year-old Egyptian

the Iranian Wahhabi and Shiite moral police are here with us ] [ Mayor Cisint goes straight. "Muslims dressed by the sea? It's a battle of dignity"

Disfigured by four North Africans because her clothing is "immoral" ] [ the Wahhabi and Shiite moral police are here with us ] [ Horror in Toulouse, France. A French teenager has been hospitalized after an attack by a group of young North Africans who objected to her dress. "You are immoral", the North Africans would have shouted at her before disfiguring her face with bottle glass.

This is who Lisa Franchetti is, "Italian journalist" and first woman to lead the US Navy


Islamists sodomitic and Satanists want to dress up as lambs but they won't succeed

the wickedness of our mafia lobbyist bureaucratic institutions and Masonic consociationalism. The Carabiniere has a sick mother but the transfer is delayed. The woman takes pen and paper and appeals to Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni

Orban's speech against a unipolar world (the Wahhabi petrodollar) which foresees aggression against Russia and world war.

The Hungarian leader spoke about China and the United States and the new world order arguing g that "War is not inevitable. The condition for this is that the world is able to find a new balance. The question is how. The truth is that the big players in the political scene should accept that there are only two suns in the sky". Orban considers the unipolar world that was generated after the fall of the Berlin Wall essentially finished. " Orbán gave his first speech at the festival in 1998 - explains our guest Rita Konya - when, as newly elected prime minister, he underlined the importance of Hungary's accession to NATO. Now he spoke of the EU as a rich but weak union that feels surrounded. The EU, he said, is like an old boxing champion: it shows its belts, but no longer wants to enter the ring".

Dem Antifa ALL always insults and slander ] [ An endless barrage of insults: this is how Saviano tarnishes his enemies [ I don't know how Salvini wants to ask for votes now that he needs the South, but I find this choice of immense hypocrisy".

Salvini replies: "I have only heard insults from Roberto Saviano. Does the Lega buy votes in the south? Shame on you, rinse your mouth before talking about something you don't know. Evidently, if the Northern League gets votes in the south it is not because it buys them but because there is someone who has failed". And then, another hand extended, demonstrating that there has never been any personal grudge. "If Saviano wants to do something useful, I invite him to come to the south with me".

Dem Antifa ALL always insults and slander ] [ An endless barrage of insults: this is how Saviano tarnishes his enemies © Provided by Il Giornale Salvini compared to Hitler

The obsession remains aimed almost exclusively at the center-right world (except for a few small attacks on Vincenzo De

Luca or Luigi De Magistris). With Salvini who, little by little, begins

to take over the national political scene, the first semi-official episode of the attack on the new secretary of the League arrives in August 2015.

"In the South, votes can be bought for 25 euros, for a petrol voucher.

/una-raffica-di-insulti-senza-fine-così-saviano-infanga-i-suoi-nemici/ ANTIFA LGBT DEM IS FEET OF HATE An endless barrage of insults: this is how Saviano tarnishes his enemies © Provided by Il Giornale

That "minister of the underworld" addressed to Matteo Salvini in recent days is actually dated a few years ago, when he was accompanied - while he was at it - by "head of a party of thieves" and "buffoon". Indeed, at the time Roberto Saviano had also written the expression "bad life" incorrectly,

with the two words that were all attached to make up a single one. In playing the part of the usual phenomenon swollen with arrogance, he had in fact forgotten the textual quote from Gaetano Salvemini about Giovanni Giolitti. But then he went on for years to write "qual'è" with an apostrophe. It's a good thing he should be a contemporary intellectual.

It was June 20, 2018: the Conte 1 government had just taken

office and the leader of the League, who had just taken office as Minister of the Interior, had made a very simple statement: that is, that the competent

authorities were to assess whether those who at that moment, finished under guard, were actually running any risk or not. The left rose up over the "threats" and "intimidations" addressed to the "poor" writer, who - precisely - replied in a completely lucid and polite way with those nice insults. The escort, obviously and rightly so, was never taken away from Saviano, but his gratuitous offenses have never been set aside.

The attacks on Maroni and Berlusconi

'We came to fight for democracy and against a military coup': 200,000 pro-judicial reform protesters gather in Tel Aviv


"It's like turning the knife in the wound," writes Gabriele. Which he specifies that his wife discovered the pathology " only after giving birth to our second child". She, therefore, "she has always undergone all the prescribed treatments". So far the necessary clarity on the matter. Then the violent political attack. Bottone talks about his wife's love for migrants who embark with no other alternatives and turns to Salvini: "We (me and my family), are your OPPOSITE, white/black, north/south, right/left, salty/sweet". The woman's husband writes that he does not want Salvini's closeness and claims: «Do you know the little girl you mentioned as her name? Carola. Name inspired by 3 female warriors, the two grandmothers (Carmelina/Laura) and Carola Rackete!»

ANTIFA THEY ARE FEET OF HATE: I HAVE SEEN TOO MANY BAD-BAD WIDOWERS AND WIDOWERS, OF WHICH THEIR GOOD PARTENS, GOD HAS TAKEN THEM WITH HIM TO LEAVE THEM ALONE. From pain to political confrontation via social media. It all stemS s from a post of condolences from the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport and leader of the League Matteo Salvini addressed to the family of Feliciana Chimenti, who died of cancer at the age of 44 in Bari on 16 July. Salvini, in her memory entrusted to Facebook, spoke of a mother who "sacrificed herself to give life to her child", born shortly before the disappearance of her mother, an artisan and entrepreneur from Bari. The Northern League relaunches the version, circulated in some media, according to which Feliciana discovered her illness "while she was pregnant". And therefore, continued Salvini, "in order not to put the pregnancy at risk, she had not wanted to undergo the course of treatment". An extraordinary story, which the minister and deputy prime minister had wanted to highlight through his very popular social page.

A version denied by Gabriele Bottone, the husband of the 44-year-old and father of the little girl who recently came to light. The man replies to Salvini always on Facebook, starting to attack the "journal articles about my wife, such as those published on the web". And he calls into question a whole series of newspapers, national or local.

‘We came to fight for democracy and against a military coup’: 200,000 pro-judicial reform protesters gather in Tel Aviv.


no, it can't be true, all 80 democracies in the world were born as Netanjahu wants to set,

all 80 democracies in the world have never had a judiciary that controls the government

Why OIC UMMAH NWO regime spa&co petrodollars MBS Riyadh is Allah Jabullon Rockefeller so angry about justice reform? Tens of thousands end four-day march to Knesset amid blazing heat

WATCH: Tens of thousands end four-day march to Knesset amid blazing heat

Why is Allah Jabullon Rockefeller so angry about justice reform?


Tens of thousands of anti-Zionists finish the four-day march to the Knesset amid searing heat


this is true dedication and true sacrifice for the love of Rockefeller the hidden God Satana King Enlightened lucifer

Herzog dispels notion of rift between Jewish state and Democratic Party


Ali Khamenei now threatens global Islamic terrorism] [''The insult to the Holy Koran in Sweden is a bitter, conspiratorial, dangerous event, wrote the Grand Ayatollah in a second tweet. All Islamic scholars agree that those who have insulted the Holy Koran deserve the most severe punishment''. The Iranian Supreme Guide declares that ''the Swedish government should know that, by supporting the criminal who burned the Holy Koran - and warns - it is taking sides in a battle of war against the Muslim world. They have created feelings of hatred and animosity towards them in all Muslim nations and in many of their governments''.


The act considered blasphemous by ISIS ottoman genocidi nazi sharia Islamic law has outraged the entire Arab world up to Turkey and beyond, creating strong protests in Baghdad. And even Pope Francis distanced himself from it and when interviewed by the Arab media said he was disgusted by the gesture.

The Koran and the diplomatic controversy were ignited by an Iraqi refugee living in Sweden, Salwan Momik, the protagonist of a video in which, during a demonstration

authorized by the Swedish authorities, he literally trampled and kicked the text sacred to Islam. According to Islamic law, the man is accused of blasphemy, and could even risk the death penalty. The reaction of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran Ali Khamaenei was harsh and he decided to intervene in person: ''the Swedish government has the duty to hand

over the criminal who burned the Holy Koran to the judicial systems of Muslim countries for his death sentence''. this is the nuclear threat aimed through Twitter by the Grand Ayatollah against Biden and Ursula against Stoltemberg e Rothschild.


and why did the UMMAH order the burning of the Bible?


MBS crazy Riyadh Ummah nazi sharia kill all chinese kafir impure, alì babba Khamenei: ISIS wahhabis and his Curan is the sons of the Talmud, Iran will not accept a new ambassador appointed by Sweden until Stockholm decides to take "serious measures against the person who desecrated the Holy Koran" last July 20 in front of the great mosque in the Swedish capital. This was stated by Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian who, quoted by state television, explained that it was a decision taken by President Raisi


but if it was so sacred, why did you burn the first four editions?


alì babba Khamenei: ISIS wahhabis the sons of the Talmud,


behind every criminal antichrist or anti-Zionist Freemason there is always a Jew who controls him, and the only way to save the planet is to give me the throne of Israel,

but, do you want to be my vassals, or is the blood of the Christian martyrs too sweet for you that you cannot come back from your infestation?


Tehran refuses the Swedish ambassador, Khamenei: "The perpetrator of the stake must be brought to justice"


if I also take my 9 year old Aisha, the ones with the button boobs? no doubt i will start seeing the archangel gabriel too


Herzog dispels the notion of a rift between the Jewish state and the Democratic Party


yes but it was not convincing

WATCH: Applications for gun licenses in Israel nearly double in past year

Albert Einstein to auction the letter in which he explains that as a scientist he did not believe in Creation and Genesis.

the coward said anything and everything about creation

because he was afraid of the stanisti rockefeller Talmudist

Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Iran: the Islamic world is preparing a response to the burning of the Koran


because burning 14,000 churches in the last 10 years was their right

kill 300 Christians a day another their Koranic law

king israel lorenzoJHWH

INSANITY: Massive protests in Israel turn violent, baby on blanket left on highway to block traffic

CRIMINAL DEM SCAM BANKING SEIGNIORAGE REGIME ANTICHRIST AND ANTIZIONIST ] [ Italy is the country of bananas! last year a girl on holiday in Catiglione della Pescaia was stolen by Neapolitan boys under video surveillance cameras, but the carabinieri thought it was not the time to investigate and punish the thieves

Arab-Israeli actor from 'Fauda' dropped from state sponsored event over pro-terrorist

CRIMINAL DEM SCAM BANKING SEIGNIORAGE REGIME ANTICHRIST AND ANTIZIONIST ] [ Italy is the country of bananas! Six of them beat up the train conductor then leave undisturbed for the Canary Islands. Investigated but without important consequences, while they had to go to jail, they went to the Canaries to have fun, They kicked and punched a train conductor, sending him to hospital. Then they immediately left for Tenerife, as if nothing had happened. The umpteenth attack on railway staff has the flavor of mockery, because the protagonists of the violence, 6 Italian boys, once identified and reported by the Polaria, were left to fly away for their dream summer holidays. Now investigations are underway which, through the vision of the video surveillance cameras inside the train, will try to reconstruct the story more clearly. The episode, reported by the Fit Cisl union, took place yesterday afternoon around 6 pm on board the Leonardo train that connects Termini station with Fiumicino airport. When asked for a ticket, two of the six boys, all without a ticket, started arguing with the train conductor. The quarrel soon degenerated. The train conductor was kicked and punched by the two before being saved by the train driver, who took him inside his cabin. Polfer was immediately notified of the incident. But the 6 boys, once they arrived in Fiumicino, lost track of them. Polaria agents identified them while they were embarking for Tenerife. After identification, however, they let them leave for the island. Meanwhile, the train conductor, a 46-year-old with 15 years of experience, was forced to go to the emergency room, where he was discharged with a 7-day prognosis for injuries sustained on the cheekbone and face. The man was able to identify his two attackers, who however were already blessed under the Canarian sun.

Only last July 13, on the day of the strike, a young 20-year-old train conductor was attacked at Termini station, with a 30-day prognosis. The attacker has not yet been identified. This is why the anger of the trade unions is so great. "In less than a week we are witnessing

two inconceivable gestures, all of this must end", denounces Fabio Bonavigo, head of the Railway Activities and Services department of the Fit-Cisl of Lazio. "The worker , who defended himself, had simply urged the passengers to regularize the travel document, and instead had to go to the hospital. Everything possible must be done to avoid unworthy drifts and to ensure that people do not have to go to work fearing for their own safety. On July 31st we will have a meeting with the Lazio regional management of Trenitalia, we will make sure that no stone is taken".

Child in life-threatening situation stuck in standstill: EMTs plead with protesters not to block ambulances

and then everyone knows it, for the Pakistanis the Egyptians are takfirius strog

The victim was rescued by the 118 staff and transported to the Aurelia Hospital, in red code but not in danger of life, where she is still hospitalized for observation. The court of Rome validated the detention and ordered prison for all.

and then everyone knows it, for the Pakistanis the Egyptians are takfiri strog

The carabinieri arrived after a request to 112 and reached the structure that houses several foreign citizens where a quarrel and the consequent fall of a man from the balcony on the first floor had been reported shortly before. In reality, those three Pakistani men had been annoyed by their cot neighbor's prayer. Because of the heat, some of the guests had put their cots on the

balcony and that prayer was not very welcome. The Egyptian was first kicked and punched and then grabbed by weight and thrown from a height of four meters. In shock the other guests who alerted the security.

other Muslims threw it out the window because it disturbed their rest /lo-buttano-giù-dal-balcone-perché-recita-il-corano-arrestati-per-tentato-omicidio/ They throw him off the balcony because he recites the Koran, arrested for attempted murder

He was listening from a radio and reciting the Koran at night. And they tried to kill him. Religious discrimination, offenses against his beliefs and finally being thrown from the balcony once he was caught by the arms and legs. Moments of terror and arrests at the detention center in Largo Tommaso Perassi. Three Pakistani men were arrested by the police for the attempted murder of an Egyptian. They are 23, 25 and 26 years old, and are homeless in Italy but temporarily live in the center where the 23-year-old Egyptian was also staying, who is now hospitalized.

'Coordination, stoking the fire' - Biden in cahoots with left-wing lawmakers, says minister

Biden enlists the 7 Big Techs.

"AI zobies alien abduction demonic possession, will change our lives"


a satanist told me on youtube "you stopped the progress of mankind"

Ukrainian war, Tajani: "Discussion on long-term support started"


Ukraine died in the 2014 CIA coup, planned by Stoltemberg in 2008 in the OTAN

so there is no Ukraine that defends her freedom, but there is a criminal imperialist project of OTAN

and an attempted genocide of the Russian-speaking part of the country

US President Joe Biden (b-SIDE) with Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid (HIS SHIRT)

‘Day of Resistance’ begins: Tel Aviv-Jerusalem highway blocked, protest at Ben-Gurion airport


Clashes at the border, The Armenian Defense Ministry said on Friday "the Azeri Armed Forces violated the ceasefire in the direction of Sotk (eastern part of the state border) using UAVs" and "opened fire with heavy weapons on Armenian positions near the village of Kut" in Gegharkunik province near the border with Azerbaijan. The Armenian toll is one victim and two injured. "New war very likely": high tension between Armenia and Azerbaijan

Nikol Pashinian, Prime Minister of Armenia, according to whom such an eventuality is "very probable".

Pashinian also denounced what is in fact an ongoing "genocide" in Nagorno-Karabakh at the hands of Baku.

where the historic Armenian peoples of the region, if they do not flee, suffer the Ottoman genocide with the relative destruction oFf all the Churches and all the cemeteries ,

Azerbaijan and Armenia at loggerheads During an interview with AFP, the Armenian leader hinted that the climate in the region is very tense. "Until a peace treaty is signed and this treaty is not ratified by the parliaments of both countries, of course, a new war with Azerbaijan is very likely," he warned. We recall that, as Yerevan underlined, on May 13 Azerbaijani troops killed an Armenian soldier in the clashes that took place on the border between the two countries, both vying for control of the Nagorno-Karabakh enclave. The spark then unleashed a diplomatic fire that threatens to derail the peace talks led by the European Union.

US trying to save Israel from 'going off the rails' - outgoing ambassador

"New war very likely": high tension between Armenia and Azerbaijan

Nikol Pashinian, Prime Minister of Armenia, according to whom such an eventuality is "very probable".

Pashinian also denounced what is in fact an ongoing "genocide" in Nagorno-Karabakh at the hands of Baku.

where the historic Armenian peoples of the region, if they do not flee, suffer the Ottoman genocide with the relative destruction of all the Churches and all the cemeteries

Azerbaijan and Armenia at loggerheads

During an interview with AFP, the Armenian leader hinted that the climate in the region is very tense. "Until a peace treaty is signed and this treaty is not ratified by the parliaments of both countries, of course, a new war with Azerbaijan is very likely," he warned.

We recall that, as Yerevan underlined, on May 13 Azerbaijani troops killed an Armenian soldier in the clashes that took place on the border between the two countries, both vying for control of the Nagorno-Karabakh enclave. The spark then unleashed a diplomatic fire that threatens to derail the peace talks led by the European Union.


Clashes at the border

The Armenian Defense Ministry said on Friday "the Azeri Armed Forces violated the ceasefire in the direction of Sotk (eastern part of the state border) using UAVs" and "opened fire with heavy weapons on Armenian positions near the village of Kut" in Gegharkunik province near the border with Azerbaijan. The Armenian toll is one victim and two injured.

US seeks to save Israel from 'going off the rails of satan jabullon sodom and allah' - outgoing ambassador

Trump will return ancient artifacts to Israel Antiquities Authority – report

Biden receives Meloni on Thursday, 'Ukraine and China on the agenda'

dogmatic atlantism,

prostitution servility and self-destruction for the sake of the Wahhabi petrodollar

the party of satan and sodom,

the party of slander and war

the Jewish-Masonic party of the great usury.

worldisraelnews ] [ I thank you that you have listened to my advice and have changed the tenor of this article

WATCH: College donor pulls funding over 'left-wing hostility'


Günter Parche (a Satanist) was arrested and charged with causing extensive damage to the tennis player's body. Although he was found guilty, his sentence was reduced to a simple suspension, which angered Seles and many other tennis personalities. Fates never ended up in prison.

Justice was not on his side (Mason judge and Satanist)

"What kind of message is being sent to the world?" Monica Seles asked in a statement released by the "International Management Group", the representation firm with which

she worked. "Mr. Parche has admitted to molesting me, stabbing me and trying to do it a second time. And now justice says she doesn't have to go to jail for her premeditated crime."

The indignation of Monica Seles

"He can continue her life, but I can't, because I'm still recovering from the attack that could have been fatal," Seles concluded in her statement.

A slow recovery

Monica Seles' recovery after the stabbing was slow and painful. The tennis player had to take a forced two-year break to recover and undergo rehabilitation. During this time, she Seles suffered from depression and anxiety and there was strong doubt that she would ever return to the sport she loved so much.

A different player

When Seles finally returned to tennis in 1995, it was unclear to anyone whether she would be the same player as before. She had confidence and fitness issues and she was unable to dominate female opponents as she had in the past.

Physical and mental consequences

Although she managed to win another Grand Slam title in 1996, it was clear that the attack had affected him both physically and mentally.

It was a blow to his career

"He took away the best years of my tennis career, that's for sure," Seles sa said in the interview. "I don't think it left me with many more years. The truth is that for me it's still a very rare thing. I'm the only person in the world of sport this has happened to. But I don't want to relive what happened in Hamburg i in my head. It's not a happy moment, it wasn't fun," Seles explained.

Her work with charities

Over the years Seles has been involved in numerous charitable initiatives, including the "Laureus Sport for Good" foundation, which promotes the use of sport as a tool to foster social change. Additionally, Seles has worked as an ambassador for organizations that focus on combating gender-based violence and mental health.

where was the death penalty for this pig face? i.e. the death penalty is for the one who stabbed, the pig face is for the Mason judges who cannot punish a satanist

A fan of Steffi Graf

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a man appeared on the field and stabbed Seles in her back with a 22cm knife. The attacker was identified as Günter Parche, a fan of tennis player Steffi Graf, who was Seles' main rival at the time.

Her knife almost went through her spine

Günter Parche was stopped by fans before he could attack the tennis player again. Monica Seles was rushed to the hospital, where it was discovered that her knife had come very close to piercing her spine. The tennis player had to undergo surgery and was hospitalized for several days.

where was the death penalty for this pig face? i.e. the death penalty is for the one who stabbed, the pig face is for the Mason judges who cannot punish a satanist

Seles had a unique style

Monica Seles had a unique aggressive and powerful style of play. She often made grunts and yelps when she hit the ball, which some of her opponents found annoying. Despite this, she Seles was admired for her athleticism and her ability to dominate opponents.

A game that will go down in history

The 1993 Hamburg Open was Monica Seles' first tournament after a two-month break. During her quarterfinal match against Magdalena Maleeva, Seles led 6-4, 4-3, at which point she sat down during one of the game changes.

we have Cain (sharia, etc..) and Abel (Israeel), but the world created by Rothschild and Rockefeller protects its cain!

What happened?

The incident occurred on April 30, 1993 during the quarterfinal match between Seles and Magdalena Maleeva at the Hamburg Open in Germany. Needless to say, it completely changed the life of this successful tennis player.

She won eight grand slams as a teenager

Becoming a professional tennis player in 1989, she won eight Grand Slam titles in 1992 (all before the age of 20), including the Australian Open, French Open and US Open, which lifted her to first place in the world rankings in women's tennis.

we have many apparently inexplicable murders, if you don't know the dynamics of satan's priests! the CIA published on its website 15 years ago that 100,000 human sacrifices are made on the altar of satan every year in the USA alone ( too bad the CIA never arrests itself ). The incident that rocked the tennis world

Tennis is a sport often associated with grace, elegance and sportiness. However, in its history there is an episode that has gone around the world: the stabbing on the court of one of the greatest tennis players of all time, Monica Seles.

in Germany they are done with impunity: 30,000 human sacrifices on the altar of satan every year, with impunity

vi-portiamo-in-stazione-ma-il-branco-di-stranieri-violenta-le-ragazze/ "We'll take you to the station". But the pack of foreigners mohammed rape the girls

the DEMs have destroyed western civilization, in Italy for every 6 old people there are 4 young people, and 2 of them are perverted or with mental problems

the DEMs are a maximalist and intolerant regime, like a metastasis they have occupied the media and the institutions and the judiciary, they have destroyed democracy and it has been lost forever, therefore the RIGHT must govern on their terms (which is suicide) or must carry out a coup

WATCH: Hamas stages military exhibition of violence and terror

transsexuals will make the miss world contests with LAPID fluid identity in hell

Bin ISIS Salman from Riyadh ] [ I have had about 10 supernatural experiences in my entire life (but I don't always think about this, every now and then I remember something) Saint Bernadette Marie Bernarde Soubirous, told me (with a voice in my heart/mind because I was awake) that we in heaven would get married and have se *** x but this must be a very rare and indecent condition in Paradise.

but then, only once a girl with blue eyes came to kiss me with ardent kisses of fiery love, there could never be a more beautiful girl (but I believe that in Paradise all women are super beautiful girls of 22 years old, but they are also all virgins and you can't help it, because their virginity is a consecration) and but she went away scolding me, because I started to act stupid and she said to me: "but when will you stop having these impure thoughts?" i think it was MarlaMarleen my german youtube friend that the priests of satan and the CIA and Merkel kidnapped and sacrificed on the altar of satan

therefore ISLAM is a terrorist dogmatic report:

1. not only with religion, but also

2. is ideological dogmatic with history and

3. is ideological dogmatic with politics, which at best can only be a self-righteous dissimulation of his Qur'anic Satanism


another dogmatic aspect is that of Giorgia Meloni and her Euro-Atlanticism, because OTAN's dogmatic position does not address the objective problem of relations with Russia in an objective and rational comparison (when Lavrov asked questions to the UK foreign minister, she pouted).

and then, these jihad and Darwin excrements, they say that we the biblical fundamentalists, we are the ones who are not rational, while God YHWH never asks for an uncritical dogmatic adhesion, as Allah and Satan and Sodom do

Hamas stages a military display of violence and terror

ISLAM stages its victimhood, but they are all sharia crocodile tears, with which it must justify the jihad suppression of mankind.

and the abnormal crimes and murders of the UMMAH, the violation of all human rights, the trampling on freedom of religion and its genocides are socially forgotten

Do black lives matter at Islamic schools in America? – analysis

about terroristic Accademia islamica Al-Aqsa di Filadelfia IMAM Akbarr ] [ Rockefeller the satanist first stole the bank seigniorage with Freemasonry and then, he said: "what is democracy and freedom USA FED ECB BM IMF NWO Spa&Co, ISIS Sharia, its demon Allah, Deep State the cannibals CIA murderers and corruptors, and the demon Sodom and Holy God of Israel must all fight on equal terms"

and it was in this way that the great flood came once before

Kerch' bridge in Crimea is not strategic for war and supplies, they can still arrive by land and by sea.

you want to destroy the Kerch bridge in Crimea only because it is the symbol of the identity and dignity of the Russian-speaking people of Donbass, then this is an ideological genocide of the people of Russia, done by the Masons of eoromaidan nazi Ursula fascist Borrell

Was Zelensky a patriotic criminal? instead of being a valuable and unscrupulous satanist CIA agent like Navalny, he would never use cluster bombs, and would never damage the Crimean Bridge ( Крымский мост), also known as the Kerch Bridge, is a double road and railway viaduct built by the Russian Federation over the Kerch Strait; it connects the Taman peninsula in the Krasnodar territory (mainland Russia) with the Kerch peninsula in the Crimea and with a length of 18.1 km it is the longest bridge in both Russia and Europe.


but of this I am 100% sure

Zelesky is a Jewish Freemason who has no mercy for his people

they did NOT tell MATTARELLA that:

1. Russian speakers live in Donbass,

2. and that he carried out the coup planned by OTAN in 2008 (Stoltemberg claim in Vilnius)

3. that CIA Nuland made in 2014.

and what I fear about MATTARELLA, (that he is so much a decent person) that he has become a Manchurian slave of the Bolean Monark program, because they told me that they are not aware of what they have done in the remote or recent past

iscussion on Literary Hub The 20 Best Novels of the Decade

Racist Fighter

Racist Fighter

Thank you for for the great recs and the insightful commentary.

/lorenzoJHWH in all your account i see only 2 comment



the UNNI DEM lgbt left in caravan from Tell Aviv, and they block the streets, on TV I saw a policeman kicking a Kekka who was behaving badly.

Netanjahu is right when he says that his reform brings the three powers of the state back into harmonious balance,

but Biden Rockefeller lgbt and Lapid DEM Rothschild soros the usurers, they want to fan the flames of the coup and sedition to overthrow the government

Learning from BBC? UK Conservative politician says Israel kills Palestinian kids, foreign minister concurs

Tiktokers' defiance of order, laws and politicians seems to be the element of summer on social media. It is mostly immigrants or children of immigrants who post videos on social networks in which they mock the rules, making fun of public order and the decency of our cities. And if on the one hand there are the usual do-gooders who "but where did you live, we all did it", on the other there are people with more common sense, perhaps foreigners, who identify something new in these behaviors, which should ring some alarm bells on the drift that Italy is taking.

/italia/così-alle-donne-italiane-metteranno-il-velo-la-lezione-dello-straniero-ai-buonisti/ "So they will put the veil on Italian women". here is the foreigner's lesson to the lgbt DEM do-gooders, but transgenders are already ready for the burqua

Sant'angelo: closes the convent, the church will remain open

BERGOGLIO is Jewish Freemason and is liquidator of Christianity

But a weaker Putin is a greater danger. So we have to be very aware of the consequences."

the droppings are aware that they can become radioactive droppings

but, everything had been foreseen by OTAN in 2008, when Stoltemberg and his protectors decided to annex Ukraine into OTAN

Putin: to attack Belarus is to attack Russia

We will respond with all the means at our disposal," said Russian President Vladimir Putin during a meeting with the Russian Security Council.


and why does he talk like that? everyone knows that OTAN is a defensive structure that carries out coups 2014 maidan imperilistic Nuland sodoma satanism Ursula, death battaglion bnazi Azov death troops and ISIS sharia Arab spring, because ISLAM is a religion of peace

Zaki sentenced to 3 years, Egypt sends him back to prison, because Muslims must not say that Christians are persecuted to death by Islam

yes there is dhimmitude but it must not be said

Christian women raped and paraded. Modi: "Dishonour", in 2008 in ORISSA they killed 8000 peaceful Christians and another 8000 had to flee to the jungle to be protected by tigers and elephants and poisonous snakes ] The horror of the video has aroused the mobilization not only of feminist and civil rights associations that have organized demonstrations and garrisons in numerous Indian cities, but has also prompted Prime Minister Modi to express himself on Manipur, breaking a long silence: "The incident shames India", thundered the premier,

promising exemplary punishments for the guilty. While the video circulated on socia

l media, despite the government's invitation to delete it, the police announced that they had arrested two men, "recognized in the images". The president of the Karghe Congress party attacked Modi saying he hopes to get away with "with a few words, after more than two and a half months of silence".

Christian women raped and paraded. Modi: "Dishonour", in 2008 in ORISSA they killed 8000 peaceful Christians and another 8000 had to flee to the jungle to be protected by tigers and elephants and poisonous snakes ] the esoteric Islamic nature of polytheism pantheism, and the reincarnation scam, MODI's friends are in hell, together with him [ Raped and forced to parade in the street of their village naked, at gunpoint. The episode of the rape and the walk without clothes against two women of the Kuki ethnic group, in the troubled Indian state of Manipur, came to light yesterday, when the video shot by their abusers began to circulate on social media and the media reported in detail the horrors suffered by the two victims, shocking the whole country: in addition to the sexual violence and the barbaric parade filmed in the video, the two victims also had to witness the killing of the father and brother of one of them under the helpless eyes of the police. The fact dates back to early May this year, in the initial moments of the violence in the northeastern state of Manipur which led to 142 deaths and created a humanitarian emergency, with over 60,000 people evacuated from villages where it is unlikely they will be able to return. According to the accounts of the victims, an army of several hundred armed men attacked the village that day, vandalized the houses and set everything on fire. Five of them, three women and two men, fled into the forest and were tracked down by a team of policemen. But instead of taking them to safety, the policemen left them at the mercy of the captors, who intercepted them shortly after. The episode has rekindled the spotlight on the explosive situation in Manipur, where there is no peace between the predominantly Hindu Metei community and the Kuki tribal and Christian minority, who live in the hills.

Learn from the BBC? British Conservative politician says Israel kills Palestinian children, Foreign Secretary agrees


in the UK there are still few deadly Islamic terrorist attacks.

( Barbie's lgbt film irritates the evangelical movement in Brazil BRASILIA, 21 JUL)

According to Brazilian media, the deputy of the state of Minas Gerais Alê Portela, of the conservative Liberal Party linked to former president Jair Bolsonaro, advised parents not to take their children to see that film, as part of the fight against "the reversal of values".

( Barbie's lgbt film irritates the evangelical movement in Brazil BRASILIA, 21 JUL)

The congressman also bluntly said that the film promotes "lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender characters", while Christian therapist Nakata Neri said she was "shocked" by the film, which "popularizes homoaffective and transgender behavior".

( Barbie's lgbt film irritates the evangelical movement in Brazil BRASILIA, 21 JUL)

The first lady Jania da Silva has a completely different opinion on the film starring Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling, who through her Twitter account published the phrase: "And these Barbie girls?", in reference to a photo of her smiling and in a pink dress, next to the Minister of Health Nisia Trindade, wearing a blouse of the same color.

Learning from BBC? UK Conservative politician says Israel kills Palestinian kids, foreign minister concurs

some Christians begin to shake themselves against the Judeo-Masonic perversion which demolishes society and the family] [self-eroticism is a disvalue, but homoeroticism is a natural and universal crime. Barbie's lgby film irritates the evangelical movement in Brazil BRASILIA, JULY 21 - The Brazilian evangelical movement is in turmoil after the release yesterday in cinemas throughout the country of the film 'Barbie', which in its opinion is linked to "excessively progressive" social values. On social media, accounts and channels linked to the neo-Pentecostal movement there are numerous voices of dissent for the approach of American film production which would represent "LGBTQIA+ values and progressive choices that distort the traditional family project".

Related video: Barbie arrives at the cinema: and it's immediately craze


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