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Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

preparami 800 testate nuclear

Netanyahu approved mass strike, shutdown to stop judicial reform – report


https://lp.allegiancegold.Com/ag-dollar-2022/ Wall Street, banks and government deceive you to stay in their paper-based system. They are all working together to deflect the real truth. You know better by now not to listen them Gold stands as a true symbol of financial stability and security. It is the only asset that does not depend on anyone or anything to create its value. Renowned investors Robert Kiyosaki and David Morgan - knowing that the Fed and FDIC are signaling hyperinflation and seeing the dollar lose its world dominance have repeatedly urged Americans to invest in GOLD, ironically the same precious metal that the banks themselves are hoarding to protect their assets. Don’t wait for another interest rate hike in 2023. It could be too late by then. Do not hesitate! Protect your financial wellbeing now. Get your FREE Wealth Protection Guide Today and learn how to protect your savings with Gold.

Discussion on World Israel News 14 comments

Leaked Pentagon paper - top Russian officers wanted to sabotage Ukraine war


Bin ISIS MBS from Riyadh ] [ we all know that the OTAN OIC Ummah is a peaceful and defensive structure, yet they went to put the noose around the neck of China and Russia, very in mode peaceful and defensive


world war ARAB LEAGUE US EU Ottoman-Saudi, against Israel China and Russia has begun

and only the stupid have not noticed


the ARAB LEAGUE and in particular the Saudis, are getting richer in this war, and are speculating on the price of oil, which is always the same Russian oil that it sells to us with a higher price, as if it were its own oil, but Erdogan had already specialized in buying oil from ISIS, while the USA pretended to fight ISIS.

the position of OIC ISIS is not only economic, being a full part of the OTAN imperialist expansion and its new world order.

therefore if Russia and China do not fall into the Islamic booty, many impoverished nations could be annexed by the ARAB LEAGUE


OTAN's aggression against Russia in Ukraine in CIA Nuland Coup 2014 in square Maidan served precisely

to weaken/impoverish the EU and to strengthen the ARAB LEAGUE with the USA,

and this war was studied in detail with the Sodoma Satana FED Spa&Co Saudi Wahhabis, ie one only Deep STATE

in its objectives and purposes,

i.e. obtained the caliphate of Rome, Paris and Madrid

Discussion on World Israel News 5 comments

Why is Hamas cozying up to Saudi Arabia?


OTAN's aggression against Russia in Ukraine in 2014 served precisely to weaken/impoverish the EU and to strengthen the ARAB LEAGUE with the USA, and this war was studied in detail with the Saudi Wahhabis, in its objectives and purposes, i.e. obtained the caliphate of Rome, Paris and Madrid

Less than a year later, as oil prices soared due to American and European sanctions on Russian gas, Saudi officials refused to take Biden's phone calls, and declined to lower the price of their oil in order to provide relief to American consumers.


UE Sodoma and USA satana spa&Co Borrell (the sewer and the high representative plug Antichrist 666 antizionist) calls for democratic elections in Sudan

but he says so because he doesn't know that ISLAM is ISIS and it is Koranic because it is completely incompatible with:

human rights


freedom of word

and historical-Christian research or historical-theological scientific method


Saudi ISIS Crown Prince Mohammed bin wahhabi Salman ] [ I must absolutely own my 1200 Israeli nuclear warheads, to show you hell before the appointed time


islamic feud, is always islamic kabbalah voodoo, a Koranic demonic infestation, a single herd of wild dogs: ISIS OIC, which is the mirror image of Rockefelelr's kabbalah spa&Co FED ECB BM NWO another herd of jackals, oe demonic infestation of talmud,

today these are two kabbalahs and work in one only NWO-OiC to exterminate Christians (Russian and Chinese) and Israelis,

because every antichrist is always also an anti-Zionist


the bad conscience of the Muslim ] [ every time I threatened the Wahhabis with death?

Normalization with Israel appears to be off the table for now.

Aziz your uncle dead in hell, he hurried to buy weapons like hell

Discussion on World Israel News 21 comments

60 groups urge UN to avoid IHRA antisemitism definition


the western masonic jewish-plutocratic technocratic rothschild spa&co of satanist shareholders central banks (the masters of the world) is in a schizophrenic position against russia and against israel and against china, simply because they will not consider the sharia desperation and genocide against the christian martyrs who die every day in the ARAB LEAGUE, because that's how ISLAM has always been in 1400 years as today it is still unpunished for its crimes against Christians. Israel justifies its repression of Palestinians as 'self-defense'. However, self-defense can't be used as a blanket claim when the repression has mainly served to perpetuate the military occupation in West Bank/Jerusalem/Gaza, denying Palestinians their rights for 56 yrs. — Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur oPt (@FranceskAlbs) April 10, 2023


a man from Bethlehem of Judah emigrated to the countryside of Moab with his wife and two children. [2] This man's name was Elimelech, his wife Naomi and their two sons Maclon and Chilion; they were Ephrathites from Bethlehem of Judah. Arriving in the countryside of Moab, they settled there. [3] Then Elimelech, husband of Naomi, died, and she was left with her two sons. [4] They married women of Moab, one of whom was named Orpah and the other Ruth. They had lived there about ten years, [5] when Maclon and Chilion also both died and the woman was left without her two sons and her husband.


I have ordered my ministers to kill all real and/or alleged Jews who are outside my kingdom of Israel by their choice


what is important here is the book of Ruth, since you say you are the legitimate son of ISAAC and that Netanjahu is the son of ISHMAEL, and don't you know that in the Book of Ruth God has revealed to kill all the Jews who are their fault , have not returned to ISRAEL, then, you degenerate son, what are you doing outside the enclosure of my Kingdom of ISRAEL? don't you know that Allah-Lilit goes around like a bloodthirsty lion demon roaring looking for whom to devour?


BIN ISIS MBS in Riyad akbarr kaput for nazi jihad Erdogan ottoman empire ISIS to all impure chinese kafir slaves dhimmis and apostates MURTIDI deMammetà alì khameni alì mortaCCIsua] you say you are replacement theology or genocide, so you not only assume you are the true root of Abraham Moses and Jesus, but you perfect the law with your misogynist, donkey-riding, old-wife-killing, polygamous pedophile pig unpunished, more lustful satan than a desorted onoager: a bedouin predator of murderous bandit (ok but that wasn't what's important)


BIN ISIS MBS from Riyad akbarr kaput Ummah nazi jihad Erdogan new ottoman empire ISIS ] [ this is funny, i invented the word "sodomites",

and BERSANI complained on television saying: "but the word sodomites doesn't have a meaning" "but what is the meaning of these sodomites?"

but, the funny thing isn't that, is that Rockefeller 8 years ago, ever since youtube was destroyed by me, he has ordered all super masons supermen, and all his supermen with super demonic voodoo powers and alien reverse engineering, i.e., that I must be isolated ...

that's why, now I demand that the CIA failures now, have to go through the test of theirs and yours can of sulfuric acid

Discussion on World Israel News 37 comments

Israel appeals to US for help in preparing for possible Iran strike


“Make ready for them all that you can of force and of warhorses, so that

by them you may strike terror in the enemy of Allah and your enemy ”

(Qur’an 8:60) “‘Masked mob coming out of Iftar party targeted temple’:

VHP over clashes in Jamshedpur, accuses the administration of inaction

against accused,” OpIndia, April 10, [ ]

Read more

Robert Spencer

The New York Times Gets Israel Wrong – Again

The New York Times, doing its imitation of the Palestinian news agency

Wafa, has yet again misrepresented the conflict between Israel and the

Palestinians who would, if only they could, cheerfully destroy the

Jewish state. The Times provides what it calls a “news analysis” – more

rigorous, presumably, than a mere report of facts — of the current [ ]

Read more

Hugh Fitzgerald

Ramadan in Nigeria: Army troops invade Christian

areas, burn markets, loot shops during Western Easter celebrations

Just in case there was any doubt about where the Nigerian government

stands regarding the ongoing jihad in that country. “EXCLUSIVE: Nigerian

Army Personnel Resume Invasion Of Communities In Imo State, Burn

Markets, Loot Several Shops During Easter,” Sahara Reporters, April 11,

2023: SaharaReporters reliably gathered that troops of the Nigerian

military on Sunday, during [ ]

Read more

Robert Spencer

Islamic countries are buying out UN agencies

to promote Sharia globally

Giulio Meotti warns in Israel National News that after the European

Parliament, “the UN is easy prey. Funding has allowed Islamic countries

to form the most powerful bloc in UNESCO.” Money equals power, and the

UN is virtually being bought out by Islamic countries which are

promoting the Sharia. Take, for instance, the United Nations [ ]

Read more

Christine Douglass-Williams

RuPaul’s Drag Race co-creator on a ‘mission,’ wants to start Drag Race Iran

These people live in a bubble. They have no idea how different the rest

of the world is from their own experience. They rail against Republicans

and think that in Iran, they’ll face Republicans with turbans and

beards. If they ever do go, they will long for the days when Republicans

were all they had [ ]

Read more

Robert Spencer


Belgium: Supermarket ad shows employees skipping snack in solidarity with Muslim coworker’s Ramadan fast

The principle is always and everywhere the same: in Muslim countries,

one should conform one’s behavior to suit Muslim sensibilities. And in

non-Muslim countries, one should conform one’s behavior to suit Muslim

sensibilities. “Ramadan, an important opportunity for Belgian

supermarkets,” translated from “Le Ramadan, une opportunité importante

pour les supermarchés belges,” Bladi, April 8, 2023 [ ]

Read more

Robert Spencer

‘Islamophobia’ in Sweden: Muslim leader complains about city food festival being held during Ramadan

This kind of complaint highlights the fact that there is actually very

little “Islamophobia,” in the sense of prejudice against Muslims, in

Sweden or elsewhere in the West. Thus imaginary slights such as this one

have to be elevated into major incidents. And as for the food festival

itself, the people participating aren’t Muslims, so [ ]

Read more

Robert Spencer

UN top dog says joining Muslims in Ramadan fast showed him ‘the true face of Islam’

Guterres is spreading the familiar fantasy Ramadan of the media and the

Western intelligentsia. The reality looks different. “UN Chief says

fasting showed him ‘true face of Islam,'” Middle East Monitor, April 6,

2023 (thanks to The Religion of Peace): UN Secretary-General, Antonio

Guterres, said joining Muslims as they fast during Islam’s holy month of

[ ]

Read more

Robert Spencer

Sweden: State TV presenter claims that it’s not clear whether Qur’an riots had anything to do with Islam

If Christians had been rioting over desecration of the Bible, you can be

sure that Katia Elliott would have readily acknowledged that the riots

had to do with religion. But as a good Leftist, she has imbibed the idea

that one must never, ever say anything that could even possibly be

construed as critical of [ ]

Read more

Robert Spencer

Afghanistan: Taliban bans ‘things in contradiction with Islam,’ including music cassettes and foreign dramas

“‘Imran bin Husain narrated that the Messenger of Allah(s.a.w) said: ‘In

this Ummah there shall be collapsing of the earth, transformation and

Qadhf.’ A man among the Muslims said: ‘O Messenger of Allah! When is

that?’ He said: ‘When singing slave-girls, music, and drinking

intoxicants spread.’” (Jami` at-Tirmidhi 2212) “It was narrated from Abu

Malik [ ]

Read more

Robert Spencer

Ramadan in India: Muslims leave iftar party, attack Hindu temple



ISLAM ISIS Sharjah is religion of peace jihad kaput to all infidels kafir slaves dhimmis and apostates MURTIDI de mammettà

Discussion on World Israel News 21 comments

Israel-church tensions rise ahead of Jerusalem’s Holy Fire ceremony


Bin ISIS MBS sharia genocide from Riyadh ] [ after Almighty God? you will have nothing more authoritative and authority of the Kingdom of God more than me,

in the history of all mankind,

Of course, if you won't listen to me, you'll have to listen to Chinese smart bombs


Abraham did many heroic works and worked righteously, however he was saved only by his FAITH in God's promises, in fact, his faith was attributed to him as an act of righteousness, that's why I can save mankind and I do not impose some religion, for all who will have faith in me, this is for my jewish temple III, from the depths of the abyss of hell: for multi dimensional universes: and up forthe earthly paradise, and 5 to heavenly paradises, for Summit room ie, the throne of God: holy holy holy JHWH: where is it my eternal position: as, son and servant Unius REI, everyone knows, that, I'm Unius REI: the Supreme Chief of the entire creation of God Almighty, I know him intuitively, and personally, better than I know anything else, better than, as, I know myself!.. all that is in me: you true: everything that I say is a creative truth: that remains: for the day of judgement!

I don't have a prayer to say: nor a word to give, I don't have a rite to be performed: all I by me had to be proven: it has already been done between the Church of satana della CIA-NWO in youtube!

my power is in my position! I didn't need the internet.. and none of my words can be deleted.. because I write in the genes of mankind! I am an eternal and universal political Ministry, I am a metaphysical entity!


"House of holographic wh0o0r0es", in good Dutch. And LantarenVenster apparently thinks this is suitable for readers for an audience of children. They

want to organize this event as a statement of support for the "queer

community worldwide" and to "emphasize that everyone is welcome at

LantarenVenster". The reason is that a law was recently passed in

the American state of Tennessee that imposes restrictions on drag shows

for children. For LantarenVenster a reason to organize a reading afternoon with drag queens and children. Do you follow it?

If not, I would like to call on you to sign our petition and make your voice heard.


we can encourage LantarenVenster to take responsibility and to choose

events that are suitable for their broad audience.

Sign the petition to theater LantarenVenster to stop this terrible event - a drag show for children! /drag-kids-voorleesafternoon/

Bizarrely enough, the performance of April 16 is already sold out, according to the website.

What kind of parents want to take their kids to a drag queen performance?

And what makes drag queens want to read to children? We must protect these children by ensuring that the event does not take place. Drag queens are not suitable for a young audience. It's that simple. Bringing

children into contact with drag queens is a transparent attempt to get

children used to the LGBTQ ideology at a young age. It is a form of indoctrination that needs to stop as soon as possible. If we collect enough signatures, LantarenVenster will have to think twice about whether it is a good idea to continue this. Therefore,

sign the petition to LantarenVenster before April 16 and make sure that

the DRAG & KIDS READING AFTERNOON for children does not take place! Thanks in advance for your effort, Michiel Hemminga and the entire CitizenGO team

P.S. When you sign, an email will automatically be sent to LantarenVenster's inbox. You may get a response. PPS It is important that you help, after you have signed, to spread the petition as much as possible! More information:




Ursula Von Rothschild MBS Riyadh OTAN CIA spa&Co Sodoma Satana and allah are togheter against my Kingdom Israel ] [ On April 16, the Rotterdam theater LantarenVenster organizes a reading afternoon with drag queens for children. They call it "DRAG & KIDS READING AFTERNOON". LantarenVenster is a theater with a cinema and restaurant. They are also best known for jazz concerts. They therefore have a broad target group and are therefore sensitive to bad PR. In that respect it is incomprehensible that they organize something as crazy as a children's show with drag queens. We have to make a lot of noise to draw the attention of a wide audience to this. LantarenVenster then has to choose: cancel the event, or accept that they will lose an important part of their audience. Sign our petition now to the LantarenVenster theater to stop the planned children's reading afternoon with drag queens on April 16. A drag queen is a man dressed as a woman, often very exaggerated with fake breasts, a wig and a lot of make-up. The drag queens who want to read to the children belong to a group that calls themselves "House of Holographic Hoes". Twitter thread Caroline Franssen:


PVV member Harm Beertema appalled by 'drag queen reading afternoon' for children in Rotterdam: "Do you still get it?" (The Digital Standard):



ISIS is Koranic ISLAM, and the people beheaded for sharia 1400 years, they still await justice from rockefeller the anti-Zionist antichrist ][ Why this post has been covered

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you want to receive from me an example of feedback you received that was both tough and valuable? of course, I terrorized all the CIA, youtube churches of satan and paved/paved the youtube world masonic government (despite its supernatural voodoo powers and witchcraft that couldn't protect itself from me), because for 8 years he sent 8000 emails to them, a day, with the exorcisms of San Benedeto of the 5th century, so Rockefeller and his suckers, they changed the layout of youtube 4 times, the world director of youtube Synnek1 got sick going crazy and was fired, and today he became the failed 187AudioHostem and of course he can testify about me


I was consecrated to God JHWH holy holy holy before I was conceived in my mother's womb, but I don't know who did it. therefore I have given my life to God always and forever for Eternity, that's why I don't belong to a religion but to God only the living of ISRAEL, like rockefeller and MBS the wahhabi are the comps of satan allah and sodom

so I am the champion of God in my time, and my name is lorenzoJHWH Unius REI, the universal attorney, and just is whoever is not scandalized by me, because there is no one who in my whole life can find in me something inadequate and unworthy worthy and little noble


35 years ago, I became a Christian Martyrdom Observatory, so my webmaster activity began,

in 2008 I sold my farm, all my assets and I mortgaged my properties, to devote myself to this ministry with greater commitment, so I understood how the anti-Zionist antichrist works through the scientist Giacinto Auriti (and the relationship between world war and bank seigniorage was demonstrated), so youtube lgbt destroyed me 100channels with 300.000 videos of christian martyrs and evangelism and also 110 blogspots CIA subagency was blocked by them against me, worldisraelnews today I continue to exercise my geopolitical universal political ministry https://disqus.Com/by/messiakinglorenzojhwh/ as sentinel of Biblical ISRAEL



Israel-church tensions rise ahead of Jerusalem’s Holy Fire ceremony, that throughout Israel (in particular) and also throughout the world, there is a worrying danger of Islamic sharia terrorism (all the martyrs buffoons terrorists cowardly murderers, who kill treacherously)? this is undeniable.

I believe that it is prudent to collaborate with the police (and obtain quotas greater than 30%), also because if fatal accidents arise, then, won't the fault become a responsibility of the Church?

it is easy to rant in Israel, and it is not possible to protest in the entire ARAB LEAGUE where the few surviving churches cannot even be restored to prevent them from collapsing



I am an innocent Catholic religion teacher

who was fired from the Masonic institutional system for criticizing:

the theory of evolution,

the lgbt theory of gender fluidity,

abortion, and which the Catholic Church did not defend because it colluded or was dominated by the Masonic powers


Discussion on World Israel News 70 comments

'Terrorism, violent pogrom' - Israeli players, fans attacked at Athens


God bless Israel and his brother Gecia. Greece's problem is its extreme grece poverty, and can not protect its national security, because Rothschild spa&Co

Spread parasitic scam banking seigniorage cult Bildenberg tecnocracy e

neoliberalism Soros DEM moynlender Ursula Von my kaiser hail fascist Borrell and Merkel have stolen

everything it was possible to steal, 300 children died of starvation in Greece, now this

aggression was ISLAM islamic premeditated by an another criminal OIC Ummah Islamic organization and we must reach

out and hit its principal: replacement theologie JIHAD EMPIRE new-OTTOMAN and ISIS Wahhabis

Erdogan, ie, jihad galaxy


Cathrine Brougham said: God bless Israel. "Allowing attacks on any visiting nations needs answering to. That Greek security refused to help speaks volumes to antisemitism and charges need to be filed against them".


answer to Cathrine Brougham ANSWER

it is imperative to identify these criminals now, because they act like SHARIA Isis madrassa mosque regime nazi mohammeddans all OIC Hamas Ummah, but, God bless Israel & Greece. there is no problem between GREECE and ISRAEL, in fact they are too brothers & friendly, Greece's problem is its extreme grece poverty, and its inability to have adequate structures to protect its national security, because Rothscild Spread parasitic scam banking seigniorage cult Bildenberg tecnocracy e neoliberalism Soros DEM moynlender Ursula and Merkel have stolen everything it was possible to steal, now this aggression was premeditated by an Islamic organization and we must reach out and hit its principal JIHAD EMPIRE OTTOMAN and ISIS Wahhabis Erdogan

Cathrine Brougham


it is imperative to identify these criminals now, because they act like Hamas, God bless Israel & Greece. there is no problem between GREECE and ISRAEL, in fact they are too friendly, Greece's problem is its extreme poverty, and its inability to have adequate structures to protect its national security, because Ursula and Merkel have stolen everything it was possible to steal, now this aggression was premeditated by an Islamic organization and we must reach out and hit its principal Erdogan


it is imperative to identify these criminals now

because they act like Hamas


Discussion on World Israel News 23 comments

Syria: Israel’s aggression will push region toward ‘total escalation’

Cathrine Brougham


Is it time for your body to sleep, dear sister?

may the holy angels keep your sleep

Discussion on World Israel News 21 comments

Israel-church tensions rise ahead of Jerusalem’s Holy Fire ceremony


I am a Pentecostal fundamentalist biblical Catholic (in private) but, nevertheless, I politically represent natural law, and universal law for the hope of the kingdom of Israel, which is NOT a secular BUT to laicity agnostic and metaphysical universal political project for universal brotherhood, for the construction of the third Jewish temple as a home for all peoples, according to the laws of Noah and Melchizedek and Abraham


Discussion on World Israel News 9 comments

Israel’s president expresses optimism on judicial reform compromise


Israel's president expresses optimism on judicial reform compromise ] [ President Isaac Herzog isbig traitor, Big masonic Corrupt, big assassin or is BIG IDIOT, becouse, you can't have half a baby born and the other half die, or make the reform to save democracy and the balance between the powers of the state, 1. either leave this current already established wahhabi globalism mondialism ISIS UMMAH, new world order zionism rockefeller satanism, and monopolist Spa&Co FED ECB BM IMF OIC UMMAH OTAN, which is a single Atlanticist vision and management of the world, with USA Satan Sodom the pimp policeman of the world 2. or/and permanently renounce Zionism for Israel, condemning all Israelis to death.


it is good that the Jews of the Diaspora clearly say what fate of death they have left to the Israelis, given that with Hitler the plutocrats fled to the USA and condemned all European Jews to death

Discussion on World Israel News 34 comments

Orthodox Jewish leaders accuse Lapid of sabotaging Israel, undermining gov’t


jeahhh Lapid is a backbiter and he wouldn't be so arrogant and aggressive if he wasn't funded by Masonic lodges, if the Churches of Satan, the Deep State, and central bank shareholders didn't support him. In reality, they wrote, the right-wing government is supported by the majority of Israeli voters, and Lapid's call for American Jews to “get up in arms to protect Israel from its own leadership” is essentially a call for “undermining Israeli democracy. ” The leaders noted that “when such statements move into mainstream media, they delegitimize Israel itself, and by extension pose real danger to the safety of Diaspora communities. When you go back to Israel, we in the Diaspora will face the potential consequences of even more anti-Semitism, powered by your words.” The letter concluded with a call urging Lapid to refrain from “damaging, inflammatory rhetoric against Israel and its government” moving forward.


this no one can deny: Lapid is threatening the future of every Jew on this planet and of all Jews collectively



Orthodox Jewish organization warns that “inflammatory rhetoric” from Lapid increases delegitimization of Israel, fans the flames of antisemitism, antizionism antichrist and endangers Diaspora Jewish communities.

we are to have no mercy on any Mason, ie occult power Deep State, transnational Spa&Co CIA Rockefeller NWO Riyadh but all are to be sentenced to death all for high treason, and scam banking seigniorage cult Dracula Sodoma & petrodollars allah

eih, World Israel News Staff ] [ people think that there is a government, a president, a king, a state border, a sovereignty, an independence, etc.. etc.. and instead there is only one Rothschild administration in all the states that serves to pay taxes in Rockefeller, and then there's a ruthless polygamous pedo pig killer named Allah

Discussion on World Israel News 18 comments

Syria, Saudi Arabia move toward restoring embassies, flights


people think that there is a government, a president, a king, a state border, a sovereignty, an independence, etc.. etc.. and instead there is only one Rothschild administration in all the states that serves to pay taxes in Rockefeller, and then there's a ruthless polygamous pedo pig killer named Allah


Bin ISIS Salman and what is the role of Israel among the beaks with the hood, the square and the compasses and the skirt among the assassins authorized by the UN all unpunished assassins of Allah?

Saudi Arabia is hosting the next Arab League summit in May, where a restoration of Syria's membership is widely expected to be on the table.


mohammeddans love ] [ the goat akbarr Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal Mikdad was received by the kingdom’s Deputy the goat Foreign jihad wahhabis ISIS Minister Waleed Al-Khuraiji. The meeting focused on the steps needed to reach a “comprehensive political settlement of the Syrian crisis that would achieve national reconciliation, and contribute to the return of Syria to its Arab fold,”what also they are goats with horns? they pretend to be sheep always martyrs and virgins above all UMMAH in hell assassins and terrorists sharjah


Syria and Saudi Arabia are moving toward reopening embassies and resuming flights between the two countries for the first time in more than a decade, the countries said Thursday in a joint statement. The announcement followed a visit by Syria’s top diplomat to the kingdom, the first since Saudi Arabia cut off diplomatic relations with Syria in 2012.


ASSAD's greatest suffering was not to see Syria invaded by 2 million jihadists and ISIS, all sent by Erdogan and the Wahhabis.

but ASSAD's greatest suffering - which drove him almost mad - was that of being expelled from the ARAB LEAGUE, and consequently from his secret conspiracy to kill Israel


messiah king lorenzoJHWH4 Detected as spamHunter LaVey Biden has with the Chinese government itself both huge economic trades and carnal trades (but, I wasn't there and I can't say it, but, they say that among his claims there were to get a villa and two prostitutes ). This is a deal that began and was finalized in December of 2013. It led to the creation of something called Bohai Harvest RST or BHR Partners.. etc. etc. In Washington DC, the political class gets to make their own rules. They get to rig the game, as it were, to ensure that the real lucrative stuff that is corrupt, and should be illegal, is the very stuff that they engage in. The problem is the way that rules are written in Washington DC, they are written by the political class themselves. They carve out certain things.... If [Biden] gets a $250 campaign contribution from a GE executive, it is disclosed by the FEC.... If his adult son flying on Air Force Two,

Discussion on World Israel News 63 comments

Outrageous poll: Should Canada impose sanctions on Israel over violence in


We are constantly hearing that more pandemics and more serious health threats are on the way. Now we know why.. Governments and globalist leaders are trying to turn one of the United Nations agencies into one power to rule us all. They want to give the global non-elected health organization, the World Health Organization (WHO), special powers to manage the new international pandemic response plan. This is deadly serious - the latest move is to pass a "Pandemic Treaty" to gain new, far-reaching and legally binding powers to supposedly improve the "prevention, preparedness and response" of future pandemics. The new treaty would establish one common law to combat future epidemics, thereby undermining the sovereignty of the Netherlands and all countries. Sign up today against this extremely dangerous and problematic centralization of global governance, which would have disastrous consequences for our individual freedoms.


the assassin agenda Deep State and his masonic Government OIC NWO Spa&Co killer nazi OMS ][ De

WHO staat gevaarlijk dicht bij het verkrijgen van nieuwe, juridisch

bindende bevoegdheden die onze burgerlijke vrijheden en nationale

soevereiniteit bedreigen. Het zogenaamde "Pandemieverdrag" zou het

wereldwijde bestuur centraliseren, individuele vrijheden aantasten en

effectief gezondheidsbeleid ondermijnen.

We moeten nu handelen om onze

rechten en persoonlijke autonomie te beschermen! Teken vandaag

nog de petitie en dring er bij premier Mark Rutte op aan om zich te

verzetten tegen dit gevaarlijke verdrag voordat het te laat is!


open letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau with all his lgbtqia farm+++ ministers, and arbalen flags: "all love farm donkeys is love",

you didn't give, you too many many many money to Abbas known as Abu Mazen ISIS sharjah Hamas, death to all the impure and blasphemous infidels, in all these years have you not been a benefactor of the jihad? so why him PLO jihad sharia, he should welcome you badly at mosque Al Aqsa Mosquea: it's all mine I want it all, because there is only one planet, only one Koran and only one caliphate, i.e. OIC the world caliphate of Erdogan which is he, and isn't he your favorite Ottoman ally?

you come here as a lgbt person happy to find out how despite the thong with the central hole uncovered and the hemorrhoids clearly visible, and the Lapid fishnet stockings and Macron stilettos, but, nevertheless you come all well covered by the burqua for the modesty of the holy place and dearest to Allah one and only exclusive legalized divine worship and in all the ARAB LEAGUE the only one acceptable to God, you come to find out how the Israelis are aggressive and liars, of course, you let yourself be escorted by the guards of the King of Jordan, why me instead of you? I of the IDF I would not trust


WE INVITE Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to come to Al Aqsa Mosque with all his lgbtqia farm+++ ministers, and arbalen flags to see when Muslims armed with knives and iron bars, and lead marbles to be thrown with slingshots and d is a great gay party with sodomy fireworks, with flying stone blocks, as the Koran says that a faithful Muslim must participate in a peaceful prayer full of evangelical Christian love


It is a real slap in the face to Rome, that of the German bishops. Which in a press conference yesterday afternoon clarified through the mouth of the president of the Episcopal Conference, Cardinal Marx, that "it is not a branch of Rome." EXPLICIT THREAT OF SCHISM OF THE VATICAN MASONIC LOBIES. The ground of contention is the ordinary Synod on the family, scheduled for next October, called to provide certain answers on ethical and moral issues of great importance within the pastoral care of the family: from communion to the divorced and remarried to the reception of cohabiting couples, hetero and homosexuals.




The Responsum ad un dubium concerning the blessing of same-sex unions clarified, unequivocally, that: "the Church does not have the power to impart blessing to same-se* unions."

in fact, there is no scriptural support (if not condemnation), and not even a natural legitimacy of perverted behavior.

therefore one cannot force the datum of nature and the datum of revealed grace, without entering into Satanism


the language of the sacrament of marriage is a blessing, that's why homosexual couples cannot be blessed


Rockefeller stole the scam banking seigniorage along with all its anti-Zionist satan synagogues (yes this is high constitutional treason, and induction to communist satanism Darwin jihad, but the Masons said it can be done) from all the peoples of the planet with the help of Satan Sodom jabulOn and Allah, then, they stole the elections from TRUMP because he would never have made war on anyone, but, Mike Pence said that the Gospel did not order him to reveal the CIA's electoral plot. so now

Trump tries to block Mike Pence's testimony on January 6 on Capitol Hill,


the US passed on military secrets and military technology to the Chinese, so they used Israel to give the patriot missiles to CHINA, and this is a very tested kabbalah strategy in previous world wars, that is, to leave the illusion to the enemy that they can win war


1/8 ] [ but, if the Chinese government has prostitutes and gives them to Hunter LaVey Biden, what does it matter to you? 3 Detected as spam Hunter LaVey Biden has with the Chinese government itself. This is a deal that began and was finalized in December of 2013. It led to the creation of something called Bohai Harvest RST or BHR Partners.. the Chinese government poured in a billion dollars. They later expanded that to a-billion-and-a-half dollars.... One of the partnering firms that created BHR was Hunter Biden's firm, Rosemont Seneca Partners. what will the wise old satanist Biden do now to protect his son's honor and virginity of him? will he kill all the Chinese?


2/8 ] [ but, if the Chinese government has prostitutes and gives them to Hunter LaVey Biden, what does it matter to you? 3 Detected as spam Hunter LaVey Biden has with the Chinese government itself. Hunter Biden was put on the board of directors of BHR Partners.... What is astonishing about this is, first of all, that the Chinese government funded this venture. Again, these are not individual Chinese companies. This is Chinese government money. Rosemont then becomes Gemini Rosemont Realty. The Chinese government is later to put in more than $100 million in cash. what will the wise old satanist Biden do now to protect his son's honor and virginity? will he kill all the Chinese?

Discussion on World Israel News 63 comments

Outrageous poll: Should Canada impose sanctions on Israel over violence in


3/8 ] [ but, if the Chinese government has prostitutes and gives them to Hunter LaVey Biden, what does it matter to you? 3 Detected as spam Hunter LaVey Biden has with the Chinese government itself. They publicly say that they are going to put billions of dollars of equity into this entity to make it even more successful. Here you have two large deals. When you look at what that private equity firm does, the first thing they do is they become an anchor investor in a Chinese firm called China General Nuclear (CGN). Why is this interesting? what will the wise old satanist Biden do now to protect his son's honor and virginity? will he kill all the Chinese?


4/8 ] [ but, if the Chinese government has prostitutes and gives them to Hunter LaVey Biden, what does it matter to you? 3 Detected as spam Hunter LaVey Biden has with the Chinese government itself. This is a nuclear energy firm that about eight months after Hunter Biden's BHR becomes an anchor investor, they are charged by the FBI in the United States. That firm was stealing nuclear secrets in the United States. In particular, CGN is trying to gain technologies related to the small nuclear reactors that are put on submarines, which provide a huge military advantage to the United States. what will the wise old satanist Biden do now to protect his son's honor and virginity? will he kill all the Chinese?


5/8 ] [ but, if the Chinese government has prostitutes and gives them to Hunter LaVey Biden, what does it matter to you? 3 Detected as spam Hunter LaVey Biden has with the Chinese government itself. Another acquisition they make is that Hunter Biden's BHR ,firm buys half of a company called Henniges in Michigan, and another Chinese entity buys, the other half. That other half is bought by AVIC, which is the Chinese state‑owned aviation military contractor. AVIC builds all the military aircraft for the Chinese military. what will the wise old satanist Biden do now to protect the honor and virginity of his son? will he kill all the Chinese?


what will the wise old satanist Biden do now to protect his son's honor and virginity? will he kill all the Chinese?

7/8 ] [ but, if the Chinese government has prostitutes and gives them to Hunter LaVey Biden, what does it matter to you? 3 Detected as spam Hunter LaVey Biden has with the Chinese government itself. What we have in the Biden family is a family that has become wealthy by enabling, helping, aiding and abetting the Chinese in doing exactly that. In terms of Hunter Biden doing nothing wrong, it does not seem that there has been anything illegal. I have always contended that the problem in Washington DC is that some of the worst crimes or worst acts of corruption are done by people who engage in legal behavior. In Washington DC, the political class gets to make their own rules.


8 /8 ] [ but, if the Chinese government has prostitutes and gives them to Hunter LaVey Biden, what does it matter to you? 3 Detected as spam Hunter LaVey Biden has with the Chinese government itself. They get to rig the game, as it were, to ensure that the real lucrative stuff that is corrupt and should be illegal, is the very stuff that they engage in. The problem is the way that rules are written in Washington DC, they are written by the political class themselves. They carve out certain things.... If [Biden] gets a $250 campaign contribution from a GE executive, it is disclosed by the FEC.... If his adult son flying on Air Force Two, We have received your request for review , what will the wise old satanist Biden do now to protect


Outrageous poll: Should Canada Sodoma Party impose sanctions on Israel over violence in ‘Palestine’?

answer Lapid Ape Darwin please

2 1


7Detected as spamSodoma is very bad REGIME nazi Satana assassins [ if we want to survive? we must all unite against the NWO, with the Re

UniusREI ] I'm Caroline Farrow, Campaigns Director for CitizenGO in the UK. I'm writing to you today to let you know some fantastic news! Isabel Vaughan-Spruce, a pro-life Christian woman, was arrested a few months ago in Great Britain for praying silently on a street corner where an abortion clinic is located. We are glad that both Isabel and Father Sean have been found innocent, but it is unlikely that this will

be the end of the story. We will continue to support in every

possible way anyone who is persecuted for exercising their

religious freedom and praying in public . etc.. etc.. see more for yourself

Discussion on World Israel News 17 comments

Last living Nuremberg prosecutor of Nazis dies at age 103


Hunter LaVey Biden said to Xi-Jinping : "I want a villa with two experienced prostitutes, why if I fail to put it in front of them? they have to put it behind me .. and he was satisfied"


Hunter laVey Biden has stepped off the board of directors of BHR. Here is the problem: he still retains his equity stake with this Chinese firm. He still has other deals that he conducted with the Chinese from which he benefited.

The Biden team has lied repeatedly. I can go into greater detail.... It has been subterfuge from the beginning. They need to be called out on it..... The American people understand if somebody's giving you a sweetheart deal, particularly an actor like China... without getting something in return. They are not that stupid.


Happy Easter from all of us at ICC! When Jesus rose from the grave roughly 2,000 years ago, the world as we knew it turned upside down. In an instant, those who placed their hope in Him received the gift of eternal life despite the death sentence that sin demanded.

Like the Marys who first heard the Good News, it is both our privilege and responsibility to share this hope with others.


a joker friend in whatsapp sent me the photo of the empty tomb with the witch Elizabeth Jezebel second bildenberg, and city spa London Coorporation the world predation and satanism.

I told him: "Even my son does not believe in the resurrection, but he is a poor wretched failure like you, however for the good or the bad it is always too cruel without sharing in his love and in his divinity, because the resurrection is a new creation, since the human was assumed into the divine, the divine having assumed the human"

this evil world of Riyadh MBS and his nurse Rockefeller spa&Co ... has already been doomed

and i am not their citizen

i am king Israel lorenzoJHWH metaphisic agnostic rational politicam universal laicity kingdom, so ,will die "NWO - shariah" and is demonic cult jabulOn Baal Allah Marduch Murdoch Owl

Discussion on World Israel News 20 comments

Israeli defense minister briefs U.S. counterpart on recent attacks

where do you hide economic interests in Ukraine of the Biden family? ] DEM criminals have slandered a way to slander Republicans [ Trump's indictment, a humiliating "perp walk," and the possible incarceration of a former president, serve as useful diversions to prevent the public from seeing evidence of a current commander- in-chief who has been questioned as being compromised. No abuses will be spared Trump, or any other Republican who might run for president in 2024. It seems as if many in America, in what appears an escalating wish for authoritarian power are ready for all maneuvers to not let American voters choose their president democratically in 2024.

where do you hide economic interests in Ukraine of the Biden family? ] DEM criminals have slandered ways to slander Republicans [ Moreover, despite the efforts of many politicians and journalists to protect Biden, the new Republican-dominated House of Representatives has uncovered bank records showing "payments made to President Joe Biden's son from a Chinese Communist Party-linked company," as well as "showing Biden family members received more than $1 million from a Chinese energy company after passing through the account of a family associate," [including] "an unknown bank account identified as ' Biden.'"

where do you hide economic interests in Ukraine of the Biden family? ] DEM criminals have found a way to slander the Republicans with slander [ After President Trump, on January 6, 2021, called on his supporters to demonstrate "peacefully and patriotically," in front of the Capitol Building, some skeptical and disappointed demonstrators - - perhaps again with the intervention of the FBI -- became disorderly. Politicians and the media did not hesitate to compare the events of that day to 9/11 attacks and Pearl Harbor. The only person unfortunately killed at the demonstration was an unarmed demonstrator, shot by a policeman. The federal government refused to release 14,000 hours of footage, presumably in an attempt at a cover-up. Trump was subjected to the absurd procedure of a second impeachment to remove him from office -- even though he was no longer president. Finally, he was banned from Twitter and Facebook, which had been so useful to him in 2016 to bypass a hostile media.

where do you hide economic interests in Ukraine of the Biden family? ] DEM criminals have found a way to slander the Republicans with slander [ In the 2020 presidential election, under the pretext of Covid, election laws in many states were changed -- illegally, some by not going through state legislatures, as required by the Constitution. There was also a series of maneuvers -- including the federal government and 51 former intelligence officers knowingly suppressing media reporting on the contents of Hunter Biden's laptop -- that cast legitimate suspicion, regardless of what the almost unanimous mainstream media said, on the outcome.

TRUMP HERO PATRIOT MAGA VS spa&Co Satana dracula jabulOn 666 lgbt Rockefeller Sodoma occult power deep state ] [ The indictment of former President Donald Trump is just the latest maneuver by many in the

United States to distort elections. The tactic appears reminiscent of Soviet secret police

head Lavrentiy Beria's: "Show me the man, and I will find you the crime." "it is not a question of discovering the commission of a crime and then looking for the man who has committed it. It is a question of picking the man and then searching the law books,

or putting investigators to work, to pin some offense on him." , Alan Dershowitz, Professor Emeritus at Harvard Law School, New York Sun, March 15, 2023.

יואב גלנט – Yoav Gallant (@yoavgallant) April 8, 2023,

The minister also emphasized the efforts made by Israel's defense establishment to allow for freedom of worship on the Temple Mount, which he said had been "hijacked by groups of extreme rioters," in reference to extremists barricading themselves inside the Al Aqsa mosque, preventing Muslims from praying during Ramadan and provoking a response from Israeli security forces.

uuuh so the Israelis are worried about the prayers of the Muslims, or because from inside the Mosque they would have thrown stones down the wailing wall?

===== answers ===

Austin the satanist does he really care about ISRAEL? this is a deadly game between the cat Goliath (Riyadh USA) and the mouse (David Israel) a dirty game that has been exposed since 1945

for lgbt Darwin monkeys wikipedia Rockefeller DEM spa&Co jabulOn? he is still f

ired Within the government, Netanyahu VI held the position of Minister of Defense,

until March 26, 2023 when, after openly calling for a suspension of the judicial

review plans promoted by the Government, he was fired

by the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.


Discussion on World Israel News 51 comments

'Elimination of Israel' on the horizon, IRGC commander says

make me 800 nuke ] Netanjahu [ make for me 800 nuclear nuke

Discussion on World Israel News 27 comments

Terror summit: Hamas, Hezbollah officials meet in Beirut

Netanjhau ] [ make me 800 nuclear nuke

Discussion on World Israel News 45 comments

Victims of Friday terror shooting identified as Israeli-British sisters Maya and

Errore di traduzione satana e allah e sodoma e jabullOn are ONE ONLY bordel one



Errore di traduzione

preparami 800 testate nuclear

Discussion on World Israel News 57 comments

No Passover sacrifices in Jerusalem, says Western Wall rabbi; Ben-Gvir agrees

king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH

there are no infiltrators in the kingdom of God


Bin ISIS Salman ] I promise to kill you last[ https://www.paypal.Com/paypalme/my/profile @lorenzoJHWH

Bari, BA

it is an agnostic political project for the Kingdom of ISRAEL, for the third Jewish temple as the home of universal brotherhood


Passover Cleaning Made Easier - Don't Be a Slave!

answer ah ah ah Cleaning? like a sepulcher from the outside!

all who pay bank seigniorage to Rothschild are slaves of Rockefeller, and Allah is the first slave, because he has petrodollarsh


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