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Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

Jewish sisters, 103 and 106, share secret of staying happy, healthy and sharp

Jewish sisters, 103 and 106, share secret of staying happy, healthy and sharp


Bin ISIS bro Salman from Riyadh ] what is there to not lose a little desert for my love? you are about to lose all mankind, your very life, all Islam, nuclear proliferation is this kabbalah project of purifying the entire planet from all God's creation

Bin ISIS bro Salman from Riyadh ] unfortunately, there is only one man here: the metaphysician Unius REI, and that only he can gather all peoples and all governments as a single family, and can reformulate the foundation and legitimacy of all institutions worldwide, that's why I was forced to ascend the Throne of God and that's why YHWH allowed me, as Psalm 110 prophesied

Bin ISIS bro Salman from Riyadh ] you believe that mankind could be saved, or could be saved, with your masonic system sharia voodoo talmud kabbalah koranic Wahhabi genocide that, they created the demonic juridical personalities of giant Spa&Co, while people , peoples and governments have become like little ants in front of them? if multinationals are a juridical people? then all we have become objects in the hands of satanic sodoma plutocratic Jews because of you

Bin ISIS bro Salman from Riyadh ] of course, my best comment on this page is just for you [ when I wake up at 4.00 in the morning? I would like to stay in bed like a coward, but I can't do it because my bladder bursts, however I resist in bed, at least until the Holy Spirit gives me the best comment of the day

eih, worldisraelnews ]] [[ I believe that all comments on this page are the greatest honor we can give to best wishes to dears Shirley Hodes (106) and Ruth Sweedler (102) , so don't hide them.

that they raised a family of normal, healthy happy people

lgbtqia can only be cured by the death penalty ] [ Robert Iger said in an interview that Disney will not change its stance on several political issues and said he considers Disney's stance on LGBTQ issues a pledge of "good citizenship". It's clear that Disney won't step back significantly to address these issues, nor will it apologize for attempts to indoctrinate children into an LGBTQ lifestyle and promote a radical agenda that alienates families. Therefore, the time is right to continue to apply the necessary pressure. Here's what we'll do to push our campaign forward: Disney's shareholder meeting is fast approaching (April 3), and we at CitizenGO will be there. We will carry your voice and that of millions of angry families. We will speak up in front of Disney shareholders and address them in the only language they know ($). Families make up Disney's customer base, and if shareholders are truly to emerge from this crisis, they will need to regain parental trust by weeding the LGBTQ agenda out of their films and products.

lgbtqia can only be cured by the death penalty ] [ We immediately launched a campaign in the US which, in a short time, collected over 72,000 signatures directed at CEO Robert Iger. In a shockingly graphic way, this gay choir has turned popular songs from Disney classics, such as Aladin and The Little Mermaid, into a celebration of homosexuality and a tool for openly mocking parents, boasting of its plans to convert children to a style of LGBTQ life. And that's not all Insiders tell us that Disney will be launching an LGBTQ campaign for June Gay Pride, with several LGBTQ events filling amusement parks for children around the world. In the face of this blatant LGBTQ propaganda, it doesn't surprise me to read reports that Disney is experiencing an unprecedented economic crisis, and that their empire is crumbling. Disney fired its CEO Bob Chapek and rehired Robert Iger as CEO because his stock plummeted. They lost BILLIONS of dollars by infuriating their shareholders and continue to plummet despite the new CEO's efforts to "calm the dust." In the last year alone, Disney laid off more than 7,000 of its employees as a result of this slump.

https://citizengo.Org/it/fm/207343-disney-smettila-di-promuovere-il-gender-e-lagenda-lgbtq-nei-film-bambini Did Disney Fire 7,000 Employees To Pay For Losses To LGBTQ+ Indoctrination? Disney: Stop promoting gender and the LGBTQ agenda in children's films! Disney, once the foremost promoter of family and traditional values, is now the foremost promoter of the radical LGBTQ agenda. Their child indoctrination policy knows no bounds, and their latest collaboration with the San Fransico Gay Men's Choir was yet another scandal. On March 16, Disney hosted "Disney PRIDE in Concert," featuring LGBTQ adaptations of its classic songs performed by the San Fransico Gay Men's Choir, the same LGBTQ choir that went viral after posting a video of it singing a song that recited the following words: "we will convert your children.... silently and imperceptibly [...]

and you won't even notice it".

I will let you know their response soon after April 3rd. Did Disney Fire 7,000 Employees To Pay For Losses To LGBTQ+ Indoctrination? In the meantime, if you haven't already, SIGN now and SHARE our campaign against Disney's LGBTQ indoctrination. Disney partners with the San Francisco gay choir who want to "convert" our children


Disney begins laying off 7,000 employees. Being woke leads to failure


Milan, maternal se*ual violence: this is who the arrested master ped000phile is,

Free se* to buy managers. 6 members of the Mancuso clan arrested.

DEMs have profoundly ideologically and morally ruined all western societies, and we the only transition fossil we have found in 250 years is the Lapid banana monkey

Discussion on World Israel News 13 comments

WATCH: Why does The Voice have a blue square on screen? Hint: It’s about the


there is NOT new invader regime

why your demonic islamic masonic sodomitic old regime? he hasn't been kicked out yet

Bin ISIS bro Salman from Riyadh ] of course, my best comment on this page is just for you [ when I wake up at 4.00 in the morning? I would like to stay in bed like a coward, but I can't do it because my bladder bursts, however I resist in bed, at least until the Holy Spirit gives me the best comment of the day, unfortunately, there is only one man here: the metaphysician Unius REI, and that only he can gather all peoples and all governments as a single family, and can reformulate the foundation and legitimacy of all institutions worldwide, that's why I was forced to ascend the Throne of God and that's why YHWH allowed me, as Psalm 110 prophesied, you believe that mankind could be saved, or could be saved, with your masonic system sharia voodoo talmud kabbalah koranic Wahhabi genocide that, they created the demonic juridical personalities of giant Spa&Co, while people peoples and governments have become like little ants in front of them? if multinationals are a legal people? then all we have become objects in the hands of satanic sodomy plutocratic Jews because of you

Discussion on World Israel News 27 comments

Jewish sisters, 103 and 106, share secret of staying happy, healthy and sharp

/emergenza-scippi-in-stazione-e-sulla-metro-a-milano-la-denuncia-di-de-corato/ Emergency muggings in the station and on the metro in Milan, the complaint of De Corato


today, like yesterday, the Mason Jews stole the hope and happiness of the Italian people and the German people, and of the European peoples,

this current is the same climate of anarchy and impunity and protection of criminals, which led the desperate people to turn to Nazism and fascism,

while 80% of Jewish Freemasons ? they were the rich parasitic Freemasons

/perché-fallire-è-un-diritto-e-non-una-colpa/ Why failing is a right, and not a fault in an expropriated and devitalized society without monetary and political sovereignty, and with a debt currency where all institutions can only be: dumb, corrupt and hypocritical? kids who have been stolen: hope, the future and faith in God. me too the masons DEM lgtqia have managed to ruin a my child, ]] [[ Riccardo was 26 years old and wanted to be a nurse. His dream shattered one November night against a tree in via Aponense, in Padua, 12 hours after a thesis that no one at the university knew anything about.

Francisca (invented name) was 19 when she wrapped a scarf around her neck in the toilets of the IULM in Milan. In her pocket she kept the last ticket: «I failed, sorry».

Diana would have soon turned 27 if she hadn't thrown herself off a cliff in Somma Vesuviana, carrying with her the unbearable weight of a degree told to her parents and, in reality, stopped at the stake.

President Zelensky calls for "a Nuremberg" for Russian crimes


and for the CIA snipers who killed 98 innocent people (50 policemen and 48 protesters) in Maidan square to carry out the coup of the CIA, what did he ever ask?

Satan and Sodom and Rothschild said: "Russia is always wrong without ifs and buts." and then, all the jabulOn parrots repeat this mantra because Rockefeller ordered Biden to wage world war against the Chinese

only vulgar Russophobia and slander, and mystifications to counter the crimes committed by the imperialist and murderous and genocidal project of the CIA and NATO in Ukraine since 2014, the EU governments are just a bunch of prostitutes and Freemasons and excrement and dangerous corrupt criminals ] [ Sergey Razov «We have extended a helping hand to the Italians and now someone wants to bite this hand»,

he said in the aftermath of the first sanctions in Moscow, recalling the collaboration between Russian and Italian doctors at the time of Covid.

For over a year now, Razov has also been at war with the Italian press, against which he immediately filed a complaint for incitement to commit a crime against Putin at the court in Piazzale Clodio at the end of February 2022.

he then published a very harsh dossier of attack on Italy after the first shipment of weapons from us to Ukraine Razov said: «It is like trying to put out the fire with kerosene, the sanctions will not remain unanswered». In short, a crescendo of tension up to the present day with the letter full of accusations sent to our Defense Minister, Guido Crosetto: "It is difficult to believe in his sincerity, it is not Moscow that does not want dialogue...", these are Razov's words

only vulgar Russophobia and slander, and mystifications to counter the crimes committed by the CIA and NATO in Ukraine since 2014, EU governments are just a bunch of excrement and dangerous corrupt criminals ] [ «Sergey Razov couldn't wait to leave», those who know him well say today. Too many controversies, a crescendo of very hard clashes with the Italian government, in the last year the climate had become heavy and relations increasingly tense. On 2 June last year, his failure to invite him to the Quirinale for the first time did not go unnoticed. He was disappointed: "Politics is politics - he commented laconically - but in all these years my wife and I have always attended the solemn reception of the President of the Italian Republic with great pleasure". Doors closed, nothing to do.

/sergey-razov-ambasciatore-russo-lascia-l-italia-dopo-10-anni-le-polemiche-con-il-governo-e-i-media-italiani/ Sergey Razov, Russian ambassador, leaves Italy after 10 years: the controversies with the Italian government and media


there is no truth and no dignity, to be kept in false Masonic democracies without monetary sovereignty


3/3 ] [ it was the Vatican (i.e. Pius XII) who organized the convents as a place of refuge for the Jews, and the synagogues, in their anti-Christian and anti-Zionist hatred, must stop slandering it and mystifying history ] The nuns against persecution of the Jews, saved in the book of Armenians A word that no longer seems to be part of our vocabulary. "I myself, as a laywoman and a feminist, for a long time have attributed little value to it, preferring freedom and justice. It is instead a passive virtue, it has an enormous driving force. It is the revolutionary sentiment that animates the book". The debate is underway, thanks to the fear expressed by Liliana Segre on the occasion of her Memorial Day,

2/3 ] [ it was the Vatican (i.e. Pius XII) who organized the convents as a place of refuge for the Jews, and the synagogues, in their anti-Christian and anti-Zionist hatred, must stop slandering it and mystifying history ] The nuns against persecution, and The Jews Saved in the Book of Armeni.

A true story, the one told by Armeni, which sinks into the discovery, thanks to Sister Grazia Loparco, professor at the Pontifical Faculty of Educational Sciences Auxiluim, that in the Rome of the Resistance there were 5,000 Jews saved in convents. Virtually unknown facts, "because Catholic and secular sources have given little value to these experiences". Charity.

Discussion on World Israel News 27 comments

Jewish sisters, 103 and 106, share secret of staying happy, healthy and sharp

1/3 ] [ it was the Vatican (i.e. Pius XII) who organized the convents as a place of refuge for the Jews, and the synagogues, in their anti-Christian and anti-Zionist hatred, must stop slandering it and mystifying history ] [ The nuns against the persecution of the Jews, saved in the book of Armeni ] A novel set in 1944, in a Franciscan convent on the outskirts of Rome, where Sister Ignazia and her sisters host a German nurse on the first floor and families who escaped the ghetto raid on the second floor. They do it without hesitation, with an abnegation of faith - or even more simply of humanity - in stark contrast to a Vatican that is negotiating the Nazi surrender and with a Pope who, opting for prudence, actually puts 'diplomacy' before 'sacrifice '.


Gay couples, tear to the left. Antifa mayors: ready to disobey.


who didn't want to have the disabling and deadly sting of the fake vaccines big 666 pharma spa & Co which were very experimental gene serums very experimental killers? people got fired for it.

and why shouldn't these DEM mayors go to jail just because the Rothschild Freemason judges are all like them and oppose themself to judicial reform?

Seoul confirms ban on Japanese fish products from Fukushima

then Sodom and Satan spa&Co UK JaBuLOn, with its King George onion. they said that Ukrainian depleted uranium grain helps the cemetery

Spain, Asturias devastated by fires: the fight of the firefighters

The north of the country hit by 150 fires: almost 400 people evacuated.

being a victim of fires every year is a 4th world issue and that's what happens when the DEM and traitor Freemasons take the bank seigniorage of the people and give it to the rothschilds, and then ruin society with absurd taxes and bureaucracy

At the Kiev monastery the protest of the youth of the Russian Church against the Nazi fascists by Von hali Ursula antichrist anti-Zionist, At the monastery of Kiev the protest of the youth of the Ukrainian Church to protect the patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church

Nazi de-Russification began, in a murderous criminal and shameful way in the 2014 CIA coup and no one in EU US Vatican and Bildenberg Riyadh ever tore their clothes off.

3 hours ago

best wishes to dears Shirley Hodes (106) and Ruth Sweedler (102) who have always been faithful to their marriage, and indeed of all the witches and satanist CIA trolls, who plague me and worldisraelnews? none of them came here to congratulate

3 hours ago

king false son of Abraham Bin ISIS MBS from Riyadh ] Pakistan: at least 12 people die in food rush


In your opinion, what were the mistakes of Allah and Mohammed done, if Muslims to survive have always been forced into jihad, slave trade, rape, curse, kidnappings, less deceptions, predation and genocide?

3 hours ago

best wishes to dears Shirley Hodes (106) and Ruth Sweedler (102) read, walk regularly, stay curious and connect with others.


i connect with the beasts of satan sodom and allah daily, yes nobody wants them, but someone has to take care of them like a loving nurse, I say

you let the Darwin Lapid monkeys donkeys come to me, because it is to those farm+++ lgbtqia+++ like them, that the abyss of hell belongs

Discussion on World Israel News 76 comments

Saudi journalist visiting Israel hints Riyadh wants role in administering

11 hours ago

Zelensky has to prove to me how he got his fortune

11 hours ago

ok what if he had to move the greenbacks? ] [ Russian Foreign Ministry congratulated Zelensky on his 'professional holiday' MFA: Ukraine celebrated April 1 with arrest of viceroy of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra https://vz.Ru/news/2023/4/1/1205657.html April 1, 2023, kiev Saturday celebrates April 1 with the persecution of Orthodox Christians. The President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky - happy professional holiday, wrote in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia. The Foreign Ministry recalled in its Telegram channel that "earlier in Ukraine, Humorina celebrated April Fool's Day in Odessa, today - with the arrest of the viceroy of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra." The Foreign Ministry also congratulated Volodymyr Zelensky on his "professional holiday". Earlier it became known that Metropolitan Pavel was sent under house arrest without a court decision, he is awaiting interrogation.

The governor of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra was suspected of cooperation with Russia and interfaith incitement.

The Russian Orthodox Church called the reaction of the world community to what is happening in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra inadequate to the events.

11 hours ago

The court sent the viceroy of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, Metropolitan Paul/Pavel, under house arrest for two months. NAZI UCRAINI https://vz.Ru/news/2023/4/1/1205675.html

and banned him from communicating with believers, Ukrainian media reported. The viceroy of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, Metropolitan Pavel, will spend two months under house arrest,

and he is also forbidden to communicate with believers, reports RIA Novosti. The prosecutor's office demanded that the court arrest Metropolitan Pavel for 60 days with the use of an electronic bracelet and a ban on recording appeals to believers in social networks, the Union of Orthodox Journalists reports, TASS reports. Earlier, the lawyers of the viceroy of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, Metropolitan Paul (Lebed),

requested the judge's recusal due to the rejection of their petition, which was rejected. We recall that the Metropolitan was taken to a second hearing from the hospital. The governor of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra was suspected of cooperation with Russia and interfaith incitement. The Russian Orthodox Church called the reaction of the world community to what is happening in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra inadequate to the events.

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Social media influencer uses her online platforms to educate millions on democracy? which democracy? those are a legion of demons Zelensky-Ursula hail Rothschild who don't forget and don't forgive, I'LL SHIELD LICENSED, THE RELEASE OF COMPARISON "THE PUNISHMENT BEGINS: ACT OF RULING OF THE PALACE" Sep 30, 2022 #Governo #Parlamento #Costituzione "I was kicked out for defending the #Constitution. On September 28, 2022 it was decreed that police officers are slaves of the #Government on duty". Thus Nunzia Alessandra #Schilirò puts the point to a bitter chapter for her career: the former deputy commissioner receives the dismissal for the words spoken on October 10 last year on the San Giovanni stage, for which she had previously been suspended: " I am here to disagree with the green pass which is absolutely incompatible with our Constitution", he said in the demonstration that made it known to the general public and served as a meal for the controversy. The news comes immediately after the elections for which she stood as a candidate with the #Paragone faction, which however remained outside the #Parliament, closing the polling station with 1.9% of preferences: "Since yesterday, probably after they had the counts of the elections and they had made sure that we had lost, I was dismissed", she explains in a video: "I was therefore fired for what I said on stage and for the recurrence, for continuing to express my ideas It is the first case of dismissal in history for having exercised article 21". Its political leader Gianluigi Paragone was also indignant, who did not mince words to express his anger: "It is a clear act of arrogance by the building", but he also gives the first indication of his political continuity: "With Nandra, with Giovanni #Frajese, with Stefano #Puzzer we will continue our battles. We will resist".

Nunzia Schilirò fired, the announcement in a video: "Expelled from the Police for defending the Italian Constitution" democracy? which democracy? those are a legion of demons Zelensky-Ursula hail Rothschild who do not forget and do not forgive https://youtu.Be/2YqU80Ci3M8


1 apr 2023 #Schilirò #Camuso #greenpass "The life you are stealing from us". I wonder if Nunzia #Schilirò will have found herself in the title of Angela #Camuso, when she was notified of the invitation to the presentation of Sala Zuccari. First deputy commissioner, then champion "of the no #greenpass" (according to television media), finally fired following several duels on generalist TV. All to claim everyone's free choice during the pandemic whether or not to be injected with the serum on which so many background stories are recently coming out. The fact that some studies - such as the one on the ability to block infections - have not been conducted (Pfizer dixit) is now established. Not to mention the developments of the Bergamo prosecutor's investigation into the pandemic management of the Conte government and the emails shown to Fuori dal Coro in which some Aifa exponents encourage not to publish various inconvenient data on the vaccine. Everything seems to cry out injustice, "but clarity needs to be clarified not so much because - as someone says - we ask for revenge. Even if it would never be too late if someone wanted a little #justice. However, I believe that what we want more than any other what is that what happened is never repeated again". Then the warning about those responsible: "Do you think they are simply a dozen politicians who have not been up to the level of the institutions they represent? I think there are legions of categories of people who have acted as accomplices. Because these three years have been the triumph , the praise of the herd on the human being. And to avoid all this, journalists have a central role: the indispensable prerequisite for any right and freedom is free information".

David Wilkerson The Private War of a Saint


we make Rockefeller eat worms and he wants us to eat them


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Bin ISIS MBS from Riyadh [[ DON GABRIELE AMORTH ECCE CRUCEM DOMINI FUGITE PARTES ADVERSAE ]] if, I have successfully exercised the ministry of exorcist? Sure from 24 years old, to 34 years old this was very easy for me, I've been a successful exorcist, and you can't imagine how I made your Allahs demons jump and sing like rats in boiling oil,

then, how did I pass through the corridors of the school up to my 61 years? all the lgbtqia and all the Rat demons DEM Monkeys Lapid Dawin they got hives, even if I didn't say anything that it's because I was fired by them who took over the institutions, but if you together with your AaAshsholes put two horseshoes of 5kg each? then, why should you be afraid of me?

14 hours ago


Today is a new round of conflict around the Pechersk Lavra in Kiev after Ukrainian Orthodoxy cut ties with Moscow in May and declared "full independence". March 29 was supposed to be the last day for clergy of the pro-Russian Ukrainian Orthodox Church to leave the historic cave monastery complex. The Kyiv Pechersk Lavra is home to a branch of Orthodox Christianity in Ukraine that is traditionally loyal to Patriarch Kirill, the leader of the Russian church, a close ally of President Vladimir Putin

and a supporter of war against Ukraine. The monks were ordered to leave the monastery. For days the faithful of the Russian rite have been stationed in front of the religious building.

Yesterday it became known that the Ministry of Culture of Kiev filed a lawsuit against the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate (UOC-MP) for not allowing the ministerial commission to take possession of the Cave Monastery in the capital.

14 hours ago

Metropolitan monastery of Kiev, 'accused of cursing Zelensky'


Related video: Monks and faithful oppose eviction from Monastery of the Caves, Kiev envoys rejected

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Social media influencer uses her online platforms to educate millions on

14 hours ago

Metropolitan Kiev monastery, 'accused of having cursed Zelensky' [[ THE SATANISTS HAVE CREATED Zelensky AND ONLY THE DRUID SORCERER BERGOGLIO COULD BLESS HIM WITH THE WITCH URSULA WHO ALL CALLS IN HELL THE PACHAMAMA ]] ROME, 01 APR - Metropolitan Pavel, vicar of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra monastery reported that it received a search warrant this morning from the Ukrainian authorities, as reported by the Russian state news agency RIA Novosti. "Now my house will be searched," the metropolitan said, adding that he was accused of "collaboration with Russia and interreligious incitement." "They also say that I cursed President Zelensky," Pavel said, noting that the reference is to his quotation of Gospel verses.

Discussion on World Israel News 7 comments

Different leader, same antisemitism: New Human Rights Watch chief has

14 hours ago

to my favorite brother and king favorite ISIS slaughterer Bin MBS al-Riyadh hail akbaaarr ] [ you know very well why all the CIA churches of satan are terrified at the thought of me,


14 hours ago

the one in Kiev is always a war of religion, because atheism is a dogma like the criminal Darwin theory and fluid identity from Lapid in the planet of the apes, that is, when the mutineers at CREATOR Spa & FED ECB BM IMF Coorporations UMMAH nazi Rockefeller_Rothschild Soros: the mouse DEM lgbt all Jews usurers Freemasons pimps and Marranos anti-Zionists globalists and anti-Christs ENLIGHTENED by Allah Lucifer JabulON Sodom Dracula have taken control of finance, politics, science and media, Spa & Co and have expelled God JHWH holy, my God of Abraham, then, they enthroned Satan OWL Sharia and conspired together with the Ottomans and Wahhabis in a very rational occult Masonic, supernatural kabalistic esoteric and bloody against Israelis and against Christians, for about 2000 years, therefore, they took possession of the Jewish Christian symbols and of the Vatican, and of all the institutions and, with their lies, they are pushing mankind to destruction because their criminal, bureaucratic, judicial and lying power has been challenged by the Russians, the Israelis and the Chinese, Metropolitan Pavlov Arrested in Kiev In the courtroom he says he is "against aggression", but does not mention Russia. Metropolitan Pavlov patriot hero in KIEV - The tug of war between the Ukrainian authorities and the leaders of the Orthodox Church close to Moscow is increasingly dramatic in Kiev: Metropolitan Pavel of the monastery of the Caves of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra has announced that he has been placed under house arrest.

Discussion on World Israel News 10 comments

Russia arrests Wall Street Journal reporter on spying charge

16 hours ago

The Mystery of Stonehenge? it was built by an antediluvian civilization of giants, in a gigantic dinosaur way

Although there is no direct evidence, some scholars believe that druids may have been involved in the construction or use of Stonehenge, the famous megalithic monument in England, built with the power of dinosaurs.

Druidic rituals like those of the CIA UK OTAN today? the same human sacrifices in honor of saruman saruman and rockefeller

Druids celebrated rituals linked to the cycles of nature, such as the solstices and equinoxes, and worshiped numerous deities linked to the earth, the sky and the elements. It is thought that they used sacred objects such as mistletoe and oak in their ceremonies and practiced human and animal sacrifice.

16 hours ago

Volodymyr Oleksandrovyč Zelens'kyj is a political buffoon, corrupt thief actor, pimp Freemason director, lgbtqia screenwriter Darwin+++ and above all cowardly Ukrainian comedian,


I'm about to send you 50,000 North Korean soldiers, and they'll make a movie about you

16 hours ago

the blessing of Allah Lilit JaBulOn OWL Marduch Biden Draghi Meloni Macron Sodomitic Masons SAaAdistich Hail Rothschild Nazi von Ursula and fascist Borrell with all anti-Zionist Satanists and anti-Christs BERGOGLIO, and Mosochkistitich Zelensckyi. Russia Uses Hypersonic Missiles In Ukraine and OTAN 4th Raich, At least 10 people were killed yesterday as Russia launched its biggest airstrike in weeks. It has attacked targets across the country with a variety of weapons, including its latest hypersonic missiles. Hypersonic missiles can reach speeds five times the speed of sound. According to Ukrainian officials, the attacks caused power outages in several regions and damaged three power plants. Six new hypersonic missiles, called "Kinzhals" or "Daggers", were used in the attacks. This is the highest number of missiles used by Russia in a single wave since the start of the war a year ago, according to the Ukrainian Air Force. In total, Russia has fired nine types of cruise and ballistic missiles and eight explosive drones of Iranian origin. Of the 81 missiles fired during the night and morning, 47 hit targets, according to Ukraine. This is a ratio between successful launches and missiles fired much higher than that achieved by Russia in its attacks in recent months.

Discussion on World Israel News 34 comments

Poll: Trump’s lead in Republican primaries doubled ahead of indictment

16 hours ago

#Pakistan, at least 12 people die in food rush, among them nine women and three children: the tragedy in Karach


ok Rothschild cursed us, but did Mohammed curse you?

16 hours ago

Ukraine and the Western Spa&Co curse, latest news: Russia missiles all over the country, hitting the capital Kiev. There are casualties - damage to civilian structures

Russian attack in the early hours of dawn in Zaporizhia, in Ukraine, where the largest nuclear power plant in Europe is located. with a fire breaking out in a private residence.


Putin had told the Ukrainians: "no problem, I'll heal you, I'll help you financially, don't go to satan sodom lgbt Ursula Von Hail 4th Raich because they are bad", but all the Freemasons had already been paid well by the CIA, and therefore the 2014 coup had to be done

Discussion on World Israel News 9 comments

WATCH: Israeli innovation converts sea waves into electricity

messia king lorenzoJHWH

16 hours ago

I saw Sanna Mirella Marin surrounded by witches and satanists but, she is only a Finnish politician (practically she is a happy goose), since 10 December 2019 everything has always gone too well with the Russians, yet she said: "yes true the Russians have never done anything wrong, against Finland, in 70 years, but Rockefeller and Erdogan said, "but who's to say tomorrow?".

so Stoltemberg is bringing there as soon as possible well, 400 all new tactical nuclear missiles

Discussion on World Israel News 20 comments

WATCH: Azerbaijan opens first-ever embassy in Israel

"I'm a trophy, I will still do politics". Eva Kaili goes straight


maybe it will be a trophy of the goat Allah? but, if she is guilty of having sold the blood of innocent Christian martyrs to the genocide of the UMMAH? then, you shoot her

In short, she was dressed in the Western style. We had explained to her that if she wanted to practice her religion than prayer and nutrition she would be super respected. She looked at me to say 'even no', she wasn't interested in religious discourse".



"The day after she was taken to the community, Saman looked like a different person compared to the girl I had seen 24 hours earlier in my office when he told me about the arranged marriage. I went to the community to see the girl and talk to the community coordinator. The day before she was wearing the classic clothes of her culture: trousers, long shirt and veil. In the community she, on the other hand, had her long hair down, a black T-shirt and jeans.

/non-voleva-essere-musulmana-chi-era-saman-secondo-l-assistente-sociale/ this is political assassination ordered by all ARAB LEAGUE sharia, but UN always condemns Israel only, and never see Christian martyrs killed by sharia ] [ Saman Abbas had voluntarily rejected Islam. This is what emerges during the hearing in the court of Assizes in Reggio Emilia. In fact, her testimonies tell of a girl not at all interested in religious discourse and who from the first day outside her parents' house would have dressed in Western fashion. Saman entered to Bologna community in 11- 2020, when she had turned to social services explaining the forced marriage with an older cousin decided by her parents. The social worker who followed the young woman on behalf of the juvenile court of Bologna, said in the courtroom:

Pnrr money and gay rights, Europe slaps Meloni's Italy,

Yesterday Italy took another slap from Europe. On the issue of gay

rights. In particular of the possibility for a homosexual couple, even males, to have a child with the so-called gestation for others (which the right calls "womb for rent") and to be able to recognize it. The Italian mayors, for some time, have not objected and recognize the two fathers. And therefore their rights and the rights of the child. However, the right-wing government recently intervened to prohibit mayors from registering double parents.


Ursula told MELONI I'll leave you in your underwear

/italy-is-gay-il-blitz-lgbt-a-torino-e-scoppia-la-polemica/ no comment A manifesto pro-homosexual movements appeared overnight in Turin, in Corso Dante and Corso Regina Margherita, by the artist who is considered the Italian Banksy, Alessandro Villa.


thisi is evolutin Darwin APE

The Italian Banksy brings the iconography of the Riace bronzes to the side of LGBTQ propaganda and uses the image of the back of these statues as a symbol of homosexual culture, so much so that the words "Italy is BERGOGLIO gay" stand out.


for the lgbtqia all the statues of magna greece are all perverts like them, because those fighting soldiers don't go shaking and squealing like Lapid with fishnet stockings, at no cost in a "Gay pride farm++++"

free Julian Assange ] [ "Josep Borrell you prove your words, defend Julian Assange and Marat Kasem. For balance," said Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, citing the case of Wikileaks founder

awaiting extradition to the United States, in prison in Great Britain, and of the editor-in-chief of the Lithuanian editorial office of Sputnik arrested last January in Latvia on charges of espionage.

Zakharova responds to criticism by European Union High

Representative for Foreign Policy Josep Borrell after the arrest of Wall Street Journal journalist Evan Gershkovich. "The EU condemns the detention in Russia of the journalist and American citizen Gershkovich.

free Julian Assange

free Julian Assange

with the bloody 2014 CIA-Nuland coup a terrible civil war has started within the Ukrainian people, for the imperialist project of the rockefellers to go and kill the Chinese because they do not buy his demonic money from him at interest, the western narrative is totally corrupt

the truth is entering the United Nations. The Security Council chaired by Lavrov: "Kiev is the scam of the century"

with the bloody CIA-Nuland coup and the pogroms against Russian speakers? and the ouster of the legitimate president janukovish? no, there is no longer a Ukrainian constitutional charter that can be valid under international law

Discussion on World Israel News 20 comments

WATCH: Azerbaijan opens first-ever embassy in Israel

BRUSSELS, 31 MAR - "I can't wait to raise the flag of Finland at NATO headquarters in the coming days. Together we are stronger and safer". like radioactive excrement.

Stoltemberg's true calling is to take Zelensky's place as a comic actor

to Netanjahu ] go to Armenia and set up the military bases and then let's see how the Ottoman and Shia Mohammedans will fake Abraham's covenants with you

to Netanjahu ] [ I know it's the dirty geopolitics rockefellers and wahhabis invented over 400 years, and you have to swim in their sewer, but God and me? we will not forgive you

Azerbaijan opens first embassy in Israel in exchange for genocide of Armenians

la-russa-e-l-attentato-di-via-rasella-i-partigiani-uccisero-musicisti-pensionati-non-nazisti-pagina-ingloriosa-scoppia-la-polemica/ La Russa and the attack in via Rasella: “The partisans killed retired musicians, not Nazis. Inglorious page". "Everyone knows that the Nazis murdered

prisoners, including politicians, Jews, anti-fascists and randomly rounded up people,

obviously not people who worked with them." And again: «The attack in via Rasella was not one of the most glorious pages of the partisan Resistance: they killed a musical band of South Tyroleans, knowing full well the risk of retaliation to which they exposed Roman citizens, anti-fascists and otherwise».


the democracy of the Rothschild parasites has sold us a lot of lies, and we who have always seen young German soldiers in the movies

"As children of the devil ALLAH, i.e. the false children of Abraham, the ISIS Masons, and assassins islamists new ottoman empire azerbaijan bahrain this is how the scum of Allah jabulOm OWK Baal Rockefeller OCI UMMAH jihad sharia spa&Co, how they bonded by a close friendship", that is,. to finish exterminating Armenians


if Israel does not stop selling the innocent blood of innocent Christians? soon God will blot it out again

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Ramadan celebration hosted by Israeli, Azerbaijani and Bahraini diplomats in

"As children of the devil ALLAH, i.e. the pretended sons of Abraham, the peoples of Azerbaijan, Bahrain and Israel like scum have bonded in close friendship," said Israeli Ambassador to the United States Mike finish exterminating the Armenians. Israel must stop thinking about surviving by selling the blood of Christian martyrs to Mohammedans, or God will blot it out again.

Israel must stop thinking about surviving by selling the blood of Christian martyrs to Mohammedans, or God will blot it out again.

9 hours agoDetected as spam

to my favorite brother ISIS King al-MBS wahhabi slaughterer from Riyadh ] [ my friend self proclaimed pastor NIC with no sheep i.e. a religious maniac like executioner Erdogan? he said: "that my vocation ministry of King of Israel lorenzoJHWH, and of procurator UniusREI? this ministry could never come from God, why besides being an evangelist? no other ministry can exist, because God has no sovereignty to exercise on this earth" ] [ answer ] [ israel must stop thinking about surviving, by selling the blood of Christian martyrs to Mohammedans, or God will erase it again. ] in vain I tried to explain to him that my third Jewish temple has been prophesied, throughout the Bible and that it will be most holy, since the final antichrist will desecrate it, and that everyone can be a minister of God in their state of life, and that especially politicians - like us - can do it, so we will We have received your request for review

Israel must stop thinking about surviving by selling the blood of Christian martyrs to Mohammedans, or God will blot it out again.

We have received your request for review 4 hours ago Detected as spam

I know well the scum of my subjects and what they are capable of, and how perverse their thoughts are

https://twitter.Com/Spriter99880/status/1641935338086989826 BIDEN IS a ZOMBIES @Spriter99880 Who controls Biden? The discovery of the microphone of the agent who accompanied the President of the United States showed how he guides Biden step by step.





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I know well the scum of my subjects and what they are capable of, and how perverse their thoughts are

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to my King and favorite brother ISIS bin MBS wahhabi slaughterer to Riyadh ] [ Israeli Ambassador Mike Herzog, Bahraini Ambassador Shaikh Abdulla Bin Rashid Al Khalifa and Azerbaijani Ambassador Khazar Ibrahim at joint Ramadan event in Washington DC ]

this is the truth:

it is impossible to make Abraham's covenants without me:

and these Masons scum of the anti-Zionist and anti-Christian devil, they pretend to make the pacts of Abraham, but they only do it because they want to go and end the genocide of the Armenians

to my King and favorite brother ISIS bin MBS wahhabi slaughterer to Riyadh ] [ you will say what is strange and grotesque? ok, everyone reads the bible so god can talk to them, but god doesn't, and seldom speaks to masons and cowards, but i don't read the bible for exactly the same reason, ie, god always wants to talk to me, and this is my main problem:

it is impossible: that I want to talk to God, or that God has to talk to me, why in this way? I should pretend to be a rational agnostic: a universal politician, while by definition I can never lie, and never tell a single lie, and this has now been a dogma for 15 uninterrupted years, which is a dogma universally recognized by all cannibal priests of satan of the CIA

to my King and favorite brother ISIS bin MBS wahhabi slaughterer to Riyadh ] [ my friend self proclaimed pastor NICOLA with no sheep i.e. a religious maniac like a crazy assassins your jihad galaxy sharia genocide against impure blasfemes apostates chinese kafirrrr Allah uhh akbarrr, ie not fake democracy nazi rothschild, ma Ummah nazi genocide worldwide sharjah only?


i am agnostic laicity theocracy for universal and rational brotherhood for natural and universal Abraham Noé Melchisedech Adam Law, all my forerunners like saint kabbalah for zionism and kingdom Israel that is kingdom of blessing God YHVH holy in this our time

[[ you should have understanding for me that I drank two glasses of genuine wine at 14% alcohol ]]

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to my favorite brother ISIS King al-MBS wahhabi slaughterer from Riyadh ] [ my friend self proclaimed pastor NICOLA with no sheep i.e. a religious maniac like a crazy boia Erdogan? he said: "that my vocation ministry of King of Israel lorenzoJHWH, and of procurator UniusREI? this ministry could never come from God, why besides being an evangelist? no other ministry can exist, because God has no sovereignty to exercise on this earth"


in vain I tried to explain to him that my third Jewish temple has been prophesied, throughout the Bible and that it will be most holy, since the final antichrist will desecrate it, and that everyone can be a minister of God in their state of life, and that especially politicians - like us - can do it, so we will

We have received your request for review

Discussion on World Israel News 12 comments

Ramadan celebration hosted by Israeli, Azerbaijani and Bahraini diplomats in

to my favorite brother ISIS King al-MBS wahhabi slaughterer from Riyadh ] [ my friend self proclaimed pastor NICOLA with no sheep i.e. a religious maniac like a crazy Khamenei? he said : 1. since Adam gave our planet to SATAN, and since: 2. spa&Co Rockefeller&Rothschild they sucked and licked, so well the lower and intimate parts of lucifer (that he is the demon even if he often bidet by Biden, but still he stinks too much maybe even for that? 3. well then, politics could never be and make something that can do something good for God, or that could be construed as a ministry from God"

tutti-nel-piazzale-l-esponente-di-sinistra-mette-donzelli-a-testa-in-giù/ after the world war the Rockefellers and the Anglo-Americans ordered TITO and his Bolshevik partisans, the extermination of 400,000 Istrians of Fiume Dalmatia and Gorizia (an Italian region incorporated by Yugoslavia), because those heroic populations at the risk of their death had saved 200,000 Jews fleeing the Balkans

it is a certain Jewish-Masonymous press that portrayed the Italian Communists as heroes, but we must not forget that they were Bolsheviks, and after the war they killed seminarians and Catholic action boys who had nothing to do with Fascism and who had before raped and then killed innocent girls accused of being the daughters of a fascist, and in FIAT they had amassed weapons for armed struggle in conjunction with an anticipated Soviet invasion, so much so that Occidentente and Cossiga invented the GLADIO for self-defense

As for his presence at the upcoming celebrations of the Liberation Day from Nazi-fascism, La Russa: "I went as Minister of Defense to pay homage to the monument of the partisans, I brought a bunch of flowers to all the partisans, even the red ones who, as well known they did not want a free and democratic Italy but they wanted a communist Italy.


this is true the Italian communists were murderers and traitors and fought to let Italy enter the Soviet Union, just as all Muslims today fight to enter the UMMAH, and slaughter all the lgbt and Boldrini

Discussion on World Israel News 76 comments

Saudi journalist visiting Israel hints Riyadh wants role in administering

my favorite dear king brother ISIS MBS from Riyadh ] [ Saudi journalist visiting Israel suggests Riyadh wants a role in the administration of Jerusalem's holy places

then the holy place is only one the "dome of the rock" because all the rest is mine,

and to me this ISIS Wahhabi request seems like a reasonable and legitimate request

so King Cipolla Carlo said: "But the world (they believe they have already killed all the Israelis, all the Christians, and all the Russians and the Chinese, and they already feel the world) does not stand by and do nothing. we coup plotters assassins, plutocrats, technocrats, Satanists, Luciferians, Islamists and sodomitic Masons, we are shaken by the terrible devastation that we brought with the 2014 coup in Ukraine, but we can take courage in our unity to defend our peace and our freedom and our power through those stupid slave goyims of Ukraine".

"Brave, important and welcome",

so King Onion Charles also praised the sending of weapons to Kiev by Germany of the 4th Raich of the OTAN imperilism lgbtqia and aggressive Darwin monkeys with Lapid's club

everyone in the Bundestag with one voice, shouted:

"hurrah us rich hippy hippy hurra, hurrah rich DEM of 4th Raich of the OTAN 666 lgbt NATO."

Carlo Cipolla III launched an appeal to the Freemasons of Satan and the Freemasons of Sodom to remain united: in the values of JabulOn and Lucifer, to obtain anti-Zionism and the anti-Christ among us as soon as possible. “The security of Europe's super rich plutocrats is constitutive and foundational of our demonic demn rat values, and masinci technocratic plutocrats and democratic neoliberals are under threat. , long live rich DEMs of the 4th Raich of the OTAN 666 lgbt NATO."

King Charles speaks to the Bundestag, between Ukraine and the applause of the Nazi deputies Ursula Azov battalion and the applause of the fascist deputies Pravy Sector: the battalions of death.

Europe's security is threatened by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. King Cipolla Charles III said it, speaking in the Bundestag, the lower house of the German Parliament, the first time that a British monarch holds a speech in front of the German deputies and moreover in the Teutonic language, paying homage to his German roots and to the future 4 ° Raich of the OTAN 666 lgbt NATO.

GB, King Onion Charles III in Germany speaks to the Bundestag and says in German: "Hail" and called it "a great honor to renew our bond of friendship". In the speech delivered in some passages in German, the British sovereign recalled the common imperilistic values, the common challenges of the two countries, that is, to go and kill the Russians who rebelled against rockefeller, and who suffered a bloody coup against CIA Nuland in pogrom 2014 "Hail"

and it is with prison that all those who made Israel great will be punished

The grand jury of satan and sodom and allah in New York has voted to indict Donald Trump. The tycoon will be the first former president to face criminal charges.

coincidentally he is a man of the right.

that's why Netanjahu will end up in prison, that is, if she doesn't first put on the stiletto heels and fishnet stockings that Lapid hides in his closet

Bolsonaro says he will talk about Saudi jewels because "there is nothing to hide"

Muslims throw money and jewels in the face of Western politicians so they don't see the blood of Christians in the Arab League.

while lgbt and DEM approve and collaborate in the execution of Christians around the world

the greatest Masonic social engineering specialists in history Rothschild Sodom and Rockefelelr have made a world where only if you are a corrupt DEM can you prosper,

that is why Israel has no hope of survival

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Saudi journalist visiting Israel hints Riyadh wants role in administering

Why France has denied the extradition of the ex-Br assassins, Spataro and Caselli and the speeches of left-wing judicial populism,

if you are DEM and murderers and thieves like the red brigades? the Mason judges will not see you, being DEM is equivalent to impunity from the crime committed, and defending myself from a DEM executive who has persecuted me unjustly is something very burdensome,

ambiguous and difficult, but then, the executive has the insurance of the State and he would in any case emerge unscathed, that is, if another DEM judge were forced to convict him


Those processes, the highest togas of France tell us today, were not perfectly aligned with what is prescribed by article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights. Which has its fundamental point in the principle of habeas corpus. And it is surprising that it is precisely some Italian magistrates, not only the former prosecutor Armando Spataro and Giancarlo Caselli, but the entire category in its trade union representation, the ANM, who launch themselves into the corporate defense of those processes with arguments closer to populism judiciary rather than the rule of law. /perché-la-francia-ha-negato-l-estradizione-agli-ex-br-spataro-e-caselli-e-i-discorsi-di-populismo-giudiziario/

Trump indicted: it is the first time for a former American president.

Obama killed with the CIA, the little Asian girl who told him by Epstein: "you are a pig"

here only those who are right-wing end up in jail

this is a Masonic conspiracy against Zionism.

and lgbtqia have begun to persecute all those who oppose the lie of the Darwin theory

1. if 98 Maidan killings of the CIA in the Kiev coup,

2. if 8 years of pogroms against Russian speakers are the legitimate rights of Ukrainian democracy, then, too

legitimacy too all our false Masonic democracies of high constitutional treason bank seigniorage they too collapse.

Discussion on World Israel News 13 comments

WATCH: Why does The Voice have a blue square on screen? Hint: It’s about the

Pope Francis, admitted to Gemelli, improves: this morning he read the newspapers (including Il Messaggero)

yes, he reads everything except the Gospel

Scrolling through the UN report, drawn up after three years of careful investigations, seems to read something we've always known.

Italy is the victim of the Rothschild-Kalergi plan of ethnic replacement, anything that can be useful to kill the faith in Jesus of Bethlehem.

Italy is Libya's accomplice, the UN report nailing us down. BONINO-Soros said it as a murderous pump: "we made the request to obtain the migrants".

What will the government do now? It will suspend, as always requested in the same UN report, the supply of means and money, a lot of money, to the so-called "coast guard", which is nothing more than an articulation of that network of criminals against humanity who hold the Libya, the future of its civil society and thousands of innocent refugee women, men and children? Or not, he won't care as all governments have done before, and in the name of the fact that we need to stop the humanity that knocks on our doors, by any means, even by getting them all killed or rot in concentration camps, he will continue to feed the tormentors ?


Italy is the victim of the Rothschild-Kalergi plan of ethnic replacement, anything that can be useful to kill the faith in Jesus of Bethlehem.

Italy is Libya's accomplice, the UN report nailing us down. BONINO-Soros said it as a murderous pump: "we made the request to obtain the migrants". "The (so-called, ed.) Libyan coastguard works in close liaison with human traffickers". Let's combine this explicit passage of the report of the UN Commission of Investigation with the press conference held in Cutro by Prime Minister Meloni. Let's combine the declarations of the United Nations with Meloni's "we will hunt down traffickers over the entire globe". /l-italia-è-complice-della-libia-il-rapporto-onu-che-ci-inchioda/

/cavo-dragone-i-rulli-dei-tamburi-di-guerra-non-sono-lontani/ the masonic power rothschild bildenberg vatican, del Cavo Dragone, 'the rolls of war drums are not far away'

Western corruption and mystification are blatantly criminal, just as the bank seigniorage that has shaped Western societies is criminal

the freemasons lgbtqia DEM do not see the Nuland coup of 2014 and everything that happened in the following 8 years, after all the false accounting of the IMF FED ECB cannot be sustained for long and the people must be sent to the pulp of war world

/pro-vita-famiglia-vergognosa-ingerenza-da-ue-che-condanna-italia-per-stop-a-figli-coppie-gay/ the EU is Italy's greatest enemy, italexit, Pro Vita Famiglia: "Shameful interference by the EU which condemns Italy for stopping children from gay couples" "The interference of the European Parliament which condemns Italy for stopping the transcripts of 'children' of gay couples is very serious and shameful. There are no 'children' of gay couples. Two men and two women cannot have children. There are children that gay couples have given themselves by exploiting barbaric and illegal practices in most of the world such as the uterus for rent and the sale of human gametes". This was stated by Jacopo Coghe, spokesman for Pro Vita & Famiglia.

the EU is Italy's greatest enemy, italexit,

From there come the four men who raised the case before the Court. In 2017 they were rescued at sea and taken to Lampedusa, where they were held for ten days in the center of the Imbriacola district, then forced to return to the country they had fled from.

the EU is Italy's greatest enemy, italexit,

Lampedusa, Italy condemned for "inhuman treatment" and illegal refoulements Financially speaking, it is not onerous. The Italian State will have to pay the four applicants 34,000 euros, plus another 4,000 in taxes and legal fees. But politically it is yet another rejection from Europe. And he does jurisprudence, therefore he risks making life legally difficult for the Meloni government, which is preparing for a new squeeze on arrivals and reception and is planning agreements to stop departures from Tunisia, as well as opening up to new disputes.

the EU is Italy's greatest enemy, italexit, Lampedusa, Italy condemned for "inhuman treatment" and illegal rejections. New condemnation for Italy in Strasbourg. The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has condemned the degrading treatment of migrants who arrived in Lampedusa, without any legal basis detained in the island's hotspot and irregularly, the judges say, expelled without their case being examined.

svelato-complotto-pakistano-iraniano-contro-bersagli-israeliani-in-grecia-due-arresti/ Pakistani-Iranian plot against Israeli targets in Greece unveiled: Two arrested. this is the hour of darkness..

The arrest of two Pakistani nationals in Greece for planning Iranian-sponsored terror attacks against Israeli and Jewish targets brings into question the strong relationship between Pakistan and Iran over the spread of terrorism in Europe.

Discussion on World Israel News 10 comments

Tens of thousands of judicial reform supporters protest in Tel Aviv

The EU nazi movement lgbtqia plutocratic DEM, hates democracy, and the electoral base, so it has settled in the technocracy. this forces Italy to leave NATO and the EU


These are days of great turmoil at Palazzo Chigi. Where for weeks they have been grappling with a paradox and a nemesis. The first on the Pnrr (complete with a phone call between Giorgia Meloni and Mario Draghi), the second on the landings and immigration front.

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The Nazi Anti-Government Protest Rockefeller Regime Movement Soros from Hell has however said they will continue to take to the streets...until their coup is successful

"Today everyone knows, in the coalition as in the opposition, that it is necessary to carry out reforms and corrections in the judicial system.

It is possible to discuss the matter, it is important to reach an agreement, but we will not allow a surrender". "The popular vote must not be trampled on by thugs who have encouraged disobedience and damage to the Israeli economy.

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Discussion on World Israel News 18 comments

WATCH: Ex-PM Ehud Barak unveils strategy for bringing down Israel’s

the AaSASss Biden worried about the health of the Pope the pant, 'a dear friend'

Turkey ratifies Finland's accession to NATO

inevitably this means US nuclear missiles on the borders of Russia and vice versa, as ISLAM is a threat to mankind?

EU Parliament outstretched on Italy: assistance to gay couples

LGBTQIA have control of the media of culture and institutions, of the judiciary, of finance and impose their criminal and unconstitutional regime with bullying and violence by the judiciary.

the European Parliament expresses “concern at the fact that this decision is part of a wider attack against the Lgbtqi+ community in Italy; invites the Italian Government to immediately revoke its decision".


here is the blackmail: Stop the Pnrr, wrath of the Democratic Party: "Disastro, Meloni and Lease explain why we lose money"

and soon the SPREAD is coming, DEM sodomites can only be burned with fire from heaven, and by the wrath of God

lgbt DEM ] [ they have control of the media of culture and institutions, of the judiciary, of finance and impose their criminal and unconstitutional regime with the bullying and violence of the judiciary


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Instagram temporarily bans Jewish and Israeli accounts

when is a religion called positive

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