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Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

Antisemitic Miami mosque led by radical Islamists supported by Florida

Antisemitic Miami mosque led by radical Islamists supported by Florida

everyone rightly wants to bring peace to Sudan, but while in 30 years the Muslims of the UMMAH exterminated the Christians of Darfur? nobody cared about them,

like when the Sodom-Satans went to exterminate the Christians in Kosovo Armenia or Donbass? no one cared about them

Antisemitic Miami mosque led by radical Islamists supported by Florida taxpayers


SATAN Allah Spa&Co sodom petrodollars are in partnership, they are allied to go and kill the Chinese, and they are the constituent elements of the OTAN or new demonic world order

Netanjahu ] open letter: did you take away the Jewishness of these Jews? [ this killed by Hitler, that is,10,000 Saints Catholic Priests and Catholic Nuns, who came from Judaism were also sentenced to death, are also them in the Yad Vashem? you have

excommunicated them because they followed the love of Jesus of Bethlehem, and because they betrayed your God jabulOn Rockefeller the vampire usurer masoni parassite scam banking seigniorage? did you take away the Jewishness of these Jews, ie, 10,000 priests and Catholic nuns who came from Judaism were also sentenced to death bu Hitler, there are also them in Yad Vashem? Or didn't they deserve to be jews there because they betrayed your Rockefeller Satana Sodoma Baal Owl at bohemian grove cremation of cure?

‘Antisemitic’ Roger Waters concert in Frankfurt may now go ahead, German

Netanjahu ] open letter [ this killed by Hitler, that is,10,000 Saints Catholic Priests and Catholic Nuns, who came from Judaism were also sentenced to death, are also them in the Yad Vashem?

you excommunicated them because they followed the love of Jesus of Bethlehem and because they betrayed your God jabulOn Rockefeller the vampire usurer?

Netanjahu ] open letter [ this 10,000 priests and Catholic nuns who

came from Judaism were also sentenced to death, there are also them in

Yad Vashem?

Or didn't they deserve to be there because they betrayed your Rockefeller?


yes, there was anarchy, the mafia, the parasitic Masonic lobby, corruption, German girls were forced into prostitution, and entrepreneurs committed suicide, while the Jews were rich parasitic Freemasons in Germany and Italy.

The May 28 concert at the city's Festhalle where more than 3,000 Jews were assembled and abused by the Nazi regime in Nov. 1938 prior to their deportation to concentration camp


Edith Stein, in religion Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, was a German Christian nun, philosopher and mystic of the Order of Discalced Carmelites, a victim of the Holocaust. Of Jewish origin, she converted to Catholicism after a period of atheism that lasted from adolescence.

while the Stein sisters, both cloistered nuns, said, yes we are going to die for the sins of our people, in fact for the document of the Dutch bishops condemning Nazism, 10,000 priests and Catholic nuns who came from Judaism were also sentenced to death, and there are also them in Yad Vashem is the national body for the memory of the Holocaust of Jerusalem,



Arian Bergoglian heretic Christians and Rothschild Talmud of world usury? they wrote the murderous Koran 4 times, because for the first 3 editions it was not too hypocritical


King Riyadh claun Bin ISIS MBS ] dog face [ I am here because, there are holy rabbis who believe in the bible, but, of course I could not be here because of demonic IMAMs sharjah genocide of the Koran, of course, you Muslims you are the scum of the scum of hell a creation of the Talmud


King Riyadh claun Bin ISIS MBS ] 730 new ideas of the priests of satan of the CIA about CLAUN assassins cannibals spa&co CIRCUS horror OIC sharia, and you in which Masonic ranking of 55th degree of new world order are you?


King Riyadh claun Bin ISIS MBS ] and how come, everyone in the UN forgot that there was a NULAND coup in Ukraine Kiev Maidan in 2014? did you forget it too?


King Riyadh claun Bin ISIS MBS ] in hell everyone is saying that you are the marvel of CLauN takfir uuuhh akbbarr [ you know by chance, a certain King Slave who pays the bank seigniorage jihzia to Rothschild so that he can give you the privilege to go to around pretending to everyone to be a claun Re? in fact everything in the New World Order is a fiction, therefore fiction is all sovereignty


King Riyadh claun Bin ISIS MBS ] [ you know that fool of that sharia slave dhimmis Wahhabi takfirius king who pays the scam banking seigniorage, ie, the jihzia to rockefeller, which allows him to pretend to be a king?

Sodom or Allah or Satan, choose your demon': UN official calls for recognition of Taliban, but also a his post defending women's rights, yes, Allah akbarr women have no rights like man, because a potato hair can screw up 1400 years of Islamic genocidal

‘Two-faced’: UN official calls for recognition of Taliban, tweets post defending


king false Bin ISIS MBS ] [ you know the fool of that fake slave dhimmis Wahhabi king who pays the bank seigniorage jihzia to rockefeller?


'Two horn-faced by two-faced Janus horn Allah and Satan, choose your demon': UN official calls for recognition of Taliban, tweets post defending women's rights,


yes, akbarr women have rights superior to those of animals, because a potato hair can screw up 1400 years of Islamic genocide

WATCH: Polish activist denies Holocaust, 'only solution is destruction of Israel'


Christians Continue to be Purged: Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day, The evidence is overwhelming but Erdogan does not see them.

Turkey, in 2020, sent sharia-enforcing "jihadist groups," from Syria and Libya.... These Muslim groups committed numerous atrocities. These included raping an Armenian female soldier and mother of three, before hacking off all four of her limbs, gouging her eyes, and sticking one of her severed fingers inside her private parts. Greek City Times, September 25, 2020. Not only has it gone unpunished; NATO ally Turkey has resumed the genocide against the very descendants of those whom the Turks nearly exterminated over a century ago namely Armenians and Assyrians. More recently, in late 2022, Turkey launched thousands of attacks air, mortar, drone, artillery, etc. several miles deep into Syria's northern border. This is, of course, where most of the religious minorities live Christians, Yazidis, and Kurds, who a few years earlier experienced a genocide at the hands of the Islamic State ("ISIS"). "These military attacks by Recep Tayyip Erdogan's regime are part of a wider Turkish policy of annihilation of the Kurdish and Assyrian [Christian] people in northern Syria and Iraq. Turkey has committed war crimes and crimes against humanity, including bombing, shelling, abduction, torture, and extrajudicial killings. The attacks are part of Turkey's genocidal policies towards Kurds, Christians, and Ezidis." Genocide Watch, December 7, 2022. "This genocide is a pattern we see, and it's certainly nothing new.... For those who say 'Not on our watch!' or 'Never again!' here it is, happening again!" Charmaine Hedding, president of the US-based Shai Fund, webinar on Turkey's genocidal assault on Christians in Syria, rumble.Com, December 15, 2022.


if you don't bring terror against ISLAM, surely he will bring it against you] [ Christianity is what all of those otherwise diverse peoples had in common, and therefore it not nationality, ethnicity, territory, or grievances was the ultimate determining factor concerning who the Turks would and would not "purge." "Christians were considered infidels (kafir). The call to Jihad... was part of the plan." Joseph Yacoub, author of Year of the Sword: The Assyrian Christian Genocide An eyewitness recalled that... "outrages" [were] committed against "even children". "The opportunity [World War I] presented itself for clearing Turkish soil of a Christian race." Winston Churchill. "Turkey is taking advantage of the war in order to thoroughly liquidate its internal foes, i.e., the indigenous Christians, without being thereby disturbed by foreign intervention.. The question is settled. There are no more Armenians." Talaat Pasha, the de facto leader of the Ottoman Empire during the genocide, June 1915.


Christians Continue to be Purged: Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day, The evidence is overwhelming but Erdogan does not see them. "Each girl had been nailed alive upon her cross di lei, spikes through her feet and hands.." Aurora Mardiganian, Ravished Armenia. Often overlooked... is that this was less a genocide of Armenians and more a genocide of Christians. Thus the opening sentence of U.S. House Resolution 296, which passed on the hundredth anniversary of the genocide (2019), correctly mentions "the campaign of genocide against Armenians, Greeks, Assyrians, Chaldeans, Syriacs, Arameans, Maronites, and other Christians."


Sodomite and Islamist Satanists are an alternative and substitute society


if you don't bring terror against ISLAM, surely he will bring it against you

it is true: Polish activist denies Holocaust, ‘only solution is destruction of Israel’

WATCH - Rabbi Leo Dee Memorial Day appeal: Don't protest at cemeteries


if you don't bring terror against ISLAM? certainly he will bring it against you


Rabbi Leo Dee, who lost his wife Lucy, and

daughters, Maia, 20, and Rina, 15, in a Palestinian terrorist attack

earlier this month, appeals for unity out of respect of the fallen

soldiers and the victims of terror. ] [ he believes that ISLAM killed his family, and this is only 40% of the truth

because 60% is hidden in mandates that are private shareholders of central banks (max 200 people: enlightened lucifer plutocrats)

but of all that is born in the world of evil? is of the bank seigniorage stolen from the enslaved peoples, by the freemasons parasites and predator ie, 100% of all the responsibility

2 1

Terror in Jerusalem: Five injured in car-ramming attack, elderly man in


Terror in Jerusalem: Five hits in car-ramming attack, one in serious condition


if you don't bring terror against ISLAM'

certainly he will bring it against you


the islamic sharjah ORCS

burn Otan OIC jihad ISIS SATANA ALLAH SPA&CO JABULON SODOMAin Jesus' name amen hallelujah


Ummah OTAN ISIS SATANA ALLAH SPA&CO JABULON SODOMA WORKS TOGHETER IN ISRAEL against BIBLE Terror in Jerusalem: Five hit in car-ramming attack, one in serious condition

burn burn Otan ISIS SATANA ALLAH SPA&CO JABULON SODOMAin Jesus' name amen hallelujah


Facing criticism of partisanship, head of Jewish Federations defends its


Fingerhut told jabulOn JNS that Baal JFNA balances majority and minority issues "with great care kabbalah voodoo and great intentionality black magic".


ok, God YHWH calls you all in the Saudi Wahhabi desert of Midiana, to offer you the horns of your goats in expiatory sacrifice, where I will burn the bones of all your satan priests.

also because before entering the promised land you need 40 years of purification, and obviously I have the duty to hurt all those who will not obey me


In February, JFNA sent a letter to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and opposite leader Yair Lapid with very specific policy prescriptions, including that Israel “make clear that a majority of just 61 votes of the Knesset is not sufficient to override a decision of the Supreme Court.”


if there is bank seigniorage, then the government is without political sovereignty too,

so you can't do ISIS,

you can't make a monarchy

you can't make democracy.

to do something you must first have a sovereignty which is not the administrative management of the municipalities, given that true sovereignty is Masonic and occult

therefore the government is a trap to deceive the citizens, in fact the Judiciary (they said it) is worth more than the government

Bin ISIS Salman from Riyadh alias al-MBS ] [ 1. first it takes some time to take off,

2. then, after it arrives immediately,

3. then, it continues to be hard that he would do 10 other women and there is no way to put him to sleep.

4. please my friend never get old, but we are inside a body in time, and you are missing all the opportunities to save ISLAM from extinction, because NATO doesn't need to invent slander against you as it is bandaging against Putin

Israel marks 28,468 fallen soldiers, terror victims on Memorial Day

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sodom said that in the photo I am not beautiful, because the photographer was poor

Netanjahu BIBI ] [ open letter [ Israel marks 28,468 fallen soldiers, terror victims on Memorial Day and how many Israeli civilians have you killed as an accomplice of the Wahhabis in these 15 years? why did not you call me? why did you decide to kill all these innocent people?

why did you become an accomplice to Islamic terrorism?

let the satanists and their muslims come to me in contention

Baltic countries in revolt against the Chinese ambassador in France ] [ Josep Borrell assured that the joint ammunition purchase plan for Ukraine will be presented in the next few days

The case of the Chinese ambassador dominates the meeting of EU ministers


There is a misconception here that the Chinese government has rectified. but, OTAN undertook not to cross the Berlin Wall, in order not to threaten Russia's strategic security, which obviously no Mason has an interest in respecting it, because the orders are to unleash the world war against China, and then all the private shareholders of the FED know that their satan has been a liar and a murderer from the beginning

like as Israel ] [ Halved the fine of one million euros per day to Poland

however Sodom Rothschild Satan and Rockefeller do not want to lose their occult esoteric Masonic control over the states that are historically their subjects of bank seigniorage, through the control of the Masonic mafia judiciary

The Court of Justice of the EU reduces the amount of the fine, imposed in October 2021 for the disputed Warsaw judicial reform. Some of the measures adopted respond to the requests, but do not guarantee the implementation of all the provisional measures envisaged


Burkina Faso, about sixty people massacred by men in uniform

karma country in lakerma province,

where he intends to fight the jihadist aggression of Erdogan Ummah and Wahhabi

yes, in 2014 there was a Ukraine that was according to international law and that was Viktor Yanukovych's Ukraine that the Nuland conspiracy kicked out, now who wants a piece of Ukraine? he can go get it

BIN ISIS Salman you choose your destiny ] [ by the holiness of Netanjahu, and in the blessing of Abraham:

“I appeal to you, my brothers and sisters, citizens of Israel, at this holy moment, from here, the wailing wall, from which the Divine Presence has never shifted, and I ask us to mourn and grieve together. May we let that feeling of yearning envelop us, together. May we let that sound of our collective pain ring loudly on this Memorial Day, without discord, as we cry for our sons and daughters. Even as we refuse to find comfort, for they are no more.”

to the demonic lgbt perversion of DEM monkeys Darwin Rothschild high constitutional treason bank seigniorage.

Some families have demanded that lawmakers who did not serve in the IDF not attend ceremonies. They've also argued that politicians who criticize reservists for their refusal to serve, as part of a protest against the reforms, should be excluded from official events.


now we have two visions of ISRAEL (that of Rothschild and that of King lorenzoJHWH who has been here for 15 years)

and they are two irreconcilable visions and the bloody clash, for one of the two it will be a mortal clash

Xi-Jinping from CHINA ] [ Guterres to Lavrov, 'the Russian invasion violates the UN Charter' and then, he continued: "why the CIA-OTAN coup in Maidan square with 98 corpses killed by Chechen snipers, and the Odessa pogrom carried out by Nazi fascists? satan, and the genocide of russian speakers for 8 years in donbass? pleases lgbt Sodom DEM Lapid and Allah uuuhh akbarr"

Xi-Jinping from CHINA ] [there is nothing you can do to stop the aggression of the ogres of Sodom Allah and Satan, because you keep monetary sovereignty and they will come and take it away from you.

for Wahhabi kabbalah the civil war in Sudan is not a worrying act, because in Sudan the Christians have been killed and will never return.

in the war of Syria and Iraq between Shiites and Sunnis? 4 million Christians have disappeared and they will never come back, and this is the voodoo kabbalah of the Wahhabi Ottomans.

burn Rockefeller Owl lgbt NWO OIC Rothschild FED Spa&Co the instigators of jihad burn in jesus's name amen

drink your poison made by yourself

Israel marks 28,468 fallen soldiers, terror victims on Memorial Day ] [ this is the true concept of the knights crusaders, who were twice consecrated to stop the evil islamic horror genocide ummah and error ISIS, burn satana allah in jesus's name amen alleluia.

drink your poison made by yourself

burn Rockefeller Owl lgbt NWO OIC Rothschild FED Spa&Co the instigators of jihad burn in jesus's name amen

drink your poison made by yourself

Doctors slam ‘illegal’ strike called by medical union; political messages in

satan knows them in their demonic DEM identity ] [ Germany: Abortions post 4.6% decline in 2020

by iFamNews Germany, In 2020, 90,700 abortions were reported in Germany. Continue reading... »

Johns Hopkins psychiatrist: Transgender is 'mental disorder'; se* reassignment ‘biologically impossible’ by iFamNews Germany

"And so at Hopkins, we stopped doing gender reassignment surgery because producing a 'satisfied' but still troubled patient seemed like an insufficient reason to surgically amputate normal organs," Dr. McHugh said. Continue reading... »

Idaho governor bans trade in aborted baby body parts

Sale of human body parts of aborted fetuses is now banned.

Continue reading... »


First baby born to trans couple in France, but ECHR confirms nature: Woman is the mother, He wants to be the mother and she the father: the first trans couple in France fights to change law and nature.

Continue reading... »

infestation burn UMMAH OIC

NWO spa&Co burn OTAN CIA Spa&Co FED ECB BM OIC UMMAH burn in

Jesus's name amen hallelujah, drink your poison made by yourself,

amen hallelujah

“1.5 million Armenians were exterminated. Today they want to finish the job”

A dramatic and moving essay on yesterday's tragedy and what the heirs of the genocide are preparing today and tomorrow


and Hitler said: "who remembers the Armenian genocide today?"

and the IMAM uncle of Abu Mazen said: "burn them" one only attack kuran talmud and his demonic infestation burn UMMAH OIC

NWO spa&Co burn OTAN CIA Spa&Co FED ECB BM OIC UMMAH burn in

Jesus's name amen hallelujah, drink your poison made by yourself,

amen hallelujah

one only attack kuran talmud and his demonic infestation burn UMMAH OIC NWO spa&Co burn OTAN CIA Spa&Co FED ECB BM OIC UMMAH burn in Jesus's name amen hallelujah, drink your poison made by yourself, amen hallelujah ] [ Disney has been strangely fixated on LGBT content for far too long, with their subtle inclusion of gay characters in their movies, kissing gay couples, LGBT-oriented products. And most recently, their shocking gay concert with a group that openly ridicules parents and encourages the indoctrination of children! The good news is this: the more Disney gets swept up in the gay lobby; the more Disney neglects family values and respect for children's innocence; the more Disney stuffs its movies with Woke ideology, the worse it ends. Did you know that declining trust among parents and families around the world has led Disney to: Losing Millions of Subscribers: Disney has experienced a huge drop in subscribers due to their ideological change of direction. In just one quarter, the company lost 2.4 million subscribers, showing that many families are no longer comfortable with the content on offer. Mass layoffs: Disney's financial problems, caused in part by their woke agenda, have led to thousands of layoffs. In addition to the 7,000 recently laid off employees, Disney had to let go several thousand employees in the previous year. Falling stock value: Disney's stock value has plummeted more than 30% in the past year. Part of this decline in value can be attributed to the company alienating a significant portion of its once-loyal customer base. Damaged brand reputation: Disney's brand reputation has taken a serious hit. Many parents now view Disney as an organization that seeks to indoctrinate children, rather than provide wholesome, family-friendly entertainment. Their decisions are starting to hit them where it hurts, which is financially! There was a bright spot when their abysmal operating results over the past year forced former outspoken CEO Bob Chapek to step down and Bob Iger returned to the helm. But it seems the aforementioned signals weren't clear enough for new CEO Bob Iger and Disney isn't learning his lesson. We asked the CEO about Disney's recent partnership with the San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus to produce an LGBT-themed Disney musical, and the group's stated intentions to indoctrinate children. This gay chorus shockingly turned popular Disney songs like Aladdin and the Little Mermaid into a celebration of homosexuality. They even included readings for kids about what each song meant to them as gay men! We also challenged Iger about the company's decision to host highly sexualized Gay Pride parades at Disneyland parks around the world, where families used to take their kids for fun. burn burn OTAN CIA Spa&Co FED ECB BM OIC UMMAH burn in Jesus's name amen hallelujah, drink your poison made by yourself, amen hallelujah ] [ Disney has been strangely fixated on LGBT content for far too long, with their subtle inclusion of gay characters in their movies, kissing gay couples, LGBT-oriented products...

Last Sunday, the reading afternoon with drag satana queens in Rotterdam-Sodoma-Tel Aviv went ahead. Here you can see a video of OPEN Rotterdam with a report of the demonstrations (for and against). Halfway through, one of the reading queens, Ma'MaQueen, is also interviewed. Judge for yourself how suitable you think this appearance is for a children's audience: It is truly appalling that children had to face this. Unfortunately, our petition has not been able to stop this, because LantarenVenster has clearly sided with "woke". In any case, we have made our voice heard. Our task was to raise the price by informing as many people as possible about what LantarenVenster was doing. Hopefully all the hoopla has made the theater more reluctant to try something like this again in the sequel. In any case, we must continue to work to protect the innocence of children. We must and will continue to combat premature sexualization and gender confusion! Yours sincerely, Michiel Hemminga and the entire CitizenGO team P.S. Do you want to support setting up similar campaigns against a gone LGBTQ ideology in the future? Click here to make a one-off contribution! [ burn burn OTAN CIA Spa&Co FED ECB BM OIC UMMAH burn in Jesus's name amen hallelujah, drink your poison made by yourself, amen halleujah

THISI IS ALIENS ENTITY BY NEW WORLD ORDER DEEP STATE ] [ The strike has alienated patients with right-wing perspectives, who are now afraid that they will be treated differently by doctors if they express their political views.

Doctors increasingly wearing T-shirts or displaying posters that emphasize their opposition to the current government is also problematic, the concerned physicians wrote. ] [ burn

OTAN CIA Spa&Co FED ECB BM OIC UMMAH in Jesus's name amen

hallelujah, drink your poison made by yourself, amen halleujah

the Rockefeller coup was initiated by the Lapid DEMs and humanoid-shaped Darwin talmudic monkeys: the goyims without paternal genealogies, this is a transnational Masonic regime born of the Rothschild bank signorage, which was a high constitutional treason over 300 years ago against the Kingdom of God

By participating in the “illegal, political” strike, the Israeli Medical Association had “damaged relationships” and trust between doctors and patients, they wrote, as well as “endangered” people in dire need of medical treatment.

burn OTAN CIA Spa&Co FED ECB BM OIC UMMAH in Jesus's name amen alleluia,

drink your poison made by yourself

Israelis in Sudan said to be safe as West evacuates Khartoum

burn Sodoma DEM Darwin Apes Mokeys Satana Allah burn in Jesus's name amen alleuia ] [ DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF [ Nothing new from the Western Front woke

The clean slate of the Greens in power: universities and museums change names, academics cancelled, poets censored, books pulped, music banned, crosses removed. The suicide of the “junk culture”!

Giulio Meotti

in "TGItalia1" today they said that even if the young Turks made a genocide of 1.5 million Armenians in Turkey more than 100 years ago, and this genocide has always been hidden by cowards? Now everyone has recognized it except Erdogan

if lesbians and homosexuals were normal people? then, they would not need to ask for special laws in favor of their demonic dictatorship, and plagiarism, corruption, perversion of our children at school since kindergarten and elementary school,

lesbians are not women

and homosexuals are not men

and what are they? only satan knows

Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, and Gen. Mohammed Hamdan Dagalo escalated into open fighting between forces loyal to the two generals on April 15. According to the United Nations World Health Organization, 413 people, mostly civilians, have been killed in the fighting


these criminals raped the Christian girls, they exterminated all the Christians in Darfur for 30 years, because the demon Allah sharjah Wahhabi gave his directives

Israel arrests pro-terror Jordanian lawmaker caught smuggling massive

30 years in prison ] [ The lawmaker, identified as Imad Al-Adwan, has been arrested

30 years in prison, or commit high treason against my royalty

Xi-Jinping from China ] Immediately cast a spell on OTAN and her demons: immediately open an embassy in Jerusalem

I don't work on facebook, but, I currently have two blocked accounts, because if you write something like ""defend the missionaries of the Immaculate Conception that Bergoglio destroyed"" and that Bergoglio-Rothschild doesn't like this? he A.I. blocks you all, on facebook

Xi-Jinping from China ] Am I not an observer of the martyrdom of innocent Christian martyrs for 35 years? [ there is no other solution to save mankind and Chinese people from total destruction, you give me the chance to kill 1 billion Muslims, to return to hell where this came from ISIS ISLAM infestation religion demonic

Xi-Jinping from China that's why you must become the next corpse of OTAN OIC

why these orcs? they are in partnership and they want all your blood

Xi-Jinping from China ] open letter [ I thank you for your noble commitment and interest in bringing peace to Palestine-Israel,

but you must not ignore these two impediments:

1. everyone wants everything, and this is easily achieved with/through my Kingdom of Israel

2. and there can't be a lasting agreement anyway because the biggest obstacle is this:

the system of replacement/genocide theology represented by sharia and, the universal predation of juridical personalities, defrauding the Rothschild banking seigniorage, high Masonic constitutional treason, deep state occult government: that is, Spas & Co.

USA UE Russia Cina ONU ] [ 'Torment is coming to you': New Jordan-Palestinian terror group emerges in Samaria,

Earlier this month, King Abdullah II told Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas that “every Muslim” should deter “Israeli escalations” in Jerusalem.

ok, we take note that he said it,


you can't let something as threatening as OIC Ummah ISLAM into the world that is without reciprocity: "kill it"

cursed who made Israel unable to defend itself ] every anti-Zionism is also an antichrist [ spa&co's world war sodom allah satan jabulOn and their monkeys Darwin against the sanctity of human life ] the demonic foundation for the coming third nuclear world war [ the world war against the dignity and sanctity of human life, waged daily all over the world through millions of abortions, cases of euthanasia and assisted suicide, manipulation and destruction of millions of embryos to keep up the enormous market of medically assisted procreation

Rightly, Mother Teresa of Calcutta maintained that abortion is the greatest threat to Peace on earth, because she-said-“if a mother can kill her child, what prevents me from killing you and you from killing me? ”. How to blame her! lorenzoJHWH, we have a moral duty to demonstrate

WATCH: White House security breach - in diapers?

SICK BE THOSE WHO MADE ISRAEL IMPOSSIBLE TO DEFEND ITSELF, [[[ In the Apocalypse ]]] The curse, conquered by Xist, remains a reality, a destiny which, unlike what it would have been without him, is no longer fatal, but it is still possible.

The supreme manifestation of the blessing also maximizes the persistence of the curse, which has been progressing in its footsteps since its origins. The curse, taking advantage of the last few days that are numbered (Ap 12,12), unleashes all its virulence at the moment in which salvation reaches its consummation (8,13). Consequently the Apocalypse can at the same time proclaim: "There will be no more curse" (22,3), and launch the definitive curse: "Get out... all those who delight in doing evil!" (10.15 pm): the dragon (12);

the beast and the false prophet (13);

the nations, Gog and Magog (20,7);

the prostitute (17); Babel (18);

death and sheol (20.14); the darkness (22,5)[6].

This total curse, the "out!" without recourse, it is uttered by Jesus Xist. What makes it terrible is the fact that in him it is neither the result of a passionate desire for passionate revenge, nor a rational requirement of the law of retaliation; it is purer and more terrible, because it consists in abandoning to their choice those who have excluded themselves from love. C.S.P.B.

Crux Sancti Patris Benedicti Cross of the Holy Father Benedict

C.S.S.M.L. Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux

Sacred cross be my Light N.D.S.M.D. Not draco sit mihi dux

May the dragon not be my leader V.R.S. Vadre Retro satan Get away Satan! N.S.M.V. Not Suade Mihi Vana You will not persuade me of vain things S.M.Q.L. Sunt Mala Quae Libas What you offer me is bad I.V.B. Ipsa Venena Bibas Drink your poisons yourself BURN SATANA ALLAH SODOMA IN JESUS'S NAME AMEN BUN

‘New York Times’ buries Palestinian terrorists’ murder of Dee sisters, mother



Crux Sancti Patris Benedicti Cross of the Holy Father Benedict C.S.S.M.L.

Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux

Sacred cross be my Light N.D.S.M.D. Not draco sit mihi dux

May the dragon not be my leader V.R.S. Vadre Retro satan

Get away Satan!


Not Suade Mihi Vana

You will not persuade me of vain things S.M.Q.L. Sunt Mala Quae Libas

What you offer me is bad

I.V.B. Ipsa Venena Bibas

Drink your poisons MADE BY yourself

against all the DEM lgbt sharia criminals who fought to elect the current system: imperialistic of the OTAN, which is anti-Zionist and Islamist Masonic Jewish satanism, for the advent of the antichrist. During his life Jesus never cursed anyone [5]; undoubtedly he has not spared the strongest threats for many categories of people and communities:

*** for the rich and the sated of the world (Lk 6,24-26);

*** for the unbelieving cities of Galilee (Mt 11:21);

*** for the scribes and Pharisees (Mt 23:13-31);

*** for "this generation" in which all the sins of Israel are concentrated (Mt 23:33-36);

*** for "that man by whom the son of man is betrayed" (Mt 26:24).

However, it is always a question of admonitions and painful prophecies, never of the anger that is unleashed. The proper word of curse does not appear on the lips of the son of man except in his last advent: "Get behind me, cursed!" (Mt 25:41).

In any case, the evangelist John recalls the words of Jesus which do not clarify the subject of cursing and condemnation: "If anyone hears my words and does not observe them, it is not I who condemn him... The word I spoke , she will condemn him on the last day" (Jn 12:47-48).

Cross of the Holy Father Benedict. Holy Cross be my Light and never be the dragon my leader. He goes back satan! You will not persuade me of vain things. The things you offer me are evil, drink your poison yourself. In the Name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit +. Amen!***

Israel lost 59 soldiers since last Memorial Day

against all the DEM lgbt sharia criminals who fought to elect the current system: imperialistic of the OTAN, which is anti-Zionist and Islamist Masonic Jewish satanism, for the advent of the antichrist. The word "curse" is no longer, on the lips of Jesus, a curse properly so called, but the acknowledgment of an unfortunate condition which comes to oppose beatitude (Lk 6,20-26 Jesus did not come to curse and condemn (Jn 3, 17; 2,47); on the contrary, he brings the blessing. The imprecation "cursed whoever curses you!", which appears in the Old Testament, becomes, following the example and word of the Lord, the commandment to "bless those who curse him" (Lk 6:28). In nomine Patris, et Filii et Spiritui Sancto, Cross of the Holy Father Benedict. Holy Cross be my Light and never be the dragon my leader. Go back satan! You will not persuade me of vain things. The things you offer me are evil, drink your poison yourself. In the Name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit +. Amen!

against all the DEM lgbt sharia criminals who fought to elect the current system: imperialistic of the OTAN, which is anti-Zionist and Islamist Masonic Jewish satanism, for the advent of the antichrist. Cries of curses sometimes rise from the Israelites, above all in Jeremiah (11, 20; 12, 3; 20, 12) and in the Psalms (5,11; 35,4-6; 83,10-19; 109,6-20 ; 137,7-9). Such calls for vengeance, jarring in the light of the New Testament, involve some degree of personal or nationalistic resentment. But, once purified, they can be taken up again in the New Testament itself: they not only express the misery of humanity subject to the curse of sin, but constitute man's appeal to God's justice, which necessarily demands the destruction of sin God cannot reject the imprecation that flows from an oppressed person who confesses his sin (Bar 3,8 ; Dn 9,11.15 ). But the servant also renounces the right to revenge, even though it is recognized to the innocent persecuted: "without opening his mouth" (Is 53,7 ), he offered himself for our sins to the curse (Is 53,3-4 ); his intercession will represent a pledge of salvation for sinners, in the expectation that the end of sin will come: then "there will be no more curse" (Zech 14:11). In nomine Patris, et Filii et Spiritui Sancto Cross of the Holy Father Benedict. Holy Cross be my Light and never be the dragon my leader. He goes back satan! You will not persuade me of vain things. The things you offer me are evil, drink your poison MADE BY yourself. In the Name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit +. Amen!

C. S. P. B.

Crux Sancti Patris Benedecti

Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto

C. S. S. M. L.

Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux

Croce sacra sii la mia Luce

N. D. S. M. D.

Non draco sit mihi dux

Che il dragone non sia il mio duce

V. R. S.

Vadre Retro satana

Allontanati satana!

N. S. M. V.

Non Suade Mihi Vana

Non mi persuaderai di cose vane

S. M. Q. L.

Sunt Mala Quae Libas

Ciò che mi offri è cattivo

I. V. B.

Ipsa Venena Bibas

Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni

curses against enemy of my kingdom Israel, ie all antichrist & all antizionist ] [ Deuteronomy 28,58 If you do not seek to fulfill all the words of this law, written in this book, being afraid of this glorious and terrible name of the Lord your God, 59, then the Lord will strike you and your descendants with wondrous plagues: great and lasting plagues, malignant and stubborn diseases. 60, he will bring back upon you the sicknesses of Egypt, of which you were afraid, and they will cling to you. 61, Also every other disease and every plague, which is not written in the book of this law, the Lord will send against you, until you are destroyed. 62, You will remain few men, after being as numerous as the stars of heaven, because you will not have obeyed the voice of the Lord your God. 63, As the Lord rejoiced over you in benefiting you and multiplying you, so the Lord will rejoice over you in making you perish and destroy you; you will be torn from the ground, which you go to take possession of. 64, The Lord will scatter you among all the peoples, from one end to the other; there you shall serve other gods, which neither you nor your fathers have known, gods of wood and stone. 65, Among those nations you will find no relief, and there will be no resting place for the sole of your feet; there the Lord will give you a trembling heart, languor of eyes and anguish of soul. 66 Your life will hang before you as if by a thread; you will fear night and day and you will not be sure of your life. 67, In the morning you will say: If it were evening! and in the evening you shall say, If it were morning!, because of the fear that your heart will stir and of the things that your eyes will see. 68, The Lord will bring you back to Egypt by ship, by a way I told you, You shall never see her again! and there you will sell yourselves to your enemies as male and female slaves, but no one will buy you."

69, These are the words of the covenant which the Lord commanded Moses to make with the Israelites in the land of Moab, besides the covenant which he had made with them at Horeb. BURN SATAN, Sodom ALLAH-JABULON in JESUS'S NAME, burn AMEN HALLELUJAH, DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF! C. S. P. B. C. S. S. M. L. N. D. S. M. D. V. R. S. Get away from Satan ALLAH JABULON SODOMA MARDUCH DRACULA Owl Baal Spa&o FED petrodollas burn burn in Jesus's name N. S. M. V. S. M. Q. L. I.V. B. Drink your poisons

yourself, DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF, amen hallelujah

Three Arab Israelis arrested after attempted kidnapping of young Jewish

against all the DEM lgbt sharia criminals who fought to elect the current system: imperialistic of the OTAN, which is anti-Zionist and Islamist Masonic Jewish satanism, for the advent of the antichrist. The blessing is a mystery of election, the curse is a mystery of rejection: the unworthy elect seem rejected by a choice (1Sam 15,23 ; 2Kings 17,17-23; 21,10-15 ) which however always concerns them (Am 3.2). [[[ In the prophets ]]] The prophets, witnesses of the hardening of Israel (Is 6,9-10 ; Ab 2,6-20 ), of its blindness before the impending doom (Am 9,10 ; Is 28,15 ; Mi 3,11 ; cf. Mt 3,8-10 ), are forced to proclaim "violence and ruin" (Jer 20,8 ), to continually return to the language of cursing (Am 2,1-16 ; Hos 4,6 ; Is 9,7 -10,4 ; Jer 23,13-15 ; Ez 11,1-12.13-21 ), to see her strike all Israel without sparing anything or anyone: the priests (Is 28,7-13 ), the false prophets (Ez 13 ), the bad shepherds (Ez 34,110 ), the country (Mi 1,8-16 ), the city (Is 29,1-10 ), the temple (Jer 7,1-15 ), the palace (Jer 22,5 ), the kings (Jer 25:18 ). However, the curse is never total. Sometimes, without apparent reason and without transition, in a leap of tenderness, the promise of salvation succeeds the threat (Os 2,8.11.16 ; Is 6,13 ), but more often, in the midst of the curse, as its logical center , the blessing breaks forth (Is 1,25-26; 28,16-17 ; Ez 34,1-16; 36,2-12.13-38 ). In nomine Patris, et Filii et Spiritui Sancto, Cross of the Holy Father Benedict. Holy Cross be my Light and never be the dragon my leader. Go back satan! You will not persuade me of vain things. The things you offer me are evil, drink your poison yourself. In the Name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit +. Amen!

CURSED against all the DEM lgbt sharia criminals who fought to elect the current system: imperialistic of the OTAN, which is anti-Zionist and Islamist Masonic Jewish satanism, for the advent of the antichrist. [[[ In the patriarchs ]]] Govert Flinck, Isaac Blessing Jacob (1638), oil on canvas; Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum. Jacob, instigated by his mother Rebecca, deceives from his father the blessing that would have been due to his older brother Esau; the story speaks of a fear that the blessing could turn into a curse due to deception (Gen 27,12.13 )

In the texts concerning the time of the patriarchs, the curse has as main object the enemies of Israel. God raises up Abraham to gather all peoples around him and his descendants, for their blessing: the blessing rescues the chosen race from the double curse of barren womb (Gen 15.5-6; 30.1-2) and the hostile land (Gen 27,27-28; 49,11-12.22-26). But whoever curses Abraham will be cursed by YHWH (Gen 12:1-3) The curse, which the adversaries of the chosen race call upon themselves, casts them "far from the plentiful regions... and from the dew that falls from heaven" (Gen 27:39); the curse becomes reprobation, exclusion from the only blessing. The expression "Cursed who curses you!" sees its historical translations, and Pharaoh experiences it (Ex 12,29-32) who, ironically, is reduced to begging the children of Israel to invoke upon him the blessing of their God (Ex 12,32 ); later, the curse reserved for those who curse Israel will also fall on Balak (Num 24:9). Cross of the Holy Father Benedict

Sacred cross be my Light May the dragon not be my leader

Get away Satan! You will not persuade me of vain things

What you offer me is bad Drink your poisons made by yourself

11th HOUR: Netanyahu pulls out of major summit with US Jews amid protests

against all the DEM lgbt sharia criminals who fought to elect the current system: imperialistic of the OTAN, which is anti-Zionist and Islamist Masonic Jewish satanism, for the advent of the antichrist.

From Adam to Abraham, the curse extends: death of which man himself becomes the author (Gen 4:11 [1]); corruption that flows into the destruction (Gen 6,5-12) of the flood, where water, primordial life, becomes the abyss of death. However, in the midst of the curse, God sends his consolation, Noah, the first fruits of a new humanity, to whom the blessing is promised forever (Gen 8:17-22; 9:1-17; cf. 1Pt 3:20 ). The curse then destroys Babel, Sodom, Jericho and scatters the perverse men DEM LGBT sharia who have organized themselves to make a name for themselves against God (Gen 11:7). C.S.P.B. Cross of the Holy Father Benedict

C.S.S.M.L. Sacred cross be my Light

N.D.S.M.D. May the dragon not be my leader

V.R.S. Get away Satan! You will not persuade me of vain things

S.M.Q.L. What you offer me is bad

I.V.B. Drink your poisons made by yourself

against all the DEM lgbt sharia criminals who fought to elect the current system: imperialistic of the OTAN, which is anti-Zionist and Islamist Masonic Jewish satanism, for the advent of the antichrist.

man despite his rebellion against God is equally blessed by God in reality (Gen 1,22.28), but the consequences of sin are death and despair, and destruction and these are the consequences of man's rebellion. Even after the sin the woman will continue to give birth, the earth to produce; the original blessing on all fruitfulness (Gen 3:16-20) is not annulled, but the curse casts over it, like a shadow, suffering, toil and pain, agony. Not far from the curse word, life remains the strongest, presaging the final defeat of the cursed (Gen 3:15).


Crux Sancti Patris Benedicti


Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux


Not draco sit mihi dux


Vadre Retro satan


Not Suade Mihi Vana


Sunt Mala Quae Libas


Ipsa Venena Bibas

Drink your poison made by yourself, amen alleluia

against all the DEM lgbt sharia criminals who fought to elect the current system: imperialistic of the OTAN, which is anti-Zionist and Islamist Masonic Jewish satanism, for the advent of the antichrist. The curse is like the inverted echo of the blessing par excellence which is the creative word of God.

The curse has been present since the beginning, and has as its first object the serpent (Gen 3,14 ), the devil (Wis 2,24 ), which is cursed "forever" (Gen 3,14-15 ). He, the tempter who slanders God (Gen 3:4-5), drags man into sin; the man who disobeys God is in turn dragged into his curse: instead of the divine presence, here is the exile away from God (Gen 3:23-24); instead of life, here is death (Gen 3:19). The curse reverberates even on the ground (Gen 3:17).


Crux Sancti Patris Benedicti

Cross of the Holy Father Benedict


Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux

Sacred cross be my Light


Not draco sit mihi dux

May the dragon not be my leader


Vadre Retro satan

Get away Satan!


Not Suade Mihi Vana

You will not persuade me of vain things


Sunt Mala Quae Libas

What you offer me is bad


Ipsa Venena Bibas

Drink your poisons yourself

A-G rips gov't ban on terrorists' families attending alternative Remembrance


It is written in the Bible: I believed therefore I spoke. We too have this same spirit of faith, we too believe and therefore we speak (2Cor 4, 13)

IN FAVOR OF THE FRANCISCANS OF THE IMMACULATE? another innocent victim of the freemason BERGOGLIO


WATCH US ON TV ON DIGITAL TERRESTRIAL: Radio Roma Television LCN Lazio Region channel 14 DTT Radio Roma LCN Lazio Region channel 15 DTT Radio Roma Network LCN National channel 224 DTT LISTEN TO US ON RAD

Ivana Piccinino

Her message is loud and clear, we hope it will make its way into the hearts of many people far from the true Church.AcM

there are no celebrations for murderous terrorists in Israel

God doesn't love fickle hearts like Netanjahu ] [Netanjahu is eating away even his own dignity

God does not love fickle hearts like Netanjahu ] [ shalom, Netanjahu was fine when there were times of peace, but now that we enter times of war, he needs to be replaced by someone who shows more faith in God

Netanyahu pulls out of JFNA summit in Tel Aviv amid planned protests

The JFNA last week issued a statement explaining why it had decided not to boycott the prime minister as demanded by obscure masonic and unnamed satana sodoma spa&Co thecnocratic institutiona corrupt DEM groups.

Netanyahu nixes appointment of rightist MK as NY consul

we have fallen into the hands of thugs with no dignity and no spirituality, who to get money and success would sell their souls to the devil BIDEN,

Vedant Patel on Twitter: "Yesterday, @usandhyderabad opened a new state-of-the-art facility in the city's bustling Financial District. This new Consulate chancery represents a tangible investment by the United States in growing the

Who is Vedant Patel, the first Indian-American to hold daily State Department presser

Department of State Daily Press Briefing - November 16, 2022 - Press Briefings - U.S. Department of State - Videos

Vedant Patel Wiki, Age, Family, Biography & More

THE Likud lawmaker May Golan DID NOT SAY AND DID NOTHING WRONG. in politics not must share everything on someone, and here we go again, for the social regime Rockefeller spa&Co? DEMs are thieves and parasites, ideologues of SCAM banking

seigniorage, and stolen any sovereignty from peoples, for servig Rothschild neoliberalist predators and masons parasites? they don't believe in democracy (because they were born into ideological communism), they are an occult masonic regime, esoterica agenda, god owl at bohemian grove in cremation of cure,

which does not tolerate the sovereignty of peoples, so they decided that the patriots must be destroyed for plutocratic technocrats whoever is right-wing and has right-wing ideas is a criminal, GOODBYE DEMOCRACY, welcome monarchy king lorenzoJHWH!

and we will treat the DEMs to them as criminals, just as they treat us, and Netanjahu must clarify whether he is in this fight with us or against us


THE GIRL DID NOT SAY AND DID NOTHING WRONG. in politic not share everything someone, and here we go again, for the socialist regime Rockefeller spa & Co?

for plutocratic technocrats whoever is right-wing and has right-wing ideas is a criminal, GOODBYE DEMOCRACY, welcome monarchy lorenzoJHWH!

and we will treat the DEMs to them as criminals, just as they treat us, and Netanjahu must clarify whether he is in this fight with us or against us


Zerohedge newsletter@zerohedge.Com THE DURDEN DISPATCH

Feds Now Eyeing Multiple Felony Charges Against Hunter Biden; IRS Whistleblower Story Grows Legs

"Preferential treatment and politics..."

Bud Light Marketing Executive Goes On Leave After Disastrous Trans-TikTok Stunt

Will Bud Light ever recover?

Blinken Busted: Played Central Role In Discrediting Hunter Biden Laptop Story As Election Loomed

"I wanted [Biden] to win the election," says former CIA deputy director Mike Morell

whoever puts his hand to the plow and looks back is not fit for the kingdom of God, therefore he can no longer lead Israel, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has nixed his decision to appoint fellow Likud lawmaker May Golan as consul general in New York following a backlash among liberal American Jews.

Netanjahu resign

shalom, Netanjahu was fine when there were times of peace, but now that we enter times of war, he needs to be replaced by someone who shows more faith in God

Netanjahu resign

Netanjahu is eating away even his own dignity

3 1


the DEMs are thieves and parasites, ideologues of SCAM banking seigniorage stolen from the sovereignty of peoples, predators and parasites, and they don't believe in democracy (because they were born into ideological communism), they are an occult masonic regime, esoterica agenda, god owl at bohemian crove cremation of cure,

which does not tolerate the sovereignty of peoples,

so they decided that the patriots must be destroyed


brave Likud lawmaker May Golan


curses against enemy of my kingdom Israel, ie all antichrist & all antizionist ] [ Deuteronomy 28,51, who will eat the fruit of your livestock and the fruit of your ground, until you are destroyed, and will leave you no residue of wheat, new wine and oil and the parts of your cows and the offspring of your sheep, until he has destroyed you. 52, he will besiege you in all your cities, until the high and strong walls in which you have put your trust fall in all your country. He will besiege you in all your cities, in all the land that the Lord your God has given you. 53 During the siege and the distress to which your enemy will bring you, you shall eat the fruit of your bowels, the flesh of your sons and of your daughters, which the Lord your God has given you. 54, The finest and most delicate man among you will look evil upon his brother and his own wife and the rest of his children who still survive, 55, lest he give to any of them the flesh of his children of which it will feed; for he will be left with nothing during the siege and the distress to which the enemies will have reduced you within all your cities. 56, The most refined and delicate woman among you, who out of delicacy and refinement would not have tried to put the sole of her foot on the ground, will give an evil eye to her husband, son and daughter 57, and secretly eat how much comes out of its sides and of the children that it has yet to give birth, lacking everything during the siege and the anguish to which the enemies will have reduced you within all your cities. BURN SATAN, Sodom ALLAH-JABULON in JESUS'S NAME, burn AMEN HALLELUJAH, DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF! C. S. P. B. C. S. S. M. L. N. D. S. M. D. V. R. S. Get away from Satan ALLAH JABULON SODOMA MARDUCH DRACULA Owl Baal Spa&o FED petrodollas burn burn in Jesus's name N. S. M. V. S. M. Q. L. I.V. B. Drink your poisons

yourself, DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF, amen hallelujah

Israelis, Palestinians honor rescuer of Jews threatened by terrorists at kosher

king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH

shalom, Netanjahu andava bene quando c'erano tempi di pace, ma ora che entriamo in tempi di guerra, lui deve essere sostituito da qualcuno che dimostri di avere più fede in Dio

'Symbol of lawlessness' - Gov't to postpone Khan Al-Amar evacuation, again

curses against enemy of my kingdom Israel, ie all antichrist & all antizionist ] [ Deuteronomy 28,45, All these curses will come upon you, and they will persecute you and overtake you, until you are destroyed, because you will not obey the voice of the Lord your God , observing the commands and laws which he has given you. 46, They will always be a sign and a wonder for you and your offspring. 47, Since you have not served the Lord your God joyfully and with a good heart in the midst of the abundance of everything, 48, you will serve your enemies, whom the Lord will send against you, in the midst of hunger, thirst, nakedness and the lack of everything; they will put an iron yoke around your neck until they have destroyed you.

49, The Lord will raise up against you from afar, from the ends of the earth, a nation that soars like an eagle, a nation whose language you will not understand, 50, a nation of fierce appearance, that will not regard the old nor will he have pity on the child; BURN SATAN, Sodom ALLAH-JABULON in JESUS'S NAME, burn AMEN HALLELUJAH, DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF! C. S. P. B. C. S. S. M. L. N. D. S. M. D. V. R. S. Get away from Satan ALLAH JABULON SODOMA MARDUCH DRACULA Owl Baal Spa&o FED petrodollas burn burn in Jesus's name N. S. M. V. You will not persuade me of vain

things, S. M. Q. L. What you offer me is bad, I.V. B. Drink your poisons

yourself, DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF, amen hallelujah

curses against enemy of my kingdom Israel, ie all antichrist & all antizionist ] [ Deuteronomy 28,38 You will bring much seed to the field and you will reap little, because the locust will devour it. 39, You shall plant vineyards and cultivate them, but you shall not drink wine or pick grapes, for the worm will gnaw them away. 40, You will have olive groves throughout your territory, but you will not anoint yourself with oil, because your olives will fall unripe. 41, You will have sons and daughters, but they will not be yours, because they will go into captivity. 42, All your trees and the fruit of your ground will fall prey to an army of insects. 43, The stranger who will be among you will always rise above you, and you will descend lower and lower. 44, He shall lend to you, and you shall not lend to him; he will be in the lead and you in the tail. BURN SATAN, Sodom ALLAH-JABULON in JESUS'S NAME, burn AMEN HALLELUJAH, DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF! C. S. P. B. C. S. S. M. L. Sacred cross be my Light, N. D. S. M. D. V. R. S. Get away from Satan ALLAH JABULON SODOMA MARDUCH DRACULA Owl Baal Spa&o FED petrodollas burn burn in Jesus's name N. S. M. V. You will not persuade me of vain

things, S. M. Q. L. What you offer me is bad, I.V. B. Drink your poisons

yourself, DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF, amen hallelujah

Just because they shout ‘Death to Jews!’ doesn’t mean they’re


The line between German procedural punctiliousness and totalitarian

arbitrariness is a fine one. Right from their contrived creation in a

KGB meeting room in the 1960s, every excuse has been advanced to place

and keep the “Palestinians” on the moral high ground, from helpless

little nation under genocidal Jewish attack, to redefining refugees to

include all their [ ] read more

Pakistani ex-cricketer offered $23,000 for the killing of Geert

Wilders for insulting Islam

Imagine if someone had offered money for the killing of a critic of

Christianity, which would not happen and should not happen. The

headlines would be insistent, shrill, and persistent. But no one will

take any particular notice of this. “Pakistan Ex-cricketer Named In

Dutch MP Threats Case,” Agence France Presse, April 17, 2023 (thanks [ ]

Read more

Ramadan in Nigeria: Muslims behead five-year-old child, murder 33

others in jihad raid on village

“When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks ” (Qur’an 47:4)

“Five-Year-Old Beheaded, 33 Killed in Nigeria, Christian Foundation

Calls for Action,” by Agnes Aineah, AciAfrica, April 19, 2023 (thanks to

The Religion of Peace): A five-year-old boy was reportedly beheaded

when Islamists attacked a village in Southern Kaduna State, leaving

dozens of people dead. In [ ]

Read more

Robert Spencer

Germany: Iranian sets fire to Qur’an inside mosque

There are several possibilities here. One is that the Iranian is a

Shi’ite, and he went into a Sunni mosque looking for a confrontation. As

most Iranians are Shi’ites, that may be the most likely scenario, but

it isn’t the only one. The Iranian may also be an ex-Muslim who is angry

about Islam and [ ]

Read more

Robert Spencer

Nigeria: Muslims murder a thousand Christians in the first 100 days of 2023

“Make ready for them all that you can of force and of warhorses, so that

by them you may strike terror in the enemy of Allah and your enemy ”

(Qur’an 8:60) “Nigeria: a thousand Christians killed in first 100 days

of 2023,” La Croix International, April 18, 2023: Over 50,000 Christians

were killed in Nigeria [ ]

Read more

Robert Spencer

The poor dear might be in danger back in Afghanistan, you see. Amnesty

International doesn’t care in the slightest degree about the possibility

that this migrant might injure or kill French people for exercising

their freedom of expression or some other perceived slight. The Left

cares only about the perpetrators of crimes, especially when they [ ]

Read more

Robert Spencer

Happy news for bereaved father of IDF soldier killed in combat

"Belgium will be the first Muslim state in Europe and the UMMAH will claim it"

While Italian newspapers lie about ethnic replacement, an investigation reveals a country turned upside down by migration agreements. "From 2010 to 2030, the Islamic population will have grown by 80 percent. A demographic bomb" by Giulio Meotti

2 1

Bin ISIS Riyadh ] [ maledictions against: 1. all my enemy, 2. against enemy of my kingdom israel, against antichrist & antizionist ] [ Deuteronomy 28,37, you will be amazed, mocked and mocked by all the peoples among whom the Lord has brought you.

because you served the demon idols allahs, and you became demon-possessed


ISLAM is ISIS and has specialized with hypocrisy and sneaky techniques effective in carrying out the genocide of everything that the Ummah octopus can annex, because the UN said: "that has become a Muslims country forever"

honor to the heroes of Zionism!

“Amit was my only child. Therefore, he was given the option not to enlist into a combat unit, ”Ben Yigal wrote on an IDF memorial page for his son di lui. “I hoped he would choose not to, yet when he went on his school trip to Poland and visited the camps, he called me and said something I will never forget: 'Dad, you're the son of a Holocaust survivor. Your dad didn't have an army to protect him. Today, now that our people have a country, I want to do everything I can to protect it at all costs. I want to enlist into the Golani Brigade.’”

curses to all anti-Zionists on the planet


maledictions against: 1. all my enemy, 2. against enemy of my kingdom israel, against

antichrist & antizionist ] [ Deuteronomy 28, 35, The Lord will strike you in the knees and thighs with a malignant sore, which you will not be able to heal; he will strike you from the soles of your feet to the crown of your head. 36, The Lord will carry away you and the king you set for yourself to a nation that neither you nor your fathers have known; there you will serve foreign gods, gods of wood and of stone; 37, you will be amazed, mocked and mocked by all the peoples among whom the Lord has brought you.. BURN SATAN


DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF! C. S. P. B. Cross of the Holy Father Benedict C. S. S. M. L. Sacred cross be my Light, N. D. S. M. D. May the dragon not be my leader V. R. S. Get away from Satan ALLAH JABULON SODOMA MARDUCH DRACULA Owl Baal Spa&o FED petrodollas burn

burn in Jesus's name N. S. M. V. You will not persuade me of vain

things, S. M. Q. L. What you offer me is bad, I.V. B. Drink your poisons

yourself, DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF, amen hallelujah

Judicial compromise saboteurs will be judged harshly – Herzog

MBS ISIS Salman ] your greatest fault is the fact that you have never read the bible [ how did this story end? with a happy ending of course, from your point of view, that you are a head cutter,

why did King Solomon order to cut off the head of the fake mother named Isaac Soros Herzog jabulOn

MBS ISIS Salman ] your greatest fault before God is not the 1400 years of sharia genocide, but the fact that you have never read the bible [ now you must know, that the prostitute named Isaac Soros Herzog used to say: "yes, kill the child reform justice, so there will be none for me, and not even for her"

but the real mother of the surviving child Rothschild the parasitic usurer cannibal, felt sorry for the fruit of her entrails and said, "ok, let the child live and give it to her"

Left-wing highly intelligent Darwin apes Talmudic humanoid-shaped animals figures (they never read the Bible) yet have claimed that Netanyahu is using the talks as an opportunity to buy time. They argue that he has no intention to soften the overhaul, and rather he wants to wait until public furor and protests over the legislation dies down, then he intends to pass the reforms.


there were two prostitutes in Israel, one was named Soros, and the other was named Rothschild and the son of one of them choked to death in his sleep, so Solomon decided that the son, survivor they both claimed as their own, should be cut in half, so both mothers would be happy,

you cannot compromise on this reform without destroying it

Echoing his earlier comments, the Freemason Herzog reiterated his warning that “whoever tries to harm the talks will carry the burden of historic responsibility for the fate of the state and the nation.”


ok Rockefeller the head of the Freemasons has decided that voting must be replaced by talks

maledictions against all my enemy, enemy of kingdom israel, against antichrist & antizionist ] [ Deuteronomy 28, 31, Your ox shall be slaughtered before your eyes, and you shall not eat of it; your donkey will be taken from you in your presence and will never come back to you; your flock will be given to your enemies and no one will help you. 32, Your sons and your daughters will be handed over to a foreign people, while your eyes will see and they will weep for them every day, but your hand will be able to do nothing. 33, A people whom you do not know will eat the fruit of your land and of all your labor; you will be oppressed and crushed every day; 34, you will go crazy for what your eyes will have to see. BURN SATAN Sodom ALLAH-JABULON in JESUS'S NAME, burn AMEN HALLELUJAH,

DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF! C. S. P. B. Cross of the Holy Father Benedict C. S. S. M. L. Sacred cross be my Light, N. D. S. M. D. May the dragon not be my leader V. R. S. Get away from Satan ALLAH JABULON SODOMA MARDUCH DRACULA Owl Baal Spa&o FED petrodollas burn burn in Jesus's name

N. S. M. V. You will not persuade me of vain things, S. M. Q. L. What you offer me is bad, I.V. B. Drink your poisons yourself, DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF, amen hallelujah

Russia rejects request to reschedule UN debate on Israel on Remembrance Day

curses against all antizionist and antichrist ] [ Deuteronomy 28, 23, The sky will be copper above your head and the earth under you will be iron. 24, The Lord will give your land as rain sand and dust, which will come down from heaven on you until you are destroyed. 25, The Lord will cause you to be defeated by your enemies: one way you will go against them and seven ways you will flee from them; you will become an object of horror for all the kingdoms of the earth. 26, Your dead body will become food for all the birds of the sky and wild beasts, and no one will drive them away. 27, The Lord will strike you with the ulcers of Egypt, with boils, scabies and itching, from which you will not be able to heal. 28, The Lord will strike you with delirium, blindness and madness, 29, so that you will grope in broad daylight as the blind grope in the dark. You will not succeed in your businesses, you will be oppressed and stripped every day and no one will help you. 30, You will betroth a woman, another will practice her; you will build a house, but you will not live in it; you will plant a vineyard and you will not be able to gather its first fruits.. BURN SATAN Sodom ALLAH-JABULON in JESUS'S NAME, burn AMEN HALLELUJAH, DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF! C. S. P. B. Cross of the Holy Father Benedict C. S. S. M. L. Sacred cross be my Light, N. D. S. M. D. May the dragon not be my leader V. R. S. Get away from Satan ALLAH JABULON SODOMA MARDUCH DRACULA! burn in Jesus's name N. S. M. V. You will not persuade me of vain things, S. M. Q. L. What you offer me is bad I.V. B. Drink your poisons yourself, DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF

but, the wickedness of the Western system Rockefeller Riyadh does not know: 1. intellectual honesty, does not know: 2. legal honesty and a sense of modesty and/or shame about one's wickedness,

so the coup plotters globalist imperialist plutocratic neoliberal technocratic and sodomitic CIA OTAN what did they do?

they changed the constitution of Ukraine, and put in the constitution that they must belong to NATO, and as everyone knows? NATO could never be a constitutional value.

so either Russia had to disappear or Ukraine had to disappear, and this is what the rockefeller-wahhabis have imposed on this situation

all those who support Ukraine know that the only president still legitimate (under international law) is Viktor Fedorovych Yanukovych.

but all those who support the CIA agent Zelensky know that they have to attribute an OTAN coup of fascist nazis and 14,000 deat corpses pogroms from 2014 to 2022?

against all antizionist ] [ Deuteronomy 28, 20, amen, The Lord will curse and reproach and threaten you in every work you put your hand to, until you are destroyed and perish quickly because of your wicked deeds for forsaking me. amen, 21, The Lord will cause the plague to attack you until it has eliminated you from the land you are entering to possess. amen, 22, The Lord will strike you with wasting disease, with fever, with inflammation, with scorching heat, with drought, with blight and blight, which will pursue you until you perish. BURN SATAN Sodom ALLAH-JABULON in JESUS'S NAME, burn AMEN HALLELUJAH, DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF! C. S. P. B. Cross of the Holy Father Benedict C. S. S. M. L. Sacred cross be my Light, N. D. S. M. D. May the dragon not be my leader V. R. S. Get away from Satan ALLAH JABULON SODOMA MARDUCH DRACULA! burn in Jesus's name N. S. M. V. You will not persuade me of vain things, S. M. Q. L. What you offer me is bad I.V. B. Drink your poisons yourself, DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF

‘New York Times’ buries Palestinian terrorists’ murder of Dee sisters, mother

Deuteronomy 28, and all the curses against the anti-Zionists, 15, But if you do not obey the voice of the Lord your God, if you do not try to carry out all his commands and all his laws that I am commanding you today, they will come upon you and all these curses will reach: 16, you will be cursed in the city and cursed in the countryside. 17 Cursed shall be your basket and your cupboard.

18 Cursed shall be the fruit of your womb and the fruit of your ground; cursed are the calvings of your cows and the offspring of your sheep. 19, Cursed shall you be when you enter and cursed when you go out. BURN SATAN Sodom ALLAH-JABULON in JESUS'S

NAME, burn AMEN HALLELUJAH, DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF! C. S. P. B. Cross of the Holy Father Benedict C. S. S. M. L. Sacred cross be my Light

N. D. S. M. D. May the dragon not be my leader V. R. S. Get away from Satan ALLAH JABULON SODOMA MARDUCH DRACULA! burn in Jesus's name N. S. M. V. You will not persuade me of vain things

S. M. Q. L. What you offer me is bad I.V. B. Drink your poisons yourself, DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF

The ANOTHER Erdogan madman, psychiatric MENTAL patient jihad sharjah, and

went on a rampage threatening all takfir apostates impures kafir dhimmis murtidi WORLDWIDE ISIS WAHHABIS CRAZY becouse there is only one SODOMA-Allah lust poligamus-PEDO private bordel and only one planet the UMMAH nazi katup akbarrr, AND the chinese? what are they doing here? BURN SATAN-ALLAH-JABULON IN JESUS'S


C. S. P. B. Cross of the Holy Father Benedict C. S. S. M. L. Sacred cross be my Light

N. D. S. M. D. May the dragon not be my leader V. R. S. Get away from Satan ALLAH JABULON SODOMA MARDUCH DRACULA! N. S. M. V. You will not persuade me of vain things

S. M. Q. L. What you offer me is bad I.V. B. Drink your poisons yourself, DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURself

Washington Post ‘confuses facts’ equating reality of Jewish Temples,

New York University Professor Lawrence Schiffman. “Mohammed's ascent 'happens' from there only because it is the Temple site.” MA CHE CAXXO DICI?

HE LACKS LOGIC, but if madmen think that Mohammed ascended to heaven from Jerusalem and Jerusalem was conquered only 7 years after Mohammed's death, why is he wasting time talking to madmen, instead of taking something, like a poison the lice, and kill them all?

The ANOTHER Erdogan man, psychiatric MENTAL patient jihad sharjah, and went on a rampage threatening ALL WORLDWIDE ISIS WAHHABIS CRAZY becouse there is only one SODOMA-Allah-PEDO and only one planet, AND the chinese? what are they doing here? BURN SATAN-ALLAH-JABULON IN JESUS'S NAME AMEN HALLELUJAH, DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF!

C. S. P. B. ] Cross of the Holy Father Benedict

*** C. S. S. M. L. Sacred cross be my Light

*** N. D. S. M. D. May the dragon not be my leader


*** N. S. M. V. You will not persuade me of vain things

*** S. M. Q. L. What you offer me is bad

*** I.V. B. Drink your poisons yourself, DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURLF


Assailant attacks staff and visitors with knife at Berlin Jewish Hospital

*** C. S. P. B. ] [ Crux Sancti Patris Benedecti

Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto

*** C. S. S. M. L. ] [ Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux

Croce sacra sii la mia Luce

*** N. D. S. M. D. ] [ Non draco sit mihi dux

Che il dragone non sia il mio duce

*** V. R. S. ] [ Vadre Retro satana

Allontanati satana!

*** N. S. M. V. ] [ Non Suade Mihi Vana

Non mi persuaderai di cose vane

*** S. M. Q. L. ] [ Sunt Mala Quae Libas

Ciò che mi offri è cattivo

*** I.V. B. ] [ Ipsa Venena Bibas

Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni, DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURLF

The 45-year-old Erdogan man, who police said was a psychiatric patient jihad sharjah, entered Jewish Hospital on Heinz-Galinski-Strasse, in northern Berlin, and went on a rampage threatening staff, patients and visitors. becouse there is only one allah and only one planet, the chinese? what are they doing here? BURN SATANA-ALLAH-JABULON IN JESUS'S NAME AMEN ALLELUIA, DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF!


Lapid at protests: 'If you hadn't taken to the streets, Israel would no longer be

art. 18 of the Constitution prohibits secret organizations, it was born in England in 1700

but, the children of darkness, work in the shadows, and whoever has nothing to hide comes to light.


Lodges are illicit associations, and their secrecy conflicts with the Constitution,

How does Freemasonry work and what does Rothschild hide in the dark?

all Masons' property must be confiscated, all their authority demoted, all Masons must be prohibited from active and passive political rights

obviously I've been here for about 15 years, since 2008?

I am the absolute monarchy here in Israel,

and i think that someone shouldn't complain about something before they see it work,

here they protested before seeing the judicial reform work

and they protested even before the Netanjahu government took office

Putin Xi-Jinping, Netanjahu, Orban, Lula, Modi from India, etc.. ] open letter [ it's not my fault, but all these aliens, all these jihad, sharia, cannibal usurers, DEM, thecnocracy, plutocratic, neoliberalist, imperialist, racist, antichrist, antizionist, comunists, Darwin Lapid Ape, Donkey by human form talmud, etc.. etc.. Spa&Co, parassites, sodomites, witches, ogres, zombies, freemasons, vampires, perverts, lgbt, demons, they are all too funny for me

Doctor Cesare Ghinelli, a charismatic doctor who performed unthinkable surgical operations, through the power of prayer, was subjected by the 22nd degree Masons to a voodoo rite without his knowledge, they told him that they had to celebrate a recently deceased master Mason, so they made him lay out in a black cloth, so a paralyzing and deadly cold began to take possession of his feet and when he reached his knees, he began to recite the prayer of Jesus the "Padre nostro", "Our father", and the curse to make him possessed by demons and by souls evil in hell, was broken. Masons whispered, "we against him? we can't do it", From Freemasonry to Faith in Jesus Faith & Culture Universitas

From darkness to light. His experiences as a physician of the healing power of prayer and the dangers of alternative medicines and homeopathy. https://youtu.Be/I2sveavlOF8

so for this idiot: “If you hadn't taken to the streets, the disaster would have already happened. Israel would no longer be democratic,” he said.

so for this idiot: a Rothschild judge the Freemason telling the Government what he can do, or can't do this is democracy for him?

Rockefeller spa&Co has two big testicles

one is called Satan and the other is called Allah

while the small carrot? its name is LAPID

Israeli-Ukrainian volunteer captured and killed by Russian forces

worldisraelnews ] [ because today you said: "I miss the prolonged absence of UniusREI too much? Don't you know that I can make you vomit?"

there are two things that Rockefeller and Rothschild Freemasons cannot give up:

1. the mafia;

2. tax havens


BERGOGLIO has sworn in JabulOn (and with all his St. Gallen mafia, and Cardinal Dannels has revealed it) that he will never displease his God Rothschild,

so Rothschild told satanist Obama,

you kick out Benedict XVI, and put our sorcerer, that of Pachamama in his place

BERGOGLIO said: "Am I not smarter and better than Jesus of Bethlehem?" so all the lgbt applauded him

there are many realities that bank seigniorage has made invisible, one of these are human sacrifices: made in the OTAN and in the CIA, which are made on the altar of Satan,

are at 200,000 human sacrifices a year in the USA,

40,000 human sacrifices per year in Germany,

another 50,000 are human sacrifices a year between the UK and France

I have had a geopolitical observatory for 15 years, and here there has always been a "circular mobbig" of slander against Russia which is something painful. indeed did you hear a Rothschild Freemason? then, you can save yourself a search, because you've already heard them all

An Israeli-Ukrainian was captured and killed by Russian forces in Ukraine, where he was a volunteer soldier for the Ukrainian army, Ukrainian media reported. Oleksandr Dubovik was killed in Zaitseve, in the Bakhmut region in December.


yes, all those who did not necessarily want to volunteer among the Israeli-Ukrainians? they were all killed on the spot, because there is compulsory conscription Stoltemberg 18-60 years old


WATCH: ‘Zionist terrorist’ – Arab Muslim who converted to Judaism attacked


grassy2 a flag ? they were behaving like Israelis at a funeral !! TV images showed police using batons to hit mourners as they struggled to hold up Abu Akleh’s coffin, which was draped with a Palestinian flag, causing the pallbearers to almost drop her coffin to the ground.


on the fact, what freedom do non-Muslims have within the Ummah, without risking to die continuously for an alternative thought?

then, we must ask ourselves what value a spoken word has or could have in a regime that in fact lacks freedom of speech, Abu Akleh it is not known who hit her, but the poor professional preparation of the Palestinians, and their need to obtain victims at any cost, leans more towards their guilt,

Abu Akleh is a Christian, whose body was stolen from her family, and her cult, and

that the Palestinians stole

to turn her into a martyr of Allah, the infamy of not having respected the dead is all the fault of the Palestinians



on the fact, what freedom do non-Muslims have within the Ummah, without risking to die continuously for an alternative thought?

then, we must ask ourselves what value a spoken word has or could have in a regime that in fact lacks freedom of speech



Abu Akleh it is not known who hit her, but the poor professional preparation of the Palestinians, and their need to obtain victims at any cost, leans more towards their guilt,

Abu Akleh is a Christian, whose body was stolen from her family, and her cult, e

that the Palestinians stole

to turn her into a martyr of Allah, the infamy of not having respected the dead is all the fault of the Palestinians


https://www.imolaoggi.It/2023/04/19/mettere-le-mani-sullitalia-il-nuovo-obiettivo-degli-oligarchi-globalisti/ You don't need to be Sherlock Holmes to understand that the combined disposition of all this information leads in one direction only: the order to strip the flesh of our country has come from the top floors of international Masonic finance, precarious the future of its inhabitants and dislodging them, for take possession of their most valuable assets cheaply. Namely owned homes and savings (an enviable treasure that is tempting to many), but also commercial activities in places of particular tourist interest and symbolic brands of Made in Italy.


spa&Co Bin ISIS Spa&Co petrodollas assassin spa&co FED ECB BM NWO OIC pedo pig ] [ and why are you angry at me? do you want to kill me too as you killed all the prophets before me?

but what prophet am I or could I ever be? I am not a prophet, but I am only a universal political agnostic metaphysician, the King of Israel, and I have not said anything new that has not already been written in your Bible, and that I can rationally demonstrate its justice, this is my fault?

king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH


Jesus of Bethlehem denied any possibility of adultery, and above all, he denied any possibility of divorce, and judged all remarried as adulterers (therefore they are all in a position of eternal damnation), now, what spiritual maturity do young people have who get married today?

====== Don't you know that in Buddhism, without spending three years in a monastery of silence, prayer, sacrifices, meditation, fasting and poverty, it is not possible to have permission to get married? and that's right, how do you get married if you don't have a spirituality? and now no one demands a spirituality from Darwin monkeys like Lapid, who are obviously initiated by the Rockefellers and the Saoud Azizs into prostitution

king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH


nazi ISLAM, nazi UK, sodoma nazi EU, nazi antichrist USA, nazi antizionist OIC sharjah the antizionist antichrist ] [ and why do you believe the religions of this planet instead of believing in me (metaphysical rational agnostic)

and instead of believing the Bible?

and why do you believe in the criminal imperiliastic religions of this planet if all of them are into lobby Masons have become endowed with common sense?

but what does God do with our common sense?

but what does God do with our common sense? for him in our common sense it is a mortal sin

king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH


MBS ISIS from al-crazy BIN-Riyadh ] [ for this Jesus said: "it is the holy spirit that gives life, for the flesh is of no use"

therefore it is necessary to die to the flesh (lust, lobbying, freemasonry, power, personal or banking interest, greed, lust for possession, imperilism, suprematism) to enter the heavenly Kingdom of God, and to enter the earthly Kingdom of God which is mine Kingdom of Israel, and if you don't have the white robe (i.e. divine nature) you will be burned in fire

king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH


Qoheleth Bible says: "fool islamist freemason parasite pig perverse lgbt dem has left heart"


80% of all damned souls in hell belong to the scum of Biden and Lapid. God placed the nature of Adam and Eve close to the angelic domain, and limited the procreation of a sexual type only to animals, Satan who with his tongue had awakened the lust of EVA convinced her to steal the reproductive process from God (through the work of the Holy Spirit , without laceration and penetration as for Mary of Nazareth) God has not changed his mind, he always hates sexual unions, Mohammed and Islam are a damned soul, therefore EVA derailed our angelic nature bringing it close to animal nature

king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH


Ecclesiastes the Bible says: "the perverted fool lgbt DEM has his heart on the left" ] [ the heart of the foolish antifa lgbt freemason sharia is on his left.


80% of all damned souls in hell belong to the scum of Biden and Lapid.

yes there are holy eunuchs in the celestial kingdom of God, but no homosexuals,

WATCH: ‘Zionist terrorist’ – Arab Muslim who converted to Judaism attacked

king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH


Qohelet Bible says: "the foolish DEM has his heart to the left" ] [ The heart of the wise Zionist patriot goes to his right, the heart of the foolish antifa lgbt freemason sharia to his left. And even when the fool walks on the street, his heart is devoid of sense and of everyone he says: "He is a madman".


Herzog urges Israelis to set disputes aside in ‘sacred days’ honoring survivors

bloodthirsty sharia ] Mass funerals and mass graves of Christians in Nigeria, [ A month of news on the Trentino bear, not even one of the 50,000 Christians slaughtered like animals

"14 million Christians driven out, 800 Islamized communities, children and pregnant women dismembered and set on fire, 400 Christians in a mass grave". But I'm not woke. It is the genocide of the nameless

Giulio Meotti , Mass funerals and mass graves of Christians in Nigeria, ] [ “All the news that is worth printing", reads the famous slogan of the New York Times, a point of reference for the European and Italian media. The massacre of Christians is never among these news. Perhaps the reason was explained by Sébastien de Courtois, one of the leading experts on Christian minorities who lives in Turkey and writes: "For the old ideological left, for which Islam is the religion of the oppressed, the religion of the reprobate, 'victim' and 'Christian' are antinomian terms. Check the archives of most newspapers or online news sites: you will notice an almost total lack of interest in the drama of Christians. This disinterest is dramatic because the fanaticism feeds on this ignorance"...

Dear Friend, satanism sodoma is from jewish community antizionism and antichrist agenda Spa&Co FED satana] [ For a number of years, we have battled the radical LGBT lobby over their top priority – legislation we call the InEquality Act. Our opponents have spent many millions of dollars trying to push this legislation into law, including expansive lobbying campaigns, paid ad campaigns and grassroots mobilizations.

National Organization for Marriage - Spring Membership Drive 2023

NOM has led the fight against this legislation because it would impose vast elements of the radical LGBT agenda and because it targets marriage supporters and people of faith for punitive actions for opposing the LGBT agenda. Defeat The Radical LGBT Agenda, We’ve defeated this legislation every year it has been proposed, and now it’s possible that the LGBT lobby may have given up (at least for now). The so-called “Equality Act” has not been reintroduced into Congress so far this session. However, it appears that the LGBT lobby may now have a new priority – legislation creating a so-called “Transgender Bill of Rights.” We will have more to say about this new threat in coming days but suffice it to say that it is sweeping in its scope and would radically alter both law and culture should it ever become law. Your Donation Today Will Double , As we have proven with our defeat of the InEquality Act, it takes strength and perseverance to prevail against the LGBT lobby.

We do not have near the financial resources of our opponents. As a grassroots group, NOM depends on financial support from individuals and families to fight for our beliefs and values. Will you help us get ready for this new threat from the “Transgender Bill of Rights” and to ensure we have the funds needed to advance our own agenda? We are in the midst of our crucial 2023 Spring Membership Drive and need your help now.

rectify the lies of the Masons ] [ all the lies and truths of the Israeli president spoke at the opening ceremony for Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Day had seized control of power in a financial and institutional way, as it still is today: that is, a mafia legalized by the FED BM NWO spa&Co).

He cited many of the Nazi atrocities, including the aim to create a museum in France of the extinct and inferior Jewish race. (this is a real evil, and the Ottomans did it in Nagorno karabath where they made a trophy museum of the killed Armenians, thanks to the weapons of Israel)

“My sisters and brothers, with human courage and divine assistance, the Allies overcame the forces of tyranny,” he said.

nazi fascism was really a bad tyranny, because it was anti-Christian and imperilistic, but even more demonic and tyrannical occult forces prevailed, i.e. the Rothschilds spa&Co satanism high treason and seigniorage banking, rockefeller Jewish murderers thieves, cospiracy, predation parasites and Anglo-American plutocrats, of City London

this is 100% true.

Seventy-five years ago, there was a “miracle” of rebirth and of light triumphing over darkness, said Herzog, calling Holocaust survivors heroes of resurrection who “serve us as a source of inspiration and hope. Everyday, including now.” this is 100% true. here's why: DEM, OIC lgbt sharia, Bildenberg, Spa&Co and EU US demonic forces OTAN are about to kill Israel

4.8M NAMES: New Yad Vashem display inscribes memory of Holocaust victims

the high treason constitution and their jewish masonic regime 4.8M NAMES of the parasitc: New Yad Vashem display inscribes memory of Holocaust victims of course, G-DYHVH holy killed them as said the biblical book of Deuteronomy, jews they were the 80% of all rich and lived among desperate peoples, victims of the mafia, freemasonry usury, bureaucracy, anarchy, if Nazi fascism did not arise? those peoples would have destroyed themselves with suicide drug tecnocracy lobbing and despair as it is today.

obviously 20% of them were innocent, and they didn't understand why they were hated, because then as now it is impossible to talk about scam banking COUP seigniorage, (high treason constitution) because in fact democracy is the most dangerous supernatural criminal demonic esoteric occult regime in the history of mankind

but how do you hear all the slanders that President Mattarella says against the russians?

Iran’s president threatens to ‘destroy Haifa and Tel Aviv’ – again

Bin Khamenei ISIS Ali MBS from Ummah Mecca demon Kaaba abominable takfir ] [ stop it idiot ] every demon Allah Brahma belongs to his religion and to his cursed racist and murderous book, while the living God of Abraham Moses Jesus of Bethlehem he has no religions, and if are you not reborn of water and the Holy Spirit, as a divine and celestial creature? you will not be able to enter the kingdom of God, no earthly creature will be able to enter.

because the flesh is putrefaction, and only the Holy Spirit is eternal life, that life that Mohammed the Talmud and the Koran have never known

what does the biblical book of Deuteronomy say?

God says: "but, if I have exterminated idolaters, adulterers, corruption, prostitution, lobbyists, freemasons, usurers, imperialists, anti-Zionists, anti-Christs, Satanists, sharia, DEM, lgbt because of their crimes, why must I become unjust when here in this land even the Jewish-Israelis indulge in these abominations,

then the biblical book of Deuteronomy decree blessings and related curses,


the Israelis know they are under a curse, and they bear with guilt the murders of the Muslims today, just as they endured the murders of the Philistines at that time.

of course the Jews try to be just, they try to be acceptable to God but they cannot succeed because all peoples are suckled by the sperm of the devil Rothschild FED and Allah that prostitute drinks that sperm too

contrary to what you think, because of rockefeller horror movies, the christian ministry of exorcism is an act of love compassion and mercy, that's why i collapsed all the churches of satan in youtube, because you can resist hate but one cannot resist divine love

why did YHVH holy rightly impose the genocide when the Jews coming out of Egypt had to take possession of the land that God had promised to Abraham? and why genocide and sometimes the vow of extermination (it was imposed on animals and things, i.e., not even girls before the age of 10 could be saved, i.e. everything had to pass through fire) in that extreme case, why? it is simple because only with Jesus of Bethlehem was the ministry of exorcism effectively activated

Bin Khamenei ISIS Alì MBS from Ummah Mecca demon Kaaba abominable takfir ] [ I have asked myself many times how Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism and above all ISLAM can overcome the logic of genocide (replacement theology) if it cannot use the New Testament which is the Gospel of Jesus of Bethlehem? it is clear: it cannot do it in reality, therefore, apart from hypocrisy, dissimulation and deception, genocide is in fact imposed by these religions from the very beginning.

Iran's president threatens to 'destroy Haifa and Tel Aviv' – again


of course, he can do it at any time,

1. 8,000 Hamas missiles

2. 80,000 Hezbollah missiles,

3. 300,000 Iranian missiles can wipe Israel off the map, and why should we turn Allah in Mecca Kaaba Riyadh into radioactive excrement later, when we can do it sooner, preemptively?

Barcelona mayor sued for breaking ties with Israel

Ada Colau went beyond the scope of her authority in her desire to support the BDS movement,


Ada Colau DEM lgbt talmudic APE Darwin with the humanoid shape floods-spreads his legs, lifts his skirt as much, but does not need to lower his underpants, therefore urinates a little here, and a little there, because everyone knows it, male dogs? they need to mark their territory

Lapid boycotting state Independence Day event; Israelis dispirited by division,

disqus /by/fof9l/ Me, me me! I'm always right, and that's the only thing that counts. Anyone who disagrees with me should be locked up [YL, April 19th 2023] ANSWER 1. I don't know who made this statement of yours (YL, April 19th 2023), I found a source of it in internet research. 2. the Bible and the Constitution have already been written, 3. the Masonic financial Luciferian judicial part and globalist neoliberal technocratic lobbying has corrupted them at will, 4. now we can no longer regain control of democracy, we can no longer restore the sovereignty of the people

king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH

DEM is COUP and sedition is no longer worthy to entering in Parliament,

you make dissolution of parliament and martial law

king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH

this is esplicit intention of carrying out a coup, and violating the constitutional pact, must dissolution of parliament and martial law

king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH

is been violating the constitutional pact, and national security, dissolution of parliament and martial law, this is treatement islamic security strategic

Stone boycotting state Independence Day event;


Stone tramples on the democratic pact and is no longer worthy of entering Parliament,

proscription lists must be made against all those who protested with the intention of carrying out a coup, and violating the constitutional pact, dissolution of parliament and martial law

Indictments dropped against Homesh settlers, but fate of evacuated

be strong take courage and go down against all your enemies

"There are more of those who are with us than those who are with them" (2 Kings 6:16).

Netanjahu from masonic false ISRAEL ] [ why did you come down here to ISRAEL to be destroyed by the jealousy of God once again?

why do you want to save the lives of Muslims at the cost of your life?

YOU CANNOT AND SHOULD NO LONGER STOP ME FROM DESTROYING THE ARAB LEAGUE WITH ATOMIC WEAPONS "Do not be afraid, for those who are with us are more numerous than those who are with them"

wasn't it better that you stayed with Rockefeller spa & Co Rothschild to play the usurer, the sodomite, the cannibal and the satanist parasite? why did you come down here in ISRAEL to be destroyed by the jealousy of God once again?

Netanjahu from masonic false ISRAEL ] [ king Rabbi Supreme lorenzoJHWH said "the esoteric phanteism idolater "fake star of david" swastika from the flag of israel? it was invented by the Rothschilds, and his high sanhedrin kabbalah talmudicam about 2000 years ago to exterminate all Jews and thus take revenge against JHWH Holy God YHVH holy for the resurrection of Jesus of Bethlehem"


Do you know that if you are a hypocrite God will destroy you again, because you want to save the life of your Muhammadan enemy and pay with your life for his life?

you can no longer stop me from destroying the ARAB LEAGUE with atomic weapons

this is a regime of police and mason judges love you till you die Big 666 pharma, Do you want to live under one power that rules us all? Well, the UN's World Health Organization (WHO) aims to achieve just that! What the WHO is proposing is intended to expand its powers to declare "potential" health emergencies and to develop new global surveillance mechanisms and data sharing. The goal - to become the ONLY "coordinating authority" during a public health emergency. And you will have NO choice about how to respond, none at all! We must act NOW to protect our rights and freedoms. The representatives of the World Health Organization are currently having a crucial meeting that ends in a few hours! Sign here to help us prevent WHO from taking unprecedented control over our health choices or share this urgent petition via WhatsApp or Facebook. Thank you for your attention to this vital topic, Ignacio Arsuaga and the entire CitizenGO team

Here's the email we sent you about this earlier:

‘You Chose Life. You Believed in Good. You Helped Others,’ Netanyahu Tells Survivors

WATCH: Keeping the Memory of Survivors Alive

Father of Antisemitic Hate Crime Victim Pleads for Justice in New York City

Two Jews Shot in Jerusalem Terror Attack

WATCH: Warsaw – Where the Jews Fought Back

Judith Sohlberg: Just 8 Years Old When She Saved Lives in Concentration Camp

WATCH: Holocaust Survivors Under Arrest Sing Israeli National Anthem

35th March of the Living Honors Jewish Heroism in the Holocaust

WATCH: Rising from the Ashes – Israel is Our Home

FLASHBACK: The Holocaust Photo that Offended Facebook

WATCH: A Survivor’s Deep Faith in Divine Providence

‘Hitler was Daring’: How Palestinian Leaders Revere the Nazis

WATCH: Rising from the Ashes – Stories from Survivors

Horrific Details of Hitler’s Final Solution Known to ‘Indifferent’ Free World in 1943

Likely killed: US helicopter raid in Syria targets Islamic State leader

Help CitizenGO haar belangrijke werk voort te zetten met een maandelijkse donatie https://go.citizengo.Org/NL-2023-04-14-Global-OT-MFH-NA-Manel_Tomas-MD_special_series_LP-MD-NL.html This is Manel Tomás, CitizenGO's Director of Operations. I don't normally write emails to you, but I've told our team that we need to be transparent about what's going on at CitizenGO.

Let me get straight to the point: CitizenGO fundraising is down more than 2,000 monthly donations so far in 2023. And that comes on top of a difficult 2022.

I can see why: With so many crises worldwide and the rising cost of living, it has become harder for many people to donate.

CitizenGO is not alone. Donations to organizations that stand up for life and family have fallen across the board. But unlike most other organizations that are funded primarily by large grants or wealthy donors, CitizenGO is primarily funded by small-scale, grassroots donations from people just like you!

"We are Armenia. Europe, defend it", Appeal of philosophers, essayists and academics. "A thousand-year-old Christian culture and secular democracy will be swept away by the pan-Turkish dictatorships and jihadists". Where are the Italian voices? Finally Italy breaks the shameful European front of silence on persecuted Christians, Meloni receives two survivors: "We have been caged, converted to Islam, our fathers and brothers beheaded". What is the government to do now about this taboo of Western consciousness, “More than a million Europeans enslaved between the beginning of the sixteenth century and the end of the eighteenth century. To these must be added two million slaves from Eastern Europe and the Muscovite Empire. A significant number (almost a quarter, mainly men) convert to Islam, the others are forced to carry out difficult jobs ”. So writes the French historian Olivier Grenouilleau in Christianisme et esclavage. The slavery of Christians at the hands of Islam is still a great historiographical taboo. Just think of the lynching suffered by Grenouilleau for having written The Slave Trade, in which he declares: "The number of Christian slaves raided by Muslims exceeds that of Africans deported to the Americas". Thus the persecution of Christians today constitutes one of the blind spots of the Western conscience...,

and what's strange? don't you see how LAPID is so woman among the hairy gorillas?

"'Progressive' totalitarianism wants to change human nature and sink civilization. It will also arrive in Italy"

Exclusive interview with writer John Waters. Laws to change the se* of minors, via "male" and "female" from identity cards and "female" from the Constitution. Checkmate in the West?

Imam refuses to touch Princess Kate because he is afraid of losing his right nose hole virginity

after the destruction of the library of Alexandria

why did Omar love the Koran too much? then, only Churcil understood how dangerous the Germans and the Muslims could be? If you give in, they'll take everything

Imam refuses to touch Princess Kate. Professor accused of "Islamophobia" goes into hiding and changes his identity. What about women's honor? What about a nation? What about civilization? The dhimmis of multiculturalism

Giulio Meotti

The vulgar-progressive barbarians who rewrite the books are the heirs of the caliph who burned them, Dozens of literary masterpieces are unleashed and change: for children, science fiction, humorous, yellow, historical. Nothing will be spared by our purple Taliban who also start fires, [ by Giulio Meotti] [ What would you have thought ten years ago if they had told you that one day not too far away they would have rewritten the classics of literature by purging them of ideas and words "offensive" to our morality? I would have thought of the phrase with which Caliph Omar ordered the destruction of the library of Alexandria after the Arab conquest of Egypt: "In those books either there are things already present in the Koran or there are things that are not part of the Koran: if they are already present in the Koran they are useless, if they are not present they are harmful. In any case they must be destroyed". In 1993 Robert Hughes, brilliant nonconformist Australian critic full of common sense, began and immediately put an end to the debates on political correctness through The culture of whining, where he tore apart victimhood, solidarity rhetoric, respectability and political correctness. Meanwhile, the late master of literary criticism, Harold Bloom, attacked the "School of resentment", Marxists, African Americans, Lacanians, feminists, deconstructionists, queers, "that is, the so-called multiculturalists who tell us that we must evaluate a literary work starting from the ethnic origin or gender of the author”. “Liberals are killing art”, chanted twenty years later Jed Perl, master of American art criticism. Liberals are killing art. Here we are. We are now under the full domination of what the English philosopher John Gray (one of the most original intellectuals) calls the "barbarians of reason"...

Big pharma graveyard? it was a beautiful invention of Satan Sodom and Rockefeller since they prevented Israel and Italy from producing their own vaccine, because only theirs was the right lethal one.

The excess dead have come back with a vengeance in the UK and Germany (and also in Italy)

About Italy, you can read this article. Below I point out to the attention and reflection of the readers of this blog the article written by Igor Chudov and published on his Substack. Visit the site and freely evaluate the various options offered and

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April 18, 2023 - Sabino Paciolla

New study of 9,500 women finds COVID-19 vaccine could lead to heavier menstrual bleeding

Below I would like to point out to the attention and reflection of the readers of this blog the article written by Jessie Zhang and published in The Epoch Times. Visit the site and freely evaluate the various options offered and any requests. Here is the article in

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April 17, 2023 - Sabino Paciolla's Blog Editorial

Beyond the scientific-health discourse: the insurmountable respect for the human person

I am happy to publish the following press release. RELEASE April 17, 2023, Rome Recent media revelations have shown that the experimental nature and dangerousness of anti-COVID-19 vaccines, together with their inability to stop the contagion, were facts known to the institutions

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April 17, 2023 - Sabino Paciolla

Brain damage after COVID vaccination

Below I point out to the attention and reflection of the readers of this blog the article written by Colleen Huber NMD and published on her Substack. Visit the site and freely evaluate the various options offered and any requests. Here is the article in

yet this is a lucky moment for Zelenschy since the Russians have got all the military strategies wrong, and we are at a turning point:

1. surrender Donbass as, common sense justice and the law of the peoples pretend,

2. or start the third nuclear war of the Wahhabis against the Chinese.


the Ukrainians must stop saying that Putin started the war in 2022, when everyone knows that they started it in 2014. what if it wasn't a problem for Zelenschy and Stoltemberg to bring missiles with double nuclear capability on the Russian border?

then, this was a serious problem for me instead, since everyone says that in OTAN they are all peaceful satanists and cannibal defensive

It is time for NATO to tell Zelensky the truth: Ukraine will never join the Alliance. Feeding false hope is cruel. the EU US gave the money to turn Ukrainians into prostitutes, rob, delude and deceive the country, and turn them into cannon grease.

but the Ukrainian Freemasons could have had Putin's money, to restore their country, but instead they thought of privately enriching themselves with the money of sodom and satan ursula pelosi nuland the witches

Biden 'religious freedom' official pushes Western Wall deal, silent on Temple

18 April 2023 - Sabino Paciolla ] [ It is time for NATO to tell Zelensky the truth: Ukraine will not join the Alliance. Feeding false hope is cruel.

Below I point out to the attention and reflection of the readers of this blog the article written by Daniel Larison and published in AntiWar.


What's wrong? the EU US gave the money to turn the Ukrainians into cannon grease.

but the Freemasons could have had Putin's money to restore their country, but instead they thought about getting rich privately with sodom and satan's money ursula the witch

Bin Khameni & Alì MBS takbirius ISIS ] [ if a distant inhabitant of space were now to read this comment of mine, what idea would he have of this planet?

Biden 'religious freedom' official silent on Temple Mount

Notably, Hussain did not mention the ongoing issue of Jews being denied freedom of worship at the Temple Mount, Judaism's holiest site.


after the religious war of Sodom Satan in Ukraine against Russian Christians,

now, it is ISLAM that pushes mankind to a new world religious war, because it demands all rights from us in USA EU and denies us all rights from it in UMMAH

Where Holocaust commemoration succeeded and where it failed

MBS Bin ISIS IRAN Alì Riyadh crazy ] [ caxxo dog-head, you jerks! the holy Jews (instead of being parasites of the

peoples behind the banks) have returned here, to Israel for the love of

Abraham and what have they found here? they found your ISIS, they found

this, and I know what kind of Abraham you belong to.. for this too smart CAINI jews became

petrodollar cannibals spa&Co satanists DEM lgbt FED NWO your

accomplices, and stupid innocent martyr jews descended to Israel,

believing in God's promises and blessings to Abraham, and this bad story

for Mohammed ? it will end in nuclear tragedy

Yom HaShoah terror: Man stabbed, kibbutz targeted by gunfire

testa di cane caxxo MBS Bin ISIS IRAN Alì Riyadh crazy ] [ caxxo dog head, you jerks! the holy Jews (instead of being parasites of the peoples behind the banks) have returned here, to Israel for the love of Abraham and what have they found here? they found your ISIS, they found this, and I know what kind of Abraham you belong to

MBS Bin ISIS IRAN Alì Riyadh crazy ] [for this too smart CAINI jews became petrodollar cannibals spa&Co satanists DEM lgbt FED NWO your accomplices, and stupid innocent martyr jews descended to Israel, believing in God's promises and blessings to Abraham, and this bad story for Mohammed ? it will end in nuclear tragedy

MBS Bin ISIS IRAN Alì Riyadh crazy ] [ but, if you want to explain, even to the demon of "Jehovah's Witnesses, that sin against God infinite love, is always an infinite sin, and that the blood of an animal (or of any creature) cannot wash forgive something infinite, and that it was indispensable that the victim be human and innocent (to be guilty on our behalf and to represent all men) but also, infinite and divine in nature, to satisfy God's infinite justice, then your attempts they will not succeed, and this happens every time the devil collectively takes people's brains, as happens in the ARAB LEAGUE

ISLAM has no theology, because Allah disgusted himself about pedo Muhammad assassin, Malaysia: Fatwa in Selangor state forbids Muslims from entering churches. The Qur’an says: “O you who believe, the idolaters only are unclean.” (9:28). Christians are considered idolaters because of the doctrines of the divinity of Xist and the Holy Trinity, although the Qur’an betrays a lack of understanding of what the Trinity actually is: “And when Allah said, O Jesus, son of Mary, did you [ ]

Read more Robert Spencer


about the Holy Trinity, although the Qur'an betrays a lack of understanding of what the Trinity actually is?

don't you know a Chinese proverb that says: "to wash the head of the pig donkey? you waste your time soap and water"

ISLAM has no theology, because Allah disgusted himself about pedo Muhammad assassin, Pakistan: Chinese engineer arrested for ‘insulting Islam’ after he asked Pakistanis to work faster during Ramadan, China might find its path to global economic hegemony not quite as smooth as it expects. If they pull out of Pakistan because of this, it will become another illustration of one of the many, many reasons why Sharia leads to poverty. “Pakistan: Chinese engineer arrested for ‘insulting Islam’ after he asked his Pakistani subordinates [ ] Read more

Robert Spencer

ISLAM has no theology, because Allah disgusted himself about pedo Muhammad assassin, Media Recruits ‘Muslim Jihadist’ to Smear DeSantis, “DeSantis does not respect American values.” I remember when the media was defending Islamic terrorists. It’s a short step to making them our moral guides. DeSantis ‘is not a good guy,’ says former Guantánamo detainee I don’t know about you, but when I set out to decide who’s a good guy, I ask former Guantánamo [ ]

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Daniel Greenfield

ISLAM has no theology, because Allah disgusted himself about pedo Muhammad assassin, Mali: Islamic State jihadis take Tidermene, distribute Qur’ans to population

Meanwhile, witless politicians in the West insist that this group has nothing to do with Islam, thereby depriving themselves a priori of any ability to understand its appeal to the populace and ability to persevere. “State terrorists extend control over northeastern Mali,” Africa News, April 14, 2023 (thanks to The Religion of Peace): Jihadists affiliated [ ]

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Robert Spencer

ISLAM has no theology, because Allah disgusted himself about pedo Muhammad assassin, France: 15-year-old girl runs away, converts to Islam to marry Muslim migrant, flees after he beats her, She likely had no idea that this could possibly happen. No one would have dared to tell her, as to do so would have been “Islamophobic.” In fact, so great is the taboo around this material that no one she knew likely even knew about it either. The Qur’an teaches that men are superior to [ ]

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Robert Spencer

any antichrist is also any antizionist ] Islam is not God theology [ UK: Muslims attack and chase police during ‘night of community engagement’ in Ramadan, Letting the police know who’s the boss. “Ramadan chaos in Coventry Road as police attacked and chased during crackdown on illegal traders,” BirminghamLive, April 16, 2023 Angry chants, pig noises and blaring car horns echoed down Coventry Road as police were chased away trying to speak to pop-up market traders. On what was supposed to [ ]

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Robert Spencer

any antichrist is also any antizionist ] Islam is not God theology [Germany: Muslim migrant stabs his wife over 30 times, killing her, explains ‘I’m a man, I had to do it’, There is domestic violence in all cultures, but only in one does it have divine sanction. Islam doesn’t teach that man may kill his wife, but once you’ve allowed him to beat her, accidents will happen. The Qur’an teaches that men are superior to women and should beat those from whom they “fear disobedience”: “Men [ ]

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Robert Spencer

any antichrist is also any antizionist ] Islam is not God theology [ Israel: Muslim murders his sister in honor killing, confesses ‘I slaughtered her’, in the Qur’an, a mysterious figure, known as Khidr in Islamic tradition, kills a boy in an apparently random and gratuitous attack. He then explains: “And as for the boy, his parents were believers, and we feared that he would overburden them by transgression and disbelief. So we intended that their Lord should substitute for [ ]

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Robert Spencer

any antichrist is also any antizionist ] Islam is not God theology [ Ramadan in Nigeria: Muslims murder at least nine people in jihad raid in Yobe State, Make ready for them all that you can of force and of warhorses, so that by them you may strike terror in the enemy of Allah and your enemy ” (Qur’an 8:60) “UPDATED: Suspected Boko Haram Terrorists Kill Nine In Yobe,” by Musa Mingyi, Channels TV, April 14, 2023: Suspected Boko Haram terrorists have launched a [ ]

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2 wounded in eastern Jerusalem terror shooting; terrorist at large

IRAN & RIYADH & OTAN & CIA & OIC Ummah jabulOn Baal Allah ] open letter [ This morning at 4.00 I woke up with a spiritual feeling of suffocation, if you take away my hope? and you are do it, I forget that I have become a rational agnostic because of my creative faith


IRAN & RIYADH ] open letter [ Two Israeli men were shot and wounded by a terrorist with an improvised machine gun as they drove through the eastern Jerusalem Shimon HaTzadik (Sheikh Jarrah) neighborhood on Tuesday morning. At press time, police were searching for the assailant, who fled the scene without being apprehended.


killing and destroying is easy and it is the only thing that coward ISIS sharia Islam can do lacking a true theology, it also lacking any political solutions and cultural and political content, it is between oil that the rockefeller satanists and all their anti-Zionist accomplices freemasons lgbt darwin the planet of the apes, they want to choke Israel to death, only with crimes and with violence and infamy and predation have you gone through these 1400 years


Funding to Israeli high-tech firms dropped by 70 percent in first months of 2023

In Western Wokistan, reason has been burned

They forbid children the word "fat", but for Biden to prevent them from changing their se** is "cruel". Universities breed conformist sheep. Finkielkraut: "Progressivism has taken the place of communism"

Giulio Meotti

Mar 15

“In the future a historian will analyze the fall of the West under the pressure of Wokistan. What will surprise him will be the rewriting of literary works in the name of refusing to offend a minority. He will take the opportunity to list the book burnings, which began in Canada, a Wokistan laboratory. By censoring Kipling and eliminating Joseph Conrad, all this mind-numbing machinery had ended up bringing the West to* ruin”

That day in Rome, Islam launched the "sweet conquest" of Europe

Pertini, Scalfaro, Andreotti, pious souls, useful idiots, the Vatican and the Saudis. 200 billion, 1,500 mosques and the largest ideological operation against the West since the USSR

Giulio Meotti

Mar 24

My new book La dolce conquista is out today for Edizioni Cantagalli. Europe surrenders to Islam (preface by Boualem Sansal). Exclusively for the newsletter...

The courageous woman who defended reason from a West gone mad

She had fame and liberal credentials to keep her warm. But the author of Harry Potter understood that humanity is at stake in the transgender doxa and she declared a heroic culture war. About her. Her story

"Cancel culture is something from the Soviet Union"

Magnificent investigation into the terrible new censorship: "Authors eliminated, books buried, those who lose their jobs. Without the need for laws and a police state. Because conformism is the new totalitarianism"

Europe that freaks out about a cross around its neck will wear the crescent

A TV journalist is prevented from presenting with a crucifix. It happens everywhere. However, Islamic symbols are rampant and we will end up like Lebanon. This flaccid multiculturalism is our harakiri

Now Europe even has its own Islamic prime minister

The "Houellebecq scenario" is realized. Humza Yousaf, the clever premier who combines a mosque, relations with Qatar, Hamas and progressive sleight of hand for gullible Westerners

Giulio Meotti

Mar 28

"Endowed with a Third World aura already only for his origins, Mohammed Ben Abbes restored to the sharia its reassuring, traditional value, with a scent of exoticism that made it even more desirable". Thus Michel Houellebecq in his novel Submission imagined, for France in 2022, the rise to power of an Islamic leader. In 2023, for the first time in Europe, it actually happened in a European country...

There is nothing more cruel and corrupt than French intellectuals

Legions of decadent and café revolutionaries protected the Italian Red Brigades. They praised pedophilia, Pol Pot, the terrorists of Munich '72 and Khomeini. They are the shame of European culture

Giulio Meotti

As in the case of red terrorism in Germany of the Baader-Meinhof gang (Andreas Baader was the son of a history professor, Ulrike Meinhof of a museum director and lived in a villa, Gudrun Ensslin of an evangelical pastor, Horst Mahler of a magistrate ), in this story there are all the great personalities (and the sins) of the French intellectual left, his "chosen ones" and "travel companions", who lived in the same district of Paris, frequented the same restaurants and cafés, repeated the same slogans, signed the same appeals, the small world of the great bourgeois extreme left passed without scruple from the praise of Pol Pot to the ministries of François Mitterrand. The gauche révolutionnaire became gauche caviar...

Welcome to London, where Allah is also prayed in museums

In one month in the United Kingdom teachers and students threatened with death, lights for Ramadan, muezzin songs among Canova's masterpieces and an Islamic premier addressing Mecca. Not bad, right?

Giulio Meotti

In recent weeks, the practice of renting a uterus has become a topical issue in Italian politics and beyond. In fact, just yesterday, the European Parliament condemned Italy for stopping the transcripts of "children of gay couples". Here are all the risks, fake news, dangers and dramatic statistics of an inhumane, barbaric practice that jeopardizes the health of women and children as well as the dignity of those forced to enslave themselves to raise some money. The condemnation of this practice is transversal: feminists, journalists, singers and public figures have sided in favor of the proposal to make surrogacy a universal crime.

Fake news and magnified numbers to justify the uterus for rent

In order to bring grist to the mill of the rented uterus, there are those who magnify numbers, statistics and cripple reality with real fake news. Like the one that would like hundreds of thousands of children awaiting transcription, therefore also thousands of "children" of homosexual couples had with this barbaric practice. Nothing more false. KEEP READING!

[News Highlights]

"Children" gay couples. Shameful interference by the European Union

Interview with Kelly Martinez, a repentant surrogate mother

Ricci Sargentini: «Universal crime is what feminists want»

Surrogate mothers and markets. Here's what and where the new marketplaces are

Nicola Porro very harsh: «Only fools think it is a supportive and generous gestation»

Rented uterus:

here is the map

of shame

Dead surrogate mothers and pocket money from agencies to "compensate" families

Not only ethical and legal implications. De Mari: "More risk of disease for women and children"

CEI: «Children are not a product. No to the commodification of women"

Don Patriciello: «Universal crime would be a sign of emancipation»

Hoara Borselli's comment: "Children are not over-the-counter goods"

Also Simone Cristicchi against the rented uterus

Funding to Israeli high-tech firms dropped by 70 percent in first months of 2023

"America was a brake on Europe's radicalism. Today it exports decadence"

New mega survey of the Wall Street Journal: "Patriotism, religion and having children, values that made the United States collapse". Exclusive interview with Rod Dreher: "The woke is destroying us"

Giulio Meotti

The European Union has given 1.5 billion to Erdogan to fight climate change

Our money to the sultan is an undeclared jizya. We also pay the Turks to have more children (25 million euros). Do we also finance the jihadists that Erdogan unleashes against the "Armenian dogs"?

Giulio Meotti

George Orwell seems to have taken up residence in the Berlaymont Palace, headquarters of the European Commission in Brussels...

Au revoir, France! "Practising Muslims have already surpassed Catholics"

The Statistical Institute reveals the overtaking: "Between 18 and 59, one million more people to Islam". Interview with Jean-Louis Harouel: "We are letting ourselves be transformed into a Muslim country"

Giulio Meotti

Apr 2



Sonia Backès, French secretary of state for citizenship, has just said that "political Islam wants to bring the Republic to its knees". If only it were the République Other than the “eldest daughter of the Church”, as the town of Emmanuel Mounier, Georges Bernanos, François Mauriac, Jacques Maritain and Teilhard de Chardin was called. The National Institute of Statistics has just provided us with numbers that tell of an unprecedented change of civilization in the history of a country that is the cradle of European culture. If the historian Guillaume Cuchet has published a book entitled Le Catholicisme a-t-il encore de l'avenir en France?, the philosopher Chantal Delsol sentence La fin de la chrétienté and Philippe de Villiers wonders if Les cloches sonneront-elles encore demain? (will the bells still ring tomorrow?). As the religion scholar Danièle Hervieu-Léger, author of Catholicisme, la fin d'un monde, writes, a battle has never begun but has already ended and society is marching quickly towards the "exculturation" of Catholicism, its expulsion which it has created a vacuum filled by Islam. The Algerian writer Boualem Sansal, author of 2084 and who wrote the preface to my latest book The sweet conquest, is right: “Islam is young and vigorous, Christianity is old and weak. A voluntary conversion process takes place which does not say his name. By some psychic compensation mechanism, we replace the Christianity we kicked out the door with an Islam that got in the window."..

any antichrist is also any antizionist Congratulations multiculturalists, you have succeeded in realizing the "foreigner at home"

"34.62 percent of all Swedes are first- or second-generation immigrants." A thrilling investigation with which to wallpaper the editorial offices of Italian newspapers and the halls of Parliament by Giulio Meotti

Apr 14 "Rather than leading to meltdown, the migration crisis is leading to the fission of Europe," wrote Stanford historian Niall Ferguson five years ago. "I am increasingly convinced that the migration crisis will be seen by future historians as the fatal ingredient that dissolved the EU".

The EU is still there, but the "fission" has already taken place in the country at the forefront of multiculturalism, open borders and hospitality. Since 1980, according to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, half of all residence permits granted by Sweden - nearly 400,000 - have gone to reunite families from various geopolitical disaster areas. Many of these places were in the Islamic world: Yugoslavia, Somalia, Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan the main ones. In 2014 then Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt invited fellow Swedish citizens to "open their hearts" to refugees from all over the world: "I ask the Swedish people to be patient and supportive, in the long term we will create a better world in this way". The following year alone, Sweden would welcome 163,000 people. The equivalent of 1.6 percent of the total population. As if Italy had let in 600,000 migrants in one year. And so the famous "land of the right of asylum" ended up with suburbs where today only one in ten inhabitants is Swedish and at Lund University academics of Egyptian origin such as Sameh Egyptson publish research on the project of Islamization of Swedish society through demographic changes and cultural.

Now the "most generous nation on earth" acknowledges that it preferred the former world to the "better world" and changes direction. 360 degrees. If we look at Sweden as in a kaleidoscope, rotating the three mirrors in the tube, what future do we see for Europe?...

any antichrist is also any antizionist ] [ When civilization becomes a Titanic, it takes on water everywhere

In Canada, the government finances "LGBT camps for children", schools cancel "Mother's Day", books are burned. But sharia is treated with white gloves. They electroshocked the West

Listen to preview

“I watch this nihilistic wave coming towards us, as on the beach we see the wall of water arriving in the distance and falling on us”, writes the French philosopher Michel Onfray in his new book, Anima.

To understand the effect of this nihilistic tsunami you have to see what happens in the country famous for knowing how to get in line, waiting for Nothing...

any antichrist is also any antizionist ]If there was Gibbon he would write "Decline and Fall of the Woke Empire"

The collapse of progressive icons (from Sanna to Sturgeon) and a new research: "Mohammed is the fourth name among the new born in Europe". Interview with Onfray: "We transhumanists will be overwhelmed by Islam" by Giulio Meotti

While our press and elite love to focus on these strange European natives who no longer want to have children and embrace all the social fashions of the moment, even the denial of biology, other civilizations do not forget where they come from, where they go and that the transmission of life and identity is essential. In the first paragraph of The Strange Death of Europe, Douglas Murray states: "For most people now alive, Europe will no longer be Europe."

But it seems there are still some Europeans who don't really like the idea...

any antichrist is also any antizionist ] a breastfeeding fake-transvestite male? It's not just a mural. It is the more than real madness that ravages the West

Let's not be indignant about the breastfeeding man of Rimini, but about how this monstrous ideology is conquering the mainstream. Because if dementia is given rope, it will end up hanging us

Giulio Meotti

In Rimini, a mural with a nursing man caused the usual Italian controversy. Looking at it, it is still not clear exactly what the society that progressives of all stripes promise us could be like. But we can get an idea from the Adidas ad: a woman in an Islamic hijab playing basketball and a trans woman playing women's volleyball. Mix of all genres: multiculturalism, transgenderism, consumerism. Like when Calvin Klein made the pregnant man commercial accompanied by an insipid and stupid text: "We can reproduce biologically or with the heart.. Our place is to love and be loved". It doesn't mean anything, but there are the words "heart" and "love", so this inclusive porridge goes through the heads of jerks. But this anthropological debacle is neither a mural nor an advertisement. It is sweeping everywhere in the Western mainstream. Lenin said: "The capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them". We, giving way to ideological madness, will end up hanging us.

Arab who saved Jewish couple from terror attack honored

any antichrist is also any antizionist ] Open in app or online, "No more Christian holidays, today we celebrate Ramadan"

In Oxford St. George replaced by Islamic Eid. "No alcohol." Effect of the 100 million donated by Saudi Arabia and Qatar. And the 15th century cathedrals are given to the muezzins. What a sweet conquest!

Giulio Meotti

Apr 6 The Oxford Center For Islamic Studies, “Jesus would be prevented from speaking at Oxford today.” To say it is a super liberal from Oxford, Timothy Garton Ash. Not bad, considering that it was Christians who founded the most famous English university. But already Edward Gibbon in chapter 52 of his Rise and fall of the Roman Empire warned us that if the Moors hadn't been defeated at Poitiers in 711 "today the interpretation of the Koran would be taught in the classrooms of Oxford and our pulpits would be trodden by those who preaches the holy truth of Mohammed's revelation". The Islamization of England is proceeding in a reverse Poitiers: in a month teachers and students have been threatened with death for "Islamophobia", Ramadan decorations have appeared in London, the muezzin have filled the halls of the Victoria and Albert Museum, an Islamic premier has been elected in Scotland and now Britain's most glorious university is canceling England's Christian patron saint's day to celebrate the end of Islam's holy month, while one of the oldest UK cathedrals opens to Allah.

any antichrist is also any antizionist ] "Let's rebel against the laws that deny biology and reason. Civil disobedience against the transgender"

J'accuse of one of the most famous writers: "As Chesterton teaches us, where the categories have been distorted, those who violate them save common sense". But in France there is the risk of blows and threats by Giulio Meotti

Strange country, Spain, the land of Don Quixote which is now making the transgender revolution, with the city of Valencia (the city of El Cid, the reconqueror who will turn over in his grave) which adopts the “neutral toilets”.

Strange country, France, the land of Voltaire, of the Enlightenment, of Écrasez l'Infâme and of Laicité. A country where today the journalist and feminist Dora Moutot is being sent to trial, dragged into the courtroom by the LGBT associations for "insults because of gender identity", and the mayor of Paris, the super woke socialist Anne Hidalgo, censors academic critics of gender. Now conferences in favor of Iranian women are also being canceled due to "threats to security". On the other hand, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the Islamic dissident who has been threatened with death for twenty years, hasn't she written that Western feminists must learn from the women of Tehran, where a woman does not want to be just a "body with a vagina", as they would like the ayatollahs and how did the renowned medical journal The Lancet define them?..

any antichrist is also any antizionist ] In the European Parliament there is a large lobby linked to the Muslim Brotherhood

Qatargate? From Ursula to Metsola, all at the "Antiracist Week" (Italians involved). Those who criticize them are threatened. In Germany "day against Islamophobia". We are in full submission

Giulio Meotti

After the "Qatargate", the infiltration of the Emir of Doha at the highest levels of the European Parliament (the latest scandal concerns the director of Transport of the EU Commission, Henrik Hololei, who traveled to Qatar paid for by the Qataris) it would have been normal that Brussels took a break in relations with the Islamists. But no. Nothing is normal anymore.

The decency of bureaucrats must be buried under several shovelfuls of earth. Now there is “inclusion”. Thus, ten years after it dared to declare that the only family is the "natural" one and given that now "the world is becoming more and more multicultural" as they explain on the initiative's page, Barilla is launching carbonara without pork. Open Carbonara.

And since we live in a Europe gone mad, the CDU and SPD in Berlin are proposing the "International Day against Islamophobia". From safe Berlin (as in Brussels), while Christians are killed elsewhere. What a courageous undertaking, given the rampant Islamophobia in Europe, where, as is well known, Muslim women can no longer venture into Christian areas without the veil. And it doesn't matter that Christians are the most persecuted religion in the world.

Ideologically compromised or simply corrupt?..

[ any antichrist is also any antizionist ] Today they punish those who recite the Our Father. Tomorrow who will not submit to Islam

The story from Italy and the teachers who are lynched if they don't make room for Ramadan. Interview with an American writer who lives between Amsterdam and Oslo: "You have no idea how Islam is changing you"

Giulio Meotti

Apr 11

Mullah Krekar, extradited to Italy two years ago, said the following about Europeans: "They failed to change us. We are the ones who will change them ". Islamists have better lenses than our so-called short-sighted secularists...

Armenia is about to disappear. Its eastern part has already been

taken from it. Putin wants to take geography. Azerbaijani dictator

Aliyev and Sultan Erdogan want to undo the story. The first conquers.

The seconds erase. "We are like sheep locked up in a

cage surrounded by wolves with long teeth," said the primate of the

Armenian Apostolic Church, Vrtanès Aprahamian. "The wolves are just

waiting for an opportunity to open the gate and tear their prey

apart." And Europe, all attentive to Ukraine,

does not move, does nothing, says nothing about the Armenians. In Guy

Debord's society of entertainment, to each of him his Rohingya and

Uighur. “A Christian with a mustache drinking wine in the shade of a

bell tower blown up by an Azerbaijani drone does not move the

cyber-global public like a Sahelian refugee,” French novelist Sylvain

Tesson wrote of Armenians. Armenians do not

meet the criteria for joining the global woke piety: they are not

multicultural, they are not fluid and they are not content to witness

their own historic euthanasia

any antichrist is also any antizionist ] the thud of the severed head of an Armenian

Zelensky asks not to be indifferent to the beheadings of Ukrainian soldiers. Nothing is said of the dozens of Armenians who have taken off as in Dante's Inferno in the last two years by our "partners"

Giulio Meotti

Apr 12

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky today appealed to international leaders after the video released on social media showing Russian soldiers beheading two Ukrainian servicemen. "Something that nobody in the world can ignore," said Zelensky. Kiev's foreign minister, Dmytro Kuleba, compares Russia to the Islamic State. The newspapers, websites and televisions of Italy have all spoken and disseminated the video. The story went viral.

In the twenty-eighth canto of Dante's Inferno a damned man advances with the severed head in his hand, holds it by the hair "like a lantern" and looks at the two poets saying: "Oh me!". Today he should say: “Oh me, Armenian!”. Over the past two years, in fact, emitting a dull noise, without vibrations, the heads of dozens of Armenian Christians have rolled, severed by Turkish and Azeri soldiers, one member and the other partner of NATO, in a war fought for the ancestral land of the oldest Christian people in the world and where people die almost every day (yesterday seven died on the Armenian border). No one has taken up their stories and videos of these slaughters, all available yet all ignored. Is it because after all we are at a new chapter of what the German consul Kuckhoff wrote on July 4, 1915 on the Armenian genocide "the destruction and Islamization of an entire people"?

[ any antichrist is also any antizionist ]


statement emphasizes that the Christian view of the human person and

sexuality cannot be replaced by the ideology of transgenderism. ‘We

believe that every human being was created by God in a particular way

and that this is a matter of dignity that must be respected,’ the

statement said. The bishops also point out that gender identity is not

primarily a matter of personal choice, but of biological fact. ‘The

differences between men and women are not just social constructs, but

deeply rooted biological facts,’ they emphasized.”

In our third

lead story, we learn about a study in Germany documenting the alarming

increase in consumption of p000rn000graphy by German youth. As the story


“According to the study, 17% of 12-year-old boys and 7%

of 12-year-old girls have already viewed p000rn000graphy on the

internet. Among 14-year-old boys, the figure is already 50%. The study

also shows that p000rn0000graphy consumption among children and adolescents

can have negative effects on their psyche and social behavior.”

Thank you and God bless you,

Brian S. Brown

any antichrist is also any antizionist ]


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