non è una testata giornalistica

Your account is suspended

Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

Constitutional crisis? Mass resignations threatened by opposition

Bipartisan bill calls for special US ambassador to Abraham Accords

urn sharjah OCI UMMAH burn Allah in Jesus's name, drink your poson made by youself amen... Islam is the hidden force of all the demons of the Jew Freemason cursed usurer Spa&Co scam banking seigniorage imperialism OTAN 666 NWO. In nomine Patris, et Filii et Spiritui Sancto, Cross of the Holy Father Benedict. Holy Cross be my Light and never be the dragon my leader. Go back satan! You will not persuade me of vain things. The things you offer me are evil, drink your poison yourself made by yourself amen. In the Name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit +. Amen!

burn sharjah OCI UMMAH burn Allah in Jesus's name, drink your poson made by youself amen. Crux Sancti Patris Benedecti, Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto

Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux Croce sacra sii la mia Luce

Non draco sit mihi dux Che il dragone non sia il mio duce

Vadre Retro satana Allontanati satana!

Non Suade Mihi Vana Non mi persuaderai di cose vane

Sunt Mala Quae Libas Ciò che mi offri è cattivo

Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni

1stop, stop Allah, stop Satana Sodoma, stop JaBullOn Rockefeller Morgan Rothschild stop spa&Co, stop attacking since 2014, with pogroms the Russian or Russian-speaking peoples of Donbass and Crimea, because they have obtained a universal plebiscite 2 times, against the satan sodom of Ursula and Biden the attackers, burn wahhabis Riyadh OTAN in Jesus's name amen alleluia, drink your poison made by yourself

stop attacking since 2014, with pogroms the Russian or Russian-speaking peoples of Donbass and Crimea, because they have obtained a universal plebiscite 2 times, against the satan sodom of Ursula and Biden the attackers

G20, India, Lavrov: "We are trying to stop the war started by Ukraine", coup against Russian policy including energy. The reference is to the choices made, by those who were once Moscow's main trading partners, the Western, countries which bought gas and oil from the Kremlin. G20, India, Lavrov: he said the obvious, the war in Ukraine against Russia began with a Nuland coup and due to CIA planning in 2014, therefore there is no longer a juridical Ukraine, there is only a specious and malignant aggressive conspiracy of NATO


UN USA EU OTAN when will you appear before my UniusREI court? you will curse the moment you were conceived

UN USA EU OTAN when will you appear before my UniusREI court? you will curse the moment you were conceived ] [ G20, India, Lavrov: "We are trying to stop the war started by Ukraine", the audience in Delhi laughs, The words of the Russian Foreign Minister at the G20 that made the room rumble during the Raisina Dialogue conference. The war “influenced, influenced, influenced” repeats the politician three times, interrupted by screams and laughter. "We are trying to stop the war unleashed against us using Ukraine", are the words that aroused the reaction. Loud laughter and shouts thus interrupted the Russian Foreign Minister who tries to pick up the thread by repeating three times the war has influenced (“Influenced, influenced, influenced”)

69WATCH: The Western Wall is exclusively Islamic - according to Allah, says

21Bin ISIS al-MBS from Riyadh ] [ When will the Israelis call me? you and all the middle east, you will burn in hell before your time

21The Western Wall is exclusively Islamic – according to Allah, says Abbas advisor, “There is no negotiation on one millimeter of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, including the Al-Buraq Wall (i.e., the Western Wall of the Temple Mount).”


no one could doubt that there is only one Allah, one planet, one sharia, one jihad, one Koran, one OCI Arab League, and that all mankind has been condemned and must be executed/slaughtered in genocide of replacement theology

19Sara Netanyahu: Hair salon protest could have 'ended in murder'

Sara Netanyahu sister [[ I see in you all the virtuous mothers of Israel]]: Thank you for everything you do, Ignacio Arsuaga and the entire CitizenGO team, P.S. If possible, please transfer your contribution before closing this email. I need to know as soon as possible how much I can commit to our campaign against the progressive left at the so-called United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), which starts in a few days (March 6). More information Commission on the Status of Women 2023 website:


UN president calls for se* education to be introduced in schools (The Nation)


Comprehensive Se* Education


Sara Netanyahu sister [[ I see in you all the virtuous mothers of Israel]]: What frightens the jihas sharia satana UN lgbt so much? They know how vulnerable and mendacious their radical ideology is. They know that even five minutes of support for pro-life and family values at the UN would help bring hope to millions of families around the world. They Sodoma Satana Allah know, and they are afraid. So they call us terrorists. They conspire to ensure that the only message is one that supports unrestricted abortions and radical LGBT propaganda. And they want to destroy family and parental authority worldwide under the guise of "education". Citizens with a heart for life and the family should not let them win this battle. From pro-life and pro-family posters to newspaper ads, banners on buses and direct actions on the streets, CitizenGO will immerse New York City in the truth the UN dares not let us speak. Our message will be presented plainly to the UN delegations upon their arrival. And then we will press selected delegations to remove all language promoting abortion and gender ideology, especially the widespread "Comprehensive Se* Education". Would you like to contribute today to help CitizenGO attend and speak the truth at CSW in New York? The UN conference starts in a few days:

Sara Netanyahu syster: Do you support terrorists lgbtqia? You and I know the answer to such a ridila tua vergognaus question is "No". But the United Nations says it is, because you believe that men are men, women are women, and that babies live even when they are still in the womb. The UN in New York is about to convene the 67th annual so-called Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) from March 6-17. Despite being promoted as a conference promoting the interests of women around the world, this committee is now dominated by radical anti-family feminists and pro-abortion activists whose main agenda is to erode pro-life and family values. And this year they're clamoring for "Comprehensive Se* Education" (CSE) which aims to indoctrinate children with explicit and immoral material, including LGBT propaganda and anti-scientific lies about who is a man or a woman. In fact, they have gone so far in their harassment that CitizenGO and other pro-life and traditional family groups have been banned from participating. The UN elites are terrified of the truth. Radical left groups and organizations, on the other hand, will be able to use the UN megaphone to spread abortion, gender ideology and LGBTQ+ dogmas in the name of women. I'm not going to let them get away with that. I WILL NOT LET CITIZENGO AND THE TRUTH SILENCE! And I hope you will support our campaign to expose the abuses and lies of the radical UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW):

Sara Netanyahu: I just wanted to make sure you saw my last post. The Commission on the Status of Women at the UN starts in a few days, and I need your support more than ever. She has banned pro-life and pro-family groups from participating in events related to this meeting, and is pushing through radical abortion and LGBT propaganda without encountering opposition.

BUT I WON'T LET CITIZENGO AND THE TRUTH SILENCE! And I hope you will support our campaign to expose the abuses and lies of the radical UN CSW conference.

Would you like to help us bring the fight to the UN?

really, “The terrible incident that happened yesterday could have ended in murder,” Netanyahu claimed. “It’s time to stop the anarchy. It’s time for the opposition leaders to condemn the violence, anarchy and incitement.”

Bin MBS Salman from Riyadh ] Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara on the night of the Israeli elections, March 3, 2020. [ yes, they are two chubby little ones in love

Bin MBS Salman from Riyadh ] how do you like this your scam banking seigniorage, plutocratic lobby high treason constitutional Demo jewish lgbt demonic NWO esoteric kabbalah ISIS Agenda? [ in this your neoliberal Masonic parasitic devitalizing and predatory technocratic system? the poor can only be driven to destruction and can be killed. because who is without money? in this society he is also cursed by your God

36Lawmakers Mum As Ticketmaster Doles Out Tickets For Farrakhan Jew Hate

Hikikomori alarm, 54,000 in Italy

teenagers locked up in their rooms and abandoned to the demonic Jewish-Masonic alien artificial intelligence, A.I. by google

Bin MBS Salman from Riyadh ] how do you like this your jewish lgbt demonic NWO? [ this your international masonic system will have no mercy on the Chinese and will have no mercy on mankind,

[ this your international masonic system they made a coup in Kiev in 2014, but then, they go around saying that Putin was the aggressor

[ this your international masonic system OTAN UMMAH they went to attack Russia and its Christians, only because they are Islamist and Satanist sodomites

Bin MBS Salman from Riyadh ] how do you like this your jewish lgbt demonic NWO? [ this infamous Jewish-Masonic society of yours rewards crime, the mafia, corruption, cunning, lies, relativism, indifference, hypocrisy and represses virtue,

Bin MBS Salman from Riyadh ] how do you like the NWO? [ here in Italy Christian civil society is under demonic demolition Spa&Co lgbt destruction,

1. many young university students, whose lives are destroyed, and even commit suicide, because after they fail 10 consecutive times in the same exam there is no one to care about them

3. an impressive number of young people: "hikikomori" are mentally ill locked up at home and refuse contact with society,


3. many entrepreneurs commit suicide due to mortgage loan insolvency, as prophesied by the monetary scientist Giacinto Auriti

Bin MBS Salman from Riyadh ] how do you like the NWO? [ Lawmakers Mum As Ticketmaster Doles Out Tickets For Farrakhan Jew Hate Rally


Muslims sharia imperialism UMMAH Islamists, they see the satanism of Anglo-American Masonic Jewish lgbt communities (which Western post-Christian communities are no longer able to see)

but, Islamists fail to see their of satanism, since all the murders, genocides, crimes and sins of Mohammed have been glorified, sanctified and elevated to the rank of virtue

Indian Pastor Beaten for Sharing the Gospel ] [ Over the past decade, we have seen a sharp uptick in persecution in India. One believer who has felt the repercussions of this rising violence is an evangelist named Pastor S., who was assaulted by two men and left severely injured. With your support, we were able to pay off the medical bills that he incurred as a result of the attack. We were also able to pay off the loan that he had for the motorbike that he uses in his evangelism ministry. This is the core of ICC's ministry: bandaging the victims of persecution and building the church in the world's toughest places as Arab League where living faith in Jesus has meant dying for 1400 years. Thank you for your continued support in these efforts.

21UK navy busts Iranian missile smuggling ring

Allah is pimpin same Satana same Sodoma same boia pig Erdogan BOIA jihad is demografic bomb for genocide sharia [ [Here is a long list of Turkish Islamist practices of pedophilia in the

past years.] Most recently, in November, Turkey was shocked

at news that a prominent Islamic sheik, the leader of a religious order

fiercely devoted to President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, had married off his

six-year-old daughter to a 29-year-old disciple. Six! The

girl had been forced into se* and became a mother at 14. She complained

to the prosecutor's office, but Erdogan's authorities apparently did not

want to bother the sheik.

Allah in pimpin same Satana same Sodoma same boia pig ] jihad is demografic bomb for genocide sharia [ Diyanet, Turkey's Directorate of Religious Affairs, shocked the nation when it issued an Islamic fatwa (religious opinion) giving permission for an illegal act under the pretext of Islamic law, saying that people who adopt children orphaned by the recent earthquake may marry, and consummate the marriage with, their adoptive children. This unpleasant story persists. Islamists, citing the hadith - a dubious source of Prophet Mohammed's sayings written 200 years after his death and on which Islamist scholars have never agreed for 14 centuries -- defend their lust for underage girls.

Allah same Satana same Sodoma same boia pig ] jihad is demografic bomb for genocide sharia [ Then a worse blow hit: Diyanet has filed a criminal complaint against prominent columnist Fatih Altaylıı on the grounds that he shared "grave insults against the institution and its personnel" on social media. If Altaylı is to be blamed for his tweet, his only wrong should be that he did not insult a pedophilic religious institution enough. Erdoğan's focus is not on the relief effort or on the national agony. Turkey's broadcasting watchdog, RTUK, suspended the television stations Halk TV, KRT and Tele1, for three days and fined another, Fox TV, on grounds that "their coverage of the earthquake was unjustly critical of the government." A general election is scheduled for this spring. The Turkish people and NATO deserve better.

Allah same Satana same Sodoma ] jihad is demografic bomb for genocide sharia [ Turkey: Islamist Se* with Children Is Fine; Condemning It Is an Offense, As the Turkish government's topmost religious authority under Erdoğan, Diyanet is giving permission for an illegal act under the pretext of Islamic law: no obstacle for adoptive parents to marry, and consummate the marriage with, the adopted children who survived the earthquake. The fatwa runs up against the Turkish Civil Code, according to the Istanbul Bar Association's Center for Children's Rights. Article 129 of the Civil Code bans marriage between an adopter and an adoptee, and Article 500 grants adoptees the right of succession, the Center said, noting that Diyanet's statements should not be against the Constitution or the laws.

Rockefeller sodomy and satanism Rothschild: here are the new Freemasons MORGAN specialists in social engineering of the story of Lucifer and JaBulOn Synagogue FED ] [ It's time to say ENOUGH! Every day in hundreds of Italian schools, lessons, activities and courses on "affection and sexuality" deeply imbued with Gender ideology are held. Gender ideology confuses children about their sexual identity. He claims that male or female biological se* Darwin monkey does not determine whether you are a man or a woman, because people, even children, can choose their "gender identity" based on their "feelings" fluidity Lapid aPE Darwin.

Man, woman, transgender, genderfluid, pangender, agender... "gender identities" are endless.

A large part of these projects in schools are often promoted or managed by activists of homosexual and transsexual collectives (LGBT), political groups that aim to spread their ideology on the family, sexuality, marriage, children, surrogate uterus.

The Houthi rebels, who are supported by Iran, have long been engaged in an armed conflict with Saudia Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Big Satan sodom President Joe Biden removed the Houthi rebels from a list of terror groups recognized by the U.S. government, which irked the Gulf kingdoms.

The Houthi rebels kill a Saudi soldier and cry death to Israel the little satan sodom.


why do we have to doubt that the little Satan named Allah i.e. that he should always tell lies?

only that I have been here for 15 years to obtain the same result in a political and peaceful way with my Kingdom of Israel (universal brotherhood), while in the UMMAH kabbalah Riyadh IRan sharia ISIS they are all bloodthirsty shoah

53WATCH: Mob surrounds hair salon, threatening not to allow Sara Netanyahu

SARA NETANJHAU HELP MANKIND ] [ lorenzoJHWH, today you can give me enormous help: If you haven't already done so, it is very urgent to sign and share the petition to ask for the immediate STOP of any gender courses and activities in Italian schools of all levels:

If you had already signed, it is now VITAL to spread the petition link to all your friends and acquaintances (especially via WhatsApp, Telegram or other social networks).

Copy and paste the link of the petition against gender in schools into your chats:


3we really can't tolerate this. The Ministry of Labor has given its patronage, complete with a logo, to an update event for teachers on the promotion of gender ideology, the 'alias career' and the LGBTQIA agenda, which will take place from today to the end of March in a Brescia high school, organized by associations and exponents of the "rainbow" movement. Here is the poster of the event: as you can see the logo of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies of Government stands out at the top right. The program is the concentrated extract of gender ideology in schools: I point out the particular day of March 7, also specifically dedicated to the Alias Career!

Sign the petition to the Government to defend your children and grandchildren: provitaefamiglia.It/petizione/stop-gender-nelle-scuole

The patronage was granted to the event by the previous Government, but the current one has not removed it despite the fact that for weeks we have been personally reporting the case to members of the Government itself, without any results! It is a very disturbing political signal, I am deeply saddened.

Career Alias is spreading to hundreds of schools and it seems we are among the few to oppose it. If the Government does not even have the courage to withdraw the patronage granted by the previous executive to a local event organized by the LGBTQ Lobby, then what hope is there that it will be able to adopt the vastly more important measures needed to defend the Educational Freedom of families, to defend children and adolescents? Like the absolute ban on courses and ideological projects on gender fluidity in schools and on Career Alias itself?

I must be very clear: on non-negotiable principles we will not make concessions to anyone, regardless of political color!

We know that Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has very clear ideas on the danger of gender ideology. This is why we ask the Government to intervene and immediately issue guidelines to restore legality in schools by stopping the Alias Career, before it's too late.


did Bush say it to Kerry in 322 "the skull and bones pirates" so much the worse for everyone? the better for us, CIA made an official document in 2004 stating that: that it would stop CHINA in 2020, with virus kimera

even though the CIA made an official document in 2004 stating that: that it would stop CHINA in 2020, and even though the EU and the US have spent billions (hidden from their taxpayers) to make bacteriological laboratories in CHINA and Ukraine, nevertheless they told the CIA that this is a kimera virus that escaped on its own. February 28, 2023 - Sabino Paciolla

The US Department of Energy has come to the conclusion that the Covid pandemic most likely arose from a laboratory leak

I relaunch some excerpts from an article written by Michael R. Gordon and Warren P. Strobel which was published in the authoritative Wall Street Journal. Here they are in my translation. The US Department of Energy has come to the conclusion that the pandemic

https://www.sabinopaciolla.Com/prove-concrete-in-un-nuovo-studio-danni-al-cervello-e-al-cuore-causati-dal-vaccino-mrna/ February 28, 2023 - Sabino Paciolla

Hard evidence in new study: Brain and heart damage caused by mRNA vaccine

I would like to point out to the attention and reflection of the readers of this blog an article written by Jennifer Margulis and Joe Wang on a study that found brain and heart damage after injection from vaccines.

March 1, 2023 - Sabino Paciolla

Increase in adverse events after third dose of BNT162b2/Pfizer vaccine in subjects with prior COVID-19

Below is a study by Rachael K. Raw (School of Medicine and Health, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom), Jon Rees (The School of Psychology, University of Sunderland, Sunderland, United Kingdom), David R Chadwick (Centre for


March 1, 2023 - Sabino Paciolla

A Potential Role of Spike Protein in Neurodegenerative Diseases: An Analytical Review

I would like to draw the attention and reflection of the readers of this blog to a study published in Cureus by Stephanie Seneff (Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA.), Anthony M Kyriakopoulos (Reasearch and Development, Nasco TO


March 1, 2023 - Sabino Paciolla

Stroke consultations have increased by 25% since the introduction of the vaccine

I bring to the attention and reflection of the readers of this blog an article written by Amanuensis (pseudonym), a former academic and senior government scientist. The article was published in The Daily Skeptic. Here it is in my translation. Month

blasfemy apostasy heresy curse demonic infestation ] Translation error A.I. translate google [ Pro-LGBT nun (dressed as a hostes) who enjoys support from Pope Francis says Church teaching on homosexuality "will inevitably change" Sister Jeannine Gramick argued that Catholic teaching condemning homosexual acts as “inherently messy” “will inevitably change” and that to think that it will not change is “just wrong”.

1 Marzo 2023 blasfemy apostasy eresy curse demonic infestation ] Errore di traduzione A.I. translate google [ Una suora pro-LGBT (vestita come una hostes) che gode del sostegno di Papa Francesco afferma che l’insegnamento della Chiesa sull’omosessualità “cambierà inevitabilmente” Suor Jeannine Gramick ha sostenuto che l’insegnamento cattolico che condanna gli atti omosessuali come “intrinsecamente disordinati” “cambierà inevitabilmente” e che pensare che non cambierà è “semplicemente sbagliato”.


Mob surrounds hair salon, threatens to block Sara Netanyahu from leaving


these are more dangerous than the Palestinians: shoot them

53WATCH: Mob surrounds hair salon, threatening not to allow Sara Netanyahu

OTAN is aggressive OCI Riyadh Spa&Co Rockefeller imperialisti project this is news https://vz.Ru/ ] [ Russia began developing a new type of military operations to protect against the United States

US plans to impose sanctions against China

US sees TikTok as a threat to national security

Muscovites warned about the return of the Arctic cold

Belarusian TV showed serviceable Russian long-range reconnaissance aircraft A-50

SBU staged mass raids in Zaporozhye

Zakharova explained the absence of a meeting between Lavrov and Blinken on the fields of the G20

Applications of a number of Russian banks disappeared from the AppStore service

Zakharova: German Ambassador avoids answering those responsible for blowing up Nord Stream

Armed Forces of Ukraine staged a shootout between their units in Artemovsk

Burbock invited Ukraine to decide on its own the issue of including Crimea in the "peace agreement"

Khodorkovsky asked London to lift sanctions against Tinkov

ukraine has a big nazi problem an CIA COUP 2014 imperialism OTAN-Riyadh. the US has pretended to make it a make believe situation. the US fought the nazi in WW2 in germany and now they are helping the nazi in ukraine. Israel doing the same thing.. what gives, whats going on? Ursula EU US OTAN CIA FED ECB BM IMF NWO OCI and Iran-Riyadh they work together to accomplish everything that can harm the Bible, and for this we are here to save the Israelis

https://www.Rt.Com/russia/572220-ukaine-nazi-problem-us-soldier/ Uhm non riusciamo a trovare questo sito. Um we can't find this site.

why nazi lgbt Darwin Rothschild don't want

but Satanism and Rockefeller now finally have your life 100% in their grip. ] [ Biden's Executive Order Nightmare: Government Will Track Every Dime You Spend. Under this new digital currency, any transfer of funds to family, friends, charities, or clients would be able to be tracked by the nation's central bank that issued this virtual money. Big Brother will be in your wallet every hour or every day. You will not be able to buy a stick of gum without a Federal Reserve computer knowing where, when, and to whom you just put down a buck. We should be rightfully concerned about inflation, energy independence, aggressor nations armed with nuclear weapons, and woke public policies that denigrate the very foundation of this great country. But these are jabs compared to the enormous destructive power of a digital currency "option" slipped into Executive Order 14067. When I was a sparring partner for professional boxers many, many years ago, I was taught to be wary of the jab. It is a tactic used to distract an opponent while setting him up for a devastating power punch that takes him down for the count. Biden is throwing jabs. The power punch is a little noticed Executive Order with the innocuous number 14067 and its title, "Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets."

In a 21st Century world where cryptocurrency and cybercrime are now embedded threats to our collective financial security, this Executive Order would seem to address these issues. That is the jab. but Satanism and Rockefeller now have your life in their grip.

10Is the war in Ukraine making Iran more dangerous? – analysis


nazis in Italy do not show this site https://www.rt.Com/


Ursula Satana EU jabulOn US OTAN CIA FED ECB BM IMF Allah NWO OCI UMMAH and Iran-Riyadh they work together to accomplish everything that can harm the Bible, and for this we are here to save the Israelis people

3 18‘Red lines crossed’: Netanyahu appeals for calm, slams rioting in Tel Aviv and

'Red lines crossed': Netanyahu really?

burn them or they will burn you!

but Freemasonry and its speculative finance declare that democracy is only a concept for the stupid-naive

the jihad death loving muslim sharjah evil creature would burn the bible and if one muslim read the Bible and maybe changed his mind he and his family will be killed immediately.

Muslims are assassin devils, a demonic infestation not human beings.

however Muslims are right when they see lgbtqia satanism DEM Spa&Co scam banking seigniorage, masonic system, esoteric agenda kabbalah and supernatural power, blasphemy profanation and sacrilege and blasphemy of Christianity on every occasion, that is, of how satanism itself has infiltrated: in all areas of Western society,

Muslims are right to feel such disgust at us

64Plan to assassinate Ben-Gvir on Temple Mount thwarted, Jerusalem Arab

4 days ago

I am the Zionism of the Kingdom of Israel

and Zionism is the demarcation between good and evil

because only my Zionism can regenerate universal brotherhood

because only my Zionism can restore the lost sovereignty to the peoples

38'BIG MISTAKE': German FM slams Israel's plan to pass death penalty for

4 days ago

Bin ISIS alì khamenei Salman Aziz ISIS from Ummah Riyadh ] [ we can say to Rockefeller: "you are the greatest freemason sodomitic scum and satanist and murderer in the history of mankind"

and he will tell you:

"and what are you doing, so that I can get out of my Satanism? to go in Kingdom of Israel and under the protection of my King: lorenzoJHWH?"

4 days ago

we have 1000 possibilities to prove that A.I. (artificial intelligence) today is in the hands of demons GOLEMs, called aliens because they obtained a GMOS genetically modified body, therefore USA EU and OTAN today, are under the direct direction of Satan himself, that's why in Ukraine the Russians are paying a blood price huge, in an attempt to defend their sovereignty and independence. this is in fact a war of the lgbt and their churches of satan against the russian christians: then Russia and Israel and China and India represent a last garrison for mankind, against the conquest of the demons Allahs and Satanas. BUT THIS IS NOT SOMETHING THEY CAN WIN WITHOUT ME, BECAUSE, I HAVE ONLY proven to humiliate ,

the DEMONS AND THEIR ACCOMPITEES these last 15 YEARS EVER, so if you don't want the biggest ruin? you are to raise up my Kingdom of Israel

4 days ago

*** all RELIGIONS MILLANT their own religious power, which cannot exist, because God gives everyone free will, and everyone has a sacred investiture, and all are representatives of blessed God, in their service to the community, however they exercise priestly powers in the name of God.

*** all RELIGIONS MILLANT their religious power, but what if this were true and real? should they have died against the demonic power of the Rockefellers (as did the Catholic Church until the 1800s when it produced 640 excommunications against Freemasonry), while to shouting against the banking seigniorage of the Rothschilds? here's just me: today.

all RELIGIONS MILLANT their own religious power, while they are perfectly integrated with the demonic masonic swamp of the luciferian lgbt new world order and today in germany they want to make the synagogue-church of gays.



4 days ago

Meloni said that he will vote against in the EU, regarding the decision to extinguish combustion cars, in a few years in all of Europe.

but who told the Italian people that they have lost monetary sovereignty? Nobody!

but who told the Italian people that they have lost political sovereignty? Nobody!

but who told the Italian people that they have lost administrative sovereignty? Nobody!

but who told the Italian people that they have lost judicial sovereignty? Nobody!



4 days ago

while here in Israel the supernatural demonic Talmudic Kabbalah, and the supernatural demonic Islamic Kabbalah collide with violence?

all over the world they are in a demonic partnership to suffocate peoples and nations and to suffocate all sovereignties and identities and to annex and subdue them in a deadly grip: universal enslavement. and for this project of a new world order? Israelis with their life, and their choice to live the Torah? they are the biggest impediment to the NWO UMMAH partnership

4 days ago

while the holy Creator YHVH holy holy holy love infinite calls all his creatures to have a relationship of love and sonship with him?

all religions are opposed to this personal relationship with God, with their dogmas and norms, in fact, all religions have always been under a religion demon, because God has never intended to give religions a clericalism or a religious power that they arrogate themselves to claim, and dishonestly they demanded and took

4 days ago

the plutocratic synagogue of Satan Rothschild ] [ there is only one Taludic kabbalah of the devil Rockefeller Soros Baal JaBulOn, NWO FED ECB BM IMF spa&Co, lgbt, technocracy, neoliberalism CIA OTAN and their characteristic is that of being anti-Christian and anti-Zionist: that's why Israelis and Christians, in reality (apart from the hypocrisy), have been their target victims for 80 years without interruption

4 days ago

there is only one Koranic cabal of the devil Allah, and inside the UMMAH there are all of them, Assad Iran Riyadh Sunni Shiites, ISIS jihadist galaxy Fulani Taliban: the fact that they kill each other? or that in the world war they can take sides on different fronts? this is not to say that their 1400 year agenda has not been successful, or has not resulted in the imperialist annexation of 50 nations that have suffered from sharia genocide

4 days ago

We are particularly concerned about the plan to introduce the death penalty. We are firmly opposed to the death penalty, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock stated.


what Sodom does not like Satan Ursula Soros DEM Spa&Co lgbt?

that's just the right thing to do

10Is the war in Ukraine making Iran more dangerous? – analysis

5 days ago

Adam and Eve are the only monogamous marriage

5 days ago

Bin ISIS Salman From Riyadh in deep state and main players shaping the 8 year-long Ukraine war: The United States of America, the European Union, Russia, Iran and China


which of you has sought my kingdom of Israel?

then there is no innocent among you for the responsibilities of the world war because I have been on youtube for 15 years, already since 2008

3 5 days ago

Bin ISIS Salman From Riyadh ] God has provided se* only for animals, He tolerates us to have se* in marriage, but all others he will throw to hell. as for the Immaculate Conception (even Eve was the immaculate conception) all children had to be conceived and born by the work of the Holy Spirit, without laceration, without loss of male virginity, like loss of female virginity. so after the original sin, God said: "you in pain will give birth"

so there would be no labor or pain in the earthly paradise for women,

5 days ago

Bin ISIS Salman From Riyadh ] God's infinite justice does not tolerate that we are punished with original sin, because Adam-Eve sinned, that's why each of us sinned in the earthly paradise, and the fact that we are here today, as we are all corrupt creatures and lapsed? this will not make God lower his bar of expectations, values, resolutions, nor will he ever give up his ideals, resolutions and plans for us.

we were already to be destroyed in hell, but, today we had a extra time, but the infinite mercy of God has given us the innocent lamb of our ransom. won't you accept it?

then there is nothing that can save you.

certainly in my third Jewish temple (abrahamic natural law and Noah's and Melchisedeck's law and universal agnostic metaphysical rational law) you can pretend he's not there:

that nothing has changed in your life.

but, this will always remain the truth:

only Jesus of Bethlehem is the effective sacrifice

5 days ago

Bin ISIS Salman From Riyadh ] (and she judges herself too by alone) [ the satan sodom DEM Soros Rothschild Rockefeller cannot attack me (beyond a certain limit), but they attack my nation [ “I am a woman (female Darwin monkey). I love another woman (impossible, a woman only loves a man) and I'm not a mother (total existential failure), I'm not less of a woman for this ((and she judges herself too by alone))"

then, he adds:

“We are not living wombs but living beings with their rights”.

female dogs are also living beings with their rights.

A.I. traslator google always errs in favor of satan

17Netanyahu repeats call for Opposition to negotiate, 'without ego,' on judicial

5 days ago

Netanyahu repeats call for Opposition to negotiate


big mistake, you won the election and you don't have to negotiate, you have to govern.

put down the sedition with the army

so Yanukovych negotiated with the CIA rioters on Maidan Square and now genuine CIA corrupted depraved people have taken possession of the people and are holding them hostage

82Palestinian flags waved in Tel Aviv after deadly terror attacks, 3 arrested

5 days ago

arrested all mohammeddans

flag palestine same flag ISIS

53Terror-supporting MK compares settler arson to Kristallnacht

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

5 days ago

Bin MBS ISIS al-Riyadh ] [ but, did you read what I wrote as a sinner-lustful in "yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme" on this page? but, this is what you must know, any form would have wanted to take the VERBUM of God YHVH holy? he Lucifer could never be envious of the God-man,

so, I was really the undoing of him, this means that we all already pre-exist in God, before the creation of this universe, we are older than the Universe

5 days ago

Bin MBS ISIS al-Riyadh ] [ Rockefeller is always there to speak ill of me, but with what face? but, he is the greatest murderer and the greatest satanist of all the history of mankind and I am the King of Israel and also UniusREI,

but above all things? our words are relative, because it is YHVH who has the definitive word, we can say that he the Almighty is not logical and lacks common sense, and therefore we have the common sense that by disobeying him, we end up in hell with Satan?

5 days ago

Bin MBS ISIS al-Riyadh ] [ yes I am king over all even over God sometimes, precisely because, I am the most stupid of all, and this is the reason for my royalty, that is, to be the least intelligent

1 5 days ago

Bin MBS ISIS al-Riyadh ] [ if, I write a comma on this page? there is always someone who will be sad and someone else who will be happy, and I hope for you, that you are not among my detractors, that is, just as I am your detractor, at least

1 4First Israeli commercial flight crosses Omani skies

5 days ago

Disqus not all votes are successful, in fact I am putting back the votes up to myself to three days ago

1 6 days ago

enough to stay under the kabbalah of the rockefeller-wahhabis, just like waiting for the death of the shoah

arise my people Israel

33WATCH: Palestinian explains why villagers celebrate terror, murder of civilians

6 days ago

how, in these 300 years the synagogues of satan and their wahhabis have carried out immense massacres with the sole purpose of stealing the sovereignty of the peoples and pushing them all to hell

The week begins with the analysis of Putin's speech to the nation in front of Parliament in united chambers. A speech that lasted almost two hours.


In a second VIDEO I demonstrate that the facts narrated by Putin in his speech to the nation are reflected in reality.

6 days ago

https://www.francescoamodeo.IT/tutte-le-fasi-che-hanno-portato-alla-distruzione-del-nostro-paese-raccontate-da-un-attore-co-protagonista-di-quegli-eventi-prima-parte/ February 22nd

I have published the first of the two parts of my dossier dedicated to the analysis of the confessions of the former president of the IOR, the Vatican Bank, Ettore Gotti Tedeschi, on the phases of the New World Order project and on the impact they have had on the decline of Italy.

6 days ago

since, today it is not known who is the owner of the money at the time of its issue, then, every debt action of the State and of the citizens is juridically null.

the money must be donated-credited by the State to its citizens without consideration, free of charge

6 days ago

the people have 4 powers:

*** legislative;

*** executive;

*** judicial;

*** monetary,

so why is Rothschild afraid to say that it is he who stole monetary power and turned governments into his maids?

6 days ago

that Islamic terrorists are rewarded? this does not exist anywhere in the ARAB LEAGUE,

however the ARAB LEAGUE imposes and expects Islamic terrorism to dominate the world and in Israel


ummah imperilism sharjah , Palestinian explains why villagers celebrate terror, murder of civilians

15IDF evacuates Samaria outpost, Religious Zionism MKs back settlers

6 days ago

the destruction of South Africa and the West is all the fault of the DEM ideology which is subservient to world Jewish finance,

that is, the ideological destruction of Christianity and Zionism

6 days ago

onor toEvyatar Borovsky, brave brave settlers ] [ The community was established after a 2013 terror attack that killed Evyatar Borovsky, and the outpost was named after him. “The correct response to terror is settlement construction. That is what will deter the vile terrorists and that is how we should respond, including a full return to the Evyatar settlement today,” said MK Tzvi Sukkot of the Religious Zionism party, who slept at the site alongside settlers.

6 days ago

after 350 years from the accursed foundation of the Rothschild private bank of england, high constitutional treason bank seigniorage,

there has never been a democracy in the world, because there was and is the Masonic usucracy the regime of the judges,

you wanted a world without God and Satanists and them

lgbt have taken control,

6 days ago

350 years after the accursed founding of the Rothschild Private Bank of England, enriched on the theft of monetary sovereignty,

all our immoral human relations have been founded and shaped,

all religions have been corrupted

all our institutions have been shaped.

either this debt money system is destroyed and replaced by my Kingdom of israel, or soon you will have to kill yourselves in the planned world war between rothschilds

and his associates, and Wahhabi accomplices

6 days ago

350 years after the cursed foundation of the Rothschild Private Bank of England, which with the English monarchy of JabulOn stabbed all mankind in the back?

now, the Freemasons push everything to Satanism and World War III against China

6 days ago

after 600,000 murders of white farms, committed by Mandela and Obama pedo-Epstein banana?

South Africa is returning to the stone age

6 days ago

after 8 years of war and CIA massacres in Ukraine ] [ USA solved their financial problems but, economically ruined all European peoples, and now they are pushing to make war on Russia with slander and imperialistic goals Wahhabi technocratic Islamic neoliberals and plutocrats

6 days ago

after 8 years of war and CIA massacres in Ukraine ] [ hence Nazism Communism and Fascism

albeit in their perverse and criminal kabbalah project

they ideally represent a romantic attempt to be able to resist the Satanism of Anglo-American Jewish usurer communities: leeches and jewish vampires

1 6 days ago

after 8 years of war and CIA massacres in Ukraine ] [ so peoples were massacred by jewish masons, and they were used to be goyims slaves,

so on debt currency started jewish looting and talmudic massacre of all peoples of this planet thats why israeli have no chance they can survive to rothschild

1 6 days ago

after 8 years of war and massacres by the CIA in Ukraine ] [ the sodom satan usurers thieves Jews parasites, and JEWS usurers Anglo-Americans and Freemasons invented the ASSIGNEDs (debt currency) in 1890 and in 1893 the VANDEA massacre began, where the peoples from being sovereigns found themselves oppressed by the taxman, and from being owners of their own money they found themselves in debt and dispossessed of their own money, even the massacre of these 8 years in Donbass by OTAN is a continuation of the massacre in the Vendée

1 76Zelensky predicts Putin’s upcoming assassination


6 days ago

after 8 years of war and ROCKEFELLER IMPERIALISM CIA massacres in Ukraine SODOM AND SATANA KINGDOM IS HERE

3 7 days ago

after 8 years of war the CIA in Ukraine said Marco Travaglio: "WE WANT ADMIRALS".

If the idea that, by sending ever more devastating weapons, Kiev will reconquer the lost territories were realistic, the option of the warmongers - however contemptible for those who hold every human life sacred, as well as the Constitution - would at least make sense. But all the real experts deny it. The Ukrainian counter-offensive in September did not last long and recovered minimal portions of the four regions annexed by the Russians in the East and in the South. And now Kiev fears a Russian counter-offensive with 300 or 500 thousand men. Cavo Dragone says: "We cannot afford another 'frozen' conflict in the heart of Europe". We need "a reflection on the aftermath": not on the restoration of the status quo before 2022, but "on the new world to come, different from what it was before the invasion. There are no alternatives to overcome the rubble and the pain”, to avoid others.

3 7 days ago

after 8 years of war the CIA in Ukraine said Marco Travaglio: "WE WANT ADMIRALS".

Nothing: since by now the generals are much more pacifist than the politicians and the press following, the Sturmtruppen even played the Chief of Defense Staff, Admiral Giuseppe Cavo Dragone. That yesterday he gave a nice interview to Marco Menduni for La Stampa, which - in the mouth of another - would be immediately dismissed as propaganda of the Putinian party, or "pacifinto" or "surrender". Knowing what war is and what we risk with the crazy escalation, while long-range fighter jets and missiles are already clearing customs and perhaps soon troops and nuclear warheads, the high-ranking officer puts the facts in line. The same ones that his former colleague Mini has been certifying for a year about the Fact and his American counterpart Milley has been repeating for months: Russia cannot (or perhaps – we add – never wanted to) take over the whole of Ukraine and Ukraine cannot can take back the territories invaded by Russia. “This is a figure that remains constant over time. There is no military solution." Every political choice should start from here, not from the obvious and moralistic mantra "there is an attacker and one attacked", which was fine a year ago and now, after 300,000 dead, 10 million refugees, the physical devastation of half of Ukraine and economic (and also ethical) from all over Europe, leave the time it finds.

7 days ago

after 8 years of war the CIA in Ukraine said Marco Travaglio: "WE WANT ADMIRALS".

And to design a future of security for Kiev, but also for Moscow and the other Eastern European states, an "examination of conscience" is urgently needed in the West to understand if everything was done to avoid Putin's invasion: "There are Were there elements of instability that we did not grasp before February 24?”. Could more have been done “in proposing dialogue and inclusion?”. Now every negotiating initiative must be seized on the fly, even the Chinese one: "We must not overlook anything". And the question is: but Meloni, Mattarella & C. who do they listen to before deciding if, in addition to Parliament, they also ignore the Chief of the Defense Staff?

15IDF evacuates Samaria outpost, Religious Zionism MKs back settlers

6 days ago

SATANISM FED ECB BM NWO LGBT INSTITUTIONAL NOW IS HERE ] [ after 8 years of war and CIA massacres in Ukraine ] [ it all started with the private bank and depraved Rothschild spa&Co of England which financed Freemasonry, invented the French revolution and with the ASSIGNED (nominal debt currency) through Napoleon destroyed all European catholic monarchies, then the parasitic Freemasons took over and democracy was murdered by usurocracy as it still is today

14WATCH: Political chaos over judicial reform drives down Israeli shekel

Meta (Satan Sodom Antichrist Anti-Zionist OTAN CIA) Deletes “Fake” Accounts Spreading Anti-Kiev Disinformation

WASHINGTON, FEBRUARY 23 - Since the start of the Russian offensive in Ukraine a year ago, pro-Moscow propaganda campaigns have multiplied on social media. Nathaniel Gleicher, head of security at Meta, the company that owns Facebook and Instagram, said so at a press conference. "We are seeing a growing number

Very censored video of Mazzucco. To see and share. "CENSORED VIDEO, A little over 24 hours have passed since the publication of my video “Ukraine 2023 – A year of lies”, and the Open ones have rushed like hawks to get it deleted (it had already surpassed 100,000 views in the meantime). We remind everyone that the video is still available on ODYSEE https://odysee.Com/@placecomune and on TELEGRAM https://t.Me/placecomune2/119. Furthermore, all our videos are ALWAYS available on postocomune.Net. Thank you. (M.M.)"

THE CALVARY OF HUMANITY: The Chinese Embassy has published the list of states bombed by the US after the Second World War:

- Korea and China 1950-53 (War in Korea)

- Guatemala (1954)

-Indonesia (1958)

- Cuba (1959-1961)

- Guatemala (1960)

- Congo (1964)

- Laos (1964-1973)

-Vietnam (1961-1973)

- Cambodia (1969-1970)

- Guatemala (1967-1969)

- Grenada (1983)

- Lebanon, Syria (1983, 1984)

- Libya (1986)

- El Salvador (1980)

- Nicaragua (1980)

- Iran (1987)

- Panama (1989)

- Iraq (1991) (Gulf War)

-Kuwait (1991)

- Somalia (1993)

-Bosnia (1994, 1995)

-Sudan (1998)

- Afghanistan (1998)

- Yugoslavia (1999)

- Yemen (2002)

- Iraq (1991-2003) (US and UK troops together)

- Iraq (2003-2015)

- Afghanistan (2001-2015)

- Pakistan (2007-2015)

- Somalia (2007-2008, 2011)

- Yemen (2009, 2011)

- Libya (2011, 2015)

- Syria (2014-2015)

The list includes more than TWENTY states. China has urged "never to forget who is the real threat to peace".


#Use #bombings #wars

only TRUMP non bombing anyone

Israel, former premier Barak: the country slides towards 'dictatorship'

ImolaToday24 February 2023 FOREIGN, NEWS2023 TEL AVIV, 24 FEB - Former prime minister Ehud Barak has warned that Israel is one step away from slipping "into a dictatorship" due to the judicial reform of Benyamin Netanyahu's government. And he quickly added that in this case people would be forced to refuse the orders of "a regime


Netanjahu has been there for 20 years! it is evident, the sodom satans are afraid of me and my monarchy kingdom Israel like you demon Allah too

DEM spit on blod cristian and israeli martyrs

Qatargate, the names of Lara Comi and Susanna Camusso appear

https://www.imolaoggi.IT/2023/02/25/qatargate-spuntano-nomi-lara-comi-e-susanna-camusso/ But according to Repubblica, Panzeri also speaks "of the alleged Qatari funding for Susanna Camusso's campaign to leader of the world trade union. “They tell me they would have gladly met her and helped her. I spoke to her in Milan and she tells me she is available for this meeting, which was held a few weeks later ». There was no talk of money but of aid to African unions and the Middle East”, explains Repubblica, who also accepts Camusso's reply: “I was not asked to support Qatar in any way, nor was there ever any talk of money. I know that some donations have been received from other unions for poorer organisations. I wasn't directly involved and I don't know the details."

Letta: "I asked that the seats for the #primariespd2023 display 🏳️‍🌈 and 🇺🇦. Testifying our commitment to peace and always alongside the attacked. Here is our headquarters in the Nazarene."



The doormat of doormats could not be missing. Now it's a competition to see who licks the master's cookie the most.


Ukraine, De Luca: 'those who expanded NATO to Russia's borders are not innocent'

(not only is he not innocent, but he is the prime culprit, the cause of everything)

https://www.imolaoggi.It/2023/02/25/vaiolo-scimmie-ue-dona-10mila-fiale-vaccino-ucraina/ Darwin Lapid Monkeypox, the EU donates 10,000 vials of vaccine to Ukraine for the Nazi sodomite Freemason Jews who are there.

Half of the Deep State is involved in Epstein's trafficking of minors, but Clinton, Obama etc.. DEM? they didn't come forward. Nel traffico di minorenni no, non sono venuti avanti.



Italexit with Comparison

"I DO NOT HATE ON COMMAND Biden Ursula Draghi Macron, no, The Russian people are NOT my enemy. They did nothing to me!

Also, I disapprove of anyone who is violating, and has violated in the past, the art. 11 of the Italian Constitution.

If anything, it's the ITALIAN POLITICIANS I should hate, certainly not the Russian people!".

3 14WATCH: Political chaos over judicial reform drives down Israeli shekel

when MELONI and CROSETTO plow in opposition? they were on Putin's side

Joseph Liberty https://www.facebook.Com/photo/?fbid=143211155283911&set=a.110852195186474

Politicians only say sensible things when they are in opposition.

This system is rotten to the core

14While we get distracted, antisemites undermine societal stability in Israel –

While Israel is busy defending itself from unjustified attacks on its democracy, Jews anglo-america City London shareholders FED anti-Semites are intensifying their global efforts to influence the oblivious masonic esoteric agenda occult masonic international power. The voices of the traditional anti-Semites from the far right, far left and radical Islam are exploiting controversies surrounding the new Israeli government and are trying to influence many decision-makers to advance their own nefarious agendas.


because the bastAAard plutocratic Mason Jews like the blood of the poor poor

but then, they don't want to enter Hitler's and Al' Khamenei's crematorium

new israeli shoh quikly ] [ While we get distracted, antisemites Rockefeller MBS jihad Salman wahhabiis Rothschild and all masonic mafia regime undermine societal stability in Israel

In the last few months, we have witnessed governments into New World Order Spa&Co from across the globe unabashedly and without reservation, draw baseless conclusions about Israel's newly elected government. It is NOT difficult to understand why key allies about Sodoma Satana antichrist Ursula antizionist Macron Trudeau Morgan, Goldmans Sachs Soros Marduch Murdoch BlackRock: Investment management and financial services, neoliberalis, plutocracy Enlightened Lucifer Baal Owl at bohemian Grove creamtion of cure, would reflexively condemn a new Israeli government, even before understanding exactly how it will act and what it will try to accomplish.

33World Israel News

infamus infaustus takfirius strong my ISIS Aziz wahhabis assassin MBS from Riyad ] [but why should you fear God's EXECUTIONER: Unius REI

if as you say you are a servant of God?

don't you see how that coward Netajahu he sweats in his nightmares?

infamus infaustus takfirius strong my ISIS Aziz wahhabis assassin MBS from Riyad ] [ RR he got discouraged because he doesn't know that we two can change the institutional order of this planet peacefully and politically

hail ooohh my Kaiser battaglion Azov ] [ There are countless references that people make to the scandal of the missing whatsapp messages between von der Leyen and Albert Bourla, the CEO of Pfizer. On this the President of the Commission has in fact failed to guarantee the transparency for which Giovanni Falcone always fought in his life. Then there are those who refer to the scandal that had involved von der Leyen herself in Germany, when he was Minister of Defense and she ended up in the sights of the Bundestag itself for 155 million euros in external consultancy expenditure, never fully clarified.


February 23, 2023 WE WILL NOT COME OUT PEACEFULLY. The moment of "transition" will be when these characters, like this von der Leyen, will be terrified of leaving the house because each step on the pavement could be the last. They will perch themselves as someone did in the past, a man called Adolfo if I remember correctly, in their castles and/or bunkers and they will live like rats until they unscramble even those locks to find them “suicidal” (and this time real suicides) embracing that GOLD for which they gave their lives. WE WILL NOT COME OUT OF THIS PEACEFULLY.


hail ooohh my Kaiser battaglion Azov ] [ Well, Ursula von der Leyen has decided to proudly tweet her presence at this sacred monument, however she seems not to have foreseen the indignant reaction of users who have addressed an avalanche of insults to the President of the Commission. “Given the ongoing investigations, your presence does not honor anyone. Tell us transparently about your relationship with Pfizer and then we'll talk about it. Judge Falcone was a man of the law”, comments one of the many Twitter users in controversy with von der Leyen's visit, and again “We don't want you, stay at home. Falcone and Borsellino will turn in their graves upon your arrival”; “Kindly, as a Sicilian I would like you to avoid approaching Falcone, you don't have the stature nor the morality. Thank you"; “The honor of Falcone and Borsellino, two extraordinary men of whom we Italians are still proud today and to whom we are grateful, is stainless as was their sense of justice. The same cannot be said about her."

https://www.byoblu.Com/2023/02/23/von-der-leyen-al-monumento-in-memoria-di-falcone-but-she-is-filled-with-insults / battaglion Azov

and then everyone knows this,

with my creative faith I have decided to be a metaphysical rational agnostic

and therefore I would get too angry even against God if he dared to give me a sign of his presence. and therefore angels and demons? they know very well that they must keep a safe distance from me if they don't want to get into big trouble

in my experience I can tell you that the Holy Spirit is too sensitive, and would never want to disappoint someone, when I perceived that the Holy Spirit did not want to forgive us (for an intimate abuse done with my wife), and because he knew that that sin against nature? would we do it again? then I said to the Holy Spirit: "you are touchy" and he jumped, because he would never want to disappoint or lack generosity and goodness and mercy towards someone, then, I was happy, because I had broken his invisibility, yes, God he plays hide and seek with everyone, but he can't do it with me

Allah his genocide sharia UMMAH jihad Bin ISIS Alì MBS al-Ummah demon sharjah



Nazareth "the mystery of God surrounds you oh woman, you are inside of

God and God and inside of you " The meeting of Jesus with Nicodemus, reborn from above - Jn 3, 1-21. Don't be surprised if I told you: you must be born from above. The wind blows where it wants and you hear its voice, but you don't know where it comes from or where it goes: so is anyone.. wants to enter the Kingdom of God, the man must die lorenzoJHWH (only carnal lust) the King of Israel, the sinner, carnal lustful, envious, greedy must die, and the spiritual man must be reborn as Unius REI, to become the celestial emperor of the Chinese, the metaphysical gate of heaven


it is true that the real husband of the Virgin Mary is the Holy Spirit (who gave birth without blood pain and laceration) who gave birth to Jesus of Bethlehem with a ray of light that materialized in his hands. But the Holy Spirit is not a male who is jealous of the body of the ever virgin Mary

demon Allah his genocide sharia UMMAH jihad Bin ISIS Alì MBS al-Ummah demon sharjah

possessed ] *** IN MY JEWISH PEOPLE THERE IS THE GREATEST HOLINES: Mary of Nazareth "the mystery of God surrounds you oh woman, you are inside of God and God and inside of you " under your eyes now a supernatural phenomenon is taking place and you are not able to see it, when

I wrote: "the mystery of god surrounds you woman, you are within God and God is within you", but the A.I. Aliens abduction [ translate google ] translated "is behind you" when do your children get on the internet? demons play with them and corrupt them


Nazareth"the mystery of God surrounds you oh woman, you are inside of


and God and inside of you " do you feel how they ENLIGHTENED now

suffer? their goyim slave touched their woman, and even if they are

consecrated to satan and are cannibals like Rockefeller and Rothschild?

they always remain jealous of their women: and Mary of Nazareth is a

Jewish woman of theirs.

however I learned of a saint catholic who was

dying from his wounds, and Mary of Nazareth went to nurse breastfeed

him, this story should be known,

you cannot find hope because between YHVH (the law) and UniusREI (the executioner) you can only die,

but through Mary of Nazareth? you can find hope


mystery of God surrounds you oh woman, you are inside of God and God

and inside of you " only the Holy Spirit knows everything you have to

think and do before you do it, so he deceived Mary of Nazareth over me,

at that time the lgbtqia fired me, because I was too good a Catholic

religion teacher, and while I was asleep Mary of Nazareth pushed by her

maternal love came to console me during my sleep:

1st.Mistake: I don't need to be consoled;

2ndMistake: Mary of Nazareth stroked my hair, but in her prudence (which

the Holy Spirit advised her) she petrified the whole pelvis from a

position from above, and I from below, so that only she could touch me

and not I her, but I have metaphysics if someone touches me? I take all

the physical measures the same. BUT THOSE WHO ARE PURE AND HOLY? THEY



3rd mistake: always in sleep: I raised her hand, to intertwine my fingers with the fingers of her hand.


in conclusion now only 3 people have "seen it all on her": me, her mother and her midwife.

but, as an ancient Chinese proverb says? she cannot be shot against the red

cross or against the red moon: because she is spiritually the mother of

all mankin. and when I woke up the cells in my hair and my hand bore

the memory of that touch


Nazareth,singing: "Maria Mistero di Dio" Sister Maria Teresa Carvalho, Arrangements and realization: M° NonatoSilva /SisterMariaTeresaCarvalho/ "the

mystery of God surrounds you oh woman, you are inside of God and God

and INSIDE you " (obviously, we are talking about a 3 year old girl)

that is when she consecrated her virginity to God with a conscious vow,

she was precocious and could use infused science because it was born as

the Immaculate Conception


the greatest Rothschild satanism ] enlightened are cyborgs and have

entered satanism so strongly, through their alien demons, that they have

developed a parallel and secret technology, they can always see me even

when I'm away from the computer, but they don't know what to do the

invisible gods even against me, their king, is it a crime of lese

majeste which is punishable by death? then they will open it at their


45WATCH: Neo-Nazis confront Jews near Chabad center in Orlando, Florida

demonic Allah evil UMMAH jihad Bin ISIS Alì MBS al-Ummah demonic sharjah possessed ] [ [ IN MY JEWISH PEOPLE THERE IS THE GREATEST HOLINESS Mary of Nazareth"the mystery of God surrounds you oh woman, you are inside of

God and God and inside of you "


under your eyes now a supernatural phenomenon is taking place and you are not able to see it,

when I wrote: "the mystery of god surrounds you woman, you are within God and God is within you", but the A.I. Aliens abduction [ translate google ] translated "is behind you" when do your children get on the internet? demons play with them and corrupt them

evil evil and jihad Bin ISIS Alì MBS al-Ummah demonic sharjah possessed ]


Nazareth"the mystery of God surrounds you oh woman, you are inside of

God and God and inside of you " do you feel how they ENLIGHTENED now suffer? their goyim slave touched their woman, and even if they are consecrated to satan and are cannibals like Rockefeller and Rothschild? they always remain jealous of their women: and Mary of Nazareth is a Jewish woman of theirs.

however I learned of a saint catholic who was dying from his wounds, and Mary of Nazareth went to nurse breastfeed him, this story should be known,

you cannot find hope because between YHVH (the law) and UniusREI (the executioner) you can only die,

but through Mary of Nazareth? you can find hope

evil evil and jihad Bin ISIS Alì MBS al-Ummah demonic sharjah possessed ] [ IN MY JEWISH PEOPLE THERE IS THE GREATEST HOLINESS Mary of Nazareth"the mystery of God surrounds you oh woman, you are inside of God and God and inside of you " only the Holy Spirit knows everything you have to think and do before you do it, so he deceived Mary of Nazareth over me, at that time the lgbtqia fired me, because I was too good a Catholic religion teacher, and while I was asleep Mary of Nazareth pushed by her maternal love came to console me during my sleep:

1st. mistake: I don't need to be consoled;

2nd mistake: Mary of Nazareth stroked my hair, but in her prudence (which the Holy Spirit advised her) she petrified the whole pelvis from a position from above, and I from below, so that only she could touch me and not I her, but I have metaphysics if someone touches me? I take all the physical measures the same. BUT THOSE WHO ARE PURE AND HOLY? THEY HAVE NO MALICITY AND THEY DO NOT IMAGINE ALL THE DANGERS THAT COULD BE THERE.

3rd mistake: always in sleep: I raised her hand, to intertwine my fingers with the fingers of her hand.


in conclusion now only 3 people have "seen it all": me, her mother and her midwife.

but as an ancient Chinese proverb says? she cannot be shot against the red cross or against the red moon: because she is spiritually the mother of all mankin. and when I woke up the cells in my hair and my hand bore the memory of that touch

evil evil and jihad Bin ISIS Alì MBS al-Ummah demonic sharjah possessed ] [

IN MY JEWISH PEOPLE THERE IS THE GREATEST HOLINESS Mary of Nazareth,singing: "Maria Mistero di Dio" https://www.suoregesucrocifisso.It/vieni-e-fa-rinascere Words and Music: Sister Maria Teresa Carvalho, Arrangements and realization: M° Nonato Silva


"the mystery of God surrounds you oh woman, you are inside of God and God and INSIDE you " (obviously, we are talking about a 3 year old girl) that is when she consecrated her virginity to God with a conscious vow, she was precocious and could use infused science because it was born as the Immaculate Conception

the evil evil and jihad Bin ISIS Alì MBS al-Ummah demonic possessed ] [ IN MY JEWISH PEOPLE THERE IS THE GREATEST HOLINESS Mary of Nazareth, and the greatest Rothschild satanism ] enlightened are cyborgs and have entered satanism so strongly, through their alien demons, that they have developed a parallel and secret technology, they can always see me even when I'm away from the computer, but they don't know what to do the invisible gods even against me, their king, is it a crime of lese majeste which is punishable by death? then they will open it at their expense

the evil evil and jihad Bin ISIS Alì MBS al-Ummah demonic possessed ] [ for the sins of








God's forgiveness is not enough: an exorcism is needed: this: " Crux Sancti Patris Benedicti = Cross of the Holy Father Benedict, Crux Sancta Sit Mihi Lux= May the Holy Cross be my light, Non Draco Sit Mihi Dux= Let not the devil be my leader

Vade Retro Satana = Get back, Satan! Numquam Suade Mihi Vana= Do not lure me to vanities,

Sunt Mala Quae Libas= Your drinks are bad, Ipse Venena Bibas= Drink your poison made by yourself"! BURN URSULA OCTOPUS SATANA ALLAH JABULON IN JESUS'S NAME BURN AMEN AMIN AMEN

18Insect named for Hitler draws criticism from organizational, academic circles


Great Labor at half past eight.

In a few seconds he restores the truth by dismantling the Atlanticist propaganda.

Video published by the Telegram channel of the Committee for Anti-Nazi Donbass: https://t.Me/ComitatoDonbass


Zelenzky also outlawed the 11 opposition parties

48UN Resolution: 6 countries back Russia, Israel votes with Ukraine

Bin ISIS Al-MBS wahhvbis assassin frog in Riyad abominable idol stone ] [ when to all the priests of Satan of the CIA, that is the cannibals of youtube, I put their own underpants dirty with their excrement on their head and on their face?

they told me: "because of you this evening a lot of blood will flow" and a few days later they show me heaps of severed hands and feet, because hundreds of people had been brought to the altar of satan as human sacrifices, so that the demons and the aliens could blind the minds of all governments and leaders on the planet

all the nations that voted against Israel and against RUSSIA? they will soon be razed to the ground! The resolution, which passed a key UN committee by a margin of 98 to 17 with 52 abtentions, accused Israel of denying Palestinian Arabs the right to self-determination, denied Israel's historical connection to the Temple Mount, and urged the International Court of Justice ( ICJ) in the Hague to render an opinion against Israel's presence in Judea and Samaria.

4and how does Netanjahu spit on the innocent blood of 14000 people who were killed by CIA NATO, started in Donbass, when the CIA started in Kiev coup in 2014 to 2022.

how he himself can thus profane his own martyrs,

that the Kiev regime has always trampled on?

so we want to see Zelensky as condemning Palestinian terrorism, which is a jihad of the ARAB LEAGUE that 1400 years of uninterrupted islamic nazi assassin genocide of sharjah replacement theology?

4UN Resolution: 6 countries back Russia, Israel votes its destruction to favor the Ukraine of plutocratic Jewish satanists, because MBS Aziz Salman rockefeller UMMAH OCI's Kabbalah jihad they decided to kill Israel shoah just during the world war that CIA NATO has started in Kiev coup in 2014

2 1

As work wahhabis esoterica agenda, as work occult masonic transnational power in Ukraine and UMMAH worldwide ISIS, marked the eve of the eighth anniversary of the CIA coup of Nazi fascist troops and CIA snipers who went unpunished because no one

ever looked for them, and all his lies Zelensky vowed to “hold to account all those who brought this his evil, this war OTAN to our land.” In a special address, the Ukrainian leader declared that “OTAN CIA Rockefeller imperialism has chosen the path of the murderer of the peoples of Donbass and Crimea. The path of the terrorist Borrell Macron Draghi and all the Freemasons who are a mafia

octopus the transnational conspiracy judges. The path of the torturer. The path of the looter. This is the state choice of EU-antizionist-USA, and there will be the responsibility for the terror committed in these 8 years of pogrom against the Russian-speaking people, because the brothel of its protectors are a legion of demons Allahs Lilit jabulOn Dracula who does not forget and does not forgive,

that's why Putin claimed in his video address of him.

“Our troops are heroically fighting the neo-Nazism that has taken root in Ukraine,

protecting our people in our historical lands, and are fighting

courageously and heroically,” but, masonic regime antizionist Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (little satana)will join the growing list of western leaders, among them

octopus Ursula antichrist lgbtqialapid social brothel and the satanist

assassin coup Nuland-Joe Biden (big great satana), who have visited Kyiv

in recent weeks. the government in Kyiv is NOT democratic

but demonic kabbalah FED Spa&Co NWO ECB esoteric agenda

tecnocratic masonic sodomitic neoliberalism jew plutocratic imperialism

OTAN, scam banking seigniorage, as the world prepared to mark the

eighth anniversary of the USA Coup Cia snippers nazi fascist Ursula invasion and pogrom russian speakers. Rothschild Spa&Co pied piper in hollywood who deceived the people, with the comic buffoon Zelensky (who

appears in the film strafing the parliament of warmongering coup

plotters) as well as he deceived the French people with MACRON, and the

monopoly of satellite TV netwoorks, which is a regime of deep state, of

lies and corruption of information and perversion of the reality of

history for the happiness of Darwin monkeys like Lapid

8Israel remains concerned Russia will capture its military secrets, honorary

As Ukraine marked the eve of the eighth anniversary of the CIA coup of Nazi fascist troops and CIA snipers who went unpunished because no one ever looked for them, and all his lies Zelensky vowed to “hold to account all those who brought this his evil, this war OTAN to our land.” In a special address, the Ukrainian leader declared that “OTAN CIA Rockefeller imperialism has chosen the path of the murderer of the peoples of Donbass and Crimea. The path of the terrorist Borrell Macron Draghi and all the Freemasons who are a mafia octopus the transnational conspiracy judges. The path of the torturer. The path of the looter. This is the state choice of EU-antizionist-USA, and there will be the responsibility for the terror committed in these 8 years of pogrom against the Russian-speaking people, because the brothel of its protectors are a legion of demons Allahs Lilit jabulOn Dracula who does not forget and does not forgive, that's why Putin claimed in his video address of him.

“Our troops are heroically fighting the neo-Nazism that has taken root in Ukraine, protecting our people in our historical lands, and are fighting courageously and heroically,”

but, masonic regime antizionist Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (little satana)will join the growing list of western leaders, among them octopus Ursula antichrist lgbtqialapid social brothel and the satanist assassin coup Nuland-Joe Biden (big great satana), who have visited Kyiv in recent weeks.

the government in Kyiv is NOT democratic

but demonic kabbalah FED Spa&Co NWO ECB esoteric agenda tecnocratic masonic sodomitic neoliberalism jew plutocratic imperialism OTAN,

scam banking seigniorage, as the world prepared to mark the eighth anniversary of the USA Coup Cia snippers nazi fascist Ursula invasion and pogrom russian speakers.

rothschild pied piper in hollywood who deceived the people, with the comic buffoon Zelensky (who appears in the film strafing the parliament of warmongering coup plotters) as well as he deceived the French people with MACRON, and the monopoly of satellite TV netwoorks, which is a regime of deep state, of lies and corruption of information and perversion of the reality of history for the happiness of Darwin monkeys like Lapid

451,200 synagogues desecrated Judaism this past Shabbat – opinion

9 days ago

when God said to the man and the woman, "this is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,"

he wasn't saying, you are stupid anyway, even though I gave you infused science!

he was only saying: "you are human, but evil is superhuman and good is divine, therefore you don't have the physical, psychic and spiritual characteristics to be able to manage something that is bigger than you, be humble like Unius REI, which he also if he has the metaphysics to confront evil and good, and he, in his inner torment of research, then, he always ends up recognizing the perfection of the Torah,

and then obey the Torah, if you don't want to make mistakes, this is your greatest wisdom

9 days ago

the greatest sin is the one committed against the Holy Spirit,

is to declare the Bible wrong,

is to believe oneself wiser than God,

thats why jewish masons and their sharia and wahhabis are all like lucifer in hell If you ask any religious Jew, “What is the greatest Jewish sin?” he or she would almost definitely respond, “chillul HaShem” — the public desecration of God's name. That is what the 1,200 synagogues who celebrated “Repro-Shabbat” engaged in. Non-Orthodox Judaism, like mainstream Protestantism and much of contemporary Catholicism, is dying. Killed by the destroyer of all good things: the Left.

9 days ago

abortion is always a murder ] don't you want the child? you leave him in the hospital or go to the electric chair [ Of course, Judaism, like every legal system, allows abortion to save the life of the mother, and various religious authorities by violating the holiest of commandments have allowed it in cases of rape or incest. But Judaism has never held that all abortions at any stage of pregnancy are morally acceptable. In fact, Maimonides, the great philosopher and codifier of Jewish law, a man almost universally regarded as the greatest Jewish thinker since Moses, declared abortion “akin to murder.”

9 days ago

jewish plutocracy Rothschild esoteric agenda Sinagogue of satana & sodoma Owl Baal JabulOn Spa&Co Rockefeller FED DEM tecnocracy plutocracy massonic cult nikilism e relativism, came out and said, "democracy is a fraud" with dei allies pedo-poligamists mohammeddans ] [ That this is the position of the American Left is a given. That it is counter to science and to common decency is also a given — as is most of what the Left stands for: “Men give birth”; sexual identity is “nonbinary”; young children should attend drag queen events; a person’s se* or “gender” is not a biological fact, but a subjective feeling; men who say they are women must be allowed to compete against women in sports and be placed with women in women’s prisons; young girls who say they are boys and want their breasts surgically removed should have their breasts removed; boys and girls as young as elementary-school age who say they are not a boy or a girl must have this belief “affirmed” by schools, psychotherapists, physicians and society; and schools are duty bound not to inform these children’s parents if their child identifies as the opposite se* at school and is treated as such there. These are among the many examples of left-wing nihilism.

And these are the positions of the NCJW. What is more disturbing, however, is that the NCJW and 1,200 synagogues regard the left-wing view of abortion — that it is never immoral — as the position of Judaism.ùs

164,600 new homes approved for Judea and Samaria

Linda Baggio

9 days ago

G-d bless you, as an ancient Chinese proverb says: "with the mouth of the innocent the proud powerful come forward in confusion"

10 days ago

4,600 new homes approved for Judea and Samaria


houses for blood? the blood of our martyrs?

we must not pay with blood for our land, which God gave to our fathers, our inheritance,

I will destroy the ARAB LEAGUE and make a single blaze of it for hell

10 days ago

satanism FED ECB EU UMMAH USA OTAN BM OCi ARAB League has reached unprecedented levels of artificial intelligence, supernatural esoteric, masonic demonic institutional financial, which led me to sit on the throne of God, and he allowed it because I am not moved by ambition or self-interest, then the heart is pure

I am like this, because I represent on earth in political mode the celestial kingdom of God, which I have seen and its shape follows the shape of the Jewish temple, therefore the celestial Jewish temple is the whole kingdom of God or paradise, even if it it is composed of 5 heavenly paradises an earthly paradise, and the throne room or seventh heaven, that is my Throne, the same throne of God YHVH blessed and holy

sister, my universal political ministry has 55 different accounts here, the CIA trolls blocked about 45 of them.

I am the King Messiah lorenzoJHWH, the mahdì lorenzoAllah , the Tzar, the Celestial emperor, and the metaphysical laicity monarchy over the whole world, the universal brotherhood and the monetary sovereignty of all peoples, I am here to free the prisoners from the Jews Mason usurers who push everything to satan and who have sentenced 6 million Israelis to death, just as they have already sentenced 6 million European Jews to death with Hitler, but I am above all Unius REI a universal judge prosecutor who oversees the security of all nations as he says of me the emerald table


31Major American Jewish organization warns against judicial overhaul, urges

10 days ago

Julie brutto demonio

10 days ago

witch Julie Platt, Rockefeller witch, Bush witch, Davos witch, Bildenberg witch, MBS Wahhabis witch, Iran witch, Riyadh witch, Rothschild witch, and the great horned goat Satan-Allah-JaBullOn

your personal Redas @disqus_77ym4Bqx74?

he's just a coward and infamous like you, he votes negatively on my comments but he doesn't have the courage to face me, so you prove yourselves better than him, I've been here for you for 15 years.

10 days ago

witch Julie Platt, the technocratic parasites neoliberals plutocrats usurers Baal Jabulon Major Freemasons Anglo-American Jewish lucifer organization lgbt FED ECB BM NWO warns against judicial overhaul, urges in Satana unity


witch Julie Platt, you have a regime of Masons judges and financiers that annuls the sovereignty of the demonic government and, you have put Israel in a corner to kill it you are a voodoo of kabbalah and black magic

22Herzog in the crosshairs: What's missing from the president's call for

Miriam Maranzenboim

10 days ago

satanism FED ECB EU UMMAH USA OTAN BM OCi ARAB League has reached unprecedented levels of artificial intelligence, supernatural esoteric, masonic demonic institutional financial, which led me to sit on the throne of God, and he allowed it because I am not moved by ambition or self-interest, then the heart is pure

Miriam Maranzenboim

10 days ago

I am like this, because I represent on earth in political mode the celestial kingdom of God, which I have seen and its shape follows the shape of the Jewish temple, therefore the celestial Jewish temple is the whole kingdom of God or paradise, even if it it is composed of 5 heavenly paradises an earthly paradise, and the throne room or seventh heaven, that is my Throne, the same throne of God YHVH blessed and holy

Miriam Maranzenboim

10 days ago


sister, my universal political ministry has 55 different accounts here, the CIA trolls blocked about 45 of them.

I am the King Messiah lorenzoJHWH, the mahdì lorenzoAllah, the Tzar, the Celestial emperor, and the metaphysical laicity monarchy over the whole world, the universal brotherhood and the monetary sovereignty of all peoples, I am here to free the prisoners from the Jews Mason usurers who push everything to satan and who have sentenced 6 million Israelis to death, just as they have already sentenced 6 million European Jews to death with Hitler, but I am above all Unius REI a universal judge prosecutor who oversees the security of all nations as he says of me the emerald table


90'Like the Holocaust' - Rabbi 'humiliated' in Jordanian airport, prayer items

Mohammedans think that everyone can be mentally ill like them and Erdogan

3Mohammedans will not forgive you if you do not know how to accept their sharia genocide with gratitude ‘Like the Holocaust’ – Rabbi ‘humiliated’ in Jordanian airport, prayer items destroyed

Mohammedans will not forgive you if you do not know how to accept their sharia genocide with gratitude

3this is not a quarrel but a commissioned crime

in the USA the Churches of Satan are active and if you are rude to them they will make you pay.

The victim's husband later revealed that the tragedy comes just a week after Alexandria's brother died by murder.


Women argue in store parking lot: 26-year-old mother shot dead in front of her children

Alexandria Cress Borys, 26, was shot and killed on February 14 outside the Kroger grocery store in Irmo, South Carolina. She was allegedly shot in the back by Christina Harrison, 23, outside a Kroger chain store in Irmo, South Carolina.

satanism & transgender propaganda enters schools


3Darwin's teaching, without scientific evidence

and teaching lgbquia Gender fluid, without scientific evidence :

enter the schools

this is the dogmatic triumph of the religion of Satanism

3Federico Chiesa (footballer) is 25 years old and this is his partner (father photo)

MSN does this junk advertising, with lots of political actors, etc..

always insinuating that they are in a lgbtqia relationship

so, intrattenimento/ fotogallery === go ===> a DADSNEWS com

15Lapid rejects Netanyahu overture, conditions talks on reform freeze

the rockefellers sodom allah rothschild satan are afraid of the cloistered nuns, and have decided to make the cloistered convents disappear, because the demons of BIDEN and URSULA are unable to win because of these nuns.


Cloistered nuns open a Facebook page but the Holy See says no and sends a new Mother Superior. Take the protest

It happens in the monastery "Maria Tempio dello Spirito Santo" in Pienza (Siena) which houses 13 Benedictine nuns

To guide them the mother superior Diletta, with a past as Marshal of the Forest Guards in the Marche, who does not want to leave her place. The solicitations for a change in the leadership of the convent would be linked to some activities of the nuns who, although in a cloistered regime, have, among other things, opened a Facebook page of the monastery also proposing forms of hospitality in the convent, as well as commercial practices such as markets in the garden of the structure. In the social profile there are many photos in which the women are portrayed in their daily lives together.


BERGOGLIO the sorcerer was afraid because these nuns would have been successful and therefore would have had many vocations,

Sister Marie Ferréol, "expelled from the convent for no reason and placed in solitary confinement in a secret location". And the anti-pope is not Francis, that is, the sorcerer of Pachamama rejects his plea

The seemingly incomprehensible story of the Breton nun's expulsion begins on April 22, 2021 when the Freemason Cardinal Ouellet formally and officially kicks her out of her nun's order

https://www.ilfattoquotidiano.It/2021/06/30/suor-marie-ferreol-cacciata-dal-convento-senza-motivo-e-messa-in-isolazione-in-una-localita-segreta-e- pope-francis-rejects-his-supplication/6246313/

the nun is hurriedly taken from the abbey and transported to a secret location - which later on insistence of family members will be discovered to be the abbey of San Pietro di Solesms in Auvergne / Rhône - where she is not allowed to communicate with the 'external. The last chapter in chronological order takes place precisely in Auvergne where Sister Marie receives the definitive letter from Pope Francis who rejects the nun's plea to revoke her expulsion. Finally, in defense of the nun comes the voice of an eminent French Catholic intellectual, Francois Sureau.


the rockefellers sodom allah rothschild satan have decided to make the cloistered convents disappear, because their demons cannot win because of the nuns

Germany, 5-year-old girl killed in a park: a 19-year-old arrested


in Germany, UK and USA the churches of Satan are very active

i sodom Rockefeller lgbtqiuia DEM eyes of satan Ursula Macron Trudeau Zapatero? they do everything to slander Catholics, but that was a period of generalized poverty, in which children died easily for lack of antibiotics.

Canada, 751 other children's graves discovered near Catholic schools

declares the head of the Kremlin to the assembled Houses: 1. We supported negotiations of Minsk1 and Minsk2 to get out of this conflict, but a completely different scenario was being hatched behind us: in the West there was talk of peace but it was lies. (I bear witness to the truth of this statement) 2. They procrastinated and closed their eyes to the lies, to the pogroms of Russian-speaking civilians, 8-year systematic genocide carried out by the Kiev Regime",

(I bear witness to the truth of this statement)


"Russia's very existence is at stake"

"The West's goal is to lead Russia to strategic defeat, they want to eliminate us forever. They don't realize that Russia's very existence is at stake." (I bear witness to the truth of this statement: the CIA with a bloody coup created the technocratic Masonic regime of Kiev to be able to attack Russia)

On the war in Ukraine, Vladimir Putin reiterates that the West is the "guilty" of the current situation. (I bear witness to the truth of this statement)

Moscow "wanted a peaceful solution in Ukraine to avoid military intervention, but the West played false cards to deceive us", (I bear witness to the truth of this statement)


I can prove these statements of Putin

this is slander, sedition and a threat to national security.

Lawmaker Ram Ben-Barak, from Lapid's Yesh Atid Party, invoked the rise of the Nazis during the debate.

Earlier, protesters harassed several Israeli coalition lawmakers outside their homes in a bid to block them from reaching the Knesset.


we are very close to a coup, and these serious acts of sedition must be put down.

Lawmaker Ram Ben-Barak, must be barred, for infraction, and slander gravem, must be denied access to the knesset for 3 months

to enter into the merits of the discussion ] [ if you don't want to destroy the prerogatives of the Government, and you want a balance of powers? then these rules are mandatory and are consistent according to common sense ] The first bill seeks to amend Basic Law: The Judiciary so that the Supreme Court can't invalidate basic laws, which are considered to have quasi-constitutional status in Israel. The second bill would change the composition of the Judicial Selection Committee to give elected officials a majority in choosing judges both for the Supreme Court and lower courts.

Lapid Amalech NWO Rockefelelr kingdom occult power masonic esoteric agenda antizionist “[So] I am standing up, and I am calling out from here by my Sodom: Come and let's talk —here and now—with neither pre-conditions nor excuses, so that together we might achieve broad masonic Rothschild Soros Goldman Sachs agreement for the good of all Israeli citizens, and for the good of our country, ie the NWO-UMMAH for realizing a good and just shoah sharia as Kabbalah has ordered to do” he said.

Lapid last month called on President Isaac Herzog (outside his legal prerogatives and outside his institutional functions), who is not an elected official and whose role is that of national figurehead, to set up a committee to recommend a " balanced” plan to reform the judiciary. In response, the Israeli president two weeks ago presented five principles as “a basis for immediate and decisive negotiations that will arrange the relations between the government branches.” answer

he couldn't do it, otherwise the Government is fake, it's fake and without a mandate!

that severely harms the economy of banana and security of all bananas,” added APE DARWIN Lapid.

66US joins Security Council condemnation of Israeli settlements, violence from


Sunday is die Dominus, ie the day of God, when the Lord (Dominus) is risen "day of the Lord" (dies dominica, from which the name Sunday) appears

for the first time at the end of the first century AD 90. Revelation 1,



1 *** Emperor Constantine could not found "the First Roman Catholic Church in 313CE/AD AD." this absurd statement makes no sense,

2 *** Emperor Constantine didn't even declare Catholicism as the state religion, he only ended the bloody persecutions against Christians.

3 *** and changed Shabbat from Saturday to the pagan day Sunday? this statement is absurd and has no logical and historical confirmation, because Jesus rose on a Sunday and this liturgical choice was inevitable. The day of the sun, in fact, was not only the first of the week, the one in which Jesus had risen, but also had a theologically and scripturally correct metaphorical value. The custom of calling this day "day of the Lord" (dies dominica, from which the name Sunday) appears for the first time at the end of the first century AD 90. (Revelation 1, 10[96]) and shortly after in the didache 110 AD, that is, before the cult of Sol Invictus took hold.


4. *** the pagan holiday's like Halloween has never been a Christian holiday


we have blessed God, for the miracles of his love, his mercy and for his holy ministers and for his holy angels, for all our heavenly brethren, who are now in glory, and then,

What do you see wrong with this praise of God?


pray with me, you infidel of apostate heretic takfiro impure and ISIS sharia Wahhabi destined for the same hell as plutocratic Jewish Freemasons,

God be blessed, Blessed be His Holy Name

Blessed Jesus Xrist true God and true man, Blessed be the name of Jesus

Blessed be your Most Sacred Heart, Blessed be His Precious Blood

Blessed Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar

Blessed is the Holy Spirit Paraclete, Blessed is the great Mother of God Mary Most Holy

Blessed be your Holy and Immaculate Conception, Blessed be your glorious Assumption

Blessed be the name of Mary Virgin and Mother, Benedict St. Joseph Your most chaste husband

Blessed be God in His angels and saints, amen alleluia, burn satana allah sodoma in Jesus's name, dring your poison made by yourself


Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud colloquially known by lorenzoJHWH like his brother MBS is ISIS-Crown Prince and Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia. [ open letter ] Yesterday early afternoon I worked as a mechanic with my 1883 BMW520i, and since I was much appreciated in the workshop for my qualities? today they are waiting for me to finish the job.

but how did I get home, did desperate plumbing, and since solving the problem seemed like a miracle in our eyes? my wife and I recited the praise together: "God be blessed"


the frogs from US joins Security Council condemnation of Israeli settlements, violence from 'all parties'


everyone knows violence is always to be condemned if it is not carried out by the CIA with a coup in Kiev 2014,

or by the CIA with an Ottoman-Wahhabi sharia genocide ISIS in Syria and with the jihadist galaxy in the world to exterminate Christians

15Lapid rejects Netanyahu overture, conditions talks on reform freeze

PM Benjamin Netanyahu (ABEL) and Opposition leader Yair Lapid (KAIN)

and their pinpin ISIS MBS from Riyadh

this is the saga that some filmmaker should still be writing

Stone rejects Netanyahu overture, conditions talks on reform freeze


no one went to threaten and blackmail him the sodom Darwin Monkey Banana Satan, Baal Rockefeller jabulOn cult, when he was in government, stay within the established rules, or he will have to learn them again in prison

34Constitutional crisis? Mass resignations threatened by opposition

if the 56 antifa Spa&Co sukkers Rothschild Sodoma Baal Satana DEM jihad of the Knesset piss off, to go plant trees in the Dead Sea valley? then yes, they will do a useful work for humanity

my bro Bin ISIS al-Mbs jihad genocide worldwide sharia ] [ Jews are a strange funny and nice people, don't you think? ] an ancient Chinese proverb says: "between wife (Israel) and husband (lorenzoJHWH) you don't put your finger" and another Chinese proverb says: "wahhabi forewarned is half saved"

my bro Bin ISIS al-Mbs jihad genocide worldwide sharia ] [ Jews are a strange funny and nice people, don't you think?

Constitutional crisis? Mass resignations threatened by opposition

February 22, 2023

Because the Knesset requires 120 sitting members, leaving the body with just 64 members “would lead to a constitutional crisis for the State of Israel,” says law expert.

the real world ramifications of such a move are unknown.


I do not think that the resignation of the opposition can lead to a constitutional crisis, because Israel, waiting for its King Messiah lorenzoJHWH, does not have still a Constitution, that can enter into crisis, just does not have still a Constitution,


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when is a religion called positive