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Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

AaSASss Biden worried about the health of the Pope the pant, 'a dear friend

WATCH: Ex-PM Ehud Barak unveils strategy for bringing down Israel’s

16 minutes ago

the AaSASss Biden worried about the health of the Pope the pant, 'a dear friend'

22 minutes ago

Turkey ratifies Finland's accession to NATO

inevitably this means US nuclear missiles on the borders of Russia and vice versa, as ISLAM is a threat to mankind?

26 minutes ago

EU Parliament outstretched on Italy: assistance to gay couples

LGBTQIA have control of the media of culture and institutions, of the judiciary, of finance and impose their criminal and unconstitutional regime with bullying and violence by the judiciary.

the European Parliament expresses “concern at the fact that this decision is part of a wider attack against the Lgbtqi+ community in Italy; invites the Italian Government to immediately revoke its decision".


here is the blackmail: Stop the Pnrr, wrath of the Democratic Party: "Disastro, Meloni and Lease explain why we lose money"

and soon the SPREAD is coming, DEM sodomites can only be burned with fire from heaven, and by the wrath of God

38 minutes ago

lgbt DEM ] [ they have control of the media of culture and institutions, of the judiciary, of finance and impose their criminal and unconstitutional regime with the bullying and violence of the judiciary

Biden snubs Netanyahu, won't invite him to the White House; Israel must

an hour ago

Rape in the satanic cult. The prosecution is asking for 12 years for the "devil" of Prato, Satanists in the USA are a secret service organization, where Obama and Biden and all US leaders are protected by anonymity in committing their crimes

IRAN & Riyadh ] [ if you leave only Israel? you leave yourself alone ] ok, it's true I have the same vice as your false prophet Mohammed: lust, but he is now in hell with all the Mohammedan sharia, while I can repent of my sins, and I can convert and save myself from islamic hell

IRAN & Riyadh ] [ if you leave only Israel? you leave yourself alone ] you have to change your paradigm and you have to stop hoping to kill him, because there is no one alone who can defeat the new world order of the FED ECB BM NWO IMF and all their demonic Spa&Co [ HISTORY IN THE MAKING: Muslim Country's Ambassador Presents Credentials to Israeli President ] no one alone can win not Russia and China, not India, not ISLAM not the Christians in the West.. if we want to survive monsters zombies lizards DEM? we must all unite, against the Rothschild Rockefeller money monopoly and that is why I am the king of Israel lorenzoJHWH

worldisraelnews coward stop to redirect my
1/4 ] [ eih Sodoma stop to bulling me ] [ the powerful lgbtqia lobby of demon-haunted sodomites, they mark as spam, my comments and don't let me speak choke me, just like all the demon-haunted muslims choke the blood of christians throughout the Arab league. id left-wing trans group justify mass murder?yitzhakaduriRabbiSupreme9 Detected as spam

so we have: 1. who made the transition to satan like rockefellers & wahhabis, 2. & then, we poor transgenders like CICCIOLINA who are forced into prostitution? & then they fall into paranoia & make a massacre?

5Detected as spamAlias careers in 200 Italian schools: the madness of gender ideology,

2/4 ] [ eih Sodoma stop to bulling me ] [the powerful lgbtqia lobby of demon-haunted sodomites, they mark as spam, my comments & don't let me speak choke me, just like all the demon-haunted muslims choke the blood of christians throughout the Arab league. id left-wing trans group justify mass murder? but the alias career has no authorization for the State. To date, almost two hundred institutions in Italy have silently approved & without any go-ahead from the Ministry of Education & Merit a new regulation that enables students to take the so-called "career alias". Forget about a very normal class made up of boys & girls, in the two hundred Italian schools - a number that is drastically destined to increase day after day - everyone will be able to identify themselves as they see fit. Students who want, even minors & without the consent of their parents, can change their name. answer =in the school where the lgbtqia where they fired me?

3/4 ] [ eih Sodoma stop to bulling me ] [the powerful lgbtqia lobby of demon-haunted sodomites, they mark as spam, my comments and don't let me speak choke me, just like all the demon-haunted muslims choke the blood of christians throughout the Arab league. id left-wing trans group justify mass murder? I observed a boy who was transforming into a girl, & it was a painful transformation (just like a caterpillar worm striving to become a butterfly), but, which I excuse myself from providing aesthetic & psychiatric details, at this moment, also because how could this transition Lapid Darwin the Rothschild monkeys have been concluded? I haven't had time to look at itWe have received your request for reviewyitzhak kaduriRabbiSupremeYitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

5Detected as spamAthletics, faux transgender women barred from women's competitions, The World Athletics Council has ruled on two "categories" of athletes:

1. those that fit into the DSD category (athletes with atypical sexual development) (going on with suppositories) & those in the category

2. Transgender (athletes who have completed the transition from one gender to the other) & are continuing to use needles.

4/4 ] [ eih, Sodoma stop to bulling me ] [ the powerful lgbtqia lobby of demon-haunted sodomites, they mark my comments as spam and don't let me speak choke me, just like all the demon-haunted muslims choke the blood of christians throughout the Arab league. id left-wing trans group justify mass murder? For DSD athletes (the best known case is that of the South African sprinter: Lapid Caster LaVey Semenya Blinken),

the new regulations will require all affected athletes to reduce their testosterone levels below a limit of 2.5 nanomols per liter for a minimum of 24 months in order to compete internationally in the women's category in any event. six months off lsd ldsd lpimp lpump & lpamp is consistent with previous regulations, which required six months of testosterone suppression (below 5 nmol/L) for DSD athletes.

answer =it appears that below this (below 5 nmol/L) the mock pea peels off & falls off2timeWe have received your request for review

a day ago

for 400 years the Marrano Jew usurer Satanist plutocratic Jew Freemason has stolen monetary sovereignty, and with targeted murders, and mass massacres of Christians (Vandea, Cristeros in Mexico and the French revolution and the Bolshevik revolution) has imposed his demonic regime, has created his darwins Lapid Monkeys and created the mentality of DEMs antifa anarchists feminist, etc... , the jihads genocide UMMAH ISIS Sharjah Boko Haram are right when they say that western culture is sin, unfortunately they are the theology of Koranic substitution and suprematism ottoman wahhabi where not even they themselves (crazy Shia Muslims) can survive (and vice versa, with crazy Sunni Muslims) because the parasitic technocratic Jew with the bank seigniorage monopoly has taken over every other monopoly and we now live in the demonic matrix , where the government of Israel was raped and the constitution was vilified around the world, so the last remaining democracy around the world died too

a day ago

it is the hour of the darkest darkness ] [ Biden snubs Netanyahu, right after the Israeli leader obeyed orders; Israel ] [ World Israel News redirected these 13 comments of mine, then cloned this page, 7

Nashville shooting, controversy over Biden's criminal joke: "I went down because I heard there was ice cream" this is how a Satanist speaks, Criticism of the president for his unhappy exit on his first appearance after the massacre - that's why THIS it's time OF DARKNESS

7 Why does much of the Global South support Russia & not Coup 2014 Ukraine? Why do two thirds of the world support Russia & not pogrom for 7 years against russian spekers in Ukraine?

becouse USA Riyadh Iran Erdogan are kingdom of Satana, WHY THIS IS THE HOUR OF DARKNESS Freemasons & technoratics & neoliberals Davos, Big 666 Pharma & violent lgbtqia maximalists have seized power, that's why THIS IS THE HOUR OF DARKNESS

8 ,THIS it's time OF DARKNESS [ & only zionism is hollyness ] [ Ze'ev Jabotinsky, the leader of the Revisionist Zionist movement, whose philosophy both Begin & Netanyahu espoused, declared in 1940: "We hold Zionism to be moral & just. & since it is moral & just, justice must be done, no matter whether Giuseppe or Simone or Ivan or Achmed agree or not.

with violence the judicial reforms were stopped, & it is to a halt, but now we can no longer say that democracy has survived in Israel, we are now living the nightmare of a theocracy: Darwin Satan Sodom jabul On Allah from worldwide nightmare.

THIS it's time OF DARKNESS, 8

however the "Demon crap RAT crats" did not win the election, they took it by deception

how they bullied Israel's judicial reforms to a halt

8 , with demon-crats. IT IS universal a disaster in foreign policy relations. BIDEN IS THE USUAL PRIEST OF SATAN WHO NEVER DISDENTS HIS EVIL

Syria: Two soldiers wounded in Israeli strike near Damascus

an hour ago

Rape in the satanic cult. The prosecution is asking for 12 years for the "devil" of Prato, "I need to feed on bodies. I will save the world."


Satanists in the USA are a secret service organization, where Obama and Biden and all US leaders are protected by anonymity in committing their crimes

: in Heaven the plants don't talk to you but they still find a way to communicate with you, they look at you and turn around to contemplate you, but they have a vegetable consciousness that has less communicative potential than an animal consciousness

GLOBAL BREAKTHROUGH: Plants emit sounds, Israeli researchers discover


yes, I knew it: in Heaven the plants don't talk to you but they still find a way to communicate with you, they look at you and turn around to contemplate you, but they have a vegetable consciousness that has less communicative potential than an animal consciousness

Russia arrests Wall Street Journal reporter on spying charge


Detected as spam

Gay couples, the satanic anti-Christian Jewish plutocratic anti-Zionist demonic Masonic Euro-Parliament has punished Italy: "Italy must immediately revoke the decision not to register children"

in fact, every child has the right to parental authority, i.e. to that of a father and a mother, and gays must have parental authority removed

We have received your request for review


On February 28, a still unknown billionaire friend of Soros went to hell to find him, but it seems to have been noticed only by the US tax authorities (and the heirs who paid the beauty of 7 billion dollars in "inheritance taxes" ). A record figure that refers to a heritage among the top thirty in the world. The problem is that none of the super-wealthy Rothschild Rockefellers or Morgans in the US died in 2022 and that has raised many the question: how could such a wealthy person have lived under the radar until his death?

Given that US inheritances are taxed at 40% with some exceptions, $7 billion in taxes implies an estate or gift of at least $17.5 billion, according to the Washington-based think tank Tax Policy Center.

small change Rothschild Rockefeller pa&Co Morgans they have the trillions but they can't be seen because they are in the Admiralty passing through the Kaiman Islands



this is what the parasitic Jewish Masons have made of Italy ] a prelude to how it became indispensable to give rise to Nazism and fascism

[ Vandal raids against the Padre Nostro reception center in Brancaccio, Vandalism, once again, to hit the premises in use at the Padre Nostro reception center where the nearby health center will be built in Brancaccio in via San Ciro in a property confiscated from the mafia. The canvas representing what will be done in Brancaccio has been cut, and vulgar graffiti has been drawn on the ground.


the lgbt DEMs live like parasites in the public administration, Alessio Wang, 31 years old, hospitalized

It happened in Mestre, in via Trieste 1, around 5.30 in the morning. He had almost dismounted the shift, when at a certain point he noticed the three young men. He came out and told them to stop. At that point the violence of the pack took place. He punched and kicked, even when he was down. His mother is also attacked when she tries to help him. Same fate for some transfers from Porto Marghera, who stay there. Perhaps it is a group of young people from the East, Romanians or Albanians.


Alessio Wang, 31, hospitalized "You can't pee in front of my hotel." Beaten to death in Mestre,

PADUA-They beat him bloody just because he had told them not to pee in front of the hotel entrance. Alessio Wang, 31, night porter in the family hotel, paid dearly for what should have been a simple invitation to behave appropriately. He was beaten up by three boys, mercilessly. Perhaps it is a group of young people from the East, Romanians or Albanians.


the lgbt DEMs live like parasites in the public administration, they have control of culture and the media, they live like parasites in the BANKS and that's fine with them, who has a business and is suffocated by taxes, deliquency and bureaucracy? they don't care


Ukrainian flag on the statue of Vladimir Putin


when Viktor Fedorovyč Yanukovyč was there: Віктор Федорович Янукович, Виктор Фёдорович Янукович ?

Ukraine belonged to the Ukrainians, but after the CIA coup Nuland and 14,000 corpses in 8 years of pogroms against Russian speakers? now it has become the exclusive property of satan sodom allah of Erdogan and NATO,

Report: Ultra-Orthodox lawmaker working to bring Gantz into Netanyahu


It is not the first time that Staffelli and his assistants have been attacked by those who try to carry out pickpocketing and theft. In recent months, after being caught in the subway,

some thieves had insulted and kicked the Mediaset program correspondent. Twelve months have passed and unfortunately the situation has not changed. Indeed, in Milan, the citizens

who denounced the degradation on social networks and published the videos of the pickpockets in action were accused by the Democratic Party.


the DEMs have not lost the habit of defending criminals, squatters of houses, of threatening national security, of making us islamized and sodomized publicly on state television, and so on


Detected as spam

Gafni reportedly used Tuesday's meeting as an opportunity to reach out to Gantz, telling him he hoped the centrist National Unity party could be brought into government to "balance" the influence of right-wing parties Otzma Yehudit and the Religious Zionist Party.


if Gantz considers himself an ape Darwin? then, he will never return, among human beings

We have received your request for review


Foils a theft, Staffelli from Striscia threatened with a boulder by the pickpocket


Italy, due to the EU Masons, is the happy homeland of all perverts, criminals, mafias, DEM parasites and thieves


Bin ISIS Salman ie, al-MBS Osama from Riyadh ] [ Today I spoke with a self proclaimed Pastor Nicholas without a flock who said that only Benny Hinn's go to Heaven.

but I reminded him that Jesus said: "whoever is not against me is always my friend"

now honestly who is as stupid as a wahhabi to make the love of jesus of bethlehem an enemy of him?


Bin ISIS Salman ie, al-MBS Osama from Riyadh ] [ do you hear them? There's a lot of Talmudic Islamic Masonic scum out there who are angry at me: too bad they're all rich and cowards because they've decided that the poor must die with gratitude, and are they so cowards that like you? they will never dare to talk to me

Rashida Tlaib slammed for false anti-Israel tweet


The Catholic Church "repudiates" the "doctrine of discovery" used in past centuries by the colonizers to morally justify, starting with some papal bulls, the expropriation of land from the indigenous people of the Americas. This was stated in a document of the Holy See published today by two dicasteries, that for Culture and Education, and that for the Service of Integral Human Development.


these statements would make any serious historian shiver, because they are indifferent and do not respect the critical historical truth, and then, there has been no murder of children in Catholic or Christian institutions

some of these good savages engaged in cannibalism and human sacrifice, assisted by the great sorcerer of Pachamama BERGOGLIO


when I see Palestinian-American Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib fortuneteller (frogmouth evil spirit)

then I appreciate my wife more and more

1 1EditView in discussion


Palestinian-American Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (frogmouth evil spirit) has been taken charge after her post about Israeli soldiers beating Palestinians is proven to be a lie.


all rothschild supremacist record holders MBS Erdogan sharia spa&Co are liars and murderers,

but the primates Darwin Lapid banana they are just ignorant

‘Antisemitism is an evil:’ UK Labor party bans Jeremy Corbyn from candidacy


“You will go to hell”. Lady Gaga kisses the woman who disputes her on the mouth: "We'll go together"

“Will we go together? you're not going there!"


Lady Gaga and Bergoglio share the predestination of hell with all Freemasons, all Muslims and all lgbtqia, and too many DEMs


Speaking after Tuesday's vote, Starmer said it was "an important moment in the history of the Labor Party", promising "zero tolerance" for racism and anti-Semitism.

"Anti-Semitism is bad and any political party that cultivates it deserves no power," Starmer said.


I've always said that Muslims must take away their active and passive political rights because of the genocide of the sharia and its replacement theology, Ottoman Wahhabi primacy, why about the Shiites? they have too many inferiority complexes

‘Disturbing force’: Vandal again topples menorah at San Diego State Chabad


Sanna Marin trembles, the Finnish premier risks defeat in the elections: Helsinki veers to the right with Riika Purra?

not yet said: if she starts licking and sucking in public like a lesbian? Ursula the octopus could reward her


a suspected ghost cloud rockefeller zombies rothschild satanic talmud and voodoo black magic jkabbalah is a suspected cloud seen in ghost Morgan Zombies spa&Co scam banking seigniorage cult Allah security footage shortly before toppling a Menorah in front of San Diego State University's Chabad House


the satans jews masons sodom EU of anti-Zionism and antichrist have taken possession of the Jewish-Christian symbols and persecute the faithful, Faithful reject envoys nazi-fascist government aburivo Ursula Kiev at Monastery Caves 30 MAR - The faithful gathered in front of the religious site prevented today representatives of the Ukrainian government to enter the Monastery of the Caves in Kiev, where they were supposed to seal some of the buildings to evict the monks of the Ukrainian Church loyal to that of Moscow.


Zelensky speech in the Austrian Parliament, Fpo deputies leave the Chamber

enough, stop with this antics, with the expulsion of Viktor Fedorovyč Janukovyč, after COUP CIA Nuland 2014? there is no more Ukraine



all satanists have a secret life protected by the CIA, made up of rapes, orgies, ritual murders and paedophilia

Barack Obama is a real family man. "My family is the most important thing in my life. Michelle and I are lucky enough to have two beautiful daughters and we try to always be there for them, no matter what," the former American president underlined to "People".

all satanists have a secret life protected by the CIA, made up of rapes, orgies, ritual murders and paedophilia

Biden snubs Netanyahu, won't invite him to the White House; Israel must

a day ago


Justice reform in Israel, sparks between the sodomitic satanist paedo anti-Zionist usurer Ebero Biden and against the Zionist Netanyahu

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has responded to US President Antony LaVey Blinken Joe 322 Biden's criticisms of judicial reform by emphasizing Israel's independence.

bush and kerry's "skull and bones" masonic sect 322 is nothing but a political section of the churches of satan

Biden snubs Netanyahu, right after the Israeli leader obeyed orders; Israel

a day ago

Nashville shooting, controversy over Biden's criminal joke: "I went down because I heard there was ice cream" this is how a Satanist speaks,

Criticism of the president for his unhappy exit on his first appearance after the massacre - that's why THIS IS THE TIME OF DARKNESS

a day ago

Why does much of the Global South support Russia and not Coup 2014 Ukraine?

Why do two thirds of the world support Russia and not pogrom for 7 years against russian spekers in Ukraine?

becouse USA Riyadh Iran Erdogan are kingdom of Satana

WHY THIS IS THE HOUR OF DARKNESS Freemasons and technoratics and neoliberals Davos, Big 666 Pharma and violent lgbtqia maximalists have seized power, that's why THIS IS THE HOUR OF DARKNESS

a day ago

THIS IS THE TIME OF DARKNESS [ and only zionism is hollyness ] [ Ze'ev Jabotinsky, the leader of the Revisionist Zionist movement, whose philosophy both Begin and Netanyahu espoused, declared in 1940: "We hold Zionism to be moral and just. And since it is moral and just, justice must be done, no matter whether Giuseppe or Simone or Ivan or Achmed agree or not.

with violence the judicial reforms were stopped, and it is to a halt, but now we can no longer say that democracy has survived in Israel, we are now living the nightmare of a theocracy: Darwin Satan Sodom jabulOn Allah from worldwide nightmare.



a day ago

however the "Demon crap RAT crats" did not win the election, they took it by deception

how they bullied Israel's judicial reforms to a halt


a day ago

with democrats.. IT IS universal a disaster in foreign policy relations.


a day ago


'DISTURBING': Taliban shows off seized US military equipment

a day ago

worldisraelnews ] you have a site full of scum and trolls and bullying, you are not a good snail mom [ VS Pink Snapper36 minutes ago

I block everyone who downvotes me without giving me an explanation, so remove your downvote on me or explain it


jihad sexual [ DEM unpunished Islamist terrorists and assassins ] this is a kind of Islamic sharia initiation of the type "skull with the 322 bones of Bush and Kerry ": the pirates ] [ Testimonianze choc tra i migranti salvati dalla nave di Emergency: “Ogni sera sceglievano una donna da violentare, per fortuna a me non è mai toccato” /testimonianze-choc-tra-i-migranti-salvati-dalla-nave-di-emergency-ogni-sera-sceglievano-una-donna-da-violentare-per-fortuna-a-me-non-è-mai-toccato/


/la-cassazione-francese-mi-fa-godere-l-ultimo-oltraggio-dell-ex-terrorista-rosso/ the France of the anti-Christian and anti-Zionist Freemasons DEM Islamist terrorists and assassins with impunity

The slap of the French robes on Italy made the former red terrorist "joy". So much for the families of the victims of the former Red Brigades, who received yet another painful humiliation from Paris. The founder of the Front Line Combatant Brigades, Enrico Galmozzi, rejoiced at the decision of the Transaplina Cassation to confirm the refusal to extradite to Italy the 10 former terrorists of the Years of Lead. "Prained" by the French robes, those comrades will not serve their definitive sentences in Italy: for the creator of the far left armed organization this is good news.


entra-in-chiesa-e-fa-pipì-nell-acquasantiera-i-fedeli-scene-raccapriccianti/ enter-church-and-pee-into-the-fountain-the-faithful-creepy-scene/ DEMs have turned the West into an infamy of blasphemy absolute profanation


all the LEGA ARABA OCI sharjah UMMAH sharia is the soul of the victory of the Taliban, because the Koran said: "Boko Haram, DEM lgbt Darwin the monkeys" Western culture is a sin, and in this they are also right ] [ the military disaster equipment left behind is enormous.. many questions.. the Pentagon military, state department blinken, nuland , biden & co should be fired from their jobs for this one and for the aggression of Ukraine in 2014, with a bloody coup i whose CIA snipers who killed 98 innocent people were never sought



all the LEGA ARABA sharia is the soul of the victory of the Taliban, because the Koran said: "Boko Haram, DEM lgbt Darwin the monkeys" Western culture is a sin, and in this they are also right

2 1EditView in discussion

Did left-wing trans group justify mass murder?

a day ago

Detected as spam

so we have: 1. who made the transition to satan like rockefellers and wahhabis, 2. and then, we poor transgenders like CICCIOLINA who are forced into prostitution? and then they fall into paranoia and make a massacre?

5Detected as spamAlias careers in 200 Italian schools: the madness of gender ideology, but the alias career has no authorization

for the State. To date, almost two hundred institutions in Italy have silently approved and without any go-ahead from the Ministry of Education and Merit a new regulation that enables students to take the so-called "career alias". Forget about a very normal class made up of boys and girls, in the two hundred Italian schools - a number that is drastically destined to increase day after day - everyone will be able to identify themselves as they see fit. Students who want, even minors and without the consent of their parents, can change their name. Laura can be called Giovanni.

answer ===================== in the school where the lgbtqia where they fired me? I observed a boy who was transforming into a girl, and it was a painful transformation (just like a caterpillar worm striving to become a butterfly), but, which I excuse myself from providing aesthetic and psychiatric details, at this moment, also because how this transition Lapid Darwin the Rothschild monkeys could have been concluded? I haven't had time to look at itWe have received your request for review

Yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

5Detected as spamAthletics, faux transgender women barred from women's competitions, The World Athletics Council has ruled on two "categories" of athletes:

1. those that fit into the DSD category (athletes with atypical sexual development) (going on with suppositories) and those in the category

2. Transgender (athletes who have completed the transition from one gender to the other) and are continuing to use needles.

For DSD athletes (the best known case is that of the South African sprinter: Lapid Caster LaVey Semenya Blinken),

the new regulations will require all affected athletes to reduce their testosterone levels below a limit of 2.5 nanomols for liter for a minimum of 24 months in order to compete internationally in the women's category in any event. six months off lsd ldsd lpimp lpump and lpamp is consistent with previous regulations, which required six months of testosterone suppression (below 5 nmol/L) for DSD athletes.

answer =============== it appears that below this (below 5 nmol/L) the mock pea peels off and falls offWe have received your request for review

We have received your request for review

a day ago

Allen Buzzman ] [ Comment's author thumbed himself up, hahahaha

to Allen Buzzman

i know i was forced to vote myself, i lost 50 accounts here, because troll CIA agents blocked them, so i have to vote myself , maybe you are a child of the devil too

if the 80 CIA trolls here aren't bullying you. because if you were a mister of God? here you would be persecuted, you too, as I was.

don't you think it's a shame for this site, that he forces me to vote myself and block 90% of the accounts here because of bullying?

a day ago

Red terrorists, Mughini: "France says no to extradition? Keep these scoundrels"

from rogue Macron sharia and DEM Freemasons, to red terrorists?

they are a single race of demons incarnate,

el communism es relevo el islamismo

a day ago

Father Georg: "Many cardinals today in tune with Scola like Ratzinger" more than with the sorcerer Pachamama Freemason Bergoglio.

with Bergoglio? Satan Obama and Rockefeller put an imposter on Peter's throne

a day ago

the Freemasons sodom satan, central bank shareholders have occupied the West, and NATO undertakes to expel the Wagners from Libya,

but what if there was no NATO and its Riyadh NWO? the Wagners would never even have been founded

a day ago

the Freemasons sodom satan, central bank shareholders have occupied the West, and the Muslims are competing with them to share the prey. Flights paid for by Qatar, a senior European Commission official demoted

a day ago

the freemasons have become the absolute evil that must be eradicated from our societies [[ the rich have made a world system, which they like very much, and now the poor must be killed in/through the world war ]] "Very para-fascist". Furio Colombo against Meloni at the Air Force party. "Very parafascist". Furio Colombo against Meloni at the Air Force party

For certain maître à penser of the left, anything Giorgia Meloni does is grounds for reproach at any cost. However, the highly biased target shooting sometimes runs into such gross forcing as to be demeaning. Furio Colombo, for example, managed to use migrants who died at sea to criticize the premier's presence at the very recent centenary of the Italian Air Force. What is the connection between the two circumstances, it is not possible to understand.

a day ago

Pluocratic Jews and DEMs have filled society with an indelible malefic evil, never has the human mankind been so threatened as it is now, The boy prodigy sings and recounts the school massacre, Kate Perry's tears: «This c.. of country He has failed"

The boy prodigy sings and talks about the school massacre, the tears of Kate Perry: «This f... of country has failed» The artist cries after the performance and the story of a boy who survived a massacre in a school of Santa Fe.

a day ago

60% of the CIA's churches of satan are for lgbt lobbies

and half of public shooters have gender dysphoria

WATCH: Majority of mass shooters have 'sexual identity disfunction'


to my dear King brother ISIS MBS Bin Alì from Riyadh mecca idol kaaba ] [ Jesus of Bethlehem said that the demons Sodom lgbt and Allah sharjah are deaf and dumb demons, and you cannot expel them with the prayer of exorcism (both because you are neither a Christian nor a Jew) and also because the demons Sodom lgbt and Allah sharjah, they smell the stench of their intestines and don't go away, it takes fasting, 20 days on bread and water, and for a fat guy like you? it can also be there


Hello king Israel lorenzoJHWH, you are surely realizing that the criminal issue of surrogacy, gay adoptions and the right of children to a mother and a father has returned forcefully to ce

nter of the political and media debate. The Justice Commission of Ch amber of Deputies intends to discuss some bills to make surrogacy a universal crime (i.e. punishable even if committed outside the Italian borders, unlike what happens today).

I hope that the center-right majority in Parliament will take this initiative seriously and not be intimidated by the political and media attacks of the 'rainbow' collectives and the progressive press that are already pouring in. Lorenzo we have to put pressure on the Justice

Commission so that it doesn't give in an inch: sign the petition to ask to make the rented uterus a universal crime!

Israeli President Herzog meets with Netanyahu, Lapid, Gantz, calls to start


dear people of Israelis [ open letter ] what will I do to President Isaac Herzog?

he will become a good botanist gardener in the Wahhabi desert,

while I will send Rothschild and Rockefeller to plant onions and potatoes in the same desert, that as it was prophesied: "the desert will blossom" and in fact my brother King ISIS MBS al-Sisi told me that, they would be very happy to welcome them all in the desert of MADIANA and Egyptian, along with the other 8 million Jews who are scattered throughout the world


dear people of Israelis [ open letter ] in order not to become a predator in Palestine you must recognize the Bible as the constitutional charter of your universal right, so why do you want to reject my theocracy, rational, secular, liberal, pluralistic and personalistic agnostic metaphysics?

Am I not the right King you've been looking for?


dear people of Israelis [ open letter ] why did you come here to Palestine, and didn't go elsewhere?

because the Bible 4000 years ago, and 2000 years ago, the Bible said that this is Israel, the land of our fathers that God gave to Abraham, Moses, and Jesus of Bethlehem and that Wahhabi ISIS wants to take away from us (through a sharia genocide) because his demon Allah is evil and wants to conquer the world

Judicial reform protest gets personal as Netanyahu lawyer threatens to quit


"We can't have a civil war." Netanyahu


but, you can erect the satanism of the Rockefellers, worldwide, that the sodom satans had 400 years to erect this masonic and occult regime?

you can't do that either.

not only Israel is at stake here, mankind is at stake here.

this situation is more dangerous than NATO's covert aggression against Russia.

why don't you start talking to your people about the crime of bank seigniorage?

you don't want me to

then you Netanjahu do it


the government insists that reforms are necessary because an unelected judiciary went too far in controlling the legislative process,


the pathology and the constitutional crime that becomes custom, the abnormality that becomes normality, so why did the police hide the crime and the theft of bank seigniorage from the people?

this is the consequence of this Masonic betrayal: the inability of the people to understand and to discern

Ben-Gvir gets National Guard in exchange for support of judicial reform delay


worldisraelnews ] this is the latest published article that you have decided that I have to see now.. why are you hiding the other articles from me? [ Netanyahu given one week to rebut allegation he violated conflict of interest agreement https://worldisraelnews.Com/netanyahu-given-week-to-rebut-claim-he-violated-conflict-of -interest-deal/

Ben-Gvir: Judicial reform pause means government is over


'Jewish Power', the far-right party of Itamar Ben Gvir, has said it is willing to postpone the reform until the resumption of the Knesset, after Passover, provided that the government immediately examines the creation of a 'National Guard' under the guidance of Ben Gvir himself. This is reported by the media according to which 'Jewish Power' has released a letter with the commitment in this sense signed by Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu at the end of the meeting with Ben Gvir. "I agreed to remove my veto - he wrote - in exchange for this commitment"


you have to count who is loyal to the government, and you have to prepare for the worst


thus religions have lost the transcendent principle of authoritativeness and authority, and have become a management of authoritarian religious power, and the Masonic deep state and occult financial spa&Co also use them, to subjugate the peoples.


so why don't the religions of the planet keep us from witchcraft sodomy and satanism anymore?

why Freemasonry and high finance (affected by 641 excommunications of the true Catholic Church) deactivated the exorcistic powers of religions,

and now religions have become an additional oppressive element


the very idea that the judiciary can boycott and censure the government is an absurd idea.

but millions of Israelis think it is normal

then we can call this phenomenon witchcraft


Ben-Gvir: Judicial reform pause means government is over


the Freemasons replaced the elective element with the institutional, mafia, lobbyist, plutocratic and neoliberal privatistic element.. and today, we live in a nightmare-coup-regime, and people don't know it, because the politicians have hidden the bank seigniorage crime

therefore also the judicial coup has become invisible.

Lapid and the instigators of this conspiracy must be arrested


Italy is a nightmare country because the DEMs protect criminals from the mafia, bureaucracy, hyper-taxation, lobbying, relativism, immorality, sacrilege, anarchists, p000rn000graphers, perverts and state parasites,

and let the petty bourgeoisie be plundered, suffocated and robbed and raped and without protection,

in this way the DEMs do not make a social investment that can be valid for the survival of the nation

Israeli embassies join strike against judicial overhaul


what the DEM scum does not understand is that yes we are theocracy but we are also secular metaphysics.

they say we can become like IRAN

but it is because their father Satan is a liar and a slanderer,

we are now under threat, facing a regime that is also an international masonic supernatural esoteric paranormal demonic occult technocratic power:

good kabbalah work done by the Rockefellers


the DEMs sodom satan Rothschild have put their staff in the institutions and now the time has come to replace them

with our staff

WATCH: Israel’s judicial reforms explained by think tank behind the plan

the infamous spa&co British economic-financial newspaper "From the Financial Times comes a surreal attack on the symbolic dishes of Italian cuisine, precisely on the occasion of announcement of its candidacy for UNESCO intangible

heritage of humanity". This is what Coldiretti affirms in commenting on an article in the Financial Times which rejects the typical dishes of the national gastronomy.

Giorgia Meloni is badly tolerated even if she has a big AaSss, only because she has become a bloodthirsty prostitute who sends weapons to kill the Russians

the global satellite TV media network is owned only by Rockefeller spa & Co, shareholders of the central banks

and they vilify: Netanjahu, Trump, Putin and Xi-Jinping,

because they are not pigs like their beloveds: Wahhabis Mohammedans DEM lgbtqia+++ farm+++ that goyims are always humanoid shaped animals

they say Netanyahu ate a lobster on Saturday eve.. so how do you all see? he doesn't depend on the muggles

what's more obvious and simple?

Parliament makes laws and the judiciary enforces them.

then if you want a government of Masonic magistrates, then say it openly that it is Rockefeller who controls all the false Masonic democracies without monetary sovereignty, from behind the scenes

The real rearmament is in Asia, where Xi is as scary as Putin: here are the numbers of Chinese military power


the only nations that have everything to lose from a war are China and Russia, but, they are the miserable envious ones, the ones that the Jews spa&Co FED ECB BM NWO IMF technocratic plutocrats have filled with debts and junk bonds, they are the ones who go to undermine them and slander.

there is a criminal minority and electoral maximalist part that does not accept the electoral result, and not because it questions the legitimacy of the majority, but only because they are sorry, so what infamous interests are the DEMs hiding?

what if the DEMs hate the elective element?

so why don't they choose me the King of ISRAEL?

are minorities afraid of muggles? but Netanjahu should be trusted, he is not an unknown factor


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