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Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

Israel gearing up for major terror escalation

Report: Israel gearing up for major terror escalation

Israel has the same criminal purpose, which has the red flag,

i.e. that purpose to enrage the bull Allah, so that innocent Christians all over the world may die,

Christians whose political representation has been deprived of political representation by the Jew Freemason usurer and sodomite, all over the world of Rockefeller DEM lgbt the deep state masonic technocratic antizionist and antichrist. Netanjahu will answer for more treason against his people

Walker states that Directed Evolution is different from Gain of Function, defined as “a mutation that confers new or increased activity on a protein”. In other words, it means that a virus like COVID can become more powerful depending on the mutation or scientific experiment performed on it. The P.fizer executive told a Veritas reporter about his company's plan for COVID-19, while acknowledging that people would not like this information if it were made public. Walker drew a parallel between P.fizer's current project and what may have happened at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China. “You have to be very vetted to make sure the mutated [COVID] virus doesn't create something that spreads everywhere. To tell the truth, I suspect that the virus originated in Wuhan. It makes no sense that this virus came out of nowhere. It's bullshit,” he said. “You shouldn't do research on gain-of-function with viruses. It's not done regularly. We can make these selected structure mutations to make them more powerful. There is ongoing research into this. I don't know how it will work. There better be no more epidemics,

https://www.nuovaresistenza.Org/2023/01/scoop-il-dirigente-pf-zer-lo-mutiamo-noi-stessi-guardate-subito-il-video-eventi-avversi/ Important new scoop from Project Veritas journalists. Jordon Trishton Walker, R&D Director, Strategic Operations – P.fizer's m.RNA Science Planner interviewed the reporter and made some explosive statements.

P.fizer conducts experiments on viruses to generate the same variants of the V. that he produces and markets. “One of the things we're exploring is why don't we mutate it ourselves [COVID] so that we can create preemptively develop new Vs, right? So, we have to do it. If we do, however, there is a risk that, as you can imagine, nobody wants to have a pharmaceutical company that mutates caxxo viruses.” These are the manager's words that you will be able to see in the video still on YouTube - by selecting the Italian subtitles - and that we have posted below. Walker: “Don't tell anyone. Promise not to tell anyone. The way [the experiment] would work is we put the virus in the monkeys and make them keep infecting each other, and we collect serial samples from them.” Walker: “From what I've heard, they [the P.fizer scientists] are optimizing it [the COVID mutation process], but they're going slow because everyone is very cautious – obviously they don't want to speed it up too much. I think they're also trying to do it as an exploratory thing, because obviously you don't want to publicize that future mutations are being discovered."

https://www.nuovaresistenza.Org/2023/01/lestonia-chiede-labolizione-delle-regole-di-guerra-internazionali Official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Zakharova urged EU countries to wake up from a lethargic sleep

Italy's Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani said EU

countries have no foreign and defense policy independent of the United

States. Tajani stressed that even Germany, which is the strongest

country in the European Union, does not have the capacity to take an

independent position from the Americans. The head of the Foreign

Ministry also stressed that Europe must do everything to avoid the

expansion of the armed conflict in Ukraine. According to him, neither

the NATO military bloc nor European countries that provide full support

to the Ukrainian authorities, despite this, are at war with Russia.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova wrote in her Telegram channel that the United States, by its actions, is dragging Europe into a big war. Therefore, Washington is pursuing its goals of securing the dollar and strengthening the US economy in recession. In other ways than creating trouble spots around the world, the United States currently has none. The Russian Foreign Ministry representative stressed that the US dollar, which is one of the major world currencies, is endowed with nothing but the ability to print it in virtually unlimited quantities. Zakharova called on Europe to "wake up from its lethargic sleep" and remember which country was the main beneficiary of the two previous world wars unleashed by the collective West, and while the whole world lay in ruins, created and strengthened its so-called pax americana.

Source: Top War


Discussion on World Israel News 41 comments

Arab terrorist who raped, murdered Israeli teen sentenced to life plus 20 years

https://www.nuovaresistenza.Org/2023/01/lestonia-chiede-labolizione-delle-regole-di-guerra-internazionali sharia MBS Wahhabis ottoman anti-human, antizionists sodoma Allah Satana Ursula octopus OTAN Stotenberg imperilism and Coup Maidan 2014, Rothschild imperial ] [

Estonia calls for the abolition of international rules of war

Jan 29, Neo barbarians in command. Immediately after Annalena Baerbock, the neo-barbarous German foreign minister, then alleged head of something called "diplomacy" in the previous civilization, vented her heart by shouting her "We are at war with Russia", and this at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe with an invitation to "be united" (in this war against Russia):..

https://www.zerohedge.Com/political/directed-evolution-pfizer-rd-exec-says-covid-19-created-wuhan-cash-cow-company Busted Pfizer R&D Exec Claims He Lied About "Mutating COVID" To "Impress A Date Like Normal People"

"I was on a third date with a man and like normal people you lie to impress a date..."

Satire Or Serious: "Why Didn't The Unvaccinated Do More To Warn Us?"

"Our blood is now on their hands..."

Watch: Paul Pelosi Hammer Attack Bodycam Video Released

Where are Paul's pants?

A Dollar Collapse Is Now In Motion, Saudi Arabia Signals The End Of 'Petro' Status

All the while the mainstream media and government economists will say they have “no idea” why inflation is so persistent, and that “nobody...

Highly-Cited 'Hamilton 68' Russiagate Tracker Is Total Hoax: Taibbi

"Virtually every major news organization in America is implicated..."

Biden Jokes About People Thinking He's "Stupid" Then Makes Another Stupid Verbal Gaffe

It never ends...

against ISLAM the law of retaliation is the only solution to the Islamic genocide

4 ReplyView in discussion

Discussion on World Israel News 7 comments

WATCH: IDF fighter jets prepped for airstrikes after Gaza rockets launched

13 days ago

there are just a few days left for the beginning of Sanremo and we already know that in the conducting and among the singers there are proud supporters of gender ideology. As we would like to deliver the petition to the Government and Parliament as soon as possible, can you sign it now to have a bigger impact and stop RAI from abusing our license fee (again)?

13 days ago

April 2022: "Via delle Storie" program (Rai1), focus on gender identity with

the participation of Maddalena Mosconi, a psychologist who supports the

need to accompany minors who request it to transition as well; August 2022: "SE*" program (Rai3), episode on gender identity with Vladimir Luxuria and young transgender boys and girls;

13 days ago

arch 2022: program "D-SIDE, The different side of things" (RaiPlay), bet on gender identity with Francesca Vecchioni, a leading exponent of the LGBTQ community, and Leonardo Santuari, a young "transgender influencer" who spoke on social media her se*ual transition from girl to boy;

March 2022: "Next Level" program (Rai Gulp - channel for children from 8 years old!), episode on se*ual orientation in which the young conductor "explains" to the children that, "finding out that you like boys or girls or both doesn't does it

matter", sponsoring symbols and the LGBTQ community;

13 days ago

October 2022: fiction "Mina Settembre" (Rai1), episode with the presence of a male student who "feels" female;

December 2022: program "Fame d'Amore" (Rai3), two episodes with the presence of

stories of young people with gender dysphoria and who have undertaken or

wish to undertake testosterone-based hormonal therapies or surgical

operations to look like men (modification of tone of voice, increase in

muscle mass, male hair growth, breast removal, etc).

In one of these two episodes, the girl who has been taking testosterone

for months to look like a man states in front of her friends that

"hormonal therapy is the key that frees you socially".

13 days ago

satanism and lgbt ideology ] [ https://www.provitaefamiglia.It/petizione/basta-propaganda-gender-sulla-rai-intervenga-il-governo-firma-ora During 2022, Rai used its programmes, financed with the obligatory citizen fee, to promote an ideological and partisan vision on the subject of sexuality and gender identity.

Propaganda opportunities include:

A potentially very dangerous ideological message for thousands of young people confused and uncomfortable with their identity, who could thus be induced to want to take heavy hormonal drugs to alter their body and feel "liberated" from discomforts of a very different nature.

By signing this petition now, you help us ask the Government to urgently intervene on Rai's management to prevent our fee from continuing to be used even in 2023 to promote gender ideology and the sexual transition of minors and the youngest, with narratives emotional, partisan and biased.

Discussion on World Israel News 56 comments

IDF foils major terror attack, over a dozen terrorists shot in Jenin gun battle

13 days ago

I'm Unius REI and I can't say: "I don't understand why Israel tolerates such criminal Islamic violence against itself", because I'm Unius REI and I know everything.

the terrorism of the Palestinians and their hatred of the Sharia against the human race serves the synagogue of Bergoglio and Rothschild to kill innocent Christian martyrs all over the world, that's why the Palestinian question can end peacefully or politically, but it must end in violence and this final resolution must be made by me: lorenzoJHWH immediately, because only I have the right to deport all Palestinians to Syria

13 days ago

the slanders of the western media: Goldman Sachs and City London spa&Co the petrodollas wahhabis ] [ IDF foils major terror attack, 9 terrorists killed in Jenin gun battle

and in the IDF they could have exterminated all the accomplices of Islamic jihad who had gathered for the funeral, so why didn't he exterminate them all on that occasion?

then, we can no longer talk about the Israel-Palestine conflict as all the Western Rothschild media say slandering and are saying defaming Israel

13 days ago

the UN culture of islamic slavery & dhimmitude, it hasn't seen Christian martyrs for 60 years, so how can it see Israeli martyrs?

therefore for the UN culture of dhimmitude, the most brutal terrorists and infamous cowards, who kill children? they are simply called Palestinians.

the UN culture of dhimmitude: talk about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, as if there really is a conflict (while there is only an action to contain terrorism) and as if the belligerents are on the same legal level ] [ Islam and its Muslims nazi jihad sharia contributed to those attacks against women, children, and all Non-Muslims as taught in Islam's Quran and in sharjah Islam's Law.

Moreover, Islam, its Totalitarian-Hatred Teachings

(eg. Quran, Hadith, Sirah, Tafsir, etc.),

its Terrorist-Training Mosques, its Slaveholder Legal System(Shariah), its Subversive and Marxist Political Organizations

(eg. DEM, antifa, Rockefeller, UE USA Ursula, OTAN, CAIR, MSA, MB, OIC, etc.), its Sinister Halal Certifications, its Diabolical Gang and Prostitution Practices, its Polygamist-Child Marriage Practices, its Racist Gender- Segregated Schools, its Detestable Pagan Holidays, its Socialist Economic System, and its Genocidal Caliphate

(eg. Islamic State Iran-Riyadh, ISIS, Islam's Ummah)

are a legal threat and a terrorist menace to every Country and Constitution in the world, but ONu says that's how everything works for everyone

Discussion on World Israel News 70 comments

Biden says antisemitism drove him to run for president

14 days ago

in fact Ali Khamenei promised that he would never build a single atomic bomb,

and in fact he is hiding super enriched uranium to build 1000

14 days ago

Biden says anti-Semitism drove him to run for president.


when a Muslim, a Freemason, Satan Rockefeller MBS Allah and Satanists speak?

then, you have to interpret their words the exact opposite.

there is no worse anti-Semite in the world than Biden, and in fact he is an anti-Zionist, the greatest lethal threat to the Israeli people in all these last 80 years of history

3 1ReplyView in discussion

14 days ago

the real goal of the satanist Biden Spa & Co Rockefeller? it coincides, with the same goal of Erdogan and Bin Salman from Riyadh and Mohammeddans all UMMA nazi sharia all: " is exterminate all the Christians and Jews of the planet" and they are doing it..

that is why the Chinese have little left to live

3 ReplyView in discussion

14 days ago

the doctor gave me tamsulosin hydrochloride Omic 0.4, then I told the Holy Spirit, "why isn't it working?"

and then, the Omnipotens Holy Spirit told me: "you are a disturbing scandal for all the holy women who are in Heaven, and as for me? you can also take a truck full of VI*GR*, but it won't work on you"

14 days ago

clud assassins sharia akbarr MBS Bin ISIS Alì Khamenei bg blasfemy big apostasy all Takfiruis strong from Mecca Kaaba idol abominable ] [ about the Lion of Judah that lives inside me? it really roars, and when it does it's creepy, I must have missed something when my pupil said: "but this is the voice of a beast"

14 days ago

I want to make a public and international political case of my case (against a Satanist Masonic left DEM who has divided and ideologized the institutions), because I was attacked only because I am a Catholic who has done his duty perfectly

crimes against state property (they kept me at home for 8 months paying my salary (instead of hiring me as a Bari secretarial apprentice) and they want to charge me as months of sickness) to punish me they sent me 50 km away to A *****, and the crimes against school law are macroscopic, the offenses and slanders documented and video recorded, but PM D**** wrote that the complaint is based only on my interested statements and that the storage.

the photo you see in my profile is the face of Jesus that the little 5 year old Akiane Kramarik

she saw in Paradise for 4 days, that no one could find her on earth, so when she returned from Paradise she found in her the gift of painting

14 days ago

then, it was in fact that I too had to take part in this persecution of our brothers in some way

so in 2008 to follow this observatory and better protect these people, I sold my farm and bought a house in C*****, the first day I sat in the new house I met by chance the Scientist Prof. Avvocato Giacinto Auriti (coincidentally another Catholic saint) and I discovered the worldwide scam of banking seigniorage, on which our predatory and parasitic Masonic institutions were modeled

today after 3 years of circular mobbing, persecuted by the theosophy of Gender lgbt, and by the eternal lie of the Darwin theory? challenged by very few maximalist elements connected with the Principal (DS), betrayed by the School Inspector with abuse of office and disclosure of official secrecy, abandoned by the Curia, I myself was forced to ask to change my professional profile (which probably the provincial Medical Commission would not have given me, sending me back to teaching) and today I am Ar10 that is a serene topography construction laboratory technician (making my surveyor diploma pay off)

the Public Prosecutor of Bari, blatantly lying in her report, and joining the circular mobbing wants me to file the complaints, and I need the Lecce court to also take action against the Bari court

I don't have a lawyer, because my criminal lawyer bowed to the strong powers, and instead of asking for access to the agreed documents, for which he was paid, he surprisingly asked to know the Teams regulation which is a public document, and for which he too must be sued.

14 days ago

Are you the brother in XRIST that Mons. St** (former prior of the sanctuary of S.M. of L**) introduced me to? Are you the one who defended me from the neighbor A*** A*** over a small

water pipe that I had placed on the border wall? and that it was

defended by Avv. F*** I***?

I am the Professor of Religion L**** ++* and acolyte of Mons. S*** of happy holy memory

I am an Observatory on the Martyrdom of Christians, thanks to a book by

Antonio Socci, a book that turned my life upside down The New

Persecuted. An investigation into anti-Christian intolerance in the new

century of martyrdom

by Antonio Socci


Discussion on World Israel News 8 comments

Israel cracks down on illegal Palestinian water connections

holy my YHVH holy ] [ they abominable muslims lgbtq masonry spa&co want to extinguish the subjects of the lion of Judah

Israel cracks down on illegal Palestinian water connections


any funding of the Ursula octopus UMMA? it is only a jihad that goes entirely to finance terrorism, because the first aim of the Wahhabi beast Rockefeller is to exterminate the Israelis, that is, the subjects of my kingdom.

3 ReplyView in discussion

MBS ISIS Bin dollars-petroleum spa&Co satana-allah 3frog salman in Riyadh ] [ idiots, but if in your demonic or Islamic Masonic worldwide wahhabis government NWO FED UMMA ECB BM, do you also let women enter? then, it is clear that I will win easy

3 ReplyView in discussion

Discussion on World Israel News 15 comments

Breakthrough: Tel Aviv University paves way for optimal communication

my bro king ISIS MBS akbar Salman Bin Aziz 3frog Erdogan false prophet of Riyadh idolatric abominable ] [ in my laboratory it is written that it is absolutely forbidden to consume food and drink, but faced with the impossibility of enforcing any rule, in Italy masonic lobbying corruption bureaucratic technocratic consociativism of all the tribes of Darwin beasts (according to their species, as the book says of Genesis) to the Rothschild taludic monkey circus? so, students are allowed to consume their food on the basket, and despite this availability? I have to be a street sweeper as well as a lab technician, because I collect everything under the counter..

Then the professors told me: "what can we do? the monkeys are protected by the DEMs and day by day they become more and more savage and arrogant cynics and bullying". now you tell me, if the Engineers who have so many hours, and have the threat of a vote, they can't make themselves respected, how can I go back to teaching religion in the school of the beasts of Lapid?

my bro king ISIS MBS akbar Salman Bin Aziz 3frog Erdogan false prophet of Riyadh idolatric abominable ] [ lgbtqia have degraded me because they are afraid of the Bible and of true Catholic doctrine, and from being a brilliant charismatic Catholic religion teacher much loved by my students, and above all by my female students, I have become an Ar10 laboratory technician because of rolling pin the President,

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

my bro king ISIS MBS akbar Salman Bin Aziz 3frog false prophet of Riyadh ] [ yesterday, I heard BERGOGLIO say: "the Bible is wrong but the lgbtqia are right", in your opinion I misunderstood, do you know a shop where they sell used Amplifon devices stolen from some corpse?

Discussion on World Israel News 132 comments

Orthodox rabbinic group slams lawsuit by 'woke' rabbis claiming abortion is


sorry, I have been a Christian Martyrdom Observatory for 35 years and I am too angry against MBS Wahhabis Rockefeller Ursula Bergoglio anfd all the world of satan allah and sodom


i answer to you about other question, write here the word of G-D YHVH bless


I met 6 years ago, an excellent person who recognized my role, my kingdom and my court,

yet I let it go,

I don't know what to do with people and I'm not here to let people know me, I apologize if I scared you


I do not force a single person in this world to acknowledge my authority and my court, nor Rockefeller nor Rothschild, EXCEPT he is Bin ISIS Salman from Riyadh, he is solely responsible for the destruction of all Chinese, and all Israelis and all Russians


ok, when G-d bless you too. when will you want to ask me more questions? I will gladly welcome you, because this is the time of mercy, even if mercy doesn't have long to live


there is no rebellion and high tradition in not being able to understand, but the crime of lese-majeste against God and against me, is in not wanting to be able to understand: because the truth involves a price that those who are predestined to hell will never want to pay. METAPHYSICS is not a Gnostic doctrine, but it is the natural law of Abraham, Melchizedek, Noah, Enoch and Adam: "Do not lie, do no evil". and it is the universal law: "only love is the law of the universe, because everything makes sense with love, and everything is absurd without love" you could never escape me as a coward, for all mankind will be brought before my tribunal


Psalms 110.2. The LORD (God the Father 1st KING) will extend the scepter of your power from Zion. He rules among your enemies!

3. Your people offer themselves willingly, when you gather your army. Parade of holiness, from the bosom of dawn

your youth comes to you like dew.

4. The LORD has sworn and will not repent: "You are a Priest forever, according to the order of Melchisedec».

5. (David continues speaking with his King of Israel and says) The Lord, at your right, at my right is Jesus of Bethlehem who is the 3rd King. he crushes kings in the day of his wrath,

6. he judges the peoples, pile up the corpses,

he crushes the heads of enemies in a vast territory.

7. He quenches his thirst at the stream along the way, and therefore he will hold his head high.

Jesus of Bethlehem is coming to kill all the Masons of this planet, I asked for 500 million corpses


Jesus himself said to the Pharisees: "David could not say to a son: 'my Lord' therefore the King of Kings cannot be a son of David. Psalms 110, The Messiah, King and Priest, (Mt 22:41-46; Acts 2:33-36) Heb 7; Ps 2:6-12, 1. Psalm of David.

The LORD 1° King (the Father) said to my Lord (Unius REI: 2°King):

«Sit at my right hand, (hence he is not subsistent like God, but he is a creature that is called on the Throne; then you tell me, how could Lucifer feel about himself? damaged, and how could Lucifer become my subject?)

until I make your enemies your footstool."


I am the King of Kings, of Apocalypse fighting on a white horse, and my secret name is " FAITHFUL "

and this name everyone knows in my country" Are you referring to yourself personally?


yes, everyone in my country knows my secret name, because about 700 years ago my patriarch was called FEDELE, Fedele was his name.

While all the other families of the people (with the exception of the families of the nobles) they have repulsive and infamous nicknames


And why does being God preclude being King of Kings?


God is King of his Celestial Kingdom, and every man and every woman is King and Queen on this earth, but the usury Jew, by stealing their monetary sovereignty, has also stolen their political sovereignty, as well as the right to possess our bodies. I am excrement and every man because the Bible says that our bowels are repugnant, and from this point of view we must recognize the humility of God who became man in Jesus of Bethlehem.

I Unius REI am the King of Kings on Earth, just as Almighty God is the King of Kings in Heaven, therefore God is my King so in heaven so on earth

Discussion on World Israel News 132 comments

Orthodox rabbinic group slams lawsuit by 'woke' rabbis claiming abortion is


Are you somehow tying yourself personally into all of this?


absolutely not! I cannot be lorenzoJHWH (the King of Israel) & Unius REI (ie a universal politician) if I am not also a rational agnostic metaphysician. in my political ministry I do not speak of religion, and I do not express myself religiously, and I do not seek followers for my doctrines.


Nobody was born a Christian. God made it clear we humans do not become divine.


you should know the doctrine of St. Augustine which speaks of predestination to destruction or predestination to salvation or predestination to the divine nature.

you shouldn't to confuse St. Augustine's doctrine of predestination with fate, because if God broke free will, then his judgment would also be stupid.

But in foreknowledge and foreknowledge God foreordains the saints of him to suffer martyrdom and persecutions by the spirit of sodom, satan, allah, freemason, rothschild which is in the world


out of envy against man, and out of jealousy against God,

1. envy: because despite having sinned in the earthly paradise, men were given the possibility of being forgiven and the rebellious angels were not given this possibility.

2. envy because we men who do not have a suitable mind to understand the nature of God have been given through Jesus a sharing in his own divine nature because he is the head of his body which is the Church, but his body is also Jerusalem : that is, all servants of God humble and faithful and penitent and peaceful.

3. Jealousy because they mistakenly think that God has given privileges to man which the angels could not have: namely the Divine nature of the children of God.

4. that only Christians can access the same divine nature of God is my doctrine, it is not an official doctrine of the Christian Churches


thanks for your questions. Only God is eternal and subsisting, we exist in his thoughts of love for us, therefore he continues to love the demons who transform his love into torment and hatred, the rebel angels, they pointed out the divine nature that would come through Jesus of Bethlehem as lot to his followers (i.e. Christian martyrs)

our spirits did not exist from eternity, but had a beginning. God knew of us because He created all us in the terrestrial Paradise, before the present terrestrial time, and He lives outside of time ad aeternum.

Discussion on World Israel News 89 comments

‘Shame on you’: Netanyahu slams leftist who desecrated his father’s grave

18 days ago

the powers of the State must be balanced, and the primacy belongs to the Parliament,

but here, and throughout rockefeller's worldwide NWO Spa&Co, the judiciary overthrows and dominates the government that become minus habens idiot slave. here democracy has already been annulled by DEM, and must be preserved

4 ReplyView in discussion

18 days ago

desecrating and desecrating cemeteries is a typical attitude of Islamists

proponents of replacement theology, in fact 3000 cemeteries and monasteries and churches were razed to the ground under NATO supervision, the same happened in Armenia

6 ReplyView in discussion

Discussion on World Israel News 9 comments

100,000 is nothing: The myth of Israel’s 'mass anti-government protests'

18 days ago

Despite media hype, getting 100,000 people out to a protest in Israel in unprecedented. And most of the media's lies depend on fooling people who don't know a whole lot about Israel.


the DEMs and Deep State, Spa&Co FED ECB BM NWO, masonic system, esoteric agenda, City London, Bildenberg, Antifa, lgbt, shout: "to the regime, to the regime" but there is no other regime other than their neoliberal maximalist technocrat and Masonic parasitic mafia lobbyist and institutional-*an*l

Discussion on World Israel News 8 comments

‘Is this real?’ UN envoy thanks Hezbollah for ‘tour,’ eliciting rebuke from

20 days ago

donkey Ape darwwin Study it ] [ You will have no other God but Rockefeller and MBS ] [ A novel that anticipates the spiritual implications of the latest discoveries in quantum physics by several years.

"Visibilia ex Invisibilibus" is the phrase that punctuates the book from the first to the last page, defined by the author as "the absolute secret of life".

The meeting with a person capable of leading the reader towards full knowledge of himself and his own potential.


big brother puppeteer jabulon planned the 2014 maidan coup to intentionally push mankind into world war, and apparently the wahhabis don't mind too much

Discussion on World Israel News 10 comments

Archeologists find ancient Hebrew coin dated to Jewish rebellion against

20 days ago

big brother puppeteer jabulon planned the 2014 maidan coup to intentionally push mankind into world war, and apparently the wahhabis don't mind too much

20 days ago

al-MBS Isis-Salman from Riyad bro ] [ someone keeps removing the upvotes i apply to my channel im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


20 days ago

20 hours ago Detected as spam "Why did Meloni stop protecting the national interest on the issues that matter?" where I analyzed the contradiction of latest government choices regarding above all the issue of excise duties on petrol. Why has Meloni stopped protecting the national interest on the issues that matter? Listen up. - Francesco Amodeo | Investigative reporter, I also took up the theme of Peru and the conflict in Ukraine, publishing the video of my speech on the Telecolor news on the responsibilities of the United States in the ongoing war. US responsibilities in the conflict in Ukraine We have received your request for review

20 days ago

20 hours ago Detected as spam

https://www.francescoamodeo.It/le-responsabilita-usa-nel-conflitto-in-ukraina-zionario-in-tv-di-amodeo/ On Thursday 12 January I published the introduction of a dossier entitled: "The secret origins of the European Union and the true interests of its principals". In which I revealed the content of the documents that emerged on the origins of the European Union as a project of the oligarchies and US intelligence with the complicity of the European politicians whom we define as the "founding fathers" and who instead we discover to have been mere executors of external diktats, On Friday 13 January I published a video entitled:

Discussion on World Israel News 32 comments

Palestinian Media: Recent storms ravaging US are result of White House

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

20 days ago

I can no longer find the testimony of this super policeman expelled from the prosecutor's office and whose investigations and documentation have been seized, in order to be able to affirm that the Mafia in Italy is protected by the government or its secret services, why can't I find the video anymore? I can't say it

Discussion on World Israel News 21 comments

Jared Kushner had 'screaming matches' with Trump, warning him against

https://www.francescoamodeo.It/perche-la-meloni-sulle-questioni-che-contano-ha-smesso-di-tutelare-linteresse-nazionale-ascoltate/ On Sunday 15 January, I published the complete dossier on the possible role of the World Economic Forum in planning for Peru's change of presidency.

The World Economic Forum and the 2030 agenda behind the coup in Peru and the support for Dina Boluarte. - Francesco Amodeo | Investigative reporter

https://www.francescoamodeo.It/documenti-top-secret-sullucraina-trovati-nel-vecchio-ufficio-di-biden-vi-spiego-cosa-potrebbero-contenere/ On Wednesday 11 January, I published a dossier entitled: “WHO wants to take over. In these hours (until January 13) they are privately deciding our future. Here is the treaty and the meeting that nobody talks about.”

An insight into the ongoing revision of the International Health Regulations (IHR) which would give WHO full powers over states.

WHO wants to take over. In these hours (until January 13) they are privately deciding our future. Here is the treaty and the meeting that nobody talks about. - Francesco Amodeo | Investigative reporter

Also on Wednesday 11 I published a video entitled: "Top Secret documents on Ukraine found in BIDEN's old office: I'll explain what they could contain."

In the video I commented on the news of the discovery of classified documents from 2014 found in an old office of the American president.

Top Secret documents on Ukraine found in BIDEN's old office: I'll explain what they might contain. - Francesco Amodeo | Investigative reporter

On Tuesday 10 January I began to analyze the question of the coup d'état in Peru which led to a change in the presidency of the country and unleashed serious protests by the people with dozens and dozens of deaths. It may seem like a topic that doesn't concern us closely, instead I discovered and demonstrated that behind that change of government, there are those same circles of the World Economic Forum who aspire to a Great political, economic and social Reset that will also affect our country, therefore it is important to unmask and shine a spotlight on their way of carrying forward the points of what they define as the 2030 Agenda. Anthony Fauci's dangerous conflict of interest, revealed by Musk in the silence of the newspapers

Again on January 10 I published a complete "Video-Lesson on the role of the USA in the destabilization of Italy from the post-war period to today". Unmissable to understand how the de-industrialization of our country began and the use of the Euro as a financial weapon of destruction of our economy.


https://www.francescoamodeo.It/il-pericoloso-conflitto-di-interessi-di-anthony-fauci-svelato-da-musk-nel-silenzio-dei-giornali/ Here are the main topics covered last week:

On Monday, January 9, I released the fourth installment of the Twitter Files, a set of internal Twitter, Inc. documents that were released, as of December 2022, by CEO Elon Musk and handed over to journalists shortly after Musk acquired Twitter. on October 27, 2022. These journalists coordinated the release of the documents with Twitter management, releasing the details of the files as a series of Twitter threads that I translated and reported following the publication history of the various threads in question. The files demonstrate how twitter has been used for political purposes. Lots of uncomfortable news censored. Many deleted profiles. Thousands of profiles shadow banned to avoid the spread of inconvenient news. Twitter acted as if it were in the service of the FBI and other US intelligence agencies. The fourth episode talks about the elimination of the twitter profile of the then incumbent president of the United States of America, Donald Trump.

The revelations of the "Twitter Files" explained point by point. Fourth episode: "The day they removed Donald Trump". - Francesco Amodeo | Investigative journalist

Also on January 9, I published a short video commenting on the very serious statements made by Elon Musk against Anthony Fauci, the White House immunologist who according to Musk should be investigated for responsibility for the outbreak of the pandemic. The CEO of Tesla and Twitter also denounced and disclosed a very serious conflict of interest which sees Fauci and his wife as protagonists who work for two government organizations in the health field who see them respectively in the guise of "controlled" and "controller"

Anthony Fauci's dangerous conflict of interest, revealed by Musk in the silence of the newspapers

FED ECB BM NWO lgbtqia demonic cult Owl ] [ But if boys and girls don't exist, where have 30 million Chinese girls gone? And why do they kill women in Iran? If China counts on the extermination of females, science museums, theaters and universities in the West erase biological se*. I wrote it in my book: "We will rule over our ruins" [ by Giulio Meotti

"Denying the two se*es in humans is the most striking example of how ideology mistreats science." Thus speaks the famous biologist of the University of Chicago Jerry Coyne in the penultimate issue of L'Express. The situation in the West would be comical if it weren't tragic...

Open in app or online

The gallows of Khomeini and the crocodile tears of the self-styled progressives, the ayatollah told Fallaci: "We will cut off the gangrenous finger." Journalists and writers - the crème of Italian anti-fascism - applauded and warmed themselves at the fire of the Islamic revolution

[[ Giulio Meotti ]]

Islam was sleeping, it seemed like a dead religion and in 1979 the Einaudi Encyclopedia didn't even have an entry on Islam. Then came the imam with the black turban of the descendants of the Prophet and he would awaken him with the greed of the apocalypse and the permanent bloodbath. Now we are struck by these faces of Iranian men and women whom the mullahs execute early in the morning in this country devastated by the "Islamic revolution". Revolution that was hailed, defended, justified and sung by the crème of Western and European progressive culture, including Italian...

No to the Madonna, yes to the muezzin. And from the secularism of the paranoid Islam enters, they tear down Christian statues and give land to mosques. The interview with Cardinal Sarah: "Islam advances in the Western void". Macron's former culture minister wants to demolish thousands of churches [[ Giulio Meotti ]] The great Algerian writer Boualem Sansal said that “France has made agreements with the Islamists: once there were 10 mosques, today there are 3,000 ”. Not only have the mosques doubled in just twenty years and now they are so powerful as to drag even writers and philosophers like Michel Houellebecq and Michel Onfray to court. The rector of the Great Mosque of Paris, the same one that has just denounced Houellebecq and Onfray, has asked that the number of new mosques be doubled again to meet the growing demand. Consciously or unconsciously, we are clearing the ground for a new religion to dominate European society. Turkish President Erdogan understood this and declared: "Mosques are our barracks, minarets are our bayonets and the faithful are our soldiers". Meanwhile, Emmanuel Macron's French Minister of Culture is suggesting the demolition of thousands of churches in recent days ...

Do you want to see the future of Europe? Enter a school and maternity ward in a big city

Antwerp, Hamburg, Malmö, Birmingham, Brussels, Vienna... Muslims at school are already the majority everywhere. In 1990 Ratzinger prophesied this "suicide of Europe, empty and on the way to sunset" [[ by Giulio Meotti

"From a demographic point of view, Europe seems to be on a path that could lead it to leave history", said Benedict XVI in 2007, while his secretary Georg Gänswein evoked the "danger of the Islamization of Europe". Three years earlier, as cardinal, Ratzinger had explained that "Europe seems to have become empty from within, paralyzed by a crisis in its circulatory system which puts its life at risk, entrusted, so to speak, to transplants, which however then cannot than to erase his identity". But since 1990 he had indulged in a prophetic and discouraging prediction ..

"We Europeans are like horned Ursula cows of the anti-Zionist antichrist, who watch the trains go by where Armenian calves are eaten in the dining car"

Giulio Meotti.. The Turkish twins are strangling the enclave of 120,000 Christians. The slow death of Armenia and the apraxia of Europe, this living dead. Newsletter interview with the Armenian Foreign Minister of Artsakh. “Not only are they trying to expel us all, in the lands that the Azeris conquered they are carrying out a cultural genocide: medieval churches, monuments, tombs, chapels, houses, every inscription in Armenian, everything is razed to the ground ”.

2022 was a challenging year. Our

persecuted brothers and sisters faced hardships we can’t even fathom in

the West. Yet, I marvel at their tremendous strength, their faith, and

even the optimism I see in them. In this month’s issue, I invite you to

meet some of these courageous believers and learn about what’s on the

horizon for the year 2023.

Discussion on World Israel News 21 comments

Jared Kushner had 'screaming matches' with Trump, warning him against

Last November, a group of radical Hindu nationalists in India attacked a

newly built church during a worship service. The angry mob relentlessly

beat the Christians, leading to the hospitalization of nine. This attack took place as part of a wave of increased attacks against Christians in India’s Chhattisgarh state. Chhattisgarh is one of 11 states with anti-conversion laws, which are often abused by Hindu

nationalists to harass and intimidate Christians.

Will you join with us today in prayer both for this congregation and

the wider Christian community in India? Thank you for your continued

support of our persecuted brothers and sisters.

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Lorenzo,This is URGENT. Donald J. Trump’s FIRST RALLY of his 2024 Campaign will be his most HISTORIC one ever, and he wants YOU to win a VIP experience. If you win this ONCE-IN-A-LIFETIME trip: There’s no other Patriot that Donald J. Trump wants to meet more than YOU.

**There isn’t much time left to enter, so please HURRY and rush in your support before it’s too late**


contribute $2 IMMEDIATELY to enter to win a trip to meet Donald J.

Trump at his FIRST rally since his 2024 Presidential Run Announcement.

Against the new barbarians of the West, where it is forbidden to think (and speak)

My new book is out. More than dying we should fear that we are already dead. Will we cleanse the Augean stables or will we succumb to the pit of cultural madness that is being dug from within us? [ Giulio Meotti ] [ “More than dying, the West should fear that it is already dead. And rather than being attacked from the outside, he should beware of who is digging his grave from within. Eight-year-old girls who want to change their se* cutthroats presented as victims of "systemic racism", "rainbow kindergartens", a girl who no longer goes to school to prophesy climate death, burning of books accused of "colonialism", professors fired for using the «wrong pronoun», European ministers on trial for quoting the Bible, even the Catholic Church speaking politically correct Newspeak How will we clean up the Augean stables of the West? Will we get out of it or will we have to go all the way down the road of this new nihilism, trying to survive one censorship after another?”. My new book for Lindau editions, The New Barbarians, is out today. Is thinking (and speaking) forbidden in the West? Exclusively for newsletter subscribers. An attempt to tell what our "West" has become...

in honor of MAGA PATRIOT TRUMP] [if Zelenshy Lula and Biden after coup and electoral fraud are valid Presidents? then Trump Putin Bolsonaro, Netanjahu Orban etc.. they got it all wrong, let the demons strike the earth..

"Let me be tried on Islam, but I will not submit to imams and literary toads"

Exclusive interview with the philosopher Michel Onfray, dragged to court by the mosques. "I was ready to be beaten by the Islamist left who has already made the Pope of Regensburg resign"

Giulio Meotti] [The troubles with Islam of Michel Onfray, a French philosopher and intellectual both widely read and exacerbated, began in the aftermath of the great attacks that shook Paris in 2015, when he gave up publishing the book Thinking about Islam. Now the Union of French Mosques and the French Council of Muslim Worship have announced that they are taking Onfray, his and Michel Houellebecq's magazine, to court for an article that Onfray and Houellebecq co-wrote and which also prompted the intervention of the French government. The feminist philosopher Élisabeth Badinter said: "If we take a small step back under the pretext of right-thinking, decency, not hurting, freedom of expression is over". Onfray is here in conversation for the newsletter in an Italian exclusive. Is freedom of expression over?..

"Ratzinger (he was the last Pope of valid Apostolic succession) was hated because he attacked relativism, the sin of the 20th century", The great historian Paul Johnson has died. The last interview he granted me. "I do not bow to academic panaceas on nomenclature nor do I accept the phylacteries of political correctness"

Giulio Meotti ] [ Renowned historian, contrarian writer and intellectual icon, Paul Johnson has passed away at the age of 94. The red-haired Catholic from Manchester was one of the most important English left-wing intellectuals who swung right in the 1960s, rising from editor of the New Statesman magazine (where he had eloquently championed the cause of socialism) to leading writer of conservative magazines. He has written more than 50 books on subjects ranging from Socrates to Queen Elizabeth, from religious history to art. He was friends with many prime ministers, especially Margaret Thatcher. To John Paul II, Johnson gave a Polish copy of his six hundred page volume on the history of Christianity. In 1977 he published Enemies of Society, an attack on leftist intellectuals. In the same year he resigned from Labour. His apostasy went viral in English culture. He had a taste for provocation, the healthy one, Paul Johnson. Of Cezanne he wrote that he "has a certain relevance in an age of transvestites, transvestites, se*-ops, transsexuals and gender-bending"...

“In the West there is the same totalitarian spirit that I observed in Eastern Europe under communism” Three years ago we lost Roger Scruton. Exclusively his latest video interview in Italian. "We must recognize that civilizations decline, that we can lose things and never get them back" by Giulio Meotti This is his last interview, given when he was already recovering from the cancer that would have taken him away a few months later. I have lost a friend. European culture a magnificent intellectual whose culture, calmness and courage made him a rarity.

There is one only one Patriot MAGA Hero, he is Donald Trump ] [ Biden himself had predicted it: ""I organized the biggest reader fraud in history", and for this reason google CIA NSA FBI closed 110 blogsposts from me. Trump Make America Great Again 2024 - Donald J. Trump Lorenzo, You are NOT permitted to share this email with anyone.

The American People see firsthand that Joe Biden and the radical Left have led our Nation onto the path of destruction, but rest assured, I'm fighting to SAVE OUR NATION in 2024.

Lorenzo, I'm emailing you today because I cannot do it alone. I need my Top 47 Patriots to step up to the front lines and join my EXCLUSIVE Official Trump 47 Club. Together, we'll END the radicalism and socialism wreaking HAVOC on our Country.

The select few Patriots in the Official Trump 47 Club will be ones I rely on and will provide me with the insight and support to RECLAIM America.

Invitations like this don't come around often, so please do NOT miss this.

Please contribute $2 IMMEDIATELY, and you'll instantly join the ranks as 1 of the 47 Patriots to join the Official Trump 47 Club. >>

President Trump selected you - Accept Exclusive Invitation Now

FEES $5 Lorenzo, our movement is far from over. In fact, it's only just getting started. I know we can SAVE AMERICA, but only if YOU take action. My team will hand me an Official Roster in the NEXT TEN MINUTES with the names of every Patriot who stepped up.

Please give $2 RIGHT NOW to accept my Official 47 Trump Club Membership invitation and get YOUR name on the roster I'll review Thank you, Trump Make America Great Again 2024 - Donald J. Trump Lorenzo, You are NOT permitted to share this email with anyone. The American People see firsthand that Joe Biden and the radical Left have led our Nation onto the path of destruction, but rest assured, I'm fighting to SAVE OUR NATION in 2024.

Lorenzo, I'm emailing you today because I cannot do it alone. I need my Top 47 Patriots to step up to the front lines and join my EXCLUSIVE Official Trump 47 Club. Together, we'll END the radicalism and socialism wreaking HAVOC on our Country.

The select few Patriots in the Official Trump 47 Club will be ones I rely on and will provide me with the insight and support to RECLAIM America.

Invitations like this don't come around often, so please do NOT miss this

Please contribute $2 IMMEDIATELY, and you'll instantly join the ranks as 1 of the 47 Patriots to join the Official Trump 47 Club. >>

Biden himself had predicted it: ""I organized the biggest reader fraud in history", and for this reason google CIA NSA FBI closed 110 blogsposts from me.

The only official emails from Donald J. Trump - Trump 2024 Make America Great Again - Text 2024 to 88022 to Save America

hi, lorenzoJHWH, President Trump did nothing WRONG.


yes Biden DEM are elettoral fraud, Biden himself had announced it elettoral fraud scam ] [ and for this reason google closed 110 blogsposts for me ] [ Democracy was defrauded by the Freemasons when plutocratic Jews and African slave traders took over the FED and monetary sovereignty, and had two US Presidents killed, for also taking over political sovereignty

Discussion on World Israel News 21 comments

Jared Kushner had 'screaming matches' with Trump, warning him against

the Russian threat? a hollywood script, ] [ Enough nazi lgbtqia sodoma gender propaganda in Rai, the Government intervene! [[ Sign now! ]] In 2022, Rai used its programmes, financed with the citizens' obligatory license fee, to promote an ideological and biased view on sexuality and gender identity. Potentially very dangerous messages for thousands of young people confused and uncomfortable with their identity, who could thus be induced to want to take heavy hormonal drugs to alter their body and feel "liberated" from discomforts of a very different nature. By signing this petition now, you help us ask the Government to urgently intervene on Rai's management to prevent our fee from continuing to be used even in 2023 to promote gender ideology and the sexual transition of minors and the youngest.

Discussion on World Israel News 23 comments

WATCH - You dirty Jew! Dov Hikind slams NY DA 'for caring more for

i am king israel and you what devil do you belong to?

the Russian threat? a hollywood script


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