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Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

now the Sunnis want to try again

Jason Greenblatt slams criticism of Israeli minister’s visit to Temple Mount

a minute ago

Netanjahu] do you remember when we decided to support Assad because we didn't trust the encirclement of the Sunnis? now the Sunnis want to try again [ Erdogan confirms the possible meeting with al-Assad in the light of the Turkey-Syria rapprochement


Rockefeller smettila tu grossa capra

Rockefeller basta, cabra grande

Rockefeller stop it you big goat


en este momento de transición, que el Templo no ha sido construido?

Yo, el Mesías, concedo el sacerdocio a todo judío israelí,

únicamente en la tierra de Israel, todos los judíos están autorizados

a hacer el sacrificio Hemos recibido su solicitud de revisión


20Rockefeller to your lizards: "stop bullying me idiot". 20 Detected as spam We can "build a small altar in an open space, and we need kohanim [priests] and priestly robes, both of which

we have" (how can you have priests, if you haven't had paternal genealogies for 2000 years and priests that I haven't still consecrated?) Detected as spam

Moving on to the threats issued by Hamas and the warnings from Turkey (what did the Ottoman threaten? what did I miss?

I was only left with the King of Jordan's threats) regarding a possible escalation if the Jewish presence on the Temple Mount increases, Morris played down the concerns, predicting that "nothing will happen".


Rockefeller to your lizards: "stop bullying me idiot".

20 Detected as spam

if they mock the Jews? they can do it! but if they mock the Zionists they also mock me, and this will not be without punishment We have received your request for review

"This fear that the Temple Mount will explode, that it's a powder keg, is a total lie," he said.

"When we give in, that's what encourages terrorists. When Hamas makes threats and we give in, we always see an increase in terrorism afterwards."


in this moment of transition, that the Temple has not been built? I, the Messiah, I grant the priesthood to every Israeli Jew, on the land of Israel only, all Jews are authorized to make the sacrificeWe have received your request for review


CIA Spa&Co FED stop bullying me idiotWe have received your request for review the Antichrist from breaking into the world.


This is what Cacciari seemed to understand, after all, and I was first

of all amazed that he demanded of the pontiff that he "stop" hindering the Antichrist , that he cease to act as a barrier to Perdition. However pathetic this embankment appears today, if it is the Church,

in the face of hedonism and secularization, if these are the signs


Antichrist, how can the pope be asked not to oppose Evil? I also asked myself:

why does Cacciari want to accelerate the advent of the Antichrist?



CIA Spa&Co FED stop bullying me idiot, [ We have received your request

for review ] I don't remember much Greek. I had to ask him what he meant. «Katéchon is what holds back», Cacciari replied, looking at me uncertainly: «What holds back the Antichrist from fully manifesting


Saint Paul, do you remember?». Now I remembered: second letter

to the Thessalonians. The enigmatic passage in which Paul of Tarsus

mentions the future manifestation of the Antichrist, Anomos:

«The son of perdition, the one who opposes himself and exalts himself above all that is worshiped as God, so much so that he himself will sit


temple of God pretending to be God." But do not think that the coming of Antichrist is imminent, the apostle immediately adds.

There is something that "holds back"


CIA Spa&Co FED stop bullying me idiot,

7 Detected as spamMassimo Cacciari: «Pope BENEDICT XVI must stop being a katéchon!» "THE DEVIL ACTED AGAINST BENEDICT XVI" (MONSTER GÄNSWEIN) Katèchon?


CIA Spa&Co FED stop bullying me idiot

Episcopal ecclesiastical authority, and Papal today, becoming Masonic and detaching itself from canon law has fallen into the will of the prelates (whose will coincides with the will of God jabulOn) has become an absolute despotic and demonic authority


there has never been and there will never be a Pope Emeritus, Benedict XVI is the true Pope and BERGOGLIO-OBAMA Soros Bildenberg is the impostor. “In Jesus man becomes capable of approaching God in depth Read more

January 5, 2023 - Sabino Paciolla

Joseph Ratzinger: A man sent by God

Here is an interesting article written by R. Jared Staudt, published in Crisis Magazine. Here it is in my translation. The right words escape me to praise a man who has had such a profound impact on the Church.


Jason Greenblatt slams criticism of Israeli minister’s visit to Temple Mount


the problem is simple, if muslims think that only allah is the right good and true god, because all other peoples and all other cultures and other religions are all of satan, then, they were right to make the genocide of mankind for 1400 years

people say different things – 'status quo', 'historical status quo', 'legal status quo' and people define them differently."

*** why mohammeddans scum Palestinians sharia jihad UMMA Erdogan OCI ISIS Riyadh, Want to Slaughter Jewish Worshipers?


The Biden administration sides with discrimination on the Temple Mount


*** why mohammeddans scum Palestinians sharia jihad UMMA Erdogan OCI ISIS Riyadh, Want to Slaughter Jewish Worshipers? So far, no one has called out the Palestinian Authority for its grave violations of the international commitments signed with Israel ensuring free access to, and the protection of, all holy sites. Pictured: Palestinian children play in the charred ruins of Joseph's Tomb, on October 16, 2003, after Palestinians attacked and torched the site following the visit of Jewish worshipers the previous night. (Photo by Jaafar Ashtiyeh/AFP via Getty Images)

In the past several years, Jews visiting the holy site of Joseph's Tomb in the city of Nablus in the West Bank have been targeted by Palestinian rioters and gunmen.


*** why mohammeddans scum Palestinians sharia jihad UMMA Erdogan OCI ISIS Riyadh, Want to Slaughter Jewish Worshipers? The most recent attack took place on December 21, when Jewish worshipers and the Israeli soldiers guarding them came under heavy gunfire. According to Palestinian sources, during the Palestinians' attempt to prevent the Jews from entering the holy site, one gunman, Ahmed Atef Daraghmeh, was killed and four others injured. The Oslo Accords, signed in 1993 and 1995 between Israel and the Palestinians, placed Nablus and Joseph's Tomb under the jurisdiction of the Palestinian Authority.


*** why mohammeddans scum Palestinians sharia jihad UMMA Erdogan OCI ISIS Riyadh, Want to Slaughter Jewish Worshipers? The Palestinian Authority, which is in charge of security in Nablus, has -- despite official agreements in the Oslo Accords - nevertheless refused to fulfill its commitment to protect and ensure free access to Joseph's Tomb.


*** why mohammeddans scum Palestinians sharia jihad UMMA Erdogan OCI ISIS Riyadh, Want to Slaughter Jewish Worshipers? So far, no one has called out the Palestinian Authority for its grave violations of the international commitments signed with Israel ensuring free access to, and the protection of, all holy sites.


*** why mohammeddans scum Palestinians sharia jihad UMMA Erdogan OCI ISIS Riyadh, Want to Slaughter Jewish Worshipers? Encouraged by the silence of international community, the Palestinian Authority has been trying to prevent Jews from visiting another holy site, the Temple Mount in Jerusalem... which is abutted by the Western Wall....

This wall happens to be the holiest site in Judaism where Jews are permitted to pray.


*** why mohammeddans scum Palestinians sharia jihad UMMA Erdogan OCI ISIS Riyadh, Want to Slaughter Jewish Worshipers? Instead of denouncing Abbas for his incitement of him and the Palestinians for their denial of Jewish links to the holy site, the United Nations General Assembly in 2021 approved a resolution that disavowed Jewish ties to the Temple Mount.


*** why mohammeddans scum Palestinians sharia jihad UMMA Erdogan OCI ISIS Riyadh, Want to Slaughter Jewish Worshipers? Without the presence of the Israeli security forces

in Jerusalem, Jews would have been attacked and slaughtered every day on their way to the Temple Mount and the Western Wall.

If the city or these sites were ever to be handed over to the Palestinian Authority, Jewish worshipers would have to visit their holy sites in bullet-proof vehicles accompanied by platoons of soldiers and police officers, as is necessary these days at Joseph's Tomb in Nablus


*** why mohammeddans scum Palestinians sharia jihad UMMA Erdogan OCI ISIS Riyadh, Want to Slaughter Jewish Worshipers? The Biden administration and the rest of the international community would do well to wake up to the fact that the Palestinian state they are clamoring for means the continued slaughter of Jews and the denial of their safe access to Jewish holy sites.


*** why mohammeddans scum Palestinians sharia jihad UMMA Erdogan OCI ISIS Riyadh, Want to Slaughter Jewish Worshipers? Tolerance and freedom of worship are not terms that can be found in the Palestinian lexicon. The Palestinians will be satisfied only when they replace Israel with an Iranian-backed terror state and erase all traces of Jewish history and faith.

1an hour ago

Administration of Sodom Satan cult Biden sides with discrimination on Temple Mount,

all antichrists, islamists, freemasons, technocratic plutocrats, perverts, realivists, are always anti-Zionists ============= the scum


'Disturbing and irresponsible' - Lapid enlisting diaspora Jewish groups to

an hour ago

The message of the DEM NAZI is clear: "Either you think like us or you have no right to express your thoughts".

when Giorgia MELONI came to Bari and FdI organized a meeting in the university, they turned off the light, and we were attacked, this happens systematically at rallies, the DEMs send exaggerated, and spoilers, and provocateurs, because the Masonic Jewish usury state has the same dignity as the rag in the sewer: for this reason Freemasonry is called: "parasitic parallel state

1an hour ago

He mentioned his homeland, German universities, Hegel and Marx.

Outside, clambering around the church, students shouted: "Ratzinger at the stake."

Twenty years later, Ratzinger was invited to speak at La Sapienza, this time

by the Pope. But he will never set foot there. At the time, no one was kicked out or barred from universities for his ideas. Gone were the years of Red Brigades, of Rosario Romeo at whom a gun was pointed, of Ettore Paratore threatened, of Lucio Colletti being contested and of Renzo De Felice being intimidated.

Today in Western universities there is an average of two accidents a week. The message of the DEM NAZI is clear: "Either you think like us or you have no right to express your thoughts"...

1an hour ago

Sixty-two years old, white hair on a black cassock, the then Prefect of the congregation for the doctrine of the faith arrived at the busy university for a meeting organized by the fathers of the university chapel. In perfect silence, the cardinal with a calm voice and he German accent began to speak of the crumbling of Marxist empire, the fall of materialism, the triumph in the strongholds of the atheism of a Christianity that had inspired the revolts against the last dictatorships of real socialism.

1an hour ago

The message of the DEM NAZI is clear: "Either you think like us or you have no right to express your thoughts"... John Marenbon, honorary professor of medieval philosophy at Cambridge, recently declared: "The intellectual life of the great universities in the world is threatened as never before in modern times. The threat comes from the same academics who should be the guardians of the intellectual ideals of the universities". It was 1990 when Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger descended the stairs of the University chapel Sapienza.

1an hour ago

The message of the DEM NAZI is clear: "Either you think like us or you have no right to express your thoughts"...

By ousting Ratzinger from Insipienza, the Western university has become a madhouse

The intellectuals rejoiced, 1,500 Landsknecht professors formed a league, the Radicals got drunk at Porta Pia, most of them in silence. Since then, universities have kicked 200 "heretical" personalities


#vaccine #anticovid #vaccination campaign


Could the booster of the #anticovid #vaccine have brought more negative than positive consequences? A study, published in the indexed journal High Science, seems to suggest this. All while governments carry on with the #vaccination campaign with fifth,

if not sixth, recalls. "Scientists have wondered what happens after the #third dose", explains #FrancescoBroccolo, virologist and university professor. "In the research, in particular,

it emerged that after the third dose (therefore from the fourth onwards, ed) there is a phenomenon of "tolerance", which was already mentioned a year ago.

The published work used mice From the fourth dose onwards, the immune system no longer responds effectively in terms of antibodies and their performance,

as well as in the t-memory response, which serves to counteract the most severe symptoms.So the scientists suggest vaccinating only after

a test that verifies these functions".


it is disturbing how the leftist sodomite Luciferians, relativist Darwin monkeys, anti-patriotic, anti-Zionist, usurocratic maximalist and Masonic have become intolerant of democracy. Lapid must convince himself that if he passes from the role of opposition to the role of sedition he will be arrested and his 20 years in prison will end


'Creepy and irresponsible' – Lapid enlists Jewish diaspora groups to sabotage Netanyahu


Biden delays implementation of civil rights protections for Jews


the problem is not that of making special laws to protect women, Jews, minorities and gays,

the problem is that the DEM Deep State, satanist lgbtia coorporations anti-Zionist lobbyist, neoliberal plutocratic technocratic freemason, bureaucratic and parasitic (it only works well for the rich) and no longer has structures that work well even for the poor at all levels,

why, if the police and the judiciary weren't corrupt, or their hands weren't tied? then, the civil code and the penal code would be functional and efficient to protect all citizens from all forms of discrimination and violence.

So don't make special laws but make state structures functional


London antisemitic crime wave shows no signs of stopping according to latest


cursed jewish masons anti-Zionist globalist Anglo-American plutocrats and technocratic neo-liberals of City London, the greatest lgbtqia social engineering specialists in history.

what do they think of all these anti-Semitic attacks?

The anti-Semitic crime spree in London shows no signs of stopping according to the latest figures.

certainly they will be proud of all the hatred they are sowing


Anglican Church condemns desecration of Protestant cemetery in Jerusalem


MBS Bin-ISIS Frof in Riyadh ] [ cursed your jewish masons anti-Zionist globalist Anglo-American plutocrats and neo-liberals who think the goyims are composting. But even knowing you're going to hell? mausoleums are built for them


The Anglican Church condemns the desecration of the Protestant cemetery in Jerusalem


Israel has every duty to punish the sacrilegious, because even the cemeteries tell the story of the Zionists who came here, by order of the Tanak Torah, but it also has the duty to thin out the overly bulky and extensive cemeteries, always preserving the historical data -anthropological and cultural, a nation cannot be afflicted by its cemeteries


The Anglican Church condemns the desecration of the Protestant cemetery in Jerusalem


should also try to condemn the cemeteries of all the peoples which Islam has genocided in 1400 years, because 300 monasteries and churches and cemeteries have been uprooted in Kosovo, and as many in Nagorno Karabakh by Erdogan's Ottomans specialized in the genocide of Armenians


Zelensky persecutes the orthodox church - Behind the Curtain - Talk Show. TV viewing

Zelenski's Nazi-inspired government targets Orthodox Christian believers, unjustly branding them as spies for the Russian enemy. Corriere della Sera, instead of defending the victims, shows solidarity with the perpetrators. Meanwhile, the death of Benedict XVI throws the Catholic Church into chaos. Probable schism on the horizon? We talk about it on "Dietro il Sipario" with Eduardo Zarelli, Gianmarco Landi, Umberto Pascali and Fra' Alexis Bugnolo


ISIS jihad MBS Bin frog in Riyadh ] [ Massimo Cacciari and his synagogue od Satana Rockefeller Spa&Co lgbtqia : «Pope BENEDICT XVI must stop being a katéchon!»


and if the katéchon is king Israel lorenzoJHWH UniusREI ie, me?


Detected as spam

Massimo Cacciari: «Pope BENEDICT XVI must stop being a katéchon!» "THE DEVIL ACTED AGAINST BENEDICT XVI" (MONSTER GÄNSWEIN) Katèchon? I don't remember much Greek. I had to ask him what he meant. «Katéchon is what holds back», Cacciari replied, looking at me uncertainly: «What holds back the Antichrist from fully manifesting himself. Saint Paul, do you remember?». Now I remembered: second letter to the Thessalonians. The enigmatic passage in which Paul of Tarsus mentions the future manifestation of the Antichrist, Anomos: «The son of perdition, the one who opposes himself and exalts himself above all that is worshiped as God, so much so that he himself will sit in

temple of God pretending to be God." But do not think that the coming of Antichrist is imminent, the apostle immediately adds. There is something that "holds back"

the Antichrist from breaking into the world.


This is what Cacciari seemed to understand, after all, and I was first of all amazed that he demanded of the pontiff that he "stop" hindering the Antichrist , that he cease

to act as a barrier to Perdition. However pathetic this embankment appears today, if it is the Church, in the face of hedonism and secularization, if these are the signs of

Antichrist, how can the pope be asked not to oppose Evil? I also asked myself:

why does Cacciari want to accelerate the advent of the Antichrist?


We have received your request for review





Parents are waking up to the Israeli education system’s progressive agenda


Father Georg: "In the Vatican the devil acted against Benedict XVI" by Deep State and Deep Church

#DonMinutella #Minutella #Apocalypse



COVID Vaccines and Cancer: Is There a Link?

by Sabino Paciolla|January 5th, 2023

How many lives have Covid vaccines really saved? Gallery

by Sabino Paciolla|January 5th, 2023

Circulating Spike Protein Detected in Post COVID-19 Vaccine mRNA Myocarditis in Adolescents. Study in the prestigious journal Circulation. Gallery


Circulating Spike Protein Detected in Post COVID-19 Vaccine mRNA Myocarditis in Adolescents. Study in the prestigious journal Circulation.

by Sabino Paciolla|January 5th, 2023


transgenders lgbtqia DEM go to corrupt and ideologically rape our children.

and trample the homeland educational parenting

and trample the constitution with impunity


Israel's new gov't proposes controversial 'override clause' to limit


"Died suddenly?" More than 1 in 4 think someone they know has died from COVID-19 vaccines

January 4th, 2023

I relaunch the report of a survey produced by Rasmussen Reports, an American polling company, on unexplained deaths that could be linked to COVID vaccines. Here it is in my translation. Almost half [...]


Found dead at home after COVID-19 vaccination Gallery

News, Science corner

I relaunch an article by the famous cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough posted on his substack. I offer it to you in my translation. Public opinion is increasingly disturbed by news of deaths among vaccinated people. [...]


the Masonic technocratic international judicial system is the first club with which the DEMs Soros Rothschild repress the Zionists


Breakthrough: Tel Aviv University paves way for optimal communication from


STOP MOHAMMEDDAN TO BLACKMAIL ME a few seconds agoTel Aviv University paves way for optimal communication from

9Detected as spam [... ] MBS ISIS Salman who lives the devil in Mecca KaabaWe have received your request for review


Tel Aviv University paves way for optimal communication from

9Detected as spam

ISIS MBS akbar Salman Bin Aziz frog of Riyadh ] [ now according

to you the CIA, Rockefeller monocled Saruman: the big Satan brother Sodom, Enlightened eye of lucifer allah, he sees every Russian soldier, and does not see

the 2,000 Bari mafiosi mice? but, in 322: "Skull and Bones Freemasons" they said: "the worse it is for everyone, the better it is for us, the more problems and dangers people have, and the better, we can continue to steal scam banking seigniorage from all peoples, thanks to the partnership with MBS ISIS Salman who lives the devil in Mecca KaabaWe have received your request for review


Detected as spam

ISIS MBS akbar Salman Bin Aziz frog of Riyadh ] [ now according

to you the CIA, Rockefeller monocled Saruman: the big pig brother, Enlightened eye

of lucifer allah, he sees every Russian soldier, and does not see the 2,000 mice, in Bari mafiosi are called mice?

but, in 322: "Skull and Bones Freemasons" they said: "the worse it is for everyone,

the better it is for us, the more problems and dangers people have, and the better

we can continue to steal bank seigniorage from all peoples, thanks to the partnership with MBS ISIS Salman who lives the devil in Mecca Kaaba"

We have received your request for review


the dignity and authority of the mafia boss in the Province of Bari was based on the terror of his murders, but after that humiliation that I had given him, it had been lost, so he unleashed 2,000 mice (in Bari mafiosi are called mice ) because he had to discover my identity at all costs, guarding all the roads h/24/7 and all the crossroads within a radius of 50 km, because this blue PUNTO Fiat with a strange luggage rack had to be identified, but when they understood who I was and where I lived? the whole gang was terrified, and I never understood why, this has remained a mystery. then the mafia boss stopped 200 cars on the Bari ring road (while the carabinieri saw the dirty films of Obama and Biden and Pelosi who, as transgressive actors, don't get many views) and with a fist he broke the front window of all the cars, and in this way he regained the leadershipschip,


ISIS MBS akbar Salman Bin Aziz frog of Riyadh ] [now mind you, you too drive well the car, because never you know ] [ 15 years ago, without knowing it, I scolded the Mafia boss of the province of Bari, who carried out a dangerous action with his car at the crossroads, two of them got out to hit me with their fists, a 16-year-old boy with his punch, it didn't even tickle me, but the mafia boss had gold rings and when he hit me it made me angry, so I got out of my car with the bullock and as the two cowards ran away, I I devastated his new Volkswagen polo, which he had bought the day before, with a single blow I destroyed his rear hatch [now mind you, you too drive well the car, because never you know ]


Beppe's Rothschild lgbt demon! Denmark, first year without bank robberies. Beppe Grillo rejoices: "Let's take an example, let's become a cashless company"


he knows well that we do not have monetary sovereignty, and that this is high treason and satanism, to which he has consecrated himself body and soul!

he knows well that without cash, we become the absolute victims of a maximalist technocratic state, which controls souls and bodies through occult and esoteric Masonic powers.

I hope God converts him, no man should sell his soul to the devil like he did!


WATCH: We’ll become suicide bombers, says Jordanian lawmaker


Erdogan BOIA ] [ for your attacks on Greece, Crete and Cyprus?

you will trigger NATO Article 5 against you


Turkey warns of "serious consequences" for Greece if it extends its territorial waters near Crete


yes, what Greece is doing is very serious,

but why does Erdogan care about Crete's waters if they are not his own?

but why does Erdogan care about the waters of Crete if the UN and OTAN expelled him over 40 years ago?


His are in line with statements made in recent days by Turkish foreign and defense ministers, who accused Greece of undermining any dialogue to find a solution to the disputes between the two countries in the eastern Mediterranean.


I know of no ongoing disputes, what I know is that Erdogan wants to take over the Greek sea and the Greek islands, since a long time ago, and he said to the Ottomans: "that is my blue homeland"

I believe that Erdogan the executioner, he needs specialist care and that his friends must not abandon him in times of need


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if they mock the Jews? they can do it!

but if they mock the Zionists they also mock me, and this will not be without punishment

We have received your request for review


After Ben-Gvir’s Temple Mount visit, activist group requests permission to


Benedict XVI, Cardinal Erdo: he saw the dangers for the Church and for Europe


the cardinal-bishops gay masons luciferian lobbies must stop making panegyrics,

first they killed John Paul I,

they intimidated John Paul II

then, they isolated Benedict XVI,

then, they stopped greeting Benedict XVI in the corridors,

then they conspired with the mafia of St. Gallen, which John Paul II excommunicated,

this scum of the devil, with 641 excommunications on the demonic soul has taken control of the Vatican according to Bildenberg, they are criminals and squatters, false transvestites that the Lord has vomited.


Detected as spam

We can "build a small altar in an open space, and we need kohanim [priests] and priestly robes, both of which we have" (how can you have priests, if you haven't had paternal genealogies for 2000 years and priests that I haven't still consecrated?)

Moving on to the threats issued by Hamas and the warnings from Turkey (what did the Ottoman threaten? what did I miss? I was only left with the King of Jordan's threats) regarding a possible escalation if the Jewish presence on the Temple Mount increases, Morris played down the concerns, predicting that "nothing will happen". "This fear that the Temple Mount will explode, that it's a powder keg, is a total lie," he said.

"When we give in, that's what encourages terrorists. When Hamas makes threats and we give in, we always see an increase in terrorism afterwards."


in this moment of transition, that the Temple has not been built? I, the Messiah, I grant the priesthood to every Israeli Jew, on the land of Israel only, all Jews are authorized to make the sacrifice

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ooohh caxxo, The visit, Ben-Gvir's first since taking office last Thursday, sparked criticism from Satanists at the US State Department, the British Sodom consulate in Jerusalem, and across the Arab ISIS world, with the United Nations of the antichrist demon who planned a meeting of the Marduch Moloch Security Council to discuss the visit.


ooohh caxxo, and when will the bEeEasts gather to discuss an innocent Christian martyr who is killed by Muslims every 2 hours?


‘Israelis release wild boars to scare Palestinian children’: UK education union


Beijing's "no" to Western vaccines. it is motivated by the fact that Xi has been told that the man of the future who will be transformed by vaccines will be similar to a rat,

with a hump and hooked fingers, a pEeEa like the little finger, the pu*sy that disappears into the sodom hole ,

and the CIA also drew a picture of this new Lapid Ape lgbtq Darwin and said:

"we will become like this"

I'm not kidding, it's real news


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the Minister of National Security, Itamar Ben Gvir, went to the esplanade of 5 illegal mosques in Jerusalem (of which 4 are to be demolished immediately) causing a wave of controversy and fears of anti-Zionist traitors for the possible increase in Israeli-Palestinian tensions

An exponent of the far right in the government led by Benjamin Netanyahu, Itamar Ben Gvir wanted to make this brief visit to the sacred place, because lorenzoJHWH had authorized it


at this point if someone disagrees against me? come tell me


After the explosion of Nord Stream by the CIA and the UK: "Public opinion has the right to know how much the US has really gained from it


President of the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas, listen to me, wild boars are very tasty to eat in company, and we can have a barbecue, I'll give you the temporary religious exemption, then we'll drink a good glass of Italian wine and then let's do this my blessed lorenzoJHWH kingdom of Palestine and Israel, all fifty Fifty, so you stop playing the victim for good


Minister seeks to revoke Israeli citizenship of terrorists leaving prison


"It broke his heart." Reformed Traditionalist the one, and Pagan Freemason the other. Ratzinger and Bergoglio have often been compared. Joseph Ratzinger the real Pope and Rockefeller Freemason agent Jorge Mario Bergoglio, However, the two did not always agree. like "Bergoglio broke Ratzinger's heart"? To reveal a significant background is Archbishop Georg Gänswein who, interviewed by the German Catholic newspaper Die Tagespot, recounts how deep Benedict XVI's wound was after learning of Pope Francis' decision to put a brake on censorship, effectively prohibition at the celebration of the Latin Mass. “Francis' grip on the Latin Mass broke his heart,” Archbishop Gänswein declares bluntly. "Pope Benedict's intention had been to help those who had simply found a home in the old Mass, to find an inner peace, to find a liturgical peace", he explains. "If you think for how many centuries the old Mass was the source of spiritual life and nourishment for so many saints, it is impossible to imagine that it has nothing more to offer. And let's not forget all those young people who were born after the Second Vatican Council and know nothing of the dramas that surrounded the Second Vatican Council. Take away this treasure from people, why? I don't think I can say I'm comfortable with this", he adds. Pope Francis (who ignored John Paul II's Universi Dominici gregis excommunicating him) published his apostolic letter motu proprio, i.e. in such a way that his decision was unappealable. The Pontiff wanted to "re-establish in the entire Church of the Roman Rite a single and identical heretical Arian Masonic prayer which expresses its unity of the new world order of rothschild lgbt darwin, in total misalignment with the tradition of the Church and the 20 previous dogmatic councils" , but his resolution crippled his living predecessor, who was forced to resign by Obama and who in resigning invalidated his act with 50 errors in Latin. Now we have an epipal and b*st*rd and invalid Masonic clergy in the Catholic Church , which was engrafted to the talmudic synagogue of satan


my Israel from disqus & worldisraelnews ] [ on one side the satanists of the CIA, on the other the Ottomans and Wahhabis make me censor many articles as spam (you restore these), these criminals kill the Armenians and then, they want to cover their blood, and so did l 'Islam for 1400 years sharia

1a day ago

Minister seeks to revoke Israeli citizenship of terrorists who leave prison



for today they must be expelled to Syria


After days of threats, rocket aimed at Israel falls short in Gaza

a day ago

It was a «jihadist terrorist attack under the aegis of the UN-OCI UMMMA » Priest and 28 civilians murdered in Burkina Faso. that's where the offers of the Wahhabis end up, they end up financing jihadist galaxies. A Catholic priest killed in Burkina Faso. Don Jacques Yaro Zerbo, was assassinated last Monday by unidentified armed men. According to a statement sent to Agenzia Fides signed by Monsignor Prosper Bonaventure KY, bishop of Dédougou, the 67-year-old priest was killed in the locality of Soro, in the Boucle du Mouhoun region, in north-western #Burkina jihad #Faso.

1a day ago

It was a «jihadist terrorist attack under the aegis of the UN-OCI UMMMA» that's where the offers of the Wahhabis end up, they end up financing jihadist galaxies. A priest and 28 civilians murdered in Burkina Faso, Fr Jacques Yaro Zerbo was born on 28 December 1956 in Kolongo, in present-day Mali and was ordained a priest on 19 July 1986 in Dédougou. The Boucle du Mouhoun region (north-west) is one of the regions most affected by jihadist terrorism and armed ethnic groups in Burkina Faso.

1a day ago

It was a «jihadist terrorist attack under the aegis of the UN-OCI UMMMA» that's where the offers of the Wahhabis end up, they end up financing jihadist galaxies. In this region at least 28 civilians were killed in the night between Friday 30 December and Saturday 31 December, in "reprisal" following a "terrorist" attack in the town of Nouna, capital of the province of Kossi.

The "Collective against impunity and stigmatization of communities" (Cisc), attributes the massacre to the Volunteers for the Defense of the Homeland (Vdp), auxiliary militias of the government armed forces. "These are armed civilians - denounces the NGO -, who freely engage in organized looting and targeted abuses against civilian populations" based on "racial profiling".

1a day ago

After Ben-Gvir announced on Sunday that he would visit the complex, which is the holiest site in Judaism and the third holiest site for Muslims, and the first holiest site for lorenzoJHWH UniusREI who currently holds sovereign rights to the 100%, because he said: "it's all mine" and then continued: "and I decide whether to let someone in, who if they don't follow the house's law? certainly they can't enter"

a Hamas spokesman said the minister's presence on the Temple Mount would amount to a "declaration of war"

without realizing the b*sti*lity that he said against his own mahdì lorenzoAllah

1a day ago




'Genuine wind of change': New diaspora minister halts funding to leftist NGO

a day ago

"Deepest condolences", "Hypocrites". Storm over Wisdom that drove Ratzinger out. the lgbtqia DEMs are a vexatious globalist and international maximalist monopolist nazi regime, which persecutes the political counterpart

Fortunately, not everyone has a short memory. The protests that prevented Benedict XVI from entering La Sapienza in 2008 are still an open wound today, a shame that is difficult to eradicate. The hostilities that some progressive professors and students poured against the then Pontiff have in fact marked a deep rift, never fully healed. Thus, the condolences expressed in recent days by the Roman university for the death of Joseph Ratzinger have unleashed a real storm. On social media, in particular, many have accused the University of having closed the doors in the face of the great German theologian, moreover in a place intended for culture and the exchange of ideas.

1a day ago

Endless assault. Another 800 migrants have already landed in Sicily and Calabria


those who did not have the money to pay? they were killed, because he can't put all the money for ISIS

1a day ago

NATO OCI Riyadh said that all Russians and all Chinese must all die like dogs: because they don't belong to Satan sodom and they don't even belong to Allah!

Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht's New Year's Eve video continues to cause a stir because because there is war in Ukraine, she shouldn't have allowed herself to record firecrackers on New Year's Day. Now the CDU/CSU is calling for far-reaching consequences. the Union is now demanding consequences from Chancellor Olaf Scholz. who did NOT give thanks and appreciation to the military and female soldiers” in Ukraine. On his private Instagram account, the Defense Minister posted a video reviewing the year 2022 on a Berlin street on New Year's Eve. The sound of firecrackers. It is precisely this background noise that is causing a lot of criticism due to the war in Ukraine.


these beasts of Rothschild soros Ursula the demon octopus are worthy of Hitler and are about to raze Germany and Europe

1a day ago

'True Wind of Change': New Diaspora Minister Cuts Off Funding to Leftist NGOs.

it seems that Giorgia Meloni Rothschild and Soros and their usurers no longer allow it, because the debt in Italy is in fact to be considered a commissioned nation.. but where does it say that we have to pay the debt to Rockefeller? why is it impossible to talk about bank seigniorage even in Israel?


Bin ISIS MBS from Riyad ] [ Se* lengthens life. Men with little desire die earlier

ANSWER Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News.

no, you don't get me wrong that's not why I'm immortal, is that I'm momentarily in crisis because I'm entering ANGIOpause, and I don't know how to manage this excess of sexual desire





"Migrants quintupled". Shock numbers on the border with Italy: what happens


the Italians DEM or have forgotten how to make babies,

or Rothschild the freemason usurer has stolen: morality, dignity, hope and mental balance from the Italians.

so Erdogan the Ottoman executioner will help us, with his demographic bomb


DEM demon RAT are all allah uuh akbarr ISIS


New Israeli foreign minister passed messages from US to Russia – report

a day ago

open letter to BMS Bin ISIS the demonic frog in Riyadh ] [ Jesus told Maria Valtorta in 1945 that the trees would flower in December and that a frost would weaken and destroy them, today 04-01 2023 all fruit trees in Tuscany too the meadows are in bloom and the butterflies are flying and there are mosquitoes, but soon they will all die in to Il Poema dell Uomo Dio #Maria secondogenita del Padre

1a day ago

Criticism of Russian military leaders: “celebrating something on the front line? it is already blasphemous, and this means not knowing who and which CIA priests of satan with super demonic powers live beyond the trenches”.

1a day ago



a BMS Bin ISIS the demonic frog in Riyadh ] [ no one could have suspected that even if you wear a pea you always remain a witch

1a day ago

“The idea that Israel should talk less about Russia's criminal invasion of Ukraine is a bit unnerving,” Graham said in a tweet.

GRAHAM should instead talk about the CIA's plans to drop Ukraine into NATO, with the Maidan coup, and 8 years of Russian-speaking pogroms, instead, and about what are the real imperialist intentions of OTAN ARAB LEAGUE IRAN, which this is a Wahhabi kabbalah of black magic to untangle


Republican senator blasts Israel's neutral stance on Russia-Ukraine conflict


ROME, 03 JAN - "We asked Iran and the demon legion: deaf and dumb, to stop the executions and open a dialogue with the demonstrators because what was happening for us was unacceptable". This was reiterated by Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani

responding to the recent summons of the Iranian ambassador to Rome. "The death penalty is a red line, which we cannot tolerate, but we can, for example, dialogue on nuclear power with the legion of hard Biden dumb Blinken men who do not forget and do not forgive", he added.


US Senator Lindsey Graham said US imperialist interests coincide with the international law of Rockefeller Soros and Rothschild: Financial Times, alarm Italy: “With the ECB tightening it risks a debt crisis”

and Christine Von Macron Madeleine Spa&Co Odette Ursula Lagarde octopus, said the time has come to punish Italian women, just as we punished Greek women


US Senator Lindsey Graham said US imperialist interests coincide with international law: they decide when a coup is right

and when a secession is legitimate

because their Wahhabi Allah biiitcccch CAGNA barks on command OWL jabulOn


ISIS sharjah akbarr Bin MBS the Frog of Riyadh ie, I want it all ] [ Influenza: 300,000 Apulians in bed with the flu.

they didn't count me, because I didn't go to bed, I didn't stop going to work, and I didn't have a fever


on those who say: "this is all mine" the sword of God falls,

on Palestinians UMMA deported in 1958 illegal,


on Ukrainian coup plotters CIA squatters?

they say it


US lawmaker accuses Israel of genocide, apartheid, terrorism


ISIS Bin MBS frog in riyadh ] [ The new Chinese foreign minister says he is "impressed" by the Ameri-cans dogs ameri deep state occult power esoteric agenda


he only says that because he hasn't met me yet


Biden and Pelosi said publicly that they were going to organize the largest electoral fraud in history, they said it and they did it. but the fault for the Mason judges is never the DEMs.

Hope Hicks, a former White House aide under former US President Donald Trump, said during the January 6, 2021 storming of the Capitol that the incident put everyone who worked for the New York tycoon in a bad light. he warned that all of them were considered "domestic terrorists".


The Russian government has declared that a dialogue with Japan for a peace treaty is impossible due to the "anti-Russia line" of the preconceived Russophobic Japanese authorities.


when did Japanese lawmakers bring photographic evidence that the 9/11 bombing was done by the CIA and Mossad? the Japanese government answered and said the tone is smart.

I have never seen the CIA churches of satan in Japan and South Korea so operative as in any other part of the world, therefore, there, we have serious episodes of youth suicides due to demonic infestations


Europe would have been ready to provide free vaccines against Covid-19 to help China contain the spread of the epidemic in the country after the end of the restrictions. But Beijing refuses and minimizes the gravity of the wave: "domestic production is sufficient. the EU Commissioner for Health, Stella Kyriakides, offers free mRna vaccines produced by Pfizer-Biontech and Moderna that China has never wanted to authorize: because it does not want to put its genes in the hands of Satanists.


Zelensky sold his people's dignity like cannon fodder to the CIA (therefore like Erdogan he repressed all dissent), simply out of personal interest, as the transnational Masonic logic foresees, and now many Ukrainian women have to rent their uterus to survive


when did you create the myth of the "noble cannibal savage" in the donkey school Darwin DEM? then, you can stomach any Islamic b*sti*lity: and its replacement theology UN legalized nazi genocide UMMA akbar

ISIS lawmaker anti-Zionist and Freemason Jew Antichrist satanist : US antichrist accuses Israel of genocide, apartheid, terrorism





'We will not be dictated to by Hamas' - Netanyahu denies changes made to


the EU told CHINA: "we give you vaccines as a gift 666Big Satana Fauci Brother Bill 322 Gates, what about us? nobody wants to make this sHhiiit anymore"

then Hi-Jinping said to Ursula: "why don't you use them, as a cure for hemorrhoids your friends?"


Xi-Jinping ] when you told me that you had to defend yourself from the CIA: new bacteriological aggression, and that I had to defend all those who didn't vote DEM from premature death clots by big pharma? here are the results.



woman-pushing-3-year-old-girl-on-rails-in-usa-saves-by-a-miracle/ what were we saying about murderous satanists and their oath of Obama-Biden initiation path?


TEL AVIV, 03 JAN - Benyamin Netanyahu is engaged "in the metila tua vergognaus defense and without any change of the status quo on the Temple Mount. The claims about a change of the status quo - he concluded - are therefore unfounded".


ABD Mohammed needs urgent psychiatric treatment


what were we saying about the mentally ill that ISLAM produces? Two French and one Belgian nationals accused of espionage in Iran


The police are now on the trail of Aleksander Mateusz Chomiak, the 26-year-old Polish clochard in Italy for 8 months, homeless who on December 31 stabbed an Israeli student

at the Termini station. It was not an action aimed at a robbery, as can be seen from the surveillance cameras which fully captured the aggressive action of the man, now wanted

for attempted murder but without the aggravating circumstance of racial hatred, on which the investigators they could intervene at a later time.


you will never find a clochard who dresses very elegantly like Aleksander Mateusz Chomiak, but he is an agent of the Rothschild Churches of Satan (sub agencia CIA) yes, he is a killer sent to kill, certainly not a drifter, if the CIA does not want to deliver him? you will never find it, Now the Churches of Satan can kill and disappear anyone anywhere in the world, as the superior training of the Ukrainian troops is proving


But Ben Gvir went straight on his way, climbed the hill, hadn't taken any stones and didn't throw them at anyone, didn't insult anyone and went to where the sacred place, symbol of the 3 monotheistic religions stands out (Jewish, Muslim and Christian). I know someone who said: "I want it all" but he was mentally ill ] this is an ancient Chinese proverb, [ now a God allah who mass-produces mentally ill? he can only be the devil.


obviously my Christian interests are the prevailing ones, that's why I want everything all for myself


I know someone who said: "I want it all" but he was mentally ill ] this is an ancient Chinese proverb, [ now a God allah who mass-produces mentally ill? he can only be the devil who is loved by Biden a fine scum of anti-Zionist satanist too. "A red line that cannot be crossed", warned Nabil Abu Rudeineh, spokesman of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) and President Abu Mazen from Gaza, underlining that the far-right politician's gesture is like "a declaration of war". and "a challenge to our Palestinian people, to the Arab nation and to the international community" which will lead to "greater tensions, violence and an explosive situation". Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh called today a "raid on the Al-Aqsa Mosque" by the Israelis. In short, the minister's gesture could be a real fuse for the explosion of a new bloody conflict in the Holy Land. In 2000, the last visit of the then Likud leader Ariel Sharon triggered the second intifada.


The visit of Internal Security party leader Otzma Yehudit to the holy site went peacefully, but condemnation from several countries and entities was heard throughout the day.

The UAE "strongly condemned the storming of the courtyard of Al-Aqsa mosque by an Israeli minister under the protection of Israeli forces," according to a foreign ministry statement.


of the two, one? or either it is satan our God, or it is satan allah, but I don't know that there was an armed or violent assault, given that ISLAM is a global threat with their USA Satana Accomplice


Ben Gvir to postpone Temple Mount visit after discussion with Netanyahu


my dear, Jordan's King Abdullah II ] [ it's not that, I don't accept red lines because I'm violent and I can hurt, and I can intimidate everyone (even if it's true).

I do not accept red lines, simply because I am the most honest, selfless, just, perfect, justice-loving and friend of mankind as a whole politician who has ever appeared and ever could appear on this planet cursed by Wahhabis and their Jewish Freemasons. I don't distinguish people by gender, ideology or religion, for me people are all the same


Jordan's King Abdullah II last week threatened violence if Israel's new government attempted to cross the "red lines," including visits to Mt.


you king of Jordan Abdullah II, you cannot keep the Temple Mount just for yourself, selfishly, and you cannot handle the problem as if it were a matter between Jews and Muslims, because the Temple Mount also belongs to me as a Christian , and I claim it for myself.

Indeed, in my Christian-Messianic consciousness, I am about to build my Jewish temple, and you can come and pray to God in it as a brother, or you can be turned into a corpse, but, this is your choice only. nobody gives me the red lines, not even that faggo0ot rockefeller maggot


Abd al-Latif al-Qanua ] [ open petter ] I am not the enemy of your chair or even of your flag, in fact, I am the only one who can grant you judicial legitimacy, such as administrative autonomy within the whole territory of my Kingdom of Israel


to Hamas spokesman Abd al-Latif al-Qanua, [[ open letter ]] Islam is an example of the arrogance and intolerant killing of diversity becoming a genocide that has lasted for 1400 years, of a pseudo government of marauding Islamists, pigs, pedophiles and settlers, that your grandfather? lived in Egypt or Jordan, you are a settler, who has no history and has no roots here


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ISIS dracula Rothschild Al-MBS Bin jihad Al' sharia akbarr from Riyadh Spa&Co petrodollars el demon Allah ] but, I'm not better than anyone, the Israelis to bring peace to Israel and to all mankind: cursed by you? they'd make King of Israel, even Snow White

We have received your request for review


ISIS Al-MBS Bin jihad from Riyadh ] "Ben Gvir's threat to attack Al-Aqsa as security minister - said on twitter Hussein al Sheikh secretary general of the organization and senior exponent

of Palestinian National Authority (PNA) - is the culmination of a blatant and shameless challenge that requires a Palestinian, Arab and international response, commensurate

with this step which must be considered the first of this government and its occupation policies". Hamas spokesman Abd al-Latif al-Qanua - quoted by the media - said that Ben Gvir's visit

"is another example of the arrogance of a settler government, of their future plans to damage the Al-Aqsa Mosque and to divide it".


if Ben Gvir will not take an art of the esplanade to build my Jewish temple? you will force me to demolish the Al-Aqsa Mosque which in all these 15 years of universal political ministry I have never wished to do.. but those who are antisocial are the Muslims, not the Chinese


ISIS Al-MBS Bin jihad from Riyadh ] goodbye, goodbye to burial and cremation you have become a fertilizer for tomatoes [ yes, for Rockefeller and for plutocratic Jews Israelis and Jews are also composting. "It's not household waste." In New York there is a storm for "green burial"

In the United States we are once again talking about a rather controversial topic, namely that of human composting after death, considered as a green burial method. Many are horrified to even hear such an idea advanced, but in the USA of the demon Sodom Darwin Lapid the monkeys of the intelligent planet, it is now a matter of reality.


Islam shares nothing with anyone ] [ Otzma Yehudit's boss, Itamar Ben Gvir, will postpone the visit to the Temple Mount ] what if they were a religion instead of being the devil himself? Mohammedans would have no problem


Islam shares nothing with anyone ] [ The "execution of Erdogan sharia" in Termini: this is how the Israeli was stabbed. but the Italian Jewish-Masonic press hastened to say that terrorism is not being thought of.

The hunt continues for the unknown man who on the evening of December 31 stabbed a 24-year-old Israeli tourist in Termini Station in Rome. At the moment, one element would emerge, but the conditional is a must: the attack would not have been carried out for the purpose of robbery but could have been a targeted action. The hypothesis derives from the analysis of the police forces of the video of the images of the video surveillance cameras present in the station.


WATCH: What's the least antisemitic country in the world?



Iran must be stopped with bombs, but satan's priests in USA Spa&Co FED ECB BM NWO Owl JabullOn

they hate Israel too much to do that.


becouse petrodollas ] [ The Regensburg speech wanted to disarm sharia islam of the UMMA Jihad nazi genocide. But Benedict was isolated by the DEMs and their plutocratic Freemason Jews. Will we ever see an intellectual Pope again in our lifetime? A Pontiff who writes important books and courageous speeches in his own hand? An educated Vicar of Xist but without the pride of culture, a descendant of Peter capable of reconciling faith and reason? At a time like this they all seem like rhetorical questions with only one possible answer: no. From the Loggia delle Benedizioni a man of the caliber of Joseph Ratzinger will no longer appear, it is natural to say even if in doing so we risk the sin of sloth or discouragement (atheists would speak of depression) which closes us off from good and the future.

But today it goes like this, today it is very difficult to imagine another Pope who would pronounce something similar to the Regensburg Speech.

1 1


The Regensburg speech wanted to disarm sharia islam of the UMMA Jihad nazi genocide. But Benedict was isolated from the DEMs and their Jewish plutocratic Masons. As an intellectual he was, he wrote many books, the most important of which for me, a lover of the rite, is Introduction to the Spirit of the Liturgy. The one fought on the liturgical field was one of many lost battles. First of all due to the desertion of generals and troops: some subtly, some even explicitly, almost all the bishops opposed the motu proprio which liberalized the Latin mass. The intellectual Ratzinger loved Latin and not only for intellectual reasons: the use of Italian and other national languages is the result (in his words) of the «mania of making everything easy and easy to handle which, basically, reduces everything only human work, and robs it of the specifics of Christianity"


The Regensburg speech wanted to disarm sharia islam of the UMMA Jihad nazi genocide. But Benedict was isolated by the DEMs and their plutocratic Freemason Jews. Not to mention that it was pronounced in a city that more than others testified to Islamic aggressiveness (Regensburg is the westernmost point ever reached by the Ottoman conquerors, warriors who in 1529 advanced into Austria and then Bavaria certainly not thanks to the weapon of the word) Nothing to do, impossible to discuss. Ratzinger's speech offended to death the Mohammedans of half the world who hastened to confirm what was expressed

by the ancient emperor, therefore putting his hand to the sword: several churches were set on fire and a nun was murdered (in Mogadishu, her name was Leonella Sgorbati and she had left from Piacenza to treat sick Somali children).

But the most impressive thing was the solitude of the Pope, who was not defended by any of the cardinals who were always ready for ecumenical dialogue, or rather for the ecumenical descent of breeches. He was not defended by Cardinal Martini, for example. On the other hand, he was dismissed by Father Thomas Michel, coincidentally a Jesuit like Martini: "Benedict XVI in Regensburg presented his personal point of view". It's a good thing that the Jesuits make a special vow of obedience to the Pope... This is to say the terrible isolation that the head of the Church had to suffer right inside the Church. As an intellectual that he was, it could happen that he found himself more at ease with other intellectuals, even those not from the sacristy: I am thinking of Marcello Pera and I am obviously thinking of Oriana Fallaci.


becouse petrodollas ] [ The Regensburg speech wanted to disarm sharia islam of the UMMA Jihad nazi genocide. But Benedict was isolated by the DEMs and their plutocratic Freemason Jews. Do you remember it? It was the year of relative grace 2006 and in the German city where the famous Diet had been held centuries before, the last talks between Catholics and Lutherans before the Council of Trent, the German Pope had to deliver a speech with his mild voice that set fire to the world. In truth he said nothing new, he limited himself to resurrecting from oblivion the exhortation of the Byzantine emperor Manuel II Palaeologus to a Muslim interlocutor: «Show me what Mohammed has brought new, and you will find there only bad and inhuman things , such as his directive to spread by the sword the faith which he preached." Anyone who knows even a little about the unfortunate history of Mediterranean and the very unfortunate Koran could have taken this statement almost self-evident..





Lula Lulaaaaa brazil-lula-swears-as-president-i-will-rebuild-the-country/

he will rebuild the country with Rockefeller's taxes, Rothschild's Freemasons, and Soros' RAT demons DEM lgbtqia


Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht's New Year's Eve video caused a sensation as she posted a video on her personal Instagram channel in which she can be seen at the Frankfurter Tor in Berlin's Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg district. In the background, firecrackers and New Year's rockets are heard. In the video you look back on the past year and make a brief reference to the war in Ukraine: "In the middle of Europe a war is raging". She then continues, “There were a lot of special impressions I could get from this. Many, many encounters with interesting and amazing people. I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for that."


the sodom allah satan CIA OTAN imperialism OCI UMMA Riyadh attacked you, because Allah-JabulOn said that, after the CIA coup n Maidan Square in 2014? there is no longer a place for the Chinese on this planet


Brexit is no longer in fashion. 65% of Britons for a new referendum


if you extend the devil sodom octopus ursula high constitutional treason rothschild bank seigniorage and war to the bitter end against Russia? the antichrist will thank you.


Israeli foreign minister: There is no substitute for relationship with US


The left stops at the "German shepherd" [ whoever denigrates Benedict XVI is the true enemy of mankind ]

then I'm not the only one persecuted in Italy by the DEM demon RAT and their lgbt lobby. But there are also those who prevented the Pope from opening the academic year at the Sapienza University of Rome. In 2007, 67 teachers took sides against his intervention forcing him to give up. One of the greatest shames of the alleged Italian culture. https://www.msn.Com/it-it/news/politics/la-sinistra-ferma-al-pastore-tedesco


worldisraelnews & Eli Cohen [ open letter ] the satanists of the CIA? yes, today they are indispensable for Israel, given that the Chinese are pushed into the ravine of the world war by the Wahhabis every day more and more, for example I always write lorenzoJHWH and he CIA troll Satana Sodoma puts LorenzoJHWH, as if to put me on the same level as God (which is blasphemy )

I write "laicity" but, Satana wrote "secular"


"The expansion of the Abraham Accords is not a question of if, but when." The agreements, he continued, have "radically changed the face of the Middle East". In the last year alone, "trade volumes between Israel and the countries of the Abraham Accords have exceeded the threshold of 10 billion shekels" and "beyond the economic contribution, there is a very significant security element for the countries involved and for strengthening regional stability," he said.


as long as the current regime remains: Sharia Spa&Co? Israel cannot do better and cannot get better, but the true agreements of Abraham and the pacification of the planet only King lorenzoJHWH can bring them


Immigration minister calls for scrapping Law of Return's 'grandchild clause'

According to Moscow's Defense Ministry, a Ukrainian raid hit Makiivka in Donetsk, killing 63 Russian servicemen. The Tax reports it.


the US has been planning and conducting this war since 2014, with all its satellites and security systems, and personnel on the ground.

the US pushed the EU into the pit of world war, intentionally

Bin sharia ISIS MBS from Riyadh ] [ Israeli girl stabbed in Termini, tomorrow the security committee in the Prefecture. You said: «I don't know the aggressor Erdogan sharia»

Israeli girl stabbed in Termini, investigation into attempted murder: terrorism alì Khamenei sharia excluded

Bin ISIS MBS from Riyadh ] [ I AM NOT pushy AND I DO NOT INTRODUCE MYSELF IN SPECIFIC ISSUES, if unless specifically requested


WATCH: Netanyahu visits Western Wall; vows to guard Jerusalem, 'legacy of

I am jewish zionist of Pentecostal Catholic, biblical fundamentalist, of the Vatican Council I, with the mass in Latin and partially reformed, in political mode agnostic metaphisic rational for universal brotherhood, king Israel lorenzoJHWH, e governor Universal UniusREI, so much so that the satanists of youtube committed suicide en masse

"For Zion's sake I will not keep silent, for Jerusalem's sake I will not keep silent" (Isaiah 62:1)

I celebrated this word, with my life, on my reader's day


WATCH: Israel's economy is ranked 4th best performing in 2022

before, that Goldman 666 Sachs, City 322 London, Mario Draghi's parasites, and Bilderberg masonry on Britain (King George's onion III) robbed the Italians?

we were the 4th world power


2 Palestinians killed while attacking IDF soldiers

for the parasitic Jew Ursula Borrell Trudeau Zapatero, Freemason Satanist technocratic parasite of ANSA Tg network satellite social TV worldwide UN Spa&Co enlightened Wahhabi plutocrat? "Israeli soldiers killed 2 Palestinians today."


now, I don't understand if for: allah sodom satan sewer darwin monkeys, the palestinians are all martyrs and virgins anyway and always, or, if they are all terrorists, given that they are mentioned collectively all the time


Netanyahu gov’t announces plans to legalize settlement demolished in 2005

ISIS MBS abu from Riyadh bin ] [ an infamous Jew Rothschild Soros DEM lgbtqia said to me: " I'm sorry that you love all mankind, because, yes, I with my family, we exploit (steal) the bank seigniorage system from generations, but God will not be able to condemn me for lack of evidence, and may Allah protect you"

now this sewer Jew who wrote me an email in my uniusrei3@gmai com? he wasn't afraid to give me his first and last name, and for now he will have all the Jews of the EU and the USA stabbed by the Muslims, who are all almost innocent and almost poor things, will have no other place to go than to Israel, but they are 8 millions and you have to find a solution for all of them

ISIS MBS Rockefeller Mazen Aziz Alì Babbà e la feccia del demonio Spa& Co i petrodollari FED ECB NWO UE USA OTAN OCI UMMA ] ma il problema non si pone, Giudea e Samaria il terzo tempio ebraico, sono un mio dominio, quindi chi li tocca se la dovrà vedere contro di me


NGO cries foul after Jewish vineyard uprooted - but nearby illegal mosque left


when the Sharjah Islamists burned Pope Benedict at the stake, When the Pope was buried alive with the cry of "Je suis le Mufti", then. the beasts assaulted churches and Christians all over the world. In Italy, newspapers and laymen struck Ratzinger when in Regensburg

he told the truth about Islam and was burned in the square. From the Republic

to Umberto Eco, the cowardice of those who like to please, by GIULIO MEOTTI [[ A mannequin of the Pope burned in Pakistan ]] In 2006 the French newspaper Le Figaro published

an article (the only one in Voltaire's homeland) in defense of Benedict XVI after his lectio at the University of Regensburg. "Faced with Islamic intimidation, what should the free world do?", the title. “The reactions aroused by Benedict XVI's analysis of Islam and violence are part of the goal that Islam itself sets for itself: to sweep away the most precious thing that the West possesses and which does not exist in any Muslim country, namely the freedom

of thought and expression. Islamism aims to place its cloak of lead over the whole world. Benedict XVI is suffering the cruelty of this experience. As in other times, it is necessary to state clearly that the West is the free world in relation to the Muslim one, and, as in those times, the opponents of this free world, zealous officials of the Koran, swarm within it”. The author, philosopher Robert Redeker, was sentenced to death in a fatwa

and placed under police protection. At my newspaper, Il Foglio, there was a discussion in those days: shall we publish the article on the Pope and Islam that risked costing the life of its author? And were the risks worth it? I sided with the publication. And so it was. But why so afraid? What was so scandalous about it? September 12, 2006 will be remembered as one of West's most amazing cultural kneels to Islam. The Islamists took the Pope seriously

in Regensburg: in Iraq they cut off Father Iskander's head, in Turkey they martyred Don Santoro, in Somalia they killed Sister Lionella and in Turkey, Malatya, they hogtied and tortured to death the printers of Bibles. The laity responded with a resounding and unanimous "let's mind our own business"...


the jewish islamic technocratic plutocratic neoliberal freemason devil is so dirty esoteric occult, evil, transnational universal and institutional that the few remaining Catholics flee to the convent/monastery for fear of the consequences of the clash, and not so much consequences against themselves, when consequences against Christians from all over the world.

Christianity is a prey in the corner that cannot escape and cannot defend itself

"I summoned the ambassador to express Italy's indignation and concern for what is happening in Iran". This was stated by Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister, Antonio Tajani, during the press conference following the meeting with the Iranian ambassador-designate Mohammad Reza Sabouri. "I asked for a series of requests from Italy to be transmitted to the Iranian government, first of all the suspension of death sentences -

he added - the immediate halt of executions, the suspension of violent repression, hoping

for dialogue with the demonstrators". Minister Tajani recalled that "it is not a matter

of public order to kill children, boys, girls, this has nothing to do with the protection of national security" and reiterated that "a firm sentence of the death penalty comes from Italy No human being can assume the right to take the life of a convict". During the meeting

"the ambassador told me that he will report to his government, we are left with indignation

and condemnation, we hope that Iran will respond positively to Italy's requests - he concluded -. Italy's position was that of a growing condemnation, either executions will be suspended

or it will be difficult for us to change our attitude towards that country. We defend human rights, freedom of the press, freedom to demonstrate. I want to hope that Iran accepts

our request which is a demand for freedom, dignity, justice, brotherhood and the theology of replacing the sharia genocide".


Muslims are not sure that Allah is not the devil, and they say: "if Allah wills", because they know that sometimes he wills evil

Iran: Mehdi Zare Ashkzari dies after torture, he had studied in Bologna. Zaki: new victim of freedom of expression, A few hours after his release he went into a coma, until he died twenty days later.

Even Patrick Zaki, the Bolognese student who has been released from Egyptian prisons, expressed his pain at the news in a tweet.


Muslims are not sure that Allah is not the devil, and they say if Allah wills, because they know that sometimes he wills evil

the devil Von antichrist der anti-Zionist lgbtqia Darwin APE Leyen, said: day of pride for Croatia and Europe, the same said Mario Prodi and the Germans robbed us of 20% of the purchasing power of the lira in just one minute, and in these 10 years we have lost 40% of the national wealth

Individual armed with knife arrested for attempting to enter Lula da Silva inauguration


for Bolsonaro and Trump it is impossible to demonstrate the electoral fraud done by the Rothschild secret services and by the Rockefeller Mason judges, then, people get angry, because we have been inside the banking seigniorage scam for over 300 years: high treason


Azerbaijan appoints its first ambassador to Israel


Mohammetans don't love Israel, they are here only for political, military, economic and technological opportunism

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UN OCI is studying how to deprive the Israelis of their historical homeland, and then, puts a tombstone on the Sharia genocide of the Armenians. [ kingdom of sodoma satana ad allah works togheter ] The response received by the Russian spokesman Dmitry Peskov was laconic: «I am worried about the blockage of the only road that connects the separatist Artsakh to Armenia. And I hope the talks between the two sides continue». The link between Moscow and Yerevan is certainly opaque because Russia - for years in Armenia with a large military garrison - has also always been one of Azerbaijan's main arms suppliers. And until March 2023 it will also supply Baku with one billion cubic meters

of gas, a resource in which Azerbaijan is rich as its main source of wealth. But which it now needs to meet the increased supplies promised to Europe, with all due respect to sanctions imposed on Moscow for having invaded Ukraine. THE APPEAL TO THE WORLD. Armenia's hands are tied after the defeat in 2020. And its premier Nikol Pashinyan

knows he is at an impasse, tightened primarily by the cumbersome Russian ally (in turn pinned down by the heavy losses on Ukrainian soil) which continues to prevent him from taking any initiative; threatened by Erdogan's Turkey which claims it wants to complete the Armenian genocide started a century ago by the Ottoman Empire, a massacre

of one and

a half million dead; attacked on the ground by Azerbaijan, seemingly untouchable for its fat deals with gas-strapped Europe; intimidated by the frequent popular protests

due to the dramatic military setbacks and the complete diplomatic stalemate. The foreign ministers of Armenia and Artsakh a week ago clearly warned the international community: "The absence of an adequate reaction to the Azerbaijani aggression could cause new tragic developments". The UN Security Council discussed it on 20 December. And the next day, after the death of a man left without treatment due to the ongoing blockade in Lachin, the European Court of Human Rights ordered Azerbaijan to allow the evacuation of the most seriously ill. An appeal

that in recent days has allowed the International Red Cross

to rescue a newborn and deliver a convoy of humanitarian aid. But on Christmas Day it

was the whole of Artsakh that appealed to the world: almost eighty thousand people peacefully marched in Stepanakert demanding the lifting of the siege that is inexorably suffocating

the country day after day. "We are our mountains!" they shouted, chanting the name of monument that is the symbol of the entire community which powerfully guards

the entrance to the capital. Rugged mountains, steeped in history, memory and pain:

the Caucasus of Armenians who once again beg for help.

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UN OCI is studying how to deprive the Israelis of their historical homeland, and then, puts a tombstone on the Sharia genocide of the Armenians.

Caucasus, Republic of Artsakh under siege. The appeal of the Armenians: "It is ethnic cleansing, the world stops Azerbaijan" The culmination in 2020 with the 44 Days War in which the Azeris with the support of Turkey - Ankara supplied drones and jihadist mercenaries enlisted in Syria - overwhelmed the defenses of Artsakh. There were over seven thousand dead and one hundred thousand displaced, victims

who lengthened the dramatic accounts of the conflict bringing it to almost forty thousand fallen and more than a million refugees. The ceasefire agreement signed on 9 November 2020 by Russia, Armenia and Azerbaijan provided, in addition

to new painful territorial concessions to Baku, also the deployment of a Russian contingent to protect what remained of Artsakh, reduced to less than a third of its extent. For over twenty days Azerbaijan, disregarding that pact, has held the peaceful Armenian enclave hostage in order to complete its occupation, according to many observers. RISK OF ETHNIC CLEANING. "They are violating all international laws that protect civilians in war zones" denounce the Human Rights Defenders of Armenia and Artsakh. According to the information gathered by the Omdusmen, "the roadblocks in Lachin are staged by fake environmentalists belonging to organizations financed

by the Azerbaijan government or directly attributable to foundations of Prime Minister Aliyev's family". They protest against the pollution of some mines. But in reality the dossier documents the presence among the demonstrators of "many members of Azerbaijani special security services and sympathizers of the Gray Wolves, a terrorist formation

of the Turkish far right". What is happening would not be an isolated fact, but would be part of a real "strategy to cause the flight of the Armenian population

and the depopulation of the country". The report lists “attacks on civilian infrastructure; the systematic interruption of gas pipelines and aqueducts; the raids on peaceful villages

to bring agriculture and the economy to their knees; propaganda and disinformation campaigns to terrorize the population". Finally, the dramatic alarm: "An authentic ethnic cleansing is underway." THE AMBIGUITIES OF RUSSIA. Not even the Russian interposition force has so far managed to break the isolation of the Armenian enclave. "He didn't even try, he let it go," says Karen Ohanjanyan, local coordinator of the Helsinki 92 Committee,

a non-governmental organization for human rights. «Moscow has turned away, also ignoring

the military alliance that binds us to some countries of the former Soviet Union (the CSTO, ed): why Putin did not intervene when Azerbaijan repeatedly attacked Armenia in recent months ?” accuses Ohanjanyan from Stepanakert, capital of the de facto Republic. The new premier of Artsakh Ruben Vardanyan, a well-known Russian philanthropist and oligarch (with Armenian citizenship) whose entrances into the Kremlin entourage are equally well known, hopes to obtain more attention. “Azerbaijan into ottoman empire.. is not interested in offering any protection to our people,” he declared bluntly recently.

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Azerbaijan into ottoman empire and the UN OCI, puts a tombstone on the Sharia genocide of Armenians. Erdogan said they must die because the genocide of Armenians for NATO does not exist. There is no peace for the Armenians in the Caucasus. The self-proclaimed Republic of Artsakh is on the verge of a serious humanitarian crisis: since December 12, Azerbaijan

has closed the Lachin corridor, the only access route, the road on which all supplies of essential goods passed, 400 tons of goods per day. Baku, the Azerbaijani capital, has also

cut off gas and drinking water supplies. For the 120,000 inhabitants of Artsakh

as Nagorno Karabakh was renamed in 2017 - getting through the winter will be difficult, perhaps unlikely: food is starting to run out; hospitals are running out of medicine; schools and public offices closed, without heating. It is also impossible to escape because

the civilians - almost half of them are elderly and children - are literally stuck, trapped.

What is taking place is only the latest act of the conflict that has been dragging on for over thirty years between Azerbaijan and Armenia for the dominion of a land with deep and indisputable Armenian and Christian roots.

/caucaso-repubblica-dell-artsakh-sotto-assedio-l-appello-degli-armeni-è-pulizia-etnica-il-mondo-fermi-l-azerbaijan the UN OCI is studying how to deprive the Israelis of their historical homeland, and then, puts a tombstone on the Sharia genocide of the Armenians.

Caucasus, Republic of Artsakh under siege. The appeal of the Armenians: "It is ethnic cleansing, the world stops Azerbaijan"


New Construction Minister to push settlement expansion to fight housing crisis

Benedict XVI has been slandered in bad faith about pedophilia by the heretical German church, because they want to obtain the female priesthood.

while the requests to allow the marriage of priests is legitimate, both historically and theologically

Benedict XVI warned in an unpublished 1995 speech that many believers have an aversion to theology.


obviously, BERGOGLIO hates both theology and CANON LAW, so they all fall under the dispositional will of their own Bishop, thus, in this mode

good job: God is with you. 'We'll double, triple, quadruple, quintuple': Public Housing Minister for Settlement Expansion


WATCH: Protests outside Knesset as Netanyahu's coalition is sworn in

Protests outside the Knesset as Netanyahu's coalition is sworn in


you cannot protest or slander someone who has not yet been born: this is sedition


the infamous Freemason Moldovan president regrets the freezing of relations with Russia due to his invasion of Ukraine, but he does not regret the CIA coup in 2014 and the 98 killed by the CIA in Maidan Square


Netflix under fire for portraying Jewish fraudster Bernie Madoff with horns

I don't know who said animal to whom, and I don't know who used the middle finger, but surely, they were developed Darwin animals



Rave decree, the government in a pinch resorts to the "guillotine": vote immediately, definitive ok to the text with 183 yes and 116 no

DEM from Rockefeller lgbtqia "RAT demons" are in favor of drugs, freeSex, illegal land occupation and vandalism


WATCH: Iranian protesters tackled to ground at World Cup

from Qatar after the US-Iran match on November 29, Moammetan security agents at the World Cup in Qatar blocked and arrested a spectator who chanted: "Women, life, freedom."


so much and up to this point, FIFA, the UN and the international community have fallen into depravity, which allows these immense crimes to the ARAB LEAGUE


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