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33 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa and Mosques of Sharia Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI) 33 ANNI fa, Sinagoghe di Satana Spa e Moschee di Sharia Allah, decisero che io avrei dovuto diventare il Re di Israele (lorenzoJHWH) e un Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani (Unius REI)
tutto il mio rispetto per i fratelli omosessuali umanistici. ma, tu come
lobby lgbtqia? tu sei una ideologia demoniaca anticristiana una
teosofia satanica Gender Darwin senza dimostrazione scientifica,
quindi, tu sei la peggiore minaccia per il genere umano,
1. tu sei una minaccia morale che,
2. una minaccia costituzionale.
3. ed io vi condanno come complici del signoraggio bancario e del suo sistema predatorio ebraico-massonico.
my respect to the humanistic homosexual brothers. but, you as lgbtqia
lobby? you are an anti-Christian demonic ideology a satanic theosophy
Gender Darwin without scientific proof,
therefore, you are the worst threat to mankind,
1. you are a moral threat that,
2. a constitutional threat.
3. and I condemn you as accomplices of bank seigniorage and its Jewish-Masonic predatory system.
this is terrorist activity by the palestinians [ edom ] .. please take note > blinken, nide, amr.. enough nonsense speeches at J street.. Israel is now under a civil war caused by the pLo, fatah, hamas.. in ancient biblical scriptures [ edom ] was hostile towards Israel..
lgbtqia ] OPEN LETTER [ i kill your demons in youtube 8 years ago, he will not help you. all my respect to the humanistic homosexual brothers. but, you as lgbtqia lobby? you are an anti-Christian demonic ideology a satanic theosophy Gender Darwin without scientific proof,
therefore, you are the worst threat to mankind,
1. you are a moral threat that,
2. a constitutional threat.
3. and I condemn you as accomplices of SCAM banking seigniorage and its Jewish-Masonic predatory system.
Israeli diplomat held in 'prison-like conditions' in China after catching mild…
SODOMY lgbtqia Darwin APE. the Jewish-Masonic-financial foundation of the USA and the EU is a Luciferian cult.. THE unappealable CONDEMNATION of the SAINTS. (that of the freemason BERGOGLIO
could never be), St. Peter Canisius: sodomites violate natural and divine law. In his famous Catechism,
the Jesuit Saint Peter Canisius (1521-1597), Doctor of the Church, summarized the teaching of the Church
as follows: “As Holy Scripture says, the sodomites were very bad people and far too sinners. St. Peter and St. Paul condemn this nefarious and vile sin. In fact, Scripture denounces the enormity of such filth with these
words: 'The scandal of the sodomites and Gomorrahs has multiplied and their sin has become too much worse'. Therefore the angels said to the righteous Loth, who most abhorred the turpitudes of the sodomites:
'Let us abandon this city, etc.' (...) Sacred Scripture does not keep silent about the causes which prompted
the sodomites to this grave sin and which can also prompt others. In fact we read in the book of Ezekiel:
'This was the iniquity of Sodom: pride, satiety with food and abundance of goods, and their idleness and that
of their daughters; they did not help the poor and needy, but prided themselves and did what is abominable
in my sight; for this I destroyed it' (Ez. 16, 49-50). Those who are not ashamed to violate the divine
and natural law are the slaves of this infamous turpitude” (St. Peter Canisius, Summa Doctrina Christianae,
III a/b, p. 455). St. Peter Canisius: sodomites violate natural and divine law
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri
messia king lorenzoJHWH
messia king lorenzoJHWH
a few seconds ago
lgbtqia ] i kill your demons in youtube 8 years ago, he will not help you
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri
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Discussion on World Israel News 13 comments
Whoever has a problem with the elected gov't - 'go live in France,' says Israeli…
SODOMY lgbtqia Darwin APE. the Jewish-Masonic-financial foundation of the USA and the EU is a Luciferian cult.. THE unappealable CONDEMNATION of the SAINTS. (that of the freemason BERGOGLIO could never be), San Bernardino of Siena: "cursed sodomy ... shocks the intellect" preacher
distinguished by doctrine and holiness. He proclaimed in his Predica XXXIX: “There is no sin in the world that holds
the soul more than that of accursed sodomy; which sin has always been detested by all those who have
lived according to God, (...) 'The passion for undue forms is close to madness; this vice upsets the intellect, breaks the lofty and generous soul, drags from great thoughts to the lowest, makes pusillanimous, irascible, stubborn and hardened, slavishly bland and incapable of everything; moreover, being
the soul agitated by an insatiable desire to enjoy, it does not follow reason but fury. (…) The reason is because
they are blinded, and where they would have their thoughts on high and great things, such as those who have
a great soul, it breaks and smashes them and reduces them to base things to useless and rotten and putrid , and these people can never be satisfied. (…) As one participates more in the glory of God than another, so in hell there
are places where there is more pain, and one feels more than another. One who has lived with this vice
of sodomy
feels more pain than another, because this is a greater sin than that” (San Bernardino of Siena,
Predica XXXIX in Prediche volgari, pp. 896-897 and 915).
St. Peter Canisius: sodomites violate natural and divine law
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on World Israel News 16 comments
Hamas targets IAF jets with anti-aircraft, surface-to-air missiles
lgbtqia idiot lobby, my is irony, hell has called you to commit serial sins
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri
SODOMY lgbtqia Darwin APE. the Jewish-Masonic-financial foundation of the USA and the EU is a Luciferian cult.. THE unappealable CONDEMNATION of the SAINTS. (that of the freemason BERGOGLIO could never be), St. Bonaventure: on Christmas night "all the sodomites died all over the earth" The Franciscan
Saint Bonaventure (1217-1274), Doctor of the Church with the title of Doctor Seraphicus, illustrating some mirala tua vergognaus events that occurred at the moment of Holy Christmas, states that: "All the sodomites, men
and women, died all over the earth, according to what St. Jerome recalled commenting on the psalm 'A light was born for the just', to highlight that He who was being born came to reform nature and to promote chastity"
(St. Bonaventure, Sermon XXI, In Nativitate Domini, pronounced in the church of Santa Maria of the Porziuncola, in Opera Omnia, vol. IX, p. 123). San Bernardino of Siena: "cursed sodomy ... shocks the intellect"
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri
worldisraelnews ] [ open letter ] [ ok, ma se non mi fai vincere anche una bella prostituta, poi, dove è il divertimento? WANT TO WIN A LUXURY HOME
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on World Israel News 11 comments
WATCH: What did this Palestinian terrorist say after 20 years in prison?
SODOMY lgbtqia Darwin APE. the Jewish-Masonic-financial foundation of the USA and the EU is a Luciferian cult.. THE unappealable CONDEMNATION of the SAINTS. (that of the freemason BERGOGLIO could never be), Saint Catherine of Siena: cursed vice disgusted by the demons themselves... Even the great Saint Catherine of Siena (1347-1380), teacher of spirituality and Doctor of the Church, vehemently condemned homosexuality. In her Dialogue of Divine Providence, in which
she refers to the teachings received from Jesus himself, she expresses herself thus on vice against nature: “Not only do they have that filthiness and fragility to which you are inclined by your
fragile nature (although reason, when free will wants it, keeps this rebellion quiet), but those wretched ones do not curb
that fragility: on the contrary they do worse , committing the accursed sin against nature. As blind and foolish, the light
of their intellect being dimmed, they do not know the stench and the misery in which they are; since not
only does it disgust Me, who am supreme and eternal purity (to whom it is so abominable, that for this single
sin five cities sank by my divine judgement, not wanting to bear my justice any longer), but it also displeases
the demons , who made themselves lords of those poor people. It's not that demons dislike evil,
as if they like some good, but because their nature is angelic, and therefore dodge to see or stand
to see that enormous sin committed" (S. Catherine of Siena, op. . cit., chap. 124). St. Bonaventure: on Christmas night "all the sodomites died all over the earth" Saint Catherine of Siena: cursed vice
disgusted by the demons themselves
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on World Israel News 37 comments
Jew drives through burning tires to escape terrorists in Samaria
SODOMY lgbtqia Darwin APE. THE unappealable CONDEMNATION of the SAINTS. (that of the freemason BERGOGLIO could never be), San Pier Damiani: "This vice is more serious than all other vices..." Throughout the Middle Ages, i.e. in the period of formation of Western Christian civilization, the Church
never stopped promoting the virtue of temperance and renewing the condemnation of vice against nature;
in this way she managed to reduce it to a very rare and marginal phenomenon. Among the saints who fought homosexual vice in the Middle Ages, one of the greatest was Saint Pier Damiani (1007-1072), Doctor
of the Church, reformer of the Benedictine order and great writer and preacher. In his Liber Gomorhanus,
written around 1051 for Pope Saint Leo IX, he denounces with great vigor the spiritual ruin to which those who practice this vice are condemned. (…) “This vice should by no means be considered as an ordinary
vice, because it surpasses all other vices in terms of seriousness. Indeed, it kills the body, ruins the soul, contaminates the flesh, extinguishes the light of the intellect, drives the Holy Spirit out of the temple
of the soul. (…)” (op. cit., in Patrologia Latina, vol. 145, coll. 159-190). St. Thomas Aquinas: homosexuality "offends God himself as the orderer of nature"
San Pier Damiani: “This vice is more serious than all other vices…”
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on World Israel News 48 comments
Israel slams UN official who was ‘horrified’ by killing of terrorist in ‘scuffle’…
SODOMY lgbtqia Darwin APE. THE unappealable CONDEMNATION of the SAINTS. (that of the freemason BERGOGLIO could never be), St. John Chrysostom: homosexual passion is diabolical
The Father of the Church who most frequently condemned the abuse against nature was Saint John Chrysostom (c. 344-407), Patriarch of Constantinople and Doctor of the Church, of whom we report passages from a homily commenting on the epistle of Saint Paul to the Romans: “Passions are all dishonorable, because the soul is more damaged and degraded by sins than the body is by diseases;
but the worst of all passions is lust between males. (…) Sins against nature are more difficult and less profitable, so much so that it cannot even be said that they give pleasure, because true pleasure is only
that which accords with nature. But when God has abandoned someone, everything is reversed! Therefore, not only are their (homosexuals, ed.) passions satanic, but their lives are diabolical. (…) Therefore
I tell you that they are even worse than the murders, and that it would be better to die than to live dishonored in this way. The murderer only separates the soul from the body, while they destroy the soul inside the body. Whatever sin you name, you will name none that is equal to this one, and if those who suffer it really realized
what was happening to them, they would rather die a thousand times than submit to it. There is nothing,
absolutely nothing crazier or more harmful than this perversity” (St. John Chrysostom, Homilia IV in Epistula Pauli ad Romanos; see Patrologia Graeca, vol. 47, coll. 360-362).
San Pier Damiani: “This vice is more serious than all other vices…”
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on World Israel News 7 comments
Qatar warns media of ‘criminal consequences’ if they cover Iran protests
SODOMY lgbtqia Darwin APE. THE unappealable CONDEMNATION of the SAINTS.. St. Gregory the Great: "it was right that the sodomites should perish by fire and sulphur" St. Gregory I Pope (540-604) known as "the Great", Doctor of the Church, recognizes in the sulfur, which was poured out on Sodom, the sin of the flesh of homosexuals. “That sulfur evokes the stench of the flesh is confirmed by the history of Sacred Scripture itself, when it speaks of the rain of fire and sulfur poured on Sodom by the Lord. He had decided to punish the crimes of the flesh in it, and the very type of his punishment highlighted the shame of that crime. Because sulfur gives off a stench, fire burns. It was therefore right that the Sodomites, burning with perverse desires originating from the stench of the flesh, perished at the same time by means of fire and sulfur, so that by the just punishment they would realize the evil done under the pressure of a perverse desire" (St. Gregory Magnus, Moral commentary on Job, XIV, 23, vol. II, p. 371). St. John Chrysostom: homosexual passion is diabolical (that of the freemason BERGOGLIO could never be),
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on World Israel News 93 comments
Biden snubs Bibi: No congratulate call to Netanyahu for election victory
SODOMY. THE unappealable CONDEMNATION of the SAINTS.. Among the first to pronounce was the great Saint Augustine (354-430), bishop of Hippo and Doctor of the Church: "Crimes that go against nature, such as those committed by sodomites, must be condemned and punished everywhere and always . Even if all men committed them, they would all be involved in the same divine condemnation: in fact, God did not create men to commit such abuse of themselves. When, moved by a perverse passion, the very nature that God created is profaned, it is the very union that must exist between God and us that is violated” (St. Augustine, Confessions, c. III, p. 8). St. Gregory the Great: "it was right that the sodomites should perish by means of fire and sulfur" (that of the freemason BERGOGLIO could never be),
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on World Israel News 36 comments
Obama slams celebrities peddling antisemitic theories online
23 October 2020 Posted by Marco Tosatti https://www.marcotosatti.Com/2020/10/23/sodomia-la-condanna-dei-santi-e-dei-dottori-della-chiesa/
Since its origins the Church (that of the Freemason BERGOGLIO could never be), echoing the curse of the Holy Scriptures, has condemned the homosexual practice through the mouth of the Holy Fathers, ancient ecclesiastical writers recognized as witnesses of the Divine Tradition. St. Augustine: "the crimes committed by sodomites must be condemned everywhere and always"
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri
Allan Kandel
Obama is only the satanist who ruined Israel and raised ISLAM shariah of genocide replacement theology
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on World Israel News 30 comments
Jerusalem must be a city for Israelis and Palestinians, Blinken tells J Street…
"We will continue to express our support for Mafia Lobby Mafia Lobby Masonic plutocratic and technocratic fundamental anti-democratic principles, including respect for the demonic rights of the LGBT community and its churches of satan and the fair administration of Masonic justice led by Goldman Sachs for all citizens of Israel,” he declared, to the enthusiastic applause of the parasitic and corrupt constitutional traitors
we will not bow yourself to the ideological satanism of the USA
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri
also: "secular" is idiologically criminal! the ARAB LEAGUE lacks a freedom of religion, because it lacks a laicity state that is truly laicity,
moreover, the uncreated word concept of the quran can only set a sharjah genocide globally. (and this everyone can see as Shia Muslims kill Sunni Muslims and vice versa)
actually, a theocratic state is not at odds with a laicity-denominational state, my kingdom of Israel is a theocratic agnostic state in laicity.
but unfortunately it is impossible for a confessional state of a religious type to be able to coexist peacefully in the human race.
that is why ISLAM must be abolished and eradicated from this planet
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri
many have sought a political formula to bring peace to Palestine, so I too, at the beginning of my geopolitical career, was thinking of making Palestine an autonomous, open and international city.
but I realized that I was wrong:
1. because if all the Jews of the diaspora do not abandon the Talmudic satanism of bank seigniorage and do not all return to Israel
2. and if the Shiites don't stop killing each other like rabbits against the Sunnis and vice versa sharia?
then, this human race cannot be saved.
and in fact Freemasons and Muslims have no intention of saving the lives of the Chinese, Israelis and Russians
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri
Jerusalem must be a city for Israelis (the sheep) and Palestinians (the wolves), SATANA Blinken says.
the ARAB LEAGUE must first acknowledge its 1400 years of genocide, and then ask: "what is wrong with my demonic religion"
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on World Israel News 3 comments
Morality police shut down, Iran's chief prosecutor says
without the sharjah of genocide, and without the Koranic stave of the death penalty for apostasy and blasphemy?
the devil ALLAH will fall
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri
IRAN RIYADH Erdogan boia ] [ Sharia moral police shut down, Iran's chief prosecutor says
You can't wipe lipstick on the wolf's mouth and then say, "that's a pretty girl"
because your: theology substitution of wickedness sharia and your satanism sharia follows and precedes you
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on World Israel News 14 comments
Canadian MPs host Holocaust-denier, antisemite who called Judaism a…
all money are of Rothschild City London ] [ there is only one Koranic-Talmudic kabbalah which is absolutely anti-Christian anti-biblical and anti-Zionist, that's why the finance masons created the euro, but any currency that is not sovereign is demonic and predatory... soon then, the EU will defragment, because it rests on a demonic lgbtqia model of an anti-Christian society, that of the synagogue of satan.. entering the euro then means putting the bankers' noose around the neck of one's own people even more
Eurozone participation map: EU members of AEC II
EU members of AEC II with derogation
Non-EU who use the euro bilaterally
Non-EU who unilaterally use the euro
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri
unfortunately in the geopolitics of the great demonic pied piper: Saud Wahhabi and Spa&Co Rockefeller.. all are forced to dance that bad music..
but only OCI sharia UMMA and FED IMF ECB Rockefeller Spa&Co have an aggressive politics and a predatory and homicidal geopolitics, today, in this planet:
in fact, there is only one Koranic-Talmudic Kabbalah which is absolutely anti-Christian, anti-Biblical and anti-Zionist
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri
anti-Semitic publisher and Holocaust denier Nazih Khatatba on Parliament Hill, prompting outrage from Jewish groups.
no anti-Semite can be justified, because no people is worthy of being despised as a whole.
the scum goes to the scum of hell, and the sewer protects itself:
we have to identify the black sheep sharjah Erdogan, and the rotten apple spa & Co Rockefeller, and so on for all other categories of people, who live in some category of predation and geopolitics.
Obviously, Satan will protect his Ali Khamenei
how MBS will scam ISIS, and how Freemasons will protect Rothschild..
and why should I punish the Turkish, Iranian, etc. people as a whole? most of them are good people
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri
IRAN SHARJAH GENOCIDE ERDOGAN UMMA OCI RIYADH ] sto to kill gay, hate lobby lgbtqia only [ TODAY I CALUNNIATED GOD JHWH and i said he's homophobic.
no God is not against sinners...
he is the enemy of all sin, and the sin against nature is certainly the most aberrant sin ...
and among the very few very rare words that God and Jesus said to me:
" see Peppino? I love him as I love you"
and the billionaire Peppino AGRATI was a homosexual,
so I understood that God wanted me to become his friend and so it was.
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri
IRAN SHARJAH GENOCIDE ERDOGAN UMMA OCI RIYADH ] [ TALKING BAD ABOUT JEWS (and 100% badmouthing all peoples, religions and regimes on the planet) this is my favorite sport,
however, we should never lie, because the seventh commandment says: "Do not commit perjury"
you can't be anti-everything: anti-people, anti-religion, anti-ideology, etc. so
you cannot be an anti-Semite, a homophobic anti-Zionist, an Islamophobe, etc.
you cannot deny the Holocaust, and no Islamic holocaust, done and received..
because the truth is the beginning of civilization..
then you stop being a vile excrement
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri
What was your experience after the massacre at the House of Unions?
After the massacre, fired from my job, for a year and a half, I had to suffer the persecutions
of the SBU, including lie detector interrogations. Finally I escaped to Italy where, after a year,
I obtained refugee status. Until February of this year, here, I felt surrounded by the solidarity of the people;
then with the avalanche of falsehoods spread by the media about "Putin's war" a lot has changed. And, even today there are those who believe me to be a "fifth column of the Kremlin" just because
I report an unpunished crime.
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri
THE TRUE STORY OF ODESSA https://avanti.It/olga-ignatieva-la-mia-battaglia-per-i-morti-di-odessa/ It was by no means an 'accidental fire' as they would have us believe today. The massacre had been planned for some time. Suffice it to say that, hours before the Molotov cocktails were dropped, the building's
water and electricity supplies were cut off and that the Nazi criminals who broke in to kill the peaceful demonstrators already knew the interior perfectly. Before the fire was started, the massacre
had already been prepared, with the killing - in the city center, by snipers camouflaged on the roofs - of two pro-Maidan activists, at least 4 anti-Maidan activists and countless policemen. And this to raise tension and almost "justify" the fire of the House of Unions with so many people inside. building on fire and flooded with smoke from burning tires and a strange gas, it was precisely some pro-Maidan activists from Odessa horrified by what the gangs of Nazi criminals were doing. Nazi criminals, brought
in from Kiev and other Ukrainian cities, camouflaged as "fans" arriving for a soccer match. Nazi criminals
who, having started the fire, fired and threw incendiary bottles at the occupants of the House of Unions
who were trying to save themselves. And all of this was documented by videos, almost all made
by the assailants and posted on Youtube. Videos removed in February of this year. Also for this reason
I have set up a crowdfunding to recover the original documentation of this crime, collect testimonies
and publish a book.
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri
Hungary is no longer a democracy, says the European Parliament
if someone, like Erdogan, he can explain to me how:
1. a sovereign state, without monetary sovereignty?
can also
2. be democratic without monetary sovereignty?
I can turn him into an animal
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri
in Odessa they choked an elderly woman with a telephone cord,
but a young woman was raped and then her body was set on fire.
Russian soldiers tortured and killed? nobody cares about that.
but these war crimes will never be sought by NATO and Ursula
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri
Really shameful on Wikipedia the transformation of the entry «Odessa massacre» IN «Odessa stake» (defined until a few months ago: «a massacre that took place on May 2, 2014 in Odessa at the House
of Trade Unions, in Ukraine, by extremists right-wing PRAVI SECTOR FASCISTI, neo-Nazis and Ukrainian
pro-Western AZOV BATTALION D'AZOV nationalists (PAID BY CIA) against demonstrators supporting the previous pro-Russian government») in a «Burning of Odessa» («a fire which occurred following
violent armed clashes between factions of pro-Russian militants and supporters of the new Ukrainian political course»).
A misrepresentation of the past already described in George Orwell's novel 1984 where the 'job' of the protagonist at the Ministry of Truth was to cut away and replace news inconvenient for the regime from newspapers and encyclopedias. Activity today carried out on the Internet where, for example,
on Google news relating to the crimes of wars conducted by NATO are unreachable while access to Russian information sites is denied on the Internet.
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on World Israel News 14 comments
Canadian MPs host Holocaust-denier, antisemite who called Judaism a…
The European Commission proposes to freeze the funds to Hungary, because they were all born in the Rothschild mafia-Masonic structural corruption of the
bank seigniorage
public debt
fractional reserve
and universal sharia enslavement
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