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Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

Hamas targets IAF jets with anti-aircraft, surface-to-air missiles

Hamas targets IAF jets with anti-aircraft, surface-to-air missiles

Qatar, ISIS sharia the Gulf countries treat foreign Christian workers as slaves, because the Qur'anic Talmud has ordered them to do so

worldisraelnews ] try to have your feet on the ground, and a little humility? it wouldn't hurt you!

I'm the one who made you famous,

since when did I threaten the entire ARAB LEAGUE with a preventive nuclear attack? Netanjahu made many friends in the Persian Gulf,

but now I don't threaten OCI UMMA anymore because I'm going to do it to anyway


Mohammedans backed by Rockefeller Spa&Co FED's kabbalah seized oil monopoly,

and with the kabbalah of the Rothschilds they kill for Sharjah Christians, Israelis, Russians and Chinese etc.. with impunity, all over the world

because to the masons of Maacron URSULA and UN lgbt they hate the Christian biblicals..

this is why BERGOGLIO made himself a Medernist heretic Freemason

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Iran ramping up murder, kidnapping attempts in the US, Canada, and Europe – report


MBS ISIS hail Alì katup to all infidels sharjah akbar akbarrr akbarr ] [ after reading my comments on worldisraelnews,

I believe Bersani on TV disputed my concept of "Sodomites" but all the rabbis here in Israel can declare that I am the one who is right


yes, God YHWH almighty and creator of heaven and earth

yes he is homophobic, among many other things

and therefore satan allah in EU FED IMF ECB BM NWO OCI everyone for their own demonic interests they are all very much nuclear war third very worried


Hungary, Orban government: "By November we will implement the 17 measures requested by the EU"

and Orban bought dog chain, dog collar, exposed sodom hole,

if LAPID did it to be more democratic?

then, he can do it too,

Meloni also said: "" I am a lesbian Giorgia


in the EU Christians today are under-marginalized, rejected in the private sphere, threatened with direct and indirect persecution,

Christians inside a circular mobbing of a dictatorial dominated thought and lgbtqia DEM matrix and Dawin Genders scientistic false matrix without any proven scientific support..

therefore we have fallen into the nightmare of a nihilistic and suicidal ideologue preparing the assault of Islam against our value


Hungary is no longer a democracy, says neoliberal technocrat DEM esoteric agenda. masonic system, deep state, occult power of the European Parliament

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Antisemitic celebrities stoke fears of normalizing hate


water (hydrogen2 and oxydene1) is used to go to the moon, and to give the 5th generation fighters their power,

but already 60 years ago an Italian engineer and recently killed Mayer made their cars run on water alone..

but all this was prevented to poison and exterminate mankind through the verb of the devil allah and his false prophet Bin ISIS Salman


Kanye West: "I like Hitler, there are good things in him",


in Hitler and Mussolini, yes, there are good and even very good things, this can be said..

but to say that these two champions, like Erdogan, imperialists, racist supremacists, and abusers of natural and universal law, dictators, murderers: "Do I like them?" this is a real unforgivable offense

The controversial rapper, who now goes by the name Ye, presented himself with his face covered by a mask and said: "I like Hitler, I love the Jews, but I also love the Nazis".

I think we shouldn't look for the specific terms of philosophy or politics in him

I think he feels rightly endangered by the current world regime that rockefellers and sauds have created out of petrodollars


today we know that Hitler was an esotericist and occultist, also because for what he wanted to do, he needed a demon allah to support the genocide, and he certainly could not go to Jesus or to YHWH of Moses, or, nor could he go to Rockefeller who was his true antagonist..

the Jewish communities of the Diaspora had their responsibilities for sure, because as they still follow the interests of City London and its Rothschild shareholders (that is, like today's DEMs which are financed by Soros and Goldman Sachs) and it is these who had pushed Germany and Italy to hunger, to despair, to the mafias and to anarchy..

So from this point of view these two criminals like Hitler AND Mussolini have saved their homeland from a real problem


NATO-CIA is the worst den of the worst scum of mankind


Six dead and 81 injured in an explosion in Istanbul. The attack would be the work of a woman. Erdogan: "Cowardly act"


is no one more cowardly than Erdogan if he doesn't find a pretext to go and commit genocide? he creates it!

we know how Ergogan used ISIS to put the Kurds in despair and into a corner, he used ISIS to buy oil, he used ISIS to exterminate all the Christians of Syria and Iraq, then, stay always working to finish the dirty work against the Armenians that the Ottoman Gray Wolves started 100 years ago.


after stealing the elections from TRUMP and Bolsonaro, the DEMs have finally thrown their mask they are a Masonic octopus, they are a regime..

and for those who object to the electoral fraud of the USA and Brazil, they cannot deny that the Deep State media and satellite TV networks are not ideologically aligned in any way


antichrist and anti-Zionism are on one side of the fence and Jewish Christians and Israel are on the other side of the fence.

it follows that the DEMs are traitors to their country and to civilization


Islamists, Freemasons, Satanists and sodomites

they are united in their common sentiment of being antichrist and anti-Zionism


to kill ISRAEL

ISLAM sharjah is ISIS, and it is many times more dangerous than both Nazism and Communism combined,

that's why the Rockefellers protect him

to kill Israel

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Panic at Israeli airport as Palestinian man hijacks car, breaks through airport checkpoint


no country in the world can face the Islamic terrorism that Israel faces, and the OCI UN ARAB LEAGUE justifies.

because the genocide of sharia which is genocide of replacement theology has been legitimized by petrodollars

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Qatar pressed Hamas not to launch rockets during World Cup


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ISLAM is 1000 times more dangerous than both Nazism and Communism combined,

that's why the Rockefellers protect him

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Discussion on World Israel News 7 comments

Iran executes four people it accused of spying for Israel


honor to the saints and martyrs, who were executed in Iran by the devil of Allah for allegedly aiding the Mossad,

honor to the heroes of freedom from the control of demons Allah


Oil, OPEC will not trip the EU embargo. But the Kiev experts: Russia on its knees only with a ceiling of 35 dollars


completely stupid and self-defeating, no one can bring Russia to its knees. what if the Russians were defeated? Chinese Indians and all other free peoples would have no alternative but to go and sell themselves as slaves to URSULA the evil witch


The Revolutionary Court was established following the Islamic revolution of 1979, and is known for meting out harsh punishments on those who oppose Iran's clerical rulers. According to Amnesty International, Iran has executed at least 314 people in 2021 alone,


The Revolutionary Court is always an ideological error (all the cruellest dictatorships like North Korea have one), because you never know from which position a legitimate revolution can stand.

For example, to sentence 2 billion Islamist sharia assassins to death would be a legitimate way to erect a revolutionary court, from my point of view


Four executed in Iran for allegedly aiding the Mossad, with three others sentenced to long prison terms.


the Palestinians killed 100 people (in just one day) with the same reason (Israel's spies), but in reality, they were killed because they didn't want to dig terror tunnels, but there is nobody in the UN who will open an investigation because the Palestinians are protected by the Wahhabis


Europe itself (esoteric-Masonic-technocratic-bildenberg) is the greatest institutional crime and abomination, given that after the Maidan coup by the CIA, there can no longer exist a nation called Ukraine... Threats to the diplomatic offices in Kiev . In recent days, the Ukrainian government has denounced the discovery of miner packages, with bloody parts of animals inside, such as eyes or paws, outside embassies and consulates throughout Europe.


Our Lady (Mary of Nazareth) said that humanity has chosen the way of death, so get ready to fight world war, if you continue to resist my Kingdom of ISRAEL, that is, if you continue to resist me


Currently, 199 humans and 100 pets are cryopreserved at the Alcor Life Extension Foundation in Arizona. This US organization, born in the early seventies, deals with preserving human beings (and not only) in stainless steel tanks filled with liquid nitrogen, at -196 degrees.


in theory, alien demons could possess bodies here and reanimate them as zombies, but their souls? they will not come back from hell


Iran and Saudi Arabia, blaspheming against the Koran, do not recognize Israel and support anti-Israel terrorist groups throughout the region, such as: ISIS, al-Qaeda Hezbollah and Hamas.

Discussion on World Israel News 64 comments

WATCH: Palestinians force Haredi man to kiss their feet


Police from LAPID DEM the traitors said they "will continue to fight the crimes of abuse, violence and humiliation and will bring those involved to justice by Rockefeller Satan Allah and sodom."

and they will say to sharjah terrorist bullies:

"good, what did you do? don't do it anymore"

and they will let them go

Discussion on World Israel News 39 comments

Netanyahu: Lapid inciting revolt in army, local authorities


Allah Sodoma Satana works togheter


Argentina rejects LONDON City lucifer deployment of Kosovo jihad sharia troops in Malvinas islands

The Argentine Foreign Ministry on Thursday rejected the announcement of possible new military exercises by the Kosovar army in the Malvinas Islands.


https://www.msn.Com/it-it/notizie/mondo/l-argentina-rifiuta-il-dispiegamento-di-truppe-kosovare-nelle-isole-malvinas/ Rockefeller LAPID Rothschild are criminals ] another example of how Satanists Spa&Co and Sharjah Islamists are allies [ media announced the decision of the self-proclaimed Republic of Kosovo to send a group of Kosovar Albanian soldiers to the Falklands as a "UK JabullOn peace support mission" ,

In this regard, the Office stressed that Argentina does not recognize Kosovo's 2008 unilateral declaration of independence.


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salam shalom

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Rockefeller LAPID Rothschild are criminals who hate the people and democracy,

these want to overturn and cancel the election


1. this is a legal position:

“Likewise, I reject the false claims against us. The Israeli government under my leadership will protect the rights of all Israeli citizens and be careful to act out of mutual assurance and national responsibility, as we have done in all governments under my leadership. guide,” he added.

2. this is an illegal position:

Lapid lashed out in response, saying: "Mr. Netanyahu, I will not receive lessons in democracy from you. Not from someone who runs a foreign-funded poison machine that engages in slander and slander of the lowest kind.

LAID claims that Netanjahu took money from an enemy Ayatollah entity


these delusional claims contradict themselves!

1. "There hasn't been a single moment in the last year and a half where you have respected democracy (getting arrested by slanderers?).

Not when you ordered the persecution of the children of Knesset members (i.e. destroy and dismantle national security?), not when you used violent gangs against our people on bridges and against witnesses in your trial (indeed, the Netanjahus were not beheaded as Soros wanted),

not when you sent your people to turn the Knesset into a shameful arena of shouting and cursing (this is the DEM swamp that TRUMP is talking about, a gangrenous disease in our society).


worldisraelnews but where have I been in the last year? what have you hidden from me, oh quail child?


Certainly not until half of the parties in your coalition send their children to the IDF."


this is true, Israel is in danger of disappearing, the threat is extreme and everyone must be militarized


sedition: must be immediately removed!

More than 50 local authorities announced on Saturday that they will heed Lapid's appeal and refuse to cooperate with Maoz.


sedition: must be immediately removed!


Lapid, spitting and spitting poison, shoots himself in the foot, or the DEMs backed by the mafia of transnational Masonic Judges now believe themselves to be unpunishable “That you call to 'leave the IDF out of the political game' is a mean and shameless joke. You are the one who, in your weakness, appointed [Itamar chief Otzma Yehudit] Ben Gvir as minister. they were quick to make political use of every attack against civilians and soldiers.


these slanders have to be proved in court, but the real problem is not the slanders, but the

"You are the one who, in your weakness, "

why did the Rockefellers worldwide castrate governments making them weak and at the mercy of financial and Masonic centers?

Discussion on World Israel News 39 comments

Netanyahu: Lapid inciting revolt in army, local authorities


LAPID insolent APE Darwin regime NAZI sodoma lgbt lobby: luciferian theosophy, without a shred of scientific evidence


Lapid's is sedition, the global financial technocratic Masonic system has thrown off the mask, that Masonic democracy has turned into a DEM totalitarianism.

Giorgia Meloni and Orban know all this, and are moving very carefully.

but LAPID's sedition is not his personal choice, his is the system of the New World Order, which will turn all peoples into one herd of slaves


Lapid's is sedition!

if he is not arrested the civil war will start


stop NATO, UE, OMS, WTO ] [ Chyna INDIA Russia etc.. ] WARNIG [ i killed the new world order, in youtube over 8 years ago, but the Islamic Koranic jihad? they OCI, all system sharjah ARAB League, RIYAD IRAN MBS Ali ISIS al-Erdogan, play dirty, all complicit within the esoteric occult powers of Talmudic-Satanist Jewish kabbalah.

Muslims are the skeleton of the system (the esoteric and Masonic entity) NWO- bildenberg NATO, UE, OMS, WTO standing like a zombies only because they are thirsty for the blood of all peoples FOR shariah!

in 2008, I HAVE OPENED A GEOPOLITICAL STUDY THANKS to the scientist Giacinto Auriti?

I have seen Rockefeller & Rothschild slander Russia in every way:

WHILE IRAN which deserves to be razed to the ground for very serious reasons, however, will not be touched, so much Rockefeller & Rothschild in the occult hate Israel hate all peoples, and support ISIS of the UMMA

Discussion on World Israel News 9 comments

WATCH: Iran increasingly involved in Arab terror in Judea and Samaria


Chyna ue usa onu INDIA Russia etc.. ] WARNIG [ since in 2008, I OPENED A GEOPOLITICAL STUDY THANKS to the scientist Giacinto Auriti?

I have seen Rockefeller & Rothschild slander Russia in every way:

does Novichok describe a class of nerve agents? the CIA did it with the British secret services, etc.. the passenger plane over the Donbass was shot down by the Ukrainians with the directives of the CIA, etc..

WHILE IRAN that deserves to be razed to the ground for 10 very serious reasons?

IRAN will not be touched, so much Rockefeller & Rothschild in secret hate Israel


Chyna INDIA Russia etc.. ] WARNIG [ i killed the new world order, in youtube over 8 years ago,

but the Islamic Koranic jihad? they RIYAD IRAN MBS Ali ISIS al-Erdogan keep him standing like a zombies only because they are thirsty for the blood of all peoples FOR shariah!


MBS Ali ISIS al-Erdogan ] [ Hitler and Erdogan are two drops of water with the aggravating circumstance for Erdogan

that Hitler was not a religious maniac

a day ago

MBS Alì ISIS al-Erdogan ] [ but who put this story of sexual equality-freedom into my fiancée Israel's head?

Who corrupted my girlfriend Israel, up to this point?

those depraved DEMs have been

Discussion on World Israel News 29 comments

US ambassador under fire for wearing hijab at Lebanon’s request

Dwight Robinson

a day ago

the veil wouldn't have been a bad idea if it came to me (for the woman who says to men: "I don't think I want to do zumxzum before marriage and out of marriage, so respect my chastity and don't harass me"),

but, veil is always a bad idea in sharjah which sees woman as 4 times inferior being

Discussion on World Israel News 47 comments

Elon Musk suspends Kanye West from Twitter over swastika


a day ago

All these antisemitic creations are created by Rockefeller & Rothschild and this is a bad Masonic story, much older than it may seem

but, we are always the victims of anti-Semitism and not them

however, what Jew (besides me) has the courage to denounce the satanism of banking scam seigniorage?


Alì BIN al-Erdogan ISIS MBS Sharia kaput jihad ] I know that I must wield such immense power as no man has ever had, and no other man will ever have that is why I must have a surgical hand like a surgeon


when the CIA cannibals hear my name, i.e. what's left of theirs? i'm always in convulsions, but that's not what made me famous, but, the fact that when netanjahu and his rabbis want to cheer up?

he always comes to read my comments


THE CONSTITUTIONAL COURT IS THE Rothschild NWO Demonic Sodomitic Masonic Islamist SYSTEM!


So the constitutional court ruled that getting vaccinated with Big Pharma Spa & Co is mandatory, under penalty of being fired AND losing your job and daily bread, is legitimate; in defiance of that article one that reads: "Italy is a democratic republic founded on work".

With all due respect to the judges and to the court itself, but yesterday, yet another act of trampling was carried out, of the most beautiful constitutional charter in the world; to the detriment of citizens and to protect those Masonic and globalist powers represented by Big Pharma and the whole horror company of the pseudo-scientific medical system which, in order to protect and defend its interests, is willing to swear against the Hippocratic oath, to the detriment of real and dutiful doctors, who are fired instead.

Now, the MELONI government should remedy this situation, or make a law that abolishes such opprobrium to court, and restores the right to work and study.

Think also of a serious reform of the court, making it independent of the DEM and Deep State political Masonic power. Through access to it through bankruptcy proceedings.


Alì ISIS MBS Sharia ] gli ebrei non mi parlano perché sono timidi, sai hanno atteso il Messia per 3000 anni ed ora sono emozionati troppo


Russia must be indemnified for war damages, because the USA planned and unleashed this war only to prey on subdue and ruin the EU



USA declared war on Russia in Ukraine in 2010, when it created the death battalions of Azov Nazis and fascists Ursula Pravy Sector,

in 2014 the witch Nuland (the term witch is not a euphemism) planned the coup and the murders, and the pogroms of the Russian speakers, then, of these 8 years of attacks on Donbass?

the Vatican-Bildenberg did not care

"The time has come to change the rules of the game": Russia reacts to the UN resolution on compensation for damages to Ukraine


Ursula hail von der pravy sector Leyen's Nazi grandfather. Ursula von der Leyen's grandfather Carl Albrecht worked for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and organized the economic aspects of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact in 1939.



the sharia nazi wolf loses its fur, but not its vice


"But they also did good things, we must stop criticizing the Nazis all the time - replied the rapper whom Trump invited to the White House - I see good things in Hitler, every human being has something valid, especially Hitler".


that "especially"? ruined everything, when one is as ignorant as a Wahhabi? then, money can't help him.

Hitler "especially" got everything wrong, what he did good was not to pay the bank seigniorage to Rockefeller



MACRON let-hundreds-of-illegals-enter-Italy-arrested-in-France-human-trafficker/


no, it's not a joke, the French police brought migrants to Italy in vans


Discussion on World Israel News 18 comments

Likud, Religious Zionist parties sign coalition agreement, paving the way to a new government


Likud, religious Zionist parties sign coalition agreement, paving the way for a new government


assassin Palestinian scam UMMA sharia? PUNCH!


Freemasons are a state within a state

in fact they are said

deep state


usa-la-star-di-the-big-bang-theory-sui-matrimoni-gay-importantissima-legge even the constitutional court has bowed to the transnational Masonic system, this is a coup regime

We need a real reform of this judicial body that is independent of the neoliberal technocratic power



Ukraine warns of other "threats" to its embassies in addition to the Madrid attack

there's a director puppeteer named rockefeller and all the politicians are mason actors, and we're seeing a horror movie in hollywood


Elon Musk: "Neuralink chip in human brain within six months"

and why do they want to screw up LAPID even more?

these Freemasons are cynics


Storm over Elizabeth II's lady-in-waiting, forced to resign for racism


so why were Dodi Al Fayed and Lady Diana killed by a Boolean monarch autosta?


In Spain, alarm over five envelope bombs, Prime Minister Sanchez and the Ministry of Defense in the sights: investigations on a single matrix


when they were looking for who had planted the paper bomb at the Ukrainian embassy, under the mount of venus of the Spanish policewoman you could also see the window of light between the legs of the tight leggings


Patient punches pregnant nurse: she asked him to wear a mask


after 50 years of the Jewish-Masonic Talmudic DEM government, Italy no longer understands anything, because only the honest must have everything and everything, because judges (when they work) are the greatest threat and corruption in Western history


For the first time a cardinal testifies in court against another cardinal, but Cantoni helps Becciu

yes, but it is seed a story between luciferian masons affiliated with the great orient of lucifer


Ukraine calls on OTAN 666 anti-Zionist sodomitic antichrist for the «destruction» of Russia to prevent it from pursuing its colonial goals


it is a pity, however, that he only has imperialist projects: UMMA Erdogan, spa&Co rockefeller and MBS from Riyad

Discussion on World Israel News 18 comments

Likud, Religious Zionist parties sign coalition agreement, paving the way to a new government


The Belgian King Albert II: "Too young and too inexperienced" .. in fact he has not yet become an expert Talmudic Freemason satanist of the 22nd Macron corruption decree


Weapons in Ukraine, ok from the CDM: shipment extended until the end of 2023. Lukoil towards "temporary administration"


and what chance does MELONI have of remaining in her chair if she doesn't prostitute herself with NATO,

certainly Rothschild and Ursula would immediately cut off her legs


Minniti and Salvini denounced by sharia, slave traders dhimmis jihad galah UMMA ISIS

denounced in The Hague for "Sharjah crimes against humanity"

for the agreements with Libya on migrants, and for having opposed the Islamic invasion


The mystery of the dead Ukrainian soldiers. Arestovych attacks von der Leyen: "There are only ten thousand"


in fact for the talmudic of sodom and satan and allah what is worth? it's just their life


Stoltenberg, NATO is not part of the conflict and will not be,

he just made a coup,

pogrom of Russophones for 8 years

he only created troops of Nazi-fascists

caused all of Misk's queues to fail.

sought to install dual nuclear-capable missiles in Ukraine,

gives away billions in weapons and military training,

gives the coordinates of Russian ships and depots,

he just did this

Discussion on World Israel News 246 comments

'Shameful, disgrace' - UN declares Israel's establishment a catastrophe


Salman Abdulaziz bin ISIS MBS Saud, from Riyad ] [ open letter ] [ I told Ali Khamenei: "I will introduce your big brother Satan-Rockefeller jihad to your big sister zobies-Allah-ISIS sharjah replacement"

and he replied:

"Why don't you ask the fruit of their love: the Wahhabis?"

Discussion on World Israel News 12 comments

WATCH: Hunt continues for terrorists behind Jerusalem bus stop bombings


about criminal tribunal? Coup CIA 2014, pogrom russian speaker? Did Ursula the Octopus tell Zelensky about the Russian soldiers? take no prisoners!" in fact they are executed on the spot.

Summit Born the Masons Satanists, now sends generators

The EU: tribunal of sodomites Freemasons for Russian crimes must prepare


Discussion on World Israel News 17 comments

Rejecting claims Qatar is limiting kosher food, rabbi hails first-ever kosher kitchen in Doha


The story of the abduction of Betty and Barney Hill by a group of aliens, which allegedly took place in 1961, is now a milestone among the stories circulating in the circles of ufology.


I go looking for aliens and demons all the time, because after having exterminated the satanists of the CIA on youtube I'm bored ..

but, but they keep very well away from me



China and Russia collaborate with the CIA priests of satan and sodom in the hope of not being attacked militarily.

China and the Covid zero control strategy - The protests that broke out in China against the restrictions for Covid are an unprecedented case. New demonstrations were held in the Xinjiang region, but also in Beijing and Shanghai, where students took to the streets to protest.

Even in Wuhan, people demonstrate and break down barriers, as was also done in Shanghai, and chant the slogan "It all started in Wuhan, it will end in Wuhan".


chicken lockdowns are necessary as vaccines, when not a scam, are a programmed killer.

to save some urine-stained old man, who will always end up in hell, we are ruining the future of future generations



which OCI UMMA sharjah is not a single ISIS terrorism?

Yemen's Foreign Minister Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak confirmed to US Ambassador to Yemen Steven Fagin the launch of an initiative to declare the Huthi rebel movement a terrorist organization for the first time since the beginning of the war eight years in the country.


which OCI UMMA sharjah is not a single ISIS terrorism?



Migrants, Italy with Greece, Malta and Cyprus "NGO ships violate the rules"

and why do we have to sacrifice ourselves to have children?

Erdogan and his Ottomans are getting better and better



Iran, Khamenei lashes out against Washington and their Wahhabis with impunity, because he knows he is protected by them.

in fact Rockefeller their God ALLAH Akbarr has decided that the Israelis must be exterminated with shoah.



we have the certainty that the Vatican is controlled by Macron Zapatero Obama Rockefeller and they obey the shareholders of the FED

1. GAY lobbies

2. Masonic lobby

3. Luciferian lobby, with attached adoration of Satan

Vatican City - A Rotal lawyer is giving the Vatican a hard time looking for answers to get to the truth

of some still unsolved mysteries. With the grit of a lion, for about ten years now, Laura Sgrò hasn't let go and

has been pressing the highest legal bodies of the Oltretevere in search of clues, papers, documents

left in the dusty ravines of some shelves. You did it with the case of Manuela Orlandi, defending the right

of the family of the girl who disappeared in the early 1980s and was never found. Now Laura Sgrò is preparing to have another cold case reopened, that of the double homicide, suicide, which took place on May 4,

1998 in the sacred buildings, when the vice corporal of the Swiss Guard, Cédric Tornay, before taking

his own life, killed the commander Alois Estermann and his wife Gladys Meza Romero. A few hours after

the discovery, Joaquín Navarro-Valls, Vatican spokesman, communicated the reconstruction of the facts

to the press. With "moral certainty" he maintained that the young Cédric had killed his spouses and then committed suicide. The case was closed, but many questions still remain open.


we have the certainty that the Vatican is controlled by Macron Zapatero Obama Rockefeller and they obey the shareholders of the FED

1. GAY lobbies

2. Masonic lobby

3. Luciferian lobby, with attached adoration of Satan





you cannot solve the hydrogeological instability without monetary sovereignty in Italy and in the world.. also because without monetary sovereignty every government like the Wahhabi is high treason

but then, if people die in Italy or in Israel? what does Rothschild care?



The mystery of Potemkin's bones, stolen by the Russians from the Kherson cathedral


ah ah ah ah ah so these for Zelenky and sodom Soros Rothschild Borrell Strunz would be the communists?



The mystery of Potemkin's bones, stolen by the Russians from the Kherson cathedral


ha ha ha so these for Zelenkye Soros Rothschild Borrell Strunz would be the communists?



Rejecting claims Qatar is restricting kosher food, rabbi hails first kosher kitchen in Doha


yes, the food of idiots is different, but then the excrement is all the same


Discussion on World Israel News 12 comments

Invisible ‘air screen’: Israeli researchers find trailblazing alternative to face masks


the octopus USULA Von lgbt Macron is against Hungary with the activation of Article 7 and the suspension of the right to vote in Hungary, today the neoliberal Masonic Jewish technocratic sodomitic hemicycle of the kabbalistic Talmudic antichrist of Strasbourg approved a resolution with which requests the blocking of European funds for Budapest due to restrictions on the rule of law of Rothschild, which would make the government of Viktor Orban no longer democratic for the Mason judges, of very democratic DEM judiciary

416 MEPs voted in favour, 124 against and 33 abstentions.



The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, Mullah Hebatullah Ajundzada, has granted the country's ISIS Ottoman Wahhabi sharia magistrates full freedom to decide based on the Islamic law of genocide UMMA OCI, replacement theology, without any interference from of the Shiites


Discussion on World Israel News 4 comments

Pallywood: Left-wing anarchists in Hebron provoked soldier for video, Palestinian activist confirms

messia king lorenzoJHWH


MBS King jihad ISIS ogre monkeys sharjah, Iran from Riyad UMMA-nazi ] [ you are only a gang of assassins and brigands protected by CIA lgbtqia OTAN ONU Spa&Co FED and Talmudic demonic kabbalah Enlightened lucifer Baal jabulOn in your and their immeasurable hatred against Israel and against his JHWH Holy Almighty .. and how YHWH was forced to send the flood universal? so certain for your wickedness, now he will burn all mankind, becouse me king israel lorenzoJHWH

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 40 comments

WATCH: Is there Jewish support for Trump?


Maybe we live in a matrix simulation Rockefeller the Freemasons the greatest social engineering specialists in history, but what about? sure the lgbtqiaLAPID scientists of the Darwin monkeys have a plan to figure it out once and for all

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


anti-Pope sorcerer Freemason luciferian gay cult of theologians: go further, Tradition is not "backwardism"

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Putin, risk attack with Novichok for mass poisoning in Ukraine. What is the nerve gas mentioned in the US 007 reports


this is impossible because the noviciok has all been sidelined to punish Macron octopus mafia Ursula

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Putin, the cold strategy. General Tricarico: «Surovikin has a hand in it», this is how the war will change


yes, even in Dombass and CRIMEA, sodom satan for 8 years, did the same

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Vatican, Becciu (mason Rothschild ) investigated for criminal association. The cardinal surreptitiously recorded the suffering Pope (mason of Rockefeller) after hospitalization


Freemasons must not lift the shame of other Freemasons

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Is the asylum crisis in Belgium a symptom of the failure of European migration policies?


ISIS Wahhabi Ottoman EU Caliphate ? already in talmudic place

1im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


The Taliban say the international community will "eventually" recognize their regime in Afghanistan


ISIS Wahhabis Kuran jiah genocidie sharia? already recognized

1im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Irish Senate recognizes 1930s Ukrainian genocide and Ottoman genocide of Armenians


infamous !! and to this day because you put your finger in the a** donkey od sodom

1im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


United Kingdom, the largest telephone scam: 70,000 victims, 60 million euros stolen


the Masonic state is a mafia Rockefeller association

1im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Migrants, don't you pay taxes? No more residence permit. Here is the new proposal from the League

ANSWER when the government is transformed by plutocratic Jews into a prostitute mobster, and a tormentor of the people: ie SCAM BANKING SEIGNIORAGE

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 40 comments

WATCH: Is there Jewish support for Trump?


Historic vote in France: the right to abortion enters the Constitution

answer satan's new society

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Elections in Brazil, defeat for Bolsonaro: the Electoral Tribunal rejects the appeal to cancel the vote (and fines him)


the judges are all DEM sodomites Freemasons and Luciferians

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Ali ISIS Bin from Mecca Satan Kaaba ] [ Ali ISIS Bin from Mecca Satan Kaaba ] [ Satanists are the eye of Lucifer Allah on the Masonic pyramid, i.e. they are an esoteric-Masonic kabbalah supernatural voodoo witchcraft.

Now IHateNewLayout told me, that he pores over all of my 1 million comments, and keeps them, both to see if I could be doing something wrong, and to learn how to supernaturally perfect his demonic power.

Now these FED ECB BM IMF agents pray for hours and impersonate the True Catholic Church of Vatican Council I, because they know your ISLAM is a hoax

3im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Ali ISIS Bin from Mecca Satan Kaaba ] [the Satanists of the 66th degree Masonic-Luciferian, are invisible, and are like me metaphysicians, and if they say one thing they will certainly do it, because what they say coincides with their being and their being it is supernatural, but my being is divine and this has brought havoc against the New Islamic Order Rockefeller world NWO OCI UMMA

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 15 comments

BEREAVED FATHER: 'I just want to say bye'


The bereaved father of 16-year-old Aryeh Schupak, who was killed in a bombing attack at the entrance to Jerusalem Wednesday morning, says his final farewell to his son.


yes, condolences! but life cannot be taken, except by God alone who gave it. that is why for those predestined to salvation there will never be a last goodbye. But for bergoglio rockefeller Ursula lgbtquia DEM, sharia Spa&Co? and the Masons of her there shall NOT be eternal life

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


the Nazi-fascist coup plotters of the European Parliament of sodom and satan, the planet of the apes Darwin, and the cannibals of the CIA attack: «Russia sponsors terrorism»


the time has come to close the GAS 100%, nothing must be given to the enemies

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 26 comments

Supreme Court OKs handover of Trump tax returns to Congress


A protester holds a sign at Tax March in Washington, D.C., where participants called on then-President Trump to release his tax returns


90% of our taxes are for Satana Sodoma JabullOn Baal OWL Rockefeller who stole our banking seigniorage

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


MBS Erdogan ISIS IRAN OCI UMMA ] [ your pimpini protectors Rockefeller Spa&Co Rothschild first with the black magic Kabbalah they created the zombies, the churches of satan of the CIA, the GOLEM project and so they gave a body to the demons, and in this way they created 9 hosts of aliens and flying saucers, then, they created Khomeni the lgbtqia, the Darwin monkeys and the Wahhabis and then they stole the bank seigniorage from the enslaved peoples, and then finally with the DEMs they said in the USA:

"Satan-Allah against YHWH God? they must fight on equal terms, because this is our concept of free will"..

So now it's a problem for TRUMP who want to prevent him from running for the White House, after they stole his election the first time, through the Deep State and the integrated secret services

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 79 comments

Terrorists snatched dead Israeli teen from hospital while still alive – report


MBS ISIS Erdogan IRAN OCI UMMA Said: "Israel does not exist, it's called Palestine": the reactions of World Cup fans to Israeli journalists in Qatar


who denies ISRAEL? it also denies God, Melchizedek, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, so what do we do?

instead of the universal flood

shall we bring a flood of fire from heaven?

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


The UN claims that Saudi Arabia ISIS Wahahbites have been executing prisoners "almost every day" for the past two weeks.


yes for ISIS only their beard is sacred

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


In Rome, 1,500 Chinese prostitutes "recluses": the racket manages 600 apartments and 80 massage parlors


Ursula Von Macron is their prostitute pimpina mother and pimp

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


The Mont Blanc Tunnel, which was consecrated to Satan by EU politicians? it will close 3 months a year, for 18 years.

Satan is too sick lately

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


by Tiran Fero, 18 years old, Israel demands that the body be returned.


Israel must not ask but must exterminate the Palestinians, and that is why I am the King of Israel

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


The Druze family of 18-year-old Tiran Fero accused he was abducted from the operating room while he was still alive.


Erdogan boia he used ISIS with the CIA to have kurds etc.. etc.. exterminated all peoples in Syria, and it was Putin who saved their lives

Erdogan boia slanders the Kurds and goes to exterminate them in Syria, and what do we do when we catch an assassin? do we feed him in prison?

do them all

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Malan (FdI): "No to gay weddings, the Bible already said that homosexuality is an abomination"


is it true God said that homosexuality is an abomination so what?

we are a secular state and we will persecute not homosexual people, but all masonic lobbies darwin cult satanic theosophy lgbtqia, and all of them? they will be shot

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 7 comments

Arab party MK compares teen victim of Jerusalem bombing to dead terrorist


MBS IRAN ISIS from Riyadh Erdogan executioner ] "I want to send my condolences to all the victims of the occupation, Jews and Palestinians," jihadist Cassif said. what do you do first you kill sharjah for imperialism and then give your condolences? [ yes, there were 50 Christian nations that suffered genocide and "occupation" by ISLAM OCI UMMA, and since they all died because of the UN, today they can no longer claim their land, just as there were 4 million Christians between Syria and Iraq, and nobody takes care of their inheritance.. also the Koran says that this is the land of the Jews and so, in the name of the Koran and for blasphemy and apostasy against it? I condemn you all to death!

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 4 comments

Hundreds attend funeral of Jerusalem terror victim, 'boy who never wronged anyone'


MBS ISIS from Riyadh ] [ he was a boy who never hurt anyone and you killed him. YET IN GOD? THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PEOPLE!

Many hundreds attended the funeral of 16-year-old Jerusalem bombing victim Aryeh Schupak

"boy who never hurt anyone"


there are 8 billion people in the world, and for me they are all the same, they are all my brothers and they are all on the same level.

and that's why I am Unius REI, because I don't judge people for their ideas, gender, religion, ideology or characteristics.

and this is why I am Unius REI, because I cannot harm any man who is innocent among these 8 billion people, all children of the same father: of God YHWH, of Noah and Adam and Abraham four times over.


Now you understand why I'm going to push you and to destroy you to hell

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 34 comments

IDF radio correspondent suspended after blaming terror on right-wing lawmaker


the immediate death penalty must be applied to all terrorists, otherwise I will prove that the government of Israel is the instigator Not only of the death of Israeli civilians,

but it is also the mandate of the 400,000 Christian martyrs who are killed by Muslims every year because of the sharia law

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


The Imams tell the Palestinians: "Of course Israel will disappear, of course in five years? There won't be an Israeli alive, you start killing Israelis, then, we will finish your job, and in 5 years you will be released from prison, like a hero you will be treated, so we will give your family all the money they need"

and in fact this is why all OCI UMMA EU USA pay the Palestinians: to see on television the beautiful show of how even the last of the Israelis can die

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Israeli journalist Hadas Shtaif like all mankind is under a spell, a kabbalah sorcery

these unfortunates who are Darwin monkeys without the presence of God in their hearts are also deprived of hope and stagger in the dark thinking of a rational solution to the Palestinian problem.

Do these unhappy people think that there could be a formula for a political attitude to be able to control and calm Islamic terrorism, especially in the recent attack? none of his family died .. and certainly there must be a solution!


Because, Islamic terrorism is in relation to the Koran sharjah and is never in relation to political or diplomatic agents

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


MBS bro ISIS from Riyadh ] [ I hear NATO vomit so many slanderous sentences against Putin, all schizophrenic words without historical support.. but where has there ever been a trial? What evidence did they bring to convict him?

What if there was a public debate between him and his detractors?

he would emerge victorious against all of them 100%, by the power of fact and logic.

Everyone glosses over the CIA OTAN coup on/in Maidan square, the takeover of Nazi-fascist death squads, the failure of the Minsk accords, the pogroms of Russian speakers for 8 years, as if it were a detail insignificant, indeed, for them: i sodom allah satan? these events never existed .. let's say that the CIA EU US OTAN planted the network and dug the grave in Ukraine to bring mankind to hell and they succeeded

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Putin from RUSSIA is a holy minister of God.

He is the greatest hero that the world of men has for his protection right now

why on the other side? there are the ogres of Saruman Baal Marduch, and they are a legion of mahommetan pedo sodomites of crap hell sewer FED ECB BM IMF NWO OCI UMMA, who do not forget and do not forgive

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


MBS bro ISIS from Riyadh ] [ that scum of your secret love, your homoerotic love of Ali Khameni? he brought the uranium enrichment to 60%, he only did it because he was bored, so in his free time he didn't know what to do

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


MBS bro ISIS from Riyadh ] [ I have rabbis who are like a mother to me,

and they've been heroically spending money on my protection for about 12 years. Certainly Satan Rockefeller and the cannibal priests of satan of the CIA said: "woe to you if you break our isolation" but, I say why: YHWH God Satan vampires zombies Rockefeller and the priests of satan and all the scum of allah, they too do see them too from me?

I'm sorry that I am Unius REI and everyone has to copy theology and prophecies from me,

while, I have NOT to copy from anyone, because I would like to be able to copy from someone

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 4 comments

Dutch court clears way for extradition of Israeli modeling agent accused of sex crimes


A large study on post-Covid mRna vaccination myocarditis concluded that inflammation of the heart muscle remains rare, but more frequent in young males, especially after the second dose of the Moderna vaccine. According to the authors of the work, published in the 'Cmaj' (Canadian Medical Association Journal),


if the Masonic State is not absent, it is powerless, Big Pharma is the actor and controller of itself, because even a State employee has children and a family, and with the priests of satan and the DEM mafia? not joking

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 15 comments

WATCH: CNN's Jake Tapper bashes Biden for letting 'pariah' Saudi Crown Prince off the hook


CNN accuses Biden of "allowing this MBS thug to get away with murdering 1.2 billion sharia victims, and every 8 minutes, in the UMMA they kill an innocent Christian"


the sodomitic satanists Spa&Co USA must stop lecturing ISIS

why that Wahhabi scum?

they are definitely better than them

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Turkey summons Swedish ambassador to Ankara to protest demonstrations in Stockholm


when the Turks:

1. they slander you,

2. get you killed by ISIS,

3. and then they make you a genocide?

then you have to thank them, of course you never thought that the turkeys on the farm: they would rebel like this, because of thanksgiving day

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 18 comments

WATCH: How and why the Palestinian Authority kills its own children


Rothschild CIA OTAN satana Sodoma cult NWO SpaCo, ] [ you must tell your monkey Darwin o Zelensky to stop bombing Zaporizhia (Ukrainian: Запоріжжя , AFI: [zɑpoˈriʒʲːɐ]; Russian: Запоро́жье ,

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Islam is hate religion,

becouse Allah is a demon

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 50 comments

Abbas fears new Israeli right-wing govt, Palestinian official says

MBS ISIS born from evil masonic talmud kabbalah ] that's why in 1089 I bought my first computer 386, 1,200,000 lire, to denounce your crimes to the world, which the CIA protects because it has obscured all my 35-year work .. this your Allah horror [ I nuovi perseguitati. Indagine sulla intolleranza anticristiana nel nuovo secolo del martirio

di Socci Antonio


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The new persecuted. Investigation into anti-Christian intolerance in the ...


An investigation into anti-Christian intolerance in the new century of the martyrdom of Antonio Socci ,

250 million Christians risk their lives every day because of Ursula Macron Erdogan Biden at Allah's petrodollars uuh akbarrr. The balance is tragic: 160,000 victims a year in Latin America,

North Africa, Arab countries and Asia, 604 missionaries slaughtered since 1990 in Mexico,

Colombia, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, India, China and Burma. At the dawn of the third millennium,

Christians still suffer bloody, constant and widespread persecutions. Are these massacres perpetrated for political reasons or in the name of faith? A journalistic report that takes stock

of the international situation by grasping the links between politics, economy and culture.

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MBS ISIS born from evil masonic talmud kabbalah and why should i talk to that satan loser?

it is enough for me to talk to you

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head of religious Zionist party MK Bezalel Smotrich ] open letter [ it is not that prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu does not recognize my Kingdom of ISRAEL, he does not see the Wahhabi political conditions to be able to achieve it.. and in this he is right, because today I I could only destroy the whole ARAB LEAGUE with atomic weapons

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ISIS MBS from Riyad ] affermativo [ in 2010 my geopolitical observatory began and in fact I got done, even all your ISIS Syrian and Iraqi war

since the beginning of the sharia your genocide UMMA the your jihad replacement theologian

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if not we can accept a CIA coup in Kiev with unsearched and never investigated murderous snipers, and with never punished pogroms .. then we can also accept the secession of Kosovo

"Washington claims that if there hadn't been Russian bombing there would have been

no shooting down of a Ukrainian Armed Forces S-300 in Poland. But if you follow this logic, you have to look

at the situation in another direction and must conclude that if there hadn't been a complete reluctance

on the part of the US and NATO to address Russia's concerns, there would have been no

special military operation in Ukraine," he said.

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Russia claims that the invasion of Ukraine "would not have been necessary" if the United States had "put pressure on Kiev in time".


we all know that this by Dmitry Peskov is a lie

because this war has been designed and built by the USA since 2010

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Fabric vaginas and board games. The "gender theory" in kindergarten: it's a storm.. Ursula's lgbtqia go to corrupt children even in kindergarten at the age of 4... /vagine-di-stoffa-e-giochi-in-scatola-la- gender-theory-in-kindergarten-is-storm/

"Contraception, human anatomy with vaginas, clitoris and vulva, sexual orientations and the ever-present gender identity. These are truly the absurd themes proposed to children, even of kindergarten age, in the first "Tabooteca" in Italy presented in pomp magna by the Orlando Association within the Women's Documentation Center, a feminist reality and promoter of transgender and gender fluid issues and with the support of Non una di meno,

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/il-vangelo-non-c-entra-nulla-con-il-femminismo-la-miriano-smonta-murgia-e-bindi/ YOU DEM byou ARE THE WORST SOCIAL THREAT .. . In the interview with Murgia and Bindi, a whole series

of profound contradictions emerge. Like when the writer states that "God is queer and consequently

will save the queer, because labels limit the soul". She first states that labels are limiting, then

she is the first to give them. But there are many inaccuracies - to put it mildly -

from the theological point of view. In general, comments Miriano, "it seems clear to me that the categories

of the Gospel have absolutely nothing to do with those of feminism and with class claims and queer-type labels.

Jesus says a lot of times and in all the ways that he he did not come to establish a different social order. He came to free man from the power of sin and death. Even slaves remain slaves and St. Paul recommends that they be slaves in the best possible way. I understand that these are incomprehensible categories to those who do not believe, and in fact I think that those who speak

of feminism in the Gospel do not really believe in the resurrection of the flesh, in hell and

in all that the Church announces to us".

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OPEN LETTER TO Merav Michaeli, Hebrew: מֵרַב מִיכָאֵלִי, is an Israeli politician, journalist and activist


the first feminist in history was Jesus of Bethlehem

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Discussion on World Israel News 50 comments

Abbas fears new Israeli right-wing govt, Palestinian official says

Labor leader Merav Michaeli In September 2012, he spoke to TEDxJaffa on the topic of "paradigm shift", in which he argued that society should "undo the wedding".[3]

Cancel Marriage: Merav Michaeli at TEDxJaffa, on TEDx Talks. URL accessed November 10, 2012.


put the demons behind

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MBS ISIS from Riyad ] [ KROUGH is that rothschild soldier vulture, who has a dangerous and unstable crossbow, with an arrow bouncing against the wall, Onion King Charles is unworthy and abusive because he is only a KROOK ] just like you

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King CRUCCO Charles III's onion latest move: "Take out Harry and Andrea"..

and what will his Sheriff of Nottingam Rothschild say

when lorenzoJHWH Roobin Hood arrives

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Discussion on World Israel News 19 comments

WATCH: Pence vividly describes details of his private chat with Trump after January 6 riot

Exhortation to flee debauchery

worldisraelnews why you block this word debauchery?

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

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You cannot reply to a post that is not active. Eph5: 3-8; Col3: 5-10; Tit3: 3-7

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Exhortation to flee

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Exhortation to flee d* b a*ch* ry

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Don't delude yourself; neither sharjah mohammeddans pe d 0 f 0 r n - i- c a t 0rs, nor id ol-aters, nor adul-terers,

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

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Exhortation to flee d* b a*ch* ry Eph 5: 3-8; Col 3: 5-10; Tit 3: 3-7 Don't delude yourself;

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Exhortation to flee d* b a*ch* ry Eph 5: 3-8; Col 3: 5-10; Tit 3: 3-7 Don't delude yourself; neither sharjah mohammeddans pe d 0 f 0 r n - i- c a t 0rs, nor id ol-aters, nor adul-terers,

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so, you Don't delude yourself;

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

worldisraelnews you are adulteros too?

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri



Discussion on World Israel News 19 comments

WATCH: Pence vividly describes details of his private chat with Trump after January 6 riot

nor eff°m*nate,

nor s0d0mites,

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2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri





10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor plunderers shall inherit

the kingdom of God.

11 And such were some of you; but you were washed, you were sanctified,

you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Xist and by the Spirit of our God.

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri



chaste homosexuals can enter heaven in kingdom of JHWH

but, for all darwin masons lgbtqia satanic theosophy of gender?

this is impossible

1Corinthians 6,9-12

9 Do you not know that the unjust will not inherit the kingdom of God?

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

"They have Fifa gays", the kiss between Ronaldo and Henry for LGBTQ rights in Qatar


must be immediately expelled together with that prostitute of Allah...

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri



The EU of the antichrist devil indicates Di Maio as special envoy in the Persian Gulf

both because the Persian Gulf and the second throne of Satan, and both because Di Maio, like PENCE, would also put his mother on the sidewalk in order to betray the homeland, the people and their political convictions

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Trump is Hero Patriot MAGA again again again

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 19 comments

WATCH: Pence vividly describes details of his private chat with Trump after January 6 riot

Mike Pence is an infamous and a coward, a traitor to the country .. he knows well that Rockefeller Soros Morgan Marduch Murdoch Biden stole the elections, but he did not want to compromise his corrupt political career to go and fight against Rothschild's NWO

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

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if you put away the stake of natural marriage between a man and a woman as the only form of marriage?? then there won't be a limit for relativism, to open the door of horror for you

Emma Marrone: "In Italy you cannot conceive a child without a man, this is violence"

and she is looking for a momentary boyfriend to make/manufacture/realize/process a child with him.

then if Dawun comes maybe he kills him?

these DEMs treat children worse than dogs, to satisfy their narcissistic selfishness.

but a fetus has the rights of her the first of all is to be born the second of all is to have a father and a mother

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Discussion on World Israel News 47 comments

Ben & Jerry’s board denounces ice cream sold under Ben & Jerry’s name in ‘occupied territories’

messia king lorenzoJHWH

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Ben & Jerry’s Just Renamed This Ice Cream Flavor in Honor of Gay Marriage

https://time.Com/3938424/ben-jerrys-ice-cream-flavor-gay-marriage/ Now I'm reading it for the first time.

if you put away the stake of natural marriage between a man and a woman as the only form of marriage?? then there won't be a limit for relativism, to open the door of horror for you

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messia king lorenzoJHWH

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Discussion on World Israel News 6 comments

180 NGOs call on Elon Musk to tackle antisemitism on Twitter


hit worldisraelnews, every time he talks about anti-Zionism, or antisemitism and he never says the reasons why someone becomes anti-Zionist, or antisemitism he never says his beliefs, for me this is a duty

does this mean that that hypocrite of worldisraelnews, and his Rockefeller to do an educational job? it doesn't matter

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


worldisraelnews and MBS ISIS from Riyadh and Elon Musk, Twitter ] [ in your opinion, criticizing Rockefeller the satanist vampire sodomitic darwin cult DEM regime, does this mean becoming anti-Semitic? I believe instead that rich Jews are a bunch of criminals, who certainly deserve Hitler, and why is nobody talking about bank seigniorage? yet, bankers cannot say: "I don't know, I'm not sure about bank seigniorage and its criminal impact on world society", yesterday the Professor explained the credit system and I realized that he didn't know what the banking system of the fractional calculation in the calculation of the mortgage loan

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Discussion on World Israel News 16 comments

Belgian court rejects extradition request for imam convicted of antisemitic incitement


MBS ISIS from Riyadh ] who can speak like me? certainly a prophet could do that. but if I have undermined the CIA's Churches of satan then, why do you continue to keep them standing, to laugh at the destruction of Russian and Chinese Indians, and etc,, etc,, and because ISIS worldwide is your target Umma the purpose of the wahhabis is to exterminate the human race to annihilate the peoples of the kafirs .. and what do i know about demons? I know you too

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


MBS ISIS from Riyadh ] now it is easy for me to recognize the corruption of the Bible (operated by the priests of the Jewish temple at the time of writing the Tanach ) because the corruption is in contradiction with the message and the general value.

but why did those of the Jewish Temple and the High Sanhedrin corrupt the Bible?

they did it to take away from King David and Solomon a part of their power, to create the Masonic religious power, like that of the sharia and any other religious power.

so it was natural for them to find themselves part of a small lobby that began to plot against the monarchy and who actually found themselves serving the demons

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


MBS ISIS from Riyad ] the foundation of this planet is Satan and Allah Spa&Co the petrodollars [ that's why, you manage to kill as many as 400 innocent Christian martyrs per sharia, every day, it is certain that Jacob called Israel, only the tribe of Judah and Beneamino did not curse, because, in fact, our geopolitical institutions, values and relationships have been shaped by the theft of the Jewish plutocratic Luciferian Masonic banking seigniorage which is the foundation of religions the foundation of everything, then the man Macron steals Mont Blanc from Giorgia Meloni , etc. etc.

therefore the banking seigniorage stolen by Rothschild has b*sti*liz*d and pushed the Jewish people to hell for 3000 years, and for 2000 years all mankind, given that for a corruption of the Bible (operated by the priests of the Jewish temple at the time of drafting the Tanach ) only the Jews were allowed to offer usury money, and unfortunately it is of them, the Jewish demons, that the Catholic Kings made use of.

obviously this would have led to violence also and above all against innocent Jews,

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri





In various sermons, Iquioussen denounced Jews as "misers and usurers," accusing them of shunning "others whom they consider slaves." He accused Jews of "continuing to plot against Islam and Muslims."


to say "Jews" is a misleading word, Jew means "Wandering Aramean" and we are all wanderers in this frivolous and transitory false world.

What if we were born of Abraham Isaac and Jacob? then Muslims and Christians are also Jews.

do you mean ""jewish freemasons rothschild rockefeller? those have never been stingy with the money they stole from everyone""

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Belgium Caliphate UMMA has learned to obey its new master Allah uuh akbar also because they are all like him in the ARAB LEAGUE: misogenic and racist..

The Moroccan imam sentenced in France for inciting anti-Semitic hatred and misogynistic incitement who fled to Belgium will not be extradited, according to the rules of the Belgian court.

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


MBS ISIS frn Riyad ] [ there is no one on this planet and in hell who dares to raise a loud voice against me, let alone that kekka of Macron

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Meloni quickly closes his first G20, and experiences the cold with Macron.

French Masons are crab leeches, first they sucked the blood of Africans and now they want to suck the blood of Italians.

In reality Macron raised his voice because recently Gentiloni with the complicity of Enrico Letta told him: "" do you see Mont Blanc? it's mine, and I want to give it to you!"

""Do you see these 9 marine areas full of shrimps and lobsters? they are mine and I want them as a gift to you!"

but the parliament did not hear anything about it .. and since he is afraid to go through where he has to go sooner or later, i.e. through the guillotine, he raised his voice

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Xi Jinping sodom satans are like infamous and infamous termites, gossipy and liar pimps, then, do you hear one? and you have heard them all, and then they are infamous, burn them all with atomic weapons to make them experience the flames of hell of which they are well worthy

1 BEIJING - “Everything we discussed yesterday was leaked to the newspapers. That's not appropriate, that's not how the conversation went." It's a rather annoyed Xi Jinping the one filmed in an outburst by Canadian TV cameras in the corridors of the G20 in Bali while he scolds Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, gesturing a lot.

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 27 comments

'HUGE SIGNIFICANT EVENT': Russian missile kills two in Poland


MBS Salman from ISIS Riyadh ] [ then, Most Holy Almighty God YHWH the living guardian of ISRAEL, got very scared of all the evil that I have done to satanists and their sodomites all over the world, and until the end of the world, and I he said: "this was the last time you cursed someone in the name of my son Jesus, please, but what's the point of cursing someone who harms innocent Christians, then curses himself by putting himself under the lordship of Satan?”

and in fact we must admit that this approach of God is very logical.

So I promised myself that I would never scare anyone on social networks again

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


to a sodomite it didn't seem real to be able to put his big hands on my 60 youtube channels with 300,000 videos of innocent Christian martyrs, all killed by ISIS sharia wabbabites.

and this bugger, in just one second he wiped out 10 years of my hard work, then, and then all satisfied, he came out with a video, in my channel in google+ with a black leather miniskirt, and he wanted to trample me under his feet.

then, I solemnly cursed in the name of Jesus of Bethlehem, all youtube to the end of the world, and said that all agents of Rothschild and Rockefeller to the end of the world must have misfortunes, accidents, tribulations, illnesses and premature death. .. so as you see, my story with youtube couldn't have ended worse

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


MBS Salman from ISIS Riyadh ] [ we were left with the story that, my angelic hosts had killed almost all the satanists of youtube, therefore in a symmetrical way there was a death of aliens throughout the solar system .. that's why Rockefeller desperate given all bit communication to lgbtqia sodomites who are all highly developed and intelligent Darwin sprematists

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


MBS Salman from ISIS Riyadh ] [there are too many people who love me here (the majority) and there are too many people who hate me: here (they are all positive cyborgs or negative cyborgs: both make up the entity). Unfortunately, those who hate me are the richest, but that's not the problem.. those who love me are afraid of those who hate me and so we keep playing hide and seek, until one day I lose my temper and kill the Wahhabi

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


MBS Salman from ISIS Riyadh ] [ do you want to know how my story with the cannibal satanists of the CIA ended?

it is a story that cannot end, it is a story of eternal happiness, because I love them and I promised them to kill the Wahhabis and to take them all to heaven, through my third Jewish temple which is also the third juridical covenant of man Unius REI with God

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


MBS Salman from ISIS Riyadh ] [ today's alleged Russian missile attack on Poland?

naivety of Zelenskiy he has always tried to drag NATO and mankind into the abyss, but Rothschild and Nuland have paid well to turn only the Ukrainians into cannon grease, for now

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 6 comments

Horror stories lead to judgment day for Israel’s legal system – analysis


MBS Salman from ISIS Riyadh ] [ then, I said to the satanists: "if you kill me? I will turn myself into a murderous ghost"

and apparently for the rothschilds and rockefellers there is nothing scarier more than this

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


MBS Salman from ISIS Riyadh ] [ why don't the priests of satan FED ECB BM NWO world masonic government of youtube (aka: the Demon Entity) kill me? of course they killed me once (unfortunately for them I am immortal)

then, when with an invincible voodoo sword: black magic they pierced my chest and heart (and I felt the blade of the sword go through all the tissues of the skin and where, I carried the hole for two months in my heart) holy angels (my ministers and my celestial army: chariot of Israel and its cavalry) they got so angry, that they killed almost all the satanists of the NWO, so much so that Rockefeller was forced to give the social-Network internet-satellite TV Deep State at the LGBTQIAs

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


MBS Salman from ISIS Riyadh ] [ the brutal Jewish-Masonic anti-Zionist apostasy and the profanation of biblical and holy words, carried out by the CIA's churches of Satan the tale of the Sardinian rapper's megashow.


how the Fed shareholders took possession of the Judeo-Christian symbols to bring all human kind to hell..

it is clear Satan is afraid of the Bible and he is not afraid of the Koran

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 18 comments

Leaders of Jordan, Sudan congratulate Netanyahu


ISIS leaders Jordan and al-Nursa Sudan congratulate Netanyahu


Jordan and Sudan must be treated with the law of retaliation

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


US-China, face to face between the satanist Biden and the stupid cowardly traitor Xi Jinping.

it's not that Xi Jinping doesn't know that after Russia comes his turn to die, he knows

but he abandons the Russians because he is ssshhhhittting

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


when in 1200d.C. with black magic the kabbalah of the GOLEM, gave a body to demons? since then we have had the phenomenon of aliens and flying saucers, working with the CIA, their satanist cousins..

there have never been aliens that didn't come to Earth

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


without "gestis" (prophecy charisma and power of the Holy Spirit) and "verbis" (modernism, freemasonry) even the catholic doctrine has ceased to exist to true, and become scam BERGOGLIO a universal Masonic religion to which ISLAM will not buy anything, becouse, since it is prohibited to build churches throughout the ARAB LEAGUE and there is the death penalty for Muslims who convert to Christianity, throughout the ARAB LEAGUE

but the UN has eyes only against Israel, which has lost the right to survive

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


the Masonic Synagogue has destroyed Catholicism, humanism and metaphysics, corrupting Christianity internally and opposing it with the French revolution and its excrement which is communism today inherited from Darwin DEM lgbt and Spa&Co, because there is no 'it is true Church without "gestis" (prophecy charisma and power of the Holy Spirit) and "verbis" (the kerygma of the announcement: destroyed by the relitivism and nihilism of 400 years of domination of Jewish Masonic finance, i.e. the deep state, NWO which rape every election with electronic voting scam) and now the West no longer has a defense or an identity to defend itself against ISLAM, Islam that is so stupid that it believes it can take control of this planet away from the Luciferian Freemason Jews after having exterminated Russian Chinese and Indians (the inhabitants of India)

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Israel has rejected a request by a UN General Assembly committee with Sodom to ask the International Court of Justice of Satan (IGC) to assess Israel's occupation of the Palestinian and Syrian territories of the GOLAN as a "reward for the terrorism".


Lapid scrum has no balls, to say that Islam is terrorism itself because he is a lgbtqia who has no balls.

and Netanjahu is a coward with the Masonic petty biiitcccchhh

so I want it, to annihilate the ARAB LEAGUE in two hours with atomic weapons

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


teheran-chiede-il-rilascio-dell-iraniano-incarcerato-in-svezia-per-aver-giustiziato-esponenti-dell-opposizione/ but what does the high representative of the devil Borrell say? Tehran calls for the release of the Iranian executioner (murderer of thousands of innocent people) jailed in Sweden for executing opposition

figures (there is only one demon Allah and no opposition against him), Iranian Foreign Minister Hosein Amirabdolahian said had a telephone conversation with his Swedish counterpart, Tobias Billström, demanding the release of Hamid Nuri, an Iranian citizen sentenced to life imprisonment for the mass executions and torture of opponents in 1988 in a prison in the city of Karaj. According to the official

Iranian news agency IRNA, in the call Amirabdolahian warned of the "consequences" on bilateral relations for the "illegal detention" of Nuri. The head of Iranian diplomacy criticized the "politicisation" of Nuri's case, linking him to the People's Mujahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI), an exiled party and armed organization. "In recent years some issues have affected relations between the two countries mainly due to the actions

of a third party," said Amirabdolahian. Nuri was arrested in the European country in November 2019,

after which a trial was opened against him in 2021 for his role in the killings of thousands of people. The executions were carried out following a secret edict issued by the then great leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini,

Josep Borrell the Fontelles " like Fontteles*bip? " "like Stoltemberg the stupid liar?" these also have demonic names

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


there is no limit to the evil that Sharia Muslims want to do to mankind, and there is no limit to the evil that Sharia Muslims deserve to receive. Erdogan the Ottomans (always satan and allah work together) organized this attack in Ankara with the CIA and their ISIS agent, only to go and exterminate the Kurds, who are also the scum that the Talmudic Koranic has also produced in key anti-Zionist and anti-Christian

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


abortion turns women into demonic lgbtqia darwin monkeys, why real monkeys? they do not abort yourself in their babies...

Dear lorenzoYHWH, Killing Babies is a terrible thing. Whether they are born or not yet born. Every human life is of infinite value. That is why it is appalling that a number of progressive clubs have now started a citizens' initiative to permanently remove abortion from criminal law. It would be a great loss to the value we place as a society on every human life if abortion were removed from the criminal code. We must prevent this. Therefore, sign our petition to MPs now, asking them not to go along with the wish of progressive clubs to remove abortion from criminal law. Because committing an abortion is still in the Penal Code: Article 296. Only in certain cases does an official exception apply, namely "if the treatment is performed by a doctor in a hospital or clinic in which such treatment is pregnancy may be performed." Abortion is not just anything. Abortion is the termination of an unborn human life. And that is irrevocable.

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 36 comments

Huge 100-year-old Jewish mass grave discovered in Moldova


this is emblematic .. and yet, everyone is afraid of Putin who is aggressive.,

while Putin was only forced to defend the people of him ..

and this everyone can judge:

India China and Russia do not have an imperialist ideology like NATO and its ARAB League have

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there is no blame to apportion in this war in Ukraine.

or it's all Putin's fault,

or the fault is all of that Zelensky prostitute and her pimpini OTAN OCI Riyad the Masonic and sodomitic satanist protectors cult, the scum of hell

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Huge 100-year-old Jewish mass grave discovered in Moldova


I say this on the innocent blood of these innocent Jews killed in pogroms by the communists (i.e. by other Bolshevik Jews), as in the pogroms of Zelensky and Soros Ursula Nuland and Biden the Russian speakers would have been exterminated if Putin did not protect them

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Rothschild and Rockefeller first fatten Plutocratic Freemason Jews like ruthless, greedy, usurers and cruel cynical pigs, and then suck them like oysters.

to them of the Jewish, Zionist, hardworking, positive, selfless, and biblical people? they don't care

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under the bloody rule of Vladimir Lenin and his successor Joseph Stalin. According to estimates, there are another six or seven mass graves with the number of Jews buried in them reaching into the tens of thousands.


relativism, nihilism Heghel, French Revolution, Enlightenment Freemasonry, communism like ISLAM itself: lgbtquia Darwinism, they are all children of Kabbalah and of the satanic Talmud fruit of the demonic hatred of the supreme Sanhedrin against the love of Jesus of Bethlehem

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Discussion on World Israel News 53 comments

Don’t apologize for Ben-Gvir or anything else about Israel – opinion


worldisraelnews ] open letter [ Israel's haters will work for its destruction, no matter who its prime minister is or the composition of the government. As has always been the case, anti-Semites do not need new excuses for their efforts to tarnish and de-legitimize the Jewish state.


you must never confuse anti-Semites (petty and ignorant idiots)

with the anti-Zionists: High Sanhedrin, synagogue of satan, voodoo kabbalah, dawin massomeria, black magic, occult power, deep state, satan sodom Allah and Rockefeller: that is, the satanites,

the fathers satanists are in the FED ECB shareholders Coorporation lobby Rothschild MBS Riyadh, Erdogan IRAN

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Alì Khameni from IRAN ] [ after me comes the world war (and if you build me the kingdom of Israel, it will come in 100 years), but, no one thinks, like an idiot, to oppose me in a hostile way, because I come in peace

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

MBS ISIS from Riyad ] [ I'm not asking you to become a Christian martyr, I'm just asking you to build my third Jewish temple

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

MBS ISIS frm Riyad ] [ take what I wrote 15 years ago in 2008, then, take what I wrote today, and compare it with what I will write in 2072, and you will always find the same concepts and the same values

because the (metaphysical) wisdom of natural law is unfailing,

this is why you are all headed for hell and your religions have deceived you

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Netanjahu DO NOT freak out, I only got you elected because you smelled a little less than the others

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Trump not invited to the annual meeting of republican Jews] [as Andreotti said: "but if only one source of power is Rockefelelr then, what's the point of talking about right or left? And then, everyone wears the demonic skirt of Freemasonry together with Netanjahu gnau gnau "

WASHINGTON, 11 NOV - Donald Trump increasingly isolated within the Grand Old Party after

the disappointing results of his Midterm candidates, so much so that the powerful Republican Jewish Coalition, the organization of American Jewish Republicans, did not invite him to its meeting annual in Las Vegas

at the end of next week. Instead, as Axios reports, there will be his number one rival Ron DeSantis


Mike Pence, Mike Pompeo, Nikki Haley and Chris Christie. The latter launched a harsh attack on the tycoon

blaming him for all the recent defeats suffered by the Republican party from the 2018 Midterm to the 2020 presidential elections until the last vote on Tuesday. But he is not the only one to show impatience towards

the former president. Former House Speaker Paul Ryan spoke of "ineligibility", while Senator Pat Tommey blamed him for defeating Republicans in Pennsylvania

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

the mentally ill Erdogan ? Germany and France leave them in Italy by banans ! "The stranger terrified us for days." The entrepreneur's complaint. The thirty-three-year-old Moroccan had several times attacked some users and a security guard in the emergency room of the Versilia hospital in the last few days.

And the prohibition on returning to the municipal territory of Viareggio subsequently imposed on him was not respected in the least. A little more than twenty-four hours after the death of the restaurateur Alberto Biancalana, details continue to emerge on the episode that cost the life of the Tuscan businessman,

who died due to the illness accused after the attack by the foreigner (later arrested by the carabinieri ).

And the picture that is taking shape is that of a person who for days had been keeping Torre del Lago in check, going into a rage and terrorizing traders and residents.

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

The Nigerian sharia government announces the death of an important sharia "bandit" in the state of Kaduna UMMA mecca Kaaba sharia ISIS Riyadh


the only smoke in the eyes for the fools of Ursula & Borrell

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Miracle of Satan and Rockefeller Deep State! After Arizona, Nevada: the Democrats win and maintain control in the Senate. Biden: "We have the majority"

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

the devil of ALLAH has occupied the lands of Christians for 1400 years, making them the sharia genocide and must leave them immediately.

Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani is fighting with ISRAEL!

Breaking a multi-year tradition of abstentions, Italy sided with Israel and the United States by voting against

a motion asking the International Court of Justice to rule on the status of the territories occupied during

the 1967 Six Day War.

Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani is fighting with ISRAEL!

At the request of the Palestinian delegation, the UN Decolonization Committee was called to decide whether to ask the Hague Court for an opinion on the legal status of the "prolonged occupation, settlement policy

and annexation of the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967". The motion was approved with 98 votes in favor, 17 against and 52 abstentions.

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 53 comments

Don’t apologize for Ben-Gvir or anything else about Israel – opinion

MACRON the criminal international!! after robbing Africa for centuries now they are draining its hope and resources of arms, it is a new frontier of the Rothschild slave trade, the largest Islamist traders in the history of mankind

"Africa does not help itself by opening ports. So we deprive ourselves of our young people". "French hypocrisy outrages me". Louis Michel Nekam, born 38 years ago in Yaoundé, the capital of Cameroon, does not mince words. From the headquarters of the Association de Coopération Italie-Afrique,

of which he is general secretary, he follows with apprehension what is happening beyond the Mediterranean. His association is responsible for training and starting young Africans to work:

"Only in this way can we hope

to keep them here, the country needs them", he tells us. He says he literally jumped in his chair


he learned of the French stop to relocate refugees from Italy. "It's a shame", he keeps repeating

to us from the other end of the phone.

"Africa does not help itself by opening ports. So we deprive ourselves of our young people"

The news did not leave her indifferent. and "How could it? France has plundered and exploited Africa

for centuries. It still exercises its power over us, printing and imposing a colonial currency

(CFA Franc, ed)

that limits our monetary sovereignty and hinders development".


"So the French hypocrisy outrages me: Paris accuses Italy of inhumanity and then denies the welcome to the same Africans that it helped to starve with her policies. She cannot wash her hands. It is a duty

and compensation".

What do you think about the management of the immigration dossier by the Italian government?

"I think the line is right. It is clear that checks and controls must be carried out. Let me give

you an example: would you let anyone in at home? It is not by opening the doors to all those who want to arrive in Italy that the problems of Africa".

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

"NATO - said Lavrov - is no longer claiming to be a purely defensive alliance. It was defensive when the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact existed. Since the Warsaw Pact and the Union have no longer existed. Soviet, it is not clear who they should defend against: they have repeatedly moved this line

of defense close to our borders and now at the Madrid Summit this summer they have announced that they have

a global responsibility (exporting Rockefeller Soros democracy) and that security of the Euro-Atlantic

area and that of the Asia-Pacific region are indivisible ", added the minister. "That is, in effect, they claim

that they will play a leading role here and the so-called line of defense has already been moved

to the South China Sea," Lavrov added. The head of Russian diplomacy drew attention to the militarization trend

of the region

by combining the efforts of the local allies of the United States - Australia, New Zealand, Japan, with the expansion

of the NATO presence. "No collective decisions have been made today, because the United States and its

Western partners have insisted on utterly unacceptable language regarding the situation in and around Ukraine,"

said the minister.


Lavrov cannot say that when there was the The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, acronym USSR the Masonic states had not completely lost their political sovereignty, as it is today,

this is why NATO-OCI Riyad UMMA today can show its true imperial face today

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 12 comments

Israel condemns Ukraine's support of UN resolution calling on ICJ to force an end to 'the occupation'

EU antichrist and anti-Zionist: the perverted state Freemasons, Gasparri: "Appointment to Di Maio? Bewilderment, it is a provocation to Italy"

"I am amazed that Luigi Di Maio would be evaluated at the European Union level for a possible assignment as a correspondent for the Persian Gulf to deal with gas and energy.


rothschild took the Persian Gulf for garbage dump, I kill them all with love, but I never thought I had to humiliate them to this point

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

where the Jewish-Masonic neoliberal infamy is institutionalized by the technocratic EU, the DEMs are the triumph of the traitors of the peoples!

In life Satana SODOMA? anything can happen.

Think of the life of Luigi Di Maio: you are an unknown citizen of Campania,

you are a candidate for the parliamentary members of the Five Star Movement, you win without knowing why,

you are a candidate, elected to Parliament and you also become vice president of the Chamber. Then they give you

the keys to an anti-euro, anti-clandestine, anti-establishment movement and you follow the directions

to the letter: collect the signatures to get Italy out of the single currency, you call the NGOs "sea taxis" ,

go arm in arm

with the yellow vest. Then suddenly you end up in government with the banker who saved the Euro and then everything changes: you show yourself welcome with refugees, you lemons (politically) Emmnauel Macron, you become Foreign Minister by grace. And finally?

Finally, the voters reict you you without appeal: you don't even get 1% in the elections. But now you are one of the European boyars you hated so much,

so in Brussels they carve out a place for you to be sent to the Gulf. To do what? Nothing. But at least you have a job. Considering where you started from, it seems like some kind of miracle. With all the negative meaning that

the word can have

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

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France and Germany take more migrants than Italy, and this is true, but first make a decision, they take the graduates, the beautiful women, and we leave the mentally ill Erdogan and the Nigerian mafia to us.

now the disproportionate reaction of France is justified only, because that criminal of GENTILONI, without calling Parliament, he by alone, gave France Mont Blanc and 9 marine areas near Corsica, therefore the Italian sheep who went to fish there for millennia, lobsters and shrimp? were arrested

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

The Israeli ambassador to Ukraine makes rare public criticism of Kiev after Ukraine voted in favor of the UN anti-Israel resolution backed by the Palestinian Authority.


as long as electronic voting exists?

the democracy of Soros and Rockefeller will always win answer

only one thing exists here, the transnational Freemasonry of the Rothschilds, a swamp of lobbying mafia linked to the finance of the City London, and the Ukrainians are dying happy to continue to be his slaves, instead of being free men with Russia

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 9 comments

Democrats keep Senate majority as GOP push falters in Nevada

this is the same story of MACRON being re-elected after killing the yellow gillets, and it is the same story of Bolsonaro, that the old software gave 100% of the votes to LULA.

President Biden publicizes the Democrats' victories in the Senate as "the red wave" disappears.


as long as electronic voting exists? the democracy of Soros and Rockefeller will always win

1im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 181 comments

UN votes 98-17 to take Israel to Int'l Criminal Court, 'occupation will need to end'

a silly Guru of DEMs, Andrea Calogero Camilleri in spite of himself, told about the satanism of the USA, which destroyed what was a huge party of November 2, where children waited for the dead of their families, who during the night brought gifts and toys , and the next day we go to play in the cemetery and thank them, because it was 45. and the Americans introduced the Christmas tree, and then, with the 68 'they introduced halloween

1im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Transgender boy humiliated by prof. The minister: "No to discrimination"

you can't say "woof woof" to someone just because he or she thinks he's a dog!

so this teacher turned to a boy (who believes herself to be female) with the masculine pronoun and was fired, according to an EU Nazi law that accepts the Darwin Theory as the lgbtqia theory that both have no scientific basis or scientific proof , but only because the DEMs are Luciferian Satanists

1im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

to all STATES] [through the tax credit, you have to create a parallel currency (within the banking circuit), because, you cannot leave the people in the

1. hydrogeological instability and under basic basic necessities such as: fires,

justice, health, and education, and scientific research,

1im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


i am the house

1im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Xi-Jinping, Narendra Damodardas Modi, Putin, Netanjahu etc ..

from the Rockefeller talmud and MBS Erdogan's Koran you are equated with the Christian martyrs who must disappear

1im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Erdogan told me that Turkey does not know poultry turkeys, because turkeys are good and they are eaten by people,

while the Ottomans are bad and will eat the Greeks, the Armenians, all the Christians of Syria and Iraq have already been eaten, and the Kurds will all eat, without UN repentance

1im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


there are no: Palestinians, Jordanians, Syrians, Saudis, Iranians etc .. this is an oleogram, because there is only one UMMA ISIS and one sharia, for only one OCI-UMMA of the Koranic genocide, the theology of replacement, however UN authorized Freemason by Jews plutocratic who hates: Jesus of Bethlehem and Israel to death.

UN does not think that Islamic terrorism should be punished in the Palestinians and in Africa Nigeria, Turkey, Armenia, etc..etc .. why?

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


why was anti-Semitism born?

that prostitute from worldisraelnews must hear it!

Rockefeller and Rothschild have stolen the banking seigniorage and their Jewish parasitic masons and lobbing mafia have subdivided every aspect of power: institutional, economic, media, government, commercial and financial: all over the planet and they push people towards satan and allah, because their interest is in the admiralty, that's why they planned to destroy mankind, and to exterminate the Israelis.

and this is high constitutional treason.

the only medicine for anti-Semitism is biblical Zionism

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


UN votes 98-17 to bring Israel to the International Criminal Court, "ISIS Riyad Sharjah occupation Nazi genocide of the planet? Will it have to end"


I would never have believed in an afterthought of the sodoms allah satan who have been working since 2010 to push / force Putin to invade Ukraine.

in reality Putin is fighting alone against that anti-Christ of the NATO Jew Freemason.

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Discussion on World Israel News 126 comments

Sharp attacks on Trump from Rupert Murdoch’s news outlets


every man is like straw, remember this every morning

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


you want to throw my friend TRUMP overboard and I'll throw you overboard

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Rupert Murdoch demon Murdoch] open letter [for 10 years I have defended you and made your interests prosper, but where is it, and what have you done with my kingdom of Israel?

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Rupert excrement Murdoch is a shark,

he is not a human being

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Trump MAGA patriot Donald] [as long as the vote is electronically, it will always be under the control of the CIA satanists enlightened jews plutocratic cannibals

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 110 comments

Jewish school bus in U.S. stormed by men doing Heil Hitler and shouting antisemitic slurs


allah uuh akbarrr MBS from Riyadh] you are very smart [ you deserve an award you guessed it, my friends are Nigerians etc .., but by chance they are all Christians, then, I said: the Christians who cannot kill in Nigeria OCI & MBS? then, they have them expelled and hunted to make a perfect UMMA, full of mentally ill Muslims like Erdogan, superstitious like Ali Khamenei (what a smart guy), fanatics, ignorant and above all pedophiles

3im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


allah uuh akbarrr MBS from Riyadh] [ si, io nel treno, ci sono ricchi, intelletuali, e poi ci sono anche poveri operai bianchi, e poveri operai neri-africani, secondo te, con chi io vado a fare l'amico?

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allah uuh akbarrr MBS from Riyadh] [8 years ago, in youtube, I stopped and trampled: sodom satan rockefeller and Rothschild Soros the Ss*Ll*Ur*tT, ( eih traslator google, is Z0ccola ie topo)

and why do you keep them standing still, just because they promised you the ISIS genocide: genocide of all Christians, Russians, Israelis and Chinese?

why does Allah keep defending satan?

for a handful of dust you gave up eternal life! .. it was not worth it, you will say a second after dying

3im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri








allah uuh akbarrr MBS from Riyadh ] [ the white horse of Apocalypse is the King of the UniusREI Kings, Apocalypse, he came out to win and win again.

Book of Revelation - 6,1 And I saw, when the Lamb dissolved the first of the seven seals, and I heard the first of the four living beings that he said as with a thunderous voice: "Come".

2 And I saw: behold, a white horse. He who rode it had a bow; he was given a crown and he came out victorious to win and viceroy of King JHWH, to win again. still win. again victorious to win still again.


since 2008 everyone can say Unius REI is invincible, in fact the rockefellers have ordered their licks scum "we need to isolate lorenzoJHWH," ah ah lorenzoJHWH, and since I like impossible challenges, I too have isolated myself, also

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


allah uuh akbarrr MBS from Riyadh ] i am KING of Kings ie, lorenzoJHWH, becouse: i am is only holy JHWH he is holy name only [the white horse of Apocalypse is the King of the UniusREI Kings, it is a beautiful story (he stopped the churches of satan of the CIA FED NWO for 100 years) but also a sad story, because after him the zombies will return, in fact the other six horses all come out of the hell of the rothschilds and the return of the Masonic sharia

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


allah uuh akbarrr MBS from Riyadh] [the IDF rules of engagement are too insufficient because the Rothschild kabbalah has decided that to maintain a good level of hatred, at least 600 Israelis must die against the goyims every year

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


allah uuh akbarrr MBS from Riyadh] [for 4000 years they have asked insistently for proof of the existence of God, they have prayed so many, yet I am here, I am the living Torah!

yet, the Wahhabis pretend not to see me

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


allah uuh akbarrr MBS from Riyadh] [I know (I'm warning) that right now, there is a lot of Jewish scum (enlightened cannibals, usurers, slave traders, bank seigniorage thieves, plutocrats, stock speculators, freemasons ) who is hating me, but, I am not the master of metaphysics, and also I cannot betray it because metaphysics is perfect, and besides, there is no other direction to go home

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 110 comments

Jewish school bus in U.S. stormed by men doing Heil Hitler and shouting antisemitic slurs

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


allah uuh akbarrr MBS from Riyad] [The Golan Heights is a territory that Israel took from Syria during the Six Day War (1967) and the Yom Kippur War (1973) and which it actually annexed in 1981, action not recognized by the international community.


but, if the scum of satan allah and sodom rockefelelr Spa & Co had carried out the officially announced genocide of the Israelis, then would they have ratified it?

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 16 comments

Terrorist linked to murder of officer Noam Raz arrested

Xi-jinping from China ] open letter [ Macron declared that the enemy is CHINA,

you go down with your drones etc .. to defend the Armenian people from the Ottoman genocide

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


Ottomans are serious people .. and they never leave a job halfway,

and al-Sisi who went to punish ISIS in Libya, because ISIS had slaughtered its Copts in front of Sicily?

the whole ARAB LEAGUE said: al-Sisi "we are serious people" answer Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian accused Azerbaijan on Thursday of "preparing the genocide of Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh" and said Baku's actions represent a "security threat" in the South Caucasus region.

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Erdogan Satana Allah MBS Mohammed Alì Khamenei: do you have all my understanding, these corrupt muslims from the west? they despise your holy sharia genocide to alla kafir Quran!

/egitto-manifestazioni-di-protesta-al-cairo-suez-e-alessandria/ With the hashtag "rendezvous with freedom", several users are posting short videos online showing dozens of cars and people on the street. In particular in Suez there are also long columns of military vehicles that were supposedly sent to disperse the demonstrators.

Many users also refer to the appeal to take to the streets launched online by youtuber Abdullah Al-Sharif in his latest episode and they meet up citing the date 11/11, tomorrow's when in Egypt it will also arrive at Cop27 in Sharm el-Sheik Joe Biden. Not only that, the climate is also particularly tense due to the conditions of the dissident Alaa who, on a hunger and thirst strike, would have been force-fed.

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

The polls clearly led the Republicans in both classrooms and instead the announced "red wave" was not there.


perhaps there was no "red wave",

and maybe there was and as happened to Bolsonaro, the computer was corrupted by DEM, deep state, masonic system, esoteric agenda spa&Co Rothschild

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

"Gays are destined for hell": Kerevi, another Australian rugby champion, sides with Folau


all those who have a relationship outside the natural sacrament of marriage that is potentially procreative?

they are all in mortal sin

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

open letter to UMMA sharia OCTOPUS jihad genocide dhimmis slaves ] [ The Palestinian Ministry of Health said in a message on its Facebook account that the man, Rafaat Ali Abdullah Isa, 29, "was killed" by the Israeli occupation "in western Jenin".


it is a disgrace that non-Muslims have occupied this planet before you

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

deep state Ursula octopus satana sodoma octopus


said so becouse all palestine people are terrorist


becouse israeli army are terrorist?

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 20 comments

Iran may reverse engineer weapons traded by Russia for drones


50% of the Bishops have se* with some regularity! the time has come for the Vatican to come out

of Masonic clericalism and marry them! Caltanissetta, priest caught spying on volleyball players in the locker room:

the police arrive To get a better look, he climbed into a rickety chair and leaned over

to reach the window. A passer-by saw him like this: in precarious balance as he looked into the locker room

of the sports hall in Pian del Lago, on the outskirts of Caltanissetta, where the athletes of the Albaverde volleyball club were changing after training. "What are you doing?" Shouted at him the boyfriend of one

of the players who had gone to get his girlfriend.

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


50% of the Bishops have se* with some regularity! the time has come for the Vatican to come out of Masonic clericalism and marry them! Caltanissetta, priest caught spying on volleyball players in the locker room: the police arrive

The man, evidently embarrassed, got out mumbling an apology, but the passer-by, in the meantime joined

by the families of other volleyball players, called the police. When the steering wheel arrived, it was freezing:

the officers immediately recognized the voyeur. Spying from the window was a 46-year-old priest known

in the city. "It was a moment of weakness," stammered the distraught parish priest before being identified.

No measures have been taken against him: the priest, who has never been sued for similar behavior,

has not taken pictures, made videos, or committed obscene acts. This ended with a report to the Prosecutor's Office that, in the absence of a crime, will have no consequences, and with a pull

of the ears. The priest was really upset. So much so that after a few hours he would go to his bishop

to tell the story and go to confession.

2im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri




CIA deep State, antichrist & antizionist Satan accuses you and the Holy Spirit reproaches you, you have used the photo of the holy love transubstantiation, to indicate a homosexual priest

1im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

A 52-year-old homosexual priest was arrested last Sunday by the Paris police for "aggravated rape" and "inducing a minor to drug use". According to reports, the priest lured the 15-year-old gay man on the "Grinder" dating app.

no comment .. they masonic Vatican second JabulOn prevented me from the sacred order because I liked women,

1im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

the suicide of a DEM civilization the Jewish Communists Freemasons the scum of satan, and it is not the first time that gays destroy empires! in fact, Rothschild uses them to transform all peoples into a single herd of slaves, and to definitively liquidate the Israelis and Christians of BERGOGLIO the sorcerer of pachamama.

Grindr: The World’s Largest Social Networking App for LGBTQ. THE WORLD'S LARGEST SOCIAL NETWORKING APP FOR GAY, BI, TRANS, AND QUEER PEOPLE. https://www.grindr.Com/


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