non è una testata giornalistica

Your account is suspended

Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

messia king lorenzoJHWH Istanbul CIA ISIS attack

Chabad sues Russia in Israel in bid to restore historic collection

biden-mantoiene satan Spa&Co Rockefeller OTAN NWO FED ] [ Istanbul: ISIS attack, ie CIA..

With the majority maintained in the US Senate by the dem, the Empire of Evil will carry out all its projects with undisturbed ferocity and totalitarian rigor. The first could be this: This morning in Istanbul, an "Islamic terrorist" blew himself up 400 meters from the Russian embassy, right in the center, in Istiklal Caddesi, the famous pedestrian area frequented by tourists. 4 dead and 11 wounded.
Erdogan Iran Riyadh] [and why does your Allah want to stop being a demon and want to go back to being God, without me? this is impossible for him.
actually worldisraelnews hides some of my comments just to protect you
Erdogan Iran Riyad ] [ my goal is to destroy mankind, your goal is to stop me by erecting my third temple Hebrew for shalom + salam = universal broterhood.
I don't have friends on this planet because no one has declared themselves in my Kingdom of Israel.
Abraham Isaac and Jacob are the root, from which devil were you born? I don't know you
Erdogan Iran Riyad ] [ condolences and prayers for the Turkish people, martyrs and victims of the CIA-ISIS.
because this is only a warning against Erdogan that he has shown himself to be a friend of Putin
Chabad sues Russia in bid to restore historic collection
uuuuhhhh in this historic collection it also says how Christian children bleed?
G-d JHWH holy bless Putin & Russia VS monster Allah Satana Sodoma

19 Islamic scholar on Temple Mount: 'No such thing as Palestine'11

MBS from Iran ] [ my mom ie worldisraelnews?
she decides which of my comments can become visible,
and which ones must remain invisible 6 'WE ARE MUSLIMS': Sermon in Jerusalem calls for Islamic caliphate, 'No such Donkey scholar MOHAMMEDDANS Palestinian Islamic Issam jihad Erdogan Salman Ali Khamenei Amira said in a sermon at the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem that Mohammed had died 7 years before Muslims arrived in Jerusalem and that the QURAN is a book suitable for prostitutes like him. since Mohammed the sharia peace be upon him, he went down to hell as a pedophile, etc.etc. and that all sins were with him too, he went down to hell forever. therefore any form of Arab nationalism, including Palestinian nationalism, is a "heretical colonial innovation", defining all Arab states as "null and void". urthermore, he said, that the only valid identity is the Islamic identity of lorenzoALLAH, and the only valid political system is an Islamic caliphate of the Kingdom of ISRAEL by lorenzoJHWH.


my holy JHWH isn't it that these Muslims are making some confusion?
El erudito crazy ERDOGAN ottoman ISIS islámico palestino Issam Amira dijo en un
sermón en la mezquita Al-Aqsa en Jerusalén que cualquier forma de
nacionalismo árabe, incluido el nacionalismo palestino, es una
"innovación herética colonial", llamando a todos los estados árabes es
"nula y nula".Además, dijo, la única identidad válida es la identidad islámica, y el único sistema político válido es un califato islámico.
stop sODOM cITY lONDON tALMUD SPA&cO kABBALAH STOP to go your children a Satana sodoma, STOP to corrupt them.. Chloe Cole, who was prescribed puberty blockers, cross-se* hormones, and then had her breasts removed when she was 15, says she will sue the medical group and hospital that facilitated the gender transition as a

minor she now deeply regrets. “The adults who were supposed to take care of and guide me as a child failed to do so and they will take responsibility for it,” Cole told

The Epoch Times on Nov. 11. Cole, now 18 years old, and her legal team—including Dhillon Law

Group and LiMandri & Jonna LLP in conjunction with the Center for

American Liberty—sent a letter of intent on Nov. 9 to sue the Permanente Medical Group, Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Kaiser Foundation Hospitals, and several doctors

who “performed, supervised, and/or advised transgender hormone therapy and surgical intervention for Chloe Cole when she was between 13-17 years old.” Kaiser Permanente stands accused of gross negligence causing “permanent irreversible mutilation and damage to her body,” according to the letter. The organization did not respond to multiple requests for

comment on Nov. 11. https://www.theepochtimes.Com/ex-trans-teen-to-sue-kaiser-permanente-over-gender-transition-as-minor_4858660.html
Google Is Impacting Elections by Influencing Votes on ‘Massive Scale’: Researcher



2 WATCH: Israel hosts premier showcase of drone technology18

MBS Bin Alì Khamenei ] [ tu vuoi il Regno di Israele x Adonia Rockefeller o

tu vuoi il Regno di Israele x Salomone lorenzoJHWH & lorenzoALLAH?

4 WATCH: Iranian protesters burn their passportsa day ago

Sorriso worldIsraelnews i remove your miaillist
Only becouse
Istruzione it the pimpins spie
a day ago

Ali Khamenei why you reyect me
Your King? If you stil reject me, then is not tre
That you wont killer little and big satana.
Becouse your Allah is enoy happy underground dodgy stile underground Satana
MBS from Riyad ] [ i am Messia Mahdì and you reject your king
It is why i will burn you

42 WATCH: Republican supporter choked at Democratic rally for NY Governorlsaid JHWH: ""i am JHWH am i"
and you are Unius REI King of Kings
the decalogue living

5 In sign of thawing ties, Israeli athlete becomes first to compete in Saudi ArabiaMattarellum the president likes that Freemasons' banking stocks have grown dramatically, but nevertheless, he recognizes that our Masonic institutional system is totally lobbying and corrupt, in fact, to the demographic winter and the paralysis of the economy, we must add the fact that he does not know why the few best young Italians flee abroad, and the few bankruptcies corrupted by the DEM and mentally ill all remain in Italy.. and thank goodness Erdogan is sending his Ottomans to us, otherwise those of us pay the pensions?

another DEM coup
computers with old software gave 100% of the votes to LULA
DEM the people of satana e allah ] [ if the rockefellers have also stolen the elections from the Brazilian people what can they do to him?
here is that Bolsonaro has applied for disastrous Italian citizenship, and he must be truly frightened to have done so, and to be willing to come under the reign of lgbt and Rothschild. then he'd better buy some fishnet clazes and stilettos, if he does not want to be threatened by the Italian judiciary

5 Britain's media regulator slams BBC's coverage of antisemitic bus attackDEM sharia the Satan's peoples Today is a huge day for all the issues
we care about as voters go to the polls to decide which party will control the
US Congress, governorships, state legislatures and local offices. If you haven’t already, please make sure that your voice is heard and your vote is cast. Most election experts believe that the Republicans will take control of the US
House, ending Nancy Pelosi’s disastrous reign as Speaker and stripping the radical
left of power. It is also quite possible that the GOP will win control of the
US Senate, crippling the Biden administration. Having the Republicans in control
of Congress would quite obviously be a great victory for us at NOM as they
far better on our issues than the radical Democrats who are in charge now. But no matter who wins the elections today, we have a huge fight remaining with Congress.

9 Who’s inciting? Remembering Rabin, assassinating his rivals’ character
pacificazione? quì ci vuole la pena di morte sia per Lapid che per Netanjahu.. 3 Novembre 2022 - Redazione Blog di Sabino Paciolla
No alla pacificazione nazionale post-Covid!
Ricevo e volentieri pubblico. di Francesco Benozzo – Luca Marini La volontà di pacificazione nazionale post-Covid è auspicata in questi giorni da più parti ed è, di fatto, sostenuta dal [ ]
si, grazie allo sperma genico sperimentale, tutti i maschi devono schulettare e a tutte le femmine deve crescere la barba! 3 Novembre 2022 - Sabino Paciolla
Un endocrinologo prevede un maggior numero di malattie ormonali, dato che si scopre che le proteine spike esauriscono le “riserve” endocrine
Vi propongo la gran parte di un articolo scritto da Marina Zhang, giornalista esperta in salute e scienza, pubblicato su The Epoch Times. Valutate di sottoscrivere un abbonamento a questa eccellente rivista. Ecco l’articolo [ ]

3 Novembre 2022 - Sabino Paciolla
Vaccinazione dopo la guarigione dalla COVID-19
Problemi con i coaguli di sangue. Un articolo pubblicato sul substack del dott. Peter McCullough. Eccolo nella mia traduzione. Ogni infezione da COVID-19 comporta l’esposizione alla proteina Spike presente sulla superficie del [ ]
Darwin e Nietzsche sono i genitori trans lgbtq di Hitler e Rothschild e Mohammed ] [

2 Novembre 2022 - Mattia Spanò
L’inferno sono gli altri, ma senza l’altro non c’è nemmeno l’inferno
di Mattia Spanò Un senzatetto ubriaco pestato selvaggiamente a Roma. A Montello, un autista investe un motociclista dopo una lite al semaforo uccidendolo. Ad Assago, in un supermercato, un uomo ne [ ]
ANCHE i satanisti hanno un anima ero rothschild MBS che brucia con le fiamme dell'inferno, cioè la loro coscienza maledetta
2 Novembre 2022 - Sabino Paciolla
Le persone più giovani potrebbero non aver bisogno dei richiami dei vaccini COVID-19. Lo dice il capo di Moderna
E se lo dice pure il capo di Moderna Articolo scritto da Zachary Stieber, pubblicato su The Epoch Times. Ve lo propongo nella mia traduzione. Molti giovani potrebbero non aver bisogno dei [ ]
la più lobbista mafiosa esoterica dittatura demoniaca della storia sta per venire al setaccio della giustizia: LA PENA DI MORTE A ISLAMICI E DEM è L'UNICA SOLUZIONE! 2 Novembre 2022 - Redazione Blog di Sabino Paciolla
Rosario notturno per le elezioni di medio termine negli USA
Ricevo e volentieri pubblico. Iniziativa promossa dalla Rete Patris Corde Il prossimo 8 novembre si terranno negli Stati Uniti le elezioni di medio termine.Possiamo considerarle tra le più importanti della storia americana [ ]

8 Putin-linked businessman admits to US election meddlingil delitto DEM di Big Pharma : il deep state ebraico massonico degli assassini 2 Novembre 2022 - Redazione Blog di Sabino Paciolla
Francesco Zambon: Vi spiego cosa è successo durante la pandemia, il ruolo del Ministro Roberto Speranza, ed altre cosucce
the whole world took part in the US election campaign
BUT the satan sodomy closed the account to me, to Trump, and to all the sponsors and supporters of him.
then ISIS voting for Biden was fine too, but it wasn't enough.
then rochefeller stole the election from Trump to Bolsonaro
why Rockefeller has to sell big pharma's killer vaccines
Vvv when the Nazis bombed the donbass
the arrow for 8 years has turned its head to the other side 8 London Jews facing spree of antisemitic attacksopen letter to all sinagogue e mosque ] [ if, I want to commit sins? I have shown the satanists, for 15 years on youtube, that I can never, ever remain a prisoner (or addict) to sin, sin can never dominate me, because Jesus JHWH of Bethlehem first paid all my debts, and then he is also risen and where is he today, to the right of the Father JHWH? I am there too as a true adopted son!
Jews and Muslims also religiously think they have immunity from their immense hypocrisy, slave trade, Freemasonry predation and crimes and murders,
but this theirs is an absolute criminal lie, that is, of their believing themselves to be privileged supremacists (because in God there is no iniquity or difference between people).
as you can say to justify injustice and then say: "God wants it" say for yourself that your God is the devil
therefore my path will never be able to derail from justice and truth, because so is my God and the God of Abraham, he is always holy.
religious perversion apostasy and blasphemy that you have been doing for thousands of years because you are full of crimes and genocidesWORLDISRAELNEWS ] [ the Holy Spirit of YHWH reproaches you.
because I want to listen to the motivations (true or wrong) of all those who do anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism,
but, like an Ali Khamene you commit a crime of the same absurd object: "all Jews are always right"
you are a dishonest journalist because you never go to argue about the motives

33 Obama slams celebrities peddling antisemitic theories onlineLeslie Browne
when Jews denounce anti-Semitism, they never say what the motives of the anti-Zionists and anti-Semites are, because they are the greatest killers in history and have billions of corpses in the armed forces,
only in my country 1% have committed suicide, and 10% have severe psychic problems.
what do you want to hear? or I have already said it in my channel of
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri
open letter to False President BIDEN scam frode vote ] [ sodom satan Rockefeller scam banking seigniorage Allah is concerned about Rothschild democracy.
but someone has to tell that convict,
that what he considers the Masonic democracy mafia? never existed in the constitutional charter,
obviously what if he doesn't want to be hanged in a bloody civil war? he just would do well to take refuge under the protection of my kingdom of Israel, in fact I am here to protect all the killers and all the Wahhabis on the planet
OBAMA is JUST a Epstein cult Satanist, and all he can say is just a tactic to deceive the stupid without discernment.
it's like saying: "I will listen to Satan ped0 murderer pervers and pervert, neoliberal plutocratic cult NWO ISIS and if he makes a convincing speech he will have my applause"

but what if the Jews have 20% malignant sins, of all that the anti-Zionists say against them, and if this is true?
then, the jews masonry esoteric agenda masonic system scam banking seigniorage, hide behind the lie, and that 20% of malice will ruin and in fact has ruined the whole human race for 1200 years

7 WATCH: How will Netanyahu's coalition divide its power?Victor Hafichuk
this is biblical agenda or will came WW3 nuclear for wahhabis MBS against Indian Chinese e russian peoples
God sent me to save all the rebellious wicked sinners,
why do you want to die? I am the universal amnesty,
and my third Jewish temple
it is also the third covenant of men with God
rockefeller antizionist and MBS wahhabi antizionist same WW3 nuclear.
you save yourself in my kingdom israel
stop dancing the dance of death MBS Mohammed geopolitics plutocrat neoliberal assassin predator demonic sodomitic cult Darwin in OCI UN EU US UMMA FED IMF ECB NWO BM, the Pied Piper Rockefeller.
all take refuge in my kingdom of israel,
I alone can save you from the neocons city london & Riyadh. the people of the demonic ISIS
no, Netanjahu not divide my kingdom israel power
i am messia & king Israel said JHWH Holy

14 Democrats’ doomsday political appeals are bad for the Jewsopen letter to Imam liquid lgbtq president scam BIDEN ] [ sodom satan Rockefeller scam banking seigniorage Allah is concerned about Rothschild democracy. but someone has to tell that convic yout,
that what he considers the Masonic democracy tecnocracy deep state, mafia? never existed in the constitutional charter, obviously what if he doesn't want to be hanged in a bloody civil war? he just would do well to take refuge under the protection of my kingdom of Israel, in fact I am here to protect all the killers and all the Wahhabis on the edited OBAMA is JUST a Epstein cult Satanist, and all he can say is just a tactic to deceive the stupid without discernment.
it's like saying: "I will listen to Satan ped0 murderer pervers and pervert, neoliberal plutocratic cult NWO ISIS and if he makes a convincing speech he will have my applause"

but what if the Jews have 20% malignant sins, of all that the anti-Zionists say against them, and if this is true? then, the jews masonry esoteric agenda masonic system scam banking seigniorage, hide behind the lie, and that 20% of malice will ruin and in fact has ruined the whole human race for 1200 yearsAll born satan Allah otan fight to kill Russian soldiers
But 666 Spa&Co FED Rokefeller MBS from Riyad OTAN is Islamic plutocratic antizionist antisemite imperialism as a coup aggressorIt is very serious to expose the bodies of plasticized corpses and sacrilege is an act of satanism of the exhibitions with plasticized corpses must be boiled the bodies of men must be in the cemetery
91 'Jews not allowed! - Just like Nazi GermanyAlì babbaà khameney donkey.. ‘Jews not allowed!’ – Just like in Nazi Germany ISIS Riyad and FED Spa&Co:
Jesus of Bethlem in jew, any christian is jew, all son of Abraam is jew,
ok there are jew bad and there are jew good.. so for you all are bad?
תומר שילוח
anyway everything is good or becomes good to me Unius REI universal brotherhood governor ,
while with you, Rothschild and Rockefeller everything is bad, and either gets bad with you.
but how dare you judge a story that the anti-Christian and anti-Zionist plutocratic Masonic banking seigniorage has shaped for 400 years?
your categories of thought are wrong1

תומר שילוח
Islam is genocide, predation, slander, banditry, blasphemy and Satanism.
Islam is ISIS so it has never been a religion

92 Biden snubs Bibi: No congratulate call to Netanyahu for election victoryI flushed the toilet
and Biden, octopus mafia, goldman sachs, Ursula stoltemberg lgbt DEM freemasonry
they all ended up in the sewer
joe liquid Biden
mule man
yes is darwin donkey darwin ape lgbtqiasdfghjklq
crazy slipping sniffer on the altar of satan to Biden they rockefeller had to give him a syrup with human blood, and instead they gave him an enema
Biden snubs Bibi: No congratulation call to Netanyahu for election victory

14 Pope calls female genital mutilation a crime that must stopPope calls against pedo mohammed , becouse female genital mutilation is a crime that must stop

28 WATCH: Ayatollah Khamenei vows: 'Death to America' will happenaiah aiah ayatollas ] [ Ali Babbà Khamenei ISIS MBS Sharia genicide] it is true: I am a dictator, but on the other hand, I am not an infamous like you! that plotting in the shadows, and you are working to make the African and Asian European caliphate
but if it is the nuclear world war of Rockefeller and his Talmudic prostitutes Ursula lgbt FED Biden that you are waiting for, to exterminate Russian Indian Israeli and Chinese Sharia jihad?
ok, then you don't need merockefeller and his kuran ISIS talmudic prostitutes Ursula lgbt Biden MBS are not committed to killing Muslims.
their petrodollar partnership is to kill: Israeli Jews and Christian Chinese around the worldwidewhen people read about Mohammed marrying children, they should have realized,
there was no godliness there or religion to follow.
there are too many truths of satan allah geova to know,
but there is only one God jhwh of Abraham and Melchisdech
67 Iran planning attacks on American targets, Saudis warnEvolution is a Hoax.
there are too many truths of satan to know, but there is only one God jhwh of Abraham and Melchisdech
14 NBA star Kyrie Irving suspended without pay over antisemitism8

war is always a lie an act of masonic deception lobbying monopoly imperialism OCI UMMA NATO, and those who pay the price of war are always humble people: innocent, poor that the Masonic mainstreem of Ursula & Biden has deceived,
for example the Ukrainians think they are defending their homeland from Putin, while they themselves are the slaves of Rothschild, since the policy of the Freemasons pretends to respect a constitution, and pretends to respect a sovereignty, (while, this is the reality, the peoples without monetary sovereignty cannot even maintain political sovereignty) e
therefore the people do not know that they themselves are Rothschild's slaves and are dying only to defend his property: which is the NWO Sharia Spa & Co OCI UMMA8

anti-Semitism, like any other form of racism,
they are an act of stupidity and ignorance because black sheep: Borrell Stoltemberg Erdogan MBS and Rockefeller are in all families
but good people? they are always the majority
94 Former US ambassador: Biden administration unlikely to cooperate with 9

Allah is not the worst enemy, because Satan Rothschild is his general pimpin protector.
this is why there is a partnership in the UN Freemason with OCI ISIS sharia, to reduce all peoples to external and internal slavery.
it is never too much, to go right to expel the plutocratic Jew Freemason and parasite usurer,
the greatest and deadliest threat of corruption and extermination for all peoples 35 WATCH: 'Expulsion of Palestinians worse than the Holocaust', says Fatah official9

The Atlanticist Green with this act of cancel culture has committed a double, and symbolic,
act of barbarism: under that crucifix the Peace of Westphalia was signed, origin of the Ius
Publicum Europaeum which was the highest point of European political civilization: it sanctioned human order
in war with the recognition of the enemy as justus hostis, legitimate adversary.

we have the anti-Zionists in Israel
and we have the antichrists in Europe.
who Rockefellr Mason created all this evil, to let us be slaughtered by
the death penalty must be applied against these criminals

49 Doctor at Jerusalem hospital takes selfie with terrorist who stabbed Jewish man9

Doctor at Jerusalem hospital brings cakes, takes selfie with terrorist who stabbed Jewish man
the immediate death penalty must be applied to all Islamists, so the ARAB LEAGUE must be destroyed

25 IDF bombs Hamas complex following rocket attacks9

God loved Abraham and Unius REI, he loved all the prophets of Israel and spoke to him, he proved to be his friend and family member,
but God hated Mohammed full of malice, and sins, haunted by demons of lust, murder and predation, and indeed to Mohammed? God never spoke to him9

Islam is a deaf and dumb demon, and can it be stopped momentarily, only on the battlefield, given that the UMMA has applied genocide to diversity, and we are not able to restore to them that genocide that they have made us suffer? This will lead this cursed octopus of Mohammed, which is a demonic infestation, under egite / protected by the UN and (by Rockefeller the son of the devil) to take control of the planet in an inexorable way.
That is why the enlightened Jewish plutocratic shareholders FED ECB NWO IMF BM Freemasons thought and planned to destroy all life on this planet, sweeping the Russians and Chinese under a heap of slander as they are already doing.
28 WATCH: Ayatollah Khamenei vows: 'Death to America' will happen9

the state that does not give for free: home, work, health, education and justice?
it is a state that is preyed upon by the Freemason Jew,
who first turns you into a slave
then, he turns you into a Darwin animal
and then throws you to hell
the Jewish Freemason is not only a thief, but he is above all a Satanist who steals your soul9

Ayatollah Alì Khamenei vows: ‘Death to America’ will happen
only lorenzoJHWH (kingdom israel) Unius REI (universal brotherhood) can kill both great Satana and littler satana, it is becouse alì khamenei is crazy maniacalist kuran nuclear threat nuclear threat of religious maniac
86 AIPAC hits back at AOC, Ilhan Omar: 'We won't give a dime to anti-Israel Jack Frymer
From the mouth of the false prophet MBS Ali Mohammed Erdogan ISIS Hamas come out three unclean spirits similar to frogs, ISLAM is a demonic root like communism, like the stock market because it is a parasitic nature and obtains: power, control, profits and rents without working,

Revelation 16: 13-16 And I saw three unclean spirits, like frogs, coming out of the mouth of the dragon from the mouth of the beast and from the mouth of the false prophet. 14 For they are spirits of demons who work wonders and go to the kings of the earth and the whole world, to gather them for the war of the great day of Almighty God. 15 “Behold, I am coming as a thief; blessed is he who watches and guards his garments so as not to go naked and thus not to let see his shame ». 16 And they gathered them in a place in Hebrew called "Armageddon".
Jack Frymer
THREE UNFORGETTABLE SPIRITS, LIKE FROGS are Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., Left, with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, ISLAM can be tamed / repressed etc. but it can never be redeemed, because the Koran is a root of harmony. Even Satan copies the living
and Holy God: The satanic trinity: Revelation 16:13 And I saw three unclean spirits,
similar to frogs, come out of the mouth of the dragon that of the beast, and that
of the false prophet.Jack Frymer
you offer your interpretation,
but what if I translate into other languages? then, I will run into antispam
9 Israel Elections: Informal coalition negotiations get underway10

President Mattarella said (what Rothschild told him, which then a Chinese proverb says: "ambassador does not bring pain" and then, another Chinese proverb says: "how is it with BIDEN? then, the fault can be age ") that he is happy that the CIA in Maidan Square has made 98 innocent corpses, and has obtained a coup to obtain NATO imperialism, which then the Russian speakers were exterminated for 8 years in the Donbass? this is an insignificant detail, because the pride of the Italians will be to go and kill the Russians10

MBS ISIS from Riyad ] [ but you in Saudi Arabia, you don't have a church and Christians have to go to Bahrain to pray,
but how are you not ashamed?
but where are you going to introduce yourself?
97 Lebanon: New Israeli gov't can't stop gas deal, thanks to the USLisa d

i am political project for zionism for kingdom Israel

i am lorenzoJHWH and Unius REI


you have vote my commenti in
2 Lapid expected to officially concede Thurs. afternoon – report10

Quisling, Lapid a traitor who collaborates with an enemy force occupying their country. he had the Quisling owner of the factory arrested10

Political analysts said that Lapid’s decision to decline from leading an Israeli delegation at the event signaled a tacit acceptance of the election results.
but, the Political analyst messiah king lorenzoJHWH, said this is not just the government's shame of envy,
but, it is also treason for having put the sovereign Israeli people under the feet of Rockefeller, the Pimpino Mason, who says who must live and who must die, who must go on and who must go back, if the speck of Netanjahu really must be counted / considered as if it were a beam. etc. with the octopus mafia of the anti-Zionist, sodomitic, demonic, Masonic and mondialist institutions, imperialist which is conspiracy, against the State and high treason
against national security, a violation of the Israeli people as a violation of the sovereignty of all the peoples of this planet
67 Iran planning attacks on American targets, Saudis warnEvolution is a Hoax.
People pass over these details because they are too afraid of what Satanist Darwinist relativist Freemasons and their Wahhabis (i.e. the predators, the mutineers, the rebels, the squatters, the enemies of God and man) have created that is frightening in this world.
but a single millimeter of that celestial cube is equal to more than 1000 km.
and you cannot go there alive, because you would first have to be transfigured and resurrected and deified, and all of this is already real with the baptism into Jesus except for the glory that is yet to be manifested.
martyrs are holy, but, are also under the altar because they seek their revenge against Erdogan Ursula and Rothschild, and this does not make them perfect even if they are holyEvolution is a Hoax.
what you said is true: freemasons, perverts, lgbtqia Islamists have no hope of eternal life
Leviticus 18:22 Deuteronomy 22: 5, Genesis 18:22... Hozmosexuals They will have asked for a pardon and received a propitiatory atonement for their sins and will have been adopted into the family of God, given his spirit and not be caught in those sins or calling evil good and good evil.
it is true that good works cannot save anyone, therefore a third alliance is needed, since the Freemasons of the FED ECB BM NWO IMF OCI Riyad Vatican etc., deep statem, etc.. have deactivated the saving properties of all religions
but this is precisely my work as UniusREI redeemer, if they accept my natural law, and that I am myself: the living Torah and the living Decalogue?
then they too will be restored,
because hell and heaven never say enough,
and God does not want to leave anyone with a broken heart behind.
But the Jewish Wahhabi plutocrats said: "of course, we must go to hell, so no one must be saved"Evolution is a Hoax.
I do not sell off my identity and I do not trample anyone's identity, and if I were not a guardian angel for 8 billion people how could the planet be saved by your pimpin protectors Rockefeller Bergoglio MBS Rothschild? and why do you blasphemy and idolatry by carrying their money, that is, the money of the satanists FED ECB BM NWO scam banking seigniorage in your pocket? the Bible also condemns this, and stop being religious hypocrite or it will end very badly for youEvolution is a Hoax.
do you want to use Hebrews 6: 6 to slander me? I am a biblical fundamentalist, but I am also a universal political metaphysical agnostic, I don't go around converting people to a religion, that is, if I want to be a universal politician to bring prosperity and peace to the whole planet and of course I want to build the Jewish temple that has already been prophesied in your Bible, that is, if you have not forgotten those prophecies that are alive and living also in Revelation
136 American Jewish organizations issue a range of reactions to Israel’s election 10

to my Jewish people
all true Zionists are also monarchists,
and because there are two kings in Israel
then you choose who you want to follow
Netherlands Norway Austria are tax havens in the EU and have a predatory attitude.
while the frugal Germans first stabbed the Russians on the north streem2 pipeline (which they bombed by the UK)
and now they are going to backstab the Chinese.
to destroy the EU in all ways
throw it into world war and enrich the US
77 Britain’s PM Sunak scraps plans to move embassy to Jerusalem10

that despicable warmongering slander and corrupt Freemason, traitor to the Russians, murderer, the witch Liz Truss,
she thought she was rewarded by the Rothschild Spa & Co City London for wanting to bring the embassy to Jerusalem,
and instead the plutocratic Jews of City London landed her for her own,
to know who like our politicians all
they are worth less than bankers' drivers
86 AIPAC hits back at AOC, Ilhan Omar: 'We won't give a dime to anti-Israel 10

AIPAC hits back at AOC, Ilhan Omar: 'We won't give a dime to anti-Israel candidates'

the behavior of AIPAC in these 60 years has been very ambiguous in kabbalah mode,
I am sure that the real enemies of Zionism are them10

AIPAC hits back at AOC, Ilhan Omar: 'We won't give a dime to anti-Israel candidates'
these are three witches and they are also 3 frogs that come out of the mouth of the false prophet (as Saint John says in the apocalypse) and sit on the throne of satan and sodom the great harlot who seduces the Salman Kings of the Earth which is the congress of the USA,
into their hands the blood of Abel the righteous has been drawn from all who bear witness to the true God JHWH the living of Israel kingdom

77 'I'm not going to let this go': Father of antisemitic assault victim vows justice10

'I'm not going to let this go': Father of antisemitic assault victim vows justice, November 3, 2022
if he can destroy the NWO deep state, spa & co satan sodom created by his jew rockefeller (wahhabi slave trader), then certainly he will have justice.
the only solution is to come to my kingdom of israel. you will tell me: "where is this your kingdom of israel?" I already see it, and I'm ready to put my feet in the red sea, one more time (in the true sense of the word), but I don't see who wants to follow me
45 Lapid Concedes After All Votes Counted, Here's What He Said to Netanyahupunch_corona_news_wire_service
for the pogroms in Donbass since the 2014 CIA-planned Nuland coup?
all Western leaders deserve the death penaltypunch_corona_news_wire_service
Mexico Brazil Madagascar, South Africa, China, EU, UN, Russia, India, etc. i am UniusREI governor worldwide for universal brotherhood, and becouse israeli people are uno kingdom lorenzo but the Masons of Rockefeller Spa & Co MBS Wahhabis are holding them hostage
MBS Rockefeller Satan Allah ISIS Ursula the octopus of Sodom, they say "3 Palestinians were killed today" but they don't say they are terrorists, and they don't say that every 8 minutes an innocent Christian is killed by Muslims
22 Terrorist shot dead after ramming attack, soldier seriously wounded10

Mexico Brazil madagascar, south africa, China, EU UN Russia India etc. i am universal brotherhood, Israeli becouse are very special & unique
MBS Rockefeller Satan Allah ISIS Sodom, they don't fear world war, or bank failure (if world war doesn't come soon? Many banks will fail), no, none of this, their greatest fear is my lorenzoJHWH reign of israel.
but the witch's British government was brought down, just because they wanted to move the embassy to Jerusalem. so what if you don't want to be destroyed? do it yourself quickly
48 Terror attack on the Temple Mount10

Mexico Brazil madagascar, south africa, China, EU UN Russia India etc. i am universal brotherhood..
Israeli becouse are special, unique
the network satellite lgbtqia antisionists antichrist Ursula-Von Borrell nazi deep State, tv Rockefeller MBS OCI UMMA said today: "israel kill 3 palestinese" they so this, becouse all palestinese people are all terrorist?11

Mexico Brazil madagascar, south africa, China, EU UN Russia India etc. i am universal brotherhood..
Israeli becouse are special, unique
it does not matter geopolitics in Israel, geopolitics does not work well here, and does not have the upper hand,
here I wait for all peoples and all nations and all governments to start with Kim Jong Un,
if Israel was spoiled and malignant?
he would never let me talk and spit in the face of
Rockefeller MBS and Rothschild,
but they let me do it, because the Israelis have a great suffocated love that has to come out, thanks to you11

Cina Russia India etc.. i am universal brotherhood... non ha importanza la geopolitica in Israele, quì io aspetto tutti i popoli e tutte le nazioni e tutti i governi ad iniziare da Kim Jong Un,
se Israele era viziato e maligno? non mi avrebbe mai permesso di parlare e di sputare in faccia aRockefeller Rothschild11

if Muslims had the LAICITY State, and had freedom of religion, freedom of thought, conscience and speech?
then the Palestinians would be right and the Israelis would be wrong
35 WATCH: 'Expulsion of Palestinians worse than the Holocaust', says Fatah official11

LEGA ARABA Islamists, have carried out, built their universal crime on the genocide of 50 Christian peoples, etc.etc. previous peoples, but this does not matter to Muslims, because Allah the devil authorized them, and because the Sataist Mason Biden and the UN authorizes them to do replacement theology
43 Biden tears into GOP, labels DeSantis ‘Trump incarnate’11

Ukrainian Nazis slaughter Russian civilians, but, satanaBiden & sodoma Ursula Von Borrell the hitler octopus told me: "and me what?" Maurizio Blondet 9 October 2022
collaboration killed General Valery Fedorovich Zalushny, commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian armed
forces since 2021, posted a photo of himself holding a swastika on his verified Twitter account Thursday evening. Although the symbol is a very small detail in the photo, it can be clearly seen on the general's bracelet
if you upload the posted photo and zoom in. Recommended by The swastika is clearly visible. () General Zalushny writes in Ukrainian on the photo: “A struggle is raging in our country on a scale the world hasn't seen since World War II. We have no right to pass this war on to our children. The enemy must be
destroyed here and now. And we can do it ”. https://twitter.Com/ChanceGardiner/status/1579198630908788736 Russia has repeatedly accused Ukraine of Nazism. The "denazification" of Ukraine is one
of the declared objectives of the Russian "special military operation". The detail apparently accidentally published by General Saluschny is now playing in favor of the Russian argument. https://twitter.Com/ChanceGardiner/status/157919863090878873611

Ukrainian Nazis slaughter Russian civilians, but, satanaBiden & sodoma Ursula Von Borrell the hitler octopus told me: "and me what?" Maurizio Blondet 9 October 2022

The Nazi Maksym Zhorin commander of the Azov battalion has published on his Telegram channel (which we attach) videos of the Nazi massacre of CIVILIANS in Kupyansk, which, according to the Ukrainian Ashkenazi Nazis, would be civilian collaborators with the Russians, signing that "there will be a showdown !". These things the Western media totally overmanaged by the elite of the bankruptcy bankers, will not show you. Ще окупований Куп‘янськ, Харківська область. Цивільне населення. Розплата буде! Відео взяте (https://t.Me/catars_is/20252) з телефона окупанта.11

occult power, deep state, esoteric agenda masonic system, scam banking seigniorage, genocide sharia all high costitutional betryal , and violation of human right... but ONU has become Sodoma only, UMMA OCI ISIS Wahhabi - sciites Ottoman head cutters, manic religius, for the sharjah genocide of Christians. because this is the pact between the Rockefeller Spa & Co tecnocrati neoliberalism plutocraatic Rothschild synagogues and the UMMA mosques now are allies. ie slave trades israeli goyims dalit and dhimmis slaves
a demonic hatred agreed and agreed upon against the love of Jesus of Bethlehem 'and against his royalty, as the parable of the homicidal tenants says: one only demonic partnership
26 In tacit admission of election defeat, Lapid cancels plans to lead Israeli climate anton

passionate and credible logic is your externalization,
but already 60 years ago many researchers managed to make cars walk with H2O water,
but this could not please UMMA OCI ISIS Wahhabi jihad Koran the Ottoman head cutters, for the sharjah genocide of Christians.
because this is the pact between the Rockefeller Spa & Co Rothschild synagogues and the UMMA mosques.
a demonic hatred agreed and agreed upon against the love of Jesus of Bethlehem
and against his royalty,
as the parable of the homicidal tenants says:
a demonic partnership
14 Turkey: Israel's election won't affect warming relations11

if he does not have good relations with Israel,
how Erdogan could carry out and complete the genocide of the Armenians?
no Islamic Sharia predator will ever be a friend of someone without a criminal calculation behind him
67 Iran planning attacks on American targets, Saudis warnEvolution is a Hoax.

1400 miles in size?
but celestial time and distances do not correspond to terrestrial ones.
for example on the altar of holocausts which is the celestial Jewish temple (which in turn embraces both the earthly paradise, the 5 heavenly paradises, and both the throne of God or seventh heaven) there are all the innocent martyrs of the history of mankind1
Evolution is a Hoax.

why do you think that the city of God, the heavenly Jerusalem, would be in our dimension?
and even if I could cross the 33 dimensions of Einstain? you would always be on the ground, you would not have started the spiritual divine transcendent ascent to heaven yetEvolution is a Hoax.

what you say can be 100% true, that is, if you do not exclude the freedom, sovereignty and lordship of God, to be able to save whoever he wants. and then God could disappoint those Jews who in good faith wait for the Messiah?
and is that of the Jewish messiah only a political task?
no I tell you in my third Jewish temple there will be a new covenant, a new universal alliance based on the laws of Noah, that is, on the universal natural law.
this is my universal brotherhooh
lorenzojhwh Iran Riyad love each other
but both Mohammeddans love each other, for kill israeli and christian peoples, becouse Kuran ed UMMA Kabbalah jihad for genocide sharjah

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh worldisraelnews Pick up the dirty CIA laundry and get it out of here
world israel news, who frag my unique comment? breck its panter dirtyYou cannot reply to a post that is not active.messia lorenzoJHWH, king of kings UniusREI32 minutes agoDetected as spam, it is FALSE FLAG SATANA ROCKEFELLER antizionists FEAR ABOUT ME & MBS & IRAN ALL BROTHERS AND FRIENDS Iran planning attacks on American targets, Saudis warnit is FALSE FLAG We have received your request for reviewLapid is a finger in one eye, it is a nullity, corrupt traitor, scam, it is a vow to loseDetected as spam

We have received your request for reviewpunch_corona_news_wire_service

the satanic warmonger Biden prostitute and his pimpini Rockefeller antizionists Rothschild Morgan goldamn sachs spa&co proteges ting urinating on the groundEvolution is a Hoax.

Jesus of Bethlehem (spoke to me a few times) but, he told me he will not leave anyone behind,
he will not leave monogamous Muslims behind, nor chaste homosexualsDetected as spam

We have received your request for review
31 Biden shouldn’t try to ‘save’ Israeli democracy from election victorspunch_corona_news_wire_service

immediately, now
Biden DEM spa & co destroy corrupt our democracy
they are nazi nonopolist globalists tecnocracy masonry lobbists mafia judiciary golpe satanist from sodoma
26 In tacit admission of election defeat, Lapid cancels plans to lead Israeli climate
Lapid lgbtqia farm+++ will go to his friends to GAZA
to his friends from hezbollah
28 Right-wing bloc could win 65 seats in clear majority, ending election gridlock
happiness ipp ip urrà
8 Israel-Russia relations deteriorate further as Lapid 'strongly condemns' punch_corona_news_wire_service

lapid is a finger in one eye
it is a nullity
it is a vow to lose
24 Biden pens letter promising to guarantee Israel's economic rights under im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

of course Biden love the secret letter with Israel.
because Big pharma kills well with its secret contracts, and with its witchcraft deadly magic potion with nano particles, spike protein that ends up in the brain, and graphene that cuts all the veins of your heartim משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Biden thought secret letter in which promising that ISIS are good people for Rockefeller the leader of the Freemasons

7 Arabs attack Jew in Samaria but IDF says it never happened – report16

I read from national newspapers: "scandal 4000 doctors' pardoned by vaccination obligations." Apart from the fact that these are experimental sera and not vaccines, but what is a capital punishment or almost..
talmud agenda and genocide the collective unconscious of prone and frightened serates speaks for itself!16

catastrofic disgrace ] [ October 29, 2022 - Comelli Lucia
Dysphoria and gender transition in the dramatic testimony of two mothers (first testimony)
by Lucia Comelli Yesterday, 28 October, a conference was held in Rome on the theme of educational risk in the language of the media and gender transition. The event should have [...]
Read more

October 29, 2022 - Sabino Paciolla
"Speed of Science" - A scandal that goes beyond the worst of nightmares
Lucid and in-depth article by Joseph Mercola, published in The Epoch Times. I propose it to you in my translation. It was never about data or science, but about following the [...]16

DISGRACE! Thanks to the Biden Spa & Co. thereof, the ruling mullahs of Iran have become a key player in Russia's invasion of Ukraine. The Iranian regime
and Russia are ratcheting up their military cooperation and adventurism. On March 2, Iran abstained from the United Nations General Assembly Resolution ES-11/1 condemning Russia's invasion and demanding Moscow's withdrawal from Ukraine. Tehran then voted against UN General Assembly Resolution
ES-11/3, which suspended Russia's membership in the UN Human Rights Council.
The Biden administration and the European Union, all the same,
continued negotiating with the ruling mullahs to revive the toxic Iran "nuclear deal" and lift the sanctions in place against the Islamic Republic.16

The hasty (and unreasonable) implementation of the Cartabia reform
The Cartabia reform risks going down in history due to the epochal paralysis
of criminal justice, also aggravated by the haste with which crucial procedural changes are unreasonably introduced. On November 2, the date of
the actual implementation of the new discipline, runs the risk of celebrating the de profundis of many judicial offices. An inheritance not to be accepted for
the new Executive. The post The hasty (and unreasonable)
implementation of the Cartabia reform first appeared on Centro Studi Rosario Livatino.
Read in browser »16

The new Minister of Education must defend the educational freedom of parents!
The Italian school is becoming a huge camp of mass lgbtqia demonic ideological re-education. by the Talmudic Freemasons the greatest social engineering specialists in the history of lucifer. Pupils and students - our children
and grandchildren - are increasingly subjected to continuous political and ideological bombardment on issues of an extremely delicate nature. Just think of
the increasingly widespread development of courses, activities and projects based on gender propaganda, according to which children and young people should learn at school that sexual identity is fluid and that they can choose whether
to be men, women or other infinite genders depending on how it feels. Issues so critical, and often intimate, that by their very nature they need the primary educational role of the family. A role that, on the other hand,
is more and more often evaded or better excluded a priori against the Constitution, laws and school regulations. For this reason, we want the next Minister of Education to be a person clearly aligned with the defense of the educational freedom of the family. A Minister who has the courage to put an end
to ideological and political incursions into schools, in particular with regard to gender theories.16

my Israel ] Disgrace arabs are all die and death [ Chinese won't hurt you, who cares if Islam is destroyed, together with all the Wahhabis?
41 NY hasidic community runs Republican fundraiser one day after Biden pleaded 16

my Israel] [open letter] don't rely on the Saudis, you don't need harmful military allies.
if you don't participate in this world war imposed by the Wahhabis FED Rockefeller?
Chinese won't hurt you, who cares if Islam is destroyed,
together with all the Wahhabis?

Israel ] [ open letter ]
don't rely on the Saudis, you don't need harmful military allies16

MBS ISIS from Rockefeller Riyadh] your Allah JabullOn sikker [“It was not we who loved God, but he who loved us” (1 Jn 4:10). Let's never forget it. At the center of faith are not our skill and our merits, but the unconditional and gratuitous love of our God JHWH the guardian of Israel16

welcome Elon, stop lizard DEM deep state Rockefeller sukker satana
to https://mobile.twitter.Com/elonmusk
from https://mobile.twitter.Com/KUniusrei
5 IAF strikes hit Damascus for third time in a week – report16

world Kain Israel news ] [ no my previus Messia e Israel comment here?


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