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Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

Mahsa Amini died after being arrested

Netanyahu 'unwell' during Yom Kippur services, undergoing tests at hospital

messia king lorenzoJHWH

eih Bibi, il tempo è inesorabile, anche io non sono più quello di una volta

Discussion on World Israel News

WATCH: 'Chances for an Israel-Hezbollah war remain high' says former US negotiator

messia king lorenzoJHWH
but, without jihad war? how Hamas Hezbollah Erdogan could extend his whoring sultanate sharia UMMA ISIS Wahhabi? we say that in the war the true Islamic khamenei finds his Koranic identity and also the purpose of his existence

Discussion on World Israel News 11 comments

Biden touts administration’s approach to antisemitism

messia king lorenzoJHWH

Bin ISIS Salman ] [ sorry my bro, but android does not support gmail passwords, i was forced to open a new account.

I hope you will find yourself well and that you will not be bored


Discussion on World Israel News 14 comments

Occupied Ukraine holds Kremlin-staged vote on joining Russia9

Mission Dart, Planet Earth is safe: the "planetary defense" has worked


no anti-Zionist will survive my spongy and burning giant Asteroid,

but first you gave yourself world war for refusing my Kingdom of Israel


Discussion on World Israel News 23 comments

Rosh Hashana miracle? Terrorists place heavy explosive device at gas station, fails to explode9

Bin ISIS Salman MBS from Riyad NWO A CIA NSA OTAN ie the STRUSCIANTs zombeies ] [ you have to explain this to me? if, my Unius REI political minister, is set to have no secrets with or against anyone:

because you have all entered my windows operating system, maybe you are looking for something to be able to slander me?

but, i am not a pevert like you who see dirty movies made in fluid gender Trudeau donkeyxxxx Hollywood farm++++ Darwin Macron APE lgbtqia+++++

3 9

"He's a spy." And Moscow triggers the arrest of the Japanese consul in Vladivostok.

I would never have thought that the Japanese leadres in addition to being satanist perverts

were also spies.

Japanese diplomat Motoki Tatsunori was arrested while receiving, for monetary compensation, limited information on current aspects of Russia's cooperation with one of the countries in the Asia-Pacific region

and on the impact of Western sanctions on the economic situation in the Asia-Pacific region. 'Far East, the Moscow services added.


open read to Vladimir Putin from Russia] you have agreed with the US to burn the forests and thus be able

to exploit the mineral resources of the Arctic, but in this way you have put millions of people under water!

now offer these peoples the opportunity to move to Siberia, facilitate transit, and offer free property

and services

2 9

"He's a spy." And Moscow triggers the arrest of the Japanese consul in Vladivostok. I would never have thought that the Japanese leadres in addition to being satanist perverts were also spies.

3 9

Russian citizenship in Snowden: Putin's move to provoke the US.


free Assange !!

there are only two taboos in the world:

1. We cannot speak of the sharjah crimes of the Arab League

2. We cannot talk about the Spa & Co crimes of the USA and its little prostitute named Ursula nazi the lgbtqia octopus

3 9

the State of Palestine sharia ((besides being an absolutely illegal and illicit imposition) would increase the threat of terrorism in the world and not only in Israel.

in fact, terrorism cannot be stopped if sharjah is not condemned

ieah yes, it is Rosh Hashana miracle

The terrorists place heavy explosive devices at the gas station, they fail to explode

3 9

buffoon wahhabis from Riyad MBS Bin ISIS Salman king fake false scam ] [ if I had to put all Freemasons like you to death: I would ruin my day, it is clear that here we need a political solution which is my Kingdom of Israel

3 9

the Rockefeller usurer Jew Mason pimp: he is an infested demonic individual who exploits the prostitution of a state to his advantage after having also stolen political sovereignty from him with monetary sovereignty;

he is also called: pimp protector, lenone master.

all politicians and Freemasons of the New World Order deserve the death penalty 1000 times.

the fake theater: of the fake in balance of the great puppeteer: "In the session after the vote the Milan stock exchange runs" to hell.

but one day of this the great Rothschild puppeteer will say:

"eih Spread now you go"

Spread «gap» is the difference between the supply and demand of any given asset. In the financial field,

but the main shareholders are only 40 crime families

and this is called: "stock manipulation"

Speculation (punishable by law) on the increase or decrease in the cost of public securities or on the price of certain goods, made by making use of confidential information or by divulging false or biased information to raise or lower prices, in order to benefit from the detriment of savers or consumers.


Discussion on World Israel News 76 comments

Putin's New Year greeting: Jews must make 'hefty contribution'9

Putin] [every Russian soldier must have his protector sniper behind him

3 9

the DEM lgbtqia Rockefeller FED Deep State, they are a Nazi regime, and they spit poison against

the Right, destroying and trampling the constitution and democracy! Polish President Andrzej Duda described criticism of Poland's support for the far-right forces led by Giorgia Meloni in parliamentary

elections as "superiority" and "arrogance". The Polish president, Andrzej Duda

How much superiority, arrogance and contempt for democratic rules it takes to say, about the result of elections held by another nation in another country: 'The wrong person won! They chose badly! We must take this country and these authorities! '", He wrote on his Twitter profile. The remarks come after Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki was the first head of government to congratulate Meloni on the results

of the exit polls that gave right-wing parties a large majority led by the far-right leader. "Congratulations, Meloni", celebrated Morawiecki - who leads the government representing the far-right Law and Justice

(PIS) party - on Sunday evening, after the exit polls provided by RAI reported that the most voted party

was that of far right Fratelli d'Italia, led by Meloni.

3 10

The court gives the green light to gender: this is what the judge has established

whoever manipulates the identity of a minor (as the EU lgbtqia lobbies (ddl Zan) do with the satanic theosophy of Gender Darwin without scientific support. to manipulate the sensitivity of children

from kindergarten with the EU technocratic criminal support) The decision of the Gender Tribunal

The boy's defenders, lawyers Fabiola De Stefano and Danilo Iacobacci, convinced the Avellino

Civil Court that the young Irpino, from a very young age, had female behaviors. The twenty-year-old did

not identify with his personal gender, but with the female one, and for this reason lived a condition of constant malaise. A thesis that convinced the judges. And so the court ordered

the registrar to "proceed in conformity", allowing the young man, as the lawyers point out, to "live

and experiment according to the perceived gender". This decision, destined to be debated because

it calls into question the primacy of biological reality over "gender", nevertheless came after a long

and certainly not easy judicial process: just think that if the Zan Bill had been approved, it would have been enough in practice a simple self-certification to declare oneself belonging to one gender

over another. An easy concession, in the name of the individual "rights" promised by the fuchsia-progressive

left, for a question as complex and intricate as that of, for example, gender dysphoria.

3 10

whoever manipulates the identity of a minor (as the EU lgbtqia lobbies (ddl Zan) do with the satanic theosophy of Gender Darwin without scientific support. to manipulate the sensitivity of children from kindergarten with the EU technocratic criminal support) must be put to death. But an adult can follow his own gender identity process: because NATURAL LAW also provides for free will.

The court gives the green light to gender: this is what the judge has established

A decision that establishes the primacy of "gender" over biological reality. A 20-year-old from Avellino,

as decided by the court, will be able to be considered by the Italian state as a woman in all respects,

even without having undergone surgery. As reported by the Ansa agency, in fact, the 20-year-old,

after a long and complex judicial process, will have the right to be considered a woman

by the registry certifications, thus obtaining from the civil judges of the court the rectification, for women, of the civil status records of her City of residence.

3 10

worldisraelnews ] open letter [ if there was not a coup in 2014 the Odessa pogrom, the boycott CIA agreements of Minsk1 and Minsk2, and there hadn't been the pogroms for 8 years of martyr people or Donbass?

besides, if you are intellectually honest (and you are not)

then, there has never been a Russian invasion

We have received your request for review4 hours ago

Detected as spamWorldisraelnewsWARNING

3 10

for the universal monopoly of the regime press Rothschild Spa & Co Rockefeller,

the fault is always of the Russian President Vladimir Putin: no ifs ands buts, no contradictory, no dissonant voice,

no opposition can be raised against this esoteric demonic hood Masonic sodomitic technocratic neoliberal DEM Goldman Sachs: Because they are a legion of Kissinger demons who do not forget and do not forgive

Jews parasites Masons and codard "come out. Your King lorenzoJHWH is here"

3 10

sincere wishes from Russian President Vladimir Putin for the feast of Rosh Hashanah to the Jewish world.

As tradition dictates, Israel celebrates the beginning of the year 5783 from the divine creation of the world tonight. The feast of Rosh Hashanah transforms believers into high moral guidelines that are the foundation

of all global religions - humanity, piety and mercy, inspires them to do good deeds,

the statement reads in part.

3 10

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worldisraelnews WARNING

if there was not a coup in 2014 and pogroms for 8 years in Donbass? besides, there has never been a Russian invasion

We have received your request for review

Discussion on World Israel News 6 comments

WATCH: Breaking down PA President Abbas's UN General Assembly speech10

The Pakistani Finance Minister announces his resignation in a situation of severe economic crisis


if you are not a jihad canopy, with sharia genocide buffoons on top of it at all?

then, you can always print money under monetary sovereignty:

as your Koran says it must be done (as Assad and Gaddafi did) and as does that other corrupt ISIS jester of Bin ISIS Salman: who is the clown of a King

3 10

Iran, Mahsa Amini's cousin: "Tortured and insulted" and why? no problem if they kill all women in Iran? then, with the jihad they will go to take / steal them somewhere else, but the Koran is an uncreated word from the satanic Talmud and cannot be questioned.

Mahsa Amini, the young woman whose death after the arrest of the Iranian police sparked

the biggest protests in Iran in years, was "tortured and insulted": she speaks to Sky News Uk,

for the first time with

a Western media, the cousin, Erfan Mortezaei, and tells what happened to the girl and how she became

the "voice of anger of the Iranian people". Mortezaei, a political activist and Peshmerga fighter who lives

in Iraq near the Iranian border, recounted the hours before his death and first of all

2 10

Even in Leicester the multicultural model fails. There is no doubt that Sharia law threatens mankind. Violence and clashes between Muslims and Hindus. Tensions escalated

last weekend when violent riots broke out on the streets of the city. People armed with sticks and clubs carried

out assaults, threw fireworks and Molotov cocktails, while several cars were destroyed. 47 arrests

in total. The situation worsened on Saturday, September 17, when a group of at least 300 young Hindu

men marched through the city to Green Lane Road, a predominantly Muslim area. A large group

of Muslims followed the demonstrators to Belgrave Road, an area with a Hindu majority, where violence

and harsh clashes between the two factions ensued.

2 10

There is no doubt that Sharia law threatens mankind. Even in Leicester the multicultural model fails. There is no doubt that Sharia law threatens mankind.

Leicester is a melting pot of different cultures. According to statistics, in the city that stretches along

the Soar River, Christians represent 32.4% of the population - out of a total of over 320,000 inhabitants - Muslims 18.6% and Hindus 15.2%. In the city there are also Sikhs (4.4%), a small representation

of Buddhists (0.4%) and Jews (0.1%). It is a deeply multi-ethnic city, with 45.1% whites, 37% Asians and 6.3% blacks. Until recently, his model of multiculturalism seemed to work well and Hindus, Muslims and Christians lived

together in peace. The events of the last month, however, have shattered this image of peaceful coexistence

between different ethnic groups and religions, but above all between different cultures. As the progressive

Guardian admits, in recent weeks in Leicester there have been violent attacks, targeted religious symbols

and attacks on mosques and temples, in an atmosphere of growing anger fueled, according

to the English newspaper, also by speculation and false news that appeared. on social media.

2 10

the threats of Rothschild democracy: "when the wolf throws the mask:" However, Borne recalled the recent statements by the President of the European Commission, octopus tecnocracy neoliberalism Soros DEM Ursula Von der Leyen,

in which she warned that the EU has tools to deal with governments that they are moving away from

the "right direction", as has already happened with Poland and Hungary (that they still stink of Christianity).


France will be "attentive" to respect for Sodom's human rights for everyone in Italy, because the more Rockefeller OWL Spa&Co loves you, the more he stings you with Big Pharma

2 10

hail octopus Von ursula "Why don't you try insects by Macron?". Criticism of Cristoforetti for the cricket bar by lgbt Trudeau


the more you sell your soul to the devil Rockefeller Spa & Co the Freemason Jew? and the more you level up.

that's why christians israeli are martyred by Bin ISIS Salman all over the world and nobody cares


Discussion on World Israel News 12 comments

Half of Israelis say Iran nuke sites should be attacked, even without US support10

nonsense Spa & Co Satan Usa, 'if Moscow uses the atomic bomb we will respond decisively'


nonsense: Vladimir Putin "roast them" eradicates evil evil Biden Zelenky Sodom Ursula Rockefeller MBS Wahhabis from this planet

2 10


'Hadith Najafi killed', a girl who symbolizes the protests in Iran


Hadith Najafi, the girl who symbolized the protests in Iran after the killing of Mahsa Amini, was also killed in Karaj.

Iran: 739 protesters arrested, Raisi wants an iron fist

Iran protests over Gb and Norway 'interference' in the Amini case

Iran: marches in the evening, demonstrators challenge the regime without a veil


but Allah said to his Supreme Prophet MBS Bin Erdogan Alì Khamenei Salman from Mecca Caaba crazy

that " the only place for women is to be doggy style"

3 10

Israel: the year 5783 begins, synagogues full but on alert, because the Jews continuously blow the horn of the goat (which is the exorcism that is good for Erdogan) and the demons of Allah Moloch CIA Jabullon Belfagor Marduch Baal and Satan are all on a nervous breakdown

3 10

The criminal Parliament of the European antichrist condemns "the deliberate and systematic attempts of the Hungarian government" aimed at undermining the European values of sodom satan and freemasons mafia Enlightened lucifer international lobby and asks to move forward with the procedure of article 7.

3 10

after Erdogan's threats the continuous incursions into Greek territory, also after the recent genocide of the Armenians in the aggressive Nagorno Karabakh War and bombings in Armenia

Turkey accuses Greece of launching armored vehicles on the demilitarized islands of the Aegean.

3 10

my kingdom Israel listen to the people


Discussion on World Israel News 10 comments

'Beyond the pale': Benny Gantz’s anti-Netanyahu Rosh Hashanah message10

the DEM are pathetic, when they say that their world does NOT die with them by Baal Marduch Moloch satan sodom and allah,

and what after them? there is no longer a future in the Addam family lgbtqia ++++ farm liquid++++ Ape Darwin


Discussion on World Israel News 9 comments

WATCH: Jewish New Year Greetings from Israeli President Herzog10

Islam is demonic infestation ] [ Six bullet shots fired by Iranian security

forces allegedly killed Hadis Najafi. The girl who symbolized the latest protests that are shaking Iran would have been shot

in the chest, face and neck of her. The episode allegedly took place in the city of Karaj,

near the capital Tehran.


the demons of ISLAM are deaf and dumb: because they are dogmatic Koranic sharia, Islam has trampled on the sacredness of the human life of the innocent for 1400 years, but, because they had a monopoly on oil from Rockefeller and because our best friends ( the Russians) were slandered, killed and persecuted. now the whole West has fallen into the hands of these sharia monsters of the ARAB LEAGUE.

3 11

l-attacco-choc-alla-meloni-alle-urne-compare-l-appesa/ ] [ I read the law in the polling station (disturbing a rally is a criminal offense, which will never be prosecuted, since the bullies are

always and only the left antifa who are protected by the judiciary)

disturbing a meeting is a crime,

that is, if any judge of the democratic judiciary wants to intervene (but will not intervene)

The poster seems to be a clear threat to Giorgia Meloni, in reference to the events in piazzale Loreto. A recurring threat, which often appears on social media, where overturned images

of Giorgia Meloni, but also of Matteo Salvini and other center-right exponents are shared from the most unsuspected profiles.

For some it is a game but in many cases, like this one at Porta Genova in Milan, it goes beyond mere (and questionable) black humor

and overflows into physical threat. For days, also because of the left that from the beginning

of this election campaign has fomented hatred against Giorgia Meloni and the center-right,

the squares are hot. Giorgia Meloni's rallies were often interrupted by protesters and there were also problems

with the police, who had to resort to relief charges.


we are seeing the fascist squads in Italy which is made up of the left of the PD DEM

3 11

with their computer systems, geostationary, supernatural, satellite, etc. the US has always known the location of the Russian deposits and all the strategies and operations of the Russian army in advance: like the position of its ships.

that's why Russia suffered so many losses, because the US was directly involved in this conflict!

3 11

l-attacco-choc-alla-meloni-alle-urne-compare-l-appesa/ ] [ The shock attack on Meloni: "Appesa" appears at the polls.

ursula von Hitler der Hitler leyen is part of a collective symbiotic (pre-cyborg) demonic esoteric supernatural entity that has been defined by themselves as the "ENTITY", "the THING"

the left demonic luciferian Islamic sodomitic bureaucratic technocratic neoliberal masonic and parasitic, practically a police state: with Freemason judges: always at the orders of the DEM party (disguised as democracy).

Woe to those who oppose this transnational global system, woe to the right and political opponents!

that's why the Left DEM PD M5S lgbt covered with insults and slanders: Meloni and Salvini (and if only for this which democracy EU and US want to talk about)

3 11

Canada: storm Fiona, 2 women dragged into the sea, one missing


nature is a servant of God.

and incredibly even against their will, demons also serve God.

hence, Ottomans, Khamenei, Wahhabis ISIS Sharia Spa & Co. shareholders FED, lgbtq DEM

you stop blaspheming and profaning the sanctity of his holy JHWH name

3 11

Putin from RUSSIA open letter ] [ turns Zelensky into radioactive excrement, now.

I tell you, and you can do it!

eradicate evil from this planet!

3 11

to my jewish people with love. Jewish New Year greetings from the Israeli KING lorenzoJHWH

1 11

Von der Leyen "Price cap on Russian gas and taxing extra profits"


where their EU US worm does not die and where the lgbtqia DEM hellfire does not go out.

non-taxable income is to be seized and confiscated


Discussion on World Israel News 45 comments

Raisi ditches interview with CNN reporter who refused to wear a headscarf11

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi is Mohammeddans Erdogan PIATTOLA sharia BOIA nazi and genocide UMMA nazi crazy bum bum bum.

death is the only right medicine for them

1 11

for their business interests

the US attacked and slandered Russia

the US stripped and robbed the EU

that is why all European leaders must be tried by a special military court

1 11

India and China have told Russia that this is not the time for war.


you can't have your cake and eat it too.

without my Kingdom of Israel-Wahhabi?

you must have your anti-Zionist Wahhabi war


Discussion on World Israel News 6 comments

WATCH: Russians fleeing conscription queue for miles at border crossing11

Lavrov said the EU and the US appear to be an academocracy but are in fact a dictatorship.


in fact, the DEM-PD in Italy for 10 years have always lost the elections and are always in the government.

in fact, the last Pope: Benedict XVI was sacked by OBAMA which resulted in the Swit of the Vatican IOR.

in fact, the Freemason judges cut off their legs from Trump Orban Salvini and Netanjahu


Discussion on World Israel News 19 comments

English soccer club loses sponsor for displaying anti-Israel banners, Palestinian flags at games11

Hungary proposes an independent body (such as

Israel) to monitor the misuse of EU LGBT funds in Hungary


xxxx toys are missing in Hungary: this is true

2 11

Lavrov at the UN attacks the criminal demonic Masonic and sodomitic regime of von der Leyen:

and commenting on his threats to MELONI AND SALVINI he said "Arrogant over Rome

is like a dictator"

Berlusconi said Putin invaded Ukraine only to put "good people" in government in Kiev;

3 11

Sergey Lavrov Russian Foreign Minister commented on von der Leyen's words on Italy,

not if she let them slip: "It is an arrogant act, typical of those who look down on others". So he came up with the concept:

"The European Union is subjugated by the dictatorship of Washington, but it has itself become a dictatorial entity".

Berlusconi said Putin invaded Ukraine only to put "good people" in government in Kiev;

3 11

Berlusconi said Putin invaded Ukraine only to put "good people" in government in Kiev;

Arrogant act of a dictatorial entity ". Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov does not care about

the pre-election silence, and bursts into the Italian vote, thus criticizing the words of the president

of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, who in recent days had said that she had the tools to manage the relationship with the future government of Rome.

3 11

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Sergey Lavrov Russian Foreign Minister thunders from the United Nations pulpit against Washington

The "dictatorship" of the USA For Lavrov, Washington is also a dictatorship

over Europe. Moving on to the referendums, according to Lavrov they would be based on a "request from

the local government, the conditions were published and after these referendums Russia will respect the expression of the will of the people of those territories, which have long suffered from the abuses of the Nazi regime.

"of Kiev.


I have witnessed in these 15 years with my geopolitical observatory that the US has woven the Spider's web against Russia, and how the European leaders all deserve the death penalty for high treason

We have received your request for review11

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Sergey Lavrov

Russian Foreign Minister thunders from the United Nations pulpit against Washington. The official russophobia of the West has reached grotesque levels never seen before. They do not hesitate

to declare their intention to inflict a military defeat on our country, but also to destroy us

and shatter Russia. "Instead of dialogue - continued the head of diplomacy in Moscow

- we must face the disinformation and lies of the West that undermine trust in international laws and international institutions".


I have witnessed in these 15 years with my geopolitical observatory that the US has woven the Spider's web against Russia, and how the European leaders all deserve the death penalty for high treason

We have received your request for review11

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seized by rage Mentana has committed a crime of treason against his God Rothschild] ["Represents the powerful", "Toast the dead with champagne". Brawl on TV between Rizzo and Mentana.

The interview of the director Enrico Mentana with the leader of Italy Sovereign and Popular Marco Rizzo ended in brawl.

The clash was broadcast on La7, during the transmission The Last Word, with the two interlocutors exchanging

vitriolic accusations. The face-to-face ended in the worst possible way, after the communist exponent's provocation against the journalist. "It is the first time that I have been invited by you and by La7 Tg - said Rizzo

- and I am here only because the law requires it". Mentana did not like it and replied piqued to the politician.

"The law does not provide for it - he stressed - and in any case you have been invited several times in the programs of La7".

I have no annuities, she does. I work, you are revitalized, I am not Rothschild ”.

We have received your request for review11

seized by rage Mentana has committed a crime of treason against his God Rothschild ] [ "Represents the powerful", "Toast the dead with champagne". Brawl on TV between Rizzo and Mentana..

The director was referring to the ones hosted in the Omnibus and Coffee Break broadcasts and in Tg La7 itself.

Mentana's response gave Rizzo the opportunity to launch a new accusation and the tone was on.

“She is strong with the weak and weak with the strong - said the leader of Italy Sovereign and Popular

- she represents the dominant thought and finances the newspapers. You finance a newspaper that decides

what is right and what is wrong ”. At that point, the journalist accepted the challenge and resentfully declared: “And you toast champagne when a powerful person dies

(the reference is to the recent death of Michail Gorbachev, ed).

I finance a newspaper to raise young people. I do it with my money, I earn less than you who have a parliamentary pension.

I have no annuities, she does. I work, you are revitalized, I am not Rothschild ”.

3 11

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seized by rage Mentana committed a crime of treason against his God Rothschild ] [ The question

and answer continued for a while, with Rizzo adding: "You are representative of the mainstream


of dominant thought, you are inconsistent" The director's reply was ready: “I am consistent,

I don't make lists with everyone. I have my story and she has it, I'm an employee, try to have respect for me ".

Finally, Rizzo's final lunge. "These functions of yours go in a certain very clear direction

- he concluded

- you have no respect for public information".

I have no annuities, she does. I work, you are revitalized, I am not Rothschild ”.

We have received your request for review

Discussion on World Israel News 7 comments

NYPD to increase security at synagogues for High Holidays following rise in hate crimes11

What if ISLAM wasn't a demonic serial killer? Could NOT stand on his legs alone! those honest people are all risking their lives needlessly!

Ambassador Bradanini on the protests for Masha Amini: "They will not overthrow the power" The hashtag #MahsaAmini continues to be one of the most viewed on social networks such as Twitter and Instagram.

The protest over the young woman's death continues in Tehran. Women go down the street, but that's

not all.

What will this revolt bring, beyond the repression, which thanks to the videos it shoots on social media? ''

He will not overthrow the Iranian regime '', not this one. But women's protest could lead to "openness,

greater tolerance". Because within the Majlis, the Iranian Parliament, "right now" the hypothesis

of "reducing the presence of the moral police on the streets and squares of Iran" is making its way.

3 11

The United Nations calls for an end to the clashes between Eritrea and Ethiopia, and in reality they

should send troops immediately to protect the Armenians from Erdogan, then, Abiy Ahmed, Prime Minister

of Ethiopia is a Nobel Peace Prize winner Sharia of Allah like Obama ! The United Nations called on

the governments of Eritrea and Ethiopia on Saturday to end the fighting and work for peace, after denouncing

the attacks against six million people besieged in Tigray. The UN has already denounced this week

possible crimes of war and against humanity committed in the context of the conflict that broke out in November

2020 and warned that the resurgence of conflicts in the last month could lead to "new atrocities".

3 11

The United Nations calls for an end to the clashes between Eritrea and Ethiopia, and in reality they should send troops immediately to protect the Armenians from Erdogan, then, Abiy Ahmed, Prime Minister

of Ethiopia is a Nobel Peace Prize winner Sharia of Allah like Obama ! The Office for the Coordination

of Humanitarian Affairs also reported that thousands of people have been displaced in parts of Tigray, Afar

and Amhara. Furthermore, humanitarian workers cannot access these areas because the only land route

is not available due to the latest fighting. The flights of the United Nations Humanitarian Air Service to

and from Tigray have been suspended since 25 August, which has also blocked the transport of basic necessities

and operational money to Tigray. The United Nations has reported that they continue to deliver supplies

where access is possible, but this is insufficient in the face of existing needs.

3 11

Lavrov: "Instead of dialogue we must face the disinformation and lies of the West, which undermine trust in international law and international institutions".

"Official russophobia in the West has acquired grotesque and unprecedented proportions"

"The West, instead of honest dialogue and the search for compromises, focuses on coarse and staged provocations".

Lavrov denounces that “contrary to the most basic common sense, Washington and Brussels have exacerbated the crisis by declaring an economic war on Russia.

The result is the increase in gas and food prices all over the world, "said the senior Russian official, pointing out that" in Washington there is a dictatorship and Europe is subjugated ".


if the West does not create an enemy, how could world war arise?

yet his natural mortal enemy is ISLAM,

but in order to destroy Israel, he does not see this Islamist danger!

3 11

NYPD to Increase Safety in Synagogues for Festivities After Rise in Hate Crimes Planned by Rockefeller Spa&Co Rothschild's Kabbalah


in Masonic occult & exosteric symbols

Abraham (FED IMF ECB BM NWO OCI) then, did he kill ISACCO (Israel) for them Talmud evil Enlightened? the Bible lies

the NWO cannot be perfected because of CHINA RUSSIA (and they are not a big problem: because they can be destroyed) the NWO cannot be perfected, above all because of the existence of ISRAEL. that's why today the ARAB LEAGUE is in partnership with USA

because the neocons gave him permission to kill Christians all over the world: at least that's what a Saudi Prince told me in youtube about 7 years ago


Discussion on World Israel News 14 comments

WATCH: Iranians remove hijabs in nationwide protests over Mahsa Amini’s death11

worldisraelnews ] [ I don't have the money to defend myself from the slander (judicial acts, dismissal and circular mobbing) that the Churches of Satan in southern Italy, their LGBTs and DEMs Jehovah's Witnesses have done against me, against my professionalism

3 11

worldisraelnews ] [ google stopped me 110 blogspot

because it does not accept by me, my words: "satanism, sodomy, genocide"

3 11

Sudanese residents of the United States demonstrate in front of the UN headquarters against Abdelfatá al Burhan and say: "he does not represent the Sudanese people".


but as long as the Sharia law exists? there will never be any form of legal and juridical recognition possible for the ARAB LEAGUE:

because sharia law has been an ideological and practical genocide of diversity for 1400 years

Mahsa Amini died after being arrested by police for improperly wearing her veil, leading to nationwide protests in Iran against mandatory hijab. The protests have become deadly and are expected to become more dangerous in the coming days.


they all pull water to their own mill, or they are subjected to logics of utility.

but, you cannot face the Koranic Sharia abomination in Iran without also addressing it in Riyadh

but, this topic in the UN is a taboo, because of the Christian martyrs, Kurds, Jazidis, Armenians, Druze, Copts etc. etc. in reality,

outside of Netanjahu?

al Sisi tried to tell the story of him (when the ISIS slaughtered the Copts in front of Sicily): but the whole ARAB LEAGUE told him that he was not a serious man.

and of this universal sharia genocide? nobody really cares about this


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