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show uova Hillary su Mar-a-Lago

Popolare talk show uova Hillary su Mar-a-Lago, ignora il suo stesso scandalo8 settembre 2022

Popolare talk show uova Hillary su Mar-a-Lago, ignora il suo stesso scandaloL'allora candidata presidenziale democratica Hillary Clinton parla durante un comizio elettorale a Raleigh, N.C., l'8 novembre 2016. (AP/Gerry Broome)

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Promuovendo la sua prossima serie TV con la figlia Chelsea, Hillary Clinton esprime indignazione per Trump. 

L'ex segretario di Stato Hillary Clinton ha criticato l'ex presidente Donald Trump, che l'ha sconfitta nella corsa presidenziale del 2016, durante un'apparizione nel talk show televisivo diurno The View.

Clinton, che è apparsa nel programma insieme a sua figlia Chelsea per promuovere la loro nuova serie di streaming Apple TV, ha parlato a lungo del raid dell'FBI a Mar-a-Lago.

The View è ospitato dalle comiche Whoopi Goldberg e Joy Behar, che sono entrambe critiche vocali di Trump e aperte sulle loro opinioni di sinistra.

"Penso che questo dovrebbe essere preso molto sul serio. Non è una questione scherzosa. Non dovrebbe essere di parte. Dovrebbe riguardare ogni americano, perché quei documenti e le cartelle vuote, come sono state contrassegnate [classificate], suggeriscono che c'erano informazioni segrete davvero importanti che sono essenziali per la difesa e la sicurezza del nostro paese ", ha detto.

"Quando è uscito il rapporto... che i documenti includevano anche informazioni su.. il programma nucleare di un paese,. Non posso dirvi quanto sia terrificante".

Clinton ha detto che durante il suo periodo nell'amministrazione Obama, le è stato dato accesso a materiali top-secret e che c'era un rigoroso protocollo di sicurezza intorno a quei documenti.

"Ci sono state volte in cui ero Segretario di Stato che letteralmente un corriere militare veniva nel mio ufficio.. con una valigetta bloccata al polso", ha detto.

Dopo essere stata presentata con documenti contenenti informazioni "delicate e segrete", Clinton ha detto che avrebbe firmato sulla pagina per dimostrare di averlo letto, e che il corriere avrebbe poi rimesso il foglio nella valigetta chiusa a chiave e lasciato il suo ufficio.

"Quindi non capisco come questi documenti siano finiti dove sono, non capisco come gli sia stato permesso di portarli, anche nella sua residenza... Non lo capisco".

"Le persone muoiono letteralmente per ottenere le informazioni del nostro governo, vanno in prigione, vengono esiliate, è pericoloso spesso, e l'idea che questo sarebbe stato fatto, spero che tutti prendano davvero sul serio", ha aggiunto.

In particolare, i conduttori di sinistra dello show non hanno chiesto alla Clinton del suo scandalo dei documenti classificati.

Durante il suo periodo come Segretario di Stato, ha utilizzato un server di posta elettronica privato per comunicazioni altamente classificate, in violazione della procedura standard che l'avrebbe vista utilizzare un server federale per testi sensibili.

Clinton è stata indagata a lungo dall'FBI per il suo utilizzo della posta elettronica, ma non è stata accusata penalmente.

L'allora direttore dell'FBI James Comey ha detto in una dichiarazione che mentre non sarebbe stata ritenuta penalmente responsabile, "la prova è che loro [Clinton e il suo team] sono stati estremamente negligenti nella loro gestione di informazioni molto sensibili e altamente classificate".

Post as im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Notably, the show's left-wing hosts didn't ask Clinton about her classified documents scandal. During her time as Secretary of State, he used a private e-mail server for highly classified communications, in violation of the standard procedure that would have seen her use a federal server for sensitive text. Clinton has long been investigated by the FBI for her use of email, but she has not been criminally charged. Then FBI Director James Comey said in a statement that while she would not be held criminally responsible,

"the evidence is that they [Clinton and her team] have been extremely negligent in their handling

of highly sensitive information. highly classified ".


there is a small difference between the witch Hillary and Patriot MAGA:

the news spread by the witch was truly classified.

While the news holds: MAGA Patriot Trump and that no one has read? however they had all been previously declassified

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

for example the amorphous nature lgbtqia+++++++ of Macron had been declassified

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

President Macron] considering the devastation of youtube and of the whole New World Order, considering the destruction and humiliation of all the priests of Satan, I thought that the NWO would collapse in a devastating way by crushing the Wahhabis, since if the NWO still maintains itself in feet like a zombies it's all their fault and their damn petrodollars. so Allah went to Satan's rescue.

but, the Wahhabis are really perfidious: because they want to put themselves in front of the television, to laugh at seeing how Russians and Chinese etc. kill themselves against all the rest of the world of satan and sodom.

as a Chinese proverb says: "between the two quarrels, the third enjoys"

that's why Erdogan Iran Wahhabis they hope that with the third world war to double the OCI jihad UMMA: and to quickly bring the Muslims to 4 billion: starting to sfucccckkking little girls at their first menstruation,

at least that's what Rockefeller promised them because of their loyalty. that's why the US will never attack IRAN, because there will no longer be an Israel in the NWO projects after the world war

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News.

shalom + salam = universal brotherhood

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

President Macron] now, you don't have to think that I hate someone, or that I want to take revenge on someone, no I don't have these feelings, and besides, it's no use (even if I wanted to do it? It's no use) because with the world war : what will 2 billion corpses do, and with my asteroid of 300 km in diameter, made incandescent by the solar orbit? another 2 billion anti-Zionist rebels will die (demons selectively know the work that needs to be done): so all my enemies will die anyway!

Unius REI is like Noé, then, he didn't start killing lizards, snakes, scorpions and mice like Soros.

Believe me these US Satanists are extraordinary: they knew my identity even before I could discover it, let's say they raised me as a wet nurse:

obviously, in my Jewish temple: Bush Rockefeller and Rothschild will abjure their demonic faith: therefore all Satanists will also convert to God,

That's why between me and these cannibals there is a friendly, affectionate understanding,

but they also fear me: because I told them that if they kill me: I will turn into a murderous ghost. what about this? they are terrified

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

President Macron] forget the European priests of satan who are only murderers and criminals on the loose, protected by our Western secret services, indeed, they are our secret services that obey Rockefeller, and do not respond to their Masonic governments , because in the hierarchical scale the graduates of the Satanists are superior to the graduates of the Masons.

but the priests of satan who have been with me are truly extraordinary super men, but they have within them the same evil of lucifer, of course, you should be an effective exorcist to drive them crazy. and in fact, Synnek1 after drinking so much blood of pig, he really went crazy, he was fired, and today he has become 187AudioHostem, but, what happened to the priests of Satan of youtube cannot be said, so much so that Rockefeller was forced to give the social networks satellite TV to his lgbtqia +++ that those have a deaf and dumb demon, therefore, they will harm you by betrayal, without ever talking to you or fighting against you: "from man to man", also because theirs, it is your demonic nature that escapes all cataloging: because it is a very fluid Darwin excrement in a liquid state

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

President Macron] on this page of [[youtube / user / youtube / discussion]] for 4 years, I was accompanied by 4 self-declared priests of satan (who are a section of the western secret services) 2 American satan priests with super supernatural and technological demonic powers (alien reverse engineering)

1. the world director of youtube: Synnek1, and the voodoo kabbalist IhateNewLayout (who seems a fool, but with black magic, he can really kill people): in fact he killed me, only that: I was already dead before, and you can't kill someone twice.

3. a German satan priest who killed my friend MarlaMarleen (who shouldn't have allowed herself to be my friend, and to speak ill of Merkel),

4. a priest of Satan from Naples

5. a secret agent of Syria and Iran (Abu Antar) their accomplice against me (for cowardice)

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

President Macron] I think the CIA satanists have redirected my page, and so, I found myself on the main page of [[youtube / user / youtube / discussion]] and for 4 years I have been there, this page it has been closed 4 times because of me, and now not only has it been closed permanently, (ANSA also lost the comments page because of me) but also all the youtube channels have lost the comments page (to hide and delete everything what wrong I have done to your new world order)

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

President Macron] youtube had a messaging service 12 years ago: so I could send 40 email groups at the same time, for 8000 youtube addresses of Churches of Satan of the CIA, I spent a total of 4 hours to send my exorcisms and my curses to the NWO FED MF Rockefeller's ECB BM.. it was impressive to hear the sound the youtube server made (it sounded like my messages went under the ocean and bounced off satellites).

After 4 years, of this work of mine George Walker Bush who is the real Eternal President of the United States of America, he put on the horns of the big goat and said to the youtube editor: "Unius REI must be defeated"

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric Macron is an anti-Zionist banker of Rothschild the Satanist usurer and is a French servant Freemason official, who swears by Rockefeller spits against God against the people, spits against the constitution,

President Macron ] considerato la devastazione di youtube e di tutto il Nuovo ordine Mondiale,
considerata la distruzione e umiliazione di tutti i sacerdoti di Satana, io pensavo che il NWO crollasse in modo devastante stritolando i wahhabiti, dato che se il NWO si mantiene ancora in piedi come uno zombies è tutta colpa loro e dei loro maledetti petrodollari..
così Allah è andato in soccorso a Satana. ma, i wahhabiti sono veramente perfidi: perché loro vogliono mettersi davanti alla televione,
a ridere nel vedere come Russi e Cinesi etc.. si ammazzano contro tutto i resto del mondo di satana e sodoma..

come dice un proverbio cinese: "tra i due litiganti, il terzo gode"
ecco perché Erdogan Iran Wahhabiti loro sperano che con la terza guerra mondiale di raddoppiare la OCI jihad UMMA:
e di portare rapidamente i musulmani a 4 miliardi: mettendosi a trombare le bambine piccole alla prima mestruazione,
almeno questo è quello che Rockefeller ha promesso loro a motivo della loro fedeltà.
ecco perché gli USA non attaccheranno mai l'IRAN, perché nei progetti del NWO non esisterà più un Israele dopo la guerra mondiale


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