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organizzazione comunicavano in segreto, basandosi

L'Iran arresta il gruppo baha'i accusato di spionaggio per conto di Israele

4 settembre 2022

L'Iran arresta il gruppo baha'i accusato di spionaggio per conto di IsraeleSantuario del Bab nei Giardini Bahai situato sul Monte Carmelo, Haifa

Un portavoce della minoranza religiosa perseguitata ha respinto l'accusa.

Di Batya Jerenberg, World Israel News

Una dozzina di giovani membri della minoranza religiosa perseguitata Baha'i sono stati arrestati in Iran con l'accusa di spionaggio per conto di Israele, ha riferito sabato l'agenzia di stampa iraniana IRNA .

Il rapporto citava il Ministero dell'intelligence e della sicurezza nazionale affermando che “i membri dell'organizzazione comunicavano in segreto, basandosi sui messaggi inviati da Haifa e dal regime sionista. Questi messaggi sono stati utilizzati dai membri dell'organizzazione nel paese".

L'organo di governo baha'i, la Casa Universale di Giustizia, si trova ad Haifa. Il loro profeta fondatore è sepolto nella vicina Acri e i baha'i di tutto il mondo pregano verso Israele.

Il Dipartimento di intelligence generale della provincia di Mazandaran, dove sono avvenute le incursioni, ha affermato che due delle persone catturate si erano "addestrate" presso la struttura Baha'i di Haifa e poi sono entrate in Iran per formare la rete di spionaggio.

Il Baha'i International Center (BIC), che rappresenta il gruppo religioso, ha respinto apertamente l'accusa di spionaggio e contestato anche il numero degli arrestati.

"Quattordici baha'i, inclusi 13 giovani, sono stati arrestati ieri nella città di Qaemshahr, nel nord dell'Iran", si legge in una dichiarazione giovedì. “La maggior parte degli arresti è avvenuta in una casa privata dove i giovani stavano studiando e discutendo insieme del ruolo dell'educazione nel progresso sociale”.

Questa è la seconda volta in un mese che l'intelligence iraniana ha affermato di aver catturato i baha'i locali a spiare per conto di Israele.

Nel primo incidente non è stato rivelato il numero esatto degli arrestati, ma è stata denunciata la stessa accusa: lavoravano per il centro di Haifa e gli avevano trasmesso informazioni illegalmente.

Secondo la Baha'i International Community, da allora il governo iraniano ha represso particolarmente duramente i baha'i.

“Le autorità hanno preso di mira i baha'i in 245 episodi di persecuzione negli ultimi 32 giorni”, continua la dichiarazione. Ciò ha incluso "arresti e reclusione, distruzione di case e confisca di proprietà, incursioni in locali privati e commerciali, percosse, negazione dei farmaci ai detenuti e negazione dell'istruzione superiore a più di cento giovani".

L'Ufficio dell'Alto Commissario per i diritti umani delle Nazioni Unite ha condannato l'Iran a fine agosto per il suo comportamento pesante nei confronti di coloro che professano una religione che ha bandito.

"Siamo profondamente preoccupati per i crescenti arresti arbitrari e, in alcune occasioni, le sparizioni forzate di membri di fede baha'i e la distruzione o la confisca delle loro proprietà, in ciò che porta tutti i segni di una politica di persecuzione sistematica", ha affermato , chiedendo il rilascio di tutti i detenuti.

“La crudeltà del governo iraniano infrange ogni misura”, ha affermato Simin Fahandej, rappresentante del BIC presso le Nazioni Unite a Ginevra. "Non solo priva questi giovani di entrare nelle università e sviluppare le loro capacità intellettuali, ma nega loro anche il semplice diritto di riunirsi come giovani per discutere di questioni importanti per la loro generazione".


Netflix: #StopIndoctrinatie


is deze petitie gestart aan

Reed Hastings - CEO de Netflix

- 31/08/2022

Ik weet niet of je het gehoord hebt. Een Netflix kinderserie heeft een lesbische zoen opgenomen in een serie die gericht is op 7-jarigen! Zijn we gek geworden?

Ik zal het je vertellen: de serie Jurassic World (Kamp Krijtastisch in het Nederlands) vertelt de avonturen van een groep tieners die achtergelaten is op Isla Nublar, geëvacueerd na de gebeurtenissen in Jurassic World 2015.

In seizoen 5 hoofdstuk 9 onthult Yaz (meisje) aan Sammy (meisje) wat ze voor haar voelt en uiteindelijk zoenen ze elkaar.

Vervolgens steunen zowel hun vrienden als hun familie hun lesbische relatie, omdat de twee 'vriendinnen', zoals ze zichzelf graag noemen, zogenaamd gelukkig zijn....

Schrijf nu naar Netflix CEO Reed Hastings en toon je verontwaardiging: een lesbische zoen is absoluut ongepast voor 7-jarigen. Zolang hij niet terugdeinst voor LGBT indoctrinatie in kinderseries, zal ik deze boycotcampagne steunen!

Zoals je je kunt voorstellen, heeft de kwestie een golf van verontwaardiging over de hele wereld ontketend. Als wij ouders geen gerust gevoel kunnen hebben als onze kinderen naar series kijken die voor hen geschikt lijken, nemen we dat risico gewoon niet meer.

De bal ligt in het kamp van Netflix. Het moet beslissen of het de LHBT agenda volgt of de agenda van ouders.

Op dit moment lijkt het wedden op de LHBT agenda niet erg goed te zijn gegaan: het Netflix aandeel heeft sinds oktober vorig jaar TWEE-DERDE van zijn waarde verloren. Het staat op hetzelfde niveau als vóór de pandemie, alsof het de kansen van de lockdowns.... gemist heeft.

Onlangs brachten ze Paradise PD uit waarop Jezus als een gewelddadig personage te zien is. CitizenGO startte een campagne en we bezorgden meer dan een half miljoen handtekeningen bij het hoofdkantoor van Netflix.

En daarvoor, met Kerstmis, lanceerden ze een ander godslasterlijk verhaal waar CitizenGO meer dan een miljoen handtekeningen voor mobiliseerde.

Het gaat maar door en door en ik ben ervan overtuigd dat de actie van CitizenGO zijn effect heeft gehad.

Nu is de beslissing aan Netflix.

Meneer Reed Hastings: beslis of u de LHBT agenda of de gezinsagenda wilt nastreven. Ze zijn niet verenigbaar. En reken niet op mij als je doorgaat met je LHBT strategie.

Onlangs behaalden we in Amerika de grote overwinning door EWTN, het katholieke kanaal van Moeder Angelica, op het DirecTV platform te behouden. We deden het samen!!!!

We konden dat doen omdat er vele duizenden van ons waren die naar de CEO van dat platform schreven. En dat was een heel effectieve barrage.

Eén bericht, een volgende, nog één, nog één. Kun je je voorstellen dat je duizenden en nog eens duizenden klachtenmails ontvangt?

Dat is wat we met Netflix ook moeten doen. We sturen ze een e-mail en nog één, en nog één, en nog één.....

Met elke handtekening onder deze campagne sturen we een e-mail naar de CEO van Netflix.

Het is de enige manier om ze ervan te weerhouden hun klanten te duperen.

Wil je dat Netflix deze boodschap ontvangt, teken dan onze campagne!

Lees meer:

‘It’s Pretty Disturbing’: Amid Furor Over Same-Sex Kiss in ‘Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous,’ Media Watchdog Warns of ‘Unprecedented’ Sexualized Kids Content – Faithwire


im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri 3 minutes ago

BREAKING NEWS: UK government website says COVID vaccine is not safe for pregnant or breastfeeding women, August 31st, 2022 The British Ministry of Health until a few days ago recommended the vaccine as absolutely safe for pregnant and breastfeeding women. Now, in the new guidelines updated to 16

https://www.sabinopaciolla.Com/breaking-news-il-sito-web-del-governo-britannico-dice-che-il-vaccino-covid-non-e-sicuro-per-le-donne-in- pregnant-or-breast-feeding /

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

How many cases of vaccine myocarditis? They tell us from Thailand, with the active surveillance lacking in Italy


im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

"This is a third intifada," Palestinians say amid mounting terror.

really? no prisoners are made! We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News. https://disqus.Com/by/disqus_aU3hlttuWL/

MarlaMarleen love you

DIEGO FUSARO: Direct. The conflict could soon spread to China

MarlaMarleen love you

total annihilation of the Russian people! UK US EU prepare to exterminate the Russians as a people! what does it mean that the United States denies a visa to a Russian minister that he should go to the UN. What does it mean? It means the US denies Russia the right to be recognized as a "legitimate enemy!" therefore civilians will not be spared!


With this refusal, Washington throws in the toilet more than public law as it was in force until yesterday in the globalist ideology itself, but civilization itself: it refuses to legitimize Russia - it does not recognize it as a "legitimate enemy", justus hostis, cardinal principle of jus publicum aeuropeum which must hold back wars from becoming total annihilation.

MarlaMarleen love you

Bills: at least 60 billion are needed to save the Italian industry


the Russian GSA did not rise too much, but

60 billion are the extra profits that energy companies have made at the expense of Italians, it is the result of financial speculation.

and instead of seeing the elephant (extra profits)

the EU wants to calm the price of gas that comes from Russia (looks at the straw) Gas that would pay more elsewhere, if it can find it

MarlaMarleen love you

shalom + salam = it is nice to see the children of Abraham who love each other as brothers while the sharjah wants to make a genocide of you


The hot autumn of the poor elderly: "Without help, they end up with usurers"

Growing poverty and the desperation of over-indebted people forced to resort to usurers remain hidden.

Especially that of pensioners, the most fragile.

But the impending warm autumn and the not very encouraging prospects for 2023 push Luciano Gualzetti, director of the national anti-usury council and of Caritas Ambrosiana, to sound yet another alarm bell for politics and banks.

The hot autumn of the poor elderly: "Without help, they end up with usurers"

What signals are coming from the listening centers regarding the increase in poverty and indebtedness?

L'autunno caldo degli anziani poveri: «Senza aiuti, finiscono dagli usurai»

La povertà crescente e la disperazione dei sovraindebitati costretti a ricorrere agli usurai restano nascosti.

Soprattutto quella dei pensionati, i più fragili.

Ma l’autunno caldo imminente e le prospettive poco incoraggianti per il 2023 spingono Luciano Gualzetti, direttore della Consulta nazionale antiusura e di Caritas Ambrosiana, a suonare l’ennesimo campanello d’allarme per politica e banche.

L'autunno caldo degli anziani poveri: «Senza aiuti, finiscono dagli usurai»

Quali segnali arrivano dai centri di ascolto relativi ad aumento di povertà e indebitamento?


im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

This week she posted "Don't Tread On Our Kids" hoodies and t-shirts, Aldean, 34, sparked controversy

when she posted an August 23 video of her in glam with the caption: "I'd really like to thank my parents

for not changing my gender when I went through my tomboy phase. I love this girl life. "

Some saw her comments as "transphobic" and a harsh reaction immediately ensued.

https://www.faithwire.Com/2022/09/01/dont-tread-on-our-kids-country-music-stars-wife-seemingly-doubles-down-with-bold-response-after-igniting- gender-firestorm /

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

With every signature under this campaign, we'll send an email to the CEO of Netflix.

If you want Netflix to receive this message, sign our campaign!

https://www.faithwire.Com/2022/08/25/its-pretty-disturbing-amid-furor-about-same-sex-kiss-in-jurassic-world-camp-cretaceous-media-watchdog-warns- of-unprecedented-sexualized-kids-content/

Read more:

'It's Pretty Disturbing': Amid Furor Over Same-Se* Kiss in 'Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous,' Media Watchdog Warns of 'Unprecedented' Sexualized Kids Content – Faithwire

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Netflix: #StopIndoctrination CitizenGO started this petition Reed Hastings - CEO of Netflix

- 31/08/2022 I don't know if you heard. A Netflix children's series has shot a lesbian kiss in a series aimed at 7-year-olds!

Have we gone mad? Let me tell you: The Jurassic World series (Kamp Krijtastic in Dutch) tells the adventures of a group of teenagers left behind on Isla Nublar, evacuated after the events of Jurassic World 2015. In Season 5 Chapter 9 Yaz (girl) reveals to Sammy (girl)

what she feels about her and they end up kissing. Subsequently, both their friends and their family support their lesbian relationship, because the two "girlfriends", as they like to call themselves, are supposedly happy. Write to Netflix CEO Reed Hastings now and show your outrage: a lesbian kiss is absolutely inappropriate for 7-year-olds. As long as he doesn't shy away from LGBT indoctrination in children's series, I will support this boycott campaign! As you can imagine, the issue has sparked a wave of outrage around the world.

If we parents can't feel comfortable watching our kids watch shows that seem right for them, we just don't take that risk anymore.

The ball is in Netflix's court. It has to decide whether it follows the LGBT agenda or the agenda of parents. At the moment, betting on the LGBT agenda does not seem to have gone very well: Netflix stock has lost TWO-THIRDS of its value since October last year. It is at the same level as before the pandemic, as if it missed the opportunities of the lockdowns They recently released Paradise PD which features Jesus as a violent character. CitizenGO launched a campaign and we delivered more than half a million signatures to Netflix headquarters.

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

And before that, at Christmas, they launched another blasphemous story for which CitizenGO mobilized over a million signatures.

It goes on and on and I am convinced that CitizenGO's action has had its effect. Now the decision is up to Netflix. Mr. Reed Hastings: Decide whether you want to pursue the LGBT agenda or the family agenda. They are not compatible. And don't count on me

if you continue with your LGBT strategy. Recently, we took the big win in America by keeping EWTN, Mother Angelica's Catholic channel,

on the DirecTV platform. We did it together!! We were able to do that because there were many thousands of us who wrote to the CEO

of that platform. And that was a very effective jump-off. One message, another, another, one more. Can you imagine receiving thousands upon thousands of complaint emails? That's what we have to do with Netflix as well. We send them an email and another, and another, and another.....

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News.


im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

The new British Prime Minister Liz Dranula Truss, how Boris Johnson is a mannequin in the hands of Rothschild;

Prime Minister Liz Dranula gives you the Rothschild tax cut sugar,

and you to die in the Rockefeller war:

a Tzar atomic bomb would create a radioactive tsunami that would make all life, and every trace of life in the UK disappear

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

The new British Prime Minister Liz Dranula Truss, how Boris is a mannequin in the hands of Rothschild;

he is the party of the war against Russia without ifs, and without buts

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Blood damage explains the many harmful effects of COVID "vaccines"

September 2nd, 2022

Blood damage, which has been detailed through sophisticated research methods, is the "missing link" in explaining many negative health conditions ranging from heart problems, to cancers, to decreased immunity to [...]



Inflammatory mRNA nanoparticles inhibit and alter the immune response: Pre-print study

September 2nd, 2022

A recent preprint study shed light on why adverse events were observed following a COVID-19 messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccination. Below I report you in my [...]


LEVIATHAN KingxKingdom yitzhak

Sunnis must kill for sharia: Westerners, etc. the Russians and the Chinese, etc .. and all mankind

while the Shiites must kill only the Israelis for sharia

at least these are the agreements that were signed in blood after the 6 day war

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Ravil Maganov, Lukoil's vice president, died after falling out of a hospital window

but, coincidentally, Lukoil had criticized the Special Military Operation in Ukraine.


if you make an ally of satan allah riyad sodom?

you will not be able to survive as a traitor!

Fred 1369 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

At least eight prominent Russian businessmen have reportedly died by suicide or in as yet unexplained accidents since late January, with six of them associated with Russia’s two largest energy companies.

Four of those six were linked to the Russian state-owned energy giant Gazprom or one of its subsidiaries, while the other two were associated with Lukoil, Russia’s largest privately owned oil and gas company.

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri Fred 1369

that of Putin's Russia is a survival of mankind: against the aggression of the demons of sodom EU Satan UK and Allah FED ECB BM IMF NWO, it is a frontier between life and death!

and this is a bloodbath, because the media networks stun and corrupt people in the West:

they pervert the concepts of good and evil, and this Western corruption cannot be achieved without the help of the demons of hell.

Now if a Russian citizen does not understand these dynamics

it is because he too is a traitor, an accomplice of the Jewish plutocrats

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Will Taliban-run Afghanistan be the next Muslim country to enter the Abrahamic Accords? Yes obviously!

and to make peace with Israel? Yes obviously!

the secret agreements OCI UMMA Riyad Iran are the ones that the Sunnis must keep the candle while the Shiites must do the dirty work!

and this is a secret of Pulcinella

Fred 1369 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

would Israel sell them weapons?

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri Fred 1369

the most disturbing thing is given by Islam, and why

1. Believes to win this battle alone against the satan sodomists of the anti-Zionist Jewish plutocratic antichrist;

2. in the awareness that he too is an anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic antichrist: nevertheless he allies himself with the sodom satan; to be free to exterminate christians and jews and all peoples kair infidels all over the world, because in the EU USA UK the Sharia extermination of Christians all over the world is granted to UMMA

3. the most disturbing thing is given by Islam, and why

he believes he is winning this battle alone: by killing God-believing peoples of other religions, rather than wisely allying himself with them.

4. but we know that Islam cannot do it alone against the NWO (new world order) that is trying to kill (intentionally) while in fact it is its ally against: India, China and Russia, which fight for their sovereignty and autonomy

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri Fred 1369

yes of course! it is already doing it

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Ukraine, Putin rightly said: "It is an anti-Russian enclave that must be eliminated".

the US EU UK created a Ukrainian criminal to destroy Russia!

the malignant Zelensky must be caustic

Fred 1369

Afghanistan is one of the poorest nations in the world. But in 2010, US military officials and geologists revealed that the country, which lies at the crossroads of Central and South Asia, was sitting on mineral deposits worth nearly $1 trillion.

Supplies of minerals such as iron, copper and gold are scattered across provinces. There are also rare earth minerals and, perhaps most importantly, what could be one of the world’s biggest deposits of lithium — an essential but scarce component in rechargeable batteries and other technologies vital to tackling the climate crisis.

“Afghanistan is certainly one of the regions richest in traditional precious metals, but also the metals [needed] for the emerging economy of the 21st century,” said Rod Schoonover, a scientist and security expert who founded the Ecological Futures Group.

Security challenges, a lack of infrastructure and severe droughts have prevented the extraction of most valuable minerals in the past. That’s unlikely to change soon under Taliban control. Still, there’s interest from countries including China, Pakistan and India, which may try to engage despite the chaos.

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri Fred 1369

for this reason the US has abandoned Afghanistan, spitting on all their bogus values, to allow the Taliban to stabilize the country: and thus be able to exploit the mineral resources

Fred 1369

they may be some of the 10 Lost. The rest went to Africa and the Black Jews there have the DNA tests to prove it. I don't know if DNA tests have been run on the American Indians. Have any Pashtuns been DNA tested?

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri Fred 1369

the DNA tests to prove it Jewishness: it is nonsense.

"because it is the spirit that gives life, the flesh is of no use"

so instilling Jewishness to rebuild the lost tribes of Israel is spirit?

no it is only demonic religious spirit, as is Islam (which is an imperialist project) or Hinduism (which is a nationalistic project) which are designed to harm all mankind, however and to exterminate together the Christians who are without political protection in the world: why the plutocratic Jews of sodom DEM Satan have parceled out and is busy all power in Western societies

Fred 1369 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

the black Jews in Africa practiced Judaism as it morphed over 2500 years. That doesn't mean it is wrong.

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri Fred 1369

yes, you are 100% right, all the Jews around the world must be recovered in my kingdom of Israel,

but you can't keep one foot in both shoes, if you want your homeland (rightly) then you have to give up the New World Order, and you have to give back to the peoples their sovereignty

Fred 1369

Below two percent Muslims are well-behaved citizens and cause little apparent trouble for the host society.

At two percent and three percent Muslims begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs.

From five percent on Muslims exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population. They push for the introduction of halal (“clean” by Islamic standards) food, thereby securing food preparation jobs for Muslims. They increase pressure on supermarket chains to feature it on their shelves—along with threats for failure to comply (United States, Switzerland, Sweden). At this point, Muslims work to get the ruling government to allow them to rule themselves under Sharia, or Islamic law. (England, Netherlands, Philippines).

When Muslims reach 10 percent of the population, they increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions (Paris—car burning). Any non-Muslim action that offends Islam will result in uprisings and threats (Amsterdam, Denmark—Mohammed cartoons, murder of Theo van Gogh).

After reaching 20 percent of a population expect hair-trigger rioting, Jihad militia formations, sporadic killings and church and synagogue burning (Indonesia, Ethiopia).

After 40 percent you find widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks and ongoing militia warfare (Bosnia, Chad).

From 60 percent you may expect unfettered persecution of non-believers and other religions, sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon and jizya, the tax placed on [conquered] infidels (Sudan, Albania).

After 80 percent, expect to find state-run ethnic cleansing and genocide (Syria, Egypt, UAE).

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri Fred 1369

our comments are filtered by the algorithms of the neoliberal Masonic sodomitic demonic Jewish system

and either they are visible only to us, or they are canceled,

against me worldisraelnews redirects the link and deletes all previous comments: obviously then, it also hides them on my Disqus page

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri Fred 1369

why is this valuable contribution of yours not visible on your Disqus page? https://disqus.Com/by/fred_schwartz/

Fred 1369

the Taliban just want to control Afghanistan. They don't have desire to spread the Prophet like ISIS or al Qaeda do.

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri Fred 1369

a Wahhabi Saudi Prince, a relative of the house of Saud, a noble and kind person, told me in youtube:

"how did the Jews have Jesus killed by the Romans? so they have Christians all over the world killed by us"

if we do the projection of this speech: on the terrorist misfortunes of Israel:

we can deduce that if the plutocratic Jews of the Diaspora do not commit themselves to my Kingdom of Israel, then they will commit to having Israel killed by IRAN, which is exactly what they are doing.

if they make the Zionist project fail, and for 80 years they have been working to make it fail: then the Israelis' Shoah is inevitable:

because it is impossible to save goat (FED Spa & Co IMF ECB BN NWO scam banking seigniorage) and cabbage (the Israelis sovranity)

Fred 1369

yes, I know it is a tenet of the Koran to spread the word. ISIS and al Quade and immigrants to other countries are doing it. And the Taliban let al Quade hang out there. But the Taliban themselves are not out proselytising or killing non-believers.

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri Fred 1369

or are you with me, and my Kingdom of Israel?

or you with Rockefeller and Rothschild and MBS, you have already decided to sacrifice the Israelis, in a new Jewish shoah

Fred 1369 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

my father's name was Yitzhak. my brother is a black coat, fur hat and all, living in Jerusalem. 3 of his 4 daughters still live in Israel, 1 daughter in Miami, 2 sons in Detroit and Miami, 1 son in Budapest. That one was a sniper in the IDF during the 2014 Gaza war. No, I don't think I will turn on them.

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri Fred 1369 3 days ago edited

well, as you can see from my 51 accounts (40CIA have blocked them) Followers

and mine 53 Following... there is a 14-year story in which I am cultural project for universal brotherhood Unius REI and the political project of the

Kingdom of Israel lorenzoJHWH.

and we can talk about it and not get lost: here (even better) as privately


Beste CitizenGO’er, beste lorenzo,

We zijn de strijd aan het winnen die CitizenGO drie jaar geleden tegen Disney begon. Sindsdien hebben we verschillende campagnes gelanceerd en wereldwijd bijna 2 miljoen handtekeningen opgehaald.

We winnen deze strijd dankzij jou, en duizenden ouders over de hele wereld, die niet willen dat hun kinderen bedorven worden door het "nieuwe normaal" - een progressieve, woke agenda die verwarring wil stichten en het begrip van kinderen over zichzelf en de wereld om hen heen wil veranderen.

Vele malen heeft Disney via hun inhoud suggestieve boodschappen uitgezonden. Ze zijn nu veel kloekmoediger en vertrouwen niet meer op subtiele boodschappen.

Hun boodschap is luid en duidelijk: ze willen een leider zijn in het promoten van de LHBT agenda.

Daarom verzamelden we op 9 augustus voor de Disney winkel in Parijs, met alle handtekeningen van alle campagnes, en eisten van Disney dat ze de indoctrinatie van kinderen zou stoppen.

Onze boodschap was ook luid en duidelijk: we zullen, samen met miljoenen gezinnen over de hele wereld, ALLE producten van Disney die de LHBT indoctrinatie en propaganda agenda bevorderen boycotten!

Zie hier wat we Disney te vertellen hadden:

Disney zoals we het vroeger kenden is al lang verdwenen.

In plaats van te kiezen voor de kant van hun trouwste publiek - gezinnen - kozen ze de kant van de LHBT propaganda en beloofden ze dat 50 procent van hun personages ras- of genderminderheden zouden zijn, dat ze homoseksuele zoenen zouden verspreiden en "gender-taal" uit hun pretparken zouden verwijderen.

Maar, dankzij jullie maken we een eind aan hun plan om onze kinderen te indoctrineren met de politieke agenda van de LHBT lobby.

En de resultaten zijn al te zien.

Disney's film 'Lightyear' is een flop aan de kassa's. De opbrengst wordt met 51,7 miljoen dollar in de VS in het eerste weekend op een dieptepunt gerapporteerd. Dat is ver verwijderd van de 120 miljoen van Toy Story 4 en de 110 miljoen van Toy Story 3. De inkomsten van het tweede weekend daalden met 65% (weer een nieuw dieptepunt).

Bovendien zijn de Disney aandelen bijna 50 procent gekelderd nu hun met politiek doordrenkte producties publiek blijven afschrikken en boze reacties van fans oproepen.

Bekijk hier enkele foto's van onze stunt voor de Disney winkel in Parijs.

Het enige waar ze om geven is geld... jouw geld! Dat ze besteden om progressieve politieke doelen te bevorderen tegen de belangen van hun trouwste klanten in. En daarom moeten we ons nog meer mobiliseren en AL hun inhoud boycotten.

Je kunt er aan bijdragen dat ze elke minuut inkomsten verliezen - waarbij CEO Bob Chapek persoonlijk zijn geloofwaardigheid en steun verliest.

Meer dan 1.800.000 mensen hebben al gesproken en besloten: we kijken niet naar jullie films en kopen ook niet jullie producten die gericht zijn op het promoten van LHBT-propaganda en het bederven van de onschuld van kinderen!

CitizenGO zal jullie stemmen blijven uitdragen naar hen die ze moeten horen. We zullen blijven toekijken en ons uitspreken terwijl Disney, en vele anderen, proberen misbruik te maken van de onschuld van jullie kinderen.

We kunnen niet langer aan de zijlijn blijven toekijken!

Er is nog tijd om ons in deze strijd te steunen. Teken de petitie, deel het met je vrienden en familie en boycot ALLE producten van Disney.

Disney heeft gezinnen hoogmoedig de rug toegekeerd, dus moeten wij Disney en zijn progressieve instelling de rug toekeren (en onze portemonnee sluiten).

Heel erg bedankt voor je steun!

Ignacio Arsuaga en het hele CitizenGO-team

P.S. Wil je het werk van CitizenGO blijven steunen? De CitizenGO-gemeenschap zal ieder moment, dag na dag en jaar na jaar, blijven werken om leven, vrijheid en gezin te verdedigen. En om dat te doen heeft CitizenGO jouw voortdurende steun nodig, nu meer dan ooit Als dit werk is waar je trots op bent en je hebt de middelen, overweeg dan een regelmatige bijdrage aan onze beweging. 5 Euro per maand helpt ons enorm om deze strijd te blijven voeren.


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