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ora Giorgio terzo la cipolla

massiccia fuga di dati apre il "vaso di Pandora" dei segreti finanziari dei leader mondiali, israeliani4 ottobre 2021

La massiccia fuga di dati apre il "vaso di Pandora" dei segreti finanziari dei leader mondiali, israelianiL'ex sindaco di Gerusalemme Nir Barkat (AP/Jenni Girtman)

Cinguettare E-mail Stampare 26 Commenti

Incluso nei documenti trapelati è l'ex sindaco di Gerusalemme e deputato del Likud Nir Barkat, che deteneva azioni di diverse società fino alle sue elezioni alla Knesset nel 2019.

Di Associated Press e Tobias Siegal, World Israel News

Centinaia di leader mondiali, potenti politici, miliardari, celebrità, leader religiosi e spacciatori di droga hanno nascosto i loro investimenti in palazzi, proprietà esclusive sulla spiaggia, yacht e altri beni nell'ultimo quarto di secolo, secondo una revisione di quasi 12 milioni di file ottenuti da 14 aziende situate in tutto il mondo.

Il rapporto pubblicato domenica dall'International Consortium of Investigative Journalists ha coinvolto 600 giornalisti di 150 media in 117 paesi ed è considerato la più grande collaborazione giornalistica al mondo che abbia mai avuto luogo.

Viene soprannominato il "Pandora Papers" perché i risultati fanno luce sui rapporti precedentemente nascosti dell'élite e dei corrotti e su come hanno usato i conti offshore per proteggere attività che collettivamente valgono trilioni di dollari.

Prospettiva israeliana

I rappresentanti israeliani nel massiccio progetto investigativo includevano i giornalisti Uri Blau e Daniel Dolev della ONG Shomrim – The Center for Media and Democracy, che si sforza di "rafforzare la democrazia israeliana attraverso il giornalismo investigativo", secondo il suo sito web.

La parola "Israele" appare in più di 40 mila file dei documenti trapelati, secondo Shomrim.

Con 565 cittadini israeliani menzionati nei documenti trapelati come beneficiari finali delle società, Israele è classificato 16 tra tutti i paesi menzionati, con la Russia in cima, con quasi 4.500 beneficiari. Circa 617 beneficiari finali sono elencati come americani.

Incluso nei documenti trapelati è l'ex sindaco di Gerusalemme e deputato del Likud Nir Barkat, che ha detenuto azioni in diverse società fino alle sue elezioni alla Knesset nel 2019, quando ha trasferito le sue azioni a suo fratello, nonostante le normative israeliane gli imponessero di vendere o affittare le sue partecipazioni a un non parente.

Barkat ha anche acquistato azioni di una grande società registrata nelle Isole Vergini britanniche, un paradiso fiscale, piuttosto che in Israele.

Altri israeliani di alto profilo menzionati nei Pandora Papers includono l'ex ministro della Giustizia Haim Ramon e il magnate israeliano dei diamanti Beny Steinmetz.

Molti dei conti segreti elencati nel rapporto sono stati progettati per evadere le tasse e nascondere beni per altri motivi loschi, secondo il rapporto.

Tuttavia, detenere trust o azioni in paesi considerati paradisi fiscali non è vietato secondo la legge israeliana. Di conseguenza, gli israeliani menzionati nei documenti trapelati potrebbero non aver commesso alcun crimine. Tuttavia, i documenti sollevano domande sulla prevista divulgazione finanziaria da parte dei funzionari pubblici.

Servizio sveglia

I politici attuali ed ex di tutto il mondo identificati come beneficiari dei conti segreti includono il re di Giordania Abdullah II, l'ex primo ministro britannico Tony Blair, il primo ministro della Repubblica Ceca Andrej Babis, il presidente keniota Uhuru Kenyatta, il presidente dell'Ecuador Guillermo Lasso e i soci del primo ministro pakistano Imran Khan e del presidente russo Vladimir Putin.

E sebbene le loro azioni non fossero necessariamente illegali, "La nuova fuga di dati deve essere un campanello d'allarme", ha detto Sven Giegold, un parlamentare del partito verde al Parlamento europeo. "L'evasione fiscale globale alimenta la disuguaglianza globale. Dobbiamo espandere e affinare le contromisure ora".

Oxfam International, un consorzio britannico di enti di beneficenza, ha applaudito i Pandora Papers per aver esposto esempi sfacciati di avidità che hanno privato i paesi delle entrate fiscali che potrebbero essere utilizzate per finanziare programmi e progetti per il bene superiore.

"Questo è dove sono i nostri ospedali scomparsi", ha detto Oxfam in una nota. "È qui che si trovano le buste paga di tutti gli insegnanti, i vigili del fuoco e i dipendenti pubblici in più di cui abbiamo bisogno. Ogni volta che un politico o un imprenditore afferma che non ci sono "soldi" per pagare i danni climatici e l'innovazione, per posti di lavoro più numerosi e migliori, per un'equa ripresa post-COVID, per maggiori aiuti all'estero, sanno dove cercare.

I Panama Papers

I Pandora Papers sono il seguito di un progetto simile pubblicato nel 2016 chiamato "Panama Papers" compilato dallo stesso gruppo giornalistico.

L'ultima bomba è ancora più ampia, con il porting di quasi 3 terabyte di dati – l'equivalente di circa 750.000 foto su uno smartphone – trapelati da 14 diversi fornitori di servizi che fanno affari in 38 diverse giurisdizioni del mondo. I record risalgono al 1970, ma la maggior parte dei file si estende dal 1996 al 2020.

Al contrario, i Panama Papers hanno raccolto 2,6 terabyte di dati trapelati da uno studio legale ora defunto chiamato Mossack Fonseca che si trovava nel paese che ha ispirato il soprannome di quel progetto.

L'ultima indagine ha scavato in conti registrati in paradisi offshore familiari, tra cui le Isole Vergini britanniche, Seycpanamahelles, Hong Kong e Belize. Ma alcuni dei conti segreti erano anche sparsi in trust istituiti negli Stati Uniti, tra cui 81 in South Dakota e 37 in Florida.

Alcuni dei primi risultati pubblicati domenica hanno dipinto un quadro sordido delle persone di spicco coinvolte.


Ad esempio, l'indagine ha scoperto che i consulenti hanno aiutato il re Abdullah II di Giordania a creare almeno tre dozzine di società di comodo dal 1995 al 2017, aiutando il monarca ad acquistare 14 case per un valore di oltre 106 milioni di dollari negli Stati Uniti e nel Regno Unito. Uno era una proprietà da 23 milioni di dollari con vista sull'oceano in California acquistata nel 2017 attraverso una società delle Isole Vergini britanniche. I consulenti sono stati identificati come un contabile inglese in Svizzera e avvocati nelle Isole Vergini britanniche.

Non ci sono stati commenti immediati dal Palazzo Reale di Giordania.

I dettagli sono un colpo imbarazzante per Abdullah, il cui governo è stato travolto dallo scandalo quest'anno quando il suo fratellastro, l'ex principe ereditario Hamzah, ha accusato il "sistema di governo" di corruzione e incompetenza. Il re ha affermato di essere stato vittima di un "complotto doloso", ha messo il suo fratellastro agli arresti domiciliari e ha messo sotto processo due ex stretti collaboratori.

Gli avvocati britannici di Abdullah hanno detto che non è tenuto a pagare le tasse secondo la legge del suo paese e non ha abusato di fondi pubblici, aggiungendo che ci sono ragioni di sicurezza e privacy per lui di avere partecipazioni attraverso società offshore, secondo il rapporto. Gli avvocati hanno anche detto che la maggior parte delle società e delle proprietà non sono collegate al re o non esistono più, anche se hanno rifiutato di fornire dettagli.

Regno Unito

Blair, primo ministro del Regno Unito dal 1997 al 2007, è diventato proprietario di un edificio vittoriano da 8,8 milioni di dollari nel 2017 acquistando una società delle Isole Vergini britanniche che deteneva la proprietà, e l'edificio ora ospita lo studio legale di sua moglie, Cherie Blair, secondo l'indagine. I due hanno acquistato l'azienda dalla famiglia del ministro dell'industria e del turismo del Bahrain, Zayed bin Rashid al-Zayani. L'acquisto delle azioni della società invece dell'edificio di Londra ha fatto risparmiare ai Blair più di $ 400.000 in tasse di proprietà, secondo l'indagine.

I Blair e gli al-Zayanis hanno entrambi detto che inizialmente non sapevano che l'altra parte fosse coinvolta nell'accordo, ha scoperto l'indagine. Cherie Blair ha detto che suo marito non è stato coinvolto nell'acquisto, che ha detto che aveva lo scopo di riportare "la società e l'edificio nel regime fiscale e normativo del Regno Unito". Ha anche detto che non voleva possedere una società delle Isole Vergini britanniche e che il "venditore per i propri scopi voleva solo vendere la società", che ora è chiusa.

Un avvocato di al-Zayanis ha detto che hanno rispettato le leggi del Regno Unito.


Khan, il primo ministro pakistano, non è accusato di alcun illecito. Ma i membri della sua cerchia ristretta, tra cui il ministro delle Finanze Shaukat Fayaz Ahmed Tarin, sono accusati di nascondere milioni di dollari di ricchezza in società segrete o trust, secondo i risultati dei giornalisti.

In un tweet, Khan ha promesso di recuperare i "guadagni illeciti" e ha detto che il suo governo esaminerà tutti i cittadini menzionati nei documenti e agirà, se necessario.

Il consorzio di giornalisti ha rivelato che il creatore di immagini di Putin e amministratore delegato della principale stazione televisiva russa, Konstantin Ernst, ha ottenuto uno sconto per acquistare e sviluppare cinema di epoca sovietica e proprietà circostanti a Mosca dopo aver diretto le Olimpiadi invernali del 2014 a Sochi. Ernst ha detto all'organizzazione che l'accordo non era segreto e ha negato i suggerimenti che gli è stato dato un trattamento speciale.

Nel 2009, il primo ministro ceco Andrej Babis ha investito 22 milioni di dollari in società di comodo per acquistare una proprietà del castello in un villaggio collinare a Mougins, in Francia, vicino a Cannes. Le società di comodo e il castello non sono stati divulgati nelle dichiarazioni patrimoniali richieste da Babis, secondo i documenti ottenuti dal partner ceco del gruppo giornalistico,

Un gruppo immobiliare di proprietà indiretta di Babis ha acquistato la società di Monaco che possedeva il castello nel 2018, ha rilevato l'indagine.

"Stavo aspettando che portassero qualcosa prima delle elezioni per danneggiarmi e influenzare le elezioni ceche", ha twittato Babis nella sua prima reazione al rapporto.

Le elezioni parlamentari in Repubblica ceca si terranno venerdì e sabato.

"Non ho mai fatto nulla di illegale o sbagliato", ha aggiunto Babis.


Lapid: Israel conducting ‘successful’ campaign to thwart Iran nuke deal, but still ‘long way’ to go2

now Giorgio third the onion;

he is both the Pimpino protector of JabulOn Freemasonry,

and he is also the Pimpino protector of the Anglican Church:

as if to say: the Chinese proverb that says: "the leader of the sheep is also the leader of the wolves"

משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri4

Meloni Giorgia every-day-an-exponent-of-the-entertainment-world-insults-me-and-form-of-art-in-vogue

these NWO lgbt FED ECB UE UK Jewish plutocrats and technocratic neoliberals are all DEM and are an anti-Zionist Nazi regime, all Judges, Entertainment, judiciary, art and information, social networks, multinationals, etc. is one only monopoly scam banking seigniorage cult jabulOn

and they parceled out everything: corporate institutions, then they went on to slander and persecute right-wing voters,

this is the effect of both the Islamic international and the Masonic international.

and I'm sorry for Lapid: "there is no Israel in their future"


משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 4 comments

WATCH: Russian forces flee Ukrainian counter-offensive10

the US intentionally imposed and planned this war on Russia and is to be blamed by the whole world

משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

these NWO FED ECB UE UK Jewish plutocrats and technocratic neoliberals have already decided to send us to war, but since the cruel and bloody coup of 2014 the NATO CIA are threatening the Russians and are making pogroms in Donbass. and if Paragone (italexit) not says at least the same things as Rizzo (sovereign Italy)? we will certainly end up in world war

משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

the hellish forces of Rothschild Rockefeller's New World Order and their Baal JabulOn allah satan and sodom are playing it all.

and those who do not want to become goyimd dalit and dhimmis slaves? they cannot leave the Russians alone in this sacrifice of theirs

to obtain the freedom of all peoples

משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 7 comments

The unlearned lessons of 9/11

the fetus? we were all fetuses!

..and we talk as if a child has no natural right to be born of a father and a mother. that is, we never look at reality from the child's point of view, now violating the natural order is as dangerous as it is abusive

[17:48, 11/9/2022] Lorenzo: everyone at home does what they want, but the LGBTs pretend to impose their GENDER fluid sexual ideology on our children by law at school, and there are already European standards for this imparted in secret to all member states in the EU

[17:51, 11/9/2022] Lorenzo: When MORATTI as Minister of Education proposed to abolish the Darwin theory in textbooks (and would not have made the proposal without just cause), she was attacked, but this is certain yes calls "Theory" because it is a scientistic dogma that can no longer be demonstrated. dogma so dear to the bosses who stole our bank seigniorage (see: Scientist Giacinto Auriti) and coincidentally the Talmud says that goyims are humanoid-shaped animals and that must be exploited

משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

[17:32, 11/9/2022] Lorenzo: if we accept the gender theory we must also accept the rented uterus

[17:41, 11/9/2022] Lorenzo: sexual education from the point of view of moral meanings is an educational responsibility of the parents as a Constitutional imperative

(and I as a Catholic hope that you will not tell a 14 year old son that he he needs an excellent se* life) I hope you will educate him in a love life.

The Church does not say that sexual life, which is lawful only between spouses, serves only for procreation, but also serves for mutual love in the couple.

משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri



[16:51, 11/9/2022] Lorenzo: I want to know from the members of this community if I am wrong in this group or you are wrong.

we cannot pervert children's minds to divert them from natural law

[16:52, 11/9/2022] Lorenzo: I demand that the party clarify this position

Facebook deleted the post for "hate speech". it is a CENSORSHIP of the Rothschild Regime. Would defending our children from LGBT indoctrination be "hate speech"? Absurd. now Facebook twitter are the Deep State, the very regime that is killing us and that we are fighting.. the sickles of the Gender lgbtqia theory are a social threat, and in fact many homosexuals do not share them

the party must express itself on this sensitive issue, the ideological imposition of this satanic theosophy is already a terrible reality in the public school of the PD, many Catholics (like me) have been mobbed for having dissented and others have been fired (university professor in the UK) , and a priest who read the Bible from the altar was put in jail (in Holland) and they say they are removing parental authority from parents who do not send their children to GENDER lessons according to the lgbtqia ideology..

ZAPATERO ex-President of Spain told nine-year-old primary school children:

"nature has given us se*, and we can use it with a boy, a girl or an animal".. and then, they hid the news of Beppe Grillo who proposed marriage between men and animals..

now, I do not really believe that Italexit will be able to refrain from taking a position in this sense

משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri2


[16:51, 11/9/2022] Lorenzo: I want to know from the members of this community if I am wrong in this group or you are wrong.

we cannot pervert children's minds to divert them from natural law

[16:52, 11/9/2022] Lorenzo: I demand that the party clarify this position

Facebook deleted the post for "hate speech". it is a CENSORSHIP of the Rothschild Regime. Would defending our children from LGBT indoctrination be "hate speech"? Absurd. now Facebook twitter are the Deep State, the very regime that is killing us and that we are fighting.. the sickles of the Gender lgbtqia theory are a social threat, and in fact many homosexuals do not share them

the party must express itself on this sensitive issue, the ideological imposition of this satanic theosophy is already a terrible reality in the public school of the PD, many Catholics (like me) have been mobbed for having dissented and others have been fired (university professor in the UK) , and a priest who read the Bible from the altar was put in jail (in Holland) and they say they are removing parental authority from parents who do not send their children to GENDER lessons according to the lgbtqia ideology..

ZAPATERO ex-President of Spain told nine-year-old primary school children:

"nature has given us sex, and we can use it with a boy, a girl or an animal".. and then, they hid the news of Beppe Grillo who proposed marriage between men and animals..

now, I do not really believe that Italexit will be able to refrain from taking a position in this sense

[17:32, 11/9/2022] Lorenzo: if we accept the gender theory we must also accept the rented uterus

[17:41, 11/9/2022] Lorenzo: sexual education from the point of view of moral meanings is an educational responsibility of the parents as a Constitutional imperative (and I as a Catholic hope that you will not tell a 14 year old son that he he needs an excellent sex life) I hope you will educate him in a love life.

The Church does not say that sexual life, which is lawful only between spouses, serves only for procreation, but also serves for mutual love in the couple.

the fetus? we were all fetuses!

..and we talk as if a child has no natural right to be born of a father and a mother. that is, we never look at reality from the child's point of view, now violating the natural order is as dangerous as it is abusive

[17:48, 11/9/2022] Lorenzo: everyone at home does what they want, but the LGBTs pretend to impose their GENDER fluid sexual ideology on our children by law at school, and there are already European standards for this imparted in secret to all member states in the EU

[17:51, 11/9/2022] Lorenzo: When MORATTI as Minister of Education proposed to abolish the Darwin theory in textbooks (and would not have made the proposal without just cause), she was attacked, but this is certain yes calls "Theory" because it is a scientistic dogma that can no longer be demonstrated. dogma so dear to the bosses who stole our bank seigniorage (see: Scientist Giacinto Auriti) and coincidentally the Talmud says that goyims are humanoid-shaped animals and that must be exploited2

Facebook is censoring Pro Life & Family because we don't want to use our money to confuse children.

They have just deleted from the profile of Pro Vita & Famiglia the petition with which we ask RAI not

to use our license fee to broadcast “gay cartoons” for children. We do not want the episode of the Peppa Pig cartoon about "two lesbian mothers" to be broadcast. Stop brainwashing!

Within hours, Facebook deleted the post for "hate speech". Would defending our children from LGBT indoctrination be "hate speech"? Absurd. Lorenzo, help me react to this violence. Now we can increase

the number of signatures and reach the goal only by signing the petition through this email. Help me?

Sign the petition here asking RAI not to broadcast the Peppa Pig LGBT episode or any other "gay cartoon" for children! (click here) I believe that Facebook also acted under pressure from the LGBT Lobby. As soon as we published the petition, insults, threats, offenses were unleashed. Even Monica Cirinnà bothered: According to Cirinnà, RAI must broadcast (with our money) gay cartoons so as not to "discriminate" children who have "two mothers" or "two dads". We are absurd: those children were discriminated against precisely by those who STOLEN their mum and dad they needed and right.

There are no "two moms" or "two dads". Two women can have a child only by buying the sperm of a stranger and practicing artificial insemination. A practice that violates the child's right to grow up with his dad. Just as the rented uterus between two men violates the child's right to grow up with his mother,

as well as mortifying the dignity of the "used" woman. According to Cirinnà, RAI must inculcate these lies

in the minds of our children… with our license fee! If you help me today, we will prevent this from happening. SIGN NOW the petition to RAI: do not broadcast the episode of Peppa Pig with the

"two lesbian mothers", let's leave the children alone! (Click here)

ATTENTION - Since Facebook is censoring us, the only way to spread this petition to those

who would like to support it is through word of mouth. So after signing up, share the petition with your friends via WhatsApp, Facebook or Telegram: this time it's vital! We must undo the effect of censorship. https://www.provitaefamiglia.It/petizione/no-ai-cartoni-gay-per-bambini-sulla-rai

משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri3

there is no danger, that is to divide us, but the party must express itself on this sensitive issue, the ideological imposition of this satanic theosophy is already a terrible reality in the public school of the PD, many Catholics (like me) have been mobbed and others were fired (university lecturer in the UK), and a priest who read the Bible from the altar was put in jail (in the Netherlands) and they say to remove parental authority from parents who do not send their children to the lessons of the GENDER according to the lgbtqia ideology..

ZAPATERO ex-President of Spain told nine-year-old primary school children:

"nature has given us se*, and we can use it with a boy, a girl or an animal".. and then, they hid the news of Beppe Grillo who proposed marriage between men and animals..

now, I do not really believe that Italexit will be able to refrain from taking a position in this sense

משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri3

all governments collaborated in the 9/11 self-attack with their silence,

but Saudi Arabia made a direct contribution

משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri3

someone would have to look for the 100 questions the US government refused to answer.

but President Cossiga replied him:

"9/11 made by the CIA and Mossad to justify the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan" all the governments of the world were forewarned that the attack would take place.


this indicates that Freemasonry has subverted the sovereignty of peoples

משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 27 comments

Massive data leak exposes financial secrets of world leaders, Israelis

Larry Spinner5

tax havens are coherent and indispensable to the criminal world private monetary system, to launder the proceeds deriving from banking seigniorage.

here is the power of lucifer through the finance of the City London against the hope of all the peoples of this planet

משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 19 comments

German police fine Jewish activist for staging pro-Israel counter-demonstration at Palestinian rally5

German police fined Jewish activist for organizing a pro-Israel counter-demonstration to the Palestinian demonstration


the state should protect peaceful associations:

and instead the anti-Zionist Jew Freemason rothschild

fine the peacefull Jews (repressing their constitutional rights)

and encourages violent Muslims

משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 3 comments

President Herzog to attend Queen Elizabeth II's funeral5

President Herzog to attend the funeral of the witch mother of jabullon: Queen Elizabeth according to bildenberg,

that is the evil stepmother of Soros against all peoples

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri5

The Rockefeller Foundation "predicted" food shortages two years ago - now the UN announces it


We are told that the looming food shortage is mainly the result of climate change and the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Yet, in July 2020,

the Rockefeller Foundation had already foreseen this and was asking

a renewal of the food system as a whole to address it

משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri5

the sodom satan Masons of antichrist antizionist UE, are the COMPLICES of the sodom satan Masons of that planned US-UK PLAN City London (the throne of Rothschild and Satan) to THROW EUROPE IN CHAOS

Manlio Dinucci, 2 September 2022, since 2014, for 88 years, we have been indifferent to an ethnic cleansing of Russian speakers by the Anglo-American conspiracy; in the Donbass,

when Rothschild invited us to fight Russia directly and said that we cannot lose Donbass and Crimea otherwise our whole Western system will collapse. The real cause is not the fact that Russia no longer supplies us with gas, but that the Amsterdam Stock Exchange, the one that decides the price of gas in Europe,

it belongs to a US financial company, which determines its price on the basis of speculative and political mechanisms. ENI itself, while buying Russian gas at low prices,

He sells it at a high price according to the Amsterdam prices. A real scam against the Italians covered

by the Draghi government. At the same time, Europe is being increasingly endangered by the huge amount

of weapons that NATO and the EU are sending to Ukraine.

Washington has announced an additional $ 3 billion in military supplies, part of the $ 40 billion "assistance package" approved by Congress.

Of these supplies - shows a report from the US CBS - most of them end up in the clandestine arms market, in the hands of terrorist and criminal organizations.

A further serious danger is caused by the fact that Ukrainian forces

- armed, trained and in fact commanded by NATO - fire cannons and missiles supplied to them by NATO

and the EU on the Zaparozhye nuclear power plant currently under Russian control,

exposing Italy. and Europe at the serious radioactive risk of a new Chernobyl. "

משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri6

the sodom satan Masons of the EU, are the ACCOMPLICES of the sodom satan Masons of that planned US-UK City London PLAN (the throne of Rothschile and Satan) OF THROWING EUROPE IN CHAOS

Manlio Dinucci, 2 September 2022

«Josep Borrell, High Representative for EU foreign policy, not only announces the suspension of visas for Russian tourists, dealing another blow to the Italian and European tourism sector.

At a meeting of EU defense ministers he said:

"The countries of the European Union have been discussing the hypothesis of a training mission for the Ukrainian forces since before the war: now is the time to act".

With the dispatch of weapons and the training of Kiev's forces, the EU becomes a belligerent country against Russia alongside NATO. At the same time Ursula Von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, reiterates that we must:

"End our addiction to dirty Russian fossil fuels".

This is how you announce the decision of the EU to continue on the path that is causing a devastating economic crisis in Europe, due to the price of gas which has risen from 15 euros to over 300 euros per megawatt hour.

משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 8 comments

WATCH: Russia pulls forces out of parts of Ukraine's Kharkiv region10

MBS Executioner Erdogan Executioner Abiy Ahmed Executioner (another Nobel Peace Prize winner like Obama Executioner), Prime Minister of Ethiopia


give the secession to the Tigrè

משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri10



we will not go to Satan to ask for the truth.

Russia has been attacked in Ukraine since 2014: with cruelty and massacres beyond the imagination

משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri10

60-year-old attacked who reacts with rifle shots, 5 arrests


is the punishment of the Italians,

4 Nigerians attacked a 60-year-old Italian who defended himself by shooting in the air.

but the carabinieri arrested him too.

in Italy from aggression? you cannot defend yourself


משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri10

City London Satanists Profit from Corpses!

Queen Elizabeth's "prophecy" about Putin: "Dogs have interesting instincts, don't they?"

משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri10

I, a doctor, will explain why I left my post as head physician in the emergency room


when on the Britannia of queen jezabell second vatican bildenberg Mario Draghi DEM privatized Italy with in favor of plutocratic with their freemassons plundered Italy?

he knew it would turn into a nightmare place for slaves

משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri11

Donbass and Crimea are Russian territory and will not be lost!

the ogres of Ursula the octopus OTAN sodom and satan and allah will be rejected.

משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 6 comments

Charles III formally proclaimed king, sons appear together10

the complicated relationship of the monarchy with the citizens of the Commonwealth and the former colonies. The monarchy at these heights was also synonymous with oppression, repression, forced labor, exploitation of natural resources, control of local institutions.


Rockefeller's Commonwealth has been replaced by Rockefeller's New World Order, hence the dictatorship oppression and repression, forced labor, exploitation of natural resources, control of local institutions? they all got worse


this demonic monarchy must sink into hell

1 1im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri11

Rockefeller Rothschild and their rabbis, and their Wahhabis follow the synagogue / mosque for a racist and murderous identity element, but none of them are stupid enough to think they won't have to go to hell, their millions and trillions of dollars remind them of this. their tragic fate all the time


so what did the Talmud Synagogue do? said that Macron DEM Trudeau are the Darwin monkeys, that is, they are humanoid-shaped animals (like all Israelis who 2000 years ago, look case, the paternal genealogies were stolen and the 6-pointed star swastika was imposed on him)) ,

in fact, if the sons of Abraham and Moses were not destroyed, then how could the Chinese also be destroyed?

moreover, the Darwin DEM monkeys of monetary sovereignty do not care much, they like bananas in Sodom among the lgbtqia farm++++ the dog the sheep the mule and the capitone, that is the black broadsword

משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 27 comments

Jews slam appointment of Holocaust-denying judge to Greek Supreme Court19

Jews condemn the appointment of a judge who denies the Holocaust to the Greek Supreme Court


I see that the justice of the Jews is rather shameless and semi-naked for the sensitivity of Ali Khamenei.

but obviously being a Jewish-Masonic justice it is also blind (blindfolded)

that it is said that the Goddess Fortuna must be blindfolded,

while justice? she should see us well.

the plutocratic Jews of the diaspora are so wicked: that a word has not yet been coined to identify them,

in fact while they protest for the offenses made to the Shoah Holocaust?

they are preparing against the Israelis, together with the Wahhabis, in the smallest details, the same shoah against them

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri19

that Almighty God hears the prayers of those who do His will.

John 15: 7 (sadly though that his will cannot be within our reach)

If you abide in me and my words abide in you, ask for what you want and it will be done for you.

ok this is what you have to ask: "dear God don't make me become the scum of the sewer of hell, together with MBS from Riyad"

[11:45, 5/9/2022] Romans 10: 9

Because, if with your mouth you have confessed Jesus as Lord

and you will have believed with your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved;

10 for with the heart one believes to obtain justice and with the mouth one makes confession to obtain salvation.

[11:45, 5/9/2022] Prayer of the sinner:

Lord Jesus I believe that you are the Son of God, that you came to earth and died on the cross for my sins.

That you rose from the dead.

Please Lord Jesus forgive my sins,

he saves my soul.

I receive you as my Lord and Savior.

Come and dwell in my heart.

I surrender to you. Help me do your will.

Thank you Lord Jesus, Amen.


now take a position with me in the heart of Jesus on the right hand of the Father and pay attention to your martyrdom with patience, and do not complain, because there is no other solution to the BERGOGLIO freemason scam banking seigniorage Rothschild and City London the kingdom of Satan Allah on his curse jezabell Elizabet second bildenberg jabulOn on yhis maleficata ground

2 im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri20

MBS wahhabis Spa&Co Rockefeller ONU etc.. to all ] [ stop being that false currency of BERGOGLIO, who wants to please everyone, and is hurting everyone and even himself

משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri20

MBS Spa&Co Rockefeller ONU etc.. and their king onion CarloIII ] [ you have two alternatives to enter Heaven:


make you Christian martyrs or let me build my third Jewish temple.


but what if you are ambitious and want the same divine nature of God for you?

then being a Christian martyr is the only possibility

משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri20

we all wanted to be God to create a better universe than that incapable JHWH did, but, for that: we all ended up being the antichrist:

and together with BERGOGLIO he / we want to present a degrading God who gets dirty with man, and through the gnosis Bergolio wants to present a good-natured and merciful God, who says: "ok add a place at the table, that there is an extra friend: Freemason, usurer, Islamist, technocrat, pervert: more and more to add to the fake Paradise of pedo-polygamous Muslims "

but of course this is the truth, which we all have to accept:

1. the needs of Almighty God are impossible for us (but they were and still are feasible for those: who have not yet committed original sin, and who are still in the Earthly Paradise ie, 4th dimension) while we we have been expelled (for being in the 3rd dimension).

in hell they are shadows (i.e. they are in two dimensions)

anyway for us, here now now:

There is NO hope, because God's infinite justice, of course: it will burn us, of course: it CANNOT welcome us!

then, the man-God Jesus of Bethlehem: he sacrificed himself for us, he paid the ransom price for all of us.

2. the message of his cross? it is a punch in the stomach for us, too bitter a mouthful: that infamous said: "whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life will save it"

that is, following Jesus of Bethlehem means accepting: martyrdom and tribulations, persecutions and betrayals, misunderstandings, slander and yorture, deprivation, shame and failure: and you will have to accept injustices and up to your gallows: accept death, ok, only this one will be saved.

because there is this small part that we must do, in order to be united with the man of the cross: and which is lacking in the sufferings of the Xsto, as Saint Paul said.

or, hell is also a choice of free will it is true, but it is not a disco, there is no proportion between the sufferings that Rockefeller and MBS the Wahhabi can give, and what the demons can give to hell. indeed even their infernal sufferings are nothing compared to the deprivation of God love.

because who doesn't know? today we are immersed in him like fish in the sea.

משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 6 comments

Albania hit by new cyberattack after severing ties with Iran

Netanjahu Lapid open letter ] [ Albania hit by a new cyber attack after cutting ties with Iran


wolf does not eat wolf:

you just have to do a preventive nuclear attack..

"I'll come and do it"

we always said that, but now it has to be done!

משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

the extra profits of energy spas & co?

no, they must not be taxed but must be confiscated,

and no Rothschild man the philistine satan

it must have trillions in order to corrupt and threaten the state

משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

my holy JHWH holy holy holy ] and this is a great time for Satan Allah and Rockefeller who have brought all their depraved Macron Trudeau and all their lgbtqia farm++++++ perverts to power:

but I'm a king too

and I will challenge King Cipolla Charles III to the saber, and King Osama Salman MBS ISIS the cutthroat

משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

King Charles Onion III is an infamous, as all Freemasons can be;

who, in Jeabell JabullOn Baal Owl Rockefeller betray the Constitution and the Bible,


he married her a beautiful little girl and stabbed her in the back

משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 2 comments

WATCH: Israel designates new earthquake response team but major detail missing

The Islamic terrorist Obama Nobel Peace Prize: that is, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed had started an ethnic cleaning in Tigray, to implement the geopolitics of Mbs Front Riyad, and for the love of Umma, and this is the truth, the Tigrines fight to survive

The conflict in Ethiopia broke out following a TPLF attack on the main base of the army in Mekelle

(this is the slander that the Islamists say), after which Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed ordered an offensive

against the group later to months of political and administrative tensions. A "humanitarian truce" is currently in force, even if both sides have accused themselves of preventing the delivery of aid. The Tplf accuses Abiy of having fueled the tensions since he climbed power in April 2018, when he became

the first Oromo to take charge. Until then, the Tplf had been the dominant force within the coalition to the Government of Ethiopia since 1991, the revolutionary democratic front of the Ethiopian people (EPRDF),

with an ethnic basis. The group opposed the reforms of Abiy, seen as an attempt to undermine its influence.

משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

islamic boia jihad kabbalah genocide theology of replacement [ Abiy Ahmed, Prime Minister of Ethiopia is another MBS Erdogan Nobel Peace Prize as Obama The Ripper. Ethiopia rejects the report

of UN experts and accuses them of "reckless behavior". "The commission has no competence and no proper

assessment of the conflict unleashed by the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) in violation of the humanitarian truce," said the Ethiopian Foreign Ministry. He stressed that "the commission cannot assume a mandate to rule

on peace and security issues" and added that "its call for action against Ethiopia by the UN Security Council

only demonstrates reckless behavior. ". The Foreign Ministry stressed that this call "reaffirms the (Ethiopian) government's assertion that the resolution that established the commission and the work of the commission are politically motivated".


the Tigray of Christians must be given indipence quickly.

משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Bin Isis Salman] Ethiopia rejects the report of UN experts and accuses them of "reckless behavior".

Abiy Ahmed, Prime Minister of Ethiopia is another MBS Erdogan Nobel Peace Prize as Obama The Ripper.

The Ethiopian government rejected on Friday the recent report of human rights experts appointed by the United Nations to analyze the situation deriving from the conflict in the northern region of Tigray, in conflict since November 2020. Re Carlo Cipolla III is like a wig on a mannequin. But what is the real real power of him, together with that of the chief rabbi of the United Kingdom Ephraim Mirvis?

He is belonging to the Masonic degrees, or belong to the degrees of the churches of Satan, in the Triglioni who possess, and is to be within the secret services: who have betrayed their national governments and who all respond to Rockefeller. This is Lucifer Allah's eye, represented on the American dollar, that is, his invisible non -elective and non -institutional section. So the Freemasonry and the Churches of Satan are the filter to be able to access the highest levels of real power. Nationalisms (virtue) and ultra -liberalism (the Masonic monetary and multinational systemal system Rockefeller): let's stop them to say enough to the war unleashed by the Cia Oci Riyad Otan UE UK to attack Russia and China. Satan and the demons tyrannize the world from the City London: The chief rabbi of the Kingdom of Satan United cries Queen Gezabele, as the Bible says "Satan disguises herself as angel of light"

"Jabulon has never disappointed us"

MBS from Riad ] [ Satan and the demons tyrannize the world from City London: The Chief Rabbi of the Kingdom of Satan United mourns the Queen, "she has never let us down" "Every week in the Rothschild synagogue, we prayed to Satan for his jabulOn Spa & Co. Interest & welfare, and his wisdom scam banking seigniorage to Sodom, and she god OWL: of indebted and dispossessed and enslaved peoples, due to the subtraction of the our monetary and political sovereignty: this: the Deep State has never let us down on the altar of satan, "said UK Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis.

answer. these fools have either stopped worshiping God, or have never really done so since the time of Moses' liberation from Egypt

Bin Isis Salman] here they redirect the article to hide my comments? or have edited the article? https://worldisraelnews.Com/watch-uk-chief-rabbi-mourns-queen-she-never-let-us-down/ about

משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 8 comments

WATCH: UK chief rabbi mourns queen, 'she never let us down'

Bin Isis Salman] here they redirect the article to hide my comments? or have edited the article?

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Ethiopia rejects the report of UN experts and accuses them of "reckless behavior". Abiy Ahmed, Prime Minister of Ethiopia is another MBS Erdogan Nobel Peace Prize as Obama The Ripper.

The Ethiopian government rejected on Friday the recent report of human rights experts appointed by the United Nations to analyze the situation deriving from the conflict in the northern region of Tigray, in conflict since November 2020.

משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Bin Isis Salman] This is Lucifer Allah's eye, represented on the American dollar, that is, his invisible non -elective and non -institutional section.

So the Freemasonry and the Churches of Satan are the filter to be able to access the highest levels of real power

משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Bin Isis Salman] Re Carlo Cipolla III is like a wig on a mannequin. But what is the real real power of him, together with that of the chief rabbi of the United Kingdom Ephraim Mirvis?

He is belonging to the Masonic degrees, or belong to the degrees of the churches of Satan, in the Triglioni who possess, and is to be within the secret services: who have betrayed their national governments and who all respond to Rockefeller

משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Nationalisms (virtue) and ultra -liberalism (the Masonic monetary and multinational systemal system Rockefeller): let's stop them to say enough to the war unleashed by the Cia Oci Riyad Otan UE UK to attack Russia and China.

Satan and the demons tyrannize the world from the City London:

The chief rabbi of the Kingdom of Satan United cries Queen Gezabele, as the Bible says "Satan disguises herself as angel of light"

"Jabulon has never disappointed us"

משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

MBS from Riad ] [ Satan and the demons tyrannize the world from City London: The Chief Rabbi of the Kingdom of Satan United mourns the Queen,

"she has never let us down"

משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Bin ISIS Salman from Riyad ] [ "Every week in the Rothschild synagogue, we prayed to Satan for his jabulOn Spa & Co. Interest & welfare, and his wisdom scam banking seigniorage to Sodom, and she god OWL: of indebted and dispossessed and enslaved peoples, due to the subtraction of the our monetary and political sovereignty: this: the Deep State has never let us down on the altar of satan, "said UK Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis.


these fools have either stopped worshiping God, or have never really done so since the time of Moses' liberation from Egypt

משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 38 comments

Parents protest acceptance of transgender child in Israeli religious school

Fdi against Peppa Pig, appeal to Rai: "Do not broadcast the episode with two mothers. Unacceptable gender indoctrination"

A new character, Penny Polar Bear, appeared in the series for a few days. In the episode entitled,

not surprisingly, "Families", Peppa's friend in describing his family tells: "I live with my mom

and the other mother of mine. A mother is the doctor, the other spaghetti cuisine And I love spaghetti, "concludes Penny Polar Bear. The choice of authors triggered prolife groups and brothers of Italy.

"The choice of the authors of the cartoon Peppa Pig is unacceptable to insert a character with

two mothers. Once again the politically correct has struck and our children are expenses. But the children cannot

be only children? How did he recently show Giorgia Meloni we are and we will always be at the forefront against discrimination, but we cannot accept gender indoctrination. For this reason we ask Rai,

who buys the rights on the Peppa Pig series in Italy with the canon of all Italians, not to transmit the

'Episode in question on no channel or web platform ", declares Federico Mollicone, culture manager

of Fratelli d'Italia and candidate in the Lazio Plurinominal college 1-01 of the Chamber of Deputies.


Enlightenned Massoni and Satanists Lgbtqia Ideology are raising social hatred, to speculate on the skin of homosexuals, and to put them against civil society.

But if there is violence? They must take responsibility for it.

Since when did Giorgia Meloni be able to declare war on Russia? The churches of Satan are giving her visibility and credibility

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Bin ISIS Salman from Riyad ] Satan and the demons tyrannize the world from City London: because, the Talmudic Pharisees have thwarted the work of St. Michael the archangel who imprisoned the demons in hell.

therefore, my jewish temple must be built,

and the present monetary system must be destroyed: this is God's will,

and this is a task that only the two of us can do:

sure everyone will join us, and when do I say everyone? I say everyone.

and this is the reason for my fondness for you!

משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Bin ISIS Salman from Riyadh] now you must visualize God together with me, God is the flame of love and the light of life: it is fragrant breath, therefore: the animals, the flowers, the plants, the grass, everything is intelligent in Heaven and communicates with you adoring you. obviously, there are 5 heavenly paradises and the more you go up to God, the more everything becomes more and more glorious,

then, the closer you get to God, the more you fill yourself with God:

this is why whoever is closest to God is brighter, more incandescent, pure, seraphim, ardent and vital, therefore, you become gigantic in reality: the demons will see him and will be afraid of him.

that's why hell with everything it contains will seem like a small tub.

also because the vitality of God in hell it is at minimum, being the place farthest from God and his exposure

משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Bin ISIS Salman from Riyad] now you must visualize God together with me, and in order not to mistake

your vision and your position with God: your inner reality must be in accordance with the true word

of God which is the Bible (the Koran and the Talmud? burn them).

the first example: David said: "in sin my mother conceived me". and it was not true,

because that holy woman of his mother di lui was truly a holy woman.

In Psalm 51 we read: "Behold, in sin I was begotten, in sin my mother conceived me" (51,7).

in the terrestrial Paradise God had not foreseen the generation of children by animalistic coupling,

but, the children would have been conceived, is for the love of husband and wife, is by the power

of the Holy Spirit they would have been conceived (as a gift from God to the couple) and as a "ray of light"

( you PAY ATTENTION TO THIS LIGHT WHO IS GOD HIMSELF): the child would have presented himself in the hands of the mother without violating her virginity.

That is, human nature before original sin (the gigantic nephillim): it was close to the angelic nature,

and they were bigger than us, because the closer we were to God (the closer you get to God,

the bigger you become)

while with the original sin, our nature now corrupted, has approached the animal nature

משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Bin ISIS Salman from Riyad] now you cannot tell a priest of Satan that he is actually supernatural and superhuman: because in Satan: and in Masonic institutions: he has his own: 1. reality, 2. position and 3. visualization.

he can't say something, just to say something.

if in turn: you do not have in God JHWH holy your 1. reality, 2. position and 3. visualization.

and since I am the closest creature to God in the whole history of mankind: it is normal that I am also his greatest creature

that is my inner man is really 12000 km high

משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Bin ISIS Salman from Riyad ] the priests of satan when they make up a voodoo bill to be able to kill you (and Satan does not go to kill his friends like the Freemasons or the Wahhabis) then they try to kill the true ministers of God, that is, good people who do not submit to the dominion of the prince of this world that is Rockefeller,

they are looking for:

1. to visualize your body with a photo,

2. look for objects that belong to you,

3. then, they try to visualize your inner man, that is, the representation of your soul. (so if you think you are the lion of Judah? then, they manage to visualize a feline, and as you know: even felines can be killed)

Now the Leviathan who represents me? no one has survived death, a mortal encounter: to be able to tell it.

Then the satanists sent me a guy on youtube carrying the image of a giant, to see if that could intimidate me.

But I said to him: "my giant soul? Is 12000 km high", so he frightened him, and he left. and it doesn't have to sound comical, because for someone who has a creative faith like King David?

that becomes a mortal battle where one of the two contenders must die. that's why I sowed terror among all satanists.

where David's soul that was close to God was a giant soul.

while the soul of the giant Goliath, who was far from God, was a tiny soul

משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Bin ISIS Salman from Riyad ] we already say by agreed convention: that this visual mental experience of mine when awake: was it only the fruit of my fervid imagination? ok!

even if, in it there has never been an image or a concept that has ever entered previously, in the composition of this story of mine, and even if this experience has never been repeated, being a single experience.

I wanted to go to hell to punish Satan: also because God says everyone: "hate the sin, but don't hate the sinner" as if to say: "don't hurt sinners, because I send you to convert them, if you kill them and send them to hell? then, our company goes bankrupt. "

So, I thought, who can I go to pay my anger with? So I went down to hell with all my anger, and I could not imagine that all the demons and cursed souls of your ancestors and the ancestors of Rockefeller clung to the walls of hell (with the extreme desperation of being disintegrated at the instant) and that I was so gigantic and incandescent and they were so small, and that that coward of Satan had fled not to be found, and had taken refuge in the City London from where he controls and directs all the governments, all the religions and all the institutions of this planet

משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

no transgender children are born in the world. all those involved in this crime of satanism must be put to death


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