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it is necessary to destroy Israel and Poland with atomic weapons

Memoriale dell'IDF per padre e figlio uccisi vandalizzati; moglie e madre in lutto "scioccate e disgustate"13 settembre 2022

Memoriale dell'IDF per padre e figlio uccisi vandalizzati; moglie e madre in lutto "scioccate e disgustate"Hadas Shamir siede di fronte al memoriale che commemora suo marito e suo figlio, entrambi caduti in combattimento mentre prestavano servizio nell'IDF  

Memorial to Dovi e Eran Shamir serviva un punto di osservazione per gli escursionisti nella valle di Jezreel. 

Un memoriale unico che commemora un padre e un figlio che sono caduti entrambi in combattimento mentre prestavano servizio nell'IDF è stato recentemente vandalizzato e gravemente danneggiato, ha riferito Ynet martedì.

Il maggiore Dovi Shamir fu ucciso nel 1977 mentre prestava servizio nell'unità riserve dei paracadutisti. Lasciò una moglie e tre figli.

Uno dei suoi figli, il capitano Eran Shamir, fu ucciso 20 anni dopo, nello scontro dei carri di fuoco del 1997 nel sud del Libano.

La vedova e i cari di Shamir hanno creato un memoriale in onore del padre e del figlio sulla cresta gilboa nella valle di Jezreel, che domina l'Israele settentrionale di Beit She'an.

Composto da diverse grandi lastre di marmo, il memoriale fungeva anche da casetta per gli uccelli locali e da punto di osservazione per escursionisti e turisti.

Ma recentemente, autori sconosciuti hanno distrutto il memoriale in diversi pezzi, rendendolo irriconoscibile.

"Sono rimasto totalmente scioccato e disgustato dopo aver sentito parlare dell'orribile vandalismo", ha detto Hadas Shamir, la vedova e madre in lutto di Dovi e Eran Shamir, in un video volto a raccogliere fondi per ripristinare il sito.

"Mi ha davvero ricordato i giorni in cui hanno bussato alla mia porta" e l'hanno informata della morte di suo marito, e in seguito di suo figlio, ha aggiunto.

"Nel 2002, abbiamo inaugurato la voliera dopo diversi anni di duro lavoro su di essa. Circa due anni e mezzo fa, abbiamo deciso di restaurarlo, rinnovarlo e aggiungere una targa esplicativa", ha detto a Ynet Hadas Shamir, la vedova e madre in lutto.

"I nostri conoscenti sono passati da lì un recente sabato mattina e hanno visto la terribile distruzione. Ho provato la stessa sensazione di 45 anni fa. Il sangue nel mio corpo si raffreddava. Ancora una volta mi è stato detto di un disastro, per la terza volta".

Shamir ha osservato che l'attacco al memoriale è stato probabilmente pianificato in anticipo.

"Per distruggere le lastre di marmo hai bisogno di strumenti pesanti", ha detto. "Li hanno distrutti tutti... semplicemente gettava i pezzi di marmo in direzioni diverse."

Ha detto che sia lei che i visitatori abituali del sito erano "molto turbati" dalla distruzione.

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri an hour ago

Hadas Shamir sits in front of the memorial commemorating her husband and son, who both fell in combat while serving in the IDF


Erdogan said: "Why should the impure kafir infidels dirty and desecrate the world with their monuments?

only Allah is true!

they will live as dhimmis slaves and pay jitia until they are all killed.

the Chinese will repent for not believing that the Koran is an uncreated word that cannot be interpreted"

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri 12 hours ago

the problem of ISLAM sharia is the same problem of the Palestinians sharjah, their Koranic crimes cannot coexist peacefully with other peoples, that is, if they have not killed them all first.

These issues are more pressing for the Palestinians than another worthless document by the UN recognizing a fictitious Palestinian state that is already marked by the intrusion of other brutal radical Islamist dictatorships.

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Rothschild Freemasons and Vatican II Bergoglio have depoliticized Christianity!

"Christianity is disappearing, Islam is growing"

A Catholic church in the Netherlands transformed into a gymnasium

A government search in the Netherlands (the portal to our future) tells us what Europe will be like.

"Half of the Catholic parishes have closed. Of 7,000 churches, 1,500 are already used

for other purposes and another 1,700 will close between now and 2030.

Of the 170 monasteries still in use, 150 will be abandoned in the next few years. And we have not seen anything yet." But this "paradise"

of commercialism and self-determination made up of coffee shops, gyms in former churches,

art galleries and cycle paths will soon come to a showdown (hasn't it already been, from Pim Fortuyn

to Theo van Gogh?) With another faith. "In a generation, Muslims could be a third of the total.."

Bill Kelly im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri 2 hours ago

There are a great many Christians who are not Catholics. Most of us consider the Catholics to be in severe bondage and false doctrine. There are so many of us who believe in Yeshua Ha Mashiach, and are baptized in His name and filled with the Ruach ha Kodesh. And we are growing in numbers. And we all love Israel, and pray for Israel and the Jews world wide all the time. We also love the Muslims, and pray for their repentance, and for that also of all the nations, and to find the promised Messiah that came through Israel. The Jewish Patriarchs and the prophets of the Hebrew faith, and their writings are the foundation for the truth that the whole world needs. God is in the process of restoring the Jewish nation to have the heart to serve YHWH, as He foretold in Ezekiel, that he would in the last days bring them back to their land, and take out the heart of stone, and give them a heart of flesh, and write His law in their hearts. This is happening through the power of God in Yeshua, and will be completed when all who can be redeemed of Israel, believe in Yeshua of Nazareth. I love you, and hope you understand that we do not follow evil perscution of the Jews that Catholics practiced, nor believe in all of the things that they do.

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri Bill Kelly

thank you for your love for me, i love you too

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri Bill Kelly

the 640 excommunications made by the true Catholic Church, against the plutocratic Jews of City London, and done against the multinationals (and if there is a giant person: of legal personality: like the multinationals, then the people of this planet have become ants) ,

the 640 excommunications made by the true Catholic Church against all Freemasons: they are still valid..

but, to Islam and all anti-Zionists? they don't care, because to go with Satan is their choice,

that is why the rich have created the false Talmudic theory of evolution and the theory of gender: which are two satanic theosophies without any scientific support.

So to what extent have the Sunnis become corrupt?

then to what extent have all scientists become corrupted?

so to what extent have all the journalists become corrupt?

then to what extent have all politicians been corrupted?

So to what extent have all the greats of this world of evil darkness of technocratic capitalist Islamists and Wahhabi neoliberals corrupted themselves?

this is the civilization of Lucifer Allah jabulOn Sodom,

this is not my Kingdom of Israel, and if they prevent me from building my Jewish temple; as they have already done for 14 years, certainly 4 billion people are about to die.

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri Bill Kelly

the infiltration of Marran Jews (fake Christians) in the Vatican dates back to 1600, and today has been successful.

then the gay lobbies, Masonic lobbies, Luciferian lobbies (with its corollary of human sacrifices on the altar of satan) have taken control of the Vatican,

therefore, with OBAMA they blocked the switch of the IOR (and the salaries of the priests could no longer be paid) they dismissed Benedict XVI and brought BERGOGLIO forward with the "San Gallo mafia" which is a group of Freemasons.

but the tragedy was prepared with a fake second Vatican Council (no longer dogmatic, but only pastoral):

where by saying that human nature is good, they made the sacriice of Jesus of Bethlehem on the Cross NO more inevitable.

So if nature is good, Jesus of Bethlehem is an idiot

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri Bill Kelly

the scientist Giacinto Auriti: he demonstrated, and made me understand: that all the money given in debt is owned by the usual private shareholders, and has a total cost of 270%.

and it is this mathematics that makes world war with its destructions inevitable, precisely to regenerate a new monetary cycle,

and that is why the Russians must be slandered and attacked.

so that the kingdom of Satan is all in all

and all the peoples of this planet are welcomed into only one herd of slaves.

obviously the alliance between satan and allah is only functional, to the definitive enslavement of the peoples who do not depend on the private finance of the Rothschilds.

when: Israelis, Russians, Indians etc.. and Chinese will have been destroyed: and subdued,

then, Satan and Allah (now allies) will face each other in a final mortal battle

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri Bill Kelly

the demonic reality of ISLAM is not seen only by the fact that: by sharia they have killed 1.2 billion innocent people, in 1400 years, in peacetime, as they still kill an innocent Christian every 8 minutes, their expansion it is not given by God,

but, by the devil since they are the favorite allies of the Enlightened Jewish Masons: who pretend to care for Israel,

but they both work for the NWO (new world order)

and for the destruction of mankind and for the destruction of Israel,

which is why I'm here:

to make everyone understand that there is only one blood bond between all anti-Zionists with Allah and Satan himself

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri Bill Kelly

you are surely a good and correct Messianic Jewish-Christian. but it is only with the truth that political processes can be made and resolved.

if politically-historically we continue to lie and do not take responsibility truth: of history?

the evil that destroys peoples will always be invisible and all peoples will always be in danger.

through the "assigned" (ie paper money of the French revolution) the Jewish bankers and their "Ja Bul On" freemasonry plotted in the darkness, and made enormous massacres of Christians and Jews, etc. etc., because the plutocrats Spa & Co, are sodomitic sataanists worship usury predators FED IM ECB NWO BM and hate mankind as a whole.

then DEM technocrats and neoliberal plutocrats have taken possession of the Jewish-Christian symbols and have taken possession of all the institutions, they have also taken possession of the Vatican.

For 400 years these occult Satanists have taken monopoly control of everything, and go on with brainwashing and conquering souls.

Hitler Stalin and Mussolini have an ideology that is incompatible with Christianity.

and they are the corrupt reaction: to the despair of their peoples,

an evil reaction to the criminal policies of Anglo-American Jews from City London

they use peoples as a single herd of animals

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

the sodomitic satanists plutocratic masons USA UK of the City London: they thought of devastating Russia Israel EU: because Rothschidl anti-Zionist antichrist who must close his account against Christians.

Chronicle of the announced suicide of Italy: we close 100 schools a year

by Giulio Meotti Sep 12 In thirty years we will see thousands of these silent witnesses of our Ozymandias: demographic self-destruction. Two out of three schools have already closed throughout

the center-south. The great Alfred Sauvy observed that demographics are like the short hand of the clock:

it seems immobile, but it is the most important. But few in Italy want to live with open eyes: we are inside

an oceanic multitude of ostriches and our ruling class is like Leonid Andreev's The Waltz of Dogs.

Our only concern will be to transform thousands of schools into nursing homes

and centers for migrants..

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

The Masonic world that Elizabeth created goes with her. Christianity agonizes.

The family as an institution is in a coma.

Dignity and honor are trampled everywhere.

Churchill is tried in British universities as a "racist and colonialist".

Civilization is a damned word.

Satanist Jewish plutocrats are not satisfied with their trillions.

the worst wahhabi Islam trinfa


is the people will become a blind and angry beast, and then the blood will flow through the streets



im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Super public salaries, off to the ceiling of 240 thousand euros (per month) and the controversy breaks out: Draghi furioso.

(no one knows why Mario Draghi is furious)

The exception applies to the heads of the Police, Carabinieri, Armed Forces and ministry: who, according to Rothschild, have not yet been sufficiently corrupted by Jewish Freemasonry,

The leader of Italia Viva Matteo Renzi on Facebook reported another scenario: "That is a ceiling that I had put, today the government made this reformulation and we had no alternative but to vote for it to avoid everything skipping and 17 billion in aid to the families".

this article is infamous because the terms of the speech are incomprehensible and not properly explained


im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Extraprofitti, investigates the Prosecutor's Office. Under the lens the "stratospheric" increases after the Ukrainian war.

in fact Russian gas is increased by the Rockefellers by 1000% of its value,

and There are no suspects or hypotheses of crime in the investigation of the Roman judiciary on extra-profits (because the DEM PD are a corporate party owned by the Rothschilds and Goldman Sachs), after the complaint wanted by the Italian Left and the Greens. The gains of the energy giants in the 200 days of the Russian-Ukrainian war are targeted by the parties of the center-left coalition.

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Three nights in a hotel without paying, five foreigners reported


as usual, nothing is said about the identity of these foreigners. Italy is a joke country:

because the DEMs have imposed proletarian expropriation and an impossible pile of bureaucracy and taxes against the petty bourgeoisie,

the judiciary does not work, e

the laws of the Democratic Party foment crime

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Zelenski and the Ukrainian people nominated for the Sakharov Prize


cannibals and satan sodom promote each other! try to ask who are the Chechen snipers who killed 98 innocent people in Maidan square, to carry out the CIA coup Ursula and Nuland.

and why there has never been an investigation against them!

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Armenia reports nearly 50 military deaths in clashes with Azerbaijan


for the Turks and for NATO the blood of the Armenians is sweet

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri



about, the recent jihad acquisition of territory by Azerbaijan, officially the Republic of Azerbaijan, a war infamously won thanks to Turkish drones,

of 200 churches the Ottomans demolished 192, the cemeteries were uprooted and the bones thrown in landfills; all scenes already seen in Kosovo!

but Italy cannot say anything because the sodom satan have slandered and attacked the Russians,

and now we depend on Allah uuh akbar

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Pavia, Hippocratic oath for 100 young doctors


Pavia, OMS Big Hippocrates pharma oath for 100 young doctors

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

it is not an easy task to find the reason for the interdiction:

because all the media belong to the one Rockefeller master and do not easily give the reasons for an event

The investigating judge of the Aosta court ordered the precautionary measure of the interdiction

from practicing the medical profession for a period of six months against Silvio Boggio,

a 68-year-old primary care doctor who, according to the prosecutor,

would have certified false positivity to the Covid and then get Green Pass strengthened by healing. Judge Giuseppe Colazingari's order comes following the request

of the prosecutor Luca Ceccanti, who coordinates the police investigation.

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

CNN said that only 30% of the weapons sent to Ukraine by the satan sodoms ended up at the front

the other 70% bought them, just al

of 10%, Erdogan bought them

to go and kill the Greeks

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

The Ukrainian military procures Israeli anti-drone systems through Poland

yes Israel is hairy neutral

Ukraine army procures Israeli anti-drone systems via Poland


at this point it is necessary to destroy Israel and Poland with atomic weapons

alì khamenei (religious maniac and mentally ill) open letter:

your secret agent "Abu Antar" who was complicit with 4 priests of satan of the CIA against me: for 4 years in youtube from Masonic World Government?

he told me a Muslim term which means, that I was a slave of the Jews.

while I am only a useless servant of JHWH: and I am only his servant

that is why your religion is a great apostasy


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