i nostri migliori amici, Russia e Cina
Julian Assange è un uomo, un giornalista che ha rivelato i crimini e i criminali delle guerre in Afghanistan e in Iraq degli Stati Uniti. Julian Assange per questo è stato punito, è stato ingiustamente incarcerato e imbavagliato, gli è stato impedito di fare informazione. Mentre i crimini e i criminali sono impuniti e assolti. Julian Assange rischia di essere estradato negli Stati Uniti e condannato a morte con 175 anni di carcere». Così si apre l’appello lanciato dall’agenzia stampa internazionale Pressenza, che la redazione de L’Indipendente ha sposato con convinzione, aderendo al comitato promotore dell’iniziativa. L’obiettivo è quello di sensibilizzare i cittadini, rompere il muro di silenzio dei media mainstream e fare pressione sulle autorità politiche,
“Julian Assange is a man, a reporter who revealed the crimes and criminals of the US wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Julian Assange was punished for this, he was unjustly imprisoned and gagged, he was prevented from giving information. While crimes and criminals go unpunished and acquitted. Julian Assange risks being extradited to the United States and sentenced to death with 175 years in prison ». Thus opens the appeal launched by the international press agency Pressenza, which the editorial staff of L’Indipendente has embraced with conviction, joining the committee promoting the initiative. The goal is to raise awareness among citizens, break the wall of silence of the mainstream media and put pressure on political authorities,
we have slandered, attacked and killed our best friends, Russia and China because of imperialism NWO FED iM ECB BM NWO Rothschild and Rockefeller CIA OTAN EU technocrats neoliberals plutocrats lgbtqia DEM, and
to put us in the hands of ISIS: the sharjah slaughterers UMMA Mecca Kaaba
China is importing more Russian gas, and then reselling it to Europe. 2 September 2022
The European Union has increased imports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) in recent months
from China to compensate for the missing volumes of Russian gas: specifically, European LNG imports grew by 60% on an annual basis in the first six months of 2022,
abbiamo calunniato, aggredito e ucciso i nostri migliori amici, Russia e Cina per colpa di imperialismo NWO FED iM ECB BM NWO Rothschild e Rockefeller CIA OTAN UE tecnocratici neoliberisti plutocratici lgbtqia DEM, e
per farci mettere nelle mani dell'ISIS: gli sgozzatori sharjah UMMA Mecca Kaaba
La Cina sta importando più gas russo, per poi rivenderlo all’Europa. 2 Settembre 2022
L’Unione Europea ha aumentato negli ultimi mesi le importazioni di gas naturale liquefatto (GNL)
dalla Cina per compensare i volumi mancanti di gas russo: nello specifico, le importazioni europee di GNL sono cresciute del 60% su base annua nei primi sei mesi del 2022,
the demonic face of the DEM regime in the USA! The Pescara city council approved the agenda presented
by the 5 Star Movement, agreeing to make Julian Assange an honorary citizen of the Abruzzo municipality. The councilor
of the Paolo Sola Movement, the first to sign the proposal,
he declared that he "welcomed the outcome with great satisfaction
of this vote », thanks to which Pescara also shows so
to be in solidarity with the story of the Australian journalist
and with "the defense of the right to freedom of the press".
il volto demoniaco del regime DEM in USA! Il consiglio comunale di Pescara ha approvato l’ordine del giorno presentato
dal Movimento 5 Stelle, accettando di rendere Julian Assange cittadino onorario del comune abruzzese. Il consigliere
del Movimento Paolo Sola, il primo a firmare la proposta,
ha dichiarato di aver «accolto con grande soddisfazione l’esito
di questo voto», grazie al quale anche Pescara mostra così
di essere solidale con la vicenda del giornalista australiano
e con «la difesa del diritto alla libertà di stampa».
my tinnitus is my blessing, because it is intelligent, accomplice tinnitus:
for this, I am interconnected with the supernatural demonic infernal entities (left lgbt)
and heavenly divine ones (right)
then don't cast your vote left
vote for Netanjahu, MAGA Patriot and his brothers of him.
ok but then it's just only a banal tinnitus
my tinnitus is my blessing, because it is intelligent, complice tinnitus:
for this, I am interconnected with the supernatural demonic infernal entities (left lgbt)
and heavenly divine ones (right)
then don't cast your vote left
vote for Netanjahu, MAGA Patriot and his brothers.
ok but then it's just only un banale tinnitus
Ukraine has already sold its sovereignty to multinationals and investment funds
AUGUST 19, 2022 - 10:24 am
Western rhetoric tells of a Ukraine engaged in resistance to defend its independence, but the dynamics of loans, financing and the usual loan sharks Rothschild soros are unforgiving
L’Ucraina ha già venduto la propria sovranità a multinazionali e fondi d’investimento
19 AGOSTO 2022 - 10:24
La retorica occidentale racconta di una Ucraina impegnata in una resistenza per difendere la propria indipendenza, ma la dinamica dei prestiti, dei finanziamenti e dei soliti strozzini della finanza Rothschild soros non perdona
Allah made them his serial killer criminal orcs, and mentally ill Erdogan; and Allah eats them his serial killers.
If Muslims cannot live together with other Muslims, how can non-Muslims survive with them?
and in fact no one survives with their sharia
this horror is called UMMA MBS Mecca demon OCI Iran Caaba!
Afghanistan, ISIS attack on Herat mosque: 28 dead The Islamic State (ISIS) has claimed responsibility for the attack that took place in the mosque of Guzargah, in the city of Herat
Allah li ha fatti i suoi orchi criminali assassini seriali, e malati mentali Erdogan; e Allah se li mangia i suoi assassini seriali.
Se non possono vivere i musulmani insieme con gli altri musulmani, come possono sopravvivere con loro, i non musulmani?
ed infatti non sopravvive nessuno con loro sharia
questo orrore si chiama UMMA MBS Mecca demonio OCI Iran Caaba!
Afghanistan, attentato dell’ISIS alla moschea di Herat: 28 mortiLo Stato Islamico (ISIS) ha rivendicato l'attentato che ha avuto luogo nella moschea di Guzargah, nella città di Herat
JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO
"Blood for all". Shock attack of the migrant against the Northern League in the abusive favela
KALERGI jihad AGENDA Enlightened
Caritas rejects Nigerian because it hosts Ukrainians
Another African rapes a Ukrainian woman
Senegalese rapes a trans in the Milan metro
Piazza Garibaldi, attempts to rob a cellphone: 25-year-old Senegalese arrested
Velletri, Senegalese citizen arrested at the wheel with an unsuitable license, the driving document withdrawn
Cologno Monzese, Senegalese assaults trans: arrested
Senegalese escapes from house arrest and punches a 40-year-old in a pizzeria
Carabinieri anti-drug operation: three Albanian citizens arrested
Migrant attacks him with a cleaver
Ventimiglia, brawl ends with stabs
Maxi brawl between gangs: guerrilla warfare between immigrants with clubs and stones
Rome, brawl at the reception center: immigrants drink alcohol, beat themselves up and end up in hospital
Albanian wife tears apart her retired husband in Rovigo
Maxi brawl between gangs: guerrilla warfare between immigrants with clubs and stones
Window cleaner attacks motorist at traffic lights
Lecce, the police arrest two Ghanaians in their thirties
The knife pointed by the immigrant to rape her
Marsala, quarrel between Romanians ends with a stabbing: the arrest is triggered
Senegalese found with 10 kg of drugs partly buried
there is never a justification for pogroms. but the Soros and the Rockefeller justify them.
Soros said: "thanks to the laws that the DEM have made, it is that I have been able to rob you"
Rockefeller said: "sometimes it's okay to take money away from stupid people"
it is why jew have alway suffers for pogroms
im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri 3
there is never a justification for pogroms.
but the talmud and the koran justify them
Tax-funded mural in NY celebrates ‘antisemite’ Louis Farrakhan, stirs controversy
JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO
JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO
Violent African / nurse rape
Migrant rapes two children
African bites carabiniere who does not let him steal
Ukraine massacres old woman and policemen
Immigrant beats his girlfriend
“No more counterfeits. Just open and close by non-EU entrepreneurs "
Too much alcohol plays tricks: Ghanaian caught urinating
"Raped by the immigrant after the party at her friend's house"
A dozen immigrants massacred a shopkeeper
Drugs in the scooter, Tunisian arrested: "I made a mistake and I'm sorry"
Ukrainian military: "The Russians are annihilating us" - VIDEO
September 1, 2022
This collective suicide must stop. For what, to import gay pride in Kiev?
"In two days we've lost half a platoon": A Ukrainian serviceman reveals what’s really happening on the front. pic.twitter.Com/5xqEom100Q
@ AZmilitary1) September 1, 2022
Zaporizhia, 60 saboteurs attack nuclear power plant: destroyed - Video
Draghi and Lamorgese send ferries to take illegal immigrants to Africa
Largest organization of university professors attacks IHRA definition of anti-Semitism
JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO
JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO
Zelensky in Venice: "Don't be silent, don't leave us alone"
September 1, 2022 The video message of the Ukrainian President Volodymir Zelensky, broadcast during the opening night of the Venice Film Festival. Zelensky called the Russians "butchers, terrorists, murderers"
the presenter of the sodom satan: that is, real "butchers, terrorists, murderers", shows up with a breast covered with a sheet of paper,
this aggressive and criminal war is planned and imposed by the CIA with a coup and pogroms to this day
cries out for vengeance in the sight of God;
cries out for revenge against the European leaders who have not shown that they know how to manage this crisis in truth from 2014 to today
Antisemitic mass murder behind mysterious English grave, researchers say
JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO
JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO
"Blood for all". Shock attack of the migrant against the Northern League in the abusive favela
KALERGI jihad AGENDA Enlightened
Caritas rejects Nigerian because it hosts Ukrainians
Another African rapes a Ukrainian woman
Senegalese rapes a trans in the Milan metro
Piazza Garibaldi, attempts to rob a cellphone: 25-year-old Senegalese arrested
Velletri, Senegalese citizen arrested at the wheel with an unsuitable license, the driving document withdrawn
Cologno Monzese, Senegalese assaults trans: arrested
Senegalese escapes from house arrest and punches a 40-year-old in a pizzeria
Carabinieri anti-drug operation: three Albanian citizens arrested
Migrant attacks him with a cleaver
Ventimiglia, brawl ends with stabs
Maxi brawl between gangs: guerrilla warfare between immigrants with clubs and stones
Rome, brawl at the reception center: immigrants drink alcohol, beat themselves up and end up in hospital
Albanian wife tears apart her retired husband in Rovigo
Maxi brawl between gangs: guerrilla warfare between immigrants with clubs and stones
Window cleaner attacks motorist at traffic lights
Lecce, the police arrest two Ghanaians in their thirties
The knife pointed by the immigrant to rape her
Marsala, quarrel between Romanians ends with a stabbing: the arrest is triggered
Senegalese found with 10 kg of drugs partly buried
Israeli citizen sentenced to prison in Russia for comparing Stalin to Hitler
JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO
JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO
the cursed century of passionaria rothschild elizabeth jabulOn second queen satan cult jezebell vatican second Bildenberg Owl:
and the cursed English monarchy:
Lady DIANA died aged 34 killed by the British secret servants service
JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO
JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO
in my message which was deleted here
I said that Stalin or Hitler
always the fruit of the wickedness of the banking seigniorage stolen by the Jewish Masons, they are both
JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO
JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO
JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO
unisini land everywhere and flee: they are already on their way to your home August 30, 2022
Caritas rejects Nigerian because it hosts Ukrainians: he destroys everything August 30, 2022
French NGO with 500 on board demands Italian port: “They are hot” August 30, 2022
Another African rapes a Ukrainian woman: there is no VIDEO August 30, 2022
Immigrants rape and then spread the videos but the Democratic Party does not protest August 30, 2022
Senegalese rapes a man in the Milan metro August 30, 2022
Rape Piacenza, African rapist protests: “scared and tried in prison” August 30, 2022
Librandi gives + Europa the seat at the Pantheon for 1500 euros per month and becomes a candidate on August 30, 2022
Ukrainian drone shot down by Russians on central roof of Zaporizhzhia - VIDEO August 30, 2022
In the European newspapers there is an alarm on landings. In Italy there is no mention of it by order of the PD August 30, 2022
Taxes at 65 percent: here is the left's plan to finance the reception August 30, 2022
Kherson, Ukrainian counter-offensive almost annihilated: wounded retreating towards Odessa - VIDEO August 30, 2022
Too many illegal immigrants, water rationed in Lampedusa and fever epidemic breaks out August 30, 2022
Ethnic clashes, immigrant baby gangs terrorize Modena August 30, 2022
Ukrainian soldiers sent to die as politicians' children celebrate in Kiev - VIDEO August 30, 2022
The record of landings will cost us 2.5 billion euros in 2022 alone August 30, 2022
Ukrainian counter-offensive hits the Russian wall: 1,200 Ukrainian soldiers killed in 1 day
JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO
JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO
Senegalese rapes a trans in the Milan metro
It should be noted that the local newspaper, known for spreading fake news by not giving the nationality of the criminals, always uses 'lei' for the victim. It is also by manipulating language that they bend reality.
JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO
JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO
Immigrants rape and then spread the videos but the Democratic Party DEM does not protest
where is my previous comment in this page?
WATCH: Iran threatens Israel, steps further from renewing nuclear deal
JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO
JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO
God holy JHWH holy bless our Holy Mother Russia, Kherson, Ukrainian counter-offensive almost annihilated: wounded in retreat towards Odessa - VIDEO the elite lgbtqia of the Ukrainian Satana antizionisti antichrist army have been defeated!
August 30, 2022
The failure of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near Kherson: many wounded soldiers are being delivered to Odessa, convoys of ambulances are rushing through the city
"Blood donors of ALL GROUPS are needed" - local media and TG channels reporting pic.twitter.Com/c3jlWxnfYl (@ AZmilitary1) August 30, 2022
god bless our Holy Mother Russia
From the Russian point of view, the fact that the Ukrainians try to advance is ideal. A demilitarized column of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which tried to advance into the area of Vysokopolye-Potemkino in the Nykolaiv-Kherson direction. T-72 Polish, apparently, with thermal imagers. pic.twitter.Com/Ajx3dzlrEo (@ AZmilitary1) August 30, 2022
After last night, it looks like there are a few places where the AFU offensive holds on to some territory. Let's go over it. Ukrainian forces seized Pravdino & a few miles of the Nikolayev-Kherson highway. It changed hands a few times, fighting ongoing. AFU advance stopped. pic.twitter.Com/9CceAnNHXD
JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO
JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO
there is no hope with Islam!
with Netanjahu we protected Assad for the first 4 years of the conflict, yet he was plotting against Zionism together with the Sunnis who wanted to kill him!
Allah is a deaf and dumb demon and he only knows the voice of the bombs
Make sure Iran never has nuclear bomb, Gantz tells US Army
JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO
JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO
JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO
I know that only the Shiites need Mahdi,
while you Wahhabis who are takfirius STRONG you are satisfied with the vibrator of the CIA
JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO
JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO
MBS Bin ISIS Salman love Alì Khamenei hamas ] this is the first of my 4 lorenzoALLAH accounts.
in youtube the lorenzoALLAH channel was the Mahdi channel of 10 years ago
Ceasefire talks said to cause rift between Israel and Egypt
JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO
JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO
They pretend to enter the house. If not, they come back with sticks and smash everything
Dissatisfied migrant destroys cell
North African tries to slaughter agent
Milan, they steal luxury clothes at the Rinascente: a 20 year old and a 21 year old Moroccan arrested
Torvaianica, Moroccan pushers try to escape by motorbike on the coast road: arrested
Montecchio Maggiore, 3 Moroccans reported to the prosecutor for beatings, injuries, threats and damage
Elderly people beaten and robbed at home: "Gun in the head, I begged them"
African drug dealer wants to slaughter passersby
They beat a woman and damage a car
Tunisian born in Italy kills Italian with stabs
19 year old beaten and raped by her African partner
Murder in Letojanni, an 18-year-old Tunisian arrested in the town of Messina
Immigrant breaks his jaw and nose
Sicily, migrants: after the brawl between Tunisian minors revenge is "triggered", 3 reported
Conegliano, a gang of immigrants sows terror in the city
He was wanted by the Palermo Mobile Squad: Tunisian arrested on the border with France
He kills his wife and runs away with his son, a Romanian taken in Italy
Milan Giambellino. 29-year-old Romanian in handcuffs with cocaine and 'zombie drug'
Student surrounded by minors who arrived on the boat
Tourists surrounded by a baby-gang in Riccione
WATCH: Terrorists use environmental NGO to harm Israeli civilians
JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO
JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO
23 commentsdays ago
Airline deal poised to cut US-Israel travel time in halfdays ago
currently, disqus is not working and comments from this channel are blocked heredays ago
JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO
JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO
JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO
this comment? not work in Disqus, not exist
Arabs shoot at Israeli bus; 3 female terrorists captured on way to separate attack
JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO
JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO
JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO
So two anomalies: stacking red blood cells and exogenous substances in the blood?
G: "There is also a phenomenon of aggregation,
of morphostructural alteration of red blood cells.
It is the ef -
magnetic effect of graphene. Aggregates which
then undergo hemolysis. These aggregates are destroyed and
their content is released into the blood, increasing
the oxidative cascade. Clusters of
fibrin, an endogenous substance involved
in the coagulation process ".
We talk about magnetic interactions. Is doing an MRI
in this situation risky?
“It could be. To be explored. Are there blood tests to be done to
detect abnormalities? G: “There are data such as didimer, fibrinogen,
Pt, Ptt, antithrombin, C reactive protein, S protein.
The point is that these analyzes measure already organized damage. While microscopic examination verifies a latent,
at the functional moment, capable of resulting
if the problem continues
in organic damage. Standard exams photograph damage
that has already occurred. The investigations that we conduct, however, photograph the functional state in its becoming ".
https: //voxnews.Info/2022/08/15/vaccine-covid-studio-alterazioni-del-blood-in-94-dei-case -graphene /
We have received your request for review
JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO
JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO
JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO
Is anyone right up to now accused of conspiracy?
BC: "Bill Gates publicly and candidly declared it in an interview
in February 2020: "We will insert quantum dots
in the vaccines that will allow us to track who has been vaccinated and who has not "".
Is this the reason why graphene is included in vaccines?
BC: “The scientific rationale to which they appeal
always admitted half-mouthed - is to facilitate
the penetration
into the cells of the mRna contained in vaccines. There is an international patent on the subject. Quantum dots
square pieces of graphene with sides equal to
or less
than 100 × 100 nanometers (one billionth of a meter, ed)
and a thickness of one tenth of a nanometer. Depending
on how small it is, the graphene quantum dot
any membrane. Impossible to prevent entry. There is also
a study that certifies that graphenic quantum dots
are well tolerated by nervous tissue: the only one that certifies
good biocompatibility in the short and long term ".
G: “The fact remains that graphene is an exogenous material
that becomes magnetic once inserted into the human body. Without considering electromagnetic interference
at the cellular level;
a free radical giga that determines a further increase
oxidative stress. The harmful consequences of many cardiovascular
diseases depend on the latter. How can one arbitrarily argue, then, that
graphene is biocompatible? On the contrary,
it can be dramatically asserted that it
has dangerous changing properties in the body.
It self-assembles according to pre-established schemes. A similar material cannot be biocompatible ".
JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO
JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO
We have received your request for review5 Detected as spamwhat is killer graphene doing in the blood?
BC: "For anyone who knows the physical and chemical properties of graphene, the traceability to graphene oxide
of the behaviors just described in the blood is now known literature. There are at least 60 specific articles
that deal exclusively with the topic of its toxicity and
its possible interactions in red blood cell behaviors.
And probably not just graphene it is. What do those starry sky images suggest? It is graphene quantum dots ".
JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO
JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO
JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO
I am still here, while dozens of thousands of murderers
your accomplices like you? died! then, you too are careful
your life! Yeah, me Sushi boy? you satanists are funny! and why after 8
years of isolation Rockefeller gave you permission to come and
challenge me? Is it my fault that he is no longer able to kill Israel? I
don't eat raw animals, because I'm not a cannibal like the Wahhabi
satanists who work in the CIA
Did the voices in my head? never had this important phenomenon, never declared what, which is instead a gift
that you have received from your satan. Yeah you satanist, those darn damn Jews from our Rockefeller Enlightened
Lucifer shareholder scam banking seigniorage cult Owl JaBullOn damn
tribe of DAN? these are all your Epstein friends: like You know, like
Clinton, Obama Biden, Pelosi, AOC, Omar, Tlaib, Sharpton, Jackson,
Lightfoot, O'Rourke, Newsom, DiBlasio, Cheney, Booker, Pressley,
Menendez. You know.
and if a mother from Heaven (whom I have never
known on earth) wants to adopt me, what to you? And once again Sushi
Sentinel Boy had to like his own posting di lui in order to feel as if
he has value. Pathetic. after you treacherously closed 50 accounts here
in worldisraelnews? vote my own comments and block all users here?
that's the least I can do in these media devil networks owned 90% by
plutocratic Satanist Jews, of which you are a cowardly sucker:
and a parasite above all peoples, than to suicide due to bank insolvency? even some Jews and Israelis were pushed to!
burn Satan in Jesus's name, amen alleluia hallelujah DRINK your poison made by yourself! your is supreme evil
and demonic possessed. C. S. P. B. Crux Sancti Patris Benedecti
Cross of the Holy Father Benedict C. S. S. M. L.
Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux Sacred cross be my Light
N. D. S. M. D. Not draco sit mihi dux V. R. S. Vadre Retro satan
S. M. V. Not Suade Mihi Vana S. M. Q. L. Sunt Mala Quae Libas I.V. B.
Ipsa Venena Bibas Drink your poisons made by yourself DEMs Spa & Co,
Rockefeller have subverted and perverted the hierarchy of values,
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