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Your account is suspended

Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know


lorenzoJHWH UniusREIversal @disqus_v1vBzYswPG


BIDEN disse: "abbiamo messo insieme la organizzazione "voter fraud" più estesa ed inclusiva nella politica americana"

poi, ha anche detto: "Trump è una minaccia per la democrazia"

lorenzoJHWH UniusREIversal @disqus_v1vBzYswPG


BIDEN said: "we have put together the largest and most inclusive" voter fraud "organization in American politics"

then, he also said: "Trump is a threat to democracy"


Pietra Ligure, flames at Santa Corona: dozens of patients evacuated, part of the surgical pavilion unusable #pietraligure #fire #ospedalesantacorona #localteam



in Africa rapists place and tie a 50kg stone around the balls with iron wire, and make them think from a pole: like a pendulum



Pietra Ligure, fiamme al Santa Corona: decine di pazienti evacuati, parte padiglione chirurgico inagibile #pietraligure #incendio #ospedalesantacorona #localteam



in Africa agli stupratori mettono, legano con il filo di ferro un sasso di 50kg intorno alle palle, e li fanno pensolare da un palo: come un pendolo



Grace Joy

Comrade Bully speaks falsely: "America's operation paperclip ... used ... Nazi physicists and rocket engineers for defending the free world agaist the Soviets."

Nazi scientists went to America AND Russia to avoid punishment.

You defend Nazi medicine & globalists Fauci, Gates, Klaus Schwab, Big Pharma, & the Rockefellers forcing EXPERIMENTAL gene therapy, Vacc Passports, & Quarantine camps; & regularly contradict the Nuremberg Code by attacking those who share info.

1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.

This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. www.ushmm.Org/information/exhibitions/online-exhibitions/special-focus/doctors-trial/nuremberg-code

Your attacking rchdir is typical Marxist tactics: Arbitrarily ntimidate any who talk to those you want isolated & purged so that all who witness will learn to self-censor.

Grace Joy

You're a pathological liar, Comrade. Nowhere did I "compared the Americans using Nazi knowledge about rockets and nukes to he establishment of the ratlines."

You defend Nazis being allowed to escape when their "medicine" is used to further Big Pharma profits.

You have no facts or Truth, Comrade, only projection, twisted reality, & filth spilling out of your heart. At least your delusion that this is your personal "Jewish blog" has passed.

Anyone who doesn't join his attacks against @Grace Joy, becomes his next victim.

Grace Joy

Your projecting & slandering from Germany at 9PM on the Sabbath is no more "an objective opinion" than is the filthy language you spew. You're the only one I call "Comrade;" & your constant attacks to censor talk about the UN / WEF globalist agendas speak for themselves.

Grace Joy

Ratlines & Operation Paperclip both allowed Nazis to escape, Comrade Projection, despite your approval of putting Nazis in governments & Big Pharma.

"You insane hater of America and psychotic slanderer:" You are a German citizen who defends globalists, lockdowns, Vacc Passports, & mandated experimental gene therapy; & who attacks & censors any who won't bow to you: You are the antithesis of my country, Comrade.

Grace Joy

Of course you defend NASA / Big Pharma Nazis from me

USA used Op. Paperclip Nazi atomic weapons during the cold war? Source?

You defend globalists & Nazi supporters Fauci, Gates, Soros, Rockefellers, Kissinger, & Klaus Schwab when you're not presenting as a "Conservative" expert on everything; & inciting Division & Victimhood, redefining Reality, or limiting Free Speech. Your Flattery & Doublespeak blind most to your hypocrisies.

21+ months ago you used Soros' name to censor my warning that the Plannedemic Trojan Horse might destroy world economies & bring about medical police state.


"Putin is proud of you hwore" = you, a German citizen, misogynist pervert, & Poseur Extraordinaire DEFENDED BIDEN from me 9 months ago

https://worldisraelnews.Com/putin-takes-return-shot-at-biden-after-killer-remark/ Steve


Liz Truss, I'm going to take the UK out of the storm and usher it into the third nuclear world war


I have never been so afraid: the statements of the phony politicians of Rothschild and Soros: as in recent times.


if Volodymyr Oleksandrovyč Zelens'kyj manages to conquer the Donbass, then he will also have the nuclear power plant of Zaporižzhja, or Zaporiggia, for now he refrains from bombing it or German and Polish benefactors of him? they will all get sick

Liz Truss, porterò il Regno Unito fuori dalla tempesta e lo introdurrò nella terza guerra mondiale nucleare


non mi hanno mai fatto così paura: le dichiarazioni dei politici farlocchi di Rothschild e Soros: come in questo ultimo periodo.


se Volodymyr Oleksandrovyč Zelens'kyj riuscirà a conquistare il Donbass, allora avrà anche la centrale nucleare di Zaporižžja, o Zaporiggia, per ora si astenesse dal bombardarla o tedeschi e polacchi suoi benefattori? si ammaleranno tutti

Mosca sfida l'Occidente dei Sodoma Allah Satana i wahhabiti zombies, con le grandi manovre militari insieme a Cina e India

Di fatto India e Cina non sembrano per nulla intimorite dalla politica statunitense tornata precipitosamente alla sfida epocale contro Mosca, che ha fatto rapidamente innalzare una "cortina di ferro" economica.


e perché dovremmo avere paura? il mondo dei demoni è l'inferno dove vi ricacceremo!

e poi la pseudo "cortina di ferro" economica ora se la stanno piangendo tutti i popoli occidentali

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri a minute ago

Moscow challenges the West of Sodom Allah Satan the Wahhabi zombies, with the great military maneuvers together with China and India

In fact, India and China do not seem at all intimidated by US policy which has returned precipitously to the epochal challenge against Moscow, which has quickly raised an economic "iron curtain".


and why should we be afraid? the world of demons is hell where we will send you back!

and then the pseudo economic "iron curtain" is now mourning all Western peoples

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Liz Truss, I'm going to take the UK out of the storm and usher it into the third nuclear world war


I have never been so afraid: the statements of the phony politicians of Rothschild and Soros: as in recent times.


if Volodymyr Oleksandrovyč Zelens'kyj manages to conquer the Donbass, then he will also have the nuclear power plant of Zaporižzhja, or Zaporiggia, for now he refrains from bombing it or German and Polish benefactors of him? they will all get sick

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Cohen, an entrepreneur and leader of the local Moroccan Jewish community, is not officially affiliated with the embassy in any way, and there was no reason for him to attend meetings involving Israeli government matters, Kan News reported.


funny and why I who am the King of Israel: I cannot participate, and he can?

aside from the funny chips? these things must not be joked

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Gianni Amelio: "For many, being gay is still a taboo or a disease"


1. no, it is no longer a taboo, each person is privately free to live the identity of her, in compliance with the law.

2. certainly, it is an abomination against natural law (but not against universal law)

3. certainly as sinners we are all spiritually sick,

and spiritually ga* are more spiritually sick than other categories of sinners and very often they are also physically sicker (see: irritated and very pissed off hemorrhoids, monkeypox, HIV)

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

yes we laugh about the next corpse. 'Where Is the Media?' https://www.gatestoneinstitute.Org/18771/persecution-of-christians-june

The Muslim sharjah Slaughter of Christians Islam is universal sharia genocide UMMA

for Persecution of Christians: reall Princeps MBS said me: "as the Jews had Jesus killed

by the Romans, so today they have Christians killed by us all over the world"

For the previous 20 years, Rehmat, a 44-year-old father of two teenagers,

had worked as a cleaner

at the Zam Zam publishing house, which prints Korans. There, the "owners and employees

had offered him to convert to Islam, but he had repeatedly refused to change religion."

Shortly after Christmas, 2021, his employers asked him about some torn pages of

a Koran found in the sewage drain; he replied that he knew nothing about that.

A few days later, on January 3,

"police arrested Rehmat Masih, accusing him of committing blasphemy and tortured him severely"

in an effort to make him admit to desecrating the Koran, an offence punishable

by life imprisonment under Section 295-B of the Pakistan Penal Code. On January 19, 2022,

a bail application was filed for the defendant, but the judge rejected it.

Rehmat has been in prison since, awaiting his trial.

The report closes by quoting several human rights activists on this situation:


ragazzo morto in montagna il padre (pazzo suprematista razzzista Erdogan) ha detto: "ogni paese abbia un cimitero per musulmani"


questo ragazzo è scivolato da solo in un burrone, ma i DEM dicono che è uno splendido esempio di integrazione felice e gioiosa UMMA Allah uuh akbar morte a tutti gli infedeli

Ukrainian satanist and homosexual hackers create fake profiles of women to attract Russians:


and what's strange? Rothschild and Rockefeller have been doing it with me for 15 years: every day,

only that I see that they are the cannibal priests of satan: and of Biden and I never take the bait

Hacker ucraini satanisti e omosessuali creano falsi profili di donne per attirare russi:


e cosa c'é di strano? Rothschild e Rockefeller lo fanno con me da 15 anni: tutti i giorni,

soltanto che io vedo che sono i sacerdoti cannibali di satana: e di Biden e non abbocco mai

Ukrainian satanist and homosexual hackers create fake profiles of women to attract Russians:


and what's strange? Rothschild and Rockefeller have been doing it with me for 15 years: every day,

only that I see that they are the cannibal priests of satan: and of Biden and I never take the bait

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri


that msn satanists? put this news in the "technology and science" section but this must be understood

the USA EU Ursula antichrist Bildenberg Bergoglio shaman animist idolatrous Pachamama?

they have Satan's technology


Shamanism indicates, in the history of religions, in cultural anthropology and in ethnology,

a set of knowledge, beliefs, religious practices, magical-ritual,

ecstatic and ethnomedical techniques


yes, but Bergoglio still can't heal his knee with the spirits

quel satanisti di msn? ha messo questa notizia nella sezione "tecnologia e scienza" ma questo deve essere compreso

gli USA UE Ursula anticristo Bildenberg Bergoglio animista idolatra Pachamama? loro hanno la tecnologia di Satana

Lorenzojhwh Unius REI

China Russia ] open letter [ US simulates Mideast bombing run amid Iran tensions

answer =========> I know you have a right to want to avenge yourself against the US, but you don't...

don't get between me and my prey!

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri Lorenzojhwh Unius REI

the farewell of boris johnson: "I am a rocket jabulOn that has fulfilled its mission Rockefeller: in the buttocks of Satan and I will disappear in some remote corner of the hell of Allah


I always thought this guy was pretty creepy

Lorenzojhwh Unius REI

Amnesty International blasted in report: 'Deep hostility' toward Jewish State We have received your request for review

Lorenzojhwh Unius REI3 years ago Detected as spam

[Bin SALMAN OCI Riyadh Iran akbar 666 sharia jihad]

so you are working for the NWO OCI UMMA Spa & Co, Rothschild petrodollars scam demonic empire: high treason and sharia genocide of peoples.

may the Sharia peace of Russians and Chinese be upon you, then!

There was internal server error while processing your request

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri Lorenzojhwh Unius REI

boy who died in the mountains his father (crazy racist supremacist Erdogan) said: "every country has a cemetery for Muslims"


this guy has slipped alone into a ravine, but the DEMs say he is a splendid example of happy and joyful integration UMMA Allah uuh akbar death to all infidels

Sciamanesimo indica, nella storia delle religioni, in antropologia culturale e in etnologia, un insieme di conoscenze, credenze, pratiche religiose, tecniche magico-rituali, estatiche ed etnomediche


si, ma Bergoglio non riesce ancora a guarire il suo ginocchio con gli spiriti


Owens si è difeso (goffamente) in una dichiarazione al Guardian. Ha detto: "Respingo completamente il concetto di 'razzismo'. Prendersi cura soprattutto della propria gente è la cosa più naturale e sana del mondo. Il "razzismo" è solo una diffamazione anti-bianca. È un'arma di abuso psicologico di massa ideata e brandita per impedire ai bianchi di pensare e agire nel nostro interesse mentre la nostra sovranità e le nostre patrie ci vengono tolte".


se prendiamo Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, e Owens ovviamente loro dicono verità sostanziali, ma poi, deducono decisioni disastrose.

il problema non è soltanto: 1. dell'imperialismo e capitalismo occidentale, e 2. dell'ISLAM, 3. dello scioglimento dei ghiacciai, 4. della usura monopolio mortale del signoraggio bancario di Rothschild: che costringe milioni di persone ad emigrare.

quì c'é proprio la congiura ebraico-massonica agenda wahhabita calergi che vogliono distruggere Israele e i cristiani in tutto il mondo per estendere la UMMA!

allora la principale guerra degli orchi è contro il sionismo: perché se Israele avesse successo? poi, il NWO di Rockefeller sarebbe costreto a crollare

Owens defended himself (awkwardly) in a statement to the Guardian. He said:

"I completely reject the concept of 'racism'. Taking care of your people above all is the most natural

and healthy thing in the world." Racism "is just anti-white defamation. It is a weapon

of mass psychological abuse. designed and brandished to prevent whites from thinking and acting

in our interest while our sovereignty and homelands are taken from us. "


if we take Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, and Owens obviously they tell substantial truths, but then, they deduce disastrous decisions.

the problem is not only: 1. of western imperialism and capitalism, and 2. of ISLAM, 3. of the melting of glaciers, 4. of the deadly monopoly usury of Rothschild's banking seigniorage: which forces millions of people to emigrate.

here there is precisely the Jewish-Masonic conspiracy agenda wahhabi Kalergi who want to destroy Israel and Christians all over the world to extend the UMMA!

then the main war of the orcs Satana Sodoma Allah is against Zionism:

why if Israel were successful? then, Rockefeller's NWO would be forced to collapse

YouTube removes the channel of far-right extremists who used code words to attack Jews, blacks


ok, but youtube twitter (deep state) they do politics and censorship in favor of lgbt NWO FED OCI Riyad and for DEM:

100 channels closed to me with 300,000 videos of Christian martyrs:

and why am I a Christian? they closed 60 channels in 2 minutes without explanation.

and Synnek1 (the self-declared satanist world director of youtube (now 187AudioHostem) told me:

on my UniusRei3 channel "a million youtube channels in my name have been closed"

YouTube rimuove il canale di estremisti di estrema destra che hanno usato parole in codice per attaccare ebrei, neri


ok, ma youtube twitter (deep State) fanno politica e censura in avore dei lgbt NWO FED OCI Riyad e per i DEM:

a me hanno chiuso 100 canali con 300000 video dei martiri cristiani:

e perché sono cristiano? hanno chiuso 60 canali in 2 minuti senza spiegazione.

e Synnek1 (il direttore mondiale di youtube autodichiarato satanista (oggi 187AudioHostem) mi disse:

sul mio canale di UniusRei3 "sono stati chiusi un milione di canali youtube in my name"


im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri a few seconds ago

on you go happy, run on the altar of Satan, to honor Rockefeller and Rothschild and their churches of satan, for the Darwinism DEM lgbtqia they created themselves: for the destruction of mankind.

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri2 hours agoDetected as spamWe have received your request for review

Liz Truss, I'm going to take the UK out of the storm and usher it into the third nuclear world war


I have never been so afraid: the statements of the phony politicians of Rothschild and Soros: as in recent times.


if Volodymyr Oleksandrovyč Zelens'kyj manages to conquer

the Donbass, then he will also have the nuclear power plant

of Zaporižzhja, or Zaporiggia, for now he refrains

from bombing it or German and Polish benefactors of him?

they will all get sick


this article is all mine and could not fall into spam


im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri 19 minutes ago edited

CatchMeIfYouCan [HD] Dear [NSA]: As To These Folks, -The Cult They Are In Is Bound To Destruction, And Vain Is The Worship Which They Practice: [Xrist YHWH Allah vs 666 IMF Talmud Sharia] 187AudioHostem

this is how the CIA satanists took the power that Rockefeller gave them, they appropriated the Jewish, Christian symbols


187 Audio Hostem] I discovered what "187" means to capture abduction girls or people to take them to the altar of satan as human sacrifices


im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri 10 minutes ago

dear MBS from Riyad you come on go happy on the altar of Satan to honor Rockefeller and Rothschild the churches of satan and the lgbtqia Darwinism they created or you and for us,

187, abduction


Most Holy Judge, Son of Saint Mary, Do Not Let My Body Be Harmed Or My Blood Be Spilled. Let Not My Enemies See Me, Nor Their Armies Hurt Me. With the Robe That Covered

Our Lord Jesus Xist Cover My Body So That I Will Never Be Attacked By My Enemies.

By The Blessing Of The Father, The Son And The Holy Spirit,

Bring Me Peace And Happiness. Amen

O Father, Your True Love Will Bring The Whole Human Race To Your Kingdom.

YouTube Imperial Broadcasting.

Censorship Doesn't End Evil.

Dear Brothers And Sisters: Be Who You Are and Say What You Feel Because Those

Who Mind Don't Matter and Those Who Matter Don't Mind.

Quite Impolitely They Sometimes Invite Themselves To Meals: Their Activity Being

The Too-Rapid Disappearance Of The Food And Drink

O Father, How You Must Grieve For Those Who Struggle To Receive Your Grace.

How It Must Anger You To See The Enemy Come In And Steal Away The Good News From

The Hearts And Minds Of Those Who So Much Need It. Use Me O Father As One

Of Your Messengers To Help Those Who Are Battling The Enemy. In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen.


im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri 3 minutes ago

dear MBS from Riyad ] with this youtube ex-world director of yours even though he was fired by me?

today he has a technology unknown to us,

he has more power than Obama: and he sees everything he wants to see and hear: through alien neuronal connections in our brains and optic nerve


im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri 7 minutes ago

dear MBS from Riyad ] with this ex-world director of youtube of yours and with 3 other priests of satan? i have been on youtube main site page for 4 years [ you come on go happy on the altar of Satan to honor Rockefeller and Rothschild the churches of satan and the lgbtqia Darwinism they created or you and for us,

187, abduction



In [Time]: Archives And [Telephony] Intercepts [Revealed]: Then, [They] Will Know? [_OuT_Of_SiGhT_] [The [Enemy] Walks Amongst [US] How Much Proof Do You Need? $$$ [$474N4$] [With [God]: Anything Possible]


[John 3:16]


MBS ISIS Salman this is 187

=========== lowex-abduction


im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri 11 minutes ago edited

Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News.



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im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri 39 minutes ago

YouTube removes the channel of far-right extremists who used code words to attack Jews, blacks


ok, but youtube twitter (deep state) they do politics and censorship in favor of lgbt NWO FED OCI Riyad and for DEM:

100 channels closed to me with 300,000 videos of Christian martyrs:

and why am I a Christian? they closed 60 channels in 2 minutes without explanation.

and Synnek1 (the self-declared satanist world director of youtube (now 187AudioHostem) told me:

on my UniusRei3 channel "a million youtube channels in my name have been closed"


im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri an hour ago edited

Owens defended himself (awkwardly) in a statement to the Guardian. He said:

"I completely reject the concept of 'racism'. Taking care of your people above all is the most natural

and healthy thing in the world." Racism "is just anti-white defamation. It is a weapon

of mass psychological abuse. designed and brandished to prevent whites from thinking and acting

in our interest while our sovereignty and homelands are taken from us. "


if we take Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, and Owens obviously they tell substantial truths, but then, they deduce disastrous decisions.

the problem is not only: 1. of western imperialism and capitalism, and 2. of ISLAM, 3. of the melting of glaciers, 4. of the deadly monopoly usury of Rothschild's banking seigniorage: which forces millions of people to emigrate.

here there is precisely the Jewish-Masonic conspiracy agenda wahhabi Kalergi who want to destroy Israel and Christians all over the world to extend the UMMA!

then the main war of the orcs Satana Sodoma Allah is against Zionism:

why if Israel were successful? then, Rockefeller's NWO would be forced to collapse



Davvero a volte "basta la parola", come recitava lo slogan di una vecchia pubblicità. È il caso del sostantivo «feto». Cercandone la definizione sul principale motore di ricerca Internet al mondo, Google, quella proposta così recita: «Il prodotto del concepimento dei mammiferi durante la vita intrauterina, dalla comparsa dei caratteri distintivi della specie al parto; nella specie umana, il prodotto del concepimento dalla fine del secondo mese di vita intrauterina fino alla nascita». Un incredibile esercizio d'acrobazia lessicale, che evita in qualsiasi punto di parlare di «bambino».

Lo stesso, qualora si cercasse la definizione su Wikipedia: «Stadio dello sviluppo prenatale degli organismi vivipari già dotato delle forme e delle caratteristiche della relativa specie. Il feto, diversamente dall'embrione, non subisce particolari modificazioni negli organi, ma questi maturano strutturalmente e funzionalmente fino al parto. Il passaggio da embrione a feto nella specie umana avviene intorno al 60°-70° giorno dal concepimento». Come a dire, ha già tutte le caratteristiche dell'essere umano fatto e finito, ma guai a definirlo tale. Lo stesso sul vocabolario online della Treccani: «Il prodotto del concepimento dei mammiferi considerato durante il suo sviluppo intrauterino; il termine in passato veniva usato solo con riferimento al periodo, che comincia con la riconoscibilità dei caratteri morfologici della specie (nella specie umana, tra la fine del 2° mese dal concepimento ed il compimento della gestazione), mentre si preferiva chiamare embrione lo stadio precedente». L'elenco potrebbe continuare. «Prodotto» o «stadio», ma «bambino» o «persona» mai, benché lo si ammetta «già dotato delle forme e delle caratteristiche della relativa specie». È l'antilingua, signori!


L'organizzazione Students for Life of America, che ha notato l'anomalia, si è accorta anche di un altro particolare: «Google ha modificato la definizione di "feto" per non includere la parola "bambino"», ha scritto in un post su Twitter. Lo stesso avrebbero fatto l'ACOG-American College for Obstetricians and Gynecologists e la multinazionale dell'aborto, Planned Parenthood. «Non vogliono che sappiate la verità: un feto umano è un bambino», commenta Students for Life. La fonte della definizione proposta da Google sarebbe Oxford Languages, utilizzata tuttavia anche da altri siti specializzati, come Lexico, i quali ciò nonostante riportano ancora esplicitamente il termine «bambino», non lo hanno cancellato. «La nuova definizione di Google si adatta meglio ad un programma pro-aborto, non alla scienza. I medici confermano che i feti sono bambini non ancora nati, esseri umani unici e viventi», commenta in merito l'agenzia InfoCatólica. Che aggiunge: «Google ha una storia di politiche di sinistra favorevoli all'aborto. È stato ripetutamente accusato di censurare le informazioni fornite dai fautori della vita. Qualche anno fa il celebre motore di ricerca ha definito "propaganda" il film pro-life Unplanned sulla vita dell'ex-direttrice di Planned Parenthood, Abby Johnson».

Ha rincarato la dose su di un'altra agenzia, LifeSiteNews, la dottoressa Heidi Overton, direttrice del Center for a Healthy America presso l'America First Policy Institute: «La sinistra - ha dichiarato - continua a dire di "seguire la scienza", tranne quando si tratta del dibattito sull'aborto».


Non solo. Anche la multinazionale americana della grande distribuzione Walmart, proprietaria dell'omonima catena di negozi al dettaglio, pagherà con appositi piani sanitari alle proprie dipendenti, residenti negli Stati Usa ove abortire sia diventato illegale, i costi di viaggio e clinica per recarsi laddove uccidere i propri figli in grembo sia ancora possibile, nel raggio di 100 miglia. Lo ha rivelato l'emittente CNBC, citando una mail inviata da Donna Morris, responsabile del personale di Walmart, azienda che, per la verità, a differenza di altre, coprirà le spese non solo per far abortire, bensì anche per parto, assistenza prenatale e adozione.

Il deputato repubblicano del Texas, Michael Cloud, si è detto preoccupato del fatto che le grandi aziende - come Walt Disney, Warner Bros, Netflix, Google, Apple, Meta o Microsoft e molte altre - «facciano pressioni sulle donne, affinché abortiscano, invece di prendersi un periodo di congedo per maternità. Le donne devono sentirsi sostenute nella loro decisione di conciliare famiglia e lavoro. Se queste aziende sfruttano le donne


For Google and Wikipedia, the baby in the womb is not a baby or even a person

Really sometimes "the word is enough", as the slogan of an old advertisement said. This is the case with the noun "fetus". Searching for its definition on the main Internet search engine in the world, Google, the proposal reads as follows: «The product of the conception of mammals during intrauterine life, from the appearance of the distinctive characteristics of the species to childbirth; in the human species, the product of conception from the end of the second month of intrauterine life until birth ". An incredible exercise in lexical acrobatics, which avoids at any point talking about a "child".

For Google and Wikipedia, the baby in the womb is not a baby or even a person

The same, if you look for the definition on Wikipedia: «Stage of the prenatal development of viviparous organisms already endowed with the forms and characteristics of the relative species. The fetus, unlike the embryo, does not undergo particular changes in the organs, but these mature structurally and functionally until delivery. The passage from embryo to fetus in the human species takes place around the 60th -70th day from conception ». As if to say, it already has all the characteristics of a finished human being, but woe to define it as such. The same in Treccani's online vocabulary: «The product of mammalian conception considered during its intrauterine development; in the past the term was used only with reference to the period, which begins with the recognition of the morphological characters of the species (in the human species, between the end of the 2nd month from conception and the completion of gestation), while it was preferred to call the stage embryo previous one". The list goes on and on. «Product» or «stage», but never «child» or «person», although it is admitted «already endowed with the forms and characteristics of the relative species». It's the antilingual, gentlemen!

For Google and Wikipedia, the baby in the womb is not a baby or even a person


The Students for Life of America organization, which noted the anomaly, also noticed another detail: "Google has changed the definition of 'fetus' to not include the word 'baby'", he wrote in a post on Twitter. The ACOG-American College for Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the multinational abortion company Planned Parenthood would do the same. “They don't want you to know the truth: a human fetus is a baby,” comments Students for Life. The source of the definition proposed by Google would be Oxford Languages, but also used by other specialized sites, such as Lexico, which nevertheless still explicitly mention the term "child", have not deleted it. “Google's new definition fits better with a pro-abortion program, not science. Doctors confirm that fetuses are unborn children, unique and living human beings, ”comments the InfoCatólica agency. He adds: “Google has a history of pro-abortion left-wing policies. He was repeatedly accused of censoring the information provided by the proponents of life. A few years ago the famous search engine defined the pro-life film Unplanned about the life of the former Planned Parenthood director, Abby Johnson, "propaganda".

Dr. Heidi Overton, director of the Center for a Healthy America at the America First Policy Institute, added to the dose of another agency, LifeSiteNews: "The left - he declared - continues to say to" follow science ", except when it comes to the abortion debate ”.

For Google and Wikipedia, the baby in the womb is not a baby or even a person


Not only. Even the American multinational large-scale distribution Walmart, owner of the chain of retail stores of the same name, will pay with special health plans to its employees, residing in the United States where abortion has become illegal, the travel and clinic costs to go where to kill one's own children in the womb is still possible, within 100 miles. This was revealed by the CNBC broadcaster, citing an email sent by Donna Morris, head of personnel at Walmart, a company that, in truth, unlike others, will cover the costs not only for the abortion, but also for childbirth, antenatal care and adoption.

Texas Republican Congressman Michael Cloud said he was concerned that big companies - such as Walt Disney, Warner Bros, Netflix, Google, Apple, Meta or Microsoft and many others - "are putting pressure on women to have abortions instead. to take a period of maternity leave. Women need to feel supported in their decision to reconciling family and work. If these companies exploit women with


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