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Murdered in cold blood'

UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia 6 hours ago

The UAE ambassador will return to Iran, strengthening ties after years.

Although earlier this year, drone and missile strikes by Iranian-backed Houthi rebels

in Yemen hit Abu Dhabi, damaging the UAE's reputation as a safe haven

in an unstable region.


where did donkeys study theology? until they find a good theologian lorenzoALLAH? they will always remain unstable

UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia 6 hours ago

MBS Iran Riyad UMMA ISIS Erdogan ] principle of wisdom is humility.

I advise you to start Torah The Hebrew Bible or Tanakh by going to a lesson with a rabbi:

so when I come, I tell you all the mistakes he made;

and only then will you understand what theology is, but,

the current state? you stopped at gynecology

Discussion on World Israel News 4 comments

'Murdered in cold blood': New York NGO calls eliminated Palestinian terrorists 'victims'

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia

9 hours ago

now your story now Little Red Riding Hood TITTI (Netanjahu)? in non Titti but Bibi

Islam is a Rockefeller-protected genocide that the UN cannot afford to blame

but why can't they afford to tell the truth?

because all Freemasons have sworn by JaBulOn which is always Satan:

and why the Jewish Kabbalah FED ECB BM IMF NWO Spa & Co. scam banking seigniorage predicts an extermination of 6 million Jews today Israelis, and a world war within 100 years https://worldisraelnews.Com/islamic-jihad-hamas-slam- german-probe-of-abbas-bias-toward-israeli-occupation / # comment-5956508622

Everything these sharia assassins accuse Israel of is exactly

what they are: apartheid, theives of land, killers of innocent people, double standards thinking they have the Right

to destroy Israel or steal all Judea, Samaria, Jerusalem including Temple Mount, their charters call for destruction

of the legal state of Israel & killing of all Jews,

continually plotting more war and never peace.

you would think the world could see by now

Scholz (strunz l'anticristo massone) ha chiamato la differenza tra Russia e Canada per l'importazione di risorse.

Scholz ha detto che il gas del Canada viene prodotto da sodoma e satana costa molto di più,

ma è più utile per distruggere l'anima ebraico-cristiana della UE.

mentre il gas della Russia è un gas cristiano e a noi e a Bergoglio non piace..

"Il paese [Canada] ha gli stessi minerali ricchi della Russia, con l'unica differenza che è una democrazia affidabile", ma Ursula ha detto che lei la borsa dell'acqua calda lei la ha già comprata

Scholz (strunz the Freemason antichrist) called the difference between Russia and Canada for the import of resources.

Scholz said Canada's gas is produced by sodom and satan costs a lot more,

but it is more useful for destroying the Jewish-Christian soul of the EU.

while Russia's gas is a Christian gas and we and Bergoglio don't like it..

"The country [Canada] has the same rich minerals as Russia, with the only difference being that it is a reliable democracy," but Ursula said she already bought the hot water bottle.

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

worldisraelnews ] this bad story that someone destroys me disintegrates my comments and that Disqus does not warn me? greatly complicates my work,

here the trust between you and me falls

Scholz (strunz the Freemason antichrist) called the difference between Russia and Canada for the import of resources. Scholz said Canada's gas is produced by sodom and satan costs a lot more,

but it is more useful for destroying the Jewish-Christian soul of the EU. while Russia's gas is a Christian gas and we and Bergoglio don't like it.. "The country [Canada] has the same rich minerals as Russia, with the only difference being that it is a reliable democracy," but Ursula said she already bought the hot water bottle.

questa brutta storia che qualcuno mi distrugge disintegra i miei commenti e che Disqus non mi avvisa? complica enormemente il mio lavoro,

quì viene a cadere la fiducia tra me e te

worldisraelnews ] this bad story [ 7 hours ago https://disqus.Com/by/disqus_gEwzM4WOUZ/

7 hours ago this bad story that disqus posts my comments after 7 hours?

it is a fraud, because the CIA Turks and Wahhabis can delete my comments with impunity, and this threatens all mankind


worldisraelnews ] open letter [ how can i continue to work with you here? Disqus did not tell me that: MBS Iran Riyad UMMA ISIS Erdogan had deleted my comment here

Disqus did not tell me that: MBS Iran Riyad UMMA ISIS Erdogan had deleted my comment here



CIA agent Petro Oleksijovyč Poroshenko, president of Ukraine from the bloody coup and pogroms of Odessa 2014 to 2019, flanked by the Nazi-fascist death squads; he was a chocolate industrialist (bloodied by the OTAN EU USA UK the perverted Freemason antichrist)

we switched to Ben & Jerry's ice cream (bloodied by the Spa & Co FED IMD Talmud & Kabbalah voodoo agenda Rockefeller always the perverted Freemason antichrist) loses case to prevent selling ice cream in Judea and Samaria

agente CIA Petro Oleksijovyč Porošenko, presidente dell'Ucraina dal golpe sanguinoso e pogrom di Odessa 2014 al 2019, affiancato dagli squadroni della morte di nazi-fascisti; era un industrile del cioccolato (insanguinato dalla OTAN UE USA UK l'anticristo pervertito massone)

noi siamo passati a Ben & Jerry’s gelato (insanguinato dalla Spa&Co FED IMD Talmud & Kabbalah voodoo agenda Rockefeller sempre l'anticristo pervertito massone) loses case to prevent selling ice cream in Judea and Samaria

UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia

every anti-Zionist

every Satanist

every sharia genocide


which anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist network

is not also a Jewish-Masonic network?

surely the sinister DEMs and the plutocratic Jewish-Freemason shareholders, shareholders of the central banks will celebrate before the Muslims know Israel erased from the geographical maps

which anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist network

is not also a Jewish-Masonic network?

sicurametne le sinistre DEM e gli azionisti ebrei-massoni plutocratici, azionisti delle banche centrali festeggieranno prima degli islamici a sapere Israele cancellato dalle mappe geografiche

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri 7 minutes ago

which anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist network

is not also a Jewish-Masonic network?

surely the sinister DEMs and the plutocratic Jewish-Freemason shareholders, shareholders of the central banks will celebrate before the Muslims know Israel erased from the geographical maps



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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri a minute ago edited

here I want to clarify my concept once again:

if every anti is philosophically despicable

anti-Semitism ( masonic regime plutocratic technocratic neoliberalism) and anti-Islamism (sharia genocide threat and his jihad galaxy) are politically necessary / indispensable,

but, anti-Zionism is the most serious criminal act that exists on this planet both in terms of international law and on the ethical-moral profile because it is pure Satanism.


now who can solve this kabbalah puzzle that is leading us to a slanderous world war against Russians and Chinese

UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia

#worldisraelnews] open letter [ this story that Disqus takes 10 hours to post a comment and then, the comments disappear, how do we put it?

#worldisraelnews] where did you hide my article here?

#worldisraelnews] open letter [ how can I continue to work with you here? Disqus did not tell me that: MBS Iran Riyad UMMA ISIS Erdogan had deleted my comment here


Disqus did not tell me that: MBS Iran Riyad UMMA ISIS Erdogan had deleted my comment here


im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri replied to you on 'Murdered in cold blood': New York NGO calls eliminated Palestinian terrorists 'victims' 9 hours ago

UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messiah 9 hours ago

The New York organization listed the terrorists as "victims" of Israeli "genocidal" aggression. ANSWER the wolf MBS Erdogan Iran sharjah had already eaten Little Red (Netanjahu) Riding Hood TITTI's grandmother,

================== so he disguised himself in his grandmother's clothes (because the beasts of Allah have replacement theology) now Little Red Riding Hood TITTI (Netanjahu) noticed something strange and began to say: "dear, grandma but what big hands that you have" and the wolf Hamas DEM FED IMF BM Spa & Co, technocracy neoliberalism NWO OCI UMMA Riyad replied:

"it's to hug you better".. ok we know how it ended, and if the hunter lorenzoJHWH Unius REI did not come to kill the shar'a wolf and cut the belly of the beast Allah?

so, grandma and Little Red Riding Hood TITTI (Netanjahu)? they would never come out alive from the valley of the shadow of death, like the 50 Christian nations that the Arab League suffocated in the sharia genocide


'Murdered in cold blood': New York NGO calls eliminated Palestinian terrorists 'victims'im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri9 hours ago

now in your story the Little Red Riding Hood TITTI (Netanjahu)? is not Titti but Bibi!

Lo show della CNN è "deliberata imbiancatura" dell'antisemitismo di sinistra, dicono i rabbini

22 agosto 2022

Lo show della CNN è "deliberata imbiancatura" dell'antisemitismo di sinistra, dicono i rabbiniLa "Squadra" - Da sinistra, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez e Ayanna Pressley

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Il programma presentava una serie di presunte opinioni di esperti, ma non includeva rappresentanti delle comunità molto tradizionali che hanno sopportato il peso dell'attuale ondata di odio antiebraico.

Di World Israel News Staff

La Coalizione per i Valori Ebraici (CJV), che rappresenta oltre 2.000 rabbini tradizionali e osservanti in materia di politica pubblica, ha respinto il rapporto speciale della CNN, "Rising Hate: Antisemitism in America", come "una deliberata copertura dell'antisemitismo di sinistra".

Il programma presentava una serie di presunte opinioni di esperti, ma non includeva rappresentanti delle comunità molto tradizionali che hanno sopportato il peso dell'attuale ondata di odio antiebraico e non sono riusciti a evidenziare esempi di antisemitismo di sinistra, ha detto CJV in un comunicato stampa lunedì.

"Sebbene il programma abbia riconosciuto che l'odio può provenire sia da sinistra che da destra, sembrava anche suggerire che il 90% dell'antisemitismo può essere legato alla supremazia bianca: Poway, Charlottesville e l'ex presidente Donald Trump non condannano David Duke 'abbastanza' per i loro gusti", ha detto il vicepresidente del CJV Rabbi Dov Fischer.

"Non c'è stata alcuna menzione della deputata Ilhan Omar, della deputata Rashida Tlaib, di Louis Farrakhan, o degli autori della netta maggioranza di sparatorie, accoltellamenti e altri attacchi casuali che sono diventati tristemente comuni in luoghi come Brooklyn, Monsey e Jersey City. Questa è stata una deliberata imbiancatura, che consente all'antisemitismo di sinistra di peggiorare incontrollato".

Secondo le statistiche della polizia e i leader delle comunità colpite, la stragrande maggioranza degli attacchi antisemiti negli ultimi anni sono stati commessi da individui motivati da opinioni di sinistra e che non possono essere definiti "suprematisti bianchi" per ovvie ragioni, ha affermato CJV.

Proprio lo scorso fine settimana, una banda di adolescenti neri ha attaccato gli ebrei ortodossi in due distinti incidenti. Eppure lo speciale della CNN non ha menzionato questi o simili crimini, e ha discusso la crisi degli ostaggi in una sinagoga di Colleyville, in Texas, senza menzionare le credenze odiose che hanno motivato l'uomo armato, anche se ha chiesto il rilascio di un terrorista di al-Qaeda, hanno osservato i rabbini.

Paradossalmente, hanno notato, l'incapacità della CNN di fornire esempi concreti di antisemitismo di sinistra ha aperto la porta ai partigiani per affermare che la rete aveva inventato il fenomeno. Già questa mattina, decine di migliaia di persone hanno apprezzato un tweet che afferma che la CNN sta "incolpando 'entrambe le parti' per il nazismo GOP".

I rabbini hanno indicato questo come prova che la CNN aveva nascosto la motivazione dietro la maggior parte dei recenti attacchi e non è riuscita a parlare con coloro che rappresentano le vittime più probabili.

"L'omissione dei leader tradizionali, quelli le cui congregazioni sono i bersagli preferiti della violenza antisemita, è stata lampante", ha aggiunto il vicepresidente regionale meridionale del CJV Rabbi Moshe B. Parnes.

"La CNN sembrava fare eccessivo affidamento su Jonathan Greenblatt, un ex membro dello staff di Obama che ha portato l'ADL in una direzione altamente partigiana, e ha persino portato Jill Jacobs, capo di un'organizzazione vista dalla maggior parte della comunità ebraica come una copertura politica per l'antisemitismo", ha detto.

"La CNN non è riuscita a parlare con un solo leader rabbinico ortodosso, sia del Simon Wiesenthal Center che di un'organizzazione rabbinica come la nostra, e ha nascosto al suo pubblico la causa predominante dell'attuale crisi".

CNN show is ‘deliberate whitewash’ of left-wing antisemitism, rabbis say

August 22, 2022

CNN show is ‘deliberate whitewash’ of left-wing antisemitism, rabbis sayThe "Squad" - From left, Reps. Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ayanna Pressley (AP/J. Scott Applewhite)

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The program featured a range of purported expert opinion, but included no representatives of the very traditional communities that have borne the brunt of the current wave of anti-Jewish hatred.

By World Israel News Staff

Coalition for Jewish Values (CJV), representing over 2,000 traditional, observant rabbis in matters of public policy, has dismissed the CNN special report, “Rising Hate: Antisemitism in America,” as “a deliberate whitewash of left-wing antisemitism.”

The program featured a range of purported expert opinion, but included no representatives of the very traditional communities that have borne the brunt of the current wave of anti-Jewish hatred, and failed to highlight examples of left-wing antisemitism, CJV said in a news release Monday.

“Though the program acknowledged that hatred can come from both the left and right, it also seemed to suggest that 90% of antisemitism can be tied to white supremacy: Poway, Charlottesville, and former president Donald Trump not condemning David Duke ‘enough’ for their liking,” said CJV Vice President Rabbi Dov Fischer.

“There was no mention of Rep. Ilhan Omar, Rep. Rashida Tlaib, Louis Farrakhan, or the perpetrators of the clear majority of shootings, stabbings, and other random attacks that have become sadly common in places like Brooklyn, Monsey, and Jersey City. This was a deliberate whitewash, one that enables left-wing antisemitism to fester unchecked.”

According to both police statistics and leaders in the affected communities, the overwhelming majority of antisemitic attacks in recent years have been committed by individuals motivated by leftist views and who could not be called “white supremacist” for obvious reasons, CJV stated.

Just this past weekend, a gang of black teens attacked Orthodox Jews in two separate incidents. Yet the CNN special failed to mention these or similar crimes, and discussed the hostage crisis at a synagogue in Colleyville, Texas with no mention of the hateful beliefs that motivated the gunman—though he demanded the release of an al-Qaeda terrorist, the rabbis noted.

Paradoxically, they noted, CNN’s failure to provide concrete examples of left-wing antisemitism opened the door for partisans to claim the network had invented the phenomenon. Already this morning, tens of thousands have liked a tweet claiming that CNN is “blaming ‘both sides’ for GOP-Nazism.”

The rabbis pointed to this as evidence that CNN had hidden the motivation behind the majority of recent attacks, and failed to speak to those who represent the most likely victims.

“The omission of traditional leaders, those whose congregations are the favorite targets of antisemitic violence, was glaring,” added CJV Southern Regional Vice President Rabbi Moshe B. Parnes.

“CNN appeared to rely inordinately upon Jonathan Greenblatt, a former Obama staffer who has taken the ADL in a highly partisan direction, and even brought in Jill Jacobs, head of an organization seen by most of the Jewish community as providing political cover for antisemitism,” he said.

“CNN failed to speak with a single Orthodox rabbinic leader, whether from the Simon Wiesenthal Center or a rabbinic organization like our own, and hid from its audience the predominant cause of the current crisis.”


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