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Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

Iran armed with nuclear bomb in 2031, Gantz warns

Revived nuclear deal could see Iran armed with nuclear bomb in 2031, Gantz warns 
to obtain a perfect predation of mankind: continue to steal the bank seigniorage, the synagogues of Satan Rockefeller and Rothschild, with their high Sanhedrin FED IMF BM ECB NWO have aroused the heretical Second Vatican Council, in this way: they destroyed the exorcistic capacities of the Catholic Church, which with Bergoglio is now a Lutheran, Aryan heretical, modernist, Masonic, Catholic-Communist, DEM, lgbtia +++. good-natured, merciful: without justice and without truth.


but Muslims have never had exorcist skills and destroying the EU US with atomic weapons is their only chance

Biden's moderate terrorists

Discussion on World Israel News 11

Israel must take and hold Gaza indefinitely - analysis

ISRAEL] [but you, why don't you have King lorenzoJHWH yet to be able to implement your legitimate approach?

it is clear: yours is MBS Rockefeller high treason.

Ultimately, the lesson from Gaza is that Israel must give up the desperate hope

of winning Arab friendship. You have to pursue different strategic goals. The most you can hope

for is to be

grudgingly accepted as an invincible rival. The least he has to achieve is to be feared

as a fierce opponent, with whom he never jokes.

Biden's moderate terrorists36

the fact that the Shiites and the Sunnis: do they kill their poor among themselves? this does not mean that the OCI Arab League has two different geopolitics. Selective targets vary, Shiites pledge to destroy Israel, while Sunnis pledge to destroy all mankind

“Hamas deserves credit for one thing: its honesty regarding its intentions to destroy Israel and kill

as many Jews as possible. Hamas does not want 40,000 new jobs for poor unemployed Palestinians

in the Gaza Strip. He would rather see these unemployed Palestinians join his ranks

and become soldiers in his quest to replace Israel with an Islamic empire ”.

Biden's moderate terroristsan hour ago

MK Ofer Cassif demanded that Awawdeh, who is a leading member of the Islamic Jihad terrorist group, be "released immediately".


ok, let's put him in the same cell too. when I go down to Israel, all anti-Zionist Muslims will be deported

to Syria, not because they are guilty of anything or because they are less worthy than

any other person, but only because of the sharjah which is a genocide of replacement,

and because

they adore kneeling

to MBS that is foreign Wahhabi ISIS Mecca Caaba power, so, they are all potentially sleeping soldiers

Biden's moderate terrorists

Discussion on World Israel News 13

Biden, Lapid teams seek meeting next month9

MBS OCI ISIS Salman from Riyad] now the CIA Spa & Co NSA are doing too much evil against TRUMP, because MAGA is a true Christian and does not belong to their sect of Demons Bergoglio Enlightened luciferian DEM, Ursula octopus & Deep State Neocons.

you think: they infiltrated a secret agent, ie, an ukrainian prostitute, in the home of TRUMP Patriot by saying she was the daughter of Rockefeller.

and i'm about to get so mad, i might forget i promised holy JHWH God to be a good boy, in all circumstances

Biden's moderate terrorists9

MBS OCI ISIS Salman from Riyad ] now you tell me. if the CIA agents aren't all fools.. to say that US President Joe Biden is a Satanist, and Kamala Harris is a witch? this is the truth! What if they hear it from you? then, they would be very proud of Satan and of themselves, for having become like this, that is cruel and evil crafty people: that is, you are super predators, that's why when they find themselves in front of me Unius REI? they are literally panicked

Biden's moderate terrorists9

MBS OCI ISIS Salman from Riyad ] now you tell me. if the CIA agents aren't all fools

Biden's moderate terrorists9

now, this wretch of IHateNEWLAYOUT, after having done a voodoo ritual to kill me (and he would have succeeded too, that is, if I was not immortal) and for fear that I might kill him? went to hide behind the image of San Bartolo Longo (who had also been a priest of Satan), then, San Bartolo Longo had heard the voice of the Madonna calling him and spread the rosary prayer all over the world,

now IHateNEWLAYOUT had a very beautiful wife and two children, and he did not want to die, to leave his wife and her children to another

Biden's moderate terrorists10


"Welcome To My Life" YouTube is Full or Criminals (they CIA NSA youtube twitter lgbtq are the worst criminals) "Do Not Fear the one who can kill only the body, fear the one who can kill both the body and soul in Hell" said jesus in Mathew 10:28

"Welcome To My Life" is my battle cry, and this terrified satanists a lot so since Satan is the monkey of God, so IHateNEWLAYOUT is my monkey

Biden's moderate terrorists10

YES Same Message You send To EVERYONE

I was sending exorcisms and scary messages, every day, to 8000 satan churches of youtube, for years, so it took 4 hours a day. that's why the masters of the world Enlightened Rockefeller ordered the champions of satan to go and challenge the champion of God lorenzoJHWH, but that was too scary an experience for them and they will never do it again, in fact they destroyed the youtube layout 4 times, and today it is no longer possible to talk to someone on the channels

this wretch who said he loved me: yet he gave me a voodoo rite, with the sword he crossed my chest and heart and I carried, I felt the hole in my heart for about two months,

here he says that: "I'm a hard core"

then it's always him

My Nice Sword by TheDemonDack

I Am Anonymous - Message To The UniusRei3

Biden's moderate terrorists10

stay 4 years with

and with

have been very instructive years for me, really, these self-declared CIA satan priests are super men and can use alien technology, as well as demonic super powers, you don't see them, but they will always see you anyway obviously this doesn't it has never been a problem for me because I am an exorcist,

although having chosen with my creative faith to be a rational agnostic I have not been an exorcism from for about 30 years

Biden's moderate terrorists

Discussion on World Israel News 134

Ben Shapiro: 'The left is about to get it right in the mouth' - WIN exclusive10

Ben Shapiro: 'The left is about to take it in the mouth'


there is no need to be vulgar to see what the DEMs have done with Epstein,

yes it is true the "blue and white" DEMs are corrupt licks sold specialized

Biden's moderate terrorists

Discussion on World Israel News 12

Right-wing politicians slam IDF for rushing to condemn religious soldiers14

to this poor boy, he was once the world director of youtube: the powerful Synnek1 "in my name 1 million Christian sites have been closed" I hurt, then, he ended up in psychiatry and this video represents his moment lower!

I very much hope that a tuft of grass has grown back up on the bald and arid skull today.

CatchMeIfYouCan [HD]


6 Sep 2014 Dear [NSA]: As To These Folks, The Cult They Are In Is Bound To Destruction, And Vain Is The Worship Which They Practice: [Xri-st YHWH Allah vs 666 IMF Talmud Sharia] by me Unius REI

https: //

this is how the CIA personnel TRoll the Luciferians on the Internet, pretend to have any identity,

the Chinese proverb that says: "if you want to know the truth, you have to ask the children and fools" is really true.

Most Holy Judge, Son of Saint Mary, Do Not Let My Body Be Harmed Or My Blood Be Spilled. Let Not My Enemies See Me, Nor Their Armies Hurt Me. With the Robe That Covered Our Lord Jesus Xrist Cover My Body So That I Will Never Be Attacked By My Enemies. By The Blessing Of The Father, The Son And The Holy Spirit, Bring Me Peace And Happiness. Amen

O Father, Your True Love Will Bring The Whole Human Race To Your Kingdom.

YouTube Imperial Broadcasting. Censorship Doesn't End Evil.

Dear Brothers And Sisters: Be Who You Are and Say What You Feel Because Those Who Mind Don't Matter and Those Who Matter Don't Mind.

Quite Impolitely They Sometimes Invite Themselves To Meals: Their Activity Being The Too-Rapid Disappearance Of The Food And Drink

O Father, How You Must Grieve For Those Who Struggle To Receive Your Grace. How It Must Anger You To See The Enemy Come In And Steal Away The Good News From The Hearts

and Minds Of Those Who So Much Need It. Use Me O Father As One Of Your Messengers

To Help Those Who Are Battling The Enemy. In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen. You Are Everlasting Spirit!

Biden's moderate terrorists

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri15

the judiciary is an anti-Zionist and anti-Christian sodomitic subversive Jewish-Masonic act of a foreign power transnational technocratic neoliberal SpaCo, hostile: its name is Deep State, Deep Church, Deep Sinagogue, and Deep Mosque Erdogan akbarrr

the only medicine is the guillotine

Biden's moderate terrorists

Discussion on World Israel News 29

MK instigated Arab attack on Jews in Jerusalem, says Zionist NGO15

MK Ofer Cassif demanded that Awawdeh, who is a leading member of the Islamic Jihad terrorist group, be "released immediately".


ok, let's put him in the same cell too

3 🕎 Biden's moderate terrorists15

today there arethis dogmas in the world: 1st dogma: "we cannot speak of bank seigniorage"

2nd dogma "the lie of Darwnism cannot be questioned" 3rd dogma "the 1400-year-old Sharjah genocide cannot be denounced as it is today". 4th dogma then universal human rights have been replaced by the rights of pedophiles and perverts lgbtqia farm+++ all over the world;

5th dogma "Israelis are murderers and terrorists are good"; 6th dogma: "Putin is certainly to blame"

and that goat Lapid and Ganzo Gonzo lower their doggie-style knickers and say: "I'm here, and you can do with me, whatever you want" then, having seen themselves cursed and unable to return to JHWH holy in Biblical Palestine-Israel, Rockefeller Spa & Co, Rothschilds full of satan

(and despairing for the salvation of their souls), they sent their own Masonic Jewish plutocratic staff to found Freemasons to take the control of governments around the world: then they financed the plutocrat Calles of Mexico who killed 1.4 million cristeros, how the DEM PD lgbtqia and Islamists still finance: all over the world to kill Israel and erase all traces of historical truth from Bibbbia

then, having seen themselves cursed and unable to return to JHWH holy in biblical Palestine-Israel, Rockefeller Spa & Co, Rothschilds full of satan (and despairing for the salvation of their souls),

they sent their personal Jewish Masonic plutocratic to found the Bolsheviks: that only in Russia they killed 40 million Christians, and communism (the Red dragon Revelation 12-18 see: the Vision of the woman and the dragon)

and communism around the world has killed more than 200 million innocent people to date.

then, Rockefeller Spa & Co, Satan-filled and bloodthirsty Rothschilds, sent their own Anglo-Saxon UK Masonic Jewish Plutocrat to found Nazism

Palestine was deserted at the time, because Jordanians, Egyptians and Saudis will create Palestinians from scratch after 1945 there was no limit that Rockefeller Spa & Co could have paid the Wahhabi Ottomans in order to buy the Jewish homeland from them, and although the Ottoman Empire was up to their necks in debt: they said: "all the blood of Christians and Jews? would not be enough", because there is only one planet, one allah, only one Koran and the Chinese were born badly

Biden's moderate terrorists15

who CIA brutally killed Dugina Darya? Why did Ursula and Biden do it? Alleged Car Bomber Identified - Ukraine Nazi WOMAN - Member of Azov (NAZI) Battalion! The woman shown above is identified

by Russian sources as Natalia Vovk, (born Shaban) a Ukrainian woman born in 1979. The ID Photo above is traced to the Ukraine National Guard. She allegedly lived in the 24th Quarter in or near Mariupol. If these allegations prove to be accurate, it speaks to the nature of

people being fought by Russia in Ukraine: golpista, pogrom, Brutal, Sadistic, Nazis.

Why is America and the West, backing a brutal, sadistic, NAZI regime in Ukraine? There was no immediate response from Kyiv to the FSB statement. https://halturnerradioshow.Com/index.php/en/news-page/world/alleged-car-bomber-identified-ukraine-nazi-woman-member-of-azov-nazi-battalion

Chyna Russia India UN UE UK OTAN ] @lionjudahuniusreikingdom [[ im Lion ☦️ Judah ☦️ UniusREI ☦️ kingdom Psalm137.9. Blessed is he who will grab your children and slam them against the rock! ]] the patriot hero and prophet Theodor Herzl, who pioneered modern political Zionism at the First Zionist Congress in Basel, Switzerland in 1897.

the patriot hero and prophet Theodor Herzl was a pacifist and behind him followed the Rockefeller orcs and the Rothschild cannibals who wanted to return to the Holy God JHWH and wanted to leave Satan,

then, the Wahhabis and the Ottomans said: "we are the theology of replacement and genocide. Christians? eat them! Jews burn them!" and so because of the Ottoman Wahhabis

Rockefeller's ogres and Rothschild's cannibals is just what they did We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News.

by im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri

Biden's moderate terrorists

Discussion on World Israel News 6

Israel’s president to be guest of honor at 125th anniversary of First Zionist Congress

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri18

today there are five dogmas in the world:

1st dogma: "we cannot speak of bank seigniorage"

2nd dogma "the lie of Darwnism cannot be questioned"

3rd dogma "the 1400-year-old Sharjah genocide cannot be denounced as it is today".

4th dogma then universal human rights have been replaced by the rights of pedophiles and perverts lgbtqia farm+++ all over the world;

5th dogma "Israelis are murderers and terrorists are good";

6th dogma: "Putin is certainly to blame"

and that goat Lapid and Ganzo Gonzo lower their doggie-style knickers and say: "I'm here, and you can do with me, whatever you want"

Biden's moderate terrorists

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri18

then, having seen themselves cursed and unable to return to JHWH holy in Biblical Palestine-Israel, Rockefeller Spa & Co, Rothschilds full of satan

(and despairing for the salvation of their souls),

they sent their own Masonic Jewish plutocratic staff to found Freemasons to take the control of governments around the world: then they financed the plutocrat Calles of Mexico who killed 1.4 million cristeros,

how the DEM PD lgbtqia and Islamists still finance: all over the world to kill Israel and erase all traces of historical truth from Bibbbia

Biden's moderate terrorists

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri18

then, having seen themselves cursed and unable to return to JHWH holy in biblical Palestine-Israel, Rockefeller Spa & Co, Rothschilds full of satan (and despairing for the salvation of their souls), they sent their personal Jewish Masonic plutocratic to found the Bolsheviks: that only in Russia they killed 40 million Christians, and communism (the Red dragon Revelation 12-18 see: the Vision of the woman and the dragon)

and communism around the world has killed more than 200 million innocent people to date.

then, Rockefeller Spa & Co, Satan-filled and bloodthirsty Rothschilds, sent their own Anglo-Saxon UK Masonic Jewish Plutocrat to found Nazism

Biden's moderate terrorists

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri19

Palestine was deserted at the time, because Jordanians, Egyptians and Saudis will create Palestinians from scratch after 1945

Biden's moderate terrorists

im משיח by Yitzhak Kaduri19

there was no limit that Rockefeller Spa & Co could have paid the Wahhabi Ottomans in order to buy the Jewish homeland from them

and although the Ottoman Empire was up to their necks in debt: they said: "all the blood of Christians and Jews? would not be enough",

because there is only one planet, one allah, only one Koran and the Chinese were born badly

Biden's moderate terrorists

Discussion on World Israel News 10

United Airlines sued for cancelling flight to Israel, lying to passengers19

Bin iSIS Salman fron Riyad ] [ it cannot be said that Satanists do not take me seriously , here's what it says about me your friend 187AUDIOHOSTEM he who was the world director of youtube, my Rockefeller NWO mortal enemy

Dear [NSA]: As To These Folks, -The Cult They Are In Is Bound To Destruction, And Vain Is The Worship Which They Practice:

[Xrist YHWH Allah vs 666 IMF Talmud Sharia]


it cannot be said that Satanists do not take me seriously


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