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Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

Jewish Agency activities in Russia

Moscow court begins proceedings on ‘dissolution’ of Jewish Agency activities in Russia


lorenzoJHWH Unius REI is the universal Goel: גואל, lett. "redeemer", in the Hebrew Bible and in the rabbinic tradition, is a person who, as the closest relative of another, is charged with the duty of avenging innocent blood!

Unius REI is the GOEL, that is, he is the avenger of all innocent blood from Abel at Zaccaria to the last witness of wounded justice!

the priests of satan of the CIA: 187AudioHostem 666 AudioHostem187 322 know it and say it: and they tremble with fear!

3 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

an hour ago

De Nederlandse minister van Volksgezondheid, Ernst Kuipers, kondigde op 27 juni 2022 aan dat de regering van plan is in oktober een protocol goed

te keuren om euthanasie bij kinderen toe te staan.


De Nederlandse euthanasiewet staat momenteel euthanasie toe voor kinderen vanaf 12 jaar, als ouders of voogden toestemming geven, en het ‘protocol van Groningen’ staat euthanasie toe voor gehandicapte pasgeborenen. Mensen ouder dan 16 jaar worden als volwassenen beschouwd en kunnen zelf al toestemming geven voor euthanasie. Kuipers is niet van plan de huidige wetgeving te wijzigen, maar het Protocol

van Groningen uit te breiden tot kinderen van 1 - 12 jaar. Het Protocol van Groningen staat nu nog alleen euthanasie toe van pasgeborenen die nu of mogelijk in de toekomst lijden. Deze aankondiging schept een gevaarlijk precedent:

● Artsen moeten ervan overtuigd zijn dat het lijden van het kind ondraaglijk

is en er geen mogelijkheid is tot genezing of een behandeling om de pijn te verlichten.

● Elke diagnose moet volledig met de ouders van het kind besproken worden, evenals de mogelijkheid van euthanasie, waarvoor beide ouders toestemming moeten geven.

● Artsen zullen de ingreep ook met het kind bespreken op een manier die het

kind zal begrijpen en zullen alleen verder gaan als het kind er niets op tegen heeft.

● Artsen zullen ten minste één onafhankelijke arts moeten raadplegen die zal beoordelen of aan alle criteria is voldaan voordat euthanasie kan plaatsvinden.

● Het concept is momenteel uitgeschreven voor inspraak. Kuipers zal het definitieve concept in oktober presenteren, wanneer hij ook zal aankondigen wanneer het protocol in werking zal treden.

Wij vragen jou uitdrukkelijk deze petitie aan premier Rutte en minister Kuipers

van Volksgezondheid te ondertekenen, waarin je je verzet tegen kindereuthanasie.

We zijn tegen het doden van kinderen door euthanasie en we verfoeien de Nederlandse regering, die deze controverse uit de weg probeert te gaan door

niet de wet te wijzigen, maar een protocol uit te breiden dat het doden van kinderen toestaat. Democratie vereist een open debat, vooral over controversiële kwesties.

3 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

an hour ago

Children between the ages of 12 and 16 can already die by assisted suicide and euthanasia with parental consent, and minors over 16

can request it without parental consent. Even euthanasia on infants younger than one year has been permitted since the introduction of the Groningen Protocol in 2005.

Now the government wants to extend the Groningen Protocol so that children up to the age of twelve can be killed! And because this does

not require the law to be revised, it can be done without open debate between politicians.

They allow children, who are unable to consent, to be killed, without even allowing a debate or a vote among the politicians representing

the Dutch citizens.

Sign up and help us send a message to the government that their attack on life by allowing euthanasia on children aged 1-12 sets a horrific precedent for the rest of the world.

3 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

an hour ago

A new plan to introduce euthanasia for children will become a global problem if we don't stop it now! On June 27, the Dutch Minister of Health, Ernst Kuipers, announced that the cabinet will approve a protocol that will allow euthanasia of children. Join our petition to the Dutch government that they not go through with the terrible plans to allow euthanasia on children.

SIGN THE PETITION. Dear LorenzoYHWH, we have little time to act!

Usually, proponents of euthanasia talk about the fact that euthanasia

is only for people who are near death and can give informed consent. But children do not have the ability to consent ... Our goal is to collect 50,000 signatures for this petition in a week, so that Prime Minister Mark Rutte and Minister of Health Ernst Kuipers can see that people all over

the world are condemning child euthanasia!

Sign to let the Prime Minister and the Minister of Health know that you are against child euthanasia.

Your signature is critical to alerting the government to the importance of caring for children who need pain and symptom management, and certainly not to kill them. We must now demand that the right to life of young children is respected and treated with dignity.

https://citizengo.Org/nl/lf/208597-no-child euthanasia

3 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

an hour ago

We must also recognize that we are witnessing the outcome of the "sliding scale" that social conservatives have always warned about as euthanasia laws are enacted in countries around the world. Allowing doctors to kill people with impunity creates

a paradigm shift in our cultural understanding of the role of medical professionals. Even if safeguards such as informed consent are introduced, these principles

and safeguards can be easily waived at any time. Stand up for the lives of children

in the Netherlands and worldwide. Sign our petition to end the government's plan

to allow the killing of children between the ages of one and twelve, then share it with your friends.

Thanks for everything, https://citizengo.Org/nl/lf/208597-geen-kindereuthanasie

3 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


The Moscow court initiates proceedings on the "dissolution" of the Jewish Agency's activities in Russia


I will not forgive the Israelis, corrupt Freemasons, and anti-Zionists, who disguise the coup of the Russian-speaking Nuland pogrom, failed Minsk agreements,

as if it were Putin's fault with no ifs and buts

3 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


la stregoneria demoniaca degli lgbtqia ] [ The global political left and their media allies have adopted a strategy made famous by billionaire funder George Soros to redefine logic and language and invent terms designed to misdirect and distract. It’s basically a “don’t trust your lying eyes” strategy. The Biden administration is deploying it now that the US economy has officially fallen into recession status, they’re using it to claim that inflation is not really happening,

and they are using it to impose a radical social agenda. Rather than acknowledge the reality of the recession caused by radical policies, we’re told that the economy

is on the “right path” with “record job growth.” Inflation is supposedly “transitory.”

The slaughter of innocents through abortion on demand is said to be “reproductive healthcare.” The biological basis of human se* is being discarded in favor

of “gender identity.” And imposing gay ‘marriage’ is said to be “respect for marriage.”

2 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


the demonic witchcraft of lgbtqia] [The price of victory that frees children from transgender spell... by Giulio Meotti ] Doctors and repentant patients and courageous parents ... And finally the English institute that changes the se* of children too

ten years it closes. A scandal of epic proportions and it was allowed to happen because the liverless weasels at the top of all

organizations in the West live in fear of going against the activists and politicians who support them.

It took a lot of courage and intellectual honesty to oppose it

to this lobby that dominates newspapers, parliaments and institutions.

Some have proved it. In Italy today there is total silence on the default of this horrible ideology that has bewitched the West ...

3 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


Biden and drug companies lobbied top FDA officials to get the Booster timeline approved. E-mails reveal it ... Judicial Watch, a foundation that aims

to denounce unethically sound actions by the public administration, announced today that it has received 112 pages from the United States Food and Drug Administration showing how officials of high level are under pressure from “companies and,

if you like, from the administration (Biden, ed), which try to impose indefinite times [sic] that make no sense”. Dr. Marion Gruber and Dr. Philip Krause respectively (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

(No. 1: 22-cv-00292)). https://www.sabinopaciolla.Com/biden-e-le-case-farmaceutiche-have-made-pressioni-on-massimi-funzionari-della-fda-per-far-approvare-la-linea-temporale-del- booster-emails reveal / Doctors Gruber and Krause have reportedly stepped down after White House lobbying for approval

of the COVID-19 vaccine. On September 13, 2021, Gruber and Krause were part

of a group of resigning doctors who agreed that "the available evidence does not

yet indicate the need for booster vaccines for COVID-19 among the general population ...".

3 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


#Ukraine # freedom #USA The real face of the USA: this is Washington's dark network, the last mask of hypocrisy falls

The recent events of the war in #Ukraine have made us aware of an aspect

that most people ignored. This aspect has to do with the fact that, if necessary,

the civilization of the dollar takes the side of the Nazis.

That dollar civilization

that has always been celebrated as the kingdom of freedom and has self-assigned

the task, the special mission of spreading #freedom and rights in the world.

It matters little if even in the forms of extreme violence. It always presents itself

as the greatest democracy and pretends not to know that it is based on the extermination of Indians and the slavery of blacks. Almost as

if the faults were always of other nations and never of the United States of America. We now discover that the #USA is openly taking the side of the Nazis, according

to a figure

that we could call Nazi-Atlanticism.

3 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Discussion on World Israel News 25 comments

WATCH: Jew beaten on NY subway train, 'still in pain'


#Biden #USA #Webb WEBB PRESENTATION, THE PHRASE BETWEEN THE LINES OF BIDEN PASSES ON MUTE, "UNDERSTAND HOW THEY SEE THE WORLD?" #Biden falls back on it, but that of the #USA president at the presentation of the first photos taken by the #Webb telescope is not one of the usual involuntary slips.

The sentence, the tone, the content this time are more Freudian,

and reveal between the lines that in the unconscious the #Monroe doctrine of which Senator Bernie Sanders spoke at the dawn of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, is far from over.

The occasion, perhaps, leads the tenant of the #CasaBianca to expire

in a nationalist rhetoric: after all, the images of the deep cosmos are an extraordinary result not only of the #NASA,

but of all science. Those photos of the universe as it appeared about 13 billion years ago have affected world public opinion and changed our conception of the universe forever. What the stars have not changed are the strange imperialist cravings of the US leaders: "You know," Biden suddenly states, "as an international collaboration this telescope embodies the way

where America leads the world. "Over here?

Not really: "This collaboration symbolizes the relentless spirit of American ingenuity."

But if it is not the claim to be a pioneer of the free world (?) That monopolizes attention, it is worth remembering what historically - and trivially - is called "flexing your muscles".

We have seen something like this with the atomic bomb (the great US and USSR nuclear warhead race) but also with the moon landing, to which a pinch of pro-US anti-Soviet narrative was also added. This is therefore not the first time in which science is decontextualized with respect to its real importance to give itself a political tone, but a new occasion to remember

the paradoxes of the "greatest democracy" on the planet.

After all, they don't sound like just the words of an old socialist

those of #Sanders in the Senate on the talent to abuse the stars and stripes: the stars of the cosmos have very little to do with political speculation, but discovering the universe hasn't stopped Biden from reminding us what his conception of the world is. Hear how our people commented on 'A Special Day'.

1 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel



The obligation to collect 70,000 #signatures puts small #parties and movements

in crisis. And now there are many who consider the mechanism to be incorrect, if not downright unconstitutional. Among these, #FabioDuranti.

"A #Government has fallen which had no interest in continuing because it would not take responsibility for autumn and was afraid of arriving next spring with other forces that could have been organized in the meantime. So they had to close immediately and go to #elections, without giving people time to get organized.

In a civilized country, the people, after having suffered everything they have suffered, would have rebelled, asking to give the possibility to other formations

and a real opposition to rebuild because this is #democracy. The typical Italian attitude, however, as #Montanelli said, can be summed up in 'until it happens

to me it is as if it does not happen to anyone': there is no longer the mutuality

that instead was in the immediate postwar period ". "They have achieved their goal: with divide et impera they have created a whole series of small groups where everyone makes their own vegetable garden and hopes for a place,

but they do not understand that in the end, with this #leggeelettorale,

the place will

be only for the 'leaderino' they claim, not for all of them. Instead, it would have been appropriate to create some sort of cultural movement with wise people,

at this point non-political, which I believe some will do. Splitting is stupid.

Then it is absurd to think of having 70,000 signatures collected in a month: it is clear

that it is a sort of obstacle. The #president of the public should have considered the exceptional nature of the situation and waived to include the forces

that are right to measure themselves against the others. This is #pluralism “.

1 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


the abomination of sodomy is a demonic infestation, but try to save the Darwin monkeys from monkeypox because they don't have time to repent for their lgbtqia sins! it was not clearly stated that this disease was typically affecting men, who are infected in a typically sexual way ", with" homosexual, bisexual and heterosexual intercourse. We are 97% of the cases in this situation. It was not said immediately and perhaps he was wrong about this. And when some of us said that, he was accused of being homophobic or whatever. It is clear that we must never confuse the medical and epidemiological aspect with the sociological one, they are two different worlds. Here too, in short, ideology has influenced health policies in this world ". Https://www.msn.Com/it-it/salute/other/vaiolo-delle-scimmie-bassetti-urge-campagna -sure-sex /

2 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


#LucMontagnier #medici #Bizzarri ARE AFRAID OF ELECTIONS. AND POISON DEMOCRACY - The Touchstone "The Real Anthony Fauci" this book was written by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and delivered it to me yesterday through a embassy. A book that I care particularly for the certificate of authenticity and for the dedication and then because he gave it to me on a particular day: yesterday we paid homage to prof. #LucMontagnier and we did it with friends,

with #medici (therefore the colleagues of Prof. Montagnier). Among friends, I particularly thank Suzanne Mcdonnel who is the companion who brought and accompanied prof. Montagnier in Milan and yesterday together with the lawyer Vigni we looked at the mobile phone,

we looked at the images and videos that we still have

when we played the piano together. That three days

of Milan was not only the great event that surely

you will remember but it was also a moment of intimacy, friendship, a peaceful confrontation. I can only thank prof. #Bizzarri,

the professor. #Frajese, prof. #Barbaro because together we searched

to remove all those dirty denigrating, classist, discriminatory labels that have stuck on prof. Montagnier.

The title was provocative: Montagnier was right. When the reporters arrived

at the end of the conference, everyone immediately started

to say "but what was he right about? What data did you show?". There I realized that the journalist and #journalism (done like this) do not understand

the great lesson. With that title, what did we want to prove? We wanted to prove that Montagnier was right in something that was much more than data. Montagnier was right when he said: "if #science, if the scientist hides behind his pseudo-

#truth when he is afraid to confront others, then

he is no longer a scientist, it's something else. "The difference between #BigPharma

and research is something else. Big Pharma does not pursue research that must produce healing, well-being. Big Pharma becomes

the listed company that plays within the dynamics.

2 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


the Masonic Jewish system is managing its goyims slaves: so that Riyadn may lose its dhimmis slaves! https://www.sabinopaciolla.Com/paragone-avete-paura-siete-nemici-della-democrazia/ You cannot think that we will forget everything, no. There will be a political revenge and you are afraid of this revenge,

which is why you are doing everything to prevent free democratic elections.

The truth is that no one wants to know, exactly like the vaccination hubs

no one wanted to listen to and then there will be no confrontation. There is the denial

of confrontation. They are afraid and we, inevitably, will play the time of the electoral campaign to say "do not come and tell us more lies, if there are

no forces like ours or those of others to whom I wish all the best". Absolutely.

I am happy with the new formations: if we are many we surround them, if instead

we are few we think of using only one tactic. But if we are many,

we surround them. Because the problem is not us, the problem is them and

we must dismantle the preaching that they will now begin to do,

the preaching

for which Salvini will say: "But we will put the opposition to the vaccination obligation in the program". "You had already put it on before, like when

you used to wear" no euro "sweatshirts and then you voted for the Draghi government", the most pro-European government,

2 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


the Masonic Jewish system is managing its goyims slaves: so that Riyadn may lose its dhimmis slaves! The difference between Big Pharma and research

is something else. Big Pharma does not pursue research that must produce healing, well-being. Big Pharma becomes the publicly traded company that plays within the dynamics.


At one point I ask Vanni Frajese: "Why was Montagnier so afraid?". The answer: "he was scary because Montagnier was not afraid". He was not afraid to compare himself with others. He was not afraid because the word through which they generated and strengthened their convictions (of their false preaching) was fear. They generated fear. Prime Minister Draghi, in a press conference

in which he said "whoever does not get vaccinated dies and causes the death

of others", was mounting (he was thickening) a fear: he unloaded on the Italians the idea of having to be afraid and therefore not there was nothing but

the vaccine remedy. Still, the words of Enrico Letta said “the vaccine is freedom, the vaccine is work, the vaccine is recreational activity”, it seemed that everything was conveyed by this vaccine. Why today, after some time,

do we not resume those words, do we not remeasure them? Now is the time

2 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


Jew beaten on New York subway train, "still in pain"

lgbtqai DEM Goldman Sachs Spa & Co Rockefeller Deep State, CIA NWO masonic power, media network satellite tv, esoteric system agenda, FED shareholders,

they protect all criminals like them,

Jew beaten on New York subway train, "still in pain"

2 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


Smallpox of monkeys Darwin in Sodom, Bassetti: "Safe se* campaign urgently"

2 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Discussion on World Israel News 13 comments

Israeli government funds group that mourns death of Palestinian terrorists


when the Christians had organized (militarily) to defend themselves from the Boko Haram massacres? the Nigerian air force bombed them: Allah uuh akbar

https://www.msn.Com/it-it/notizie/mondo/la-nigeria-promette-azioni-contro-la-bbc-per-il-documentario-sulle-operazioni-del-gruppo-criminale-nello- zamfara /

2 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ Saʿīd Ḥusayn Khalīl al-Sīsī: عبد الفتاح سعيد حسين خليل السيسي ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ Saʿīd Ḥusayn Khalīl al-Sīsī; Cairo), sent the leather heads to Libya, to punish ISIS who had slaughtered Coptic Christians in front of Sicily: and the whole ARAB LEAGUE reproached him: and they said: "we are serious people"

Nigeria parala tua vergogna Mohammed akbar promises action against BBC for documentary on criminal group operations in Zamfara boko haram and fulani cult sharia

2 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


crazy idiot Zelensky known as Hitler Spa Soros Nerone said: "We will increase electricity supply to the EU"

BUDAPEST, 29 JUL - "If Brussels does not change its policy on sanctions against Russia, from October all of Europe will have to prepare for a war economy". This was stated by the Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, in his weekly interview on public radio Mr Kossuth.

1 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


idiot congratulations

The Israeli government funds a group that mourns the death of Palestinian terrorists

wishes and martyr children

2 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


the jihadist galaxy is organized by Riyadh and the whole ARAB LEAGUE,

and while IRAN has sworn to take care of Israel: the UMMA takes care of jihad


the whole planet.

At the end of June, the authorities of the state of Zamfara asked

civilians to arm themselves due to rising insecurity in recent weeks, although

the central government has spoken out against this option, warning it would encourage "lawlessness". Armed attacks in Nigeria, previously concentrated

in the north-east

of the country - where Boko Haram and the Islamic State in West Africa


operate - have spread to other areas in recent months.

north and north-west, raising alarms about the possible expansion of these terrorist networks.


if Islam were only a religion? this would not be a problem, and instead

with the sharia law of the ARAB LEAGUE now the problem exists:

the sharia law transforms every mosque into a military outpost

2 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Discussion on World Israel News 28 comments

'PURE NAZI TEXT': European leader blasted for opposing 'mixed race' marriages


because of that coward from worldisraelnews? "We are the new slaves dhimmis" ] [ Viktor Orban: "Sometimes I speak misleadingly, but I'm not a racist" One of Viktor Orban's closest collaborators resigned in protest at what he called a "purely Nazi" speech "delivered by the Hungarian Prime Minister. [all those who defend national security, such as Viktor Orban Netanjahu, Trump, Salvini, or Putin: they are systematically attacked by the Soros DEM Rothschild and goldman Sachs] A voice out of the chorus, coming from inside the Hungarian government, for some time accused

the United States and the European Union of erode democratic institutions

and norms. "Deborah Lipstadt, a correspondent of ours, commented

on her words - says Ned Price, spokesman for the US State Department

saying she was deeply alarmed by this rhetoric. She stressed that all this is unforgivable, at 75 years old. away from the Holocaust ".

The president of Yad Vashem, the National Holocaust Remembrance Authority

in Jerusalem, strongly criticized Orban, saying that his statements recall

"the ideologies linked to the horrible atrocities of the Holocaust". Before attempting

to remedy his utterances, disguising them behind a misunderstanding

and ensuring zero tolerance for anti-Semitism, Orban had lashed out against Europe, claiming he had become a "mixed race" society.


"In France Islam is overtaking Christianity"

They say it in the Vatican and Kebir's prayers show it. Macron consultant: "More practicing Muslims than practicing Catholics". Interview with Ratzinger's expert.

"We are the new slaves dhimmis", if Islam were only a religion? this would not be a problem, and instead with the sharia law of the ARAB LEAGUE now the problem exists

2 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


Implanted Microchip, Klaus Schwab, World Economic Forum and The Great Reset 1 mag 2021

From a 2016 interview with Klaus Schwab, boss of the World Economic Forum in Davos, in which he says humans will have a chip implanted in their brain or skin within 10 years.

2 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


we are in the worst sodomitic demonic regime in the history of mankind, and as a Catholic I am persecuted in Italy, by the judiciary, by the institutions, I have been fired by the LGBTs because I have the only fault of being intellectually honest with my students and of play my role of defense of the deposit of the Catholic Faith, a role to which the Catholic Church has in fact abdicated!

why no one protested in the US OCI EU:

1. for the Maidan coup?

2. for the Odessa pogrom?

3. for the violation of the trespassing of the universal suffrage of Crimea and Donbass

4. why did no one protest for the 14,000 corpses that Ursula, Macron, Draghi, and Merkel made in Donbass?

5. because no one has protested in the US OCI EU for having placed the obligation to join NATO in the Ukrainian Constitution.

6. Why did no one protest in the US OCI EU for having closed all Russian media, all opposition parties, and for a period of having also condemned the Russian language?

7. why no one protested in the US OCI EU, why does worldisraelnews slander both Putin and Orban?

if this is democracy, I say it is the most dangerous regime in the history of mankind!

2 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


in the first coup government in Kiev: in 2014 they put 3 ministers who are US citizens, and three ministers who were Nazi-fascists Battalion Azov Pravi Sector? and why has no political force in the US and the EU protested about this?

then, the CIA agents were ashamed, and in the subsequent scam government: Jewish-Masonic gave the Nazi-Fascists control of the secret services!

so why if we are democracy no one has protested in the US EU, against this blatant violation of democratic criteria?

maybe because our news is drugged, is it a single monopoly?

2 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


#worldisraelnews is lucifer eye, on Masonic DEM worldwide government DEM, Deep State,

all right-wing parties are persecuted, even Netanjahu is persecuted by the Rothschild judges!

#worldisraelnews must now make a formal apology to Orban for his institutional slander.

where is the democracy scam? because throughout the EU and the US no one said: "why did the Ukrainian Masons boycott the two Minsk agreements?"

in fact, even Merkel complained about this to me, but she did not have the political courage to make a public complaint against the new world order

2 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


#worldisraelnews is lucifer eye SARUMAN, a single Masonic world government DEM Deep State, occult power masonic system, esoteric agenda, because, there is a single world Masonic Jewish government of the anticrist, today, in the scam of democracy (without political and monetary sovereignty) no one said: "where are the Chechen CIA snipers who killed 98 innocent people in Maidan Square in 2014 ? who are they? why weren't they punished? "

2 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


#worldisraelnews is the demonstration of the slanderous, and only world Masonic government of Ursula and Rothschild,

and I don't know why #worldisraelnews hates the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, here we go to Israel from bad to worse ..

yes, there is a single Masonic world government DEM Deep State, occult power masonic system, esoteric agenda, because there is only one master of the monetary monopoly: that is the masonic pyramid of the God Owl at the bohemian grove cremation of cure

2 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, his is a legitimate cultural movement, not a racial hatred, he loves Africans in Africa, and Europeans in Europe!

there is no racial hatred in Orban!

2 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


The Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, opposes the Jewish-Masonic plan of the Jewish Freemason antichrist: to destroy Christianity, in the constitutional preservation of its national identity, then, where did he oppose mixed marriage? where globalism wants the homogenization of its goyims slaves,

MSN said: " he reacted from Vienna to criticism that rained down on him after comments on "mixed race" made during his recent visit to Romania.

"I have a clear and direct position, I define myself as an anti-immigration and anti-immigrant politician.

It is not a racial problem, it is a cultural problem. We want to keep our civilization as it is now and in this respect we differ from Austria. We will always protect our borders ",

said Orban, who met the Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer in Vienna.

2 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel



msn the rockefeller's slave satanist did not say this slander against Orban!

in fact where is the law that prohibits mixed marriages?

2 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Discussion on World Israel News 4 comments

Slain Al Jazeera journalist's family: US refuses full probe

Lina Abu Akleh, the granddaughter of killed Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh,]] [[what's true in ISLAM? the journalist was a Christian and they gave her an Islamic funeral!

then, I don't know why they go to the priests of Satan in the USA to find out the truth of belzebull

2 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Discussion on World Israel News 3 comments

Lapid hails trailblazing law integrating disabled into the community

The Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, "I have a clear and direct position, I define myself as an anti-immigration and anti-immigrant politician. It is not a racial problem, it is a cultural problem.

We want to keep our civilization as it is now and in this respect we differ from Austria.

We will always protect our borders, "said Orban, who met the Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer in Vienna.


Soros Kalergi and Rothschild said "our Goyims slaves must be bridled and mongrelized, especially true Catholics must die", so they called Bergoglio the Freemason from Klaus Martin Schwab

2 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

satan jabullon owl: he is very sick! in Israel, 1 citizen out of 7 is disabled, and this is a soprannatural malevolent evil, is a consequence of the abandonment of the lay theocratic monarchical biblical laws!

if you are linked to the NWO Spa & Co by Rockefeller and Satan their diseases will leap upon you!

2 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Discussion on World Israel News 80 comments

Former US Marine planned attack on NY synagogue, mass murder of minorities

In an October 2020 search of his Marine Corps barracks, the FBI found "1,950 images, videos and documents relating to white power groups, Nazi literature, brutality against the Jewish community, brutality against women, rape, mass murderers ", along with" uncensored violent executions and / or rape "and" previous mass murderers like Dylan Roof ".


ok, if one reads the talmud together with the koran? then, he writes satan's bible and this is the result

2 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

In addition, he was the subject of an investigation by the FBI's Joint Terrorism Taskforce into an alleged plot to "engage in widespread sexual murder and assault." The memo explains that his motive was to reduce the number of non-white Americans, and to "rape white women to increase the production of white children."


this is why even soft drugs must be abolished!

2 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Sharjah Muslims kill at least 300 innocent Christian martyrs every day, every 8 minutes a Christian dies in the UMMA, but everyone thinks only of Kashoggi because he is not a Christian!

2 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

attacking the "Zionist Order of Governments" is a theological, cultural and political duty, but it cannot be a military, violent,

because only the patriotic metaphysical Zionism of my Kingdom of Israel,

can overthrow Rockefeller's false demonic globalist Zionism,

we are not faced with a political enemy: how can Islam and communism be, but we are faced with a supernatural, institutional yet invisible esoteric enemy: the witchcraft of the FED ECB BM NWO IMF UE USA OTAN OCI UMMA Riyadh!

2 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

NATO, Medvedev: "We will respond to accession Sweden and Finland"


so if Sweden and Finland put NATO's dual nuclear capability missiles: they are always "flower children", if Russia tries to defend its national security, and takes symmetrical measures, then, it is Russia that threatens!


this is the criminal aggressive slander Spa & Co UE Soros Rothschild Western Masonic propaganda:

The former Russian president, Dmitry Medvedev, has returned to threaten retaliation for the accession

of Sweden and Finland to NATO.

If the two Scandinavian countries host bases and weapons of the Atlantic Alliance,

"our reaction will be symmetrical", said the current vice president of the Russian Security Council, (did you see the threat?)

we are assisting the existence and action of the one world Masonic government Rockefeller

According to Medvedev, the decision of Helsinki and Stockholm worsens the security situation

in the Baltic Sea region which "is now becoming a sea dominated by NATO states".

The former president then accused the two countries of being influenced by "overseas and Brussels".


we are assisting the existence and action of the one world Masonic government Rockefeller

2 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

"The church of Bergoglio, precursor of the antichrist, said the Arian Church denies the idea of a civilization superior to the others"


there are the monstrous civilizations of slaves: dhimmis dalit and goyims who are certainly inferior and anti-Zionist by Rothschild

2 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Austria, the doctor threatened with death by the German No Vax dies. Her life was killed in her clinic in Vöcklabruck, Upper Austria, a doctor who in recent months had received repeated death threats from the No Vax world. Lisa-Maria Kellermayr's death caused confusion in Austria.


in Germany there are the CIA atana churches who know their work well, but, today thousands of young people are dying from very experimental gene vaccines

2 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Gabriella Carsano died, she was 69 years old. she was defined a mother-grandmother at 58 (while Niky VENDOLA lgbtqia became a mother at 60), she experienced the tragedy of having her daughter taken away with a reason that caused a lot of discussion, and which was interpreted this way: too far over the years, both she and her husband, to be able to look after her. Gabriella - who disappeared from mesothelioma - and Luigi Deambrosis, a couple from Mirabello Monferrato (Alessandria), were deemed unsuitable for parenting after being unjustly accused of having abandoned the child in the car for four minutes.

Masonic Jewish demonic state of the antichrist Ursula anti-Zionist Macron

2 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Discussion on World Israel News 16 comments

British TV channel put on notice for airing anti-Semitic content, violating broadcasting rules

https://disqus.Com/by/USANJHP your satana not has a word for me?

2 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

He continued, "And, as Allah says, you know, he will expel ... send them to all corners of the world to be a bruise and a hiss and a whistle wherever he sent them. So anti-Semitism comes from debt, not from cancellation of debt and usury ".


I am the Kingdom of Israel "for the cancellation of debt and usury worldwide". .. but then because your Bin ISIS Salman has been hiding like a coward behind the computer for 14 years, to laugh amused to see how they die like flies: Russian Europeans and Chinese, because to him the complacent SATANISM of Rothschild's usury, which to he must like this very much

2 1lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

of course, I admit that there is a subtle, when occult anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism of Jewish origin (which starts from the slavery of Egypt with the Jewish superintendents, with the manipulation of the Bible: where only Jews are authorized to lend money for usury, and to live a cruel racism against other peoples, the destruction of paternal genealogies and the creation of the false star of David when the resurrection of Jesus was acknowledged).

because Rockefeller has conquered the whole New World Order FED IMF BM NWO UN ECB OTAN: to always put the Israelis under constant Islamic threat of extermination, genocide, pogrom shoah and Holocaust!

2 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

"It is worth noting that anti-Semitism was created by Theodor [Herzl] at the end of the 19th century in order to scare and create the circumstances that would encourage Jews to migrate to Israel, so anti-Semitism is actually a Jewish creation. ".

ANSWER, FALSE! these things cannot be said!

who is slanderer is also murderer, and the UMMA sharjah are exterminators of peoples protected by the UN!

Theodor Herzl commendably consecrated his life to Zionism, to tune in with the thoughts of God, and with the demands of universal justice, why deny a homeland to Kurdish Armenians (with ambushed slander and conspiracy snares) as Erdogan does? this is a universal crime that can never be forgiven to all sharia!

2 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

in the Middle Ages even Christians were like the Sharia Muslims are today, and they went to exterminate minorities, especially the Jews suffered in an innocent way: cynicism, meanness, ignorance, superstition, wickedness, and they were the victims, that's why Christian principles were very concerned about their protection which didn't always work well

2 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Bin ISIS Salman OCI A NWO] [now we cannot expect some form of culture from those who believe in the blasphemies, wickedness, racism, abject of the Koran!


anti-Semitism was created by the founder of Zionism (God founded Zionism) to scare Jews and that Jews have been driven out of countries for centuries due to money lending practices. FALSE! Christian princes forced them to usury in their name, and they didn't want to. then, Rockefeller made a human sacrifice to Satan, and all innocent Jews were expelled along with him

2 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Bin ISIS Salman OCI A NWO] [ I self-report:

I denigrate almost all Jews who do not live in Israel

2 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Discussion on World Israel News 6 comments

Rabbis urge Maryland auction house to cancel sale of Nazi memorabilia, to no avail

Bin ISIS Salman OCI A NWO] ["The church denies the idea of a civilization superior to the others"] now honestly, what do you find of superior civilization in Muhammad who starts to TROMBARE a 9-year-old girl, like a coward, for neglect all the other 6 wives?

or in the myth of the "good savage" who makes cannibalism, and human sacrifices to Rockefeller?

2 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Bin ISIS Salman OCI A NWO] [I also failed to sell my Nazi heirloom, maybe I asked 1000 euros for a German magazine where Hitler says that Merkel is beautiful, in fact you see many girls with bare breasts. to prove that Ursula's octopus is a superior race.

now honestly: only Erdogan can find Merkel beautiful

2 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Bin ISIS Salman OCI UN NWO] [Arab countries rightly censor Thor films for references to the abomination of homosexuality.

God made man and woman and Satan made LGBTQia Macron & Trudeau

2 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Bin ISIS Salman OCI A NWO] [ that idiot Biden? was accused of having been created with artificial intelligence

what a bad ending! in NWO 666 A.I. his days are numbered

2 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Bin ISIS Salman OCI A NWO] [rightly, rabbis urge the Maryland auction house to cancel the sale of Nazi memorabilia, to no avail, in fact between Hitler's swastika and Rothschild's swastika 666 Star David? always: both: pantheistic symbols of the Indus valley they are.

and the 666 star of david jewish swastika? it is 100,000 times more dangerous than Hitler's swastika

2 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Discussion on World Israel News 41 comments

WATCH: Houston children vow to become martyrs for Iran, report says

Bin ISIS Salman OCI A NWO] [Houston children swear to become martyrs for Iran, report says] UMMA Quran and CIA Spa & Co, Talmud 322 OTAN

are the only two supernatural and occult demonic collective symbiotic systems that have an ideological imperialistic project: for the destruction and enslavement of all mankind

2 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Bin ISIS Salman OCI UN NWO] [mine is a universal justice, of course, it is not my way of seeking my justice subjectively (therefore of ASSAD's justice to me what?),

because natural law is universal

all those who accept the natural law become metaphysicians like me: why if there is no universal good? then it is certainly an abuse

2 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Bin ISIS Salman OCI A NWO] [there is always someone who speaks ill of me, in hell they do it all day .. then, go and see their arguments, and you only find insults, that's why I blocked all users of this site, because they just wanted to insult me

2 1lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Bin ISIS Salman OCI UN NWO] [Islam and communism are two visible demons, but I cannot deactivate them, as long as Rockefeller & Rothschild's perverted usurocratic masonic satanism Spa remains invisible

2 1lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Discussion on World Israel News 22 comments

Hating with the Hadids: How a family of social media titans fights Israel


Bin ISIS Salman OCI UN NWO] [for the transition to the regime of monetary sovereignty of the peoples

I need the full universal powers, God gave them to me trusting me, and why shouldn't you trust of me?

or, for now, you have this world war nuclear to which I will respond with the giant incandescent spongy asteroid sphere called, "sphere of redemption"

in fact this planet will be redeemed from your scum

3 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


Bin ISIS Salman] [ there are no anti-Zionists in Heaven, becouse JHWH is zionist! ] [ Hating with the Hadids: How a Family of Social Media Titans Fight Israel

3 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


the orcs have gone to destroy / corrupt our children! LET'S DOWNLOAD DISNEY: who hurts with ideology, of ideology perishes Sign the petition to Bob Chapek, CEO of Disney

Egr. Mr. Chapek, I am writing to let you know that I too am joining the hundreds of thousands of people around the world who want to boycott ALL Disney products until Disney stops the campaign against

the Florida law that protects children in schools and will not be left out of the cultural war now underway.

Over the years, Disney has become an increasingly radical standard-bearer of gender ideology

and the LGBT + agenda, from the gay pride parades that take place in your theme parks to the ideological accelerations contained in your films. Honestly, I've had enough of this nonsense. Disney was a safe brand for the family and its products were packaged in the name of innocence. But this

is no longer the case. For this I will boycott your theme parks and all your major holdings, including:

ABC ESPN Touchstone Pictures

Marvel Lucasfilm A&E History Channel


Pixar Hollywood Records

Core Publishing

Neither hatred nor intolerance animate me. I just want to enjoy films and have fun in structures that are really suitable for my family, without having to put up with a certain ideological radicalism. I therefore hope for an immediate change of course, which will lead Disney to stop opposing Florida law and stop favoring gender ideology.

WITHOUT SHAME: the creators' LGBT+ agenda Disney in their own words


3 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Discussion on World Israel News 14 comments

WATCH: Gene therapy has serious risk, Israeli research finds


Bin ISIS Salman ] [ you see it? I didn't speak ill of you today

3 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


corrupt Western commentators often quote Putin's 2005 statement

"Those who do not miss the Soviet Union have no heart",

but, often dishonestly they cut it off from the following sentence:

"Whoever wants it back has no brain."


but this was the CIA's masterpiece: destroying Russian national security through Ukraine (now why does the CIA have this aggresive interest, if the order to carry out the world war hadn't come from the central banks?)

"Russia cannot feel secure, develop and exist while facing a permanent threat from the territory of present day Ukraine."


3 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


They told lies about COVID, they deceived us and now they also admit it publicly and shamelessly


Interesting and bitter article by Ron Paul that should make us think. The article was published in The Ron Paul Institute,

3 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


Those leaders who got it all wrong about the war in Ukraine. Now it's up to us citizens to pay the bitter consequences


the war in Ukraine is totally slanderous

the West rests on planned plots and slanders its hostility to Putin

3 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


The FDA cleared the new mRNA formula for children without a clinical trial


3 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


Biden and drug companies lobbied top FDA officials to get the Booster timeline approved. E-mails reveal it

https://www.sabinopaciolla.Com/biden-e-le-case-farmaceutiche-have-made-pressioni-on-massimi-funzionari-della-fda-per-far-approvare-la-linea-temporale-del- boosters-email-reveal /

3 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


Rockefeller Spa & Co Rothschild central bank shareholders OMS AIFA etc ..] told the states:

Israel Italy etc .. they suck!

only the Big 666 Pharma vaccine is the right one to cause thrombosis, heart attacks, strokes

3 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


the CIA in 2004 produced a document (in the public domain) is written: "we will stop CHINA with a virus in 2020" it is well known that the EU and the US have made large investments in Chinese laboratories: therefore the covid19 kimera has been synthesized with parts of HIV DNA.

China, which saw itself betrayed, defended itself by spreading the virus to all parts of the world.

To the artificial planned pandemic war (war of all the rich Freemasons against all the peoples of the world: indebted and further impoverished).

we must add the artificial planned war in Ukraine: where in 2010 the CIA was investing large sums to create the Nazi-fascists Pravy Sector and Azov battalion, then, in 2014 with the Chechen snipers (left unpunished for 98 corpses) the CIA obtained the coup in Maidan square, the violation of the sovereignty of the Donbass, the failure of the Minsk agreements


obviously, our Freemason politicians, who created the problem (pandemic crisis, experimental gene vaccination obligation, aggression against Russia in Ukraine) are always the third world war solution to this problem, because as LAPID said "the fault is all of Putin without ifs, and without buts "

3 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


the CIA in 2004 produced a document (in the public domain) is written: "we will stop CHINA with a virus in 2020" it is well known that the EU and the US have made large investments in Chinese laboratories: therefore the covid19 kimera has been synthesized with parts of HIV DNA.

China, which saw itself betrayed, defended itself by spreading the virus to all parts of the world.

To the artificial planned pandemic war (war of all the rich Freemasons against all the peoples of the world: indebted and further impoverished).

we must add the artificial planned war in Ukraine: where in 2010 the CIA was investing large sums to create the Nazi-fascists Pravy Sector and Azov battalion, then, in 2014 with the Chechen snipers (left unpunished for 98 corpses) the CIA obtained the coup in Maidan square, the violation of the sovereignty of the Donbass, the failure of the Minsk agreements


obviously our Freemason politicians, who created the problem, are always the solution to this problem, because as LAPID said, "Putin is entirely to blame, no ifs and buts"

3 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


Giulio Tremonti said that an inflation of 6% is a total violation of European rules, because the ECB did not have to finance the States and instead: it bought their debt securities: which now have all become toxic securities, so to count the billions, we quickly passed to count trillions,


this is why the banking system cannot implode, and the only technical solution remains the world war: against China and Russia.

you knew this, but you have chosen to serve Rothschild instead of serving me: and I am the Kingdom of ISRAEL

3 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Discussion on World Israel News 14 comments

WATCH: Gene therapy has serious risk, Israeli research finds


Rockefeller Spa & Co Rothschild central bank shareholders] in the FED ECB BM have created trillions of toxic assets out of thin air, and only world war can bring about a great reset;

that's why the Freemasons were told "Russians and Chinese have all become dirty and bad, with no ifs and buts"

3 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


Rockefeller Spa & Co Rothschild ---- Big pharma] genetic manipulation is the desire of these cursed monsters of the tribe of DAN to play God against us

3 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Discussion on World Israel News 50 comments

PA set to double salary of terrorist who murdered Jewish family


Rockefeller Spa & Co Rothschild] your satanists are pathetic and sometimes cannibal, but you have transformed this NWO OTAN CIA deel State, with Hollywood directors

as for Olena Zelenska on the cover of digital Vogue

3 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


Rockefeller 322 Spa & Co 666 Rothschild] 4,000 shekels ($ 1,286) per month for the killer.

that is, you are saying that it is convenient to kill jew

3 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


Maḥmūd ʿAbbās, the kunya Abū Māzen] but how, you are not ashamed to seek an identity recognition from the monkeys APEs of Darwin to Sodoma Gomorra: UN Spa&Co OCI, scam banking seigniorege cult Owl JabulOn?

Don't you know that we are theocrats, monarchists? and your problem is that you are aaasss, and you don't like studying: but if you studied the metaphysical nature of lorenzoJHWH UniusREI, then you would know that he does not distinguish a Jew from a Muslim!

3 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


Maḥmūd ʿAbbās, la kunya Abū Māzen ] ma come, tu non ti vergogni a cercare una identità riconoscimento dalle scimmie di Darwin a Sodoma ONU OCI?

non sai che noi siamo teocratici, monarchici?

e il tuo problema è che sei asino, e non ti piace studiare:

ma se studiassi la natura metafisica di lorenzoJHWH Unius REI, tu sapresti che lui non distingue un ebreo da un musulmano!

2 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Discussion on World Israel News 22 comments

Biden, Lapid participate in first-ever ‘I2U2’ forum with leaders of India, UAE


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme to Ronnie D

the NWO is a pyramidal kingdom that hides in a hidden way inside a false democracy,

is a complex system:

the churches of satan and their agencies are institutional and widespread throughout the West and the Arab league (it has its own Masonic


in Palermo (Sicily) someone (churches of satan) made a false invoice (from a pensioner to whom no one can harm him)


invoice never collected from me, of course, and put my IBAN which is public on 110 blogspot, but which was invisible to the Palermo Judge,

because Google CIA has put 10 red html-code points to hide from all search engines all my sites.

but, when thanks to an App I have removed these 10 red points-html-code

anyway, today, for no reason: all 110 blogspots have all been blocked by lgbt-google and are only visible to me.


I, who in this mortal fight against the NWO, have weakened myself

economically, I still have to spend 1800 euros for my defense,

and because of the covid the powers of attorney are without staff and my two criminal complaints remain with me without reason:

why Rothschild and Rockefeller have decided to slander me!

Ronnie D yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme 2

RAJSHAH IS tide to all the wuhanvirus Frankenstein virus hunger

Ronnie D

I don't know why satanists kicked me out of my https://disqus.Com/by/yitzhak_kaduri/

I like your intellectual honesty: in fact the CIA wrote in 2004 that it would stop CHINA in 2020 with a virus, It is a pity, however, that the Jewish Freemasons Satanists have only stopped us all!

So, the EU and the US UK have invested millions in Wulan laboratory to make

the virus and the graphene vaccine, thus solving the problem of western, overpopulation only.

3 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri


im Mosiach by Yitzhak Kaduri41 minutes agoDetected as spam

former professor of Catholic Religion in 1988: I read: "The new persecuted. Investigation into anti-Christian intolerance in the new century of Antonio Socci's martyrdom"


and this represented a turning point in my life:

here, the Catholic Church of the Luciferian cult lobby had lied to me again: on its annual and commemorative day of Christian martyrs it celebrates only 50 martyrs (only Catholic priests, nuns and seminarians)

while, every year, in reality 400,000 innocent Christian martyrs are killed in hatred of the faith by that perfect antichrist of the Talmudic Plutocratic Synagogue of the Supreme Sanhedrin who is its principal, and by the Wahhabi OCI UMMA sharia mosque who is the executioner of him !

the testimonies of this book, completely and deliberately ignored by the Masonic-Islamic world media: today, they are in mutual demonic partnership: and they are testimonies that cannot be read because they are gruesome, here in 1988,

I became a permanent observatory of the martyrdom of Christians and started composing many sites:




in total I have made more than 150, partly destroyed and 96% blocked today by the CIA and the Turks who have a jurist in Italy on what the Italians can or cannot publish. We have received your request for review

3 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Discussion on World Israel News 64 comments

Russia ‘exploiting’ Holocaust and antisemitism to justify Ukraine invasion says State Dept.

Ronnie D


I don't know why satanists kicked me out of my https://disqus.Com/by/yitzhak_kaduri/

I like your intellectual honesty: in fact the CIA wrote in 2004 that it would stop CHINA in 2020 with a virus,

It is a pity, however, that the Jewish Freemasons Satanists have only stopped us all!

So the EU and the US UK have invested millions in Wulan laboratory to make the virus and the graphene vaccine, thus solving the problem of western overpopulation only.

3 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Discussion on World Israel News 4 comments

Israeli startup to promote self-flying 'smart drones'


While the Lapid-Abbas government has already decided to cut off the Gush Etzion communities from Jerusalem by expanding "palestinian" occupied Batir, President Joe Biden's trip to the Holy Land started off with the President fumbling for words, while stating he is in Israel to "keep alive the honor of the Holocaust."


joe BIDET is a satanist and his Islamic goal like Mario Draghi's is to ruin all mankind and they are succeeding

3 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


The only my Jewish Solution lorenzoJHWH for Peace In The Middle East:

it is the Zionism of my Kingdom of Israel

but Wahhabis too hope to get from Rockefeller OTAN's slanderous world war against Russia and China

3 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


What Is The One Thing That Anti-Israel Arabs Hate Even More Than Israel?

In actuality, Israel is the antithesis of South Africa in nearly every way. First of all, the Jewish people in the State of Israel are the indigenous people in the region, with a super-rich history that goes back well over 3,000 years to this region ...


the only real occult concern kabbalah Islamic jihad OCI UMMA of the ARAB LEAGUE is how to kill Israel and take sharia of the planet

4 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


the banking system of the usury and satanist mason jew

replaced the State:

and even an executioner of a tyrant like Erdogan cannot ignore it

3 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Discussion on World Israel News 44 comments

Biden rips anti-Israel Democrats: 'They're wrong, Israel is a democracy'


Will Italian progressives apologize to women raped by Tariq Ramadan? by Giulio Meotti Jul 14

Indicted in Paris for four rapes,

in Italy the Islamist idol wrote and dueted with former prime ministers,

he was invited by universities and literary festivals, the mayors vied for him, up to contracts with publishing houses and famous newspapers.

When is the mea culpa of establishment truffles?

the Masonic Jewish antichrist triumphs in his project of destruction of Western civilization: and of Israel: because his goal is the enslavement of mankind, and from this cultural, theological and political point of view?

Muslims are not an impediment

4 1lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


"They are wrong" Biden rips the anti-Israel Democrats: "They are wrong" The "Team" - From left, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ayanna Pressley "They are wrong"


all Muslims (together with the UN) do not see the sharia genocides of the ARAB LEAGUE, on the contrary they approve them:

so they are all guilty of the death penalty!

about democracy: without monetary sovereignty invented by the Jewish Masons?

what is the greatest crime in the entire history of mankind

3 1lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Discussion on World Israel News 5 comments

Report: Egypt eyes closer ties with Iran, denies Israel-led forum is planning against Iran


"There is no Arab alliance against Iran, but there is an Arab and Islamic alliance for the liberation of Al-Quds.

Al-Quds I see it up and running: while you have destroyed 14,000 churches in recent years around the world.

then, the Holy Spirit rebukes you!

you Muslims are evil and deserve all the evil in the world

4 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


"God willing, this plan, like the plan to create the Greater Middle East and the Deal of the Century, will lead nowhere."


What devil Allah are they talking about? but if they want to know the true Allah I can let them know!

I am lorenzoJHWH the great unified Middle East: alongside my Kingdom of Israel,

but you are in malignant bad faith because you are opposing me, and the goal of the sharia law from 1400, as up to now, can only be the genocide of Israel, since the Jewish Masons are offering you the genocide of all Christians throughout the world for over 40 years

4 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


the US does not need any alliance to raze Iran:

but they will not because the occult design of Rockefeller's kabbalah foresees the destruction of Israel (nuclear self-attack) to make world war inevitable


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