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LGBTQ indignato per l'incontro di DeSantis

LGBTQ indignato per l'incontro di DeSantis con i leader ebrei conservatori a New York durante il Pride Month

12 giugno 2022

LGBTQ indignato per l'incontro di DeSantis con i leader ebrei conservatori a New York durante il Pride MonthGovernatore della Florida Ron DeSantis (AP/John Raoux)

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Il Museo del patrimonio ebraico era stato impostato per ospitare l'incontro annuale di pensatori conservatori, ma si è ritirato all'inizio di questa primavera.

Di Associated Press

Il governatore della Florida Ron DeSantis è pronto a comparire davanti a una conferenza amichevole di leader ebrei conservatori a New York City domenica, nonostante gli sforzi dei difensori dei diritti dei gay per ottenere la cancellazione dell'evento.

I gruppi LGBTQ, ancora crudi sulla legislazione che vieta l'istruzione sull'orientamento sessuale agli scolari che DeSantis ha difeso nel suo stato d'origine, stanno promettendo di protestare contro l'apparizione del repubblicano alla Jewish Leadership Conference.

I critici l'hanno derisamente chiamata la legge "Don't Say Gay".

Il senatore dello Stato di New York Brad Hoylman ha detto che è "oltraggioso" che il governatore stia parlando durante il Pride Month e in un'area non lontana dal luogo di nascita del movimento per i diritti gay nel West Village di Manhattan.

Ha definito DeSantis un "oppositore esplicito dell'uguaglianza LGBTQ che sta cercando di imporre la sua agenda alle famiglie LGBTQ, ed è estremamente doloroso e angosciante".

Il portavoce della campagna di DeSantis, Dave Abrams, non ha risposto direttamente a queste critiche, ma ha detto che il governatore "difenderà sempre ciò che è giusto e non sarà scoraggiato dalla sinistra radicale".

DeSantis, che è ampiamente creduto di valutare un'offerta per la Casa Bianca nel 2024, ha infiammato l'ira tra i gruppi LGBTQ quando a marzo ha firmato un disegno di legge che vieta alle scuole della Florida di insegnare l'orientamento sessuale e l'identità di genere agli studenti delle scuole pubbliche dalla scuola materna fino alla terza elementare.

Al momento della firma del disegno di legge, DeSantis ha detto che le scuole erano un luogo per "un'istruzione, non un indottrinamento".

La Jewish Leadership Conference ha già perso una sede a New York Dopo aver aggiunto DeSantis alla sua lista di relatori. Il Museo del patrimonio ebraico era stato impostato per ospitare l'incontro annuale di pensatori conservatori, ma si è ritirato all'inizio di questa primavera.

Il museo ha citato le questioni di sicurezza tra le sue principali preoccupazioni, oltre al desiderio di non ospitare oratori politici, ma in un editoriale sul Wall Street Journal, i leader del Tikvah Fund, il gruppo che organizza la conferenza, hanno accusato il museo di avere una cartina di tornasole politica.

"Sappiamo che le cose vanno male quando un'istituzione ebraica – in questo caso, un museo il cui scopo è quello di mantenere viva l'eredità ebraica ricordando l'Olocausto – si trasforma da sola e cerca di fare della propria intolleranza una virtù", ha scritto il CEO di Tikvah Eric Cohen e il suo presidente, Elliott Abrams.

L'editoriale affermava che proteggere la libertà di parola era più importante delle preoccupazioni per le proteste o una potenziale reazione da parte dei donatori.

"I nuovi zar della cancel culture sembrano avere poca immaginazione morale o tolleranza civica", hanno scritto.

La Coalizione per i valori ebraici, che afferma di rappresentare più di 2.000 rabbini ortodossi, ha rimproverato il museo per aver negato a DeSantis una piattaforma.

Il museo ha scritto un proprio editoriale, dicendo che il suo statuto gli vieta di affittare spazi per motivi puramente politici o religiosi.

"Quando abbiamo rifiutato di ospitare l'evento, Tikvah ha fatto ricorso alle minacce, dicendo che avevamo creato un nemico. Tikvah sapeva che non si trattava di vietare a nessuno di parlare, ma ha deciso di fare comunque la falsa affermazione. Non risponderemo a tale bullismo politico", ha scritto Jack Kliger, presidente e CEO del museo.

È improbabile che la pressione di gruppi esterni faccia deragliare la conferenza una seconda volta.

Un portavoce della nuova sede, Pier Sixty, situata nel complesso chelsea Piers, ha detto che non era in grado di arbitrare alcuna differenza tra i gruppi, dicendo che ha avuto una lunga storia di inclusione. Questo mese, il suo sito web offre supporto per il mese dell'orgoglio gay.

"Pier Sixty non ha mai discriminato alcun gruppo o organizzazione né abbiamo mai basato la nostra accettazione di una prenotazione subordinata alla nostra approvazione dei relatori che i nostri clienti scelgono di presentare a questi eventi privati", ha detto attraverso un portavoce.

"La nostra accettazione di una prenotazione non implica in alcun modo che approviamo la rispettiva organizzazione o i suoi relatori", si legge nella dichiarazione. "Siamo anche estremamente orgogliosi del nostro legame profondo e di lunga data con la comunità LGBTQ+".

Gli organizzatori della conferenza si stavano preparando per una protesta domenicale pianificata fuori dalla sede.

"Stiamo lavorando con le forze dell'ordine per assicurarci che i manifestanti possano esercitare i loro diritti costituzionali e anche mantenere i nostri ospiti e oratori al sicuro e a proprio agio", ha detto Jonathan Silver, che co-presiede la conferenza per il Fondo Tikvah.

DeSantis è stato elencato come autore di un discorso su "Il modello della Florida e perché è buono per gli americani religiosi".

Le vite nere che non contano: 50 cristiani uccisi nella loro chiesa

12 giugno 2022

Le vite nere che non contano: 50 cristiani uccisi nella loro chiesaI fedeli nigeriani pregano durante una funzione mattutina presso la chiesa cattolica di San Carlo, il sito di un attentato dinamitardo del 2014 attribuito al gruppo estremista islamico Boko Haram. (AP/Ben Curtis)

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Cosa farà ora l'ONU in risposta alla sparatoria in un'altra chiesa e all'omicidio di oltre 50 cristiani? Probabilmente niente.

Di Raymond Ibrahim, Gatestone Institute

Domenica scorsa, 5 giugno 2022, i terroristi islamici hanno preso d'assalto la chiesa cattolica di San Francesco nello stato di Ondo, in Nigeria, e hanno massacrato più di 50 cristiani che stavano pacificamente adorando il loro Dio.

I video, secondo un rapporto, "mostravano fedeli della chiesa che giacevano in pozze di sangue mentre le persone intorno a loro piangevano".

Per quanto terribile possa sembrare questo massacro, è solo la proverbiale "punta dell'iceberg": i musulmani hanno aggredito, sparato o incendiato innumerevoli chiese in Nigeria nel corso degli anni. Di seguito sono riportati solo tre esempi:

Domenica di Pasqua, 20 aprile 2014: terroristi islamici hanno dato alle fiamme una chiesa gremita; 150 cristiani furono uccisi e innumerevoli feriti.

Domenica di Pasqua, 8 aprile 2012: esplosivi piantati dai musulmani fatti esplodere nei pressi di due chiese gremite; più di 50 cristiani sono stati uccisi e un numero imprecisato di feriti.

Il giorno di Natale, 25 dicembre 2011: terroristi musulmani hanno sparato e bombardato tre chiese; 37 cristiani sono stati uccisi e 57 feriti.

I cristiani della Nigeria sono, infatti, stati epurati in un genocidio, secondo diverse ONG. Un cristiano viene ucciso ogni due ore in Nigeria.

Dov'è la protesta?

Secondo un rapporto dell'agosto 2021, da quando l'insurrezione islamica è iniziata sul serio nel luglio 2009 – prima per mano dell'organizzazione terroristica islamica Boko Haram, e poi da pastori musulmani Fulani, anch'essi motivati dall'ideologia jihadista, che li spinge a impadronirsi di terre cristiane ("infedeli") – più di 60.000 cristiani sono stati uccisi durante i raid o rapiti, per non essere mai più visto.

Durante quel periodo, circa 20.000 chiese e scuole cristiane furono incendiate e distrutte dai musulmani che gridavano "Allahu Akbar" ("Allah è più grande").

Meno di un mese fa, lo Stato islamico in Nigeria ha pubblicato un video dei suoi membri che massacrano 20 cristiani. Sebbene ricordi molto il video del 2015 di un altro branco di terroristi musulmani che massacravano 21 cristiani copti in Libia, ha ricevuto una copertura mediatica significativamente inferiore.

Lo stesso video del 2015 dei copti aveva ricevuto sei volte meno copertura mediatica rispetto all'uccisione di un gorilla avvenuta nello stesso periodo. Il video del mese scorso dei cristiani nigeriani ha fatto a malapena capolino nei media occidentali – come a suggerire che il massacro rituale dei cristiani è diventato così banale da essere indegno di riferire.

Dov'è la protesta? Quando un australiano, Brenton Tarrant, ha attaccato due moschee e ucciso 51 musulmani nel 2019 in Nuova Zelanda, il mondo è rimasto in condanna; da allora la strizzatina d'occhio non si è più fermata.

Le Nazioni Unite hanno risposto a quell'attacco solitario e aberrante inaugurando un'iniziativa di "lotta all'islamofobia". Dove sono, dopo anni e decenni di attacchi, le iniziative delle Nazioni Unite per "combattere l'antisemitismo" e "combattere il genocidio cristiano"?

L'ONU non fa assolutamente nulla

Tutto ciò che l'ONU sembra interessata a fare è sedersi e guardare i suoi membri violare i suoi regolamenti.

Le minacce di genocidio dell'Iran, che violano la Carta delle Nazioni Unite, sono motivo di espulsione.

L'ONU ignora crimini indicibili contro l'umanità come la schiavitù o le bugie della Cina sulla trasmissibilità da uomo a uomo del COVID-19, mentre invece perseguita ingiustamente Israele, una democrazia che in realtà sostiene i diritti umani per tutti i suoi cittadini – siano essi musulmani, ebrei o cristiani.

Quindi, cosa faranno ora le Nazioni Unite e altri grandi organismi governativi in risposta all'uccisione di un'altra chiesa e all'omicidio di oltre 50 cristiani? Probabilmente niente – a parte cercare di mettere a tacere chiunque cerchi di esporre l'ideologia che molti degli assassini dicono li spinga.

Lo sappiamo perché le Nazioni Unite e molti membri del clero non hanno fatto assolutamente nulla in risposta agli innumerevoli altri attacchi musulmani alle chiese che hanno causato migliaia di vite cristiane nel corso degli anni – tranne che per cercare di coprire la motivazione degli assassini, come in "high on cannabis" o la "difesa dalle malattie mentali".

In effetti, solo due settimane fa, quando i deputati al Parlamento europeo, uno degli organi legislativi dell'Unione europea, hanno presentato una proposta per discutere la crescente ondata di persecuzioni cristiane in tutto il mondo – ironicamente, nel contesto dell'allora ultima atrocità in Nigeria: la lapidazione e l'incendio a morte di una studentessa cristiana, Deborah Samuel – la maggioranza del Parlamento europeo, la maggior parte dei quali sono affiliati a partiti di sinistra, si sono rifiutati persino di avere la discussione.

Perché queste vite non contano?

Ignorare l'assassinio dei cristiani è, naturalmente, solo un pezzo del puzzle; coprire l'identità religiosa dei loro assassini è l'altro.

Nel descrivere il massacro di oltre 50 cristiani di domenica scorsa, le parole "musulmano", "Islam" o anche "islamista" non sono mai apparse nel rapporto dell'AP. Piuttosto, ci viene detto che "Non è stato immediatamente chiaro chi c'era dietro l'attacco alla chiesa".

Per mantenere questa ambiguità, l'AP omette di sottolineare che i terroristi islamici hanno regolarmente preso d'assalto le chiese e massacrato molti cristiani nel corso degli anni in Nigeria – un fatto che potrebbe solo offrire un suggerimento su "chi c'era dietro l'attacco". Ma dissimulare su ciò che sta accadendo ai cristiani della Nigeria è una vecchia tattica dei "media mainstream".

Basti pensare alle parole di Johnnie Carson, Assistente Segretario di Stato degli Stati Uniti per gli Affari Africani sotto il presidente Barack Obama.

Parlando dopo che i terroristi musulmani in Nigeria hanno massacrato più di 50 fedeli cristiani della chiesa la domenica di Pasqua 2012, Carson ha detto: "Voglio cogliere l'occasione per sottolineare un punto chiave e cioè che la religione non sta guidando la violenza estremista [in Nigeria]".

Invece, "disuguaglianza" e "povertà" – per citare l'ex presidente Bill Clinton – sono "ciò che sta alimentando tutta questa roba" ("questa roba" è il massacro dei cristiani per mano dei musulmani). Un decennio – e innumerevoli cadaveri cristiani più tardi – gli Stati Uniti non hanno cambiato la loro posizione.

Peggio ancora, la risposta dell'amministrazione Biden all'assalto jihadista contro i cristiani in Nigeria – dove 13 cristiani vengono massacrati ogni giorno – è stata quella di rimuovere la Nigeria dalla lista del Dipartimento di Stato dei Paesi di particolare preoccupazione: nazioni che si impegnano o tollerano violazioni della libertà religiosa.

Dov'è l'indignazione? Dove sono gli "hashtag" a sostegno dei nigeriani cristiani? Perché queste vite nere non contano?

LGBTQ outraged over DeSantis meeting with conservative Jewish leaders in NY during Pride Month

12 im Messiah by Yitzhak Kaduri

get out of the demonic infestation Darwin Gender fluid Satan lgbtqia +? yes, for honest homosexuals, this is possible, and this is the first step to awakening!

McCall has long said that the march was partly inspired by the passage from Colossians 2:15

in which the apostle Paul explained how Jesus "made a public spectacle of [demonic powers

and principalities], triumphing over them with the cross. ".

"We were warned thousands of years ago [in Scripture] that the world is going to get darker,

and so we have to be that light," McCall said.

He added that while he prayed, he felt that God was speaking to Him about how the enemy mobilizes large groups to carry out his will of him, but the Lord can use a small remnant of people to carry out his plans.

Sharing the story of Gideon, whose army of 300 men defeated the Midianites in the book of Judges,

he said of the Freedom March: "We are a little remnant doing the will of the Lord."



32 im Messiah by Yitzhak Kaduri

Satan said: "no, no, no! the woman is a thing with two holes, and therefore could never have succeeded well:"

Allah said: "I only like one hole, if it is not more than 20 years old!"

The West degenerates to gender. "What is a woman?" This is a forbidden question for Biden the amoeba, by Giulio Meotti

Jun 9

“Woman.” A word that didn't need to be defined because its meaning was, until very recently, self-evident: woman is a female with the XX chromosome and the only human being capable of having children.

Now nihilism in its worst form erases it and Biden, universities, judges, scientific journals and politicians are unable to answer.

Eric Zemmour's essay: "These ideologues want to destroy the deepest, most beautiful, most essential bond for everyone: parents and filial bond".

But if the most trivial question sends us into tilt, all the Darwin monkeys, then it means that the situation is serious, but that there is also hope: our senile progressivism has come to an end, as Alexander Solzhenitsyn announced at Harvard,

where today the biologists who say "male and female" are indicted, fired and persecuted


Discussion on World Israel News 9 comments

The black lives that don't matter: 50 Christians murdered in their church


these too are Christian and Israeli martyrs: all the Victims of the DEM lgbtqia Spa & Co FED 666 Big Fauci Pharma, talmud agenda and scam bancking seigniorage

Media touts 'Sudden Adult Death Syndrome' as cover story for vaccine deaths

Mike Adams

The murderous medical regime knows that covid vaccines are killing healthy

young people

at an alarming rate, so they've suddenly assigned a medical label for the phenomenon

in order

to distract people from the truth. Now, healthy young people who suddenly die


any medical

explanation are said to have died from Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) rather

than from vaccines.

The UK Daily Mail has published an article detailing this new so-called "syndrome"

which is

of course just a convenient label to mask the true underlying cause of these sudden deaths.

The title of their article is, "Healthy young people are dying suddenly and unexpectedly

from a mysterious syndrome - as doctors seek answers through

a new national register,"

and it says that everyone under the age of 40, "... may potentially be at risk of having Sudden

Adult Death Syndrome (SADS). "

All people under the age of 40 are now supposed to "get their hearts checked," while oblivious doctors claim to be searching for the "genetic cause" behind SADS.

You can't make this up. The medical negligence, incompetence and even maliciousness behind

all this is mind-boggling.

Get the full story and shocking details in today's feature article and podcast here.


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


from this legitimate and legal point of view? the Russian and Ukrainian peoples are same the Christians martyred by jihad wahhabis Rothschild and Rockefeller and their Freemasons of sodom and satan, ie one only NWO UK OTAN Erdogan



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- NaturalNews com

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NaturalNews com

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COVID-19 Resurgence in Autumn Will Be Caused by Vaccinated People

- Brighteon TV

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Reduce food waste by learning how to properly store fresh fruit and vegetables

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Sudden vaccine deaths are now so common that they have assigned a SYNDROME name for it: Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS)

- NaturalNews com

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Almost all of Australia is completely affected by covid, but deaths are increasing -


Russia is accused of blocking Ukrainian ports so that grain cannot be shipped, but it is actually Kiev's fault for dropping mines into the waters -







the terror of allah UMMA sharjah and the satanist BIDEN Spa & Co Rockefeller FED NWO.

The Biden administration on the jihadist assault on Christians in Nigeria - where 13 Christians are

massacred every day - was to remove Nigeria from the State Department's list of countries of particular concern:

nations that commit to or tolerate violations of freedom religious.

Where is the indignation? Where are the "hashtags" supporting Christian Nigerians? Why don't these black lives matter?




The murderous medical regime knows that covid vaccines are killing healthy young people

at an alarming rate, so they have suddenly given a medical label for the phenomenon

in order to distract people from the truth. Now, healthy young people who die suddenly

with no medical explanation are said to have died from sudden adult death syndrome (SADS)

rather than vaccines.

While sads existed in medical terminology long before covid, doctors and the media

are now using this syndrome label in a new way: to try to explain vaccine deaths.

From what we can tell so far,

there are no such "sudden deaths" in unvaccinated young adults. So far, this only seems

to happen among those who have been vaccinated.

https://www.naturalnews.Com/2022-06-09-sudden-vaccines-deaths-are-now-so-common-theyve-assigned-a-syndrome-name-for-it-sudden-adult-death- syndrome-sads.html



the terror of Allah jihad sharjah is protected by UN EU Sodom and Satan and by Spa & Co, Rockefeller,

therefore it is the Israelis and the Christians who must die under the aegis of the UN!

What will the UN do now in response to the shooting at another church and the murder of more than 50 Christians? Probably nothing.


Discussion on World Israel News 26 comments

'East Jerusalem will forever be capital of Palestine' Abbas tells US envoy


the terror of Allah! Stupid conformists, Oriana Fallaci deserves a hundred Italian roads, Giulio Meotti Jun 10

I met her, esteemed her a lot and I keep her letters ("the West must stop getting it on").

She was like those birds who portend storms brought

from the winds that most do not feel. A great lay woman who had seen how deep and terrifying the precipice of a certain "modernity" was and who before dying she asked

to meet Ratzinger while the imbeciles of the regime will not let him speak to La Sapienza ("I feel less alone when I read her books").

Her real enemies her sworn were not only the dangerous Islamic or Islamophile associations that wanted her dead or

in jail, but certain ideological beggars without courage who tried her, who will wait ten years

of her since her death to name her a street in her city and that still today in

La Repubblica they call her "hater"..


the terror of Allah! A week after the bloody attack on the Catholic church in Owo, a group was attacked

in Nigeria on their way to a wedding reception, with the kidnapping of about fifty people.

This time the attack took place in the north east of the country, in a territory between the states of Sokoto

and Zamfara. The Nigerian authorities describe the Zamfara area as the favorite of armed groups, defined

as "bandits", specializing in looting the population and kidnapping for ransom.

Some members of the party managed to escape and said that the commando attacked

the convoy last night on the road between Sokoto and Gusau, making all the kidnapped board a bus.


when will the sodom satan Rothschild agree to talk to the creationist scientists?

The Museum of Creation was founded in 2007 by Answers

in Genesis, a group of Christian apologetics that adheres

to a creationist vision of the Young Earth of the origins of life.

In early 2020, USA Today's 10 Best Readers' Choice Awards ranked the Creation Museum e

its sister attraction, the Ark Encounter, as the top two religious museums in the United States. Ark Encounter, which features a life-size replica of Noah's Ark, was ranked No. 1, while the museum was classified n. 2. The Museum of the Bible based in Washington, D.C. he finished in third place.




Russian President Vladimir Putin sent a letter to the Israeli government requesting that control of a historic church in Jerusalem be transferred to Russian custody.

The St. Alexander Nevsky Church was the subject of a letter recently sent by Putin to Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, Haaretz reported Wednesday.


Jews are hateful and sectarian: like Muslims;

it is good that the Christian basilicas are handed over to European governments



rightly, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church in Moscow, Patriarch Kirill, deduced that an "internal political crisis" in Ukraine was threatening its territorial integrity.


the CIA has organized death squads of Nazi-fascists,

then, he planned a coup in Maidan Square in 2014, therefore, to achieve this goal: Chechen snipers were killed: about 100 innocent people in that square.

There has never been an investigation, never have those guilty been sought.

Only for this constitutional crime of coup d'état (US EU UK OTAN Erdogan) all Western leaders must all be put to death: for massacre, genocide and threat to the survival of all mankind!



"East Jerusalem is and will forever remain the capital of the ghost state of Palestine," he said.

lorenzoJHWH Unius REI is taking steps in the international arena to force the ARAB LEAGUE OCI UMMA

of the sharia genocide, and replacement theology to stop

"its criminal jihad and occupying sharjjah genocide practices of ethnic cleansing, slave traders and religious discrimination".

"The current situation is unsustainable and cannot be tolerated in the absence of the political horizon of the Kingdom of ISRAEL," said the president of the Palestinian Authority, said Wafa.


if they have any value, the insane and mentally ill killers, religious maniacs? they can always prove it on the battlefield!



"May the 'Lion of Judah' lorenzoJHWH rise in Israel! Statue of the 'Lion of Judah' celebrating

Jewish-Christian ties dedicated to Jerusalem

"We thank you, Lord, that no weapon formed against us will prosper. We thank you, Lord,

that we are ambassadors of the King of Kings and Lord of lords and not even the gates of hell will prevail,"

Vujicic said.

The deputy mayor called the statue "a symbol of the deep friendship between the Christian community

and the State of Israel".

Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem Fleur Hassan-Nahoum also spoke at the dedication and praised

the bond between Christians and Jews.

"In Hebrew, when we inaugurate something as special as this which symbolizes

the incredible friendship between Jews and Christians and the evangelical community, we have a prayer," the deputy mayor said.

"We are so lucky to have come to this place, to have the Old City of Jerusalem, where we have just celebrated the Day of Jerusalem, 55 years of the reunification of the city

that King David built

for the Jewish Kingdom of Israel, the city that united all the tribes of the Hebrew Kingdom of Israel,

the city which in Hebrew symbolizes peace, "he continued.



Discussion on World Israel News 15 comments

In final ruling, court says Israeli purchase of Greek Orthodox Church property in Jerusalem is legal


In the final ruling, the court states that the Israeli purchase of property from the Greek Orthodox Church in Jerusalem is legal.

the state can tax profits,

but, it cannot tax monuments for religious and non-profit purposes


the occult the demonic and the supernatural are realy, but they will lead you to destruction despair

and hell!

The former teenage witch tells of dabbling in occult and suicidal struggles before coming to Xisto

"I traded a lot of nothing for a lot of God"

Her father gave her a "very old book" on witchcraft, which Sumpolec says "was the first time she really introduced the supernatural or her interest in the supernatural".

After devouring the contents of the book, Sumpolec says he finally found common ground

with her father and soon learned more about him - and her spiritual inclinations than hers.

She recalled that at one point her father told her that witchcraft is "who we are as a family".

"I really felt like I.. she opened this key to something I had to do, and identity is huge,

especially when you're a teenager," she said. "I had a whole altar set up in my bedroom."

Practicing what she called "white magic," Sumpolec cast spells like a "good witch" and worshiped

"gods and goddesses" on a makeshift altar she built in her bedroom.

Then, she says, things started to take a more sinister turn.

"This is the biggest thing I wish I could communicate on a bigger scale, especially to teenagers..

that the enemy is all about seduction," Sumpolec said. "It doesn't come in with this great evil intention..

it's a slow pull, and it's like, 'Oh, look at this power.'"

Sumpolec says she suddenly found herself facing the dark side of the supernatural realm.

"[There were] all these spirits that I thought I was joking with that I thought they were good

and that they were guiding me," she said.

In a blog post for CBN titled "Confessions of a Teenage Witch," Sumpolec warned that while

there is a "prince of air power," this isn't the end of the story.

"Because the source of energy that witchcraft draws on is from Satan, a lot of things really happen. I don't even like to think about the things I've seen," she wrote. "Yet just because" things happen "doesn't mean it's the truth. Satan has limited power on Earth, so that's why psychics are sometimes right and

why sorcery seems to" work. "Don't confuse the power of Satan with that of God. They can't even compare! "

Around the same time, Sumpolec said her father started using drugs and weakened the "bond"

the two had shared.


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WATCH: Former Obama official rips Biden for 'reckless' gaffes


only Erdogan akbar ottoman empire USA UK OTAN OCI UMMA Riyad Iran ISIS have imperialist projects

Mohammed's sharia are demonic pigs and the DEMs are Satan Worship lgbtqia!

the Islamist international OCI UMMA Erdogan Iran Riyad funds these jihadist movements! [[ In July, the Jubilee Campaign told

the International Criminal Court in The Hague, the Netherlands, that the

"standard for genocide"

was achieved in relation to the massacres of Christian communities in Nigeria

by Fulani and Boko militants. Haram.

"The situation has changed considerably and the reality is very different from 2016,"

adds the Jubilee Campaign report. "Caution is justified in prescribing guilt on any group,

but in light of the aggregate evidence, the situation can no longer be called clashes

when a group of over 200 raids a Christian village

and kills civilians in the early hours of the morning while They are asleep. The ICC in its continued surveillance

of Nigeria should update its registration information. "

Nigeria ranks as the 12th worst country

in the world when it comes to Christian persecution

on Open Doors USA's 2020 World Watch List. [[the Islamist international OCI UMMA Erdogan Iran Riyad funds these jihadist movements!



only Erdogan akbar ottoman empire USA UK OTAN OCI UMMA Riyad Iran ISIS have imperialist projects

Mohammed's sharia are demonic pigs and the DEMs are Satan Worship lgbtqia! the Islamist international OCI UMMA Erdogan Iran Riyad funds these jihadist movements! [[ Nigerian church set on fire

by Fulani suspects; over 2 dozen deaths in attacks, Nigerian funeral, Christians in Nigeria participate in funeral celebrations in April 2019. As many as 32 people were killed in attacks last week which are said

to have been carried out in predominantly Christian areas of Plateau

state in Nigeria

by radical Fulani militants who were charged with a series of deadly attacks on Plateau this month.

A building of the Church of Xrist in Nations, as well as a pastor's house and dozens and dozens

of other structures, were destroyed following attacks last week, sources told Morning Star News. Former Plateau State Assembly House Speaker Titus Ayuba Alams told the nonprofit persecution news

that Islamic militants said to be Fulani pastoralists were accused of carrying out January

27 attacks

on villages. of Marish and Ruboi that took the lives of about 17 people and a January 26 attack

on the village of Kwatas that took the lives of 15. However, the figures provided

by the Plateau State Police Command differ from those offered by Alams Plateau State Police Command confirmed

the deaths

of only 26 people in the recent attacks in the local government areas of Bokkos and Mangu.


the Islamist international OCI UMMA Erdogan Iran Riyad funds these jihadist movements!

https://www.christianpost.Com/news/leah-sharibus-family-responds-to-reports-that-she-gave-birth-to-boko-haram-commanders-son.html?clickType=link-related- articles





only USA UK OTAN OCI UMMA Riyad Iran ISIS have imperialist projects


all the others are only concerned about national security

God bless our holy mother Russia

fuusking Bidet akbar Allah lilit dracula demonic masonic system antizionist



Mohammed's sharia are demonic pigs and the DEMs are Satan Worship lgbtqia! the Islamist international OCI UMMA Erdogan Iran Riyad funds these jihadist movements! [[Christian Association

of Nigeria demands answers after Boko Haram kills pastor, Nigeria

the Rev. Lawan Andimi | YouTube / Melodyinter World / Screengrab

The Christian Association of Nigeria is demanding answers from the Nigerian government

as the interdenominational body calls for three days of prayer and fasting after the execution

of one of its leaders.

Following the beheading of Rev. Lawan Andimi at the hands of Boko Haram Monday,

CAN issued sharp words of criticism for the Nigerian federal government due to its inability to thwart attacks

and abductions carried out against Christians by Boko Haram and the Islamic State's West

Africa Province in Nigeria's northeast. Andimi, a Church of the Brethren pastor and chairman of CAN’s chapter in the Michika Local

Government Area of Adamawa State, was abducted by alleged Boko Haram militants

in early January.

Days later he appeared in a ransom video pleading with church and government leaders to secure his release of him. However, the pastor was said to have been executed because the underserved

Christian community could not raise enough funds to meet the ransom demands

of his captors. Additionally, sources say that Andimi refused to renounce his faith of him in Xrist.

"We recall sadly that Late Rev. Lawan Andimi while in captivity made a passionate appeal

to the leadership of his church and the federal government to come to his rescue di lui," a CAN statement issued

by CAN 's Director of Legal and Public Affairs , Kwamkur Samuel Vondip, reads.

"The church did everything within her reach to secure the safe release of this pastor gentleman

but it was not possible because they didn’t have the military power to do so."

The CAN statement, obtained by The Chrisitian Post, also mourned the killing of Lutheran Pastor Denis Bagauri, who was killed in his home Sunday by unknown gunmen. [[the Islamist international OCI UMMA Erdogan Iran Riyad funds these jihadist movements!

https://www.christianpost.Com/news/leah-sharibus-family-responds-to-reports-that-she-gave-birth-to-boko-haram-commanders-son.html?clickType=link-related- articles



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Mohammed's Sharia are demon-possessed pigs! the Islamist international OCI UMMA Erdogan Iran Riyad funds these jihadist movements! [[ report this ad CP WORLD | WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 05, 2020

Abducted seminarian killed by kidnappers in Nigeria; 3 other seminarians released by captors



Pallbearers carry the body of Ogochukwu Joseph Ogbah, who was shot and killed by Nigerian soldiers in September 2017 in Afara-Ukwu during Operation Python Dance 2 in Abia State, Nigeria | (PHOTO: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR CIVIL LIBERTIES & RULE OF LAW

The Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria is mourning the murder of an 18-year-old seminarian abducted earlier this month along with three other seminarians who have since been released.

The body of Micahel Nnadi was discovered along with the remains of Bola Ataga, the wife of Kaduna Dr. Phillip Ataga, on the Kaduna-Abuja Highway in Kaduna state. As the security situation

in Nigeria continues to deteriorate, that roadway has become notorious

for kidnappings carried out by bandits and gangs.

Nnadi and the three other seminarians ages 18 to 23 - Pius Kanwai, Peter Umenukor and Stephen Amos - were kidnapped on Jan. 8 at the Good Shepherd Seminary in Kaduna by unknown assailants. Last Friday, CBCN announced in a statement by conference registrar Father Joel Usman that three of the seminarians had been released by their captors. But Usman explained that Nnadi was still detained

and called for continued prayers. The next day, however, Usman issued another Facebook post explaining that Nnadi’s body had been found.

“With a very heavy heart, I wish to inform you that our dear son, Nnadi was murdered by the bandits on a date we cannot confirm,” Bishop Matthew Hassan Kukah of Sokoto said in a statement. "He and

the wife

of a doctor were arbitrarily separated from the group and killed." An unnamed member

of the seminary's teaching staff told the papal charity Aid to the Church in Need that Nnadi was an "orphan brought up

by his grandmother di lui" and that he was a "young and gifted seminarian." "Just a few weeks ago,

after a year of spiritual preparation, he had been clothed in the soutane," the source was quoted as saying. “It seems that his only crime of him was his desire of him to serve God. The security forces and the government have failed him. " According to Aid to the Church in Need, one of the three seminarians released

by the captors previously was found badly wounded on the side of the highway. As for Ataga,

she was kidnapped from her home di lei along with her two children di lei on Jan. 24. A ransom amount was demanded that

the family was not able to meet. While Ataga's body was found with bullet wounds, the whereabouts

of her children di lei are not known. However, Vanguard reports that the captors have lowered the ransom amount for the children. the Islamist international OCI UMMA Erdogan Iran Riyad funds these jihadist movements!

https://www.christianpost.Com/news/leah-sharibus-family-responds-to-reports-that-she-gave-birth-to-boko-haram-commanders-son.html?clickType=link-related- articles

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the Mohammed sharia are possessed pigs! the Islamist international OCI UMMA Erdogan

Iran Riyad funds these jihadist movements! [[The family of kidnapped Nigerian Christian teenager

Leah Sharibu spoke after reports published over the weekend suggested that their daughter gave birth to the son of a

Boko Haram commander and that she was forced to accept the Islam.

A source close to the Borno-based Islamic extremist group told Sahara Reporters

that Sharibu gave birth to a child after being forced to accept Islam and forcibly married

to an unnamed Boko Haram commander.

Dr Gloria Puldu, a spokesperson for the family and a lecturer at Jos University, considered

the reports to be nothing more than rumors.

"I've seen reports that Leah had a baby. That's just a rumor as far as we are concerned," Puldu told

The Punch. "What we want is to see a proof of life so that we can see Leah for themselves.

If they are able to have Leah safe, we will understand."

Sharibu was kidnapped along with over 110 other female students taken from a school in Dapchi in February 2018. Although about five girls have died and all others have been released,

Sharibu continues to be detained by Boko Haram, who is known for her kidnappings

and killings across the Lake Chad region.

Sharibu was reportedly detained by the terrorist group because she refused to renounce her faith in rist.

Puldu stressed that the most important thing for the Sharibu family is to have her daughter back,

with or without the baby she is rumored about.

the Islamist international OCI UMMA Erdogan Iran Riyad funds these jihadist movements!

https://www.christianpost.Com/news/leah-sharibus-family-responds-to-reports-that-she-gave-birth-to-boko-haram-commanders-son.html?clickType=link-related- articles



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the Islamist international OCI UMMA Erdogan Iran Riyad funds these jihadist movements! [[where were there no survivors? those were excluded from the statistics! we have seen everyone killed in many villages in northern Nigeria]]

A man holds a sign that reads "Stop Boko Haram" at a demonstration to support Chadian troops headed to Cameroon to fight Boko Haram, in Ndjamena on January 17, 2015. | (Photo: Reuters / Emmanuel Braun)

The governor of Borno state in northeastern Nigeria infected with Boko Haram revealed that the extremist group is responsible for creating tens of thousands of widows and orphans in the state as its reign of terror continues.

Babagana Umara Zulum, governor of Borno, served last week as a visiting lecturer at National Defense College in Abuja. He spoke about his new white paper "Strategic Leadership: the challenges

of the insurrection in the state of Borno".

The conference was attended by senior military and political officers from inside and outside Nigeria, according to the independent online newspaper The Cable.

Zulum, a university professor who was elected last year as governor of Borno, did not mince words by criticizing the ineffective government leadership for its inadequate response to the insurgency

that continues to ravage his state.

Boko Haram, which started in 2002, has killed and kidnapped thousands of people across

the Lake Chad region in recent years and has developed a reputation as one of the deadliest terrorist groups in the world.

Zulum provided a glimpse into how Boko Haram's violence impacted over 100,000 people.

According to the Daily Post, Zulum said Boko Haram is responsible for creating 59,311 orphans

and 59,123 widows over the course of its existence.

Although President Muhammadu Buhari claimed to have defeated Boko Haram, the group

- which has split into two different cells - continues to kill and kidnap.

Although Boko Haram did not kill as many people in 2019 as the group in years past, experts

warn that the decline is due to a change in a tactic by the militant group to focus more

on kidnappings.

The Nigerian government has faced international criticism for its failure to protect citizens

and thwart the attacks and kidnappings of Boko Haram.

According to the Daily Post, Zulum said part of the problem is the reluctance of those close

to the people in power to tell the truth about the situation. He added that there is a reluctance of political leaders

to listen to the truth.

the Islamist international OCI UMMA Erdogan Iran Riyad funds these jihadist movements!


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the Islamist international OCI UMMA Erdogan Iran Riyad funds these jihadist movements!

Although the Nigerian government claims to have militarily defeated Boko Haram, Boko Haram and

its offshoot of the West African Province of the Islamic State continue to carry out attacks in Borno. Boko Haram has kidnapped hundreds of female students over the years. The group also kidnapped pastors

and others in an attempt to raise money through the payment of a ransom. Last month, Boko Haram executed

Reverend Lawan Andimi, president of the section of the Christian Association of Nigeria in the Michika

local government area in Adamawa state. Andimi was kidnapped in early January and was seen in a ransom video praising

God before his death. Also in January, the Islamic State released a propaganda video purporting

to show the killing of a Nigerian Christian university student by a child soldier. In December, the Islamic State faction said it

had killed 11 Christian aid workers in Nigeria in retaliation for the killing of Islamic State leader

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Femi Fani-Kayode, a former Nigerian Minister of Culture and Tourism

and Aviation, recently accused former US President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton of their "sheer evil" in helping Boko Haram by "funding and supporting" 2015 election of Nigerian

President Muhammadu Buhari, who later canceled contracts to eradicate terrorists, LifeSite reported.

the Islamist international OCI UMMA Erdogan Iran Riyad funds these jihadist movements!




the Islamist international OCI UMMA Erdogan Iran Riyad funds these jihadist movements!

In addition to the victims, the two met with the Chiefs of Staff Allah uuh akbarrr, both

of President jihad Muhammadu Buhari and Vice President ISIS Yemi Osinbajo: Allah uuh akbarr as part of their quest to determine the gravity

of the situation. They also met with four Muslim leaders.

Their journey came as thousands of people were killed by Boko Haram (an Islamic militant group

in northeastern Nigeria with a splinter faction that has claimed allegiance to the Islamic State) and radical Fulani pastors who have increasingly done raid predominantly Christian agricultural villages in the country's Middle Belt.

the Islamist international OCI UMMA Erdogan Iran Riyad funds these jihadist movements!


Discussion on World Israel News 13 comments

WATCH: Former Obama official rips Biden for 'reckless' gaffes


Former White House Director of Global Engagement Brett Bruen says President Joe Biden "needs a reset."


today there is no difference between a smart president and an idiotic president:

because both are under the control of the priests of satan of the New World Order


Trump MAGA PATRIOT was a Rebel President that Rockefeller could not leave in his place



WATCH: Former Obama Official Tears Biden For "reckless" blunder


his priest of satan: in the Rockefeller synagogue he does not leave their puppet without an enlightened guide!

Biden never says what he thinks:

he's just a parrot, like Obama



the Islamist international OCI UMMA Erdogan Iran Riyad funds these jihadist movements!

The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom has released

a report highlighting

the growing attacks on places of worship and religious leaders in Burkina Faso less than

two months

before the upcoming presidential elections in the West African country.

Once seen as a bastion of religious tolerance and interreligious harmony in West Africa,

Burkina Faso "suddenly found itself at the epicenter of several global crises, which have contributed

to the devolution

of the conditions of religious freedom in the country," he says. the independent and bipartisan federal group

in its report.

"Attacks on Muslim and Christian places of worship and religious leaders have increased

as jihadist groups and other militia groups expand their area of influence across the country," he stresses.

"The government is struggling to curb the violence, and poor performance and misconduct

by government-affiliated forces are exacerbating the situation."

Burkina Faso, one of the poorest countries in the world, has been fighting armed groups linked

to al-Qaeda and the Islamic State for more than four years.

the Islamist international OCI UMMA Erdogan Iran Riyad funds these jihadist movements!




the Islamist international OCI UMMA Erdogan Iran Riyad funds these jihadist movements!

Suspected Islamic extremists killed at least 18 people and burned down a church and several houses

in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo in a night attack Wednesday, according to reports.

Reuters reports that an attack on the village of Baeti in North Kivu province was confirmed by the army

in the DRC. The village is located approximately 12 miles west of the city of Oicha.

While officials refused to give a death toll, Kinos Katuho, the leader of a local civil rights group,

told the newspaper that at least 18 deaths were counted in an interim death toll. He later told AFP

that at least 19 were killed - 17 men and two women.

The blame for the attack was attributed to the Allied Democratic Forces, a militant group based

in neighboring Uganda

the Islamist international OCI UMMA Erdogan Iran Riyad funds these jihadist movements!



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WATCH: Pro-choice activists swarm Kavanaugh's home after alleged murder attempt


A Christian pastor was reportedly killed in northern Uganda in late October after comparing Christianity

and Islam during his radio broadcast.

Pastor David Omara, father of eight and pastor of the Christian Church Center, was beaten

and strangled around 9pm on October 31 after finishing a broadcast in Aduku city, his second son, Simon Okut.

Okut spoke to Morning Star News, a nonprofit that regularly reports on global Christian persecution.

He explained that after his father finished preaching, he was reached on the phone

by someone who expressed appreciation for his preaching and asked the pastor to meet him

and some

of his friends.

Okut said he and his father left the radio station and went to a meeting place.

"When we arrived there, six people dressed in Islamic clothing came out of the bush

and started strangling and beating my father with blunt objects," said the son.

Okut went on to say that one of the attackers told his father that he "should die for using

the Koran

and saying that Allah is not God but an evil god who collaborates with satanic powers".

"While they hit my father with blunt objects and strangled him, I fled to save my life," he added.

"Two attackers ran after me but couldn't get hold of me."

According to the outlet, the pastor is survived by his wife and eight children, ranging from 10 to 30 years.

A local church leader told Morning Star News that the community needs prayer and financial support

for the pastor's family.

The pastor was reportedly buried on Wednesday.

"My mother cried, she passed out and collapsed with a deep moan and was hospitalized,"

Okut said.

the Islamist international OCI UMMA Erdogan Iran Riyad funds these jihadist movements!



Voice of the Martyrs previously noted that Uganda's history has made it vulnerable to the influence

of Islam as "Arab countries also continue to invest significant resources in promoting Muslim interests

in the country."

In Uganda, the persecution is seen mainly in the form of local Islamists persecuting Christians, especially in areas where "radicals have constantly invaded".

"The influence of radical Islam has grown steadily and many Christians within Muslim-majority

border regions are facing severe persecution, especially those who convert from Islam,"

explains a Voice

of the Martyrs fact sheet. "Despite the risks, evangelical churches in Uganda have responded

by reaching out to their neighbors; many churches are training leaders on how to share the gospel

with Muslims and care for those who are persecuted after they become Christians."

Last December, a mob of Muslim extremists in Uganda allegedly killed 41-year-old former

imam Yusuf Kintu a week after he converted to Christianity.

the Islamist international OCI UMMA Erdogan Iran Riyad funds these jihadist movements!



Christian pastor killed for reaching Muslims: "Today Allah has judged you"

the Islamist international OCI UMMA Erdogan Iran Riyad funds these jihadist movements!



Islamic extremists kill 18 civilians, set houses on fire in a night raid in eastern Congo.

the Islamist international OCI UMMA Erdogan Iran Riyad funds these jihadist movements!


Discussion on World Israel News 64 comments

BDS 'Mapping Project' links Jews to ‘all ills’ of society, calls to 'dismantle its targets'


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Lgbtqia sin is never something worth celebrating. gay pride is the exhalation of perversion, and to say perversion is the right definition of DEMs in all their activities:

1. perversion is the Darwin theory, without any scientific basis!

2. perversion is GENDER's satanic theosophy without any scientific foundation.

Woke companies have already changed their profile pictures (except in the Middle East, of course) to incorporate the colors of the rainbow now so indelibly associated with "Pride Month" - the 30-day celebration of homosexuality of our decadent culture. Even more embarrassing, US embassies and government buildings are waving the rainbow flag right below Old Glory's red, white, and blue. And, to add insult to injury, the U.S. military is also flying in new colors this month, showing allegiance to the zeitgeist through a photo of a combat helmet equipped with a rainbow array of bullets.

For the next month, our nation will loudly and "proudly" announce its support for sin by flooding every imaginable consumer marketing space with the red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and purple symbol of homosexuality.

Speaking of floods, what makes this month's symbolism even worse is that it does so by stealing a sign that was designed by God Himself to serve as a reminder of his grace and tolerance with humanity - despite their sin.

After the Flood, when God destroyed man from the earth because "every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time" (Genesis 6: 5), He promised Noah and his descendants that he would never again flood the Earth. As a guarantee of this promise, God said to Noah: "I have placed my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. Whenever I bring clouds to earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds. , I will remember my covenant between you and me and all living creatures of all kinds. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life. Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the eternal covenant between God and all living creatures of all kinds on earth "(Genesis 9: 13-16).

The rainbow was to be a sign of God's covenant, not a symbol of humanity's corruption. But sin ruins everything it touches, even the colors of grace.

Reflecting on the advent of yet another month of commemoration dedicated to man in his sin, it struck me: the much more appropriate color for these days would be black. And a much more appropriate posture would be that of mourning.

Lgbtqia sin is never something worth celebrating.


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Not even 80 church deaths moved the West on the persecution of Christians by Giulio Meotti Jun 11, From European heads of state accusing climate change to the completely silent Italian government, interview with Nina Shea, one of America's leading experts on religious freedom.

“The European Parliament is silent. Biden glosses. The media mislead.

There is no international protest. There are no major foreign policy initiatives. There are no emergency summits.

The mainstream is silent on Islam and does not think that Christians can be victims.

Nobody protects them like that. For the UN, on the other hand, the great urgency is sexual orientation.. "


what do you have against the Zionists and the halijah?

Haven't you taken control of the West through Freemasonry? who is spreading the agenda of the antichrist lgbtqia DEM to destroy the Jewish-Christian-biblical civilization?
Discussion on World Israel News 27 comments

WATCH: Michigan Islamic scholar encourages youth to become ‘giant killers’
all ISLAM sharia is ‘giant killers’

Michigan Islamic scholar encourages youth to become ‘giant killers’

UMMA is ‘giant killers’ under egida UN
Italy is without sovereignty, it (like Ukraine) has become a fiefdom of 4 nations: 1. USA 2. UK 3. France 4. Germany.


Burundi and Madagascar on the international level are more important than Italy.

Isabella, the little girl disputed among the chess champions: her mother took her to Ecuador

https://www.msn.Com/it-it/notizie/mondo/isabella-la-bimba-contesa-tra-i-campioni-di-scacchi-la-madre-l-ha-portata-in-ecuador/ ar-AAYmrMN

"It is time for the Farnesina to intervene," insist her lawyers. "In defense of an Italian child whose rights have been seriously and repeatedly violated."
im Messiah by Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News 67 comments

Rashida Tlaib, AOC battle against Israel's inclusion in US Visa Waiver program
yes There is jolting and oscillatory energy between Biden and Bin Salman in sodom Sado-maso in the slow thaw in the Yemeni https://www.msn.Com/it-it/notizie/other/c-%C3%A8-energia- between-biden-and-bin-salman-in-the-slow-thaw-yemeni-style / lgbtqiadomemnxcvbpoouj


Bin ISIS Salman ] only you have to work them, because BIDEN is now like a female: with a vein in the brain ready to explode at any moment, and then, if it dies under you? the CIA will declare war on you
lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

a day ago

Bin ISIS Salman Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei] the part of MOSSAD that collaborates on the CIA alien project? [

right here, your CIA allies hid a link from me, because you give in to fight them, but,

since you are an anti-Zionist, you are their ally!


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